Journal Week 15
Journal Week 15
Journal Week 15
This week was a little more stressful than usual. On Monday my coworker called out sick
so we were a little short staffed. I spent the first part of my day preparing a shopping list for the
week and entering data into the computer. I then headed over to my school where I organized
the closet and prepared for the students to come to site. I worked with the 1st graders since my
coworker was out and we worked on reading skills. After this I instructed them on how to make
On Tuesday my coworker called out sick again but thankfully we didn’t have much to
work on. For the first part of the day I went shopping for all the supplies needed for the week.
Then I came back and started working on lesson planning for summer. My and my new
coworker for summer are splitting the lesson plans half and half to make the workload fair.
However, summer is an all day program so there is a lot more that goes into planning. Around
2:30 I headed over to site to prepare everything for the day. The kids got to make their own
On Wednesday I started the day in a meeting with the K-8 team to discuss summer
again and everything that is due in the coming weeks. After the meeting I organized our student
files so that we can see what we still need from each of our students. After this I headed over to
the site and thankfully my coworker was able to come in for the last part of the day. We
prepared the cafeteria for the day and did a dance party with the kids.
On Thursday I started the day off in a meeting discussing the reading program that we
will be implementing this summer. I then spent the rest of the day organizing and filing all of the
student work we had. After this I headed to the school to prepare for site.
The first part of the day on Friday is virtual. I began my day in a family success network
zoom meeting and then I had my Americorps fellowship after. Once I finished this I began
working on my lesson plans for summer. These take a while so I will be working on them a lot in
the coming weeks. Around 2:00 I headed to site to prepare for the kids to make slime again.
Hours Worked 4/26-4/30
Monday: 9:00am-6:30pm (9.5 hrs)
Tuesday: 9:00am-6:30pm (9.5 hrs)
Wednesday: 9:00am-6:30pm (9.5 hrs)
Thursday: 9:00am-6:30pm (9.5 hrs)
Friday: 9:00am-6:30pm (9.5 hrs)
Total Weekly Hours: 47.5
Total Hours to Date: 627.5