Learning Resources
Learning Resources
Learning Resources
1. Online data bases: amount of data that we can find on the internet
2. Resources: have a same meaning as source
3. Patients: someone that get a medical treatment
4. Ethical issues:
5. Reliable source: a source that we can rely on
6. Obtained: have a same meaning as gained
7. Relevant information: an information that related to the issue
Step 2
1. How to get informations from patients?
2. Whats the charateristics of reliable resource?
3. How reliable is the internet as a learning resource?
4. Whats the benefit from learning resource?
5. Why every medical student must find a relevant data?
6. How student respond if the information is unreliable?
7. How to distinguish the reliable source from the unreliable one?
8. Where to get a valid information for learning issues, except libraries, internet, online
9. Whats the learning source that that we can find in unissula
10. Whats journal?
11. How to get the online database correctly?
12. What is the purpose of the text?
13. How to use information correctly and wisely?
Step 3
1. What is the purpose of the text?
The purpose of the text is to inform the reader to be aware of unreliable resource
2. What kind of learning resource that you can use for learning?
Literature, journal, patients, lecture, human resources, videos, CDs,images.
There are two types of learning source:
1. Resource by design: textbook, worksheet, modul.
2. Resource by utilization: market, zoo, museum, library.
Library: textbook, printed journal, CD, ebook
Online database: online journal, video, image, ebook, scientific writing, proceeding
Skill lab: textbook, worksheet, scientific writing
4. What kind of important thing that we can get from those resources?
Scientific knowledge, clinical reasoning,
5. Whats the charateristics of reliable resource?
Wellknown author
Has evidence/fact
For a journal to have reliability they must have a high readership
6. How reliable is the internet as a learning resource?
As long as the database have a good trackrecord then you can rely on it
7. How to distinguish the reliable source from the unreliable one?
1. Has been proven overtime
2. To provide accurate, valid and useful information
3. The book that has license
4. It can be taken from journal or scientific paper
1. Is not proven or has provided information in the past that later proved to be
2. Invalid, not useful
8. Whats the learning source that that we can find in unissula?
Textbook, module, journal, scientific paper, practical instructions,worksheet, workshop,
Step 7
3. What kind of learning resource that you can use for learning?
Website, book, cd, magazine, study guide, video, ebook, lab, activity book.
There are two types of learning source:
Resource by design: textbook, worksheet, modul.
Resource by utilization: market, zoo, museum, library.
5. What kind of important thing that we can get from those resources?
knowledge and experince
The sources always been updated
Some sources are considered to be “reliable” because they have been written by people who are
experts in the field.
Unreliable resources : To determine reliability of online sites and organizations, look at the URL’s
News sources:
Unreable resoource
On the other hand, some sources, such as Wikipedia, are not reliable because the authors may not
have a thorough knowledge or full understanding of a topic.
Remember: anyone can post information on the internet, and we need to be CRITICAL READERS in
order to determine what to believe!
The following are unreliable sources because they require confirmation with a reliable source:
Some online sources with an URL that end in .com are unreliable.
· Here’s the REAL Reliable Source: (note that the site is .edu)
· Austin Peay State University Academic Support Center Writing Lab “Reliable and Unreliable
Sources” Oct 29 2012
Sources : http://dokumen.tips/documents/jurnal-sumber-belajar.html.
Just leave it and find another resources as we’ve already learnt about critical thinking so we
certainly know the difference between reliable and unreliable one