Umang Demo
Umang Demo
Umang Demo
- 845)
Mr. Abc
(age 45 years)
Term 55 years
ü Exclusive Plan for Saving and Retirement Planning. First Year 2,96,567 13,346 3,09,913
Presented by
MILIND WALAWALKAR This illustration contains guaranteed and non-guaranteed benefits.The
LIFE PLUS OFFICE - Creative Solutions purpose of this illustration is solely to help you understand the projected
107, Gautam Udyog Bhavan, L.B.S. Marg, benefits that may be possible in future. The presenter in no manner is
Behind DENA BANK, Bhandup (W) 400 078. promising or giving a guarantee about such projected benefits.The actual
Off - 2595 5115, 25955335. M - 9820125373. benefits will depend upon the future performance of L.I.C. Of India with
Email - - respect to this product.
LIFE PLUS OFFICE - Creative Solutions
Jeevan Umang Plan Presentation for Mr. Abc (age 45 years) Ref. No. Rrs0712
LIFE PLUS OFFICE - Creative Solutions
Jeevan Umang Plan Presentation for Mr. Abc (age 45 years) Ref. No. Rrs0712
Jeevan Umang Plan Presentation for Mr. Abc (age 45 years) Ref. No. Rrs0712
Jeevan Umang Plan Presentation for Mr. Abc (age 45 years) Ref. No. Rrs0712
The table below illustrates the “What if” scenario where you can visualize how Jeevan Umang Policy will work in
case you are not able to pay the premiums after 10 yearly instalments.
Policy Risk Cover Tax Net Returns From Cash Loan
Year Age (Natural Death) Premium Saved Premium LIC Net Cash Flow Value Available
1 46 39,82,400 3,09,913
- 30,000 2,79,913 0 -3,09,913 0 0
2 47 41,64,800 3,03,239
- 30,000 2,73,239 0 -3,03,239 0 0
3 48 43,47,200 3,03,239
- 30,000 2,73,239 0 -3,03,239 2,83,252 2,54,927
4 49 45,29,600 3,03,239
- 30,000 2,73,239 0 -3,03,239 7,00,311 6,30,280
5 50 47,12,000 3,03,239
- 30,000 2,73,239 0 -3,03,239 9,43,798 8,49,418
6 51 48,94,400 3,03,239
- 30,000 2,73,239 0 -3,03,239 12,21,186 10,99,067
7 52 50,76,800 3,03,239
- 30,000 2,73,239 0 -3,03,239 15,12,256 13,61,030
8 53 52,59,200 3,03,239
- 30,000 2,73,239 0 -3,03,239 18,40,189 16,56,170
9 54 54,41,600 3,03,239
- 30,000 2,73,239 0 -3,03,239 22,12,567 19,91,310
10 55 56,24,000 3,03,239
- 30,000 2,73,239 0 -3,03,239 26,36,622 23,72,960
11 56 43,57,333 0 0 0 0 0 28,38,803 25,54,923
12 57 43,57,333 0 0 0 0 0 30,91,528 27,82,375
13 58 43,57,333 0 0 0 0 0 32,92,837 29,63,553
14 59 43,57,333 0 0 0 0 0 34,36,193 30,92,574
15 60 43,57,333 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 35,97,850 32,38,065
16 61 44,81,466 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 40,39,653 10,13,333
17 62 45,54,933 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 41,07,040 10,13,333
18 63 46,28,400 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 41,74,427 10,13,333
19 64 47,27,200 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 42,67,147 10,13,333
20 65 48,38,666 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 43,72,533 10,13,333
21 66 49,75,466 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 45,03,253 10,13,333
22 67 51,62,933 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 46,84,640 10,13,333
23 68 54,77,066 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 49,92,693 10,13,333
24 69 57,91,200 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 53,00,747 10,13,333
25 70 61,05,333 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 56,08,800 10,13,333
26 71 64,19,466 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 59,16,853 10,13,333
27 72 67,84,266 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 62,75,573 10,13,333
28 73 71,49,066 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 66,34,293 10,13,333
29 74 75,13,866 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 69,93,013 10,13,333
30 75 80,56,000 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 75,29,066 10,13,333
31 76 86,23,466 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 80,90,453 10,13,333
32 77 93,17,600 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 87,78,506 10,13,333
33 78 1,00,11,733 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 94,66,560 10,13,333
34 79 1,07,05,866 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 1,01,54,613 10,13,333
35 80 1,13,99,999 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 1,08,42,666 10,13,333
36 81 1,20,94,133 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 1,15,30,720 10,13,333
37 82 1,27,88,266 0 0 0 2,02,666 2,02,666 1,22,18,773 10,13,333
LIFE PLUS OFFICE - Creative Solutions
Jeevan Umang Plan Presentation for Mr. Abc (age 45 years) Ref. No. Rrs0712
K e y A s s u mp t i o n s
Terminal Bonus: Last declared terminal bonus of their respective matching discontinued plans has also been considered.
Age and Returns shown are at the end of the specific year.
LIFE PLUS OFFICE - Creative Solutions
Jeevan Umang Plan Presentation for Mr. Abc (age 45 years) Ref. No. Rrs0712
From the table below you will get the brief idea about the benefits you will get, if you pay for different Limited Payment options.
Pay Upto Year Survival Benefit Applicable Max Riskcover Max Cashvalue