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Learning Resources

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Step 1

1. Online data bases: amount of data that we can find on the internet
2. Resources: have a same meaning as source
3. Patients: someone that get a medical treatment
4. Ethical issues:
5. Reliable source: a source that we can rely on
6. Obtained: have a same meaning as gained
7. Relevant information: an information that related to the issue
Step 2
1. How to get informations from patients?
2. Whats the charateristics of reliable resource?
3. How reliable is the internet as a learning resource?
4. Whats the benefit from learning resource?
5. Why every medical student must find a relevant data?
6. How student respond if the information is unreliable?
7. How to distinguish the reliable source from the unreliable one?
8. Where to get a valid information for learning issues, except libraries, internet, online
9. Whats the learning source that that we can find in unissula
10. Whats journal?
11. How to get the online database correctly?
12. What is the purpose of the text?
13. How to use information correctly and wisely?

Step 3
1. What is the purpose of the text?
The purpose of the text is to inform the reader to be aware of unreliable resource
2. What kind of learning resource that you can use for learning?
Literature, journal, patients, lecture, human resources, videos, CDs,images.
There are two types of learning source:
1. Resource by design: textbook, worksheet, modul.
2. Resource by utilization: market, zoo, museum, library.
Library: textbook, printed journal, CD, ebook
Online database: online journal, video, image, ebook, scientific writing, proceeding
Skill lab: textbook, worksheet, scientific writing

3. Whats the benefit from learning resource?

To gain information
To developt our knowledge
To get experience

4. What kind of important thing that we can get from those resources?
Scientific knowledge, clinical reasoning,
5. Whats the charateristics of reliable resource?
Wellknown author
Has evidence/fact
For a journal to have reliability they must have a high readership
6. How reliable is the internet as a learning resource?
As long as the database have a good trackrecord then you can rely on it
7. How to distinguish the reliable source from the unreliable one?
1. Has been proven overtime
2. To provide accurate, valid and useful information
3. The book that has license
4. It can be taken from journal or scientific paper
1. Is not proven or has provided information in the past that later proved to be
2. Invalid, not useful
8. Whats the learning source that that we can find in unissula?
Textbook, module, journal, scientific paper, practical instructions,worksheet, workshop,

9. How to use information correctly and wisely?

Use it for positive deed
Use the information for your research
Develop those informations

10. Why every medical student must find a relevant data?

If they cant find a relevant data they cant make a clinical reasoning
11. How to get the online database correctly?
We have to look for the track record
Reference from other people
12. How student respond if the information is unreliable?
Try to find another resource
Check it up

Step 7

1. How to get informations from patients?

ucapkan dalam kata-kata yg dapa dipahami, dalam keadaan netral, tanyakan
pada waktu-waktu tertentu, mulai dari yg umum hingga yang khusus, tanyakan
secara bertahap.

2. What is the purpose of the text?

Bertujuan untuk meberitahu mahasiswa sumber belajar apa yang harus
digunakan untuk pembelajaran, jika kita tidak tahu mendaptkan sumber belajar
yg baik, berdamapak pada pengetahuan kita, sumber belajar dapat didapatkan
dari pasien.
Kita harus bisa mencari tau bagaimana cara mencari sumber yang relevan, kita
bisa juga mendaptkan dari sumber selain perpustakaan, yaitu pasien.

3. What kind of learning resource that you can use for learning?
Website, book, cd, magazine, study guide, video, ebook, lab, activity book.
There are two types of learning source:
Resource by design: textbook, worksheet, modul.
Resource by utilization: market, zoo, museum, library.

Massage, Person, Material, Device, Technique, Setting

Human resources : lecture, and you friend, parent
Electronic : Ofline and Online

 Printed : text book

 Experience : cadaver, and practicing

4. Whats the benefit from learning resource?

 memberikan pengalaman belajar secara langsung dan konkret kepada peserta didik
- Dapat menyajikan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin diadakan, dikunjungi atau dilihat
secara langsung dan konkret
- Dapat menambah dan memperluas cakrawala sajian yang ada di dalam kelas
- Dapat memberi informasi yang akurat dan terbaru
- Dapat membantu memecahkan masalah pendidikan (instruksional) baik dalam
lingkup mikro maupun makro
- Dapat memberi informasi yang positif, apabila diatur dan direncanakan
pemanfaatannya secara tepat
- Dapat merangsang untuk berpikir, bersikap dan berkembang lebih lanjut
 Learning resources can give us an concrete and direct experience to learners
 Learning resources can overcome all limitations of time, space, and situation
 Learning resources can give us an clear, careful, and the newest information
 Learning resources can add our message horizons learning in the classroom
 Learning resources help us to solve our academic problem
 Learning resources can give us a positive motivation
 Learning resources can stimulate us to think and act ciritically, and also develop
our self.
Source : the learning sources management by Dr. Ali Muhtadi, M.Pd
Sebagai media untuk mempermudah dan membantu proses pembelajaran.

5. What kind of important thing that we can get from those resources?
knowledge and experince

6. Whats the charateristics of reliable resource?

reliable because they have been written by people who are experts in the field
source: .apsu.edu/.../Reliable_and_Unreliable_Sources15.pdf
Characteristics of Reliable Sources
 Authority: Who is sponsoring the information? The URL can provide information about
the origin of the resource. The following are examples of ways you can determine the
type of organization that is sponsoring the content for a specific website Sites ending
in…. .edu are usually educational institutions and generally a good source of
information. .gov are government websites and usually good sources for statistical
information .org are typically non-profit organizations often set up as a public service.
Be on the lookout for political agendas and biase
 Sites ending in….
.edu are usually educational institutions and generally a good source of information.
.gov are government websites and usually good sources for statistical information
.org are typically non-profit organizations often set up as a public service. Be on the
lookout for political agendas and biases.
 Accuracy:
Sources for the factual content on the site are clear. There is someone verifying the
accuracy of the information being presented. Verify the author’s credentials.
 Objectivity:
content is provided for public service or educational use. These sites usually provide
links to additional information and are free of advertising for products related to the
 Timeliness: The date of the information and/or the last update is clearly stated on the
Sumber: www-tc.pbs.org/now/classroom/acrobat/lesson07.pdf

Wellknown author with credential

Has evidence/fact
Have high readership

1. A good source usually has an author.

2. A good source is unbiased.
3. When using the internet, remember that the better sites will likely end
in “.edu” or “.gov”.
4. A good source has been published/peer reviewed.
5. A good source is either of a time period (historical) or up to date
6. A good source does not push an agenda.

 The sources always been updated

7. How reliable is the internet as a learning resource?

As long as the site pursuant to those reliable characteristic then its reliable
sources. You must to evaluate the web Pages, check the accurancy and
the objectifvity of that web document

Source : Strategy of learning resources by Dr. Dian AR

8. How to distinguish the reliable source from the unreliable one?
When researching, you always need to be sure that you are getting your information from reliable

Some sources are considered to be “reliable” because they have been written by people who are
experts in the field.

These are the sources you can

Unreliable resources : To determine reliability of online sites and organizations, look at the URL’s

Online journals and magazines:

News sources:

Unreable resoource

On the other hand, some sources, such as Wikipedia, are not reliable because the authors may not
have a thorough knowledge or full understanding of a topic.

Remember: anyone can post information on the internet, and we need to be CRITICAL READERS in
order to determine what to believe!

The following are unreliable sources because they require confirmation with a reliable source:

Some online sources with an URL that end in .com are unreliable.

· Here’s the REAL Reliable Source: (note that the site is .edu)

· Austin Peay State University Academic Support Center Writing Lab “Reliable and Unreliable
Sources” Oct 29 2012

9. Whats the learning source that that we can find in unissula?

Library :
 Open library :book, literature, jurnal, DVD, CD, Poster, karya ilmiah.
 Digital library : ejournal, video, image, ebook.

Laboratorium : manekin, cadaver.

Kelas : modul, INTERNET.

How to use information correctly and wisely?

Mencoba untuk memilah mana yang kita pakai dan tidak kita pakai, digunakan dalam
hal-hal positif dan diamalkan. Tidak menggunakan informasi untuk kejahatan.
Why every medical student must find a relevant data?
Because as medical student, nanti kita akan menjadi dokter dimana pekerjaan kita
berhadapan dengan hidup seseorang sehingga tidak boleh
Karena setiap data yang kita temui harus dapat dipertanggung jawabkan.
First is because the kurikulum in medical faculty is problem based learning that
wanted them to always active to search learning resources, data and information to
resolve the problem. It mean that all medical student must to force their self to find the
reliable learning sources.
The second reason based on Myatt statement (2001), doctor is a profession that
requires a life long commitment to continuously enrich themselves with constanty
increasing knowledge and information. Doctor has one indentic characteristic that is
dependence on information so that many peple said as information intensive domain.
The third reason is Wyatt (2001) said that right now, medical practice must to based
on fact (evidience based medicine) for avoid from medical pactice that just based on
intuition. Therefore the requied knowledge of learning resources used as the basic of
medical knowledge.

Sources : http://dokumen.tips/documents/jurnal-sumber-belajar.html.

How to get the online database correctly?

 - keakuratan data
- Authority
- Obyektivitas dokumen
- Currency of the database
- Coverage
(modul berpikir kritis unissula 2016)

- Who is the author

- Are there obvious reasons for bias
- Is contact information provided
- Is there a copyright symbol on the page
- Is the page a “zombie”
- What is the purpose of the page
- How well organized is the page
- Is the information on the page primary or secondary
- Can you verify the information
- If you want to take internet as your learning resource, there are things
you have to pay attention with that. Firsst, you must to pay attention to
the site address from the academic institution, the organtation, and the
provider of scientific journal. You just can choose the official website.
After that you must see the position of that online sources toward the
other online sources. You can see the trackrecord or ratting of that
online source the review from previous reader (on commentar colum).
- Sources : The Strategy for Choosing Learning Study by Dr. Dian AR,

13. How student respond if the information is unreliable?

Just leave it and find another resources as we’ve already learnt about critical thinking so we
certainly know the difference between reliable and unreliable one

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