23 Tuna Processing Inc v. Philippine Kingford
23 Tuna Processing Inc v. Philippine Kingford
23 Tuna Processing Inc v. Philippine Kingford
Petitioner TPI now seeks to nullify, in this instant Petition for Review
on Certiorari under Rule 45, the order of the trial court dismissing its
Petition for Confirmation, Recognition, and Enforcement of Foreign
Arbitral Award.
Without doubt, the Corporation Code is the general law providing for the
formation, organization and regulation of private corporations. On the
other hand, RA 6657 is the special law on agrarian reform. As between a
general and special law, the latter shall prevail— generalia specialibus non
Finally, even assuming, only for the sake of argument, that the court a quo
correctly observed that the Model Law, not the New York Convention,
governs the subject arbitral award, petitioner may still seek recognition
and enforcement of the award in Philippine court, since the Model Law
prescribes substantially identical exclusive grounds for refusing
recognition or enforcement.
Premises considered, petitioner TPI, although not licensed to do business
in the Philippines, may seek recognition and enforcement of the foreign
arbitral award in accordance with the provisions of the Alternative Dispute
Resolution Act of 2004.