Space Curves
Space Curves
Space Curves
240 Chapter 3
Plotting in Matlab
To get a sense of the motion, use the comet3 command. comet3(x,y,z) To provide a nished plot, use Matlabs plot3 command, then add axes labels and a title. The following commands will produce the helix shown in Figure 3.1 plot3(x,y,z) xlabel(x-axis) ylabel(y-axis) zlabel(z-axis) title(x = 2 cos(t), y = 2 sin(t), z = 0.1t.)
Figure 3.1. The space curve determine by the parametric equations (3.1) is called a helix.
Lets look at another example. Example 2. Suppose that a ship travels from the south pole to the north pole keeping a xed angle to all meridians. Then the path traveled is described by the parametric equations
Section 3.5
cos t 1 + 2 t2 sin t y= 1 + 2 t2 t . z = 1 + 2 t2
Set = 0.2 and restrict 12 t 12. Set = 0.2 and create a vector of t-values subject to the constraint 12 t 12. alpha=0.2; t=linspace(-12*pi,12*pi,500); Use the parametric equations (3.2) to compute the positions (x, y, z) on the spherical spiral as a function of time t. x=cos(t)./sqrt(1+alpha^2*t.^2); y=sin(t)./sqrt(1+alpha^2*t.^2); z=alpha*t./sqrt(1+alpha^2*t.^2); Use comet3 to animate the motion, then follow this with Matlabs plot3 command. This will produce the spherical spiral shown in Figure 3.2. plot3(x,y,z)
Handle Graphics
Many space curves are closely related with one or another particular class of surfaces. In the case of the spherical spiral, one would intuit a close relationship with a sphere. So, lets draw a sphere of appropriate radius, then superimpose the spherical spiral of Example 2. In the section on Parametric Surfaces, we saw the parametric equations of a sphere of radius r, which we repeat here for convenience.
242 Chapter 3
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Figure 3.2. The path taken by the ship is an example of a spherical spiral. x = r sin cos y = r sin sin z = r cos
Set r = 1 and create a grid of (, ) pairs, where 0 and 0 2. r=1; phi=linspace(0,pi,30); theta=linspace(0,2*pi,40); [phi,theta]=meshgrid(phi,theta); Use the parametric equations (3.3) to compute each point (x, y, z) on the surface of the sphere as a function of each grid pair (, ). x=r*sin(phi).*cos(theta); y=r*sin(phi).*sin(theta); z=r*cos(phi); Now, plot the sphere with the mesh command.
Section 3.5
mhndl=mesh(x,y,z) The command mhndl=mesh(x,y,z) stores a handle to the mesh in the variable mhandl 2. A handle is a numerical identier associated with an object we place on the gure window. Weve left the command mhndl=mesh(x,y,z) unsuppressed (no semicolon), so you can look in Matlabs command window to see the numerical value stored in mhndl. Remember, mhndl is a handle that points at the mesh object weve just plotted. We can obtain a full list of property-value settings of this mesh by executing the command get(mhndl). Matlab will respond with a huge list of property-value pairs for the current mesh. We are interested in three of these pairs: EdgeColor, EdgeAlpha, and FaceAlpha. We are going to set the edgecolor to a shade of gray, and were going to make the edges and faces transparent to a certain degree. To set these property-value pairs, use Matlabs set command. The three consecutive dots are used by Matlab as a line continuation character. They indicate that you intend to continue the current command on the next line. set(mhndl,... EdgeColor,[0.6,0.6,0.6],... EdgeAlpha,0.5,... FaceAlpha,0.5) If you type get(mhndl) at the prompt in the Matlab command window, you will see that these property-value pairs are changed to the settings we made above. We will change the aspect ratio with the axis equal command, which makes the surface look truly spherical. We also turn o the axes with the axis off command. axis equal axis off We reuse the parametric equations (3.2) form Example 2 to compute points (x, y, z) on the spherical spiral as a function of t.
You could use the variable m_hndl or mhandle or any variable you wish for the purpose of storing a handle to the mesh.
244 Chapter 3
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alpha=0.2; t=linspace(-12*pi,12*pi,500); x=cos(t)./sqrt(1+alpha^2*t.^2); y=sin(t)./sqrt(1+alpha^2*t.^2); z=alpha*t./sqrt(1+alpha^2*t.^2); Instead of using the plot3 command, we will use the line command. The line command is used to append graphics to the plot without erasing what is already there. When you use the line command, there is no need to use the hold on command. lhndl=line(x,y,z) Look in Matlabs command window to see that a numerical value has been assigned to the variable lhndl. This is a numerical identier to the spherical spiral just plotted. Use get(lhndl) to obtain a list of property-value settings for the spherical spiral. We are interested in two of these pairs: Color and LineWidth, which we will now change with Matlabs set command. set(lhndl,... Color,[0.625,0,0],... LineWidth,2) These commands change the spherical spiral to a dark shade of red and thicken the spiral to 2pts. The result is shown in Figure 3.3. Because we changed the Alpha settings (transparency) of the edges and faces of the sphere, note that we can see through the sphere to a certain extent, making the spherical spiral on the far side of the sphere visible.
Vivianis Curve
Many new curves can be fromed from the intersection of two surfaces. For example, all of the conic sections (circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola) are determined by how a plane intersects a right-circular cone (we will explore these conic sections in the exercises).
Section 3.5
Figure 3.3. Superimposing the spherical spiral on a transparent sphere. Such is the case with a space curve known as Vivianis Curve, which is the intersection of a sphere of radius 2r (centered at the origin) and a right-circular cylinder of radius r that is shifted r units along either the x- or y-axis. The equation of the sphere is x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 4r2 . We know that this sphere can be produced by the parametric equations x = 2r sin cos y = 2r sin sin z = 2r cos . (3.4)
We oer the following construction with few comments. It is similar to what we did in Example 2. r=1; phi=linspace(0,pi,30); theta=linspace(0,2*pi,40); [phi,theta]=meshgrid(phi,theta); x=2*r*sin(phi).*cos(theta); y=2*r*sin(phi).*sin(theta); z=2*r*cos(phi); Handle graphics are employed to color edges.
246 Chapter 3
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mhndl1=mesh(x,y,z) set(mhndl1,... EdgeColor,[0.6,0.6,0.6]) axis equal axis off A circle of radius r centered at the origin has equation x2 + y 2 = r2 . If we plot the set of all (x, y, z) such that x2 + y 2 = r2 , the result is a right-circular cylinder of radius r. Replace x with x r to get (x r)2 + y 2 = r2 , which will shift the cylinder r units in the x-direction. One nal question remains. How can we parametrize the cylinder (x r)2 + y 2 = r2 ? Its fairly straightforward to show that the parametric equations x = r cos t y = r sin t (3.5)
produce a circle of radius r centered at the origin 3. This can be veried with Matlabs comet or plot command 4. To shift this r units in the x-direction add r to the equation for x to obtain x = r + r cos t y = r sin t. Thus, the parametric equations of the right-circular cylinder (x r)2 + y 2 = r2 are x = r + r cos t y = r sin t z = z. The key to plotting the cylinder in Matlab is to realize that x, y, and z are functions of both t and z. That is, x(t, z) = r + r cos t y(t, z) = r sin t z(t, z) = z. Therefore, the rst task is to create a grid of (t, z) pairs. It will suce to let 0 t 2. That should trace out the circle. If we hope to see the intersection of the sphere (radius 2r) and the cylinder, we will need to
3 4
Section 3.5
have the cylinder at least as low and high in the z-directions as is the sphere of radius 2r. Thus, limit 2r z 2r. After creating these vectors, we then create a grid of (t, z) pairs. t=linspace(0,2*pi,40); z=linspace(-2*r,2*r,20); [t,z]=meshgrid(t,z); Use the parametric equations (3.6) to produce points (x, y, z) on the cylinder as a function of the grid pairs (t, z). x=r+r*cos(t); y=r*sin(t); z=z; Hold the graph and plot the cylinder. Handle graphics are used to color the edges. A view is set that allows the visualization of the intersection of the sphere and cylinder. The resulting image is shown in Figure 3.4. hold on mhndl2=mesh(x,y,z) set(mhndl2,... EdgeColor,[0.8,0,0]) view(50,20) Now, how do we get the parametrization of the curve of intersection? Recall the equations of the sphere and cylinder. x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 4r2 (x r)2 + y 2 = r2 If we expand and simplify the second equation, we get x2 2rx + y 2 = 0. If we subtract this result from the rst equation, we obtain z 2 + 2rx = 4r2 .
248 Chapter 3
Plotting in Matlab
Figure 3.4. The intersection of the sphere and cylinder is called Vivianis Curve. Note that all points on Vivianis curve must fall on the cylinder, where x = r + r cos t. Substitute this into the last result. z 2 + 2r(r + r cos t) = 4r2 z 2 + 2r2 + 2r2 cos t = 4r2 z 2 = 2r2 2r2 cos t. This can be written z 2 = 4r2 1 cos t 2 ,
and the half angle identity sin2 (t/2) = (1 cos t)/2 leads to z 2 = 4r2 sin2 (t/2). Normally, we should now say z = 2r sin(t/2), but we will go with z = 2r sin(t/2) in the following set of parametric equations for Vivianis Curve. x = r + r cos t y = r sin t z = 2r sin(t/2). (3.7)
Note that the period of z = 2r sin(t/2) is T = 4, so if we go with only 0 t 2, we will only get positive values of z and the lower half of the curve will not be shown 5. Thus, we use 0 t 4.
Section 3.5
t=linspace(0,4*pi,200); Use the parametric equation (3.7) to compute points (x, y, z) on Vivianis Curve in terms of t. x=r+r*cos(t); y=r*sin(t); z=2*r*sin(t/2); We plot the curve and record its handle. We then use handle graphics to color the curve black ([0, 0, 0] is black) and set the line width at 2 points. vhndl=line(x,y,z) set(vhndl,... Color,[0,0,0],... LineWidth,2) view(50,20) Setting the same view used in Figure 3.4 produces the image in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5. The intersection of the cylinder and sphere is the curve of Viviani.
250 Chapter 3
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Youll want to click the rotate icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to rotate and twist the gure to verify that our parametrization of Vivianis Curve is truly the intersection of the sphere and cylinder.
Section 3.5
3.5 Exercises
In Exercises 1-6, perform each of the following tasks. i. Sketch the space curve dened by the given set of parametric equations over the indicated domain. ii. Turn the box on, label each axis, and provide a title. 1. On 0 t 1, sketch the Lissajous Curve x = 3 sin(4t) y = 4 sin(6t) z = 5 sin(8t). 2. On 0 t 1, sketch the Lissajous Curve x = 3 sin(4t) y = 4 sin(10t) z = 5 sin(14t). 3. On 0 t 2, sketch the Torus Knot x = (6.25 + 3 cos 5t) cos 2t y = (6.25 + 3 cos 5t) sin 2t z = 3.25 sin 5t. 4. On 0 t 2, sketch the Torus Knot x = (7 + 2 cos 5t) cos 3t y = (7 + 2 cos 5t) sin 3t z = 3 sin 5t. 5. On 0 t 6, sketch the Trefoil Knot x = cos t(2 cos(2t/3)) y = sin t(2 cos(2t/3)) z = sin(2t/3). 6. On 0 t 10, sketch the Cinquefoil Knot x = cos t(2 cos(2t/5)) y = sin t(2 cos(2t/5)) z = sin(2t/5). In Exercises 7-10, we investigate the conic sections, each of which is the intersection of a plane with a right circular cone. In each exercise, perform the following tasks. i. Draw the right circular cone having the parametric equations x = r cos y = r sin z = r, (3.8)
where 0 2 and 1 r 1. Use handle graphics to set the EdgeColor to a shade of gray. ii. Execute hold on to hold the surface plot of the right circular cone. Superimpose the plot of the given plane over the given domain, then use Matlabs handle graphics to set the EdgeColor to a single color of your choice. iii. Click the rotate icon on the gure toolbar and rotate the gure to a view that emphasizes the conic section (curve of intersection) and note the azimuth and elevation. Use
252 Chapter 3
Plotting in Matlab x = (7 + 2 cos 5t) cos 2t y = (7 + 2 cos 5t) sin 2t z = 3 sin 5t over the time domain 0 t 2. Use handle graphics to set the Color of the torus knot to a color of your choice and set the LineWidth to a thickness of 2 points. 12. Sketch the torus dened by the parametric equations x = (8 + 2 cos u) cos v y = (8 + 2 cos u) sin v z = 3 sin u. Set the EdgeColor to a shade of gray and add transparency by setting both FaceAlpha and EdgeAlpha equal to 0.5. Set the axis equal. Use Matlabs line command to superimpose the torus knot having parmetric equations x = (8 + 2 cos 11t) cos 3t y = (8 + 2 cos 11t) sin 3t z = 3 sin 11t over the time domain 0 t 2. Use handle graphics to set the Color of the torus knot to a color of your choice and set the LineWidth to a thickness of 2 points. 13. Sketch the cone dened by the parametric equations x = r cos y = r sin z=r where 0 r 1 and 0 2. Set the EdgeColor to a shade of gray
these components in the view(ax,el) in your script to obtain an identical view. Label the axes and provide a title that includes the name the conic section that is the intersection of the given plane and the right circular cone. 7. Sketch the plane z = 1/2 over the domain D = {(x, y) : 1 x, y 1}. 8. Sketch the plane z = 0.4y + 0.5 over the domain D = {(x, y) : 1 x, y 1}. 9. Sketch the plane z = y +0.25 over the domain D = {(x, y) : 1 x, y 1}. 10. Sketch the plane x = 0.5 over the domain D = {(y, z) : 1 y, z 1}.
11. Sketch the torus dened by the parametric equations x = (7 + 2 cos u) cos v y = (7 + 2 cos u) sin v z = 3 sin u. Set the EdgeColor to a shade of gray and add transparency by setting both FaceAlpha and EdgeAlpha equal to 0.5. Set the axis equal. Use Matlabs line command to superimpose the torus knot having parmetric equations
Section 3.5 and add transparency by setting both FaceAlpha and EdgeAlpha equal to 0.5. Set the axis equal. Use Matlabs line command to superimpose the conical spiral having parmetric equations x = t cos 20t y = t sin 20t z=t over the time domain 0 t 1. Use handle graphics to set the Color of the conical spiral to a color of your choice and set the LineWidth to a thickness of 2 points. 14. Sketch the cylinder dened by the parametric equations x = 2 cos y = 2 sin z = z, where 0 z 5 and 0 2. Set the EdgeColor to a shade of gray and add transparency by setting both FaceAlpha and EdgeAlpha equal to 0.5. Set the axis equal. Use Matlabs line command to superimpose the helix having parmetric equations x = 2 cos 5t y = 2 sin 5t z = t, over the time domain 0 t 5. Use handle graphics to set the Color of the helix to a color of your choice and set the LineWidth to a thickness of 2 points. 15. Challenge. The intersection of a sphere and a plane that passes through
the center of the sphere is called a great circle. Sketch the equation of a sphere of radius 1, then sketch the plane y = x and show that the intersection is a great circle. Find the parametric equations of this great circle and add it to your plot.
254 Chapter 3
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3.5 Answers
1. t=linspace(0,1,200); x=3*sin(4*pi*t); y=4*sin(6*pi*t); z=5*sin(8*pi*t); plot3(x,y,z) box on view(135,30)
Section 3.5
hold on [x,y]=meshgrid(-1:0.2:1); z=0.5*ones(size(x)); phndl=mesh(x,y,z); set(phndl,... EdgeColor,[0.625,0,0]) Adjust orientation. axis equal view(116,38) Annotate the plot in the usual manner. The intersection is a circle, as indicated in the title.
7. Set the grid for the cone. theta=linspace(0,2*pi,40); r=linspace(-1,1,30); [theta,r]=meshgrid(theta,r); Use the parametric equations to compute x, y, and z. x=r.*cos(theta); y=r.*sin(theta); z=r; Draw the right circular cone in a shade of gray.
9. Set the grid for the cone. mhndl=mesh(x,y,z) set(mhndl,... EdgeColor,[.6,.6,.6]) Hold the surface plot and draw the plane z = 1/2. theta=linspace(0,2*pi,40); r=linspace(-1,1,30); [theta,r]=meshgrid(theta,r); Use the parametric equations to
Plotting in Matlab
x=r.*cos(theta); y=r.*sin(theta); z=r; Draw the right circular cone in a shade of gray. mhndl=mesh(x,y,z) set(mhndl,... EdgeColor,[.6,.6,.6]) Hold the surface plot and draw the plane z = y + 0.25. hold on [[x,y]=meshgrid(-1:0.1:1); z=y+0.25; phndl=mesh(x,y,z); set(phndl,... EdgeColor,[0.625,0,0]) Adjust orientation. axis equal view(77,50) Annotate the plot in the usual manner. The intersection is a parabola, as indicated in the title.
11. Set parameters a, b, and c. a=7;b=2;c=3; Set the grid for the torus. u=linspace(0,2*pi,20); v=linspace(0,2*pi,40); [u,v]=meshgrid(u,v); Use the parametric equations to compute x, y, and z. x=(a+b*cos(u)).*cos(v); y=(a+b*cos(u)).*sin(v); z=c*sin(u); Draw the torus in a shade of gray and add transparency. Set the perspective with axis equal.
Section 3.5
mhndl=mesh(x,y,z); set(mhndl,... EdgeColor,[.6,.6,.6],... FaceAlpha,0.5,... EdgeAlpha,0.5); axis equal Compute x, y, and z for the torus knot over the requested time domain. t=linspace(0,2*pi,200); x=(a+b*cos(5*t)).*cos(2*t); y=(a+b*cos(5*t)).*sin(2*t); z=c*sin(5*t); 13. Set the grid for the cone. Plot the torus knot and change its color and linewidth. lhndl=line(x,y,z); set(lhndl,... Color,[.625,0,0],... LineWidth,2) Adjust orientation. view(135,30) Annotate the plot in the usual manner. Draw the cone in a shade of gray and add transparency. Set the perspective with axis equal. mhndl=mesh(x,y,z); set(mhndl,... EdgeColor,[.6,.6,.6],... FaceAlpha,0.5,... EdgeAlpha,0.5); axis equal r=linspace(0,1,20); theta=linspace(0,2*pi,40); [r,theta]=meshgrid(r,theta); Use the parametric equations to compute x, y, and z. x=r.*cos(theta); y=r.*sin(theta); z=r;
258 Chapter 3
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Compute x, y, and z for the conical spiral over the requested time domain. t=linspace(0,1,200); x=t.*cos(20*t); y=t.*sin(20*t); z=t; Plot the concical spiral and change its color and linewidth. lhndl=line(x,y,z); set(lhndl,... Color,[.625,0,0],... LineWidth,2) Adjust orientation. view(135,30) Annotate the plot in the usual manner.