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Captain Dave S Survival Guide

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For too long, the term "survivalist" has called to mind paranoid
separatists or white supremacists who give up the conveniences of
modern society, drop out of the government's databases and live in
one-room backwoods cabins like the Unabomber.
Well, Captain Dave and the good folks at the Survival Center know
survivalists are much more likely to be Floridians buying hurricane
shutters a few months before the next hurricane season, Californians
preparing a three-day cache of food and water in case the next big one rocks their town or
a Minnesota resident who keeps a few blankets, a pair of old boots, warm socks and a
few candy bars in the car during winter. This isn't paranoia, it's just good planning. Like
carrying a spare tire, even if you never need it.
But there are plenty of online resources for people who just want to prepare a three-day
kit. Captain Dave's Survival Guide is designed to take you to the next level. Because in a
true emergency, three days may not be long enough. We want you to be mentally,
physically and financially prepared for any emergency on any scale.
We define survival as emerging from a natural or
manmade disaster in a better position than the average
person. In other words, you get to keep on keeping on,
while others may not.
Preparedness means making preparations before
disaster strikes to improve your chances of survival.
Surely you remember the old saw about closing the
barn door...
Survivalists have a self-reliant bent and choose to
prepare on their own or in a small group rather than
rely on the government to help them survive.
So, how can you prepare to survive? What can you do to prepare, to become a
"survivalist?" The Survival Center has developed this eight step program to help you get
started. While designed as a guide for the new survivalist, it has plenty of information for
the hard-core preparedness expert as well.
A warning: Captain Dave's Survival Guide contains some lengthy chapters (although
we've kept graphics to a minimum to speed loading and designed each page so the text
loads first). You may wish to save each chapter or print it out for reading at your leisure.
And remember, in many emergencies, your computer will be inaccessable, so a hard copy
of any chapters you find especially helpful isn't a bad thing to have on hand.
Chapter 1: OK, But What Do I Prepare For ?

Before you can prepare, you must determine what you are
preparing to survive and how each disaster threatens you,
your safety and survival. That will give you the parameters
necessary for the following steps.
This initial exercise isn't tough, it only takes a few minutes
of thought. We suggest you jot notes or switch into your
word processor while you work.
But first, it's important to realize that you cannot prepare for
everything -- only the army tries to do that, and we've yet to
meet anyone with their resources. Captain Dave suggests you prepare only for those
potential disasters that are likely to occur within the next five years. Sure, you may wait
seven years for the next earthquake, but remember the survivalists creed: better safe than
What's going to happen in the next five years? If we knew, our web page would look
different. You'll have to extrapolate, evaluate trends, read the newspaper, conduct your
own research. At the very least, take a few minutes and consider your location. Pull out a
map and look what's within a two-mile, five-mile 10-mile and 25-mile radius of your
home and place of work. Put on your pessimist hat and consider what might go wrong
that could directly impact you. Decide if that's something you want to prepare for (see
questions one and two, below).
For example, if you live a "safe" distance outside of a flood plain, your house might still
gets flooded in the 100-year flood, should you prepare for it? We would, but it's your call.
It's your ass on the line, so you have to decide.
That nuclear plant 20 miles away has an excellent safety record.
Should a nuclear disaster be on your list? Again, you make the
Are you worried about a meteorite crashing into your house? Well, it has happened, but
it's probably not worth preparing for.
Finally, if you've been afraid of something since you were a child -- whether it's a raging
fire or nuclear war -- prepare for it. At the very least, you'll sleep better at nights knowing
you have done all you can.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
1. What natural disasters or extreme conditions am I (we) l likely to face in
the next five years?
Make a list and rank them in order of most to least likely to impact you.
Your list might look like this:
o Heavy thunder storms
o Severe winter weather
o Nearby flash flooding
2. What other disasters or emergency situations might I face?

Add to your list the man-made or other disasters that you might face in the
next five years.
Let's say you have added these categories:
o Toxic material emission/spill (from a train derailment)
o Riot or other civil disorder
o Nuclear plant problems
o Terrorism
3. What are the ramifications of each item on my list.

Now, take your list and create a second column (bet those of you using a
word processor are wishing we'd told you this before, huh?). Put the
ramifications of each disaster in the second column. What do we mean by
ramification? How the disaster or emergency situation could affect you.
Think this one through very carefully, as everyone's situation is different.
For example, families with children have different concerns than those
without or singles.
Finally, note if the ramifications could require evacuation.
To keep using our example results in a table like this:
Potential Disaster Ramifications
Thunder storm with electrical
outage for 2 (average) to 48
hours (severe)
Food spoilage possible
Lack of air conditioning/furnace
Damage to house or car from nearby
Possible local flooding (see below)
Local transportation impaired by
fallen trees, wires
Lightning damage/fire potential
Severe winter weather Electrical outage for 4 (average) to
72 hours (severe) would affect
furnace operation
Exposure problems
Frozen pipes
Disruption of travel, transportation
Self or family members possibly
stranded away from home
Possible food shortages and empty
shelves at local markets
Nearby flash flooding Local transportation disrupted
Danger while traveling in car or by
Possible loss of some utilities
Nearby train derailment Possible leak or spill of chemicals
Short-term exposure problem
Long-term cancer concerns
Evacuation may be necessary

Riot or other civil disorder
Disruption of commute (ala Los
Stranded in car or office while family
is at home and/or school
Danger of riot spreading to my
Danger of local kids/low lives taking
advantage of situation
Attack or threat to personal safety
Looting and rampaging by otherwise
lawful citizens
Fire with potentially no response by
authorities protect law-abiding citizens

Nuclear plant problems Reactor vessel damage could result in
release of radioactive chemicals to
Evacuation necessary

Terrorism Threat to safety at work and during
business travel
Disruption of commerce, travel
Less personal freedom, privacy as a
result of government reaction to
Once you've created a chart like the one above, you know what situations you are most
likely to face and can prepare your survival plan.

Chapter 2: Bug out or Batten Down?

Should you Stay or Go?
Based on the previous section, you should have a good idea of the potential survival
situations you might be facing. Now the question is whether to stay and face them or
move to another -- hopefully safer -- location.
We all have a strong desire to protect what's ours. Regardless of whether you own the
largest house in the neighborhood or rent a ramshackle shack, home is where the heart is,
not to mention all the rest of your stuff! And Captain Dave knows you've worked long
and hard to accumulate that stuff, so abandoning it and running for safety may stick in
your craw.
Thankfully, there are times when saying at home makes the most sense. If you can wait
out the storm, ignore the heavy snow, batten down the hatches against civil unrest or
otherwise stay at home during an emergency situation without endangering yourself, it
may be your best bet. There are many advantages to staying home in a survival situation,
if you can safely do so:
The food in your refrigerator and pantry can supplement your survival
stash (see the next chapter).
If you loose power, you can quickly cook much of your food and monitor
the temperature of your freezer (frozen food will usually keep at least 24
You'll have more time to improve your home's chances of survival (move
items to high ground, put plywood over windows, etc.)
It offers shelter against most elements.
You'll have access to all your clothing, bedding and other comforts.
You won't suffer from boredom as much as you might in a shelter.
You can protect your stuff from looters.
Of course, there's a downside as well:
You could be putting yourself in unnecessary, life-threatening danger.
(The fire, flood, hurricane, riot, etc. might be worse than anticipated.
We've all seen TV coverage of people clinging to their roofs as the house
washes down stream.)
If you decided to evacuate later, it may be too late.
Without heat, electricity, hot water or other services, home just isn't the
There is no sense of community, unless other neighbors or members of
your local survival group stay home, too. You may feel cut off and alone.
If a mandatory evacuation has been ordered, you may be prosecuted by
local authorities (although this rarely happens).
No matter how much you wish to stay at home, there are times when evacuation is the
only choice. These include a nuclear, chemical or biological event as well as any
impending disaster that is likely to destroy your home. For example:
If the warning sirens on that nearby chemical plant go off at 3 a.m., you
have no choice but to don your gas masks, grab your bug out bag and
drive the opposite direction as quickly as possible.
If you're beach-front home is directly in the path of a Force 3 hurricane,
staying put might show a surplus of guts, but deficit of brains.
Likewise the time you spend, garden hose in hand, trying to fend off a
raging fire that has already burnt out six neighbors might be better spent
salvaging your valuables and items with sentimental value.
So, if the survival situations you outlined in the previous section shows several
emergency situations requiring evacuation, you'll need to put together a plan:
The Evacuation Plan

There are several important elements to your evacuation plan:

Where to go
How to get there
What to bring with you
Where to Go
Sure, you can head to the nearest shelter, but if sitting on cots at the local high school
gymnasium or National Guard Armory was your first choice, you probably wouldn't be
reading this.
You need a safe house or survival retreat in a location where the current crisis will not
threaten you. The easiest way to set up a safe house is to coordinate with a friend or
family member located between 100 and 150 miles away, preferably in a different
setting. For example:
If you're in the inner city, they should be in a rural area or at least a
smaller town, preferably not the suburbs of your city
If you're near the coast, they should be inland
If you're near a flood plain, the safe house should be on higher ground.
Following these guidelines, you can be relatively sure of several things:
Whatever disaster you are facing should not affect them, and vice versa.
This allows you to trade off, so when they are facing a survival situation,
your home can be their safe house.
You'll be running towards something, not just away from danger.
You can get there on one tank of gas, even if there is a great deal of traffic
(During the Hurricane Opal evacuation in 1995, it was not unusual for a
100 mile trip on the interstate to take four hours).
You won't be turned away at the inn (Hotel rooms are quickly filled, and
often at inflated prices).
If you plan in advance, you can leave a few changes of old clothes, a toiletries kit,
necessary prescription drugs, ammunition, some MREs or anything else you might need
at the safe house. This will make your evacuation easier.
While many will find that a friend or relative's house is the
easiest and most cost-effective safe house, the ultimate safe
house or survival retreat would be a second residence located
in a very rural location. During normal times, this survival
retreat can double as your vacation home, hunting lodge or
weekend getaway destination. But when the flag goes up, you
can evacuate to a safe house fully stocked with everything you need for self sufficiency.
Captain Dave's ultimate survival retreat would be:
Well off the beaten track, ideally reachable by a single dirt road. This
seclusion will offer you a good bit of protection. For example, you can cut
a large tree down across the road to help eliminate unwanted guests.
Not too ostentatious, so that it doesn't draw a lot of talk from locals and
become a target for vandalism. Nothing wrong with a solid one-room
cabin with a sleeping loft.
Near a spring, well, stream or other natural source of water.
Equipped with at least one fireplace or wood stove for cooking and heat.
Within 10 to 20 miles of a village or small town where you can go (by
foot, if necessary) for additional supplies, news and other contact with the
outside world, should the emergency stretch into months or longer.
Have enough arable land for growing your own vegetables and other
Near a natural, easily harvestable food source (usually wildlife for hunting
or fishing).
Provisioned with enough food to keep your family safe for at least three
months, preferably a year.
Provisioned with tools necessary for long-term self sufficiency, should it
become necessary.
Stocked with enough weapons and ammunition to defend it from small
groups of marauding invaders, should it come to that.
If you are worried about caching goods in a unattended house, where they could be
stolen, you can cache a supply nearby. While most caches are buried in hidden locations,
a simple solution to this dilemma is to rent a commercial storage unit in a town close to
your retreat. This has several advantages:
As long as you have access to the facility 24 hours a day (one of those
outside storage areas where you use your own lock is best) you can get to
your supplies when necessary.
It will be much easier to make a few trips to and from the nearby storage
facility and your safe house than carry everything with you from home.
It's easier to check on the status and add materials to this type of cache
than one buried in a secluded location.
In a worst case scenario, you can hoof it to the storage area, spend the
night inside and hike back the next day with a full backpack.
Of course, for the ultimate protection, a buried or other hidden cache is hard to beat. The
is especially true for the long-term storage of ammunition and weapons that are or may
one day be considered illegal.
How to Get to Your Safe House
Whichever option you've chosen for your safe house, the best way to get there is by car.
It's convenient (most of us have them), offers some protection, is relatively fast and
allows us to carry much more gear than on foot or bicycle.
Of course, there's nothing wrong with taking a train to a safe house in a nearby city.
Captain Dave is partial to boats, and even a bus beats walking, but for most, the car is our
escape vehicle of choice.
While everyone chooses a car that fits their lifestyle and
budget, a large four-wheel drive vehicle is the best bet for
evacuating to your safe house. The bigger, heavier the
vehicle is, the better. Not only do larger vehicles have
greater ground clearance and the ability to ford higher
waterways, they offer the most protection and carry the
most gear. They also offer you and your passengers better
protection in a fender-bender. When the entire city seems
to be running from an impending disaster, you don't want
to be stuck on the side of the road because of minor
Four-wheel drive is critical if you need to go off-road to avoid accidents, road blocks or
other evacuation-related snafus.
So, since an army surplus army truck is probably out of the question, a large four-wheel
drive pick-up with a cap may be the best bug out vehicle available. But the fact is,
whatever vehicle (or vehicles) you have at hand is the best bet.
And the old saw about never letting your car's gas tank get below half makes a lot of
sense. Captain Dave also recommends keeping a couple of five gallon tanks of gas on
hand "for emergencies." Even if you use it to fill your tank, carry it with you (strapped to
the roof, perhaps) because you never know when you might find more. If you are very
serious, you can have a second tank installed in your truck.
And while we're on the subject of cars, make sure your is is good mechanical condition.
Taking the High Road
One of the most critical factors is route planning. You should have memorized several
routes to your safe house or survival retreat and have maps on hand so you can identify
alternate routes around accidents or other problem areas. The routes should include:
The fastest, most direct route.
This will be your first choice when you are getting out early, before the
crowds. If you're smart enough to beat the rush, predict an upcoming
disruption, or just feel like being far away from any federal buildings on
every April 19, you can take your main route.
A back road route.
This may be your best bet when the interstates are clogged with lines of
cars all trying to leave "ground zero." Sure, it would normally take longer,
but it in this situation, it may be your best bet.
An indirect route.
There may be a time when you need to get away, but don't want anyone to
know where you're going. There may come a day when it make sense to
go north 200 miles out of your way to end up 150 miles east of your
destination. This is also the route to choose if you have reason to believe
you may be followed.
What to Bring With You
Captain Dave keeps a bug-out bag in the closet. A bug-out
bag is the first -- and possibly only -- thing you grab when
you're bailing out. When the fire alarm is going off, for
example, grab the kids, the bug-out bags and get out.
Bags, you say? Yes, bags. Each member of the family
should have his or her own bug out bag.
What should you include in your bug-out bag? Ask 100 people, and you'll get 100
answers, but here's what Captain Dave suggests:
Must Haves Nice to Have
At least $500 in cash, including plenty of
small bills for incidentals and change for
phone calls. (When the power is out, many
stores can't use their cash registers and insist
on either exact change or to the closest dollar.)
Traveler checks. Gold or
silver coins. Dimes, quarters
and half-dollars minted
before 1965 contain 90
percent silver. A gold
Maple Leaf or other large
coin may be too big for day-
to-day transactions, but
smaller gold coins are
Spare or duplicate credit cards with plenty of
credit available.
A bank card for local and
national ATMs. (This
assumes the electricity is
not out.)
A few spare checks and anything that could be
used for ID if you do not have your wallet
with you.
A duplicate drivers license.
A spare set of keys, including car, house, safe-
house/survival retreat, storage facility, safe
deposit box, etc.
You can stash a spare set in
your vehicle for
A change of clothes, preferably durable
heavy-weight clothes that can stand up to
A season-appropriate jacket
and other outer gear, such as
gloves and hat. Clothes
suitable for layering (T-
shirt, flannel shirt, etc.).

A pair of old, comfortable, already-broken-in
shoes that still have some good miles left in
A couple pairs of extra
socks and at least one
change of underwear.

At least a quart of water per person. Juice boxes or pouches.
A few MREs or other easily transportable
food items, including some quick snack foods.

Prescription or over-the-counter drugs you
rely on.
Unfilled prescriptions you
can take to a pharmacy
anywhere to be filled.

A spare pare of eyeglasses (perhaps your old
prescription) and/or contacts and solutions.
A duplicate of your standard
opthamalic eye-wear and/or
a few pairs of daily or
extended-wear contacts.

A basic first aid kit, including bandages, an
ace-type bandage, aspirin or other analgesic,
first-aid cream, alcohol pads, etc.
A more advanced first aid
kit, including sutures,
antibiotics, pain killers, etc.

A phone book listing all important numbers,
including friends, family, neighbors, work,
school, doctor, insurance, etc.
A cellular phone and/or CB
A good work knife and/or Swiss army-type
A Leatherman survival tool.
For those so inclined, a basic pistol, such as a
revolver chambered for .357 or .38 special,
and at least 50 rounds of ammunition.
Loaded speedloaders or
magazines and a
comfortable belt and holster.

Now that you know where to go, how to get there and what to bring when you leave in a
hurry, you can take a look at long-term survival planning. The next chapter covers the
three basics of any survival plan: Water, food and shelter.
Chapter 3: Preparing Your Basic
Survival Stash
If you've given any thought to survival, you know the big three -- food, water and shelter
-- are the foundation of any long-term survival plan. If you prepare to provide these three
items for yourself and loved ones, you're farther ahead than probably 90 percent of the
Many would say water is the most important of the three, but we'll address them in the
order above: Food, water and shelter.
Food Storage
You may be able to survive a few weeks or even a month without food, but why would
you want to? Without food, you will become weak, susceptible to illnesses, dizzy and
unable to perform survival-related tasks. Sure, water may be more critical to short-term
survival, but it's much easier for even the unskilled survivalist to find water in the wild
(the safety and purity of the water is another story, but we'll tackle that next).
This section will deal with several key areas:
How Much Food do you Need?
Here's the short answer: You can never have too much food stored away for hard times.
How much is the minimum for you and your potential survival situation is an answer
you'll have to come up with after reviewing the table you developed in Chapter 1. (You
did do that exercise, didn't you?)
Will three days of food be enough, as many suggest? Or do you need a year's worth?
Captain Dave can't tell you what's best in your situation, but he suggests that two weeks
or more is the minimum for anyone in any potential survival situation. One to three
months? Now you're talking. A year? Let's hope you never need it. A year may be
excessive for most, but hey, better safe than sorry (have you heard that one before?) If
you're wondering how you can afford a month's worth of food, see Chapter 7.
Why should you stock up on so much food if the worst you're planning to prepare for is a
heavy winter storm? Several reasons:
It may take a while for store shelves to be replenished. Think back to the
heavy storms that hit the East Coast in the winter of 1995-96. 30 inches in
cities such as Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia shut the city down for
more than a week. And the trucks carrying supplies were stranded on the
side of an interstate highway somewhere in the midwest.
You may be asked to feed friends or neighbors. Think how you'd feel if on
the sixth day of the storm you and your family were enjoying a delicious,
rich, beef stew while poor old Mrs. Frugal next door was down to a used
tea bag and the bread crusts she usually gives the birds? Or what if friends
were visiting for the weekend and unable to return home because of the
inclement weather, earthquake or other emergency?
Food rarely goes down in price. What you buy now will be an investment
in the future. If you shop carefully over time (see Chapter 7) , you can lay
in stores of goods on sale or at warehouse club prices.
You will be protected from price gouging. Do you really think the last
load of milk and bread into the store before the storm hits will be
discounted? Shelves are often cleared out right before a blizzard or
hurricane is set to hit. And food isn't the only item likely to be in short
supply; one grocery chain reported that when storm warnings went out,
they sold more rolls of toilet paper than there were people in the city.
Batteries, bottled water, candles and other staples are also going to be in
short supply (see the next chapter) for more on non-food survival items).
You will be prepared for a crippling blow to our food supply system. As I
write this, many are predicting our food supply is tottering on its last legs.
Whether its a drought (like we saw in 1996 in Texas and Oklahoma), a
wheat blight, the destruction of traditional honey bees necessary for crop
fertilization or simply the world's exploding population, they will tell you
our food system is falling apart. Captain Dave will let you make up your
own mind, but wouldn't a few hundred pounds of red winter wheat and
other grains sealed in 5 gallon buckets make you feel better?
Let's say you decide to start small and plan to stock up a week's worth of food for your
family. While the "survivalist" foods such as MRE's are a great supplement, you should
be able to get by for this short a time (a week or two) on the traditional, commercial
foods in your larder.
This existing food reserve should not include food in your refrigerator or freezer because
you cannot count on those items remaining edible for more than a day (fridge) or three
(freezer), at most. So half a cow or deer in the freezer is great, but you may have to cook,
smoke and/or can it on short notice, should the power be out for a long time.
A quick examination of your cupboards and cabinets will tell you how much you need to
add to ensure you have enough food for a week. If you have a few packages of pasta,
some cans of vegetables, a box of crackers and a jar of peanut butter, you're halfway
there. But if you have a habit of dropping by the deli every time you're hungry, or
shopping for the evening meal on your way home from work (as many single, urban
dwellers do), you'll need to change your habits and stock up.
A detailed list of suggestions and food storage information is available in the Food Storage FAQ
but you should generally buy canned (including items in jars) or dried
foods. Review our list of commercial food items and their suggested storage times when
making up your personal list but keep in mind your family's eating habits, likes and
dislikes. Also, remember that you may not have access to a microwave and other modern
conveniences, so pick food items and packaging that can be prepared on a single burner
of a camp stove or even over an open fire.
Rotation Systems
The main difference between the commercially prepared foods you buy in the grocery
store and the specially prepared "survival" foods is the shelf storage. You can't store
grocery store items for five to ten years, as you can with specially freeze-dried or sealed
foods packed in nitrogen or vacuum sealed. As a result, if you go with a larder full of
grocery items, you can't develop your food stash and walk away. You need to rotate your
stock, either on an ongoing basis or every two to three months. This will ensure you have
fresh food (if you can consider canned and dry food "fresh") and do not waste your food
and money.
There are many systems for rotating your stock:
Captain Dave finds the easiest is to put newly purchase foods at the rear of
the shelf, thus ensuring the oldest food, which will have made it's way to
the front, will be consumed first.
You can also number food packages with consecutive numbers (a "one"
the first time you bring home spaghetti sauce, a "two" the next, etc.) and
eat those with the lowest number first.
If you store your survival stash in a special location, you'll need to
physically remove and replace 20 to 25 percent of it every two months
(thus ensuring nothing sits for more than eight or 10 months). The
materials you remove should be placed in your kitchen for immediate
As a general rule, traditional canned foods should be consumed within a year. For cans
with expiration dates, such as Campbell's soups, you may find you have 18 months or
two years before they expire. But for cans without a date, or with a code that consumers
can't translate, mark them with the date purchased and make sure you eat them before a
year passes.
Generally, canned foods will not "go bad" over time, unless the can is punctured. But the
food will loose its taste, the texture will deteriorate, and the nutritional value drops
significantly over time.
If you find you have a case of canned peas, for example, that are nine or 10 months old,
simply donate the to a soup kitchen, Boy Scout food drive or similar charity. This will
keep them from being wasted and give you a tax deductible donation.
Simple raw materials for baking, such as flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, oil
and shortening, can be assets in a survival situation. With these staple items, you can
make everything from pancakes or rolls to breading fresh fish.
For those looking for a simpler answer, mixes for muffins, corn bread and pancakes mean
you do not need to add eggs or measure ingredients. These ready-made or pre-mixed
ingredients can be a boon. Of course, you may need a Dutch oven or griddle for that
stove or fireplace.
For long-term survival storage, honey stores for years and can replace sugar in recipes.
Rather than storing flour or meal, purchase the raw grain and a hand mill. Then you can
mill your own flour whenever necessary. Red winter wheat, golden wheat, corn and other
grains can be purchased in 45-pound lots packed in nitrogen-packed bags and shipped in
large plastic pails.
Survival Foods
Storing two to four weeks of "commercial" food isn't too difficult. But when you get
beyond that, you really need to look at specialized foods prepared specifically for long-
term storage. These generally fall into several categories:
Vacuum-packed dried and freeze-dried foods
Nitrogen packed grains and legumes
Specially prepared and sealed foods such as MRE's (Meals, Ready-to-Eat)
with a five-to-ten year shelf life
All offer one main advantage: long storage life. Some, such as MRE's and packages sold
to backpackers, are complete meals. This is handy and convenient, but they tend to be
expensive on a per-meal basis. Others, such as #10 cans (about a gallon) of dried items,
are usually ingredients which can be used to prepare a full meal. These ingredients
include everything from macaroni elbows or carrot slices to powdered milk or butter
flavor. Your best bet is a combination of both full-meal entrees and bulk items.
As the name implies, MRE's are ideal for a quick, nutritious, easy-to-prepare meal. They
are convenient to carry in the car, on a trip or on a hike. They have very long shelf lives
(which can be extended by placing a case or two in your spare refrigerator). On the
downside, they are very expensive on a per-meal basis and they do not provide as much
roughage as you need. (This can lead to digestive problems if you plan to live on them for
more than a week or two.)
Large canned goods, on the other hand, are difficult to transport. But if you're stocking up
your survival retreat (see Chapter 2) or planning to batten down the hatches and stay at
home, the large canned goods are easy to store and can keep you well-fed for months.
While individual cans can be purchased, most popular are sets of multiple items. These
are designed to provide a specific number of calories per day (they'll recommend 1,800
per day, but you'll probably want more) for a set period of time, often three months, six
months or a year. Remember, however, if you have four people in your family or survival
group, purchasing a one-year supply of food will only equate to three months worth for
the family.
Captain Dave recommends purchasing the largest set of these canned, dried foods your
budget can handle. Then supplement the set with items tailored to you and your family or
survival group. Also, MREs and MRE entrees are excellent supplements, because
prepared sets of #10 cans are primarily vegetables, pasta and grains, while MRE entrees
are usually meat-based.
You may also want to add a few special items, such as hard candy or deserts, to reward
yourself or for quick energy. That's one area where MREs and MRE deserts can be a
great supplemental item. It's pretty tough to store pound cake or brownies for several
years, but the MRE makers have managed it. They also offer crackers and peanut butter,
bread and some great side dishes.
While we're on the topic of supplements, don't forget to add vitamins and mineral
supplements. Fruits, green vegetables and other items rich in vitamin C and other
nutrients may be scarce, so a good multi-vitamin is well worth the space it takes up in
your stash.

Home Made Survival Foods

There's nothing like a cellar full of canned goods you grew and put up. From spaghetti
sauce to your own jam, canning goods is a tradition that will come in mighty handy in a
survival situation.
But Captain Dave doesn't pretend to be an expert. Whenever you're dealing with canning
fruits, vegetables or meats, its important to follow the latest specifics from the true
experts. (OK, so maybe government isn't all bad.) See our list of links for canners and
others looking to preserve food.
You can also dry, vacuum-pack and otherwise prepare food for storage. Vacuum pumps
are available commercially or can be constructed in your own home. You can use them to
seal dried food in mason jars and other containers.
When packing foods for storage, you want to eliminate oxygen (which is why a vacuum
is so good). Bugs, such as weevils, and other organisms that can destroy your food need
the oxygen to live, just as we do. That's why commercial companies who prepare survival
food pack grains, cereals, pasta, beans and other food in nitrogen-filled containers. You
can accomplish a similar packaging yourself by using dried ice.
Simply take the 10 pounds of noodles (or 25 pounds of rice or other dried food) you
picked up from the warehouse and put them in an appropriately sized plastic bucket with
a lid that can create a good seal. The add several chunks of dried ice. As it sublimates,
your bucket will fill with carbon dioxide, which will displace all or most of the oxygen
(since carbon dioxide is heavier, the oxygen should rise to the top and out of the bucket).
Place the lid on the bucket, but don't seal it all the way until you think the dry ice has
completely turned to gas. This is a fine line, since you want to seal it before oxygen starts
leaking back into the bucket. Remember, as soon as you open the bucket, whoosh! the air
will rush back in.
Hunting and Gathering in the Wild
Image this scenario:
A small nuclear conflict erupts in the Middle East destroying several countries and much
of the world's oil supply. Airbursts knock out more than half of the world's satellite
communications systems. Due to favorable weather conditions and plain dumb luck, fall-
out over the United States is not life threatening -- as it is in part of Europe, Japan and
the Far East -- and the EMP damage to our electronic systems is minimal. However life
as we know it is disrupted as fuel prices reach $10 and then $20 per gallon.
Fruits and vegetables grown in Florida and California can't reach markets in other
states. Corn and wheat crops are abundant, but farmers don't have the fuel to run
harvesters. And those that do, fill their silos, but the grain can't reach the market. Store
shelves are emptied in two days of panicked buying that sees a five-pound bag of flour go
from $1.69 to $8.99.
The economy goes into a tailspin, and inflation reaches 300 percent in the first two
weeks. You're lucky you still have a job, but you wonder how on earth you'll get there
without the car.
The president tries to regain control of the country, by releasing stocks of food and oil,
but it's just a drop in the bucket. In a measure of how bad things have become, he
declares marshal law and nationalizes all oil, refineries and oil reserves. Suddenly,
Uncle Sam is the only gas station on the block, and they're not pumping for anybody, no
matter how much silver you cross their palms with. Riots break out in seventeen major
cities and the national guard has to be called out. LA burns (again) as does Philadelphia.
There's a national curfew and trouble makers are hauled off to camps. 60 Minutes runs a
story on these concentration camps, which nobody ever admitted were in existence, but
they experience technical difficulties and the broadcast is cut off in the middle of the
story. FEMA becomes a four letter word.
Suddenly, the two weeks of food in your larder looks frighteningly small. You wish you
had more room on your credit card, but then, smart merchants are only accepting cash.
You can't wait for the few tomato plants and cucumbers you have growing in the back
yard to bear. But you know it won't be enough. Winter is coming, and the papers say the
utilities can't guarantee there will be enough gas or electric to heat peoples' homes.
Maybe it's time to look to nature to help feed you. That's great if you are a farmer or have
five or more acres of tillable land. But if not, or if it's too late to plant crops, that means a
return to hunting, trapping and gathering.
If you can identify wild plants that can supplement your existing diet, good for you. If
not, better go out and buy a Iew guide books right away. Get ones with pictures, you'll
need them. Just hope everyone else doesn't have the same idea, or berry bushes and apple
trees will be stripped clean in seconds.
Captain Dave has eaten all sorts of wild plants, from salad greens he probably would
have tromped over on any other day to wild mushrooms to the heads of milkweeds
(properly prepared, of course). Its not his first choice, but its better than tightening the
Captain Dave supports hunting as a great American past time, an important tool in game
management and a terrific source to supplement your traditional menu during these good
times. But will it be enough to put food on the table during a survival situation? Don't
count on it.
If you're a hunter, you know how crowded it usually is on opening day. Could you
imagine what the local patch of forest would be like if everyone's dinner depended on
hunting? How quickly would we strip this continent of all edible game? Planning on
fishing? So are all your neighbors.
There are some areas of the country where the ratio of people to wildlife will still support
sustenance hunting. But for most of us, that's not the case. You may be able to
supplement your food supply with some game, but don't count on it.
What does Captain Dave recommend you do if the above scenario comes to play?
At the first hint of trouble and rising prices, visit the local food warehouse
and grocery stores and buy as much as you can afford. Get the 50 pound
bags of rice and the 25 pound bags of flour. Use your credit cards and part
of your emergency cash stash, if necessary.
Hunker down at home and protect what is yours.
Keep a low profile and avoid contact with others, except fellow members
of your survival group. Avoid trouble and confrontations.
Hope that within six months the country will have recovered or at least
stabilized. If not, the population will probably be a lot smaller when winter
is over.

Water Storage and Purification
As mentioned previously, water is probably the most necessary element for human life,
with the exception of oxygen.
When planning your water resources for survival you need to deal with three areas:
Storing Water
For your in-home cache or survival retreat stash, you should count on two gallons of
water per-person per-day. While this is more water than necessary to survive (except in
hot climates or after strenuous exertion) it ensures water is available for hygiene and
cooking as well as drinking.
Captain Dave's personal in-home stash has enough water for a week, and he lives near a
stream in an area where it rains frequently!
Commercial gallon bottles of filtered/purified spring water often carry expiration dates
two years after the bottling date. A good rotation program is necessary to ensure your
supply of water remains fresh and drinkable (see the previous section on Iood for
information on rotation). Captain Dave purchases cases of six one-gallon jugs, which
frequently go on sale for just under 50 cents per gallon. The heavy-duty cardboard boxes
stack easily and protect the jugs from rupturing.
If you prefer to store your own water, don't use milk cartons.; it's practically impossible
to remove the milk residue (ugh!). Bleach bottles are recommended by others, and
although Captain Dave has never used this method, and apparently bleach manufacturers
don't recommend it.
If you have a spare refrigerator in the basement or the garage, use PET water bottles (the
kind soda or liters of water come in) to fill any available freezer space. In addition to
providing you with fresh, easily transportable drinking water, the ice can be used to cool
food in the refigerator in the event of a power failure. Captain Dave has found that these
bottles, which are clear and have screw-on caps like soda bottles, will withstand many
freeze-thaw cycles without bursting or leaking. (The bottom may distort when frozen, but
this isn't a big problem.) For self-storage of large amounts of water, you're probably
better off with containers of at least 5 gallons. Food-grade plastic storage containers are
available commercially in sizes from five gallons to 250 or more. Containers with
handles and spouts are usually five to seven gallons, which will weigh between 40 and 56
pounds. Get too far beyond that and you'll have great difficulty moving a full tank.
15 gallon and 30 gallon containers used for food service -- such as delivery of syrups to
soda bottlers and other manufacturers -- are often available on the surplus market. After
proper cleaning, these are ideal for water storage -- as long as a tight seal can be
maintained. 55 gallon drums and larger tanks are also useful for long-term storage. But
make sure you have a good pump on hand!
Solutions designed to be added to water to prepare it for long-term storage are
commercially available. Bleach can also be used to treat tap water from municipal
sources. Added at a rate of about 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons, bleach can ensure the water
will remain drinkable. Captain Dave recommends rotating the water in storage tanks
every year.
Once you're in a survival situation where there is a limited amount of water, conservation
is an important consideration. While drinking water is critical, water is also necessary for
rehydrating and cooking dried foods. Water from boiling pasta, cooking vegetables and
similar sources can and should be retained and drunk, after it has cooled. Canned
vegetables also contain liquid that can be consumed.
To preserve water, save water from washing your hands, clothes and dishes to flush
Short Term Storage
People who have electric pumps drawing water from their well have learned the lesson of
filling up all available pots and pans when a thunderstorm is brewing. What would you
do if you knew your water supply would be disrupted in an hour?
Here are a few options in addition to filling the pots and pans:
The simplest option is to put two or three heavy-duty plastic trash bags
(avoid those with post-consumer recycled content) inside each other. Then
fill the inner bag with water. You can even use the trash can to give
structure to the bag. (A good argument for keeping your trash can fairly
Fill your bath tub almost to the top. While you probably won't want to
drink this water, it can be used to flush toilets, wash your hands, etc.
If you are at home, a fair amount of water will be stored in your water pipes and related
To get access to this water, first close the valve to the outside as soon as possible. This
will prevent the water from running out as pressure to the entire system drops and prevent
contaminated water from entering your house.
Then open a faucet on the top floor. This will let air into the system so a vacuum doesn't
hold the water in. Next, you can open a faucet in the basement. Gravity should allow the
water in your pipes to run out the open faucet. You can repeat this procedure for both hot
and cold systems.
Your hot water heater will also have plenty of water inside it. You can access this water
from the valve on the bottom. Again, you may need to open a faucet somewhere else in
the house to ensure a smooth flow of water. Sediment often collects in the bottom of a hot
water heater. While a good maintenance program can prevent this, it should not be
dangerous. Simply allow any stirred up dirt to again drift to the bottom.
Finding or Obtaining Water
There are certain climates and geographic locations where finding water will either be
extremely easy or nearly impossible. You'll have to take your location into account when
you read the following. Captain Dave's best suggestion: Buy a guide book tailored for
your location, be it desert, jungle, arctic or temperate.
Wherever you live, your best bet for finding a source of water is to scout out suitable
locations and stock up necessary equipment before an emergency befalls you. With
proper preparedness, you should know not only the location of the nearest streams,
springs or other water source but specific locations where it would be easy to fill a
container and the safest way to get it home.
Preparedness also means having at hand an easily installable system for collecting rain
water. This can range from large tarps or sheets of plastic to a system for collecting water
run off from your roof or gutters.
Once you have identified a source of water, you need to have bottles or other containers
ready to transport it or store it.
And while you may think any water will do in a pinch, water that is not purified may
make you sick, possibly even killing you. In a survival situation, with little or no medical
attention available, you need to remain as healthy as possible. And a bad case of the runs
is terribly uncomfortable in the best of times!
Boiling water is the best method for purifying running water you gather from natural
sources. It doesn't require any chemicals, or expensive equipment -- all you need is a
large pot and a good fire or similar heat source. Plus, a rolling boil for 20 or 30 minutes
should kill common bacteria such as guardia and cryptosporidium. One should consider
that boiling water will not remove foreign contaminants such as radiation or heavy
Outside of boiling, commercial purification/filter devices made by companies such as
PUR or Katadyn are the best choices. They range in size from small pump filters
designed for backpackers to large filters designed for entire camps. Probably the best
filtering devices for survival retreats are the model where you pour water into the top and
allow it to slowly seep through the media into a reservoir on the bottom. No pumping is
On the down side, most such filtering devices are expensive and have a limited capacity.
Filters are good for anywhere from 200 liters to thousands of gallons, depending on the
filter size and mechanism. Some filters used fiberglass and activated charcoal. Others use
impregnated resin or even ceramic elements.
Chemical additives are another, often less suitable option. The water purification pills
sold to hikers and campers have a limited shelf life, especially once the bottle has been
opened. Captain Dave considers these good for the car's emergency kit, as long as they
are frequently replaced.
Pour-though filtering systems can be made in an emergency. Here's one example that will
remove many contaminants:
1. Take a five or seven gallon pail (a 55-gallon drum can also be used for a
larger scale system) and drill or punch a series of small holes on the
2. Place several layers of cloth on the bottom of the bucket, this can be
anything from denim to an old table cloth.
3. Add a thick layer of sand (preferred) or loose dirt. This will be the main
filtering element, so you should add at least half of the pail's depth.
4. Add another few layers of cloth, weighted down with a few larger rocks.
5. Your home-made filter should be several inches below the top of the
6. Place another bucket or other collection device under the holes you
punched on the bottom.
7. Pour collected or gathered water into the top of your new filter system. As
gravity works its magic, the water will filter through the media and drip
out the bottom, into your collection device. If the water is cloudy or full of
sediment, simply let it drop to the bottom and draw the cleaner water off
the top of your collection device with a straw or tube.
(If you have a stash of activated charcoal, possibly acquired from an acquarium dealer,
you can put a layer inside this filter. Place a layer of cloth above and especially below the
charcoal. This will remove other contaminants and reduce any unpleasnt smell or taste.)
While this system may not be the best purification method, it has been successfully used
in the past. For rain water or water gathered from what appear to be relatively clean
sources of running water, the system should work fine. If you have no water source but a
contaminated puddle, oily highway runoff or similar polluted source, the filter may be
better than nothing, but it's not a great option.
Once the system has been established and works, you must remember to change the sand
or dirt regularly.
Beyond the Basics
Seven Steps for Survival Success
Everyone's survival situation is different, so use these steps as a suggestion and modify
them to fit your specific needs. The key is to never stop preparing. Start small and build
until you consider preparedness and survival whenever you make your major decisions.
Captain Dave's Survival Guide is intended as a map to guide you in this journey. Not
surprisingly, the steps below follow the guide:
Step 1: Identify the most severe threats likely to affect you, so that you can
prepare for them first. (This is spelled out in Chapter One.) Think of it as
knowing your enemy.
Step 2: Make evacuation plans and prepare a bugout kit for yourself and
each member of your family. Not coincidentally, this is covered in
Chapter Two of Captain Dave's Survival Guide.
Step 3: Prepare a permanent survival kit for your car. This will serve you
well if you need to bug out or if you are caught away from your home.
There's an example of an automotive kit in Chapter Three under shelter.
Step 4: Start building your food and water stash at home.
Step 5: Start acquiring survival tools. These could be anything from a
plastic wrench to turn off the gas to a chainsaw.
Step 6: Start expanding your knowledge base through reading and taking
courses. Build a survival library.

Step 7: When you make large purchases, such as your car and home,
consider its application for survival and preparedness reasons. This means
avoid hurricane prone areas and stay well away from the fault line.
Additional Steps
You should be adding to your survival skills or supplies every week. Sound hard? It
doesn't have to be. It could be as simple as adding a few purchases during your weekly
shopping trip. Or it could mean picking up a new magazine at the newsstand. Or you
could rent or buying a book or video on a survival-related subject.
Your best weapon is your mind, and reading and practicing will help polish and improve
your survival skills. Some skills, such as identifying and gathering foods in the wild, are
obviously and directly survival-related. Others, such as learning to weld or repair small
engines, may be more of a stretch. But who's to say your future survival situation might
not require someone who can weld a water-storage tank or repair a generator?
Planning is important, but rehearsal is when you will test your plan and identify flaws.
Rehearsal is simply pretending you are in a survival situation and acting accordingly.
Here are some survival examples to try:
Try living for a weekend without electricity. You can do this the real way
by shutting of the breaker (to prevent cheating) or the easy way by just
"pretending." If you do the latter, you should fine each other for violating
the rules. The exercise will teach you that boiling water over a camp stove
or a fire in the back yard just to make you're morning coffee can really
wreck your normal morning routine. But hopefully the experience will
also help you identify missing supplies, bad ideas and develop a new,
stronger plan.
Try to evacuate your family to another location (anywhere from a friend or
relatives to a motel 100 miles away). Give yourselves 20 minutes to pack.
Once you've reached your destination make a list of everything you forgot
and then add it to your bug out bag. Once you've settled in at your
destination, take a minute to think how you would feel if everything you
left behind was destroyed by a fire or if everything below the second floor
was damaged or destroyed by a flood. Revise your storage and survival
plans accordingly.
Go for a drive one Saturday in the fall. Pull over in a remote area (if it's
safe) and spend the night there with only the supplies on hand in your car.
Try eating only your survival foods for a weekend or even a week. This is
a good one if you're ready to rotate out some of your food. It also has the
added benefit of letting you identify any dishes you can't stand or to
realize you need to add some spices and a cook book to your stash.
Developing a Survival Mindset
Being mentally prepared is a key to successful survival. Just as athletes can improve their
performance by mentally reviewing their actions before the big game, you can improve
your performance in a survival situation by reviewing your options and plans before you
need them. Play scenarios through your head and rehearse your options and actions. For
If you are stuck in traffic, imagine what you would do if a large
earthquake struck. Where would you go? What would you do? (If you're
not in an earthquake-prone area, think what you would do if you saw a
huge funnel cloud heading towards you.)
In your work place, think what you would do if an ex-employee returned
to work one day a bit drunk and verbally abusive. You know he owns
guns, but you don't see one on him. How do you react?
If you're traveling out of town or in any unfamiliar area, think about what
you would do if you were stranded due to a breakdown or if the area was
suddenly hit by a flash flood. What would you do to increase your chance
of survival?
You're in a convenience store picking up milk and as you turn around
form the cooler, you see a man holding a gun on the cashier. What do you
(Maybe I am being cynical, but by expecting the worse, I am never disappointed and
occasionally receive a pleasant surprise. After all, we're not practicing how to survive
winning the lottery or getting a promotion and a big raise at work.)
Survival Awareness
Part of developing a survival mindset is being aware of your situation. The military
developed a set of color codes which Col. Jeff Cooper (a respected firearms trainer)
adapted for personal "street" survival by those who carry a firearm. Captain Dave has
adapted and modified those again to pertain to survival in the broader sense:
An individual in Condition White is totally unaware that the world is an
unpredictable (at best) place and that they could be put in danger by a man-
made or natural disaster with little or no warning. They suffer from the
misguided belief that the government will protect them and keep them safe.
An individual in Condition Yellow has accepted responsibility for his or her
personal survival. They have admitted that the veneer of civilization can be
wiped away, catapulting us back to an era where our modern conveniences
don't work. They realize that the police cannot protect them before a crime
has been committed. They realize that while mankind can harness some of
nature's powers, and predict some of her behavior, it cannot stand against
her fury.
This individual has started making preparations to protect themselves and
their loved ones from potential disasters. They monitor the news for
weather-related danger or potential civil unrest. By reading this far into
Captain Dave's Survival Guide, you are probably in condition Yellow.
You are in Condition Orange when you realize a dangerous event is on the
horizon and looming closer. It could be a hurricane heading towards you, an
impending snow storm or a gang of youths crossing the street on a course
ready to intercept you. In condition Orange, you are preparing to survive an
impending situation. This could mean filling improvised water tanks or
bringing extra fire wood into the house to dry. It could be loading the car in
preparation to evacuate or hanging hurricane shutters.
(Note, in some emergencies -- like an earthquake or terrorist bombing -- you
may go straight from Condition Yellow to Condition Red or Black.)
You are in a survival situation and the dangerous event is there NOW. This
means the bullets are flying, or the water is rising or the wind is howling,
the electricity is out and the snow is piling up. You're most important
priority is to ride out the moment, to survive the immediate event. This
probably means taking shelter or running or, depending on the situation,
fighting back.
In Captain Dave's version of the color code, Condition Black is after the
catastrophic event, but before the situation has returned to normalcy. You
still are depending on your survival stash and skills to survive, but the
danger is longer term, not immediate.
Examples of condition black could be the earthquake that is over, but you
can't return to your home. Or the river has crested, but it will be days before
your can return home and longer before you are cleaned out. Or the riots
have died down, but you dare not leave your house or neighborhood. Or the
snow has stopped but the electricity has not been restored, and it will be a
few days before the plows dig you out.
Think about your worst-case scenario and determine how long you might have to survive
in condition black. Remember that in a catastrophic event, such as nuclear war, a terrible
plague, a comet strike or an alien invasion (people have been e-mailing me asking me
why I haven't addressed the latter two) "normalcy" may only be in your memory.
Chapter 5: Survival Medicine
Captain Dave is the first to admit he doesn't know how to remove an appendix, and he's a
lot better with a fighting knife than a scalpel. But he knows how critical medical care can
be in a survival situation. Food, water and shelter may be the first three items on your
emergency list, but medical care should be number four.
Whether it's a bomb blast, car crash or natural disaster, medical treatment always seems
to be necessary early in an emergency situation - just when it's hardest to come by. But
with education, you can provide the first aid you or those close to you need. Captain
Dave recommends reading and taking classes (such as those offered by the Red Cross and
some EMT programs) on first aid and becoming a first responder.
If you don't have the time, at least store a few first aid kits in important locations.
First Aid Kits
There are dozens of commercial first aid kits available from many different suppliers.
Captain Dave recommends you have on hand three different types of kits:
A small, basic kit for you car and bug out bag.
An intermediate kit for around the home and for traveling.
An extensive medical kit stored with your survival gear for use when
going to a regular doctor or hospital is out of the question.
While kit contents will vary, your basic kit (which most
outdoors or camping-type stores should carry) should include at
least the following. If you can't buy one with these contents, pick
up a few supplies and create your own:
Antibiotic ointment
Gauze pads
Iodine or similar prep pads
Alcohol prep pads
Butterfly bandages
Antibiotic ointment
Medical adhesive tape
Aspirin and/or non-aspirin pain relievers
The intermediate kit will include more of each of the above items, plus the following:
Larger adhesive bandages
Smelling salts or ammonia inhalants
Ace-type bandages for strains and sprains
Several sizes of sterile pads
Rolls of gauze
Antiseptic towlets
Snake bite poison extractor
Safety pins
Rubber (latex) gloves
Burn medication
Anti-itch treatment
Sun screen
Diarrhea medication
Eye drops
Basic first aid instructions
Your more advanced medical kit can be expected to include not only the above, but some
or all of the following:
Special bandages, such as
conforming, trauma and field
Rubbing alcohol for
Hydrogen peroxide
Sterile sutures, in several sizes
Wound probe
Mouth-to-mouth shield
Instant hot pack
Instant cold pack
Prep pads
Eye pads
Cotton balls
Burn treatments
Dental tools
Splint materials
In-depth first aid/surgical guide
Cold medication
Colloidal silver
If you can find a sympathetic doctor or have other access to prescription medicines, you
should consider stocking up on a few key items:
Broad spectrum antibiotic
Antibiotics for sinus infections, strep throat and other common "winter"
Pain killers
Remember, if you have kids or a special medical problem, add whatever extra items you
think are appropriate.
Veterinarian Supplies
We're not worrying about your pet -- although they can be injured in disasters, too -- but
using easily-obtainable veterinarian supplies for your own needs, as many survival
writers recommend. While Captain Dave does not endorse this position, it bears
mentioning. In a survival situation, does it really matter who or what the prescription was
originally written for? Use your own judgment and don't forget to read our disclaimer!
Alternative Medicines
Captain Dave has seen too much of the world not to believe that there are more ways to
treat common ailments than the AMA would have you believe. And should a post-
apocalyptic world mean we have to revert to herbs and tree roots, a bit of knowledge
about alternate medicines may be helpful. (A list of useful alternative medicine sites is
being developed.)
For day-to-day well being, Captain Dave is partial to homeopathic medicine. This
approach to healing stimulates your body's natural healing force. You can check the
yellow pages for the homeopathic physician near you.
Protecting Your Stuff
If luck or planning lets your live through the immediate disaster -- the hurricane passes,
the earthquake dies down or the riots are quelled -- you are faced with the longer task of
living through the aftermath. All the topics we've dealt with earlier -- food, water, shelter
and emergency medicine -- are critical. But you have to hang on to all four to survive,
and many of those who are less-prepared may envy your stash and wish to make it their
own. See the scenario we put together for an example.
You need to protect yourself both from those who see the situation as an opportunity to
cash in and those who are so desperate they have no way to survive except by taking your
stuff. You will run into the first (criminals) early in a long-term survival situation. The
second will be a later phenomenon, after their meager supplies have petered out and the
hand of government is nowhere to be found.
There are several steps you can take to protect yourself from these and others who
threaten your survival:
Keep a low profile. The fewer people who know you have a huge stash of
food and water, the less who will turn to you. This also means don't flaunt
it and create resentment. Don't be boiling beef stew in the afternoon over a
backyard fire when others are starving and not expect trouble. Instead, use
a camp stove in your fireplace late at night.
Do not seek to profiteer from your advanced planning. This will result in
resentment and possible retribution. If you have a surplus and wish to part
with some goods, you will earn friends by giving it away or selling it at
cost. If you sell it at ridiculously high prices, you'll earn nothing but hate
and resentment. (Frankly, Captain Dave feels your better off keeping or
using surplus items for trade.)
After disaster strikes, post signs saying looters will be shot. Like an alarm
sign, this won't deter someone who seriously wants what you have, but it
may send potential thieves and looters to easier targets. During "normal"
times, there is an unfortunate liability associated with displaying
"Protected by Smith & Wesson" bumper stickers and wearing T-shirts that
boldly proclaim "I don't dial 911, I call on .357." In the potentially lawless
aftermath of a disaster, Captain Dave believes the benefit of such a sign
will outweigh the liability.
If you are threatened by looters or other criminals, you probably only have two choices:
Turn tail and run or display a firearm you are prepared to use. This latter technique
served Korean merchants well in the L.A. Riots. If you choose to include weapons as part
of your survival stash (a move Captain Dave encourages) you must have the will and the
skill to use them successfully. Otherwise, you'd probably have been better off taking
option one and hightailing it out of there, giving up your stash but hopefully saving your

Your Survival Weapons
Choosing the best survival weapons will depend on your needs. Do you wish to protect
yourself from a single intruder or a large group? Will you be engaging targets at close or
long range? Do you wish to hunt as well?
Your answer may be "all of the above," which is why Captain Dave
recommends the following survival weapons:
One or two pistols for every adult or adolescent capable of
using it. Should be at least .38/9mm caliber or larger.
A 12 gauge shotgun for all large adults. 20 gauge for
smaller-statured adults. Either semi-auto or pump, the
higher capacity the better. Stock both bird shot, buck loads and slugs.

A semi-automatic battle rifle, such as a AR-15, FAL, H&K, AK-47, SKS
or Ruger mini 14. At least one for every two adults capable of firing it. An
AR-15 is preferred because it has ammo and parts interchangability with
our country's standard issue weapon.
A large scope-equipped rifle capable of engaging man-sized targets 400
yards or more.
Stock up on high-capacity magazines and ammunition as well. Captain
Dave recommends a minimm of 10 high-capacity magazines and 1,000
rounds for your "battle" rifles. Additional ammunition is a good idea. If
you do not need to use it, it can be an excellent barter item.
This is a good firearms stash that, used properly, can help you protect yourself in many
situations. You will be able to carry the pistols concealed if you are not expecting
imminent trouble but wish to be prepared. The shotguns are excellent close-quarter
combat weapons, ideal for defending your home. The .223 rifles are not only
intimidating, they are able to sustain a high level of suppressing fire and provide both
offensive and defensive fire. The large hunting or sniping rifle (in 30-06, .308, 7mm or a
similar caliber) is good for hunting and reaching out and touching someone.
Suppose you only have a pistol and a .22 rifle. Well, you're better off than many. There's
a good bit of truth to clichs like "better a hit with a .22 than a miss with a .45."
Hopefully, just the visible presence of a firearm will be enough to quell any problems.
Heavy Weapons
Owning fully automatic weapons and other "weapons of destruction" such as grenades
and rockets is illegal for the average citizen. While you may be able to obtain a class III
firearms license, the process is difficult and the weapons expensive. That means most of
us will need to rely on home made weapons.
Captain Dave recommends Molotov cocktails,
which can be made by mixing gasoline with
detergent. He does not recommend experimenting
with home made explosives.
How Can I Afford All
The truth is, not many of us can afford to go out and
spend thousands of dollars on survival equipment. Forget about the fully-stocked
hideaway and the loaded four-wheel drive you need to get there, how can you afford a
good solid stash of food?
But even if you had all the money necessary, you can't buy everything you need, learn
everything you'll have to know and prepare for "the big one" in a day, a week, or even a
year. Preparedness is a lifetime journey, and your mental attitude is a key component.
The best approach is to start small and build your resources. As time passes, re-evaluate
and add to your plan, your stash, your skills and abilities. (See chapter 4 for more
Buying Smart
After shelter, food and transportation are frequently the largest expense a family faces.
Buying a few extra months of food can be a burden. But by shopping wisely and adding
to your food stash over time, you can make this less expensive.
OK, the following may not be news to you, so if you feel you're doing a pretty good job
of buying groceries inexpensively, feel free to skip it. But I figure everyone may gain a
kernel of knowledge, so it's your call:
One of the best resources for large quantities of food is warehouse club stores, such as
Sam's, and food co-ops. You can also purchase grain and other supplies from farm supply
stores and wholesalers. This may take some searching out, but can be worth while if you
want to buy bushels of grain to preserve yourself.
Warehouse Club
In Captain Dave's experience, warehouse club stores generally offer large sizes of items
that can be used for survival. While it is sometimes possible to get better buys on some
items when they go on sale at the grocery store, you have to shop carefully and watch the
circulars to catch them. At the warehouse club, prices are constant and sizes large.
In addition to the survival-related foods you can acquire here, you may save enough
money by buying at the club stores to afford some of those 45-pound kegs of red winter
wheat you've been admiring in the catalog. Just be careful and don't buy so much it
spoils, or your savings will evaporate.
Some purchases Captain Dave has made for his stash include:
25- and 50-pound bags of rice. A staple in many
countries, it could be yours during the bad times.
Rice is one of the few foods that no one has
allergies to, plus it is an excellent source of
nutrients. And let's face it, most of us don't live
where we can grow rice.
25-pound bags of flour. Although grains are better
to store than flour, this is fine if you do a lot of baking already. You can
bake your way through the bag and always have some ready in an
5-pound bags of complete
pancake mix. These are
great because all the
ingredients are ready to go,
just add water (Make sure
you get complete, you don't
want the kind where you have to add eggs.) Muffins and other mixes are
also available, but it's a lot easier to cook pancakes over an open fire or
camp stove than muffins!
Number 10 cans of powdered potato flakes. OK, so they don't taste as
good as the real thing, but they store a lot longer and whip up fast. And if
you want, you can still pick up the 50 pound bag of potatoes. I've seen
these for $5 at flea markets and such. But the powdered stuff won't grow
5-pound bags of elbow macaroni and spiral noodles. These are a staple
around here, so we always keep a couple bags on hand. Much cheaper
buying them in bulk than the tiny boxes on grocery store shelves.
5-pound canisters of peanut butter. A favorite for kids and adults, plus you
don't need refrigeration. Don't keep 'em forever or they could go rancid,
but a good product to rotate in your every-day pantry. Add some crackers
to your stash, too.
Number 10 cans of canned vegetables or
beans. I really don't look forward to the day
I have to sit down and eat nothing but
canned peas or corn or whatever. But they
are generally much cheaper than the small
grocery-store cans, which would barely
make a meal for one person. They won't
keep as long as freeze-dried veggies packed in nitrogen, but they're good
for feeding yourself and the hungry neighbors. To ensure rotation, use
these for summer picnics or donate them to the homeless shelter every
year or so.
Number 10 cans of chili. We all know beans are a good source of protein,
and a hot bowl of chili, which usually combines meat and beans, will keep
you working for many hours.
Six-packs of canned goods, including pasta, vegetables, meats. You may
grimace to think you'll be living on canned Beefaroni or Spam, but there
just aren't that many canned meats, and they're a heck of a lot cheaper than
MRE's. Some of the pasta-products come in larger cans, too.
Large boxes of powdered milk (makes 20-quarts). These' won't last too
long, but if you are
buying powdered milk, you can realize substantial savings over grocery
store prices. A good item to keep in your spare refrigerator.
120 13-gallon trash bags. I could probably come up with a whole web
page dedicated to 1001 uses for plastic bags. But you'll just have to use
your imagination. From storing water to lining your emergency potty,
you'll need them.
Pouch noodles. I swear ten years ago these were available only in
backpacking stores, but now Lipton and others make them for the time-
challenged family. Just add water, boil and voila: pasta Alfredo, shells in
creamy garlic sauce or garden rotini. These are small sizes and this is one
product where you can definitely get a better buy during a sale at the
grocery store.
Pouch and box drinks. These are great for bug-out packs and survival
stashes that could be subject to freezing and thawing. My experience has
shown the pouches will freeze and thaw throughout a winter stored in the
car, but try it yourself in the freeezer before you take my word on it. Every
brand could be different.
For those with a large freezer or a large family, 5-pound blocks of cheese,
10-pound packages of frozen hamburgers and large quantities of frozen
vegetables are often good buys. If the you-know-what hits the fan, you'll
just have to eat alot of hamburgers for the first day or two.
Paper products, cleaning supplies, candy and personal care products are
also available in large quantities at reasonable prices.
OK, so what's the down side, you ask? Usually, warehouse stores offer one brand, so you
may not get the exact product you want.
Canned Foods
Let me digress a moment for a comment about canned goods. Traditional canned goods
aren't the best for survival because they loose their food value over time. But Captain
Dave thinks they have a lot going for them nonetheless. They are cheaper and easier to
obtain than specialty foods such as MRE's or freezedried foods. They also can be heated
in their cans. Remove the lid (You didn't forget to pack a couple of can openers, did
you?) and plop them carefully on the burner or stove, and the can becomes an instant pan.
Also, you can drink the juice off vegetables to preserve your water reserves (as long as it
isn't too salty). Plus, you can get a wide variety of foods, and cans are a lot tougher than
So let's say you get an inside scoop that North Korea is going to invade South Korea in
the next two days and you are worried about the use of nuclear weapons in such a
scenario. You decide to high tail it off to your shelter before it's too late. Do you call the
800 number and order a dozen cases of MREs and wait for the UPS man to show, or do
you hightail it to the store and clean all the canned goods off the shelf? If you have a
survival stash which already includes survival-type foods, these canned goods will be a
nice addition and provide some much needed variety. Don't forget canned fruits and
Discount Groceries
Somewhere between the traditional supermarket and the Warehouse club lie discount
grocers. This could be the "Super Kmart" that carries groceries as well as just about
anything else you need. There are also Food4Less and similar stores that are a bit like
warehouse clubs, only they don't carry anything except food. Becoming a careful
consumer and a survival-shopper may require visit to all three types of stores over time.
Food Co-ops and Farmers Markets
Food co-ops can be found in the yellow pages. While some require you to work, most
allow you to purchase as non-working members at a slightly higher price than the
participants. Others require that you order in advance so you can share in their volume
Food co-ops often make large purchases of fresh vegetables,
nuts, grains and similar supplies. Many times, these are
organically-grown, so you are benefitting health-wise as
well as financially.
Some farmers markets are seasonal, usually around only
during the growing season or only on Saturdays, but others
are permanent. If you put up canned goods, there's nowhere better to make large
purchases of fresh fruit and vegetables. Whether you're looking for tomatoes or peaches,
this is the next best thing to growing your own.

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