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Tourism Development in Local Communities: As A Community Development Approach

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Journal of American Science 2010; 6(2)

Tourism Development in Local Communities: As a Community

Development Approach
¹Fariborz Aref, ²Sarjit S Gill & ³Farshid Aref

School of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Development Science, Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia
³Department of Soil Science, Azad University, Firouz Abad, Iran

Abstract: This article illustrates the role of local communities for tourism development. This study also
attempts to highlight the role of tourism local development. This article looks at how local communities can
develop tourism in local area. The concepts of community and community development have been important for
local tourism development. The implication of this study arises from the fact that there has been little research
carried out on interaction between communities and local tourism. Theoretically, the findings of this study
enrich the knowledge concerning local tourism industry [Journal of American Science 2010;6(2):155‐161].
(ISSN: 1545‐1003).

Keywords: local communities, tourism development, community development

1. Introduction The role of the local community in influencing the

Community is one component for tourism development activities are becoming
understanding community development for tourism clearer (Hall et al., 2005). McIntyre, et al. (1993, p.
development but is also important to appreciate 50) states that local communities must organize
how community affects local tourism development. themselves at all levels to play a more effective
Local communities have a key role in tourism role in development, and interact with government
development as they are crucial in providing a good and role-players at all levels. They must be able to
environmental condition for tourists. Local identify potential tourism resources and attractions
communities are a basic element of modern tourism within their communities and support responsible
development. They are the focal point for the tourism and community development. They should
supply of accommodation, catering, information, be eager participants in tourism decision making
transport, facilities and services for tourism with respect to major tourism development for
development (Godfrey & Clarke, 2000). The term communities. Kepe (2004, p. 45) states that local
community can have a specific geographic meaning communities should play a proactive role to ensure
with a clearly defined spatial boundary and area positive benefits from tourism. Local communities
and also refers to groups of people with a common should work closely with Non-governmental
interest (Chapman & Kirk, 2001). According to Organizations (NGOs) to educate others in the
Bradshaw (2008, p. 6) Community as defined has community concerning tourism development
historically shared boundaries one’s geography of projects.
residence. For the purpose of this study,
community is defined as a group of individuals 2. Local communities
living or working within the same geographic area There is numerous definition of “community”.
with some shared cultures or common interests. In understanding the meaning of community
This geographical definition of community is development, the study needs first to be clear about
essential to understand how community the term of “community” itself. The definition of
development is linked to the ability of a community community is highly problematic and there are
to improve tourism development. many definitions (Tesoriero & Lfe, 2006). For most

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Journal of American Science 2010; 6(2)

tourism purposes, the concept of community often represents these two perspectives of community as
hinged upon a common location. However, it has a shift from Gemeinschaft towards that of
also been used to refer to groups that are not Gesellschaft. Gemeinschaft can be described in
geographically determined but share common three dimensions, through kinship, locality and
characteristics or interests. For the assessing the mind, and actions are considered in the context of
level of tourism development, a community can be some common purpose or goal. Gemeinschaft is
any existing or potential network of individuals, characterized by a strong identification with
groups and organizations that share or have the community, emotionalism, traditionalism and
potential to share common concerns, interest and holistic conceptions to other members of the
goals (Bush et al., 2002). According to Dalton et al. community (Ricketts & Phipps, 2008). When
(2001) notion of community tend to falls within reviewing research literature on community
two major classifications. One a territorial development and tourism development, it is
conception of community based on geographic necessary to understand the definition of
location and the other, relational conception of community as it was used in research. One must
community based on social network relationships. understand the concept of community in order to
Ivanovic (2009, p. 14) states that “Sociology use understand the purpose of community
two approaches in defining community. First, it development. Therefore, this section of the
regards community as a territorial concept, and literature review offers definitions of community
second, it regards community as a relational and discusses the needs for community
concept”. As a territorial concept, a community can development by illustrating the nature of problems
be defined and delineated on a map. A community in local communities. Hillery (1955) suggested that
has a name, borders, landmarks, types of people there were at least ninety four different definitions
and recognizable symbols. Community as a rational of community. He presented the general definitions
concept represents people who are tied together by of community: community consists of persons in
communication, friendship and association social and cultural interaction within geographic
(Ivanovic, 2009). The term community is most area and having one or more additional common
commonly defined as residents contained by ties. Mattessich & Monsey (2004, p. 56) defined
geographical boundaries, local zoning, or politics; community as a “people who live within a
the ethnicity of its residents or the resources or geographically defined area and who have social
industry established in the area (Chaskin et and psychological ties with each other and with the
al.,2001; Mancini et al., 2003). The local place where they live”. This definition was used in
community play a fundamental role in the lives of study for definition of community as the main
its members by promoting their physical, social, concept for tourism development. Fellin (2001)
psychological, and spiritual well-being (Mancini et also described local communities as social systems,
al., 2003). The operational definition of including families, groups, organizations. He noted
“community” (Chaskin et al.,2001) is a that community is a social unit based on a common
geographical area that assumes a commonality of place, interest, identification, or some combination
circumstances and identity among its people and of these characteristics. Dalton et al. (2001) also
contains functional units for the delivery of goods states community is a meaningful entity that
and services. In contrast, a “community” refers to a represents resources of empowerment (Dalton et
group of people who are associated in some way. al., 2001).
However the most common definition of According to Telfer & Shrpley (2008) there is a
community is based on geographic location wide range of perspectives that can be taken on
(Mahoney et al., 2007). local communities in the context of tourism
The origins of the modern notion of community are development. Local communities may be
generally traced back to the late 18th century. This considered as the main attractions to community
was a time of growing industrialization and skill and knowledge while for others the
urbanization. One of the most important writers on community is simply the setting where tourism
the topic was Ferdinand Tonnies, who summarized occurs. And for others still, a community may, in
this form of thought in 1887 in his book fact, stand in the way of other potential tourism
Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft. The term development. Local communities are increasingly
Gemeinschaft refers to a community that is being drawn into tourism not only from the demand
characterised by associations based on mutual aid side, as tourists actively seek out new destinations
and trust. Gesellschaft refers to society, and communities to experience, but also from the
characterized by associations based on individual supply side, as communities are becoming aware of
self-interest (Goodwin, 2003). Hence the historical the potential of the products they can offer to
discussion of community begins with Tonnies work tourists and the economic gains that can be made
on Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft (Ricketts & (Telfer & Sharpley, 2008, p. 115).
Phipps, 2008; Wood & Judikis, 2002). Tonnies
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viewed as the best way to build the capacity of

3. Community Development community residents to engage with each other and
The concept of community development is find solutions to issues that affect their community.
explored in terms of participation, empowerment Community development holds potential to build
and community capacity as they related to tourism community cohesion by facilitating a community’s
development (Singh, Timothy, & Dowling, 2003). capacity to engage connections between
Community development can be seen as building individuals, organizations and groups (Chaskin et
social capital for collective benefits. It uses skill al., 2001). Helping a community to build its
and knowledge and strategy in their practice capacity for development is a primary goal of
(Gilchrist, 2004). Community development aims to community development (Ife, 2002). Community
increase citizens’ participation in their community. development is a process that allows community
In community development, emphasis is placed on residents to come together to plan, generate
community as a social system, bounded by solutions and take action developing the evolution
geographical location or common interest (Talbot of social, economic, environmental and cultural
& Verrinder, 2005). Community development is aspects of community (Hackett, 2004).
linked to community capacity building through a Community development emphasizes the
shared focus of building capacity to a collective importance of participation as a means of
participatory force (Williams, 2004). According to strengthening local communities (Kuponiyi, 2008).
Frank & Smith (1999) community development is Increased community capacity building is a result
the planned evaluation of all aspects of community of successful community development (Hackett,
well-being. Community development is undertaken 2004). Hence, the process of tourism development
to strengthen or build community relationship and in local communities is the process of community
strengthen structures that have become fragmented development. Community development builds
(Yan, 2004). According to Gilchrist (2004) peoples’ skills for community issue. Hence it is
community development helps local community vital to the survival of local communities (Talbot &
residents to identify unmet needs. It seeks to build Verrinder, 2005). The figure (1) illustrates
capacity by improving skill and knowledge for components of community development in local
individuals and the community as a whole communities.
(Gilchrist, 2004). Community development is

Social Economic
  •Income from local
•People-centred development
•Social justice production
•Satisfying quality of life •Diversified local economy
•Active community •Self-reliance


•Formal and informal
•Community participation
•Development in response
•Local cultural passed on
to the community needs-
Environmental to the next generation
•Natural resource management rights •Cultural preservation
•Environmental responsibility
•Natural resource conservation

Figure 1. Five Aspects of Community Development. Adapted from Suansri (2004)


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4. Tourism and Community Development development. However, while there is appreciation

Tourism is increasingly seen as a key of tourism as a development tool, there is little
community tool, with the recognition of its understanding of tourism development in the
economic contribution in bolstering stagnating literature. In recent years as local communities
economies and its ability to unify local community have realized the developmental promise of
residents (Fennell, 2003). At community levels, tourism, there has been also a growth in research on
tourism offered opportunities for direct, indirect, tourism and its contribution to community
and induced employment and income, spurring development. Tourism holds promise for local
regional and local economic development (Aref, community development as illustrated in the
2010; Coccossis, 2004). According to Godfrey & studies, but how can tourism be developed? This
Clarke (2000) tourism development is an ongoing study attempted to answers this question through
process. It is no economic panacea, and is best community capacity building. Tourism has grown
suited as a supplement to a local community for as a topic of research in the field of community
achieving development (Godfrey & Clarke, 2000). development and community development
Bushell & Eagles (2007) says tourism plays a role researchers have increasingly investigated tourism
in facilitating community development through and its potential (Flora et al., 1992). However, there
business mentoring and educational opportunities is no research on how a certain community
that contribute to local communities in increasing developed tourism when it decided to become a
skill and knowledge in local communities and local tourist destination. Before tourism can be used as a
residents as well as improving the community’s developmental tool in a community, it has to be
economic level. The process of tourism developed. However, there is a little literature that
development is important as an important tool in explains the process development of tourism
community development. Hence many local through local communities. That gap in the tourism
communities have turned to tourism development research was apparent and the gap will be to be
to provide economic, social, cultural and overall attempted to be filled by this study. The following
development of the community. Allen, et al., figure shows the contribution of tourism in
(1993) suggested that tourism is increasingly being community development.
viewed as an important component community

•Raise funds for community Social
•Raise the quality of life
•Promote community pride
•Create jobs in tourism
•Divide roles fairly between
•Raise the income of local
women, men/ elderly, youth
•Build community management

•Enable the participation of
local people Cultural
•Increase the power of the •Encourage respect for
community different cultures
•Ensure rights in natural •Foster cultural exchange
resource management •Embed development in local
•Community is more culture
respected by “outsiders” Environmental
•Study the potential pollution of the area
•Manage waste disposal
•Raise awareness of the need for
Environmental education

Figure 2: Contribution of Tourism in Community. Adapted from Strasdas (2005) & Suansri (2004)

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5. Community Development for Tourism (Richards & Hall, 2000). Consequently, tourism
Development can positively promote a community to potential
The development of tourism in local investors and residents as well as visitors. This
communities is often an illustration of a community paper showed a brief conception of community and
taking advantage of resources within community, its involvement in the tourism development
which is an example of self-help approach to (Beeton, 2006). The main importance approaches
community development. The most prevalent that suggested in this study were self-help
approaches are: the self-help approaches to approaches for community development through
community development which is a strategy of tourism development. Hence, this study can be
community development in tourism development motivation for futures investigate in local
(Christenson, 1989). The technical assistance communities base tourism development.
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Corresponding author:
Dr Fariborz Aref

Date submission: 21/ 9/ 2009

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