Topic 1: Culture and Ethnic Groups in Malaysia
Topic 1: Culture and Ethnic Groups in Malaysia
Topic 1: Culture and Ethnic Groups in Malaysia
Sanskrit word buddhaya : budhi (sanskrit: active mind) + daya (malay: means
force, power and influence).
ii) The english term of culture: latin word, colere = designing or doing.
c) "culture or civilization, taken in its wide ethnographic sense, is that complex
whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society".
(edward b. Tylor, 1871)
d) "culture may be defined as the totality of the mental and physical reactions and
activities that characterize the behavior of individuals composing a social group
collectively and individually in relations to their natural environment, to other
groups, to members of the group itself and of each individual to himself. It also
rates includes the products of these activities and their role in the life of the
groups ".
(franz boas, 1911)
e) "culture is a set of intellectual and material equipment that can meet their
biological and social needs in keeping with the surrounding".
(mohd taib osman,1988)
Objective - something that has a tangible form, such as agricultural tools, art
works, houses, means of transportation, communication tools and so on.
(triandis, 1994)
g) "the way of life of people, including their attitudes, values, beliefs, arts, sciences,
modes of perception and habits of thoughts and activity".
(dictionary of philosophy,1996)
In short, culture is a way of life in any society which includes belief systems,
values, beliefs, art, tradition and civilization.
vii) Art
3. Characteristics of culture
a) Learned culture is not herited but can be learned.
b) Non-material
1. Definition of Ethnic
a) Greek word ethnos meaning people.
b) ethnicity =a group of people who practise the culture that almost uniformly cover
the customs, dress, language and economic activities.
c) Ethnicity = a concept which categorizes groups of people based on their living
system. (According to Shamsul (2007), in his book 'Ethnic Relations Module'
Marzudi Md Yunus, 2009).
2. Classification:
a) customs,
b) family patterns,
c) clothing,
d) aesthetics,
e) political orientation,
economic activity
g) entertainment.
Definition of Clusters
a) Smith (1945) : clusters as a unit consisting of a number of organisms having
collective perceptions about their union and have the ability to do and behave the
same way within their group.
b) Stogdill (1959) : the group is an open interaction system where the interaction
pattern is determined by the structure of a particular system.
c) Mills (1967) : group is a unit consisting of two or more individuals who work or
have contact to achieve a certain purpose and that considers cooperation
between groups as something meaningful.
d) Forsyth (1983): cluster is two or more individuals who influence each other
through social interaction.
Categories of
Functions of Clusters
Task based
Interest based
Friendship based
g) Marriage
h) Changes in social status
10. The indigenous people who are considered to be the original inhabitants of Malaysia
are the Malay, Dayak, Iban, Kadazan, Kadazan Dusun in Sabah and Sarawak.
11. The ethnic groups in Malaysia are the Malays, Chinese and Indians.
12. What do you think are the effects of the 13th May 1969 incident on the racial
relations in Malaysia? Discuss steps taken by teachers to avoid such incident.
Based on the discussion as regard to the ratio of the population according to race
and ethnic groups in Malaysia, it is clear that the population of Malaysia consists of
many ethnic groups of all faiths and cultures. Hence, Malaysia has a major responsibility
to unite the people of various ethnic groups. Such effort should be undertaken jointly by
all parties including the teachers. To achieve this effort, teachers need to understand
students and implement teaching and learning strategies which are appropriate to
student comprising of various cultures and ethnic groups in the class. Next, teacher
should always think of ways, not only to share knowledge on the subject matter with the
students, but also play significant role as a mediator to realize of the national agenda,
that is unity and social integration through the creation of culture-friendly teaching and