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K Patent Rubber Gloves Manufacturing Process

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Typical end products
Gloves made of natural or synthetic rubber for different uses in the Rubber gloves are for different tasks in several
healthcare, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive finishing and industries, ranging from healthcare to food processing
oil and gas industries.
and services, automotive to construction and chemical
Chemical curve: R.I. vs. Latex % b.w. at Ref. Temp. of 20˚C industries.


Natural rubber gloves

Natural rubber gloves are manufactured by a dipping

technology, where ceramic or metal formers that
mimic the shape of a hand are dipped in liquid latex,
and then dried. This process has many variations, and
production is done in batches or continuously.

The manufacturing process starts with cleaning the

formers to remove any residual particle or dirt that
Introduction could cause defects in the final glove product, and
to ensure latex adhesion to the formers during latex
Rubber gloves are used for protecting skin against dipping. In cleaning, the formers are sunk in acid
physical and chemical injuries as well as against and alkali baths and are brushed mechanically for
infection by viruses and bacteria. Rubber gloves can thorough cleaning. After that, the formers are rinsed
be made from natural rubber (latex) or from synthetic with clean water.
rubber such as nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) and
chloroprene rubber (CR). Next, the formers are dipped in a coagulation tank
containing a solution of calcium nitrate or calcium
carbonate. The coagulant is applied to enhance

Other Industries | Elastomer and Polymer Products


polymer flocculation and to ensure the latex is of nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), the two monomers
distributed equally on the surface of the formers. are butadiene and acrylonitrile. Synthetic rubber is
The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) concentration of manufactured by emulsion polymerization or polymer
the coagulation bath is maintained at its optimal level emulsification by means of mechanical shearing.
to prevent sedimentation of ingredients, as it could
cause weight variation or weak spots on the gloves. Once the synthetic materials are available, they go
to the factory for production. The required processes
After mild drying, the formers are dipped into the latex are relatively the same to those in latex rubber gloves
dipping tank. This tank contains compounded mature manufacturing, but the dipping line requires different
latex that has been prepared by mixing latex with operating parameters.
various compounding chemicals. The concentration of
latex is carefully monitored and controlled as it has a Instrumentation and installation
crucial effect on the final quality, durability and product
specification. The concentration of latex for dipping The K-Patents Process Refractometer PR-43-G
should be kept between 10 and 60 %. is installed at different stages of the rubber gloves
line to measure the concentration of dipping baths
A leaching process follows, where the formers are solutions. The refractometer provides continuous
dipped into hot water to dissolve proteins, water- TDS concentration measurement to ensure operation
soluble residues and other chemicals from previous within the specifications and to guarantee high-
steps. Proper leaching of the gloves improves the quality rubber gloves. The in-line measurement by the
strength of the latex film but not without replenishment refractometer eliminates the need for sampling and
of water to prevent build-up of extracted chemicals. long laboratory tests, providing immediate data for
real-time process control.
The next step is vulcanization. In this step, the
material is heated at a high temperature to allow the The K-Patents refractometer can be installed directly
compounding chemicals to form a cross-link with the on a pipe or tank. At the compounding latex, polymer
polymer molecules. Cross-linking gives strength and and coagulant preparation steps, the refractometer
elasticity to the physical properties of the rubber. monitors the desired TDS concentration is consistently
used and provides important information to keep it to
After vulcanization, the surface of the gloves might be the pre-determined level. The measurement is also
treated to facilitate release from the hand former, to useful for monitoring the concentration of different
prevent gloves adhering to one another, and to ensure baths and for adjusting it only when needed, reducing
the gloves fit smoothly. For instance, the gloves may the consumption of raw materials and minimizing
be dipped in a polymer coating solution for easier operating costs.
donning and to ensure the inner part of the glove is
smoother and not sticky. Typical polymer coatings are If the factory operates from synthetic rubber made
aqueous dispersions of acrylic or polyurethane. The at the same facilities, the K-Patents refractometer
polymers are diluted and maintained at the required can also be used in the polymerization vessel. The
concentration (up to 20 %) to ensure high quality of refractive index measurement provided by the
the glove product. refractometer helps to follow in real-time the progress
of the reaction and to determine the degree of
The last part of the manufacturing process is the polymerization. The refractometer can be installed
stripping phase where the gloves are removed from in-line in the bypass line of the reactor or directly at
the formers. The gloves are tested for quality and the bottom of the vessel through the steam jacket,
packed for delivery to the customers. eliminating the need for sampling and off-line testing
(see also Application Note Control of Polymerization
Synthetic rubber gloves and Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Production process).

The manufacturing process for synthetic rubber Automatic prism wash with high pressure water is
gloves is similar to latex production besides that they required in this application for concentrations above
are manufactured from synthetic materials such as 40 % by weight or when flow velocity is below 1.5 m/s.
nitrile, vinyl and synthetic polyisoprene. Hazardous and intrinsic safety approvals are available
also when required.
The main difference is that in this process the synthetic
material needs to be created first. The rubber raw The reliable in-line measurement by the K-Patents
material used is commonly a copolymer, a plastic refractometer helps rubber glove manufacturers to
material produced by the copolymerization of two or improve product quality, enhance productivity and
more different molecules or monomers. In the case reduce production costs.

Other Industries | Elastomer and Polymer Products


Instrumentation Description
K-Patents Process Refractometer PR-43-GP is a general industrial refractometer for pipes and
vessel installations. The PR-43-GP can be installed with 2, 3 and 4 inch flange and 3 inch Sandvik
L coupling process connections and a variety of flow cells for pipe sizes of 1 inch and larger.

User Interface Selectable multichannel MI, compact CI or a web-based WI user interface options allow the
user to select the most preferred way to access and use the refractometer measurement and
diagnostics data.

Automatic Prism Prism wash with high pressure water: The components of a high-pressure water system are a
Wash sensor with integral water nozzle mounted at the sensor head, a high pressure pump together with
a power relay unit and an indicating transmitter equipped with relays.

Measurement range Refractive Index (nD) 1.3200 – 1.5300, corresponding to 0-100 % by weight.

Other Industries | Elastomer and Polymer Products

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