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Hernretta Chapter 17 Study Guide

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Henretta Chapter 17 Study Guide

Key Terms: Identify and explain the SIGNIFICANCE of each of the following:

1. Homestead Lockout-

2. Vertical Integration-

3. Horizontal Integration-

4. Trust-

5. Mass Production-

6. Scientific Management (Frederick Taylor)-

7. Chinese Exclusion Act-

8. Great Railroad Strike of 1877-

9. Granger Laws-

10. Knights of Labor-

11. Haymarket Square-

12. Farmers’ Alliance-

13. Interstate Commerce Act-

14. Closed Shop-

15. American Federation of Labor-

16. Andrew Carnegie-

17. Gustavus Swift-

18. John D. Rockefeller-

The Big Picture: Each of these prompts significant levels of detail and effort to earn
credit. This means you may need to write a paragraph that argues a position with
supporting facts or create detailed answers in other creative ways.

19. To what degree does the life of Andrew Carnegie reflect the American Dream in your opinion?
Support your argument with facts and not just sweeping generalizations.

20. When workers at Carnegie’s steel plant in Pittsburgh were “locked out” by Henry Frick why do
you think the state militia sided with the owners of the factory rather than the workers?

21. Were the business practices of Gustavus Swift “good business” or “ruthless business” in your
22. Explain the business practice of “Trusts”. Although they are illegal today, can you make a
comparison to large conglomerate today?

23. In what ways could industrialists of the Gilded Age be seen as “Robber Barons” and in what
ways could they be seen as “Captains of Industry”? Be sure to support your argument with fact, not
just sweeping generalizations.

24. How did women’s role in the workplace change as America went through it’s second industrial
revolution during the Gilded Age?

25. How did Frederick Taylor’s “Scientific Management” affect labor in the factories of America in this
time period. If you can, try and make a connection that is similar to Scientific Management today.
26. In what ways was immigration to the United States changing in the 1880s and 1890s? In what
ways did American reaction to these New Immigrants show continuity with a previous period of
immigration in American history?

27. Why do you think the Chinese were targeted for immigration “exclusion” in this time period while
other ethnic groups were not?

28. To what extent (significant/moderate/limited/none) did organized labor improve the condition of
workers during the Gilded Age? Support your argument with facts, not just sweeping generalizations.

29. To what extent did the Granger movement and Farmers’ Alliance improve the condition of
farmers during the Gilded Age?
30. After completing your reading of the chapter summarize how owners of businesses most likely
viewed labor unions in one paragraph, and then in the next paragraph summarize how organized
labor viewed business owners. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that presents a
defensible argument and then back up the topic sentence with supporting details and commentary.
Period 6: 1865-1898 Key Concepts Use this column
Key Concept 6.1 to take notes on
key facts, ideas,
or concepts you
can use on the

Related Thematic Learning Key Concept 6.1: Technological advances,

Objectives (Focus of Exam large-scale production methods, and the
Questions) opening of new markets encouraged the rise
of industrial capitalism in the United States.

WXT-1.0: Explain how I. Large-scale industrial production —

different labor systems accompanied by massive technological
developed in North America change, expanding international
and the United States, and communication networks, and pro-growth
explain their effects on government policies — generated rapid
workers’ lives and U.S. economic development and business
society. consolidation.

WXT-2.0: Explain how A) Following the Civil War, government

patterns of exchange, subsidies for transportation and
markets, and private communication systems helped open new
enterprise have developed, markets in North America.
and analyze ways that
governments have
responded to economic

WXT-3.0: Analyze how B) Businesses made use of technological

technological innovation has innovations, greater access to natural resources,
affected economic redesigned financial and management
development and society. structures, advances in marketing, and a growing
labor force to dramatically increase the
production of goods.

WOR-2.0: Analyze the C) As the price of many goods decreased,

reasons for, and results of, workers’ real wages increased, providing
U.S. diplomatic, economic, new access to a variety of goods and
and military initiatives in services; many Americans’ standards of
North America and living improved, while the gap between rich
overseas. and poor grew

D) Many business leaders sought increased

profits by consolidating corporations into
large trusts and holding companies, which
further concentrated wealth.

E) Businesses and foreign policymakers

increasingly looked outside U.S. borders in
an effort to gain greater influence and
control over markets and natural resources
in the Pacific Rim, Asia, and Latin America.

Period 1: 1865-1898 Key Concepts Use this column

Key Concept 6.1 to take notes on
key facts, ideas,
or concepts you
can use on the

Related Thematic Learning Key Concept 6.1: Technological advances,

Objectives (Focus of Exam large-scale production methods, and the
Questions) opening of new markets encouraged the rise
of industrial capitalism in the United States.

WXT-1.0: Explain how II. A variety of perspectives on the economy

different labor systems and labor developed during a time of
developed in North America financial panics and downturns.
and the United States, and
explain their effects on
workers’ lives and U.S.

WXT-2.0: Explain how A) Some argued that laissez-faire policies

patterns of exchange, and competition promoted economic growth
markets, and private in the long run, and they opposed
enterprise have developed, government intervention during economic
and analyze ways that downturns.
governments have
responded to economic

WXT-2.0: Explain how B) The industrial workforce expanded and

patterns of exchange, became more diverse through internal and
markets, and private international migration; child labor also
enterprise have developed, increased.
and analyze ways that
governments have
responded to economic

CUL-4.0: Explain how C) Labor and management battled over

different group identities, wages and working conditions, with workers
including racial, ethnic, organizing local and national unions and/ or
class, and regional directly confronting business leaders.
identities, have emerged
and changed over time.

D) Despite the industrialization of some

segments of the Southern economy — a change
promoted by Southern leaders who called for a
“New South” — agriculture based on
sharecropping and tenant farming continued to
be the primary economic activity in the South.

Period 6: 1865-1898 Key Concepts Use this column

Key Concept 6.1 to take notes on
key facts, ideas,
or concepts you
can use on the

Related Thematic Learning Key Concept 6.1: Technological advances,

Objectives (Focus of Exam large-scale production methods, and the
Questions) opening of new markets encouraged the rise
of industrial capitalism in the United States.

POL-2.0: Explain how III. New systems of production and

popular movements, reform transportation enabled consolidation within
efforts, and activist groups agriculture, which, along with periods of
have sought to change instability, spurred a variety of responses
American society and from farmers.

POL-3.0: Explain how A) Improvements in mechanization helped

different beliefs about the agricultural production increase substantially
federal government’s role in and contributed to declines in food prices
U.S. social and economic
life have affected political
debates and policies.

WXT-3.0: Analyze how B) Many farmers responded to the increasing

technological innovation has consolidation in agricultural markets and their
affected economic dependence on the evolving railroad system by
development and society creating local and regional cooperative

Period 1: 1865-1898 Key Concepts Use this column

Key Concept 6.2 to take notes on
key facts, ideas,
or concepts you
can use on the

Related Thematic Learning Key Concept 6.2: The migrations that accompanied
Objectives (Focus of Exam industrialization transformed both urban and rural
areas of the United States and caused dramatic social
Questions) and cultural change.

NAT-4.0: Analyze I. International and internal migration

relationships among increased urban populations and fostered
different regional, social, the growth of a new urban culture.
ethnic, and racial groups,
and explain how these
groups’ experiences have
related to U.S. national

MIG-1.0: Explain the causes A) As cities became areas of economic

of migration to colonial growth featuring new factories and
North America and, later, businesses, they attracted immigrants from
the United States, and Asia and from southern and eastern Europe,
analyze immigration’s as well as African American migrants within
effects on U.S. society. and out of the South. Many migrants moved
to escape poverty, religious persecution, and
limited opportunities for social mobility in
their home countries or regions.

MIG-2.0: Analyze causes of B) Urban neighborhoods based on particular

internal migration and ethnicities, races, and classes provided new
patterns of settlement in cultural opportunities for city dwellers.
what would become the
United States, and explain
how migration has affected
American life.

E) Corporations need for managers and for

male and female clerical workers as well as
increased access to educational institutions,
fostered the growth of a distinctive middle
class. A growing amount of leisure time also
helped expand consumer culture.

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