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Elec 2210 - Experiment 1 Basic Digital Logic Circuits: Objectives

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Basic Digital Logic Circuits

The experiments in this laboratory exercise will provide an introduction to digital electronic
circuits. You will learn how to use the IDL-800 “Bit Bucket” breadboarding system to build
circuits using common logic gates. The objectives of this experiment include:
• Review basic principles of digital logic from ELEC 2200
• Learn how to use the Bit Bucket breadboarding system
• Develop professional lab skills and written communication skills.

Almost all computers today use binary digital logic circuits. These circuits have just two
possible output voltages, which can be called by any contrasting terms; the most common are
“HIGH/LOW”, or “TRUE/FALSE”, or “ONE/ZERO.” Such an output is called a “binary digit,”
or bit. The decimal numbers and alphabet characters we are familiar with are converted to
binary bits before they are fed into a computer’s arithmetic logic unit (ALU). Inside the ALU,
the computer executes a program and generates binary results. The binary results are converted
back to decimal numbers, alphabet letters, graphics, or sound so we can understand them. Most
of the fundamental data processing inside computers is done using logic gates. Logic gates
combine individual bits according to certain rules. These rules, taken together, form the basis of
Boolean algebra, which you studied in depth in ELEC 2200 Digital Logic Circuits.

Logic Gates
We will introduce the most common logic gates in this section, including the AND, OR, XOR,
NOT, NOR, and NAND. For each gate, we will show the circuit symbol, the Boolean algebra
logic function, and the truth table. The truth table lists all possible combinations of inputs, and
the resulting output for each. The three most common gates are the AND, OR and NOT
(inverter) gates from which any digital logic circuit can be constructed. These gates are
summarized below in terms of their logic symbol, logic equation, and truth table, where it should
be noted that the NOT gate has only one input while the AND and OR gates can have two or
more inputs.

Logic Gate AND OR NOT (inverter)

In1 In1 In Out
Symbol Out Out
In2 In2
Logic Equation Out = In1•In2 Out = In1+In2 Out = In
In1 In2 Out In1 In2 Out In Out
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Truth Table 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1

REV 8/18/09 Roppel 1

Other common gates include the NAND, NOR, exclusive-OR (XOR), and exclusive-NOR
(XNOR) gates. While the NAND and NOR gates are functionally complete (meaning that any
digital logic circuit can be constructed from either one of these gates), the XOR and XNOR gates
are not functionally complete and, therefore, are not considered to an elementary logic gate by
most designers. These gates are summarized below in terms of their logic symbol, logic
equation, and truth table where it should be noted that the NAND and NOR gates (like their
AND and OR counterparts) can have two or more inputs, while the XOR and XNOR gates
generally have only two inputs. The NAND and NOR gates are a combination of an AND gate
and NOT gate and a combination of an OR gate and NOT gate, respectively, as can be observed
by comparing their truth tables. Similarly, the exclusive-NOR (XNOR) gate has the inverse
output of the XOR gate truth table.


In1 In1 In1 In1
Symbol Out Out Out Out
In2 In2 In2 In2
Logic Equation Out = In1•In2 Out = In1+In2 Out = In1⊕In2 Out = (In1 ⊕ In2)
In1 In2 Out In1 In2 Out In1 In2 Out In1 In2 Out
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Truth Table 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

DeMorgan’s Theorems also relate the operation of the NAND and NOR gates to AND and OR
gates as follows:
( A·B ) = A + B
( A + B) =A ⋅ B
DeMorgan’s Theorems in conjunction with the Involution Theorem, which states that ( A) = A,
can be used to convert any 2-level AND-OR implementation of a sum-of-products (SOP)
expression to an all-NAND gate implementation of the circuit. Similarly, any 2-level
implementation of a product-of-sums (POS) expression can be converted to an all-NOR gate
implementation of the circuit.

Logic Families
A logic family is a complete set of logic gates that are manufactured using a particular type of
electronic circuitry. There are numerous commercially available logic families to suit different
design requirements. The most common logic families are listed in the table below, together with
their relative advantages and disadvantages.

Acronym Full name Advantages Disadvantages

CMOS Complementary Lowest power consumption. Most Easily damaged by static
metal-oxide common logic family- used in all discharge and voltage spikes.
semiconductor microcomputer chips today.

REV 8/18/09 Roppel 2

TTL Transistor- Earliest developed. Most rugged Consumes more power than
transistor logic – least susceptible to electrical CMOS – not suitable for
damage. battery operated devices.
ECL Emitter-coupled Fastest available logic family Consumes more power than
logic CMOS. Requires extreme
care in wiring.

The standard part number for the TTL NAND gate is 7400. However, most manufacturers have
their own designation which includes these numbers, but adds some extra characters. The
following are examples of valid part numbers you might find on a "7400" chip: SN7400N,
MM74C00N, SN74LS00N, SN74H00N, etc. In addition to these, there will often be another
part code stamped on the chip by the manufacturer, and there might be a code stamped
underneath the chip as well. In general, as long as you can find the digits 7400 somewhere on
the chip, you have the right one. Below is a top view of a 7400, which is a quad NAND gate
integrated circuit (IC). The term quad means there are four separate NAND gates on a single
chip (they all share the same power supply, but their inputs and outputs are independent). Note
the pin numbering. The chip has an indentation at one end to distinguish the ends (shown in the
middle of the top of the package in the figure below). For this chip to operate, you must connect
5V to pin 14 (VCC), and ground to pin 7 (GND). Some standard TTL ICs for basic digital logic
functions are illustrated below at the package level for dual-inline packages (DIPSs). The pin
numbers are shown along with the internal connections to the gates. Note that in all three cases
Pin14 = Vcc and Pin7 = Gnd for all three of these devices.

1 14 1 14 1 14
2 13 2 13 2 13
3 12 3 12 3 12
4 11 4 11 4 11
5 10 5 10 5 10
6 9 6 9 6 9
7 8 7 8 7 8
7400 Quad 2-input 7402 Quad 2-input 7406 Hex Inverters
NAND gates NOR gates
TTL Logic
In this experiment, we will be using TTL logic. All ICs in the TTL logic family have the
following specifications:
POWER SUPPLIES: +5 V and Ground (0 V).
LOGIC HIGH: 2.0 to 5 V
LOGIC LOW: 0 to 0.8 V
FAN-OUT (Number of inputs that each output can be connected to): 10
More details can be found in most textbooks on digital electronics, and also on the internet. Here
is a useful website for TTL information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transistor-transistor_logic

REV 8/18/09 Roppel 3

Design an all NAND gate implementation of a 2-to-1 multiplexer which has inputs A, B, and S
and output Z, where Z=A when S=0 and Z=B when S=1. Construct the truth table for the
multiplexer and use a Kmap to obtain a minimized SOP expression for the multiplexer. Draw
the logic diagram for the 2-level AND-OR implementation for the minimized SOP expression,
labeling all inputs and output. Use the Involution Theorem and DeMorgan’s Theorems to obtain
an all-NAND gate implementation of the circuit and draw the logic diagram labeling all inputs
and output. Using the package-level drawing of a 7400 Quad NAND gate integrated circuit,
draw the connections of the various individual gates in the package to construct the multiplexer.

Lab Exercise
Your lab instructor will show you how to insert DIP IC chips into the breadboard, and also how
to remove (extract) chips from the breadboard. Each time you obtain a chip, inspect it to make
sure it is the right part number (see the next paragraph), and to make sure all the pins are intact.
Very often, people put chips back in the wrong bin. It is also common for pins to break off due
to careless handling. If a pin breaks, inform your instructor and discard the chip.

IDL-800 “Bit-Bucket” Digital Logic Breadboard System

In this experiment, we will use the IDL-800, a breadboard system
especially designed for TTL digital logic. In the lab ad in subsequent
writeups, we commonly refer to this as the Bit Bucket. It provides
regulated 5 V power, switches for manual input, and an adjustable
clock. It also provides LED’s and 7-segment displays for monitoring
Inputs and Outputs
For studying digital logic circuits we will use several types of inputs
and outputs, including switches, clock signals, LED’s, and 7-segment
Switches: A switch is used to manually connect the input of a gate to a HIGH or LOW voltage.
We will use pushbutton (PB) and toggle (T) switches.
Clock: A Clock is a circuit that produces a periodic output that alternates between HIGH and
LOW voltage. We will use a clock signal to test some of our logic circuits.
LED’s and 7-segment displays: Light-Emitting Diodes (LED’s) can be used to display the
output of a logic gate. Usually, they are connected so that if the output is HIGH, the LED is on.
Seven-segment displays are packaged arrays of LED’s that are used to display numbers and

PART 1 – NAND Gate Truth Table

Connect a 7400 quad NAND gate and verify the truth table (record the truth table for your lab
report). Connect two toggle switches to the inputs of one of the NAND gates, and connect the
output to the Logic Probe. Verify the truth table for this gate by stepping through each of the
four possible combinations of switch settings.

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Draw the circuit, labeling which pin numbers you use for each column of the truth table. Record
your truth table and verify that this gate implements the NAND function. Repeat this process for
each of the other three NAND gates on the chip (the main purpose of this is to help you learn
how to count pins).

Before proceeding, have your GTA check off Part 1 on your checklist.

PART 2 - Multiplexer
Connect the four NAND gates of the 7400 IC to construct your multiplexer design from the
Prelab. Connect three toggle switches to the inputs of the multiplexer and connect the output to
the Logic Probe. Record and verify the multiplexer truth table for all possible input
combinations - debug your implementation as needed. Record each truth table and describe the
problems and corrections you made to the circuit as you proceed to a working multiplexer.

Have your GTA check off Part 2 on your checklist.

PART 3 - Cleanup
Return all components, put away all wires, and turn off all equipment.

Have your GTA inspect your workstation and check off Part 3 on your checklist if acceptable.


If your circuit is not operating correctly at the end of the lab period, you may lose some or all of
your in-lab points. You will not be allowed to work “overtime.”

Submit your report to your GTA’s mailbox prior to the start time of your lab period one week
from today. Attach the required cover sheet and your initialed checklist to your report.

REV 8/18/09 Roppel 5

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