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Iso 1940-2-1997

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INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 1940-2 First edition 1997-06-15, Mechanical vibration — Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors — Part 2: Balance errors Vibrations mécaniques — Exigences en matiére de qualité dans I'équilibrage des rotors rigides — Partie 2: Défauts d'équilibrage Reference number Iso 1940-2:19971€) ISO 1940-2:1997(E) Foreword 1SO (the International Organization for Standardization) is @ worldwide fed- eration of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee, International organizations, governmental ‘and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are Circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting avote. International Standard ISO 1940-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 108, Mechanical vibration and shock, Subcommittee SC 1, Balancing, including balancing machines. 1S0 1940 consists of the following parts, under the general title ‘Mechanical vibration — Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors: — Part 1: Determination of permissible residual unbalance — Part 2: Balance errors Annexes A to C of this part of ISO 1940 are for information only. © 1801997 Al rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced of utilized in any form or by sny means, electronic oF mechanical, including ‘photocopying and microfirn, without permission in writing from the publisher. International Organization for Standardization Case postale 88 » CH-1211 Genéve 20 « Switzerland Imemet —centraiaiso.ch x400 -400net; p=is0; o=isors; Printed in Switzernd central e1so ISO 1940-2:1997(E) Introduction The balance quality of a rigid rotor is assessed during the balancing ‘operation in accordance with ISO 1940-1 by the measurement of residual unbalance. This measurement may contain errors which originate from a number of sources. It is therefore necessary to consider the errors, involved. Where experience has shown that these are significant they should be teken into account when defining the balance quality of the rotor, ISO 1940-1 does not deal with balance errors in detail, and especially not with the assessment of balance errors, therefore this part of ISO 1940, gives examples of typical errors that can occur and provides recommended procedures for determining them. In addition generalized methods for evaluating the residual unbalance in the presence of balance errors are described. sss INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ©1SO ISO 1940-2:1997(E) Mechanical vibration — Balance qual rotors — Part 2: Balance errors 'y requirements of rigid 1 Scope This part of ISO 1940 covers the following: —_ identification of errors in the balancing process of rigid rotors; — assessment of errors; — guidelines for taking errors into account; — the evaluation of residual unbalance in any two correction planes. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of ISO 1940. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 1940 are encouraged to investigate the possiblity of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ISO 1925:1990, Mechanical vibration — Balancing — Vocabulary. ISO 1926:1990/Amd.1:1995, Amendment 1 to ISO 1925:1990. {SO 1940-1:1986, Mechanical vibration — Belance quality requirements of rigid rotors — Part 1: Determination of permissible residual unbalance. ISO 2953:1985, Balancing machines — Description and evaluation. ISO 1940. }997(E) e1so 3 Definitions For the purposes of this part of ISO 1940, the definitions given in ISO 1925 (and its Amendment 1) apply. 4 Sources of balance errors Balance errors may be classified into one of the following groups: a) systematic errors, in which the amount and angle can be evaluated either by calculation or by measurement; b) randomly variable errors, in which the amount and angle vary in an unpredictable manner for a number of measurements carried out under the same conditions; ©) scalar errors, in which the maximum amount can be evaluated or estimated, but the angle is indeterminate. Depending on the manufacturing processes used, the same error may be placed in one or more of the above categories. Examples of the sources of errors which may occur are listed in 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. Some of these errors are discussed in greater detail in annex A. 4.1 Systematic errors The following are examples of the sources of systematic errors. a) Inherent unbalance in the drive shaft of the balancing machine. b) Inherent unbalance in the mandrel. c) Radial and axial runout in the drive element on the rotor shaft axis. d) Radial and axial runout in the rotor fit for components or in the mandrel (see subclause 5.3). e} Lack of concentricity between journals and support surfaces used for balancing. f) Radial and axial runout of rolling element bearings which are not the service bearings and which are used to ‘Support the rotor in the balancing machine, @) Radial and axial runout of rotating races (and their tracks) of rolling element service bearings fitted after balancing, h)_Unbalance from keys and keyways. ’) Residual magnetism in rotor or mandrel. i) Errors caused by re-assembly. k)_Errors caused by the balancing equipment and instrumentation. I) Differences between service shaft and balancing mandrel diameters. m) Defect in universal joints. 1) Permanent bend in a rotor after balancing, eis ISO 1940-2:1997(E) 4.2 Randomly variable errors The following are examples of the sources of randomly variable errors. a) Loose parts. b)Entrapped liquids or solids. ©) Distorsion caused by thermal effects. d) Windage effects. €) Use of a loose coupling as drive element. f) Transient bend in horizontal rotor caused by gravitational effects, when the rotor is stationary. 4.3. Scalar errors The following are examples of the sources of scalar errors, a) Clearance at interfaces which are to be disassembled after the balancing process. b) Excessive clearance in universal joints. ©) Excessive clearance on mandrel or shaft. d) Design and manufacturing tolerances. fe) Runout of the balancing machine support rollers if their diameters and the rotor journal diameter are the same or nearly the same or have an integer ratio. 5 Assessment of errors 5.1 General In some cases rotors are in balance by design, are uniform in material and are machined to such narrow tolerances that they do not need to be balanced after manufacture. However, in the large majority of rotors initial unbalance: ‘exceeds the permitted levels given in |SO 1940-1, so that these rotors have to be balanced. Subclauses 5.2 to 5.6 deal with balance errors that may occur during this process. 5.2 Errors caused by balancing equipment and instrumentation Balance errors caused by balancing equipment and instrumentation may increase with the amount of the unbalance present. Every attempt should therefore be made to design a symmetrical rotor. Furthermore, by considering unbalance causes during the design stage, some causes can be eliminated altogether, e.g. by combining several parts into one, or reduced by decreased fit tolerances. The cost of tighter tolerances must be weighed against the benefit of decreased unbalance causes. Where such causes cannot be eliminated or reduced to negligible levels, they should be mathematically evaluated. 5.3 Balance errors caused by radial and axial runout of fits for components When a perfectiy balanced rotor component is mounted eccentric to the rotor shaft axis, the resulting static Unbalance U, equals the mass m of the component multiplied by the eccentricity e: Us = me a 180 1940-2; 1997(E) e©1so ‘An additional unbalance couple results if the component is mounted eccentrically in a plane other than the plane of the rotor centre of mass. The larger the plane distance from the centre of mass, the larger will be the induced unbalance couple. if perfectly balanced component is mounted such that its principal axis of inertia is inclined to the rotor shaft axis, but its centre of mass remains on the rotor shaft axis, an unbalance couple will result. For small angular displacement Ay between the two axes, the resulting unbalance couple De is nearly equal to the difference between the moment of inertia about a transverse axis through the component centre of mass, f,, and the ‘moment of inertia about its principal axis of inertia, /, multiplied by the angle Ay in radians: Dy I, 1,)-7 2 This statement is only valid if the component presents rotational symmetry. Equation (2) is therefore particularly applicable to the balancing of disks on arbors. If both radial and axial runout of the component occur, each error can be calculated separately in its allocated value in the bearing or correction planes and then be combined vectorially (see also ISO 1940-1:1986, figure 1). 5.4 Assessment of errors in the balancing operation ‘The purpose of balancing is to produce rotors that are within specified limits of residual unbalance. To ensure that the limits have been met, errors should be controlled and accounted for in the residual unbalance measurements. When a balancing machine is used, various sources of errors exist, namely the type of rotor to be balanced, any tooling used to support or drive the rotor, the balancing machine support structure (machine bearings, cradles etc.) the balancing machine sensing system, and the electronics and read-out system. Any or all of these sources can contribute errors. By recognizing the characteristics of most errors, it may be possible to focus on their causes and either correct them, minimize them or take them into account in the assessment of residual unbalance by calculating their effects. The balancing machine used should conform to ISO 2953, such that all its systematic errors are eliminated or corrected, and its randomly variable errors are limited to Umar a8 defined in ISO 2953. Where the assessment is carried out in the balancing machine, and the rotor mass or measuring plane positions differ significantly from those for the proving rotor used in the balancing machine tests, further testing should be carried out with the actual workpiece to determine the minimum achievable residual unbalance at the specified measuring planes on the workpiece. 5.5 Experimental assessment of randomly variable errors If significant randomly variable errors are suspected it is necessary to carry out several measuring runs to assess the magnitude of these errors. In doing so it is important to ensure thet the random errors are produced randomly in each run (e.g. by ensuring that the angular position of the rotor is different for the start of each run), The magnitude of the error can be evaluated by applying standard statistical techniques to the results obtained However, in most cases the following approximate procedure will be adequate. Plot the measured residual unbalance vectors and find the mean vector OA from all the runs (see figure 1). Draw the smallest circle about centre A to enclose all the points. The vector OA represents an estimation of the residual Unbalance and the radius of the circle an estimation of the maximum possible error of each single reading. The Uncertainty of these resuits will usually be diminished by increasing the number of runs carried out. NOTE— In some cases, particulary if one point is significantly different from the others, the error estimated may be unacceptably large. In this case @ more detailed analysis will be necessary to detormine the errors, iso ISO 1940-2:1997(E) ° Plots of several measurements are inccatedby >X Figure 1 — Plot of measured residual unbalance vectors (randomly variable errors) 5.6 Experimental assessment of systematic errors In many cases most of the systematic errors can be found using index balancing. This involves carrying out the following procedure. Mount the rotor alternately at 0° and 180° relative to the item which is the source of a articular error. Measure the unbalances several times in both positions. If QA and OB, as shown in figure 2, represent the mean unbalance vectors with the rotor mounted at 0° and 180° respectively, a diagram can be constructed for each measurement plane where C is the mid-point of the distance AB. The vector G¢ represents the particular systematic error and the vectors CA and CB represent the rotor residual unbslance with the rotor at 0° and 180°, respectively. Rotor resigual unbalance _ Noes Rotor residual unbalance __ for rotor mounted at 180°: 0 Mean unbalance vector for rotor mountes at 0% 0% Mean unbalance vector for rotor mountee at 180°: OB \X systematic errors Figure 2 — Plot of measured residual unbalance vectors and systematic error ISO 1940-2:1997(E) e1so NOTE — In this case it has been assumed that the rotor has been tured relative to the phase reference. If, however, the phase reference remains fixed relative to the rotor: eI — the vector OC represents the rotor residual unbalance; and — the vectors CA and GB represent the particular systematic error with the phase reference at 0° and 180°, respectively, 6 Evaluation of combined error ‘Systematic errors whose magnitude and phase are known may be eliminated, for example, by applying temporary correction masses to the tooling or the rotor during the balancing process or by mathematically correcting the results. If the systematic errors are not corrected or not correctable in either of these ways, they should be combined as shown below with randomly variable errors and scalar errors. Let |4U,| be the amount of an uncorrected error from any source, preferably assessed with sufficient confidence limit, AU be the amount of the combined uncorrected errors, Then the following formula se is the one that gives the safest evaluation of errors. It guarantees that, even in case of the most unfavourable error combination, the rotor is acceptable, provided the criteria of clause 7 are met au 3) ‘The formula AU = 340; is based upon the most pessimistic assumption that all the uncorrected errors fall into the ‘same angular direction and their absolute numerical values should therefore be summed up. If it is found that, after applying this formula and then inserting the value AU in the formula given in clause 7, the combined uncorrected error would cause the rotor to be out of tolerance, then an attempt to reduce the more significant errors is recommended, In some cases a more realistic approach may be used. It takes into account that not all errors from various sources ate likely to fall into the same angular direction. Then, the combined error AU may be evaluated by using the "root of the sum of the squares” formula F The above procedures should be carried out for each measuring plane. 2 (4) Under appropriate conditions the errors are evaluated by measurements on a significant sample of rotors. It is then ‘assumed that errors of the same magnitude will be present on all similar rotors which have been manufactured and assembled in the same way. For mass-produced rotors, a statistically based process for finding the combined error may need to be agreed upon between user and supplier. iso ISO 1940-2:1997(E) 7 Acceptance criteri For each measuring plane, lot Uper_be the magnitude of the permissible residual unbalance obtained from ISO 1940-1 Ur be the magnitude of the measured residual unbalance of a single reading after corrections have been cartied out for systematic errors of known amount and angle; AU be the magnitude of the combined error as defined in clause 6. ‘The rotor balance shall be considered acceptable by the manufacturer if the following condition is satisfied Ur = Uper — AU 6) If AU is found to be less than § % of Uper, it may be disregarded. If an additional balance check is performed by the user the rotor balance shall be accepted if Urey Uper + AU o If this condition is not met, the balancing procedures may need to be reviewed or repeated. NOTE — Ifa change of unbelance during transportation of the rotor is expected, this should also be taken into consideration 8 Determination of residual unbalances Clause 8 of ISO 1940-1:1986 describes methods for the determination of residual unbalance in a rigid rotor. The most important methods are: a) the method set out in subclause 8.1; it requires a balancing machine according to ISO 2953; b) the method set out in subclause 8.2; it requires an instrument reading amplitude and phase. Where two-plane balancing is required an additional procedure for plane separation is needed; for example a computer with an algorithm for the influence coefficient method. Annex B provides typical data which could be used to check such an algorithm. NOTE— in most practical cases the two methods referred to above are adequate. However, if there is doubt about the procedures, improved accuracy could be obtained by using known trial masses at different angular positions in both planes. ‘There are a number of possible ways of doing this; the method referred to in subclause 8.3, ISO 1940-1:1986, applied to two planes, is one such method. If there is concern about the linearity of the response to unbalance, the procedure should be epeated using trial unbalances of different amounts. 1SO 1940-2:1997(E) e1sO Annex A (informative) Examples of errors, their identification and evaluation A.1 Errors originating from auxiliary equipment Examples of errors associated with residual unbalances and originating from auxiliary equipment are discussed below and summarized in table A.1. See figures A1, A.2 and A.3, A.1.1 Errors originating from inherent unbalance and eccentricity in drive element, mandrel, etc. These errors can be evaluated by index balancing. This procedure can be complicated by non-epeatabilty of mechanical fits (see A.1.3) and workpiece errors (see clause A.2). A.1.2 Errors originating from bearings If rolling element bearings are fitted for @ balancing operation they will introduce an error proportional to the eccentricity or angular misalignment of the rotating races (and their tracks) and the rotor mass. This error may be determined by indexing the bearing races 180° on their mounting surfaces. NOTE— In the context of this item, eccentricity is assumed to result from racial andor axial runout. A.1.3 Errors originating from mechanical fits Mechanical fits can be a potential source of error, e.g. a change of unbalance may result from re-assembly, ‘There are many possible sources of errors from fits, for example if there is radial clearance or if the interference is 00 great or if the connecting bolts interfere with the spigotpilot location, ‘The scatter caused by non-repeatability of fits should be determined by a repeated re-assembly, with clearances taken up at different angles. Each time unbalance readings are taken and a mean value is obtained. A.1.4 Errors associated with the mass of balan 9 equipment ‘The mass of the rotating tooling for balancing (however, not necessarily the mandrel) should be reduced to minimum to reduce the error resulting from spigot /pilot clearances or runouts. Reducing the mandrel mass increases the sensitivity of a soft bearing machine but normally produces little benefit ona hard bearing machine. A.2. Errors originating from the workpiece Examples of errors associated with residual unbalances and originating from the workpiece are discussed below and summarized in table A.1. See figure A.2. e1s0 1SO 1940-2:1997(E) 1 Workoiece \ [— Workpiece ret. diameter Mounting bolts Spigot/oitot cecentricity —Maneret | | ay } © sournat, [ Spiget/otot Mandrel ref. giameter Figure A.1— Workpiece located on mandrel A.2.1 Errors originating from loose parts The error caused by loose parts can be obtained by starting and stopping the rotor, ensuring that the angular position of the rotor is different at the start of each run, and taking a reading for each run. The error and mean unbalance can be found using the method described in subclause 5.5. Changing the direction of rotation may be helpful in certain cases, but should be undertaken with caution. It should be noted that on certain machines the effect of loose parts may only become apparent under actual service conditions. A.2.2 Errors originating from presence of entrapped liquids or small loose particles Where the presence of entrapped liquids or loose particles is suspected and cannot be avoided, the rotor should be left standing with 0° at the top for a period of time, started again, and then a reading taken. This is repeated having ‘the 90°, 180° and 270° position of the rotor successively at the top. The method of subclause 5.5 can then be applied to find the error and the mean unbalance. Results should be examined to avoid confusion with thermal effects (see A.2.3) e.g. due to the rotor standing still for some time. A23 Errors o1 ating from thermal effects Distortion and the resulting unbalance caused by non-uniform temperatures is particularly noticeable in long or tubular rotors, ‘These errors can be reduced by not allowing the rotor to remain stationary in the balancing machine for even relatively short periods or by running the rotor until the unbalance vector has stabilized. This may be done at @ very low speed, e.g. § r/min to 10 r/min. ISO 1940-2:1997(E) e1so Welding or heat-generating machining operations for unbalance correction may result in significant rotor distortion. Dissipation of the localized heat and/or certain stabilizing running periods are usually required to equalize the ‘temperature in the rotor and restore it to its normal shape. A2.4 Errors originating from b rings The rotating bearing races should, in operation, retain the angular relationship to the rotor they had during the balancing operation. Otherwise errors similar to those described in A.1.2 can occur. ‘Spurious couple unbalance readings in both soft and hard bearing balancing machines can, for example, result from axial runout of the rotating thrust face, from a ball bearing being tilted relative to the shaft axis, or from a bent rotor etc ‘These effects can be demonstrated and the error evaluated by running the rotor at different speeds, m and np, 2s follows: > @) For a hard bearing balancing machine, the axial runout effects may be found in unbalance units, as AU, AU'g at speed m a AU z (i ia) ®@ AUa=———5| Un - Un t= (m/z)? > > > where Uz .Um.Ua .Uam ate the readings caused by the sum of the unbalance-simulating effects of axial runout and the (residual) unbalances Uy, Up in the left and right planes at the speeds m and mp respectively. ‘The machine should be calibrated in the same unbalance units for each of these speeds and planes. b) For a soft bearing machine the unbalance simulating effect depends on the vibratory masses in the soft bearing machine suspension system and is, therefore, inversely proportional to the square of the speed. Thus the same formulae result. In these calculations, it is assumed that the forces on the bearinas of a hard bearing balancing machine caused by axial runout of a rotating thrust face are independent of speed, whereas in a soft bearing machine, the bearing vibrations caused by unbalance are independent of speed. The above formulae hold true only if measurements are teken at a speed far enough away from the resonance speed of the rotor andor the balancing machine. Similar effects can be observed at very low balancing speeds when bent rotor journals are mounted on open rollers ‘of when the supports of a balancing machine with flat roller surfaces lack vertical axis freedom. These errors can be minimized by appropriate design of the balancing machine support structure. In some cases the error caused by axial runout of the thrust face can be avoided by adjustment of the thrust bearing. 10 eis ISO 1940-2:1997(E) A25 Errors originating from mechanical fits Unbalance may change in operation owing to the design or improper assembly of a fit. It may also change if the rotor is partially disassembled after balancing and re-assembled (refer also to A.1.3.) A.2.6 Errors originating from runout of end-drive mounting surface Where the balancing machine end-drive shaft is attached to an eccentric spigoUpilot at the end of the rotor, an error will be introduced which cannot be detected by index balancing. It can only be calculated knowing the effective drive mass and the spigovpilot eccentricity vector relative to the rotor shaft axis. If necessary, temporary compensation can be applied at the appropriate angle during balancing A2.7 Errors originating from magnetic effects Magnetic effects may primarily manifest themselves in the balancing machine by causing an erroneous unbalance read-out if their frequency is at or near the rotational frequency. For instance, this may be due to the rotor's magnetic field wiping across the balancing machine's pick-ups at once-per-revolution frequency. The influence of a magnetized rotor is best eliminated either by shielding the pick- Ups or by selecting, on a hard bearing balancing machine, a sufficiently higher balancing speed, where the influence is no longer significant. The presence of magnetic effects is best discovered by taking unbalance readings at different speeds at which the rotor is rigid [— Adeoter eccentricity Key/Keyway i orve ‘hath extension eccentricity \ i C \ 7 Osive shatt | \ \ { — rr ttt f Z \ 4 \Craceptate \ / LL workpiece \ \ Men DOrive adapter \K shatt extension Figure A.2 — Workpiece located on its own journals " eiso ISO 1940-2:1997(E) goinssod se sio9}a esau ang ‘axqeayscly ‘spovad uyyoeu Buuere eu gers jun 010s uy siooyo rPuoneynei8 pue ewe. ezv @ouejequn sberene our {gin yoee vosmieg deus renico pur suns dois-pue-ueis ny ue yey Aarewrordde spi10s 0 zy ng 'e1geateey spiny paddesiue yo B0uass ld eaue|equn 6beI—ne uns yoga Jo} uonsod yo0u09 ‘s6upees eauotequn Budidors uoreyip @ wou, ‘selene 2ye1 pue suns sepejq 0101 vew 2101 43 Buyers ‘age21dby dois pue-ves jevenss ayewy | _s0sseidwo0 6'0 ‘sued 96007 oro {yeas 01 se0e7 aut Buyeed 2peu yoiews zy Weuse uowoy9 onup ‘any ul ynouns jee pure epee woudinbe Ae 40 sseus eonpoy Ao ruewdinbs Aigppne 184100 yeus (yeys gnis 0} spuew eoveeg | ams 10) espuew ut ouerequn qo) ore peureigo oseys wen jo jue yunowe 4019 yerpueU 0 cry | Suouneg eeiedes Ka eseud | jeomovooa a:ow Suouereg | _iueweye enup 0: enneos ot Ty | pue wnowe owe einseory ‘epurina ‘oiqissoq | poyiye Cured Jove ‘ageaiMdy | _quowdnds Lene eaugjeg | __iuowele envp u eousteqUN, ‘uN DeW Teddi 0 BORNEO gears ‘Avesse000 tuoneiedo | sioue wopues pu unos zs u8962 OSI 01 30)64 ue vonesgye> ourjoew x84) wawdinbe supueeg {aous wopues so) (aous spewershs 209) ceneyo (spoqreu 10130 wowed woud s0u9 e2usjequn 943 10 10 sousoun 3 1004 cue Ssumpepan een pe oaearesenrel ANP 10} POO, ou yo uondusseg, youu 1 qoulssesse pus uoponpes 40 spoyyou pue soe yo sojdwexg — Ly egeL, 12 1997(E) ‘Syso])8 [BUNA Bue Toa} Lew PaddENUS UBOMIEG UOISRIJO® PIONG 0} PBURUENS 8G PIOUS SHNESY TE ‘sse00u BuoUE}Eq ota LMA Bulpaso01d e10J6q opr seu) sonpe1 0} sdais seyto 2481 0} eigesiNpe oq AQW! | Ap) Jo SSODX UI 10 S1O.I8 BSOWA JI BABMOH “e5eUC PUR UNOWIE UMNOUY 40 SI0NB 20} SUONEUOD AME O} G'SSOM SI .8UE6 UI (Z {1981 J010/Jo091dy0N yy Uo SouRyd BuUNseaus payed oxy Le souejeqU [enplsa: ajgenaHe wLuLAL But Iso 1940-2: BuwosusuNp 1pSUeOeH nouns jene eunseowy TNS afquiosse-os pus anvewsig Aquiosse vr sug yunys 900 janup oq 03 szv uns ypee 10} passesse oq | aunts 10 yeys anup eneides yeu [ess0nUn Jo ety te eouereap 0162 4! efssog “squoleS.3AUn LONE feoueypeu Ut 20U800/9 Aqwassy ‘onup | sdeparurueUypene SAP zy Weg a8n 40 eoepns euysewwey | oy Jo 3nOUNL jaipey PLE FeRY 1288.08) 1d hay 04 Jodo. 9 ‘shonehoy pue shy Bue ‘ayn aie pu @ UJo103 tunow 10 ‘quoddns 16d 240) (suy29q om ue 2101 ‘Avo sBuueeg ony u soueteR {yum sioi0y) uausubes1¢ ‘vonscugn arenbepou xe21qny“seusno! aunjoewoy "ysiay 2d@UN feu! 300d qS500 j SyvaUIEAOU! reououds 01 ppes uo eouelsis6) a Bune: ‘Aq si29yj0 esaun eonpou speeds 6yuuns WEIN ‘repays yeys suusewas vow e uewasnseau exedw0) "yeus Uo se0er ino usiyBiens | __ sBuyeeq eq sores PoUL tunu pseds no} u oseud 01 peeds Guiouereg soubIy luo1os peznaubeu cev__| _pue unowe sous oincooyy 19)96 Yoios aznoubaweg stray 22080 spiewaeq speeds Buywuns us.04p 10) uns 10 ‘sued te stuewomnseeus edwog ‘2ye1u Jan00 30 30101 950203 si9eyo aBepum sory, (Gone syeuse3sh5 0), {sipouew 22130 uouedea 4019 eoueyequn ou Jo s0u0 30 sou oun ‘voponpes 30} powneW ‘s0unos aug yo uoRdi2s0q 59 UIBHO sole eoueequn oi jo wuowseassy e1so (pve) Vv ele. 13 1SO 1940-2:1997(E) @1sO [Mandret Geometric axis of workpiece |F- Geometric axis of mandret yo / / © souenat LE snatt axis Figure A.3 — One journal on mandrel and one on workpiece 4 ISO 1940-2:1997(E) e180 Annex B (informative) Typical data for checking the algorithm referred to in clause 8 b) ‘Table B.1— Typical data for checking the algorithm referred to in clause 8 b) With test mass With test mass Transducer No-| Without test mass in plane No. 1 in plane No.2 30.000 g:mm, 0° 20.000. gmm, 0° Amplitude Phase Amplitude Phase Amplitude Phase 1 1.50 o 3.10 60" 2a 2 2.10) 130° 1,90 250° 2,09 20" The resulting residual unbalances are: — plane No. 1:6 500 g-mm (213%); — plane No. 2: 18 900 g:mm (108%), NOTE— _The phase of the residual unbalance vector is normally not needed to determine the balance quality. 15 ISO 1940-2:1997(E) @1so Annex C (informative) Bibliography ISO 8821:1989, Mechanical vibration — Balancing — Shaft and fitment key convention. 16 1SO 1940-2:1997(E) @1so ICs 21.120.40 Descriptors: vibration, rotors, rigid rotors, balancing, error analysis, Price based on 16 pages

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