Module 2 Silvano
Module 2 Silvano
Module 2 Silvano
Masinloc Campus
5.Cite implications of 21st Century skills to educators and to pre-service teacher preparation.
6.Draw relevant life lessons and significant values from the personal experience in attaining
21st century skills.
7.Analyze research abstract on 21st century skills and its implications on the teaching learning
8.Craft a curriculum plan matrix imbued with 21st century learning outcomes.
Group Mapping Activity : This is a strategy where members of the class present their prior
knowledge on the topic 21st Century skill categories through group drawing /illustration.
2.Provide each group topic on 21st Century skill categories to brainstorm about.
3.The group will synthesize their consolidated ideas and present in a form of illustration or
drawing in a cartolina or manila paper using medium of their choice.
5.The class will find time for a brief reflection of the activity.
21st century skills refer to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work, habits, and character
traits that are deemed necessary in coping with today’s world and future career and
workplaces. Thus, it can be applied in all academic subject area and educational settings
throughout a student’s life.
The 21st century skills may include the following : (1) critical thinking, problem solving,
reasoning, analysis, interpretation, synthesizing information ; (2) research skills and practices,
interrogative questioning ; (3) creativity, curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal
expression ; (4) perseverance, self-direction, planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative; (5)
oral and written communication, public speaking and presenting, listening;(6) leadership, team
work, collaboration, cooperation, facility in using virtual workspaces ; (7) information and
communication technology (ICT) literacy, Media and internet literary, data interpretation and
analysis, computer programming ; civic, ethical, and social justice literary ; (9) economic and
financial literacy, entrepreneurialism; (10) global awareness, multicultural literacy,
humanitarianism; (11) scientific literacy and reasoning, the scientific method ; (12)
environmental and wellness literacy, ecosystem understanding ; and (13) health and wellness
literacy, including nutrition, diet, exercise, and public health and safety
According to the partnership for the 21st Century Skills, this concept encompasses a wide array
of a body to be categorized. Moreover, this concept has been interconnected with applied
skills, interdisciplinary skills, transferable skills, transversal skills, no cognitive skills and soft
The 21st century skills concept is grounded on the belief that students must be educated in a
more relevant, useful, in-demand and universally applicable manner. The idea simply lies in the
fact that students need to be taught different skills and reflect on the specific demands that will
be placed upon them in a complex, competitive, knowledge-based, information-age and
technology-driven society. Therefore, 21st century education addresses the whole child or the
whole person (AACTE, 2010)
The term “ 21st century skills “ refers to certain core Competencies, such as
collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking and problem solving that schools need to teach
the students for them to thrive in today’s world.
The partnership for 21st Century skills presents the following sets of skills that are categorized
accordingly with different strands of expected outcomes.
These are the primary skills orchestrated in the 21st Century. They are attributes that
differentiate students who are prepared for a complex life and work environment from those
who are not. Therefore, there is a need to stress on creativity, critical thinking, communication,
and collaboration in preparing learners for the future.
A.Critical Thinking and Problem solving. These may include effectively analyzing and evaluating
evidence, arguments, claims and beliefs ; and solving different kinds of non-familiar problems in
both conventional and innovative ways.
People in the 21st century live in a technology and media saturated environment
marked by the following : (1)access to an abundance of information ; (2) rapid changes in
technology tools; and (3) the ability to collaborate and make individual contributions on an
unprecedented scale.
Therefore, to be effective in the 21st century, everyone must be able to exhibit a range
of functional and critical thinking skills related to information, media and technology (AACTE,
B. Media Literacy. It underscores understanding both how and why media messages are
constructed; creating media products by understanding and utilizing the most appropriate
media creation tools, characteristics and conventions.
D. Life and Career Skills. Today's life and work environment both require more than
thinking skills and Content Knowledge. Cultivating the ability to navigate the complex life
requires students to develop the following life and career skills : (1) flexibility and adaptability ;
(2) initiative and self-direction ; (3) social and Cross-cultural Skills ; (4) productivity and
accountability ; responsibility (AACTTA, 2010).
1. Manage goals and time Set goals, with tangible and intangible
success criteria
Balance tactical (short-term) and
strategic (long-term) goals
Utilize time and manage workload
1.2 Build understanding across and among core subjects, as well as 21st Century
interdisciplinary themes.
1.4 Engage students with the real-world data, tools and experts they will encounter in
college, on the job, and in life; students learn best when actively engaged in solving the
meaningful problems.
2.1 Supports a balance of assessments, including high quality standardized testing along with
effective formative and summative classroom assessments.
2.2 Emphasizes useful feedback on student performance that is embedded into everyday
2.4 Enables development of portions of student work that demonstrate mastery of 21st
Century skills to educators and prospective employers.
2.5 Enables a balanced portfolio of measures to assess the educational systems effectiveness
in reaching higher levels of student Competency in 21st century skills ( AACTE, 2010).
3.1 Teaches 21st Century skills discretely in the context of core subjects and 21st Century
interdisciplinary themes.
3.2 Focuses on providing opportunities for applying 21st century skills across content areas
and for a Competency based approach to learning
3.3 Enables innovative learning that integrate the use of supportive technologies, inquiry and
problem- based approaches and higher-order thinking skills.
3. 4 Encourages the integration of community resources beyond school walls (AACTE, 2010)
4.1 Highlights ways teachers can seize opportunities for integrating 21st century skills, tools
and teaching strategies into their classroom practice and help them identify what activities
they can be replace/de-emphasize.
4.3 Illustrates how a deeper understanding of subject matter can enhance problem solving,
critical thinking, and other 21 Century skills.
4.4 Enables 21st century professionals learning communities for teachers that model the
kinds of classroom learning that best promotes 21st Century skills to students.
4.5 Cultivates teachers ability to identify students particular learning styles, intelligences,
strengths and weaknesses.
4.6 Helps teachers to develop their abilities to use various strategies ( such as formative
assessments) to reach diverse students and create environments that support differentiated
teaching and learning.
4.8 Encourages knowledge sharing among communities of practitioners using face to face,
virtual and blended communications.
4.9 Uses a scalable and sustainable model of professional development (AACTE, 2010)
5.1 Create learning practices, human support and physical environments that will support the
teaching and learning of 21st Century skills outcomes.
5.2 Support professional learning communities that enable educators to collaborate, share
best practices and integrate 21st Century skills into classroom practice.
5.3 Enable students to learn in relevant, real world 21st century contexts ( e.g., through
project-based or other applied work).
5.4 Allow equitable access to quality learning tools, technologies and resources.
5.5 Provide 21st century architectural and interior designs for group, team and individual
5.6 Support expanded community and international involvement in learning, both face to
face and online (AACTE, 2010).
Implications to Educators
The advent of 21st Century skill enhancement among learners bring the following
implications to educators in :
Learning environment. The learning environment within the teacher preparation program
is a key component of any systemic reform initiative. Determining the enabling structures,
policies and strategies that can best support 21st Century skills acquisition among pre-
service teachers is a step towards creating a kind of environment that will promote 21st
Century learning.
The following are initiatives in creating 21st Century teacher education learning
environment : (1) Establish a 21st Century vision for learning environments in the
program and the university ; (2) Ensure that the physical infrastructure supports 21st
Century knowledge and skills ; (3) Practice flexibility in time for project-based work and
competency-based assessment ; (4) Ensure technical infrastructure that sufficiently
supports learning ; and (5) Strengthen networking engagement in the learning
Direction: Analyze the following research abstract and cite its implication to teaching-
learning. You may download the full paper of this research on the website given below.
Weeks (2019)