Solutions HW3 PDF
Solutions HW3 PDF
Solutions HW3 PDF
Figure 3.1: Undeformed configuration — dotted lines, and deformed confinguration — solid lines.
Hint. First set up some characteristic lines on the body. For each point compute its displacement
and add it to the original position by noting xi = ei · (X + u).
c1 = [ linspace(.1,1,50)’ 0.1*ones(50,1) ];
c2 = [ linspace(.1,1,50)’ 0.55*ones(50,1) ];
c3 = [ linspace(.1,1,50)’ 1.0*ones(50,1) ];
c4 = [ 0.1*ones(50,1) linspace(.1,1,50)’ ];
c5 = [ 0.55*ones(50,1) linspace(.1,1,50)’ ];
c6 = [ 1.0*ones(50,1) linspace(.1,1,50)’ ];
c1 = addmotion(c1);
c2 = addmotion(c2);
c3 = addmotion(c3);
c4 = addmotion(c4);
c5 = addmotion(c5);
c6 = addmotion(c6);
% Replot on figure
axis equal
hold off
3.4. Given the matrix of components of the deformation gradient tensor F with respect to an orthonormal
basis {ei },
3 −1 0
[F] = 2 2 0 .
0 0 1
Using MATLAB, calculate:
(a) The principal stretches and the principal stretch directions which are the eigenvalues and eigen-
vectors of the right stretch tensor U.
(b) The matrices of U, R.
(c) Green-Strain E = (1/2)(C − 1).
(d) The Hencky or logarithmic strain
ln U = ln λi ri ⊗ ri ,
where λi and {ri } are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the stretch tensor U.
(e) Comment on the differences (if any) in the values of the components of E and ln U.
Solution 3.4. (a)-(d) We use the following function in MATLAB to obtain the solution:
function [] = problem3( )
% Green Strain
E_g = (1/2)*(C - eye(3));
% To find the Hencky strain we need the logarithm of U so we use the same
% procedure as we did for taking the square root of C
[eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = eig(U);
E_h(1,1) = log(lambda1);
E_h(2,2) = log(lambda2);
E_h(3,3) = log(lambda3);
E_h = vectors*E_h*vectors’;
%Display Results
disp(’Right Cauchy-Green Tensor C’); C
disp(’first principal stretch’); lambda1
disp(’second principal stretch’); lambda2
disp(’third principal stretch’); lambda3
disp(’first principal stretch direction’); r1
disp(’second principal stretch direction’); r2
disp(’third principal stretch direction’); r3
disp(’Stretch Tensor’); U
disp(’Rotation Tensor’); R
disp(’Green-Strain’); E_g
disp(’Hencky Strain’); E_h
C =
13 1 0
1 5 0
0 0 1
lambda1 =
lambda2 =
lambda3 =
r1 =
r2 =
r3 =
Stretch Tensor
U =
3.6015 0.1715 0
0.1715 2.2295 0
0 0 1.0000
Rotation Tensor
R =
0.8575 -0.5145 0
0.5145 0.8575 0
0 0 1.0000
E_g =
6.0000 0.5000 0
0.5000 2.0000 0
0 0 0
Hencky Strain
E_h =
1.2798 0.0600 0
0.0600 0.7996 0
0 0 0
(e) The values of the strain components of E and those of ln U are very different from each
other at such large deformations.
3.9. High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) is an experimental method that allows
one to image materials down to sub-atomic level resolution. When applied to crystalline materials
(say metals) it allows one to image the location of the atoms accurately. Consider the two schematic
representations in Fig. 3.5 of what one can typically find when applied to a metal sample at two
different temperatures. Upon cooling from 350 K to 320 K the material has undergone a martensitic
10.1 deg
26.6 deg
25.0 deg
0.45 nm
0.34 nm
T = 350K T = 320K
(diffusion-less) transformation from one set of atomic spacings and angles to another. Determine the
“transformation” stretch-tensor associated with the transformation shown. Treat as a two-dimensional
problem; note, the diagram is not to scale. Figure 3.6 is an actual HRTEM image just so you can have
an appreciation of what is experimentally possible. The white dots are the atoms! The scale bar at
the top right is only 1 nm.
Figure 3.7: HRTEM image of Gum Metal. The white dots are atoms.
Solution 3.9. In this problem one can identify two vectors and how they map from the reference
configuration to the spatial configuration. This provides sufficient information
√ to
√ compute all 4
components of the deformation gradient. Knowing F, one computes U as C = FT · F.
One can identify two starting vectors:
V(1) = 0.34e1
V = 0.45[cos(63.4o )e1 + sin(63.4o )e2 ] = 0.2015e1 + 0.4024e2
From the relation that v(1) = F · V(1) one finds that F11 = 1.0929 and F21 = 0.5096. Then from
v(2) = F · V(2) one finds that F12 = −0.3294 and F22 = 0.9682. This then gives
1.4542 0.1334
0.1334 1.0459
2 −0.9584
(λ2 ) = 1.4939 r2 ∼ .
Thus the right stretch tensor is given as:
1.2044 0.0600
U = λ1 r1 ⊗ r1 + λ2 r2 ⊗ r2 ∼ .
0.0600 1.0209
VV = [ 0.34 0.45*cosd(63.4);
0.00 0.45*sind(63.4) ];
vv = [0.41*cosd(25.0) 0.50*cosd(79.9);
0.41*sind(25.0) 0.50*sind(79.9) ];
F = vv*inv(VV)
C = F’*F
[evec,eval] = eig(C)
U = sqrt(eval(1,1))*evec(:,1)*evec(:,1)’ + ...
3.11. Consider the deformation map x1 = X1 , x2 = X2 +kX12 , x3 = X3 for a unit cube B = [0, 1]×[0, 1]×[0, 1],
where k is a scalar parameter.
(a) Compute the normal strain at ( 12 , 12 , 12 ) in the direction oriented along the vector (1, 2, 3). [Warn-
ing! Normalize!]
√ √
(b) Compute√ the √
engineering shear at this point between the two direction n = (1/ 2, 1/ 2, 0) and
m(−1/ 2, 1/ 2, 0).
(c) For parts 3.11a and 3.11b, determine the value below which k has to be for the small strain
approximations to have a relative error of less than 10−4 . For the case of engineering shear, also
examine the absolute error.
Solution 3.11. For this problem first compute F and then C. Evaluate C at ( 12 , 12 , 12 ). This
1 0 0
[F] = 2kX1 1 0
0 0 1
1 + 4k 2 X12
1 2kX1 0 1 0 0 2kX1 0
[C] = [F> · F] = 0 1 0 2kX1 1 0 = 2kX1 1 0 .
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
At ( 21 , 12 , 12 ) this gives:
1 + k2
k 0
[C] = k 1 0 .
0 0 1
(a) Denoting the direction as e, eA ∼ (1, 2, 3)/ 14, one has
p 14 + 4k + k 2
λ(e) = ei Cij ej − 1 = −1
(b) Likewise, one can evaluate the engineering shear relation to give:
−k 2
−1 n · Cm −1
γ = sin = sin √ √
λ(n)λ(m) 2 + 2k + k 2 2 − 2k + k 2
−k 2
= sin √
4 + k4
3.12. Consider a square bar B = [− a2 , a2 ] × [− a2 , a2 ] × [0, L], of side length a and longitudinal length L. The
bar is deformed according to
One observes that if one ignores all terms of second order and higher, α2 , αβ, β 2 , then E reduces
to .