Guaranteed Income Plan
Guaranteed Income Plan
Guaranteed Income Plan
To help you ensure that none of your goals are compromised, we present you ‘Canara HSBC Oriental
Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Guaranteed Income Plan’ that offers guaranteed benefits so
that you can fulfil your dreams uninterrupted.
These options are explained in the “What are the key benefits of the plan?” section. The plan option can
only be chosen at policy inception. The Guaranteed Sum Assured at Maturity under various options will
vary for the same premium paid.
• Provides life cover for the entire term while you pay premium only for a limited period/one time.
• Payouts For Child`s Education – Guaranteed Annual Cashback payouts aligned closely to your child’s
educational milestones under Guaranteed Cashback Option (Plan Option 1) & Guaranteed Cashback
with Premium Protection Option (Plan Option 2).
• Guaranteed Annual Income payable at the end of every year after the premium payment term till
maturity (under Guaranteed Income Advantage Option {Plan Option 3}).
• Guaranteed Maturity Benefit: Guaranteed benefits payable on maturity, provided all due premiums
have been paid.
• Better Value For Higher Premium – High Premium Booster to ensure that you get extra benefit for
making a higher premium commitment.
• Flexibility to choose a payment term suitable for you - Choice of premium payment terms which can
closely align to your premium payment capacity and horizon.
• Customize your savings horizon to your important financial goals - Multiple policy term options to help
you select the best suited policy term which is closely aligned to your financial goals.
• You may be entitled for Tax Benefits# under Section 80C and Section 10(10D), as per the Income Tax
Act, 1961 as amended from time to time.For tax related queries, contact your independent tax advisor.
You can customize the policy to suit your financial goals and requirements in just 3 simple steps:
Step 1. Choose your plan option:
i. If your goal is to get protection during the policy term, liquidity in last 4 years and lump-sum on
maturity, we recommend you to opt for either ‘Guaranteed Cashback with Premium Protection Option
(Plan Option 2) or Guaranteed Cashback Option’ (Plan Option 1) as per your requirement.
ii. If your goal is to get protection during the policy term and Guaranteed Annual Income after the
completion of premium payment term, we recommend you to opt for ‘Guaranteed Income Advantage
Option’ (Plan Option 3).
iii. If your goal is to receive lump-sum payout on maturity on payment of Single Premium, we recommend
you to opt for ‘Guaranteed Single Pay Advantage Option (Plan Option 4)'.
Step 2: Choose your premium:
Choose your premium amount. You can check the guaranteed amount available at policy maturity and
the guaranteed survival benefits that you will be receiving during the policy term to ensure that your
financial needs are met.
Step 3: Choose your premium payment term, premium payment mode and policy term:
Choose how long you would like to pay premium, at what frequency and your policy term, to align with
your payment preference, savings horizon and future goals.
The Sum Assured in this plan will be determined basis your age and the options chosen above. If your
Annualised Premium is eligible for High Premium Booster, the Sum Assured/ Guaranteed Annual Income
will be enhanced by the High Premium Booster %. (refer section “What are the other benefits in this
Age (years)
Plan options
30 35 40 45 50
1. Guaranteed
CashbackOp- Rs. 8,49,595 Rs. 8,48,873 Rs. 8,47,685 Rs. 8,15,529 Rs. 7,60,395
2. Guaranteed
Cashback with
Rs. 8,26,995 Rs. 8,01,920 Rs. 7,67,255 Rs. 6,95,837 Rs. 5,90,454
Premium Pro-
tection Option
Income Ad- Rs. 2,85,440 Rs. 2,80,940 Rs. 2,57,840 Rs. 2,13,540 Rs. 1,30,490
4. Guaranteed
Single Pay Rs. 1,38,611 Rs. 1,33,340 Rs. 1,22,042 NA NA
Parameters Description
0 years 60 years
Cashback Option
2. Guaranteed
Cashback with
18 years 55 years
Premium Protection
Entry Age1 Option
Age as on
3. Guaranteed
Last Birth- Income Advantage 0 years 60 years
day Option
18 years 75 years
Cashback Option
2. Guaranteed
Cashback with
28 years 75 years
Premium Protection
Maturity Age
Age as on Last 3. Guaranteed
Birthday Income Advantage 18 years 75 years
Availability of Policy Term will be subject to maturity age being within 18 years to 75 years (both
Single pay, Annual, Half-Yearly, Quarterly & Monthly modes are available
For example, multiply the annual premium with 0.09 to determine the monthly installment premium
The Policyholder can choose to change the Mode of Premium Payment subject to application of modal
The benefits under the plan vary as per the plan option chosen.
The definitions below will help you understand better, the benefits of the plan:
1. Sum Assured on Death* is the amount which is higher of:-
a. 11 times the Annualised Premium, or
b. 105% of all Total Premiums Paid as on date of death, or
c. Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity, which is equal to Sum Assured, or
d. Absolute amount assured to be paid on death, which is also equal to Sum Assured
*The above Sum Assured on Death definition is applicable for Guaranteed Cashback Option (Plan Option
1), Guaranteed Cashback with Premium Protection Option (Plan Option 2) and Guaranteed Income
Advantage Option (Plan Option 3).
2. Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity is equal to Sum Assured. Sum Assured will be equal to basic
sum assured plus the applicable boosters, if any.
3. i. For Death Cover Option A under Guaranteed Single Pay Advantage Option (Plan Option 4)
Sum Assured on Death is the amount which is higher of:-
a. 10 times the Single Premium, or
b. Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity, which is equal to Sum Assured, or
c. Absolute amount assured to be paid on death, which is also equal to Sum Assured
ii. For Death Cover Option B under Guaranteed Single Pay Advantage Option (Plan Option 4)
4. Paid-up
Sum Assured on Death is defined as Sum Assured on Death multiplied by (Number of
premiums paid divided by Total number of premiums payable during the Policy Term).
5. Paid-up Sum Assured on Maturity is defined as Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity multiplied
by (Number of premiums paid divided by Total number of premiums payable during the Policy Term).
8. Annualised
Premium is the premium payable in a year chosen by you, excluding the taxes, rider
premium, underwriting extra premiums and loadings for modal premiums, if any.
9. Total Premiums Paid means total of all the premiums received, excluding any rider premium and
10. Single Premium is the premium payment made by you in lump sum at the inception of the policy,
excluding the taxes, rider premium, underwriting extra premiums, if any.
Guaranteed Cashback Option (Plan Option 1) & Guaranteed Cashback with Premium
Protection Option (Plan Option 2)
You will receive the Guaranteed Annual Cashback at the end of each of the
last 4 policy years before the maturity year provided that all due premiums
are paid.
On payment of above benefits, your policy will terminate and no further benefit
will be payable
On payment of above benefits, the policy will terminate and no further benefit
will be payable.
The survival benefit (Guaranteed Annual Cashback) already paid will not be
deducted from the benefit payable on death.
You will receive the Guaranteed Annual Income at the end of each of the
Survival Benefit
policy years after the completion of premium payment term till Maturity
On survival till the end of policy term (provided that all due premiums are
paid), you will receive Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity
Maturity Benefit On payment of above benefits, your policy will terminate and no further
benefit will be payable
In case of the Life Assured’s unfortunate death during the policy term,
provided the policy is in-force, the death benefit payable to your
Nominee/ Legal Heir as the case may be will be Sum Assured on Death.
Death Benefit On payment of above benefit, the policy will terminate and no further
benefit will be payable.
The survival benefit (Guaranteed Annual Income) already paid will not be
deducted from the benefit payable on death.
Guaranteed Single Pay Advantage (Plan Option 4)
In case of the Life Assured’s unfortunate death during the policy term, provided
the policy is in-force, the death benefit payable to your Nominee/ Legal Heir as
Death Benefit the case may be will be Sum Assured on Death.
On payment of above benefit, the policy will terminate and no further benefit
will be payable.
1. Guaranteed Yearly Additions (GYAs): The below GYAs are applicable for Guaranteed Cashback
Option (Plan Option 1) & Guaranteed Cashback with Premium Protection Option (Plan Option 2). The
GYAs are not available under Guaranteed Income Advantage (Plan Option 3) and Guaranteed Single Pay
Advantage options (Plan Option 4). The plan offers Guaranteed Yearly Additions which will be added at
the end of each policy year only during the premium payment term, provided all premiums due till that
policy year have been paid. Guaranteed Yearly Addition will not be added for rest of the policy term.
Guaranteed Yearly Addition will be calculated as a percentage of cumulative Annualised Premium(s) paid.
The GYAs added to the policy will be paid out at maturity or on death, whichever is earlier. The rate of
such GYAs is based on the premium payment term and plan option opted by you:
Premium Payment Term Guaranteed Yearly Additions as % of Cumulative Annualised Premium (s)
5 8%
7 10%
10 12%
2. Guaranteed Loyalty Addition (GLA): The below GLAs are applicable for Guaranteed Cashback Option
(Plan Option 1), Guaranteed Cashback with Premium Protection Option (Plan Option 2) & Guaranteed
Single Pay Advantage (Plan Option 4). The GLAs are not available for Guaranteed Income Advantage
Option (Plan Option 3). The plan offers a Guaranteed Loyalty Addition, which is an amount added to your
policy at the end of the policy term, if all due premiums have been paid. Guaranteed Loyalty Addition will
be calculated as a percentage of Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity, and will be paid out at maturity.
The rate of such Guaranteed Loyalty Addition is based on the premium payment term and plan option
opted by you:
Premium Payment Term Guaranteed Loyalty Additions as % of Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity
5 10%
7 14%
10 20%
Singe pay 8%
3. Guaranteed Annual Income: The plan offers Guaranteed Annual Income under Guaranteed Income
Advantage Option upon survival to the end of each policy year post the completion of the premium
payment term till the end of the Policy Term. Guaranteed Annual Income will be calculated as percentage
of One Annualised Premium and these Guaranteed Annual Income vary by the premium payment term
and the policy term chosen as detailed below:
Mr. Sharma is a 35 year old salaried employee. Mrs. Sharma, 32 is a homemaker. Recently they were
blessed with a beautiful daughter Aisha who is 3 months old. Mr. Sharma wishes that his daughter
receives quality education and becomes a successful and independent career woman. He wants to
save this money while he is at the peak of his earning capacity and wants to ensure a regular stream
of income starting with his daughter’s college going years. Mr. Sharma therefore takes a wise decision
to save through Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Guaranteed Income Plan by
opting for Guaranteed Cashback with Premium Protection Option.
• To
fulfill this requirement, Mr. Sharma estimates that he requires a guaranteed amount of
approximately Rs. 16,00,000 when his daughter turns 20.
• To fulfill future education milestone, Mr. Sharma estimates that he requires a guaranteed benefit of
at least Rs.1,20,000 at the end of every year for four years when Aisha turns 16
• Therefore he opts for a policy term of 20 years and makes a commitment to pay Rs 1,00,000 at the
end of every year (before applicable Goods and Services Tax & applicable cess (es)/ levy, if any) for
a period of 10 years.
Below are two scenarios illustrating benefits which will be payable under each of them
Scenario 1: Survival & Maturity Benefit
Sharma will get a guaranteed Annual Cashback of Rs. 1,20,288 at the end of every policy year
• Mr.
in last four policy years before the maturity year (subject to all premiums being paid as and when
due) which is from end of policy year 16 till policy year 19.
• On
maturity, Mr. Sharma will receive Maturity amount of Rs.16,22,303 which comprises of Guaranteed
Sum Assured on Maturity (Rs.8,01,920), Accrued Guaranteed Yearly Additions (Rs.6,60,000) &
Guaranteed Loyalty Addition (Rs.1,60,384)
Mr Gupta, aged 35 years is a business analyst who has recently joined an MNC. He is planning to buy a
limited pay guaranteed insurance plan; besides this he also wants guaranteed income at regular interval
along with tax benefits. To fulfill these needs,he opts for Guaranteed Income Advantage option (Plan
Option 3) under Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Guaranteed Income Plan.
• To fulfill this requirement, Mr. Gupta estimates that he requires a Guaranteed Annual Income of
approximately Rs. 1,50,000 once he stops paying the premium.
Therefore he opts for a policy term of 20 years and makes a commitment to pay Rs. 1,00,000 at the end
of every policy year (before applicable Goods and Services Tax & applicable cess (es)/levy, if any) for a
period of 10 years.
Below are two scenarios illustrating benefits which will be payable under each of them.
• Mr. Gupta will receive a Guaranteed Annual Income of Rs. 1,54,000 at the end of every policy year for
10 years after the completion premium payment term i.e. starting at the end of 11th Policy year.
• On maturity, Mr. Gupta will receive Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity (Rs. 2,80,940) as lump-sum.
Your policy will acquire a Paid-up status at the expiry of the grace period T&C 11 from the due date of first
unpaid premium provided first 2 consecutive policy years’ full premiums have been paid. Once the policy
is in Paid-up status and provided the policy is not surrendered or revived, the benefits payable are as
Guaranteed Cashback Option (Plan Option 1) & Guaranteed Cashback with Premium
Protection Option (Plan Option 2)
You will receive the Guaranteed Annual Cashback equal to 15% of Paid-up Sum
Reduced Survival Benefit Assured on Maturity at the end of each of the last 4 policy years before the
maturity year.
On survival till maturity, the following reduced benefits will be payable:
a) Paid-up Sum Assured on Maturity, plus
b) Cumulative Guaranteed Yearly Addition(s) added till the policy acquired Paid-
Reduced Maturity Benefit up status ,plus
c) Paid-up Guaranteed Loyalty Addition
Reduced Maturity Benefit On payment of above benefits, your policy will terminate and no further benefit
will be payable.
In case of the Life Assured’s unfortunate death during the policy term, the
following reduced benefits will be payable:
a) Paid–up Sum Assured on Death
Reduced Death Benefit On payment of above benefit, the policy will terminate and no further benefit will
be payable.
The reduced survival benefit (Paid-up Guaranteed Annual Income) already paid
will not be deducted from the benefit payable on death.
Please note Paid-up is not applicable for Guaranteed Single Pay Advantage option (Plan Option 4).
This is a traditional non-par life insurance plan intended for long term savings and protection to meet
your financial goals. We strongly advise that the policy should be continued throughout the defined policy
term to realize the full policy benefits. Early surrender should not be opted for unless there is no other
alternative available, as it will impact the policy value and intended goals may not be realized.
On surrender of the policy, the Surrender Value payable will be higher of {Guaranteed Surrender Value
(GSV) or Special Surrender Value (SSV)}. However, the policy acquires a GSV or SSV only after payment
of at least first 2 consecutive policy years’ premiums and from the first year for Single Premium policy.
SSV will be determined by the Company and may vary from time to time, with prior approval of the
The GSV (subject to minimum of zero) is determined based on a defined % of Total Premiums Paid
(excluding any underwriting extra premium, if any) and a defined % of cumulative Guaranteed Yearly
Addition(s) added, and reduced to the extent of survival benefit already paid out for an in-force or Paid-
up policy as applicable. For the details on GSV factors (percentages) applicable, please refer to the
sample policy contract of this plan available on the Company’s website.
Loan Facility3
To meet any contingent need, you may avail the loan facility in this plan, once the policy acquires a
Surrender Value.
The minimum loan amount that can be availed is Rs. 20,000 and the maximum is 80% of prevailing
Surrender Value at the time of availing the loan. Loan will be available for an in-force policy only.
The Company undertakes the review of the interest rate for Policy loans on 31st December every year with
any changes resulting from the review being effective from the 1st of April of the following year.
The applicable loan interest rate for the financial year 2018-19 is 8.60% per annum.
The loan facility is available before beginning of the guaranteed annual cashback under Plan Options
Guaranteed Cashback and Guaranteed Cashback with Premium Protection or Guaranteed Annual
Income under Plan Option Guaranteed Income Advantage (Plan Option 3). Loan facility is not available
once the policy becomes Paid-up.
Tax Benefit4
You may be entitled for tax benefits under Section 80C and Section 10(10D), as per the Income Tax Act,
1961 as amended from time to time. For tax related queries, contact your independent tax advisor.
Let’s understand the benefits of this plan in greater detail for Mr. Mishra, a customer who is aged 35
years, has taken the Guaranteed Income Advantage option (Plan Option 3), for a policy term of 20 years
with limited premium payment of 10 years on annual mode. He has decided to save Rs.1,00,000 p.a. in
the plan.
Guaranteed Benefits
*Annualised Premium mentioned above excludes applicable taxes and cess (es) as well as excludes
underwriting extra premium, rider premium and loadings for modal premiums, if any.
The Sum Assured on Death shown above in the guaranteed benefits section is higher of:
a. 11 times the Annualised Premium, or
b. 105% of Total Premiums Paid as on date of death, or
c. Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity, which is equal to Sum Assured, or
d. Absolute amount assured to be paid on death, which is also equal to Sum Assured
The Death Benefit payable on death of Life Assured is - Sum Assured on Death.
The minimum guaranteed amount payable on surrender shown above is the amount payable at the end
of the policy year, before the payment of any survival benefit.
Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938 (as amended from time to time):
(1) No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to
take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in
India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on
the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate,
except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the
(2) Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty
which may extend to ten lakh rupees.
Section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time will be applicable. For
provisions of this Section, please contact the Insurance Company or refer to the sample policy
contract of this product on our website
Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company Limited is a company formed jointly
by three leading financial organizations - Canara Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce and HSBC Insurance
(Asia Pacific) Holdings Limited.
The shareholding pattern of the Joint Venture is – Canara Bank: 51%, HSBC Insurance (Asia Pacific)
Holdings Limited: 26% and Oriental Bank of Commerce: 23%.
Our aim is to provide you with a transparent range of life insurance products backed by excellent
customer service and thereby, making your life simpler.
Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Guaranteed Income Plan is an Individual Non-
Linked Non-Par Life Insurance Savings cum Protection Plan.
Trade Logo of Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company Limited is used
under license with Canara Bank, HSBC Group Management Services Limited and Oriental Bank of
Commerce. This product brochure gives only the salient features of the plan and it is indicative of terms and
conditions. This brochure should be read in conjunction with the benefit illustration and the Terms &
Conditions for this plan as provided in sample policy contract available on our website.
Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce
Life Insurance Company Limited (IRDAI Regn. No.136)
Registered Office:
Unit No. 208, 2nd Floor, Kanchenjunga Building,
18 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi - 110001
Corporate Office:
2nd Floor, Orchid Business Park, Sector-48, Sohna Road,
Gurugram -122018, Haryana, India
Corporate Identity No.: U66010DL2007PLC248825
Call: 1800-103-0003/1800-180-0003(BSNL/MTNL),
Missed Call: 0124-6156600, SMS: 9779030003