Lyt1402-1604 Lytswitch-1 Family
Lyt1402-1604 Lytswitch-1 Family
Lyt1402-1604 Lytswitch-1 Family
LYTSwitch-1 Family
Single-Stage LED Driver IC with Combined PFC and
Constant Current Output for Buck Topology
Product Highlights
Single-Stage PFC + Accurate CC Output M BP
Design Flexibility
• Supports high- and low-side buck topologies
• Wide input (90 VAC – 308 VAC) and output voltage range operation
• 3 family members cover power range for optimum device selection
• Requires no inductor bias winding PI-7906-050316
conditions FB
BP M PI-7905-050316
The LYTSwitch™-1 family is ideal for single-stage, high PF, constant
current LED bulbs and tubes.
Figure 1b. Low-Side Buck − Typical Application Schematic.
The family incorporates a high-voltage MOSFET with a variable on-time
CrM controller. Extensive protection features with minimum external
components provide industry leading power density and functionality.
The devices can be used in high-side or low-side non-isolated buck Output Power Table1
topology. Optimized for Smallest Components
The CrM operation results in low turn-on losses and reduces cost of Product3
VOUT ≤ 30 V2 45 V ≤ VOUT ≤ 55 V2
output diode (slower reverse recovery).
LYT1402D 4.0 W 8.0 W
LYTSwitch-1 devices are suitable for applications from 2 W to 22 W.
See Table 1 for selection guidance. LYT1403D 7.5 W 15 W
LYT1404D 11 W 22 W
Optimized for Lowest THD
VOUT ≤ 30 V2 VOUT ≥ 55 V2
SOA 5.25 V
LINE Line_Comp
4.5 V
0.7 × VFB(REF) TON
Rev. B 07/16
12.4 kΩ
1% R7
1/8 W R6 402 kΩ
2.49 Ω 1%
1% T3 1/8 W
L1 M BP EE10
3.3 mH 1 mH 60 V, 135 mA
D S 8 1
C5 R5 +V
BR1 FB 4.7 µF 0.68 Ω
B10S-G 10 V 1%
RF1 1000 V LYTSwitch-1
10 Ω U1
L 2W LYT1603D
C1 C4 R8 C6
47 µF 150 nF D1 100 kΩ 150 µF
90 - 300 RV1 400 V 450 V US1J 1/8 W 63 V
Figure 5. Schematic from RDK-464 8 W, 60 V, 135 mA, Non-isolated A19 LED Driver for Wide Input Range: 90 – 300 V VAC using LYT1603D in High-Side Buck
The circuit shown in Figure 5 is configured as high-side buck power The rectified AC supply through BR1 is filtered by the input capacitors
supply utilizing the LYT1603D from the LYTSwitch-1 family of ICs. C1 and C4. Too much capacitance degrades power factor and THD,
This is a low-cost LED driver designed to drive a 60 V LED voltage so the values of the input capacitors were adjusted to the minimum
string at 135 mA output current with an input voltage range of values necessary to meet EMI with a suitable margin. Inductor L1,
90 VAC to 300 VAC. C1 and C4 form a π (pi) filter, which attenuates conducted differential
and common mode EMI currents. A resistor of at least 10 kΩ (not
Circuit Description shown) across L1 can be used damp the Q-factor of the filter inductor
LYTSwitch-1 is a SO-8 package LED driver controller IC designed for to improve filtering high frequency EMI without reducing low
non-isolated buck topology applications. The LYTSwitch-1 provides frequency attenuation.
high efficiency, high power factor and accurate LED current regula-
LYTSwitch-1 Controller Stage
tion. It incorporates a high-voltage 725 V power MOSFET and a
The LED driver circuit is a high-side buck configuration operating in
control engine to switch the FET in critical conduction mode with
critical condition mode. During the time the internal MOSFET is on,
variable frequency and variable on-time for low EMI, accurate current
current ramps up through inductor T3, storing energy in the magnetic
regulation, high power factor, low THD and high efficiency. The
field and at the same time supplying current to the load. Then when
controller also integrates protection features such as input and output
the internal MOSFET turns off, the current will continue to flow in the
overvoltage protection, thermal fold-back, over-temperature
same direction ramping down, to the output load via flywheel diode D1.
shutdown, output short-circuit and over-current protection.
Capacitor C5 provides local decoupling for the BYPASS (BP) pin of
Input Stage
LYTSwitch-1 IC, which provides power to the controller during the
The input fusible resistor RF1 provides safety protection and also
switch on time. The IC internal regulator draws power from the
serves as a current limiting component against high-voltage differen-
high-voltage DRAIN (D) pin and charges the bypass capacitor C5
tial surge. Varistor RV1 acts as a voltage clamp that limits the voltage
during the power switch off-time. The typical BYPASS pin voltage is
spike on the primary during line transient voltage surge events. A
5.22 V. To keep the IC operating normally especially during the dead
300 VAC rated part was selected with a maximum clamping voltage
zone, where VIN < VOUT, the value of the capacitor should be large
specification of 710 VDC lower than the device drain voltage (725 V).
enough to keep the bypass voltage above the VBP(RESET) reset value of
The AC input voltage is full wave rectified by BR1 to achieve good
4.5 V. Recommended minimum value for the bypass capacitor is
power factor and low THD. For higher surge capability such as
4.7 mF, X7R if using a ceramic type capacitor.
>1 kV, C1 and L1 can be placed before the bridge rectifier BR1 in the
same order and RV1 after BR1 but, a safety X-capacitor is required to
be used for C1.
3 Rev. B 07/16
Constant output current regulation is achieved through the FEED- A small output pre-load resistor R8 discharges the output capacitor
BACK (FB) pin directly sensing the drain current during the FET when the driver is turned off, giving a relatively quick and smooth
on-time using external current sense resistors (RFB) R5 and R6 and decay of the LED light. Recommended pre-load power dissipation is
comparing the voltage drop to a fixed internal reference voltage ≤ 0.5% of the output power.
(VFB(REF)) of absolute value 279 mV typical. RFB can be estimated by
the given equation; Key Design Considerations
Device Selection
R FB = V FB(REF) /k # I OUT The data sheet power table (Table 2) represents the maximum
practical continuous output power that can be delivered in an open
Where: k is the ratio between IPK and IOUT; such that k = 3 for
frame design with adequate heat sinking.
LYT-14xx, and k = 3.6 for LYT-16xx)
RDK-464 is a universal input 8 W driver for bulb application, where
Trimming RFB may be necessary to center IOUT at the nominal output
the operating temperature is high and a relatively low THD less than
LED voltage.
25% is desired for universal input application. LYT1603D was chosen
The MULTIFUNCTION (M) pin monitors the line for any line overvolt- based on these conditions.
age event. When the internal MOSFET is in on-state, the MULTI-
FUNCTION pin is shorted internally to the SOURCE (S) pin in order to Output Power Table
detect the rectified input line voltage derived for the voltage across
the inductor, i.e. (VIN – VOUT) and current flowing out of the MULTI- Optimized for Smallest Components
FUNCTION pin is defined by resistor R7, thus the line over voltage Product
VOUT ≤ 30 V 45 V ≤ VOUT ≤ 55 V
detection is calculated as follows;
LYT1402D 4.0 W 8.0 W
LYT1403D 7.5 W 15 W
Where: R7 is assumed to be 402 kΩ ±1%. LYT1404D 11 W 22 W
Once the detected current exceeds the input overvoltage threshold Optimized for Lowest THD
(IIOV) of 1 mA typical, the IC will inhibit switching instantaneously and Product
initiate auto-restart to protect the internal MOSFET of the IC. VOUT ≤ 30 V VOUT ≥ 55 V
The MULTIFUNCTION (M) pin also monitors the output for any LYT1602D 4.0 W 8.0 W
overvoltage and undervoltage event. When the internal MOSFET is in
LYT1603D 7.5 W 15 W
off-state, the output voltage is sensed via divider resistors R4 and R7
across the inductor voltage of T3. When an output open-load condition LYT1604D 11 W 22 W
occurs, the voltage at the MULTIFUNCTION pin will rise abruptly and Table 2. Output Power Table.
when it exceeds the VOOV threshold of 2.4 V typical, the IC will inhibit
switching and initiate auto-restart to limit the output voltage from Magnetic Selection
further rising. The overvoltage cut-off is typically set to 120% of the The core is a small size EE10 with ferrite core material and open
output voltage, which is equivalent to 2 V target at the MULTIFUNC- winding window that allowed better convection cooling for the
TION pin (VOUT(OVP) = VOUT × 2.4 V / 2 V). If desired, higher overvolt- winding.
age cut-off can be set with lower MULTIFUNCTION pin voltage target.
Resistor R7 is set to a fixed value of 402 kΩ ±1% and R4 will determine To ensure proper magnetic design and accurate output current
the output overvoltage limit. Any output short-circuit at the output regulation, it is recommended that the LYTSwitch-1 PIXls spreadsheet
will be detected once the MULTIFUNCTION pin voltage falls below the located at PI Expert web site (
undervoltage threshold (VOUV) of 1 V typical, then the IC will inhibit login) should be used for magnetic calculations.
switching and initiate auto-restart to limit the average input power of EMI Considerations
less than 1 W, preventing any component from overheating. Total input capacitance affects PF and THD – increasing the value will
R4 can be calculated as follows; degrade performance. LYTSwitch-1’s control engine allows operating
in critical conduction mode with variable frequency and variable
R4 = 2 V # R7/ ^ VOUT - 2 V h on-time provides low EMI and enables the use of small and simple pi
This is also applicable to Low-Side Configuration Buck topology (π) filter. It also allows simple magnetic construction where the main
(see application note AN-67). winding can be wound continuously using the automated winding
approach preferred for low-cost manufacturing. The recommended
Another function of the MULTIFUNCTION (M) pin is for zero current location of the EMI filter is after the bridge rectifier. This allows the
detection (ZCD). This is to ensure operation in critical conduction use of regular film capacitors as opposed to more expensive safety
mode. The inductor demagnetization is sensed when the voltage rated X-capacitors that would be required if the filter is placed before
across the inductor begins to collapse towards zero as flywheel diode the bridge.
(D1) conduction expires.
Thermal and Lifetime Considerations
Output Stage Lighting applications present thermal challenges to the driver. In
During the switching off-state, free-wheeling diode D1 rectifies the many cases the LED load dissipation determines the working ambient
voltage across T3 and the output filtered by C6. An ultrafast 1 A, temperature experienced by the drive. Thermal evaluation should be
600 V with 75 ns reverse recovery time (tRR) diode was selected for performed with the driver inside the final enclosure. Temperature
efficiency and good regulation. The value of the output capacitor C8 has a direct impact on driver and LED lifetime. For every 10 °C rise in
was selected to give peak-to-peak LED ripple current equal to 30% of temperature, component life is reduced by a factor of 2. Therefore, it
the mean value. For designs where lower ripple is desirable, the is important to verify and optimize the operating temperatures of all
output capacitance value can be increased. components.
Rev. B 07/16
PCB Layout Considerations The bypass supply capacitor C5 should be placed directly across
BYPASS pin and SOURCE pin of U1 for effective noise decoupling.
In Figure 6, the EMI filter components should be located close
together to improve filter effectiveness. Place the EMI filter compo- As shown in Figure 6, minimize the loop areas of the following
nents C1 and L1 as far away as possible from any switching nodes on switching circuit elements to lessen the creation of EMI.
the circuit board especially U1 drain node, output diode (D1) and the
• Loop area formed by the transformer winding (T3), free-wheeling
transformer (T3).
rectifier diode (D1) and output capacitor (C6).
Care should be taken in placing the components on the layout that • Loop area formed by input capacitor (C4), U1 internal MOSFET,
are used for processing input signals for the feedback loop that any free-wheeling rectifier diode (D1) and sense resistor (R5).
high frequency noise coupled to the signal pins of U1 may affect
LYTSwitch-1 Low-Side Configuration
proper system operation. The critical components in RDK-464 are R4,
R5, R6, R7 and C5. It is highly recommended that these components In Figure 8, LYTSwitch-1 employs low-side Buck configuration and the
be placed very close to the pins of U1 (to minimize long traces which ground potential SOURCE pins are used for heat sinking. This allows
could serve as antenna) and far away as much as possible from any the designer to maximize the copper area for good thermal manage-
high-voltage and high current nodes in the circuit board to avoid ment but, without having the risk of increased EMI.
noise coupling.
Figure 6. Design Example RDK-464 PCB Layout Showing the Critical Loop Areas with LYTSwitch-1 in High-Side Buck Configuration.
120 V, 170 mA
R1 BR1
10 kΩ B10S-G
1/8 W 1000 V
L 1A
L1 C2 D1 C3 R4
4.7 mH RV1 150 nF US1J 68 µF 200 kΩ
C1 275 VAC
190 - 300 100 nF 450 V 600 V 160 V 1/8 W
VAC 305 V
2.2 Ω LYTSwitch-1
1% LYT1604D
N 1/8 W C5 R3
4.7 µF FB 200 kΩ
16 V S D
1% RTN
L2 V-
R6 R5 1.5 mH
0.51 Ω 6.81 kΩ BP M PI-7959-051816
1% 1% C4
1/8 W 1/16 W 100 pF
1000 V
200 kΩ
1/8 W
Figure 7. Schematic from DER-548 a 20 W, 120 V-170 mA Non-isolated LED Driver for Tube with High-line Input Range of 190 – 300 VAC using LYT1604D.
5 Rev. B 07/16
Maximized Copper
Heat Sink
Figure 8. Design Example DER-548 PCB Layout Showing the Critical Components and Loop Areas with LYTSwitch-1 in Low-Side Buck Configuration.
Since the switch MOSFET is referenced to ground, the low-side buck Quick Design Checklist
configuration would also give an advantage of using a low-cost
off-the-shelf dog bone type inductor as demonstrated in the design Maximum Drain Voltage
example DER-548. The addition of a small capacitor C4 (Figure 7) is Verify that the peak Drain voltage stress (VDS) does not exceed
needed to couple the high-voltage referenced signal of the output 725 V under all operating conditions, including start-up and fault
voltage into the MULTIFUNCTION pin of the IC through the resistor conditions.
divider network R2, R3 and R5. Based on the simulation and bench Maximum Drain Current
results capacitance of 100 pF is a good compromise between AC line Measure the peak Drain current under all operation conditions
rejection and flatness of the output voltage during the off-time of the (including start-up and fault conditions). Look for transformer
switch. Based on capacitance tolerance, 68 pF to 150 pF range can saturation (usually occurs at highest operating ambient temperatures).
be used. Verify that the peak current is less than the stated Absolute Maximum
Design Tools Rating in the data sheet.
Up-to-date information on design tools can be found at the Power Thermal Check
Integrations web site: At maximum output power, for both minimum and maximum line
voltage and maximum ambient temperature verify that component’s
LYTSwitch-1 PIXls spreadsheet is located at PI Expert online: temperature specifications are not exceeded for the LYTSwitch-1, transformer, output diodes and output and input capacitors.
Rev. B 07/16
Thermal Resistance
Thermal Resistance: SO-8 Package: Notes:
(qJA).................................100 °C/W(2), 80 °C/W(3) 1. Measured on the SOURCE pin close to plastic interface.
(qJC)(1) ................................................. 30 °C/W 2. Soldered to 0.36 sq. inch (232 mm2) 2 oz. (610 g/m2) copper clad,
with no external heat sink attached.
3. Soldered to 1 sq. in. (645 mm2), 2 oz, (610 g/m2) copper clad.
Maximum Switch
TON(MAX) 37.5 40 45 µs
Minimum Switch
TON(MIN) 1.012 1.1 1.25 µs
VFB(REF) -285 -279 -273 mV
Reference Voltage See Note C
Maximum Constant
TCC(MAX) 6 ms
Current Zone
Forced Minimum
TCC(MIN) 1.2 ms
Constant Current Zone
LYT1x02 680
Supply Current IDSS MOSFET Switching LYT1x03 785 µA
LYT1x04 850
7 Rev. B 07/16
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units
TJ = -40 °C to 125 °C
(Unless Otherwise Specified)
Control Functions (cont.)
VBP(SHUNT) 5.2 5.39 5.55 V
Shunt Voltage
TAR(OFF)1 100
Auto-Restart TJ = 25 °C ms
TAR(OFF)2 1000
Input Overvoltage
IIOV TJ = 25 °C 0.9 1.0 1.1 mA
Auto-Restart Threshold VOOV TJ = 25 °C 2.3 2.4 2.48 V
Voltage (Output OVP)
TJ = 25 °C
Undervoltage Threshold VOUV 0.91 0.95 0.99 V
See Note B
(Output Short)
Junction Temperature
TFB See Note B 138 145 152 °C
at Fold-Back
Thermal Shutdown
TSD See Note A 160 °C
Thermal Shutdown
TSD(H) See Note A 75 °C
Rev. B 07/16
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units
TJ = -40 °C to 125 °C
(Unless Otherwise Specified)
TJ = 25 °C 3.4 3.9
ID = 182 mA TJ = 100 °C 5.1 5.8
LYT1x02 40
VBP = 5.25 V,
OFF-State Leakage IDSS1 VDS = 580 V LYT1x03 55 mA
TJ = 125 °C
LYT1x04 70
A. Guaranteed by design.
B. This parameter is derived from characterization. Non-production test.
C. All parts are individually trimmed in production to deliver the best CC accuracy.
9 Rev. B 07/16
1.2 1000
TCASE = 25 °C
Scaling Factors:
LYT1x03 2.0
LYT1x04 2.7
0.8 100
0.4 10
Scaling Factors:
LYT1x02 1.0
0.2 LYT1x03 2.0
LYT1x04 2.7
0 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
DRAIN Voltage (V) DRAIN Voltage (V)
Figure 1. DRAIN Pin Current vs. Drain Pin Voltage. Figure 2. DRAIN Pin Capacitance vs. DRAIN Pin Voltage.
(Normalized to Absolute Max Rating)
DRAIN Pin Current (A)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
DRAIN Voltage (V)
Figure 3. Maximum Allowable DRAIN Pin Current vs. DRAIN Pin Voltage.
Rev. B 07/16
SO-8 (D Package)
0.10 (0.004) C A-B 2X
4 B
4.90 (0.193) BSC
A 4
8 5
2 3.90 (0.154) BSC 6.00 (0.236) BSC o
C 0-8
0.25 (0.010)
1.04 (0.041) REF
0.10 (0.004) C D
0.40 (0.016)
2X 1
Pin 1 ID 4 0.20 (0.008) C 1.27 (0.050)
1.27 (0.050) BSC 2X
7X 0.31 - 0.51 (0.012 - 0.020)
0.25 (0.010) M C A-B D
Solder Pad +
1. JEDEC reference: MS-012.
1.45 (0.057) 4.00 (0.157) 5.45 (0.215) 2. Package outline exclusive of mold flash and metal burr.
3. Package outline inclusive of plating thickness.
4. Datums A and B to be determined at datum plane H.
+ + + 5. Controlling dimensions are in millimeters. Inch dimensions
are shown in parenthesis. Angles in degrees.
11 Rev. B 07/16
MSL Table
LYT1402D 1
LYT1403D 1
LYT1404D 1
LYT1602D 1
LYT1603D 1
LYT1604D 1
Latch-up at 125 °C JESD78D > ±100 mA or > 1.5 × V(max) on all pins
Human Body Model ESD ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001-2012 > ±2000 V on all pins
Rev. B 07/16
13 Rev. B 07/16
Revision Notes Date
A Code S. 05/16
Code A. Updated TBD’s in parameter table. Updated Typical values in UFB(REF), TCC(MAX), IDSS, VOUV parameters. Added Typical
B 07/16
Performance Characteristics and Applications section.
Patent Information
The products and applications illustrated herein (including transformer construction and circuits external to the products) may be covered by one
or more U.S. and foreign patents, or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of
Power Integrations patents may be found at Power Integrations grants its customers a license under certain patent rights as set
forth at
2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the
failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.
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