Engineering Change Record: No: Title: Included ECR No: Priority: Date Released: Model
Engineering Change Record: No: Title: Included ECR No: Priority: Date Released: Model
Engineering Change Record: No: Title: Included ECR No: Priority: Date Released: Model
No: 312I034
TITLE: Program Update to Version 00-09
Included ECR No:
PRIORITY: Important
DATE RELEASED: November 12, 2012
MODEL: XP Series
Revision Information:
Applicable To:
XP-100 S/N: A1574 and thereafter
The XP Series main unit program has been updated from version 00-07 to version
00-09. In addition, the XP Series program for SNCS communication PCB (SNCS
Firmware) version 00-02 and Print Server program have been added to the CF
(CompactFlash) card for program upgrade.
Detailed Information:
1. The XP Series main unit program has been updated from version 00-07 to version 00-09.
As there were some problems with version 00-08, it will not be released to the field.
Instead, version 00-09 will be released. Therefore, please read both versions’ changed
contents described below.
From version 00-08, programs listed in 2) and 3) below have been included in the CF card
for program upgrade, in addition to the XP Series main unit program.
List of programs contained in the CF card for XP Series main unit program version 00-08
1) CARD1XP1X: XP Series main unit program
2) CDR2XP1X (SNCS Firmware): Program for SNCS communication PCB (PCB
3) Print Server: Print server program for XP instruments
Print Server program has been added in order to provide the field with a program
that can be operated on a PC when printing on a Windows compatible printer via a
PC using the LAN port (for connecting to the host computer).
For CDR2XP1X (SNCS Firmware) version 00-02, [Main Ver.: Ver.1.10] will be
displayed on the XP main unit as version indication, whereas for version 00-01,
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[Main Ver.:
V Ver.1.003] will be displayed
d on the XP mainn unit. As suuch,
CDR2X XP1X (SNCS Firmware)) version 00--02 will be rreferred to ass CDR2XP1X
(SNCS Firmware) [Main Ver.: Ver.1.10] an nd CDR2XP P1X (SNCS Firmware)
n 00-01 will be referred to
t as CDR2X XP1X (SNC S Firmware)) [Main Ver.:
03] in this EC
For vers
sion 00-08, main chang
ges are as follows:
ged Specifications>
B chang
ge Affter change
312I034 2/7
(2) The number of characters
c whhich can be set for POP user name hhas been incrreased. (To
ble this functtion, a CF caard containin
ng CDR2XP P1X (SNCS F Firmware) [M
Main Ver.:
Ver.1.10] is requ
POP userr name inputt screens forr QC data, m maintenance ddata and imaage data havve
been chaanged so thatt up to 50 chharacters cann be set for P
POP user nam
B chang
ge Affter change
ore change After change
Name Bytes
B Name Bytes
Settting value Settinng value verssion 4
verssion Basic informationn 176
Bassic data 176 QC innformation 316
QC data 316 Mainttenance
Maiintenance inform
dataa Imagee informationn 316
Imaage data 316 Conneection
Connnection inform
dataa Dumm
my 120
mmy 120 Checkk sum 4
Cheeck sum 4 POP user name for
Dummmy 29696
2 QC da ata
Total 30956
3 POP user name for
mainttenance datta
POP user name for
imagee data
Checkk sum 4
Dummmy 29092
Total 30956
312I034 3/7
(3) Duraation of SNCCS time out has
h been chaanged.
To reduce
r the nu
umber of SNNCS errors, the timeout dduration for an SNCS coonnection errror
has been
b changeed from 30 seeconds to 3 minutes.
<Resollved issues
1) Printting problem
ms with PCL protocol priinters have bbeen resolvedd.
Previously, when n printing onn a PCL prinnter (GP prinnter) from thhe XP instrum
ment, some
charaacters were overlapped
o and
a were inv verted betweeen black andd white. This issue has nnow
beenn resolved.
2) Probblems with thhe positions of characters displayed oon the reageent replacem ment history
screeen have beenn resolved.
Previously, if lesss than 16 chharacters (Maximum num mber of charracters for a product
codee/product nam me) were sett for a produuct code (prooduct name),, there were cases wheree
inforrmation on shelf life afteer opening was
w displayedd in the prodduct code (prroduct namee)
colum mn on the seecond reagen nt replacemeent history sccreen as somme characterss were moveed to
on 00-09 ch
hanged con
For vers
sion 00-09, changes arre as follows
ged Specifications>
312I034 4/7
<Resollved issues
(1) Step
ps have been n taken to ressolve the issu
ue where QC C chart was not
played depen nding on how w the instrumment was resstarted after tthe
instrrument had been
b shut doown.
Prevviously, if th
he instrumennt was restartted by pressiing "Restart"" button
hout switchin ng OFF the XPX main uniit after a shuutdown sequuence
wass executed, thhe following g problems occurred.
If QC an nalysis was performed
p when
w there w
were less thann 60
plots of QC data, on nly analysis results
r were displayed onn the QC
chart scrreen and QC C data analyzzed after the instrument w was
restartedd were not diisplayed. (However, if thhe instrumennt was
restartedd by switchinng OFF and ON the XP m main unit, aall QC
data werre displayed..)
If QC an nalysis was performed
p when
w there w
were 60 plots of old
QC dataa, QC analysiis was not co ompleted suuccessfully annd the
instrumeent locked up p, displayingg a system errror.
From [M
Main Ver.: Ver.1.03]
V to [Main Ver.: Ver.1.10], tthe following
g change ha
as been ma
ding to [Main Ver.: Ver.1.10] is ess
sential if mo
ore than 15 ccharacters a
are used forr
POP usser name.)
ged Specifications>
Action To Be Taken :
1. This program will not be provided free of charge for instruments in the field. If you
need to update the program version, an order should be placed using the part
number listed below.
2. Please refer to the following pages of updated SYSMEX documentation (attached)
for applicable information.
These updated pages will be included in the next Manual update.
XP Series Service Manual pages:
Chapter 5 Service Program: Table of Contents, 5-49~5-51
Parts List: Table of Contents, 8-28, 8-29
Reference Document :
312I034 6/7
Attachments :
CARD1XP1X XP Series Main Unit Program Version History
CDR2XP1X XP Series Program for SNCS Communication PCB
(PCB NO.90043) Version History
XP Series Print Server Program Version History
XP Series Program Upgrade Procedure
XP Series Service Manual Chapter 5 Service Program: Table of
Contents, 5-49~5-51
XP Series Parts List: Table of Contents, 8-28, 8-29
Person in
Chieko Takeda
Reviewed by: Junko Horitaka, Hikaru Nakai, Mark Dorfner
Authorized by: Atsumasa Sone
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