The Learner: "Every Child Is A Potential Genius."
The Learner: "Every Child Is A Potential Genius."
The Learner: "Every Child Is A Potential Genius."
1. Ability
The students’ native ability dictates the prospects of success in any purposeful activity. It
determines their capacity to understand and assimilate information for their own use and
application. As learners they differ in the way they observe and interpret happenings in their
surroundings. Some are more perceptive and discerning while others are less inquisitive. With
such typical reactions and facility to learn, they may be classified generally into fast, average and
slow learners. Others are labeled high, moderate and slow achievers. Hence, their proficiency in
searching for more knowledge and the motivation in performance skills are contingent on their
endowed potential to learn.
As to their mental ability, students can be categorized into superior, above average and
below average. A wide range in their intelligence is a factor to consider in planning instruction.
2. Aptitude
Aptitude refers to the students’ innate talent or gift. It indicates a natural capacity to learn
certain skills. Some may exhibit special inclination for the arts such as painting and designing
crafts, propensity for music and flair for dramatics. Talent for mathematics or literature is
likewise noticed among a few.
An early recognition of said natural adeptness among students is indeed compelling so as
not to waste such inborn learning. Provisions of a formative environment will be of great help in
enabling them to flourish and grow.
3. Interests
Learners vary in activities that are undertaken due to a strong appeal or attraction. A
physically robust student would go for athletics, while an artistic and stylish student would pursue
hobbies that are fascinating. Girls are strongly attracted to flowering plants and greeneries and
their preoccupations revolve around them. Boys go for hiking and mountain climbing.
Lessons that give them the chance to express their deep feelings for objects or actions
will be more meaningful and easily absorbed. A classroom set-up could offer centers of interest
that make their stay pleasant and enjoyable. Interest clubs organized by different disciplines serve
as outlet of special interest shared by the members.
5. Attitudes
Students have a unique way of thinking and reacting. Confronted with the same situation
in the learning environment each one would react differently depending on their personal
characteristics. Attitude refers to an individual’s perspective and disposition.
a. Curiosity
Curious students are at all times eager to learn. They are anxious to know more about an
object or event by endlessly until they get the right information. Children’s attitudes could be
positive or negative to a given stimulus, hence, different interpretations and responses.
Inquisitive learners will keep searching for answers or evidence rather than remain inattentive
and disinterested in what is happening in the learning environment. They observe keenly and
use their senses intelligently.
b. Responsibility
Responsible students pursue assigned task to completion despite personal constraints.
They are accountable for their actions and decisions. They are answerable for their conduct in
the classroom. They can be depended upon for learning tasks, which are accomplished in an
orderly and systematic manner. As such, they assume duties, and obligations voluntarily.
Responsible students can easily instill the same trustworthy among themselves.
c. Creativity
Students with creative minds are capable of generating own ideas of doing things.
Being imaginative they can think of new ways of arriving at solutions to their problems.
They can innovate procedures and techniques instead of sticking to antiquated and traditional
methodologies. Learning is achieved through their own inventions and novel revisions, thus
producing new and improved products.
d. Persistence
Persistent students sustain interest in a learning activity not mindful of the extra time and
effort being spent. They pursue the task to completion and never give up when confronted
with problems. They develop the attitude of trying alternative procedures until they obtain
satisfactory results. They are driven by a never-ending search for more knowledge and
These five elements make learners different from one another. The differences among
learners become more accentuated with the integration of children with special needs and
children from the indigenous peoples (IP) group in the classroom.
This means that all your students have these multiple intelligences with two or more intelligences more
developed than others. If you teach in the same way throughout the year, then you do an act of disservice to your
students with varied intelligences. There is supposed to be a ninth intelligence as of date. Figure 1 shows only eight
intelligences. What is the ninth?
Another factor that makes your students differ from one another is learning style. Silver cites four different
learning styles. Refer to Figure 2 and 3.
The Sensing-Thinking (ST) or Mastery Learner The Sensing-Feeling (SF) or Interpersonal Learner
Seeing tangible results Studying about things that directly affect
Practicing what he has learned people’s lives rather than impersonal facts or
Following directions one step at a time theories
Being active rather than passive Receiving personal attention and
Knowing exactly what is expected of her, how encouragement from his teachers
well the task must be done and why Being part of a team – collaborating with
other students
Activities that help her learn about herself and
how she feels about things
Doing things that have immediate, practical Receiving personal attention and
use encouragement
Being acknowledged for thoroughness and Opportunities to be helpful in class
detail Personal feedback
Praise for prompt and complete work Sharing personal feelings and experiences
Immediate feedback (rewards, privileges, etc.) with others.
Completing tasks for which there are no Long periods of working alone silently
practical use Emphasis on factual detail
Activities that require imagination and Highly competitive games where someone
intuition loses
Activities with complex directions Detailed and demanding routines
Activities that focus on feelings or other
intangible results
Time to plan and organize her work Contemplation
Working independently or with other Being able to learn through discovery
intuitive. Opportunity to plan and pursue his own
Working with ideas and things that challenge interests
him to think, to explore, to master Recognition for personal insights and
Routine or rote assignments Too much attention to detail
Memorization Facts, memorization, role learning
Concern for details Tasks with predetermined correct answers
Rigid rules and predetermined procedures Detailed and demanding routines