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Coca Cola: A Study On The Marketing Strategies For Millenniums Focusing On India

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International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

ISSN: 2455-4030; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.24
Received: 22-11-2018; Accepted: 24-12-2018
Volume 4; Issue 1; January 2019; Page No. 62-68

Coca Cola: A study on the marketing strategies for millenniums focusing on India
Rukmani Singaram1, Athul Ramasubramani2, Aaditya Mehta3, Pari Arora4
CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bannergatta Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Started In 1886, as a small patented medicine company based in Atlanta, USA, to the world’s largest soft drink manufacturer.
Coca-Cola with its rich history and legacy of over a decade, with its exceptional marketing strategies and a supreme portfolio
consisting of over 500 beverages such as Sprite, Thumps Up, Maaza, Minute maid and mineral water brand like Kinley known
in India as Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages (HCCB) has been in Indian markets since 1987. Catering to the thirst and cravings
of millions of Indians annually, contributing a significant amount to the Indian economy in terms of investments and employment
opportunities. Coca Cola has come a long way using aggressive mass marketing strategies being the pioneers in the field of
adaptive marketing or marketing with accordance to the consumer behavioural trends is what built a strong brand image for coca
cola especially in the Asian markets. Coca Cola is the one brand which is recognized by everyone around the globe. When we
talk about brand equity then it is its value & it’s about stories, memories, associations, and human connections (although of
course, these connections would have been very carefully and deliberately engineered by talented marketers over many years
and countless board meetings).This is something that Coca-Cola has been the master of for over 100 years. This equity is derived
from people’s willingness to pay a premium for the brand and an unwillingness to accept substitutes. Coca-Cola’s marketing
strategy has always been to associate happiness, positivity and the good life with their products, & that’s how they are able to
create high TOMA (Top of mind awareness).In this research paper, we analyze the different marketing strategies being used by
coca cola, especially influence and usage of social-media and digital marketing techniques and the extent to which it is able to
influence a consumers behavior and how he or she reacts to the changing product or price made by the coca cola. We analyze
the impact of coca colas strategies from two points of view one that of a customer and second the company itself. We drew up
our conclusions based on 100 reliable respondents who are normal residents of India who have been active consumers of Coca
Cola as a product keeping aside other products like Thumps Up and Maaza. What we could conclude was price wasn’t a major
factor but the brand image created as an effect of advertisements and mental satisfaction after consumption was the
majorbehavioural factor for purchasing which the millenniums exhibit.

Keywords: portfolio, consumer behavior, social media, digital marketing

Introduction customers scrutinize every ingredient present in the products

A customer is generally understood to be the person who they consume and makes them weigh their pros and cons
makes the decision to purchase a product or who pays for it. before consuming it again. Consumers now value their time,
In fact products are often bought by one person for they believe time is money and have a burning desire to be
consumption by another, therefore the customer and the hyper productive especially when it comes to their shopping
consumer need not be the same person. The Coca Cola habits and way of communication. Consumers want to be
company who is manufacturer, retailer and marketer of the productive but at the same time they want to have more
nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups focuses on leisure in their lives and more moments of pleasure and even
the consumers rather than the customers. Being a company indulgence. The utmost expectations from the brands they
which is American by origin and with a rich history starting consume is to engage with the brand through new experiences
from the year 1886 it must have been a very dynamic firm and conversations .These insights are helping coco cola to
which changes its strategies and tweaks its products become a total beverage company.
according to the needs and wants of the consumers. Coco Cola is known for mass targeting and not segmentation.
In the recent market coco cola has identified what the They don't spend their resources on market research rather
customer’s value in the market. “This generation values the they spend it on observing the competitors performance and
openness to new culture and sense. Even though they value negative public relations. When coke comes up with a new
new cultures they have a love for their local products and strategy they tend to incorporate a counter strategy towards
want to support their neighborhoods and communities and their competitors while they show the positivity of the brand,
keep the wealth within their region itself. In a way you can one such example of this is the anti-obesity campaign where
say that they are moving back to a collectivist culture*3”. With they used the campaign as a medium to launch their sugar-
the collectivist mindset they want to revive folk traditions and free and diet worthy products. Negative public relations and
rituals starting from food to spirituality. Customers now legal proceedings are the major factors that may affect the
follow the YOLO concept where you only live once and they wellbeing of the company in the near future if corrective
want to experience personalized by unique experiences which measures are not taken. Coke does not have a large base of
allow them to express their identity. The customers have also loyal customers which is another factor for cokes decline in
become health conscious because of their increase in the near future.
awareness towards the world as a whole. This has made The millenniums are the type of customers who may be

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

absolutely loyal or absolutely unloyal to your product. They Objectives

may love the product or they may hate it, there is a very less The objectives of this paper are twofold. First, we outline the
chance of them being neutral towards a brand. Peer pressure marketing strategies of Coca-Cola which consist of current
and word of mouth plays an important role but peer both of and upcoming social media marketing trends among the
them combined lead to social media marketing. People see millenniums. We will also look at how Coca-Cola is
their friend post a picture with a new product and show the highlighting its product and using the brand name it has built
difference between how they were before the product and for itself as a competitive advantage. Secondly, we outline
how they were after the product. This makes the person want the characteristics and consumer behavior pattern with Coca-
to purchase the product and use it to get the same effect. In Cola being the company of our focus. We look at the
very simple terms we can state that the millenniums are very consumers perspective and the effectiveness of Coca-Cola's
easily influenced, it’s about how the product uses it to their marketing strategies.
Coco-Cola has made use of this trait of the millenniums by Hypothesis
catering specifically to their interests, like the add where they Hypothesis 1: Is social media marketing the best source of
tweaked their packaging a bit by adding the name Bro or marketing for Coca-Cola?
Friends etc. They even created an advertisement to support Ho – Social media marketing is the best way of marketing for
that idea where a boy and his father are traveling in a train Coca-Cola.
and the father asks his son to accept his friend request on HA – Social media marketing is not the best way of
Facebook. But the boy is reluctant to accept his dad’s friend marketing for coca-cola.
request so the dad sets bait for his son with the coke and
because the boy is craving for a sip of the coco – cola he Hypothesis 2: Consumer Satisfaction with the brand has
accepts his dad's friend request on Facebook. At the end of direct relationship with price of the product? S
the advertisement, the back of the coke bottle is shown with Ho- Consumer Satisfaction does have a direct relationship
a tag that says, friends, while the son and dad are bickering in with the price of the product.
a friendly manner in the background. HA- Consumer Satisfaction does not have a direct
“As Coco-Cola has realized the hunger the consumers have relationship with price of the product.
for the product and how they have become more health
conscious in the recent times, it has decided to act upon the Hypothesis 3: Does the age have a significant impact on the
needs of the consumers by offering more beverages with consumption of Coca-Cola?
natural attributes, fewer calories, anda functional benefit. Ho- Age does have a significant impact on the consumption
Coca-Cola's portfolio now includes organic tea, coconut of Coca-Cola.
water, coffee, and many more products” *7. It has made a HA-Age does not have a significant impact on the
conscious effort to reduce the amount of sugar people consumption of Coca-Cola.
consume by decreasing the sizes of the bottles and cans as
well as a product reformulation. The scope of the study
Coca Cola empathizes with the millenniums and their The study claims the effective impact of the unconventional
concern for their bodies by bringing out the diet coke which yet creative marketing strategies adopted by Coca-Cola
follows a niche marketing strategy rather than a mass segmented towards the Indian market and targeted towards
marketing strategy because diet coke only caters to those who the millennial whose ages range from 15-25 and positioned
are extremely health conscious but still want the luxury of a as a beverage suiting multiple occasions whether be it family
fizzy drink in their constricted diets. gatherings or friendly outings. The study aims to create an
One of the marketing strategies that coca- cola gives utmost equilibrium between the segmentation and targeting of
importance to is the one brand approach unlike companies different types of customers in a specific geographic location
like Hindustan Unilever. This strategy is where they use a and expresses the effect of different types of marketing
single brand for all the variants and reinforce the fact that strategies on different types of customers subjected towards
people can enjoy coke as per their choice and preference. the manner in which the product, in this case,Coca-Cola, is
As the market keeps changing the products must be in line positioned in the market. The study, thereby, also explains
with these changes. Coca-cola has been serving the that the millennial are the targeted customers which are the
consumers for more than four generations along with their most responsive individuals in the market for ideation
retailers who are helping the consumers to change the way beverages such as Coca Cola which is at the top of the
they shop and interact with the brand. Coca- Cola began with industrial food chain as per customer preferences because of
the mom and pop stores which compete in terms of the popular brand image and the footfall that the company
relationships and proximity. These account for a significant has.
share of all the retail trade globally. As time went by it led to
the emergence of larger stores which competed in terms of Literature Reviews
variety and value. When we look at the current scenario the A study on customer satisfaction towards Coca Cola
era of technology we can find everything we want at the Company, Chennai – 2015 By K. Pavitra, Sangita Dasand
whisk of our hand. This allows the shoppers to operate A K Subramani.
seamlessly across and between all stores. The author clearly mentions that the study is based on the
The changes in the market scenario provide Coca Cola the Coca Cola Company with respect to customer satisfaction.
opportunity to create a stronger relationship with their retail Coca Cola began its global network in the 1920s where it
customers who are currently a click away from their desire changed its packaging from cans to plastic bottles, as well as
for our product. diversifying into sports drinks, tea, and coffee. The author

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

further states that his objective in this study was to find To find out accurate results, questionnaires, personal and
consumer preference with respect to price, packaging, records of the organization are used as a means of data
demographic variable, factors and the services rendered by collection. The results show that Coca-Cola is the most
the company. The author also mentions that this study lacks preferred beverage in the market whereas water and soda are
proper representatives of the population, the effect of the least preferred ones. Customers always look forward to
dynamic market conditions, and a limited area of study different packaging of their favorite product, which also helps
(Chennai). After analyzing the samples it’s been seen that in increasing the sales and brand awareness, this also leads to
there is no significant difference in gender with respect to the willingness of most of the outlets to keep Coca-Cola as
consumer satisfaction but there is a significant difference their main product, but then, a hindrance in opening a new
with respect to the age groups. The author concludes by outlet is the unavailability of chilling capacity units. The
saying that most of the customers are satisfied and loyal author concludes that Coca Cola has been opened to new
towards Coca Cola Company. opportunities in terms of horizontal and vertical market and
there is a large scope for market penetration in rural areas.
Consumer Preference Coca-Cola versus PepsiCo – By:
Abdul Munam Jamil Paracha, Muhammad Waqas, Ali The Analytical Study of Decline in Sales of Coca-Cola
Raza Khan and Sohaib Ahmed – 2012 Issue Based on Customer’s Inclination towards the Product –
This study covers the comparative analysis of Coca-Cola and By Snehal Galande– August 2017 Issue
PepsiCo of the beverage industry of Pakistan who is also the This paper try’s to find out possible reasons of decline in sales
leaders of the market. In the soft drinks market, there are two of Coca-Cola based on assumptions such as shifts towards
major players’ Coca Cola and PepsiCo. In the market, healthier drinks, faulty distribution network, and lack of
PepsiCo is struggling with Coca-Cola to become dynamic availability of availability of variants of the brand. In 2016,
and to be preferred by the younger age group. Coca-Cola has the sales of Coca-Cola declined due to growing health
been witnessed by history 112 years back, it has its own conscious and awareness of the customers. It’s also important
bottling and canning operations and also offers a variety of for Coca-Cola to treat Indian market cautiously as their US
products. But if we go back in history we can see that in the counterpart and bring in variation in their marketing and
year 1984 PepsiCo was reconstructed to focus on its three products here as well. In 2016 it’s also seen that within
businesses: soft drinks, snack foods, and restaurants when carbonated beverages, smaller players such as Red Bull have
they entered the market initially. Pepsi and Coca Cola are expanded their market share and consumers have started
offered in 150 countries all over the world. One of the seeking alternatives. After this, Coca-Cola had also come up
founders of Coca-Cola also stated that it can cure many with other variant products according to the customer
diseases such as a headache, impotence, and neurasthenia. preferences (Diet Coke, Sugar-less Coke), even then the
According to the author, the methodology used for this paper customers are always waiting for products better than the
is ‘Simple Random Sampling’ where 400 samples were taken existing ones. To find out the customer preferences a
into account and the targeted respondents were youngsters. ‘Descriptive Research Design’ and ‘Non-Probability
After the results it’s seen that Coca-Cola is more preferred by Sampling’ technique have been used where they surveyed 50
youngsters as they are more aware, the taste is very good with respondents. The results show that people consume Coca-
that they also have the brand name Coca-Cola due to its price, Cola occasionally, they are health conscious, very few people
advertisement, promotion scheme and discount as the prefer the taste, but there are people that would look for Coca-
youngsters become loyal and prefer only one brand when the Cola’s substitute. The author concludes that the shift of
brand offers them availability convenience, popular brand people to healthier drinks can be an advantage for Coca-Cola
ambassador. The importance of Coca-Cola that customers to introduce new products in the markets with a slight
feel is that it fills their basic thirst. The author concludes that variation in taste.
PepsiCo has to work harder to be a competitor of Coco-Cola
and to remain a part of the market. Coca-Cola: International Business Strategy for
Globalization–By: Michael Ba Banutu Gomez–
A Research paper on ‘scope for horizontal expansion for November 2012 Issue
Coca-Cola in upcountry region’ – byd. b. bagul– This paper analyses the six effective global strategies that are
december 2013 issue necessary for firms to become successful while expanding in
This paper talks about the horizontal expansion of Coca-Cola terms of differentiation, marketing, distribution,
in the upcountry regions and its scope. It’s also important for collaborative strategies, labor, management strategies, and
Coca-Cola as a market leader to take care of the needs and diversification. The paper also focuses on Coca-Cola’s
wants of the customers. The researchers also discuss that this operations in the USA, China, Belarus, Peru, and Morocco.
paper focuses on activating new outlets for Coca-Cola, their Coca Cola has planned successfully in implementing
selling and distribution function and retailers. They focus strategies regardless of the country but didn’t effectively
equally on the branding and equity aspects of Coca Cola. It’s utilize all of them in each of the above-mentioned countries.
also been seen that there is a scope of expansion in rural areas The market has seen Coca-Cola expanding internationally
as its still untapped by the leading companies and this can be over the last 50 years. Talking about the international
done by creating brand awareness in these areas. The FMCG differentiation strategy, branding, cost leadership expand,
branch deals in a two-way system. The researcher talks about successful positioning, advertising slogan and patriotic image
the horizontal expansion of Coca-Cola (amount of sales is of Coca-Cola in the market help it to maintain loyal
increased by increasing the number of outlets) and outlet customers in the USA. In China, Coca-Cola had to revise its
activation (through Acquisition, Retention, and Activation). name to attract the customers.

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

Coming to Belarus, Coca-Cola had to guarantee the highest

quality of its products. Coca-Cola used strong branding and
employment excellence to enter markets in Peru. Social
bonding, inspirational messages, and targeting small and
rural towns, and investing in soccer teams were marketing
techniques to enter Moroccan markets. Coca-Cola has also
planned three frameworks (ethnocentric, polycentric and
geocentric) to staff their international operations and become
a prime leader in the international market. But then, Coca-
Cola made few mistakes while planning its frameworks,
which were: misunderstanding the new customer base and
losing the means of original brands. But then to rectify these
mistakes Coca-Cola launched different products in these Fig 1
different countries according to the authentic taste of
customers there. In the end, the author concludes that Coca-
Cola has succeeded in its planned strategies which was” think
globally, act locally,” especially focusing on local cultures
and customs.

Research Methods and Methodologies

A total of 100 samples were selected from different
populations belonging to the millennium category. They were
different populations as they belong to different universities
and various universities have various cultures followed that
it impacts their buying strategies. For example, Christ
(Deemed to be University) does not allow the students to
drink coca- cola or any other fizzy drink for that matter in the
campus. This will lead to students wanting to drink fizzy
drinks even more as it is not something that is approved of by Fig 2
the management and being in the rebellious age the
millenniums are currently residingin, it is a big driving factor. The sales of Coco-cola seems to be more dependent on the
The samples have been collected in such a way that it was number of units they sell rather than the quantity of Coca
only distributed to the millenniums who drink coca- cola. We Cola they sell. There are barely any customers who buy the
have used probability sampling and under this, the technique 1500ml Coca-Cola bottles, most of this generation’s
we have adapted is the stratified sampling technique where customers stick to buying Coca Cola as per their cravings, it’s
proportional sampling was used. like a one-time thing, where they purchase it for that
The sampling distribution strategy we have used is sampling moment's satisfaction and are always willing to come back
distribution of the mean. The reason we have chosen this and repurchase it when they crave for it again. In a way, we
method is because it takes all the possible means of random can say that the millennia want the maximum marginal utility
samples of the given sample of the population in which its that they can derive from a product. That is the driving force,
100 in our case. When we used this method we were able to to get the most satisfaction out of one unit of the product.
cover aspects of the central limits of the theorem. Since the
sample size is 100, the curve will be more like a normal
distribution curve, irrespective of the shape of the parent
population. The parent population, in this case, would be the
young and the middle ages people.
As the sample size remained 100 we didn’t need to worry
about the binomial distributions beginning to assume the
characteristics of the normal distribution.

The market research we conducted had 150 respondents in
total out of which 50 respondents had to be removed as they Fig 3
did not give proper answers and so it could not be used to be
a part of our analysis. Through this research, we have When we focused on the qualitative aspects to understand
understood that coke has become like chai for Indians as which aspect of Coca-Cola actually draws the customers to
62.4% of the consumers drink Coca Cola at least once a week it, we understood that the taste was the first thing that inspired
but the downside of this is that 30.7% have never drunk Coca- a person to buy Coca-Cola over Pepsi. The second most
Cola or it’s rarely on various occasions that they consume important factor was the brand, Coca Cola has built its brand
coke. There is approximately 8% of our target sample that name in such a way that just for the sake of prestige or status
consumes Coco- cola on a daily or alternate day basis. people prefer a Coca Cola over a Limca as such.

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

Tests of between-subjects effects

Table 5

Fig 4

The millenniums are easily influenced by the new trends yet

when it came to Coca-Cola 80% of the population preferred T-test
the normal coke over the variants of Coca Cola. Obviously,
Table 6: One-sample statistics
the price is still an important factor as we can say that the
demand is equally proportionate to the price of the product.

Frequency table

Table 1: Are you influenced by advertisement during the festival


Table 7: One sample test

Table 2: How to often do you drink cake in a Week

Hypothesis Testing Outcome
1. Social media marketing is the best way of marketing for
2. Consumer Satisfaction does have a direct relationship
with the price of the product.
3. Age does have a significant impact on the consumption of
Table 3: what attracts you to Cake Coca-Cola.

Learning Outcome
 To analyze the customer behavior of a particular target
market segmented and restricted in a specified
geographical location.
 The effectiveness of unconventional marketing strategies
on millennial.
 The ability of a company to capitalize on its footfall and
Univariate analysis of variance brand image.
 Risk management and protection of brand image through
Table 4: between. Subject factors popularity in majority customer population.
 Knowing the seasonal effects on the sales of the product.
 Analyzing the fast-paced customer trend changes in the
millennial target segment.

Limitations of the study

Every paper has a scope of improvement and every paper
with the reference to other papers has touched upon a new
aspect of the research conducted on the specific topic and has
opened its doors to a whole new forum for research. When a
whole new form of research is opened there are definitely
limitations that lead to more papers in that field.

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

The limitations of this paper would be the lack of resources marketing to a narrow minded mass marketing as rural people
as we did not have any funding for this project so other than still believe in a lot of things being a taboo starting from a girl
the data we gathered we were not able to look into other with short clothes being the model for the advertisement of
marketing aspects of coca- cola. Coca Cola.
Choosing a specific company represents one of our major The advantage that Coco-Cola will get by moving to the rural
limitations because it did not allow us to compare the areas is that Coca Cola will become a symbol of status where
efficiency of the competitors marketing strategies. The the everyone drinks. The Indians have this mindset that if
collection of data also posed as a limitation because we had people in the Rural Areas can afford a coke why can’t we.
to constrict this research to India instead of the international This leads Coca Cola being a status symbol which has a
marketing strategies of Coca Cola. stronger effect than their brand name.
We also had biased errors is our paper due to the faulty Coca- Cola should focus on its pricing strategy and move
process of selection because the entire target audience who from competitive pricing strategies to providing more
were a part of the sample did not respond to the questionnaire. discounts to the customers which gives them an incentive to
We faced Non-Sampling errors when the respondents did not buy the product that they like. This also gives the customer a
take the questionnaire seriously and did not provide accurate feeling that they got more than they paid for.
information. Out of the 150 respondents we had to scrap 50 Coco-Cola has catered to its customers by providing more
respondents as they were not valid answers to the questions variants as per their needs but they have not kept the price
and were done for the sake of it. range in mind. If the price is too expensive regardless of what
satisfaction it provides the customers, customers who are
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