Survival Kit Essentials
Survival Kit Essentials
Survival Kit Essentials
A survival kit is often an item you aren t sure when you ll need it, until you need it.
In some situations, having a survival kit might just mean you re a little bit more comfortable, but in others it
could be what allows you to make it home safe. There s a number of different criteria to take into
consideration when designing your survival kit and considering what best suits you is most valuable.
In this book we will be explaining the importance of a good survival kit and giving you a piece by piece break-
down of what we consider to be the essentials when putting one together!
Following are some ideas and pictures for you to con ide A emble all ma e ial and le b ild a
survival kit with these considerations and others that may be even more specific to you.
W ki g C e e Albe a Wilde e Re ce h gh Ed ca i a dC ica i
The Shell
A crucial first step is determining what you re going to be using to contain your kit! Something to consider is
that while this is the package to the kit, it could also serve a purpose in a survival situation. Another important
thought is of course the size and weight You don t want to feel burdened by bringing the kit along or you may
sometimes opt to leave it behind, but you need something that can carry enough supplies to be effective.
Below are 3 different options you could use.
This survival kit is made from a small tin, which can double as a
cooking device or potential for boiling a small amount of water.
It's small enough to fit in a pocket, so you won t have reason to
ever leave it behind.
W ki g C e e Albe a Wilde e Re ce h gh Ed ca i a dC ica i
What works best for you?
Because of the size, weight, durability, and multi-use, we are going to build our kit in the tin. The water bottle
style may work better for you, but we have used the tin style kit for years and made thousands in our different
programs, and at the time these photos were taken this particular kit was around 40 years old! A great benefit
to the tin is that small wires can be fashioned to hold the can over flame or coals (these wires fold up and are
stored in the tin). This is an important tool for survival as it gives you the ability to purify water by boiling it in
the tin. After heating up the tin we can place a stick under the wires for removal from the heat.
N le alk ab ha e an in ide
Ye all hi fi in ha li le can
W ki g C e e Albe a Wilde e Re ce h gh Ed ca i a dC ica i
Let's break down the specifics of the contents above!
Tools to signal will be something you want in the kit. There are many flare pencils and survival mirrors
available on the market. We will also mention tinfoil for uses including reflecting light for signals.
Fishing Equipment
Fishing lures are small and can be very handy in providing food. A supply of fishing line is an important
companion here as well. You don't need a lot, but a variety of lures and line size will be helpful and take up
very little space.
W ki g C e e Albe a Wilde e Re ce h gh Ed ca i a dC ica i
Often the first thing associated with survival (and rightfully so) is fire. One of the most important pieces of
your kit is a fire starter or other methods of lighting a fire. A fire will cook food, warm you up, dry your clothes,
signal for help, provide light and security and much more. If you are not using strike anywhere matches,
ensure you have at least a portion of the striker from the original packaging. A flint and steel is a great option
since it can still be relied upon under wet conditions.
Cutting Tools
Having a cutting tool can be helpful. Safety razor blades with one side protected are wise, as well as a
pocketknife with a couple blades. There are a number of uses these could come in handy for. We all know
having a multiblade knife is helpful for only carrying one tool that has multiple uses, and this is especially
useful when putting together a survival kit.
W ki g C e e Albe a Wilde e Re ce h gh Ed ca i a dC ica i
Tin Foil and Plastic
A supply of tinfoil is both a helpful cooking tool and great reflective surface for signaling. Plastic has a
thousand uses and plastic bags can be used to keep the contents of the survival kit together when the can is in
use or carry a small supply of water.
Snare wire in various sizes and colors as well as strong string or thread, whatever you can fit in your kit is a
necessity. These can be used for snaring, securing equipment and tools and even repairing your boots or other
W ki g C e e Albe a Wilde e Re ce h gh Ed ca i a dC ica i
First Aid
While a survival kit is not a first aid kit, carrying a few essentials is wise. Any necessary medications,
antihistamine for insect bites and/or allergies, and pain killers can come in very handy. Moleskin for blisters
and a few Band-Aids are a good idea. We will be building an emergency first aid kit in another module and
suggest that you carry both. For your survival kit, personalize it as you see necessary.
W ki g C e e Albe a Wilde e Re ce h gh Ed ca i a dC ica i
Pencil and Paper
Paper and a pencil can are helpful for leaving messages in the event you need to leave your location, and you
can also do some journaling to help pass the time. Boredom is a tremendous factor inhibiting survival. Pencils
are better than pens as they can be sharpened and don't run out of ink or freeze.
A compass is an essential survival tool, but make sure you know how to use it and don't wait until you are lost
to learn. They come in many sizes, so find one that will best fit in the container that you choose for your
personal needs.
W ki g C e e Albe a Wilde e Re ce h gh Ed ca i a dC ica i
While we can survive without food for several days or longer, small sources of nourishment are easy to carry
and can also provide a tremendously calming influence in your survival situation.
Tape it
Once everything is assembled and neatly stored in the can, you can wrap the edges with strong tape that will
waterproof your kit as well as may come in handy in a survival situation.
W ki g C e e Albe a Wilde e Re ce h gh Ed ca i a dC ica i
Test it
As you can see, this survival kit has been used. It's a good idea to test it and familiarize yourself with the
contents rather than wait until a survival situation presents itself. The effectiveness of your survival kit is
based off your ability to use everything inside of it .
Considering what best suits your needs when building your survival kit is important to ensure you re building
the most effective kit possible. This kit is a basic kit including a wide variety of items in a small space. If you
chose a larger container, maybe incorporate a thermal blanket or poncho. If you spend most of your time in a
certain area, maybe you can adjust your fishing gear to better suit that particular area. Having a survival kit
can almost always come in handy, whether you re out camping, hiking, or hunting, or going on a road trip and
end up broken down without service. Even not in a survival situation a small kit of the essentials can come in
handy, maybe you somehow forgot your fire starter at home or need to bandage a small cut.
Ok let s assemble our materials and start assembling a survival kit for you! It may just save your life one day!
W ki g C e e Albe a Wilde e Re ce h gh Ed ca i a dC ica i
AHEIA offers numerous resources and training to ensure
the safe and responsible use of the great outdoors.
Our mission is to
Make wildlife and fish part of the value system of every Albertan.
Courses, manuals, seminars and workbooks, such as this, proactively educate the user to be safe and
to enjoy their wilderness experience while perpetuating Alberta’s vast natural heritage.
This workbook is one in a series of informational, entertaining and proactive materials
produced for Conservation Education.
For more information, or to review additional resources, please visit our website or contact us directly.