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Chicago Chronicles Volume 2

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The Faceless City

By Andrew Oreenberg
with Steve Crow

Chapter One: Introduction 1

© 1996 White Wolf Publishing AB. All rights reserved.
Reproduction without written permission of the publisher is
expressly denied, except for purposes of review. Vampire
the Masquerade is a registered trademark of White Wolf
Publishing AB. Chicago By Night is a trademark of White
Wolf Publishing AB.
Chapter One: Introduction 7
Chapter Two: History 17
Chapter Three: Oeography 2.,
Chapter Four: The Kindred sq
Brujah 62
Caitiff 78
Oangrel 84
MalkaYian .,2
Nosferatu 103
Toreador 10q
Tremere 117
Ventrue 124
TheSabbat 137
The Others 144
Chapter fiYe: The Coteries 153
Appendix: Politics 17.,

Chapter One: Introduction 5

the winds of change consume the land,
while we remain
in the shadow of summers now past.
When aUthe leaves
have fallen and turned to dust,
will we remain
entrenched in our ways?
- Dead Can Dance, "Severance"
Vampires no longer rule C hicago with an iron hand. querade itself may be imperiled as human eyes begin turning
The ir authority has been challenged in the most violent and toward events that they have not been allowed to see. The
devastating way. Two short months ago, the Garou and risk is unpara lle led, as is the opportunity.
Sabbat attacked the city, destroying in a few nights that This sourcebook provides everything a Storyteller needs
which had taken more than a century to build. A concerted to create stories based in the recovering city of C hicago. It is
effort by the most powerful Kindred of Chicago succeeded in set several years after the original Chicago by Nigh t, and
driving them back, but the damage had been done. mere months after the conclusion of U nder a Blood Red
The tide ofblood that swept C hicago has ebbed , and the Moon - its companion supplement for W erewolf. Posses-
invaders have crept away to lick the ir wounds. But the city sion of Unde r a Blood Red Moon is recommended when
will never be the same. Its immortal ruler is no more, using Chicago by N ight, Second Edition, but not necessary.
destroyed during the nights of violence. New terrors nightly
creep into the vacuum left by the murders of Lodin and
dozens of other Kindred. The City
The characters are thrust into this maelstrom, their My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
surv ival decided only by the ir own abil ities and those of the
-The Bible, Psalms 22:1
enemies they make. Still, an opportunity exists that only
Prince Lod in ruled Chicago for more than a cen tury, and
happens once in generations - a great c ity has been left
his hand marked every aspect of the c ity. He was intensely
without vampiric leadership, and is open to any and all.
business-orie nted, and he and h is associates turned the city
C h icago has no prince, its primogen has split into bitter
into a thriving center of trade, manufacturing and finance.
factions, and none know in which direction it shall go next.
W hile not art istically inclined, he helped the Toreador build
Mortal institutions have lost their puppeteers, and the Mas-
the city's cultural centers. After taking a liking to Mies van

Chapter One: lnrroduction 7

der Rohe, the famous Bauhaus architect, he brought the seen from afar, leaves an impression of towering buildings-
German toChicagoand set him to work revitalizing the city's monuments to the ingenuity and prosperity of its citizens.
look. The frantic activity of everyone in the city leads some to
He played a key ro le in the early growth of the area, and believe its workers are actually busy, accomplishing some-
helped expand the suburbs through Illinois, Wisconsin and thing of value.
Indiana. While the city's population has been fa lling recently A closer view shows a much different City. Huddled in
(a problem some critics have blamed on Lodin), nearly the the shadows of the skyscrapers are hundreds of the homeless.
entire area from Gary to Milwaukee constitutes one enor- Far below the penthouses plod the impovenshcd and hungry.
mous community. If taken as a whole, it is one of the largest In the darkest alleys, the Kindred wait for their next VICtims.
metropolises in the world. The continuing "prosperity" hides the true face of the
Ledin's fa ilures, however, influenced the city as much as city. Poverty, not wealth, is the common plight of 1ts resi-
his successes. His focus on business at the expense of the dents. Most of the buildings are dirty and gray. For every
individual helped anarchs make the city a center of labor modern, gleaming tower there are many more dark and
unrest. His tightly controlled political puppets stirred resent· looming structures. Water runs down ancient gargoyles,
ment among mortals - resentment that exploded in 1968 collecting in muddy puddles along the cracked sidewalks.
and agam dunng the 1980s. Finally, his Blood Hunt against Though still called the Second C ity, it has fallen behind
the city's werewolves started the very war that led to his Final both New York and Los Angeles, losing almost eight percent
Death. of its citizens during the '80s. It now has a population of 2. 7
No one knows how many of Ledin's accomplishments million, and the metropolitan area hosts five million more.
were his own and how many stemmed from the actions ofh1s Another 600,000 live in and around Gary.
associates (or manipulators). S till, Ledin's touch can be seen Behind all this are the city's vampires, divided and still
everywhere, and even after his death, the city lives on m h1s at war. While all sides have lost important allies, they
image. continue their struggles, intent on their rivals' defeat. Thus
Chicago's decline continues, for these immortal battles use
Chicago in Mortal Eyes mortal institutions as pawns, and in so doing corrupt all they
The city survives despite its many signs of urban decay.
Some even think it continues to prosper. After all, its sky! inc,

8 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

You once felt it wise to ignore my monition, but now the What follows is a brief list of sources for the city of
danger has grown to gargantuan proportions. Without swift Chicago. It is not exhaustive, and you probably will not use
action, the city is sure to fall to the forces of our enemies . Now is all the sources listed. Those that you do use, however, may
the time to strike, before rhey can regain their strength. Our agents well prove invaluable.
are in place and the prize is there- if we dare to take it .
- deCaligula, letter to the Council Reference Books
Chicago for a Day

HowtoUse Frommer's Chicago

This Book The jungle, Upton Sinclair
Chicago, Studs T erkel
C h icago by Night has been designed for Storytellers to Chicago: City on the Make, Nelson Algren
use in a number of ways. Hopefully, you will be able to use the
Dominion, Fred Saberhagen
information herein to create your own city. Much of what has
Carl Sandburg poetry
been written here is as applicable to Cincinnati or Amsterdam
as it is to Chicago, and Storytellers should feel free to treat it
as such.
The Unrouchables (for its view of Chicago's early
Chicago is this book's focus, however, and it contains
crime lord)
everything a Storyteller needs to base her chronicle therein.
It includes the people, conflicts and places that play key roles Ferris Bueller's Day Off (basically a visual tour guide of
in the unlives of the Damned. With this book, the Storyteller the city)
can send the characters right into the heart of Chicago's The Blues Brothers (there can be no better v iew of Daley
insanity, and have stories to last as long as the characters do. Plaza)
Additionally, the Storyteller can take the information Risky Business (for anyone who n eeds a reason to destroy
included herein and adjust it to her own vision of Chicago. C hicago's suburbs)
For instance, this design for Chicago leaves the city prince less Flatliners (a good mix of science and the Gothic in
and in the midst of a power struggle. If the Storyteller prefers C hicago)
a more conventional setting, she can create a prince and then Marked For Death (the gang influences continue)
revise the politics and intrigues around him. This method is Backdraft (gives a good feel for the Gothic buildings)
especially useful if any of the players have read this book and Candyman (not only an excellent movie, but a superb
are in need of a good surprise. look at Cabrini G reen and its citizens)

References Contents
Storytellers opting to change this material for their own T he six chapters of this book should provide the Story-
purposes should be ready to do some of their own research. teller with everything she needs to set her chronicle in
Even those Storytellers who use this book as written can Chicago. This first chapter introduces and explains the rest
benefit from doing their own investigations, as C hicago by of the book. Chapter Two summarizes the city's history, with
N ight focuses on the supernatural aspects of Gothic-Punk particular emphasis on the role of the undead. Chapter Three
Chicago. offers a brief geography, and Chapter Four presents many of
There are many different resources available to anyone the city's Kindred. Chapter Five details the alliances, politics
playing the game. Most bookstores and libraries have travel and schemes of many of these vampires. Finally, the Appen-
guides about th e city. These contain maps, lists of restaurants, dix provides an in-depth explanation of vampiric politics, as
descriptions of important buildings, and may even describe well as hints to expand this part of any chronicle.
the city's atmosphere. These same places may have copies of
the Chicago newspapers - the Chicago Sun-Times and the
What's New
Chicago Tribune- which can provide you with a feel for the The first edition ofC hicago by N ight came out two years
city and innumerable story ideas. before the publication of this volume. Since that time, the
Beyond these basic sources, there are other books and city has undergone dramatic changes. Travelers who h ave
not seen the city in a number of years would be amazed at the
movies that can help the Storyteller. Even a photography
book can help the Storyteller describe parts of the city to the

Chapter One: Introduction 9

The most obvious differences stem from the death of the but rarely broke the layer of scum hiding them from prying
prince. Lodin left his mark on every aspect of the city; his eyes. Now, however, the battles have become more overt,
demise has led to great upheaval. A number ofcontenders vic and everyone looks over her shoulder. Suspicions, formerly
for the vacant seat, and their maneuverings arc ure w silent thoughts, now fuel acts of violent rage. Trust, always a
involve most of the c ity's Kindred. rare commodity in Chicago, h as become nonexistent among
The princedom ISnot the only important part ofKmdred the Kind red. The city's leaders suffer these fears even more
society in transition. T he primogen it elf, despite rcrmning than the average neonate does.
all its members, is in disarray. During all previous uph eav;~ l • The price of power, then, is the theme of Chicago by
these elders have known who wa rcspon iblc for wh;n, ;~nd N ight. Those Kindred in power have become paranoid,
on whose side everyone was. Thi was not the case dunng the bitter, afraid to make the slightest move for fear of what the
attack on the c ity. rc ult may be. Paraly:ed by their own strengths, they fear that
That some Kindred had prior knowledge of what was to everyone else is out to get them- and they arc right, for the
come became obvious. Some of the primogcn even left town layers of intrigue are as deep and as dark as the grave.
shortly befo re the attacks began, returning only when the city The Storyteller should keep this theme in mind while
was again safe. While its members have never had any reason running the chronicle. While each story should h ave its own
to trust each other, their distrust has increased drammically, theme, the price of power should always be a complication.
further hindering the search for a new prince. Thus, as the characters become more of a factor in the city,
In fact, this high er level of paranoia merely reflects the they should find they have more to fear.
increased deadliness of the game behind the scene . The The more vampires who know about the characters, the
puppeteers ense that their long Jyhad is coming to a close, more enemies they have (or will make). The more control
and will spare no effo rt to eliminate their foe. No pawn is they gain over mortal institutions, the more likely it is that
sacred. hunters come after them. While the characters may be
O ne group that previously had little involvement m unknowns at the beginning, the longer they stay in the city,
Chicago's war, the Sabbat, h as joined in with rccklc aban- the more involved they will become in its battles. The more
don. After instigatmg the events of Under a Blood Red they become involved in its battles, the more they become
Moon, a number of its members have stayed m the c1ty, pawns of the Ancients, and the less freedom they have.
taking on po it ions of power. O thers have come w the c 1ty m
the nights since, only w find themselves caught in rhc
Methuselahs' war. As the theme implies, the mood of the city is intense
New Malkavians have also arrived in the city, although u pic10n. No one trusts anyone else, lies arc the norm and
those most aware of them feel sure the ir presence IS not backstabbing is not only accepted, but expected. The char-
voluntary. The eyes of the city fo llow these newcomers, acter should never know whom to trust, and may quickly
certain they provide some clue as w who is really behind the learn to distrust everyone. Of course, when they become this
city's intrigues. paranoid, the Storyteller has the perfect opportunity to hit
There arc a number of newcomers whose presence is them with someone they need to trust, but won't.
even less apprec iated. Most normal people believe some- No one in the city, be it vampire, mage or anyone else,
thing odd has ju t happened in Chicago, but witch -hunters really knows what is going on. The more one learns, the more
are sure of the fact. Some of the most important figures in the one real izcs that there is still more to be learned. For instance,
Society of Leopold have come to the city at the same time just when the characters begin to learn the identities of the
that there is no prince to deal with them. Arcanum scholar major candidates for prince, th ey should begin to sec that
are flocking to a newly founded chapterhouse ncar North- each of the candidates for prince is being manipulated by
western Univer ity. Of course, the FBI is interested as well. omeonc else. If they can't discern the puppeteers, th ey
Finally, all the city' vampires arc now aware that Chi- hould at least realize there must be a force behind the scenes.
cago hosts a number of Lupines within the city Itself, not just As the chronicle continues, the characters should no-
on the outskirts. While an extremely uneasy truce keep the tice just how few of the city's in habitants truly trust each
two sides from returning to war, no one feel afe anymore. other. Not only do the Kindred doubt the motives of other
Unlike their neighbors in Milwaukee, who have alway been vampires, but unless a mortal is completely under vampiric
at war, the Chicago Kindred arc not used to this sort ofharreJ contro l, no vampire will trust her. This attitude trickles down
and fear. Another outbreak of violence is almost ccrtam, as to the kine residents of the city, and observant characters will
the vampires become more and more consciou of their ce how few of them trust each other.
uncertain hold on the city, and the precarious nature of their The only vampires the characters may trust are each
very existence. other - and then only if they are truly stupid.

Theme Personal Touches

C hicago is nor the city it was two years ago. Then , it~ The Storyteller should feel not only free, but almost
conflicts bubbled under rhe surface. They fes tered and grew, obligated to change the material in this book. Herein is the

I0 Chicago by ioht 2nd Edition

material for a chronicle, but it is left to the Storyteller's
imagination and creativity to make it work. Every troupe of
players is different and no two Storytellers are alike. By
keeping in mind the players' desires as well as his own, the
Storyteller can use this material to run a truly memorable
Unless you play around with this material, you will never
really be comfortable with it. Create a new candidate for
prince, or give Chicago a single ruler. Have werewolves run
through the streets every night, or tum the city's government
over to witch-hunters - whatever you need for your own
While these characters have been designed to mesh
together in an intricate Chinese puzzle of conspiracies, plots
and counterplots, individual characters can easily be lifted
from the landscape of Chicago and placed in any situation
the S toryteller sees fit. Use Chicago as an example of what a
city is like - a template for your own city. Don't be afra id to
leave Chicago entirely and use any other c ity (your home-
town, or a city you know well) as the setting for your games.
The best roleplaying occurs when it takes place in the
Storyteller's own creation- while that can eat up enormous
amoun ts of time, it is one of the most rewarding things about

C hapter Four details most of Chicago's remaining vam-
pires. To use this book more effectively, however, a Storyteller
needs to understand what is going on in this city. The politics
arc torturous and neverending; Final Death is the price of
fa ilure. The intrigues have become more dangerous than they
used to be, and Chicago's vampires more likely to resort to
Many of the vampires were Embraced in Chicago, and
others have been in the city for so long that they might as well
have been born there. It has left its stamp on them as surely
as they have left theirs on it.

Power Structure
Use power for power
Use hate for freedom
Use money for cntelty
Use money for cntelty
Take control and keep it.
-Swans, "Power for Power"
Until the werewo lf attack shook Ch icago to its core, the
city was ostensibly ruled by Lodin, a Ventrue who seized
contro l in the 19th century. With his murder, and the deaths
of so many other Kindred, Chicago's power structure is in
disarray. Many contenders for the empty throne have ap-
peared, but no clear leader has emerged.

Chapter One: Introduction ll

Lodin's Laws
Prince Lodin may have met his Final Death, but his
laws live on. Whether out of habit or good sense, most of
Chicago's Kindred still abide by these dictums. As new
blood flocks to the city, however, this is sure to change.
I) None in my city shall kill and leave behind evidence of
their feasting. If your slaying causes an investigation among
the Police, or worse, among the Press, then I shall track you
down and extinguish you - or, if others speak for you, exile
you. You musrlick all wounds, and dispose ofaU those you kill.
I hold the Fourth Tradition in strong regard and do not take
such violations of the Masquerade lightly.
2) Do not hann the travelers to this city, for its wealth is
based upon its status as a center ofcommerce and travel. You
may feed from such, but do not leave any evidence of your
feast. You should not test me on this, for these folk are the basis
of the wealth of my realm.
3) Have nothing to do with any of those among the Press.
They are to be strictly ignored. They are my Domain. Neither
should you attempt to enslave or manipulate the Police of this
city. They are my Domain as well.
4) Keep the sanctity of Elysium, for that is our place of
rest and recreation. No act of violence or struggle shall be
tolerated therein. You may attend my court there, as all in my
city are free to do, but you must not carry your conflicts into
the sanctity of its ground.
5) Do not hold commerce with my enemies or those who
seek to usurp my righrful authority. I shall repay treachery with
treachery, rebellion with iron might. Let me caution you: I
know all that happens within my realm. Do not think you can
keep secrets from me.
While all the candidates hope they will become prince
on their own merits, the issue will, no doubt, be decided by
the true powers of the city- those unseen Cainites who
direct everyone else. Over the course of the chronicle, the
characters should constantly be trying to discover who these
powers are. Once again, no one knows the whole story.
In such an atmosphere rumors and conspiracy theories
abound. Some believe the Tremere plan a takeover, while
most elders suspect the anarchs are readying to make their
move. Some vampires fear the Sabbat, while others insist
that there are Ancients at work in Chicago, and yet others
fear all these occurrences.
Some Chicago Kindred believe the elder/anarch war
will actually wane with the death of Lodin. Much of the
anarch anger was caused by and directed at his harsh reign.
The anarchsstill exist in the city, however, and have no plans
to curtail their activities.
What escaped the notice of casual observers was that
Ledin served at the behest of the primogen, which was much
more than a council of advisors. The primogen still exists; all
its members survived the Lupine attacks. More than likely,
the next prince will also serve them.
Only an elite few among Chicago's !Kindred know of the
dark powers that lie beyond the primogen. Only a handful

12 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

know of the Methuselahs, and even fewer know their names. Kindred Influence
The Methuselahs have been at war for more than a millen- Nothing can erase this night
nium, and they usc many of the other Kindred as pawns in And there's still light with you
their Jyhad. The city has been divided between them. Princes Rhapsody
and potential princes, elders and anarchs, Camarilla and And if we can never see the sun
Sabbat- any and all are pawns of the two Methuselahs. There's still light with you.
None in C hicago know what powers struggle above even - Siouxsie and the Banshees, "Rhapsody"
the Mcthusclahs. C hicago still reflects the taste of the Kindred. Those
Mortal Society businesses used or favored by the vampires (particularly the
elders, Vcntrue, Trcmere, and T oreador) often continue to
Either I'm a genius
exist even if they do not otherwise make a profit. Over their
or 1 haven't leamed
long unlivcs, the Kindred have grown used to having their
a damn thing.
own way without argument or delay. Money is not difficult
I can't figure how
for them to obtain, and thus their decisions are not dictated
I remember
by the demands of the profit motive.
how they look the way 1' m
Is a local gang troubling an owner, causing said owner to
going through people
lose merchandise? The police quickly raid the gang's head-
like a dirty book.
quarters, and its members are shot while resisting arrest.
-Taoist Cowboys, "Not Even Johnny"
Is a h ealth inspector threatening to close down a night-
The vampires have controlled almost every aspect of
club because its restaurant does not meet city regulations?
mortal life in Chicago at one point or another, but that
The inspector is quickly and quietly fired, or transferred to
contro l has slipped. Kindred control of the city's civic au-
oth er duties.
thorities is in great disarray, as Cainites fight over police, fire
Are those collections ofdusty old books a fire hazard that
departments, city council members and even petty bureau-
a fire marshal wants to see removed?The marshal ch anges his
mind. He may never remember having seen them.
No area escaped the havoc that wracked the city. Busi-
Because of this, many businesses that may n o longer exist
nesses and unions that have been in the vampires' pockets for
in our world flourish in the Gothic-Punk world of Vampire.
generations suddenly can do as they please. While one
However, the owners are dominated by a clientele more elite
Cainite still has substantial control of the city's papers, even
than C hicago's rich.
he h as found it hard to cover up the recent horrific events.
Vampires' predatory instincts extend to more than mere
Finally, even in those places where the Kindred exercise
feeding. The undead think of a business in the same way they
dominion, oth er vampires contest their authority, seeking
think of a vessel. Drain it too quickly, and that is one less
more power for themselves.
vessel, or business, to rely on in the future. Such abrupt and
Oovernment final action also draws attention - a dead body drained of
The mundane government of C hicago is still controlled blood and a business bankrupted by an unknown client are
by the old political machine - a political machine unrivaled both potential threats to the Masquerade.
in any other c ity in the nation. Though it was overthrown for So impo rtant businesses still exist. However, they arc
a time by an extraordinary black politician, Mayor Harold rundown and decaying. The owner is so busy catering to the
W ashington, the manipulations of the Kindred allowed the Cainites that he has little time to worry about painting and
machine to take over again a few years later. cleaning. Money is what is important, and that comes from
T o this day the machine permeates down to the neigh - seeing to the needs of these oh-so-important customers
borhood level. Ward bosses look out for the voters in their willing to spend their money freely. And so a vicious circle
neighbo rhoods and pass out political favors to those who aid begins. A vampire finds a bookstore that has a rare book, and
them. Vampiric dominance of this process no longer exists. pays a fabulous price for it. Because the bookstore owner
Lodin's death freed many of these bosses to act on their own, obviously has certain sources and contacts, the vampire asks
without the undead tosayyesorno. Individual vampires have for anoth er ra re book. The own er is n ot sure why, but he is
seized individual wards, and even Lodin's former ghouls are frightened of his new client. He uses much of his profit from
rumored to be involved. the first sale to expand his net of contacts to find the next
The prime powers of the city - mayor, aldennen, city book. Other Kindred hear about this owner who can find rare
attorney, congressmen, etc. - used to be under Lodin's books and come to his shop.
influence. Cainites arc sti ll jostling for control of these Soon, the owner is making large sums of money. How-
individuals, but the mortals arc beginning to fall into the ever, the demands of the Kindred come more frequently, and
different camps and, without a prince, may well turn the city's for rarer items. The owner is spending money just as fast to
government into even more of a gridlock than it is today. search for these items.
The cycle may take years, but eventually the owner
exhausts his sources and cannot find a particular item. The

Chapter One: Introduction l3

Kindred move on to a new bookstore, leaving the owner with
A Tribute to Lodin less money than he had when the first vampire visited. The
We have lost a great friend in the Americas. Most of you store is peeling paint, gathering dirt and falling to pieces. His
knew Lodin, the Prince ofChicago. Unlike many ofour kind, mortal customers, spumed for the free-spending Kindred,
he was a great craveler, and regularly visited here and on the have long since moved o n to more pleasant places.
Conrinenc. His visits \vere always a pleasure, and he was the Such is the pattern of supply and demand in any city
finest of companions. that hosts the Damned. C hicago is no exception. This aura
of decay - not just in the poorer parts of town but in the
Despite the criticism anarchs and Licks heaped upon him, middle- and upper-class neighborhoods- is what gives the
Lodin acted for the good of all Kindred. Some may have called Gothic-Punk world its texture.
his rule harsh, ochers called him pawn, buc our welfare was
always paramount in his mind. He defended the Masquerade Vital Statistics
with incomparable dedication and ability, and tyrotected all Chicago sits along the southern shore of Lake Michigan
chose of the Camarilla from our many enemies. in the srme of Illinois. The lake exerts a strong influence on
His death is a loss we all suffer. Kindred have lost a superb the city's climate and has led to the city gaining the appella-
leader , the Camarilla has lost a stalwart trrotector, and I have tion "The Windy City"- though local wags attribute the
lost a dear friend. The world was made a better place by his nickname to the dry's politicians. Average nighttime tem-
presence, and a sadder place by his loss . peratures range from 25° F (-4°C) in January to 75° F (24° C )
in July.
- Lady Anne, Prince of London, excerpts from a
speech at a meeting of Ventrue C hicago is not as windy as its nickname might suggest,
but the breezes off Lake Michigan are as constant as they are

Tra-vel to and arou;kdpocCibi~w;g;

There are a number of ways to get to Chicago, though of for the Kindred, and should not be taken without trepidation
course It IS s1mpler for mortals than for Kindred. This will not and care.
be a problem for characters native to Chicago, but if your
chron1cle began m another city, you need to know how the
Road Travel
characters can get to Chicago. Agencies can arrange travel in specially sealed contain-
ers aboard freight trucks, but this is a fairly new concept.
The Kindred use nearly all means of transportation, but
C haracters can arrange their own travel by car, but this is
each involves certain special considerations. Frequently,
particularly dangerous. Stops must be arranged each day, safe
another Camire contro ls a given mode of travel, and requires
havens found (often simply under the bed in a motel room
permission and perhaps tribute before allowing another to
with the curtains closed and a Do Not D istu rb sign on the
usc it. All necessary arrangements will then be made. These
door), and care taken for the safe procurement offood. Some
"agencies" offer the safest and most efficient travel arrange-
anarchs regularly travel in this manner, but few elders take
ments for the Kindred, but a character must be in favor with
the elders in order to make use of them. such risks.
The primary ro ute into Chicago from Milwaukee is 1-94;
Vampires almost never travel alone. Retainers are in-
it joins theJFK Expressway, whichentersthedowntown area.
variably employed by all but the most arrogant. Though, of
The western leg of 1-94, the Tri-State T ollway, forms the
course, the "agency" provides its own employees, one's own
expressway around the city's west edge. From Madison and
Retainers are awa re of special needs and arrangements, and
Rockford, 1-90 is the main highway; in the northwest suburbs
can be relied upon to put one's safety above their own. On
it intersects 1- 190, which then curves southwest and contin-
long journeys, meals can be arranged, but travelers are nor-
ues into C hicago as the Eisenhower Expressway. This is the
mally expectecl to make their own arrangements- another
primary route to the western suburbs. In the south are 1-94
for taking Retainers along. Travel is a perilous thi~g
(Calumet Expressway), I-57 and I-90. All three connect with room in the first-class coach or a sealed coffin in the baggage
the Dan Ryan Expressway, which in tum connects to the city car. They will almost always bring along a coffin or other
center. I-90 and I-80 bring in travelers from the Eastern sealed container in case of an emergency.
Seaboard, and I-94 provides access to the city from Michigan.
Air Travel
Oetting around Chicago
I am the passenger
Chicago is served by two major airports: the enormous
O'Hare, and the smaller Midway, located close to the down- And I ride and I ride
town area. The smaller Meigs Airport also serves the city. I ride through the city's backsides
Flights from all over the world arrive at O'Hare- one of the I see the stars come out in the sky
largest and busiest airports in the world. Yeah, the bright and hollow sky
It is very dangerous for vampires to take normal passen- You know, it looks so good tonight.
ger flights- delays or mishaps can let daylight overtake a - Siouxsie & the Banshees, "The Passenger"
night flight, and the window blinds are less than effective.
Once the characters have arrived in Chicago, they need
Private planes, however, are quite viable, as are sealed con-
to know how to get around. Most characters will have their
tainers loaded onto freight planes.
own transportation - a motorcycle, car or even a limo.
O'Hare was singled out by the werewolves; their fero- Those who do not have, or do not wish to use, their own
cious attack shut it down for a day, and full service was not transportation have a number of options.
restored until almost a week later. The attack was blamed on
Puerto Rican terrorists, and led airport authorities to increase Road
security dramatically. While this might normally be a worry Taxis are very common in downtown Chicago, but
for Kindred, the airport's security forces are under the control become rarer farther away from the center. Fares range from
of the Brujah Tyler. As long as they clear it through her, those $5- $50 depending on how far the passengers go. There is also
traveling by air should encounter few difficulties. a fairly widespread bus system, and cars can be rented by
anyone with a reasonable credit rating.
Sea Travel
The Chicago Harbor hosts numerous seagoing vessels Air
loading and unloading the goods of the world. While its Wealthy Chicagoans, visitors and Kindred often find it
passenger travel has fallen over the years, few Kindred find it easiest to avoid the c ity's congested highways and take to the
difficult to sail into town. There are also docks for private sky. Recent skyscrapers have been built with rooftop heli-
vessels, and more than one Kindred has anchored a private pads, while older ones have had them added to accommodate
yacht in Chicago's waters. corporate and private helicopters. Helitaxis fly about the
city, and have become increasingly popular for the wealthy.
Rail Travel These helitaxis charge $120 for any ride, regardless of dis-
Trains used to be the safest ways into Chicago, but fears tance. However, they only serve Chicago, the inner suburbs
of Lupine infiltration have decreased the numbers of vam- and O'Hare Airport.
pires riding the rails. For some reason, the Chicago junctions
were singled out for special attention by werewolves during Rail
their attacks, and nobody knows how many transient Kin- One of Lodin's now-deceased progeny developed an
dred might have died. extensive system of trains and subways for the city. Generally
In other parts of the country, however, the system is still affordable and punctual, these trains can take a traveler
under undead control. Air travel still makes many of the more anywhere in the city as well as to and from the outer suburbs.
traditional Cainites uneasy, and sea travel is too slow, but the In the time since the Lupine attack on Chicago, however,
trains are safe, fairly quick and a matter of tradition. Most crime has increased on the lines and they have begun running
often the Kindred ride in specially designed cabooses, but behind schedule more ofren. Most people think this is a one-
when one is not available, they have to settle for a private time fluctuation, but some Kindred suspect otherwise.

Chapter One: Introduction 15

They only dimly recalled the things they had lost and refused to
believe chat there had been a time when they were pure and happy.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Dream of a Ridiculous Man

C hicago has earned itself a h ost of colorful sobriquets well with the Native Americans who had called the area
during its short but illustrious history. Young by European home for generations. Here they had their sacred lands, their
standards, the city h as become known as Gangster Land, Hog burial grounds and their hunting ranges. Newcomers who
Butcher and the Windy City, among other names. Its politi· tried to displace the land's older residents found themselves
cal machine has long been one of the most powerful in the the targets of ra ids and war parties.
country, manipulating politics even at the nat ion::~ ! level. The army abandoned the fort during the W ar of 18 12,
However, non e of these images tell the whole story about one hut returned in 18 16 with more settlers and , eventually,
of America's most intriguing municipalities. The truth is engineers who hoped to establish a new city at this strategic
concealed in the unlivesofthe Kindred who contro l this city, river junction. The natives found a leader in C hief Black
and who have manipulated its history from its very first days. Hawk, and prepared to defend their ancestral lands.
This chapter describes the history of C hicago- both The United States Army had been enjoying consider-
the Vampire version of mortal history, and the particular able success against America's natives ever since the death of
history of the c ity's Kindred. Tecumseh during the W ar of 18 12. However, Black Hawk
thought h e had an advantage in the form of the Pale W olf, a
Early Settlers white man who had lived among the northern tribes since
before Black Hawk's grandfather was born. The Pale Wo lf
The first settlers came to the area during the American was actually an ancient vampire who had been born under
Revolution, when the land was still under British control. the name Meneleus, and now called himself Menele.
United States forces, under Revolutionary W ar hero Gen. Unfortunately, General Whistler, commander of Fort
"Mad" Anthony W ayne, acquired the land in 1795, and Fort Dearborn, was under the Domination of Menele's archen-··
Dearborn was built in 1803. Needless to say, this did not sit emy, the vampiress Helena. She had hunted the Pale W olf

Chapter Two: History 17

across the continent for cen turies and was more than able to
tip the balance toward the n ewcomers. She also focused
attention on the confl ict, ensuring that fresh troops would be
sent until victory was secured, no matter what the cost.

Indian Wars
Menele had hoped to turn Black Hawk's people into an
effective fighting force capable of standing against Helena
and her min ions. Unfortunately, h e had little knowledge of
the destructive power offirearms, and despite his training and
his fo llowers' own valor, Helena managed to defeat him yet
The climax came during one tragic midnight cavalry
raid on a riverside encampment. Menele, seeing the cruel
slaugh ter of the brave people with whom h e h ad lived for so
long, burst into a murderous frenzy . Instead of relying on
pawns to fight his battles as he had in the past, he flew into
the fray himself, charging straight at the equally powerful
Helena. He was shot many times, but nothing seemed able to
stop him. The two Methuselahs met with all the fury of a
whirlwind, and the air turned red with the vast quantities of
blood they used.
None of those watching could fo llow the swift course of
that titan ic battle, but finally they saw Helena dig her claws
deep into Menele's ribs. W ith a scream of agony that made
the earth itself shake, Menele drove his skull deep into
Helena's forehead. The two separated , both thrown to the
ground by their injuries. Menele's remaining braves made a
last desperate charge to rescue the ir anc ient ally, but could
not reach him before Helena's ghoul managed to drive a
burning stake deep into the vampire's neck. At the cost of
many lives, Menele's allies man aged to seize his body and
escape into the woods, wh ile the ghoul carried Helena to the
safety of the fort.
Thus, two of the migh tiest Cainites in the New World
fell into torpor under the watchful gaze of their mortal allies.
However, th eir deep slumber d id not mean an end to their
age-old feud. From their sleep, th e two called to all their
supporters around the world, and Kindred and kine alike
flocked to them.

The First Prince

A t first Helena thought she had the advantage, for the
fort and all its inhabitants were hers to command. She
ignored the growing city, allowing Menele to ensconce his
followers among its leadersh ip.
Maxwell became the city's first prince. Sired by an
ancient Spanish Brujah, he h ad first come to C hicago as a fur
trader. Excluded from the upper echelons of mortal society
because of his race, he found the Kindred to be somewhat less
prejud iced. Indeed, lnyanga- now an an cient member of
the city's primogen - first became interested in moving to
C h icago wh en she heard that a black prince ruled it.

18 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

The Civil War swelled Chicago's mortal population At first their battle involved few confrontations; both
amazingly; however, few new vampires arrived, as most were sides relied on mortals to bear the brunt of the conflict
enjoying the spoils of war. With the end of the war, though, through the 1880s. Soon, though, Lodin found his mighty
came change. New Cainites began pouring into the city police force and private security agencies negated by the
despite Maxwell's efforts to keep it a Brujah haven. Num- workers' more violent elements, and found himself lacking
bered among the newcomers was the Ventrue Ledin. vampiric allies.
By 1871 , Maxwell and his allies had finally managed to The great institutions Lodin had created to ensure the
stem the influx. Then came the horror of Devil's Night. stability of his rule began to crumble in the face of spreading
Flames lit by a suicidal Malkavian swept through the city like strikes and violence. His hopes that a strong, controlled
a murderous squall, burning everything in their wake. Amaz- economy would create a tranquil environment for Kindred
ingly, few mortals died, but the fire gutted 18,000 buildings and kine alike proved illusory. Even with the a id of two new
and almost completely annihilated Maxwell's supporters lieutenants, Ballard and Drummond (the latter of whom was
among the Kindred. recently desttroyed by Lupines), Lodin seemed incapable of
With the city's vampiric establishment in disarray, Lodin anything save delaying his eventual overthrow.
saw his chance. Opting for a night when lnyanga had left First he tried to destroy some of the union leaders during
town, the Ventrue made his move. With a small band of a protest in an open-air market. One of his mortal agents
Toreador and fellow Ventrue, he attacked Maxwell in the threw a born b into a crowd of police, setting off a riot that led
Brujah's East Side mansion. Expecting a swift, one-sided to the deaths ofseveral union members and police officers -
struggle, the usurpers found Maxwell much stronger than and death sentences for four union leaders, though none
they had anticipated. Many were decapitated by Maxwell's could be linked to the bombing even in C hicago's kangaroo
saber before one of the Toreador managed to tear his arm off. courts.
Maxwell escaped through a window and has not been seen in This move, however, backfired on Ledin. The dead men
the city since. Lodin wanted no rivals among his own kind, gained far more influence as martyrs than they wielded
and methodically destroyed those few Ventrue who had during life, and union fervor rose to new heights. Lodin swore
survived the battle. From this point on, all the Ventrue in not to make tthe same mistake twice, but events took the next
Chicago were of his line. episode out of his control.

After the Fire Pullman Strike

While those Cainites who remember the great fire still The Pullman Strike of 1894 is considered to be one of the
call it Devil's Night, Chicago as a whole actually benefited great tragedies in union history. A strike against bad working
from the destruction. Massive rebuilding rejuvenated the and living conditions managed to unite black and white
city; within a few years it had surpassed its old glory and, Pullman workers and cripple the nation's rail system - a
under Ledin's leadership, became one of the industrial pow- direct threat to Ledin's most recent lieutenant, the railroad
erhouses of the Americas. baron Drummond. Without even consulting his prince, he
With such rapid growth came unexpected turmoil. used government troops to attack the workers and break the
Lodin's power among mortals radiated from the top down, strike. Drummond's rash action swayed public opinion even
and he gave those mortals he supported the power and more strongly in favor of the workers. The incident became
freedom to increase their wealth at will. He used the twin a worldwide scandal and an embarrassment for the city.
powers of money and force (the latter through his police and Lodin finally concluded that his current arsenal was
special security guards) to keep the masses in line. Still, it incapable of stopping the workers. He began casting about for
came as a shock to Ledin's ego when the workers upon whose a suitable tool to control the workers, and decided upon a
backs the city had been built began to protest their desperate socialist leader, Tommy Hinds. He quickly Embraced the
conditions. The fact that a vampire could transform that prominent socialist and used Dominate to force Hinds (who
massive unhappiness into a bid for power also came as a was also recently slain by Lupines) to tum on the other labor
shock. leaders.
Hinds began by co-opting the union leadership with
The Challenge of Modi us promises of personal wealth and power in return for ensuring
The Toreador Modius seemed to come out of nowhere. the workers' complacency. Industries most at risk were forced
He quickly gained support among the mortal workers and to upgrade pay and working conditions, while recalcitrant
disgruntled Kindred. Most importantly, he had the backing unions began to suffer the first takeover attempts by orga-
of the Gangrel lnyanga, the Nosferatu Khalid and the Brujah nized crime. Medius' forces were slow to react to this new
Procet, three powerful elders who had not liked Ledin's high- threat, but when they did it was with a violence previously
handed and violent assumption of power. unknown during the long conflict.

Chapter Two: History l9

Tired of the seemingly endless battle, Modi us' followers city's supreme vampires found themselves engaged in what
had become impatient and less willing to rely on the kine. would become a hallowed tradition. While the first meeting
Led by the anarch Balthazar and his sire, they began to seek ended with few tangible accomplishments, all who attended
out and destroy Lodin's helpers among both Kindred and left with the feeling that they had found a way to settle
kine. Now Lodin knew he had the rebels where he wanted differences that might otherwise flare into bloody conflict.
them. He sought out the eldest Cainites in the city and Passing notes, engaging in heated te lepathicdebates and
stressed the risk being run by the anarchs' violations of the carrying on arguments through messengers, the primogen
Masquerade. He also promised to do his best to keep the city began to establish a power structure superseding that of
at peace, and received the elders' grudging approval to end Lodin. As long as they reached a consensus among them-
the long war by any tactics necessary. selves, they were more powerful than he. These ancient
At the same time, Hinds made his infamous visit to Cainites were utterly unconcerned by the fact that much of
Balthazar and convinced the Brujah to switch sides. With the what they wanted to accomplish would require Lodin's
assistance of Balthazar and the quiet acquiescence of the acquiescence- willing or otherwise.
primogen, Lodin began a systematic campaign of extermina- Lodin knew about the gathering, but did not fully
tion. He managed to mask his attacks as a series of Blood appreciate its import until he moved to make Capone his
Hunts against violators of the Masquerade and, by the begin- newest lieutenant. This conflicted with P rocet's own plans to
ning of World War I, had managed to destroy most of h is manipulate the underworld, and put the two on a collision
opponents. However, Modius - with the secret aid of course. Whereas in the past this conflict might have been
Annabelle Triabell- managed to fortify himself in Gary, decided by combat or kine manipulatio n between the two
then a center of union strength. protagonists, now the question came before the primogen as
a whole. By a 5-2 vote they decided to allow the prince his
Caucbemar new neonate, but on matters of the underworld Capone
would have to bow to his elder.

Praxis Lodin shook with rage when he learned of the decision.

There had been no primogen in the land of his Embrace, and
these meddlers seemed bent on ruining all his hopes and
The next 50 years have become known as Cauchemar dreams. Again and again he found himself checked by their
Praxis, a time of peace among the Kindred. Lodin liked to take might, with no means to resist them.
credit for this quiet era, but most Cainites think of the time
as the years when C hicago muddled along. Still, even this
relatively quiet period had its share of excitement.
The Interdiction
Lodin refused to forget the challenge Modi us had made
The Creation of Elysium to his rule. As long as no new threats emerged, the Prince of
Chicago's primary goal remained the destruction of the
Lodin learned to fear the growing power of the primogen Prince of Gary. He began what is known as the Interdiction
during this time. This powerful coterie of elders first demon- of Gary- a scheme to strip Modi us of power by destroying
strated its power shortly after Lodin seized control of the city. the power of the mortals he controlled. To this end, Lodin
Originally, the primogen consisted of those who felt the new gave Ballard and Capone almost free rein to cripple the
prince had overstepped his bounds. While none had been Indiana city's economy and destroy unio n influence. Though
able to accuse him of violating the Traditions, at least three the Interdiction took some time for its effects to be felt, by the
- lnyanga, Khalid and the Brujah Procet - felt that his time Modius and the other socialists realized what was
actions created a dangerous precedent. They also feared happening, it was too late.
Lodin might use his new power for ill, possibly by hunting Gary's economy had long been based on steel. Unable to
them for their own ancient vitre. drive the steel plants out of the city, Ballard attacked the steel
These three threw their support behind Modius, but industry nationwide - something he did with astounding
found their power checked by the mysterious might of the efficiency. By Dominating the mortal leaders of the industry
Ventrue, the Tremere and the Malkavians. Thus, they de- into making the most asinine decisions, by strangling invest-
cided that the city's true authority should rest in the combined ment and by supporting the growth of foreign steel
forces of the elders. Shortly after W orld W ar I, tentative manufacturers, Ballard managed to drive Gary's economy
invitations went out, and soon the greatest of Chicago's into a depression that has thus far proved incurable.
Cainites began to gather. Capone used the forces of organized crime just as effec-
They took their cue from an ancient Toreador tradition tively. Extortion, hijacking and various other rackets
that rendered places of cultural significance off-limits to contributed to the steady decline of Gary. He managed to
violence. Calling these places of safety the Elysium, they met place his underworld pawns in positions of power in the
in the hallowed halls of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. national unions, letting them attack Gary through the unions
Wreathed in the strains of the Brandenburg Concertos, the which were active there. After a time, they began to attract

20 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

the attention of federa l officials. On top of this, all the The anarchs had not died out in America. Wh ile the
Ventrue of Chicago combined to keep Gary from expanding Camarilla and the princes had managed to keep them in
its infrastructure, building a decent airport or thriving in any check, they had been growing slowly but constantly. By the
way. The Interdiction has been most successful, and Modi us 1960s, reaction to the brutality of the West Coast princes had
has proved incapable of breaking it. solidified the anarchs' hold on the Anarch Free States. A II ied
In spite of the numerous travails with which Lodin dealt with discontented mortals, the anarchs met the princes'
during these 50 years, he found these times to be among the moves with organized aggression, and violence swept the
best of his unlife - especially in comparison to what was to nation.
come. Chicago's anarchs had been badly set back by the fall of
the socialists earlier in the century, but had been quietly

TbeAnarcbs rebuilding through the years. By 1960 they had surpassed the
forces of Modius in both strength and numbers, and they
quickly became a source of constant concern to Lodin.
The first indications of trouble came from other princes
Through the early '60s a sort of shadow war developed, with
across the country. Reports ohm-Presented neonates, gangs
the city's Ventrue trying to drive out the weaker anarchs and
of anarchs and marauding Sabbat packs began to reach
the anarchs trying to steer mortal institutions out of the
Lodin. The decades of relative quiet had not been limited to
prince's control. Still, both sides avoided serious violence
Chicago, and Camarilla leaders across the country had grown
until 1966.
complacent in their rule. When threats appeared, they either
mish andled them o r drastically overreacted.
The problems began in the South, where many black
The Night of Rage
vampires aided their mortal counterpartS in the struggle for In what has become known among Cainites across the
equality. The princes, almost without exception white prod- country as the Night of Rage, the whole situation changed.
ucts of the racist culture they ruled, responded with feroc ious The problems started when Balthazar went looking for a
brutality. For once the kine got the best of the Kindred, and neonate Brujah rumored to have entered the city several days
civil rights became the byword of the day. earlier. The prince's enforcer had no luck finding the new-
comer, but d id stumble onto a group of Brujah gathering in

Chapter Two: History 21

Lincoln Park. Afraid that they were plotting against Prince
Lodi n, Balthazar and his Ventrue assistants attacked, slaying
two of the Brujah.
Unknown to the Ventrue, these Brujah were a major
reason the city had not already erupted. Members of a band
called Urban Sprawl, these vegetaries had become a leading
force among the anarchs because of the popularity of their
music. They counseled nonviolence as a way for the Kindred
to solve their many problems, but found thetr pactfism no
match for Balthazar's brutality.
The anarchs responded to the atrocity with a ferocity
that shook Kindred society to its roots. Battle raged across
the rooftops and through the sewers of the giant city. The
cltlers were not safe, even in Elysium, and some were hunted
back to their havens. By the end of the week more than a
dozen on either side had been destroyed or forced into torpor.
Soon the worst of the fighting had ended, but the war had
come out of the shadows once and for all.

The War of Ages

C hicago, as the largest U.S. city under Camarilla con-
trol, soon became the center of the W ar of Ages.
Anarchs flocked to the city, and the Camarilla sent a
group of powerful archons to battle them. For the next two
years both sides sniped at each other, maneuvering through
the city in hopes of achieving some advantage. The anarchs
made some halfhearted attempts to take control of mortal
institutions, but for the most part they co-opted the youth
rebellion that was in full swing by that time. The old socialists
mostly stayed out of the conflict, but they dtd advise and
succor the younger anarchs.
As 1968 dawned, it became more and more apparent
that a showdown could not long be delayed. April brought
wtth it a foreshadowing of the violence to come. The assas-
sination of Martin Luther King, Jr. caused an outburst of
previously suppressed bitterness. While the riots caused great
concern in mortal society, the Cainites had yet to settle their
T hat happened in August. From all parts of the country
and the world, Kindred and kine poured into the city for the
Democratic Party's presidential convention. T ensions steadily
rose throughout the convention. The city was full to burst·
ing, and the blooJofnearlyeveryCainite in thecitywasclose
to boiling as intoxicating aromas wafted from the excited
mortals. At fi rst, the fighting seemed little different from
previous skirmishes - small groups from each side ambush-
tng one another.
The true violence started on April 28th, after Lodin
obtamed leave from the (Ventrue) justicar to settle the
anarch problem once and for all - and it is doubtful that
even she would have given permission if she had known what
Lodin had in mind. As the anarchs and mortal rebels pre-
pared for night and began to head from Lincoln Park into the
streets, the prince launched his assault. A rmies of police and

22 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

elders flooded into the streets and attacked the protesters. supported by respected anarchs and displaying mysterious
Battle was joined, with much of it shown live on national powers, she q uickly rose to a position of authority among the
television. battered rebels. She began to forge a new Anarch Movement.
N ever before had the anarchs experienced an assault of
this magnitude. Faced by mass charges of heavily armed
police, the ranks of the protesters crumbled, and the anarchs
The Council
were forced to flee. Once they were out of sight of the
cameras, groups of elders and archons set upon them. More
than 100 vampires from all parts of the world disappeared
that night. N ot all were extinguished, but it is said that ashes Even with the addition ofMaldavis, nothing might have
covered the streets the next morning. happened if Lodin had remained careful. Overconfident
The prince's forces took their share of losses, but for the from what he saw as his crushing victory, he decided to
first time in centuries the Camarilla began to feel that the consolidate his power.
anarch threat had been crushed. Though many were shocked He began by making several neonates to help him rule
at the risk to the Masquerade - some film had to be those parts of mortal society with which he remained uncom-
destroyed, and certain eyewitnesses influenced or disposed of fortable, and to keep his more ambitious progeny in check.
-stability was finally restored to Chicago. Not only had the He desperately wanted to limit the powers of his first brood;
Chicago Anarch Movement been crippled, but anarch lead- likewise, he wished to gain a ho ld over the powerful media
ers from all over the country had been destroyed as well. and the computer technology that were becoming increas-
Many cities had the very hearts of their rebellions tom out, ingly important to daily commerce.
and princes everywhere felt free to launch brutal purges. The pri mogen had begun to take notice by the time
Anarchs everywhere were forced into hiding: an age of Lod in had sired the fourth neonate of his second brood. At
repression had dawned. first, only those who had historically opposed the prince
Chicago had suffered more than any other city; its very voiced any opposition, so little happened. This frustrated
soul had been tom out. Though the elders had won, for years minority began to support Maldavis' rise among the anarchs,
they walked in fear, terrified of an attack by vengeance- feeding her their own potent blood and teaching her the dark
crazed anarchs. Those few rebels who still lived in the city- secrets of the city. Maldavis never knew who her mentors
for it was impossible to catch them all - went as far were, though there were many she suspected.
underground as possible. Those shielded by the mightiest Despite all this, she remained but a minor irritation to
allies or possessed of the wiliest intellects managed to survive, the prince until early 1983, when Lodin turned yet another
but Lodin hunted down and killed as many as he could. He member of the primogen against himself. This time he
outlawed siring in the metropolitan area- an edict that was angered Annabelle Triabell, one of the lead ing Toreador.
actually obeyed for the most part. For 10 years the anarchs While she was not a particularly potent force among the
played almost no role in the city. They still existed, but only primogen, hers was the vote that would split the council.
on the fringes of Kindred society. With her changed position the Council Wars began.
As is often the case with Kindred politics, the world of
The Return of the the kine reflected this fierce struggle. The powerful post of
mayor had been one place where Lodin's authority had never
Anarchs been challenged, and he had always fi lled it with mortals
No matter how obscene the existence of vampires may more than willing to do his bidding. Maldavis chose to strike
be, they remain a part of nature, and nature abhors a vacuum. here first, and after years of preparation she presented a new
S lowly, anarchs began filtering back into the city or were candidate for mayor - Harold Washington. Though she did
created despite Lodin's edict. Confident that his victory had not control him herself, she did ensure that Lodin could not
been final, Lodin began to relieve the pressure he had exerted tamper with him. Lodin was caught completely off guard, and
for so long. He declared a truce and officially accepted the the primogen restrained his immediate urge to crush Maldavis
presence of anarchs in his city. As long as they obeyed his and slay the mortal candidate. On April 15 , 1983, Harold
laws, he said, they were welcome to remain. However, he Washington became mayor.
insisted that they Present themselves to him at Elysium. Horrified by what he had lost , Lodin ignored the
Though they distrusted him greatly, none thought that he primogen's restrictions and attempted to strike back. To his
would risk breaking the Masquerade, and so, slowly, most of amazement, he found Maldavis' forces prepared, and was
the remaining anarchs Presented themselves. shocked to find that even with all the Ventrue behind him,
Despite the new tolerance, it might have taken decades the anarchs remained beyond his reach. For four years the
for the anarchs to recuperate had it not been for the appear- battle continued, although unlike earlier conflicts violence
ance of Maldavis. She seemed to come out of nowhere but, played a secondary role. The main arena turned out to be that
of mortal politics, as both sides jockeyed for position in hopes

Chapter Two: History 23

of using the kine to do their dirty work. Though some
Kindred were destroyed, no one wanted to repeat the Night
of Rage.
During those years, Maldavis' power grew while Ledin's
shrank. Oesp1te h1s best efforts, the prince could not discover
her hidmg places, yet the anarchs sought out, confounded-
and occasionally slew- his own supporters with impunity.
The Camanlla did not listen to his complaints, as the
sect did not want to provoke another Night of Rage. Lodin's
despair grew when he realized that some of the primogen
supported Maldavis. His remaining pride would not allow
him to beg for their help when he learned that they had
turned against him.

Operation Incubator
Lodin began to respond to Maldavis' delicate machina-
tions with cruder, less sophisticated maneuvers of his own.
For instance, around C hristmas 1985, he implemented Op-
eration Incubator, whereby he attempted to ruin some of
Maldavis' key mortal allies through police harassment and
public embarrassment. H is plans backfired wh en news of
these efforts reached the public and a scandal erupted over
the "persecution" of the city government. Somehow the story
had managed to bypass his censorship.
Maldav1s' strength reached its peak in the spring of 1986.
Dunng the next year, anarchs destroyed many of the prince's
lackeys in the c1ty government and installed their own pawns
mto many of the City's positions of power. Finally, desperate
and terrified for his very existence, Lodin threw himself at the
feet of the primogen and begged their forgiveness right before
Thanksgiving of 1987.
For hours he listened to the elders' complaints on the
way he ran the city, until finally they reached a dea l. Annabelle
agreed to switch sides if the prince would agree to give one
certain Ventrue remarkable freedom and grant her the right
to make two neonates. Even the primogen had to abide by
Lodin's rule against the Embrace, for it was ratified by the
Camarilla, but Lodin had no ch oice but to grant the privilege.
Moreover, he was required to attend the primogen in Elysium
on the first Monday of each month, to hear their complaints
and to listen to their advice.
Fortified by this change in fortunes and Annabelle's
revelation of a spy who had been dogging the Ventrue, the
prince set to work regaining his power. Lodin began his
Thanksgiving Massacre with a direct strike against the popu-
lar mayor whom Maldav1s had brought to power. The Yen true
dramed h1m to the pomt where he died the next day ofa heart
That day, aided by the capture of one of Maldavis' most
trusted lieutenants, the prince's mortal servants began track-
ing down the anarchs and killing them as they slept in their
havens. The following night turned into one of terror for
Maldavis' remaining allies. Lodin's forces watched all their
havens, and nowh ere could they find safety.

24 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Once again, the anarchs lost the bulk of their strength to
the prince's onslaught. This time, however, was even more The Flood
horrifying. Licks would go to sleep in the safest of their Chicago is constantly wracked by odd events, which
havens, only to awaken at noon as stakes were driven through the Kindred automatically assume to be part of the Jyhad.
their hearts. The mighty Brujah Procet, a member of the For instance, in 1992 a rumor spread through vampire
primogen, was numbered among those who disappeared. society that the T remere were trying to discover just how
The prince almost managed to slay Maldavis herself, but many Nosferatu were in the city and where their havens
she managed to survive through means Lodin never under- were.
stOOd. He suspected continued treachery among the primogen. This rumor had just about played itself out when a
He had to content himself with the knowledge that the flood struck the downtown area. At first most Kindred
greatest threat to his power had been defeated, and set thought the flood was of natural origin. Then word began
himself to work regaining his grip on mortal society. spreading about the damage done to the Nosferatu under-
ground havens. Investigators also discovered a large
The Unseen number of homeless people who drowned during the
flood, though their deaths were hushed up.

Threat Putting one and one together, most Kindred in the

know have blamed the Tremere for the flood, which
paralyzed Chicago's core for the better part of a week.
For several years Lodin concentrated on rebuilding his Nobody seems to know exactly why the Tremere might
strengrh among the kine. He worked tirelessly to eliminate have done such a thing, but the theories are flying thick
the anarch threat, fighting its members locally and becoming and fast.
more involved in the Camarilla to fight the rebels around the
For instance, some Toreador like to speak of Khalid
country and the world. Perhaps these distractions explain
unnerving the Tremere Nicolai at the opera one night.
what happened next. He entered the boy wizard's private box without being
seen, and only appeared when intermission was over. The
By the Light of tbe Moon Nosferatu's sudden emergence startled Nicolai, who
On a moonlit night in 1993, a force of werewolves jumped out of his seat and embarrassed himself in front of
attacked buildings in the heart of Chicago. The focus of their his Retainers.
rage appeared to be the Succubus Club, a well-known night· On the other hand, some Brujah believe Lodin paid
club and secret haven for one of North America's most Nicolai to cause the flood, hoping to destroy his oppo·
powerful Kindred. The attack galvanized the Kindred com· nents. Being incompetents, the Ventrue{fremere team-up
munity, leading Prince Lodin to call a Blood Hunt against all failed, causing more damage to their own financial insti·
the city's Lupines. tutions than to their foes.
Few Kindred were aware of the extent of the werewolf The Nosferatu Elucid told some of his allies that the
population in the city, and none expected the sort of response flood was not caused by the Tremere at all, but by an
the Blood Hunt drew. While at first the vampires succeeded unknown Nosferatu in a bid to destroy Khalid. The
in killing a number of Lupines, their enemy soon struck back attempt failed, Elucid said, but not before destroying
in unbelievable numbers. Khalid's haven and bringing the Final Death to a number
This time it was the Kindred who were killed on the of other Nosferatu. Elucid disappeared during the Lupine
streets, in their havens or anywhere else. Werewolves struck attack, and no one has any way to verify his claims.
everycenterof undead power, including train stations, O'Hare
Airport, businesses, the Tremere chantry, and the Succubus trouble soon, and others whisper that the Sabbat was some-
C lub yet again. Pitched battles caused great destruction on how behind all the carnage. The idea of a Sabbat/Lupine
both sides, and few involved in the fighting were left un· alliance makes everyone extremely uncomfortable.
scathed. Kindred in other cities have also been keeping close eyes
Approximately one-third of the city's vampires died on the events in Chicago, afraid that the Lupines might try
before the primogen could arrange a truce. While many the same thing in their own towns. Some have visited the
werewolves were also killed, they still maintain a strong Windy City, hoping to learn from its experiences, but have
presence in the city. Most vampires believe there will be more found the city's power structure in such disarray that they
could learn little.

Chapter Two: History 25

Secrets within attacks. Thus far, most of the battles have revolved around
each Methuselah's attempts to kill off the other's allies, and
many Kindred have perished in consequence.
Secrets Now, the game has taken on a new and subtler dimen-
sion. Helena decided to rise from torpor in 1990. Weakened
In the shadowplay, acting out your own death, knowing no by her long sleep and disoriented by a wo rld so different from
more. the one she last knew, she moved slowly. While she has tried
- Joy Division, "Shadowplay" to discover Menele's place of rest, her search has been
tempered by concern over the mystical protections Menele
Most intelligent Kindred of the city suspect that more
may have guarding him - and what her enemy's minions
goes on than meets the eye. The more paranoid see Gehenna
could do to her still-recovering body if they should discover
behind every new incident, but others suspect some all-
encompassing Jyhad played out against the backdrop of
Chicago. These latter hold the correct view. Indeed, she is sure Menele instigated the events of
Under a Blood Red Moon, and was responsible for the attack
Both Helena and Menele have remained in the city.
on the Succubus Club itself. She is nearly certain he has
Despite their long torpor, the two have con tinued their
penetrated her disguise as the neonate Portia, and has thus
eternal war, and most (though not all) of the major events
begun to take a more active role in the city, though she still
that shake the Kindred emanate from them.
masquerades as a neonate.
Helena's forces centered around Prince Lodin (before
For instance, because her pawn Juggler lost many of his
his death), while Mene\e controlled the city'sanarchs through
followers during the upheaval, she has decided to organize '
his Blood Bond with Critias and his Domination of their
the anarchs herself. To this end she has taken over the
other leaders - many of whom died during the werewolves'
Succubus Club and turned it into a rebel haven. By the same
token,she has begun directly Dominating Ballard and Capone,
and is trying to decide if she wants to place either in the
position of prince.
Time line
She has also begun grooming other allies to aid her in the This t ime line is only a brief overview of the history of
Jyhad. She has taken to spending time with Nico lai, the C hicago, summarizing the more detailed history presented in
leader of the city's Tremere. Subtly using her Presence, and the rest of this chapter.
aided by her stunning beauty, she seeks to make the boy 1700s Menele makes his way to the Plains Indi-
wizard fall in love with her. an and lives with them. He learns the
She has also summoned other allies to her side, including ways of peace, and comes closer to attain-
one of the city's recent Malkavi:m arrivals. Through T yler, ing Golconda.
she has brought in a new Sabbat pack to serve her. She now 1820 He lena finds Menele once again, forcing
actively seeks out Mencle's haven, hoping to end their him to flee to his friend, Chief Black
conflict once and for all. Hawk.
Menele, on the other hand, has slowed his part of the 1832 In a great war between the soldiers at Fort
conflict. While in the past he might have moved at once to Dearborn and Black Hawk, the Indians
end Helena's rise to power, now he tries a more subtle tack. suffer a grievous defeat. In the process,
Just as he has caused Helena to believe she controls Annabelle, both Mcnclc and Helena are so injured
so he hopes to make her think she has indeed taken contro l thar they enter torpor.
of the anarchs. This strategy is hazardous - Helena might 1833 C hicago proper is established.
actually succeed in taking over the anarchs - but Menele 1837 Maxwell takes over as prince of the city.
considers it worth the risk. 187 1 Dcvil's Night. O'Leary ligh ts the Great
He decided on this new approach after the events of the C hicago Fire. Lodin takes advantage of
Council W ars. For a long t ime, his sleep was plagued with the chaos to overthrow Maxwell.
questions about his actions during that time. He began to feel 1880 Modius begins his rise ro power.
that he had played the pawn Maldavis too early instead of 1886 Haymarket Riot.
letting her grow to the point where she would have been an
1894 Pullman strike.
unbeatable foe.
1901 -1906 Unions reach height of their power.
As he began to trace the entire hisroryofhisgreat j yhad,
1908 Balthazar betrays the anarchs.
a horrible doubt began to gnaw deep within his bosom. Were
his actions his own? Did someone manipulate him as he 1913 Lodin finally brings the unions under
manipulated others? Was some older and more powerful control and Modius flees to Gary.
vampire using him in even deeper schemes? Might his arch- 1913- 1966 Cauchemar Praxis. Time of peace and
enemy be plotting out all this for reasons unknown? The quiet under Lodin's leadership.
thought assailed him and rode through his dreams. Now, he 19 19 First meeting of the primogen and estab-
plays to ensure his own contro l, doing anything in his power lishment of the Elysium.
to prove that he still has free will. 1921 Lodin starts interdiction of Gary.
Helena believes she won the Council Wars, but that 1966 Night of Rage.
Menele sacrificed Maidavis in order to make Helena believe 1968 Democratic Presidential Convention.
she had taken control of the primogen Annabelle. Helena 1983 Council Wars begin. Harold W ashing-
thinks that continued usc of her mighty Dominate forced ton elected mayor.
Annabelle to switch sides. In fact, Menele plans to set up a
1987 Lodin victorious in Council Wars. Harold
number of pieces within Helena's camp, making her believe
Washington dies.
she contro ls them. Then, when he fee ls the time has come,
1990 Helena awakens.
he will spring them on her in one bmtal move aimed at
ending their Jyhad for all time. 1993 Garou and Sabbat assault the c ity, de-
stroying almost half the Kindred.

Chapter Two: History 27

the bowels of the Devil
let me tell you what the sucka eats
its stomach's filled with lost souls
guts made out of steel and concrete.
- Body Count, "Bowels of the Devil"

The Chicago of the Gothic-Punk world is architectur- These businessmen had little interest in European styles of
ally little different from the city existing in our world. People architecture, and developed a more "functional" architec-
sti ll strive to reach the sky, and 100-story buildings loom over tural style. Adler designed auditoria to distribute sound, not
those below. But the shadows between the buildings are to look pretty. Sullivan bui lt stores that were practical and
somehow deeper. Few pedestrians dare to walk the streets convenient.
after dark, even in the better parts of town. Those who do Several recent inventions of the era also influenced the
have no good purpose in mind. Even in the heart of Chicago changes. These were the mechanical elevator, the caisson
(especially in the heart of Chicago) it is the lower class, the foundation, and the replacement of load-bearing masonry
criminals and the undead who rule the nighttime streets. walls by iron frames. These innovations led to the beginnings
Building styles ranging from Gothic to contemporary of Chicago's tradition as "Skyscraper Central." Later builders
make up Chicago. The builders who left the ir influence on like Ludwig M ics van dcr Rohc and Frank Lloyd Wright made
Chicago were too full of life and vision for the Kindred to their mark on the skyline, giving the city a cosmopolitan
have had much interest or success in altering their work, flavor all its o wn.
though Lodin was known to have bankrolled some. The While C hicago is surrounded by a number of suburbs
occasional Gothic structure, such as the Chicago Tribune (known to Kindred as the Outlands), the Ki ndred have little
T ower, still exists, but the vampires are mostly content to let interest in these areas. The suburbs are very much three-
their influence work in other areas. bedroom home, shopping mall, and fast food oriented. An
After the Great Fire of 1871, the city was seen as a place occasional gang of anarchs may take refuge there, and one or
to "start from scratch." Several engineers-turned-architects two Gangrel have havens in suburban parks, but ove r:~ II the
-mensuchasLouisSullivan, William Jenney, D.H. Burnham Kindred are rarely seen here. Therefore the suburbs arc not
and David Adler- rolled up their sleeves and went to work. discussed in this book.

Chapter Three: Geography 29

The more "genteel" clans (Toreador, Ventrue, and
T remere) prefer the culture available to them in the heart of
Chicago, and avoid the Outlands. While the Gangrel view
the central city as a more chaotic place than the sedate
Outlands, the Nosferatu and Brujah eccentricities of appear-
ance and style stick out like sore thumbs in these quiet
neighborhoods. And, of course, the Kindred can carry out the
Masquerade more easily in C hicago itself. In the heart of the
city, no one wants to know where that scream came from, or
who (or what) left those bloody footprints.
Chicago by Night divides some of the most important
areas of Chicago into a number of different neighborhoods.
These include the Downtown, the East S ide, South Side,
W est Side, North S ide and the O utlands.

While C hicago is far more than the sum of its down-
town, this area is still the heart of the c ity. This area contains
both the Loop and the "Magnificent Mile" (North Michigan
Avenue). The Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of
Contemporary A rt, and the C ivic Opera House are all
located h ere. These locales are easi ly accessible to Kindred of
an art istic bent.
The most sophisticated stores are found along the Mag-
nificent Mile. Man y of these cater to the T oreador, who
consider themselves obiigated to keep up to date with current
This area is also the heart of Chicago's business activi-
ties. Those Kindred who enjoy the world of high finance are
rarely far from such bu ildings as the C hicago Mercantile
Exchange, the Board of Trade, and the International Mon-
etary Market. Even if they are unable or unwilling to participate
d irectly, their Retainers are a common sight.

The Loop
This part of the downtown area was so named in the
1890s because of the rectangle formed by the tracks of the
elevated trains. The name also refers to the convergence of
cable car lines into this area, the center of the city. T o this day
cable cars still ply the street alongside the Gothic-Punk El (in
place of the bus system that actually exists). However, the
Kindred, particularly the younger ones, h ave given it another
n ame - "the Hive." This is very much the center of the city,
although it consists almost entirely of office buildings, and
not much happens h ere at night. This is the bulk of Down-
town, though Downtown does extend beyond the Loop.

There are several major stores in this area, including
Marshall Field's (I ll North), Carson Pirie Scott & Co. (1
South), and Capper & Capper ( 1 N. W abash Ave).

30 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Chicago, IL
0 5 Mi
0 5Km

'- ..... --'

Chapter Three: Geography 31

Bookstores are popular in this area. One of the major (333 N. Michigan, 28th floor) andJ . Stephen Lawrence Rare
stores is Kroch's & Brentano's. The I Love A Mystery Books (230 N . Michigan Ave., Mezzanine ).
Bookstore (Stevens Building, Suite 8 10, 17 N. State St.) is The Modern Bookstore (407 S. Dearbo rn, 2nd floor) is
popular with the newer generations of Kindred. It has a large a common place to fi nd those Kindred more interested in
collection of mystery, horror and ctence fiction paperbacks. contemporary writers and events. Tho e born in Europe,
Younger Kindred often come here to keep up with their Africa or Asia occastonally go to Powell's Book Warehouse
favorite authors. O lder vampires can occasionally be fOtmd (1020 S. Wabash, 8th floor), which is the best place in the
here, casting supercilious eyes over the Stephen King shelf. city for foreign-language books.
The older Cainites prefer rare and antiquarian books.
The London Bookshop & Gallery (79 W. Monroe, Suite Music
112 1) is popular with those Ventrue who are familiar with Those interested can find a number of music stores near
the good old days of Elizabeth an England. Most T remere and Wabash and Jackson. The mo t popular among the Kindred
other Kindred with an interest in rare books will patronize are at the Fine Arts Building, on South Michigan. Most of
not only Kroch's & Brentano's, but Kenneth Nebenzahl, Inc. them note with amusement the mo tto on the front of the
building: "All passes - art alone endures."

'-----'-1 12) ORCHESTRAHALL

32 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Bein & Fushi, on the lOth floor, handles rare bowed tions to their Dominated politicians. Joseph Peterson, one of
instruments, while Eugene S. Gordon deals in woodwinds. Ledin's brood, is a regular visitor.
N earby, Schilke Music Products works on brass instruments. Several blocks south of City Hall is the financial district.
Kindred so inclined have called upon Bein & Fushi on The Chicago Board of Trade Building, which a lso contains
occasion to repair antique violins. the Chicago Board Options Exchange, is a focal point in this
There are other music stores in the area, particularly area. Other nearby buildings include the Chicago Mercantile
along South. Members of Baby Chorus can occasionally be Exchange (444 West), the MidAmerica Commodity Ex-
found at Chicago Guitar Gallery (216 South, 3rd floor), Sid change (175 West) , and the Midwest Stock Exchange (120
Sherman Musical Instrument Co. (226 South, 3rd floor), or S. La Salle St.).
Drums Ltd. (218 South, 8th floor). Most Licks take no interest in commodities trading, as it
There are also several Elysium-govemed buildings near gives them little opportunity to take advantage of their
here, including the Orchestra Hall (220 S. Michigan), the special abilities. Still, there are a few who dabble, including
Fine Arts Theater (410 S. Michigan), and the recently Alan Sovereign and Jacob Schumpeter. Those who do gen-
rebuilt Auditorium Theater (70 E. Congress Pkwy.). erally prefer free-willed Retainers to Dominated traders.
These Retainers can be seen trying to sell or buy contracts
Art near the close of business on any given day.
A little to the east is the Art Institute of Chicago. This
building is the largest art museum in Chicago, and contains Miscellaneous
any number of priceless paintings, including Grant Wood's West of the financial district are four places of note:
American Gothic and Seurat's Sunday Afternoon on the Island The first is Union Station, one of Chicago's two major
of La Grande ]atte. Younger Kindred and Brujah prefer the train depots and a principal point ofdeparture for Cainite rail
Museum of Contemporary Art, but their elders enjoy sur- travelers. An Amtrak train provides ample concealment for
rounding themselves with the best of the past centuries. a coffin or other resting place, while remaining sufficiently
public to invite little risk of attack by lycanthropes. A
Politics and Business vampire will usually take a night train, have at least two
The "heart" of Chicago is at Daley Plaza and City Hall Retainers on watch, and employ Dominate or Presence to
to the northwest of the Art Institute. Those Kindred who make sure the conductor is friendly.
dabble in politics come here "after hours," issuing instruc-

Chapter Three: Geography 33


34 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Additionally, rumors have begun cropping up about an
abandoned warehouse south of Union Station that holds
nothing more than a destroyed model tram set - one
precisely to scale and completely accurate in tts duplication
of Chicago's rail system.
The second place of note ts the Prudential Building. For
more information on this buildmg, see "The Hive- Places
of Note."
North of Umon Station is the Civic Theater, on 20 N .
Wacker Dr., which contams the Civic Opera House. The
younger Kindred typically have little interest in opera, but
other vampires come here for the season, which runs from
September to mid-December. For years there have been
rumors of a Methuselah in the c ity who has a stro ng interest
in the opera and rarely misses a performance. T o date no one
can determine if the rumors are true. The entire Civic
T heater is part of the Elysium.
The third noteworthy location is n ew to Chicago, hav·
ing opened only three months ago. Bartholemew's Silver
Crafts on Randolph Street became an extremely popular spot
for Kindred during and after the Lupine attacks, when it was
discovered that the bltnd artisan who ran the shop could
make large quantities of stlvcr bullets - "for novelty pur·
poses." Little is known about Bartholemew, for he says little
and all his apprentices arc recent htrcs. Many, many Kindred
have recently sought his servtccs.
The last place of interest to some Kindred ts an aban-
doned business at I026 W. Van Buren. Two years ago, Lodin
approached Khalid and made a deal with the Nosfcratu. In
exchange for the Nosferaru plaguing the building with swarms
of rats, Lodin offered htm the right tome. Nobody knows why
Lodin made this deal, or if Khalid ever agam sired, but the
building has been a haven for rats ever since.

The Magnificent Mile

and Near North Side
The first thing one notices when one crosses the Chi-
cago River on Michtgan is a series of statrways leading
downward. From these one can enter lower Michigan Av-
enue, one of several streets that the ctty created to ease traffic
congestion. In the Gothic-Punk world of Vampire, most
people wouldn'tdnvc down there on a bet. This underground
area is part of the Barrens. For more information, see "The
Barrens - Places of Note."

In dtrect contrast to lower Michtgan, the first mile of
North Michig;m gomg north from the n ver is known as the
"Magntficent Mile." Thts area is a strtp of exclusive stores
catering to C hicago's ~lttc. Almost anythmg, from the most
up-to-date fashions to jewelry, !mens and furniture, can be

Chapter Three: Geogrnphy 35

bought here. Several expensive hotels also dot this area. training himself to keep solid food down. In the early days,
Valued guests of the socially oriented clans often take rooms before Ballard was accustomed to eating, he would sometimes
at such places as the Drake or the Mayfair Regent. suddenly vomit at his table- and he always insisted on the
best, most conspicuous tables. Even though the undigested
Restaurants food lacked the characteristic smell, the noise was enough to
Although there are many restaurants of note in this area, drive mortal patrons away in disgust. Once used to eating,
two in particular stand out. The first is Daley's, located on the Ballard insisted on consuming so much, so unpleasantly, that
west side of the "1000" block of North State Street. An it was scarcely an improvement. Owner Anthony Vincenzo,
American/International restaurant, its prices are high but Dominated by Ballard during the vampire's first night at
not extreme, and its menu is an extensive mix of steak, pasta Spiaggia, is forced to stand by and watch his business descend
and seafood. It is a popular spot with Ballard, who often holds into ruin, and Spiaggia remains open thanks only to the
meetings here. On two separate occasions Kindred-fights vampire's largess.
broke out when Ballard summoned neonates here. Such
breaches of the Masquerade have never gone unpunished, Art
but Ballard has Dominated the owner, Arnold Daley, and Michigan Avenue, along with River West, is the heart
fellow diners into silence on such occasions. of Chicago's art scene. Wally Findlay Galleries (814 North
An abandoned brewery backs onto the restaurant and Michigan) is probably the most popular, at least with Euro-
faces Dearborn. It became a rendezvous for Juggler's anarchs pean Kindred. It specializes in French Impressionist and
despite its proximity to Ballard's lair; they apparently did not post-Impressionist artists. Richard Gray Gallery at 620, and
realize the danger. The Lupines targeted this building during R.S. Johnson Fine Arts at 625, also attract the city's undead.
the war, and none of the Kindred in it when they attacked Several Cainites also have visiting arrangements with the
have been seen since. owner of the private Terra Museum at 666 N. Michigan; the
The second restaurant is Spiaggia, at 980 N. Michigan. museum maintains a large collection of American Impres-
Once the finest Italian restaurant in Chicago, the Ventrue sionists' works.
Ballard has ruined it. It was here that he chose to start Younger Licks find the Museum ofContemporary Art at
23 7 Ontario far more interesting than the Art Institute south
of the river. Vampires interested in seeing the works therein

36 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

must either Dominate one of the contributing artists to get an
"after hours" tour, or break in. While the rules of the Elysium TbeFanum
allow this, it is frowned upon. Balthazar has been known to The Fanum was at the heart of the events chronicled
stake out the museum, simply waiting for anarchs to break in. in Under a Blood Red Moon. The Fanum was fought
over by werewolves, vampires and mighty spirits; the
Water Tower Place initial attack on the building triggered the bloodshed that
Continuing north along Michigan, one comes to Water rocked the city. Few now doubt that the Fanum has ties
Tower and Water Tower Place. The former is one of the to the Lupines, though some vampires want to know why
buildings to survive the Great Fire of 1871. A crenellated it also has ties to the Gangrel.
anachronism constructed from yellow stone, it was described Worshippers at the Fanum follow pagan theology,
as a "monstrosity" by Oscar Wilde when he visited Chicago though the temple also hosts other New Age studies and
in 1882 in the company of several Toreador. Chicago con- events. It has a large occult library, as well as meditation
verted the structure into a tourist center some years ago. rooms and regular classes in the occult.
Occasionally an older vampire visits to reminisce, but other- The Fanum would have undergone closer scrutiny
wise the Tower receives little attention. had it been further downtown, but its location at the
Water Tower Place, on the other hand, is extremely outer boundary of Chicago's suburbs made it risky to
popular.lt contains almost half the stores on the Magnificent probe too deeply. Now, with recent events having caused
Mile. Opinions about the building vary. Some declare it to be so much destruction, Chicago's Kindred have begun
a wonder of modern architecture; others call it a marble calling for an investigation.
monstrosity. It lacks any extensive benches (increasing pe- lnyanga, the city's Gangrel elder, has so far managed
destrian traffic and discouraging observation of one's fellow to put off such 9lls, but she may not be able to do so for
shoppers) and its marble interior is austere. long. She does know, however, that any such inquiry
Of course, this is perfect from a Cainite point of view. No would spark off another round of destruction on par with
one has an opportunity to scrutinize them, and the lack of the last. She is one of the few Kindred in town who are
ostentation appeals to many. Because of this, and the high- aware that the Fanum is actually run by the Lupines, and
class image of Water Tower Place, even Ventrue, who heavily protected by the werewolves and their spirits.
normally scorn shopping malls, come here until closing time
-and sometimes after. Lodin issued a specific edict concern-
born Kindred, but usually this area has little to offer a
ing Water Tower Place, forbidding theft, assault or other
vampire. Despite a constant police presence, the area is part
breaches of the Masquerade. Like many oflodin's edicts, this
of the Barrens.
one has begun to be ignored. Additionally, because Water
Tower Place is not part of the Elysium, it is unlikely elders will Continuing north on Lake Shore Drive one reaches the
ever come to this place despite its wide variety of stores. Gold Coast, Chicago's most elite residential neighborhood.
Whether one is looking for high-rise condominiums, co-ops
Only recently have the city's Kindred discovered that a
or townhouses, the Gold Coast is the place to be- if one has
band of roving anarchs has made a basement sublevel into
the money to spare. This area is popular with the recently
one of its havens. The group became active just after the
Embraced, particularly those who were already fond of the
attack on the city, and appears interested in making the city
"yuppie" lifestyle.
a permanent haven.
North of the Gold Coast is Lincoln Park and the Lincoln
Miscellaneous Park Zoo. The neighborhood is elegant - not quite as
North of Water Tower is the John Hancock Center. The expensive as the Gold Coast, but still nothing to scoff at. It
third tallest building in Chicago, it houses shops, offices and has several tolerable nightspots. Kindred weary of the Rack's
condominium apartments. The upper-lev·el garage is a major constant brutality often go to such places as the John
convenience for Cainites interested in havens on the upper Barleycorn Memorial Pub (658 W. Belden Ave.) and Park
floors. As with the Sears Tower, most vampires have little West (322 W. Armitage Ave.). Some anarchs used to meet
interest in the lakefront view from the upper stories. They at the Wise Fools Pub (2270 N. Lincoln Ave.), and Baby
rarely enter the building except when dealing with one of the Chorus used to put on shows there when things got hectic in
the Rack. Occasionally the band moved up the street for a
businesses on the lower levels.
performance at Orphan's or Ratso's.
Northeast of this area are the Navy Pier and Milton Lee
Olive Park, as well as several beaches and the Outer Harbor. For those Cainites with a serious interest in the occult
sciences, two of the best places to go are in the Lincoln Park
Even in the Gothic-Punk world of Vampire, this area retains
much of its bright, airy appearance. The lnternational Folk neighborhood. These places are the Orthodox Temple of
Akhenaton (2551 N. Halsted) and the Fanum (553
Fair, in October, occasionally draws several of the foreign-
Wrightwood- see accompanying sidebar). Both temples
are serious places of the occult, and have flourished in recent
years. True mages have nothing to do with such well-known

Chapter Three: Geography 37

covenants, but there are some talented individuals in the Nightlife
temples. Though these individuals have little rigorous train-
I'm a beast of the night
ing, many are capable of performing a few tricks, and some
have even demonstrated power over spirits or the ability to
And beasts of the night gather together
walk through astral space. And fight, fight everybody else.
The temples are considered somewhat amateurish by the - Suckdog, "Beast of the Night"
Tremere, and that clan avoids both locations. However, North on Michigan, past the Water Tower and south of
members of other clans wishing to learn the Discipline of Lincoln Park, is Rush Street. This boulevard hosts the most
Thaumaturgy sometimes come here for instruction. popular nightclubs in downtown Chicago, drawing even
Acolytes at the T emple of Akhenaton devote them- more heavily from tourists and suburbanites than from Chi-
selves to the worship of the Egyptian deities, including cago itself. Thousands of residents and to urists enter this area
Thoth, the God of Magic. The common member is usually a every night, looking for the proverbial "sex, drugs and rock 'n'
normal-looking man or woman, the same as one might see in roll." What is an ebullient - if mildly dangerous- area in
the business district, with a good job and nice family. How- the Chicago of our world is much more threatening in the
ever, rumor has it that the members of the rarely seen inner Gothic-Punk world of Vampire. This neighborhood is the
circle of the T emple's hierarchy are true masters of Egyptian hunting ground of the undead, who have their own name for
magick. it- "the Rack." Just as the Elysium is the elders' common
ground, so the Rack is the anarchs'.
The Lincoln Park Zoo is close enough to downtown
Chicago to avoid being considered part of the Outlands. It is Further west one comes to Cabrini Green Park and the
popular with the members of the Gangrel clan, who often Cabrini Green Housing Project (at Sedgwick and Locust).
visit after hours. While the Gangrel themselves do not feed The project is the most dangerous in the city, and despite its
here, many other clans find this an "easy" feeding spot. position in the middle of the Rack, it is part of"the Barrens"
Unfortunately, lnyanga, the most powerful of the Chicago (see "The Barrens - Places of Note").
Gangrel, is often traveling. The others of her clan lack the Old Town Triangle, north of the project, is still part of
strength to make an issue of Kindred preying on the Lincoln the Rack. It currently enjoys an upsurge in popularity among
Park animals. Rosa Hernandez in particular finds this preda- the down-and-out following the opening ofseveral new adult
tion upsetting. In deference to her feelings, Doyle Fincher movie houses. There are a few music clubs, but Baby Chorus
feeds elsewhere (usually at Brookfield Zoo). refuses to dignify them with a performance, and good music
Also near Lincoln Park, at the corner of Belmont and is rarely heard. Several comedy clubs, including Zanies (at
Western, is the police building. Once one of the focal points 1548 N. W ells St.) and the Second City Comedy Review (at
of Lodin's power, his Final Death threw Kindred control of the Garrick Theater, 1616 N . Wells), stand out in contrastto
the police into disarray. The elders first noticed this problem the sleazy nature of the neighborhood. The clubs have made
shortly after Lodin's death, when police began a wide-rang- the area popular with new Licks seeking a taste of the frivolity
ing investigation into the events of Under a Blood Red of their previous lives. The Triangle Inn (at 180 N. Clybume)
Moon. It took all the elders' efforts to squelch the investiga- is especially popular with the undead.
tion and, in the course of their cover-up, factions of the police Overall, the area is not as rundown as Rush Street. The
fell into the control of different Cainites. adult movie palaces and pushers, sensing fresh meat, are
Now the police, once completely under the prince's beginning to spill westward from the Rack. No doubt the area
control, find themselves manipulated by a number of differ- will continue to spiral downward as its dubious reputation
ent puppeteers. Old abuses, concealed when Lodin controlled grows. Some migration toward Wicker Park and Bucktown
both the po lice and media, have come to light. One of the has already begun; these areas, however, are not as popular
most notorious was the existence of a special police "torture with the Kindred as are the old ones.
squad." Run by a former U.S. Army officer who had been a
military police interrogator in Vietnam, the squad was used
against anarchs and was especially effective when deployed
The ''East Side''
against their mortal supporters. Technically, Chicago has no "East Side," as Lake Michi-
The Ventrue Joseph Peterson could not keep the affair gan marks its eastern boundary. However, this area is popular
from becoming public, but he has managed to remove any with tourists and deserves some mention.
links to the Kindred. He has made it out to be a purely racist G rant and Jackson Parks, bordering on Lake Michigan
organization whose offenses were purely white on black. and right off Downtown, make up much of Chicago's South
Even so, the chaos still gripping the city may bring about Side. This huge area was once the city's harbor. Now landfilled
more revelations. and extended out into the lake, it is a pleasant area of

38 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

parkland. Even the gloomy ambience of the Vampire Gothic-
Punk world is not enough to dim this area very much. In the
Gothic-Punk world, this area is far more dangerous at night
than in our reality. However, it is still much safer than, say,
New York's Central Park is in the real world.
Despite the wealth of human life and activity here, the
parks are considered part of the Barrens; they are too much in
the public eye. The gangs, both human and vampiric, can
find easier prey across the river to the north, or west in the
heart of the city.

Aside from the parks themselves, this area has four major
tourist attractions. Coming south on Lake Shore from the
Loop, one passes Buckingham Fountain, a large rococo-style
fountain with an hour-long, computer-programmed light-
and-color water display. Beyond the fountain, there are three
museums on Grant Park's south end.
The first is the Field Museum of Natural History, the
largest ofChicago's Lakeshore museums and one of the largest
marble buildings in the world. The second, Shedd Aquarium,
lies east along the Lake, and Adler Planetarium is even further
east on a small abutment of Land.
Further south, in Jackson Park, the Museum of Science
and Industry draws huge crowds (more than four million per
year). Its major attractions are its hands-on displays, a walk-
through coal mine, and U-505, a real German submarine
from World War II.
While these museums are interesting, they hold little
interest for the Kindred. Some older vampires occasionally
visit the Museum of Science and Industry when they feel the
need to update their knowledge and keep in touch with the
1990s. Every decade or so, a T remere takes an interest in
astrological influences on magic and spends some time at the
planetarium. And for years it has been rumored that an
unknown Methuselah, accustomed to fish vitre, at times
breaks into Shedd Aquarium to feed. The rumor has never
been confirmed, and is hardly believed.
In general, though, the Kindred ignore the museums.
They are part of the Barrens, and although they are not
technically within the Elysium, Lodin banned feeding here
and none have opted to break the ban since his death.

Chicago Police Headquarters is located west of the Field
Museum on Roosevelt Road. Once strictly forbidden to the
Kindred by order of Lodin, it has since become a hotbed of
activity as vampires seek to control Kindred of importance to
them. Even the Tremere have become involved in this,
taking special interest in the city's occult crimes division.
Soldier Field, home of the Chicago Bears, is located
south of the Field Museum, between Wm. McFetridge Drive
and E. Waldron Drive. Ballard has considerable influence
over the owner, and uses the stadium for his own purposes. It
is a wide-open area, some miles from the "safer" (to Kindred

Chapter Three: Geography 39

thinking) areas like the Rack and the Hive. Because of this, Uni-versity of Chicago
Ballard will sometimes have neonates brought here just
The University of Chicago, in H yde Park, is a well-
before sunrise, to put them at a disadvantage and to prove his
known Midwest college. Most Kindred ihave little interest in
intellectual pursuits, and the neighborhood surrounding the
Just south on Lake Shore Drive is McCo rmick Place, college itself is rather dull, with little or no nightlife off the
part of the Lakefront Exposition Center. Although inappro- campus proper.
priately placed for a major convention center, McCormick
There are two places of interest on t:he campus. The first
plays host to several different trade shows throughout the
is the site of what once was O ld A lonzo Stagg Field Stadium.
year. The Kindred avoid this area, instead waiting for the
The second is of interest to Kindred of a more scientific bent.
Shriners or other convention-goers to venture into the Rack
In the early 1940s, Glenn T. Sea borg, a leading physicist, led
in search of excitement.
a group of scientists in an experiment designed to isolate

The South Side plutonium. One of the group, Enrico Fermi, directed the first
successful nuclear chain reaction on December 2, 1942. The
plutonium was isolated in Room 405 of G .H. Jones Labora-
South of the river, and farther south of the Loop, lies tory.
Chicago's South Side. Neighborhoods such as Bridgeport, Because of its critical importance to mortal history, this
Gage, Hyde, McKinley and Marquette Parks, Hegewisch, area has drawn the interest of several vampires, including the
and Kenwood make up this area. There are a few areas of note Athenian Brujah Critias, who occasionally visits to discuss
here, but overall it comprises mostly lower- and middle-class theory with old friends and their proteges. Not knowing his
residences, and is populated mainly by minorities. Down the name, the university people call him "the Doctor," after an
social scale from Chicago's North Side, the South Side is obscure British television program that has achieved cult
more likely to receive the spillover of Cainite battles from status in some universities. Because he never ages, Critias
central Chicago. must disappear for 10 years or so every 30 years in order to
avoid suspicion. Nevertheless, he has become the subject of
some rather bizarre rumors.

40 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition


Chapter Three: Geography 41

Critias merely dabbles in various fields of science. His One shop that attracts some Kindred is the Southwest
tendency to spout off his wilder theories led to the scientific Tattoo Emporium, at 4390 Archer Ave. Mike "Doc" Duggan
commumty's recent, widespread belief in a feasible "milk and Gary "Snake" Martin are the best body artists in the
bottle" fission generator. Midwest, and experts in single-needle technique. For Brujah
looking for that extra mark of distinction, the Tattoo Empo-
Bridgeport and Chinatown rium is the place to go (although, because the tattoos heal
Northwest of the Hyde Park area are two significant every night, elaborate designs are impractical}.
neighborhoods. The first is Bridgeport. Home of former Just a little northeast of Bridgeport is Chinatown. West
Mayor Daley, this area was once the stockyard center of Cermak, Wentworth, Archer, Canal, and 26th Street border
Chicago. The advent of trucking and the decline of the the heart of this area. The residents - some 15,000 of them
railroads have driven that business into ncar-extinction. The -often know little or no English. They crowd into cheap
area is inhabited by several ethnic groups- descendants of apartment houses, sometimes living 10 to a single-bedroom
the workers from the first half of the century (the Irish apartment, 30 rooms to a building. Filth, grime and poverty
predominate). are inescapable parts of life in Chinatown. It is rumored that
Most of Chicago's remaining stockyards are in Bridge- there are tunnels beneath Chinatown where the triads meet
port. Contrary to popular stereotype, this area docs not teem and Chinese warlocks cast their spells. If this has any truth to
with tens of thousands of head of cattle. The Union Stock it, only the Nosferatu know.
Yard Gate, at Exchange Ave. and Peoria St., is the only major These conditions would seem to make Chinatown an
firm still doing business. At one time the area was a primary ideal hunting ground. However, the area was under the
feeding ground for the Kindred who preferred to avoid taking "protection" of a powerful Ventrue. He has not been seen
human vitre. Doyle Fincher, of the Gangrel clan, was born since the Lupine attacks, and many believe him dead. Nicolai,
and Embraced in this area. His haven is in this neighborhood, leader of Chicago's T remere, has long been interested in
and a number of Kindred - those whom Doyle sheltered reports of Oriental mages in the area, and may become more
during the mid-'80s conflicts - are aware of its general active in his surveillance.

42 Chicago by Night Znd Edition

- - ------'

Chapter Three: Geography 43

the 1960s he had a haven here. He is mo re commonly found
LoPan at the University. The Athenian prefers the University of
Lo Pan has been in C hinatown longer than anyone can Chicago, where he occasionally teaches, but when discussing
remember. Those few Occidentals who know of him believe the "soft" sciences, he likes the University of Illinois at
him to be a successful banker, investor and developer. Most Chicago.
residents of Chinatown are aware that Lo Pan and the Critias is famous among the Kindred for his "practical
members of the Wing Kong, a fighting tong, maintain a joke" - a series of suggestions he made to campus architects
stranglehold over much of the area's vice trade. What only a Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. These suggestions led to such
select few realize is h is standing among the world's sorcerers. oddities as University Hall (a tower wider at the top than at
Lo Pan's mastery of magic predates any of the mortal the base) and the Behavioral Sciences and Science & Engi-
inhabitants of C hinatown. None know whether opponents neering Buildings (made up of multilevel "boxes," turning
forced him to flee C hina or he left of his own volition, but in the interiors into oddly twisting mazes).
the late 1800s he made his way to Chicago. Once he had West of UIC is the Medica l Cente r District. This 3 70-
settled in among the growing Chinese community, he formed acre tract holds more than 60 health care institutions. If a
the Wing Kong, using it to cement his hold over Chinatown. prized Retainer is injured, this is where his master will bring
Its activities include protection, gambling, drug distribution, him. In fact, one of the chief administrators, Gideon Daniels,
pimping, slavery and worse. is an Ally of Ballard.
All of this, however, plays a secondary role to Lo Pan's Although vampiric activity at the Medical Center has
quest for immortality. Because of Lo Pan's fear of the many been low-key in the last few years, the early 1980s were
Chinese hells, he will go to any extreme to avoid death. somewhat chaotic. Several neonates went on a prolonged
While this might normally cause him to seek out the aid of a "banking" spree among the various blood storage facilities
vampire, Lo Pan wants eternity on his own terms. He has no and test laboratories in the district. Only Lodin's threat of a
worries about drinking blood, but he wants no part of the Blood Hunt against the guilty parties put an end to it. It was
Beast, the vulnerability to sunlight or any of the other during this time that Lodin and Ballard contacted Daniels,
handicaps vampires suffer. While he allied with a Vietnam- forming an alliance. Daniels keeps Ballard informed of cur-
ese vampire during the '80s, that vampire's death at the hands rent medical advances and tends to his Retainers with no
of the Lupines ended that tie. questions asked. Ballard, in return, passes on financial tips
Now Lo Pan, whose longevity rituals, potions and arti- from his advisors, enabling Daniels to make a tidy profit.
facts are becoming less and less effective, is becoming Still, Daniels seems too busy with his own work as a
desperate. He will track down any rumor of immortality, and consultant to Developmental Neogenetics Amalgamated to
will let nothing stand in his way- not even vampires. care much about Ballard. The biotechnology firm has a
Lo Pan is a master of numerous esoteric forms of magic, substantial research presence in the Medical Center, and
including geomancy, spirit control and a number of Daniels has been active in its expansion. Last month, some
Thaumaturgical paths. Aside from the Wing Kong - a of the company's directors asked him to keep a closer eye on
highly effective fighting force in its own right - he also Ballard, and Daniels has complied.
controls a number ofsupernatural forces. Demons, ghosts and Further west on Madison, on the "2300" block, is the old
other creatures roam the halls of his headquarters and serve headquarters of the Black Panthers o rganization. Several
him on special missions. Licks, including the Brujah Carlyle, have had ties to the
Panthers in the past. The remnants of the Panthers have long
Tbe West Side since moved to 4233 S. Indiana, near the Bridgeport neigh-
borhood. Carlyle has worked to revitalize the group, and it
Between the Loop and the western Barrens is Chicago's has become more involved with the community and local
Near W est Side. Until the 1960s this area held two of gangs.
Chicago's major ethnic groups: the Italians and the Greeks. The Eisenhower Expressway (290) separates the U IC
When the University of Illinois at Chicago was built, most of and the Medica l Center District from the rest of the Near
these neighborhoods were bulldozed. Remnants can still be West Side. North of the Expressway are several other places
seen - one is "Little ltaly," which has some well-known of interest, including "Union Row" on Ashland Boulevard.
Italian restaurants and stores, but little of interest for the The regional headquarters of many influential unions, in-
Kindred. The vampire Capone still has a fondness for this cluding the T eamsters, are located here. Although the area
area, and has several Italian Retainers here. is quiet now, Kindred have been active here during the
Most of Chicago's ethnic Greeks have moved to "New various union conflicts of the past.
Greektown," near the Lawrence/Lincoln Square area in Other places of interest include Broadway Costumes
north C hicago. However, a few Mediterranean restaurants (932 W. Washington Blvd.), Ginglass Formal Wear Center
still exist along a two-block stretch of Halsted. Critias occa- (555 W. 14th Place) and several coffin-makers. These places
sionally visits this neighborhood; before the demolitions of unwittingly cater to the vampiric community.

44 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

., i~
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_J. ,-; . :l'
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One of the coffin-makers, Spangler Manufacturing, prides achievements of the Renaissance. Indeed, it has become a
itselfon its ability to create special, made-to-order caskets. Its private place for some of them to meet in safety and away from
owner, Gordon Spangler, is remarkably disinterested in the prying eyes.
occasional odd orders he receives. His prices are steep, but his West of the Near Northwest Side are the suburbs of Oak
craftsmanship and ingenuity are superb. Although some Park, River Forest and Forest Park. These isolated neighbor-
elders feel that dealings with Spangler pose a threat to the hoods border on the Outlands, and Kindred encountered
Masquerade, he has never been in danger. here are usually just passing through.
Broadway Costumes specializes in costumes of all sorts, Two of the area's stores are of interest to Kindred. One
while Ginglass deals in new and used formal wear and is the Creative Workshop ( 1024 North Boulevard), whose
accessories. An out--of-the-way spot, Broadway Costumes is owner, Tom Cameron, creates custom leather goods. His
still conveniently close to the downtown area. Both stores are specialty is leather suits, for rock stars and for those who like
popular with Toreador looking for something special to wear to look like rock stars. The members of Baby Chorus are
to a party. Broadway's selection of capes and canes, and regular patrons, as are some of the other anarchs.
Ginglass' used tuxedos, make both stores popular with neo- The other is Essence (169 N. Marion St.), a cosmetics
nates looking to "dress the part" on a low budget. store. The owners, the Berlinski family, have their own
North of the Near West Side, bordering Milwaukee private-label stock, but also carry goods from a wide variety
Avenue, are West Town, Wicker Park and Logan Square, of other cosmetics companies. Those who have especially
collectively called the Near Northwest Side. This area is the devoted themselves to the Masquerade - particularly To-
center of the city's Polish community, and its only notable reador and Ventrue - shop here to achieve that perfect
feature is St. Stanislaus Kostka at Noble Street and Evergreen "natural look."
Avenue. The oldest of Chicago's Polish churches, it is part of
the Elysium because of its Italian Renaissance architecture,
and- according to rumor- the fact that Lodin once took
refuge there in the days before he became prince. It is
Tbe North Side
North of the Lincoln Park area lie several neighbor-
considered the artistic triumphofitsdesigner, Patrick Charles
hoods. Among them are DePaul, Lakeview, New Town,
Keely. Many elders (particularly those of European descent)
enjoy visiting it to see a reminder of the great architectural Uptown and Lincoln Square.

Chapter Three: Geography 45

DePaul is a small, up-and-coming area with upper- The poor neighborhoods breed violence among both
middle-class residences - the neighborhood caters to the Kindred and kine. Domestic violence is high here - the
young, affluent and fashionable. The only place of note is the statistics are among the worst in Chicago. Most Cainites
Biograph Theatre (2433 N. Lincoln Ave.), where federal believe the residents do not need an excuse to attack each
agents tried to gun down John Dillinger. After years of other- and since they arc going to kill each other anyway,
obscurity, the theater has gained a reputation for showing the Kindred might as well make some use of their vitre.
rare, newly released foreign and American films. It also shows The only physical location of real interest in Uptown is
The Rocky Horror Picture Show every Friday night, in the Grace land Cemetery, considered a part of the Barrens. Land-
process drawing a huge crowd of costumed fans. Many anarchs scape architect Ossian Simonds established the grounds in
come here to feed, for no one would notice the tpresence of a 1860. He commissioned several well-known architects of the
vampire in this crowd of Blood Dolls. Damien used to make time, including Louis Sullivan. Graceland is a touch above
an effort to come in costume, but has not returned since the the "average" Barrens area, and some Kindred find a kind of
Lupine attack. solace during their visits here. Although Inyanga has no
New Town is a potpourri of styles. It has been compared permanent haven, she often sleeps here during the daylight
to San Francisco, both because of its diverse mixture of hours.
nationalities and because of its large gay community. New Lincoln Square became he ir to Greektown after the city
Town is also home to the Chicago Cubs and Wrigley Field. bulldozed the original in the '60s. There are any number of
The news that the Cubs were to play night games was Eastern European ethnic groups here as well as Greeks.
enthusiastically received by some recently Embraced Licks Several popular G reek restaurants and food stores do business
who harbored a fondness for the team. in this area. G riffins & Gargoyles, an antique store on the
The Occult Bookstore (North Clark) draws a little "2100" block of W. Lawrence Ave., is popular with the
business, mostly from neonates looking for their first clues to Ventrue, some Toreador and the occasional aesthetically
Golconda. An occasional used book containing some valu- inclined Trcmcre.
able information passes through, but most self-respecting For entertainment, the Athens (4726 N. Western Ave.)
Tremere avoid the store like the plague. and Miomir's Serbian Club (a block north of Griffins &
The Piano Man Bar attracts an occasional musically Gargoyles) are popular with some European Cainites. C ritias,
inclined Cainite. One or two members of Baby Chorus in particular, regularly haunts both these restaurants, al-
occasionally visit to see if there is any talent worth "recruit- though he prefers Miomir's. The owner is one of Critias'
ing." Sometimes they get lucky; more often, they leave Allies in Chicago, although the Athenian rarely calls on
disappointed. Raymond Falcon comes here sometimes, in him. Miomir has some contacts in the Greek community,
both his homosexual and musical personas. contacts which have proved useful to Critias on more than
Lakeview, to the north, is a little more sedate than New one occasion.
Town. It acts as a social and economic barrier between the
high-priced lifestyles of New Town, De Paul and Lincoln
Park to the south, and the poorer Uptown and Lincoln
Tbe Outlands
Square to the north. It has a large Oriental popUJlation, many A white blazing deep
of whom moved in from Old C hinatown - a home in
Through this wasteland searching we
Lakeview is a sign of achievement for residents of Old
Soaring birds now hunt the brow
As I thirsty griJ>ped with hunger now.
Coming to Uptown, one begins to see a general break-
down in the economic spectrum. This neighborhood lays -Peter Murphy, "The Line between the Devil's Teeth"
claim to one of the city's largest concentrations of the elderly. The Cainite term "Outlands" primarily refers to any area
It also has a staggeringly large number of the city's poor and that is outside Chicago, but that remains connected to the
destitute. Because of the lakefront property, however, the metropolis. Several of Chicago's Licks maintain havens in
area also attracts the well-to-do, and sometimes the opposite the Outlands. However, they never feed there except out of
ends of the scale lie within blocks of each other. As with most desperation. To maintain the Masquerade, as well as the
of Chicago, the nouveaux riches line Lake Michigan, the security of their havens, the Outland-dwelling Kindred come
middle class live inland, and the poor live beyond. In the into Chicago when the sun goes down, and return just before
Gothic-Punk world, that middle-class band is thinner than dawn.
in the real world, and the poor rub elbows with the rich on a The area is divided into three parts: specific locales,
regular basis. suburbs and Gary. Each is dealt with below.
These neighborhoods serve as feeding grounds for the
Kindred of northern Chicago. The Illinois Psychiatric Insti-
tute, popular with Malkavians, is also in this area.

46 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Specific Locales
These parts of the Outlands are areas of some Kindred
activity that are too far away from Chicago to be considered
part of the city.
Chicago has three major airports. O'Hare is about 18
miles west of Downtown. Midway Airport is off l-55, about a
half-hour from Downtown. Meigs Field is on the lakefront at
15th Street, about 15 minutes from Downtown and near
Soldier Field. The hazards of travel by air and other means
have already been discussed. Most Kindred are stay-at-homes,
and rarely travel. Those who wish to travel by air must go to
Tyler, and her price is always high.
Retainers and Allies, of course, are under no such
restrictions. They often make use of O'Hare on Kindred
business; the smaller airports (Midway or Meigs) are pre-
ferred when discretion is desired, but Tyler controls these
airports as well. A recent terrorist scare at O'Hare has
lessened its attractiveness, especially since many Kindred
know the attack was instigated by Lupines.
Kindred usually use Midway Airport. It has more flights
than Meigs, and there is less chance of a transport container
being accidentally opened or misrouted than at O'Hare. If
Tyler has arranged things, there is no danger at all.
A common apocryphal story tells of a vampire having
himselfshipped by air from Chicago in the late 1960s. He was
accidentally sent to the wrong destination, and customs
inspectors opened the shipping container in daylight- with
predictable results. Equally predictably, no one who tells the
story knows the identity of the ill-fated traveler; the story is
always passed on by "a friend of a friend."
Other specific locales in the Outlands include the
Brookfield Zoo, racetracks such as Arlington and Maywood
Park, outlying colleges and Six Flags Great America amuse-
ment park.
The Brookfield Zoo is a popular feeding ground for those
Kindred who prefer animal to human vitre. Its use of moats to
contain the animals in an outdoor setting makes it simple for
the undead to get at the creatures. Doyle Fincher often feeds
The racetracks serve four purposes. Some Kindred find
a certain amusement in betting on the semi-random results
of the races. Others, particularly the Ventrue, enjoy the
social side of the more sophisticated racetracks. Some elders
and ancillre, particularly Alan Sovereign, use the horses as
business investments and tax write-offs. Finally, those Kin-
dred who feed on animals but wish to avoid the crowds at the
two Chicago zoos often drain the vitre from the racehorses.
The outlying colleges hold little of interest even for
those who were Embraced while in school. T he vampire
known as Rose usually feeds on college professors and stu-
dents. She prefers to move widely between feedings, in order
to avoid drawing attention to herself. Critias enjoys teaching
an occasional class, and still takes courses himself in order to
keep up on current scientific theories and philosophical

Chapter Three: Geography 47

debate. To maintain the Masquerade, he rarely engages in Additionally, many Kindred like having Gary separate
Socratic debate to the full extent ofhis powers, so he is always from Chicago. No matter who becomes prince, problems
on the lookout for Kindred with whom he can share ideas. between the two cities will likely continue, allowing the
Great America is about as far as the Chicago Kindred Kindred to play one against the other and always have a
consider the "Outlands" to extend. Some neonates, particu- nearby place of safety.
larly those who were Embraced as children, find great Geographically, Gary is closer to Chicago than some of
enjoyment in riding the rides during the evening or even the Outland suburbs that are actually part of the city, such as
breaking into the park after closing time. The T remere Chicago Heights and Elgin. There is a regular flow of Kindred
Nicolai, of course, has no time for such childish pleasures. traffic from Chicago to Gary, not only because of the oppor-
tunity for an easy meal but because of such businesses as Gary
The Suburbs Exports Co. and the Williams Auction.
For more information on Gary, see Vampire.
The Kindred apply the term "Outlands" to almost any
neighborhood of Chicago that has not been described above.
The term includes any area that has little or no nightclub
activity, few inconspicuous feeding prospects, and no stores
of interest. The suburbs north of Chicago see most of the Souls of poets dead and gone,
slight vampiric activity in the Outlands. Evanston, on the What Elysium have ye known.
shoresofLake Michigan, is host to Northwestern University, -John Keats, "Lines on the Mermaid Tavern"
and thus occasionally draws a visit from Critias. The Elysium is not so much a specific physical location
Jason Newberry's ("Son's") haven is in Skokie, 16 miles as a reference to any building favored by the elders. After all,
from the downtown area. From there he can easily reach the few large cities have a central area containing all the cultural
Illinois Psychiatric Institute. delights that a metropolis has to offer. Chicago is no excep-
Arlington Heights, 24 miles northwest of Chicago, was tion.
once an affluent neighborhood. Through the years it has seen A building considered part of the Elysium is always
an influx of lower-class families, and in the past few years has devoted to the fine arts or is somehow artistically or intellec-
gone into a serious decline . tually stimulating. Many major museums, art galleries, theatres
Cicero has long been a mob-controlled t·erritory, and and centers of the performing arts are part of the Elysium.
Capone still controls much of the municipality. While he
maintains a haven there, he rarely uses it for fear of risking the
Masquerade - too many people there still remember his
Extending Elysium
face. The primogen decides whether a new building is consid-
ered part of Elysium. Once the matter has been voted upon,
This, of course, is only a small sampling of the suburbs
the primogen informs the city's Kindred. Lodin used to issue
that surround Chicago. Many provide temporary havens for
bans or edicts against Kindred violence in certain areas, or
those needing a place to lie low during one of the intermi-
declare that certain areas were "neutral ground," without
nable intra-Kindred conflicts. Still, the undead usually prefer
declaring them part of the Elysium. The effectiveness ofsuch
to remain close to the action of downtown Chicago.
edicts now depends on the elders, who may or may not want

Oary to see these traditions maintained.

If in doubt, the safest course is to assume that an area is
The death ofLodin has legitimized Prince Mod ius' claim within the Elysium. It is extremely unwise to violate the
of independence- just when he wishes that were not true. sanctity of the Elysium, since it is one of the few things upon
Modi us has begun hinting that the two cities are actually the which members of the primogen agree. They invariably unite
same princedom, and that one prince should rule both. The to punish wrongdoers.
idea has not met with significant support , however, as most
Kindred know whom Modius sees as prince.
Another reason few Kindred would look favorably on
Buildings in Elysium
Buildings commonly considered part of the Elysium are
reuniting the two princedoms is the prolonged economic
listed below. This list reflects the tastes of the elders of
depre.ssion affecting Gary. Lodin went about destroying the
Chicago. While they display the conservatism of millennia,
city as completely as he could, and recovery remains a distant
even they occasionally gain a new appreciation for a particu-
dream. Lodin ruined the city's industrial base (the steel
lar art style or type of music. Sometimes this newfound
mills), hindered its economic expansion and brought orga-
appreciation is the result of nostalgic reminiscing over their
nized crime to the city in droves. Modi us' inability to prevent
long-lost mortal lives, while sometimes it is the result of idle
this has made it highly unlikely he could gamer enough
support to become Chicago's prince.

48 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

The elders may declare that a building is under the from medieval and Renaissance times, and represents the
protection of the Elysium for several months, then rescind entire world. As such, the Institute is probably the most
the announcement as abruptly. However, the aforemen- popular area of Elysium among the elders- indeed, among
tioned conservatism means the elders rarely make major the Kindred at large.
changes. The following list has remained essentially un- The paintings alone include works by such artists as El
changed for some time. Greco, Monet, Renoir, Rembrandt, Cezanne, Degas, Picasso,
Chagall, Matisse and Dubuffet. Works from the last two
Dance & Ballet Chinese dynasties are displayed as well. In fact, at least three
American Dance Center School and Ballet Co. (22413 major Asian works are believed to have been anonymously
Governors Hwy., Richton Park); Chicago City Ballet (223 donated by an elder.
W. Erie St.). While not to the taste of most elders, other displays
include ceramics, the Rubloff paperweight collection, the
Oalleries Thome dollhouse exhibit and the photography gallery. Even
Arts Club ofChicago ( 109 E. Ontario St.); Linda Enfield, Licks Embraced as children are occasionally seen here.
Inc. (620 N. Michigan); R.S. Johnson International (645 N. The Institute evolved from the Chicago Academy of
Michigan), St. Albus Fine Arts (620 N. Michigan). Design, which was established in 1866. It was incorporated as
the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts on May 24, 1879, and
Libraries assumed its present name in 1882. Since 1893 it has been
Central Library (4 25 N. Michigan Ave.); Cultural Cen- located on Michigan Avenue, within a large, handsome
ter (78 E. Washington). Renaissance-style structure built by Shepley, Rutan and
Coolidge for the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893.
Museums The Institute's hours are 10:30-4:30 Monday and
Art Institute of Chicago; Block Gallery (Northwestern Wednesday-Friday, 10:30-8 Tuesday, 10-5 Saturday, and 12-
University, Evanston}; Chicago Academy of Science (2001 5 Sunday. Tuesday is the only night when Kindred can visit
N. Clark St.); Chicago Historical Society (Clark St. at North legitimately- and even that is denied them in summer.
Ave.); Freeport Art Museum (511 S. Liberty St., Freeport); Therefore, the elders consider this building to be "closed"
Martin D'Arcy Gallery of Art (Cudayy Library, Loyala Uni- sunset to sunrise. Rarely a night goes by without at least one
versity); Museum of Contemporary Art, Oriental Institute Cainite visiting and viewing a display or exhibit.
Museum (Univ. of Chicago}; Smart Gallery (Univ. of Chi- In fact, the Art Institute is one of the rare places in
cago}; Terra Museum of American Art (2600 Central Park Chicago that is truly neutral ground. Even anarchs would
Ave., Evanston). probably rise up against one of their members who broke the
rules of Elysium here. Elders and some anarchs come here
Opera until the small hours of the night to discuss the finer points
Chicago Opera Theater (Athenaeum Theater, 2936 N. of a painting (as well as to plot and scheme). Even Nosferatu
Southport Ave.); Civic Opera House. and Malkavians enjoy the museum. The Nosferatu have
developed a taste for fine art, perhaps to compensate for their
Orchestral appearance. The Malkavians, more than any other clan,
Orchestra Hall; Pick-Staiger Concert Hall ( 1977 have a special insight into the eccentricities of the artistic
Sheridan Rd., Evanston). mind.
The sight of vampires from several different clans sitting
Theater in a museum in the dead of night, discussing the brushstrokes
Arie Crown Theatre (McCormick Place, 23rd St. & of Monet, is one of the most bizarre to be found in Chicago.
Lake Shore Dr.); Civic Theater.
Lyric Opera of Chicago
Miscellaneous Chicago heard its first traveling troupe in 1850, and
Auditorium Theatre; Fine Arts/World Playhouse; Petrillo since 1956 the Lyric Opera has been the resident company in
Music Shell (Grant Park); University of Chicago (South Chicago. The Lyric Opera is the immediate successor to the
Side}. Lyric Theater of Chicago, launched by Fox, Lawrence Kelly
and Nicola Rescigno in 1954, when the city had spent eight
Places of Note years without it$ own professional opera. During the Lyric's
annual autumn season, the sumptuous Civic Opera House
Art Institute of Chicago (opened in 1929) is filled to capacity. The Lyric is renowned
The Art Institute of Chicago is one of the finest art for its polished productions and internationally celebrated
museums in the world, and undoubtedly the best in the
Midwest. Its collection of paintings includes pieces dating

Chapter Three: Geography 49

singers. On opening nights, almost all the city's elders will be anenrollmentof8,600, and an enormous library of4,600,000
present. Indeed, unless one has connections, tickets are very volumes, made possible by large gifts from John D. Rockefeller
difficult to come by. and his descendants.
Modeled after the German university system, it was
Chicago Symphony Orchestra among the first American institutions to emphasize graduate
This orchestra is the third oldest symphony orchestra in study. The quarter system for the academic year, used by
the United States, and still ranks among the most prestigious. many schools, was introduced here. It was also the first major
It is managed under a healthy endowment by the Orchestral university to accept women on an equal basis with men. The
Association of Chicago, founded in 1891 -the same year university is the center of a noted group of theological
the orchestra was created. The Association owns Orchestra institutions, and witch-hunters have used it as a haven. It also
Hall, another very lavish building, which was built in 1904. has a very active paranormal psychology department engaged
The orchestra has hosted many distinguished regular con- in a number of "environmental studies" across the city.
ductors, including Fritz Reiner, Artur Rodzinski, Rafael
Kubelik and Sir Georg Solti. The orchestra often travels and
has made a number of European tours. TbeRack
University of Chicago In some cities, Kindred call it "the Crucible"; in others,
"the Hunting Grounds." In Chicago, Kindred call the area
The prestigious University ofChicago was established in
that is the center of the human nightlife scene "the Rack."
1890 by the American Baptist Educational Society. It is a
No one knows who first coined the phrase. The term first
private institution, though now nondenominational. It has

Rules of Elysium passing, the duty falls to the elders. They may well punish
transgressors even more harshly (that is, unless the viola-
Established by Lodin and now enforced by the elders, tor can cut a deal).
the rules for a building that is part of the Elysium are For instance, an uninformed childe, reveling in his
simple but clear: newfound powers, may decide to Dominate a curator. He
I. On pain of a Blood Hunt, no violence is permitted on gains access to a sealed vault in the Art Institute of
the premises against Kindred, kine, or physical objects. Not Chicago, where he scrawls, "Fools! I can go anywhere I
only do such acts breach the Masquerade, they could want!" on a valuable painting. He could nghtly claim
cause damage to items, causes or individuals the elders ignorance, but it would be an inadequate defense. Van-
value. dalism, defiance and breach of the Masquerade do not
2. The Elysium is co be considered neutral ground. No rely on knowledge of the rules of Elysium, and the
conflict of any sort between Kindred may be carried ontO its youngster would incur the wrath of the elders- and the
sacred grotmd. The elders like to meet and appreciate the respect of most anarchs. A Blood Hunt would be declared
fine arts without other Kindred shattering the peace of in any case. Such destruction enrages all elders, whether
their contemplations. As a matter of courtesy, discussions they like the defaced work or not. Elysium is a symbol of
should be limited to the fine arts, and political topics their power, and to defy its rules is to attack the pillar on
avoided (except when the primogen meets). which that power stands.
3. Access shall not be limited; all Cainites are welcome. The rulesofEiysium are vague when dealing with the
In practice, those who enter Elysium when elders are status of artists and performers. Their work is part of the
present are assumed to have thrown in their lot with that Elysium, but the question remains whether they them·
group. selves are so, especially when they are outside the physical
4. One should not attract attenrion as one leaves and areas defined as Elysium. This has been a problem in
enters Elysium. Some buildings will not normally be open recent years, as some Kindred - especially Malkavians
in the hours of darkness, but in such cases some easy and Caitiff in the United States- have made a practice
means of entry and egress will have been arranged. of hunting thespians, models and the like. Generally, a
Guards are often Dominated, and will instantly respond performer is not considered "under Elysium," and is fair
to certain command words. game for feeding, Dominate attempts or death. A vam-
Of course, these rules are not graven in stone; they pire may be able to commit such a series of murders, or
are more along the nature of guidelines or rules of eti· Dominate a star into becoming a useless alcoholic, with-
quette. A sire will usually- but not always- inform h er out breaching the Masquerade. Of course, there remains
progeny of these guidelines, and of the extent of the the fury of an elder over the death or ruin of a favored
Elysium. Lodin used to enforce these rules and, with his performer ...

50 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

came into popular usage during the 19th century, and has rive member of the opposite sex through Dominate or Pres·
remained ever since. ence; others merely watch the myriad human interactions.
The Rack centers primarily on Rush Street. More than And then there arc those who hunt here. They assume -
100different bars, clubs and restaurants populate Rush Street cottcctly- that they can drink from any number of vessels
and its six or eight neighbors. This variety makes the Rush on a given night without drawing undue anent ion. A comer
Street area the most popular nightspot in the city despite its booth in a bar such as Billy's (936 North Rush), Mother's (26
dangerous atmosphere. W. Division), or She-Nannigans ( 16 W. Division) offers
Further to the west, in the Old T own area, the pimps, enough privacy for the clumsiest vampire to dine at leisure.
drug dealers and gangs have sensed fresh prey. This area's Even on weeknights there is enough of a crowd to provide
popularity varies wildly. After a few years of relative quiet plentiful vitre for all. Territorial disputes among the Kindred
(after a Lodin·sponsored crackdown) some new clubs are are uncommon. The Rack is an unofficial neutral zone where
opening in the Old Town Triangle area. Sin-seekers again all clans and persuasions mingle.
flock there, as do those who see them as prey. With Lodin There are also the Lushes, those seeking a drug or
gone, some fear that it will deteriorate to its old, decrepit alcohol"high" by imbibing from an indulging vessel. Most of
condition. Chicago's Licks are not regular Lushes, but many seek the
Overall, the Rush Street neighborhood is a very rough occasional.frisson to enliven their sometimes deadened senses.
place (more so in the Gothic-Punk Chicago than in our There is no lack of suitable vessels.
own). The singles arc just a little more desperate, the hookers Of particular note is the area west of Rush Street, still
just a little more brazen, and the regulars just a little weirder. part of the Rack. Both the Succubus Club and the Cave are
A large number of transvestites, punks and Blood Dolls may in this area, on State Street. As one moves further west, a
be found here. Gangs walk the streets with impunity and number of X-rated movie houses spring up on Dearborn,
punk bands outnumber the jazz and blues ensembles. Most C lark and La Salle. The more civic-minded members of the
outsiders just laugh at the swaggering punks and claim the City Council have been trying for years to ban them, but
gangs are part of what gives the area its atmosphere. other members under the Domination of various Kindred
Fortunately, an unwrinen rule keeps most of the mortal have always thwarted them. After all, none of the clans want
gangs from preying on adventurous couples, or even on most this well-stocked hunting ground to dry up.
well-dressed singles. They arc all Dominated to some degree
or another by anarchs, for too much violence would keep the Places of Note
people away. Then the Licks would have no one from whom
to feed. The Blue Yet-vet
But woe betide a well-heeled, defenseless-looking indi· The Blue Velvet, located on the northern side of what
vidual who stumbles intoa d:uk alley to relieve himself, or has was once known as "that Great State Street," is west of Rush
been spending big, or runs across a gang that has not seen Street, in the heart of the Rack. The club is always on the
action in a while. Said individual will be relieved of his cutting edge of current musical and stylistic trends. This
valuables, if not his blood. Even the Kindred are not safe from makes it popular with mortals, although no one knows who
molestation - although they can call upon better defenses the owner of the club is. Rumor among the Kindred is that he
than most. or she isone o fthcm. This helps its popularity with Chicago's
Some of the hottest bands in town come here to play the vampires.
clubs. Baby Chorus' multiclan lineup means one or more Before 1972, the Blue Velvet went through several
Kindred arc often gunning for one or more of its members- incarnations as a Prohibition speakeasy, an Irish pub, a blue·
an unfortunate situation, as the band prefers the Rack's clubs collar tavern and a gay bar. In 1972 it was taken over by an
to anywhere else. Depending on the current state of Kindred unidentified buyer. Rumor of the day had it that the owner
interclan warfare, the group can be found headlining when had made some under-the-table profits from the closing
the bickering is at a low ebb or sitting in for a surprise jam down of the steel mills. From these ill-gotten gains came the
session with kine when the conflicts peak. The band can financing for the takeover of Fantastica, as the Blue Velvet
commonly be found at Andy's (on East Hubbard), the was then kno wn.
Back room (I 007 North Rush), or Rick's Cafe America in The club closed down for three months. Workmen were
(Holiday Inn on Lake Shore Dr.). The band prefers Rick's - kept busy during that entire period, performing a major
its members find it amusing to be performing as a "Holiday overhaul on the building. In May of 1972, the club opened
Inn Lounge Band," even ifRick's is well known as a hot music under the new name of the Blue Velvet.
spot. Rick's is also a little farther out of the Rush Street Among the new additions were four different bars, a
"danger zone," so trouble is considerably less frequent. huge dance floor, and a VIP lounge overlooking the entire
Many of the other bars in the area cater to the singles club through a one-way mirror. Bartenders and servers were
scene, providing a perfect hunting ground for the Gentry.
Some vampires amuse themselves by influencing an attrac·

Chapter Three: Geography 51

brought in from Los Angeles. All have an unfailing memory
of any drink ever created. The waitresses are all tastefully
The Succubus Club
dressed, despite the name of the club. Praying tO your angels of darkness
The Blue Velvet's popularity ranges across the entire I wanted no part but you needed a partner
social spectrum and it attracts Kindred and kine alike. During Dance beneath the sheets of crimson
Fridays and Saturdays the queue to get in wraps around the Dance in praise of age-old furulamenwl lie.
block. Even on the other nights, the club does a brisk - Baby Opaque, "Blue Crimson"
business. This club is perhaps the most famous of all the night
Kindred have discovered that they are admitted imme- spots in Chicago - even more famous among the Kindred
diately if they show themselves at the front of the line. They than the mortals. An article in the Chicago Reader described
also receive a pass for the VIP lounge. The doorman, Ian both the club and its most noticeable fans:
Gibson, has an unfailing ability to pick out undead. He has
proved immune to Dominate, and has never answered any The Blood Dolls
questions about his ability or his employer. He is mortal, but "]ason Sanders never wakes before 9 P.M. When he finally
it is unclear whether he is a "neutral" or whether a Cainite gets out of bed, he immediately turns on his stereo and then
with the fifth-level Discipline of Possession has done a superb prepares himself for the night. He showers and applies colognes,
job of conditioning. Gibson is an imposing physical speci- ointments and makeup. He dresses slowly and carefully, always
men, and serves as the club's first line of defense against on the lookout for lint or loose threads on his black ruffled jacket.
gatecrashers. He squeezes into his skin-tight black leather pants and then
Inside, the dance floor is busy right up to closing time. carefully works on his hair, making sure every last strand has found
During the most popular nights of Thursday, Friday and its proper place . He meticulously picks through his silver jewelry,
Saturday, the best Djs in town play the Top 100 for the finally deciding on a skull ring, a silver and onyx necklace, and an
dancers. Sundays and Mondays are slower, and attract the ankh earring. Then he sneaks past those who do not wish him tO
hardcore element with nowhere else to go. The music switches be released upon the night and runs down the black Chicago
to progressive rock, heavy metal or anything else that looks streets, heading for the one place where he feels free and alive -
like it might appeal to the fringe types in the audience. Music the Succubus Club.
on Tuesdays and Wednesdays varies depending on the mood "This is what he does each and every night.
of the audience. Jazz and country-western are often heard "The entrance tO Chicago's most infamous nightclub always
these nights. gives him reason to pause. Aside from the hordes of people waiting
Only the best bands are invited to play the Blue Velvet. and hoping to get in, the very aura the ancient brick warehouse
Baby Chorus shows up about once every two months. Band projects against the modern streets brings him cold anticipation.
leaders and agents all claim Gibson is the one who contacts The looming structure seems to yell out its heritage despite the
and pays them, and say they have never met the owner. The ultramodern purpose for which the visitors use it. Many fail to pass
bartenders and servers likewise get their checks from Gibson, the strict requirements required for entrance, but the bouncers,
and claim never to have met the owner. Use of Auspex, eyeing the crowd with crossed arms, know Jason as a regular and
Dominate and Presence has proved they speak the truth. do not dispute his passage.
While no one among the Chicago Kindred has ever "Once inside the notorious establishment, he revels in the
admitted to being the owner of the Blue Velvet, the Malkavian hordes of exuberant dancers who surround him. While billowing
Bronwyn may soon make her appearance. The destruction of clouds of tobacco smoke mask the scents of humanity, ]ason feels
so many vampires leaves a great hole in the city's social th.at the club itself amplifies his senses and allows him tO notice the
structure - one Bronwyn would be more than happy to fill. _slightest sensations. Within the swirling crowd he discerns others
Her sire, Bryan, has already begun meeting with some of like himself, fellow products of the same decadent society. They all
Chicago's important Kindred. know the torture of existence and the decay of civilization -and
Bronwyn has already made the Blue Velvet a popular they all revel in it.
spot for the city's Kindred, and wants to keep it that way. She "jason joins the others on the dance floor. and soon loses
has used her position to keep tabs on events in the city, himself in the pulsing industrial sound hammering through the
quietly listening in on conversations and slowly getting to building and causing the floor itself to shake. As the final blasting
know the politics of Chicago. When she feels the time has melodies of Nine Inch Nails fade away, he tOuches palms with an
come to join the other undead, she wants to be ready to deal attractive young woman dressed completely in black lace. with
with them as equals. She also wants to make sure her debut whom he shared a glance while they danced.
is as spectacular as possible. "The two step off the brightly lit dance floor and make their
way to the darkened recesses of the club. He discovers th.at his
newfound friend's name is Melissa, though she proves evasive
when he asks about the source of the bloodstain on her lace blouse.

52 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

A mutual friend, yet another club regular , materializes out of the Founded in 1982 in what had once been a leading
shadows and invites them to join him in one the club's "floating" Chicago disco, the Succubus Club caters to more than just
balconies. the Blood Dolls. The bouncers maintain a strict yet unwrit-
"From this new vantage point, Jason and Melissa look down ten entrance policy that stresses style more than anything
upon the crowded dance floor and take turns criticizing the motions else. An attractive 17-year-old, properly dressed, has a better
of the crowd of which they had so recently been a part. They spot chance ofgetting in than does a successful30-year-old yuppie
the armies ofrattily dressed punks and impeccably attired gangs cas in a leisure suit.
making their way to the Succubus Club's imposing basement. On Once inside, most visitors immediately notice the state-
a dare from their friend, Jason and Melissa rush down to the of-the art sound system and immense amplifiers. The bass
basement, pushing clubgoers aside on the spiral staircase, and amps remain constantly pointed at the floor; no matter what
passing the giant bouncers who guard the passage to the private the D)s play, the floor pulses with the rhythm. The club
penthouse on the third floor balcony. They open the massive usually features industrial dance music, and DJs have been
double doors leading to the club's lowest level and plunge into its known to play entire COs from the Sisters of Mercy. Other
rancid-smelling depths. prominent features include a huge dance floor, which always
"Even though no band currently plays on the basement's remains packed despite its size, and a huge rectangular bar
mammoth stage, the club's owners keep the immense room dimly featuring a plethora of brand names.
lit , and the haze from hundreds oflitcigarettes makes it even harder Balconies look down upon the dance floor and provide
for the two to navigate the underground labyrinth. Despite the a moderately quieter place to enjoy the club as well as more
many visits Jason has made to the Succubus Club, he rarely exotically (and expensively) equipped bars. The club's older
ventures into the confusion of the basement, and still has difficul.ty patrons tend to stay here, leaving the dance floor to the young
finding his way through the labyrinth that was installed several and energetic.
years ago. At one point the couple makes a bad tum and ends up The city's more dangerous elements seem almost super-
face-to-face with several sharp-looking men, apparently arguing naturally attracted to the club's notorious basement. Speed
over the cost of a small packet of white powder. Faced with metal, punk, militant rap and other violent bands play this
intensely hostile stares, the pair withdraws with laughter. level, drawing a bewildering assortment offans from the dregs
"After several more minutes of wrong turns and backtrack- of society. Bloods dressed to the hilt and bedecked in gold
ing, Jason and Melissa finally reach the alcove their friend had stand next to punks in tom shirts and leather pants while
earlier said they would be unable to find. Then, tired and watching long-haired metal fans compare tattoos. Patrons
exhilarated from their adventure, they throw themselves upon the who feel a need for privacy slip off into the darkness of the
bloodstained cushions left by some earlier visitor. Jason draws a labyrinth, a huge maze that runs along the outside of the
thin penknife from his jacket pocket and Melissa removes one from basement. In its various nooks and crannies dealers hawk
a silver chain around her neck. After a quick kiss they both take the their wares, couples embrace in passion, and Blood Dolls like
knives to their own wrists and make short, jagged gashes. Then Jason and Melissa share their blood.
Melissa takes Jason's injured hand in her healthy one and Jason The Succubus Club was the focus of a great deal of
takes her bloody wrist in his uninjured hand- and together they violence during the events of Under a Blood Red Moon. Its
begin to drink. " previous owner, a Ventrue, was slain after a number of
attacks. Many other Kindred likewise died within its walls. A
No Cainite has ever Embraced either Melissa or Jason. large number of werewolves also died there, however, as did
Neither kine has even turned 18 yet. However, they have some humans.
discovered an entire breed of people like themselves - The club closed down for a month following the last
bored, lonely and jaded. The straights of mortal society have Lupine attaclk, but recently reopened. Now run by the T orea-
only recently heard of the Blood Dolls, as these young urban dor neonate Portia, it has lost much of the attraction it once
sophisticates call themselves, and sensationalist journalists held for the city's elders, and almost exclusively attracts an
have taken to calling them death cultists and blood worship- anarch crowd. The club's art gallery has been removed, and
pers. For them, this sharing of blood is better than sex - it few older Kindred visit the private club anymore.
is the climax of their bizarre subculture. They are as strange Still, hunters find the club to be an excellent source of
as the culture that they unconsciously emulate, and as the vitre, as few of the kine present would notice if their blood
beings that they think they would like to become. were drunk and fewer still would care. Cainites had an
While no one description fits all Blood Dolls, they share unspoken agreement not to kill anyone in the club, but
a number of distinctive traits. Regardless of their city of recent events have given the club a horrendous reputation,
residence, they tend to gravitate to nightclubs which seem to and people seem to expect death here.
have been designed for their needs. Blood Dolls point to the When the club reopened, its new management ex-
Succubus Club as a prime example of the dark and morbid plained away the deaths as gang violence. A gala party was
environment they prefer. thrown, with local and even national celebrities in atten-
dance. Since then, however, its popularity appears to be on

Chapter Three: Geography 53

the wane. Some Harpies whisper that the club's glory has
passed, and th at it is swiftly degen erating. Whether the
Places of Note
prophecies of doom are accurate will not be known for some
time, but the vultures are already circling. Prudential Building
This building, on East Randolph , was once the center of

TheHiYe Ledin's power. Before 1958, Ledin controlled C hicago from

a penthouse in the Manhattan Building, where he h ad
resided since the place's construction in 1890 . In 1958, he
"The Hive" is the n ame the Kindred of C hicago have
undertook a major overhaul of his security systems and living
given to the downtown area immediately south of the river,
arrangements. He blackmailed the owner of the Prudential
which mortals call the Loop. The name arose from a common
Building, Walter Leipzig, into granting him a 99-year lease to
vampiric metaph or comparing mortals to scurrying insects.
the 34th floor.
The Loop - or Hive- is the heart of C hicago's business and
political activities. S ince Ledin's death , th e 34th floor has stayed empty,
though its upsta irs neighbor, a ho lding company called
Those Kindred who deal extensively with mortal society
Pentex, has evinced interest in acquiring the space. Indeed,
can often be found in the Hive. The Ventrue clan conducts
there is some evide nce that Ledin invested much of his
many of its activities h erein. During Ledin's reign, the prince
considerable money through that company, and it may have
paralleled the city's government by using the Hive as the
a legitimate claim to much of his material possessions.
center of his activities. Daley C enter is only a short dist:mce
Some of the other companies in the building are under
from the Prudential Building, where Ledin held court. If an
official proved reluctant to follow orders, the prince or one of Pentex control, though most are not. Still, the Prudential
his kine Retainers often paid him a visit. building serves as the hub of th e firm's Midwestern and
Canadian operations. While the Midwestern division is
Most Kindred prefer the Hive for shopping, instead of
ostensibly run by a Ms. Juliet Praxton, at least one of the
the area mortals call the "Magnificen t Mile." This is largely
compan y's board members has shown considerable interest
because of the lack of mortal presence. After W orld W ar II,
in the area. Thus it is not rare to see Elliot Meisch (see Book
and climaxing in the '60s, the Hive began to undergo a
of th e Wynn) swaggering through the h alls.
decline as businesses closed on the South and W est Sides.
It was Meisch who was responsible for one of Pentex's
More and more of C h icago's black population moved into
this area. recent successes - the con struc tio n of the fabled
BattleMonsterTM Center in downtown C h icago. Built by
Things came to a head in 1968, when the Democratic
Pentex's Black Dog Game Factory subdivision, the center
riots broke out. In the Gothic-Punk world, the violence
appears to be nothing more than a grand arcade. Inside,
spilled all over the city. Blacks in th e Hive, manipulated by
players take the con trols of gian t monster constructs and slug
anti-Lodin anarchs, launched attacks on several buildings
it out on virtual reality battlefields.
that were bases of operation fo r the prince. Police retaliation
A number of vampires have frequented the center, and
was swift and brutal.
complain of feel ing especially drained upon leaving, though
Because of the riots, the Hive still has a reputation for
they go back over and over again. O ne N osferatu who visited
violence. The reputation is mostly unwarranted, but the
late at night claimed to have seen the games actually moving
Ventrue promoted it to justify the high police profile in this
under their own power. Few believed h er, and she has since
area. This gave Ledin and his followers an extra level of
security against an archs or would-be usurpers.
The area is still predominantly black; many whites are Marshall Field & Co.
reluctan t to enter the area after dark. Businessmen or art
Marshall Field's occupies th e en tire block bounded by
patrons who travel here at night do so in bulletproof limou-
S tate, Washington , Wabash , and Randolph. It is one of the
sines. W ealthy businessmen willingly pay for a bodyguard or
largest department stores in the city, with more than 500
two. Art galleries and museums not under the protection of
departments. However, it wasn 't always like this.
the Elysium have three times the number of security guards
When business declined in the Hive after the riots of
that places in more respectable parts of town do . These guards
1967, the owners were desperate to move onto North Michi-
have broad discretionary powers to prevent certa in "types"
gan A venue. U nfortunately, so were most of the other _major
from entering.
businesses in the Hive. The slow decline of the area m the
There are several excellent stores here, but for every one
decade before the riots had left Marsh all Field's in a bad
there are three low-budget shoe and clothing stores. Some of
financial position . Its books were in the red and business was
the stores are detailed in the section concerning the Loop.
Unable to abandon ship, the owners went to work. They
moun ted an extensive promotional campaign for the store,
took out several risky loans, and expanded the inventory.

54 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Amazingly, their gamble paid off. Within five years the bears a striking resemblance to his father, Anthony Kroch,
business was back in the black. The owners were able to who died in 1940. In fact, certain Cainites, those who have
overcome Lodin's negative PR campaign against the Loop. frequented the store for its full run, note that the strong
More importantly, one of the store's new additions was a rare family resemblance carries over from Arnold's grandfather,
book department. While stocking it the owners had picked Anton, who died in 1890.
up several crates of Renaissance-era literature. Arnold is now in his 70s, but looks 20 years younger.
When the Tremere discovered these books, they be- Some suspect that in the next few years Arnold may be
came as excited as members of that phlegmatic clan are replaced by a son of his own, with a similar resemblance.
capable of becoming. The books were part of a cache that None of the Kindred have any real proof that anything out of
their elders had lost in the 16th century. The Tremere the ordinary is going on. Many, however, believe that Arnold
immediately pressured Lodin to stop countering Marshall was Anthony, and Anton before that. They claim that he can
Field's promotion of the area. The prince, reluctant to anger somehow control his aging, and is conducting a Masquerade
the Warlocks- and concerned with more pressing matters of his own.
- backed down. Of course, no one has any solid evidence of this. Some
With the patience of their kind, and to avoid breaching Kindred claim he is a ghoul subsisting on elder vitre. Others
the Masquerade, the T remere spent the next two years slowly say he is a mage. Because most of the older Cainites value his
buying up the books. By 1972, they had bought them all, and services, no one has been willing to pursue the matter further.
the clan lost interest in the store. By then, however, Marshall
Field's had established enough of a reputation for itself that Sears Tower
even the notoriety of the Loop couldn't keep customers away. The Sears Tower was built in 1974 by the architects
This reputation also helped other stores, such as Carson Pirie Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. The ultimate expression of
Scott & Co., regain their customer base and stay in business. Chicago's obsession with skyscrapers, the tower is 110 stories
Many rare books are still available at Marshall Field's. tall. Although no longer the world's tallest building, at I ,454
Another popular line includes antique pieces of jewelry. feet the Sears Tower is still the tallest building in the United
Many aspiring young Kindred buy from the store's fine States. This building fills a full city block at Jackson Boule-
antique furniture collection to give their havens a "classical" vard and Wacker Drive.
vampiric appearance. Of course, the older Cainites need no The 103rd floor, featuring an observation deck, is the
such pretensions. They either lack the Humanity to care most popular with the tourists. However, vampires have no
about such trivialities, or the furniture that they keep about particular interest in viewing Chicago from the heights,
them from their previous lives is far more authentic than living as they do primarily in the depths.
anything they could buy in a store. The ma in interest that the Sears T ower holds for the
Kindred is that it contains more office space than any other
Krocb's & Brentano's building in the U.S. (except the Pentagon). Those Cainites
The most popular Kindred bookstore in the Hive is involved in business are sometimes found here in any of a
Kroch's & Brentano's - an 80-year-old full-service store number of offices. Even Lodin maintained an office here,.
with tens of thousands of obscure books. On one level, a though he handled little business in it.
Ventrue might be found browsing for a threepenney novel
remembered from long-ago breathing days. On the next
floor, a Tremere might be seen looking for obscure magical
tomes to supplement some arcane ritual. The store has
The Barrens
The Kindred apply the term "Barrens" to any area within
branches throughout Chicago, so a vampire can obtain a
Chicago where they have no particular desire to go. This can
desired book from almost anywhere in the city.
be for several reasons, including lack of suitable vitre, danger,
The store has long held a place in the hearts of the
a high police profile or because there is nothing of interest to
Kindred; indeed, various Kindred groups have used the store
them therein. Areas outside Chicago with nothing of interest
as a rendezvous point because of its late hours ( 10 P.M. on
- primarily the suburbs - are called the Outlands.
weeknights, midnight on Fridays and Saturdays). For some
There are several general locations within Chicago that
time, it hosted regular meetings of anarchs, though few have
are considered part of the Barrens, and these are mentioned
been here recently.
in the various descriptions found earlier in this chapter.
While Kroch's & Brentano's is not part of the Elysium,
Among them are the museums with a heavy tourist crowd
it is considered bad taste to breach Elysium rules on the
(the Field Museum, Adler Planetarium, Shedd Aquarium,
premises. One never knows when one might need the store's
and the Museum of Science and Industry), the various
services. graveyards around Chicago, and the stockyards.
The owner, Arnold Kroch, has been personally running
The outskirts of Gary, where the steel mills closed down
this branch of the store for at least 50 years. Kindred who have
long ago, is now a rusting field of debris. Its proximity to
been patrons since that time have commented that Arnold
central Gary, where some few areas of importance exist,

Chapter Three: Geography 55

categorizes this area- called the "Wasteland"- as part of streetlights. Because of these factors, very few cars chose to
the Barrens instead of the Outlands. But, of course, whether take this route. The city elders used the lack of traffic to justify
Gary is believed to be part of the Outlands depends on the lack of repairs, and were able to embezzle even more
whether one is speaking to pro- or anti-Modius factions. Such money.
is unlife among the Chicago Kindred. This area, which soon became known as "the Under-
Despite the name, the Barrens harbor the occasional ground," did have one redeeming feature: its proximity to the
Kindred. Some Nosferatu are obliged to live here because of subterranean levels of the downtown buildings ensures that
their appearance. Kindred on the run from one rival or it stays a few degrees warmer than the rest of the city
another often go into hiding in these areas. A few have throughout the winter. Because of this, Chicago's homeless
actually used these areas as power bases. In general, however, population soon began sleeping alongside the roadway.
the Kindred avoid the Barrens. The area has settled into decay. Many of the streetlights
still don't work; the city doesn't dare send repairmen in to
Places of Note replace the bulbs. The area is in a state of perpetual night.
Because of the lack of traffic, cardboard houses stand in the
Michigan Avenue Underground middle of the road. Sometimes the houses have become
As part of a plan to ease traffic congestion in downtown mausoleums for their unfortunate owners. The police, who
Chicago, the civic authorities came up with the idea of come down once a month to "clean up," only enter the area
building a series of"substreets" near the Chicago River at the in squads of at least 10 or more.
point where Michigan A venue crosses. About three blocks of When traffic does drive through, it has to slow down
Michigan and 10 blocks of Wacker Drive, as well as several because of the poor lighting conditions and the debris in the
other smaller streets, were subdivided into lower and upper middle of the street. As a vehicle pauses, dozens of panhan-
levels. dlers and "window washers" lay siege to it. It is a very foolish
Unfortunately, Chicago's reputation for urban crime idea to open a window to pass out money. Those that do not,
and violence gave the lower streets a bad reputation. The area however, may find their cars tipped over by the homeless,
had an aura of decay from the very beginning. The overhead who are enraged at the "haves" daring to enter the realm of
streets cast shadows on the lower ones, making it as dark as the "have-nots."
night on Michigan and Wacker. Busy lining its own pockets, Ironically, this area is a kind of vampiric "gas station."
the city government couldn't spare the money to replace the The bums and winos in this area are noticeably weaker after

56 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

a major Kindred conflict. Many Kindred stop down here for So the developers contact some friends. Their friends
a quick bite if vitre is not easily available elsewhere, or if the ir contact some other friends. Drug dealers, fences and prosti-
situation is especially desperate. Ofcourse, no vampire readily tutes soon move in. The gangs get a little extra to stop by and
admits that she would stoop so low as to feed from those in terrorize the citizens. Some pressure here, some pressure
such a wretched condition. However, most vampires in there. If the c ity government will not move the people of
Chicago have certainly dined here at one t ime or another. Cabrini G reen, perhaps they can be convinced to move out
This area's inhabitants say that a number of passages on their own.
branch off from this area to intersect the sewer system and This attitude has turned Cabrini Green into the battle-
many of the basement levels of the buildings. While most field that it is today. Drive-by shootings are at an all-time
Kindred accept that these exist, most d iscount stories of a high, and still rising. Pushers deal openly in the streets. The
labyrinthine underground tunnel system under the city, police are never seen. The city has no desire to pay the
populated by humanity's outcasts and ruled by the Nosferatu. "combat wages" that the maintenance unions demand for
their men to go in and make repairs.
Cabrioi Oreen Housing Project The residents ofCabrini Green are trapped. Those with
The American Dream. Even in the Gothic-Punk world somewhere e lse to go left long ago. Those who stay are those
there are those who seek it. Some lower-class citizens believe who were obliged to come to Cabrini in the first place because
they can find it. All they need is a government-subsidized of their poverty. They still do not have enough money to
home so they can use the extra money to feed the children leave.
and pay the bills. Even mortals have been known to refer to Cabrini as the
The American Dream gone awry. Cabrini Green. Barrens. T he Kindred stay away. A Lush looking for a cocaine
Most of the residents are trapped here. The city refuses high might come here on occasion, but there are safer places
to relocate them. After all, their own representatives don't to hunt.
want them taken somewhere else. That would be cutt ing The Ventrue KevinJacksonrulesthisplace. With Ledin's
down their own constituency. support, he took over several buildings in the project. Very
The real estate developers want the land. The area, west few rivals have the temerity to venture onto Blood turf.
of the Rack and south of successful businesses on North Ironically, little violence occurs within Jackson's personal
Street, could be developed into a number of profitable clubs domain. Jackson insists on keeping the area free of violent
and upper-middle-class housing. However, the city council crime. This policy has won Jackson the loyalty of the resi-
members they've bought and paid for don't have enough dents. They consider him a hero, and warn him of any
political pull to get the area rezoned. trespassers. Itt has become an armed fortress, and is probably
the most heavily fortified build ing in Chicago.

Chapter Three: Geography 57

The moon appears
Reflecting on his heart
Heavy weighed and pierced
The walker looks at his days
Bad deeds gone by
For which he must pay.
-Peter Murphy, "Seven Veils"

For most of its existence, Chicago h as been grossly

overcrowded with vampires. Even now, following the de-
The Destroyed
struction or disappearance of a third of its undead population, A number of the Kindred described in the first edition of
the city is quickly repopulating. A number of new Kindred Chicago by N ight no longer exist. In addition, a number of
have flocked to the city, and some older residents have sired the characters included in this book may have met their Final
new ones. Deaths in U nder a Blood Red Moon, depending on the
At times, the seven million mortals of the metropolitan characters' actions during that story.
area have supported as many as 140 vampires. Now, however, Those who may not have been destroyed have been
the vampire population is little more than two-thirds that included in this book, and the Storyteller should decide who
figure, though slowly growing. No one has made any real survived and who didn't. Also, the characters may well have
effort to control this growth, and few believe anything will destroyed other Kindred included here. The roster that
happen until a prince comes .to power. fo llows lists those first-edition characters who are definitely
Chicago has always been an easy c ity in which to hide; dead (or at least missing) and thus are not written up in this
without a prince, it is even easier. Kindred who would never book. The Storyteller should add to or subtract from this list
have thought of coming to the city while Lodin ruled have as she desires or as events in her chronicle dictate.
nothing to stop them now. The primogen is far too divided to
keep undesirables out, and none of the contenders for the
throne have any interest in c leaning up the city until becom-
ing prince.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 59

a- •

"9" ~r-~R.I.P.
~ ~}
----~ Secrets
I do not know everything; still many things I understand.
Neil Graham
- Goethe, Faust
Hank Cave
There are five basic levels of secrets, rated A-F like the
Theodore Dooley
school grading system. Each character in this supplement has
Marc Levesque
a Secrets rating; this shows how much information said
Travis Fett character knows. A character knows everything listed for his
Gordon Keaton or her rating, plus everything listed for all lower ratings. For
Priscilla Gibbs instance, an A in Secrets assumes knowledge of B through F.
Derrick Stack The plus and minus ratings indicate greater or less
Jimmy Holcomb familiarity with the area of knowledge indicated. Thus, a B+
Jackie Goodman indicates complete familiarity with the conflicts between the
Charles Waterstone primogen and the personalities involved, while a B- indicates
only a rough idea.
Paula Smith
A+ The character knows exact details ofall conflicts in
Ben Smith
the city (just like you will after reading this book).
Horace Turn bull
A The character knows something about the control
Johann Weltmann
exerted by Menele and Helena, and their ongoing conflict.
Elzbieta Jurofsky The character does not know exactly who controls whom.
Jurgis Rudkus A- T he character knows the general nature of the
Peter Walenski conflicts between Mencle and Helena, but does not know
Tommy Walker whom they control, or the intricate details of their games.
Sophia Ayes B+ The character is knowledgeable about the precise
Sharon Payne nature of the primogcn, its members' past votes, who supports
Michael Payne whom, and many of the intrigues going on between them.
Sir Henry Johnson The character may suspect that there are Ancients behind
the scenes.
Tamoszius Kuszleika
B The character knows of the conflicts within the
Garwood Marshall
primogen, and of many of the other Kindred whom they
control - including the anarchs.
Tommy Hinds
B· The character has a rough idea that the primogen is
Edgar Drummond working behind the scenes.
Lawrence Ballard C+ The character knows the politics of all the coteries
Frank Gaughan in exact detail.
Pham Hong C The character knows about many of the coteries,
Brennon Thornhill and how they react to one another. The character knows
Prias about the primogen, but docs not know how powerful and
influential it is.
C- The character understands that there are different
New Traits groups among the Kindred, and that their conflicts dictate
the ebb and flow of politics within the city.
For the purposes of this supplement, two new Knowledge D+ The character knows who the main candidates for
Abilities have been coined, and many of the Kindred pre- prince arc, and who has the best shot.
sented in this chapter have ratings in both. The new T raits D The character knows most of the different vampires
are as follows: who want to be prince, and the conflicts between the anarchs
and the elders- but knows nothing about shadowy figures
Chicago behind the scenes. The character may know of certain
relationships, but knows very little of the overall picture.
This new Knowledge covers familiarity with the city's
geography, mortal personalities and mundane areas. It does D- The character only knows the general facts about
not cover knowledge of the Kindred, which is delineated by the most obvious candidates for prince.
Secrets. F The character knows who is an anarch and who is
an elder, and can identify some of the leaders of each group.
Thus, for instance, the character would recognize the name

60 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition
of juggler, but not that of Mod ius. The character knows very A •••••
little of Chicago and its Kindred - only a few faces and a B ••••
rough understanding of the turmoil and antipathy. c •••
0 ••
Acquiring Secrets
F •
If you wish, you may allow characters to gain dots in
Plus and minus ratings are handled by common sense; a
Secrets, just like any other Knowledge Ability. However,
character knows as much as he or she knows.
characters cannot spend experience points to raise their score
in Secrets; instead, the characters must actually acquire the Other Traits
information represented by the level of knowledge they seek.
Certain T raitsare not described in the Vampire rulebook,
As Storyteller, you can assign points at the end ofa Story that
but may be found in The Players Guide, The Storytellers
are to be applied to Secrets only.
Handbook, or The Players Guide to the Sabbat.
The A-F rating for Secrets corresponds to the normal
five-level rating as fo llows:

Chapter Four: The Kindred 61

The Brujah of C hicago are a very diverse group, includ- and beauty. Before the age of 30, he had married one of the
ing anarchs and elders, friends of the Ventrue and friends of most beautiful women in Magna G raecia, built some of the
no one. They fight each other as much as they do the other finest buildings on the peninsula, supported numerous distin-
clans, but it is precisely this sort of creative conflict that guished philosophers and begun the collection of scrolls for
marks the Brujah clan and brings out the best in its individual what would become one of the world's largest libraries.
members. Not everyone applauded him. As his city flourished,
Though the Brujah of C hicago do not have regularly others cast covetous eyes on its trading routes. In particular,
scheduled meetings of any sort, they do gather on occasion. one city in Asia Minor began to harass h is merchants.
When one of them calls for a meeting, the others will usually Inc idents escalated, and the enemy city dared to kidnap his
come, but very little is usually achieved. Meetings are held in wife. Menele called together all his allies in the Greek city-
a variety of places, as much according to whim as anything states, assembled a great fleet and sailed east to do battle.
else. The back room of a bar is a common meeting place, as The war lasted far longer than Mencle had expected, but
is a cemetery or a condemned building. finally the G reeks' superior numbers prevailed. Unfortu-
At these meetings, the Brujah pretend friendliness with nately, Menele did not enjoy the victory. The night before he
one another - at least until the arguments and recrimina- was to make his triumphant en trance into the city, he
tions begin. They seem to enjoy their "Rants," as they call received a nocturnal visitor. The c ity had been under the
them. Often one or two of them will leave in terrible moods, secret rule of a Brujah named T roile; having tired of the city
having been targeted by all the rest for ridicule and abuse. a century before, he had been traveling, and had returned
Indeed, picking out scapegoats for each Ran t seems to be the only in time to see it fall. He spent the night with the leader
only thing upon which they can ever agree. of the conquering forces, trying to discover what kind of
Many of the younger Brujah want everyone in the clan mortal this king Meneleus was.
to join the anarchs. However, the three eldest - C ritias,
Tyler and Balthazar - have their own plans, which do not
allow for such radical action. The end result is that the Brujah
remain divided, but con tinue to debate with great gusto and
relish. Each, in his or her own way, is proud of being Brujah,
and most are proud of the fact that they have members in
almost every coterie in the city, considering this proof of great
openmindedness. An o ld vampiric adage has it that Brujah
have nothing in common but their differences, and those of
Chicago certainly show the truth of the saying. In times of
conflict, these Brujah have absolutely no scruples about
attacking one another, though feuds are suspended during

Meneleus (Menele)
Although Greek civilization did not reach its height
until the age of Pericles (starting 457 B.C.), Menele enjoyed
his rulership of one of Greece's growing merchant cities some
eight centuries earlier. Despite the burdens of the crown,
Menele found plenty of time to indulge his tastes in thought

62 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

T roile, a philosopher who had traveled widely since the The wars lasted for more than a century. Finally, after
destruction of the Second City, found the scholar-king most years of siege, Carthage was betrayed- by a T oreador, it was
fascinating. At the end of the night he took Menele to his said. The Roman legions destroyed the once-beautifu l city.
haven north of the city; there they spent the next several They salted the earth to prevent any Earth-Melded Cainite
months deep in conversation. Finally, Tro ile decided that from again rising, and burned the entire library - more than
Menele possessed all the elements to make him worthy of half a million volumes - that had been Carthage's pride.
immortality. Thus Menele joined the undead. Almost all the Brujah were destroyed, and the few survivors
For the next few centuries, Menele journeyed across nursed a bitter hatred ever after for those who had destroyed
Europe and Asia. In Persia he became fascinated by the spirit their city.
plane, and spent a century studying with the mystics there. When Carthage fell, Menele was away, trying to recruit
He went on to India, and spent another century studying with help from the Gangrel of southern Africa. He returned to his
the spiritualists of that ancient land. Finally he returned to city and found only ruins. Heartbroken, he fled into the wilds
Europe, intending to pass the rest of his immortal existence of western Europe, forswearing cities and civilization forever.
in contemplation of the astral plane. He broke that oath a couple of centuries later, when he heard
Then he met Altamira, an Iberian Brujah already an- from a chance-met Gangrel about the beautiful T oreador
cient. She spoke of a mighty, growing city in North Africa ruling Pompeii.
that would put the Second City to shame and rival the First Knowing in his heart that this could only be Helena, he
City for glory. The Cainites there would be the world's secretly visited Pompeii. The sight of Helena ruling the
greatest, and would live in perfect harmony with the Canaille, Roman city and the bitter memories of the destruction she
free from the restrictions of any prince. Some, she said, had had wrought upon Carthage were like a stake in his heart.
discovered a way to control the Beast, and others had been That night, Menele willingly entered his first frenzy in a
pulled back from the very depths offrenzy. Together, mortals thousand years. His rage, coupled with a Thaumaturgical
and immortals would create a wondrous, eternal c ity of peace, ritual, brought down a spirit of fire upon the city; it flew
progress and equality. shrieking through the streets, free for the first time in centu-
Menele was entranced by the idea; it was the embodi- ries. The ground shook, the sky seemed to blow open, and fire
ment of all his own h opes and dreams. With great haste he poured down on Pompeii. All was destroyed. Menele only
made his way to this Carthage, and found it to be everything escaped by throwing himself into the harbor.
Altamira had promised. Vampires and mortals labored to- Helena also somehow survived the destruction of
gether on great works of art, the study of all branches of Pompeii. For more than a dozen centuries the two vampires
science, the occult and the progression of the spirit. The fought, but neither could strike a decisive blow. Unfortu-
mortals willingly spared some of their blood for the Cainites' nately for Menele, Helena slowly gained the upper hand as
nourishment, and the immortals in turn used their powers to her ghoul Prias grew in power. Menele needed a chance to
make mortal life easier and more pleasant. The killing of gather strength, or she would surely prevail. Phoenician
mortals was forbidden, and the vampires fed together to legends of a land to the west prompted him to trick Helena
ensure the safety of their willing vessels. Soon, Menele was into thinking he was destroyed; trusted Retainers carried his
happily ensconced in the city, and joined the dozens of other body aboard a specially prepared ship and sailed westward to
Cainites in their progress toward Golconda. a new and unknown land.
This was the beginning of the Third Age, the t ime of the Once in this new land, Menele began to mold the Incas
great cities. Now, for one of the first times in history, a place into a force capable of destroying his enemy, but as time
could support more than a single vampire. Before this time, passed he was overtaken by the feeling that the now- ancient
a single settlement could not feed more than one Cainite rivalry was nothing but a useless burden upon his spirit. At
safely, for a mortal population above ten thousand was last he rejected his desire for revenge, and created a civiliza-
practically unknown. However, with the rise of Rome and tion of great depth. In time, he began to dream of creating a
Carthage, the Kindred could live together - a new age had new Carthage.
dawned. Then he heard of newcomers ravaging the Mayan cities
While many Toreador supported the Brujah's founding to the north, and learned that they were Europeans, led- as
of Carthage, other clans were suspicious. The growing city of he discovered to his dismay- by Helena herself. He tried to
Rome was controlled by an uneasy alliance of Yentrue and strengthen his followers, but he knew his cause was lost.
Malkavians; they daimed the Brujah in Carthage were Helena's conquistadores rrtade short work of his vast empire,
gathering their strength to slay all other Cainites. Soon and Menele fled north to hide among the Pueblos.
Rome launched its first attacks against Carthage. Menele, as Once again, he began to prepare his followers for battle,
an experienced diplomat and a famed orator, became but time passed and Helena did not come. Hoping against
Carthage's envoy, trying to enlist Gangrel and Nosferatu hope that the battles were over, Menele spent more and more
support. He also managed to draw newToreador to the city, time contemplating the riddle of his existence. He sought
including the beautiful and powerful Helena. Golconda, but just before he reached his prize, Helena

Chapter Four: The Kindred 63

returned and he was forced to flee once more. He made his Roleplaying H ints: You are in torpor. You neither move
way north to the shores of an immense lake. For all his nor speak.
preparation, the tribes there were no match for well-armed Secrets: A+
Europeans when the inevitable battle came. Influence: Menele controls many of the vampires of
This was to be a turning point in their conflict. Menele Chicago, directly or indirectly. He is the second most power-
and Helena fina lly engaged each other directly; both were ful individual in the city- a little behind Helena, but no one
grievously wounded, and both fell into torpor, relying on else approaches his power. His current Retainers are mem-
their followers to protect them and prosecute their feud. Thus bers of a Native American family who have been serving him
it has been for the last 250 years. for well over a century.
Sire: Troile
N ature: Visionary Critias ("Doctor")
Demeanor: Architect The Sophists of Athens delighted in questioning the
Generation: 4th moral values of the society that supported them. Should one
respect a law created by individuals as imperfect as oneself?
Embrace: 1200 B.C. (born 1240 B.C.)
Are laws merely artifices created by those who wish to retain
Apparent Age: 30s
their power?Does that make them immoral?Needless to say,
Physical: Strength 8, Dexterity 7, Stamina 6 such questioning infuriated the city fathers, who were busy
Social: C harisma 6, Manipulation 7, Appearance 5 trying to rouse the populace for a trade war with Sparta. The
Mental: Perception 7, Intelligence 9, Wits 8 philosopher Critias became one of their prime opponents; his
Talents : Alertness 5, Brawl 8, Dodge 8, Leadership 8, keen probing, pinpoint questioning and razor-sharp wit left
Subterfuge 4 many doubting beliefs they had held all their lives.
Skills: Animal Ken 5, Etiquette 5, Melee 7, Music 5, Critias had a substantial following among the youth of
Stealth 5, Survival 9 the city, including many who would one day become leading
Knowledges: Architecture 6, Linguistics 9, Medicine 5, philosophers in their own right. They paid him well to teach
Occult 9, Philosophy 7, Science 3 them rhetoric and logic, and C ritias grew fat and content by
Disciplines: Animalism 5, Auspex 6, Celerity 9, Domi- keeping others dazed and confused.
nate 6, Fortitude 6, Obfuscate 2, Potence 8, Presence 5, Then the great leader Pericles died from a plague that
Protean 5, Thaumaturgy 7 (Elemental Mastery 5, Spirit killed off one-third of the city's people. The demagogues who
Mastery 5, Movement of the Mind 4, Lure of Flames 3) succeeded him wanted a scapegoat to carry the blame for all
Backgrounds: Influence 4, Retainers 3 Athens' woes. Critias became their first target. They accused
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 5, Courage 5 him of corrupting the city's youth, and gave him a choice
between exile and death. Never one to sacrifice his own life
H umanity: 10
for the truths he had been teaching, C ritias packed up his few
W illpower: 10
belongings and prepared to move west to Delphi.
Notes: This mighty Cainite remains in a state of torpor.
T hus, his statistics only matter if he were somehow to
awaken. If that happened, he would not come to his full
strength immediately, but would be substantially weaker.
However, all his Disciplines would still function at full
Mende's extra level of Auspex allows him to stay aware
of events around him while in torpor. Thus, his dreams are
filled with images of things that might affect him, but they are
often hard to interpret. His extra level of Dominate allows
him to use his other levels without the requirement of eye
contact- only a touch is needed. Finally, his two extra levels
ofThaumaturgy allow him access to powerful rituals enabling
him to summon and control spirits and elementals, but he
must be awake to do so.
Image: A corpse lying flat, with skin as hard as stone.
H aven: Menele moves often, using Retainers to trans-
port him. For a long time he was buried deep beneath the rail
station, but he recently had himself exhumed in order to
bond more closely with some of his followers.

64 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Before he could leave, Critias was visited by a strange, First, he tried to stir up dissent between poor farmers and
dark man. Menele had long enjoyed the mental stimulation rich landowners, but the Malkavians quickly responded.
of Critias' semantic games, and believed the Sophist would T housands of farmers died as the revolt was put down. In 91
make a fine addition to the growing Brujah clan, then more B.C. he instigated a violent power struggle between Rome
an organization of intellectuals than a group of rebels. and the other Italian cities; this came to be called the Social
The encounter took place in the baths. Menele used his War. The Ventrue interceded in the fighting; though Critias'
formidable Discipline of Dominate to keep the mortal calm, followers won political concessions, Rome maintained its
and they spent the night debating the nature of existence, dominance.
death and the ro le of the philosopher. By the end of the night, Tired of failure after decades of insurgency, C ritias
C ritias had, for the first time in his life, become firmly decided to take a more direct route . He moved to Asia Minor,
convinced of one of his own teachings - that people must where he took control of a king named Mithridates. Through
continually question their preconceptions and prejudices. this puppet, Critias prepared to seize the weakly guarded
Then Menele gave him the option of carrying out his role of Roman province of Asia - the first step in a military
gadfly for all eternity. Critias accepted. campaign against Rome itself. He personally led the night
Critias' next action was to inform the people of Athens attack that defeated Rome's Asian legions. It was a bloody
that he had come to believe Truth was too important not to affair, and the sight and smell of so much blood affected
die for. Before a great crowd the following evening, he faked Critias more than he had expected. His soldiers were amazed
his death and was buried. That night he rose from his grave to see their leader tearing and rending prisoners and the dead
and went to the homes of his tormentors, screaming from the alike. But, as good soldiers always do, they began to follow his
street for them to let him in. When they would not open their lead.
doors, he laughed and began to ridicule them. Finally the It took Critias three nights to shake off this frenzy, born
frenzy overcame him, and he broke into the home of one of of decades of suppressed rage. With the first light of dawn he
the city's leaders and drained the blood of everyone in the would meld with the earth, only to revive the next night and
house. continue his vengeance against the Roman men, women and
Critias then fled to Cyrene, in what is now Libya. children who had moved to Asia in search of a better life. He
Traveling with Menele, he made his way across Mediterra- regained his senses only after tearing out the throat of a 12-
nean North Africa. He spent his nights debating philosophy year-old girl and drinking her dry.
and logic with the greatest minds of the era, and then Revolted that he had committed such monstrous acts,
drinking their blood- but never enough to harm them. He he fled to the city of Pontus, where he learned that the
also regularly feasted on Menele's blood before realizing this massacres of Roman citizens had reached epic proportions.
created a Blood Bond. Even when the two separated, the By the time it ended, more than 80,000 Romans had died.
extreme potency of his sire's blood and the frequency with Shaken by the horror of what he had begun, Critias spent his
which C ritias had fed meant the Bond lasted far longer than nights immobile under the earth, unable to accept his ac-
such ties usually do. tions. Finally, after all the blood from his frenzy was gone,
By the third century B.C. he had made his way to Critias rose from the earth and made his way to the far
Carthage, which C lan Brujah had turned into a base for northern reaches of Eurasia, feeding only on animals. For
eventual domination of the world. The former Sophist was several centuries he lived among the nomads of the north,
quickly swept up by th e idea of creating a new Golden Age for feeding on the mighty bison indigenous to the region.
Kindred and kine, a world state ruled by philosopher-kings. Finally he began to come to terms with his deeds, and
He threw himself into the task with a passion he never knew decided to return to the civilized world. Afraid to go to Rome,
he could possess. he traveled to the new capital of Constantinople. Doing his
Because of his prowess at logic and debate, he became an best to conceal his identity from the other vampires in the
envoy to other vampire communities, and was soon roaming city (who had long hunted for the one who had dared to assail
the world in search of allies. Indeed, his trips kept him away their empire), he spent the next millennium here, happily
from the great city for the next ZOO years, and he was in and quietly ensconced among the city's intelligen tsia. As the
Cathay when he heard about the destruction of his beloved 14th century dawned, he conceived a desire to visit some of
Carthage. Heartbroken over the mindless prejudice that had the places of learning beginning to blossom around Europe.
led the Ventrue and Malkavians to destroy the city of his He traveled widely throughout Western Europe and, while in
dreams, Critias made· the long journey to Rome. He arrived Barcelona in 141 5, he financed a secret voyage by a sea
on the verge of a great frenzy. captain who believed the world was round. He never again
Once there, however, his anger grew cold, and he calmly heard from the captain.
proceeded to devote a ll his vast resources of intelligence and Critias does not realize that all of his journeys and
anger to the destruction of this growing c ity. actions have been controlled by his sire, who he believes died
in the sack of Carthage. Menele has taken great pains to keep
Helena and Prias ignorant of Critias' existence and Blood

Chapter Four: The Kindred 65

Bond to him. Still, Menele has required his scion's aid at Critias teaches a few courses at Chicago University each
various times, most especially after he had been grievously semester, and is well-known for his eccentricity and open-
injured in 1415 and needed transportation to the undiscov- ness. The brightest male students of Chicago University are
ered New World. Once free of Europe, Menele let his control common visitors to his apartment, but female students are
ofCritias lapse, and once more the philosopher was left to his unwelcome. Critias is quite sexist. He has a decided prefer-
own devices. ence for good-looking young men of great intellectual
After spending several centuries in a remote monastery distinction; such individuals are his preferred victims. His
in Switzerland, Critias felt a strange urge to visit the New Retainers are all dreary philosophy students to whom he has
World. He arrived in Baltimore shortly after the end of the taken a particular liking, and who are so brilliant, in his eyes,
Revolutionary W ar, and began to travel, enjoying the great that he would be ending the careers of important philoso-
dynamism of the new nation and its surprising intellectual phers were he to kill them.
vigor. He was especially enamored of the form of government Sire: Menele
its people had created. They had rejected the ideal of the Nature: Curmudgeon
philosopher-king in practice, but had resurrected his beloved Demeanor: Visionary
Athenian democracy with a new twist: checks and balances! Generation: 5th
Critias fell in love with this young nation.
Embrace: 423 B.C. (born 478 B.C.)
Occasionally he would settle, ruling as prince or remain-
Apparent Age: Late 50s
ing hidden as whim and opportunity dictated. He especially
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 4. Stamina 6
enjoyed creating schools and assisting in the formation of
local governments. He was still drawn to the centers of Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 6, Appearance 2
thought and learning, and continued to enjoy the give-and- Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 6, Wits 8
take of intellectual debates. In 1942, he came to Chicago to T alents: Alertness 3, Empathy 3, Intimidation 5, Lead-
watch the atomic experiments being conducted by Enrico ership 1, Subterfuge 2
Fermi. He quickly became too enmeshed in the city's Byzan- Skills: Debate 7, Etiquette 3, Melee 4
tine politics to leave -or so he believes. Once again he is Knowledges: Law 3, Linguistics 6, Occult 4, Philosophy 7,
unaware that he was summoned by his sire. Politics 3, Science 3
Critias has come to see himself as the defender of the Disciplines: Auspex 6, Celerity 2, Dominate 5, Forti·
intellectuals and rebels in the city. A believer in creative tude 2, Presence 5, Potence 3, Protean 3
conflict as a means of forcing people to think for themselves Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 3, Mentor 5, Re-
(he has written several scholarly papers on the topic), he sources 3, Retainers 4, Status 6
often finds himself instigating conflicts among his fellow
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 2, Courage 3
Kindred. He was the first of the primogen to support Annabelle
Humanity: 6
T riabell's call in the mid-80s to show Lodin who held real
power. He secretly supported those anarchs who opposed Willpower: 9
Lodin's authority with particular flair and intelligence. Notes: C ritias' high Auspex manifests itself in his ability
Critias' eventual goal is to institute some kind of demo- to predict what people wi II say (and sometimes do) next. This
cratic government among the Cainites ofChicago. He believes is more a function of precognition than intelligence, as much
the anarchy will only end when all Kindred are given places as he denies it. His high Melee Ability is the result of his
of respect and power in the affairs of the city. This idea may military training as an Athenian citizen and continual prac-
seem naive, but it cannot be disputed that he has had many tice.
centuries of experience. With the death of Ledin, Critias is Image: Critias is an elderly-looking gentleman, a little
carefully testing the waters to see if the time is right for such on the plump side and no more than five feet tall. He is nearly
change, but he is fairly certain that his wait must continue. bald, with a little white hair around the edges and a thick
Despite his belief in change, Critias sees himself more as white beard. He is heavily wrinkled but appears fairly robust.
a philosopher than a rebel, following the ancient Brujah In the privacy of his own haven he still prefers to wear
traditions rather than the new, rebellious style. He is one of Athenian-style robes and nothing else.
Menele's key followers in the city, although he does not know Roleplaying Hints: You always answer questions with a
it. Indeed, despite the fact that Critias is the oldest and most question and generally play devil's advocate in any debate.
powerful member of the primogen, he is the only one who Everything you say is rhetorical in one way or another. When
does not suspect there are two Methuselahs battling in the you are forced to answer, there is always a pregnant pause
city. He is aware that Portia is more than she appears, but will while you consider the correct way to phrase things. It is
refuse to accept the existence of Menele unless he is con- impossible to hurry you, no matter how serious the crisis.
fronted with direct proof to the contrary. Such is the downfall
of intellectual pride.

66 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

H aven: Critias has a townhouse across the street from
the Chicago Historical Society's exhibition hall in Lincoln
Park. He also maintains apartments near all the major col-
leges and universities.
Secrets: B+
Influence: C ritias' Contacts are major figures at the
local colleges: presidents, deans and major intellectuals.
Though he does so indirectly, it can be said that he controls
all the major universities in the city, and knows most of what
goes on there. Critias has quite a network across the United
States, composed of former students who have reached the
top of their respective fields. Poets, philosophers, politicians
and scientists all correspond with him regularly, and through
them he exerts a powerful, ifdiffuse, influence upon America.
Some Brujah say that half the think tanks in Washington
could not function without his advice. Furthermore, it is
rumored that many of Kennedy's advisors were his former
Critias is also heavily involved in the Federal Court of
Appeals, which is located in Chicago. He has an intense
interest in the more philosophical branch of justice and the Patricia quickly found that being a vampire put rather
establishment of precedent. All the federal judges know and distinct limits on her freedom as a revolutionary. People were
respect him. On occasion he has used his Dominate on them less inclined to follow her, and the wild frenzies to which she
to stifle a case that might endanger the Masquerade. was prone prevented her from forming the stable core of a
larger movement. Ultimately the movement was crushed-
Patricia Bollingbroke ("Tyler") though some small concessions were made by the nobles-
Patricia ofBollingbroke was among the English peasants and the peasants' revolt was over.
who rose up in 1380 under John Ball and Wat Tyler to fight Patricia fled England, and for two centuries traveled
the nobility's oppression. Her husband had died on the end across Western Europe. She arrived in Spain during the later
of a baron's boar-spear as a penalty for poaching, and her years of the Inquisition, and was a voice among those Kindred
children had been taken from her and made into castle who believed vampires should wipe out their tormentors and
servan ts. Strengthened by grief and hatred, she left her take a more obvious ro le in human society. With the help of
village to join the peasant rebellion. By dint of a love affair two other Brujah and a small force of peasants, she attacked
with Tyler, her own basic intelligence and a great deal of a small castle in western Spain - the haven of a Ventrue
ruthlessness, Patricia became one of the rebellion's leaders- elder who had begun to conceive of the Camarilla as a means
its guiding spirit in many ways - but none except those on of enforcing and protecting the Masquerade. The castle was
the ruling council ever realized she was anything more than destroyed and Patricia's companions perished, but in the end
Wat's lover. she got a death-grip on the battered Ventrue and drank the
She was among the revolutionaries who murdered the last of his blood. This event triggered the anarch revolt that
Archbishop of Canterbury and marched on London, where later became the Sabbat.
they forced the king to submit to their demands. When the Patricia discovered that drinking the blood of the elder
backlash came, she was a prime target. Three weeks passed had dramatically increased her potential. She needed such
before she learned of the murder of three of her children, and power, for she began to be chased by archons sent by the fast·
the imprisonment and torture of the fourth. She immediately growing Camarilla. Even she could not stand against so
set out to free her child. It was a trap, of course, and despite many; she fled to the New World and made her home in
all her precautions she was recognized and captured. Cartagena, then the jewel of Spain's American empire.
As she sat in the baron's dungeon, waiting for death, she Helena sensed her as she entered the city, and immediately
was visited by a seventh-generation Brujah who called him- recognized her potencial as an assassin. Through Dominate,
self Robin. The two sat up all night talking about the she brought Patric ia into her sphere of influence. Helena was
injustices of the feudal system and practical solutions for the very attracted to the idea of a ru thless female Brujah assassin;
rectification of these problems. Convinced by the vampire after 30 years of manipulation she was able tO Blood Bond
that the only thing that could make a difference was a Patricia to herself.
powerful peasant leader, Patricia accepted Robin's Embrace When members of the Camarilla began to appear in
the next night. Her first victim was the very baron who had Cartagena, Patricia fled north to the English colonies. Hel-
destroyed her family. ena called for her during the early 1900s and she made her

Chaprer Four: The Kindred 67

way to Chicago. She took the name Tyler from h er mortal Secrets: A-
lover, and believes that no one knows of her past as one of the Influence: Tyler was one of the first Cainites to realize
early founders of the Sabbat. (A few do know, but they keep the advantages of air travel, and the power of the one who
the secret until a time of n eed.) controlled it. Any Kindred who wish to enter or leave
Tyler's age and natural intelligence - along with Chicago by plane must first gain her permission. She moved
Helena's secret support - earned her a respected place to O'Hare Airport shortly after its construction, in which she
among the elders despite her Brujah heritage, and she con- was instrumental. She controls or knows of almost every-
solidated her position during the Council W ars of the 1980s. thing that happens at the airport. Her Contacts are the
That was when she slew a sixth-generation descendant of higher levels of the airport authority, and through them she
C ritias who refused to follow the rest of the primogen and end manages to exert some control over the city's rwo other
his support of Maldavis. She is exceedingly proud of her airports, as well as over plans to construct a fourth.
position; of course sh e has earned the undying enmity of T he security forces at all the airports are directly under
Critias, and returns his hatred with a vengeance, bolstered by her control, and she has Conditioned many of them. She has
her lust for his ancient blood. actually trained her O'Hare SWAT team in the extermina-
Before the Lupines attacked Chicago, Helena was ap- tion of vampires, and it is said that she used them outside the
proached by a Sabbat scout, who warned her of what was to airport during the Council Wars. One of her Retainers is an
come, and threatened to spread news of her ro le in founding ex-Vietnam fighter pilot, who serves as a bodyguard and
the Sabbat if she did not help. She fl ew to New York, where manservant.
she received the protect ion of the T zimisce elder Lambach
Ruthven. In exchange, she agreed to help place aSabbat pack Maxwell
in the city. Maxwell has long hungered for the night he could return
Sire: Robin Leeland to C hicago. For the past century he has wandered the world,
Nature: Rebel traveling as he saw fit, but always longing for the city he once
Demeanor: Conniver ruled. Now he has come back.
Generation: 6th The news ofLodin'sdeath reached him as he cruised the
Embrace: 1381 (born 1352) GulfofMexico. He immediately docked in New Orleans and
caught the next flight to Chicago. Seeking out his few
Apparen t Age: Unclear- 30s?
remaining allies, he found them all receptive to the ideaofhis
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 6, Stamina 7 regaining the princedom, but unsure if he could. Addition-
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3 ally, they worried that the dramauc changes that had occurred
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 7 in the city since his departure would be too much for Maxwell
Talents: Alermess 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Intimidation 5, to handle.
Leadership 4. Streetwise 3
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette l , Firearms 4, Melee 5, Stealth 3
Knowledges: Linguistics 2, Politics 5, Sabbat Lore l
Disciplines : Celerity 4, Dominate 4, Fortitude 3,
Obtenebration 1, Potence 5, Presence 5
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 4. Influence 3, Mentor 5,
Resources 4, Retainers 7
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control!, Courage 4
Humanity: 5
Willpower: l 0
Image: A short , slender woman, 5' 4" and 130 pounds.
She has long black hair, which she usually ties in a ponytail.
Her face has several patches of pockmarks from a case of
smallpox; nevertheless, there is an undeniable beauty to it.
She generally dresses very simply, and favors blue jeans and
simple blouses.
Roleplaying Hints: Even when talking about the weather
you speak with passion and conviction. Clench your fists and
shake them whenever you make a point.
Haven: An isolated hangar at O 'Hare Airport. T he
hangar is heavily guarded by security devices, and Tyler has
begun training mortals to protect h er.

68 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Thus Maxwell has kept a low profile. He has quietly been Haven: An old apartment building in south Chicago.
making the acquaintance of those powerful Kindred he did Secrets: B
not know, and now most of the city's movers and shakers are Influence: While Maxwell has gained little direct influ-
aware of his intentions. While none have wholeheartedly ence since returning to the city, he has seized control of the
endorsed him, Maxwell knows none with reason w oppose Chicago Police Internal Affairs Division. He hopes that he
him. can eventually use this to control the entire organization.
Maxwell has a number of secret allies of whom even
Menele is unaware. First of all, he has sired a number of Joshua Tarnopolski
progeny in Central and South America. Many of these ("Blackjack")
vampires are fighting in the area's revolutions and may soon
The socialists became a significant threat to the capital-
come to Chicago. Maxwell hopes to use these trained guer-
ist interests of Chicago during the early years of the 20th
rillas to form his military strike force. Additionally, Maxwell
century. For a while, they even threatened to become an
con tacted a number of non-Camarilla vampires in Haiti, and
established force in the state legislature. Indeed, the Chicago
might trade these Kindred services in exchange for their aid.
establishment remained frightened of them long after the
Sire: Altamira socialists lost their effectiveness.
Nature: Director
Joshua Tarnopolski was among the leaders of the city's
Demeanor: Architect socialists during their heyday. With his thick Po lish accent,
Generation: 6th he was not a noted orator like most of the leaders, but he was
Embrace: 1755 (born 17 17) a skilled backroom politician and could raise a mob of
Apparent Age: Late 30s workers to fight off the Chicago machine's goon squads.
Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 5, Stamina 7 Tyler's natural sympathies were arou ed by these committed
Social: Charisma 6, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4 revo lutionaries and, when the socialists' power peaked shortly
before World War I, she decided to preserve some of this
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 6
energy forever.
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 6, Dodge 3,
She chose Joshua because, even though he was a power-
Intimidation 4, Leadership 4
ful leader among the workers, his face was not well known,
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Etiquette 2, Firearms 2, Melee 7,
either to the masses or to the capitalists he opposed. Tyler
Stealth 2, Survival 5
even sought the permission of Lodin in order to sire this
Knowledges: Finance 1, Linguistics 4, Occult 5, Politics 3 neonate, permission Lodin was more than willing to grant
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 5, Dominate 4, Forti- such a powerful Cainite - in return for crucial support in his
tude 4, Potence 5, Presence 7, Protean 5, Serpentis 3 war against Modius, who had just fled to Gary.
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 3, Influence 1, Mentor 6, Tyler Embraced Joshua without giving him any choice
Resources 4, Retainers 2, Status 4 in the matter. Joshua, who was already beginning to predict
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 2, Courage 4 the demise ofsocial ism in America, transferred his passion for
Humanity: 5
Willpower: 8
Notes: Maxwell's first extra level of Presence allows him
to create a great feeling of trust among a group of people. His
second level prevents his foes from spending Willpower to
negate his Presence. In order to use Willpower against him,
the character must make a Self-Control roll (difficulty 8).
Maxwell carries a silver-plated cavalry sabre with which he
has trained extensively.
Image: Maxwell is a stocky, middle-aged man with tight
hair and a nearly cropped mustache and beard. He prefers
dark power suits and dresses to his best advantage. If seen
when he first wakes up, however, he looks like the trapper he
used to be, with his hair unkempt and his beard full and
Roleplaying Hints: You maintain at least the pretext of
caring about others, though you have lost most real feelings
since being driven from power. You only listen to others for
a little while before dominating the conversation, and you
freely usc your Presence on both mortals and Kindred.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 69

change to Kindred society. Joshua quickly became disen- found in Chicago. However, because unions don't have
chanted with the seniority system, and contacted the anarchs. much general influence anymore (though they still pervade
He is often looked to as a leader by all anarchs, much as he was Chicago), he does not have much real power in the city.
by socialists in the past. The younger Brujah are enthralled by
his tales of meetings with Eugene Debs, Joe Hill, Woody Anita Wainwright
Guthrie and other national leaders from the early part of the Anita Wainwright has been fighting the Powers That Be
century. since she was a student at the University of Illinois in the late
Joshua's closest allies died in the Lupine attack, and he 1950s. She took several Freedom Rides to Alabama while still
himself dropped out of sight for a while. He has returned, a college student. She subsequently joined up with the
however, and is one of the few Kindred aware that the Sabbat Diggers in New York C ity and worked in their free store.
was behind the destruction. He has sworn vengeance on that Later still, she returned to Chicago, where she wrote for an
sect; should he discover its presence in Chicago, he would do underground newspaper called the Chicago Seed and helped
everything in his power to destroy it. run yet another free store. To her parents' horror, she also
Sire: Tyler became intimate with a Black Panther named Theodore
Nature: Architect Dooley.
Demeanor: Director Anita was among the Chicago organizers who helped
plan the massive demonstrations scheduled for the Demo-
Generation: 8th
cratic convention. She was also one of the first to be beaten
Embrace: 1913 (born 1870)
by the police when they attacked the protesters. Several
Apparen t Age: Mid-40s weeks later, after recovering fro m her injuries, she went
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4 looking for Dooley. She found him in the basement of the
Social: C harisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 1 building housing the Black Panthers' headquarters, feeding
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 5 on a cop. At first she was horrified by what he had become,
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, but then she felt she understood. Anita had also acquired a
Empathy 1, Intimidation 2, Intrigue 4, Leadership 2, thirst for vengeance - the same thirst that led others of her
Streetwise 3 generation to join the Weathermen or the Symbionese
Skills: Drive 1, Firearms 2, Melee 2 Liberation Army. Within a few days she had convinced
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Chicago 4, Linguistics 2, Dooley to Embrace her.
Politics 4 Over the years Anita's invo lvement in human society
has diminished and her interest in reforming Kindred society
Disciplines: Celerity 4, Obfuscate 2, Potence 2, Pres-
has increased. She has maintained her passion for change,
ence 3
though, and is one of the few anarchs in C hicago to have
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Fame 1, Influence 1, Retainers 2,
developed more national connections. She has occasionally
Status 2
provided anarchs from other c ities with a safe place to stay in
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control3, Courage 4
Humanity: 7
Willpower: 9
Image: Short and stocky. He has a short black beard
speckled with gray, and wears cheap, off-the-rack suits.
Roleplaying Hints: You're tired, and your eyes show it.
Things were great when you were younger, and you love to
tell people about it. Now - ach - the world has grown very
homogenous and dull - not worth discussing. You have a
thick Polish accent; it has improved in the last few years, but
it is still quite distinctive.
Haven: The basement of an o ld apartment building in
cast Chicago.
Secrets: B
Influence: All of Joshua's relationships with mortal
society come from his friends in the unions. While they don't
know the whole story, they do know he has been involved
with the unions for a long time; they respect his opinions and
give him aid. His Retainers are both longtime union men,
and through them he controls most of the labor unions still

70 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Anita had planned on moving out of Chicago before the Thomas Ewell ( ..Balthazar",
Lupine attack, but now has reason to stay. After a close brush
with the werewolves, she discovered several close friends,
including Dooley, had been slain by the beasts. She has sworn Lt. Thomas S. Ewell was a Southern aristocrat caught in
vengeance, but is moving slowly and accumulating informa- New York when the War between the States broke out. He
t ion about her new foes. She does not hate all Lupines- just led a group of Confederate bandits who raided New England
the ones who destroyed her friends. banks during the war, using the war as a pretext to gain
Sire: Dooley fortune and to live the exciting life ofoutlaws. His men loved
his dashing bravado and would have followed him to the
Nature: Fanatic
gates of hell, especially if money was involved. He carried the
Demeanor: Visionary
fight as far north as New Hampshire before finally seeking
Generation: 12th sanctuary in Canada as the war drew to a close.
Embrace: 1968 (born 1941) Ewell's attempts to recruit soldiers for the Southern
Apparent Age: Late 20s cause caught the attention of few Canadians, but did interest
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5 a recent arrival- the vampire Alexis Blanc. Blanc had fled
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3 Paris following the failed 1848 rebellions. Hoping to escape
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4 both the Camarilla and the European aristocracy, then
Talents: Alertness 4, BrawlZ, Leadership 4, Streetwise 3 clamping down on rebels of all types, she had fled to Canada
and settled in Ottawa as the "prince" of the city.
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Firearms 1, Melee 2, Security 3,
Stealth 2, Writing 2 She met the dashing young Confederate officer at a
society ball and was fascinated by his rebellious nature and his
Knowledges: Computer 2, investigation 2, Lupine Lore 1,
aristocratic charm. He saw her as a French heiress and an
Medicine 2, Politics 3
opportunity to regain his fortune. After the burning of
Disciplines: Celerity 3, Fortitude 1, Potence 1, Presence 2
Atlanta, Ewell found it impossible to recruit new soldiers for
Backgrounds : Allies 3, Contacts 5 the failed cause - and even more difficult to obta in the
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Contro l4, Courage 5 money to keep up his lifestyle. Alexis saw her own defeat in
H umanity: 9 Europe reflected in her dashing young soldier. Unable to bear
Willpower: 8 his pain any longer, she Embraced him just days after the war
Image: Medium-sized Caucasian female, 5' 8" tall and ended.
125 pounds. She has auburn hair and dresses casually. Unwilling to return to a defeated South, Mr. Ewell
Roleplaying Hints: You follow the old maxim, "Only remained in Canada with his sire. He took the name Balthazar
speak when you have something to say." While generally and began a life of great debauchery, learning much from
quiet, you can speak for hours about a subject that concerns Alexis about the ways of the Damned. However, he quickly
Haven: An abandoned store in south Chicago (used to
be her free store).
Secrets: B
Influence: Anita controls very little in Chicago but has
excellent connections to the anarchs of other cities. She has
even developed a link with the Sabbat of New York. If
anyone in Chicago wishes to get in contact with the national
network of Brujah and anarchs, it will have to be done
through her. If she feels someone to be deserving, she can
provide that person with a list of contacts in almost every
major city in North America - a list that would be very
valuable to certain personages in the Camarilla who would
like to see an end to the Anarch Movement. She can even
arrange for transportation to the West Coast, which has
become the anarch capital of the world. H owever, she must
trust and respect the individual who seeks this information
before she will divulge it.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 71

grew bored with the role of the cavalier and tired of her the anarchs. The primogen sees him as far too divisive to rule
demands on him. For a time he lived apart from her, and the city, but might turn to him should events begin getting
refused to respect her authority as prince. One evening he out of hand.
created a neonate without her permission: a young French- Sire: Alexis Blanc
Canadian by the name of Marc Levesque. When she found
Nature: Fanatic
out, she flew into a great rage and in retaliation took the
Demeanor: Bravo
young vampire and Blood Bound him to her. Alexis and Marc
grew very close. Generation: 8th
In the late 1870s, when word of the upheaval in Chicago Embrace: 1865 (born 1827)
reached Canada, the three of them journeyed to the Windy Apparent Age: Late 30s
City in hopes of establishing a Brujah state. The moment P hysical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
they arrived they became allies ofModius, the Prince ofGary, Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
who was leading the socialist movement in all-out war Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
against the corrupt political system, and simultaneously T alents: Acting 2, Alertness 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 3,
attacking the power of the Prince of Chicago. The aid of Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3
Alexis, Balthazar and Marc was enough to tip the balance.
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Firearms 3, Melee 3, Stealth
For a time it was a very exciting life, and Balthazar was happy
2, Survival 1
to be at war again. However, this war was far less enjoyable
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Law 2, Linguistics 1, Oc-
than the last. The trade unionists were too serious and boring,
cult 3, Politics 1
and didn't know how to live the good life. Even worse, he was
poor. D isciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 2, Dominate 5, Forti-
tude 3, Potence 3, Presence 2
The Yentrue Hinds was the first to learn of this dissat-
Backgrounds: Herd 1, Resources 2, Status 3, Retainers
isfaction after encountering Balthazar at a play. Hinds
arranged a meeting between the Brujah and the Yentrue 5
leadership. Late one night, Balthazar and Ballard, the senior Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 2, Courage 3
memberofLodin's brood, met to discuss the future. Balthazar Humanity: 3
offered to betray Modi us and his new ally Alexis in return for W illpower: 6
being given an extremely handsome monthly stipend and the Image: When he is not scowling he is good-looking, and
freedom to take anyone he pleased as his vessels. Ballard when he decides to dress up he doesn't seem like such an oaf.
quickly agreed, and that very night Balthazar led a group of However, Sheriffdelights in taking the insults that the other
Yen true to one of Mod ius' havens. It was he who drove the Brujah throw at him and living them out. Thus in recent
stake into Alexis' heart and put the building to the torch with years he has begun to wear a Stetson and Western boots, and
her still inside. has taken to chewing tobacco. When he is not busy trying to
However, he had enough mercy left in his heart to let his impress his peers, however, he can be found in the Rack, very
neonate go- a decision he later regretted. The loss of Alexis well dressed.
was such a serious injury to Modius that Lodin was given Roleplaying Hints: Be pushy and take up as much of the
enough breathing room to recoup his forces. Not long there- other characters' physical space as possible. Let your arro-
after, the socialists suffered their first significant defeats. gance and malevolence show in your voice. Speak with a slow
Balthazar began to live the life of a king, and was well Southern drawl, but drop it whenever you get angry. Above
received by Lodin and the other elders of Chicago. In an all, try to gain the respect of those you bully. You especially
effort to overcome and forget his treachery, he began to assist want Brujah to know and fear your name.
Ballard in his suppression of the anarchs. By engaging in H aven: He has a number of different havens, all of them
treachery against his kind again and again, he hoped to extremely well hidden. While he sleeps, he is always guarded
diminish the importance of his original treachery and the by at least one of his Retainers.
destruction of his sire. In time he became Lodin's primary Secrets: B
enforcer, entrusted with the suppression and control of the Influence: Balthazar has begun Dominating police left
anarchs. It was a duty he has performed well over the years. and right. He has no control over any departments, but has
He is now known as "the Sheriff' among the anarchs of plants in almost every one. His Retainers are five ex-cops (all
the city. lt began as an insulting nickname, but now he insists of whom were kicked off the force and are every bit as ruthless
upon it. He is a traitor to his own kind and the other Brujah as he is). They are well trained in dealing with Kindred and
almost universally hate him for it. will do nearly anything he says. They are superbly Condi-
With the death of Lodin, Balthazar has begun casting tioned.
covetous eyes upon the princeship. While an outside con-
tender at best, he has made his "platform" the suppression of

72 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Damien Talents: Acting 3, Alertness 2, Athletics 4, Brawl 5,
Dodge 4, Intimidation 2, Streetwise 5, Subterfuge 3
Damien is a man trapped in the body of a 14-year-old
boy. He has gained an enormous amount of confidence after Skills: Firearms 4, Melee 1, Music 3, Stealth 4, Survival3
living as a vampire for more than 30 years, but has never fully Knowledges: Investigation 1, Law 1, Occult 3, Politics 1
shed his child's outlook. He was Embraced in the late '60s by Disciplines: Celerity 4, Dominate 2, Potence 3, Presence 1
a Brujah of a very early generation; he does not know who Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Mentor 3, Resources 5, Status 3
sired him, but may someday realize that it was Critias, one of Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 1, Courage 3
the primogen of the city. Humanity: 7
For reasons of his own, Critias did not stick around to Willpower: 9
help the young boy through the trauma of the Change. Image: Though he seems young, Damien's early genera-
Nonetheless, Damien has slowly pieced together a good
tion makes him extremely potent. His bearing is arrogant,
understanding of the world of the undead, at least partially and is a strong contrast to his "angelic" face. He has pitch-
through his constant persecution. Sheriff seems to have it in black hair and wide eyes that seem to absorb everything that
for him and will go to any length to make his unlife miserable goes on around him. His clothing is always of the latest
-he has no idea how powerful Damien really is, but knows fashion, but is invariably ostentatious and utterly without
that he is hard to kill. taste. He talks and acts big, but the core of undeveloped youth
Damien has been a street waif without a permanent is still within him; this can easily be noticed by anyone with
haven ever since his Embrace, and has st ill not come to terms Empathy.
with his need for blood. He overcompensates for his short-
Roleplaying Hints: Act much tougher than your ap-
comings by presenting himself as an unquenchable, pearance might suggest - you swing your weight around as
unconquerable force- his ego knows no bounds. Damien is much as possible. Don't take gufffrom anyone without giving
almost Toreador-like in his quest for pleasure, though this some back. You always try to pick up the women you meet,
pursuit cannot equal his rebelliousness. Underneath his and nobly ignore it when they reject you.
bravado, however, Damien is a decent individual with a
H aven : Damien currently lives in Johann's old haven-
highly developed sense of honor.
an old haven in north Chicago - but also maintains an
Early on, he befriended one of the elders of the city, a
apartment downtown, where he takes his vessels (invariably
Malkavian named Johann, who did much to educate Damien female) once he has picked them up.
in the ways of the Kindred. He learned a great deal from
Secrets: B-
Johann, who was the only Kindred he truly trusted. Johann's
death during the Lupine attack has shaken Damien a great lnfluence: None, but he retains a certain reputation and
deal, as has the destruction of a young Caitiff Damien had respect among some of the Kindred.
been protecting. Damien does not blame the Lupines -
believing the attacks to have been sparked by the Sabbat-
but feels he failed in protecting his friends. He has begun to
see the vacancy in the princeship as an opportunity, and may
soon make a move for the post.
If there are to be any surprises in the Jyhad between the
Methuselahs, they may come from this diminutive Brujah.
He holds many secrets that would be a surprise to all, most
especially himself.
Sire: Critias
Nature: Rebel
D emeanor: Child
Generation: 6rh
Embrace: 1962 (born 1948)
Apparen t Age: Young teenager
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
Gengis is one of the anarchs' greatest supporters - he
rebels impulsively and reflexively. He was created in the late
'60s by a Brujah who was passing through on her way to the
West Coast and was briefly attracted to his sense of style; his
sire moved on soon after, and he has had to make his own way
in vampire society. In the '70s he was one of the first punks,
and he has never given up that style of appearance- it fits
him too well.
Gengis hates the elders and is solidly pro-anarch. He
likes nothing better than a good fight, especially if blood is
spilled. He has not yet recognized his own immortality, but is
little concerned with his own safety. Though he would never
admit it- even to himself- he is very much a conformist
(to punk and anarch values) and always wants to follow the
group. If he thinks of someone as being "cool," he will want
to follow and emulate that person; after a time, he will seek
guidance and advice from the person whom he considers to
be the leader. If a character comes across as both a rebel and
a powerful leader, Gengis will instantly and naturally fall into
Roleplaying Hints: Slowly nod your head and narrow
his or her orbit.
your eyes. Speak forcefully, but never directly, about the
Though he appears as a punk when he goes about the subject at hand.
world, Gengis has a well-kept condo where he likes to watch
Haven: Gengis lives in a condo near the Gold Coast.
Chicago Bulls games and cook meals for a number of yuppie
Secrets: D
friends he has somehow made over the years. They don't
realize that Gengis is a vampire {what an absurd idea!), but Influence: His Herd is a group of yuppies, but they have
they do know he's somewhat weird. little political power. He has no influence on the mortal
Sire: Ethrica
Nature: Conformist Carlyle
Demeanor: Rebel
The newspapers branded Carlyle "a true menace to
Generation: 12th society." The federal prosecutor labeled him "the most dan-
Embrace: 1968 (born 1944) gerous man in California." The judge called him "an
Apparent Age: Mid-20s incorrigible criminal without the slightest hint of a con-
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 science." So they put him away, sentencing him to life
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3 imprisonment with no chance of parole for his kidnappings.
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Of course, Carlyle knew he had no business being in
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Alcatraz. His only crime was being a Black Panther when the
Intimidation 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2 FBI had decided that the Black Panthers should be no more.
They set him up perfectly. Carlyle loudly protested his
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Firearms 3, Security 2,
innocence when he discovered the college student who had
Stealth 2, Survival 1
recently joined him was a 16-year-old wlhose father was a cop.
Knowledges: Investigation 1, Law 2, Occult 2
She said he had kidnapped her to force her father to protect
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 3, Potence 2, Presence 2 a drug operation, and Carlyle was gone before you could say
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Herd 2, Resources 2 "snowjob."
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 3 Other forces, however, had no interest in seeing Carlyle
Humanity: 6 rot in jail. Salvador (see The Anarch Cookbook) visited him
Willpower: 6 only a few months after he had been jailed, offering him both
Image: W ith a shaven head, a dagger tattoo just above immortality and freedom in exchange for becoming a foot
his right ear, and a safety pin in his nose, it is readily apparent soldier in the War of Ages. Carlyle accepted.
that this man is out in left field. In fact, he's so far out he's in
the bleachers.

74 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

After the Embrace, Carlyle's body was shipped out of the Backgro unds: Allies 3, Contacts 2, Fame 1, Mentor 2,
prison for burial, and Salvador intercepted it before it could Status 1
be buried. Together the pair made their way to Los Angeles, Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 2, Courage 5
where Salvador put him to work forming a new anarch gang. Humanity: 6
This gang subsequently traveled throughout Camarilla Willpower: 7
territory, spreading anarch propaganda and recruiting new Notes: Carlyle has gained a reputation both as a mortal
members. It also counteracted some of the more violent and as a vampire. A minor countercultural hero of the '60s,
archons and Sabbat gangs, and was to be a resource to aid all his death in prison sparked some outcry, but that quickly
anarchs. disappeared in the noise of the era. His battles against both
Carlyle and his gang have traveled across the United the Camarilla and the Sabbat have gained him a reputation
States, setting up havens in almost every city. They have as a dedicated and effective anarch.
been involved in numerous confrontations with the elders: Image: Carlyle is a handsome man, clean-shaven with
they have fought their skinhead pawns in the Northwest, close-cropped hair. He is 6'1", 185 pounds, and muscular.
their control of the coal unions in West Virginia, and their
Roleplaying Hints: You believe yourself to be a natural-
more vio lent minions in G reensboro, North Carolina.
born leader and act accordingly. Your weigh your decisions
They have also battled the Sabbat on occasion, most before you make them, listening to advice from those you
notably in the Cobb Creek district of Philadelphia in May of respect, and then act accordingly. You are somewhat stub-
1985, and in New Jersey in 1989 and 1990. During this last born and rarely change your mind once you have firmly made
set of battles they encountered Andrei, who became the most it up.
recent addition to their gang.
Haven: A basement sublevel in Water Tower Place.
Carlyle has been through Chicago on a number of
Secrets: B
occasions, and has established a haven in the basement of
Influence: Carlyle has turned one of the leaders of the
Water Tower Place. He wanted to help Maldavis during her
revived Black Panthers into a ghoul, and has a great deal of
days of power, but as most of the battles were political, he
influence over that group. Otherwise, he is still building his
could do little. Now he has gained permission from Salvador
power base in the area.
to take more direct action to bring the anarchs to power in the
city, and has made his presence known. Andrei
Neither Carlyle nor Salvador know, however, that
Andrei found his place in the Soviet Union to be a most
Carlyle had a visitor right before being sentenced to Alcatraz.
comfortable one, for his parents were Party faithful, and their
This old Ventrue knew Carlyle would be a perfect candidate
son was raised in the best Communist tradition. From a young
for the anarchs, and thus planted some very deep commands
age he was groomed for a place in the Politburo, and his future
in his brain. He then had Carlyle sent to Alcatraz, near the
seemed assured.
heart of anarch territory. The Ventrue has not activated
these commands yet, but may do so at any time.
Sire: Salvador
Nature: Martyr
D emeanor: Visionary
Generation: 8th
Embrace: 1969 (born 1942)
Apparent Age: Late 20s
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Empathy 1,
Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Streetwise 2
Skills: Drive 2, Firearms 3, Melee 3, Security 1, Stealth 3
Knowledges: Investigation 1, Law l, Linguistics 1, Poli-
tics 3, Sabbat Lore 2
Disciplines: Animalism 1, Celerity 3, Dominate 2,
Fortitude 1, Potence 4, Presence 2
Then c;:~me World War II. All able-bodied Russians, Hoping to putas much room as possible between himself
even the chiklrcn of the Party, had to do their part. In 1940 and the horror of Russia, he caught sail t o the United States.
Andrei joined the tank corps and was soon a commander. He Landing in New York, he was quickly discovered by the
was typical of the sort of armored troops the Soviet Union Sabbat and fled to New Jersey. Here he encountered Carlyle
spawned in those days- loyal, intelligent and extremely and managed to escape his Black Hand pursuers.
competent. He fought in the great battles that spelled Hitler's Andrei feels he owes Carlyle a great deal, and has agreed
downfall, including Stalingrad, Kursk, the liberation of Kiev to help him with his plans. Together the pair traveled to
and the lifti ng of the Leningrad siege. By the time his tank C hicago. Andrei handles much of the group's planning, but
ro lled into Warsaw, Andrei had become a colonel, and one little of its action. He fears both the Nosferaru and the
of the rising stars of the Soviet Army. Sabbat, and has no idea what to do with his newfound
Andrei had long ago attracted the attention of Sigfried, freedom.
one of the enforcers for the Brujah Council that ruled the Sire: Sigfried
country. Even before the war Sigfried had set his sights on Nature: Conformist
Andrei, but the war speeded up the process. The Brujah
Demeanor: Loner
needed to replace the v;:~mpires who had died in the war, and
Generation: 7th
also needed more members to fac ilitate their planned expan-
sion through Eastern Europe. Embrace: 1944 (born 1920)
Apparent Age: Mid-20s
O ne night, while the Soviet troops were being shelled by
some of the few remaining German artillery pieces, Sigfried Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
planted a bomb by Andrei's tank. He then spirited out the Social: C harisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
young colonel, subsequently detonating the bomb and kill- Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 6
ing the crew. He took Andrei to a nearby bomb shelter and Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 5, Dodge 3,
Embraced him. Intimidation 2, Leadership 3
Sigfried did not have the Council's permission to Blood Skills: Drive 4, Fireanns 4, Heavy Weapons 3, Melee 2,
Bond Andrei, so he Dominated the neonate into following Pilot 4, Repair 2, Security 4, Stealth 3
orders. Andrei remained in Po land when the war ended, Knowledges: Bureaucracy 4, In vestigation 5, Linguis-
helping to en ure Soviet control of the land, and then tics 5, Occult 2, Politics 4, Tactics 4
traveled throughout Eastern Europe. He spent most of his Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 5, Fortitude 2, Obfus-
time ferreting out disloyal Kindred and leading assaults cate I, Potence 4, Presence 3
against those he could not kill personally.
Backgrounds: C lan Prestige I
He was called back to the Motherland in the 1980s to
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Co ntrol4, Courage 3
deal with domestic threats to Brujah rule. He had barely
Humanity: 5
begun when the Council began its coup against Gorbachev.
The next few days were a whirlwind of blood and destruction Willpower: 6
- ancient , powerfu l Brujah disappeared, and the Counc il's
control of the country was shattered.
As the coup fe ll apart, Sigfried and Andrei gathered the
remaining Brujah to try and deal with the threat. Suddenly,
an ancient, horrendously ugly Nosferatu burst into the room.
Screaming and cackling, she to re into the Brujah, ripping
their heads from their bodies and setting others on fire with
but a touch.
Sigfried was one of the first to go. As the decapitated
body fell to the floor, and the Nosferatu popped the head into
its gaping maw, Andrei felt a great weight lift from his mind.
The freedom that coursed through his undead body inspired
movement, and Andrei bolted from the room. He ran as fast
as he could to Sigfried's private hangar, passing speeding cars
along the way.
He flew northwestward until dawn, landing in an old
wheat field to sleep. He passed the day in S igfried's concealed
coffin, but awoke the next night to find his plane in the hands
of Finnish police. This did not long deter him - he sneaked
out of their holding area, and continued his journey west.

76 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Notes: Well-traveled Brujah have heard of Andrei, for Roleplaying Hints: You know you have made some
he was an important figure in the Soviet Union. While some extremely powerful enemies, so you do anything to avoid
would be willing to help him, most would be afraid of the being noticed. Freedom is a strange concept to you, and you
consequences of helping a member of the ill-fated Council. are just beginning to enjoy it. You do owe Carlyle a life boon,
He is one of the few who know the truth of what happened though, and until it is paid off, you are in his service.
to the Soviet Union, however, and many Kindred from many H aven: With Carlyle.
clans would do much for that knowledge. Secrets: C
Image: A young, strong man with close-cropped blond Influence: Carlyle knows listening to Andrei is a good
hair. He has very pale skin and strong blue eyes. idea, but otherwise Andrei has no influence on the city.

Meoele (4th)
Tyler (6th)
Critias(5th) I I
Joshua (8dl) l.oaise (D)
oalien (6th)
~rf (D) Ramone
I (D)

ua..L Cave (D)

Dooley (D) s.-.m(D)
Alexis (D)

Aoita (12th)
Baltbazar (8th)

Levesque (D)

Sah·ador (7th) Sigfried (D) Etlarica (lltb)

Carlyle (8th)
Aodrei (7dl) Oeogis
I <12th)

0 = Disappeared

Chapter Four: The Kindred 77

O nce again the Caitiff were the first to die; the Lupine Embraced woman. After rescuing h er and ascertaining her
attack destroyed almost all of Chicago's clan less. Now the relationship to the old T remere, h e took Davis under his wing
Caitiffhave little or no organization. Other than the fact that and showed h er the ins and outs of unlife among the Damned.
all are anarchs and belong to one anarch coterie or anoth er, As a Caitiff he was unable to teach her those Disciplines
they have very little to do with each other. They share no unique to the T remere. Maldavis (as she renamed h erself) is,
sense of common identity and tend to ho ld the entire clan as far as anyone knows, the only Caitiff in Chicago who was
concept in contempt. T o them, this is the modern age and created by aT remere. She never told anyon e the identity of
clans are no longer of any import. h er sire, and h as preserved his secret out of a sense of family
Carol Davis ("Maldavis") For a Caitiff, Maldavis adapted reason ably well to her
Carol Davis recognized Abraham DuSable (see Tremere, new existence. Indeed, after a year of dwelling among the
below) in a jazz club one night in 1980. She was sure beyond Kindred, Maldavis found sh e had gained some exceptional
a doubt that the distinguished black gentleman sitting alone abilities; she attributed them to the fact that she was created
at a corner table was her great-uncle, whom she knew only by a T remere and taught by a Caitiff.
from old family photographs. The fam ily thought he had Unknown to h er, however, she was being groomed by
been killed by the Ku Klux Klan shortly after W orld War 1- several members of the primogen to lead a war against Lodin.
yet he looked no o lder than he had in the photographs. She had received blood from bo th Annabelle Tria bell (see
Something was very strange about this, that much she knew; Toreador, below) and C ritias (see Brujah, above). With on ly
for much of the n ight sh e simply watched him. a slight nudge from these elders, Maldavis found herself
After her fr iends had left for the night, she went over to increasingly detesting the way Chicago was run. She began to
speak to the old man, who seemed lost in th e music. He recruit among the anarchs, and to her surprise she soon found
looked blank when she told him who she was, but reacted herself with a powerful army of supporters. Hers was the right
with horror when she to ld him who he was. He promised to voice at the right moment in history - and with the right
explain everything to her if she came with him; she was backing.
somewh at reluctant to do so, but eventually her curiosity got
the better of her and she agreed.
Unfortunately, DuSable was having a h ard time control-
ling his panic at being discovered; indeed, he was close to
frenzy. This young woman had triggered all his fears about
being revealed and losing the status he had so carefully built
up in the T remere. At the same time, he desired her in a way
h e had never before desired anyone. Upon leaving the
nightclub, fear and passion united and he lost control of his
Beast. All at once, h e swept h er up and drank her blood faster
than he had ever done before. Revolted at what he had done,
he slit his wrist and let a drop of vitre fall into his relative's
mouth. Then he fled into the night, leaving behind only his
This might have been the end for Davis. Despite having
received a drop of blood, she was too weak to move and would
have died under the searing rays of dawn. However, Dickie
(see below}, who at the time suspected th e Tremere of being
behind all the maneuverings in vampiric society, had been
watching DuSable; his curiosity was piqued by this newly

78 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

She also took the time to spread her influence through- Roleplaying Hints: You still desire to change vampiric
out mortal society. Lodin remained unaware of her activities society, but you are wracked with guilt over the damage your
until the early '80s, and shortly thereafter all-out war shook crusade has done to those who allied with you. While you still
the city. At first Maida vis gained the upper hand among both try to be decisive, you become hesitant and full of self-doubt
Kindred and kine. Her followers took control of the city's every time you try to take over. You believe you are a has-
government, and the anarchs began to wipe out many of been, and allow yourself to be ignored and ridiculed by others
Lodin's Kindred supporters. Lodin finally had to plead with as a result.
the members of the primogen, swearing to follow their orders Haven: Maldavis has numerous safe havens around the
faithfully and forever if they stopped supporting Maldavis. metropolitan area and frequently changes her resting place.
This time the vote was 4-3 in his favor; the primogen Secrets: B+
members had what they wanted and were ready to stop the Influence: She doesn't have much anymore, although
storm of chaos. The tide shifted, and the united forces of the she could possibly turn to some of her old supporters among
elders quickly restored order. Soon Maldavis was out of power the primogen ifshe had something of value to trade ( informa-
and most of her followers were dead. tion, for example). She still has numerous mortal Allies in
Nonetheless, despite repeated attempts on her life by positions of importance, if not power.
Lodin, Maldavis remained active. Now that Lodin has met
his Final Death, she has come out of hiding and has begun to Richard Fulcher (~Dickie")
rally the anarchs. Her main competitor for their loyalty is Richard Fulcher hated life in Carbondale, Illinois. He
Juggler, though he has yet to announce any ambitions to ran away from home several times before making his big break
become prince. The two have never been friendly, and in 1975, when he was 13. He fled north to Chicago, and for
Juggler is known to have made snide comments about "that the next two years lived the precarious existence of a teenage
anarch who'd rather be prince." runaway.
Sire: DuSable The hippies, who had long provided surrogate homes for
N ature: Architect kids like Dickie, were dying out, leaving the young newcom-
Demeanor: Visionary ers on their own. Into the vacuum left by their passing came
Generation: 8th the punk movement, which Dickie first discovered in 1977
Embrace: 1980 (born 1955) with the help ofValerie, a young punk from England. Valerie,
Apparent Age: Late 20s a slender 14-year-old vampire, also introduced him to the
pleasures of the blood.
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Soon the two were running through the night streets of
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Chicago, exulting in their powers and feeding on the
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
"straights" who were the bane of their existence. Dickie was
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Empathy 4, exquisitely happy with his new life and the Blood Bond he
Leadership 5, Streetwise 2 shared with Valerie. However, Valerie's plans went beyond
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Stealth 3
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 5, Chicago 5, Investigation 4,
Law 2, Politics 5
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Dominate 2, Fortitude 2, Ob-
fuscate 1, Presence 3
Backgrounds: Allies 4, Contacts 4, Influence 3, Men-
tor 2, Status 2
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control4, Courage 5
Humanity: 10
W illpower: 10
Notes: Maldavis' extraordinary powers during the rebel-
lion were in fact the results of aid from members of the
primogen, either through the use of their blood to perform
amazing physical feats and heal others, or through their
invisible actions. While they have deserted her, she has still
attracted the attention of other elders, most notably the
Inconnu Monitor (see Others, below).
Image: A handsome woman, 5' 11" and 120 pounds. She
has a commanding gaze.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 79

simply terrorizing straights. She had been forced to leave Image: A young punk, Dickie had a foot-tall mohawk at
England in the early 1970s after an anarch attempt to take the time of his Embrace and still wears it proudly while in his
over Birmingham had fa iled miserably. real form. He occasionally uses his O bfuscate to make himself
Valerie had already begun some awkward attempts to look different.
organize the anarchs of C hicago when Dickie, who had been Roleplaying H ints: You've been on the run so long
assigned to keep an eye on the Trernere, found Carol Davis you're more than slightly paranoid. Look around a lot and
(now Maldavis, above) lying outside a C hicago nightclub. talk only when it suits your purposes.
He and Valerie nursed her back to health and taught her H aven: Anywhere. He is one of th e anarchs who favor
about the world into which she had been thrust. T hey were taking over a suburban horne and terrorizing its inhabitants
in tum amazed by the incredible powers Maldavis soon before killing them off.
displayed. When Maida vis began to move against the varnpiric Secrets: B-
establishment, Valerie became one of her most devoted lnfluence: None.
followers and, as always, Dickie followed Valerie.
Valerie pa id the final price when Maldavis lost her bid Jasper Kre-vets
for power, though that was one path down which Dickie did C hemicals of all kinds always fascinated Jasper. One of
not follow her. T rapped under the ruins of Maidavis' head- his earliest, and most used, birthday presents was a chemistry
quarters, he could only writhe helplessly as Ballard and his set . As he got older, he received, bought or stole more and
ghouls staked Valerie to the roof of the Sears Tower. He more sophisticated sets, until by high school he could create
physically felt his lover's agony as the sun consumed her. He anything he liked.
swore vengeance against Lodin and his brood, and devoted
This ability proved especially useful in college, when
his existence to gaining the power necessary to fulfill his
Jasper supported himself through the creation of designer
drugs. Before he could graduate, however, his fraternity was
Lodin's destruction has made this goal obsolete. N ow busted and Jasper was arrested. Released on bail and seeking
Dickie is casting around for something else to give his life a way to avoid prison, he contacted some of the people who
purpose, and has rejoined Maldavis as her main supporter. He used to purchase his wares. With their aid, he managed to slip
unconsciously holds her responsible for Valerie's death, how- a substance of his own devising into the drinks of the police
ever, and may tum against her should something better come who arrested him.
Their mysterious deaths caused the case against Jasper to
Sire: Valerie collapse, and he prepared to celebrate h is freedom. That was
N ature: Rebel when his former customers returned. In exchange for having
Demeanor: Survivor helped kill the cops, they wan ted Jasper to begin doing
Generation : 9th research for them. They moved h im to Mexico and set him
Embrace: 1977 (born 1962) up in a lab.
Apparent Age: T eenager
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
Social: C harisma I, Man ipulation 2, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
T alents: Acting 3, Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 3,
Dodge 4, Streetwise 5
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Drive 2, Firearms I, Melee 2,
Security 3, Stealth 4
Knowledges: C hicago 4
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Auspex 1, Celerity 2, Obfus-
cate 4
Backgrounds: N one. He is the consummate alleycat in
every sense of the word.
Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 2, Courage 4
Humanity: 3
Willpower: 8
Notes: Dickie's Animalism, except for Song of Serenity,
only applies to rats, which he kept and trained even as a

80 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

At first j asper enjoyed the opportunity, as he was al- Skills: Demolitions4, Drive 1, Firearms2, Gunsmithing 2,
lowed to experiment with the oddest compounds, using the Repair 4, Survival 1
best of equipment. As time passed, however, he began to Knowledges: Alchemy 1, Computer 3, Investigation 3,
realize that his lab had become as much a prison as any jail in Medicine 4, Occult 3, Science 5
the States. With nowhere to go, and nothing to do except Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerit y I, Fortitude 1,
work on chemicals, Jasper became infuriated with his situa- Thaumaturgy 2 (Weather Control I, Elemental Mastery l)
tion. Backgrounds: Contacts l
He vented his frustrations by blowing things up, and Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 2, Courage 3
developed some marvelously effective combinations for just
H umanity: 4
this purpose. He planned to use them against his "captors"
Willpower: 5
but, before he had the chance, they returned.
Notes: j asper has developed a special gas that soaks into
A dozen men and women descended on the lab that
Kindred's skin, causing the skin and bones to dry and become
night; another dozen were chained behind them. Without a
brittle. A character whose skin comes in contact with the gas
word, they bound their captives, and Jasper, to a wall. Jasper
must roll six dice (difficulty is the character's current Blood
watched in horror as one captive after another was slain, and
Points [maximum 10]). The character will want to roll low,
his blood consumed.
because each success increases the difficulty of soak rolls by
After half the captives had been killed in this manner,
one. The effect wears off at the rate of one per hour. This gas
the captors stopped, and began to discuss plans for fighting
has no effect on humans. Jasper carries a number of hand
"those anarch scum." Then the wall crashed down. Into the
grenades with this gas in them. He may have any other gases
building swarmed black-clad figures and several wolves. The
the Storyteller desires or makes up.
small lab was destroyed in an insanely violent melee, as blood
and body parts flew everywhere. Image: Donny did not heal Jasper's acne or nearsighted-
ness before Embracing him, and Jasper still suffers from these
It was over rather quickly. The attackers stood victori-
defects, though he can cure them for a night at a cost of one
ous; Jasper's captors lay dead on the ground. The victors
Blood Point each. Usually he doesn't, however, and the zits
questioned the remaining captives, killing and drinking the
and Coke-bottle glasses mark his tall, skinny, pale and
blood of two who admitted to being police and releasing four
cadaverous appearance.
after telling them to "forget the whole thing."
Roleplaying Hints: You take little interest in others,
By now Jasper knew what his saviors were. He realized
generally ignoring them. When you do talk to others, you
that the odd compounds with which he had been working
tend to whine and complain.
were types of vampiric blood. He begged his rescuers to let
H aven : With Carlyle.
him join them, telling them how much he knew about their
kind. Intrigued, his rescuers Embraced him, and Jasper has Secrets: 0
been a vampire ever since. Influence: None.
Carlyle had been one of the leaders of the attack, and
made Jasper one of the first recruits for his new gang. Jasper
Raymond Wallace
has since developed a number of chemicals that affect Kin- Raymond got his start popping off kittens' heads and
dred, but has spent much of his recent time continuing his wringing puppy dogs' necks. As he got older and bigger, he
work with explosives. graduated to larger and larger animals. On his 16th birthday,
Jasper has little real allegiance to the anarch cause and, he killed his first human.lt takes a very rare individual to tum
despite the fact that it was the Sabbat that took him to such a hobby into a profitable occupation, but Raymond
Mexico, has little hatred of that sect- or the Camarilla. He managed.
mainly likes working with his chemicals, and experimenting He became an enforcer for New Orleans' capo, taking
with them on Kindred and kine alike. care of those individuals who threatened the capo's regime.
Sire: Donny Raymond eventually captured the attention of the Ventrue
who controlled the capo; the vampire decided to use Raymond
Nature: Conniver
directly. Thus Raymond became a ghoul, and as much a
Demeanor: C urmudgeon
master of the garrote as he already was with his hands.
Generation: I Oth This happy arrangement did not last long, however.
Embrace: 1983 (born 1960) Before becoming Blood Bound to the Ventrue, Raymond
Apparent Age: Mid-20s discovered that his master, who could only drink Cajun
Physical : Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2 blood, had slain his father several years before. Few things on
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 2, Appearance 1 earth mattered to Raymond, but his family was one such
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 5, Wits 3 thing. The night Raymond found out about his father's fate,
Talents: Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Streetwise 2 he crept up behind the Yen true and ... no more Ventrue.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 81

Roleplaying H ints: You rarely speak, knowing you
aren't very smart and do better when people think you are
stupid. When you do speak, it is with a th ick Cajun accent,
doncha know?
Haven: With Carlyle.
Secrets: D-
Influence: Raymond still maintains some contact with
the New Orleans mob, but cannot return to the city lest he
be attacked. Still, he might be able to call on some of his old
friends in a pinch.

Victoria Longwood
When Torrence saw Victoria Longwood at her coming-
out party, he knew he had to have her. Victoria, a descendant
of some of the oldest money in New England, knew she made
a striking figure as she walked down the marble stairway in
the family's ages-old mansion, but she had no idea someone
could see her as a work ofart. She had even less idea that there
was a vampire at the party.
The Ventrue's brood chased Raymond, but he found At the end of the evening, Torrence finally managed to
protection among the anarchs. The anarchs decided comer Victoria in the garden, and began talking about the art
Raymond's best chance was to become a vampire in the of beauty. Bored within seconds, Victoria was about to make
Anarch Free States, so they Embraced him and sent him west. her apologies and leave when Torrence looked deep into her
There he met Carlyle and joined the gang. eyes. "You will be mine," he commanded, and that night
Victoria became one of the undead.
Raymond has little interest in the Anarch Movement,
but has found it a fine vehicle for practicing his hobby. More Torrence immediately began her indoctrination into
than one elder has fallen to his slipknot, and his ham-like Clan Toreador, and again recited his spiel on the art of
hands are nothing to be laughed at, either. beauty. This was enough to shake his control of the neonate.
Sire: Susan
Bored beyond deatth, Victoria picked up a garden stake and
drove it through T orrence's chest before he had any idea of
Nature: Deviant
what was happening. Then she left.
Demeanor: Bravo
Victoria would not have survived her first week as a
Generation: 11th vampire except for the good fortune of encountering a gang
Embrace: 1985 (born 1954) of anarchs who had taken over the house of some neighbors.
Apparent Age: Mid-30s
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Talents: Brawl4, Intimidation 4, Streetwise 2
Skills: Firearms I , Melee 5, Security 2, Stealth 4
Knowiedges: Linguistics 1
Disciplines: Celerity 2, Potence 3, Protean I
Backgrounds: Contacts 2
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control3, Courage 2
Humanity: 3
Willpower: 6
Notes: Raymond carries a razor-sharp garrote. It has a
difficulty of seven and does Strength + 1 in damage. If
Raymond rolls five or more successes on his attack roll (after
any dodge attempt) and five more on the damage roll (after
any soak), he severs the body part hit.
Image: At 6'6" and 336 pounds, Raymond is one impos-
ing Cajun.

82 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Extremely amused by Victoria's story, they accepted her as Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 4, Firearms 2, Melee 4, Stealth 2
one of their own, and Victoria joined in with abandon as she
Knowledges: Finance 1, Occult 1, Science 1
and the gang drained her neighbors dry.
Disciplines: Celerity 3, Potence 4, Presence 3, Protean 3
Soon Victoria came to realize how much she had been
Backgrounds: Contacts 2
repressed through the years. Her ever-so-proper breeding had
kept her from truly expressing what was in her heart, but she Virtues : Conscience 1, Self-Control 1, Courage 5
could make up for that now. Soon her depravity and wildness Humanity: 2
shocked even the gang with which she ran, and she left for W illpower: 8
California. Notes: Victoria's family is extremely powerful in the
In the Anarch Free States she encountered Carlyle, who New England region, but she refuses to have any further
recruited her for his gang. She proved popular among the contact with them. If she did, Carlyle's gang could gain a
gang members, as much for her wi Iciness as for her beauty. She great deal of money and influence.
is an extremely effective member of the gang, afraid of Image: A beautiful woman Embraced on her night of
nothing and willing to face down rampaging werewolves. She glory, Victoria is tall, perfectly proportioned and without
retains her independence even when working with the gang, flaw. She used to favor the oldest , rattiest clothes she could
however, and Carlyle worries that her lack of teamwork could find, but since the grunge look gained popularity, she has
prove deadly. discarded thi.s look for the anarch standby of leather. She has
Sire: Torrence also begun wearing more clothes that highlight her beauty
Nature: Fanatic the way she likes- tight black minidresses, thong bikinis,
D emeanor: Rebel etc.
Generation: 11th Roleplaying H ints: You have little time to talk or listen.
The more time spent in conversation, the less time for
Embrace: 1984 (born 1962)
random violence. If someone does catch your interest, take
Apparent Age: Late teens
him with you to destroy something.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4 H aven: A motel near Water Tower Place. She usually
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 5 stays apart from, but near, Carlyle's gang.
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4 Secrets: C-
Talents: Acting 3, Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 4, lnfluence: None, but she has the potential for a great
Dodge 3, Intimidation 1 deal through her family.

~ CAITIFF . : '

(Susan) (D) (Torrence) (D> (DuSable) (7th)

Raymond (lith) Yictoria Longwood (lith) MaldaYis (8th)
Uriah (D)

(Donny) (D) Yalerie (D)

Jas,er Krevets <lOth) Dickie (9th)

0 = Disappeared (Name) = oi another clan

Chapter Four: The Kindred 83

Chicago's Gangrel weathered the Lupine attack better lnyanga made preparations to confront that which had
than did any of the other clans, but have gone through even invaded her domain. She made ready to battle Death. T aking
more substantial changes in the last two years. Once very well her mightiest herbs and totems, she entered Emagudu and sat
organized, the individual Gangrel have begun to act as at the spot where the warriors' mo ldering bodies still lay.
Gangrel often do, becoming more reclusive and less inclined Shortly after the moon reached its zenith in the summer
to congregate. They have not met as a clan in more than a sky, lnyanga got her first sight of the spirit of Death. He was
year, and are unlikely to do so in the near future. not what she had expected an Esemkofu to be. He instead
They have also become less involved in the city's poli- appeared as a short, grayish male with a reddish tint to his skin
tics. They used to play a stabilizing role in the city, pushing and straight brown hair that hung down to his cheek, wearing
it away from anarchy and toward order. Now, when the city only an embroidered lo incloth and a sinister smile. He spoke
needs someone to keep it steady, the Gangrel are less able to to her in an alien tongue and walked toward her, laughing.
play that role. Other clans have begun to suspect them of When he came within three paces of where she sat, lnyanga
treachery, for they played such a small role in fighting the threw a handful of crushed herbs into the air. The Esemkofu
Lupines. Were it not for the powerful bonds keeping them in drew upright with horror when he saw before him not a
the city, mostoftheGangrel would already have left Chicago middle-aged woman, but a full-grown leopard poised to
for good. spring. lnyanga, in turn, was surprised by the speed with
which he reacted to her attack, and the claws that appeared
loyaoga on his hands. Though her leap drove him co the ground, he
Long before the Europeans ever discovered the managed to roll out from under her and regain his feet.
Unvunyana River, or even set foot on any part of southern Their battle went on without pause. lnyanga attacked
Africa, lnyanga lived among the people who would later with all the speed and strength of the mightiest natural
become the Zulus. Her name was a title of respect, and it hunter in Africa, and the Esemkofu responded with his own
brought fear into many a heart. Like all of the lnyanga who supernatural powers. At first the battle seemed to go in
came before her, she spoke with spirits, foretold the future, lnyanga's favor, but the Esemkofu became ever stronger.
used herbs to heal or kill, and served as a buffer between her
people and Emagudu, the Land of the Dead. She became
known for her skill as a shaman, and over the years many
came to her for advice and aid. Thus she was no longer young
when a new kind of death began to stalk her people.
The people of her tribe saw Emagudu not as a metaphysi-
cal afterlife but as a real place, darker and more fearsome than
any jungle. One dark night, Death came on the wings of a bat
and the paws of a wolf. Emagudu came to her people, instead
of they to it, and it began to devour them.
Within a month, 10 had died, their necks torn open and
their bodies drained of blood. Twelve of the tribe's strongest
warriors, armed with spears and shields, entered Emagudu to
do battle. Two returned. When they had recovered their
powers ofspeech, they told a fearsome tale of a pale Esemkofu
(Speechless One) who, accompanied by a horde of jackals,
attacked the warriors when they had camped for the night
and slew 10 of them in a death-dance offangs and claws. They
said the only hope lay in flight - the tribe must find a new
home. As her people prepared to leave their ancestral lands,

84 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Mauled beyond recognition, he still managed to hurl lnyanga Inyanga was one of the first of the primogen to arrive in
against a tree, snapping her spine. She reverted to her human Chicago. While it is no longer on the frontier, neither is any
form and prepared herself for death as he bit into her neck. other place she would want to live. She has no desire to return
Before final oblivion came, however, the Esemkofu slit to the tragic memories of Africa, but she still travels a great
his own wrist with his claws and forced lnyanga to drink the deal. Indeed, she spends more time traveling the Americas
blood. As the fiery liquid began to bum through her system, than residing in Chicago. She almost always travels by foot,
she felt his words in her mind, as she had always felt the voices sleeping in the ground at night. She has a remarkable knack
of the animal spirits. for being in the city at important times and out of it during
The words that reached through the agony/ecstasy/life times of danger.
buffeting her body were a mixture of hatred and awe. "What lnyanga has lost most of her human softness during the
are you, wirch? Not one of those damnable man-beasts, else I past millennium. The necessity to feed on the dead of her
would have known it long ago. What ARE you!?" lnyanga's own tribe and then on other humans, combined with her
injuries overcame her before she could answer, and she lapsed waking frenz.y in Baltimore, have set her farther apart from
into unconsciousness. mortals. However, she still considers herself a defender of
During the next several days,lnyanga and the Esemkofu mortals - much as she was in life - and characters who
- who called himself Egyptian- recovered their strength become too wild in their feedings may eventually have to
as they fed on the warriors' decaying bodies. He told her ofher answer to he r. She is especially ruthless in her defense of
new self, and showed her how to sleep within the bosom of women.
the earth. In return, she told him the secrets of the Land of Since waking, lnyanga has found the Camarilla to be
the Dead in which he had made his home. By the end of a much more pervasive than it was at the time of her battle.
week they had little left to say to each other. Though she dislikes the whole premise of this European-
Finally he left lnyanga in their clearing but returned just based organization, she is one of the main supporters of the
before dawn in a frenzy, outraged that his "herd"- lnyanga's Masquerade in Chicago and will go to any lengths to enforce
ttibe - had left their pasture. This time, however, she was it. She does this more out of pity for the mortals than fear for
ready - not with herbs, but with a spear taken from one of her own existence.
the dead warriors. With all her strength she thrust it through lnyanga retains a number of unique abilities stemming
the Egyptian's black heart; the force of his charge took him from her days as tribal protector. Probably the most impor·
to the middle of the shaft. lnyanga stayed above ground for as tant to her is her leopard form. This is not a function of her
long as she could, hiding under the shade of a tree, and only Protean Discipline, and while in this form she can use all her
sank into sweet sleep when she saw her sire begin to blacken other Disciplines and Abilities. However, it takes an entire
and bum under the rising sun. day of physical and mental preparation to make the transfor·
Over the next millennium she traveled the length and mation, and the required herbs are extremely rare. Other
breadth of Africa. At first she fed only on animals, but Later, abilities from her past include a heightened form of Auspex
as the craving became too strong, she stalked humans as well. that includes precognition, and an ability to communicate
She tried to limit her feeding to those she considered evil - with the dead.
murderers and rogues, and all those who preyed on women. Sire: The Egyptian
She also tried to police those of her own kind who slew Nature: Cavalier
wantonly and indiscriminately. In a battle in 1537 against a D emeanor: Judge
sixth-generation Portuguese Malkavian who fed solely on Generation: 6th
babies, lnyanga was horribly injured. Hunted by the Embrace: 483 (born 440)
Malkavian's progeny, she went to sleep under the watchful
Apparent Age: Middle 40s
eye of a faithful Retainer on a slave ship bound for the New
Physical : Strength 6, Dexterity 6, Stamina 7
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
It took her more than two centuries of sleep to recover
from her wounds. When she rose from torpor in Baltimore, Mental: Perception 7, Intelligence 5, Wits 7
the Hunger drove her into a frenzy that destroyed the Talents: Alertness 7, Athletics 5, Brawl 5, Dodge 5,
descendantsofher loyal Retainer, who had been guarding her Intimidation 4, Leadership 2
while she slept. She regained control of her Beast as life Skills: Animal Ken 6, Herbalism 6, Melee 2, Stealth 5,
slipped away from the last of them - a 90-year-old grand- Survival6
mother. She fled the city and slowly made her way across the Knowledges: Linguistics 5, Medicine 5, Occult 7
United States. She reached Chicago in 1852, when it was still Disciplines: Animalism 5, Auspex 6, Dominate 2, For·
on the outskirts of civilization and was just beginning its titude 4, Necromancy 2, Protean 6
climb into prominence. At that time it was a city far outside Backgrounds: Status 6
the influence of the Ancients of Europe, and was creating its
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control3, Courage 4
own system of rulership. It has been her home ever since.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 85

Humanity: 7
W illpower: 9
Notes: Leopard Form - all Physical Attributes rise to
7. This form grants a Celerity of 3. lnyanga may use all
Disciplines except Protean while in this form, and the leop-
ard claws act as Protean Wolf's Claws. lnyanga must spend
several hours preparing for this change. She could teach
anyone to transform (though the proper preparation, herbs
and totems are always needed), but the feat would take years
to learn.
lnyanga's sixth level of Protean allows her to excrete an
adhesive that sticks to anything it touches (effective Strength
8). The adhesive can be exuded from any part of her body she
Her extra level of Auspex allows her limited precogni-
tive powers, and her Necromancy Discipline enables her to
summon the spirits of the dead.
Image: When in human form, as she usually is, lnyanga
looks like a middle-aged woman with extremely dark and
wrinkled skin. She wears her hair high on her head and lnyanga first noticed Doyle one night when she over-
generally wears loose dresses with a smattering of ancient, heard him whispering to the cattle that were to be slaughtered
handcrafted jewelry. She nearly always goes barefoot, even in on the coming day. She was struck by his heartfelt sincerity
winter. as he told the steers of his love for them and his promise, made
Roleplaying H ints: Speak with conviction and deter- with all h is heart and soul, to make their deaths painless and
mination about almost anything. Look at people for a long matters for rejoicing, not fear. Over the next month, she
time before speaking, and speak softly, slowly and deliber- watched him in awe as he expressed his love for each and
ately. every beast that came before him and then brought the
H aven: She has no haven, preferring to sleep in the hammer down on their heads with all his might. Here, she
earth of Chicago's various parks. She especially likes decided, was a man truly worth saving, a mortal who still had
Grace land. an understanding of death and a compassion for the animal
Secrets: A- spirits.
Influence: She has no influence among the mortal One night she appeared before him and offered him
political powers, nor does she desire any. However, she does death. Each night for the next seven nights he met with the
maintain contact with a number of Gypsy families who use ancient vampiress and followed her as sh e hunted. He saw the
Chicago as their hub of operations (indeed, a number of beauty in what she did. Finally, he took his sledgehammer to
families live in Chicago full-time). She also has ties to the his own head, and once he was dead she sank her teeth into
city's Garou, and was instrumental in arranging the truce that his neck with the greatest love and care, draining all of his
ended their attacks. blood. She slit open her nipple and poured a single drop of
vitre into his mouth. Doyle awoke and drank deeply.
Doyle Fincher The glory of death, without the need for the soulless
("Sledgehammer Doyle") hammer, was almost more than Doyle could bear. The
Because of his job, Doyle had thousands of lovers during passion he felt when he took his first victim - one of his
his life- and he murdered every one of them as painlessly as beloved steers- was overwhelming. He felt their souls join
he could. In the slaughterhouses of the 1880s where he in a moment of pure ecstasy. In this manner he has enjoyed
labored, no one associated with him, but he never cared. Each the past century. He still feeds primarily on animals from the
and every steer that came to him was his intimate friend, and remaining stockyards, but occasionally allows a human to
Doyle took the greatest care to swing his sledgehammer with experience the ultimate moment.
love and compassion, striking each one once, square and true, However, the moment must be joined with death, and
killing it instantly. The moment of death brought living Doyle never lets his newfound friends live. He feeds mainly
creatures together as nothing else could. This was not a job on suicides he meets, but he claims human souls are too
for him - he was a high priest officiating over a ritual of cluttered for the transformation to be truly enjoyable.
profound depth. Doyle controls what remains of the once-vast stock-
yards, still a precious supply of blood. Kindred too weak to
hunt for themselves often come to him for the blood they

86 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

need. Doyle always provides them with what they need, but Notes: Doyle's extra level of Animalism allows him to
demands a price. The price is d ifferent for each vampire he live simultaneously as an animal he has possessed and as
aids, but it is always a requirement for future behavior. For himself. He generally uses this Discipline when he slays the
example, the Kindred must promise not to feed upon mortals animal.
with blond hair, or pledge to feed the lions in the zoo each Image: A naturally skinny man with a highly developed
week for the next year, or swear to whisper certain compas- upper body and a sharp, thin face with brown hair. The left
sionate words of death to each mortal slain for the rest of the side of his head is badly malformed from the sledgehammer
vampire's existence. He always finds out when a promise has blow with which he killed himself. He carries the blood-
been broken (though it may take years), and he will track stained sledgehammer wherever he goes.
oathbreakers down and whisper the words of death to them Roleplaying Hints: Look vague and distracted while
if he can. It is widely known how seriously he takes these interacting with player characters. Talk about love and
pledges. beauty like a 1960s hippie, and then kill something. Some-
During the strife of the mid-1980s, the stockyards served times you find it hard to speak; it is much easier for you to
as a place for injured vampires on both sides of the conflict to show people how you feel or what you think rather than tell
rest and recover. Neither side completely trusted him, but them directly. This "show and tell" at times becomes quite
both found they needed him. During the Lupine attacks, the strange or even demented.
stockyards provided the same kinds of security, but Doyle Haven: He sleeps in the ground at the abandoned
demanded nothing from those he aided. There is a simple stockyards.
reason for this. Secrets: B+
In 1991, Doyle encountered Phillipe Rigaud (see Sabbat, Influence: A number of the city's Licks owe him for the
below). Phillipe told him about the Sabbat's studies of death, help he has given them over the years.
and Doyle was fascinated. Phillipe brought in another mem-
ber of the sect to explain the Path of Death and the Soul, and Rosa Hernandez ("Rose")
Doyle was hooked. A year after his first meeting with Phillipe, Like many young children, Rosa Hernandez wanted to
Doyle went through the Creation Rites. help animals, and longed to become a veterinarian when she
No one else in Chicago knows of Doyle's new allegiance, grew up. Her veterinary ambitions died after she found out
and the only Sabbat with whom he has contact are Phillipe what "putting to sleep" meant, but her desire to help animals
and Wendy Wade, who make up his pack. He played no never did. When she attended the University of Chicago in
active role during the Lupine attacks, merely providing the early '70s, all her friends were involved in the peace
sanctuary for the injured as he always has. He has begun movement. However, Rosa's raison d'etre was the ethical
reconnoitering for the Sabbat, and may well call in the many treatment of animals, and she was one of the most prominent
boons he is due should the sect require. and active members of Chicago's budding animal rights
Sire: lnyanga movement.
N ature: Caregiver She came to Doyle Fincher's attention when she freed a
D emeanor: Deviant small herd of bulls which were to be slaughtered, and wildly
Generation: 7th ran with them through the streets of the city. Feeling her love
Embrace: 1889 (born 1854) of animals to be the same as his, Fincher petitioned Lodin for
Apparent Age: Late 30s permission to Embrace her. By the time this permission was
granted, Rosa had engaged in a number of raids on corporate
Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
laboratories carrying out experiments on animals. Late one
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
night, drunk after a party, Rosa broke into the Lincoln Park
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Zoo and freed a number of animals, including several lions.
Talents : A lertness 2, Athlet ics l , Empathy 4 Flushed with success and wine, Rosa was dancing in the park
Skills: Animal Ken 5, Melee 3, Stealth 2 when Fincher approached her in wolf form. He offered her
Knowledges: Butchering 4, Medicine 3, Sabbat Lore 1 the chance to become one with animals. He meant she could
Disciplines: Animalism 6, Auspex 2, Celerity 1, Forti- do this through the act of killing, but she thought he meant
tude 2, Obfuscate 2, Obtenebration 1, Potence 1, Protean 4 by actually transforming into one.
Backgrounds: Mentor 4, Status 2 She leapt at the chance and reveled in her new abilities.
Virtues: Callousness 2, Instincts 4, Morale 4 However, she was disgusted by Doyle when he took her on
her first hunt. Horrified, she has never spoken to him again,
Path of Death and the Soul: 4
though they occasionally meet. Rose swore that she would
W illpower: 9
stop his evil ways, and also that she would use her abilities for
the benefit of animals. Both promises have become less

Chapter Four: The Kindred 87

Image: An attractive young Hispanic woman with dark
hair and a slim figure. Generally dresses in jeans, T -shirts and
Roleplaying Hints: You are relaxed unless the subject of
hurting animals comes up. Then you speak in enraged, almost
frenzied tones.
Haven: Rose lives in a house near the University of
Secrets: C+
Influence: Her Allies and Herd are mortals involved in
the animal rights movement. Their trust in her is complete,
and they will follow her lead in almost anything as long as
they think it will save the lives of "innocent animals." She
has never employed them in battle against other Kindred, but
in time of need she could do so without a qualm. Most of her
Allies are well intentioned.

For details of this character, see Vampire.
important as the years passed by, and Rose has come to accept
what she is. Still, she will not feed on animals and only feeds The Wolf Pack
on humans-generally science students and their professors. These Gangrel bikers are not actually from Chicago, but
She had begun making plans to contact the Garou when make their home in the Quad-Cities area ofsouthern Illinois.
they attacked the city. At first she hoped their attack would They are some of the most unlikely archons to be found. Most
cleanse the city, but then she discovered just how blood- Kindred believe they serve not out of any great loyalty to the
thirsty her new idols could be. Their violence and excess Camarilla, but out of a desire to bust heads. They have
revolted her, and the final straw came when they slew the few answered when the sect called, however, and will do so again.
friends she had among the undead. The Wolf Pack suffered a great deal at the hands of the
She now looks on the Lupines with a new, far less Garou during the events of Under a Blood Red Moon. While
friendly attitude. She has come to see them as destroyers of all the Pack tried to establish neutrality, this went out the
life and unlife, and her studies of them are now directed window early on in the fighting, and a nu mber of its members
toward a new goal - their destruction. Should characters met the Final Death. The rest are licking their wounds and
come into conflict with werewolves, she might come to their considering their next moves. They had close ties to Lodin,
aid. but generally follow lnyanga's lead.
Sire: Doyle Fincher
Nature: Martyr Tyrus
Demeanor: Caregiver T yrus was one of the first vampires Embraced in Britain's
Generation: 8th American colonies. He was created in the wilderness of
Maryland in 1635 because of his essentially wild nature, and
Embrace: 1974 (born 1953)
has since roamed across the continent, making his home
Apparent Age: Early 20s
wherever he pleased. He fell in love with motorcycles and the
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4 freedom they represent shortly after the machines were
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3 invented, and recently began making more Gangrel in order
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3 to create his vision of the ideal biker gang. He is on the
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 4 extreme edge of sanity and is given to self-mutilation, using
Skills: Animal Ken 4, Drive 2, Security 3, Stealth 4, cigarettes, safety pins or whatever else comes to hand. He
Survival2 rarely heals himself fully after an episode of self-mutilation,
Knowledges: Lupine Lore 3, Politics 1, Science 3 but retains the scars as trophies, demonstrating his strength
and courage.
Disciplines: Animalism 4, Celerity 2, Fortitude 2, Pro-
tean 4 Sire: Gareth
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Herd 4, Influence 1 N ature: Director
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control3, Courage 4 Demeanor: Bravo
Humanity: 6 Generation: 7th
Willpower: 8 Embrace: 1635 (born 1604)

88 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

animals were always so sickly, until one night his mule began
making a fuss and Anthius arrived just in time to see a wolf
run off into the woods.
The war of wits and tenacity that followed lasted for
almost a month, and was as hard-fought and obsessive as any
in literature. Finally, his opponent decided that Anthius was
worthy of the Embrace. Late one night he entered the Greek's
cabin in his human form, and began to speak to him of the
forest through the eyes of a wolf. By the time dawn arrived,
Anthius had been Embraced.
He stayed in Washington until World War II, when he
returned to Greece to help free his homeland from Nazi
occupation. After the war he joined the Greek communists,
who had been the most effective freedom fighters against the
German invaders, in their fight against British occupation
forces. The Soviet Union's refusal to help the communists led
to their eventual defeat, and Anthius returned to America.
On his way back to Washington he metTyrus, and the two
have been companions ever since. T yrus trusts and respects
A nth ius like no one else, and Anthius has developed a great
Apparent Age: Middle 20s fondness for the nomadic life and culture of bikers.
Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 6, Stamina 6 He was driven into torpor by the Lupines during their
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3 attack, but has recently recovered and rejoined the Wolf
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 Pack. He is a little more tentative than he once was, and does
not leap into combat as readily as his companions do.
Talents: Alermess 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 6, Dodge 5,
Intimidation 6, Leadership 5, Streetwise 3 Sire: Keegan
Skills: Drive 4, Repair 3, Security 2, Stealth 4, Survival Nature: Survivor
4 Demeanor: Director
Knowledges: History 4, Linguistics 2 Generation: 8th
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Auspex 1, Celerity 3, Forti- Embrace: 1872 (born 1845)
tude 4, Potence 1, Protean 5 Apparent Age: Late 20s
Backgrounds: Contacts 1, Fame 1, Status 3 Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control3, Courage 5 Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
Humanity: 5 Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 4
Willpower: 10
Image: Big, burly and quite bald- he looks like a real
terror, especially since he discovered the wonders of the punk
movement. Always dresses in biker leathers and wears a
homed helmet.
Roleplaying Hints: Threaten and bully. Use your In-
timidation freely.
Haven: On the road.
Secrets: B+
Influence: Tyrus' Contacts and Fame are among the
mortal biker gangs, who know him well. His Status among
the Kindred comes from his role as archon.

Anthius ("Dread")
Anthius was a Greek who emigrated to America shortly
after the Civil War. He became a trapper and made his home
near present-day Seattle - at the edge of a forest inhabited
by a Gangrel. Anthius could never understand why his

Chapter Four: The Kindred 89

Image: A tall, slim Greek man of about 28, with long,
straggling hair and an untrimmed beard. Dresses in leathers
but esch ews a helmet for a pair of World War I aviator
Roleplaying Hints: You never talk to anyone outside
the gang. When someone else addresses you directly, you are
more likely to stare silently at them tha n you are to respond.
Haven: Anthius spends most nights on the road but also
maintains a haven in a public library in Rock Island.
Secrets : B
Influence: Anthius keeps in touch with a huge number
of Midwestern motorcycle gangs, and even has the leader of
the Tri-State Hell's Angels enthralled via Dominate. In a
time of need he could call upon hundreds of bikers, who
would start to arrive in hours and could muster completely in
a matter of days. Even T yrus doesn't have this much influ-
ence, and though Anthius has never used it, Illinois will
never be the same if he does. While he has his disagreements
with T yrus, mainly over whether to he lp the anarchs or the
elders, there is no one the Wolf Pack members respect more
than Anrhius.
T alents: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 4,
Empathy 2 Randy Zelley ("Ramrod")
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Drive 4, Firearms 4, Melee 3,
Randy Zelley was tearing up the racing circuit in the
Repair 2, Stealth 4, Survival 3
1950s when an accident on his Harley left him badly torn up.
Knowledges: Computer 2, Law 3, Linguistics 3, Lupine The doctors gave him no chance of walk ing, let alone riding,
Lore 2, Occult 3, Politics 4, Science 3 ever again. T yrus had been watching him for some time;
Disciplines: Animalism 1, Auspex 2, Dominate 1, For- unwilling to let this promising young biker lose the freedom
titude 2, Obfuscate 4, Protean 5 of riding, T yrus approached him in the hospital and offered
Backgrounds: All he owns or wants is his bike. him release from pain and suffering. T he next night, Randy,
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 5 taking the name Ramrod, rode the streets once more.
Humanity: 7
Willpower: I0

loyanga (6th) Dietric (D) 'JYnas (7th) A!othius (8tb)

Doyle (7th)
Malcolm ( t3tll) R..loo <sth)
Natalie (D)
Rose (8th) Ja~kie (D)

D = Disappeared

90 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Ramrod survived the Lupine attack, but the damage he Talents: Alertness 2, A thletics 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 2,
took has left him hesitant and unsure of himself. He is now Intimidation 3
less willing to risk combat, and has added two ghouls to the Skills: Drive 5, Leadership 1, Repair 2, Survival I
Wolf Pack to serve as his bodyguards. Anthius suspects Knowledges: Cinema 3
Ramrod's problem, but has no evidence. Disciplines: Animalism 1, Celerity 2, Fortitude 3, Pro-
Sire: Tyrus tean 5
Nature: Poltroon Backgrounds: Resources 2, Retainers 2
Demeanor: Jester Virtues: Conscience I, Self-Control I , Courage 4
Generation: 8th Humanity: 3
Embrace: 1954 (born 1930) Willpower: 8
Apparent Age: Late 20s Image: A dashingly handsome young man - jet-black
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4 hair, pale skin and pierc ing green eyes.
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4 Roleplaying Hints: Brag, brag and then brag some more.
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4 Haven: None.
Secrets: D
Influence: None.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 91

The Malkavians ofChicago have never failed to confuse When a nurse bent over to check her pulse, Maureen
and befuddle the city's other Kindred, and now they have sank her teeth into the matron's neck and drank. Within
done it again. Just when everyone believed they were safe in seconds, she felt her body growing stronger and the paralysis
assuming the Kooks were too mad to play a major role in the leaving her legs. She got out of bed and ran off into the night.
city, three new ones show up to disprove that, and those who Maureen's constant hunger (see Notes), and a feud with
survived the Lupine attack have evinced new interest in Lasker (her sire), forced her to leave her Boston home. She
politics as well. has lived in Chicago longer than any otther Malkavian, and
There is still no Malkavian officially seated on the has long seen herself as the matriarch of an extended family.
primogen, but that may well change soon. Almost all the She is still suicidal, however; indeed, with the aid of several
members of this clan are both interested in such a position other Malkavians who all died in the flames, she set a fire in
and qualified to hold it. Still, clan enmity and its members' 187 1 that she hoped would kill her.
natural nuttiness make it unlikely any one Malkavian could Ironically, her haven, the infamous O'Leary's house, was
represent all those who inhabit the city. Fornow, they are the one of the few buildings in Chicago left standing. While few
city's biggest wild card - but then, isn't that always true of mortals were killed, the fire wiped out most of the vampiric
Malkavians? power structure and gave Lodin his chance to seize power
from Maxwell. He used to joke about how much he owed
Maureen O'Leary Maureen and always treated her with exaggerated respect,
Everything about Boston in the early 1800s terrified even calling her "my queen."
Maureen as she grew up in the shadows of its Colonial
monuments. The looming buildings peered down on her as
she walked, the streets talked about her as she passed and the
strangers, oh the strangers, were all vile devils seeking to rip
her soul from her body. Even her rich family despised her and
shut her away in terrifying mental institutions created for the
sole purpose of tormenting her. Only death offered her a way
out, and she first tried to kill herself when she was 27.
Thirteen years and 15 attempts later, she believed she
had finally succeeded. It had required a leap from the steeple
of the old North Church, and as she collided with the earth
she could feel the cursed life fleeing her crippled shell. She
actually sensed Death approaching, and in those moments
she thought more clearly than she ever had before. There was
a sharp pain in her neck, and then blessed peace. Oblivion
welcomed her.
Suddenly she awoke to pain, searing pain. As she screamed
she heard a cruel laugh fading into the darkness. She was
found moments later by the rector, who summoned help. A
carriage rushed Maureen to a hospital; the doctors were
amazed to find her still alive, and were mystified by their
inability to find a heartbeat. Slowly she felt the thirst growing
in her.

92 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Maureen's paranoia with respect to the Kindred has long
been legendary. She sees the Jyhad in everything, and has
often tried to limit the involvement of her brood and other
Malkavians in the intrigue of the city. Since the Lupine
attack, however, she appears to have changed.
Maureen has become extremely active in the social life
of the Kindred, often meeting with newcomers before anyone
else has the chance. It is almost a mark of acceptance to be
able to say one was surprised by a grandmother in a wheel-
chair. Some have even gone so far as to say she may be
jockeying for a seat on the primogen- or even the princeship
Sire: Lasker
Nature: Loner
Demeanor: Caregiver
Generation: 7th
Embrace: 1842 (born 1802)
Apparent Age: 60s
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 6, Appearance 2 is perhaps one of the reasons it is so troubled in this part of the
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 state.
Talents: Acting 4, Brawl 4, Empathy 1, Leadership 2,
Subterfuge 4
Jason Newberry ("Son")
Jason Newberry got his start as a child, pulling the wings
Skills: Etiquette 4, Music 2
offbutterflies and burning ants with a magnifying glass. As he
Knowledges: Investigation 3, Politics 2
got older, he obtained the greatest pleasure by tormenting
Disciplines: Auspex 5, Dominate 3, Obfuscate 4, Pres- other children, and once put out another boy's eye with a
ence 3 stick they were using to toast marshmallows. His concerned
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Herd 3, Retainers 2, Status 2 and wealthy parents managed to keep him out of jail only by
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 2, Courage 1 sending him to the dank and dismal mental institutions of the
Humanity: 2 1890s, where he came to the attention of Maureen O'Leary.
Willpower: 8 She became fascinated by this psychotic, sadistic teenager.
Notes: Maureen is still crippled in her natural state, and He most excited her on a visit home, when he pulled the arms
needs to expend three additional Blood Points every day just and legs off his father and set fire to his mother. O'Leary was
to heal herself so she can walk. Needless to say, she is unable to contain her passion at the sight and sprang upon
constantly hunting. him, Embracing him next to the smoldering body. The 18-
year-old's first feeding came courtesy of his dying parents.
Image: A sweet little old lady. Often, a sweet little old
lady in a wheelchair. She looks 20 years older than her actual Luckily for both O'Leary and Son, her fit of passion came
age at the time of her Embrace. at the same time Ledin was wresting the fief of Chicago away
Roleplaying Hints: You make a definite effort to appear from Maxwell. By backing Ledin in his efforts to take over the
city, O'Leary was able to get his blessing for the creation of
sane. When you begin a conversation with someone, you are
her neonate.
clear, smart and witty. As the conversation continues, how-
ever, your Derangements begin to surface. You begin looking Son, as he has preferred to be called for the past 120
over your shoulder and making paranoid statements. Your years, has not changed much during that time. The only
speech becomes slurred and even your intelligible sentences difference is that he sometimes prefers mental cruelty to
are made up of vague generalities. At this point, if the other physical torment- but not always. His preferred method of
conversationalists make no effort to end the discussion, you hunting is to attract a pair oflovers to his Skokie haven using
abruptly stop and wheel yourself away. his strong Presence, feed on them and convince one that he
Haven: The Rehabilitation Institute. or she has been turned into a vampire. He will then force that
one to drink the blood of the other and then, satiated and
Secrets: A
happy, use Dominate to render his victims forever unable to
Influence: Her Herd is made up of mental patients who speak about what happened. He has never fed on an animal,
have been locked away to be "healed" of their drug use. Her and would only do so under the greatest duress.
control over the health care community is pervasive, which

Chapter Four: The Kindred 93

Son took the greatest care not to let his actions come to Humanity: 0
the attention of the prince, since his games continually Willpower : 6
threatened the Masquerade. Now that Lodin is dead, he may Notes: This is an extremely sick individual and you must
well become more active. Additionally, he has contacts with be careful about how you employ him in your stories. The full
the Sabbat of other cities, and Phillipe Rigaud (see Sabbat, depth of his aberration has not yet been reached, though it is
below) has been subtly sounding him out for recruitment. likely that he will be put down long before he can ever reach
Son can be extremely charming, especially to other the full range of his plunge into depravity. On meeting him,
Kindred. However, during the upheavals of the mid-'80s, Son have the players make Humanity rolls (difficulty 9). The
killed a Caitiff via diablerie. He enjoyed the experience even more successes they roll, the more uncomfortable the charac-
more than feeding from his parents, and he desires to do it ters feel around him. If they botch, they genuinely like him.
again. Image: Son appears to be a vaguely handsome 18-year-
His chance came during the Lupine attack. While mak- old, though mortals (and some high-Humanity Cainites)
ing his own escape from the terror overwhelming the city, he tend to be put off by him. He is a little under six feet tall, with
encountered Neon, Damien's Caitiffsidekick. He offered the sandy blond hair. He dresses like a well-off preppie.
boy his protection, and Neon accepted. Son took the seven- Roleplaying Hints: Start ingratiating yourself with char-
year-old to the cellar of his backup haven in Gary, where he acters immediately upon meeting them. Praise and flatter
had the boy strip, "so the smell on the clothes won't attract them almost constantly.
H aven: He currently makes his home in a small house in
Son left with the clothes. When he returned, he had Skokie, but occasionally resides in a shelter for abused chil-
used his Obfuscate to make himself look like a Lupine. He dren there.
charged down the stairs to the basement, and grabbed the
Secrets: A-
screaming Neon by the hair. He threw the boy to the floor
Influence: Son has a number of Contacts, mainly mor-
and shackled him with the chains kept there "for just such a
tals he has abused in the past. He still retains some control
happy event."
over them, and will sometimes use them to affect the political
Son then proceeded to chewoffpartsof the boy, spitting affairs of the city. He especially likes to write notes to Ballard,
them into the dust after sucking out the last drops of vitre. He
threatening to destroy or destabilize certain businesses or halt
continued his torment for several nights, forcing the boy to
construction on certain projects if Ballard does not perform
drink from homeless people he killed in order to prolong the
some inane task. At first Ballard refused, but the results were
agony as long as possible. Right before he finally destroyed so severe that now he reluctantly agrees. This blackmail
the boy, he dropped his Obfuscate. As Neon watched with his
usually takes the form of very minor but embarrassing de-
one remaining eye, Son tore out the boy's heart and drank the
mands for Ballard to perform certain actions. It started with
last of the blood.
Son asking Ballard to put a picture ofhimself on PageTwoof
Now back in Chicago, Son awaits his next opportunity a certain newspaper, but the latest instruction was to attend
to feed on Kindred. Should Damien find out what happened, a XXX movie in the Rack, wearing nothing but a raincoat and
Son may not have another chance. wingtips. Ballard is outraged by this blackmail, and would pay
Sire: O'Leary nearly any price to find the culprit.
Nature: Bravo
Demeanor: Child Evan Klein
Generation: 8th (Raymond Falcon & many others)
Embrace: 1893 (born 1877) Raymond Falcon is a very skilled musician, just like his
Apparent Age: 18 father. Dirk MacGriff is a police officer, just like his father.
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2 Bruce Holmes is gay, just like his father. Lawrence Pierce is
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4 a doctor, just like his father. Baron Wittger is a vampire, just
like his father. And, yes, all these are the same person. Son fell
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
in love with the idea of a Cainite with multiple personalities
Talents: Acting 5, Alertness 2, Intimidation 3, Subter-
after finding Evan Klein (the original personality), who had
fuge 1
no less than 23 different people living in his head. Originally,
Skills: Etiquette 3, Firearms 1, Stealth 2 Klein had adopted these personalities to insulate himself
Knowledges: Medicine 2, Psychology 4 from the abuse he took as a child from his father.
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dominate 3, Obfuscate 3, Pres- Son became attracted to the pretty young man after
ence 3 hearing him play one night in Grant Park. He struck up a
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Influence 2, Mentor 5, Re- conversation with Raymond (Evan's personality de noir), and
sources 4 later fed on him. At that point he was amazed when Dirk
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 0, Courage 0 MacGriff tried to arrest him for the attack. Son spent the rest

94 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

of the night exploring Raymond's "roommates" and, laugh- Notes: Where Raymond has a V for a Trait, that means
ing quietly to himself, petitioned the prince for permission to it varies according to his current personality, and can be
Embrace him. This was shortly after the destruction of the anywhere from l w 5. Thus, he can tum from a charmless,
anarchs in the late '60s; Lodin, flushed with victory, was more inhuman monster to the sweetest person you ever knew. He
than happy to grant the charming young Malkavian the right carries a revolver for his Dirk MacGriff personality. A few of
to make a new vampire. his personalities are mentioned above; feel free to improvise
Since his Change, Raymond has added a large number of more if you feel the need.
new personalities to his arsenal. While characters are most Image: A very good-looking young man with red hair
likely to meet him in his role as bass guitarist with Baby and fair skin. Dress, hairstyle and makeup vary depending on
Chorus, they can run into him almost anywhere, doing personality.
almost anything. For instance, during the Lupine attack he Roleplaying Hints : Change your personality at whim
assumed the personality of a werewolf and went around and make each of them unique.
Lincoln Park, howling at the moon. The Garou left him H aven: He has several different havens, again depend-
alone. ing on personality.
Sire: Son Secrets : B+ to F, depending on personality.
Nature: Deviant Influence: Strangely enough, Raymond has made many
Demeanor: Varies friends among the mortals - people who know him under
Generation: 9th many different names and circumstances and whom he does
Embrace: 1982 (born 1950) not Dominate in any way. These include businessmen, enter-
Apparent Age: 30s tainers, cops, truck drivers and others. Almost wherever
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 Raymond goes he meets these friends, and as soon as he sees
them he changes personality to match what they expect from
Social: Charisma V, Manipulation V, Appearance 4
him. In short, he has more friends than any vampire has any
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4 , Wits 2 right to possess.
T alents: Acting 3, Alertness 2, Dodge 3, Empathy l
Skills: Drive 2, Firearms 3, Music 4, Repair l
Knowledges: Bureaucracy I, Computer l , Finance l ,
The Trinity
Investigation l , Law l , Linguistics 2, Medicine l , Politics l ,
And with his lase life-giving beac,
Science l she breathed a bitter sigh of victory
D isciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 2, Obfuscate 5, Pres- and swallowed the sob of grief.
ence 3 -Kara Chappell, Untitled
Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Fame 1 Corbin and Bronwyn lived together for most of their
Virtues: Conscience V, Self-Control V, Courage V mortal lives, and grew as close as sisters following the death
of Bronwyn's parents. Their parents had co-owned the inn
Humanity: 7
where Bronwyn, Corbin and Mr. McDonough (Corbin's
Willpower: 8
father) resided. The girls spent almost every waking moment
together. In spite of their friendship, and the pleasure they
took from each other's company, they were as different as
night and day.
Mr. McDonough was a successful landowner, but a small
Scottish village in 1454 was definitely not Corbin's idea of
the high life. Scotland had a lot to offer, as Corbin could tell
from the many travelers from Edinburgh; she had only to
acquire it. Bound and determined to learn about courtly life,
Corbin sought out the inn's nobler guests.
She ran errands for the ladies who stayed at the inn,
trying to gain their favor. Servants could and should have
handled these, but Corbin calculated that these women
would favor her with their time ifshe doted on them, and she
was right. Corbin spent many days in the rooms of these
noblewomen, listening to stories of love, deceit and chivalry
-everything that could tum a young girl's head, Corbin
learned about.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 95

She promised herself that one day she would be one of man. In her mind, changing her daily activities around him
these women. She became so practiced at questioning them would be a wonderful example of poor etiquette - one
that she could steer a conversation in the direction she Corbin was shamelessly displaying.
wanted - generally a more delicate direct ion, for Corbin Indeed, Corbin went out of her way to be around Sir
wanted to learn the art of seduction. Edward, having learned he was the younger brother of the
She knew she was pretty. The male guests had been bairn of the Warren clan, and therefore its second most
looking at her for years. She knew that this was the first step important member. She saw both money and power in her
in gaining their affection. That was why the women wore all future, and decided it was t ime to make her move.
of those trinkets that she had been collecting for years. She Nightly the two girls dined with Sir Warren and his men,
tried to look her best at all times, and carried herself the way and spent their days apart. The mere idea of Bronwyn
she saw women of title carry themselves. She learned about capturing any of the lord's attention infuriated Corbin to
acting coy from women who practiced it best, and discovered levels even she did not understand. Knowing a display of this
how alluring a shy glance could actually be. She began to anger could alienate Sir Warren, she kept it buried well, and
practice this acting daily. pretended to be in high spirits. The only one who detected
While Corbin was learning these things, Bronwyn merely any change in Corbin's behavior was Bronwyn, and even she
watched from the sidelines. She thought Corbin was a riot, could only see glimpses of the rage rolling under Corbin's
acting high-born in her scullery dress. But Bronwyn loved her skin.
best friend dearly, and tolerated her outrageous behavior. Finally, Sir Edward asked for Bronwyn's hand. Mr.
Bronwyn knew that she herself was not high-born, rich or a McDonough approved immediately, and Bronwyn accepted,
dazzling seductress; she was a beautiful young woman, though overjoyed and unable to believe she had been picked over
not in Corbin's flashier way, and was satisfied with her life. Corbin. She had always been somewhat in awe ofCorbin, but
One afternoon, when the girls were 15, Bronwyn saw a now she bubbled over with happiness.
group of riders approaching the inn on the road from A yr. She Corbin felt sick to her stomach. Everything she wanted
hid, peering out at the company. Leading the group was the had passed through her fingers - and to someone as bland
most enchanting man she had ever seen in her life. His and dull as Bronwyn! T heir friendship, already dissolving,
golden-brown hair shone with the light of the afternoon sun, broke under the strain. Corbin was smart enough not to let it
making him appear almost godlike. Fascinated by a man for show. Offering the engaged couple congratulations, she rose,
the first time in her life, she grew quietly exhilarated by the saying that she would be glad to get out the bottles of vintage
discovery that he had stopped at the inn. wine that her father had been saving for an occasion such as
As Bronwyn began making preparations for the evening this.
meal, Corbin rushed in, wearing one of her finest dresses and On the way to the cellar where the wine was kept, her
as many trinkets as she could. She informed Bronwyn that she mind was furiously at work, trying to fashion some way of
had been invited by Sir Edward Warren to join him and his becoming Sir Edward's bride. Placing her hand around the
men for dinner, and would not be able to help serve. Bronwyn neck of the bottle, a thought so startling came to mind that
accepted this news as calmly as she could, and continued to she almost dropped the bottle. What she could do was so
prepare for dinner. simple, it was almost frightening.
Later, when everyone was through dining, Sir Warren Carrying the bottles back to the kitchen, she could hear
asked Bronwyn to join them. Corbin's look told her not to them making plans in the dining room. They were to leave on
and, normally, Bronwyn would have recoiled from Corbin's the morrow for Castle Warren, where they would announce
wrath. This time, however, it was as if she could not say no. the plans for the wedding. Corbin poured the wine into fine
Sir Edward rose, asked one of his men to move down, and glasses, separating the couple's from the rest. In the goblet
placed Bronwyn at his right. Corbin, on Sir Edward's left, that was to be Bronwyn's, she placed quite a bit oflaudanum,
quietly seethed. purchased on a lark from foreign traders. In Sir Edward's she
Corbin relaxed as the conversation continued. She placed just enough to make him incoherent.
excitedly discussed gossip she had heard from traveling She returned to the dining area with the tray of drinks,
ladies. Unfortunately, Sir Edward and his men had seen and talking about how happy she was for the couple, and could
heard quite enough catty gossip, and her conversation put a she make the first toast for them to drink? She offered hope
damper on an otherwise enjoyable evening. When Sir War- that the couple would live long and prosperous lives, and that
ren asked Bronwyn questions about herself, she replied in they would have every happiness that life could possibly give
reserved, tranquil tones that fascinated the man even more. them. And so the toasting began.
Sir Warren and his men stayed on the next day, claiming After a few more drinks, Corbin ret ired, claiming ex-
continued fatigue from their long journey. The extra day haustion from such an exciting evening. She went upstairs
stretched into weeks. Bronwyn continued to do the things and sneaked into Sir Edward's room. She waited for him in
she had always done, not wanting to appear smitten by this the giant armoire her father had been so considerate to put
there for the guests. About an hour later, she heard someone

96 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

joking about Bronwyn becoming tipsy from the festivities. Sir He told her he had seen her every night for the last few
Edward said he too was feeling the effects of the wine he had days, and asked her why she cried so often and so hard. She
drunk, and bid his friends goodnight. told him her story; after she had finished, he offered her his
Corbin waited until she heard the first of his snores and hospitality, smiling slightly. For the next week his servant fed
then sneaked out of her hiding place. She quietly walked over and clothed her, but she did not see him again until seven
to the bed, and with a gentle voice she had been mimicking days later, when he appeared right before she went to sleep.
for years, spoke to him. She told him that she was excited He told her that after all of her pain and suffering, she
about their wedding, and had been unable to return to sleep. deserved some sort of compensation. He could give her all
She wanted to spend some time with her husband-to-be - that and more, and all she had to do was accept the gift he
alone. He protested, saying that it would not be proper, but offered her. He told her of undeath and all of its benefits, and
she hushed him easily with a kiss. praised his peaceful existence. Moved by his words, and the
She continued on, and on. After mere moments of such idea of tranquillity, she accepted at once.
sweet ecstasy he was unable to control himself, and took her Bronwyn and Bryan spent almost five years in the
virginity before he even realized he had done so. Shortly Highlands. They fed together, making a game of finding the
thereafter he passed out, while Corbin slept with a smile of most undesirable wretches around, and competed in their
contentment on her face. hunt. They were perfect companions for each other, and
The next morning, when Corbin's father came to wake reveled in each other's company.
Sir Edward, he discovered his daughter in bed with him. The Many nights they discussed the temptation of revenge.
ensuing uproar woke everyone in the inn, including Bronwyn. Bronwyn was sure Corbin was living exactly the life she
She went to the source of the noise, and gasped at what she desired, and it bothered her endlessly. The temptress did not
saw. Sir Edward saw !her as tears streamed down her face. As deserve to be happy with the man she had stolen. With every
he reached out for her, he and everyone around saw the blood passing day, the idea of revenge bloomed larger and larger.
on the bed. Finally Bronwyn told her sire that she must leave. She would
In a rage, Corbin's father said that the only wedding that return soon, but the time for reckoning had come.
would take place would be between his daughter and Sir She took a room near Castle Warren, and hired a
Edward, and that it would take place that very afternoon. seamstress to create the most exquisite gown for her. Then
Corbin smiled sweetly at Bronwyn. Bronwyn looked at the she sent a messenger to the castle to tell its inhabitants she
both of them once more, and decreed that if there were truly would be visiting them the next night, and prepared for her
a God, he would curse their lives so completely that both triumph.
would wish they had never been born. With that, she turned Upon arriving at the castle, Bronwyn's first thought was
and fled the inn, never to be seen again. of how it should have been hers. The second thought was that
The wedding took place as demanded and the band of no matter what was said or done, Corbin was going to pay-
travelers left the inn. Corbin could hardly contain her a thought reinforced when she saw her old friend sitting next
excitement, though it seemed as though no one wanted to to Edward.
talk to her, and she could not understand why. What was the
big deal? After all, a bride was a bride.
She was taken to the castle, introduced to everyone,
given her own suite of rooms, all the clothes and jewels she
could possibly want, and left to entertain herself. She took
her place by her husband's side during social functions and
when it was approprmate, but that was all. He never came to
her bed.

Bronwyn's Tale
Meanwhile, Bronwyn wandered into the Highlands,
half mad with pain and hunger. She spent hours at a time
crying and talking to herself. She spent even more time
cursing Corbin's very existence. One night she heard a noise
in the brush. Not afraid of animals, and knowing better than
to run, she sat silently, waiting.
After a while, she again began to cry. She sat there with
her head down, sobbing, when she heard a slow, calm voice.
It told her that she need not cry any longer, for it could take
all of her pain and sorrow away. A man sat down next to her,
and introduced himself as Bryan.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 97

She smiled when she saw how the members of the coun man she had loved. She looked at Corbin, so close to death's
ignored Corbin. She smiled even more when she saw the door. She thought ofCorbin's awakentng and the anguish she
amount of weight Corbin had gained. Corbin thought would suffer, and smiled. Wtth that, she went off tnto the
Bronwyn was smiling so widely out of joy at seeing her again. night.
She did not realize that Bronwyn had changed so much. Bronwyn returned to Bryan, and told him all that had
Bronwyn exchanged pleasantries with the couple, and occurred at the castle. She then told him she had to leave
told them she was traveling to London to be with her Scod and. She wanted to experience new and exciting things.
betrothed. The slightest wince crossed Edward's face; one Most of all, she wanted to find h appiness in another land-
that both of the women saw. Bronwyn delighted in the happiness that had eluded her at home.
knowledge that Edward still loved her, but kept the joy well Bryan looked at her sadly; hts eyes were so full of remorse
hidden. Corbin did not react either, showing only the barest and sorrow that she knew what he was going to say before he
glimpse of jealousy before masking it. They talked for a shon opened his mouth. He could not leave his home, he said; he
while before Corbin began indicating her boredom, and did not think he could survtve anywhere else. Bromvyn left
Bronwyn returned to the inn. with a heavy heart.
The next night she prepared herself, looking even more She spent several centuries in England and Europe,
alluring than she had the night before. She arrived at the discovering Kindred politics and rapidly acquiring a distaste
expected time, and the evening progressed smoothly. Corbin for them. She helped the Lancaster forces during the War of
tried to make comments that would put Bronwyn on her the Roses, but left for France shortly after their victory. She
guard and ruin her evening. In tum, Bronwyn casually regularly socialized with nobility. It amused her to think she
remarked that the couple had been married for five years with was now living the life that Corbin had always wanted, and
no hint of children. Was there the chance that Corbin could she was doing it without having to succumb to the will of
not h ave children! Bronwyn accompanied her words wtth some man.
the sweetest of smiles. Bronwyn became increasmgly aware of the tension
The smile became less sweet when Edward came over to building among the Kindred and kine of Europe in the 18th
her chair to escort her to the dining room. When she stood century. She returned to Scotland and convinced Bryan to
up, she took hold of Edward with a strength that surprised travel to America with her. He did, but returned to Scotland
him. She told Corbin that she had waited a long time for this in the late 19th century, and Bronwyn traveled on her own
moment, and she was going to enjoy it. She looked at Edward for another 100 years before deciding to setde in Chicago.
with a look oflove so strong that it shocked him. She told him She found the city exciting and fascinating. Its mortals
that she had forgiven him for the mistake he had made, and were busy and energetic, and its Ktndred were complex and
that she had always wanted the best for him. stimulating. She decided to be as discreet as posstble, and to
She then proceeded to kiss him thoroughly and pass ton· watch the city grow. On the advice ofa friend tn Los Angeles,
ately. He looked happier in that moment than he had stnce she secredy met with the prince and got his permission to
the day before his wedding. Bronwyn stopped, looked him in settle in the city. She helped Ballard in his final efforts to
the eyes again, and said she was sorry. Sh e told Corbin and destroy Gary's steel industry, and Lodin agreed to keep her
that she was going to take him back now, and she hoped presence a secret.
Corbin was woman enough to deal with it. She bit deeply into In 1972 she established the Blue Velvet with the aid of
Edward's neck, and drank from the man she had loved more a ghoul supplied by her friend on theW est Coast. She wanted
than life. She drank until she thought she could drink no eventually to befriend all the undead in the city, but she also
more, and continued to drink even after that. Then she set wanted to remain anonymous until she was sure that she
him down as gently as she could. would be accepted in the manner to which she had become
Corbin had not moved or made a sound during the entire accustomed. She knew that she could not just pop up and
episode. She continued to stare at Bronwyn even after command respect. Lodin's death and the city's subsequent
Edward's body rested on the fl oor. Then Bronwyn told her upheaval have led her to believe that now may be the time to
that it was not enough to have taken Corbin's trophy from appear, for there are fewer to compete with her. Her destre to
her. She knew the family would let h er stay at the castle and emerge has been heightened by the sudden reappearance of
keep her position. That was the last thing Bronwyn was going her sire immediately after the Lupine attack.
to allow to happen. Sire: Bryan
She looked Corbin in the eye and told her she deserved Nature: Survivor
what was going to happen to her more than anyone Bronwyn Demeanor: Bon V tvant
ever hoped to know. She then gripped Corbin and drank her
Generation: 8th
blood until she felt the spark of ltfe leave the body. She gave
Embrace: 1452 (born 1437)
Corbin just enough of her own blood to Change her, and
dropped her on the floor next to her dead husband. She Apparent Age: Late teens
looked at Edward's corpse and felt a huge stab of grief for the

98 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

P hysical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4 only the blood. The healer hurried to fulfill her wishes,
Social: C harisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4 meanwhile warning away everyone else in the castle. Corbin
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 drank the second bowl; only then did she recover enough
T alents: Athletics I, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Empathy 3, strength to see her husband's body. She looked at the corpse
Leadership 2, Subterfuge 2 and promised herself that one day Bronwyn would pay.
Skills: Animal Ken l, Etiquette 4, Survival 3 Corbin did not fully understand what had happened to
her, and knew only that she craved more blood. She began to
Knowledges: Finance 3, Linguistics 3, Politics 3
walk to the kitchen, and saw one of the servants' ch ildren
Disciplines: Animalism I, Auspex 5, Dominate 3, For- playing under the stairs. Corbin had always regretted the fact
titude l, Obfuscate 4, Protean 2 that she had not been able to secure her position at the castle
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 3, Mentor 3, Re- by giving Edward children. She called the child over to her.
sources 5, Retainers 2 When she bent down to hug the child, an irresistible urge to
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 4 bite him overcame her, and that is exactly what she did.
Humanity: 7 Feeling immediately better, she placed the body under
W illpower: 8 the stairs, and continued on. She passed another child, and
N otes: Bronwyn's Derangement manifests as an intense snatched him up immediately, hiding the body in a storage
suspicion of those who try to become close to her. The more room. Returning to her room, she found the healer still there,
friendly someone is, the less she trusts him. There have been mystified by Corbin's rapid recovery. When she inquired,
a few exceptions to this, but not many. Second , she becomes Corbin ordered her out of her room. She lay down to think
extremely fixated on someone she believes has wronged her, and slept as the sun rose
and goes to any extreme for revenge. Basically, she has the She awoke the next evening to a tumultuous uproar. The
typical vampiric paranoia, but taken to an extreme. She has healer stood in her room, warning everyone away. She told
an especial distrust of females. Corbin that she knew what type of illness had overtaken her,
Image: Bronwyn has a small build and weighs about 115 and that the only cure was death. Corbin laughed at her and
pounds. She is 5' 7" and has dark-brown, waist-length hair. said that she had never felt better. Perhaps, she continued,
Roleplaying Hints: You want to make friends with the person wh o had to die was the healer herself, so that she
everyone, but arc wary of everyone as well. You have a could not spread any more of her lies. With that, she attacked
tendency to distrust women, but allow them the opportunity the healer. The crowd at her door shrank back in horror as she
to prove themselves. tore out the o ld woman's throat. Then Corbin commanded
H aven : Bronwyn has a house on the west side of the city; them to stand back, and she left the castle.
though she rarely stays there, she keeps most of her valuables Unsure of what to do next, and completely disoriented,
therein. She has an apartment below the Blue Vcivet, though she spent years in the Scottish Highlands, attacking travelers
only she and Ian know of its ex istence. and stealing their belongings. She amassed a great deal of
Secrets: B+ wealth, occasionally visiting Edinburgh to invest it and gaze
upon the life denied her.
Influence: Bronwyn has kept a very low profile in
Chicago - so low that she and Corbin have not encountered By the 20th century she had learned quite a bit about
one another. Still, many Kindred like her club and would business and finance, acquiring t ips from the men she used.
enjoy meeting her. She also has large sums of money invested She developed a passion for stockbrokers, for their blood was
around the world, but does not know how to usc her wealth so much thicker than that of the average businessman. She
to best effect. learned financiers' little secrets, and had great fun persuading
men to try to accumulate more and more.
Corbin's Tale Over the centuries, she convinced several wealthy men
W hen Corbin awoke, she noticed the court standing of her unfailing love, got them to marry her, had them leave
around her, staring at her as if they could not believe she were everything to her in their wills, and then dispensed with
still alive. The second thing she noticed was how very weak them. Only th reats from other Kindred forced her to move
she felt. She waved everyone away, allowing only the old on. W hen she did so, she picked up a map, c losed her eyes,
healer to stay. Corbin demanded the o ld woman feed her, but and pointed to the place she would next visit- Ch icago.
the healer told her that a weak broth was all Corbin should She bought a mansion in north Chicago, and decorated
eat. it in the most expensive way she knew how. She became a
Corbin cursed the old woman, saying she wan ted blood part of all the happenings in town. She quickly made friends
pudding and she wanted it now. The healer fetched it with the better Kindred, and within a year had become an
immediately. Corbin started to eat, but then tossed every- integral part of the city.
thing out of the bowl and drank the blood ~s the healer stared Sire: Bronwyn
in horror. The color came back to Corbin's face, and she Nature: Fanatic
called for another bowl. This bowl, however, was to contain Demeanor: Judge

Chapter Four: The Kindred 99

H aven: A mansion in north Chicago.
Secrets: B
Influence: Corbin has investments all over the world,
but has yet to play much of a role in Chicago's financial
community. She has been happily welcomed into the Kin-
dred society of Chicago, and most vampires listen to her, for
she seems to be the sanest Malkavian they have met. She has
begun eyeing a seat on the primogen.

Bryan's Tale
Bandits slew Bryan's wife and chi ldren as he stood by
helplessly. T hen they turned on him. Bryan was barely alive
when the old woman appeared before him, explaining what
she had done and what he could expect during the rest of his
existence. Then she took off into the wilds.
Bryan quickly became used to his new existence. The
first time the hunger got really bad, he enlisted the aid of his
family's caretaker, hunted down the men who had slain his
family, and fed on their sweet blood. The caretaker contin-
ued serving Bryan, as have his children and his children's
Generation: 9th
Embrace: 1457 (born 1437)
Bryan was a simple vampire. He reveled in the sheer joy
Apparent Age: Early 20s
of existence. He spent many decades walking in the nearby
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5 forests, painted, and lived a solitary life- extremely solitary,
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4 for Bryan discovered he could not abide any companionship.
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 During one of his nightly walks, he heard what sounded
Talents: Acting 4, Brawl 4, Dodge 2, Intimidation 3, like a young girl sobbing bitterly along the banks of a river he
Subterfuge 5 loved to visit. He listened to her for a while, but did nothing.
Skills: Etiquette 4, Melee 2, Music 2, Stealth 3, SUIVival3 The next night he returned to the riverbank, and she was still
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Finance 4, Investigation 1, there. She was silent now, but was staring out across the river
Linguistics 1, Politics 3 as if she had absolutely no one in the world. She still talked
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Dominate 5, Obfuscate 2, Po- to herself, albeit somewhat more coherently than she had the
tence 2, Presence 4 night before.
Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Herd 2, Resources 5, Retain- This continued for several nights before Bryan felt a
ers 3, Status 2 change come over him, and he began to listen even more
intently. He approached her as quietly as he could. As soon
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control3, Courage 3
as he was close, he began speaking in a voice that he generally
Humanity: 1
reserved for wild animals. She calmed down the more he
Willpower: 7
talked to her. It occurred to him that someone who had
Notes: Corbin's dementia manifests in extreme fixa- suffered so much might well benefit from the Embrace.
tions. If something (or someone) strikes her interest, she will Before Bronwyn, he had not realized how lonely he had
spare no effort to acquire it. become. She brought a freshness to his existence that had not
Image: She is 5'4", 130 lbs., and extremely flamboyant been there in years. Then, five years after her Embrace, she
in makeup and dress. She has very thin, very fine, pale-blond announced that it was time for her to exact her revenge. He
hair that she wears about shoulder length. Her eyes are a unhappily bid her adieu, but she returned less than one week
murky brown. Most men find her attractive in a cheap sort of later. She had gotten her revenge, and wanted to leave
way. Scotland. It broke her heart when he had to tell her that there
Roleplaying Hints: You care about one thing- your- was no possible way he could go. He had never left home, and
self. You will do or say anything to get what you want, and do did not want to.
not care who gets hurt along the way. His unlife settled into the routine that it had been
before. It did seem to be less of an unlife than it had been, but

100 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

he still did not want to leave. Several hundred years passed for The man simply looked at him and told him he had absolutely
him in this manner, and he took every night in stride. Then no idea what Bryan was talking about. Bewildered, Bryan told
Bronwyn reappeared. Bryan had not seen the sun in years, but the man that he had traveled from Scotland to see Bronwyn,
her reappearance reminded him of everything he had been and told the man that he was staying at the Four Seasons. The
missing. When she again asked him to travel with her, he man shrugged and Bryan walked away.
accepted. At a loss for what to do, he decided to spend the
They traveled to America. Bryan was astonished at the remainder of his evening looking at American art. At the
size and bustle of their new home. Bronwyn said it was called museum, he noticed others like himself. Amazed, he talked
New York City. He loved it, but was horrified to find it under to several of them, and found out that the Blue Velver was a
the control of a horrid group of vampires called the Sabbat. Kindred favorite.
The two left New York and traveled all over the conti- Suddenly he heard a loud and screechingly obnoxious
nent. He thought he had found happiness in the Florida Keys, voice on the other side of the room. He turned to see a young
where he felt more at home than he had since he had left blond woman, entourage ofadmirers in tow, walking through
Scotland. The peace that filled his soul was stronger than the museum. He heard one of them call out her name -
anything he had ever experienced. The warm weather and Corbin.
moonlit ocean enthralled him for years, but as the days He raced back to his room, where he found a message
passed, he began to m iss his homeland even more than he had from Bronwyn, and a telephone number. He phoned her and
before. explained why he had come to town. He told her that he truly
He returned to Scotland, and although he missed wanted to see her the next evening. She explained that Ian
Bronwyn, he knew that this was what he needed after such a was her lookout, and tomorrow evening when he arrived, he
journey. He stayed there for years before the wanderlust hit would be shown directly to her. He hung up and retired to his
him again. There was still an entire world that he had not bed in eager anticipation.
seen, and he left with in three days of making this decision. He Sire: Unknown
did not return home for almost 15 years, and when he did Nature: Cavalier
there were countless letters from Bronwyn wanting to know Demeanor: Loner
why he had not contacted her in so very long. He did not reply
Generation: 7th
to any of these letters, but caught the next plane to Chicago.
Embrace: 1424 (born 1389)
When he arrived in Chicago, he sought out the return
address on the letters. It was a nightclub called the Blue Apparent Age: Mid-30s
Velvet. Bryan could not believe that this was the correct Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6
address, and went to the door to ask the man there about her. Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
Men tal: Perception 6, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
T alents: Alertness 3, Brawl4, Dodge 3, Empathy 2
Skills: Animal Ken 4, Etiquette 1, Firearms 1, Music 1,
Painting 4, Repair 1, Stealth 4, Survival 5
Knowledges: Investigation 2, Linguistics 5, Occult 2
Disciplines: Animalism 4, Auspex 5, Celerity 2, Domi-
nate 4, Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 6
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Herd 3, Retainers 2, Status 2
Virtues: (manic phase/depressive phase) Conscience 1,
Self-Control 1/3, Courage 4/2
Humanity: 2
Willpower: 8
Notes: Bryan suffers from extreme bouts of manic-
depression. For years he will be on a perpetual high, constantly
active and excited. Then, for an even longer period of time,
he will despise all company. Only Bronwyn has been able to
pierce his gloom, but even she has not been able to keep him
happy for long.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 10l

Image: He is tall, about 6' 2", and lean. He has curly, friendly and threatening. After all, you don't want people to
shoulder-length hair and usually dresses tastefully but casu- dislike you, but you do want them to leave you alone.
ally. He has a very deep voice, which attracts attention unless Haven: The Blue Velvet.
he tries to be quiet. Secrets: D
Roleplaying H ints : You arc quiet, but when someone I nfluence: None.
engages you in conversation, you do your best to appear both

Bryan (7tb)

I (8tb)
Bronwyn O'Leary (7dl)
Corbin (9th) Son
I (Ada)
Ben Smith (D)
Lateland (D) Raya~oad Falcon (ftll)
Moo Cheri (D) D = Disappeared

102 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

The Nosferatu was once the most unified clan in Chi- the world, looking for a path to peace. However, every time
cago, but no more. Many of its members were destroyed in the he came close to Golconda, the vicious side ofhis personality,
Lupine attack, and the remainder have few common inter- heightened by his vampiric Beast, sent him spiraling down in
ests. Khalid, who used to serve as their leader and who had a frenzy of violence and despair.
earned the trust of all the Sewer Rats, can no longer bring He arrived in Chicago shortly after the Great Fire of
them together. Indeed, he suspects that there are far more 1871, searching for an lnconnu who was said to have shown
Nosferatu in the city then even he knows. other Cainites ("those of flame and fury") the path to
Golconda. While he never found this lnconnu, he did find
Kbalid himself involved in the city's turbulent political scene, and
Khalid al-Rashid was one of the few Moslem leaders who chose to back Lodin after learning of Maxwell's violent
deserved the bloody-handed reputation that the Crusaders nature. Since then, his support for Lodin has lessened, and it
tried to pin on all Arabs. His appetite for atrocity was rivaled was his vote in the primogen that led the group to try to
by few, even in an age of cruel men who slew and tortured in overthrow the prince in the mid-'80s.
the name of their gods. Indeed, it was just this appetite that The flood of his underground kingdom came as a shock
first drew the attention of a few Cainites to Khalid. T he to him. Like many Nosferatu, Khalid had established a
Crusades, held before the Inquisition and the imposition of civilization under the streets of Chicago, populated by the
the Masquerade, brought many Kindred to the Holy Land. outcasts and unfortunate. The flood killed many of them.
Battles always leave !harvests for those who feed upon blood. Khalid survived it easily, but has no idea what really caused
Aside from those who came for the bloody feast, some it.
Kindred were ideologically committed to one side or the It did cause him to reevaluate his position in the city,
other. Among these was Alexius, a Byzantine Nosferatu - however, and he has become more active. While he used to
and former prelate of the Eastern Orthodox Church - who hide his presence, most Kindred now know who he is. He was
believed the only way to free the Holy Land was to corrupt the one of the few Cainites to play an active role in defending the
Islamic leaders just as he had been corrupted. Khalid was his city when the Lupines came, and he killed a number of them.
first victim. The destruction left him extremely dissatisfied, and he is
Khalid went berserk upon discovering what he had afraid he may well have done his soul irreparable harm. Now
become. The first victims of his rage were his own men, who he casts about for a way to redeem himself.
came to his tent to see what was wrong. Khalid fled into the Indeed, Khalid has recently become less interested in
desert, where he would have died but for the intervention of the Machiavellian maneuverings in the city, and has begun
a reclusive Jewish hermit, who dragged Khalid's body away to think about seeking Golconda in some more tranquil place
from the sun's killing rays and into the cool darkness of his - an act which would throw the delicate balance of the
cave. Khalid stayed there for a month, feeding on the hermit's primogen into chaos. It is unlikely that he will leave in the
sheep and studying the Kabbala, an ancient form of Jewish near future, though, for he is fascinated by the war between
mysticism. When Khalid was ready to leave this sanctuary he the two Methuselahs. He understands that in some small way
had been transformed, and went forth to make whatever he holds the wild card in this game, and that when the time
peace he could with the world. is right he might be able to influence its result. Thus he waits,
He began his quest by visiting various Islamic mystical and tries to learn more of what is going on.
sects, where he found others of his kind who told him of a
state known as Golconda. For six centuries Khalid wandered

Chapter Four: The Kindred 103

Notes: Khalid's two extra levels of Obfuscate allow him
to conceal non-living objects of great importance to him
{like his haven), and to continue his concealment of people,
places and things even when he is not present. If he believes
he is about to enter combat, he will carry his ancient sword
(does two more dice damage than a normal sword).
Image: Not only does he have the naturally horrific
appearance of the Nosferatu, but he has never healed the
scars he received from the sun on his first day as a vampire. He
keeps them as an eternal reminder of his violent nature.
Roleplaying Hints : Speak mysteriously and in parables,
unless you are sure you can trust your audience - a rare
H aven: Khalid currently makes his haven in a large cave
just nonh of Evanston.
Secrets: A+
Influence: He has a great deal of subtle influence over
the Kindred of Chicago. He knows almost everything that
goes on in this vast metropolis - at least, everything that
He can no longer feed on animals, but still tries to limit
his hunting among humans. He is a Cunctator, and takes no Tammy Walenski
more than one or rwo Blood Points from any one vessel. He
Peter and Tammy grew up in a lower-middle-class immi-
usually confines his drinking to the city's down-and-out,
grant neighborhood in South Chicago. Outwardly, theirs
making him particularly susceptible to diseases.
appeared a normal family, but like far too many in America,
Morality is very important to Khalid, but it does not
it hid a dark secret of pain, humiliation and sadism. Not a
come naturally to him. His rage continually bubbles to the
week went by without the children's drunken parents finding
surface and drives him to commit actions he later regrets.
an excuse - any excuse- to punish the two. The marks left
Over the centuries, he has desperately tried to gain control of
by the punishments included enormous welts and scars from
his violent emotions, but has never succeeded.
belts and straps; cigarette bums on arms, legs, and torsos;
Sire: Alexius broken bones; concussions; and more bruises than either
Nature: Visionary child could ever count.
Demeanor: Loner In 1950, when Peter was 13 and Tammy was 12, they
Generation: 6th found the first comfort of their lives in each other's arms. For
Embrace: 11 9 1 (born 1149) a year, the continuous punishments they suffered meant little
Apparen t Age: Can't tell to them as long as they had each other. However, one night
Physical: Strength 7, Dexterity 6, Stamina 6 at the end of that year, the two were five minutes late coming
home. When they entered their home, their parents locked
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0
Peter in a closet, uttering dire threats about the punishment
Men tal: Perception 7, Intelligence 4, Wits 6
that awaited him. Then they beat Tammy for two hours
T alents: Alertness 3, Brawl6, Dodge 5, Intimidation 4, before passing out in a drunken stupor.
Leadership 5, Streetwise 6, Subterfuge 4
Tammy crawled to the closet and let Peter out. Peter
Skills: Firearms 4, Melee 7, Stealth 7, Survival4 helped Tammy outside. Then Peter emptied his parents'
Knowledges: Linguistics 5, Occult 3, Politics 2, T heol- entire liquor cabinet outside their room and coated the
ogy 2 hallway that led to the front door. Then he lit a match.
Disciplines: Animalism 4, Auspex 4, Celerity 2, Forti· The children watched the fire from the sidewalk in front
rude 2, Obfuscate 7, Potence 4, Thaumaturgy 2 (Spirit of the house. They stood so close the heat slowly melted their
Thaumaturgy 1) shirt buttons. They heard their father screaming for help, and
Backgrounds : Retainers 3, Status 4 then there was nothing. A minute later, they became aware
Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 1, Courage 5 of a presence behind them.
Humanity: 2 Khalid had been watching the two children for almost
Willpower: 10 five years. Their suffering had both fascinated and repulsed
him. He had reached the conclusion that he must Embrace
them, both to save them and to preserve their pain for
eternity - for he would never Change anyone who had a

104 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

hope of a full and peaceful morral life, only those who would Apparent Age: Young teenager
be enriched by the gift of becoming Nosferatu. In these two Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
abused children, he had seen just such potential. He had been Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0
unsure, until now. Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Both children had found new strength through the Talents: Alertness 4, BrawlS, Dodge 4, Streetwise 1
events of the past years; such strength, born of agony and
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Drive 2, Firearms 1, Stealth 4
love, could not be allowed to die. He brought the two
children to his haven, and spoke softly to them. Within a few Knowledges: Chicago 4, Occult 3
hours they had accepted his gift. Disciplines: Animalism 1, Obfuscate 4, Potence 5,
They lived with Khalid for several more weeks as they Thaumaturgy 2 (Spirit Thaumaturgy 1)
discovered their new abilities. However, they constantly Backgro unds: Mentor 4, Retainers 2
roamed by their o ld home during their nocturnal journeys Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 0, Courage 5
and, finally, returned there to sleep in the basement of the Humanity: l
burned-out shell. The ghosts of their mother and father Willpower: 10
haunted the ruins, and neighbors, developers and others gave Image: A 4' 5" Nosferatu. She still likes to wear cheap
the eerie lot wide berth. jewelry and d resses from her days as a mortal.
Not so the werewolves. Attracted by the unnatural Roleplaying Hints: You are quickly going insane. You
presence of the spirits, a pack descended on the haven when had thought yourself free of your past, but now it has come
Peter was home alone. When T ammy returned, she found back with a vengeance. You look and act scared, and are
only the barest traces of her beloved brother littering the becoming suicidally depressed.
floor, and the spirits of her parents howling with glee. Now Haven: Their old house.
Peter is one of them, a ghost bound to the dead house, and
Secrets: B •
theirs to torment for eternity.
Influence: What little she had through Khalid is gone.
Even now, Tammy cannot abandon her brother. She
She had been learning to manipulate the spirit plane through
will do anything to help him, but doesn't know how. Khalid
her parents' ghosts, but Peter's death has changed that. She
has promised his aid, but has yet to come through for them.
no longer finds herself able to control them, and is horrified
Should someone offer help, Tammy would be eternally in his
by the way they treat the ghost of Peter.
gratitude, for the situation is rapidly driving her mad.
The ghosts of her parents are unaffected by physical
Sire: Khalid
attacks and have the equivalent of Dominate 5 with seven
Nature: Child dice, no matter what the attack. They also have a "touch"
Demeanor: Fanatic attack that allows them to drain Willpower. They attack with
Generation: 7th seven dice against the victim's Wits + Dodge. Each success
Embrace: 1950 (born 1938) drains one point of Willpower from the victim. If the victim
has Fortitude, the drain can be resisted by a Courage +
Fortitude ro ll (difficulty 9). For every success, one fewer
Willpower point is lost. Peter's ghost has not evidenced any
such powers.

Nathaniel Bordruff
For years, Nathaniel fought the demons and devils that
plagued the good people of New O rleans. An evangelist in
the Church of Christ and the most feared vampire hunter in
Louisiana during the 1920s, he managed to slay five of the
city's Kindred during the span of a few years. Pride managed
to worm its way into his bosom and replace faith, however,
and Nathaniel finally met his match in the bayous.
In the swamps, a crafty old Nosferatu trapped him in a
deserted shack. As a joke, the Nosferatu turned the dread
vampire hunter into that which he most despised, subse·
quently depositing him outside a Church of Christ revival.
None of the worshippers survived Nathaniel's waking frenzy.
At first Nathaniel tried to atone for his actions by using
his newfound powers to continue his war against the undead,
but it was not the same. There was no one to appreciate his

Chapter Four: The Kindred 105

theatrics and praise him for his bravery, and he quickly Embrace: 1926 (born 1891)
discovered the weaknesses of his new form and the true power Apparent Age: Can't tell
of the older Cainites. He fled New Orleans with the prince's Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5
hellhounds baying at his heels. Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 0
During the years that followed, N athaniel has learned a Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
great deal of patience, but his hatred of vampires has contin-
T alents: Acting 4, Alertness 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 3,
ued to fester. After a disastrous encounter with the Sabbat in
Intimidation 1, Leadership 1, Subterfuge 4
New York during the late '60s, he fled west to Chicago, then
just recovering from its battles between the prince and the Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms I, Melee 4, Stealth 2,
anarchs. Seeing which way the wind was blowing, he joined Survival!
Lodin's forces and helped to destroy several surviving anarchs. Knowledges: Investigation 2, Linguistics 2, Occult 3,
Lodin was delighted with Nathaniel's help and promoted Theology 4
him into the society of elders. Disciplines: Animalism 1, Dominate 3, Obfuscate 4,
Soon thereafter N athaniel was approached by Khalid Potence 4, Thaumaturgy 1 (Neptune's Might I)
and initiated into the ways of the city's Nosferatu. After a Backgrounds: Mentor 3, Resources 4, Retainers 4,
very special private tour of the city, in which he was shown Status 3
the evil that Lodin had created, Khalid asked him to help Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 0, Courage 3
keep tabs on the prince. Nathaniel happily assisted both H umanity: 0
Khalid and Lodin, and became quite skilled at playing both Willpower: 8
ends against each other. Image: A tall, gaunt Nosferatu.
He was careful to be out of town when Maldavis made Roleplaying Hints : Speak slyly and try to get the
her bid for power, and very quick to return when the primogen characters on your side. Then destroy them.
fell in behind Lodin once again - just in time, in fact, to help
H aven: Nathaniel resides in the basement of a dilapi-
the prince clean out some of the last anarchs. While both
dated Church of Christ church on the South Side.
Lodin and Khalid counted the old vampire hunter among
Secrets: B+
their allies, nothing would have given him more pleasure
than to kill them both. Influence: His Retainers are the janitor, pastor and
organist of the local Church of Christ, whom he has conned
He tried this through a well-timed flood, which he
into helping him. They have never actually seen him - at
hoped would flush both out into the open during the day.
least not that they can remember- but a ll have heard a voice
Both managed to survive the flood, but neither found out
that speaks of "the true path." Through them, he has ex-
who was behind the attack. Now the Lupine assault has taken
tended his control into a number ofevangelical congregations
the pleasure of killing Lodin from him, but it has also given
in the Chicago area. With his help, the pastor has lost his
him a new plan.
The princeship is open, and Nathaniel is just the candi-
date to take over the job. He has begun flattering Khalid in
hopes of gaining his support, and has sounded out some of the
other members of the primogen. Of course, once he was in
power, they would be the first to go. Then Nathaniel would
be free to reveal the vampire threat to the entire world, and
receive the honors he is due.
It should be noted that N athaniel's hatred for the
undead does not imply any mercy or compassion for the
living. Nathaniel is among the most cold-blooded vampires
any character could meet. Unlike the other Nosferatu,
Nathaniel has no special loyalty to his clan, harboring only
hatred for all his kind. At one point Nathaniel began creating
his own brood to take over the city, but killed them all when
it appeared they may have been discovered. He fears that one
of his childer may have created progeny of her own, and that
these neonates still hide in Chicago's sewers.
Sire: Virginia
N ature: Fanatic
Demeanor: Director
Generation : 8th

106 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

stutter and become quite a good speaker; he has even started He awoke in the Nosferatu's cave, where the monster
a Sunday television show, which Nathaniel is only beginning explained its nature to Cedrick, and told him the school had
to explo it. And, yes, Nathaniel feeds on them all. been a haven for something called a Malkavian. It was this
Malkavian who had been stalking Cedrick, and who had
Cedrick Calhoun been stalked in turn by Tom my the Nosferatu.
T he Calhoun family had long been a mainstay of south- G lad to be free of the school, and growing re laxed in
ern Illino is politics, but in Cedrick's generation it appeared Tommy's presence, Cedrick stayed with the Nosferatu in-
such duties would fall solely to his younger brother. After all, stead of returning to civilization. The two traveled through
how could a person born with withered limbs, cleft lips and the Rockies, with Cedrick looking out forTom my during the
other handicaps hope to have any success in the public arena? day and moving about at night.
In fact, the senior Calhoun (Cedrick's uncle) decided it Then Cedrick discovered T om my's real goal. His master
would be best for all concerned if Cedrick were sent away to called himself a diabo list, and he sought older vampires, like
a special school - in Colorado. So Cedrick was packed off the Malkavian, so he could kill them and d rink their blood.
and locked away. For all his other handicaps, Cedrick's mind Cedrick helped him, first as a ghoul and, when he grew to full
remained as sharp and clear as ever. The school was little maturity, as a fellow Nosferatu. T heir escapades continued
more than a jail, and the only education it gave Cedrick was until they encountered a Gangrel archon of the Camarilla.
a lesson in bitterness and hate. The GangreU slaughtered Tommy and Cedrick o nly barely
The school lay in the Rocky Mountains, far from its escaped.
nearest neighbors. It took Cedrick a year to plan his breakout, With no where to turn and the Camarilla on his tail,
and more than two years to stockpile his supplies. When the Cedrick fled back to southern Illinois. He d iscovered that his
time came, however, he was off and running. brother had become a leading politician in the area, his
He covered a great deal of ground in his first two nights, popularity won by a moving eulogy he made at Cedrick's
sleeping by day and traveling only in the dark. He had the funeral. Angry beyond measure at h is brothe r's hypocrisy and
feeling someone had followed him from the school, and the opportunism, he invaded the politician's mansion with bloody
longer he traveled , the more sure he became. On the third day revenge in mind.
he set a trap for his pursuer. A t dusk he backtracked over his He waited until his brother had finished playing domi-
trail and set a snare. T hen he hid in the bushes to wait. noes with his children and put them to bed. T hen Cedrick
It was not long before his trap was sprung, and Cedrick ambushed h ns brother as he walked up the stairs. First he
ran fo rward to see what he had caught. He saw nothing. demanded mo ney from his horrified sibling. T hen he insisted
There had to be something in the trap, fo r the rope was pulled on his brother's stocks, bonds and deeds. Once he had gotten
taut and Cedrick heard the worst round of cursing to which everything his brother owned, he killed him, and prepared to
his young ears had ever been subjected. Then he heard use Mask of t he Thousand Faces to take his place.
laughter fro m behind him. In order to prepare himself for the task, he took out his
He turned, and was confronted by the most horrendous brother's diall)' and began reading. As he turned page after
monster he could imagine. The grotesque figure, however, page, Cedrick became more and more aghast. Here was not
was having to lean against a tree to support itself. It was
laughing so hard that branches shook and leaves fell to the
ground. Despite the horror of the situation, Cedrick felt his
own laughter welling up inside himself. His chuckles turned
to peals of laughter, and soon their duet of hilarity rang
through the mountains.
Suddenly the snare snapped, and something hit the
ground with a loud thud. Before Cedrick's eyes a figure
materialized. A tall man with white hair and blazing red eyes
sprang at the boy, sharp teeth gleaming in his slavering
mouth. Cedrick's laughter turned to a scream of horror, but
the monster intercepted his attacker, and the two rolled on
the ground, tearing and biting each other.
Cedrick could do nothing but stand and stare as the figh t
continued. His feet were rooted to the dirt, and he stood stock
still while the two figures struggled. Then the monster locked
its fangs on the man's throat and tore it out. The monster
stood , and Cedrick watched in paralyzed fascination as its
wounds began closing up. When it extended its hand and
in troduced itself as Tommy, Cedrick finally fainted.

Chapter Four: The Kindred I07

the history of a double-crossing, vile po litician, but the Sire: T ommy
record of a concerned, dedicated public servant. He read Nature: Martyr
about the death of his brother's wife and his efforts to raise h is D emeanor: Caregiver
children. Most disturbingly, h e read about his brother's days Generation: 8th
when he first thought Cedrick had died, and found that his Embrace: 1925 (born 1902 )
brother had meant every word of that eulogy. He threw down Apparent Age : Impossible to ascertain
the diary, only to see his broth er's dead eyes staring up at him. Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
It took Cedrick the entire night to shake h is Rotschreck. Social: C harisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0
He ran from the house and tore into the n earby fields, finally Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
finding comfort in a deserted mine. Here he stayed for Talents: Alertness 1, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Empathy 2,
months, living off the blood of bats and lizards, until he finally Intimidation 2
came to a decision. Skills: Animal Ken 2, Etiquette l , Firearms l , Melee 5,
He began his atonement with his brother's children. He Stealth 4, Survival 4
ensured that they would never want for anything, setting up Knowledges: Investigation 2, Linguistics l , Midwest
a trust fund with money stolen from a bank. Then he spent Knowledge 4, Politics 3
the next 20 years watching their development, working as Disciplines: Animalism 3, Auspex l , Celerity l , Domi-
their guardian angel. When they were safely grown and nate 2, Fortitude I, O bfuscate 4, Poten ce 3
happily going about the ir lives, Cedrick finally went about Backgrounds: Allies 4, Contacts 2, Resources 3, StatuS l
his business. Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Con t rol 2, Courage 5
For several decades he traveled the Midwest, trying to Humanity: 7
find those most in n eed and he lp or protect them. After a Willpower: 6
time, however, a realizat ion struck him: he was doing next to Notes: Cedrick has traveled extensively throughout the
no good. Everywhere he went, h e saw worse crimes than he Midwest, and knows a good bit about its Kindred. If anyone
could ever rectify. Behind most of th ese crimes he saw the needs information, he would be the on e to contact. He has
hands of the undead . also made a number of Allies and enemies throughout the
C h icago seemed to be the center of such evil. He saw its region; these can appear as the Storyteller desires. He carries
rulers' dirty hands everywhere. He saw them destroying the a silver-reinfo rced cane that conceals a stake in the handle.
mortals of Gary and manipulating mortals across the Midwest Image: An extremely debon air N osferatu who prefers
fortheir own profit. When the Lupines attacked, Cedrick saw double-breasted suits, bowlers and pocket watches. Still, he
it as poetic justice, but also as an opportunity. is a Nosferatu; his mouth is horrendously misshapen and foul ,
If he could become prince ofC hicago, he could put a stop as is his left arm. Also, his aura still bears the black marks of
to this h orror. He packed up his few belongings and moved to h is early d iablerie.
the Windy C ity. He immediately made himself known to its Roleplaying Hints : You are invariably friendly and
elders, and h as been visiting Kindred everywhere, politicking ingratiating, though you know all vampires (except yourself)
constantly. He is invariably friendly and helpful, and for that are foul beasts out to destroy human ity.
reason no vampires trust him. Haven: A warehouse in the docks.
Secrets : C
Influence: None - yet.

Nathaniel (8tb) Tommy (D)

Cedrick Calhoun (8tb)
Elucid (D)

Elzbieta (D) Jurgis (D) Peter (D) Tammy (7tb)

0 = Disappeared

108 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Chicago's Toreador generally draw disdain, both from so in a way he would enjoy. Chaining her to her father's bed,
other Kindred in the city and from Toreador elsewhere. he fed from her each night, taking only slightly more blood
Despite their protests, the Toreador of Chicago have been than her body could replace, and thus prolonging her agony
categorically labeled Poseurs, and draw scorn from their more over a number of months. On the night he drained the last of
artistic brethren. Other Kindred in the city see them as her blood, he replaced it with just enough of his own, and left
degenerate fops who desire only to preen and posture. her locked in a room with her aged father. Then he waited
What none of these groups realize is that Chicago's outside for the screams he knew he would hear when her first
Toreador are, Kindred for Kindred, the most powerful vam- frenzy subsided and Helena realized whom she had killed.
pires in the city. None can match them for raw power, for Her spirit broken, she allowed him to arrange a marriage
while the weaker clan members died in the Lupine attack, the with her, and at its conclusion she even placed the crown
strong survived and benefited from the experience. When upon his head. Together they became the rulers of Argos.
they make their move, the very pillars of the city will shake. Helena came to accept- and eventually enjoy- her new
form, but she despised having to share her pleasure with
Helena ("Portia") Minos. As the years passed she sought a way to slay him, and
In the 13th century B.C., Helena was the most beautiful eventually she journeyed to Delphi to ask the oracle this
of Achaean women. For the favorite daughter of the king of question. There she learned that drinking his blood could
the coastal city of Argos, doted upon by her father and loved both destroy her tormentor and make her more powerful, but
by the people, life was ideal. Then Minos came to visit. Minos she was warned that it would also destroy what was left of her
was an ancient, horribly ugly man, and he immediately fell in soul.
love with Helena. Helena despised him and his nocturnal Though he began to trust her more, Minos still kept
ways. She told her father she wanted him driven from the Helena Dominated, and she was unable to exact her revenge.
city, only to see her father's eyes glaze over as he told her she Then, after 13 years, Prias returned. With a force of soldiers
was going to marry the old man. Horrified, Helena fled the he surprised the vampires as they prepared to sleep for the
palace in secret, taking only a single handmaiden. day. He drove his wooden spear deep into Minos' breast. As
The two ran south along the shore of the Aegean Sea. the old vampire lay paralyzed, Helena sprang for her sire's
After a few hours, they collapsed with exhaustion and fell throat. She drank deeply, and felt new power flow through
asleep in a sea cave. When Helena awoke it was dawn, and her as the last of his blood left his body.
someone stood over her. It was Prince Prias, the most beau- She and Prias lived happily in Argos until Helena
tiful man she had ever seen. He easily convinced her to flee realized her once-beautiful lover was aging. She offered to
to his city in Asia Minor, where they would be safe from make him a vampire, but he refused. Then she told him that
Minos. by drinking her blood he could gain immortality but not be
For 10 years Helena lived happily with Prias' family, one cursed as she was. He accepted, and the two remained
of the most noble houses in that part of the world. Finally, happily together for centuries.
however, Minos tracked her down. Helena's horrible suspi- Eventually they left Argos and began to travel the
cions that he was not human proved correct. It seemed as civilized world. They reached Carthage just as the Brujah
though nothing could defeat the ancient vampire as he tore were raising lit to its greatest glory, and became caught up in
though Prias' ancestral home looking for the princess who its splendor and dreams. They were there when Carthage
had escaped his grasp. Prias and his brothers valiantly struggled, attracted the enmity of the Ancients who controlled Rome.
but they were as mice against an elephant. Minos brushed At first Helena and Prias fought for Carthage, but they
them aside, pausing only long enough to hurl Prias through soon realized the futility of their struggle. Together they fled
a wall. The vampire then seized Helena and took her back to the city and made their way to Rome, where they gave the
Greece. Ventrue the needed information to destroy the city. In
Minos had long ago decided to tum Helena into a exchange, H!elena received the fief of Pompeii, where she
vampire to rule Argos beside him. However, he decided first existed content in the belief that she had not an enemy in the
to punish her for the trouble she had caused him, and to do world.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 109

Unfortunately for Helena, one fourth-generation Brujah dealing each other thunderous blows, and both were left
survived the massacre at Carth age. Menele (see Brujah, h elpless. Prias took Helena to a place of safety under the fort,
above) soon found out about Helena's treachery and swore where she went into torpor.
vengeance for h is sh attered dreams and slaughtered friends. Even in torpor, Helena has still used her Auspex and
He tracked her to Pompeii, where he summoned a spirit offire Dominate Disciplines to figh t Menele. At first she was
to destroy her. He quickly lost control of the spirit, and had confident in her eventual victory, for she controlled th e
to flee the city as fire rained down upon him, but he believed soldiers in the fort. Even when settlers began to populate the
he h ad destroyed her. Helena, however, man aged to survive area, she remained secure in her power. After the Civil War
with Prias' aid. T ogether th ey fled to Egypt, where she plotted she realized the military's power in the area was waning and
her revenge. c ivilian control was growing. She turned her attention to the
Thus it went for th e next 1,300 years. Existence became growing city, only to find that Menele h ad already begun his
one long battle against her anc ien t foe, a battle that neither work there, and now con trolled the prince.
seemed to be able to win. Finally, sh e and Prias dealt Menele Casting about for a suitable pawn in this new game,
a near-fatal blow in Spain. O n ly th e rising sun kept them Helena chanced upon Lod in. She the n caused several of
from finish ing h im off, but they h oped the sun would do it for C hicago's Malkavians to light a fire tha t destroyed many of
them. Menele's pawns. W ith these out of the way, Lodin defeated
The next day, however, there was no sign of the Brujah. Prince Maxwell and ran him out of the c ity. With her prince
For almost a century they searched for him, but found no in power, Helena prepared to find Mene le's body and destroy
trace of Menele. For once, Helena was glad not to know him. However, continuing battles amongst the Kindred,
where her nemesis was, for she had a new problem with which mostly instigated by Menele or herself, thwarted these efforts.
to con tend . She no longer gained sustenance from the blood Now the game has again ch anged. Since 1990, when
of mortals; only the vitre of Kindred could satisfy her needs. Helena came out of torpor, she had been gathering her
Soon this was limited to female Kindred, though sh e found strength to try to kill Menele herself. Then, in 1993, the
that their blood n ourish ed her far more than any mortal Lupines attacked.
blood ever had. Her haven was one of their first targets, and Helena was
Suddenly Helen a's Auspex picked up a trace of Menele certain they were under Menele's contro l. She survived their
far across the sea. A mazed that there might be land across th e vicious assault on the Succubus C lub, but Prias was killed.
ocean, she quickly maneuvered the Spanish Empire into She has since returned and taken over the club, though it no
sending explorers westward . O nce she learned of the New longer serves as her main haven. She is actively seeking out
World, sh e {along with Prias and several female progeny she Menele's resting place; if she finds it, sh e will attack it with
made) joined the expedition of on e Hem an Cortez. Once in every resource at her command - something the Masquer-
the New World, she lost track of Menele. Native rumors ade will not survive. She has also begun to seek out those
implied that h e might h ave sought refuge among the Aztecs. Kindred definitely under Menele's control, and plans to
W ith Cortez's h elp she destroyed that empire - and then, drink their blood soon.
with other tools, the Maya - only to find no sign of her foe .
Then she heard of the Incas. This time she allied herself with
Pizarro an d together they destroyed yet an other Ind ian
c ivilization. Menele was indeed there; he and his Incas
proved no match for the Spaniards' superior technology and
Helena's horde of progeny. Menele barely escaped with his
life, and fled north.
For the next several centuries Helena searched for him,
finally finding him hidden among the Pueblos. He fled
without even doing battle and Helena began to scent victory.
She began to track him across North America, but had
trouble finding him among th e many tribes.
Finally, in 1820, th e foes met on theplainsofwhat is now
Kansas, and Menele was again forced to flee. Again she
tracked him, and in the process allied herself with the United
States military. The next fight was at Fort Dearborn, where
for a while it seemed as though Menele might win.
A llied with the Indian Chief Black Hawk, he proved to
be almost a match for Helena and her blue-coated allies.
Finally the two Methuselahs engaged in personal combat,

ll O Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Sire: Minos ber of Chicago's Kindred have realized she is more than she
Nature: Plotter claims to be, especially considering her great beauty, but few
Demeanor: Bon Vivant know just how powerful she is.
Generation: 4th
Embrace: 1207 B.C. (born 1233 B.C.)
For years this beautiful Spanish woman was the most
Apparent Age: Mid-20s
powerful Toreador in the city- a fifth-generation vampire
Ph ysical: Strength 7, Dexterity 8, Stamina 6 who lived for nothing but pleasure. She refused to join the
Social: Charisma 8, Manipulation 8, Appearance 8 primogen, considering the duties thereof to be hindrances to
Mental: Perception 7, Intelligence 6, Wits 6 her pleasures. No one has seen her recently, which has made
Talents: Acting 6, Alertness 6, Brawl 7, Dodge 7, Annabelle Triabell (below) the city's leading Toreador-
Empathy 3, Intimidation 5, Leadership 5, Seduction 6, Sub- much to the disgust of the other members of the clan. In fact,
terfuge 6 Maria was Helena's first victim upon the latter's emergence
Skills: Etiquette 8, Firearms 2, Melee 5, Music 4, Stealth 3, from torpor.
Knowledges: History 5, Linguistics 5, Occult 5
Annabelle Triabell
Disciplines: Animalism 1, Auspex 7, Celerity 5, Domi- Annabelle Triabell was born to a musician and a Pari-
nate 8, Fortitude 5, Obfuscate 5, Potence 4, Presence 5, sian prostitute. Her childhood saw more ups and downs than
Thaumaturgy 4 (Movement of the Mind 3, Elemental Mas- her mother's dress. At times the family would have more
tery 3) money than they knew what to do with, while at other times
her mother would be in jail and her father unable to find
Backgrounds: Contacts 8, Influence 4, Resources 4,
work. Her unmarried parents did their best to make her youth
Retainers 8, Status 6
as comfortable as possible, but their very lifestyles made the
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 5, Courage 5
good times a fleeting thing.
Humanity: 3
While Annabelle developed natural talents that would
W illpower: 10 have allowed her to follow in either parent's footsteps, she
Notes: Helena's first extra level in Auspex allows her to instead decided to marry into wealth, for only thus could she
gain a mystic perspective over a vast area as though she were be ensured co ntinual enjoyment of the good life. Aided by
looking down from high in the air. Her second level allows her father's short stint as court musician to the king of France,
her to discover the location of anyone she knows (roll a she made a splash in the noble circles; one aristocrat after
number of dice equal to her Perception; difficulty is 5 plus the another sought her as a plaything. Because of the morality of
target's Obfuscate [maximum 10]). Her additional levels of the times, however, Annabelle soon found that her reputa-
Dominate allow her: to use Dominate without eye contact as tion as a strumpet prevented her from ever marrying the
long as she knows her victim's location; to block other nobles she so desired. At this time Maria entered her life.
people's Dominate attempts against her victims (add three to
their Willpower for the purpose of resisting new Dominate
attempts until they have completed what Helena wants of
them-sometimes this is never); and to Dominate a number
of people (for every extra success she scores over the needed
amount, she can roll that many dice to Dominate another
Image: She is one of the most beautiful creatures in
Roleplaying Hints: You are the greatest- act accord-
H aven: The Tremere chantry.
Secrets: A+
Influence: Helena is easily the most influential figure in
Chicago. She has great influence over elders, anarchs, the
Sabbat, the T remere and many more. She runs the Succubus
C lub, which now functions as the main anarch hangout. The
two leading Ventrue, Ballard and Capone, serve her whim.
The new Sabbat pack in Chicago follows her orders, and the
T remere leader will do almost anything she desires. A num-

Chapter Four: The Kindred 111

Known to the court as a Spanish noblewoman recently Embrace: 1722 (born 1698)
arrived from the New World, Maria first became attracted to Apparent Age: Late 20s
Annabelle's father, whose music she greatly enjoyed, and Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
then to Annabelle herself. Appreciating the young
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
Frenchwoman's great beauty and hoping she had inherited
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
her father's skills, Maria revealed her true nature and Em-
braced Annabelle. Telling the neonate's parents that she Talents: Acting3, Alenness3, Athletics4, Brawl 2, Dodge3,
planned to take Annabelle on a tour of the Americas, the two Empathy 4, Leadership 2, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 4
left France. Skills: Drive I, Etiquette 4, Firearms 2, Melee 2, Music 3
For more than 200 years the two enjoyed the wild Knowledges: Bureaucracy 3, Finance 2, Law 2, Linguis-
continent together, and their natural sophistication made tics 4, Occult 4, Politics 2
them popular wherever they went. Finally they reached Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 3, Dominate 2, Forti·
Chicago, then at the height of its jazz age. The two settled in tude l , Presence 5
and made the town their own. Backgrounds: Fame 4, Influence 2, Resources 4, Retain·
Unknown to either Annabelle or Maria, Maria had been ers 2
Dominated by her own sire - Helena - to create female Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Kindred for Helena's nourishment. Despite the fact that the Humanity: 6
two had little to do with each other since coming to Chicago, Willpower: 7
Maria's recent disappearance has made Annabelle uneasy. Image: Annabelle is of average height and slightly
Nonetheless, she has assumed the leadership of the city's better-than-average build, with stylishly cut, shoulder-length,
Toreador with gusto; they are all forced to be part of the high ash-blond hair (recut nightly) and wide, sky-blue eyes. She
society of Chicago, and must regularly attend the balls and has a large, full mouth and the bearing and appearance of a
other social even ts she sponsors. Before Maria vanished it high-fashion model.
was not so bad- Annabelle did not have the position of clan Roleplaying H ints: Give yourself a very slight French
leader to back up her authority as a member of the primogen accent and never stop talking. However, never talk to the
-but now she has both and they must do as she says. (Some same person for more than a minute. Always introduce him to
suspect her of eliminating Maria simply to gain the power to someone else, even if he already knows that person, and move
force them to her parties, but most realize how absurd this is. on.
All are very interested in what happened to Maria, and would
H aven: She lives with her "husband" in a mansion on
pay well for information as to her whereabouts.)
the North Side ofChicago, fairly near the downtown area. It
Annabelle remains a hedonist, living in the public eye is possibly the nicest home in the Chicago area, and is filled
under the name Ellen Stanley-Greer, the wife of John Greer, with fine art . There is normally a party there every few days.
publisher of the Sentinel syndicate of newspapers. Greer is
Secrets: B+
an older man in his late 60s, and is apparently completely
Influence: Annabelle wields formidable power as a
under her control. The two have been married since the early
member of the primogen, and has gained even more since she
'60s, and the local media have begun to comment on the
became the leader of the Toreador clan. She wields consid-
apparent agelessness of Mrs. G reer.
erable influence over mortals, largely because of the number
Annabelle knows no life except excess. Her existence is
of wealthy families who wish to continue to be invited to her
a decadent whirlwind of action and sensation. Many of the
parties. Among the elders she is known as a talented schemer
younger Kindred in Chicago spend at least a short time in her
and a deadly enemy in the arts of betrayal and deal-making.
retinue, experiencing things quite literally undreamed of by
mortals. She was (and probably still is) a secret ally of Mod ius, Eletria
the Prince of Gary, though this is now less of a secret than it
By 86 B.C., Sparta's days of glory were well behind it.
used to be. Those who knew of it believed it to be an attempt
The city-state had become part of the Roman Empire. While
on her part to create friction between the two princes, and
it suffered little under this rule, it chafed at the reins of
thus allow her a greater measure of power. She manipulated
servitude. Still , some people prospered under Roman rule,
both, constantly altering the level of tension between them.
and Eletria was one of them.
Those who were aware of Annabelle's games expect her
In the days of Sparta's glory, Eletria's only place would
interest in Modius to wane now that Lodin is dead. No one
knows her true motivations regarding Modius. In fact, she have been as a wife, bearing children and managing the
sired Modius in the early 19th century. fami ly affairs. Instead, Italian visitors encouraged her pursuit
of the arts, and Eletria became an accomplished painter,
Sire: Maria
sculptress and musician. Her works adorned few Spartan
Nature: Bon Vivant
homes, but were extremely popular with foreign residents
Demeanor: Bon Vivant and traders.
Generation: 6th

112 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

while Helena assigned others to rule parts of the New World.
Eletria was given what is now southern Mexico, where she
stayed for several centuries.
After a period of solitude, she contacted an ally from
Europe, the Ventrue Datura, who had been the subject for
some of her finest works. Eletria knew she required help in
running the growing cities, and the Ventrue was a perfect
assistant. Together they made their home in the growing city
of Vera cruz.
For more than 100 years their reign was peaceful and
without incident, giving Eletria a golden opportunity to work
on her art. Then came the city's years of invasions, beginning
with the French invasion of 1838. When the United States
took the city in 1847, Eletria and Datura sought out one of the
commanders. They found Lodin, then a lieutenant mas-
querading as a colonel.
Upset and impressed by his daring, Datura Embraced
him, and he stayed in the city after the U.S. forces left. He
became close to Eletria, a fact that did not escape his sire's
notice. Datura became more and more jealous of their rela-
Eletria's happiness could not last. As a member of tionship, and Eletria began to fear for Lodin's existence
Sparta's small upper class, and one who was personally should he stay in Mexico. She sent him off to the newly
associated with the conquerors, she became a target when the formed city of Chicago, suggesting he become its prince and
lower classes and democrats revo lted against Rome. Her rule in style.
artworks were destroyed, and she herself would have been
Eletria's relationship with Datura never fully recovered
killed had it not been for her beautiful rescuer.
from the strain Lodin had placed on it. As the years passed,
As the mob advanced on Eletria's estate that night, a they became more and more distant, and spent little time
wild horsewoman broke their ranks. This stranger galloped to together. The Sabbat threat in Mexico forced them to ally,
Eletria's door, and commanded her to leave her home and but even this did little to rekindle their old passion.
come with her. Eletria found herself unable to resist, and she
Then Eletria heard of Lodin's destruction. Sorrow and
and her benefactor rode off into the night.
guilt washed over her, and she felt herself compelled to return
Before dawn they stopped at a concealed cave. Here to Chicago. She turned Veracruz completely over to Datura
Eletria's rescuer introduced herself as Helena, and com- and moved n orth, taking with her only a portrait of Datura
manded the artist to watch over her as she slept during the reclining on the cliffs of Veracruz as they looked 200 years
day. When Helena again awoke, Eletria had gone nearly ago.
insane with terror. Helena had led them to the darkest depths
In Chicago Eletria was amazed to discover her sire, who
of the cave, and the mortal had sat out the day in the dark,
admitted to h aving called her there. Now Eletria constantly
without food or water, afraid to make the slightest move-
hovers around Helena, ready for any danger that might
manifest. The irony does not escape her, for she knows she
Angry at the mortal for being afraid, and at herself for has given up Lodin, Datura, her art and everything else she
not realizing that might happen, Helena almost rejected her loves at the commands of the one who contro ls her.
plans to Embrace Eletria. On the verge of frenzy, she turned
Sire: Helena
on the artist. Only Prias' timely arrival saved Eletria from a
bloody death in the dark cave. Nature: Architect
Demeanor: Bon Vivant
Helena Embraced Elerria and took the artist to a haven
near Argos. Here she Blood Bound the woman, and then set Generation: 5th
her loose in Greece. For centuries Eletria traveled the world, Embrace: 86 B.C. (born 114 B.C.)
settling in one place only long enough to work on her art Apparent Age: Late 20s
before moving on again. She had no contact with her sire Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 8, Stamina 6
until the 16th century, when Helena appeared before her as Social: Charisma 7, Manipulation 5, Appearance 7
she sculpted and ordered the artist to accompany her on a Mental: Perception 8, Intelligence 6, Wits 6
voyage to the New W orld.
Talents : Acting 4, Alertness 5, Brawl 4, Dodge 6,
Elerria was only one of a number of Helena's progeny Empathy 6, Leadership 3
who made the trip, and all served as vessels for their sire. They
Skills: Etiquette 5, Melee 3, Music 5, Painting 7, Pho-
traveled with her throughout the Americas; a number died,
tography 5, Sculpting 7
Knowledges: Camarilla Lore 4, Law 3, Linguistics 6,
Medicine 3, Occult 4, Sabbat Lore 3
Disciplines: Auspex 6, Celerity 7, Dominate 5, Forti-
tude 4, Potence 2, Presence 5, Protean 3
Backgrounds: Contacts 1, Mentor 6, Resources 5, Re-
tainers 2, Status 5
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 2, Courage 3
Humanity: 4
W illpower: 9
Notes: Eletria's extra level of Auspex lets her see people
and things as they were at any point in the past. She ruled
Veracruz for years; while no one in Chicago knows this,
outsiders may well recognize her and be amazed that she is
protecting Portia. Also, she has fought the Sabbat for a long
time, and if any of its members come up from Mexico, they
will recognize her. Eletria is used to innumerable servants,
but only brought two with her- a chauffeur/bodyguard and
a photography assistant.
Image: A beautiful Greek woman, well-muscled and
fair-complexioned. childe. She Embraced him without warning, and told him
Roleplaying Hints: You tend to be quiet now, but are afterward what he had become. After a short period of horror
used to being in command. If you are thwarted or threatened and shock he adjusted well enough, and grew to enjoy his new
in any way, you are likely to reveal the full extent of your form.
powers. Annabelle, angry at members of her clan over a failed
H aven: With Helena. attempt to impress them, saw in Bret a chance to snub her
Secrets: A- nose at them. She has forced him to continue his dancing,
Influence: Ifshe so desired, Eletria could take command and continually tells him and others what a great artist he is.
of the Toreador clan in the city with but a word. Helena Most of the matrons of high society have seen him dance at
prefers Eletria working more closely by her side, however, and one time or another, but they treat him with contempt or
has not let her extend her influence in the city. Eletria also feigned respect. Annabelle only really requires his services as
has ties to the Camarilla, and has earned respect through her a bodyguard, and has no interest in anything else about him.
battles with the Sabbat. While Bret's attraction to Annabelle has slightly waned,
he is now Blood Bound to her and will do anything she says.
Bret Stryker Still, Bret always was petty, and in the albsence of orders from
Bret Stryker was born good-looking, and he knew it at an Annabelle he is as likely to use a situation to her disadvantage
early age. He got into bodybuilding in 1977 when he was 16, as to her advantage. As she has made him pledge to keep her
and kept up with it- but only to the extent that it made him safe from harm, there are limits to what he can do.
even better-looking. He never liked to work very much, and Bret maintains a life among the mortals; he still dances
so he slipped very easily into crime. In his South Side and takes his favorite vessels from the women who come to
neighborhood it was almost expected. see him.
After being jailed for holding up a 7-11, he learned the He tends to be very sullen at Annabelle's parties. He sits
downside of being so good-looking. Still, when presented in the corner and glares at anyone who even looks like she is
with the opportunity to make some easy money as an exotic going to talk to him. That is, unless he thinks he can get
dancer after he got out of jail, he jumped at the chance. Ever something he wants from someone - then he can become
since, he has relied on the generosity of other people, male one of the most charming young men ever met. It is quite
and female, who support him because of his looks and his startling to watch the transformation.
willingness to provide certain favors. It was at one of these parties that he met the neonate
Something made him uneasy about Annabelle's offer to Portia, but he had little to do with her until after the Lupine
take care of him. She was much better-looking than most of attack. Then she approached him and revealed her true
his patrons, but she had a way about her that disturbed him power and glory. For the first time in his existence, Bret
like no one else ever had. After one night with Annabelle, happily works for a woman. He procures women (often Blood
however, he knew he wanted no one else. With her he Dolls) for her and turns them into the vampires upon whom
experienced pleasure beyond words. Within a week Annabelle she feeds. They stay chained on the top -floor of the Succubus
had decided that this beautiful dancer would make a perfect Club, feeding and being fed on until Helena kills them.

114 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Sire: Annabelle diminutive violinist haunted the audiences every time she
N ature: Bon Vivant played. Finally, he went to her and made the same offer once
Demeanor: Cavalier made to him-an eternity to perfect this musical gift. Kathy,
after becoming convinced ofTamoszius' sincerity, accepted
Generation: 7th
the offer as eagerly as the violinist himself once did.
Embrace: 1983 (born 1961)
Kathy was just beginning to become bored with rock
Apparent Age: Early 20s
when punk appeared on the scene. While this new style
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4 attracted just as many bigots and chauvinists as any of the old
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 6 ones, many female musicians took it as an opportunity to
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2 flaunt their own styles. Kathy was slow to join this radical
Talents: Acting 3, Alertness l , Athletics 4, Brawl 2, movement, but when she did she jumped in with a ven-
Dodge 2, Subterfuge 3 geance. She is one of the founding members of Baby Chorus
Skills : Drive 4, Etiquette 3, Firearms 3, Security 2 and her talent is one of the key reasons the band has found
Knowledges: Chicago 3 such a strong local following. Despite her role as a band
Disciplines: Auspcx 2, Celerity 3, Presence 4 member, she is still likely to rip into an improvised solo that
leaves the other band members with nothing to do on stage
Backgrounds: Mentor 6, Resources 2, Retainers 2
for up to an hour on end.
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
Thedeathsofboth Tamosziusand band member Garwood
Humanity: 4
Marshall during the Lupine attack, as well as her own
Willpower: 7 mauling in a club called the Cave, have left her shaken and
Notes: Bret carries two heavy pistols in shoulder hol- heartbroken. She is the main reason the band has not played
sters. in two months, for she finds it difficult to take the stage. She
Image: A handsome, blond, athletic young man with spends much of her time in an abandoned cellar on the South
long curly hair and blue eyes. He is tall and muscular, with a Side, playing, recording and editing all night. She neither
wry smile. He only dresses in the sharpest suits. knows nor cares if what she is creating is garbage or a
Roleplaying H ints: If you're talking to someone who is masterpiece beyond measure.
either good-looking or rich, charm her to death (do such a Sire: T amoszius
good job that even someone who knows you will be swayed). Nature: Fanatic
Otherwise ignore her; better yet, snub her. D emeanor: Fanatic
H aven: The Ponytail C lub, where he still dances. Generation: lOth
Annabelle bought the club and made him manager, but he
Embrace: 1971 (born 1953)
did a rotten job of it and now just strips there. He can often
Apparent Age: Teenager
be found at the Succubus Club.
Physical : Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
Secrets: A-
Influence: Helena and Annabelle will give him almost
anything he wants. His Retainers are two old cronies from his
breathing days.

Kathy Oleos
Kathy's burning ambition since the age of 10 was to be
the world's greatest guitarist. With every new Hendrix or
Clapton album, this ambition grew and grew. By 1971, when
she was 18, nothing else mattered. Unfortunately, she faced
the same problem shared by many talented fema le musicians
at the time . Fans just did not accept female musicians unless
they were singers or folk artists. Not only was Kathy primarily
a rock guitarist, but she refused to add lyrics to her songs based
on the (correct) assumption that they would detract from the
power of her performance. This helped to ensure her status as
a minor local cult figure instead ofa performer with a national
It also attracted the attention of T amoszius, the mad
vampire violinist, who had felt nothing but disdain for rock
'n' roll until he heard her play. For three months, the

Chapter Four: The Kindred 115

Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2 Image: A rather normal-looking young woman with
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 long brown hair and hazel eyes. Dresses casually - jeans and
Talents: Brawl3, Dodge 3, Empathy 2, Leadership 3 a band T -shirt.
Skills: Drive I, Melee 4, Music 5, Repair 2 Roleplaying Hints : You are a sincere and interested
Knowledges: Chicago 3, Music Trivia 5 listener, but your interest in a conversation is likely to wane
if people expect you to do the talking.
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 5, Presence 3
Haven: A cellar on the South Side.
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Fame 2, Retainers l
Secrets: B
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Influence: None.
Humanity: 7
W illpower: 7
Notes: She uses her high Celerity to ensure her position
as the fastest guitarist any of the characters is ever likely to

Ta111oszius (D)

Heleaa (4dl) Katlly

IOleos (IM)

I M1a (D)
Eletria (5tb)
Annabelle (6dl)

Tannonay (D) SopLa (D)
Bret Stryker (7dl) Sharon
I (D)

Teri (D)
I (D)
McPhee (D) Michael
Deforest (D)

0 = Disappeared

116 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

The T remere is easily the most organized clan in the city. Then one day the magus returned while Nicolai was in
Its members share common objectives and work closely the fields. He wrapped the boy in a black cloak much like the
together to achieve those objectives. However, the clan one he himself wore, and led Nicolai off down the road. They
leader, perhaps as a result of his youthful appearance, does not passed severa l groups of peasants from his own village but,
have the full respect and obedience of the others. The much to Nicolai's surprise, the peasants never looked at the
Council of Seven's interest in Chicago has increased follow- odd pair.
ing the events of Under a Blood Red Moon, and it has sent After walking in silence for several miles, they came to
a Gargoyle to help protect the chantry - and keep an eye on a carriage guarded by several armed men with strange em-
things. blems on their shields. Once they got in, the o ld man
In many ways, the clan elders think of those T remere in removed their cloaks. Only then did the armed men not ice
Chicago as expendable probes, intended to find out what is them, whereupon they began heading north along the King's
going on but not expected to bring any other benefits to the highway.
clan. They know full well that Nicolai is being controlled by As they traveled, the magus explained to Nicolai what
a Methuselah, but do not know the Methuselah's identity. it meant to be an apprentice. By the time they reached the
boy's new home, Kundera Covenant high in the hills, he was
Nicolai quaking with fear and anticipation. For the next three years
The magus visited Nicolai Antonescu for the first time he served as t he magus Stromberg's apprentice, and began to
when he was a little more than five years old. It happened one learn the mystical arts. He proved to be a quick learner with
day as Nicolai was working in his family's vegetable field great natural aptitude.
while his father worked with the other village men on the One nigh t, after a long day's effort on a strange new ritual
count's land. Nicolai was immersed in tugging up carrots his master was creating, Nicolai heard Stromberg cry out.
when he felt a shadow across his heart and sensed an ominous Rushing to his master's chambers, he found the old magus
presence behind him. He turned and saw an old, bearded man leaning over t he cat that had been his familiar for years, blood
dressed in fine robes of silk, peering down at him with gray streaming down his face. Before Nico lai could move, his
eyes- eyes that could surely see through stone walls.
After several minutes of terrifying silence, the man
spoke. "You will do," was all he said. Then he began to walk
away. After a few steps he turned, and said, "I shall return for
you when you are older. You had best be prepared." Then he
raised his arms and disappeared like a candle being blown out.
Nicolai ran home as fast as he could, but when he got
there he found he could tell no one what had happened. Each
time he tried, his mouth simply refused to open. All he could
do was cry, which he did for several hours.
During the next three years, Nicolai watched for the
stranger with a mix of apprehension and curious anticipa-
tion. He continued to work diligently in his family's fields
because it gave him time to be alone with his thoughts. It also
kept him away from the other village children, who teased
him constantly for being a dreamer, and the adults, who
looked at him strangely when they thought he could not see.
He now sensed that he did not belong here - that he was
destined for something more than pulling up weeds.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 117

master sprang on him and bit deeply into the boy's throat. of the Mind 5, Lure of Flames 5, Weather Control S, Path of
Stromberg came to his senses only after he had completely Conjuring 4, Path of Corruption 2)
drained Nicolai. Not wishing to lose a valuable apprentice in Rituals: All Level One Rituals, Calling the Restless
this way, the magus turned his apprentice into h is neonate. Spirit, Eyes of the Past, Innocence of the C hild's Heart, The
When the apprentice awakened to find himself drinking Unseen C hange, Rending Sweet Earth and Protean C urse, as
blood, Stromberg had a great deal of explaining to do. He told well as anything else the Storyteller desires.
Nicolai that he and other senior magi in House Tremere had Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Herd 2, Influence 3, Mentor 5,
discovered a way to make themselves immortal, but that it Resources 5, Retainers 4, Status 4
required the drinking of blood. The ritual they had worked on Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Contro l 3, Courage 3
for so long employed the blood of a vampire, and it bestowed
Humanity: 4
all the benefits (but, he said, none of the weaknesses) of that
Willpower: lO
type of creature. O nce again, Nico lai was both horrified and
Image: A handsome young boy with thousand-year-old
excited by what he had become.
eyes. He is dark-haired and swarthy-skinned , and dresses in
For centuries he loyally served his master and the other
finely tailored suits.
elders of the clan in their struggle against the other Kindred.
Roleplaying Hints : Stare deeply at anyone with whom
In 1869, after finally proving himself to them, h e was given
h is own city. Bccau e of the incredible growth occurring in you speak. Always stay calm, arms folded, unless you are
thwarted- then go wild.
the New Wo rld, they sent him to the United States with
orders to take contro l of the swiftly expanding metropolis of Haven: A mansion near downtown C hicago- the
C h icago. They also ordered h im to keep this control h idden ch antry.
from the other Kindred , as is the Tremere way. For the most Secrets: A
part, N icolai has succeeded in fo llowing these orders. Influence: Nicolai is very well connected in the art
Nicolai first began to weave his webofcontrolduring the community. As a patron of considerable wealth, he garners
power struggle between Lodin and Maxwell. He secretly great respect and more than a little confusion - "You mean
Dominated those few Kindred who survived the G reat Fire that kid there paid for this whole exhibit?" Practically speak-
and sti II suppo rted Maxwell. Under his contro l they betrayed ing, he has little power among the mortals, though as a
the old prince, leaving Lodin forever in Nicolai's debt (al- member of the primogen he h as considerable sway among the
though Lodin realized all too well that Nicolai must control leaders of the city. Also, as clan leader of the T remere, he has
someofhissubjectsas tightly as he had controlled Maxwell's). potent mystical forces at h is command.
Nicolai then took his place in the city's primogen. However,
despite his proficiency at the games of the undead, Nicolai is Abraham DuSable
still a child at h eart. If his plans are ever thwarted, he is likely During World War II, Nicolai began to consider adding
to become irrational. other T remere to Chicago . Since he wanted to prove himself
Since the Lupine attack, Helena h as been spending a to the Tremere elders and didn't want any of his control or
great deal of time ensuring Nicolai's loyalty to her. She h as power taken away by others of greater age, he had no desire
come to him as the n eonate Po rtia, feigning interest in him to recruit from other cities. He felt the need for someone who
and his abilities, and h e has begun to respond. After all, no at least appeared older, however, as his youthful appearance
one, not even a child, can refuse her. often proved a hindrance. Slowly he began to pick through
Sire: Stromberg the minds of C hicago's elite in search of a suitable subject.
Nature: C hild He came upon Abraham DuSable almost by chance.
DuSable, a cultured and capable lawyer, was becoming more
Demeanor: Director
and more frustrated at the constraints of his aging mortal
Generation: 6th
shell. The great depth of his anger stemmed from one simple
Embrace: 13 14 (bo rn 1303) fac t: despite his great skill as an attorney, h is h igh intelli-
Apparent Age: lO gence and his ability to trace his heritage back further than
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 almost any white man in the city, being black would forever
Social: C h arisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3 prevent him from attending the opera, having a drink at one
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 7, Wits 5 of the men 's clubs, or riding the whites-only trolley.
Talents: Alertness 2, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 3 Nicolai found this embittered 60-year-old perfectly suited
Skills: Etiquette 2, Music 2, Stealth 1 for his plans. He visited the lawyer one night when DuSable
was feeling especially bitter. After a brief display of the
Knowledges: Art History 3, C hicago 5, Computer 3,
capabilities of his small form, Nicolai convinced the distin-
Finance 5, Linguistics 5, Medicine 4, Occult 7, Politics 3
guished gentleman to become his neonate. T o Nicolai' s
Disciplines: Auspex 5, Celerity 2, Dominate 5, Forti·
surprise, he did not need to use his Dominate Discipline to
tude I, Obfuscate 2, Potence 3, Thaumaturgy 6 (Movemem

118 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

accomplish this. DuSable had some family in the city, but it Knowledges: Bureaucracy 3, Finance 3, Law 5, Occult 6
was a simple matter to fake his death in an apparent racist Disciplines: Auspex 4. Dominate 3, Fortitude l,
attack. Thaumaturgy 6 (Lure of Flames 5, Elemental Mastery 5,
After several months, during which time he informed Weather Control3, Movement of the Mind 2)
Lodin what he had done, Nicolai took DuSable to Vienna to Rituals: Defense of the Sacred Haven, Wake with
meet the T remere elders. The T remere was all OuSable had Evening's Freshness, Communicate with Kindred Sire, De-
ever hoped for. Here was true power, based solely on his flection of Wooden Doom, Calling the Restless Spirit, Eyes
ability tO use it, not on the color of his skin. of the Past, Illusion of Peaceful Death, Rending Sweet Earth.
During the succeeding decades, DuSable has never ques- Backgro unds: Contacts 3, Influence 3, Mentor 4,
tioned the morality or ethics of what he has done. He has Resources 5, Retainers l, Status 3
little interest in mortal sociery, though upon returning to Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control3, Courage 3
Chicago he did consider revenge against all he felt had Humanity: 4
wronged him over the years. Nicolai quickly dissuaded him.
Willpower: 9
Since then, his years of tutelage with Nicolai have led him to
Image: A tall and noble-looking man with gray-speck-
feel that revenge is a petty desire compared to the drive for
led hair and glasses. He always dresses sharply- if a bit out
power that motivates most T remere. Indeed, he feeds prima-
of date- and carries a heavy, silver-tipped ebony walking
rily on animals, because he finds it convenient and so he will
stick (his me lee weapon). DuSable now has only one arm,
not have to disrupt his study of Thaumaturgy. Sill, he
and keeps the other heavily wrapped. Should someone see
occasionally hunts a human for variety and, though he is
DuSable with his shirt off, she will notice that his stump is a
unwilling to admit it, the sheer thrill of power involved.
horrid shade of green.
DuSable is the most prominent T remere any characters
Roleplaying Hints: Speak very softly unless what you're
are likely to meet in the city. He runs the chantry where
saying is important. Then speak with the very boom of
Nicolai stays and is known among T remere throughout the
nation. He still tends to follow Nicolai on most matters, but
his primary loyalty lies with the T remere itself. Except for one Haven: The chantry.
single mistake - the creation of Maldavis - he would be Secrets: A-
completely fulfilled. Now he constantly fears that someone Influence: OuSable still knows the darkest secrets of
will discover that it was he who created her. some of the most influential figures in the legal establishment
During the Lupine attack on the chantry, DuSable of the city. He holds the dirt on judge.s, lawyers and politi-
fought bravely and with skill, but was overwhelmed by the cians. From time to time he uses this information to blackmail
werewolves. One of the shapeshifters tore off his arm and was these individuals in pursuit of a desired aim, and sometimes
preparing to kill the Warlock when his own childe, Garwood he does it simply out of spite. If the characters ever need the
Marshall, leaped to his rescue. The werewolf met the childe heat turned off, the best person to consult is OuSable -
head-on and tore his head off. That moment was all DuSable though his price might be high.
needed, and his magics, bolstered by the power of the chantry,
destroyed the remaining attackers. One did not die immedi-
ately, however, and spat a horrid ichor at DuSable. It hit his
bloody stump and stuck fast. Since then, DuSable has been
unable to regrow the limb, and seeks a ritual to counteract the
Sire: Nicolai
Nature: Conformist
Demeanor: Curmudgeon
Generation: 7th
Embrace: 1943 (born 1883)
Apparent Age: Late 50s
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 6, Wits 5
Talents: Acting 2, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Sub-
terfuge 6
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Melee 3

Chap[er Four: The Kindred 119

Tracy OraYes ("Ericbtbo") Tracy made a supreme effort to throw off his Dominate, and
hurled herself from the train on which they were traveling.
A wave of intense interest in the occult swept through
She would have died from her injuries had Nicolai not fed her
America in the late 1800s, hitting Tracy Graves like it did
with his blood one more time - thus Blood Bonding her to
many other Americans. The writings of Shelley, Blake and
himself and making it impossible for the clan to do so. He
Byron did much to stimulate her curiosity, but the burgeon-
believes that so far this has gone unnoticed.
ing Theosophist movement most captured her attention. By
the time she graduated from college, she was corresponding For a while he kept Tracy at the chantry, convincing
with a number of Theosophists in Europe and India, and himself that she would one day come t o love him. As time
visiting numerous scho lars in the Midwest. passed, though, he became certain that this would never be.
Finally, 10 years later, he freed her - though he did order her
It was not Tracy's knowledge that attracted Nicolai as
to keep herself alive and do nothing to hurt him.
much as it was her natural beauty. He had become a vampire
well before puberty, a fact that left him with the gnawing She fled Chicago, and for the next 40 years roamed the
feeling that he had missed out on something important. His world, trying to come to grips with her new existence. She
life among the Tremere had given him little opportunity to returned to the city after World War II, having taken the
form any close attachments, and for the past 500 years he had name Erichtho (a necromancer and witch in Roman mythol-
met no one he could call friend, much less lover. By 1897 he ogy) to cloak her ties with her family, which is still prominent
had established himself as a force in the city and, for the first in Chicago politics.
time in his long life, began to think about enjoying himself. She is no closer to understanding the meaning of her
He met Tracy through her father, a prominent attorney existence, but she has heard about Golconda from other
Nicolai had Dominated to do some legal work for him. Cainites and has devoted her existence to attaining this state.
Nicolai fell completely, hopelessly in love with the young She has also done her best to disrupt various Tremere plots
woman after his first glimpse of her. He informed Lodin that without bringing attention to herself, and has aided Chicago's
he was going to create a new neonate, and then began the anarchs, though generally without their knowledge.
process of wooing Tracy. He brought her gifts, wrote her During the recent upheavals, she met and became friends
poems and played music outside her window. Much to his with Maldavis. The anarch's defeat was a crushing blow to
chagrin, T racy met his attentions with mild amusement, and Erichtho, and she has maintained a low profile ever since.
was barely flattered that this little boy - apparently the She currently maintains a mansion in Wilmette from which
precocious son of one of her father's clients - was so she carries on an active correspondence with occultists and
interested in her. mystics across the world.
Greatly embarrassed by his clumsy attempts at romance, Erichtho has learned how to control some forms of
Nicolai decided to change tack. He appeared before her one spirits. Indeed, she currently has two spirit Reta iners - a
night as she walked home from a meeting of a small Theo- ghost like the ones in Tammy's haven (see Nosferatu, above)
sophical group. He spoke to her about the occult, and right and a poltergeist (treat as having a 3 rating in the Fire and
before they reached Tracy's house, gave her a brief display of
his Thaumaturgical powers. He then offered T racy the chance
to become what he was.
Unknown to Nicolai, a key Theosophical belief is the
role of Masters - higher beings who come to Earth in a
variety of forms to aid humanity in its advance. Tracy gladly
accepted Nicolai's offer, believing him to be one of these
Masters. Needless to say, she went almost mad with horror
when she realized that his offer had culminated in her
becoming a vampire.
Tracy's horror was para lleled by Nicolai's anger and pain
when she ran off following the transformation. He quickly
tracked her to a hiding place where she had tried to commit
suicide with one of her father's revolvers. Nicolai gave her
more blood so she could heal herself. He explained to her
what her new existence entailed, and then Dominated her to
prevent her from again attempting suicide. Then he tried to
decide what to do with her.
Finally, his reluctance to admit failure overcame his pain
and anger. He forced the young woman to travel to Vienna,
where she was to become one of the T remere. On the journey,
however, Nicolai committed his one crime against his clan.

120 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Movement of the Mind aspects of Thaumaturgy, with eight Embrace: 1897 (born 1875)
dice in its Pool). Both entities protect her haven. Apparent Age: Late teens, possibly early 20s
She has only recently become aware of Portia's interest Physical : Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6
in her sire, and worries about what effects it may have. Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5
Despite her hatred of what happened to her, she is still Blood Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 6, Wits 6
Bound to N icolai, and cares for him. Should she uncover
Talents: Alertness 2, Dodge 2, Empathy 4, Subterfuge l
Portia's dark secrets, she would be horrified, and would do
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Melee 1, Stealth 1
anything to free Nicolai from the Methuselah's control-
denying the whole time that she felt any jealousy. Even now Knowled ges: Chicago 4, Computer 4, Linguistics 5,
she seeks allies who can help her track down information on Occult 6
Portia. Disciplines: Auspex 5, Celerity 1, Dominate 4, Forti-
Sire: Nicolai tude 1, Obfuscate 1, Thaumaturgy 4 (Spirit Thaumaturgy 4,
Lure of Flames 3, Movement of the Mind 2)
Nature: Visionary
Rituals: Defense of the Sacred Haven, Wake with
Demeanor: Loner
Evening's Freshness, Communicate with Kindred Sire, De-
Generation: 7th

New Rituals
Calling the Restless Spirit (Level Two Ritual): This Aura Perception. Any who use that power on the caster
ritual allows the caster to speak with someone who has will perceive a white aura, untainted by any signs of
died. Successful casting requires an Intelligence+ Occult vampirism. A toy that once belonged to a mortal child
roll (difficulty is the target's Willpower); the caster needs must be carried with the caster while the spell is in effect.
two successes. This ritual must be cast within 10 feet of Nicolai invented this ritual and is extremely proud of it.
the corpse. If the caster attempts to communicate with a He has not yet demonstrated it to any other T remere; he
ghost, she does not have to be near the body but must be hopes to spring it on the clan at a particularly dramatic
in the area the ghost haunts. This spell does not affect moment.
vampires unless they have been destroyed. Rending Sweet Earth (Level Four Ritual): This
Eyes of the Past (Level Three Ritual): This ritual ritual opens a 10-foot by 10-foot chasm leading to the
shows what happened in the caster's present location at subterranean resting place of a vampire in an Earth
a specific time in the past, up to five years ago. The caster Melded state. The ritual automatically awakens the tar-
can see what happened in the past as if she had been get Cainite if she is asleep, but will not do so if she is in
standing where she is now. torpor. The ritual must be cast at the exact spot where the
Illusion of Peaceful Death (Level Three Ritual): vampire entered the earth, and the caster must repeatedly
This ritual heals obvious wounds on a corpse, causing a strike the ground with a leather whip.
body to appear as though it died a natural death. While Protean Curse (Level Four Ritual): This ritual turns
it does not add blood to a corpse, this ritual reduces the the target into a bat as per the fourth level of the Protean
chance that anyone will notice how much is gone. The Discipline. The target must drink a vial of blood from a
body must still have at least half its original blood for this rabid vampire bat. The ritual may be cast on Kindred or
ritual to succeed. The caster must "dust" the body with a kine, and the target will only tum back to human form
white feather. when the spell is again cast on her.
Gentle Mind (Level Three Ritual): This ritual Sands of Time (Level Six Ritual): The caster must
grants the target four extra Willpower points usable only enchant a marble bowl full of white sand and glass shards
for preventing frenzy. The caster and target must share a in a five-hour ritual. At the end of this time he rolls
Blood Point, keeping a T remere from casting this spell on Dexterity+ Occult (difficulty 7). Provided the ritual was
himself. successful, the sands will mystically slow anyone upon
The Unseen Change (Level Three Ritual): This whom they are sprinkled. It takes the target a number of
ritual affects an area delineated by wolf's blood poured turns equal to the successes of the casting to take one
from a silver jug. From then on, any Lupine who enters action. Thus, if the caster rolled five successes on the
the area will automatically change to Lupus (full-wolf) ritual, its target could only take one action every five
form unless she makes a successful Willpower roll (diffi- turns. Note that Celerity can partially or fully negate this
culty 9). effect; if the target in the last example had two points of
Innocence ofthe Child's Heart (Level Four Ritual): Celerity, she could take an action every three turns,
This ritual masks the vampire from the Auspex power of though at the cost of two Blood Points.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 121

flection ofWooden Doom, Calling the Restless Spirit, Gentle suggestion so deeply in her mind that it survived the T remere
Mind. Erich tho also knows some non-T remere magic (give transformation. The suggestion would enable the Brujah to
her additional powers as you feel they are needed - for summon her from anywhere, at any time, and compel her to
instance, the ability to cause people to hallucinate). return to him for further orders.
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 3, Resources 3, Re- Now Menele has sent his command, and she has come
tainers 2 to Chicago to do his bidding. For now, he has ordered her to
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 5, Courage 3 protect the Tremere, and to keep him informed about their
Humanity: 10 activities. This may change at any time, and he may soon
Willpower: 9 have Ublo-Satha take a more active role in the city's wars.
Image: A very pretty, full-figured brunette. She has Sire: Harlequin
green eyes and fair, lightly freckled skin Bloodline: Gargoyle
Roleplaying Hints : Smile a lot but say little. When you Nature: Survivor
do speak, try to make the statement as innocuous as possible. Demeanor: Traditionalist
H aven: A condominium in north Chicago. Generation: 7th
Secrets: B+ Embrace: 963 (her original vampiric form)
I nfluence: She has more contact with the magi of the Apparent Age: Unclear
world than any other vampire in Chicago- perhaps even in Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 6
North America. Most T remere avoid any contact with those Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 0
they call "of the Old Order," but Erichtho has never really Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
considered herself aT remere and certainly does not consider Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 5, Intimidation 3, Subter-
herself under "their" restrictjons. In time of great need she fuge 2
may be able to call upon these distant correspondents, who
Skills: Etiquette l, Melee 2, Security 4, Stealth 3,
have so much more power than she could ever imagine. Some
Survival 3
are wizards of great power - by no means charlatans or
Knowledges: Investigation 2, Occult 2, Politics 2,
amateurs- and if they believed her to be in true danger they
T remere Lore 4
would come to her aid. They might be surprised that she is of
the Damned, but they would help her. This is her trump card, Disciplines: Animalism l, Celerity 3, Fortitude 4, Obfus-
and the irony is that she does not realize that she holds it. cate 2, Potence 5, Thaumaturgy 2 (Movement of the Mind 2),
Visceratika 5
Ublo-Satba Rituals: Defense of the Sacred Haven, Wake with
Ublo-Satha retains no memories of the time before she Morning's Freshness
served the T remere; no memories of a time when she was not Backgrounds: Mentor 6
a Gargoyle. For centuries she has served her masters faith- Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
fully, doing their bidding as best she could. At first she was
little more than a guard, but the T remere soon realized they
were wasting her abilities and intelligence.
It was one of the Inner Seven who first noticed Ublo-
Satha was smarter and more cunning than the average
Gargoyle. At first he took advantage of the situation by
making her his personal bodyguard. Soon he was using her on
a wide variety of missions, including scouting, training and
even diplomatic assignments.
Recently he sent her to Chicago, for he fears Nicolai
does not always act in the best interests of the clan. In fact,
Ublo-Satha herself suggested that she go to "help protect"
the chantry. While there, she could study Nicolai and the
other T remere, decide if the clan had indeed lost significant
opportunities there, and make recommendations to her men-
Unknown to even the Tremere, Ublo-Satha does have
a past. Before becoming one of the original vampires used by
the Tremere to create the Gargoyle bloodline, she had
wandered across Europe. Once, during her travels, she en-
countered an ancient Brujah, who implanted a hypnotic

122 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Humanity: 4 Image: Extremely rocky, with large bumps, crags and
W illpower: 8 crevices all over her body. She generally wears no clothes-
Notes: Ublo-Satha's Visceratika makes it almost impos- not that doing o makes much difference.
sible to damage her. Even fire has little effect on her. Roleplaying H ints : You talk in whispers, and generally
Additionally, she can meld with rock, change color to match from the cover of the shadows. Refer any questions to
her surroundings, and detect anyone or anything in whatever DuSable.
building she inhabits. Finally, her wings allow her to fly at up Haven: The chantry.
to 30 mph. Secrets: B
Influence: None.

- lllrzEM\EIRE - :
Nicolai (tell)
olble (7dl) Eric~tho (7tb)

Marshall (D)
D = Disappea.-ed

Chapter Four: The Kindred l23

Chicago's Yen true still manage to present a united front, happened during that mad flight. According to Ballard, his
but everyone knows it to be a facade. The clan leader, Prince uncle stopped to rescue a favorite pet Pekingese and was
Lodin, is dead, and no one has appeared to take his place. The crushed by a falling beam. Other witnesses claimed to have
remaining members of this clan are jockeying for position, seen Ballard strike the older man down from behind with a
and their political maneuverings could turn violent at any heavy cane, and leave him for the growing flames. One
moment. Two of them, Ballard and Capone, are considered witness disappeared and the other changed her story, so the
among the most likely residents ofChicago to become prince, police never investigated the case. Shortly thereafter, the
but their feuding may well nullify their efforts. Should the son-in-law of the local ward boss became vice-president of
Yen true somehow unite, they could command the city. Such the construction company.
an outcome, however, is extremely unlikely. Upon his uncle's death, Ballard found himself in sole
possession of one of Chicago's largest construction compa·
Horatio Ballard nies and positioned as one of the city's wealthiest and most
The years following the American Civil War - the influential cit izens. Rebuilding after the fire made him richer
"Gilded Age" - proved to be boom times for the nation's still, and his investments soon spanned the nation's financial
industrial barons, if not for the country as a whole. This era structure. Ballard had never married, and to all appearances
hosted the rise of the Vanderbilts and Rockefellers. Wealthy his main interests other than money were the incredible
financiers robbed the government of millions of dollars with banquets he threw for himself. Twelve-course meals, includ·
railroad contracts, speculation in public lands and a host of ing numerous desserts, massive quantities of beef and gallons
other enterprises. Chicago joined the thievery a little late, of liquor, became the rule.
but its position as the principal city of the Midwest and the Still, it came as a shock to Ballard when he suffered his
gateway to the W est put local businessmen in a strong first heart attack. Horrified by this indication of his own
position to steal and pilfer from public and corporate coffers. mortality, Ballard spent huge sums on legitimate medical
None of the city's financial cutthroats could compare
with Horatio Ballard for pure ruthlessness and guile. His lust
for money and power was only matched by his appetite for
huge quantities of gourmet food. The son of an Albany
businessman and legislator, Ballard moved to Chicago during
the Civil War to join an uncle who was selling meat to the
Union Army. Ballard proved supremely gifted in finding the
cheapest, most pitiful steer and horseflesh and getting the
government to pay top dollar for it.
He and his uncle used their profits to invest heavily in
land that railroad men told them would be used for the
country's growing transportation network. They also started
a construction company that charged the highest prices for
the shoddiest work, and dabbled in the stock market, where
they learned the fine art of creating dummy corporations and
selling worthless stock to incautious investors. By 1871,
Ballard and his uncle were worth millions.
Then came the Great Fire. Ballard and his uncle were
engaged in one of their epic late-night suppers when they
heard screams in the streets. They rushed out of their man-
sion just as it burst into flames. Accounts differ as to what

124 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

research. When a second attack followed, he began shower- lucky night. Unwilling to search for a neck beneath the
ing gold on any quack who offered him some hope of mortal's various chins, Lodin bit into Ballard's fleshy wrist
continued health. Desperate as he was, though, even Ballard and drank deeply.
was skeptical of the scruffy little man who came to him with When the transformation was over, Ledin told the
tales of immortal vampires. neonate of his plans for him. In exchange for eternal life and
He became less skeptical when the little man presented a prominent position as Lodin's lieutenant, Ballard would
him with an immobile, staked human corpse with skin as guarantee the prince enough money and power to meet every
hard as stone, which he claimed to have found near dawn on contingency. Ballard's first job was to slay his staked prisoner,
a rooftop. Ballard bought the staked creature for $5,000 and who had violated the Masquerade.
pondered his next move for more than a month. Finally, one Over the next several years Ballard served Lodin well, as
night in a locked basement, equipped with cross, rosaries and much out of fear as loyalty. Each time Ledin demanded
garlic, and supported by a dozen armed private detectives money- any amount, however large- he had to provide it
who had been well paid for their silence, Ballard removed the immediately. For truly immense sums, Lodin sometimes
stake. permitted Ballard three days. It was not easy, but over the
The creature collapsed on the floor and could barely years, as Ballard's wealth and control over the business world
moan out its entreaty for blood. Ballard pricked his own grew, it became easier. Then came the rise of Mod ius, and for
finger and let a few drops dribble into its mouth. More, the first time Ballard saw fear in his overlord's eyes. As the
Ballard told it, would depend on its cooperation. His guards anarchs came closer to overthrowing Lodin, Ballard realized
bound the creature with handcuffs and chains, and man and that only his work and his control of the city's business leaders
vampire spent the rest of the night in deep conversation. kept them from succeeding. His fear of the prince turned into
Come the dawn Ballard left the room pale and weak, drained disdain, and by the time Modi us was defeated he had begun
of much of his blood but possessed of an understanding of the to consider making his own bid for power.
nature of vampires and their role in the city. He stopped considering when he realized that some of
He replaced the stake in his captive's heart, and during the elders who met in Elysium were actually the primogen.
the day he sought Lodin, whom his prisoner said had just Ballard had suspected the presence of a power behind Lodin,
become prince of the city. According to the creature, this but he had never imagined it to be of such magnitude. The
Lodin had staked it and left it to die in the sunlight for its knowledge that the primogen now supported Lodin as prince
support of the previous prince. Accompanied by several of (though some of its members did so grudgingly) left Ballard
Pinkerton's finest, Ballard entered Ledin's haven. resigned to his status as lieutenant- for the present.
That night, Lodin awoke to find a monstrously huge man This did not stop him from trying to expand his author-
sitting next to him, holding a stake poised over his heart. ity. His knowledge of the nation's financial networks and the
Surrounding him were mortals with revolvers and shotguns influence of his extended family left him in a solid position
ready. Ballard told Ledin that the prince's only hope for to extend the empire he had built in his breathing days. He
survival was to make Ballard himself a vampire. Lodin's took responsibility fordestroyingGary'seconomy after Modi us
laughter shocked Ballard. Before the financier could react, moved there, shifting investments away from the city and
his 600-pound form flew across the room and crashed against Dominating business leaders into incompetence. His ma-
a wall. By the time he had recovered, he saw Lodin sucking nipulations have kept favored Cainites wealthy and content
the blood from the last of his guards While the vampire's suit while punishing those out of favor, Kindred and kine alike.
was ruined by numerous blasts from shotguns and revolvers, Most vampires now regard him as one of the major powers in
Lodin himself seemed uninjured. the city.
Lodin threw the guard's corpse aside and advanced on Ledin's death has left Ballard coveting the princedom
Ballard. As death strode toward him, Ballard utterly lost even more, but he knows he has to move with care. He has
control of himself. Crying and screaming, he begged Lodin made a large number of enemies, including anarchs, elders
not to kill him, offering the prince money, blood, power- and other members of Lodin's brood. He is considering
anything to let him live. It took him several minutes to supporting someone else for the princedom- some incom-
realize the vampire had stopped moving, and was regarding petent neonate -so that when that Lick fails, he can stage
him thoughtfully. a coup and seize the city for himself.
Lodin had realized who the intruder was, and had begun Ballard's mortal family is one of his greatest assets. Its
to consider his options. He realized he needed help in members have roles in all aspects of the city and state, and
controlling the growing city, and the idea of making this some have gained national prominence- with Great-Uncle
massive fiscal pirate his lackey appealed to his aristocratic Ballard's support, of course. However, his family could also
side. Laughing, he informed Ballard that this was indeed his prove to be his greatest weakness. Part of the reason he has

Chapter Four: The Kindred 125

kept its members so heavily Dominated over the years is that Alan So,-ereign
he can only feed on the ch ild ren of his family. All the
Alan Sovereign made his first million in questionable
children must spend at least one week a year with him when
mortgages and loans to Gls returning fro m World War II. He
they are about eigh t or nine; during this time they are forced
made more money through the government's home loan
to adapt to his sleep cycle and serve him as vessels.
program for the soldiers than h e did thro ugh his own efforts.
Ballard is able to ingest and hold massive amounts of In the 1950s he became president of a small bank in south
food. While most Kindred immediately regurgitate upon the Chicago, and became richer by using the bank's money to buy
slightest intake of food or drink, Ballard can shovel it down up land that bribed public officials told him would be used by
in massive quan tities and ho ld it for days thanks to his great the growing public transportation system. With these profits
Willpower and constan t practice. Indeed, he still achieves he began investing in the stock market . No one could say he
great pleasure fro m eating, and enjoys the fact that it te nds to played the stock market, because that would imply an ele-
disgust other Kindred. ment of chance. Sovereign was a maste r of acquiring inside
Sire: Lodin information.
Nature: C urmudgeo n For all his millions, Sovereign was h elpless when the IRS
Demeanor: Conniver caught up with him. Jailed for a year and fined more than two
Generation: 8th million dollars for tax evasion, Sovere ign left prison a bitter
Embrace: 188 1 (born 1832 ) and broken man.
A pparent Age: 50s O n his first night out of jail, a strange, obese man visited,
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4 promising revenge if Sovereign would do as h e was told. The
fat man gave him $750,000 to invest, a t a handsome fee.
Social: C harisma 2, Mani pulation 5, A ppearance I
Sovereign still h ad his old contacts; these, combined
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 5, Wits 5
with his lack of scruples, were all he needed to double that
T alents: Acting 1, Brawl 2, Intimidation 5, Leadership 2,
$750,000 within a short t ime. Ballard was quite pleased with
Subterfuge 5
the results, gave his blood to the man for the first time, and
Skills: Etiquette 3 put him in control ofsubstantial assets. For the next five years
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 5, C hicago 4, Finance 5, Sovereign was h appy with the arrangement, and this knowl-
Industry 5, Law 3, Politics 4 edgeable and able servant h elped make Ballard even more
Disciplines : Auspex 4, Dominate 5, Fortitude 4, Po- wealthy than he already was. However, neither one had
tence 2, Presence 4 forgotten Ballard's promise of revenge. When Ballard finally
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Contacts 5, Herd 4, Influence 5, obtained permission from the suspicious Lodin, he happily
Resources 5, Retainers 5, Status 4 turned the banker into h is lieutenant. His lieutenan t then
Virtues: Conscience 0 , Self-Control 0, Courage 0 turned several IRS agents into missing persons. Even now, he
Humanity: 0 feeds exclusively on IRS agents, o ther government financial
Willpower: 10 lackeys and financiers.
Image: A balding, grotesquely obese Caucasian. Rolls of
flesh hang offhim; h e looks like a parody of a C hinese Buddha
in a ten t-sized business suit.
Roleplaying H ints: O ne of your greatest assets is the
ability to unsettle anyone who m you meet, leaving the person
ill at ease. A rrange your meetings in such a way that they
leave the other party at a disadvantage. Always seek the
upper hand in your dealings.
Haven: A heavily guarded fa mily estate on the north
shore of Lake Michigan .
Secrets: B
Influence: Ballard contro ls most of C hicago's white-
collar businesses as well as its industry, and has a great deal of
influence over the law firms and bankers He rules C hicago
business as if it were one gian t corporation owned by himself,
granting the presidencies of companies to his favori tes or the
children of his favorites. He does not attempt to dictate the
policy of each company, but is able to effect almost any
change he desires.

126 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Sovereign is Ballard's primary advisor on all things fiscal, own influence in the city. When he finally tired of the
and is especially critical to his control of the city's economy. violence of mob rule, he arranged for Capone to be jailed in
During Maldavis' attempt to gain power, Sovereign was Atlanta for tax evasion, thus restoring some measure of calm
instrumental in breaking some of her mortal Allies. During to the city.
that time he also heard that killing an older vampire and Shortly after the gangster finished his jail term, he
drinking its blood could make one more powerful. Actually, received a visitor. The prince of vampires made the deposed
the story as he heard it was that one must kill one's sire. He prince of the mob an offer he couldn't refuse: eternal life, his
intends to take that step as soon as it is feasible. old power and more, in exchange for loyalty to Lodin.
Sire: Horatio Ballard Capone, who had lost much of his pull in the mob, jumped at
Nature: Conniver the chance.
Demeanor: Conformist That night he became a vampire, and the next night he
Generation: 9th began visiting the city's mob bosses. One after another, the
capi found it in their best interests to accept the leadership of
Embrace: 1959 (born 1903)
their strangely transformed chieftain. With his newfound
Apparent Age: 50s
abilities of both physical and verbal persuasion, Capone
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3 forged the mobs into a united front never before seen in the
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3 city. This mob was far more secretive and influential than
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 5, Wits 4 ever before. Over the years, Capone extended his tentacles
Talents: Athletics 1, Dodge 1, Intimidation 3, Leader- further and further, until he controlled almost every aspect of
ship 2, Subterfuge 5 crime in the city.
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Melee 3 At first he followed Lodin's commands without ques-
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Computer 2, Finance 5, tion, using his followers to battle the prince's mortal and
Investigation 1, Law 2, Occult 1 immortal foes. However, his old lust for power began to grow
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 1, Dominate 3, Forti- once again, rising to new heights as he discovered the full
tude 2, Potence 1, Presence 2 potential of his new abilities. He began to expand his influ-
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 4, Influence 2, Re- ence among legitimate businesses, just as the syndicates
sources 4, Retainers 3, Status 2 began laundering the money in legal enterprises. This brought
him into conflict with Ballard, who regarded Capone's fiscal
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
manipulations as trespassing in his own domain.
Humanity: 5
The two clashed in the early 1960s when Ballard at-
Willpower: 8
tempted to weaken the hold the mob had over the local
Notes: Sovereign has taken to practicing with a sharp political scene. A subtle, unseen but very deadly war began
wooden sword in preparation for the day he slays his sire. between them, one that not even many Kindred knew about.
Image: A weasel-faced man with sharp, pinched features The vampires fought each other with sabotage and economic
and keen gray eyes. blackmail. Their feud grew to the point that mobsters and
Roleplaying Hints: Squint when you talk to the players,
as though you are trying to look into theEr hearts.
Haven: A house in Evanston.
Secrets: B-
lnfluence: Sovereign holds tight personal control over
the banking industry, and as Ballard's chief advisor has access
to almost every aspect of Chicago business. If he were ever
able to kill Ballard, however, he could not simply assume his
master's control over business; it would taike him many years
to build up the same level of control.

In the early 1920s, AI Capone assumed control of crime
in Chicago, including the city's very lucrative illegal alcohol
trade. Soon thereafter, without any vampiric help, he seized
almost total control of the city as a whole. At first Lodin did
little to stop Capone, finding "the little Italian" quite amus-
ing; the prince merely ensured that no others of his kind
attempted to control the Mafia boss. Lodin did exert some
control over the mob itself, and used its power to expand his

Chapter Four: The Kindred 12 7

police were battling in the streets ofChicago, their own fights W illpower: 9
a reflection of the greater war, and the media began digging Notes: Capone always has a number of bodyguards
for stories. Finally, the primogen ordered Lodin to mediate around, and can summon an army of mafiosi if need be. In
the growing dispute. His final decision pleased no one but combat situations, Capone prefers his old Tom my gun and
himself, and gave neither lieutenant what they wanted. The baseball bats, but he usually leaves the messy work to his
prince took away the police from Capone and the city Retainers.
government from Ballard, and assumed control of them Image: Think of an ugly man with a certain ruthless
himself. He created a second brood to help him administer handsomeness despite his pockmarked, snarling face. Better
and control these areas of influence. yet, get an actual photograph and show it to the players.
Capone has long been a staunch foe of the anarchs, but Roleplaying Hints: After having watched the plethora
the Kindred say he reserves his hatred for his archenemy. of Hollywood movies glorifying your mortal deeds, you have
Indeed, rumor has it he would support the anarchs if they come to believe their image of you. You have a more "Holly-
could help him destroy Ballard. wood Italian" accent than you did during life and speak with
Even stranger rumors have begun to surface. For many the exuberance people say you did.
years, the Kindred have feared and distrusted Capone be- H aven: A vault beneath a small Italian restaurant in the
cause of his mortal reputation, but now some say that he has middle of the Rack.
changed. They say he has begun to act with conscience and
Secrets: B+
restraint, and that he has even begun to search for Golconda.
Influence: Capone totally controls the Chicago Mafia
Reportedly, one anarch brought before him for discipline was
and wields substantial con trol over the other organized crime
asked a number of questions about Golconda, and was told he
groups, including the Oriental triads and even some of the
would be extinguished if he ever told anyone about the
Colombian and Jamaican syndicates. However, he has ig-
conversation; that anarch has not been seen recently. Though
nored the rising black gangs and has nowhere near the
this story ofhO\v a mob boss might seek Golconda is amusing,
influence among them that Kevin Jackson (below) does.
it is more likely fabrication than truth.
Nevertheless, he is the crime boss ofChicago and is easily the
Capone believes he would make a good prince, but is not equal of Ballard, who controls legitimate business. Just as he
sure he wants the position. He has started traveling the world, once controlled alcohol during Prohibittion, he now controls
and has become fascinated with much of what he has seen.
drugs - though not as completely. He also controls the
Still, he cannot abide the thought of Ballard taking over, and
numbers racket, the gambling cruises run on Lake Michigan,
will become involved in the race for power if his nemesis
much of the Rack, a large number of brothels and bars, and
an even larger quantity of muscle. In short, Capone controls
Capone feeds on beautiful, black-eyed, pure-blooded every aspect of crime in the city. He is an extremely powerful
Italian women. He has even taken to flying them in from the vampire, and a very dangerous one to cross.
"home country" to ensure a steady supply.
Sire: Lodin Jacob Sebum peter
Nature: Director Jacob Schumpeter had everything he could want: a seat
Demeanor: Bravo on the Chicago Board of'trade, a subservient wife to beat and
Generation: 8th cheat on, two daughters to ignore or abuse, and a nice home
Embrace: 1941 (born 1891) in the suburbs to avoid. With all of these wonderful posses-
sions, he could not understand why he was unhappy. The
Apparent Age: 40s
more this question bothered him, the more unhappy he
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5
became, and the more often he took out his frustrations on his
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2 family. Soon his wife had left and filed for divorce, taking the
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 children with her. The daughters' teachers and social workers
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, had just begun to take an interest in the bruises the girls were
Intimidation 5, Leadership 5, Streetwise 5, Subterfuge 4 sporting at school when Lodin contacted him.
Skills: Drive 4, Firearms 5, Melee 4, Security 2, Stealth 2 In putting together his second brood, the prince had
Knowledges: Olicago 5, Finance 2, investigation 3, Law 2, decided he ne~ded someone other than Ballard to help him
Organized Crime 4, Politics 2 control the city's economy. Schumpet·e r had made his way
D isciplines: Celerity 3, Dominate 4, Fortitude 4, Po- through the ranks of Chicago's business elite rather quickly,
tence 2, Presence 5 and Lodin decided that this man would do admirably. He told
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Contacts 5, Fame 1, Herd 3, Schumpeter of the life that lay open to him and Schumpeter
Influence 2, Resources 5, Retainers 5, Status 4 jumped at the chance. That night, after Schumpeter com-
pleted the Change, he made his way to the house where his
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control2, Courage 3
H umanity: 6

128 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

wife was staying. He attacked her as she prepared for bed. He
taunted h er as he held her high over his head. Then, dashing
her head against the wall, he began to lap at her blood.
Schumpeter was so flushed with the thrill of his new
power that he did not even notice when his two daughters
entered the room. He first realized he was not alone when the
younger one brought a baseball bat down on his h ead.
Schumpeter recovered quickly thanks to the blood he had
just drunk and, in a frenzy, attacked his two children. T o-
gether the two girls managed to escape out the door and into
a passing taxi.
While Lodin was upset at this breach of the Masquerade,
he pardoned his neonate in the hope of using Schumpeter's
economic knowledge. Unfortunately, there was one secret
that Lodin had n ot discovered while monitoringSchumpeter
- h is rise to power in the mortal world came via favors given
by his powerful father and father-in-law, not through any
ability of his own. Lodin was much chagrined when he
discovered Schumpeter was no match for Ballard and his
lieutenants. Indeed, Ballard delighted in asking Schum peter
for advice and then showing the numerous flaws in the Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Influence 3, Resources 3,
younger vampire's suggestions. Retainers 4, Status 1
Sch umpeter quickly found his unlife among the Kindred Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 0, Courage 2
even more frustrating than his life among mortals. Once Humanity: 0
again, he has taken to relieving his frustrations by beating Willpower: 6
women, and he only feeds on abused, beaten females. He has Notes: Schumpeter has recently created a number of
managed to capture his older daughter and add her to his ghoul Retainers, big bruisers all, who serve as his bodyguards.
Herd, but he has not been able to find his younger one. What Image: A middle-aged, bearded Caucasian male. He
he does not know is that after she met Detective Gregory dresses in conservative suits made to fit his hefty fra me.
Stephens, who investigated Schumpeter's wife's murder, she Roleplaying Hints: You try to make up for your inad-
became a vampire hunter and now has several kills to her equacies by showing off. Be boastful and irritating, but shut
credit. She isstartingwith the small fry until she gets the hang up if someone more powerful is around.
of it, and then she's going after her father.
Haven: A condominium in south Chicago.
Blissfully unaware ofhisdanger, Schumpeter has begun
Secrets: B-
planning his own bid to become prince. He feels sure that if
lnfluence: Schumpeter now exerts some control over
he ruled the city, he could punish everyon e who made either
the Chicago Board ofT rade and has managed to develop an
his life or h is unlife so torturous. Knowing h e lacks the other
iron grip over some of the city's commodities and futures
candidates' raw power (though ignorant of just h ow inferior
markets. Thus, he has some control over h ow the millions of
he really is), he is willing to make any deal with anyone to
dollars changing hands each day are employed. It is techni-
advance his own cause.
cally feasible for him to help send America's economy into a
Sire : Lodin
depression, or to destroy certain elements - such as the steel
Nature: Bravo industry. Since Ballard still maintains a grip on local business
Demeanor: Plotter and industry, Schumpeter has set his sights on the markets
Generation: 8th and exchanges- the lifeblood of Chicago.
Embrace: 198 1 (born 1939)
Apparent Age: 40s Ke-vin Jackson
Physical: S trength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 For as long as Kevin could remember, the Bloods h ad
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2 been a part of his life. Both of his older brothers had been in
the gang, and Kevin grew up with an undying hatred of the
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
Crips, the Ebony Playboys, and any gang other than the
Talents: Acting 2, Brawl I, Intimidation 2, Leadership 1,
Bloods. Thanks to the help of his two brothers, one of whom
Subterfuge 3 had moved to Los Angeles and become a leader among the
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 2, Firearms 1, Melee 1 Bloods there, Kevin's rise in the Chicago branch was swift
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Finance 2, Law 1
Disciplin es: Dominate 3, Fortitude 2, Presence 3

Chapter Four: The Kindred 129

and dramatic. By 1984 he was one of the most powerful Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 3,
Bloods in the city, running much of the city's cocaine trade Intimidation 4, Leadership 5, Stealth 2, Streetwisc 5, Subter-
out of a housing project in Cabrini Green. fuge 3
Lodin, disturbed by the rising strength of the black gangs Skills: Drive 4, Firearms 3, Melee 3, Music l, Security 2,
and the decline of the Capone-controllcd mobs, decided to Style 4
bring one of the new leaders into his fold. After a quick review Knowledges: C hicago 4, Law 1, Poetry 3
of the local toughs, he keyed on Kevin as one who had risen Disciplines: Dominate 4, Fortitude 2, Presence 2
to power through the assistance of others - not too ambi-
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Contro l3, Courage 4
tious, but with connections Lodin could use. He appeared
Backgrounds: Allics 4, Con tacts2, Herd 5, Rcsources5,
before Kevin one night and told him of his plans. Aided by
Retainers 5, Status 2
the subtle usc of Dominate, Lodin convinced the young gang
leader to join his new brood. Humanity: 7
Kevin has not kept his new existence a secret from the Willpower : 9
other Bloods. While he often takes vitre from members of his Notes: Kevin himself never carries weapons; however,
own gang, he prefers to feed on members of the Bloods' the gang members who accompany him everywhere are
traditional enemies (he can only feed on gang members). He always heavily armed.
has consolidated his power in the gang to the point that he Image: Kevin is always in style. Covered in gold, hair·
is one of its most important members, with influence across style changed weekly and dressed to kill, he makes a notable
the United States and into Central and South America. He figure anywhere he goes. Whenever he is with gang members
still operates out of the same housing project, but it is now he dresses flamboyantly, but he also favors double-breasted
completely controlled by his gang. suits or the tucked-in polo shirt style, in the right circum-
When Maldavis challenged Lodin, the prince was afraid stances.
Kevin would side with her. Kevin quickly saw which way the Roleplaying Hints: Since you almost always travel with
wind was blowing, h owever, and kept his allegiance to his a retinue, let them do most of the talking. When you do
sire. Despite this, Lodin 's inherent racism kept him from fu lly speak, make it a command.
trusting his only black n eonate. Kevin realized this, and Haven: A h ousing project in Cabrini Green. His haven
occasionally (and very quietly) aided the anarchs. itself is an armed fortress, with regular sentries, patrols and
He has turned his haven into an impregnable fortress, checkpoints. The gang members have orders to watch for any
with armed gang members patrolling its halls. T aking a page hint of Kindred presence. Guards listen to children's tales of
from the Mafia's book, he keeps this one housing project monsters and thus have a good chance of spotting someone
completely free of violent crime. As a result, the residents arc using Obfuscate. For special occasions, the gang has stocked
extremely loyal to the gang. up on flamethrowers and white phosphorus grenades.
Kevin has Embraced one of his brothers and two other Secrets: B+
Bloods. No one else realizes this, for all of them are based in
Los Angeles- the anarch capital of the world. They have
almost completely taken over the gang by this point, and
have even greater plans for the future.
Kevin has considered making a bid for prince, knowing
that he has more muscle than any other vampire in the city,
and that he can call in more at a moment's notice. He has also
realized that the position would do little more than feed his
ego, and would prove more of an obstacle to his plans than an
aid. Still, if the time were right ...
Sire: Lodin
Nature: Director
Demeanor: Conniver
Generation: 8th
Embrace: 1984 (born 1964)
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 3, Manipul:mon 4, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4

130 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Influence: He controls the Bloods in Chicago, and has eluded his control is the Chicago Reader - a weekly newspa-
great influence over them nationwide. Most of the drugs now per which he holds in contempt - and the local college
sold in C hicago have passed through his hands and he has papers.
taken his cut out of them. There are a large number of very Joseph is one of Chicago's main advocates of the Mas-
well-armed gang members under his con trol, and if need be, querade, and he will work with any vampire, be it anarch or
he could bring a h Uindred more in to town on a few days' elder, to preserve it. He is also the Cainite most likely to push
notice. He has the best-trained, largest and most deadly for sanctions against those who blatantly vio late this secrecy.
paramilitary fo rce of any vampire in Chicago. He is highly He still lives in southwest Chicago, near the Daley Commu-
dangerous, and should not be provoked. A number of the nity College campus, and feeds exclusively on journalists.
candidates for prince have sought his aid, and he may become Joseph believes his control of the media is reason enough
prince-maker, if not prince. to make him prince, an opinion he will express to everyone
within earshot. He points out that it was only through his
Joseph Peterson efforts that the worst aspects of the Lupine attack never made
By the late 1960s, Joe Peterson had become disgusted it into the press, and says there are many great things he could
with the liberal trends in journalism. A veteran of the most do if he were prince - though if pressed he is short on
reactionary days of the Chicago Tribune, words like objectiv- specifics. Indeed, the idea of becoming prince is so attractive
ity and fairness were foreign to his vocabulary. to Joseph that if it appears likely the honor will go to another,
Opponents of America as he saw it were to be prosecuted he will threaten to break the Masquerade in a most perma-
with every resource available, and he was a leader in the nent way.
paper's fight against the civil rights movement. When the Sire: Lodin
paper won the first of its three Pulitzer Prizes for investigative Nature: Traditionalist
reporting between 1971 and 1976, Peterson decided it was
Demeanor: Judge
time to leave. He became a media consultan t, stealing ideas
Generation: 8th
from The SeUing of the President 1968 to push candidates and
businesses. Unfortunately, more politicians won despite his Embrace: 1978 (born 1938)
help than because of it. The same held true for the businesses Apparent Age: Late 30s
whose public relations campaigns he ran. During the Carter Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
years, he found work slacking off. He took a part-time post as Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
a journalism professor at Daley Community College, where Mental: Perception 3 , Intelligence 4, Wits 3
he remained in obscurity until Lodin began looking for a Talents: Acting I, Intimidation 4, Leadership 1. S ub-
lieutenant to help h im control the growing threat from the terfuge 3
Skills: Drive 2, Fireanns I, Public Relations 4, Writing 3
The prince heard about Peterson from a state senator
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 3, Investigation 3, Law l,
who had used his services in the early 1970s and, unusually,
Mass Media 4, Po litics 3
had nothing but praise for the consultant. When Lodin heard
him lecture, he was also impressed. Of course, it was the same
lecture Peterson had been giving for years. Several nights
later Lodin approached Peterson and, after a short demon-
stration of vampiric powers, offered him immortality. Peterson
had no reservations about accepting the Embrace. He now
prefers to be called by his full name of Joseph, comparing
himself to the biblical figure who was sold into slavery by his
brothers (how he has come to view his treatment by fellow
journalists) and became a power in Egypt .
Despite his mortal incompetence, Peterson has had
little trouble keeping media reports of the Kindred out of the
news. Recently he has become more high-handed, though he
worries that his threats, intimidation and attacks may some-
day backfire. Stiir, he is cocky because of his new powers and
does not worry too much. He still has connections to both the
Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. As the local television
stations follow the lead of the papers, Peterson has seen little
need to clamp down on them despite their recent emphasis
on local news. In fact, the only local news source that has

Chapter Four: The Kindred 131

D isciplines: Dominate 4, Fortitude l , Presence 3
Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Retainers 2, Status 2
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control!, Courage 3
Humanity: 3
Willpower: 8
Image: A middle-aged Caucasian male with a pocked
face and greasy brown hair.
Roleplaying H ints : You analyze anything anyone says
to you, frequently in a way that makes the speaker appear in
the worst light.
Haven: A house near Daley.
Secrets: B-
l nfluence: He controls the Chicago media; he can bury
a story with a single phone call or order another into high
visibility. In the modem world this is an influence far more
powerful than one might think; given time he can actually
affect the mindset of the people of Chicago, shifting their
opinions on such things as crime, politics and police brutal-
him unless he went to college. He stubbornly refused, under
Bobby Weatberbottom the (correct) assumption that no college could teach him
(The Hurricane) anything about his chosen field.
Growing up in Cicero, lllinois, just west of Chicago, Then Amanda Cersey, a ravishing brunette from one of
gave Bobby Weatherbottom more than enough opportuni- Chicago's oldest families, came into his life. Amanda had a
ties to form friendships. But his father bought the boy his best problem. "Only you can help me, Robert, " she sobbed. Her
friend when Bobby was eight- a computer with 4K memory father was being blamed for embezzling money from a bank,
that could do almost nothing. Bobby was fascinated. By the she said, and only Bobby could make things look right. The
time he was 16, he had built numerous kit computers, written computer genius quickly discovered that Amanda's father
programs covering almost every conceivable area, and begun had been allowed no opportunity to take the missing money.
to fail high school. Like friends, the Boy Scouts and even his Furthermore, upon tracing the funds, Bobby discovered that
family, school came to mean less and less as computers came the only person who could have embezzled the money was
to mean more and more. His paren ts refused to let him drop Amanda.
out of school, so when he turned 18 he had failed twice and He learned that Amanda also worked as an officer of the
was sill in lOth grade. bank, and realized that she wished to discredit her father, for
He quit school on his birthday and moved into a dirty redistributing money in the way she wanted would only shift
apartment in a rundown part ofCicero. Despite never having the blame from Amanda to her father. However, Bobby was
a job, Bobby had little problem paying his bills - or bill, as swiftly falling in love with Amanda; he was happy to oblige,
it were. The rent was the only bill Bobby ever paid. The conscience be damned. Soon Amanda was coming to him
computers at the electric company, the phone company, the with all sorts of problems for him to solve and corporate
grocery deliverers and the credit card companies always espionage to commit. With his aid, she quickly rose to a top
registered his bills as paid in full. Bobby's growing ability with position at the bank and put huge amounts of money into her
a computer and a modem also earned him a steady income own accounts.
from a savings account manipulation scheme he ran against As Bobby helped her, Amanda became more and more
lllinois' largest bank. uncomfortable in his presence. She quickly blamed this
Now comfortably ensconced amongst his own fi lth, the unease on the fact that Bobby soon knew everything about
young computer genius happily went about building a name her - an easy task given his ability with computers. She
for himself among hackers worldwide. No copy protection stopped visiting him, but he stayed in contact with her via
could prevent the legendary Hurricane from copying a pro- computer messages and love notes printed on her bank
gram for distribution on a multitude of bulletin boards, and
machine receipts. Amanda, becoming more and more afraid
lesser hackers found it fascinating trying to find the messages of this seemingly omniscient, omnipotent boy, contacted a
he planted in heavily protected business and government "distant cousin" of hers who had a reputation for being able to
networks. Indeed, the only thing that disturbed Bobby in his help with intractable problems. This "cousin" was in fact the
new womb was his family's refusal to have anything to do with Toreador clan leader Annabelle T riabell.

132 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Triabell began to study the young computer genius in series of grievances against him. The primogen decided to
her spare time. One night, she mentioned him to Lodin while teach Lodin a lesson and began its support of Maldavis. The
they sat together in his box at the opera. The prince became ensuing battle tore the vampire community in two and led to
fascinated by the idea of a lieutenant who could control the the destruction of several score Kindred. In the end, Lodin
city's computer networks. At the time he did not understand came crawling back to the primogen and offered them his
computers himself, but knew all too well their growing loyalty.
importance in society. As part of his submission, he reunited Amanda and
In the meantime, Bobby had made the most difficult Bobby (thereby giving Annabelle a hold over him as well),
move of his life. He had left his comfortable little apartment though he still numbered Bobby among his most valuable
and gone to see Amanda. He begged the beautiful young lieutenants. Amanda knows of his new existence, has prom-
woman to listen, and poured his heart out to her. He told her ised to do anything she can to help him, and confides in her
of his loneliness, and how much she had come to mean to ancestor a great deal about the situation. Indeed, Bobby has
him. As he told his tale of love and sorrow, of the pain of an never fed from anyone else (thus, he never has more than one
introverted, self-centered life, Amanda began to react posi- Blood Point in his system), nor, at this point, can he feed from
tively, agreeing with much of what he said about life. For the anyone else. Annabelle protects both of them, and would
first time ever, they had something in common. He had destroy anyone who hurt either.
caught her at exactly the right time- her boyfriend had left Sire: Lodin
her the week before, prompting her to review her life, and she Nature: Loner
had been horrified at her own selfishness. Demeanor: Fanatic
As Bobby spoke, Amanda began to realize that her Generation: 8th
discomfort stemmed from emotions just like those he was Embrace : 1984 (born 1963)
describing. Amanda's own life had been one long struggle to Apparent Age: Early 20s
live up to the demands of an overbearing father and a jealous
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
mother. Feelings like love and caring were as foreign to her
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 2
as they were to the lonely young man. They were both cold
to the reality of emotion, but had found different ways to keep Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 5, Wits 3
it out of their lives. Talents: Alertness 3, Subterfuge 3
In Bobby she found a kindred spirit, the first human Skills: Drive 1, Repair 2, Security 5
being with whom she could empathize. Despite her earlier Knowledges: Computer 5, Computer Hacking 5, Inves-
rejections, now her heart began to warm to him. As an tigation 5, Puzzles 5
experiment, she allowed herself to open up a tiny bit to the Disciplines: Dominate 1, Fortitude 2, Presence 1
possibility that she could love him, and soon the crack Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 4, Fame 1, Mentor 3,
became an opening through which a sea of repressed feelings Resources 3, Status I
flowed. Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control2, Courage 2
Bobby was stunned to find his feelings reciprocated by Humanity: 8
this beautiful woman. He left her condominium shortly Willpower: 7
before dawn the next morning, dreaming of what their life
Image: A tall, skinny young man with glasses and
together would be like. He returned home to find the prince
stringy, dirty blond hair. He generally dresses in old jeans and
of vampires waiting by his computer.
Lodin did not even take the time to explain to Bobby
Roleplaying Hints: You don't interface as well with the
what was going to happen. He gripped the young man before
living (or the undead) as you do with computers. Talk
Bobby could resist and, after the Embrace, Dominated the
hesitantly and only when you must.
boy into coming to his haven, where he put the computer
genius to work tracking down infonnation on his foes. Amanda Haven: An apartment in Cicero (see above).
spent the day at work thinking about her soulmate and trying Secrets: A-
to call him on the phone. Unable to reach him, she went to Influence: Bobby has no influence in and ofhimself, but
his apartment during lunch. She found the door unlocked he can use his abilities to great effect, causing chaos and
and blood spattered about. Horrified, but afraid to contact destruction in nearly every sector of the city. He is a brilliant
the police, she ran once more to her "distant cousin." computer hacker and can break into any system. Use your
Annabelle, with a little help from her Auspex, quickly put imagination Ito decide what sort of influence this gives him.
one and one together.
Before contacting Lodin, she called a meeting of the Lorraine
primogen and railed for almost an hour about the prince's Lorraine Matthews' family has long been a power, not
uncontrolled creation of neonates and his refusal to seek only in Chicago politics, but in Illinois, the Midwest and
permission from the primogen. It was the last straw after a occasionally on the national level as well. Indeed, though she

Chapter Four: The Kindred 133

does not know it, she is the great-great-granddaughter of Sire: Lodin
Lodin. She spent her early life happily playing on her family's Natu re: Architect
rich estates, being groomed for a life of public service and Demeanor: Child
private gain. However, her four years at Northwestern Uni- Generation: 8th
versity changed her attitude. She became heavily involved in
Embrace: 1987 (born 1966)
both drugs and self-sacrifice while in school, and signed up to
Apparent Age: Early 20s
join the Peace Corps upon graduation.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Lodin met his great-great granddaughter for the first
time at a private party right after her graduation, where he Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
was hunting one of her friends. He quickly changed targets to Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
this enchanting young woman, and engaged her in conversa- Talents: Acting 2, Empathy 2, Leadership 1, Streetwise 2
tion. As they walked along the shore of Lake Michigan, the Skills: Animal Ken I, Etiquette 2, Music 2
Prince of Chicago found himself becoming more and more Knowledges: Medicine 2, Humanities 3, Politics 1
interested in this unique young lady, who was like no one he Disciplines: Animalism 1, Auspex 1, Celerity 1, Domi-
had ever before met (a head full of LSD was doing much to nate 3, Fortitude l, Obfuscate 1, Potence 1, Presence 2,
accentuate her natural strangeness). Protean I
Instead offeeding from her and then returning her to the Backgrounds: Allies I, Contacts 2, Influence 2, Re-
party, Lodin kept on talking with her until the crack of dawn, sources 3, Status I
when he realized he had fallen in love with her. Minutes
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 4, Courage 2
before the sun was to rise, he told her what he was and invited
Humanity: 10
her to join him in immortality. The tripping Lorraine was
more than happy to do so. After the transformation, the pair Willpower: 6
retired to the nearby Matthews estate to sleep. However, the Image: A pretty young red-headed woman, with long,
LSD now coursing through both their systems made sleep straight hair and a faraway look in her eyes. She uses clothes
impossible and, for the first time in more than a century, and makeup to accentuate her beauty.
Lodin stayed up through the day. Indeed, at his beloved's Roleplaying Hints: Speak quietly and slowly. Since you
urging, the two went outside and endured almost five seconds are generally flying high on something, little of what you say
of bright sunlight before rushing back to the basement. makes sense.
At first, Lodin was afraid to reveal Lorraine's existence, Haven: The family estate.
for in creating her he had violated his recent pledge to seek Secrets: A-
approval from the primogen before adding to his brood. Influence: Lorraine has almost all of Lodin's old files,
However, he managed to extract support from a majority of and knows secrets to which almost no one else has access.
the elders, and eventually revealed her to the Kindred. He Lodin also taught her all the Disciplines he knew, and was
kept her heavily Dominated until he was convinced she
really loved him, and that her attraction to him was not just
another effect of the drugs.
After deciding that she did indeed love him, he spent
every available momen t with her. She would feed on the
blood of drug users and he would, in tum, feed on her blood,
an arrangement he kept very secret. She spent most of the
nights of the Lupine attack at a commune in western Illinois,
returning to find the city in ruins and her lover dead.
Lorraine has been horribly affected by Lodin's death,
and is probably the only Kindred in the city to grieve for him.
She has no idea what she will do next, but is slowly coming
ro the conclusion that she must keep Lodin's "dream" alive.
The idea that Lodin had a dream would surprise many
vampires (including Lodin, were he still alive), but Lorraine
believes he wanted all Kindred to have a chance to advance
spiritually. Thus she is studying all his remaining files for
clues on how to do this. In the process, she has learned more
about the city's undead than almost anyone else.
She still feeds on drug users, preferring those who use
hallucinogens like LSD, psilocybin, MDMA (ecstasy) and

134 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Then the rumors began to surface. Neatly had been seen
among the Sabbat, riding wildly through the streets ofCanada.
Others placed him in the Anarch Free States, and one visitor
even claimed to have spotted Neally in Mexico. Lodin did his
best to stop these slanderous lies, but without success. Still,
Neally had never again been seen in Chicago.
Now he has returned. Tricked into joining the Sabbat in
1991, he has lived with his pack in California until recently.
A month ago, the Sabbat bishop who had converted him
heard the Sabbat was becoming interested in Chicago. Con-
cerned that Rigaud's plans were not in the best interests of the
sect, he sent Neally back under strict orders to observe only,
and to take no action until he, the bishop, could come to the
Thus Neatly stays hidden, concealed from all who might
remember him. He watches the other Sabbat of the city as
much as he does the Camarilla, and uses his old knowledge to
keep abreast of much of what happens. He unconsciously
despises his condition, but can do nothing about it, thanks to
the Vaulderie. Should someone else break the Bond, he
beginning to teach her how to help him run the city, hoping would be eternally grateful.
she would rule as princess alongside him. Also, her family has Sire: Lodin
some pull in mortal po litics. N ature: Martyr
Demeanor: Fanatic
Edward Neally Generation: 8th
Edward Neally served Lodin admirably as the prince's Embrace: 1896 (born 1863)
subordinate. He was the most effective of servants until the
Apparent Age: Mid-30s
night he disappeared. Lodin turned the city inside out in the
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
search for his lieutenant, but nothing was ever uncovered.
Finally Lodin o rdered the search called off and held a quiet Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
funeral for his aide. Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 4, Wits 3

- l3enttue ·
Jackson (8tb) Peterson (8tb) Weatberbottom (8tb) TbomhiU (D)
Lorraine (8th) Neatly (8dl) Dmmmood (D) Hinds (D)
Ballard (8tb) Schumpeter (8tb)

Sovereign (9th) Oaughao (D) Pham Hong (D)

c:::J = Sired by Lodin

Chapter Four: The Kindred 135

Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl I, Dodge 4, Empathy 2, Willpower: 6
Intimidation 3, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 3 Image: Neatly is a tall, somewhat slender man, slightly
Skills: Etiquette 3, Firearms 2, Music 2 balding.
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 4, Computer 4, Law 2, Lin- Roleplaying Hints : You are extremely paranoid about
guistics I, Occult 4, Politics 3 being discovered, and will go to any lengths to avoid this.
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 3, Fortitude 4. Pres- Haven: He resides in the charred husk of a building on
ence 2, Vicissitude 2 the South Side.
Backgrounds: Mentor 3 Secrets: B+
Virtues: Callousness I, Instincts 4, Morale 2 Influence: None.
H umanity: 0 (he is too alienated to have developed a
Path of Enlightenment)

136 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

The vampires of the Sabbat are recent additions to However, he and most other mortals did not know that
Chicago, but their numbers have rapidly increased. The sect the European wars of the Sun King were in fact only one part
began with two scouts, greatly increased in strength during of the continent-spanning wars between the newly formed
Under a Blood Red Moon, and has now added a pack to the Camarilla and the Sabbat rebels. The invasion of Holland
city. had been a cover by the Camarilla to try to wipe out that
The Brujah Tyler was responsible for bringing the pack northern bastion of its enemy. Phillipe discovered this one
to the city, believing it to be her payment to the Sabbat for night as he camped out in the desolate countryside. His sleep
the sect's recent protection. The Sabbat leaders who assigned was rudely interrupted by two crazed Sabbat vampires seeking
it to the city know better. The pack is made up of misfits and both blood and "recruits" to use as cannon fodder against
incompetents, and its "duty" is to make a mess of things- their foes.
eventually revealing Tyler's tie to the sect. Phillipe managed to empty his two pistols into the
This is the event that the Sabbat believes will send the attackers before they were on him. The sight of two creatures
city over the edge, for in the ensuing battle among the unaffected by bullets was almost enough to send his fatigued
primogen the sect hopes to move in and take over. Of course, mind to the edge of madness, and when they sank their teeth
the Sabbat has not taken into account the Methuselahs who into his flesh he went over the edge. While he was uncon-
really run the show. scious they looked into his mind, learned what he had been
Note that two members of the Chicago Sabbat, Doyle doing for the last few weeks and judged him fit for their
Fincher (Gangrel) and Edward Neally (Ventrue), are not purposes.
included here. They are still involved with their o ld clans,
either physically or emotionally, and have been left with

Phillipe Rigaud
When Louis XIV, France's legendary Sun King, invaded
Holland in 1672, Phillipe Rigaud was a soldier in the light
cavalry units that scouted the area or, more commonly,
raided the area. While these soldiers did not share their king's
dislike of Calvinism, republicanism and Dutch economic
ascendancy, they did enjoy a good opportunity.
Phillipe's unit was better than most in seizing each
village in its path, carrying away whatever was portable and
destroying the rest. Its free rein over the countryside ended
when the Dutch took the extreme step of opening the dikes.
Most of Phillipe's unit died in the ensuing floods. Phillipe
himself had actually been scouting; having climbed a wind-
mill to get a better view of the area, he had the good fortune
to escape the waters. Cursing the Dutch, Phillipe prepared to
make his way back to France.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 137

When he revived, Phillipe found himself surrounded by Apparent Age: 20s
dirt, trapped deep under the earth. His now-vampiric mind Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 6
rebelled at this situation; in a frenzy, he clawed his way out of Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
the grave. He was met at the surface by one of the Sabbat's Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
grave-watchers, who knocked out the exhausted Phillipe and
T alents: Acting 3, Alermess 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 5,
brought him before the Sabbat council. There he was told his
Dodge 6, Intimidation 3, Leadership 2, Stealth 5, Streetwise 3,
new purpose in unlife: to fight the Camarilla for the rest of
Subterfuge 4
Skills: Blind Fighting 3, Body Alteration 2, Firearms 3,
Ever the good soldier, and now a crazed soldier to boot,
Melee 4, Security 3, Stealth 6, Survival 4
Phillipe threw himself into the ensuing battles. He was part
Knowledges: Camarilla Lore 4, Chicago 4, Investiga-
of many mass attacks by the Black Hand against Camarilla
tion 4, Linguistics 4, Occult 2, Politics 2, Sabbat Lore 3,
strongholds in southern France. During these attacks, almost
Sewer Lore l
all the Sabbat died, but they invariably destroyed their
targets. The few survivors simply created more "troops" and Disciplines: Animalism 3, Auspex 4, Celerity 2, Domi-
went off to attack another stronghold. They also drank the nate 4, Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 5, Obtenebration 4, Potence
blood of those they killed; this was the only guaranteed means 2, Protean 4, Vicissitude 2
of survival, so they had nothing to lose. Backgrounds: Black Hand Membership 3, Sabbat Sta-
Despite being created as cannon fodder, Phillipe has tus 3
managed to survive and prosper thanks to his military skills Virtues: Callousness 4, Instincts 4, Morale 5
and his insane obsession with destroying the Camarilla, Path of H onorable Accord: 9
which he now blames for all his misfortunes. In two attacks Willpower: l 0
he was the only vampire to survive, and both times he Image: T all and slim, with black hair and a trim mus-
managed to feed on the blood of elder Cainites. tache. Dresses in black.
The role of the New World as a battleground between Roleplaying Hints: A void contact at all costs, and
the two forces of Kindred has allowed Phillipe to prove his when it is forced upon you pretend to be someone else. Under
abilities over and over again. Before the Sabbat takes over a no circumstance should you ever reveal your true self to
new city, it sends a number of two-vampire teams to scout it anyone.
out and prepare the way for the eventual attack. When the H aven: A deserted old hotel in south Chicago. At one
time comes, the scouts Embrace hundreds of mortals for time it sheltered numerous homeless; these hapless souls
cannon fodder and contact the Sabbat for help in leading the became the Sabbat's first victims.
undead army. Phillipe has proved himself to be one of the
Secrets: A-
sect's most capable urban scouts, and has been involved in
Influence: Little to none - yet. When the time is right,
almost every major Sabbat takeover in the past 200 years. He
however, he is prepared to create a whole new batch of
was one of the three scouts who oversaw the takeover of New
Sabbat vampires in Chicago. In a span of a month or so the
Chicago Sabbat will be able to create 20 to 30 new Kindred,
Now he has been sent on the most difficult of missions:
and a month after that the number will approximately
to pave the way for the Sabbat to take over Chicago. Over the
double. Creating such numbers of Kindred has always been
years, Phillipe has become fanatical about increasing his
the way for the Sabbat, and throwing such cannon fodder at
power to the point where he could not be harmed. The only
the Camarilla has been the only way to overthrow its rule.
event that could convince him to reveal himself from the
cover of his perpetual Obfuscate is the opportunity to drink Wendy Wade
the blood of an elder.
From birth, Wendy Wade was groomed for a position of
Even during the Lupine-Sabbat attacks of U nder a power. The only child of one of Baltimore's most successful
Blood Red Moon, he neverrevealed himself to the Camarilla. corporate lawyers, she attended the finest prep schools on the
Though the attacks appeared to be on the verge of destroying East Coast and eventually earned her law degree from Co-
his enemies, he stayed hidden, working through intermediar- lumbia University, graduating at the top of her class in 1978
ies and acting under the orders of a N ew York bishop, who is (a truly remarkable feat for one so young). She went to work
the leader of his current pack. for one of Wall Street's most prestigious law firms and soon
Sire: Henri made her mark during the merger and acquisition frenzy that
Clan: Gangrel antitribu gripped businesses during the Reagan era. She was a dynamic,
Nature: Fanatic energetic and ruthless attorney; people who met her knew
Demeanor: Survivor she was marked for great things as a lawyer. Then she made
Generation: 7th the mistake of walking home late from a neighborhood fern
Embrace: 1673 (born 1650) bar.

138 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

The Sabbat was preparing to expand its grip on the Sire: Carl
United States, and several members of the sect were out Clan: Tzimisce
seeking converts. They saw Wendy making her way home Nature: Deviant
and ambushed her in the lobby of her apartment building. Demeanor: Plotter
They knocked her out, dragged her into their waiting van and
Generation: 12th
drove into the night.
Embrace: 1986 (born 1956)
When she regained consciousness, she found herself in
Apparent Age: Late 20s
the dark, unable to move, with dirt in her mouth, nose and
eyes. She also became aware of great changes going on within Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
her body. Without knowing exactly what she was doing, she Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3
began expending Blood Points. With the phenomenal Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
strength now available to her, she slowly managed to force Talents: Acting 2, Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Brawl 3,
her way through the earth. After an hour of agonizing effort, Dodge 3, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 4
she reached the surface. The grave-watchers, who were used Skills: &xly Alteration I, Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2,
to seeing vampires rise in a frenzy if they rose at all, were Stealth 2
amazed to sec Wendy burst from the earth as sane and Knowledges: Bureaucracy 3, Camarilla Lore 1, Investi-
rational as a neonate could be. They took her back to the gation 2, Law 4, Politics 2
Sabbat council, and introduced her to her new life.
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Auspex 2, Dominate 3, Forti-
Wendy has been a great success among her new family. tude I, Obfuscate 2, Presence 4, Protean 3, Vicissitude 3
The sect has found her to be a quick learner, a keen observer
Backgro unds: Allies 2, Contacts 2, Sabbat Status 2
and a natural tactician. Several Sabbat elders have begun to
Virtues: Callousness 3, Instincts 3, Courage 3
groom her for greatness, and have assigned a number of the
Black Hand's foremost members to show her the ropes. This Path of Power and the Inner Voice: 6
is why she has been assigned alongside one of the Sabbat's Willpower: I0
best scouts as pan of the first scouting party to Chicago. Notes: Vicissitude allows Wendy to make minor changes
Wendy is st ill deeply in love with her own invulnerabil- in her appearance and craft the flesh of herself and others.
ity and tends to be overconfident. She approves of the Image: An attractive, very businesslike woman. Her
Sabbat's position with regard to mortals, and dislikes having brown hair is cut short and she still has a preference fo r power
to hide her "superiority." Phillipe fears that this makes her suits.
more likely to let the Sabbat presence become known. She Roleplaying H ints: If you are drawn into a conversation
has learned that she can increase her power by feeding from about the Kindred, become adamant in pushing for the
an e lder, and is on the lookout for an opportunity. Since she Sabbat's side. Try to convince the characters that your way
is 12th generation, almost any Kindred will do. is right. Then, if they are of lower generation than you, kill
them and drink their blood.
H aven: An abandoned hotel in south Chicago (See
Phillipe, above).
Secrets: B
Influence: None.

Tbe Nomad Pack

Cameron knows he was a loser as a mortal. Small,
scrawny and prone to all sorts of real and imaginary maladies,
he had few associates and even fewer friends. Left alone, he
probably would have eventually died an uneventful, boring
death. The Sabbat ensured this was not the case.
In need of recruits, a New York pack grabbed him one
night and sent him through the sect's horrible Creation
Rites. Somehow he managed to dig his way out of his grave,
arising at the surface maddened by the lust for existence -
much to the surprise of his captors, who had not expected him
to survive.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 139

Image: A thin and stooped little man. Cameron prefers
old suits and wide ties.
Roleplaying Hints: Unused to the burdens of leader-
ship, you are afraid to take any steps without T yler'scommand.
The other members of your pack are a lready beginning to
look down on you for your hesitancy, and you are petrified at
the though t of what might happen sho uld you fa il as pack
Haven: An abandoned apartment b uilding in Lombard,
near O'Hare.
Secrets : B-
l nfluence: Cameron may be considered expendable by
the Sabbat hierarch y, but he is still a priest of the sect, and
commands some respect- though not much. lf he called for
help, some might come. For now, though, he must rely on
Tyler for assistance.

Lolita Houston
Lolita's mortal life wasn't much - orphaned at birth,
adopted by a family that abandoned her eigh t years later,
Cameron has also surprised other Sabbat by surviving shunted from one set of foster parents to the next - so she
everything the world of darkness can throw at h im, up to and swore her unlife would go much better. For her, the Sabbat
including the destruction of his original pack in Pennsylva- has actually been a relief from the struggle she went through
nia. Returning to N ew York, he was given command of a during life.
number of brand-new recruits and told to head to C hicago, Her assignment to Chicago is her first chance to prove
where he would come under the command of a Brujah named herself, and she relishes the opportu nity. She has already
T yler. made the acquaintance of W endy W ade, whom she believes
Sire: Molita will be able to help her rise in status. Cameron does not know
Clan: Lasombra this, and Lolita has no intentions of telling him. She believes
Nature: Survivor Cameron is ineffective at best, and plans on taking his place
Demeanor: Conniver at the earliest opportunity - for the good of the sect, of
Generation: lOth course.
Embrace: 1984 (born 1952)
Apparent Age: Mid-30s
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, S tamina 3
Social: C harisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Talen ts: Acting 2, A lertness 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 1,
Leadership 1, Panhandling 1, Subterfuge 3
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Firearms 1, Melee 2, Stealth 2,
Survival I
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Computer 1, Occult 3,
Sabbat Lore 2
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 3, O btenebration 4,
Potence 2
Back grounds: Contacts 1, Herd 1, Sabbat Status 1
Virtues: Callousness 4, Instincts 2, Morale 1
Path of Power and the Inner Voice: 5
Willpower: 6
Notes: The Obtenebration Discipline allows Cameron
to manipulate the darkness. He can contro l shadows, create
darkness, evoke shadowy illusions and even cause arms to
attack from the shadows.

140 Chicago byNight 2nd Edition

Sire: Charles
Clan: Tzimisce
Nature: Director
Demeanor: Curmudgeon
Generation: 11th
Embrace: 1988 (born 1968)
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
T alents: Alertness 3, Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 2,
Intimidation 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1
Skills: Body Alteration 1, Firearms 1, Melee 2, Security 1,
Stealth 2
Knowledges: Sabbat Lore l
Disciplines: Animalism 1, Auspex 1, Vicissitude 2
Backgrounds: Contacts 2
Virtues: Callousness 4, Instincts 3, Morale 3
Path of Power and the Inner Voice: 5 Talents.: Brawl 4, Intimidation 3
Willpower: 6 Skills: Body Alteration 1, Drive 1, Melee 1, Survival!
Image: Mixed-blood Welsh-Puerto Rican. She dresses Know ledges: Black Hand Lore 1, Science 2
almost exclusively in black. Disciplines: Dominate 1, Fortitude 2
Roleplaying Hints: Everyone can be a tool, and you will Backgrounds: Herd 1
find the right way to manipulate everyone. Until then, put Virtues: Callousness 5, Instincts 1, Morale 2
them down (especially Cameron) and destroy their egos. Path of Cathari: 3
H aven: With Cameron. Willpower: 4
Secrets: C+ Image: Samson is short but powerful, and wears his hair
Influence: None. closely cropped. He likes to wear clothes that show off his
Samson Roleplaying Hints: You talk mainly in grunts, and enjoy
The first people to label Ned "Samson" did so sarcasti- threatening people more than conversing with them.
cally, both because he was weak and because his father Haven: With Cameron.
insisted he keep his hair closely shorn. Samson kept the
Secrets: D
nickname and his crewcut, but worked out fanatically until
Influence: None.
none could doubt that his physique rivaled that of his biblical
namesake. Of course, the steroids helped as well. Bill Butler
Samson survived his Embrace with little problem but, as
The most experienced member of the pack other than
he was already prone to violent mood swings, the experience
Cameron, Butler secretly served his sire as a ghoul before
made him even more unpredictable and dangerous. It takes
being Embraced. Since his sire did not have permission to
very little to set him off, and an extreme effort to calm him
keep a ghoul, that part of Butler's life has remained hidden
down again. His bond to the pack usually keeps them safe
from the other pack members. That is not the only secret he
from his anger, but not always.
has kept from them.
Sire: Jerry
Butler's sire has followed the Path of Evil Revelations for
Clan: Ventrue antitribu decades and, as a ghoul, Butler assisted in his rituals and
Nature: Bravo summonings. Now that Butler is also a vampire, he also
Demeanor: Loner pursues the Path, though his fellow pack members believe he
Generation: 13th follows the Path of Caine. Should a Kindred (Camarilla or
Embrace: 1989 (born 1965) Sabbat) appear ripe for corruption, Butler will woo said
Apparent Age: Late 20s Kindred to his way as quickly as possible.
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 Sire: Demian
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Appearance 3 Clan: City Gangrel
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 1 Nature: Deviant

Chapter Four: The Kindred 141

Influence: Butler's Mentor is an up-and-coming mem-
ber of the sect; he resides in New York, but may help his
childe from time to time.

Marga rite
Even in death, the United States h as been the land of
opportunity for Margarite. Her family a rrived in America as
part of the 1980 Cuban boat lift. They moved their way north
along the East Coast and finally settled in New York. When
she turned 18, Margarite got a job as a secretary for an
advertising firm and looked forward to the day when she
would own a house, car, white picket fence, etc.
The Sabbat took those dreams away from her, but she no
longer feels their loss. T he bonds she has formed within the
sect are stronger than any she had as a mortal, and her
devotion to the Sabbat is utter and complete. She will do
anything to see the glorious cause advanced and is sure her
pack feels the same way.
Sire: Smith
Clan: Panders
Demeanor: Confidant
Nature: Visionary
Generation: 13th
Demeanor: Caregiver
Embrace: 1989 (born 1943)
Generation: 13th
Apparent Age: Early 30s
Embrace: 1990 (born 1972)
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 2
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation l, Appearance 4
Talents: Acting 4, A lertness I , Brawl 2, Dodge 2,
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Intimidation 1, Subterfuge 3
Talents: Alertness I, Brawl! , Empathy I, Leadership 1
Skills: Etiquette 2, Firearms 3, Melee 2, Security 2,
Skills: Etiquette 1, Melee 1, Music I , Stealth I
Stealth 3, Torture I
Knowledges: Occult 1, Sabbat Lore I
Knowledges: Camarilla Lo re 1, Finance 1, Investiga-
tion 2, Occult 3, Politics 2, Sabbat Lore 3
Disciplines: Celerity 1, Obfuscate 2, Potence 2, Protean 2,
Thaumaturgy 2 (Path of T orture 1)
Backgrounds: A llies 1, Contacts 3, Mentor 2, Re-
sources 2
Virtues: Callousness 5, Instincts 4, Morale 1
Path of Evil Revelations: 5
W illpower: 8
Notes: Knowing the Path ofTorture lets Butler cause
pain just by touching his subject. He knows a small number
of rituals, including Spectral Mask, which covers his visage
with that ofa demonic image. Also, Butler stays in touch with
his sire via the sire's demonic fami liar, which just might show
up if Butler is in danger.
Image: A slight, unobtrusive man who dresses in a
nondescript manner and sticks to the shadows.
Roleplaying Hints: Try to talk to other Kindred on a
one-to-one basis. Be friendly, sympathetic, and always on the
watch for a chance to corrupt your "friend."
Haven: With Cameron.
Secrets: C+

142 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Disciplines: C elerity 1, Dominate 1, Fortitude 1, Image: A young, dark woman with long black hair and
Obtenebration 1, Potence 1 green eyes. S he prefers to wear loose cotton dresses.
Backgrounds: None Roleplaying H ints: You are sincere and dedicated. You
Virtues: Callousness 2, Instincts 2, Morale 5 look people in the eye when you talk to them, trying to
Path of H armony: 5 convince them of the righteousness of your cause.
Willpower: 7 H aven: With Cameron.
Secrets: C -
lnfluence: None.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 143

The Others
There are other vampires in C hicago besides those who were in Barcelona when the persecution began. At first they
belong to the Camarilla o r the Sabbat. In fact, a number of fought against the church an d government attacks on Jews,
Kindred who would never have stayed in the city while Ledin Moslems, Kindred and other infidels, just as they had fought
reigned h ave entered C hicago in the last few months. They the Romans more than a millennium before.
have their own goals and schemes, and each adds even more
They were soon approached by an emissary of the newly
confusion to the bubbling chaos that is C hicago.
founded Camarilla. This Methuselah gave with one hand
and took with the other. He ordered the two Kindred to stop
Rebekah (Tbe Monitor) fighting the Inquisition on pain of a Blood Hunt, and then
Rebekah was born almost 2000 years ago, just south of offered them membership in the new organization. Rebekah
the h oly city of Jerusalem. Like her parents, she fiercely rejected the offer out of hand, and would have attacked the
opposed the Roman occupation ofJudea. Unlike her parents, emissary right then and there had Elihu not restrained her.
she took the battle to fierce new heights and became a The n ew organization was the cause of the first and last fight
member of what modern historians call the Zealots: a force between Rebekah and her sire. Elihu wanted to join the
of urban militants and rural peasants who battled both the fledgling group, while Rebekah wanted to fight all those who
Romans and the Jewish aristocrat . Rebekah, who moved would oppress what she thought of as her peoples. Elihu left
into Jerusalem, was one of the few females who earned the her and began a long journey to Cathay, where he hoped to
privilege of being sicarius, or "dagger man," assassinat ing disappear into anonymity.
leading oppressors. After one particularly daring assassina-
Rebekah, enraged, enlisted the aid of a number of other
tion of a Roman merchant, Jeru alem became too hot to hold
Kindred who felt as she did, and attacked him before he left
her and she returned to the countryside of her youth.
Spain. ln the battle her allies died, but not before she was able
There she met Elihu, a Ventrue who hated the rich and to sink her teeth deep into Elihu's throat and suck the essence
vented his hate upon the upper classes of Jewish society. She of Caine from his body. The sight of her sire and lover dead
became his Retainer and served him in his personal crusades on the ground before her brought h er back to her senses.
against those they both saw as oppressors. However, the Horrified, she fled Spain and made her way back to the land
Roman Empire began to reassert its control over the country- were she had been Embraced.
side, and in a battle against a detachment oflegio naries, Elihu
For centuries she lived the life of an ascetic, often going
was speared through the heart by a wooden pilum. The
without blood for weeks at a time, trying to control the deadly
soldiers then set his body on fire.
lust that she now saw as the bane of her existence. She felt her
Rebekah managed to drive the Romans off with the aid Humanity gaining ascendancy over the Beast that had ruled
of several old friends, but found Elihu's body burned beyond her for so long. Golconda itself eluded h er, though. She
recognition. Somehow he still lived, and Rebekah offered began to wander the Middle East, visiting holy sites and
him all her blood so th at he could begin the lo ng process of conversing with the greatest thinkers of the age.
h ealing. He drained her, unable to prevent himself from
Finally, sh e journeyed to the caves near the top of Mount
drinking the last drop of her vitre. He came to his senses in
Ararat where, amidst the remains of the great ark, she
time to return some of his blood to her, and she became one
pledged not to move until she had come to terms with the
of the undead.
Beast within. In the dreams of her ravings, she was ap-
T ogether they fled a Palest ine that was no longer safe, proached by an Ancient who had been watching her for some
and traveled throughout the Roman Empire. For the next time, and this Ancient guided her through the tortuous path
1400 years they journeyed across Africa, Europe and Asia, that was her Suspire. Two months later she crawled down
feeding on the rich an d falling deeper and deeper in love with from the summit, severely emaciated but safely within
one another. Then came the Inquisition. Rebekah and Elihu Golconda.

144 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

She soon discovered that there were other Kindred like Maldavis to hide out at the aquarium, where she could keep
her - o ld, powerful Cainites who wished only to be left a close eye o n her protege.
alone. She joined these lnconnu, and they warned her of Sire: Elihu
threats that she had heretofore only suspected. They told her Nature: Rebel
about the immortal Jyhad and the impending Gehenna, of Demeanor: Loner
the Antediluvians and their unceasing wars against each
Generat ion: 5th
other. She became one of the lnconnu Monitors, watching
over allotted areas to report events that might threaten the Embrace: A.D. 12 (born 9 B.C.)
lnconnu peace - watching, but never interfering. Apparent Age: Mid-20s
The lnconnu sent her to the newly freed English colo- Ph ysical: Strength 6, Dexterity 7, Stamina 6
nies in America to keep track of the Kindred who had played Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 5
a role in the revolution. She went to the frontier where many Mental: Perception 8, Intelligence 7, Wits 8
of them dwelt, monitoring them as best she could and Talents: Acting 4, Alertness 6, Brawl 4, Dodge 4,
keeping in close touch with the other lnconnu. She was Empathy 4, Subterfuge 5
attracted to C hicago by the battle between Maxwell and Skills: Animal Ken 3, Drive l, Etiquette 2, Melee 4,
Lodin, and soon became sure that things were not as they Music 3, Stealth 5
seemed. The city was in such a ferment of rebellion and Knowledges: Chicago 7, Investigation 5, Linguistics 8,
chaos, and was so overcrowded, that it was judged to require Medicine 4, Occult 5
its own Monitor. She has stayed in the area ever since, unseen
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Auspex 6, Celerity 2, Do mi·
by most Kindred and a mystery to the rest.
nate 6, Fortitude 4, Obfuscate 5, Potence 2, Presence 5,
While the Monitors arc supposed to remain hidden Protean 5, Thaumaturgy 4 (Path ofMorpheus 4)
watchers, taking no part in the events they view, Rebekah
Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Resources 3, Retainers 2
has been unable to maintain her detachment. Rebekah
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 5, Courage 8
served admirably for years, but the rise of Maldavis finally
drew her into the city's battles. She saw much of herself in Humanity: lO
Maldavis and threw herself into the hopeless battle, though Willpower: 10
too late to change the tide. She barely managed to maintain Notes: Rebekah avoids combat at all costs, but if she is
her anonymtty when Maldavis was defeated, but she has somehow forced into it, she will show her foe no mercy. She
continued to protect her and hopes the anarch will one day will employ all of her Disciplines and immediately spend
rise again. She has even begun to enter the dreams of the large numbers of Blood Points to raise her Dexterity or
young rebel and is slowly guiding her toward Golconda. Strength. He r extra level of Auspex allows her to sense the
Rebekah also quietly protected Maldavis during the emotions of those around her with a Perception + Empathy
events of Under a Blood Red Moon. She used her Dominate roll (difficulty 7). Her extra level of Dominate allows her to
to pacify Lupines who attacked the Caitiff, and even allowed calm frenzied Kindred (and other supernatural creatures such
as Lupines) without making them lose their self-will. The
target vampire must roll his Humanity (difficulty 6). Each
success lessens the frenzy. Five successes means the frenzy is
completely overcome, while a botch leads the target to attack
Rebekah. The Path of Morpheus allows Rebekah to put
targets to sleep and even enter their dreams. She also knows
any rituals (of Levels One through Four) the Storyteller
Image: Rebekah was attractive as a mortal, and a
combination of blood and her own self-satisfaction makes
her more so. She has black hair and green eyes, and prefers the
comfort of loose, flowing outfits.
Roleplaying Hints: You try to hide your role as Mo nitor
at all costs. When you do interact openly with o thers, try to
pass yourself off as a much younger Lick.
Haven: Rebekah resides in the Shedd Aquarium.
Secrets : A+
Influence : Rebekah reports to the lnconnu Council. It
is not entirely inconceivable (though highly unlikely) that
she might be able to convince them to intervene in the affairs
of Chicago.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 145

Wolf behind, to find a place of safety where the Pale Wolf
could recover.
Yaryan remembers the day he met the Pale W olf just as
vividly as if it had been yesterday. Then, Yaryan was known For more than a century Shining Deer stayed with the
as Shining Deer for his great beauty, and he hoped someday Pale Wolf, protect ing him from a ll harm. He stayed apart
to become medicine man for his people and serve them with from the city that grew up around him, only venturing forth
all his talents and skills. The Pale Wo lf changed that. He for the vitre he needed to stay alive. Thus his amazement
offered Shining Deer's teacher an eternity to live, and the knew no bounds when visitors like himselfcame to his haven.
teacher accepted. His teacher in turn passed the gift on to They sought the Pale Wolf whom Shining Deer had
Shining Deer. guarded for so long. Shining Deer took an instant dislike to
While Shining Deer did not like the blood-thirst forced the newcomers, and this dislike grew when he discovered
upon him, he grew to accept his new form and soon a small their interest in killing his helpless ch arge. The reason for this
group of Cainites roamed the wilds of North America. For desire surprised him even more. By ki lling the Pale Wolf,
generations they existed in peace. Then came the whites. whom they called Menele, they could become even more
powerful. Horrified by what he heard, he drove the newcom-
Shining Deer's tribe h ad heard about these ravagers who
ers from his haven, but not before th ey told him how Menele
seemed to take special pride in driving the red men from their
and his ancient Jyh ad had been responsible for the destruc-
ancestral lands. When the invaders attacked Shining Deer's
tion of his tribe.
tribe, however, they found themselves checked. Not only did
the Amerinds have a cult of vampires to help them, but Chief Shining Deer moved Menele to a new hiding place, and
Black Hawk, their leader, proved himself a mighty com- began to meditate on what h e had been told. The more he
mander. They forced the bluecoats to abandon their fort. thought about it, the more he decided that his visitors had
been correct - Menele had been responsible for his tribe's
The peace was not to last. The whites returned en masse,
woes. Then he discovered that something prevented him
and with immortal allies of their own. Soon the tide turned
from acting upon this new knowledge, and that the source of
against Shining Deer's tribe. Unable to defeat the over-
his inhibition was Menele himself. Shining Deer became
whelming technology of their enemies with bravery alone,
extremely bitter at the wrong committed against his people,
they found themselves being defeated again and again. Dur-
and decided that freedom could only come through a repu-
ing one especially ferocious battle, Shining Deer saw the Pale
diation of his past.
Wolfloseall control. In a fury the likesofwhichShiningDeer
had never seen, the Pale W olf attacked a woman who seemed With the help of an ancient purification rite and the
to be leading the enemy; soon both fell defeated. Shining yaryan root, Shining Deer managed to break the bonds that
Deer and the other surviving Amerind vampires attacked , held him to his old master. T aking the name of Yaryan, he
and managed to rescue their ally, but not before he had been fled into the city, hoping to lose himself among the teeming
even more grievously wounded. hordes. This he has done for many years, hid ing from Kindred
and kine alike. He still maintains a link to Menele through
Defeated and without hope, Shining Deer's tribe left the
an ancient trapper who serves as Yaryan's Retainer. The
area, but not without a pledge of someday returning to their
trapper occasionally checks on Menele, and knows how to
old home. T o this end they left Shining Deer and the Pale
contact Yaryan sho uld anything go wrong. Despite h is new
knowledge, Yaryan would still return to the aid of his ancestor
if he knew something had gone wrong.
Yaryan h as on ly recently realized that the rite of purifi-
cation has further changed him. While he does not know it,
Yaryan is the only member of his own bloodline, completely
distinct from his Brujah ancestor. He has begun to develop a
new Discipline that allows him to interact with what he
believes to be the spirit world.
Sire: C lear Bear
Bloodlin e: Unique
Nature: Martyr
Demeanor: Caregiver
Generation: 6th
Embrace: 1700 (born 1680)
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5
Social: C harisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 7
Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 6, Wits 6

Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

T alents : Acting 4, Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, favors now in exchange for future payment. Most Kindred
Dodge 3, Empathy 6, Subterfuge 2 would be wise to avoid these "bargains," but in the ir desperate
Skills: Animal Ken 6, Drive I, Melee 2, Music 2, Stealth 2, bids for powe r, an yone may be willing to pay Marcel's price.
Survival 2 Sire: Goolooboo
Knowledges: Linguistics 2, Medicine 4, Occult 5 Clan: Fo llowers of Set
Disciplines: Animalism 5, Auspex 2, Celerity 3, O bfus- N ature: Director
cate 6, Potence l, Presence I, T ellurian 2 Demeanor: Conniver
Backgrounds: Resources 2, Retainers I Generat ion: II th
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 3, Courage 4 Embrace: 1974 (born 1943)
Humanity: 8 Apparent Age: Early 30s
Willpower: 9 P hysica l: S trength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Notes: Yaryan's sixth level of Obfuscate allows him to Social: C harisma 3 , Manipulation 5, A ppearance 2
cloak his aura so it always appears blue-white. His T ellurian Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Discipline a llows him to look into a spirit realm he calls the Talents : Acting 3, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Leadership 1,
"Umbra," and manipulate aspects of it. Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 4
Image: Yaryan appears as an extremely beautiful male Skills: Drive 3, Firearms 2, Melee 3, Stealth 2
Amerind with long black hair and eyes highlighted by
Knowledges: Bureaucracy I, Finance 3, Linguist ics 3,
shining black pupils. He dresses in leather clothes he h imself
Occult 2
Disciplines: Dominate 2, Obfuscate 3, Presence 2,
Roleplaying H ints: Stay quiet and try to draw out those
Serpentis 4
tO whom you speak, discovering as much about them as
Back gro unds: Contacts 4, Herd I , Resources 3, Reta in-
possible while revealing little about yourself.
ers 2
H aven: Near Menele.
Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Contro l 3, Courage 2
Secrets: A-
Humanity: 6
Influence: None.
Willpower: 6
Marcel N otes: Marcel's power ofSerpentis allows h im to trans-
C hicago has long been a place of interest for the Follow- form into a powerful, six-foot-long cobra, assume a nearly
ers of Set, and neonates have come to the city on a regular invulnerable mummy-like form (in which he can take no
basis. Marcel's presence, however, marks the first time one act ion), turn his tongue into a forked, serpentine weapon
has made a permanent haven in the area- Ledin's "justice" that can drink blood from targets almost two feet away, and
was especially brutal when it came to the Sand-Snakes. freeze people in place with but a look. Marcel also carries an
enchan ted stiletto, which he sheaths in his right arm. It does
O riginally from Marseilles, Marcel was Embraced while
aggravated wounds to its target.
running Serite hero in to the States. His first position was as
an assistant to other Followers in Haiti. T ired of the intensely
competitive nature of the clan members there, he decided to
try his luck in the United States. He was in New O rleans
when he heard about the death of Chicago's prince.
Packing up his belongings, he caught the first tra in into
the city and set about laying the groundwork for establishing
his own temple. He moved into the Robert T aylor Homes,
one of C hicago's worst projects, and established himself as a
force ro be respected. He soon discovered that one of the
main vampires running Chicago's cocaine trade- Brennon
Thornhill - had been killed in the recent Lupine attacks.
Marcel has picked up some of the slack, and has begun poking
around the Succubus C lub (which Thornhill used to own) in
hopes of taking over his connections. Even Marcel does not
like the vibes he has been picking up in the club.
In any case, he is conten t to expand h is own trade, sit
back and size up the Kindred community. He hopes to begin
his corruption with the candidates for prince, offering them

Chapter Four: The Kindred 147

Image: Marcel is a short, swarthy man. He prefers work media spectacle. Genet himself took the witness stand and
clothes to the ornate robes of the Setites. waxed eloquent in his defense, but the prosecution painted
Roleplaying H ints: You are sly and beguiling. You know him as a crazed psychopath, and his words as the rantings of
no one will trust you, so you play that up, trying to get others a disordered mind. His conviction and sentencing to the gas
to admit that in dealing with you, they are selling their souls. chamber made the front pages nationwide.
H aven: Marcel resides in a squalid room in the Robert All things considered, Genet was not overly disturbed.
Taylor Homes. History would vindicate him - and had he not given to
Secrets: B- others the very gift of death that he was soon to receive? The
lnfluence: Marcel's Herd consists of his worshippers, a slow cessation of the heart, the last softt throbs of the veins,
family in the Homes. While these people are inconsequential the final rattling collapse of the lungs, and then the serenity
in and of themselves, they are actively recruiting other of the void - there were worse things, oh yes.
followers, and his influence should grow. One night, as he sat on Death Row, Genet had a visitor.
A tall, forbidding woman in a dark business suit was let into
Dr. Oliver Oenet his very cell by unblinking guards. The visitor claimed that
Like his colleague Dr. Kevorkian, Dr. Oliver Genet she was his distant relative - for the Genet family was an
firmly espoused a terminal patient's right to die by choice, offshoot of the Giovanni family of Italy, and her name was
with dignity. He was repelled by the thought of anyone Lucretia Giovanni. His commitment to his cause was a noble
lingering interminably as a desiccated husk hooked to life- one, she said, and he had been unjustly punished. Human
support machines. Unfortunately, the medical community of beings were blind, insipid ants, but with her help he could
Cincinnati, the city where he practiced, was less visionary. transcend the mortal coil and continue his work - for
Genet's papers and speeches advocating euthanasia were met eternity if need be.
with shock and ridicule. Soon Dr. Genet found himself a Genet thought it over for a while, but finally agreed.
pariah, his practice in ruins. Death could wait - he had miles to go before he slept, as it
Nonetheless, he gained a reputation among the under- were, and much to do. Lucretia took him there in the cell and
ground. He began receiving calls from individuals (wealthy faked his execution, liberating the "body" before the autopsy
individuals) who sought surcease from pain and stagnation. could be performed. Genet continued his work, traveling the
Genet could not ignore his calling, and administered the country to deal quick, painless death. The life-destroying
final treatment to one terminal patient after another. He had nature of the Giovanni Kiss served him well in this regard,
never felt so fulfilled in his life. That horrible coma called living enabling him to kill without lengthy struggle or distress.
- oh yes indeed. Many whom he sent to the final reward were grateful - he
Genet was no professional criminal, and made no real knew, though they could not speak. He was happy.
attempt to cover his tracks. He hardly blinked when the Chicago represents his first solo operation on behalf of
police knocked on his door and arrested him on charges of the family. Following the Lupine attack and the death of
first-degree murder. The trial that followed turned into a Lodin, the clan sent Dr. Genet to Chicago to establish its
presence in the area, and specifically to infiltrate the medical
community. Although many in the clan contend that Genet
lacks the cold ruthlessness for such a task, the eldest in the
clan disagree. The good doctor has potential, they whisper
from their catacombs and crypts. He wdllearn ...
Sire: Lucretia
Clan: Giovanni
Nature: Fanatic
D emeanor: Caregiver
Generation: 11th
Embrace: 1987 (born 1939)
Apparent Age: Late 40s
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Empathy 4, Leader-
ship 2, Streetwise 2
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 1,
Melee 3, Music 2, Stealth 3

148 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Computer 1, Linguistics 2,
Literature 2, Medicine 5, Occult 3, Politics 1, Science 4
Disciplines: Dominate 3, Necromancy 3, Potence 2
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Fame 2, Influence 2, Re-
sources 4, Retainers 4
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control3, Courage 4
Humanity: 9
Willpower: 5
Notes: Dr. Genet's Discipline of Necromancy enables
him to stare into the eyes of a corpse and thereby determine
the cause of death, and to summon and control the spirits of
the dead.
Image: Dr. Genet appears as a slender, middle-aged man
in near-perfect health. He wears elegant suits and has a
calming demeanor.
Roleplaying Hints: You are calm and almost dreamy.
Your voice is slow, serene and pleasant- almost like that of
Mr. Rogers. Occasionally, you will segue a conversation
down bizarre and morbid tangents, keeping the same calm,
steady voice. The camp records do not detail the sudden disappear-
Haven: Near the Medical Center on the West Side. ance of the commander, and the ovens tell no tales. After
Secrets: C+ ensuring the camp's imminent fall to the Allies, Shejana
Influence: Genet has gained quite a bit of influence in headed west toward a new unlife.
the medical community; Ledin's grip has vanished, leaving Europe held too many memories for her comfort, so she
the field ripe for exploitation. Genet has also established ties traveled to the New World. She never stays in one place
to Developmental Neogene tics Amalgamated. His Retainers overly long lest she become attached to someone or some-
are ghouls provided by the Giovanni, and would obey the thing. Her unlife is a whirling carnival of excess. She has
higher-ups in the clan were a conflict to arise. perfected the Ravnos gift for illusions- a futile attempt to
erase the horror and shame that will be etched on her brain
Shejana for eternity.
Shejana grew up amid the Gypsy camps of Europe. It was Having heard of Prince Ledin's fall, and deciding that a
the wrong time to be a Gypsy, for Hitler's star was waxing in free city was as good a place to travel as anywhere, Shejana
Europe. Shejana was captured and, along with her extended moved to Chicago. She is gradually assimilating herself into
family, was taken to Buchenwald. the Chicago scene, seeking security and peace from the
Shejana had always been a beautiful girl, and the wiles demons that haunt her.
of her people only enhanced her natural attractiveness. Thus Sire: Vladislav
it was that she was spared the ovens when the camp com- Clan: Ravnos
mander took a fancy to her. She was fed and clothed while her Nature: Survivor
people were starved and stripped and gassed. Though she Demeanor: Bon Vivant
despised herself, she desperately fought for life. She did Generation: 9th
anything to please the cruel commander, even graciously
Embrace: 1944 (born 1924)
thanking him for his "gift" of a lamp, though she well knew
Apparent Age: Early 20s
the materials from which it had been made. As the months
went by and the commander appeared to be growing tired of Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
her, her machinations became more and more grotesque. Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 5
The commander was not the only one who succumbed Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
to her charms. Another being haunted the camps, and often Talents: Acting 3, Alertness 1, Athletics 4, Brawl 2,
watched Shejana while he fed upon her people. One night, Dodge 4, Empathy 1, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 5
as Shejana lay on her cot in despair, a shadow slipped into her Skills: Animal Ken 3, Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Melee 3,
room and stood over her. She started in shock, but cold hands Stealth 4, Survival 2
covered her mouth and burning eyes lulled her into quies- Knowledges: Finance 1, Linguistics 3, Occult 4, Politics 1
cence. The being, a vampire of the Ravnos clan, offered Disciplines: Animalism 3, Chimerstry 5, Fortitude 1,
Shejana eternal life and vengeance on the Nazis. Shejana Obfuscate 2, Presence 2
had nothing more to lose, and agreed to the Embrace.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 149

Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Herd 4, Resources 2, Retain- Gulfora differs from vampires in a number of ways. First
ers 3 of all, she is not undead. Indeed, she has never lived at all.
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 2, Courage 2 People of the W estern traditions believe she was created
Humanity: 5 along with the other angels, and fe ll from grace. People of
Willpower: 6 Eastern traditions tend to consider her o ne of the malevolent
forces of nature.
Notes : Shejana's Discipline of Chimerstry enables her
ro create illusions. These illusions may affect any or all senses, Her second main difference stems from the fact that she
may move about, and will remain tangible even when Shejana does not gain sustenance from sucking blood.ln fact, the only
is not around (this last effect requires the expenditure of a way she "feeds" is by sexual intercourse. Thus she is unable to
point of Willpower). spend Blood Points to increase her Physical Attributes.
Image : Shejana is a classic Gypsy: 5'8", 125 pounds, with Finally, she is immune to the Dominate Discipline
dusky skin, raven-black hair and flawless features. Her black (though the Tremcrc arc rumored to h ave a ritual that has the
eyes sparkle wickedly, but anyone with Auspcx is able to read same effect) and always reads as h aving a deep red-black aura.
the pain behind them. She wears gaudy and revealing gar- She despises the Kindred and is unable to feed from them, just
ments of all sorts. as they are unable to feed from her. However, she has never
taken any action against them as a who le.
Roleplaying Hints: Party, party, party. Flirt and trade
innuendoes with everyone you meet. Give yourself a seduc- Nature: Deviant
tive foreign accent. Always look out for Number One. If Demeanor : Bon Vivant
frustrated or scared you qu ickly become h arsh and cold. Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
Haven: Shejana lives in a mobile home on the outskirts Social: Charisma 8, Manipulation 9, Appearance 10
of town. Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5
Secrets: C- Talents: Acting 5, Empathy 5, Intimidation 5,, Seduc-
Influence: Though he has only been in town a few tion 10, Subterfuge 5
months, Shejana has already charmed her way into the Skills: Etiquette 5
center of mortal society. She is a regular at parties, clubs and Knowledges: Occult 5
festivals (from whence she derives her Herd), and has made Disciplines: Auspex 5, Dominate 5 (only on men),
severaluscfu I Contacts. Her Retainers are ghoul bodyguards Obfuscate 5, Presence 5, Thaumaturgy 6
recruited from the city's foreign districts. She has little actual
Backgrounds: Herd 5, Retainers 2
influence, but if anything happens anywhere she is likely to
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 0, Courage 0
hear of it.
Humanity: 0
Ouliora Willpower : 10
Gulfora is one of th e few succubi remaining on Earth. As
far as she is concerned, she has ex isted nearly as long as the
earth itself. She claims she came into being on the fourth day
of Creation, when God created the beings of the sea and air.
However, succubi (like all demons) are great liars, and
anyone who believes their stories would do well never to buy
a bridge in Brooklyn.
Gulfora's history is a long and bloody one. The Sumerians
were the first people to write about her, and their cuneiform
warnings about her powers date back to 2300 B.C. Other
civilizations, from the Egyptians to th e Puritans, have feared
her, and rightly so. There is probably no vampire who can
match her murder for murder- unless those rumors about
Stalin or the Khmer Rouge are true.
She migrated to Chicago with the advent of the rail-
roads, amid the huge influx of the poor and downtrodden that
so expanded the city. After moving from haven to haven,
Gulfora eventually took up residence beneath the Museum of
Science and Industry in Hyde Park. A lthough she sleeps
there, she can most often be found in the sewers, making her
way through the city.

150 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Notes: While Gulfora is bothered by religious symbols, Haven: The Museum of Science and Industry. She also
they do her no harm. She is also unaffected by the sun or fire, lives in the sewers beneath the city. The Nosferatu know that
but avoids both. While she is no great foe in combat, her extra something else lives down there with them, but they have no
level of Thaumaturgy lets her turn insubstantial at will. She clue what or who it is. There are rumors among the Kindred
can also travel in that form. Finally, her Dominate only works about a monster beneath the streets, but few would believe
on males (yes, male vampires too). that a creature like Gulfora exists.
Image: As beautiful as she wants to be. Don't bother Secrets: A
describing her clothes- she doesn't wear any. Influence: Complete control ofalmost any man. In fact,
Roleplaying Hints: Everything you do is as sultry and one of her current Retainers is a werewolf she corrupted
sensual as it can be. during the Lupines' attack on the city.

Chapter Four: The Kindred 151

Good God the Sorrow
They dont even listen to me when
I try to tell them they will die .
- Jack Kerouac, "Macdougal Street Blues"

The Kindred of the world perform a murderous ballet, Even these two mighty immortals are not omnipotent,
filled with darkness, treachery and deceit. Nowhere is this however, no r do they exert control all the time. Most
more true than in the blood-soaked streets of C hicago. Kindred act o n the ir own initiative most of the time, and thus
Anarchs battle both the elders and one another. Sabbat tend to gravitate toward other vampires who share their
assassins carry out their deadly missions while the candidates interests and desires. Understanding these groups and their
for prince war for control of the city, all against the backdrop interrelationships is the best way to make sense of the
of an ages-old Jyhad. No Cainite, not even the two complex dance in which the vampires of Chicago are so
Methuselahs responsible for so much of what occurs in the involved.
city, fu lly comprehends the complex ity of the vampiric While the term "coterie" most often refers to those
community here. Kindred who serve and protect each other, it also refers more
Of course, Helena and Menele have the honor of being generally to a ny group of vampires with common interests. In
the two prima donnas in this dangerous dance. The influence Chicago, these coteries can most easily be seen as parts of a
of these Methuselahs permeates all aspects of the Cainites' wagon wheel. The axle around which everything turns is
existence, affecting their choices of actions, havens and composed of the two Methuselahs (yes, they share a common
allies. Their webs of control envelop almost every vampire in interest, but we shall not speak of the Antediluvians in this
the city, for each one they control in turn controls many supplement). The spokes leading to the rim are the members
others- and so the network extends. of the primogen, those elders who appear to rule the city. The
Any significant newcomers to the city (the characters, rim, and the part of the wheel that docs all the work and takes
for instance) will soon become the prizes in another skirmish all the damage, is made up of the ancilla! and neonates of
between Helena and Menele. While each Methuselah would Chicago, whose battles, schemes and plots give the city its
prefer to control any newcomers, either may settle for pre- unique diversity.
venting a prize from falling into the enemy camp- normally This interaction serves to make the Kindred community
by destroying it. immensely confusing to newcomers. Just when the charac-
ters believe they have begun to understand how the city
works, they will uncover yet another level of secrets that

Chapter Five: The Coteries 153

The primogen is the most powerful coterie in the city.
Coterie Charts While most cities have no more than three to five elders
Each coterie also has a chart to help illustrate the among the primogen, Chicago h as six, more than any other
relationships within the group. Because of space restric- c ity in America, and is looking to add another member.
tions, these charts only sketch the often complex While this size can be (and often is) attributed to the fact that
relationships within a coterie, but they give the Story- the C hicago metropolitan area is the third largest in the
teller at least some idea of how certain Kindred react to United States, and th e largest under direct Camarilla con -
one another. trol, blame really lies with the Methuselahs. At least two of
Each chart connects the various coterie members via the primogen are d irect descendants of on e or the other, and
arrows. Each arrow shows how a given vampire feels most of the others !have spent a good deal of time under their
about the one to whom the arrow points. The word or subtle Domination.
phrase connected to the arrow summarizes those feelings, While the me mbers of the primogen are the most pow-
and can usually complete the sentence "X is _ _ " or erful Kindred in C hicago, there is actually very little day-to-day
"X is a " conflict between the Methuselahs regarding who contro ls
This is not always the case; for instance, the summary whom. Because extended use of Dominate tends to make
often describes the vampire's feelings or relationship to future Domin ate attempts that much easier, the Methuselah
the other, as when the word is "Love" or "Regnant." who first took co ntrol of on e of the primogen generally
Storytellers should feel free to make up their own coterie maintains that control. That is not always the case, however:
charts and change these around as the mood strikes. Annabelle was once under Helena's influence, but is now
secretly under the sway of Menele.
disproves their latest understanding. For instance, just when Additionally, th e fact th at Menele remains in torpor
they believe that all the Brujah are in the anarchs' camp, they limits his nightly activities. He and Helena find it easiest to
will discover that Sheriff is a Brujah. Just when they think all use the ir con trol of the primogen to try and extend their
the Yen true fight for the elders, they will find out that Kevin power over C hicago, though Helena h as begun to take a more
Jackson is the scion oflodin. Use the following list of coteries direct approach. This is generally how all Ancients in torpor
in that vein. manage their affairs - through one or two Kindred who
Included in each description is a statemen t of the coterie's directly con trol other vampires, e ither through the Blood
purpose, as most Kindred see it. This may or may not be true Bond or extended use of Dominate.
or even intelligible, and the true goal of a coterie may be The primogen enjoys substantial powers. Because the
unknown even to its members. Again, characters may seize most powerful elders in C hicago make up this mighty force,
on any apparent purpose and believe that they understand displeasing them would mean death for any younger vampire.
everything about a coterie - but truth is never so simple. Just As a group, they will ch oose the prince, who will rule at their
when they think they h ave the city figured out, spring a new pleasure - a fact of which they constantly reminded Lodin.
set of circumstances on them and watch them scramble like Lodin could not even create progen y without their approval,
swine after table scraps. and was forced to consult them before granting such permis-
sion to any other Kindred.
The Primogen While its direct hold over the prince may be its most
obvious power, the primogen's greatest strength is in fact its
Members: C ritias, Tyler, lnyanga, Khalid, Annabelle
influence over the myriad groups of Kindred in C hicago. For
Triabell and Nicolai.
instance, no member of the T remere can act without Nicolai's
Meeting Place: The primogen almost always meets
approval, and he can call C h icago's W arlocks together in the
somewhere in Elysium, for its members do not trust one
name of the clan to do his bidding. The same is true for the
another enough to reveal the locations of their own h avens.
two elde r Brujah and their various groups of anarchs. Critias
They pass messages back and forth at the symphony or
has substantial influence over Carlyle and his gang, while
theater, or on rare occasions h old an after-hours tribunal in
T yler has developed a secret control over both Juggler and
one of the museums. Even when they are not together,
the new Sabbat pack.
messages are carried between them by trusted servants. The
While lnyanga and Annabelle do n ot enjoy such blatant
intrigue among this group n ever ends; it is the game that gives
control, the younger Licks of their clans still follow their
them the zest to endure their existence.
elders in most areas. For instance, the Wo lf Pack stayed out
P erceived Goal: Assisting and overseeing the rule of
of Maldavis' rebellion on lnyanga's advice; she was unsure of
the city for the benefit of the Camarilla and the perpetuation
the battle's outcome and was afra id of what would happen to
of the Masquerade.
Gangrel on the wrong side.
Real Goal: Fighting the Methuselahs' battles.
O ne cannot be elected to the primogen, nor invited to
join. In the beginning, the most powerful Cainites in the city
realized they he ld all the strings, and began to meet at the

154 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition



opera and symphony halls - the birth of what is now known The Nosferatu Khalid is the on ly member of the primogen
as Elysium. None of these vampires wanted to take the risk of who has rema ined entire ly free of the Mcthu c lah . When he
becoming prince, and they found it more convenient to first arrived in C hicago, he used his extraordinary powers of
contro l the prince as a group. All mattelrS were decided by Obfuscate to remain hidden even from the watchful eyes of
consensus, and though their arguments would sometimes the Ancients. By the t ime they became aware of his presence,
erupt into open warfare, more often they would settle things both believed the other controlled him and neither has tried
behind th e scenes. As time went on, the most powerful to bring him into their fold. Khalid bel ieves his actio ns arc
Kindred who moved to C hicago would hear of the primogen, still his own, and has done his best to keep things that way.
and begin to manipulate affairs to their o wn liking. Those The primogen itself fill a numher of di parate roles.
who survived became de facco members of the primogen. Ostensibly it wields power to support the Traditions and
No vampire can stand against a united primogcn - but, ensure that no Lick violates the rules of the Camarilla. Its
fortunate ly, such solidarity is a rare event. Indeed, the members arc the foremost representatives of that great
primogen has become divided into two camps. The balance vampiric council and have substantial power within that
is more or less equal, though each Methllselah believes the organization. Of course, no vampire is stupiJ enough to
other has the upper h and. Helena Dominates Nicolai, Tyler believe that this is their main reason for being members of the
i Blood Bound to h er, and she believes Annabelle, the childe primogcn.
of her childc, is under control. lnyanga and C ritias are fi rmly In fact, each of the elders has per onal reasons for
in Mencle's camp (Critias is in fact Blood Bound to the maintaining a position in the primogen. Most Kindred sus-
Methuselah) , and Menele believes he secretl y controls pect the Tremere clan has some master plan for ruling all
Annabel le. lnyanga and Annabelle are controlled though vampires, and Nicolai bel ieve his main rc<1son for erving on
the use of extended Dominate. the primogcn is to carry out his clan's wishes. On the other

Chapter Five: The Coterie· 155

hand, Khalid uses his posltlon to try and maintain his candidates. The Storyteller should feel free to throw in
independence, and to keep better track of what the other anyone else she desires. Almost anyone in the city could have
elders are doing. reason to want the position.
While Tyler would n ot be as forthright, sh e has long The only Kindred in the city with no chance of (or
been motivated by a lust for power and sees her role in the interest in) becoming prince are the members of the primogen.
primogen as a way to feed h er growing ambition. Critias Not only do they realize how much of a puppet the prince
claims to enjoy the primogen for the intellectual stimulation really is, they also know that the rest of the council would not
its games bring him, but in fact he serves on it purely because allow one of its members the added power that accompanies
Menele wants him to. the position. Everyone else in the city is fair game.
Annabelle Triabell sits on the council for its prestige, While most vampires monitoring the situation believe
and to prevent any decision that could hurt her or her plans. some powerful Cainite will eventually call himself prince and
lnyanga sees herself as a guardian of both Kindred and kine, destroy all opponents, those closer to the c ity know better.
and tries to mitigate the damage the primogen's decisions can The primogen has become such a power that it will finally
cause. Of course, all are actually serving their Methuselah's determine who shall be prince. It may only take a majority
interests, though few of them care to admit it, and indeed vote, but the candidate cannot be so extreme as to alienate
most do not even realize it. other members of the primogen, for even one of these elders
Though the Methuselahs' control is broad, it does not can be a most deadly foe.
affect everything the primogen does, and only makes itself The smarter candidates spend their time wooing the
felt at certain times. As a general rule, the members of the primogen, only politicking among otheT vampires as a way to
primogen act as countering forces to one another. Any action show the primogen that they can unite the c ity. Still, those
requires at least majority support, but the majority must be vampires without the respect of th eir Kindred will have little
careful not to alienate the minority, since even a min ority of chance to become prince, and now is the time for the smarter
elders can be a fearsome opponent. Therefore, the primogen undead (maybe even the characters) to get the powers of the
rarely takes any radical action. city in their debt.
Even during the Lupine attacks, when Kindred were Most Kindred believe the final contenders will be Ballard
dying in droves, the primogen could not respond effectively. and Capone. Each has substantial power in the mortal world,
A number of its members did not even show up at the and each is respected by other vampires- even if neith er is
emergency meetings, and the crisis was only resolved when much liked. Their feud is so bitter, however, that they may
lnyanga took it on h er own initiative to approach the well put more effort into denying the other the princedom
werewolves with a truce, which sh e then convinced the than in furthering the ir own candidacy. It is likely they will
primogen to accept. nullify each other completely; the only remaining question
The on ly recent exception to this stasis was the decision is: how bloody will their feud become?
to support Maldavis against Lodin, which was supported by A number of other members ofC lan Yen true have some
Annabelle, Critias, lnyanga and Khalid. While Helena could reason to believe they should be prince, but none stand much
have used her three primogen to fight the decision in an all- of a chance. Kevin Jackson has the manpower to force the
out war, she decided to use the opportunity to try and enlist issue, but is not sure if h e wants to take the risk. Peterson and
Annabelle to her cause. Through the use of Dominate and a Schumpeter both believe they should h ave the throne, but
promise that Annabelle could sire two new progeny, she their certainty comes from ego, not ability.
believed she won. Menele h as secretly controlled Annabelle A number of Brujah are also interested in becoming
for years, however, and she has become the Methuselahs' prince. While most of the city's vampires do not know
most recent battleground. Maxwell has returned, he h as begun to press his case. He lacks
allies among both the Kindred and !kine, but those who
Candidates for Prince remember him know he ruled during a time of peace, and may
support him just to restore some sanity to the city. The fact
Member s: Maxwe ll, S h e riff, Damien, Maldavis,
that he is personally very powerful does not hurt his chances.
Nathaniel Bordruff, Cedrick Calhoun, DuSable, Ballard,
Capone, Kevin Jackson, Joseph Peterson, Jacob Schumpeter, C ritias h as become prominent in h issupportofMaxwell,
Juggler, Modius. and lnyanga will likely support him as well. They are moving
slowly, though, fearing too much support too early will make
P erceived Goal: T o become Prince of Chicago.
other members of the primogen suspicious and less likely to
Real Goal: Varies by individual.
approve of Prince Maxwell. They also know that even
Lodin's death has opened the floodgates of ambition, though Maxwell ruled Chicago once, he has no experience in
and those who desire his throne are crawling out of the handling a modern city. While his raw power is unquestion -
woodwork. Those listed h ere are merely the most obvious able, his other credentials may prove his downfall.

156 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Damien is another Brujah with the might to seize the prove just as tyrannical as his predecessor. It is unlikely he
throne, though he is not sure if he wants it- at least right will make such a move, however; Helena wants him control-
away. He knows he is tougher than most other Kindred in the ling the anarchs.
city, but has come to the conclusion that it may take him The last vampire who could try and become prince is
centuries to reach his full potential- centuries he does not Modius, who first made a bid for the position in the 19th
want to pass tied to the crown of Chicago. century. His only remaining allies in the city are Joshua
Sheriff is the last Brujah with any serious chance at T amopolski and Annabelle, who keeps her allegiance as low-
becoming prince, but he has made far too many enemies in key as possible. Without substantial assistance fro m another
his time. These Kindred may well unite to prevent his coterie (perhaps that of the characters), it is unlikely his bid
ascension, and cause a great deal ofdestruction in the process. will go far.
Additionally, most members of the primogen find Sheriff
buffoonish at best. Still, should the city degenerate too far, Lodin's Broods
they may tum to him to restore order.
Members: Ballard, Capone, Schumpeter, Kevin Jack-
Maida vis wants to claim the princedom, believing it to
son, Joseph Peterson, Bobby Weatherbottom and Lorraine.
be the best way to further her dreams of a better vampiric
Meeting Place: Though they rarely have large-scale
society, but she is unsure both of her support and of her
meetings, the surviving members ofLodin's brood still main-
ability. Having lost the Council Wars, she moves carefully
tain a loose network. They are more likely to meet in small
and makes sure the ground is steady before moving forward.
groups as needed than as a whole.
Should she win the throne, she would be the only Caitiff
prince in North America. Of course, if her supporters dis- Perceived Goal: Supporting the Camarilla and further-
cover her connection to the T remere, they may well become ing the ambitions of Clan Ventrue.
suspicious. Real Goal: Survival, as well as gaining power for
Maidavis has two allies in particular who can add a great themselves.
deal of weight to her bid. Rebekah is especially interested in Prince Lodin created two broods to help him run the
seeing her seize the night, and may become even more city. Ballard, Capone and two now-destroyed Ventrue com-
involved in C hicago's politics than she was during the posed the first brood, and were all created by Lodin between
Council Wars. Erich tho also supports Maldavis, but will not the late 1800s and World War II. The prince created each
go against Nicolai if he supports someone else -like DuSable. lieutenant for a specific purpose and each succeeded at that
DuSablc is the only Tremere who has any chance of purpose beyond Lodin 's wildest hopes- much to his distress.
becoming Prince of Chicago, and then only because of recent Lodin's two greatest successes have also proved to be two
events. His valor during the Lupine attacks is well known, of his greatest fears. He envisioned Ballard as running the
and his missing arm is a constant reminder of his sacrifice in city's legitimate businesses and Capone as manipulating its
killing a number of werewolves. Additionally, very few extensive underworld, thus balancing each other out for the
Kindred know ofany specific acts of duplicity in which he has greater gloryofhimself. Both lieutenants gained control over
personally been involved. Still. he is a Warlock, and thus almost every aspect of their respective realms, to the point
under immediate suspicion. that Lodin could no longer be sure if they were furthering his
The Nosferatu Cedrick Calhoun has expressed an inter- power or their own - and, of course, they felt their duty was
est in becoming prince; his lack of history in the city is both to themselves.
an aid and a hindrance. Nobody in the c ity has reason to Lodin created most of his second brood in the 1980s,
dislike him, but no one has reason to support him. Should the hoping these new Kindred would help him become less
other candidates draw too much ire, however, he may make reliant upon his o lder brood. He took great care in planning
a good compromise candidate. Of course, should the city's who would be among his new lieutenants, even to the point
Kindred discover that he wants the office just so he can of seeking the advice of knowledgeable mortals. Thus he
severely limit their activities, he would face considerable created a new brood that he hoped would balance the old , but
opposition. without the ambition to attempt to overthrow him. It did not
Another Nosferatu, Nathaniel Bordruff, has also ex- live up to his expectat ions.
pressed interest in the throne, and faces much the same For the most part, the new lieutenants proved incompe-
problem as Ccdrick. Though he has been in Chicago for some tent, incapable of dealing with the older brood and
time, and is well liked (for a Nosferatu) by the elders, he has insufficiently motivated to carry out their duties. Lodin chose
not done anything outstanding to merit the position. only too well- for failure. Those who proved their compe-
Two Kindred residing outside the city can also lay claim tence, like Kevin Jackson and Bobby Weatherbottom, also
to the throne. Juggler, who leads many of Chicago's anarchs demonstrated an independence Lodin found disturbing.
despite living in Gary, makes an obvious candidate. He Lodin was the linchpin that held these vampires to-
would not be the first anarch to become prince and then gether. Working as one, they are extremely effective. Divided,
they can do little. Whoever becomes prince will require at

Chapter Five: The Coteries 157


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Chapter Five: The Coteries 159

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Chapter Five: The Coterieit 161

least the grudging approval of this coterie. Should Lodin's
brood stand at odds to the prince, little will be accomplished
The Elders
and the city will fall further into chaos. Should Lodin's brood Members: C ritias, T yler, lnyanga, O'Leary, Corbin,
directly oppose the prince, blood is likely to flow. Khalid, N athaniel, Cedrick Calhoun, Nicolai, DuSable,
While other vampires in the city may see its Ventrue as Annabelle, Bret, Ballard, Capone, Schumpeter, Joseph
a monolithic block, they are more commonly at odds with Peterson.
each other than in allegiance. Still, these arc the Kindred Meeting Place: Elysium, on a regular basis.
who most follow the ties of favors and prestation, and their Perceived Goal: Manage and discuss the affairs of the
own interactions invo lve the subtlest manipulations of their city.
pasts. Each one is maneuvering for as much power with in the R eal G oal: Enforce the bonds of prestation and have a
group as possible, and should one bind the others in coils of good time as the most important Kindred in the city.
debts and favors, he would become one of the most powerfu l T he self-styled elders of Chicago meet quite regularly in
figures in the city.
those places which have been designated as Elysium. Th is list
includes the Chicago City Ballet, the Linda Enfield Art
The Sewer Rats G<lllery, Central Library, the Art Museum of Chicago, Smart
Members: Khalid, T ammy, Nathaniel, Cedrick Calhoun Gallery, the Chicago Opera Theater, Orchestra Hall, Arie
and the unknown. Crown T heatre and the C iv ic The<lter . Though some come
Meeting P lace: This coterie usually gathers deep in the simply to enjoy performances or exhibits, more come to
sewers, in chance(?) meetings where its members can ex- converse, scheme, gossip and plot.
change information and gossip. The elders typically attend some sort of performance
Perceived G oal: Keeping abreast of events affecting the early in the evening, mixing with the mo rtals but engaging in
Kindred in order to maintain the ir own freedom. their own intrigues all the while. After most of the mortals go
home, they retire to the empty museums and galleries,
Real Goal: Discovering who's really running the city.
wandering the marble halls. The security guards are all under
Khalid used to lead Chicago's Nosfcratu as a benevolent
the control of the elders, so anyone who shows signs of being
father, helping h is childer find their places in the world. Now
Kindred will readily be let in.
most of his childe r are no more, slain by the bloody claws of
Here the plotting continues at a more fevered pace,
the Lupines. T hose Nosfcratu remaining in the city have no
though again some come simply to appreciate the new works
ties to him, and are far more interested in their own projects
of art. Most of this group show up on Friday and Saturday
than in his.
nights, and spend the rest of the week on their own activities.
There is no overt antagonism between clan members,
However, a few may be found at some performance or another
though under their fr iendly surface lies a sea of hatred.
on any nigh t of the week- they simply do not have anything
Nathaniel despises all vampires, while Cedrick despises the ir
better to do.
actions. Tammy is slowly losing her mind despite Khalid's
These elders arc de rided as "Harpies," though not to
best efforts to help her, and even Khalid is beginning to lose
their faces. T hey establish the city's pecking order and
touch with everything going on in Chicago.
enforce the restrictions of prestation, though all would deny
Khalid's haven used to be a place of safety for the
it. They gossip constantly about how other Kindred have
Nosferatu, but the recent fl ood has ended that. Nobody
been acting (especially Kindred who are not present that
knows who was responsible for the deluge, but suspicion run
night). Licks who have been ignoring their duties or snub-
rampant. Khalid believed his haven safely hidden from all but
bing their betters will soon sec the e lders of every clan,
his fellow clan members, and finds it hard ro accept that one
including their own, turning against them.
of them betrayed him. Still, he was too well targeted for the
O utside rs have commented that Annabelle, Nicolai
incident to have been an accident.
and Corbin seem to be the three Cainites most intent on
No vampire can be sure just how many Nosfcratu make
seeing prestation enforced, but insiders know better. Each of
the city's underground their haven, and Sewer Rats from
the elders h as a stake in the system of boons and favors, and
other places often come to the c ity for short periods of time,
all support it fu lly. Still, the disparate members all have their
adding to the underground's population. Khalid makes every
own agendas and their betrayal and distrust of each other has
effort to keep up with these newcomers, but even he is
become proverbial: "I trust you as much as I'd trust a promise
uncertain how many there really are.
made in the Opera House."
The Chantry supporters. He also came to the attention of the sleeping
Helena who, more familiar with the T remere than Menele,
Members: Nicolai, DuSable, Erichtho, Ublo-Sathaand rook control of him as soon as he entered the c ity.
Portia. Nicolai remains unsure about why he must control
Meeting Place: The chantry, once a month. C hicago, but he fo llows his orders without question, hoping
Perceived Goal: Furthering the plans of the Tremcrc. someday to gain the respect of the leaders of his clan. With
Real Goal: The same. DuSable's active help, and Erich tho's more reluctant a id,
Nobody trusts the Trcmcrc. Whenever anything goes Nicolai ho lds a position of power in the city, but h as found his
wrong, the Tremere arc most often blamed . This has been bids for more direct control stymied by the other primogen
aggravated since tbc werewolf attack, when Garwood members. Now he bides his time, waiting for the right
Marshall, a popular member of Baby C horus and the best- moment.
known Tremere, was destroyed. Few Licks arc aware of the The Tremere have monthly meetings at the chantry,
other members, and their secrecy gives support to the most where a ritual is performed that puts them in contact with the
outrageous paranoia. Council of Elders in Vienna, as well as with othe r ch antries
If players probe deeper, they may d iscovcr DuSablc, who in the United States. On rare occasions, the Council gives
appears to be a quiet, uninvolved o ld man - unless he makes specific orders during these meetings, and C hicago's T remere
his bid for prince. This dearth of active T remere should lead scramble to fu lfill the Elders' will. Ublo-Satha keeps an
them to invent monstrous fantasies about the role of the especially close eye over the chantry during these meetings.
Tremere. Ask the average Brujah who is behind everything, Portia's presence at the chantry and her influence over
and she will blame e ither the Anted iluvians or the T remere. Nicolai do not seem to both er DuSable (he has been com-
Nicolai came to Chicago under orders to take contro l of manded to ignore it) , but Erichtbo has become con cerned.
the city. Acting on the belief that controll ing it from the top She hopes to find evidence of the "neonate's" true goals;
clown would be the best system, he immediately gai ned a
place on the primogcn and was one of Locl in's primary

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Chapter Five: The Coteries 163




however, if she did discover Helena's ro le, she would not no one can believe they arc as sane ::.s they cern. Most
know how to handle it. Non etheless, she is still Blood Bound Kindred just give them a wide berth, but even that is becom-
to Nicolai, and would look out for his best interests. ing harder to accomplish.
Despite her extreme p;mmoia, O'Leary sees herself as the
Tbe Pranksters matriarch of this clan, and has become protective of its
Members: O'Le<try, Son, Evan Klein, Corbin and members. During the Ia r two years, Corbin has become the
Bronwyn. most prominent Malkavian in Kindred society, and has
found a place among the c ity's elders. She has ingratiated
Meeting Place: The Blue Velvet, though they never
herself with O'Leary, who tends to look on Corbin and Son
have formal meetings of any sort.
as her daughter and, well, son.
P erceived Goal: Spreading the insanity around.
However, under thi happy f<tcade writhes a mass of fears
R eal Goal: Who can say?
and obsessions. O'Leary' fem of the Jyhad infects all
Chicago's Malkavians encounter almost as much suspi- Malkavians who meet her, and other vampires intruding on
cion as do the T remere. Before the werewo lf attacks, no one their domain may well be greeted With hostility and suspi-
believed they could possibly be as crazy as they acted, bur now

164 Chicago by Nigh[ 2nd Edi[ion

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Chapter Five: The Coteries 165


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cion. On the other hand, their various insanities make it just wrong, then his archenemy will have a golden opportunity to
as likely that newcomers will be greeted with exuberant control three of the most powerful Kindred in the city ... and
friendliness, and made into whole new members of the use them against him.
family. Keep in mind that the friendship of a Malkavian may
well be worse than her hatred. TheAnarchs
The last time the anarchs united was during Maldavis'
The Trinity bid for power, and even then they remained in their separate
Members: Bryan, Bronwyn and Corbin. cliques. Now they are in three different groups, though they
Meeting Place: Chicago. maintain a loose allegiance. Still, it is unlikely they will find
Perceived Goals: Killing each other. it possible to work together.
Real Goal: ?
Carlyle's 6ang
This coterie is on the verge of an explosion. The instant
Members: Carlyle, Andrei, jasper Krevets, Raymond
Corbin and Bronwyn realize they are in the same city, they
Wallace, Victoria Longwood.
will stop at nothing to destroy each other. Bryan will obvi·
ously side with Bronwyn, but Corbin has spent some time in Meeting Place: Water Tower Place.
the city making friends - and enemies. Both Corbin and Perceived Goals: Furthering the spread of the Anarch
Bronwyn have some influence with other Kindred, and both Movement.
will put that influence to use. Real Goals: A llowing its membeTS free rein to spread
Menele watches the trinity like a hawk, believing it to be violence and destruction.
manipulated by the same forces manipulating him and Hel- Carlyle's gang has come from the Anarch Free States
ena. He believes Helena influences Bronwyn, but has not with the Anarch Council's blessings and support. It has spent
made any move for Corbin or Bryan. lfhe is correct, and they a number of years traveling North America, battling both the
are being manipulated by others, he will have his first Camarilla and the Sabbat. Its members are not complete
evidence of the true secret forces among the undead. lfhe is strangers to Chicago, and have dealt with most of its anarchs
at one point or another.

166 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

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Chapter Five: The Coteries 167

168 Chicago by Nighr 2nd Edirion
Lodin's death has inspired them to try and tum the city himself. He initially attracted a large number of Kindred to
into the easternmost anarch stronghold, though they realize his side, making his coterie the biggestgroupofanarchs in the
this will be no easy task. Most of the city's anarchs were killed city, but his fo llowers lacked the passion and dedication of
in the Lupine attacks, and the gang itself does not have the the other groups. Now the Lupines and Sabbat have deci·
raw power to challenge the elders. Carlyle has begun seeking mated the ranks of his followers.
other options. Now Juggler actively attempts to recruit more anarchs to
He has thought about becoming prince himself, but his cause, but he has a difficult time just keeping his present
realizes few Kindred in the city will support an anarch, followers witih him. Maldavis and Anita are only with him
especially one who is an outsider. Instead, he has begun because there is little choice in the matter- this is the only
casting about for a worthy candidate to support, hoping to anarch organization they have. Joshua has sided with Juggler
convince the new prince to create ties to the Anarch Free because his old allies died, but he has no loyalty to the coterie,
States, and maybe join the Movement later. and Juggler fears he may tum it against him. Juggler also fears
Damien, whose motives he has yet to determine.
Juggler's Anarchs Juggler and Carlyle have met before; each took an
Members: Juggler, Joshua Tamopolski, Anita Wain· immediate dislike to the other. Each believes the other to be
wright, Damien, Maldavis, Evelyn Stephens. a pawn of the elders, intent on corrupting the Anarch
Meeting P lace: The Succubus C lub. However, they Movement. The two will find it hard working together, and
also congregate in a deserted ore smelter in the Wasteland in will go to any extreme to ensure that their followers do not go
Gary (see the "Forged in Steel" section of the Vampire to the other side.
rulebook). This also seems to be Juggler's haven, and is well Though none in his group realize it, Juggler is being
protected by his Retainers (gang members). "advised" by Tyler. Juggler follows her advice in almost
P erceived Goal: Freeing the Kindred from the elders' everything, and is modeling his planned revolt upon what she
tyranny. has rold him of her activities in Europe so many years ago. She
Real Goal: Bringing Juggler to power. has not told him of her ties to the Sabbat, however. Jugglcr
Juggler sees the past defeats of the anarchs as a perfect is Blood Bound to Tyler, and would do nearly anything to
opportunity to rise to power. He came to C hicago to channel please her. She has asked him to tell no one of their meetings,
the lingering rage from Maldavis' defeat into support for and to this point he has not let the secret slip.


Chapter Five: The Coteries 169

Members: Gengis, Dickie, Damien. Members: T yrus, A nth ius, Ramrod and their ghouls.
Meeting Place: The Succubus Club; though they never Meeting Place: The road.
have formal meetings, they often meet each other there. Perceived Goal: Serving the Camarilla.
Perceived Goal: Destroying the power structure. Real Goal: Serving violence.
Real Goal: Destroying those rules and regulations that These vampires no longer command the fear and respect
annoy them. that they enjoyed in years past. Rumors of cowardice during
These three more closely fit the popular view of what the Lupine attack abound, and a number of Licks say they
anarchs should be like - Kindred who want to tear down the may have had a pact with the werewolves. Still, they lost two
existing system because it offends them, not because they of their members during the wave of attacks, though some say
necessarily have something better to replace it. These are all the Sabbat killed them, and others say the bikers took the
younger vampires, in both mortal and immortal years; all opportunity to clean house, with a little diablerie on the side.
were born after World War II. They are still the Camarilla's designated archons for the
While they have no leader per se, they generally defer to area, and more than once they have demonstrated their
Damien because of his popularity as a member of Baby ability to destroy any who violate the Traditions. They have
Chorus. When they notice the irony in doing so, however, also proved that a vampire chained to several motorcycles
they quickly stop. Damien is invo lved in this coterie more going in different directions suffers much the same fate as a
out of a love for its violent sprees than from any belief in the mortal in the same situation.
values it espouses. These five are far from being mindless thralls of the
They meet quite frequently at the Succubus Club and Camarilla, however. During Maldavis' rise to power, the
tend to spend much of their time grumbling about the Pack split on whom it should support. Tyrus wanted to keep
Yentrue clan and all the elders who support it. They love its traditional loyalties, while A nth ius voiced support for the
tormenting those younger Kindred who side with elders upstart. Before their differences became extreme, lnyanga
whenever they can catch them alone, and have taken a visited them and warned them to keep clear of the conflict.
mission upon themselves- to kill Sheriff. Unsure of which way the battle would end, lnyanga wanted
to keep these Gangrel knights from choosing the wrong side.

170 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Thus the Wolf Pack managed to he "mdasposed" when the tradition, making it hard for a new band to stand out. One
prance called for thear help, and rcmamcd andependent of the whach has managed this dafficult feat as Baby Chorus, a punk
bloody conflict. band characterized by a blues feel and ancredible musician-
Now the Camarilla has a ked the Pack to pay clo er shap.
attention to Chicago until at can decade what to do about ats Kathy Glens, somewhat of a local celebrity, fronts the
lack of a prince. Since no one else as an a position to enforce band. Kathy has achaeved renown as one of the city's best
the sect's laws, the task has fallen to this lawless five, and they lead guitarists, and playang wath Baby Chorus has only
couldn't be happier. Should anyone step out of line, or gave remforced her standang. Bass player Raymond Falcon and
them any excuse, violence wall not be far hehand. Anthaus rhythm guitarist Damien round out the Kindred in the band.
worries that this might put them on the wrong sade of the A mortal, Karla K. Ruby, play drums followmg the "death"
future prince, but that will not stop the e fave from enJoyang of the anarch who used to fall that seat; Damien has been
the battles to come. consadering Embracing her. They have not replaced thear
saxophonist, Garwood Marshall, who was kalled by the
Baby Chorus Lupanes.
Members: Kathy Glens, Oamien, Raymond Falcon. Baby Chorus has always provided a comfortable way for
Meeting Places: Rehearsal space and local clubs. Kindred of competing clans to gel Logether, and those who
Perceived Goal: Playing incredibly good music. know the band members express amazement at how well the
Real Goal: The same, though none of the musicians different clans get along. The Brujah, Malkavian and Torea-
wcluld object to its members an aanmg power m Chacago. dor not only interact perfectly well, but make beautiful music
Chacago has long been known for great musac, specaalaz- together.
mg m blues, jan and a symphony ranked among the be l an
the world. New Chicago rock band have continued tha

Chapter Five: The Coteries 171










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Chapter Five: The Coteries 173

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174 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

The band members privately acknowledge that there is
still a great deal of underlying tension, mostly brought on by Annabelle's Party Elite
Damien trying to politicize their music. Neither G lens nor Members: Annabelle, Bret, Kathy G lens, Corbin,
Falcon expresses much interest in the goings-on of the city, Cedrick C;~ lhoun, Bobby Wefltherbottom.
much to Damien'sdistress, for he wants to sing about political Meeting Place: Annabelle's home.
issues of importance to them, not the mortals for whom they Perceived Goal: Supporting art in the city.
Real Goal: Enhancing Annabelle's status among the
The band has been courted by various national record T oreador, and prov1ding her an audience to which she can
labels but has so far remained independent, releasing two perform as a party hostess.
albums on its own. It has attracted a great deal of attention
Annabelle thinks of her parties as the most exciting
from the city's clubgoing crowd, but has managed to remain
ocial events in the c ity. O ther Toreador think of them as
primarily a local act with a small regional following. The
crashing bores. However, Annabelle's position as clan leader
Camarilla is as of yet unaware of what these Kindred are
force them to attend and at least pretend to have a good
domg, somethmg which many would consider a blatant
time. Annabelle lacks any true abilities in art, and has thus
violation of the Masquerade. While it has not played since
come to bclteve that hosting parties displays the true depth
Marshall's destruction, it is preparing to start up again.
of her arttstic vision. Long suffering under her position as the
The Oary Kindred second mo t prominent T oreador in the city, she now revels
m her new status and hope at last to attain clanwide
Members: Modius, Allicia, Juggler, Michael, Evel}tl recognitiOn as one who truly appreciates art.
Stephens, Danov, Lucian.
The e late-night, black-tte parties attract the cream of
Meeting Place: Modius' supposed haven in Gary. They Chicago's art world as well a much of its high society,
meet annually on New Year's Eve, but very little of practical bnngmg out painters, musician , dancers and sponsors. In·
value gets done at these meetings.
deed, 1t 1 only because of the sponsors that most of the artists
Perceived Goal: To keep Gary independent of or supe· come at all. Annabelle flits among her guests, constantly
rior to Chicago. laughmg and talking. The other T oreador tend to stand
Real Goal: To get as much as one can from a sinking alone, makmg pleasant conversatton when forced to. Corbin
ship. and Cedrick began attending these parties shortly after
The members of this coterie are described in detail in the commg to the city, and seem to enjoy themselves. In fact,
Vampire appendix. The coterie is very disorganized, and few they both have their own agendas to advance, and have
of Its members have any desire to be more organized. At one found these parties useful.
ttmeGarywasacenterof power, buttho edaysare long gone. T oreador from outside the c1ty attend these parties,
If you are playing "Forged In Steel," th1s can become the though the1r numbers have dwmdled as word spreads of the
coterie of the player characters, allowing them to form an partte ' lack of artistic value. Annabelle has started to realize
independent group that can Interact as such with the other that the parties have fa1 led to mcrease her status within the
groups. If this is the case you should give them increasing clan, anJ has cast about for somethmg to spice them up. So
independence from and influence over Modius, allowing far nothmg has worked, and some of her schemes have
them a chance to direct their own fates as much as possible. backfireJ badly.
Note that Modi us is one of the candidates for Prince of
Chicago. An extreme dark horse, he would have a better
chance if there were a single coterie in the city that supported
h1m. This could be the characters, though why they would
support such a loser 1 a questton for them to answer.

Chapter Five: The Coteries 175

""'"'.-4 ~--

The City Sabbat Surrounded as they are by their enemies, only one thing
could make them violate their secrecy - the opportunity to
Members: Phillipe, Wendy Wade, Doyle Fincher, feed on an elder vampire. If either gets the chance to commit
Cameron, Tyler, Son. diablerie upon someone of an older generation, he or she will
Meeting P lace: Deserted old hotel in south Chicago. leap at the chance.
P erceived Goal: Preparing the way for the Sabbat to Son learned about them shortly after they arrived in
move in. Chicago, but only recently discovered their ties to the Sabbat.
Real Goal: Their own power. He is interested in them, but has yet to join the sect. They
The Sabbat has been interested in taking over the treat him with feigned respect and plan to use him as a pawn
United States' third largest city since World War II. The in the near future.
recent turmoil of Maida vis' rise to power gave the sect hope On the other hand, they have great respect for Doyle
that the time was right, and it made its move. The battle Fincher. Recruiting him was a great coup, and he has already
between the Lupines and the city's Kindred was purely its made a name for himselfbased on his insights into death. The
doing, though its attempted takeover failed. A number of two are also putting pressure on Tyler to make her allegiance
Sabbat died, and the sect is licking its wounds and assessing more formal, but she continues to put them off. They have
its future. many plans for using her in their attempt to weaken Camari II a
Phillipe and Wade are the sect's main representatives in rule over Chicago.
town, and h ave orders to avoid combat at all costs, keeping
their presence as quiet as possible. They hope to compile lists The Nomad Pack
of all the Kindred remaining in the city and get an idea of Members: Cameron, Lo lita Houston, Samson, Bill But-
their relative power. Phillipe has carried out dozens of these ler, Margarite, Tyler.
scouting missions through the years and has become one of Meeting Place: An abandoned apartment building in
the Sabbat's best. His compatriot, Wade, has never taken Lombard, near O'Hare.
part in something this dangerous, but the sect's leaders have
P erceived Goal: Paving the way for the Sabbat to
found her to be one of their most promising neonates.
besiege Chicago.
Real Goal: Forcing Tyler to reveal her allegiance.

176 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

A Sabbat leader sent Cameron's pack to Chicago follow-
ing the sect's defeat during the Lupine attack. Flown in by
Tyler, and set up in one of her auxiliary havens, the pack is
supposed to prepare for the Sabbat's next attempt on the city.
To this end, Cameron has ordered the pack to scout the city
in order to determine how it could be most effective. Cameron
believes this pack offers him a chance to gain prestige within
the Sabbat, but other pack members know better. Indeed,
Lolita has taken to calling it Loser Company, and is looking
for the quickest way out.
The Sabbat leaders do not expect this pack to succeed.
They have put together the biggest mish-mash of losers they
could. When the pack actually makes its move, it is expected
to fail horribly and expose Tyler in the fallout. Tyler will then
be forced to join the sect to survive, and the Sabbat can make
its real move on the city.
What Sabbat leaders have not taken into account,
however, is that Tyler could care less about the Sabbat's
games. She is under Helena's control, and Helena plans to use
the pack for her own ends. It will probably be sacrificed in
some minor move against Menele, though she may use it to
test other pawns (like the characters).

Maldal'is' Secret Allies

Members: lnyanga, Khalid, Erichtho and the Monitor.
Meeting Place: None- they don't know about one SHE MAV SOU. HAVE HER USES
Perceived Goal: None.
Real Goal: Bringing M:tldavis back to power.
Maldavis' stock among the anarchs remains low. Her bid
for power led to the loss of friends and loved ones for many,
and the fact that she still lives seems an insult to them.
Rumors abound that she still has exception al powers, how-
ever, and her survival in the face ofLod in's wrath adds weight
to the stories. While her own abilities do deserve some credit
for her survival, more should go to her unknown allies.
Both Erichtho and the Monitor found themselves ex-
tremely sympathetic to this upstart, and despised the fact that
Maldavis was being used by the primogen. Unfortunately,
neither could shrug offherobligations and the pair's eventual
involvement proved too-little-too-late. When they saw
Maldavis' supporters slaughtered in the streets and knew that
Maldavis herself would be the prince's next victim, both were
wracked by guilt. Each used her powers to aid the fleeing
anarch, and thus Maldavis managed to survive.
Maldavis' stock may be on the rise. Some of those
anarchs who despised her died during the Lupine attack, and
newcomers know of her only as a leader among the city's
rebels. They may support her for prince, and Erich tho and the
Monitor definitely will. Neither of these Cainites knows that
the other aids Maldavis, and bO£h have only the slightest
knowledge of the o ther's existence.

Chapter Five: The Coteries 177

Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks.
- Henry Carey, Sal!)' in Our Aile)'

Some of the most exciting and intense Vampire stories

come from that most depressing of subjects- politics. The
undead are intensely political beings, both out of necessity
Politics and the
and inclination. After all, why risk one's precious immortal-
ity in physical combat when one can accomplish the same
objectives through careful and treacherous machinations? Politics do not have to be an overriding part of the
Thus politics infuse every level of vampiric soc iety. chronicle, but they can be. As always, the Storyteller needs
Every nigh t of a Lick's existence is ruled by the Six T radi- to stay aware of what the players want from the game, and act
tions. The prince shows up in many stories, often as a major accordingly. However, politics can add an exciting level to
character and at least as a factor to be considered. Members even the most action-oriented chronicles.
of the primogen appear in other stories, and characters must First of a ll, neither the characters nor the players sh ould
always keep one eye on their elders. ever be fu lly aware of all that goes on in the world. If the
Of course, political stories are not limited to the charac- players know that the vampires of the Sabbat arc going to be
ters' home city. There arc clan po litics to be considered, both the bad guys, then the Storyteller has lost a great opportu nity
in the city and on wider levels. Finally, and perhaps most for suspense. If, on the other hand, they find that the Sabbat
importantly, arc the seer politics - those international arc mere tools of a powerful Brujah h oping ro increase her
games played by the world's most powerful immortals. influence on the primogen, then the sto ry has taken on that
Despite all this, the characters are not completely at the much more dep th.
mercy of other Cainites' schemes. They can use politics to Thus even light doses of pol itics add a great deal of
their own advantage, as long as they watch for the slightest mystery and suspense to any chronicle. This added mystery
hint of treachery.lftheydon't, the Storyteller should feel free need not remain limited to the question of who is behind
to saddle them with whatever kind of learning experience he what. Even when the characters know who the main figures
feels is necessary - preferably one of the most humiliating arc, they sho uld have no way of knowing what will happen
kind. next. So what if they know the Brujah is plan ning to make a
move for mo re influence? The characters do no t know that
she plans to unleash the Sabbat on downtown Chicago just
so she can subsequently defeat them (and look impressive in
the process). Nor do they know that this action will conceal
The Politicians
both her takeover of the police and her attempt to wipe out Every vampire is a politician, whether she likes it or not.
a powerful Gangrel - the one who serves as one of the No matter how much one would like to avoid the aggravating
characters' Mentor. games of petty power and pettier egos, there is no way. Young
Po litics also help keep chronicles from becoming staid Licks too easily become the pawns of t heir elders, whether
and predictable. In the political arena, the Cainite who was through bribery, blackmail or simple Dominate. By the time
your friend last week may well be your enemy next week- they become ancillre, they are too much a part of the political
and vice versa. For instance, if the characters stopped the landscape. Even if they could distance themselves, their
Brujah before she could carry out her schemes, they may still elders would not allow it.
end up on her side next week, as she backs their bid to expand Even the elders cannot divorce themselves from these
their feeding grounds. Perhaps their increased territory will machinations. Most have become far too heavily involved to
cut into that of her worst enemy, or maybe she has decided disentangle themselves, and the rest are too afraid, seeing
that having the characters on her good side is more beneficial Methuselahs, diabolists and ancient enem ies lurking in every
than having them as enemies. dark alley.
Finally, adding politics to a chronicle allows that much So the vampire becomes politician, playing the games of
more opportunity for player initiative. Instead of constantly prestation, influence and compromise. He decides what he
having to respond to the whims of fate and whatever story wants, be it power, prime hunting grounds, an enemy pun-
ideas the Storyteller comes up with, the players can add their ished or a friend betrayed. Then he plans his campaign
own twists to the chronicle, taking it in directions the strategy.
Storyteller never considered. Not only does this trigger some For example, a Gangrel wishes to enlist fellow clan
of the best roleplaying, it takes some of the pressure off the members to assist him in stopping a Yentrue's plans to frame
Storyteller, and allows her to spend more time fleshing out him for the murder of a werewolf. He must contact the other
and playing the characters she has created, as they react to Gangrel individually or summon them together.
the players' plotline.

180 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Contacted individually, the clan members are unlikely settle their d isputes with a vote. If there is a vote, then the
to offer much assistance. Not only are they worried about the result is usually a foregone conclusion, having already been
Ventrue's strength, but acting alone is inherently dangerous. decided through arm-twisting, threats and even violence.
Now, if the whole group could be convinced ... Instead, the vampires are constituents who must have
So the character has to convince the Gangrel to meet in their interests taken care of before they wi II consider support-
one place at one time. That feat will require no little politick- ing the politician. For instance, if a Toreador Artiste seeks
ing in and of itself; rest assured, however, it will be the easiest assistants to avenge his snub at a Poseur party, the characters
of the character's tasks. After all, in a perfect world, the become his constituency. He will offer them a great deal to
justness of his cause would be enough to sway his brethren to help block the leading Poseur's efforts to have the Sports
support his position. The world is not perfect, however, and Museum dedared part of Elysium.
the Gothic-Punk world is even less so. The most common payment is a future boon. Unless the
Thus the character must use every weapon in his arsenal characters force the Toreador to pay off in fu ll, they know
to coax his clan to his side. One Gangrel is in the Ventrue's they can rely on him for favors for a long, long time. These
debt thanks to prestation. Another covets the character's favors may take the form of votes during Toreador gatherings,
hunting grounds. Yet another is busy trying to deal with a invitations to select parties, and helpful tidbits of informa-
Lupine pack that has been sniffing around her haven. A tion.
fourth has been petitioning the prince for permission to sire, Payment can also be more tangible, coming in the form
and is afraid to "rock the boat." of money, blood, valuable art or an immediate service. On the
T he character must use his own prestation ties to free other hand, the characters may refuse any payment, making
one Gangrel (thus incurring a debt to a Toreador, perhaps). the Toreador sweat it out until they hit him with their
The second receives limited hunting rights in the character's demands well after the Poseur's efforts have been blocked.
territory. The third gets the character's pledge to help defeat Finally, the characters benefit by advancing a friendly
the werewolf threat, and the fourth will only help when the vampire at the expense of a neutral or hostile one . When the
character places himself in debt to her, meaning the bonds of Toreador succeeds in blocking the Sports Museum plan, he
prestation will force him to help her for years to come. proves his superiority to other clan members before the whole
All of these characters also need to be convinced that city, and rises in Kindred esteem. Since he is now favorably
their actions will benefit Clan Gangrel as a whole, for they inclined toward the characters, they will gain interest on
are acting on behalf of the clan. Even though each vampire's their investment as the Toreador's aid becomes more and
main concern is for herself, the Gangrel as a whole must look more valuable.
out for all other Gangrel. Thus, all the Gangrel will weigh the Characters can greatly benefit from being constituents,
potential benefits against the risks of failure, for all of them or they can suffer just as greatly. Siding with the wrong group
will feel the effects of failure. is an often-fartal mistake. Though the characters may be able
If the Gangrel do side with the character, that does not to mitigate their punishment through judicious politicking
mean the clan politics are through. The character still needs after the fact, just being associated with a loser is bad enough.
to watch his fellows closely, keeping an eye out for any Then again, being on the winning side has its own drawbacks.
treachery. The intrigue has only just begun. The first of these drawbacks is the omnipresent threat of
The end result of all this, handled through consummate revenge by the losers. Politics makes strange bedfellows, but
roleplaying, is that the character gains some powerful allies, it makes terrible enemies, especially when said enemies
and player and Storyteller both have an enjoyable time. remember their humiliation for all eternity. Most Kindred
Additionally, the Storyteller has added another layer of have enough sense to realize that an enemy today may
depth and realism to the chronicle, and has in this one session become an ally tomorrow, but those who don't are prime story
planted the seeds of at least four future stories; stories the material.
player will both anticipate- and fear. Other drawbacks come from the very essence of victory.
The winners gain more recognition among the Kindred, and
The Constituents are more likely to become involved (wittingly or otherwise)
in other vampires' machinations. Licks seek out the charac-
Every vampire is a part of the electorate, whether she
ters' help, meaning the characters make enemies either by
likes it or not. The very fact of being a vampire means she can
refusing them or by siding with them against a third party.
substantially impact the unlives of the Kindred around her,
for good or ill. Naturally, said Kindred want to take advantage The characters must stay on their toes when choosing
of her. which politicians to support. Not only do they have to decide
The vampiric "electorate" is different from the mortal if their side can win, but they have to determine the costs of
victory versus the costs of inactivity. They can gain a great
one. The term electorate is actually misleading, though
deal or suffer a great deal, but they can't just sit there, caught
preferable to "herd" and "dupes." Kindred rarely (very rarely)
between the fire and the sun.

Appendix: Politics among the Undead 181

Politics and the Coterie Alliances - These shift nightly among the undead, and
it is the characters' job to make sure they've chosen wisely.
I ntcrnal pol inc~ arc the hane of most roleplaying games, They mu t negotiate, py, cajole and blackmail to strengthen
hut not ,o wtth Vampire. The characters in the co terie have their ide and weaken the others. Ofcou rse, these group can
rhctr own goal~ anJ mottvattons, based completely around interlink. The ch<lractcrs must he careful neither to weaken
what rhctr player' want, and thu will inevitably be at odds at a group that may he able to help them thi night, nor to
lca.. r occbton,tlly. The toryteller should be prepared to take impair any group that could help them on a future night.
full aJ vamagc of rht~. Coup d'etat - Someone (the ch aracters, perhaps) is
~l<ht of the wne, the characters will probably work looking to replace the Power That Be. Even if the u urpation
roge rhcr ro furrher common goals; after all, that is the is to be violcnt-somethmg few immortals will risk- there
purp<hC of a coterie. When they don't, however, the story will sti ll be a great deal of politicking going on behind the
po:.~th tlt ttc' arc c nJi e~~- O rders from clan leaders can spark scenes. Both side~ wil l be lining up every ally they can,
thts ~orr of confltct, but the players will probably disagree on playing old cnemie again teach othe r and offering every-
their own at l ca~t once in a wh ile. body the moon. If the characters choose not to take sides,
There arc no limitb to the sorts of politicking that can go hoth groups may try and eliminate the m just to make sure
on within a coterie. Diffe rent players will want the group to they don't join the other camp, and the winner wi ll remem-
have m her ohjectives, and o thers wi ll see it as nothing more ber their reluctance to get involved.
thnn a ,·ehtc le the ir chnrnctcr can usc to expand their own Diplomacy - In the modern age, most negotiations
power. rake place face-to-face (or via telephone) , but not all. There
The toryteller will have lcs influence over these sto· will nlways be a role for the intermediary, and the characters
n e~ than mo,t, hut that i ~ not necessarily a bad thing. This arc just expendable ... er, skilled ... enough for the job. Now
can make for ~o m e of the be:.t roleplaying, as players match they have to meet those powerful elders on behalf of thei r
wtL~ not ag.un't t wo-dunen iunal Storyteller characters, bur Mentor, pre ent their ide without offending anyone, and
agallht each other. The toryte ller may even want to encour- survive the consequences of what they put into motion.
age the-e 'e''"'m hy lcumg players know that their characters' Peacemakers - This 1 an odd position for the undead,
clan -.ranJtng ha~ fa llen hecaube of their collaboration with but one rhat can r.u e the characters' tatu immen e ly.
member' of mher clans. Undead ociery tS 111 con rant turmoil, and if the characters
Ju'>t keep a clo~e watch to ensure that these stories do not can top it (even for a little while), then everyone will have
hurt futu re -.tmytcllmg. T ake pccial care nor ro appear w to look up w rhcm. Of cour·c, rhi i never easy. lf the elders
rake ~tde'>. rut.d\y, tf the tntcrna( politiCS become tOO divi· have the anarchs on the run, why would they want to lighten
'tve, wke m:Hlt'r:- into your own hands and give the troupe a the pre urc? What could the characters offer the Lupines to
common enemy to fight - o ne who will require everyone's keep them from renewing their attack on the city? Why
coopt•ration to defeat. should that powerful mage leave the characters' All ics alone?
Not onl y do the characters have to figure out what all sides
Political Stories want, but they must be in a position to offer it. This is not an
easy role for the ch;u acters to play, but it can be a very
A lmost any tory can h ave political overtones, so this rewarding one.
sect ion only d ea l ~ with ~o me of the most common plots and
Permission - Vampires arc often amazed that despite
story thread:.. These do not have to dominate the story; they
their great power they face an endless n umber of restrictions.
can he a' important or as insignificant as the Storyteller
The S ix T raditionsarc just the beginning. Most princes enact
d c~irc~.
their own laws, and then clan elder add even more. Soon the
Morral pollltc~ have intcntion~lly been left off this list. chnractcrs find themselves unable to m ove for fear of break-
\Vhtlc there'' plenty of room therein for Kindred invo lve- ing somclxxly' rule. In this ca e they have to get permission ,
ment anJ ,·;un pm c confltct, the e are issues to be settled
or block somcb<xly e lse from getting perm ission. How they go
among rhe Kmdred themselve . After all, the mortals arc about this will be as unique as your players themselves. Some
mere trophtc'> to he awarded through success in the arena of will bargam, orne wtll orate, some will threaten, and some
,·amptnc poltttc,.
will come up with m ethod~ that hlow your mind.
Advan tage- Thts is a subtle game of one-upsmanship, Prestation - Prestation is as undying ::ts the vampires
where one vamptrc ur coterie seeks to prove its superiority thcm:.ch-cb, and wtll Ia t a~ long as two of the undead still
over another. The ch aracters can be either side of that move. Kmdrcd trapped within it web may prove invaluable,
equation, or they mny imtead be the vehicle used in gaining
(or they must either pay the characters off completely or erve
this advantage. Maybe the players are placed in the awkward them imlcfinttcly. The characters can also be trapped within
postrion of having to decide which T oreador's artwork is
its bonds, and forced to ervc the vi le T remere leader (at least
better, or proving that the Gangrel have secretl y allowed the until they discover he was behind the plot that left them in
Lupine~ to u ~e a c ity p<lrk, or disrupting a Brujah Rant to
his debt).
prove rhe ineffectiveness of the one who called it.

182 Chicago by Night 2nJ Edition

Prestation can also be manipulated and traded among
the undead. For example, the characters are owed a boon by
a Malkavian, who is in tum owed a boon by a Nosferatu. If the
characters need the Nosferatu's services, they can release the
Malkavian from her debt in exchange for the Malkavian
transferring to them the Nosferatu's debt. Now the Nosferatu
is honor-bound to help them, and the characters can proceed
with their plot. Of course, it is never this easy, and the
characters may find themselves going mad trying to get the
Malkavian to make the trade.
Punishment - It seems like some vampire is always in
trouble, and the Traditions are always being violated. Usually
the characters are the ones in danger of punishment, but not
always. That's just the easy way. After all, it's a rare night
when someone is punished merely because she deserves to be
punished. Punishment is a purely political game, and those
who have influence decide whom to discipline (or torture, or
kill). Of course, if the characters can convince everyone that
their enemy is to blame for their crimes, more power to them.
Treachery-Treachery is second nature to the undead,
and characters who do not look out for it will surely suffer
from it. Those who use it to their advantage should also suffer
for it- just a little bit later. In any case, treachery can come
from any angle. Maybe an old friend sacrifices the characters
in order to get their enemy on his side. Maybe a member of
the primogen offers the characters his assistance in voting
against a T remere plan, only to approach the T remere
secretly and make a better offer. Just when the characters
believe they have their schemes sewn up, jack 'em. Leave
them off balance and at risk, while wondering what they did
wrong that allowed this to happen.

Political Settings
Political stories, besides taking a number of forms, can
take place in a wide variety of locations, with a wide variety
of participants, for an endless variety of purposes. Yes, vam-
pires have their own version of the smoke-filled backroom -
though usually it's a smoldering Lick who provides the

City Politics
The most obvious example of a political setting is that of
the city itself. Every vampire, no matter how weak or how
powerful, must keep a close eye on how politics in his
hometown are going. Is the prince looking to take away the
characters' feeding ground? Is the primogen planning an-
otheroffensive against those upstartanarchs? Are the Toreador
trying to get all Nosferatu banned from the city as a matter of
principle? Each character needs to keep up with these events.
The major players in the city setting are the prince, the
primogen and clan leaders. However, other (and possibly
more important) participants may be less obvious. For in-
stance, an intelligent ancilla in control of the city's newspapers
and television stations must be consulted on major issues,

Appendix: Politics among the Undead 183

especially when said issues involve the Masquerade. In a city
near the wilderness, vampires constantly look to a Gangrel
with ties to the Lupines.
The second tier ofactors in clan politics is made up of the
Harpies - generally the remaining elders and ancillre - and
leading anarchs. At the bottom are the rank-and-file neo-
nates who make up the bulk of most cities' vampire population.
These are the Licks most likely to suffer the effects of these
political games, who most need to be involved in them, and
who usually are not.

Clan Politics
The second setting for politics is the clan settmg. Clan
forums, which can be local, regional o r even worldwide,
generally have at least a facade of amicability. In the end, of
course, clan politics are as deadly as any others, especially if
you are a Brujah.
The clans gather for a variety of reasons, but generally
their meetings are called to react to external events. For
instance, a Nosferatu leader may call for a meeting tO discuss
an insane Malkavian power play in the primogen. A minor
Brujah may call for a clan Rant in order to force redress from
the Ventrue who assaulted her.
Sometimes, clans gather to set policy for all members to
fo llow, but this has a smaller chance of success. The T remere
has better luck at this than the other clans, but even its
leaders have to worry about how individual chantries and
members interpret policy, as when clan leaders call for
worldwide surveillance of faerie glens. Even the Warlocks
have no way to know if all their members are followmg the
orders, how aggressively they are carrying them out and what
they are doing with the information so gathered.
The other clans have even less success creating unifying
policies. Even when something is done in everyone's best
interest, clan leaders can be sure someone will sell them out.
Whether the betrayal is performed out of greed, the use of
Dominate, the Blood Bond, etc., is irrelevant.
Remember that characters may occasionally find it
necessary to visit other clans. While non-clan characters may
find their input ignored at best, and violently resented at
worst, they may find these meetings worth the risk. For
instance, if a Ventrue really wants to bring peace to the city,
then attend ing the Brujah Rant and surviving its members'
abuse is invaluable.

Sect Politics
The final area to consider is that of the sect. This
generally means the Camarilla, for it has the most members
of any sect, but the Sabbat and the lnconnu have their own
politics as well. Sectwide meetings, such as the Camarilla's
gatherings every 13 years in Venice, are the general forums
for these kinds of politics. At these meetings, sect leaders
decide issues of policy, handle (or mishandle) controversial
issues, ch oose leaders and set the sect's course until the next
sectwide gathering.

184 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

These sects also have smaller, less important confer- "I understand this is the first practice you have had since my
ences to handle maners of limited importance. For instance, chi/de, Garwood, was mt4rdered. I know the loss you feel, for he
when two princes banle, a Justicar may call a Conclave. a./ways counted you as his staunchest friends, and told me of the
When two Sabbat packs clash over territory or members, a pleasure he felt in your presence. Ijtw wamed to let you know that
bishop may step in to decide the matter. I appreciate the camaraderie you shared with him, and wish you the
What many sect members do not realize is that these are best."
not the limits of sect politics. Because these meetings are the With that, DuSable turned and left, smiling at the confusion
only times most vampires sec the sect in action, they assume he knew he had created. The first bridge had been built, and
that these meeting are truly representative of the Camarilla DuSable's initial move in the game tO become prince had been
or the Sabbat. What they do not see is that these Conclaves made. While none of the members of Baby ChontS were the
and meetings merely confirm what has been decided in leading members of their clans, each was respected. Their support
private long ago. While this is not always the case, it is true could be crucial in his bid to rule Chicago.
often enough that characters should learn to politick any
time they get the opportunity, and not just after the Conclave
has been called.
The Building Blocks
Anyone interested in entering the fray of vampiric
Justicars can always be contacted and buttered up, their
politics had better go in well prepared. This is not a game for
archons aided o r subjected to blackmail, and allies lined up.
the faint of heart; indeed, it is a deadly contest of high stakes,
Characters may even find it in their benefit to have a Justicar
where nothing is forbidden and winner takes all. Involve-
call a Conclave, though they had better have done the
ment requires basic preparation and essential tools. Those
groundwork well ahead of time.
who have these are that much closer to success.

The Political Power

Ofcourse, no matter how well liked a vampire is, she will
Experience never go far in the Kindred world unless she has at least some
modicum of real power. A 13th-generation actor may be
extremely we ll liked, but no one is going to make him prince.
Modern neonates are amazed when they discover that
On the other hand, nobody may like the fifth-generation
the politics of the Kindred more closely resemble their own
Gangrel, but everyone's going to listen when she speaks.
high school experiences than anything else. There are no
great ethical and moral disputes to separate the sides. Vision This is the most important raw material in the arena of
and drive play second fiddle to charisma and backbiting. vampiric politics. The Disciplines are the most obvious
Relationships are marked by cliques, conformity, mindless manifestation of the power factor. No matter how good a
rivalries, petty feuds and a fear of one's elders. brawler a character may have been in mortal life, he'll have
little chance against that Toreador with five levels of Celer-
The similarities do not stop there. There is no official
ity. No matter how charismatic the politician may have been,
power structure aside from the prince, and he has as much (or
any ugly Ventrue with levels in Presence will easily outshine
as little ) power as he can seize. Vampires must thus be coerced
and persuaded instead of ordered. Just as in high school,
violence can be used to get others to do as one likes, but it is While using the Disciplines, especially Dominate and
a threat likely to backfire if the wrong person is targeted or if Presence, on other vampires is often considered bad form, a
enough people become upset. character needs to make sure that everyone else is aware of his
power. After all, just because such use is not approved does
Also, as in high school, status is rarely based on real
not mean it never happens, and the character is bener off on
accomplishment, and instead comes from the status of those
the giving end than the receiving.
with whom one associates. Vampires form their cliques and
alliances out of both friendship and necessity, and those Dominate has an obvious role in politics, though it is
Kindred who can cross the boundaries are the ones who usually used long before any commands arc given. Thus the
succeed in the politics of the undead. They succeed through character might Dominate a Brujah into voting her way, and
respect, persuasiveness and even likability- a secret most forgetting he was ever Dominated. Presence is much harder
Kindred never learn. to work into Kindred politics.
DuSable slowly walked across the bare warehouse floor Presence works best before crowds, where swaying a few
tOward the makeshift stage where the remaining members of Baby people can create a grounds well ofsupport. This makes it less
ChontS wned their insCTUments. Aware of how intently they effective among the Kindred, who rarely gather in large,
watched him despite their best efforts tO appear nonchalam, emotional groups, and who pride themselves on making
DuSable halted 20 feet in from of them. He stood srock still until rational, intelligent decisions (Ha!). They are also infinitely
they gave up the pretense ofignoring him, and then began his well- more likely to recognize the use of Presence than are humans.
rehearsed speech.

Appendix: Politics among the Undead 185

Other Disciplines also have their places. Animalism and Connections
Obfuscate allow the character to function as a capable spy.
The second raw material comes from the other Kindred
Auspex provides a character access to a great deal of useful
with whom the character associates. Not only is a vampire
information. Physical Disciplines, like Celerity, Fortitude,
known by the company he keeps, but his associates make
Potence and Protean, make it less likely a character will be
their wishes known through him. These ties can be mutually
threatened. Additionally, a Storyteller can be sure that
beneficial or parasitic. It does not matter.
players will put their Disciplines to uses she could never have
imagined. The most obvious connection the character has is to his
sire. In many cases this is positive, as Kindred who sire have
"Y01~ did well to call me. " DuSable leaned over the body,
generally earned the esteem of their peers and are powerful
examining it carefully. "Of course, there is no prince to enforce the
enough to keep other vampires from using their childer for
Traditions, but there are others. I hear the Wolf Pack has taken it
dinner. Being created by a Ventrue almost automatically
upon itself to punish those who violate the Masquerade. Its brand
grants a character Status at the outset of unlife. On the oth~r
of justice tends toward finality."
hand, having a Nosferatu for a sire means the character w1ll
Gengis looked on nervously as DuSable pulled a long white only start with Status if the sire was extremely powerful.
feather from his jacket. The Brujah shifted from foot to foot as
The next connections come through the clan. If the clan
DuSable plied the feather, gently dusting the bloody body. Gengis
leaders approve of the character, they can be used to further
could not believe he had actually phoned the Warlock after his
the character's political ambitions. If, on the other hand,
fren<:y. Why was he so worried? He'd killed before, in even more
they dislike the character, their opposition must be overcome
messy tllays, and had never worried about it. This time, however,
or used to the character's advantage - "Yes, Ballard, I will be
he had felt a desperate desire to call the T remere after his fren<:y had
glad to tell you what my fellow Brujah Maxwell says at the Rant."
turned this corpse into a bloody wreck.
A third, and often-overlooked, set of connections in-
Then, as Gengis watched, the body of the murdered kine
volve the character's coteries- the other characters. Each
began to rearrange itself. Wounds closed, blood disappeared and
character in the coterie has her own reputation within the
even the clothing returned to normal. OuSable put the feather
city, and her own connections. When it becomes known that
away and stood up, turning to look at the wide-eyed Gengis.
the characters associate on a regular basis, their reputations
"You will call me again should you kill someone in such a way (positive and negative) begin to reflect on one another.
as to risk the Masquerade. You will forget I gave you this
There arc other types of connections, but most of these
command." He stared deep into Gengis' eyes and saw surprise and
will be handled as detailed in "Prestation," below. The three
chen indifference sweep over them. Satisfied that his mesmerism
listed above are the most common and most useful, as well as
had succeeded, DuSable began walking out of the dark alley. "It's
the ones with which characters will start play. It is up to the
always a pleasure to help my Kindred," he said with a cheery wave.
players to come up with the rest.
These powers play an additional role above and beyond
These connections play an important role in politics.
direct use. The very knowledge that a vampire has substantial
They will often provide the characters with their entry into
experience in the vampiric Disciplines is a great deterrent to
the world of politics, beginning with the moment their sire
the machinations of other Kindred. Just believing that a
introduces them to the prince, and continuing through
Cainite can make everyone around her feel her Majesty
invitations to clan gatherings and those fabled parties where
means direct attacks are almost out of the question. A
the real decisions arc made.
vampire who has learned to possess people can theoretically
l11e o ld saying that it isn't what you know but whom you
use another Kindred's ghouls and Retainers against him,
making her foes even more paranoid. know is only slightly less true among the undead. These
connections may support a character's plans just to advance
Thus, even if the Disciplines never come into play, they
one of their acquaintances at the expense of other, more
make the character seem that much more effective. lt is thus
hostile vampires. Additionally, the fact that they are tied to
more likely she will get her way, that younger Licks will
a character means they can be more confident that the
follow her in matters of importance, and that her equals will
character will honor the bonds of prestation.
think twice before interfering with her plans.
Just like everything else involving vampires, connec-
Some vampires play the dangerous game of making
tions have their downsides as well. Most obviously, your
themselves seem more powerful than they really are. The first
friends' enemies often become your enemies. If a character
disadvantage to this is the risk that someone will call their
was sired by a Toreador who has long battled the Brujah's
bluff, and be happily surprised when they cannot escape by
vandalism in Elysium, then the anarchs are automatically
turning to mist. The second, and more likely, disadvantage is
against him. If one of the characters in the coterie gets on the
that such deception will bring the characters to the attention
wrong side of the prince, the entire coterie will be so colored.
of their betters, who will be more than happy to use the
Another downside comes from the prestation ties. The
characters' powers to their own benefits ... and be horribly
more vampires to whom a character is tied, the more boons
upset when the characters cannot come through.
and favors said character owes. Ofcourse, if prestation is used

correctly, the character may well come out ahead. More down in Gary , but I don't know. I've even heard some talk that
likely, since the character is a mere neonate, he will end up he's involved with Maldavis, bwi don't knowhow." Damien put
owing his betters. down the medallion , stood up. and wentover to where a saber hung
The final downside comes from the altenanon of one's on the wall.
connections. In Vampire, it i far too easy to hetray those who "Most of the Ventn1e like him , and he occasionally shows up
m1ght have been called friend. While all vamp1rc say they at Annabelle's parties. Some anarchs used to learn magic from
keep an eye open for treachery, all have hcen surpri ed at one him, but they're dead now. No, tltese bloodsuckers mighr nor be
point or another. The character can be on either the giving DuSable' s friends , bur most of them wouldn 'r mind ar all ifhe were
or the receiving end but, either way, h e should he prepared to prince."
deal with a new foe who knows him as wel l as any friend can.
"The T remere DuSable is making his move. The one-armed Status
uJ>start would be prince. How could any Cain ire, no matter how The Status Background is another cruc1al clement for a
foolish or how corrupt, support a Warlock as his THier!" Maxwell career in politics. Other Kmdred mu t take a character
wmed from the window and peered intO rhe dimness of his seriously in order for her to have much unpact on them.
basement apartment. "What do you think, Damien! You've had Neonates will rarely even be allowed to speak, much less have
the misfortune of knowing him longer than I have." their advice fo llowed. On the other hand, a Vcntrue elder
Damien sat in a wicker chair, fiddling with Wl odd medallion may never have demonstrated much talent or wt..Oom, hut hts
he found sitting on the ebony coffee table. "Well , OuSable ain't three dots in Status ensure that others ltsten w hts w1shes.
really your typical T remere. I know they all try and make you/ike The easiest way to gam Status IS to huy tt dunng
them . but you still always go away feeling like y011 bathed in lye. ch aracter creation. It can be earned and awarded w charac-
He's kinda different. A lot of important folk like him ." ters when the Storyteller feels they de erve it. This should
"I know he has allies," Maxwell growled. "Obviously his rarely be because of the events of one story. After all, any idiot
masrer. chat OO)' in the suits, wants him tO be prince. That's all the Lick can get lucky once or twice. If characters gain Status
more reason for others tO swp him ." during play, it should only come after consistently proving
"Nicolai's not rhe only one. I know he's had some dealings their competence and ability.
wirh Khalid, and some of the other anarchs say juggler might
support him . Gengis says it has LO do with something that 1~ent

Appendix: Politic among the UnJeaJ I 7

After all, a mere two dots in Status means orherCainitcs A low rumble echoed in Inyanga's throat. DuSable hoped it
constdcr the character the equivalent of an ancilla. Anci llre was the tuay a leopard laughed, but he hcul no way tO know. He
are often more than I 00 years old, and have slowly and leaned against the park bench behind him , and hoped for the best.
methodtcally earned the respect of their peers. We may "Don't worry , DuSable. Everyone knows whoyouare. Ha!
expect more from the characters, hut other Kindred do not. Most believe you are the T remere leader here. As if the T remere
Status plays a variety of role in polilics. A player may would put an African in charge of such a city."
roll Appearance + Status to dctermme how orhcr mnially "The clan isn't that reactionary. I have found far more
react to her character. A Charisma + Statu roll (dtff.culty opporwnity in its ranks than I ever lwd among the Canaille. Its
depends on the situation) can dctcrmme whether princes leaders have proved far more receptive to my talents than this city's
and elders arc willing to listen to the character. More com· citizens did." DuSable relaxed and sat on the bench, resting his
monly, however, the Storyteller will want to make these stump on its back.
determinations ba cd on roleplaying and modtficd by the "And you have certainly pw that Of)porumity to good use.
character's Status. Status also determines if other vamptres Many II(Jmpires know you now, and many of them fear )'OI~ as
seck out the character during political maneuvcrings. well. Your battle against rhe shapeshifrers tuas a good example.
Status also has its downside. The Background negatively The simple act ofdefeating so many ar once would have been cause
affects dealings with anarchs and the Sabbat. It increases the enough for respect. Then inviting all the Kmdred co share rhe safety
character's visibility among vampires, meaning the character of the chantry until the attacks ended ... thar was a bu risky.
will be one of the first ones named if a hunter forces a neonate "B1~t. you are right, DuSable. You made your name long ago.
to talk. Now then , what can I do for rhe Warlock who would be prince?"
"Yes, DuSable, I will be glad to listen co yo1~ ," Inyanga
purred, n1bbing her leopard coat against the bark ofa tree. "You've Prestation
made quite a name for )'Ourselfrecently, yo1~ know." With that she The prcstation game, while primarily a ocial affair,
curled up in the park grass and turned her gaze on him. plays a substantial role in Kindred politics. Even o, the
DuSable feigned surprise. "Recently? I would have hoped lower-level boons don't have that much of an effect- just
that after all my service co the cit)', I would have made a name for because you once helped a member of the primogcn does not
myself long ago." mean he feels beholden to you to the extent that he will vote
the way you want.

188 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Properly used, however, small favors can be parlayed Of course, if the character needs the immediate favor,
into information, access and minor support. The big favors, then he should cash in the debt. If he can afford to drag out
of course, are extremely valuable. Princes are usually the payment, then one favor can return a hundredfold in the
masters of this game. They are in a position to give a lot of forms of information, aid, support and so on.
people exactly what they want, be it feeding grounds, ven- There are two drawbacks to prestation. The first is that
geance, money, support, etc. Kindred so helped are thereafter the character may not know when the debt has been paid
bound to the prince, forced to follow her on almost any back, and thus may be amazed when expected a id is not
matter. forthcoming. The other is that the debtor may find a way to
This is one of the ways most princes keep their primogen put the character in her debt, and remember each and every
in Iin e. Just appointing an elder to this prestigious council can annoying demand made of her.
count as a moderate favor. From there, the prince can keep "So, you have some information for me?" DuSable sat
playing out the favors and gifts until the members of the quietly in the limousine as he waiced for the Brujah to answer.
primogen, usually tlhe most powerful Cainites in the city After a minute, Gengis looked up from his nervous hands.
(next to the prince), are tied to her for all eternity. "Yeah, 1 got your information." He glanced around the car's
Prestation may well cause every vampire in the city to spacious interior. "You sure no one can see in these windows?"
owe the prince. Inviting a neonate to her party means that "Gengis, if you think the Tremere would rely on mere tinted
the neonate must defer to her. Some consider mediating a windows for privacy, then you are more naive than 1 thought. If
dispute to be a minor favor. Granting a vampire exclusive something can see through these windows, then it is beyond our
rights to a particular feeding ground can count as a moderate ability to worry about. Now, what do you have to tell me?"
favor. Call ing a Blood Hunt on someone's foes (or not calling Gengis looked out the window for another minute before
it on a Lick who deserves it) is worthy of a life boon. responding. "I talked to Damien last night. He was trying to get me
Prestation can also be used against the prince. She is the on Maxwell's side. It seems Old Prince Max is getting ready to
vampire who gains the most enemies, and the one most likely make his move. "
to need the characters' assistance. Characters need to keep After a moment's silence, DuSable asked, "T ell me more of
their eyes open for the chance to do the prince a favor before this move. What did Damien say Maxwell will do? Come now,
their own debts become inescapably great. Gengis: I know more went on than just that. "
The same rules apply to most Kindred in the city, just on "I don'tknow hisplan, man," Gengissaidsullenly. "Damien
a smaller scale. Yes, there are vampires who spend their time did say Maxwell thought one ofthe Ventrue was gonna move soon.
trying to do other Kindred favors, and most vampires will do He said he had a plan to stop them and, as soon as they were out
so if the opportunity presents itself and does not interfere ofthe running, he was gonna announce himselfprince. I guess he'd
with their own plans. If the opportunity does not present split the primogen and take out all his challengers while they're
itself... well, maybe the vampire can nudge things along so it farting around."
does. "Why, it was my pleasure to squelch that newspaper story
"You guess? What else did Damien cell you?"
about your haven being a toxic waste dump. No, I have no idea
who might have started such an ugly rumor. Let's hope the Lupines "Nothing, man. That was it. Then we went out house-
hunting. Man , let me out. I've told you everything."
haven't heard it ... "
Once vampires start becoming bound in the prestation
DuSable pressed the car's intercom and told the driver to stop
web, things really become interesting. The character owed
by the next alley. "That wasn't much," he said as Gengis opened
the boon must be verry careful not to overstep its boundaries.
the door . "I hope next time you will be able to tell me something of
After all, prestation only works as long as the favors are not
value. Haven't made a mess recently, have you?" Gengis turned
completely paid. T he character wi ll get far more mileage out
to reply, but che door shut, and the limo drove off into the night.
of dozens of small favors than he will from that one big one.
For instance, if the character warns a T remere elder that TbeOame
his Retainer has been corrupted by the Society of Leopold, Now that the characters have their equipment, they
the elder owes him a sizable favor- but not a life boon. The need to learn the rules of the contest. Kindred games are
character could cash it in immediately by having the elder spy rarely settled through direct confrontation; when they are, all
on the prince for him. On the other hand, if the character can participants may lose. Vampires are much better off when the
survive without immediate information on what the prince actions of intermediaries determine their fates, with Cainites
is doing, he could have the elder begin teaching him mapping strategy for those involved.
Thaumaturgy, feeding him information on Tremere activi-
ties, letting him know what happened at primogen meetings Followers
and supporting his efforts to expand his hunting grounds. The least valuable pieces in this game are the mortal
pawns and institutions with which the undead interact.
Businesses, police, journalists, government agencies and (less
often) hunters can all play a role in politics. These pieces

Appendix: Politics among the Undead 189

often determine the issue involved, as when the prince is
trying to decide how to handle a 60 Minutes report of
problems at the blood bank. Someti mes they are the battle-
ground, as when two Kindred vie for control of the downtown
nuclear reactor.
Mortals obviously have the ir limits when dealing with
immortals. They are no physical match es for vampires, and
th ey usually do not know there is anything special about their
foes. Still, no vampire wants to have the police harassing him
while he sleeps during the day.
These followers play a variety of roles (besides prizes) in
politics. Most commonly, they serve as distractions, forcing
an opponent to deal with these annoyances before handling
important matters. Such use of mortals can also lower an
enemy's Status, for if a vampire cannot handle mortals, then
what purpose can she serve among the undead?
The actions of mortals can line up Kindred constituents
on the character's side or cause them to oppose his adversar-
ies. If the character takes over the local banks, he can use
their money for massive bribes, foreclose on a vampire's
h aven and blame it on the ancilla known for his control of
finances, and employ other such tactics.
As a general rule, mortals and their institutions play
minor roles in Kindred politics. Underestimating the kine,
however, can prove a major mistake.
Ballard's vast bttlk set his oaken chair to squeaking as he
lowered himself into it. His tremendous fingers fumbled with the
files, and hiseyes glared at Sovereign from under rolls of fat. "How
could this have happened? What did you do wrong?" he demanded.
Records seized by a district attorney. Unconscionable. These
were not just minor business records, either. These were the heart
and soul of Ballard's operations. Everything was in them. Every-
"I did nothing wrong. Rea.lly. I have no idea where this
prosecutor got his information. I can't believe he could have gotten
enough to justify a search warrant. I have our lawyers working on
it now," Sovereign pleaded.
Ballard sat back, resting his giant jowls in the palms of his
flabby hands. "They've had those records since this morning. With
their photocopiers, I'm sure there are a hundred copies by now.
When word of this gets out, there won't be a Lick in town who can
keep from laughing. That is, until they realize that those records
affect all of us.
"Damn Lupines! If they hadn't killed Lawrence, this would
never have happened. Damn mortals! For whom are they working
now? I can' t believe Capone has control of the D.A. again. This
is too subtle for Maxwell. " He pondered a moment, then spoke.
"All right, here's what we're going to do."

This section refers to vampiric allies, not mortal ones.
These are the Kindred who act with you, speak for you, and
possibly even take the blame when everything fails. They
play a double ro le in vampiric politics, for they are both

190 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

constituents and actors. For this reason, they are the most The multimillionaire anci lla will be more effective in
important part of the game, and characters should look to some situations than the Malkavian elder, and a T remere
them for most of the action. neonate will succeed in situations neither of them could.
When a Malkavian wants to expand her hunting grounds Learning the best ways to apply their resources is yet another
to the New Bedlam Home for Wayward Boys, her most likely reason for the characters to become involved with Kindred
source of powerful support will come from the Malkavian society.
clan leader. When a Ventrue wants to get a Blood Hunt Ublo-Satha watched from the shadows as the team unloaded
called on a Nosferatu, he had better have close ties to the the boat. With military precision the team members separated the
prince or her friends. boxes and loaded them on the different trucks before driving offinto
Of course, the allies needed to accomplish something the night. Ublo-Satha spread her wings and flapped into the air,
vary from city to city. If the characters want the prince to unseen by morral eyes.
cease his offensive against the Lupines, then they will either The trucks began to split uJJ, but Ublo-Satha had no trouble
need Gangrel support if the clan is respected, or its opposition keeping her eye on her target. 1t drove north of the docks, and soon
if most people think of its members as traitors. began cutting through the Barrens. When it turned off onto an
A llies can also serve as envoys, spies, and anything else isolated, tree-lined road, Ublo-Satha made her move.
the characters can think of. In short, they are the major Her wings beat hard as she gained more altitude, and then she
players in any power play involving the undead. Allies may began her dive. With a great swoop she crashed through the
only work with the characters on one project - friends windshield , shattering the driver's head before he knew what had
tonight and enemies tomorrow- but characters should not happened. Without a thought , she picked up the passenger, threw
spurn the assistance of even the lowliest Lick. him through the windshield and heard his head splatter against the
The issue of allies involves two parts- recruitment and road.
usage. First of all, the characters need to seek out like-minded She tore through the tuall into the trailer. A fair -skinned man
Kindred for their plots. This can be as easy as approaching a was turning a shotgun on her; she grabbed his jacket, pulled him
Ventrue elder in an. attempt to get the prince to ban an to her and ripped out his throat. As she did so, she felt the truck buck
anarch leader from the city, or as complex as convinc ing the as it ran into one of the trees.
T remere to support one candidate for the primogen so that Scanning the packages in the back of the truck, she picked up
the Brujah, Malkavians and Toreador will be forced to the two labeled "Blood, IRS ," and grabbed a large crate from
nominate one of the characters in order to stop the Warlocks. whence moaning had begun to issue. She kicked open the back of
The characters may only need one vampire's support, or the truck, where a van had pulled up. A chauffeur and a young boy
they may need to work with an en tire spectrum of clans and in a black suit stepped out. Neither showed any surprise at the
coteries. Some of these allies will be made easily, as when scene before them or the Gargoyle's fierce appearance.
dealing with members of one's coterie and clan, while others They loaded the boxes inca the van, and Nicolai opened the
will only be made with difficulty, as when dealing with crate as they drove away. He checked the pulse of the beautiful
Malkavians. Italian woman he found within, and turned to Ublo-Satha with a
The characters may have to offer their desired allies all smile. "Well, it seems Capone may have to go without bribes or
sorts of inducements, but many should be mollified by the dinner for a few nights. 1 believe DuSable will be most hapJJY."
discovery that their actions will serve themselves as well.
Vampires try tO avoid prestation debts, and go to great Credibility
lengths to convince others that what they do is in everyone's A character's credibility among the undead is another
best interests. "Yes, 1 know you don't want to get involved, but important element of the game. Trust is a key to both
if the prince manages to seize Oswald's feeding grounds today - influence and survival. While no vampires of any intelli-
well, let's just say yours are next door." gence will ever trust another to a great degree, a Lick who
Using these allies appropriately is the next step. There is faces overt suspicion and mistrust will have no chance of
no reason to put a childe in a situation that calls for an elder, succeeding in the political arena.
or to waste an elder on one that could be handled by a Vampires have to keep their word and avoid lying as
neonate. This is not Panama, and the doctrine of overwhelm- much as possible. After all, they have an eternity to deal with
ing fo rce will only call more attention to the characters then each other, but can ruin their reputations in a single moment.
they desire. Kindred walk a fine line; they must avoid both being honest
The characters need to keep a close eye on other vam- to the extent that it will hurt them, and lying in a way that
pires' prestation ties, friendships and powers. If they need can be detected and hurt them even more.
information, then they should seek out the Nosferatu or the Credibility involves more among the Kindred than just
Toreador. If they need raw fighting power, then the anarchs trusting someone's word. It also involves some knowledge of
and/or Gangrel are probably the best bets, with the Ventrue where the vampire fits into the schemes and manipulations
also a useful faction. of the Cainites. If the characters know two powerful vampires

Appendix: Politics among the Undead 191

are feuding, then they will need to have some idea of where vampires' opinions, who appears to take their suggestions
other Kindred fit into this feud before involving them in their into consideration, and who is willing to discuss important
own plans. issues with them will find the efforts pay off when she needs
A vampire can maintain credibility while under some- broad-based support.
one else's influence, as long as said influence is apparent. On the other hand, the ancilla who constantly seeks out
When vampires start acting without obvious motivation, or neonates, pushes them around and takes their territory will
working in a way that is contrary to their no rmal pattern, find it very hard to drum up support when an elder starts
then the amount of trust they have generated begins to eyeing his control of the local prisons.
decline. Of course, if they have a tremendous amount of Personality is one of the more nebulous aspects of
credibility stored up, th ey can do this for a while before politics, but it is also one of the most enjoyable to roleplay.
suffering the effects. Characters should quickly learn that pushing their weight
It is a rare Cainite who can convince others that no one around is the quickest route to defeat, while compromise and
else controls his actions, or that he will always act in a friendliness, while occasionally detrimental, will pay off in
predictable, trustworthy manner. These vampires often com- the long run - if they survive that long.
mand other Licks' friendship and allegiance, for they are the See what happens when the characters gain a position of
few who can be consistently trusted. This is a powerful prominence and power. Sure, they may be the Justicar's
weapon in the political arena, and one Storytellers can use to archons, but when she is not around ... Others may respect
full advantage. After all, characters arc notorious for putting their strength and might, but that will not do them much
their trust in the wrong places. good when they discover th ey have alienated an entire city's
''I'll kill Ballard with my own hands! No, I'll kill his family, worth of vampires. On the other hand, if they gain at least the
and let the fat slug starve to death." Capone grabbed the baseball acceptance of the city's Licks, they may be surprised at who
bat from rhe floor without interrupting his pacing. "Then I'llinvite comes to their side in times of trouble.
him to dinner, and ... " He grasped the baseball bat with both hands "Capone came to see me last night."
and smiled, fangs barely showing from behind tight lips. In her surprise, Kathy Glens snapped off a tuning key as she
Then he slumped onto his leather couch. "I can't believe he looked up at Damien. Staring closely, she assured herself that there
would be this bold. No, this isn't like Ballard. He would have had were no burns or gaping wounds on those parts of his body she
some fool customs agent search the boat while it was in transit and could see. "So he's dead then," she said.
take what he wanted then. He wouldn't leave it wrapped around "No, he just ~uanted to talk," Damien said as he rook his
a tree for aU the world to see. guitar from its case. "Seems someone's been messing with his
"But if it's not Ballard, chen who? Maxwell? How would he operations." He quietly started tuning his guitar.
have heard about it? Plus, he probably would have wanted the Kathy managed to restrain her curiosity for a full minute
guns, money and drugs even more. The rest won't do him any before she could stand it no longer. "So? Who did it? Why'd he
good. come after you?"
"The anarchs? No, they may have heard about it, but they Damien listened closely to his E string before answering.
would have gone after all the other stufffirst as well. Kevin jackson "The Tremere. He thinks DuSable was behind it. Seems he has
and his idiot Bloods would have done the same ." He srood up and reason to think the attack came from the air."
wok some practice swings with the bat. "Why in the world would DuSable be after Capone? The
"Sheriff might have done this, but he wouldn't move against Warlocks and Blue Bloods have always been friends here. You
me now. He couldn't. He still needs me to protect him from the sure Capone isn't just setting you up in one of their goofy plots?"
anarchs, and he knows it. Besides, he would have tried to "Seems the local courts have been going after Ballard's setup
blackmail me with it all by now. as well. Capone says DuSable' s got a lot of pull with the lawyers
"I know DuSable wants tO be prince , but he would never do and judges." Damien raised his eyes from his guitar and saw
anything like chat .. . " Kathy's confused look. "I think he wanted me to talk with
Maxwell. The three of them going after DuSable might just be
Personality enough tO take him out. "
A final part of the political game, one that comes into Kathy smiled grimly. "More than likely they're trying to set
play on a nightly basis, is personality. Despite their attempts you and Maxwell up. What a stupid cover story . Nobody will
to be controlled and reserved, vampires retain that annoying believe DuSable would pull that kind of crap. "
mortal habit of warming up to those with an agreeable
personality or a friendly attitude. By the same token, an
odious manner is a sure way to annoy vampires. Just look at
the player running the Nosferatu for proof of that.
Indeed , personality plays a far more pervasive ro le in
vampire politics than most undead would be wi[ling to admit.
A member of the primogen who constantly seeks out other

192 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Tbe Mistakes sanctuary made off-limits, then the Giovanni will go in, and
the characters will be out one Ally, as well as being blamed
Political games can go wrong in an innumerable variety for the attack by a powerful order.
of ways. Each of the above sections details the specific hazards Of course, vampires make mistakes. Even if the players
associated with its topic, but the game is loose and freewhee l- do everything right, the Storyteller often throws a new
ing. The Storyteller will be amazed at the opportunities she monkey wrench into the works, just because this is the
gets to mess with the vampires' plans. essence of group storytelling. The characters can still suc-
One general, and often fatal, failing is overconfidence. ceed, but they will have to act quickly and intelligently-the
Smart vampires are aware that they will never know all the height of roleplaying.
factors affecting their plans. T hey have contingency plans for DuSable smiled as the strains of Bach's Fugue in D Minor
their contingency plans, and stay ready to adapt their plans drifted out of the concert hall. Sovereign kept his same worried
as the situation requires. stare as the two stood in the hall's empty lobby.
A second problem area is the accumulation of enemies. "Something really has to be done aboutthe unrest in this city.
While anyone involved in politics will gain foes, no vampire Ever since Lodin died, there has been no peace in Chicago. I'm
should overstretch himself to the point that he is fighting on afraid to say it, but this city really needs a prince." As he spoke,
more than two fronts- and even two may be too many. DuSable carefully monitored the Ventrue's reactions.
A third mistake is playing one's hand too early. Intelli- "Hey, I've got my OWTl problems. I don't really care who'Ll
gent vampires understand that knowledge really is power be prince. It may be that blob I call my sire, or it might be you. I
among their kind, and they keep an eye on everything that really don't care." The little man appeared nervous as he spoke,
can affect their plans. If they want to include a secret faerie and he looked anxiously around the lobby before looking at
glen in their feeding area, then they had better make sure the DuSable .
Tremere either do not know about it or do not care. "Well, perhaps I can make you more interested," DuSable
T he flip side of this is being overcautious. If the charac- said. He took a small vial out ofhis coat and handed it to Sovereign.
ters keep gathering information and never move, then another Sovereign stared at the red fluid inside before reading the label.
force will, and they will lose everything for which they have
struggled. If they wait too long to have their mage Ally's

Appendix: Politics among the Undead 193

"KaryLumas. Accountant.lnternalRevenueService. Well, Most vampires limit the amount of time spent with their
maybe you would make a good prince, DuSable. Then Sovereign
II Kindred. The less time spent with others, the less chance one
stared hard at the Tremere. "How did you know my feeding has of being betrayed or slain. On the other hand, no vampire
~>references? II can completely ignore all other vampires. Thus vampires try
DuSable smiled. "A good guess? It really doesn't matter. )ust to associate primarily with those who are powerful enough to
rest assured that there is more where this came from. I know what benefit them and less interested in betraying them or drink-
a problem it has been getting quality vit<£ recently. ust then the
) ing their blood.
music died down, and the two heard movement from within the Of course, powerful vampires try to limit the access less
hall. powerful vampires have to them, unless they have some plot
"Well, I need to get going. I'll be in touch shortly. It is a in which the Lick could play a role - as pawn. Thus the
pleasure knowing you support the best man for prince. With that,
II Kindred engage in yet another vicious circle.
DuSable turned on his heel and headed toward the parking garage. Political success short-circuits this circle. Once a char-
Sovereign stood still as people began flooding out of the concert acter becomes successful at these games, more powerful
hall. Then he headed toward the now-closed bar across from where Kindred find it necessary to include her in their plans. This
he stood. being the case, they seek her out and treat her as more of an
He opened the gate and looked around. Sure no one was equal. This can be considered an aspect of increased Status,
watching, he opened the door that held the liquor supplies and but it goes beyond that.
quickly slipped inside. He turned to the large form of his sire and Access is a factor best handled through roleplaying, for
the slighter one of the infamous Mafraleader. All three vampires the character can both grant it and deny it, and each action
smiled. has its own consequences. It is a valuable tool and, if used
correctly, can tum a few victories into a steamroller, crushing

The Winner those who oppose the character.

The other factor to be considered from any victory is
Politics is not always a game of winners and losers, but it backlash. If one vampire wins, then there is probably a loser
usually is. True compromise is far rarer among the undead as well. The loser(s) will hopefully accept defeat with good
than it is among the living, since vampires have eternity to grace and seek to make the character an ally in the future, but
try and violate their deals. Thus winner takes all, until the we know better.
bell rings for the next round. Victory makes many vampires overconfident, and the
Winning affects vampires differently depending on the rest paranoid. Either outcome makes their real enemies' job
situation, but two effects are of special importance in the easier, and the battles go on. And on, and on and on, as the
world of politics. First is the subject of access. Being successfu I Storyteller enjoys the possibility of infinite story ideas.
in politics means the vampire gains access to more important The prince looked out over Chicago's skyline. The city- his
vampires, and to deeper levels of intrigue. city- sat silently before him. Somewhere the prince's enemies
were plotting. That was a certainty. But, for now, he could savor
the power. The city belonged to him. Things were right. The prince
ran his hand over a curved scabbard. They would stay right.

194 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Index Camarilla, 13-14,21-25,67,71, 75, 8 1, 85,88,
107, 114, 135, 137-139, 141-142, 144, 154-155,
Annabelle's Party Elite, 17 3-175 157,166,170-171,175-176,184-185
Anthius, (Dread), 89-9 1, 170-171 Cameron, 45 , 139-143, 176-177
Arcanum, The, 10 Candidates for Prince, 10, 60, 131, 147, 153,
Arie Crown Theatre, The, 49, 162 156, 158-159, 175
Arlington He ights, 48 Capone,Al,20,27,44,48, 111,124, 127-128,
Arlington Racetrack 4 7 156-157, 162,190-192
Art Institute, 30, 33, 36, 49-50 Capper & Capper, 30
Arts Club of Chicago, 49 Carlyle's Gang, 75, 83, 166-167
Auditorium Theater, 33 Carlyle, 44,74-77,81-83, 154, 166, 169
Baby C horus, 33,37-38,45-46,51-52,95, 115, Carol Davis, (Maldavis), 23-25, 27, 68, 75, 78-
163, 170-171, 185 80,106,119-120,127,130,133,145,154,156-157,
Backroom, T h e, 51 166,169-170,176-177,187
Ballard, Horatio, 19-20, 27, 36, 39-40, 44, 60, Carson Pirie Scott & Co., 30, 33,48-49,54-55
72, 80, 94, 98, 111, 124-129, 156-157, 162,186, Central Library, 49, 162
190, 192 Chantry, T he,25, 111,117-120,122-123 , 163-
Barrens, The, 35,37-39, 44, 46, 55-57, 191 164,188
Bartholemew's Silver Crafts, 35 Chicago Academy of Science, 49
BattleMonsterTM Center, The, 54 Chicago Board of Trade Building, 33
Bein & Fushi, 33 Chicago Board Options Exchange, 33
Billy's, 51 Chicago City Ballet, 49, 162
Biograph Theatre, 46 Chicago Cubs, 46
Black Panthers, 44, 70, 74-75 Chicago Guitar Gallery, 33
Block Gallery, 49 Chicago H istorical Society, 49, 67
Blood Dolls, 46,51-53, 114 Chicago Knowledge, 60
Bloods, The, 129-13 1 Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 30, 33
Blue Velvet, 5 1-52,98-99, 101-102, 164 Chicago Opera T heater, 49, 162
Board of Trade, 30, 33, 128-129 Chicago Reader, 52, 131
Bordruff, Nathaniel105-107, 156-157, 162 Chicago River, 35, 56
Bridgeport, 40, 42, 44 Chicago Sun-Times, 9, 131
Broadway Costumes, 44-45 Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 20, 50
Bronwyn, 52,. 95-101, 164, 166 Chicago Tribune, 9, 29, 131
Brookfield Zoo, 38, 4 7 Chief Black Hawk, 17, 27, 110, 146
BrL~ah, 15, 18-22,25,30,33,40,42,44,62-63, Chinatown, 42, 44, 46
65-68,70-74,76-78,109-110,122,137,140,146, Cicero, 48, 132-133
154,156-157,163,171,179-180,182,184-186, CitySabbat, 174,176
189, 191 Civic Opera House, 30, 35, 49
Bryan, 52,97- 10 1,166
Civic T heater, 35, 49, 162
Buckingham Fountain, 39
Corbin, 95-101, 162, 164, 166, 175
Butler, Bill, 141-142, 176 Council Wars, 23, 27, 68, 157
Cabrini G reen, 9, 38, 57, 130
Creative Workshop, 45
Caitiff, 50, 73, 78, 94, 145, 157 Critias, (Doctor), 26, 40, 42, 44, 46-48,62, 64-
Calhoun, Cedrick, 107-108, 156-157, 162, 175 68, 73, 78, 154-156, 162

Appendix: Politics among the Undead 195

Cultural Center, 49 Garou, (Lupines, Werewolves), 7-8, 10-11, 15,
Daley Plaza and City Hall, 33 19,25-27,36-37, 44, 47,53,68, 71,73,83-84,86,
Daley's, 36 88-89, 94-95, 103, 105, 108, 110, 112, 11 9, 125,
Damien, 46, 73, 94, 156-157, 169-171 , 175, 145, 151 , 156-157, 162-164, 169, 170-17 1, 176,
187, 189, 192 180-182, 184, 189-191
Daniels, Gideon 44 Gary Kindred, 172, 175
Devil's Night, 19, 27 Gary,8, 20-21,27, 46,48,55-56,69,72, 94, 98,
108, 11 2, 125, 157, 169, 172, 175, 187
Dooley, Theodore, 60, 70
Genet, Dr. Oliver, 148
Downtown, 14-15, 25, 30, 32, 37-38, 45, 47-
48,54,56, 73, 11 2, 11 8, 179, 190 Gengis, 186-187, 189, 74, 170
Drake, The, 36 Ginglass Formalwear Center*****
Drummond, Edgar, 60 Giovanni, 148-149, 193
Drums Ltd., 33 Glens, Kathy, 115-116, 171 , 175, 192
DuSable,Abraham, 78-79,1 18-119,123, 156- Gold Coast, 37, 74
157, 162-163, 185- 189, 191-194 Gordon, Eugene S., 33
East Side, 19, 30, 38 Government, 11 , 13, 19,24,54,56-57, 66, 79,
Elders, 179-180, 182, 184-185, 188, 10, 12-14, 124, 126, 128, 132, 144, 189
19-20, 22-24,33, 37-38, 45, 47-50, 53, 55-56, 60, Graceland Cemetery, 46
62,68, 72-75,78-79,90, 106, 108, 111 -112, 117- Grant Park, 39, 49, 94
119, 125, 134, 139, 153-157, 162-164, 169-170 Griffins & Gargoyles, 46
Eletria, 112-1 14 Gulfora, 150-151
Elucid, 25 Helena, (Portia), 17-1 8,26-27, 53, 60,63-68,
Elysium, 181, 186, 12, 20, 22-24, 27, 35,3 7-39, 109-11 5,118, 121, 153-157, 163- 164, 166, 177
45 , 48-50, 54-55, 125, 154-155, 162 Hinds, Tommy, 19,60
Essence, 45 Hive, The, 30, 40, 54-55
Evanston, 48-49, 104, 127 Houston, Lolita, 140-1 41, 176
Ewell, Thomas, (Balthazar, Sheriff) , 20-22,27, Hyde Park, 40, 42, 150
37, 62,71-73, 154, 156-157, 170, 192 I Love A Mystery Bookstore, 32
Fanum, 37 Illinois Psychiatric Institute, 46, 48
FBI, 10, 74 Illinois, 8, 14, 79, 88, 90, 107, 132-134
Field Museum of Natural History, 39 Inconnu, 79, 103, 145, 184
Fincher, Doyle, (S ledgehammer Doyle), 38, Indiana, 8, 20,
42, 47, 86-88, 137, 176 International Folk Fair, 37
Findlay Galleries, 36 International Monetary Market, 30
Fine Arts Building, 32 Inyanga, 188, 18-20, 37-38, 46, 84-88, 154-
Followers of Set, 147 156, 162, 170, 177
Fort Dearborn, 17, 27, 110 J. Stephen Lawrence Rare Books, 32
Freeport Art Museum, 49 Jackson Park, 39
Gangrel, 19, 29-30, 37-38, 42, 63, 84, 88-89, Jackson, Kevin, 57, 128- 129, 154, 156-157,
107, 137-138, 141 , 154, 170, 180- 182, 184-185, 192
191 Johann,60, 73
John Barleycorn Memorial Pub, 37
John Hancock Center, 37

196 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Juggler, 26, 36, 61, 79, 154, 156-158, 168-169, Meneleus, (Menele), 17-18,26-27,60,62-66,
175 , 187 69, 110, 122, 146-147, 153-156, 163, 166, 177
Juggler's Anarchs, 36, 169 Methuselahs, 10, 13, 18, 66, 73, 103, 110, 137,
Kenneth Nebenzahl, Inc., 32 153- 156, 180
Khalid, 19-20,25,35, 103-106, 154-156, 162, MidAmerica Commodity Exchange, 33
177, 187 Midway Airport, 47
Klein, Evan, (Raymond Falcon and others), Midwest Stock Exchange, 33
46,94, 164, 171 Milton Lee O live Park, 3 7
Krevets, Jasper, 80-81, 166 Milwaukee, 8, 10, 14, 45
Krech's & Brentano's, 32, 55 Miomir's Serbian C lub, 46
Lake Mich igan, 14, 38, 46, 48, 126, 128, 134 Modem Bookstore, 32
Levesque, Marc, 60, 72 Modius, 19-21 , 27, 48, 61 , 69, 72, 112, 125,
Lincoln Park Zoo, 37-38, 87 156-157, 175
Lincoln Park, 22,37-38,45-46, 67, 95 Mother's, 51, 11 1
Linda Enfield, Inc., 49 Museum of Contemporary Art, 30, 33, 36, 49
Lo Pan , 44 Museum of Science and Industry, 39, 55, 150-
Lodin,7-8, 10-15,19-27,29,33,35,37-39,44- 151
45, 48, 50-51, 54-55, 57, 59-60, 66, 68-69, 72, Navy Pier, 37
78-80, 87-88, 92-95, 98, 103, 106, 110, 11 2-113, Neally, Edward, 60, 135, 137
11 8-120, 124-131, 133-135, 144-145, 147-149, Neon , 94
154, 156- 157, 160, 162-163, 169, 177, 193 New Rituals, 121
Lodin's Brood, 33, 72, 125, 157, 160, 162 Newberry, Jason, (Son), 48, 75, 93-95, 120,
Lodin 's Laws, 12 124, 164, 176
London Bookshop & Gallery, 3 2-33, 36, 49, 53 Nicolai,25,27, 42,48, 117-122,154-155, 157,
Loop, T he, 30, 39-40, 44, 54-55 162-164, 187, 191
Lorraine, 133-135, 157 Night of Rage, 21, 24,27
Lower Michigan Avenue , 35 Nihilists, The, 169-170
Magn ificent Mile, 30, 35, 37, 54 Nomad Pack, T he, 139, 176
Malcolm, 88 North Side, 30, 35, 40, 45, 112
Maldavis' Secret Allies, 177 Northwestern University, 10, 48-49, 134
Malkavians, 10, 20, 46, 49-50, 63, 65, 92-93, Nosferatu, 4-5, 19, 25, 30, 35, 42, 49, 54,56-57,
110, 164, 191 63,76,103-108,120,151,155,157,162,183-184,
Marcel, 14 7-148 186, 191-192
Margarite, 142-143, 176 O'Hare A irport, 15 , 25, 68
Maria, 111-112 O'Leary, Maureen, 27, 92-93, 162, 164
Marshall Field's, 30, 54-55 Occult Bookstore, The, 46
Martin 0 'Arcy Gallery of Art, 49 Old Town Triangle, 38, 51
Maxwell, 18-19, 27, 68-69, 92-93, 103, 110, Orchestra Hall, 33, 49-50, 162
11 8, 145 , 156, 186-187, 189-190, 192 Oriental Institute Museum, 49
Mayfair Regent, The, 36 Orphan's, 37
Maywood Park, 4 7 Orthodox Temple of Akhenaton , The, 3 7
McCormick Place, 40, 49 Outer Harbor, 37
Medical Center District, 44 Outlands, The, 29-30, 38, 45-48, 55-56
Meigs Field, 47 Park W est, 37

Appendix: Politics among the Undead 197

Pentex, 54 Shejana, 149-150
Peterson, Joseph, 33, 38, 131-132, 156-157, Sid Sherman Musical Instrument Co., 33
162 Six Flags Great America, 47
Petrillo Music Shell, 49 Skokie, 48, 93-94
Piano Man Bar, 46 Smart Gallery, 49, 162
Pick-Staiger Concert Hall, 49 Society of Leopold, The, 10, 189
Police, 12-13, 19,22-24,37-39,54-57,69-70, Soldier Field, 39, 47
72, 76,80-81,85,94,124,128,132-133,148,180, South Side, 30, 38, 40, 43, 49, 106, 114-116,
189-190 136
Powell's Book Warehouse, 32 Southwest Tattoo Emporium, 42
Pranksters, The, 164-165 Sovereign, Alan 33, 47, 126-127, 190, 193-
Primogen, The, 7, 10, 12, 18,20,23-25,27,48, 194
50, 59-60, 66, 68, 72-73, 78-79, 85, 92-93, 100, Spangler Manufacturing, 45
103,106, 111-112, 118, 125, 128, 133-134,137, Spiaggia, 36
153-157, 163,177,179,183-184,188- 189, 191- St. Albus Fine Arts, 49
St. Stanislaus Kostka, 45
Procet, 19-20, 25
Stryker, Bret, 114-115
Prudential Building, 35, 54
Succubus Club, 25-26, 51-53, 110-111, 114-
R.S. Johnson Fine Arts, 36 115, 147,169- 170
Rack, 37-38,40,50-51, 57, 72, 94, 128 Tarnopolski, Joshua, (Blackjack), 69-70, 157,
Randy Zelley, (Ramrod), 90-91, 170 169
Ratso's, 37 Terra Museum, 36, 49
Ravnos, 4, 149 Toreador, 7, 13, 19-20, 23, 25, 30, 37,45-46,
Rebekah, (The Monitor), 144-145, 157, 177 53, 63, 78, 82, 109, 111-112, 114, 132, 171, 175,
References, 9 181-183, 185-186, 191
Richard Fulcher, (Dickie), 78-80, 170 Tracy Graves, (Erichtho), 120, 122, 157, 163,
Richard Gray Gallery, 36 177
Rick's Cafe Americain, 51 Tremere, 12-13, 20, 25, 27, 30, 32,38-39,42,
Rigaud, Phillipe, 87, 94, 137-139, 176 46, 48, 55, 78, 80, 111, 117-122, 150, 154-155,
Rosa Hernandez, (Rose) 38, 87-88 157, 163-164, 182-184, 186- 189, 191-194
Rush Street, 38, 51 Triangle Inn, The, 38
Sabbat, The, 7, 10,12-13,21,25,27,61,67-68, Triabell, Annabelle, 20, 23-24, 27, 66, 78,
70-71,73,75-76,81,87,94, 101,106,11 1, 113- 111-112, 114-115, 132-133, 154-157, 162, 173,
114, 135, 137-142, 144, 153-154, 166, 169-170, 175, 187
174, 176-177, 179, 184-185, 188 Trinity, The, 95, 166
Samson, 141, 176 Tyler, 15,27,47,62,67-70, 137,140,154-156,
Schilke Music Products, 33 162, 169,176-177
Schumpeter, Jacob,33, 128-129,156-157,162 T yrus, 88-91, 170
Sears Tower, The, 37, 55, 80 Ublo-Satha, 191, 122-123, 163
Second City Comedy Review, 38 Union Station, 33, 35
Secrets, 61-62 Union Stock Yard Gate, 42
Sewer Rats, 103, 161-162 University of Chicago, 40, 44, 49-50, 87-88
She-Nannigans, 51 University of Illinois at Chicago, 44
Shedd Aquarium, 39, 55, 145 Valerie, 79,80

198 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition

Ventrue, 11 , 13,14, 19,25, 30, 32, 36,38, 42, Wise Fools Pub, 37
45,47,53,55,57,62,63,65,67, 72, 75,81,82, 109, Witch, Hunters, 10,11, 50
111 , 113, 124, 137, 141 , 144, 154, 156, 157, 162, WolfPack, The, 88,9 1, 154, 170,171 , 186
170, 180, 18 1, 184,1 87,189, 191,193 Wrigley Field, 46
Victoria Longwood, (Hag), 82, 166 Yaryan , 146, 147
Vital Statistics, 14 Zanies, 38
Wade, Wendy, 87, 138,139, 140, 176
Walenski, Tammy, 104,105, 120, 162 Index to Maps
Wallace, Raymond 8 1, 166 Chicago, 3 1
Washington, Harold, 13, 23, 27 Loop, The, 32
Water Tower Place, 37, 75, 83, 166 Michigan Avenue Underground , 57
Water Tower, 37,38, 75, 83, 166 Near North Side, 34
W eatherbottom, Bobby, (The Hurricane) 13 2, Near South S ide, 43
133, 157, 175 South S ide, 41
West Side, 30, 36, 44A5, 99, 149
Wisconsin, 8

Appendix: Politics among the Undead 199

OJy Steve C. OJrown
Cray (J{averis
Overhead Luna's dimmed light falters no voice emerged in the dead silence; only an air bubble floated
Her gaz.e reflected in blood out of my mouth. I refused to die. Treading the viscous weight,
Times of sorrow are upon us I forced myself to the surface. Bloody, blood all around me, I
treaded until my muscles screamed and I could hold myself up
The red swan falls from the sky
no longer. Then I saw her. Powerful Unicorn, sister spirit. The
it dies
blood reached her knees. She galloped to me and bowed her
in the belly of the Wynn head. I grabbed her hom, and she lifted me upon her back.
it transmogrifies Without a word we were off through the pool of blood. As
in decay it is reborn we went, the stars turned red and a swan perched upon my
Our daughters and sons shoulder. Wyrrnlings raced at us from aJJ directions. Unicorn
Die fought them valiantly and soon a multitude of Ahrouns,
in the hands of Darkness Uktena by the look of them, joined the battle. The Wyrmlings
Die soon scattered and the Uktena ran after them. Unicorn took me
Wicked creatures most foul run free onward into the darkness.
Our horsemen ofApocalypse, they come The blood on my fur had clotted and cracked away. I turned,
noticing that the swan had left us and the sky no longer blazed
We shall meet them
crimson. We traveled endlessly; I lost track of time.
Under the blood red glow
Soon, beyond the horizon, I again spotted the red glow. It
Death reigns supreme
appeared as a sunrise before us. I could even feel the heat. But
Gaia pity us. I learned it was not the red glow above which warmed my flesh.
The date is June 12, 1925. Last night I was visited by Before me a city, a city built upon this lake of blood, was afire.
Unicorn, spirit of my tribe. She brought me a vision most Unicorn di d not hesitate. She leaped into the flames and strode
terrible, but one I must not forget. She gave me a glimpse of the the city streets. Around us, dancing scarlet demons ate build-
future. Now it is my duty to spread word, hoping the steps may ings and tortured humans. The heat should have peeled my
be taken to prevent my nightmare from coming true. flesh, but Unicorn's protections were strong.
I first remember this: I could not breathe. No- I could draw The swan returned once more, landing on Unicorn's head.
heavy, watery gasps. Only this was not water, but a salty, Slowly we walked the streets. Before us vampires gnawed out
coppery thickness I knew well from my hunts. I screamed, but each other' s hearts and bashed in each other's brains. As I
looked closer, we came upon a second group of vampires
battling one another. Then my vision cleared and I saw the
vampires were not vampires at all, but my Garou mothers and
fathers. I screamed at them to stop their madness, but they
could not hear me. Unicorn took no action but traveled onward
at steadily increasing speed.
A shape appeared in the distance and soon a white wolf ran
beside us, trudging neck-deep through the blood lake. I called
to him but he did not answer; instead, he looked away in shame.
As he turned away, I caught a glimpse of his soul. He was of
the Damned, no longer one of us. As I again looked ahead, the
swan flew away. Unicorn traveled swiftly and I lost sight of the
Abomination behind us.
I heard the wails before I saw the tormented ones. Out of the
darkness, the red glow emerged again and we soon came upon
them. Hundreds of bodies, a twisted, moaning wall of flesh,
stabbed and bit one another. Half were Garou, while the others
were undead. I turned away, but Unicorn spoke to me. "This is
the most important part," she said, "for it has not yet happened.
Look closely and learn."
Unicorn sallied forth with unearthly speed. With head tilted,
she charged the wall, ripping apart those in her path. Cries and
how Is fell like cannon shots. Unicorn stopped on the other side
of the wall. Before us stood the city, much bigger than before;
it had been rebuilt from glass and steel, made stronger and
colder. Unicorn walked before my home, the Fanum. Then we
traveled the street beside the temple and came upon a sight
most foul: Black Spiral Dancers gathered into a circle and
speaking the gibberish of the Wyrm. Behind them stood
vampires dressed in red.
Storm clouds formed above and rain began to fall. Luna
shone her sanguine beams upon us. I thought that Unicorn
trembled, but this could not have been so. We moved on
through the streets.
A swan flew down at us from the clouds. Unicorn would not
let it land on her back. She shook and writhed to prevent it. I
shrugged it off with my hands. This swan was unnatural; its
body was mutated and disfigured.
The storm worsened. Lightning struck all around us. Banes
crept from the shadows and crawled about, unconcerned with
us. Some took flight and joined the storm- what a battle must
have raged in the heavens above!
We came upon many Garou and vampires fighting one
another. I thought I saw the white furred vampire-Garou.
When I turned to get a closer look, it was gone.
The storm continued to worsen. Thunder drowned out the
sound of the pouring rain. Still Unicorn continued. Soon we
came upon a clearing in a park and she stopped.
"These things I have shown you not out of anger, but out of
love," she said. "Remember well the horrors of this dream and
speak of this future to your people. As the future flows from the
past, the river of time may yet be changed. " She turned and
looked to the sky. The swan was flying down from the clouds
Unicorn told me to dismount and I obeyed. The swan above I awoke and it was morning.
grew larger as it approached us: it slowly transformed into a Heed the words of this future, my children, for it may be
dragon. The dragonswept down before us and Unicom charged. your own.
The two forces locked in combat. Behind me I heard growls. May Gaia protect you and keep you safe from harm.
I turned and saw many vampires. On their knees they bathed
and drank from the lake of blood.
© 1996 White Wolf Publishing AB. All rights reserved.
Reproduction without written permission of the publisher is
expressly denied, except for purposes of review. Vampire the
Masquerade is a registered trademark of White Wolf Pub-
lishing AB. Werewolf The Apocalypse and Under a Blood
Red Moon are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing AB.
Legen~s of the Carou: Cray (J{aven's tUuning 3
Jntrorudion: lVelcome to tUu 9
d'rologue: Chicago, Kin~m of the CaMvers IS
Chapter One: Assembly 31
The Chapter for Garou 31
The Chapter for Kindred 37
The Chapter for Sabbat 39
Chapter 'Uoo: A4t}'ession 43
The Chapter for Garou 43
The Chapter for Kindred 47
The Chapter for Sabbat 48
Chapter rchree: Assault 51
The Chapter for Garou 51
The Chapter for Kindred 56
The Chapter for Sabbat 58
Chapter 'Jour: Assist an~ Avail 61
The Chapter for Garou 61
The Chapter for Kindred 65
The Chapter for Sabbat 67
Chapter 'Jive: Aftermath 69
The Chapter for Garou 69
The Chapter for Kindred 71
The Cha~ter for Sabbat 72
Appen~x Une: Allies an~ Aroersaries 75
Appen~x <Lwo: <Lhe Story for Other Characters 93
Appen~ix <Lhree: <Lhe Abomination 95

Introduction 7
8 Under a Blood Red Moon
One to destroy is murder by the law;
And gibbets keep the lifted hand in awe;
To murder thousands takes a specious name,
War's glorious art, and gives immortal fame.
- Edward Young, "Love of Fame"

Under a Blood Red Moon is an official crossover of ers' characters-achance torendtheircadaverflesh with claw
W er ewolf: T h e A pocalypse and Vampire: T h e Masquer- and fang, to end their unlives. Not revenge. really. No, this is
ad e. While primarily designed for use with Werewolf, this War!
story may also be used with Vampire (preferably second Welcome to a brave new world, a world where creatures of
edition). the supernatural fight life-and-death battles against one an-
T o highlight the changes that occur in Gothic-Punk Chicago other while j aded mortals walk the streets not knowing what
because of this story, a new edition of C hicago by Night is really lies in the shadows. Welcome to the classic struggle of
being released concun·ently with this book. C hicago by Night the werewolf, beast on the outside, against the vampire, beast
2nd Edition can be used to continue the events of this book, on the inside. Welcome to a world Under a Blood Red Moon.
and also introduces many new characters. While designed for
the Vampire game, it may be used for Wer ewolf with few
HOUJ to Use rchis OJook
Under a Blood Red Moon is a story encompassing the More skillful in self-knowledge, even more pure,
cultures of two races that are natural enemies. It is about Garou As tempted more; more able to endure,
and Kindred, and their misundersta nding and hatred of one As more exposed to suffering and distress.
another. Herein are an unusual mix of characters and a chance -William Wordsworth, "Character ofthe HappyWan·ior"
to see the Storyteller System with clearer focus as you inter-
This section is designed to give you, the Storyteller, a fi rm
weave two compatible, yet contrasting game systems. This
grasp on how this story is set up, so you can expand or modify
story meshes two dark realities ofthe Gothic-Punk world, thus
it to fit your needs. There are also some words of advice to help
allowing for more detail, more variety, more horror and more
you better organize the story.
This is primarily a Werewolf story, so the;: book is geared for
Here is a chance to avenge all the slights Lodin, or any other
Garou characters. Keep in mind that the story is told mainly
Machiavellian Cainite, might have inflicted upon your play-

Introduction 9
from the Garou perspective, but this is not how it will be seen Only a few particular vampires have been marked as
by Kindred, Sabbat or Black Spiral Dancers. Because this story casualties during this story; all others must be chosen by you.
involves vampires as well as Garou, it is easily possible to play However, while this book lists the "official" casualties, you
either Camarilla or Sabbat vampires within the story. Within can modify these as you see fit. Take time prior to running this
each section are subsections discussing variations on the story to make a list of those destroyed during the "other battles"
standard scene for use with Camarilla and Sabbat characters. in which the characters do not participate. You might wish to
Appendix Two has a section on plot ideas for other character ask for some input from players on which characters are boring
types, such as hunters and mummies. (not necessarily the least liked, because they are often the most
Before you run this story, you should have a copy of interesting) and use this to shape the cast of Chicago to the
Chicago by Night or Chicago by Night 2nd Edition (access players' interests. Of course, be sure to have a few surprises as
to the following Vampire sourcebooks is also useful: The to who falls and who survives.
Succubus Club, The Players Guide to the Sabbat, The On this note, please feel free to make any changes you desire
Players Guide and The StoryteUers Handbook). Be familiar to Under a Blood Red Moon, thus conforming it to your
with the vampires of Chicago, in order to present them cor- personal vision ofChicago. If you dislike the way the vampires
rectly and use them effectively. Because of the linear nature of are presented, or if you have made many modifications for
this story, however, such information is mainly useful in your own chronicle, take the time to make the necessary
providing details to players and their characters about events changes before you start play. It will make your job much
in the city around them, and in taking care of any sideline easier.
subplots that might develop. This book covers all necessary In addition to those characters who are destroyed, there are
information, but if the players lead their characters down other implications. Who are missing? Are they dead, or did
unexpected paths, be prepared. they escape? Are they in hiding for safety or for sinister gain?
If you regularly use Chicago by Night in a chronicle, you What Camarilla-controlled institutions, if any, did the Sabbat
could use this as an opportunity to destroy characters you do usurp? Were any prominent mortals killed? While these fea-
not like (as long as they are not the players' characters- they tures may be summarized at the end of the story, you might
should have a say in being wasted). This allows you to thin keep some ideas concerning these and other questions in mind,
what might be an oversized cast, so you can more easily keep allowing you to throw out snippets of infom1ation at conve-
track of events and introduce new characters of your own. nient times throughout the story, and thereby add to the
ambience and realism.

10 Under a Blood Red Moon

Under a Blood Red Moon is more th an a mere story, it is The Garou find the Leeches to be incredibly detestable.
an example. This story is only one way to merge the Werewolf They are creatures of the Wyrrn (almost all with Humanity
and Vampire games. There arc many others. Feel free to create scores of six or less register to the Gift: Sense Wynn). The
your own crossover stories for vampire or werewolf charac- Leeches arc conniving, disloyal. subtle. corrupt and unpredict-
ters. White Wolf plans to release more crossover products in ably ruthless. The Garou occasionally find themselves serving
the future: keep your eyes peeled for 'em. as unwitting pawns in the power plays of the Kindred. This
only increases their burning contempt for them. Some Garou
rcheme find themselves jealous of the Leeches. After all, they are, at
least for the mo t part. immortal. Despite the vaunted gifts and
Victo1y at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory wonders of the Garou, death is still as inevitable for them as it
l!oll'ever long and hard tile road may be; fo r without victory is for all living tJ1ings.
there is 110 sun,il'al.
- Winston C hurchill, Speech before House ofCommolls
Under a Blood R ed Moon is about loyalty, fear, chaos,
d'lot Synopsis for
power and death. Basically. it's about war. Through the entire
story the theme is this:
Carou Characters
By serving those to whom you are loyal, you become It is easy to go dow11 into Hell; night and day, the gates of
somewhat smaller. somewhat less important. You are minus- dark Death stand wide; bill to climb back again, to retrace
cule in the greater picture, yet your risk and your possible one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
sacri lice arc the greatest that can be made. What is your loyalty - Virgil, The Aeneid
worth? What is your life worth? Are you truly insignificant or Prologue: T wo weeks ago (before the story begins), the
are you important? What does it mean to die and kill for your Sabbat manipulated the Black Spiral Dancers and Dominated
cause? These questions can only be answered on an individual a number of Bone Gnawers into attacking the Succubus Club.
basis. There is no condemnation made. nor is there comforting The Sabbat is ready to move into Chicago and a war between
reassurance found within the story. the city's werewolves and the Camarilla would be useful But
TI1is theme reveals itself to players in many ways. They Helena (sec C h icago by Night) believes the attack on the club
have opportunities to destroy those who have never harmed was aimed at her by Menele. To protect herself, she manipu-
them. because these others serve a different cause. Likewise, lated Lodin into calling a Blood Hunt against all Lupines. The
they are besieged by complete strangers when they least expect city's Urrah were caught unawares and many fled their homes.
it. What wi II the characters' contribution to the war mean? 1ust
Three days ago. to repay the Black Spirals. the Sabbat aided
how expendable are they? Here, under a blood red moon, death the evil werewolves by helping them to take the Fanum, an
is measured in loss of offensive capacity, not emotion, and important Garou-controlled building in Chicago. The building
glory comes from the carnage one creates. The players may is a giant feti sh with special powers that come from a powerful
have their eyes opened to the realities of war through the spirit, a Lesser Celestine known as Jupiter. The Uktena,
imaginary connicts of inhumans. Stargazers and Children of Gaia controlled the fetish, but were

rche moo~ caught by surprise: all either fled or died. The Black Spirals
now attempt to con·upt the Jupiter Celestine with Banes. A
There are 110 compacts between lions and men, and wolves spirit war rages in the Umbra! sky in the form of red clouds,
thunder, lightning and tremendous rain ; as this war progresses,
a11d lambs have 110 COIIcord.
the storm begins to bleed into the physical world.
- Homer, Tile Iliad
Now the call has been made for all available Garou to march
The mood is one of revu/sio11. This story is about two very
as a leg ion into Chicago to face down the vampires and Black
different races. Their values. their beliefs, their morality and
Spirals. and retake th e Fanum.
even the irtactics differ from one another. Each side is sickened
by the other. They do not respect their ene mies; they are instead C ha pter One: The characters are called upon to join the
repul&ed by them. ~eing them as blights to be removed. legion. mustering at a Shadow Lord caem north of Chicago.
Thechar<~cters arc involved in a large moot: they socialize with
To the Kindred. the Lupines (werewolves)areclose-rninded
others of their kind and learn of the battle strategy. They also
savages devoid of human understanding. They are straightfor-
discover that a sept of Garou in Chicago. the Wind Catchers.
ward. fooli sh. brutal and human in man y ways vampires are
refuses to aid in the battle; its members are busy protecting
not. l11ey li ve. bearing all the costs and benefits of natural
something they deem more important.
existence. They cat, excrete. breed, love, hate and die. Yet they
arc creatures of the preternatural. Why do the Kindred really The characters also learn of Black Spiral scouts nearby.
along with a secret pas age into Wyrrn caverns, leading to a
find them offensive? Is it because of their own cold, inhuman
nature. or possibly a longing for both great power and real life?

Introduction 11
huge Wynnhole nearby. The characters are sent to investigate, screen showing the captured Kinfolk - held at gunpoint by
but are called back before they can learn much. Balthazar. If they destroy Lodin, over 40 Kinfolk could be
On the second day, the war council is convened and a killed. Lodin escapes (if the characters don't kill him first), but
Gangrel emissary arrives to declare Gangrel neutrality. is destroyed by Sabbat.
On the third day, the characters are chosen to be part of T he characters rejoin the Garou legion outside the Fanum.
Team Silver, the legion which will assault Chicago while The xenophobic Wind Catchers, who were engaged in a
Team Alpha attacks the nearby Wynnhole. On the way to bloody battle of their own in defense of their caern, finally
Chicago, they get a flat tire; across the street is a convenience come to the aid of the other Garou. The Jupiter Celestine is
store full of people possessed by Psychomachiae. When they recaptured into the Fanum and the Black Spirals are slaugh-
get to Chicago, they encounter the Wolf Pack, a gang of biker tered.
Gangrel; this will test whether the characters can respect the E pilogue: A tmce is declared, the Fanum is safe, and the
neutrality pact. They then meet the Kinfolk family that is to characters are proclaimed heroes.
provide them with shelter during the assault.
Chapter Two: On the fourth day, the characters meet a
Glass Walker who gives them the locations of a number of
~lot Synopsis for
vampire havens; it is their job to seek out and destroy the
vampires who rest in them. During this time, many Kinfolk are
Kin~e~ Charaders
arrested by the police under Lodin' s command. He plans to use Trouble that is easily recognized is half cured.
them as hostages. The Kinfolk are placed in the custody of - St. Francis De Sales
Kevin Jackson, one of Lodin's important servants. C hapter One: The characters are at the Succubus Club
The characters help to close down O'Hare Airport by when it is attacked by a number of Lupines. They assist in
destroying everything in sight. Shortly after nightfall, the defeating the wild werewolves. A few nights later, Lodin
characters are ambushed by Sabbat recruits. Assisting the orders them to seek out and destroy all Lupines they can find.
characters in battle is Pariah, a vampire-Garou (also referred to The characters spend much of their time searching for the
as an Abomination; see Appendix Three). He leaves before the Lupines of the city. One night, a storm begins almost sponta-
characters can question him. neously. They see a strange, blood-soaked! vampire running
Chapter Three: On the fifth day, the characters learn of down the street. Following him, they learn of a new group of
their Kinfolk's disappearance. Ifthey investigate too well, they anarchs in town. The anarchs are very suspicious, and if
are targeted by Kevin Jackson ' s thugs for a drive-by shooting . threatened, reveal themselves as Sabbat and attack the charac-
The characters are then called upon to find out what happened ters.
to the other half of the legion, T eam Alpha, which went to Chapter Two: The characters are awakened in their haven
destroy the creatures of the Wyrmhole; they learn that the by Garou who try to kill them and set their place on fire. The
entire force was destroyed. characters can do little other than survive.
The characters return to Chicago and are tipped off by Chapter Three: On Day Five, the characters are sent to
Sabbat to the location where their Kinfolk are being held: Kevin Jackson's stronghold to pick up and transport mortal
Kevin Jackson's hideout. The characters attack Jackson's prisoners to Balthazar. While the characters are at Jackson's,
haven; inside, they learn the location ofLodin' s haven. Before the Lupines attack. The characters are forced by circumstance
the characters can act, however, a Garou leader calls them to to protect Jackson and destroy werewolves. Jackson approaches
join another pack for an attack on the Succubus Club. On the the characters afterward, offering them power if they help him
way to the assault, the characters once more encounter Pariah, take out Capone.
who tells them his tragic tale, and how he wishes to be The characters are later called upon to meet Brennon
reaccepted by his people. Upon returning home after the Thornhill at the Succubus Club to identify a body, which turns
Succubus assault, the characters find that vampires have out to be a member of the Black Hand. The Succubus Club is
turned their Kinfolk into Leeches. again attacked by Lupines, all of whom are killed; one man-
Chapter Four: On Day Six, the characters search for ages to kill Thornhill before dying.
Lodin's haven, located in an abandoned amusement park. It C hapter Four: The characters are sent by Jackson to
instead turns out to be AI Capone's haven. Below the House of destroy Capone, whose haven is located under the House of
Mirrors, the characters face Capone, who gives them the true Mirrors in an abandoned amusement park. Capone offers the
location of the prince. The characters are then rejoined by characters the chance to destroy Lodin, aJJowing them to serve
Pariah, bearing a handful of decapitated vampire heads. He him or mle Chicago themselves. The characters then seek out
will stay with them, possibly for the rest of the story. Lodin's haven and attempt to destroy him. Will they care that
The characters march on Lodin's haven. Below the heavily
guarded building, Lodin sits at his desk. Behind him is a video

12 Under a Blood Red Moon

Lodin has 40 mortals held prisoner, who will be executed if he they may become heroes if they can destroy him. The prince is
is harmed? Shortly afterward, the characters encounter a on an estate outside the city. Rigaud later informs them that the
materialized Nexus Crawler. Pariah, the vampire-Garou, comes Blood Brothers' communal haven was discovered and all the
to their aid. He then relates his story, and tells of the Sabbat' s Brothers were destroyed. The characters must leave-a Blood
involvement in the war and the location of one of the sect's Hunt has been called on Sabbat.
havens. Following up on the lead, they fmd a haven below the Epilogue: Rigaud and Wade manage to infiltrate the Cama-
sewers used by a circle of Blood Brothers. The characters rilla. The characters may become scouts themselves, pretending
inform the primogen. to be anarchs who came to Chicago for Lupine blood and
Epilogue: A truce is called. Lodin is destroyed (either by the stayed because there is no current prince. The character may
characters or by one of his other enemies). Who will be prince? also act as liaisons between the Chicago scouts and their
This war may set off another fight, one between Helena's and bishop.
Menele's pawns. Many Kindred are dead, and there is much
power to be gained. Keeping Up with What
d'lot Synopsis for Js Coing On
Sabbai Charaders A. A violent order is disorder; and
B. A great disorder is an order. These
To conquer without risk is to triumph without glory. Two things are one.
-Pierre Comeille, "Le Cid" - Wallace Stevens, "Connoisseur of Chaos"
Chapter One: The bishop calls upon the characters and War is chaotic. This means your job as Storyteller will be a
gives them a mission. They are to go to Chicago, where they very trying one. Thereareanumberofways you can make your
must aid two scouts, Rigaud and Wade, in instigating conflicts job easier simply by preparing for the game in advance.
between the Lupines and the Camarilla. The characters jour- First of all, use the timeline of events. This will allow you
ney to Chicago, where they meet the scouts and several other to keep up with how all the events fit together. It can be altered
Sabbat. The characters and Rigaud meet with some Black in any way you see fit; it is mainly meant to help you keep up
Spirals at a fast foodrestaurantto plan the attack and to bargain. with all major events. You might need to refer to the timeline
In return for Black Spiral assistance, the Sabbat will aid the from time to time, especially when discussing what and where
werewolves in capturing the Fanum. The characters join in a other battles were fought besides those in which the players'
surprise attack against the werewolves of the Fanum. characters participated.
Chapter Two: The characters meet in an abandoned hotel The next thing to do is to prepare a list of your own casualties
where Rigaud gives them the locations of several Camarilla (the dead characters), if they differ from the "official" count.
Kindred havens they are to seek out and destroy. Afterward, While this information should not be presented in full to
Rigaud and the characters go to a house used by Lupines. No characters, should they look for a particular character, you will
werewolves are present; Rigaud brought them there to Em- need to know where that person is located and if he or she is
brace all the young and old humans, turning them into Sabbat even around to be found. As mentioned earlier, you might wish
recruits. These "recruits" are left for the werewolves to find to get some input from your players as to which characters are
when they come home. the most uninteresting and weed them out as a result of the war.
Chapter Three: The characters are sent to destroy Kevin However, you might wish to throw in a few well-liked charac-
Jackson, as he is a major threat to the Sabbat. Shortly after the ters as well, to evoke a sense of loss.
characters have returned to their coffins, they are assaulted by To keep things simple, Appendix One contains all the
the ghosts of dead Lupines. The spirits force them from their statistics for character types that might be encountered. Spe-
haven, and they must quickly find shelter before sunrise. cific non-player characters are also in the appendix.
Chapter Four: The characters are attacked by Pariah, who Remember that this is a long story, despite the fact that all
fights until they are dead or he is severely wounded. Rigaud events in it take place over a relatively short period of time.
sends the characters to destroy the next major threat to the Because of this, it is important to pace yourself and determine
Sabbat- AI Capone. The characters find him at an abandoned how much you would like to cover before you start a game
amusement park. If the characters have Capone at a disadvan- session. This will hopefully make it easier on you, allowing
tage, or if he believes them to be anarchs, he will tell them of you to break the book down into chunks which can be read and
Lodin' shaven. If he discovers they are Sabbat, he will fight to prepared a section at a time.
the death. If the characters get the location of Lodin' s haven,

Introduction 13
14 Under a Blood Red Moon
Hog butcher for the world,
Tool maker, stacker of wheat,
Player with railroads and the nation's freight handler;
Stormy, husky, brawling,
City of the big shoulders.
- Carl Sandburg, "Chicago"

rche Carou the Wyrm creatures by surprise, slaying all who did not quickly
flee into the earth. The cries in the night were deafening and the

History of Chicago creeks and streams blackened with the blood of the Wyrmlings.
The Wyrm creatures vowed revenge for the theft of their
0 brave new world, lands, but feared to act, for they were now weak and injured.
That has such people in 't! The Uktena gained control of the local human population and
for years peace reigned in the land. The remaining Wyrm
-William Shakespeare, The Tempest
creatures wereeventuallydriven under the earth; the Wym1holes

d'rehistory were sealed shut and placed under guard by spirits. The tribe
hunted and ruled the land, raising its cubs free from danger.
Before the coming of the Europeans, the land where Chi- Untold years later, a powerful vampire entered the territory
cago stands today was home to great numbers ofWyrmlings. seeking solace and peace. This was the ftrst Kindred these
This changed when a large number of Uktena arrived in the Uktena had ever seen. They did not sense the taint of the Wyrm,
area. The Uktena had recently lost a major battle with a Wym1 but believed the being to be unnatural. A group of foolish
creature as they marched on their trek southward; they were not Ahrouns attacked the ancient vampire, but was defeated. The
ready to go to war again. After calling on the Lunes and praying creature had evidently made allies among the human mystics
to Gaia for days, the Uktena Theurges received a vision and had transformed some powerful human warriors into
depicting a solution to their predicament. The Uktena realized ghouls. Peace was finally reached and an uneasy alliance
that part of the area was an Anchorhead to the Deep Umbra. formed between Menele, as the Leech called himself, and the
The Wyrmlingsdid not know this; it was only revealed through Uktena.
Uktena magic. As time went on, amicable relations developed between
The Uktena Theurges used the Anchorhead to summon a Menele and the Uktena. They came to each other's aid and
number of strange spirits. The Uktena used the spirits to attack respected each other's rights. The Garou allowed Menele to

Prologue 15
number and viciousness of their attacks. Soon the fort feU to the
assaults and the invaders were pushed back from the territories.
Helena (Mcncle·sage-old vampire enemy) sensedMenele' s
presence and directed herthralls tocany out a midnight raid on
an Indian village - but this was no typical raid. Within the
heart of the village was a hollow mound that served as
Menele's haven. Mcnclc was not there, but when he heard the
gunshots and cries, he ran with the speed of the deer to the
village - only to find it was too late. The battle between
Menele and Helena that followed was a mighty spectacle.
Menele was terribly wounded and fled the battle, leaving
Helena nearly destroyed yet victorious.
It was with the Uktcna that the ancient Kindred found aid.
Menele's braves managed to rescue his body and the Uktena
did everything in their powcrto sa vc him. They succeeded and
Menele's minions were forever in their debt.
But the Europeans kept coming. They were far too numer-
ous and they had advantage that the Native Americans did not.
The use of firearms, disease, professional armies and good
supply lines soon ovc1whelmed the natives. By 1833, the
United States decided to establish a city along the Des Plaines
River, near the shores of Lake Michigan. This city was
The Cadavers soon filled the ciry and took control of all the

v human institutions. Menele solidified his control over the city

ofChicago. while Helena. who had also entered torpor, merely
held Fort Dearborn.
To prevent f11rther encroachment, especially on the all-
choose servants from the Uktena and the local humans. In important Anchorhcad, the Uktena built a large and beautifully
return, he aided the Garou in their occasional sorties against designed stone building which they called the Fanum. It
Wyrm manifestation . became the safe haven and home for the Uktena.

rche larly Settlers rche 'Jinal Settlement

When the Europeans reached the area they brought with The European Garou invaded the region. Menele had no
them death, not only for the local humans, but for the Garou as reason to deploy his pawns against this threat. even though he
well. The senlers al o (albeit unknowingly) brought the taint of had sworn to aid the Uktena. He realized using his influence for
the Wyrm with them: strange diseases which brought down such a cause would expose him to assault by Helena. This was
even the toughest Garou, and insidious Banes which crept too dangerous. since he was still in torpor. The European
silently into the Garou's camps. Garou pushed into the region, and the outnumbered Uktena
Besides the European humans, the European Garou also could do little to stop them. The tribe lost most of its human
presented a grave threat, especially the Get of Fenris. Shadow allies, as the Native Americans were pushed from their terri-
Lords and Black Spiral Dancers. To keep their lands, the tory.
Uktena were forced to contend with a number of new tribes. Menele's torpid body temporarily left the region, for rea-
However, the European Garou were small in number and the sons unknown to any of the Uktena. Menele's minions merely
Uktena had allies among the native people. For the most part. claimed it was of great importance that he do so. He took a
the Uktena were victorious in their fight against the newcom- powerful leader of the vampires, an old African Leech named
ers. Inyanga, with him. During this time the other Garou tribes
It was under General "Mad" Anthony Wayne that the made their move. Sensing the powerful Leech-protector of the
Indians were defeated at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, in 1795, Uktena had departed. the European tribes gathered for a united
and the Europeans settled the area. Fort Dearborn was estab- assault upon the Fanum.
lished in the territory to protect the settlers. However. Menele To protect the tribe. the Uktena shamans called upon the
realized there was a far greater threat than that of the whi te power of the Anchorhead to summon unusual spirits, as they
settlers; he sensed the coming of an ancient enemy. Menele had in the past - this time. they accidentally brought forth a
pushed his native Garou and human allies to increal>e the Lesser Celestine. This Celestine, summoned from the Deep
Umbra. was called Jupiter. It adapted the characteristics of its

16 Under a Blood Red Moon

human namesake, sucking such information from the minds of The Black Spiral Dancers dug their web of tunnels to
mortals. It became Jupiter, the ancient Roman deity, in every connect with the caverns of the Wyrm creatures. Some Black
respect. Spirals even pa11icipated in battle against theGarou. trying (but
Chicago was rocked by the power of the Celestine. There fai ling) to take the Fanum. They swore they would one day
were great storms and the sky blazed red with unnatural fury. seize the potent Anchorhead and use it to increase the power of
During this storm, the vampires moved to carry out their the Wym1 by warping the great spirit of the site.
schemes against one another; a crazy Kindred even set the city In 1925. an old Philodox of the Children of Gaia had a
ablaze in a vain attempt to destroy hcrsclf. After the fire. there vision. She witnessed the release of Jupiter once again. The sky
was a coup d'etat among the undead; Helena's minions was lit by a blood red moon and there was great lamentation.
assumed control of the city. while Menele and his most The Garou warred upon the vampires. Death was everywhere.
powerful servant remained nowhere to be found. Despite the credibility of the old one, the vision was dismissed
The Uktena were aided in some respects by the Celestine. as the product of a paranoid imagination.
The Shadow Lords were driven from the territory by Jupiter. In 1930. Menele·s body returned to Chicago. but it was not
The other invader tribes suffered great losses at the hands of kept within the Fanum. Menele's minions reaffirmed their
Jupiter and the Uktena. connection to the Garou of the Fanum. in case they later needed
Most of the Garou of Chicago survived the Great Fire. The to ally.
Camarilla Cadavers were busy destroying one another while
theGarou went to war. The Fanum was saved from destruction trimes of Strangeness
only through the powers of the Jupiter Celestine, who did not
wish it to be harmed. In 1949, a strange individual named Jonathan Peabody
presented himselfto the Garou of the Fanum. claimjng to be an
The Uktena shamans tried to control the Jupiter Celestine,
ancient Egyptian architect. Peabody was a mummy. and soon
but were unsuccessful. They were forced to seck help from the
proved his immortality and great supernatural potency to the
Stargazers and Children of Gaia. the only two tribes which
Garou. He built a great temple near the Fanum. He named this
refused to take sides in the war between the European and
temple the Orthodox Temple of Akhenaton. and offered the
native Garou. With the aid of these two tribes, they called the
Garou any as istance he could provide as long as they watched
Jupiter Celestine back to the Anchorhcad. Unfortunately, the
over the temple for him while he was dead. As a mummy,
potent ritual did not fully work, either because non-Uk'1ena
Peabody. who e original name was fll ahun.Iived and died as
were involved or because Jupiter had stayed on earth too long.
However, part of Jupiter became trapped in the Fanum itself,
creating a fetish of sorts out of the entire building.

rche tVyrm mr
During the reconstruction of Chicago, the Fanum became a
temple where humans could study spiritualism. The Uktena
kept their presence outside the temple to a minimum, since
their Hornid forms appeared as Native Americans. Good
relations soon developed with the Gangrel. who were led by
lnyanga, the ally of Menele. Many Gangrclused the temple to
study Thaumaturgy and the ways of the Garou. Many human
mages also used the temple.
From 1872 until 1923, peace reigned among the Gru·ou. The
Fianna established the Wind Catcher Sept in 1888. Because of
pressure from the other tribes and the need for unity in the face
of the growing vampire population. it eventually opened its
membership to others. The Fanum. however. remained strictly
in the paws of the Uktena. Stargazers and Children of Gaia: all
other tribes were excluded.
In 1923, a mining operation uncovered the catacombs of the
Wyrm creatures, just north of present-day Chicago. The crea-
tures invaded the city, requiring all the Garou of Chicago to
unite in defeating them. The Fanum could no longer be used to
summon spirits, as there wa a danger of rcleasing Jupiter once
again. The Garou diligently battled the Wyrmlings and even-
tually pushed them back into the earth. However, this brought
the attention of Black Spiral Dancers.

Prologue 17
any mortal, but was always reborn into the flesh after a period shadows ofone another, which the fire throws on the opposite
of time. He needed the protection of the Garou during the times wall of the cave.
his body lay dead. Peabody died shortly after the completion - Plato, The Republic
of the temple and his servants took over the maintenance of the All throughout the great werewolf-vampire war, the mortals
temple. Peabody remains deceased even today; perhaps he was find themselves facing events beyond their understanding. The
not immortal after all. storm, the wolf howls, the great fires, the packs of huge dogs
While the Garou enjoyed relative peace, except for the running through the streets, the strange creatures appearing out
occasional sorties with creatures of the Wyrm, the vampires of of nowhere, the open acts of murder, the red swans and the
the city continued to play their Machiavellian games. The showers of gold are enough to make any Chicagoan question
anarchs and the Ventrue fought almost constantly. On the things.
"Night of Rage," the Garou slept soundly in their beds dream- The headlines in Chicago's newspapers do not reflect the
ing of early morning hunts while the city's Cadavers ran wild people's anxiety, though - the Masquerade is trying to hold.
destroying one another. For the most part, the Garou also Lodin is doing all he can to silence the press. However, news
ignored future conflicts among the city's Kindred. of the weird events travels far beyond Chicago and its suburbs.

Zwo 1Veeks A4o

Toward the end of the war, witch-hunters begin appearing in
The Sabbat, a sect of near-suicidal vampires, manipulated At the beginning of the story, people begin noticing many
the Black Spiral Dancers into assisting it in its play for the city. strange phenomena, especially the storm, which causes many
To gain control of the city, the Sabbat needed to lure the baffled meteorologists to scratch their heads in wonder. The
brunt of the storm, however, is in the Umbra; its earthJy effects
Camarilla in another direction. To achieve this end, it wanted
are erratic and hard to pin down through eyewitness account.
to start a war between the Garou and the Camarilla. The sect
succeeded in doing so by launching blatant attacks on a By the middle of the story, people are staying off the streets
strategically important Kindred location, the Succubus Club, unless they have to get out - the freak lightning strikes have
using Black Spiral Dancers and other Garou (those who were become widely publicized. Street violence is at a new high;
subjugated into serving the Sabbat's commands). people begin to talk of the Los Angeles riots and soon the term
"Chicago riots" is being heard. As the storm worsens, hospi-
The Sabbat's pawns attacked the Succubus Club, which
tals begin filling up with more and more victims, a record
was (unknown to the Sabbat) the haven of Helena. Prince
number of which have been struck by lightning. Others are
Lodin, leader of the Chicago Kindred, announced a retaliatory
brought in by police because they claim to have seen
attempt to destroy all werewolves: a Blood Hunt. The Garou
werewolves, vampires, big monsters or red swans. Psycholo-
of Chicago became not the predators but the prey.
gists speak of mass hysteria.
Zhree (]Jays A4o Near the end of the story, many religious people begin
preaching about Doomsday, even on late-night television. On
In return for their aid, the Sabbat assisted the Black Spiral nearly every street, someone can be found carrying a placard
Dancers in getting something they wanted: the Fanum. With about the end of the world. Everyone is extremely nervous and
the aid of vampires and powerful Banes, the Black Spirals paranoid; most will have seen something peculiar by this time.
caught the Garou of the Fanum by surprise. As Storyteller, it is your job to play up the effects of the war
Through an intricate ritual designed by Sabbat Tremere and the Jupiter storm on mortals. Every time the characters are
antitribu, the Fanum itself was prevented from taking any around humans, or passing through public areas where there
action. Both sides fought for the Temple, each suffering great are people, describe in detail the appearance, actions and
losses, but eventually the Black Spirals won, clhasing the attitudes of the mortals. Remember, they get more and more
remaining Fanum members off into the night. Worse yet, the paranoid and scared as the story progresses; their attitudes
ritual not only prevented Jupiter from taking any action, it change from mild curiosity to outright fear for their lives.
released it upon the earth, although it remains bound in some
respects totheFanum because of the previous ritual used by the
Uktena and their allies. The Black Spirals now infest it with
Chicago's Umbra
Banes, and thus increasingly taint the nature ofJ upiter with the The trees reflected in the river -they are unconscious of
power of the Wyrm. a spiritual world so near them. So are we.
-Nathaniel Hawthorne
rchrou4h the lyes of The Umbra is strange everywhere, but it is exceptionally so
near the Windy City. The effects of the Jupiter Celestine, along
mortals with the strong presence of both the Wyrm and the Weaver in
and around the city, make it a very spiritually active place.
Behold! Human beings living in an underground den ... The center of the Weaver' s great Pattern Web for the city is
Like ourselves ... they see only their own shadows, or the at the heart ofChicago, the Loop. Reaching monolithic propor-
tions, the Web forms masses of oddly shaped, building-like

18 Under a Blood Red Moon

structures: these house countless numbers of net-spiders. The can be seen traveling up and down make-believe pipes and
Web stretches in every direction, covering the city. ln various conduits, carrying out their fun ctions.
places all over the city, large towers spun from webbing can be Within these buildings. and seemingly throughout the city,
seen. In addition to the net-spiders and pattern spiders, there are are elementals. Many stand dom1ant in one l>pot. while others
many enslaved electricity clcmentals. a few g lass elementals, actively move about the city: some even chance using the Web
and a virtual army of minor technological spirits - mostly for transportation. Electricity and glass c lcmcntals are excep-
computer Gafflings running along the webbing in service to tionally numerous.
the spiders. While a few manage to escape (i.e. computer Oddly, some buildings that have been tom clown on earth.
glitches). most are stranded in the Web. or that burned down in the Great C hicago Fire, still stand in the
Chicago's Web is a dangerous place. The spiders are strong Umbra. They look similar to the way they did on earth; some
here and great in number; they usc their C ham1s, Calcify and of the smaller ones arc even located within larger. newer spirit
Solidify Reality, with ease. Even the stronger Banes avoid the structures.
Web, and while occasional Wyldlings appear to cause black- The city's ground level is covered with street spirits. Many
outs o r brownouts, such incidents arc very rare. streets in Chicago have acti ve spirits. Intersections are minor
A few buildings on earth arc pre ent on the Umbra, but they nexuses of spiritual acti vity as street spirits fight over Gaffling
appear much taller and have a mixed organic-Gothic look. traffic lights. Most streets share control over the traffic light
Some were given self-awareness through years of loving spirits. lfthe spirits find a person in a big huny, they sometimes
attention by residents, night watchmen. janitors. architects or jestfully make red lights more numerous and longer for them.
businessmen. The buildings sometimes talk to one another by A number of spirit cars whiz down the streets, even tl1e few
sending minor "voice spirits" from one to another. These streets tl1at are not awake. The cars often resemble tl1eir
spirits light up the sky even during the pitch blackness of owners. They are able to negotiate with street spirits for favors
daytime on the Umbra, though the language of these spirits is and they can also hit any spirit in the way. This sometimes leads
imperceptible to all non-buildings. to tl1e real car stalling out if it took a particularly nasty lick.
Even small buildings. or parts of buildings. can be seen. Various obj ects all over C hicago have been awakened by
These areas have had their spirits awakened. All other build- humans' intense interest in them. Item~ range from streetlights
ings have a dim, grayish color and are virtually transparent. In to neon signs to spectral handbills which no longer exist in the
t11e transparent areas, various electricity and water elementals real world. Even particular booths in nonexistent diners can be
There are entrances to the sewers all over the place. Down
in the sewers are many oft he most dangerous spirits. including
Banes who prefer to travel out ofthesight of the Weaver spirit .
A numberofWynn-taintecl water elementa ls ooze through the
sewers, as do many spirit-vermin, especially rat-spirits.
When traveling in the Realm, the havens ofCadavers can be
found with Sense Wyrm if the vampire in question has a
Humanity score of six or less. In the Umbra. however. Sense
Wyrrn does not detect things in the physical world unless the
Garou is using a Gift that allows him to pierce the Gauntlet
(Umbral Sight), or he is "peeking." Vampiric havens are
sometimes surrounded by Banes. and may be found by search-
ing forthis kind of activity. However, there is no guarantee that
a given flock of Banes is gathering around a vampire· s haven,
especially in war-tom Chicago. When "peeking" from tl1e
Umbra into tl1e physical world. Garou perceive vampires as
black blotches, sometimes with eerie. swirling lights within. It
is very hard to identify specific vampircl> while in the Umbra.
The Rack is one of the more interesting places in the
Chicago Umbra. Almost all the clubs arc sentient spirits. Sex.
drug and music spirits run wild through the clubs. Inside places
like these, an unusually intense feeling of excitement can be
felt clear to the bones of all Garou who travel through them on
the Umbra.
The parks ofthccity are far from pureareasofthe W yld. but
in Hyde Park there is a Glen. although it is very difficultto find.
The Wind Catcher Sept uses this area as itl> caem. All the parks

Prologue 19
are filled with animal spirits that have no other comfortable
place to go. The zoos are similar in most respects to the parks,
but a number of Bane spirits often travel through to torment
animals trapped in the cages for life.
The Chicago trainyards are a very unique location. The
ghosts of many settlers who died before they made it out West
can be found here, forever waiting for their trains to arrive.
The suburbs of Chicago are very similar to other suburban
areas in the Umbra. The Web reaches these areas, but the
number of Weaver spirits and the strength of the webbing are
weaker here than in the city. Also, fewer of the streets and
buildings have spirits.
North of Chicago, approximately 20 miles south of Mil-
waukee, is a large Wyrmhole. The region is swarming with
Banes. Few Garou are brave enough to travel the area and none
travel here via the Umbra, for this would mean certain death.
The Black Spirals can often be found in the Umbra of this
region, as can certain races of creatures undreamed of on earth.

rche '1anum
Level: 3
Gauntlet: 3
Type: Gnosis
Tribal Structure: Closed to all but Uktena, Children of
Gaia and Stargazers.
Totems: Jupiter
The Temple of the Fanum is located at 553 Wrightwood
Avenue in Lincoln Park on Chicago's North Side. Nearby, at
2551 North Halsted Street, is the Orthodox Temple of
Akhenaton. The Fanum is normally open to members from 10
A.M. until2 A.M., Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday through
Saturday. The Fanum' s Garou try to present a public image of
a respectable, human-controlled institution of serious learn-
ing. They have been very successful in the past.
Membership is required to use the facility. The fee is$20 per
month or $200 per year. Membership includes access to the
Fanum's library, access to the expertise of the temple priests
and priestesses, and various seminars open to all members; the
topics of these range from alien-hunting to hermetic lore.
The Fanum has a large occult library, though materials
cannot be checked out. It has a number of rooms for seminars
and experiments ranging from tantric yoga to exorcism.
The Fanurn is protected by the Jupiter Celestine. It controls
the defenses of the temple, making it nigh impenetrable by
earthly or Umbra! means. The Rite of the Shrouded Glen has
been performed on the temple, and it is thus invisible in the
Umbra- at least until Jupiter was freed; now it is impossible
to miss the activity around the Fanum in the Umbra.
The building is made of stone and reinforced with the
supernatural energies of the Lesser Celestine. Metal doors
open and close at the whim of the spirit. The spirit answers only
to the Uktena, Children of Gaia and Stargazers. No others
could control the temple defenses - until the successful

20 Under a Blood Red Moon

invasion of the Black Spiral Dancers, who now solely control Jupiter to exist long after it had ceased to be a pivotal force on
the defenses. earth. Being bound into the building so, Jupiter has become
Within the temple are sufficient quarters to house all the more like an Incama than a Celestine, but this allows for greater
Garou of the Fanum and a number of theiJ" Kinfolk. Many of access by the Fanum's sept. However, it also weakens Jupiter
the Garou and Kinfolk serve as priests and priestesses of the drastically, to the point where the Banes may succeed in
temple. They help to guide the human members into the perverting it.
mysteries of the supernatural. They do not and will not reveal The bound Jupiter acts as a totem for the sept, controlling the
their Garou nature, nor will they lend any credence to the caem's Moon Bridgeandotherspiritual activities. Only Fanum
existence of the Garou to mortals. They use their Gifts, along packs can gain Jupiter as their totem.
with rituals and bas ic Thaumaturgy or hedge-magic, to provide Cost: 8
a glimpse of the preternatural to those living in an otherwise Children of Jupiter radiate an aura of command. Any
drab and mundane world. All the needs of the sept are met difficulty to lead a group, either military or civil, is two lower.
through the membership fees and additional charges for pri- Jupiter's children also gain one dot in Resources - riches
vate instruction and seminars. gravitate to them. They also gain tile Gift: Clap of Thunder.
The sept calls itself the Sept of Jupiter, for obvious reasons. Whenever they gain Honor Renown, they receive an extra I 00
It numbered about 26 before the attack by the Black Spirals; Honor.
now there are 17left alive and accounted for. Of those left, II Ban : Jupiter's Children must never refuse the responsibili-
are Uktena, four rure Children of Gaia, and two are Stargazers. ties of leadership. However, if they do, Jupiter understands-
All told, lOare young enough to be useful in a fight. The others they will lose I000 Honor for each transgression, but still have
are Old Ones. the continued alliance of Jupiter.
The members of the Fanum had good relations with the
Gangrel of Chicago and occasionally allowed them to teach or
study at the temple. They even provided safe haven to them
Zhe Sept of the
during the "Night of Rage" and during Maldavis' coup at-
tempt. The Sept of Jupiter carefully avoids the Tremere of
Win~ Catchers
Chicago. While they know of each other, the Tremere pretend Level: 2
to believe the Fanum is the work of human charlatans. This is Gauntlet: 4
to prevent the Council of Seven from finding out and ordering Type: Stamina
Nicolai to use his resources (at great personal cost) to bring it
Tribal Structure: Closed, but multi tribal; a very xenopho-
under Tremere control. This would leave him personally
bic membership policy.
susceptible to replacement as head of the chantry. Also,
Totems: Blackbird (Raven)
Inyanga has ties to the Fanum, and Nicolai doesn' t want to
instigate conflict with her. There are other Garou in Chicago besides those of the
Fanum. Most are members of the sept called the Wind Catch-
The Orthodox Temple of Akhenaton is sometimes watched
ers. A few liveoutsidethecity, but if they have acaem of their
over by the sept, as part of its deal with Peabody, but it has been
own, it remains hidden.
abandoned in the last few days. The Black Spiral Dancers
believe it to be indefensible and not worth the risk to attack. It While there are over 70 Leeches in Chicago, there are only
is currently under guard by a handful of faithful servants to 40 Garou, counting the 17 surviving members ofthe·Sept of
Illahun, the mummy. Jupiter. Of the 37 members of the Wind Catchers, only 23 have,
so far, survived Prince Lodin's Blood Hunt. The other 14
Jupiter quickly fell before the superior numbers and guile of the
Among the many powerful forces of the universe that once
The Sept of the Wind Catchers is located near the Glen in
ruled supreme, the mightiest were the Celestines. Now, how-
Hyde Park. The Sept is based around an old two-story brick
ever, they are largely forgotten, separated from Gaia's earth by
house used as a meeting center and a home for the Old Ones.
the great gulf of the Deep Umbra. Many Celestines prefer it this
The place is usually under the careful watch of either young
way. Some, however, require a connection to the earth- and
Garou or trustworthy Kinfolk. The house and the surrounding
especially to humanity - for their power. These are the Lesser
grounds are protected from all unwanted spirits by a powerful
Celestines, sometimes called gods, those who thrived on the
set of Sanctuary Chimes (treat as other Sanctuary Chimes,
worship and attention provided by humanity in the past. It is
except Level 5, Gnosis 8, and the chimes keep spirits 500 feet
said that a Lesser Celestine can only exist as long as its name
away from the house itself and all grounds directly below it, up
is remembered; otherwise it falls to Incama status. One such
to 500 feet).
entity has been bound into the Fanum itself, and is known as
Jupiter. The current war leader of the sept is a Get of Fenris named
Gnuris One-Eye. He is a highly skilled warrior and tactician,
When Jupiter was bound into the Fanum, it was, of sorts, a
and he is one tough customer. He is dedicated to keeping his
two-way relationship. Jupiter lost power by being bound into
fellow sept members alive.
such a finite form, but the attention provided in return allowed

Prologue 21
T he sept w as originally to have been Fianna. but the tribe
could not defend the Glen on its own. The Black Furie. .
Shadow Lords, B one Gnawers. Get of Fenris. Gla!>!> Walker!>
and Silver Fangs helped to establish the caem and all their
direct descendants may claim membership to it. No other
Garou are allowed membership in the sept. Out sider~ are ju 1
not trusted.
While the sept allows visitors. it is not overl y gracious or
hospitable. Those who exceed their welcome are told so.
Access to the Glen within Hyde Park is also carefull y guarded.
No one other than a member of the sept is allowed in except
under escon by a sept member. T he Rite of the Shrouded G len
has been performed upon the park, so it i s very hard to find in
the U mbra.
The main reason that the Wind Catchers do not aid their
Garou brothers and sisters in attacking the vampire!> of the city
is because they are engaged in a battle of their own. A few day!>
before the events of the story begin. the B anes w ho overrun the
c ity discover the Glen in the center of the park. During the
story. the W i nd Catchers wage a valiant struggle to defend the
Glen from the Banes. Black Spirals and Leeches. In addition.
they fight to keep their caem . M any of the Black Spiral!>
pouring into the city decide to concentrate on oven aking the
last Garou foothold in the city. Nightly the Garou of the W ind
Catchers spill blood in defense of the G len. the caem and their
very lives. Humans soon refuse to enter the par k at night. for
it quickl y becomes a battleground of terror.

rche d'rotectorates
Unity makes strength, and, since we must be strong. H'e must
also be one.
- Grand Duke Friedrich von Baden. on German
unity under Prussian hegemony
The protectorates in and around Illi nois are mainly named
after ri ver boundaries. rather than mountains as in ew York.
although both states have lake protectorates. T he protectorate
under which Chicago fal ls is called the K ankakee Protectorate.
named for the ri ver to the south of the city. The Sept of the
Raccoon. along w ith the W yrmhole. faiJs into the Lake Geneva
The Garou of the Wind Catchers are very xenophobic. and
they do not like outside interference; they do not work well in
large groups, which is why they do not w ish to aid the Garou
legion at the beginning of the war and do not invol ve the other
Garou in their own conflict.
T he great W ynnhole to the north of Chicago is home to
strange monsters. There are so many weird creatures dwelli ng
deep in the earth here that the Black Spirals do not even
maintai n a H ive at the site. The W yrrnhole is a grave threat
requir ing constant w atch. T he Sept of the Raccoon. composed
o f Shadow Lords. patrols the site. It i s rumored that the Shadow
Lords ally themsel ves w ith cenain Wym1 beasts. providing
them with v ictims in exchange for favors. but nothing has been
proven and all Shadow Lords wouJd take insult at such a
slanderous accusation.

22 Under a Blood Red Moon

lncounters un~r a OJ. . . . . _ making them paranoid and uncertain of when to expect an

6. Sabbat Recruits: A wild band of newly created Sabbat
is thrown at the characters, either directed against Garou by a
Black Spiral Dancer, or directed against Camarilla by a True
He that leaveth nothing to chance will do few things ill, but
Sabbat. If the characters are Sabbat, they are attacked by
he will do very few things.
accident; the recruits believe them to be Camarilla Kindred.
- Lord Halifax, Political, Moral, and Miscella-
7. Camarilla G houls: A group of ghouls want the charac-
neous Reflections
ters dead, believing them to be the enemy, possibly the ones
The following list of possible encounters will hopefully
responsible for the death of their master(s). They will even
provide ways to liven up a dull moment with a little action. The
track the Garou, if the Garou characters actually killed their
encounters may be determined by rolling randomly, or (pref- master(s).
erably) by selecting the one you feel to be most appropriate and
8. Blood Dolls: An encounter for vampire characters. A
surprising for that particular moment. Feel free to alter the
group of Blood Dolls attacks them for no reason. The poor
encounters as you see fit, especially if you would like to use
mortals have been Dominated into attacking the characters.
them more than once. No two encounters should ever be the
The Dominating vampire, watching secretly from a distance,
just likes to see Blood Dolls get torn apart.

larthly lncounters 9. Capone's Goodfellas: This encounter is only for vam-

pire characters. Several men get out of a limousine and open
These are possible encounters that could take place on earth. fire on the characters for no reason. They subsequently get in
Feel free to discard those you do not like or come up with some the car and drive off. They attack in a very public place. If the
of your own. characters are Camarilla, Capone sees them as a threat. If they
1. Kevin's Gangbangers: This is for vampire characters are Sabbat, he is merely trying to protect his sect.
and any Garou characters whose Homid forms Kevin Jackson 10. Anarchs: A group of anarchs has decided to go after the
has seen. As the characters walk down the street or ride in their characters, for whatever reason. Treat the anarchs as young
car, a black and gold van with a big gold ankh painted on the Licks, but probably a bit tougher and better armed.
side pulls up and sprays a burst of gunfire at them. The van then 11. Spirit Manifestation: A Bane or an angered elemental
speeds off. decides to kill one of the characters. It manifests itself and
2. The Police: The characters are stopped by the police. attacks him, probably doing so when the character is alone.
They look suspicious and they will have to go downtown - 12. Swan of Jupiter: The characters notice a beautiful
unless they resist arrest. reddish-hued swan following them. It is a scout Gaffl.ing for
3. Young Licks: A crazy bunch of young vampires decides Jupiter, sent to keep an eye on the characters. It may stay only
to make a meal out of the characters. If the characters are a minute or it may follow the characters wherever they go.
Garou, the Licks either saw them change into a non-Homid There may even be a whole flock of swans. Only they can see
form, or were told by a Sabbat contact that the characters are the swans that follow them.
Garou. If the characters are Camarilla Kindred, the young 13. Lightning Strike: The character is singled out by
Licks should be a bunch with a grudge against them. If they are Jupiter to get blasted with a minor bolt of lightning (possibly
Sabbat, then they just ran across the wrong bunch of bullies. more than once). The character may make a Stamina roll to
4. Sabbat Blood Brothers: If the characters are Garou, they soak the damage. The lightning does seven dice of wounds.
sense a great evil of the Wyrm nearby. If they seek it out, they 14. Collapsing Stonework: The characters happen to be
find a huge, throbbing mass of flesh; a number of heads, arms, standing next to or under a piece of stonework hit by a blast of
legs and various organs form and contract within the huge blob. lightning from the Jupiter storm. The character must make a
The blob is killing a number of humans, sucking their fast- Dexterity+ Dodge roll (difficulty 6) to avoid being smashed by
flowing blood up from the pavement with a number of mouths the stonework. The stonework does four dice of damage, plus
and tongues. If the characters are Camarilla Kindred, they are one die per five feet it falls.
stalked by an odd-looking group, the members of which are all 15. Random ActofViolence: The characters witness some
bald and wear the same type of leather jackets and clothing. At despicable act that occurs forno apparent reason. Possibly they
first they appear to be a mere gang, but they then form into a see someone stab another person to death, see a child hit by a
massive blob of flesh and attack the characters. car, or see a person commit suicide.
5. Black Spiral Dancers: These servants of the Wyrm have 16. Mugger: This human picks the wrong target to rob.
sought out the characters (provided the characters are Garou or 17. Whacked-out Malkavian: A crazy Malkavian vam-
Camarilla Kindred). They have marked them for death and pire, either Sabbat or Camarilla, attacks one of the characters
they thus ambush and assault them when it is to their advan- from out of nowhere. The Malkavian is screaming about "the
tage. The Black Spirals will continuously harass the characters, voices" and the "dead man in the dreams." After her first
attack, she runs off into the distance unless stopped.

Prologue 23
18. Berserker Garou: A frenzied Garou races up and down 4. G hosts: The ghost ofa dead human or Garou approaches
the street, howling and terrorizing any who come near it, friend the characters. Possibly it wants something. but what? (What
or foe. The poor creature is a Black Spiral Dancer whose time it wants is up to you: possibly revenge, a proper burial,
has come to join the Wyrm completely. Its sanity has totally information, a particular object, or just to attack the charac-
!>napped. ters.) ·
19. The Gargoyle: If the characters come too near the S. Angry Elemental: Jupiter is having an unusual effect on
Tremere chantry (whether they know it or not), they are this elemental. It has become very violent and is attacking
attacked by the guardian, a Gargoyle called in by Nicolai to everything in its path. Unfortunately. the characters are in its
defend the chantry during the war. It will not pursue the path. Use any elemental listed in Werewolf.
characten. too far from the building. 6. Swan of Jupiter: Same as on earth, but the swans are
more likely to appear in greater numbers and they arc visible
Umbra! lncounters to all.
7. Ram of Jupiter: A spirit in the form of a reddish-hued
These encounters take place on the Umbra, where almost
ram appears and begins ramming objects for no apparent
anything can happen. Many more possibilities exist, o you
reason. It will avoid the characters unless provoked. The spirit
might wish to design bizarre and surprising encounters of your
has a Rage of9. Willpower of 6, Gnosis of 5. and Power of 15.
8. Lightning Strike: Same as on earth.
1. Banes: The characters are spotted by one or many of the
Wyrm spirits that creep about in the Umbra. Almost all Garou 9. Shower of Gold: The character is bombarded with a
tnlVcling the Umbra will encounter a number of these vicious shower of liquid gold. This has no terribly harmful effects,
spirits. Choose any type of Bane; make the encounter challeng- though it is annoyingly warm and. when it cool (about five
ing, but not necessari ly deadly to the characters. minutes). it becomes solid and must be cracked and broken off.
It may slow movement and flexibility if not removed.
2. Weaver Spiders: The characters find themselves sur-
rounded by pattern spiders or net-spiders that decide to Calcify 10. Spectral Auto: An automobile of some sort comes
them into the Web and turn them into slaves. racing out of nowhere and goes flying into or past a character,
knocking her down or hitting her straight on. The Garou has the
3. Black Spiral Dancers: Black Spirals can travel the
opportunity to avoid the car with a Dexterity + Dodge roll
Umbra just like any other Garou. This band of Black Spirals is
(difficulty 6). If the character scores only one success, she is
hunting down any Garou that might have run into the Umbra
knocked down but otherwise unhurt. If she fai ls the roll, she is
to protect them elve .
hit. Damage is variable, based on the si7..c of the vehicle; for
example, a mid-size car would do five Health Levels of

24 Under a Blood Red Moo11

rche 'Jorces at mr lishes a greater power base. The sect can then begin infiltrating
the ranks of the anarchs and the various clans.
Rigaud called upon his Sabbat liaison to provide him with
Eve1y truth is true only up to a point.
a circle of Blood Brothers and a nomadic pack ready to
Beyond that, by way ofcounterpoint, infiltrate the enemy. All these vampires will be rewarded with
It becomes untruth. permanent positions after the siege, but that is still a long time
- Soren Kierkergaard in the future. Chicago is a dangerous place, and even the Sabbat
The following sections provide you with the plans of and must move cautiously in order to succeed.
backgrounds on the various factions taking part in this story, Rigaud then summoned his Black Spiral Dancer allies to a
along with what they know about each other. It is provided for meeting. He promised them aid in taking the Fanum if they
you in case a situation arises that is not specifically mentioned would help him by capturing some other Garou for the Sabbat
in the material, allowing you enough information to play it by to Dominate into submission. They did so, and together with
ear. these poor thralls, the Black Spirals made a number of attacks

rche Sabbafs d'lans on locations Rigaud knew to be favored by Kindred. The

blatant homicides were calculated to bring a reaction from
Lodin. Rigaud was right, and things went as planned.
Here I am, I'm the master of your destiny, However, Rigaud did not know his pawns had attacked the
I am the one, the only one, I am the god of kingdom come, haven of the Methuselah, Helena. Rigaud underestimated
Gimme the prize, just gimme the prize, Lodin' s willingness to act. Ifit had not been Helena's unknown
Give me your kings, let me squeeze them in my hands, command, Lodin would have let the incidents pass with only
Your puny princes, a few nights of revenge, but because of Helena, the event led
Your so-called leaders of your land, to an all-out Blood Hunt.
I'll eat them whole before I'm done, Only three days ago, the Sabbat aided the Black Spirals in
The hallie is fought and the game is won. capturing the Fanum from the Garou. The Sabbat does not
know why the Black Spirals want to control the building, but
- Queen, "Gimme the Prize"
believes the brutishly insane beasts want it only to corrupt,
The Sabbat is the main catalyst for this story, but the sect
since it is known to be a haven for other Garou. If the Sabbat
plays only a minor role in the actual events. It allows its so-
had known oft he Black Spirals' plan, the sect would probably
called allies and its enemies to do its dirty work. After everyone
have retained control of the place itself.
falls, the Sabbat plans to come in and pick up the pieces.
Now the Sabbat watches while the tension and body count
Both Phillipe Rigaud and Wendy Wade are very knowl-
increase. The city's Kindred are occupied with the Blood Hunt.
edgeable about the intrigues and plans of Chicago's Kindred.
Rigaud must keep both sides balanced while bringing in other
They have been gathering information for many years and
Sabbat and while attempting to usurp various Camarilla-
know the locations of a great number of secret havens. They
controlled institutions. Now, theJyhad rages and the Sabbat is
know where certain vampires socialize, where they feed, and,
in control.
most importantly, their weaknesses. Both Rigaud and Wade
are very familiar with the geography of the city; the other
Sabbat, however, are not.
rche alack Spiral (])ancers
The Sabbat also knows a great deal about Garou in general,
and Black Spiral Dancers in particular. The two Chicago
scouts have studied the Fanum as well, and have taken pictures Ye are brothers! ye are men!
of Kinfolk and Garou. They have also followed many of them And we conquer but to save.
back to their dens. However, the Sabbat is not willing to share -Thomas Campbell, "Battle of the Baltic"
this information with the Black Spiral Dancers, except on a The Black Spiral Dancers know more about vampires than
limited basis. The Black Spirals must pay them in services for any other Garou. They have been cautious allies of the Sabbat
this valuable infom1ation. This information will be a key factor for many decades.
in locating Kinfolk and Garou once the real war starts. The Black Spirals indigenous to Chicago are amply in-
Phi 11 ipe Ri gaud and Wendy Wade have gotten the informa- formed about the ways of the Camruilla. The Sabbat believed
tion they need. They are ready to take action, and to move more it would be useful for them to know what they were up against.
Sabbat into the city. They know they must act quickly before The Black Spirals know certain information about Chicago
other powerful Sabbattake control of the operation from them. itself; they are particularly familiar with the tunnel system
Rigaud is ready to settle into an archbishopric. Wade will get under the city. They are, of course. familiar with the spiritual
a bishopric, or possibly Rigaud will make her his paladin. beliefs and practices of their race.
Rigaud has a relatively simple plan. The pair will utilize the
Lupines to cause problems for the Camarilla, thus keeping the
rival sect preoccupied while the Sabbat moves in and estab-

Prolog ue 25
The Black Spirals are not stupid. They realize why the allies. Menele has learned of the problems his Garou allies face
Sabbat wants the Camarilla to go to war with the Garou. This and knows they did not attack the Kindred. He also knows
is fine by the tribe. The less Garou the Dancers have to fight, about the fall of the Fanum; this greatly disturbs him, because
the better off they will be. The Black Spirals only helped the he knows what great power it contains, power that no vampire
Sabbat in order to acquire the Fanum. Now they have acquired could ever hope to control. The framing of the Garou, the
it and they have released Jupiter. Currently, they are attempting Blood Hunt and the capture of the Fanum all point toward a
to gain more control over it by tainting it with Wyrm power. major power play. Menele is not planning to take the bait,
An unrevealed spirit minion of the Wyrm taught the Black because he knows that is what she expects him to do. In
Spirals the necessary ritual to facilitate the partial release of addition, his most powerful ally, lnyanga, is currentJy out of
Jupiter. The ritual is almost the same as the one the Uktena town. The Sabbat made their move when they knew that
originally used to bind the Celestine. Inyanga, a great ally of the Garou, could not aid them.
As far as the war is concerned, they arc not particularly
interested. While some of the Black Spirals still want to go out What the Carou KnOJO
and spill Kindred blood, most have holed themselves up in the
You meaner beauties of the night,
well-defended Fanurn to carry out their sinister plans.
That poorly satisfy our eyes
They want to bring in more reinforcements via Moon
Bridge, but Jupiter will not open the Bridge, and no Gift can More by your number than your light;
wrest this control from the Celestine. The Black Spirals You common people ofthe skies,
concentrate on perverting the Celestine, knowing that when it What are you when the sun shall rise?
has been totally corrupted, it will relinquish all control. -Sir Henry Wotton, "On His Mistress, the Queen of
trhe (i{ivalry of the Andents While most Garou do not like cities, those of Chicago have
come to consider the city their home. They do not intend to give
Smiles and picks his teeth
it up. The Garou will fight to keep what little they still have and
Trapped between heaven and hell to prevent the presence of the Wyrm from growing any
He knows all the secrets stronger.
And don't want to tell All Garou in and near Chicago know certain things about the
There's nowhere to nm and there's city. It is commonly known that Chicago is home to at least 50
Nowhere to hide. Leeches, and probably more. Those outside the Fanum know
-Concrete Blonde, 'The Beast" that the Sept of Jupiter, the Fanum's sept, has direct relations
Much (though not all) of the intrigue in Chicago revolves with the Leeches of the Gangrel Clan. They know that the
around two pivotal beings: Menele and Helena. These two Fanum is presented to the public as a place to study the occult.
Methuselahs have sought the Final Death of the other for h is also known that the Sept of the Wind Catchers is located
millennia. This war may be their opportunity. somewhere in Southside Chicago.
Bothareawareofalmost all that goes on within the city; they While all the Garou of the area now know the Fanum was
have eyes and ears all over, and not just those of Kindred. captured by the Black Spiral Dancers (with the aid of some
Menele is far more versatile in his surveillance, utilizing Leeches), only the Sept of Jupiter knows that the Black Spirals
Kindred, Kinfolk and Garou. However, he is limited by his are in control of the powerful Celestine and that they are
dormant state. Helena has far more powerful connections, attempting to corrupt it with the power of the Wyrm. The
along with the ear and actions of the prince of the Cadavers. Garou know littJe about the Sabbat; to them, all Leeches are the
Helena knows about the Sabbat' s increased activity, but she
has yet to link it with the attack on her haven. Through her The Garou also consider all Leeches to be of the Wyrm.
paranoia and obsession with Menele, she believes the attack on While a rare few (those with Humanity scores of seven or
her own haven could not have been a coincidence. She finnly more) do not bear the taint of the Wyrrn, most registerto Sense
believes Menele is involved. This is why she called the Blood Wyrm. Vampires such as Helena are considered major ser-
Hunt on the Lupines. She feared he was finally making his vants of the Wyrm. It is 'through them that the corruption is
move; she knows he has connections to the Lupines and spread. Near! y all local Garou know that the leader of the city's
believes he will probably use them as his army since he lacks vampires is named Prince Lodin. The Garou of the Fanum
(she believes) many powerful allies among the Kindred. know of Menele, though they will not reveal this.
Menele believes the current crisis to be Helena's doing. He Finally, most Garou of the region and many Galliards over
believes that she is attempting to move against him by baiting North America have heard of the Prophecy of the Blood Red
him to come to the aid of the Garou. He further believes that she Moon, foretold over half a century before by Gray Raven.
is in league with the Sabbat and the Black Spirals. He also The Garou will not give up what littJe they have in Chicago,
believes that she planned the assault using Garou pawns in which is why they have called on support from outside the city.
order to get her other pawn, Lodin, to eliminate Menele's ManyGarouare willingtohelpretaketheFanum,becausethey

26 Under a Blood Red Moon

know by doing so they can claim rightful membership in it.
Only the members of the Fanum know the rite required to bind
Jupiter, which will be the rite used to end the stom1 and bring
Jupiter back under control.

Z'he Kin~e~s Assumptions

Predestined enemies will always meet in a narrow alleyway.
-Chinese Proverb
The last thing most of Chicago's Kindred wanted was a
Blood Hunt. They have their own plans and schemes, in which
such altruistic sacrifice is not included. Most plan to make the
best of it and hopefully gain from it through quick cunning and
The Kindred , with the exception of a few elders and the
Gangrel, know very little about the Lupines. However, almost
all the Kindred know that there are Lupines in Chicago and that
they exist in far greater numbers outside the city. A few have
even seen a Bone Gnawer or Glass Walker. Few know of the
Lupines' control over the Fanum or of the Sept of the Wind
Catchers. They do not realize the existence of tribes, which are
similar in some respects to their own clans.
While a few Gangrel understand Garou spiritual beliefs,
most Kindred cannot fathom why the Lupines hate them so
much. They have 1110 idea what the Wyrm is or how they serve
it. They know nothing of the Umbra. Most would believe
stepping sideways to be an Obfuscate trick. However, almost
all know that the Lupines are mortal and that they are vulner-
able to silver.
Many of Chicago's Kindred know of the Sabbat only
through rumor; they have no real idea what the sect is, or its
purpose. They believe it to be an evil organization that seeks
only power, freedom and death. They are not too far off on
these points, but they lack any real understandi ng of the
Sabbat's motivatio ns.

rche d'rologue
In the howling wind comes a stinging rain
See it driving nails into souls on the tree ofpain
From the fi refly, a red orange glow
See the f ace offear running scared in the valley below
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue
In the locust wind comes a rattle and hum
Jacob wrestled the angel and the angel was overcome
Plant a demon seed, you raise a flower offire
See them burning crosses, see theflames, higher and higher.
- U2, "Bullet the Blue Sky"
This is what has happened in the story so far. Remember that
it is told from a Garou perspective, as this story is primarily
designed to be used with Garou characters.
"The first blood was drawn three weeks ago. in an attempt
to pit the vampires against us, the bloodthirsty Black Spiral
Dancers attacked a number of Cadaver dens. The attack did

Prologue 27
not go unnoticed. The leaderofthe Leeches, Prince Lodin, sent
his undead out to murder all Garou they could find. Both the
Sept ofJupiter and the Sept ofthe Wind Catchers were forced
Jnvolving Carou
into hiding. Still, they found a number of us and murdered us
in the most bizarre ways.
"Many Garou fled the city, seeking safety among the I wake to sleep, and to take my waking slow.
Shadow Lords north ofChicago. Some made it; some did not. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
They were slain, either by the Black Spirals, by the Leeches or I Learn by going where I have to go.
by Banes. Word has it that some of the Glass Walkers were - Theodore Roethke, "The Waking"
slain by Shadow Lords, but that is only rumor. If the characters are from Chicago, it will be very easy to
"However, the major assault did not occur until three days involve them, since they will be targets of the Blood Hunt. If
ago. The Black Spirals, along with their Leech allies, stormed you are planning to start new Garou characters who live in
the Fanum, releasing the powerful spirit which resided there Chicago, you might even consider letting them be survivors of
and routing the Sept of Jupiter. the Fanum battle. However, to belong to the Sept ofJ upiter, one
"We believe it was nearly midnight when the ritual was cast must be an Uktena, Stargazer or Children of Gaia. The charac-
by the Black Spiral Dancers. Theyfreed the spiritfrom the gray ters might also be members of the Sept of the Wind Catchers.
walls ofthe Fanum, but not completely. The ritual which had If this is so, keep in mind that, in Chicago, all the Shadow Lords
bound it there still retained some potency. Alas, the Black were killed off and there are no Red Talons.
Spirals hadforeseen this and were counting on it. They wanted If the Garou are not from Chicago, the above information
control ofthe spirit so they could corrupt it to serve the Wynn. from the Prologue should be provided by a Garou sent to gather
"The Fanum priests were preparing to close up when a warriors for the fight. The pack will also be given a map to
strange man came to the door. He was greeted by one of the reach the Ring of the Raccoon, where the Garou forces are
Uktena Kinfolk, whom the stranger quickly mind-controlled. mounting.
The strangerforced the human to assure the Fanumspiritthat If the characters are from an area near Chicago, they are told
the stranger and his friends meant no harm. Then the Black of the coming battle by a Silent Strider or one of the Uktena
Spirals and Sabbat poured into the rnain lobby. Almost at the who is recmiting packs and septs for aid. If they are a good
exact same instant, they were met by our armed Kinfolk guards ways away, they are instead approached by Moon Bridge. The
and Garou in Crinosform. The Fanum made a loud groaning characters will be promised honorary membership in the
noise and shut the doors, forcing out a few of the slower Fanum if they succeed in its recapture. They will also be given
invaders who had not yet made it in. I could see the very spirit free rein to slice apart all the Cadavers they please.
of the Celestine exuding from the walls and floating skyward IftheGarou are members of the Central Park Caem, they are
through the roof told of the Fan urn disaster by a Silent Strider, or by a Stargazer
"There was a gunfight and a melee. We believed victory to via a Moon Bridge. Mother Larissa and the Little White Feet
be inevitable, but unseen to us, a number ofLeeches used their Old Ones send the characters' pack on a mission to join the
vampiric powers to gain control over some of our brothers' Garou army outside Milwaukee. Some other members of the
and sisters' minds,forcing them to surrender. sept, part.icularly Spotlight and any other Ahrouns, along with
"A few ofus managed to escape with our lives, but nothing Howard Koar and any Uktena, Stargazer or Children of Gaia
else. Most ofour Kinfolk were probably put to death after we characters, will also probably wish to join the army. However,
left. We used a secret escape route which sealed itselfshut right do not let these Garou mn with the players' pack when the
after we got out. We have since tried to re-enter the Fanum battle is joined.
through that route, but the door is no longer there. Most of all, remember that this is a BIG event. There have
"It is known to us that the Black Spiral Dancers are trying only been a few wars of this size and, with the exception of the
to corrupt the psyche of Jupiter, the Fanum spirit, with the ongoing Amazon War, none of this scale have occurred in the
Wynn. If they succeed, who knows what will happen next? last 200 years. The characters should be honored to participate
Regardless, it will be a terrible blow to Gaia. despite the danger.
"Garoufrom all over the country are meeting at the Sept of
the Raccoon north ofChicago. The caern is called the Ring of
the Raccoon. Two days hence, the Garou will make their move
on the Leeches ofChicago and the Black Spirals ofthe Fanum.
Be there ifyou wish. There is great glory to be won and much
blood to be shed. "

28 Under a Blood Red Moon

day I I I I ) )
Olapcer I
night ONE - Two DAYS Olapter 2 Olapcer 3 Olapter 4
• Invited to join "ar. • Arrhe at n100t • Team Sihcr • Meet Kelly Pancrson • Search for Tean1 Alpha
tra,elto n100t • lnvNJgalc burro" • Hum Anita Wainwright
• Participate in \\ar • Go to rhil'ago • Hum Uriah • .lark,nn\ • Capone\
THE PACK: l'ounril • \ll·el \\olf Par~ • Hunt Sharon Pa)nc • \ll·cl Pariah • Pariah join'
• \!eel \nthiu' • \I eel Su,an l P'ha\1 • Havoc at O'Hare • \llark Surruhu' •!.odin\
& Kinfolk • Meet Pariah ('luh • Retake Fanum

• Bone Gna11crs attack • Sept of Jupiter driven • Declare Teams • Anemptto retake • Bum Tremere chantry
Succubus Club from Fanum Fanum fails
THE • Urrah nee Blood Hum • War Council called • Tcam \lpha marchl" • Retake Fanum
• \\ar Council
GAROU: rnmened on \\ ~ rmhnle

_I I • Gangrel neutrJiit~

• Lodm decl:lre) Blood • Gangrel seek neuuality • Kinfolk pro1~ers •Tremere chanll)
Hunt on Lupine) captured. burned
CAMARILLA: • 1\infnlk prnll"ler\ • Succubll' Club •!.odin killed
taken In Jack"'" allacked • Primogen di,rm m
• ra,uallil'\ • ra,ualtie\ Blood Brothm
• l'a,ualties

• Dominate BG into • Aid in taking Fanum • Embrace the Upshaws

Succubus assault • Haunted by Uktena

BLACK I' A;d ;, SUC<Ubou

(~to take w;~
Catchers' Glen
I·Try to take Wind
Catchers' Glen
I' Lose Fanum·
slaughtered '
SPIRAL I I • Defend Fanum


THE Cnv: I I· ~·~ I· ~~ l· s-~ I I

• O'Hare and tnin
station closed
• Blackouts
• Financial crash
I •Storms at their \\mt
30 Under a Blood Red Moon
When armies are mobilized and issues joined,
The man who is sorry over the fact will win.
- Lao-tzu, Tao Te Ching

rche Chapter for somewhere along the road. If they do, they can either get out
and push (Strength four required), or they can walk to the site.

Carou CJiaracters A howl would certainly bring some attention.

The characters could also use a Moon Bridge to get to the
Ring of the Raccoon. Their sept's totem would probably
Scene One: }oinin~ the Cause provide one. T he characters would get there very quickly by
this means.
The characters are approached just as described in the The Ring of the Raccoon is a large grassy circle approxi-
previous section. Once the characters decide to journey to the mately 70 yards in diameter. It is surrounded by large oak trees;
Garou camp, they must figure out how to get there quickly. at the center of the clearing is a 10-foot-high stone statue of a
While they could take a plane, it would not be safe to land raccoon. The Raccoon is the sept's totem spirit. Currently, a
in Chicago. They could also take the train, but the same would large number of tents, along with a great number of Garou, also
be true. The characters could use either of these means to get fill the clearing. The pack has never before seen this many
to a nearby metropolitan area and then rent a car to travel the Garou in one spot.
rest of the way. They might also wish to drive all the way, but The area surrounding the Ring of the Raccoon is mostly
they must hurry. forest and pastureland for sheep. A gravelly dirt road with
The characters must be able to read a map and follow many mud spots and potholes leads to the caem. A fence
directions to find the Ring of the Raccoon. It is located just surrounds the caem area; it is impossible to see the clearing
north of Racine, Wisconsin and just south of Milwaukee, from the fence. There is a well-armed sentry on duty at the gate,
Wisconsin. watching for any Garou who arrive. There are a number ofcars
Because it has recently been raining, characters who at- already lined up alongside the road.
tempt to drive up the dirt road must make a Dexterity+ Drive The sentry greets the pack and introduces herselfas "Terry."
roll (difficulty 7) to keep from getting stuck in the mud She asks the names of the pack members and that of the sept

Chapter One: Assembly 31

they represent, and then asks them to wait where they are. She almost circular area about 30 feet wide. There is a firepit in the
leaves for a minute and returns with two Garou. Terry carries center of the cave, though it appears that the Black Spirals have
an M-16 assault rifle and a grenade launcher. She is in her 20s, not used it recently. No belongings are present and the onJy
is very pretty, and has at least some Amerind blood in her. She other thing in the cave is an almost completely consumed deer
is a Kinfolk of the Shadow Lords. carcass that could not be over a week old.
The pack is warmJy greeted by a very "countrified" old man Both Homid and Lupus footprints cover the dirt tloorofthe
and a young feiJow with long blond hair and the garb of a cave. Cru·eful seru·ching and a successful Perception+ Primal-
motorcycle gang member. They respectively introduce them- Urge roll (difficulty 9) reveals a set of footprints leading
selves as Floyd "Hemlock" Moore, a Shadow Lord Old One of through one ofthe walls of the cave. There is a secret door here,
the local sept, and Lamar "Needles" Graham, a Bone Gnawer but it is difficult to notice as it conforms to the shape of the
Philodox from Chicago. They take the pack around and rocks. A hard push will open the doorway. A small stone
introduce them to a number of other Garou who have set up stairway descends into the darkness. The growls and grunts of
camp in the clearing. several unpleasant creatures can be heard below.
T he pack is introduced to at least 50 other Garou. There are A passageway at the bottom of the steps leads off in many
seven campfires in the clearing. Most of the Garou sit around directions. It is impossible to see here unless the characters
these fires, though a few sit at their tents talking with one possess Eyes of the Cat or a light source. Even if the characters
another. The Garou vary in age and appearance. The Shadow are foolliardy enough to try the passages, they are called back
Lords sit at their own fire, while all the Old Ones sit at another by the other Garou before they can go in. The Wynn tunnels
fire. The remaining Garou are split, either by tribe, auspice, will be explored by the legion, but a small group cannot go
breed or pack, an1ong the other fires. alone. The characters should not be allowed to pry deeper into
The pack members will feel as if they are being watched, the matter, since there is far more urgent business. A few
and they are. The Shadow Lords in particular will keep watch guards are placed at the runnel entrance, and Create Element is
over them to make sure their caern is not hrumed. used to create a rock covering over the doorway, making it
When the characters arrive there are 59 Garou present. impossible to use again by all but the most foolhardy and
Within three hours 29 more ruTive. By the next morning there insanely strong.
are 112 present, and by midday there are 137 present. By the
next evening, 153 Garou have assembled at the sept. Scene t[hree: t[he Cathering
Scene t[wo: By the next day, the Garou number just over I00. Later that
night, the war council will meet, but this day is spent in
t[he ~ai;, on the celebration. It is a time for fraternity and honor, and a chance
to share in being Gru·ou. The chru·acters have the oppottunity
alack Spiral cPit to get to know others of their race a little better. for good or ill.
All events involving the gain or loss of any type of Renown
This scene lets the characters know that their enemies are count for twice as much because of the great number of Garou
aware oftheir actions. It also gives the characters the oppor- present.
tunity to learn a little abollf Black Spiral Dancers, like the fact At some time during the day, each of the various tribes
that they use til nne/networks below the earth. The Old Ones holds its own special meeting. At these tribal meetings the
call the characters back to the Ring ofthe Raccoon before they Garou do what members of their t1ibe do best: Fianna tell
go into the underground complex. If the characters wish to stories, Get ofFenris brawl, Shadow Lords attempt to control
explore the caverns, this could be the source ofa good storyfor things, and so on. This can best be told as a narrative by the
Later, but for now there are much more important matters Storyteller, but with a little wits and imagination it can also be
about which to won y. played out, with various players taking the roles of non-player
Only hours after the pack arrives at the Ring, a Silent Strider characters. It is up to you, the Stotyteller, to decide how much
scout rushes into the campsite. She warns that a group of Black detail is enough.
Spirals have been watching the Garou from the mouth of a cave The Garou also play games of various types. The most
just a short distance away. The Silent St1ider feru-s that the common is a Garou stick game similru· to lacrosse. However,
Black Spirals and their Leech allies in Chicago have already therearealso huntinggames, wrestling, beer drinking contests,
been wru11ed of the gatheting. footraces (homid and lupus), poker and chess. It might be fun
The Garou must do something to stop the Black Spirals to pit the pack as a team against another pack in a game of
before they can transmit the information about the Garou army Garou Sticks. (Treat it as three resisted rolls for each playerru1d
back to Chicago. The chru·acters are among those chosen to her opponent using Dexterity + Athletics and Strength +
raid the Black Spirals' hideout. Athletics. Mix up which are to be used. You could simply have
It only takes about 15 minutes at a swift jog to reach the each player make a resisted roll against a particular opponent.
hideout. The structure is a simple cave, about 30 feet deep. It The side with the most successes wins.) You might also wish
is approximately 15 feet wide at the mouth and opens up to an to have each of the players describe how he spends the day.

32 Under a Blood Red Moon

A number of fights ensue during the day. Some are just for
fun, but some prove to be serious. To be throated in front of
such a collection of Garou would be a horribly embarrassing
experience. One particularly nasty Black Fury metis named
Shag Gut causes a number of problems by randomly challeng-
ing homid Garou to fight. He has to be put in his place by his
respected elders; they can beat the crap out of him, and he
knows it. Other than the dozen or so embarrassments at the
hands of Shag Gut, all the other fights do not lead to any real

Scene 'Jour:
trhe Carou 1Uu Coundl
That night the Garou hold a huge moot. The moot should be
described in detail to the players, but not necessarily played
out. Allow them to enjoy it and realize they are a part of
something important. You might even let them play the
various tribal leaders just for fun, possibly ad-Jibbing as you
go. Let them tell stories about the Garou, and their tribe in
The moot begins at night, less than an hour after sunset. All
the tents and supplies have been packed up; no more homid
luxuries for the weak. Tonight, all are Gru·ou and all are strong.
Seven ftres blaze and the Gru·ou form a circle, sitting at the edge
of the cleating with their backs to the trees. At the center of the
clearing, representatives of each tribe sit together on the
Over 150 Gru·ou ru·e present at the moot, counting the Old
Ones. Each tribe is honored with an opponunity for the
highest-ranking tribal elder to tell a story, or to make mention
ofspeci fie grievances or great deeds. This part of the moot lasts
for several hours. It is followed with a retelling of the events
leading up to the war.
After all this is done, there is a glorious war dance as the
Garou ready themselves for battle. Then the howling starts. No
one knows exactly when it ends, but when it does, the Revel
begins. The countryside is pastureland - pastureland full of
sheep. Sheep for the wolves.

Scene 'Jive: Cangrel Heutrality

Shortly after the Revel, and only a few hours before dawn,
the pack travels back through the forest toward the faint glow
of the caem ftres, sheep's blood still fresh in their mouths.
They hear a deep growl and turn to see a huge black wolf
standing a few yru·ds away. As it lopes towru·d them, the wolf
changes shape until a vampire stands before the characters. He
is a slim man dressed in leathers. The vampire does not register
to Sense Wyrm. He introduces himself as Anthius, spokesper-
son for Chicago's Gangrel.
He has come instead of Inyanga, who is out of town. He
requests safe passage to the caem, stating that he is alone and
only wishes to speak to the leaders of the Garou army. If the
pack refuses him or calls for help, he fades into mist, floating
up and out of sight, only to appear to another pack or to the

Chapter One: Assembly 33

leaders in the Ring. Ifthe pack agrees to lead him to the Ring,
he follows them.
Sixty-two Garou will go straight to Chicago and attack the
Along the way, a Get of Fenris pack comes upon the
Leeches in their havens while they sleep. This will catch the
characters and, if Anthius is with them. the Get accuse the pack
vampires off guard and put them on the defensive. The Garou
of treason. Still a bit frenzied from the Revel, they leap and
will then meet up with Team Alpha to mount an assault on the
attack the supposed enemies. especially Anthius. He retaliates
Fan urn. They cannot put it off; the longer they wait, the further
by attacking back. This might otherwise lead to terrible blood-
Jupiter will be corrupted.
shed, but after only two turns of combat, a few Old Ones and
Uktena show up and call off the Get. They manage to convince The characters are part ofTe.'tm SiIver. They have no choice
them, albeit barely, that Anthius is not a threat. in this matter. The strategists tried to divide the forces in the
best way possible. Now it is time for the characters to follow
The Garou and Anthius travel back to the caern and he tells
orders. The battle plan is presented to the characters by Kulos
them what he knows.
Hail-tongue, a Lupus Galliard of the Silver Fangs.
"All the Kindred in my city have gone hysterical over the
"This istheplan: Youare toenter Chicagobycar. You/eave
recent attacks on their hunting ground. I know you are not
at eight o'clock tonight. You should be there by 10. You will
responsible and I know that the Fanum has fallen.
go to the Lincoln Park Zoo and wait. There you will be
"I am of Clan Gangrel, and I tell you we will not fight you.
contacted by one of the Kinfolk, a woman twmed Susan She
The Gang rei of Chicago will not fight this war. My clanmates
will lead you to a safehouse where you will stay while in
will neither help you kill our own kind, nor defend our brothers
andsistersfromyourassaults. "Anthius holds his left hand up,
" You must not reveal yourselves to the enemy and you must
palm out, and turns his hand into a claw using Protean; he then
not befollowed. You must not endanger the lives ofthe Kinfolk
grasps his left wrist with his right hand (the Storyteller should
who are protecting you.
make the hand sign to show the players). "Gangrelwill give
you this sign to show newrality. They will mark their have11s " You will then meet a Glass Walker, Kelly Pafterson, who
with a drawing of this symbol. " has infonnation on the location of some Leech havens. It is
your job to strike these havens shortly after dawn. You must
Upon uttering his final words. Anthius turns into a mist. He
stake the vampires through the heart and cut off their heads,
floats off into the distance and cannot be stopped.
then set them afire to make sure they are dead.

Scene Six: "Sometime tomorrow afternoon, you will be called upon by

the Glass Walker to aid her in closing down O 'Hare Airport.
'Lhe Carou OJattle Strategy This is to prevent the Leeches from escaping orfrom bringing
in reinforcements. Another pack will close the train station
Shortly after dawn, the leaders for the upcoming battle arc "After this, you will rejoin the rest ofTeam Silver, which will
chosen: one from each pack that participates in the war. This in tum join with Team Alpha. Together, we will march on the
method was decided upon by the Old Ones who feared the Get Famtm. The Uktena have prepared the proper ritual for
ofFenris and Shadow Lords would assume control if it was not binding Jupiter back into the building, bllf we must act fast
handled in such a manner. It is up to the players to choose their before permanent damage is done.
pack leader. Perhaps they wish to fight for it. Perhaps they wi II "Do your job and may Gaia bless you. If you have any
vote on it. questions ask now. "
There is little planning to be handled, but some minor Before departing. each pack of Team Silver is given a fetish
changes may be made if necessary. The plan was developed by (see below). The Garou are warned not to pend their spiritual
the best warriors and strategists among the Garou. The Garou energies (Gnosis) too wantonly, as lhe war could last many
legions are divided into two main forces: nights. They must also guard their anger (Rage) well; many
tream Alpha instances will cause their anger to rise, but they must team to
release their tensions to tactical effect (spending Rage at the
Seventy-eight Garou are to march that night on the right times, not randomly).
Wyrmhole. The Garou charged with this duty arc to ambush
the Black Spirals and slaughter them so they cannot wam the rcears of (}{ enewal
Chicago Black Spirals or Leeches. This action will hopefully
prevent the Black Spirals from traveling all over the country to Level 5, Gnosis 8
collect reinforcements, like the Garou themselves did. After This is a large rock crystal on a leather thong. Each night, the
the battle with the Black Spirals, this part of the Garou force is crystal condenses moisture, which hardens into small crystal
to travel as quickly as possible to Chicago to aid Team Silver tears. When allowed to melt on the tongue, the tears return
and retake the Fan urn. spent Gnosis. Each crystal teardrop returns one Gn~sis poin_t·
The feti sh can oenerate a number of tears equal to liS Gnos1s
score per nightone per hour. It can only return spent Gnosis,
not add to permanent Gno is. Funhermore, the Gaffling that

34 Under a Blood Red Moon.

fuels this feti sh can only give a maximum of23 Gnosis points The Banes will pop out of the corpse of any humans killed
before it must be " recharged" by a Rite of Binding. by the characters and auack the pack. These horrible-looking
creatures will disappear as oon a they are injuredoraftcrthe)
Scene Seven: have u eel up nearl y all of their Power. whiche' er comes first.
Whatever the case. the chanlcters had beuer get out quickl)
rche cPerilous Journey before the police show up.
Even if the pack tries to travel through the Umbm after the)
It i !> nightfal l of the third day of the moot and the time for
have passed the W ymhole. they discover a great number of
traveling into Chicago is at hand. The Sept of the Wind
Banes stalking the area. They notice. too. that the pauem
Catchers wi ll not allow a Moon Bridge into Chicago because
spiders' W eb slowly grows larger and more intricate a'> they
the Black Spirals would sense it. It would be very unsafe to
approach the ci ty. The Jupiter Celestine is in plain view. A
travel through the Umbra: just a liule south is a Wym1hole.
cloud of red, whirling energy and dust forms a great !>tOml in
While it is not usually active (the Shadow Lords elinUnate any
tJ1e sky. Everything in the Umbra is tinged red becau!>e the
Bane!> which stalk the area), Jupiter 's growing coiTUption and
shadow of Jupiter covers all. Great lightning and roaring
the Black Spiral Theurges have whipped the Banes of the area
tllUnder make the ground tremble.
into a frenzy of activity. The Garou must get to Chicago by
conventional means. Once there, they are to meet Susan in
front of the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Scene light: Hteeting the TXJolf
While travel ing by automobile to Chicago. the car gets a nat
tire right across from a convenience store. Inside. four
Psychomachiae from the nearby Wym1holc have taken over After the characters get into Chicago and lind the Lincoln
the bodies of some humans: the two men working at the Park Zoo. they notice a group of bikers in the distance. The
convenience store, along with a man and a woman customer. bikers are harassing four teenagers whose car has broken
The poor homids arc now cold killers and puppets of the down. If the characters make Perception+ Occult roll!> (diffi-
Psychomachiae. The humans come out, allegedly to play culty ?). they notice that the live bikers are Leeches. They also
Good Samaritan. then attack when the characters least expect notice this if they use Sense Wym1, though onl) a couple
it. Three are armed with knives. and one has a shotgun. regi ster as Wyrm-tainted.

J ---

Chapter One: Assembly 35

If the Garou approach the bikers, they notice (with a Zachary Upshaw - Father ofSusan, Jimmy and Michael.
Perception +Alertness roll; difficulty 8) that their bikes are Age: 54, Occupation: retired steel worker. Zachary is disabled
marked with the Gangrel symbol of neutrality. If the Kindred and unable to walk except for short distances, as he has a bad
are still approached, they shout obscenities at the G arou and hip. He is a kindly man who is happy to help the Garou. He
give them the sign of neutrality .If the pack does not back down, believes it is the right thing to do and he does not believe that
the bikers try to flee. They w ill fight only if there is no other his fami ly is in danger.
choice. If the pack docs not intervene, the bikers make a hearty Ada Upshaw - Wife of Zachary and mother of Susan,
meal out of the four teenagers, leaving them unconscious and Jimmy and Michael. Age: 53. She is a full-blooded Kiowa
close to death. Native American and a housewife. She feels threatened by the
The vampire bikers are the Wolf Pack. They do not like Garou's presence, but she will not say anything. She knows
Lupines, but they tolerate them. Anthius is not with them, but how strongly her husband feels.
he has informed them by phone of the pact with the Garou. If Jimmy Upshaw - Son of Zachary and Ada. Age: 22,
the characters attack the gang, and the Gangrel escape, they Occupation: unemployed college student. Jimmy is happy to
immediately tell all Gangrcl that the pact of neutrality has been have the Garou around because he wishes to learn more about
broken. If the characters attempt to talk to the vampires, the them. He will question them a great deal. He is a little jealous
vampires introduce themselves after they have partaken of of them, but he is ready to help them fight if they will let him.
their victims. They will answer nearly any questions the Garou Michael Upshaw - Son of Zachary and Ada. Age: 28,
ask. as long as their answers do not compromise their position Occupation: leader in the Council for Native American Rights.
of neutrality. He is also a little jealous of the Garou, because he wishes he
After the cordial meeting, the Wolf Pack get on their bikes. were Garou. He will help the Garou characte rs all he can, and
One looks back and says, "Welcome to Chicago, little wolves! he has a number of connections and some personal influence.
Hope you enjoy your stay'" They then ride off into the distance. J essie Upshaw- Wife of Michael. Jessie is a full-blooded
Cherokee and an Vktena Kinfolk. Age: 28, Occupation: law-
Scene Hine: Hteeting the Kinfolk yer. She is very happy to have the Garou around. She is proud
to help them. since her father used to help the Garou. She
Sho•tly afterthe meeting with the Gangrel bikers, a car pulls
probably knows more about the Garou than anyone else in the
up at the front gate of the zoo. It parks facing the pack, but
fami ly: she even knows a Black Spiral when she sees one.
leaves the lights on and the engine running. The driver appears
to be alone. Robbie Upshaw- Son of Michael and Jlessie. Age: 3. Just
a cute kid who likes attention.
In the car is Susan Upshaw, the pack's Kinfolk connection.
Tammy Johnson - Niece to Zachary. Age: 14. Her
She merely sits and waits for the pack to approach before she
steps out of the car. Once she recognizes the pack by the parents were killed at the Fanum. She has com e to stay with her
descriptions she has been given, she introduces herself. Susan uncle. She is very withdrawn and bitter, but understandably so.
is a pretty woman of average build, though she is a little short. Mary J ohnson- Niece to Zachary. Age: 10. Sister of
She has long. straight black hair and wears a dress. She is an Tammy. On the outside Mary is handling her parents' deaths
Vktena Kinfolk. Beside her car seat lies a .357 Magnum well, but she is actually still in denial of the fact they are dead.
revolver. She will not speak to the Garou and says very little to anyone
She offers to help the pack put their bags in her car. (They else except her sister.
must get rid of their own car because the police are probably After a brief talk with the family, the pack can get an
looking for it after the convenience store attack.) After that is impression of how each member of the family feels about
done, she drives the pack to the safehouse in Chicago. harboring the Garou by making a Perception + Empathy roll
(difficulty 6). Despite the friendly manne rs all the family
The safehouse is an o ld brick two-story home with white
trim. It has a small pond in back. The house is located off members display, it is quite evident that not all of them are
Higgins Road, near O ' Hare Airport. The safehouse is to the happy with the aJTangement.
west of Chicago, and is considered to be in the Outlands around The characters are led upstairs, where they are given two
the city. bedrooms to split among themselves as they please. Susan tells
the pack that she has to work in the morning, but her brother,
Susan parks in acarpo11 and leads the pack inside. The house
has a particular smell of its own, like many houses do- this Jim Upshaw, will take the characters to meet with the Glass
Walker who has the information on the vampire havens.
one's pa1ticular aroma smells roughly like a mixture of turkey
and Ajax. The pack enters the livi ng room and is met by the
Ki nfolk fami ly members. Scene rcen: Strange (])reams
The family includes: That night the Garou have very vivid dreams. Those with
Susan Upshaw - Daughter of Zachary and Ada. Age: 33, ratings of th ree or more in the Past Life Background dream of
Occupation: secretary. Susan is attractive and unmarried. She the Great Chicago Fire. In the dreams, they are Garou of
is described above. She feels it is her duty to aid the pack, but Chicago and they are engaged in a war against their feUow
is afraid for her family. Garou. If they are Uktena or Wendigo, they dream of fighting

36 Under a Blood Red Moon

against the European Garou; if they are of any other tribe, they On the third night, she appears out of nowhere; when the
dream of fighting the Amerind Garou. All this takes place character turns around, she is there. She pushes him to the bed
under a moon the color of blood. (or into an alley if he is out and about) and again wears him out.
After a bloody fight. they stand victorious. covered in the forc ing him to change through a whole series ofdifferent forms
entrails of their kin. They gaze into a nearby pond and the during the ir lovemaking. However, she stops draining Will-
reflection they see is not their own, but that of a long-dead power from him. The character is now her thrall and is under
Garou. Then the refl ection gives way to a vision. Each Garou a bond very similar to a Blood Bond.
sees its chosen totem. The totem spirit looks deep into the Gulfora will attempt to conupt the character into doing
Garou's eyes. It warns that they are in grave danger. The many evil things for his and her gain. Occasionally she will
prophecy will be fulfilled. Jupiter must be saved or it will be too suck off another point of Willpower, but she will never let his
late. lf the Wynn takes the Celestine, Gaia will suffer greatly Willpower drop below two. She will eventually try to con·upt
and many Garou lives will be lost. other male Garou and force them to kill any fema le members
of the paclk. She will maintain a loose control over the pack
Scene [/even: until they die or she gets tired of them, whichever comes first.

What a OJabe - Slnoingl Sense W ynn will reveal her to be Wynn-tainted, and any
Gifts which act against Wyrm creatures will operate on her.
Note: This scene is optional. It is fo r one male character If this scene is used, the Storyteller must tie it into the rest
only! of the events. Gulfora wi ll use the war to gain new thralls, and
the following plots involving her may be used:
During the night, the male character with the highest
Physical and/or Social Attributes awakens with the urge to • Duri ng the third night of the character's lovemaking,
urinate. However, the upstairs bathroom is already occupied another pack from Team Silver shows up to ki ll the Wyrm
by a member of the fami ly. The only other bathroom is creature it J1as sensed. Is the character Bound yet? Will he fight
downstairs. for her - whether he wants to or not?
While the character is urinating, he glances out the window • After making the character her thrall, Gulfora pulls him
and notices a beautiful woman in back of the house by the pond. from the pack to be her bodyguard. She has a vampire as her
She is taking offherclothes, apparently preparing to go skinny- other thrall, a young anarch who came to the city and became
dipping in the pond. She turns, sees the character and covers ensmu·ed by her seductions. She will use this vampire and the
herself. She begins putting her clothes on, looking very embar- character to attack anyone who tries to harm her.
rassed. • The character is dragged around with her as she attempts
She walks up to the character by the window and tells him to gain new thralls from the war. She may try to gain another
it is rude to stare. The character gets a better look at the woman, Gru·ou (from the character's pack or another pack). She also
and finds she is the most incredible woman he has ever seen in tries to gain one oft he witch-hunters who has come to town. If
his life. this doesn ' t succeed, the witch-hunter may become a wolf-
hunter, thinking the werewolf character is her willing thrall.
She is Gulfora. a succubus. She knows of the Garou an·ivaJ
in the city and plans to make at least one werewolf her thrall.
She uses her Presence 5 (and Dominate 5, if necessary) on the rche Chapter for Kin~e~
character to get him outside. Once he is outside, she tells him
The fo llowing scenes detail the story up to this point from
she is a neighbor who lives a few houses down. Her name, she
the perspective of Camarilla Kindred chru·acters. It is a good
says, is Mrs. Johnson and she is a widow. She often comes to
idea to read the previous section for Gru·ou anyway. as the two
the pond at night to swim naked. though the Upshaws do not
perspectives tie together throughout the story.
know it. She is very pleasant and intoxicatingly sexy.
Tllis chapter of the story star1s two weeks prior to the
She asks the character to go for a dip with her. She swims
beginning of the story for Gru·ou characters, with the attack on
around with him a bit; eventually, however, they wind up on
the Succubus C lub, and runs up to the time the Garou ofTeam
the side of the pond in each other's ~ums . During the ensuing
Silver ruTive in Chicago.
experience, the character is unable to resist changing forms
from one to another. Three hours later she leaves. She makes
the character (through Dominate or Presence) promise not to Scene One:
tell anyone else about her.
The next morning the character awakens totally exhausted.
rcrouble at the Suaubus
Fortheentireday, all his Physical Attributes are one lower. She The characters are enjoying ru1 evening at the Succubus
literally wore him out. He has also been drained of two points Club. They have fed and are now doing whatever they like to
ofWillpower. T he next night, she again comes to the character do at the club, be it da ncing, drinking from drunks, or social-
when he is alone and they continue their lovemaking. She izing with other Kindred.
drains two more points of Willpower and forces him tlu·ough SuddenJy, great howls erupt from the floor. A number of
a whole sequence of shapeshifts. mor1als begin to change shape into wolfmen. By the time they

Chapter One: Assembly 37

finish changing, the mortal crowd has gone into hysterics. A
massive current of bodies presses toward the exits, and a
number of people are trampled.
The wolfmen are apparently Lupines. If the characters have
never before seen Lupines, take the time to describe the details
of their transformation and their fearsome appearance. The
Lupines begin to attack aJl mortals within reach. A particularly
fierce Lupine shouts, "Come out and play, my undead friends!
We didn't come here just to tear up the place!" The other
Lupines are in an almost frenzied state. Most are slashing
mortal victims and destroying everything in the place. A few
of the Lupines begin to set fire to the club, starting with the
closest bar.
If the characters attempt to count the Lupines, they find that
there are seven of them. Two are Black Spirals and five are
Dominated Bone Gnawers. The Black Spirals try to escape if
the Kindred attack them, leaving the Bone Gnawers to fight to
the death.
If the characters are hesitant to fight. thelll one of the Garou
notices them and moves toward them. If the characters engage
the Lupines, they are joined by Gengis and Pham Hong. It is
entirely possible that the characters attempt to escape rather
than face the Lupines. If they successfully do so, they will be
reported to Lodin by Pham Hong for their cowardice.
The next day, the characters learn that the Masquerade held
together. Stuck within the middle of the newspaper is a report
ofa minor fire at the Succubus Club, which caused a riot. Many
injuries were reported, but these were attributed to a knife fight
between two gangs. Otherwise the attack was unnoticed. The
Delirium helped to protect the Masquerade. as most Blood
Dolls who witnessed the attack either do not remember it, or
believe it really was a knife fight once they read the paper.

Scene <Lwo: Calle~ OJefore £.o~in

The next night, the characters receive a phone caJl from
Lodin himself, ordering them to meet with him at midnight at
the Succubus Club, which is now closed.
At the Succubus Club, they find a number of the club's
bouncers patrolling the outside of the club, sending unin-
formed clubgoers home. If the characters approach a bouncer,
they are led inside; they will not be stopped if they try to enter
the club through any entrance.
Inside the club, the characters smell the strong stench of
smoke. An inch of water from the sprinkler system covers the
tloor, and little actually burned down. The fire department
rurived at the appropriate time to get the situation under
control. The mot1a1 victims of the previous night have been
done away with.
The characters find Lodin sitting at a table on the balcony,
drinking a glass of blood. Standing behind him are Pham
Hong, Balthazar, Brennon and four ghouls.
Behind Lodin, propped against the wall, are the bodies of
the five Lupines who fought to the death. AIJ are in human
fom1. They are dressed in formerly good club attire which is
now in shreds.

38 Under a Blood Red Moon

Lodin welcomes the characters who fought to defend the If he is stopped by the characters, he claims to be an anarch
club, but is condescending and forceful to those who ran away. participating in the Blood Hunt for fun. He was just in a fight,
Lodin asks what they know oflast night's ruckus and tells them he gasps, and he was terribly wounded.
to describe what they saw and did. Afterward, Lo<tin com-
mands the characters to seek out and destroy all the Lupines
they can find. A Blood Hunt has been called against all the
Scene '1ive: Vampire [nemies
city's Lupines. The IGndred have no choice but to eliminate If the vampire in the previous scene is followed stealthily,
their attackers as quickly as possible before they attack again. he leads the characters back to his haven, a basement under a
If the characters ask what happened the night before (as- funeral home. There are I no windows in the basement, but there
suming they ran away), Lodin teiJs them that Brennon and ills is a door. The door is· locked; a Dexterity + Security roll
ghouls, along with Pham Hong and Gengis, attacked the Garou (difficulty 6) is required to pick the lock. No other Sabbat are
and slew them. present, but five additional coffins can be found, each with its
lid open. Two of them have dirt in them. A sixth coffin contains
Brennon thanks the characters for their intervention if they
the IGndred they saw running up the street.
fought the Lupines. If they did not, he stares at them sullenly
the entire time they are there. Balthazar then escorts the Should the characters awaken the injured vampire, he
emerges from his coffin and asks the characters their names
characters out the door.
and intentions. He claims to be an anarch who was participat-
Scene rchree: ing in the Blood Hunt on the Lupines for fun. He found one and
was injured by it. The rest of his gang are finisillng it offas they
OJattle with the OJone Cnawers speak. He asks the characters if they are anarchs and, if they
respond affirmatively, asks them to wait around to meet the rest
The characters are now free to pursue the Lupines as they of the gang. If they do not, he takes no action other than to tell
see fit and it is possible they will have a number of encounters the characters goodbye and send them on their way. If they
with them. If they succeed in killing a few Lupines, they might attack him. he fights to the Final Death. If the characters stick
also be the victims of an ambush one night. You, the Story- around for more than 20 minutes, they are intercepted by the
teiJer, must handle tills as the situation arises. other five Sabbat.
At least one encounter with Lupines will occur during tills The Sabbat stick to the same story the other Sabbat told. If
time period. Specifically, the characters will run across four they perceive the characters as a threat, they attack them. If not,
Bone Gnawers. The Bone Gnawers will try to talk their way out they let them go.
of the situation with the characters, clrurrung innocence for the Regardless of the characters' actions, the Sabbat move their
attack. They say that they did not even know the attack had haven the next night.
occurred. If the characters refuse to listen, the Bone Gnawers
will attack or run away, depending on how strong they judge
their enemies to be.
Scene 'Jour.· rche Coming Storm rche Chapter for Sabbat
The following description of tills chapter is for Sabbat
On the night of the attack on the Fanum, the characters characters. Just as with the story for Kindred, the story starts
witness the release of Jupiter into the sky. They do not know two weeks ago for the Sabbat.
what it is, although an Intelligence+ Occult roll (difficulty 8) In addition to the scenes Iisted here, the two previous scenes,
allows them to realize the event has some sort of mystic "The Coming Stonn" and "Vampire Enemies," may be in-
significance. It looks like a deep red body of light funneling up
cluded with minor adjustments for Sabbat characters.
into the clouds. Seconds later, the clouds begin to rumble and
the sky takes on a reddish hue. Within minutes, lightning
flashes and rain begins to pour.
Scene One:
On a Perception+ Alertness roll (difficulty 7), the charac-
ters notice a man running down the street. He is dressed like a
(J?eceiving the Htission
biker, but he is of slight build. He has a beard and he is holding The characters receive a phone call from their bishop,
ills arms to ills chest, which appears to have a big gash in it. If summoning them to an esbat held in a graveyard. At the
any character uses Aura Perception, she can see that the man graveyard they are to receive an important assignment. The
is obviously a vampire. The gash in ills chest may clue the assignment is the same, regardless of whether the pack is
characters in also. If approached, the Kindred tries to run away founded or nomadic.
from the characters. Unknown to them, he is a Sabbat vampire "You are to meet with Phillipe Rigaud, leaderoftheSabbat
who recently participated in the invasion of the Fanum. He has scouting effort in Chicago. The Sabbat is preparing to make a
been wounded and is heading back to ills pack's haven. move. You are receiving a wonderful opportunity to serve the
sect when it needs you the most. You will meet Rigaud at
Henson's Sex Shop, located in downtown Cillcago, four days

Chapter 01le: Assembly 39

from now at 3:30A.M. He will conduct the Vaulderieand any
Ignoblis Ritae of his choice with you. He will also provide you
Scene 'Jour:
with a suitable place to stay, along with the details of the
mission. Do not be late. The Sabbat needs you."
0{emaking new 'Jrien~s
The night of the attack on the Rack comes and goes. The
Scene Zwo: Hteeting the Scouts characters are told to keep a low profile. During that time, they
are provided with a suitable story: they are anarchs, come to
The characters may proceed to Chicago as they see fit. Once Chicago to help hunt down Lupines. They are to seek out
at Henson's they find the place closed, but the light is on inside. Camarilla Kindred and either convert them or destroy them if
If they knock, Wendy Wade answers the door. She esc011s the they cannot, but they must keep a low profile or else they will
characters to the back room where Rigaud awaits them. endanger the entire mission. They should leave really powerful
Wade introduces the characters and Rigaud gives a Rolex Kindred alone unless they are positive they can take them.
watch to the leader of the pack as a small token of appreciation. One night while out on the town, the characters enter a strip
With Rigaud are five Blood Brothers and five other Sabbat club; on the stage is a beautiful exotic dancer calling herself
scouts. Rigaud has one of his vampires bring forth the chalice Soprua. Her moves are so graceful, so unnaturally beautiful,
and razor. They all mix a little of their blood into the chalice, that the characters are certain she is Kindred. The dancer spots
along with some oft he characters'. Rigaud drinks from it first, the characters and begins to play up her moves toward them.
followed by the leader of the characters' pack, followed by She is in a near-frenzied state of mind and her Presence can be
everyone else in no specific order. Afterward they hold a Blood felt by everyone in the room.
Feast with theownerofthe store, a fat, greasy, balding, middle- Should the characters pursue her after her performance, she
aged man. He is hanging from a beam in the ceiling and a razor
will perform table dances for $20. Should the characters call
and glasses are provided.
her over, at first she will hesitate, but will put on a smile and
Following the Blood Feast, the characters are taken to their come over anyway. She knows nothing of the Sabbat, though
haven, wruch is a basement in the bottom of Julian & Son's she has heard the name. The characters can tell she is a tough
Mortuary near Lincoln Park. The owners of the mortuary are lady and a free spirit, and would fit nicely into the Sabbat if she
thralls ofRigaud and do not bother the characters regardless of survives the Creation Rites.
what they do.
Bret Stryker is also in the club. He is berund a one-way
mirror, feeding off strippers. He will see the characters when
Scene rchree: they enter. He will carefully watch them, but he will avoid them

cP/aying with cPawns at all costs, even running away if necessary. He has a motor-
cycle at the side exit and can get away rather quickly if the
The characters are called the following night and told to characters pursue him. Because of ills location, he can get away
meet with Rigaud and Wade at a nearby McDonald's at 8 P.M. without even being seen.
In the children's play area in front of the restaurant, the Sabbat
discuss their plans. Rigaud tells them four Lupines belonging Scene 'Jive.·
to a tribe called the Black Spiral Dancers are on their way to
meet them. The sect plans to manipulate the Black SpiJ·als to Assault on the 'Janum
attack the Rack, instigating a war between the city's Lupines
It is now time to pay back the Black Spirals. This is the only
and Kindred. The plan is fully discussed in the Introduction way to keep them fighting against the city's Kindred. The
characters, along with the rest of Crucago's Sabbat, meet in
At 9 P.M., four men dressed all in gray and black enter. Each Lincoln Park. Together they sneak over to the Fanum at
wears a dark gray trenchcoat with a different red insignia over midnight. Awaiting them are 20 or so Black Spiral Dancers.
the front pocket. They do not introduce themselves or sit down. T he Black Spirals must cast a ritual to free the temple from its
Rigaud addresses the apparent leader as "Zuglutus." The protective spirit, which they call the Jupiter Celestine.
characters are completely ignored. Eventually the bargain is The Black Spirals form a circle and begin their chanting.
struck and the attacks on the Rack, along with the assault on the
T hough a few faiJ unconscious from the stress caused by the
Fanum, occur as planned. ritual, the others complete it. As they do, a reddish glow begins
After the Black Spirals leave, the characters are free to do to encircle the roof of the Fanum and slowly rise into the sky.
what they please, but they cannot make themselves known to The Jupiter Celestine is beginning to break free.
the enemy.

40 Under a Blood Red Moon

As soon as the Black Spirals cast their ritual, one of the While the characters' combat could be handled normally, it is
characters approaches the Fanum and Dominates the first suggested that the fighting between all the other combatants be
Fanum priest met into welcoming the Black Spirals and Sabbat handled more as a narrative, to keep things simple, to guide
into the temple. As soon as this is done, the Black Spirals which side is winning, and to illustrate the intensity of the
change into half-wolf form and, together with the Sabbat, they battle.
rush into the Temple's hallway. They are quickly met by some At the end of the fight, the Black Spirals and the Sabbat stand
very surprised Lupines and mortals. victorious. All their opponents died rather than face capture.
The ensuing battle is a ten·ibleone. The characters may fight The Black Spirals take over control of the Fanum and the
as they see fit; there are plenty of Lupines and well-armed Sabbat leaves them to their tasks, though the sect will be in
mortals to fight. Eventually, most of the Fanum's Lupines, constant contact with them through an Umbraphone fetish.
along with about a third of their mortal allies, retreat. The The next night, the characters receive word from Doyle
remaining mortals and Lupines cover the others while they Fincher, a Sabbat scout, that an army of Lupines is fom1ing
attempt to escape. Most manage to get away, but not all. north of the city. They are coming to attack the Black Spirals
The fight may be handled as you, the Storyteller, see tit. It and the city's Kindred. The Sabbat must keep both sides
will be very chaotic to attempt to run every attack for every balanced so it can easily finish off the victor.
character, not to mention handling Gifts and Disciplines.

Chapter One: Assembly 41

42 Under a Blood Red Moon
You shake my shoulders
you shake the earth
you shake my life
fo r all it 's worth.
- Inspiral Carpets, "Irresistible Force"

rche Chqpter for Scene One:

Carou CJiaracters Zo Co Vampire Hunting
ln this chapter, the Garou make their presence in Chicago The next moming, the characters are awakened by Jim
known via a massive surprise attack. The Kindred are caught Upshaw promptly at 6:30A.M. He is all ready to go. He tells
completely unawares and most go into hiding, fearing Final them he could barely sleep, so he got up at 4:00 A.M. and
Death. star1ed miling some more stakes and some Molotov cocktails.
He wanted to be ready for today. He is extremely excited about
Jupiter is beginning to show signs ofWyrm taint. At dawn,
their rrussion, though nervous too.
the clouds are not dense enough to block out the bright sun, but
by the afternoon, the sky is dark and red. The rain lets up only Most of the Upshaw farruly are just getting up and getting
twice during the earl y part of the day and not at all during the ready for the day. Most have jobs and thus have to get ready for
latter par1 of the d ay. The thunder is a distant, but constant, work. Downstairs, Ada Upshaw is already up and fixing
rumble all day and an occasional flash of Iightnjng can be seen breakfast for the fanlily. The characters are welcome to eat
in the distance. Remember to play up the impor1ance of the though they are supposed to meet the Glass Walker ove;
storm and how it worsens over the course of the day. breakfast.
Jim very much wants to par1icipate in the attacks on the
vampires and wi II ask to accompany the characters. While the

Chap ter Two: Aggression 43

characters were told not to endanger their l(jnfolk providers,
the decision is entirely up to them. Jim's death could lead to Scene 'Uvo:
repercussions and loss of assistance from the Uktena Kinfolk
and possibly all Kinfolk. Jim's death would cost each the Anita UJaimorighes Haven
characters 500 points of Honor. The first haven on the list is an abandoned old store in South
Jim's van is ready and gassed up. Once the characters are Chicago. The street on which the store is located is empty
ready he takes them to meet their Glass W alkercontact. Jim has except for some homeless. The front of the haven faces the
packed the van with the necessary equipment to go vampire street and the door to it is locked.
hunting, including: 100 feet of rope, a woodsman's axe, five Anita is asleep in a closet in the bedroom, lying on a pallet.
flashlights, 20 Molotov cocktails, 50 wooden stakes, six Another van1pire and a ghoul are in the haven with her. The
hammers, two hunting knives, a deer rifle, two pistols, plenty vampire is an anarch who picked the wrong time for a visit. The
of ammunition, a camera, four rolls of ftlm, and enough lunch vampire has the same stats as those listed for Balthazar in
for everyone. Chicago by Night and is asleep in the dining room closet. The
Jim drives the characters to a nice restaurant on the North ghoul is an old college girlfriend. She has Potence 2, Celerity
Side called The Signal House. Inside, Kelly Patterson, the I, Brawl4, Firearms 5. and is armed with a .38 caliber revolver
Glass Walker, is waiting for the characters. She introduces with silver bullets. She is sitting on a bed reading. She screams
herself; she is very friendly, but businesslike. if anyone enters the room, and begins firing on the intruders.
The characters eat a breakfast of raw eggs, uncooked bacon, The anarch has a Humanity of six, so he is revealed by Sense
sausage and fresh milk. During the meal they discuss their Wyrm. However, Wainwright does not register to Sense
plans. She tells them that the raid on O ' Hare will occur around Wyrm if the characters use that G ift on her. In fact, when the
3:00 P.M. First the security cameras will be taken out by spirits characters see her, she looks almost human to them, almost
and then the characters will be charged with wreaking havoc sweet. She has a nine Humanity, making her seem very human.
all across the airport. Destruction of property, especially This may put the characters in a strange situation. If she gets the
computers, is recommended, but they should not harm any chance, she will try to escape (although there is nowhere to run
humans. She provides them with a cellular phone so she can and broad daylight outside), but she will not leave her friends.
contact them for the afternoon raid on the airport, and gives As the characters head out to find the second haven, they
them the addresses of four vampire havens. After a quick receive a phone call from Susan Upshaw. She tells them that
breakfast she rushes off on other import.ant business. some of the Uktena Kinfolk, including Michael and Jesse
Upshaw, were arrested for protesting outside City Hall after
they began to make comments about vampires running the

Scene rchree:
tDerrick Stacks Haven
The second haven on the Hst is that of Derrick Stack, also
known as Uriah. He is known personally by the Glass Walker.
His haven is a house located near an inner-city high school.
The haven is located in a predominately black neighbor-
hood. The neighbors are mostly middle-aged or elderly. They
have never met Uriah, but talk of him as though he were an evil
spirit. They warn their kids away from the house, and rightl y
so since Uriah feeds primarily on children. It is doubtful
anyone would call the police if the house were put to the torch
or if shots were fired. They would be happy to see it go.
Uriah's haven is actually the basement of the house. The
entire ground floor has been abandoned since the original
occupants died. Other than in the basement, everything in the
house is gray or brown from the thick coating of dust. Christ-
mas decorations from I 0 years ago still decorate the decaying
building. Tall weeds stand three feet tall or more over the entire
The basement is equipped with a booby trap built by one of
Stack's more industrious ghouls. If anyone opens the door
without pulling a special hidden latch on the wall next to the

44 Under a Blood Red Moon

door (Perception + Alertness; difficulty 8 to fmd), a weighted house, behind a fake wall. The house is very well furnished and
scythe-like blade falls from the ceiling and an alarm goes off. cared for by the ghouls. It has a full security system. including
Unless the character successfully dodges, the blade hits for five motion sensors throughout the house.
Health Levels of damage. In addition, if a character steps onto Both ghouls are at home and awake. The "wife" is watching
the stairs leading down, a light automatically comes on in the Bewitched on television in the living room. and the "husband"
stairwell. This makes the character a very visible silhouette is working on Sharon's BMW in the garage. The ghouls have
when she gets to the bottom of the stairs, unless she blows out access to a number of small arms and carry pistols on their
the light up on the 12-foot ceiling. persons at all times. The ghouls will fight to the death for
The basement has all the modem conveniences, including Sharon.
new furniture, a wide-screen television, a VCR, a stereo and a If possible, the ghouls will try to prove to the characters that
fully stocked kitchen area for the ghouls. Bookshelves line the they are a "normal" couple, introducing themselves as Rob and
walls. Mary Wilson, owners of Wilson Fitness in Hyde Park. They
Normally Uriah remains in a coffin during the day. The attempt to make the characters go away. They do not let the
coffin is made of reinforced steel and has a number of locks characters into the house unless the characters give them a
inside it. Today is different, however; he has a corpse in his convincing story as to why they should.
coffin. Uriah is hiding in a secret recess in the wall. He canies Should the characters go into the basement. they need a
a loaded Uzi, though it does not have silver bullets. Perception+ Alertness roll (difficulty 9) to discover the fake
Uriah is pumped up from the amphetamines in the blood he wall or the latch to the wall. Behind the false door is Sharon· s
drank the night before, so he will be wide awake when the coffin. Heightened Senses (smell) and Sense Wyrm wi ll also
characters enter his haven. He keeps three small children (all reveal Sharon· location.
pumped full of amphetamines) chained to a wall in case he If Sharon is discovered. she will try to trade information
needs a boost so that he can awaken during the day. However, conceming other lGndred in exchange for her own unlife.
he is very hyper and jittery, since he has been on amphetamines though she will not be able to communicate well because of the
for three days straight, and has not slept in that time. effects of torpor. She will provide them with the location of
Two ghouls are also in the basement. They are two ex-high Sir's haven (his yacht in the harbor). along with the made-up
school jocks who have been turned into Uriah's servants. At locations of three other Kindred.
firstthey drank his blood to excel in sports, but now they cannot
abandon him. They get his vessels for him, since he rarely likes
to hunt anymore.
Scene rJive: Airport rcroubles
The characters are in for a fight on this one. Uriah's ghouls The characters arc given the call at about 3:15 P.M. They are
to meet Kelly Patterson and two of her Glas Walker allies,
are armed with Glock 17s and Uzis. They have silver bullets in
Mark Smith and lGm Hubert. in front of O'Hare Airport as
their Glocks.TI1ey will fight to the death for Uriah; their Blood
soon as possible.
Bond is strong indeed. Uriah will make an escape attempt into
the sewers if he feels threatened, but his first reaction is to When Jim pulls up to the airport, the characters see the G lass
attack the characters with his Uzi. He might also try mind Wal.k:ers. They do not bother to introduce themselves unless
control if they get into melee with him. asked. Kelly waits out front while the security system is
downed by the other two (using fetishes holding bound net-
Should the characters fail to destroy him, other van1pires
spiders). After about five minutes, one of the Glass Walkers
will succeed in doing so later (Stack's past treachery tinally
steps out and g ives the okay.
catches up with him).
Kelly shifts to Crinos form and tells the characters to do the
Scene 'Jour: same. Their jobs are to destroy as many computers as they can
find and to do as much damage to everything as possible within
Sharon cPayne's Haven I 0 minutes, without killing if they can help it. Kelly and the
other Glass Walkers will use that time to shut downaJI backups
The characters have also been given the location of Marc on the computers and to disrupt communications. This will
Levesque's haven near Chicago Stadium. However, they find shut down the airport. preventing the Leeches from escaping
that the haven has been abandoned for some time. or bringing in moreoftheirkind. Have some fun with this scene
The next haven on the list is that of Sharon Payne. The haven and Jet the characters get as wild as they want.
is a nice house located in Highland Park. It is located in a nosy The airport is crawling with Tyler's ghouls. The 15 ghouls
neighborhood; if anything out of the ordinary is seen, even a are dressed as airport security and armed with Colt Anaconda
few suspicious characters, the police are likely to be called. .44caliber revolvers ormini-Uzis, with two speedloaders/clips
Because it is a primarily white upper-middle-class neighbor- of silver bullets. They have typical human ghoul stats (see
hood, the police will respond more quickly than they would Appendix One). They attack the characters, fighting to the
elsewhere in the city. death: their Blood Bond to Tyler is that strong.
The house is "home" to two ghouls posing as husband and Tyler is not at the airpor1, orin the city for that matter. When
wife. Sharon Payne's haven is located in the basement of the she heard from her Sabbat contacts that the sect was planning

a move on the city, she got out as fast as she could. She has werewolf. He battles alongside the characters until all the
temporarily taken refuge in New York among some former vampires have been destroyed.
Sabbat allies. including Lambach Ruthven (see Who's Who After the fight he disappears as quickly as he carn e, turning
Among Vam pires: Ch ildren of th e Inquisition). into a mist and floating away. Ifa char·acteruses Sense Wynn,
After 15 minutes. the front of the airpor1 is crawling with he does not register, but Sense the Unnatural reveals the
police. The characters must find a way out and get away creature to be an Abomination, a Garou w ho has become a
without being caught. Jim has already left them, but he will be vampire.
looking for them. He wil l pull up and pick them up when it
seems safe enough. Jn Other OJattles
Scene Six: d'ariah The char·acters may learn about how tbe day's vampire
hunting went for all the other Garou of Team Silver through
After the airport adventure, it begins to grow dark. Jim whatever sources the Storyteller sees tit. The characters
suggests they go uptown and see if they can spot any Leeches should not be given the infonnation freely: they must search it
stupid enough to walk the streets. He believes he saw one out. In tum, they will be asked to recap their own experiences
before over on Rush Street and he wants to see if they can spot for other Garou. T his could be handled through meetings with
some using their powers. other Garou, phone calls or just the Kinfolk grapevine. The
At one point while on Rush Street, one oft he characters sees characters may leat11 the following:
a shadowy figure slink into an alleyway. The figure bears the Four Garou and two Kinfolk were killed today in a raid on
stench of the Wynn and if the characters pursue rum, they find a haven. The haven was appar·ently empty of any Leeches, but
themselves in a Sabbat trap. Twenty new "recruits.'' humans it was wired with explosives. Rumor has it that the Glass
recently turned into vampires. attack them en masse from all Walkers knew of this and gave the location to a pack containing
directions. members against whom they had grudges.
As the attack gets underway, a strange creature leaps into the Besides the Garou casualties, 12 vampires were discovered
fray.lt is a Garou in Crinos fonn . but one unlike any Garou the and eliminated. along with at least 40 of their human hench-
characters have ever seen. This '·Garou·· is P<u·iah , the undead men. Remember, the Storyteller decides who was killed in the
haven raids. Officially, those destroyed include: Jimmy
Holcomb. Hank Cave, Tmvis Fett, Neil G raham, Elzbieta

46 Under a Blood R ed Moon

J urofsky, Peter Walenski, Sir Henry Johnson (if the characters Aocks of swans can be seen flying all around the city in the
received his haven from Sharon, then let them kill him; if not, Umbra. The city spirits are more restless today and more Banes
he dies anyway), Tamoszius Kuszleika, Edgar Drummond and walk the Umbra! landscape than usual.
four other Kindred who had recently moved to Chicago. The
vampires the characters were sent to destroy were extermi-
nated by Sabbat or other Garou, if the characters failed to get
rche Chapter for Kin~e~
them. T he following scenes are specifically for Kindred charac-
Lo<tin' s condo in the Metropolitan Life Building was taken, ters. The characters could Jearn about some of the casualties of
but Lodin was not there. No clues to his current location have the day at the end of this chapter, or a little at a time throughout
been found. the chapter. This is entirely up to you. Remember, the Kindred
In addition to the death toll, O' Hare Airport and Union Train are not as organized as the Lupines and they are much more
Station were shut down and have yet to be reopened. Both the secretive. This will make it harder for them to learn what is
train station and airport should be closed for at least three days. really going on.
No Black Spiral Dancers were encountered by the Garou of
T eam Silver. Apparently they are all holed up in the Fanum. Scene One: rche larly Htorning
The attack of the Fanum will co1mnence tomorrow as planned,
but no one has heard from Team Alpha, which should have Attack
reported in a long time ago. Midday, while resting in their havens, the characters are
The Wind Catchers told the leaders of Team Silver, in a attacked by a group of Garou, two fewer in number than the
phone conversation, that the battle is not going well. Appar- number of vampires (though at least one). The Lupines try to
ently, the Garouofthat sept killed ll Black Spiral Dancers, but move stealthily around the havens, staking the characters one
lost three of their own. They also encountered and destroyed at a time. They transfom1 into wolfman (Crinos) form and
numerous minor B anes. attack the characters if the characters awaken.
Even the sky reflects the turmoil. The storm has not Jet up; The Gru·ou fight until they destroy the characters or until
indeed, the red hue to the sky becomes much darker and more they are themselves seriously injured. If injured, they retreat
widespread, thoug h it is still centralized over the city itself. In from the haven and attempt to bum it down.
the Umbra, the storm is even more violent than it is on earth.
Either of these options is left to the Storyteller to elaborate.
There are generic stats for Garou in Appendix One. in case the
characters try to attack some Lupines for revenge.

rche Chapter for Sabbat

The Sabbat version of this chapter is a mixture of scenes
simi Jar to those of both the Garou and the Kindred. The Sabbat
characters act against both sides, in effect aiding both sides as
As far as news of casualties, the Sabbat is more organized.
The sect members regularly meet at the dese11ed hotel in south
Chicago and discuss any news they have gained. While Rigaud
and Wade may withhold cenain information (as you see fit),
the other Sabbat will tell all they have learned.

A Little Vampire Hunting of

Our Own
The characters are ordered to seek out and destroy a number
of Kindred. Unlike the Lupine . Sabbat will have to do their
vampire hunting at night. The locations ofa numberofiGndred
havens have been discovered in the past few months. Rigaud
gives the characters a list of havens (the same list given above
for Garou characters). Their mission for the night is to find the
havens and destroy the vampires existing in them. After they

Hopefully, the characters have an escape route, such as a

hole in the floor of the haven that leads down into the sewers.
If so, the Lupines follow the characters into the sewers. but do
not pursue too far before they tum back. If the characters
attempt to evade their pursuers, use the rules for pursuit in
Vampire, page 216, or in Werewolf.
Should the characters stay and face a burning building, there
is a good chance they will go into the Rotschreck (the difficulty
to avoid this is 9). Even in Rotschreck, however, the choice wiJJ
be the escape route, which could very well save the characters'
Adapt this scene and the Lupines' tactics for the particular
details of the characters' haven. If they have ghoul guards, then
the characters have a chance to awaken as they hear their
screams. If the characters don't share a communal haven, then
single out one or two of the characters to be attacked.

Once night comes, the characters may again be attacked by
roving Lupines, or they may try for revenge against those who
attacked them earlier. There may be some clues to the
werewolves· location at their torched haven.
It is also possible that the characters search for aJiies among
the IGndred. This could lead to a shock when they keep finding
haven after haven burned down, and no sign of their brethren.

48 Under a Blood Red Moon

succeed. they are to meet with Rigaud in the Blood Brothers' characters destroy Anita, they will have an enemy in the New
communal haven below the sewers to go recruiting new York bishop, who was very fond of her. Sharon Payne will try
Sabbat. to convince the characters that she wishes to join the Sabbat.
Storytellers should read the scenes listed in the section for She wiJl try to escape them as soon as they tum their backs on
Garou characters that deal with the Kindred havens. The only her.
major difference is the way some of the Kindred will react. Forthesakeofthestory, as ume that the Kindred are up and
Anita Wainwright will claim to be protected by a Sabbat moving about their havens, possibly feeding or otherwise
bishop named Gustov, who resides in New York. She will even entertaining themselves. If you prefer, the Kindred could be
uner a Sabbat secret code word for sanctuary. Should the out, or already destroyed by Lupines, when the characters

Chapter Two: Aggression 49

50 Under a Blood Red Moon
011 build your ship ofdeath. 0/r build it!
For you will need it.
For the voyage ofoblivion awaits you.
- David Herbert L awrence. ''The Ship of Death"

rche Chqpter for Scene One: !.ost Kinfolk

Carou Cliaraders After the Garou characters finish their job at the airpon. or
lin ish their vampire hunting along Rush Street. they go home
A s the characters play through the scenes of thi s chapter, for another night· s sleep. The next morning. they find Susan in
emphasize how the rain starts to fall even harder than it has an argument on the phone with the office of the Chief of Police
been. I f one of t he characters even mentions the Fanum while of Chicago. The police chief refuses to answer her calls. Su an
out in the rain, you might hit her with a bolt of lightning. T he i s trying to find out where her brother and sister-in -law were
wind picks up briskly. Also, it is likely that at least one swan taken afler they were arrested. She went downtown to get them
starts to follow one of the characters around. Only that charac- out on bail. butthe police claimed they had not arrested anyone
ter is able to see the swan. for the protest ; all were released without charges.
Should the characters venture onto the Umbra. they find it What the characters and Su an do not know is that Lodin
rife w ith Banes. Many of the spiders have abandoned their had the Kin folk picked up by his own henchmen. They took the
Web. The ci ty's elementals arc very agitated; many are hiding, Kinfolk to Kevin Jackson's stronghold for holding until Lodin
or caught in fights with Banes. Overhead. Jupiter casts a blood- decided what to do with them.
red glow. Even the moon appears red through the clouds. The I f the characters pursue thi s cover-up, they w ill run into dead
Celestine is in great pain. The thunder is its scream, the rain is ends from all the mortals they ask. I f they begin to stick their
its tears. and the lightning is its futile attempt to resist. It lashes noses in too deeply. Jackson may send some men to cut them
out at everything it considers a threat. Its lightning strikes off. I fthe characters deduce the Kindred involvement. that will
B anes. but other Bane noat up to torment the Celesti ne. If the be enough of a lead for the time being.
characters stay on the U mbra for any length of time, they are
noticed and attacked by W yrm spirits.

Chapter Three: Assault 51

Should the characters make such comments within the are to call Kulos at a number provided as soon as they fmd out
hearing of mortals in the police department, the characters are what has gone wrong.
targeted as Garou. Jackson sends a van ofheavily armed ghoul The drive to the Wyrmhole is rather uneventful. Any
gangbangcrs to take out the characters when they least expect character with Sense Wyrm feels the evil aura first, but even
it. The gangbangers are armed with submachine guns and those without the Gift soon feel a chill in the air and a sense of
pistols; each ca1Ties one clip of silver bullets. They even have despair.
a shotgun with silver buckshot shells. They try to catch the This Wyrmhole has long been sealed shut by the Uktenaand
characters when they are on foot, simply pulling up beside patrolled by the Shadow Lords north of the city. The land
them and unloading their guns. The van will speed away as the sun-ounding the Wyrmhole was likewise purchased by the
ftrst hint of trouble. For stats on the gangbangers see Appendix Shadow Lords, although Pentex has made numerous buyout
One. attempts. The area is fenced in with 12-foot-tall fencing, which
Should the characters stop the van. or catch even one of the is in turn reinforced with barbed wire, though there is a gap
ghouls, the ghoul can be made to tell who sent them and the large enough to drive the van through. There is no gate, and
location of the Leech· s haven. signs everywhere warn off trespassers. Rumor has it the only
reason Pentex has not simply taken over the site is because the
Scene Zwo: l[he Search for Black Spirals will not allow it. They want it all to themselves.

rceam Alpha On the other side of the fence grows a thin forest of
malformed trees. Past this is a gigantic field on which nothing
Sometime during the day, the characters receive a phone grows, not even grass. The only creatures present are a few
call from Kulos Hail-tongue telling them that Team Alpha has insects. Close inspection of them reveals that even they are a
not yet shown up. They should have been finished by last night bit deformed.
and in Chicago by early this morning. At the center of the field is a large stone tunnel leading into
The retaking of the Fanum wi II have to wait unti I they an-ive. the earth. A large boulder (sufficient in size to cover the tunnel
The characters have been elected to see what happerned to them opening) has been pushed aside, revealing the mouth of the
and to bring word back as quickly as possible. tunnel. Inspection of the boulder reveals the intricate wards
The characters are given explicit instructions about where carved upon its surface. Characters who listen at the tunnel
to look for Alpha. Jim Upshaw is todrivethem in his van. They mouth hear a few faint wails from below.
If any of the characters are brave enough to go into the
tunnel, they find two injured Garou, one of whom clutches a
Silver Sword in a mined paw. They ask for water to quench
their thirst. Unless someone can heal them, they slowly bleed
to death.
The two Garou tell the characters that they almost made it
back out, but they were met at the opening by some Black
Spiral Dancers, who made short work of them in their injured
condition. According to the two, all the Garou of Team Alpha
were killed down in the Wyrm tunnels. The Wyrmlings picked
them off one by one for the longest time. Finally, the team got
lost and wandered too deeply. They came upon a city of sorts,
where they were met by an enormous host of Wyrm-serving
humanoids who ripped the Garou invaders apart.
It is possible the characters can save the injured Garou ifone
of them has Mother's Touch, or makes an Intelligence +
Medicine roll (difficulty 8) for each of the two Garou. If not,
the Garou will die. If saved, the Garou are forever in the debt
of the characters. If the characters are unable to save the Garou,
one will give a character his Silver Sword to "gut the damned
Spirals" for him.
If the characters wait around too long, they will be attacked
by Black Spiral Dancers or Wyrm creatures of your choosing.
Most of the Wyrm.lings and Black Spirals have already gone
to Chicago. The spirits are charged with cormpting Jupiter and
bringing it into the service of the Wyrm.
When the characters tell Kulos the news, he almost cries.
Many were his lifelong comrades and packmates. He decides

52 Under a Blood Red Moon

the attack on Chicago must continue as planned - if not to Should they catch him, he is willing to make a deal with the
triumph, then to avenge the deaths of Team Alpha. characters. He knows where Prince Lodin's haven is located,
The characters are to meet up that night with some Get of but will trade it only for his own personal safety. He clrums to
Fenris and Black Furies (who mruntain an uneasy alliance, as want the prince dead himself. If the characters agree, he
their respective packs were both destroyed) at I I :00 P.M., at provides the location of Capone's haven, as described in the
a downtown movie theatre currently showing T he Wolfen . next chapter.
They are going to deal a serious blow to the Succubus Club. After Jackson is destroyed or gets away, the characters
Until that time, Kulos tells the characters to do as they please, might find some of the Kjnfolk prisoners, including Michael
but to get some rest. and Jessie, in a cell-like chamber. Michael clrums he overheard
That rught, after the characters get back from their trip to the the Leeches talking about transporting the prisoners to Prince
Wyrrnhole, they receive a phone call from someone posing as Lodin' s haven at an old amusement park.
Kelly Patterson. Only a character with Heightened Senses or This scene can take as long as necessary, but the characters
who makes a successful Perception + Subterfuge roll (diffi- should have time to get to the theatre downtown, and they
culty 9) might have doubts that the speaker is Kelly Patterson; might even have some time to spare.
even then, there is no proof to support this hypothesis. The
speaker is actually a Sabbat using Vicissimde powers to alter
his voice. Kelly was recently captured by the Sabbat and
Scene 'Jour:
tortured for information. I[he Abomination (}{eturns
The caller tells the characters that their Kjnfolk helpers are
Once the characters are well downtown, they see the white
being held in a housing project over in Cabrini Green. If Jim
form of the Abomination standing on the roof ofa building. He
learns of tills information, he demands that the characters go
points his finger at the characters and motions for them to join
and rescue them. Otherwise, the players may decide whether
him on the roof. If the characters do not wish to talk, he simply
they follow up on the tip from " Kelly."
vanishes using Obfuscate.

Scene Zhree: Should the characters desire to come up and speak with him,
he motions for them to come around to the alley beside the
OJattle in the d'roieds building. There is a fire escape reaching from the ground all the
way to the roof.
If the characters decide to head for the projects, Jim knows On the roof, the characters find Pariah ready to talk to them,
exactly how to get there. He requests permission to come with the first of his race he feels he can trust. He relates his awful tale
the characters. They must decide whether they will allow him and asks them to accept him as a member of their pack. He only
to rud them. wants to rud them in exacting revenge on those that turned him
The characters must also decide how they wish to handle the into what he is. If the characters put him off, he politely tells
assault on Cabrini Green. Do they prefer to sneak in or just them goodbye and then disappears.
attack head-on? This is the characters' decision; however, If they wish to discuss it further, or accept him immediately,
should they drive the van too close to Jackson' s stronghold, he capers joyfully. He promises to meet them the next night,
they will be spotted and fired upon by Jackson's sentries. but torught he has other matters to attend, including avenging
The stronghold is patrolled by at least a dozen ghouls and a his Bone Gnawer comrades.
numberofhuman servants. The humans most likely flee in fear
from the Delirium when the characters attack. All the guards
are armed with either a shotgun and pistol, or an automatic
Scene Six:
weapon of some type. Zhe Htove on the
The inside of the building is equipped with security cameras
and motion detectors in key locations. Half the guards are Succubus Club
inside the building and half are on guard outside. If the characters arrive on time (or even a little early or late)
If the characters attempt to sneak past the guards, they must they find the other pack of Garou inside the theatre watching
score five successes using Wits+ Stealth (difficulty 7). If they the movie, cheering for the werewolves.
are spotted, or try a direct approach, the ghoul guards open fire. After a brief greeting (The characters remember meeting
Almost all the human guards will run. the pack at the Ring of the Raccoon. They were the Get who
Once (and if) the characters get inside Jackson's stronghold, attacked the characters, believing they were trrutors when
they still have to find Jackson. He is in the basement preparing Anthius showed up.), the Garou ready themselves for the
to make his getaway. He will be out oft he place in five minutes. attack. They plan to go into the Succubus Club, which is now
He is protected by six personal ghoul bodyguards packing tightly guarded by the Leeches and their human servants, and
pistols with silver bullets, and his red Porsche is ready and rruse a little hell. The objective is to destroy the Cadavers' so-
wruting. If the characters get there before the fi ve minutes have called "Masquerade." They are to destroy all the Leeches they
elapsed, they will find him.

Chapter Three: Assault 53

find in the place. The characters wi II take the upstairs, while the through the door. They will leave the ghouls as soon as they are
other pack takes the downstairs. seriously injured themselves or if they realize they are about to
Attheclub, theGarou are carefully inspected by the bouncer be captured or destroyed. Damien and Gengis successfull y
at the door, but let in anyway - unless they are obviously escape, but Ph am Hong and Levesque are destroyed later on if
Garou (carrying KJaives, fetishes, etc.). In this case they have the characters do not get them.
to break in by attacking the guards. However, the Get and Play the Leeches carefully. At first, they try to Dominate the
Black Furies have advised the characters to hide any obvious characters and use them against one another: then they try to
signs of their nanu·e. keep them at range, and hopefull y pinned down, by shooting
Once inside, they split up and begin their assault. The Get at them. Ph am Hong, Damien and two of the ghouls have silver
and Black Furies change to Crinos or Hispo form as soon as bullets (two clips each). Hong aJso has a pair of silver knives.
they have cased the place. The characters may do as they Should the characters succeed, they find no other opponents
please. As the mortal crowd races forthedoors, the otherGarou on the bakony level. Brennon Thornhill, however. is holed up
head down into the Labyrinth. Sho11ly afterward, the charac- in his private apartment upstairs should the characters continue
ters might notice a huge mob ofhumans (some in blood-soaked their search.
clothing) rush out of the basement and out of the club. If they Thornhill is anned with a .44 Magnum with silver bullets
listen carefully, they hear a number of gunshots. (one clip). He has no escape route and if trapped in his private
The characters may do as they please, but if they do as they chamber, he will fight to the Final Death.
were asked, they move directly toward the Elysium, the
upstairs of the club. As they do, huge masses of humans jump (])()U)n in the Labyrinth
off the bakony or flee past them on the steps; others simply If the characters do not take it upon themselves to rendez-
cower on the floor. vous with the other Gru·ou pack, they shortly notice that the
Once upstairs, the characters see four Leeches: Ph am Hong, other pack has not emerged from the Labyrinth.
Darnien, Gengis and Levesque; they are accompan ied by four Chru·acters who decide to go and look for tJ1e other pack find
ghouls. The vampires attack the Garou until they realize that a trail of human bodies leading below. The entire floor is
they cannot win, after which they run for it, leaping from the slippery and a bit sticky with all the blood. On the floor of the
bakony to the hanging platforms, down to the :floor. then

54 Under a Blood Red Moon

Labyrinth, much of the maze itself has been knocked down.
The dim lighting of the place provides an eerie feel and the
Scene Seven:
body count is staggering.
There are dozens of dead humans, and the Get and Black
Leeches in the '1amily
Furies have also been destroyed with the exception of one When the characters return to the Kinfolk home, they find
Black Fury, who is terribly injured. A number of humans something more horrible than words can describe. Ada, Zachary,
appear to have been ghouls or at least agents of the Leeches, for Tammy, Mary and Robbie have all been turned into Leeches.
their positions indicate that they attacked the Garou. Both Michael and Jessie are dead. Neither Jim nor Susan are
The Black Fury tells the characters about the attack. The Get home.
refused to go along with the plan, claiming they would not obey The first person the characters see when they walk into the
women. They split apart from the Black Furies and promptly house is Mary Johnson. She simply walks up to the characters
found themselves overwhelmed by ghouls. Their lack of and smiles. She says, "Welcome home. Won't you join us for
teamwork destroyed them. dinner?" and leads the characters into the dining room. The
The Furies fared no better. A beautiful, and strikingly characters find Michael - completely drained of blood and
familiar, female Leech burst out of nowhere and attacked the propped in a chair at the table. Jessie is on the table; the family
Black Furies with blinding speed and ferocity. She was aided is sitting around the table partaking of her blood. The poor
by a very powerful homid servant, possibly a Leech himself. Kinfolk Leeches have been Dominated by the Sabbat, remov-
They disappeared as soon as the battle was over. The odd thing ing their inhibitions about such a depraved act.
is that the vampiress slew her own remaining ghouls. When the characters come in, the Leeches act as if nothing
If the characters look closely, they can find the concealed unusual has happened. They do not attack the characters;
door to Helena's vault. The door leading into the antechamber indeed, they are very friendly. Just how revolted are the
can be found with two successes on a Perception + Alertness characters? Just how angry are they? What will they do to
roll (difficulty 7). It is easier to find than normal because of innocent victims such as these? Worst of all, are they ulti-
bloody handprints near the latch to the door. mately responsible for this tragedy?
It is up to the Storyteller to decide how far the characters can
go from here and what they can find. If you have The Jn Other Oiattles
Succubus C lub, you might allow them to explore more than If the characters inquire about the activities of the other
the antechamber, but if you do, it would be wise not to include Garou, they will learn the following. This information could be
Helena herself in the vault; assume she escaped by some other presented to the characters a little at a time over the entire
secret means. The characters would not be able to deal with chapter, or all together at the end of the day.
Helena; she is far more powerful and likely to take out at least
The surviving members of the Sept of Jupiter and some of
half the characters, if not all of them.
the other Garou gathered at tl1e Fanum to attempt to retake it
Lying against the wall of the antechamber is Prias. He is in without Team Alpha. The Uktena led the ritual, but to no avail.
terrible shape. He is badly wounded from the Garou attack. He The Garou were not strong enough. Not only did they fai l, but
fought to save his love while she escaped. He is down three lightning began to pelt the area, striking a number of Garou
Health Levels and has only four Blood Points left. dead. The lightning appeared to pick and choose among the
If the characters should find Prias, he does not attempt an Garou, going after the more powerful Theurges.
attack. He is just too weak; he knows Helena is safe and that is The storm worsened directly overhead and it was hard to
enough. T he remaining Black Fury looks deeply at Prias and hear over the great pounding thunder. Eventually the Garou
he looks up at her in shock. The Black Fury says, " You! It is you were forced to give up after a number of Black Spirals rushed
after all these centuries!" They then begin to scream at each out and attacked the weakened Garou, only to rush back inside
other in ancient Greek. Finally, they leap at each other in fury. the building as soon as they finished their attack. All told, 12
Prias is no match for her, but her wounds get the best of her, and Garou died in the assault on the Fanum.
she is left dying. S he tells the characters that in a Past Life,
Attempts to enter the Fanum through the Umbra were
many centuries ago in Greece, she had been an enemy ofPrias
equally unsuccessful. Such a great number of Banes were
and his Leech master, Helena. Helena led an attack on her pack
around that three of the five Garou attempting to get in via this
and now, finally, she has ·exacted some revenge.
route were killed. More Garou are needed if they are to
After the attack on the Succubus Club, the characters will recapture Jupiter and save it from the Wyrm.
probably wish to go home before the police or more Leeches
Nine vampires (besides those the characters destroyed)
arrive. By this time, the characters will be in need of a rest.
were destroyed in continued haven raids, with no loss in Garou
or Kinfolk lives. Officially, the Kindred destroyed include:
Tommy Hinds, Lawrence Ballard, Frank Gaughan, Johann
Weltman, and five other Kindred who recently came to Chi-
cago (but were not included in Chicago by Night).

Chapter Three: Assault 55

Three Black Spirals were also slain in front of the Fanum.
In addition to these deaths, the war has spread to the human Zhe Chapter {or
population; at least 55 innocent humans were killed, including
those killed in the Succubus C lub raid. Kin~e~ Charaders
The Wind Catchers informed Team Silver leaders that their The Kindred characters are once again on the defensive in
battle has become a stalemate. Seven Black Spirals were this chapter. Just as stated earlier, it would be a good idea to
killed, as were two members of their sept. Numerous Banes read the scenes for Garou characters to better understand what
were also chased away or destroyed. The Glen remains intact, is going on, and for the additional details for the scenes.
but for how much longer? Kulos Hail-tongue believes the sept
will soon give up and join forces with Team Silver. With the
terrible loss of Team Alpha, the Wind Catchers are Team
Scene One: £.o~in's Comman~
Silver's only hope. The characters receive a phone call from Balthazar. He
On the University of Chicago campus, eight savage axe wants the characters to go immediately to Kevin Jackson's
murdersoffacultymembershaveoccurred;theGarouTheurges Cabrini Green stronghold and pick up some captured mortal
believe that the killer is either a Bane-possessed human or an allies of t11e Lupines. The characters are to transport the
opportunistic psychopath. prisoners to an abandoned warehouse north of Chicago; a van
Blackouts occurred all over the city. Some were caused by will be provided. The characters receive the password '·Daddy
Banes stealing power from the city's Weaver spirits, while Pop" from Baltha7ar. The characters are to give Jackson's
others were the result of Garou spirits and the Sabbat. The guards the password.
Glass Walkers sent Chicago's financial community into shock Unless the characten. do something really unexpected that
by using computer spirits to mix up some records and destroy could be considered an attack. and they give the password. the
others. guards bring the characters inside the haven and lead them
downstairs to sec Jackson. Jackson exchanges few pleasantries
and tells one of his guards to bring in the prisoners.

56 Under a Blood Red Moon

Before the guards get back, the characters and Jackson hear characters. Jackson claims that Lodin believed he and the
shots fired upstairs. He quickly leaves the room and tells the characters were threats to him, threats he could conveniently
characters to go w ith his guards and see what the problem is. eliminate by using his enemies to do it for him. Jackson points
Whether the characters in fact do so is completely up to thet:n. out that Lodin is known to have used such schemes to have his
Five of his bodyguards head upstairs; the other half remain enemies eliminated during 1968. At that time, Jackson contin-
with him as he heads down the other end of the hall. ues, Lodin manipulated a Justicar into approving his attacks on
If the characters try to leave, they do not have a real problem all young Kindred he considered a threat. Because the charac-
finding a way out. Describe the chaos as they see mortals ters have proven how adept at survival they were, Jackson
running all over the place. If the characters stay, they shortly claims Lodin believed they would one night turn against him.
find themselves under attack by eight Lupines. The Lupines Jackson dec! ares to the characters that he in tends to wipe out
are spread out, but they meet little resistance. By the time the his enemy, Capone, and after he has done so, he will set his
characters arri ve, Jackson's mortal servants have all fled and sights on Lodin. He wants the characters to be his new
most of his ghouls have been killed, though they did manage lieutenants. Tomorrow night he will make his move on Capone.
to kill one Lupine. If the characters wish to assist him, he will greatly reward them
The details of the combat are up to you. Most likely it will with whatever they desire.
all happen very fast. The Lupines will spread themselves over
the entire complex within minutes, killing all who oppose Scene Zwo:
them. A wise character might realize they have come to rescue
their mortal servants. The characters may be able to use this to At the Succubus Club
their advantage.
The characters are called or given a message by any other
Balthazar will be really upset when he discovers what Kindred who frequents the Succubus Club. They are told that
happened and he will blame the characters for the disaster. Brennen Thornhill wishes to see them. Thornhill wishes to
have the characters come and see if they can identify the body
Jackson's manipulation of a vampire who attacked John Toynbee, a mo11a l co-manager
Shot1l y afterthe meeting with Balthazar, Jackson and some of the Succubus Club. The vampire had been seen earlier in the
of his men catch up with the characters. He claims the prince week by some other Kindred, but none had spoken to him. The
knew the Lupines were planning to attack the stronghold. That characters have never seen the vampire before.
was why he did not send Balthazar and instead picked the

Chapter Three: Assault

Prias is found inside the antechamber, w ith the body of a
female Garou sprawled next to him - mutual destruction.

rche Chapter for Sabbat

It is highly possi ble that the Sabbat knows or learn s a great
deal about what went on the day and night of thi s chapter.
About an hour before dawn. the Sabbat all meet together and
discuss what they learned about the Camaril la-Lupine Jyhad.

Scene One: Coo~ (}{eauits

Rigaud pays a v isit to the characters. When they awaken
from the day's rest, they fi nd him sitting in a chair w ithin their
haven. He made no sounds and no attempts to awaken them.
Once all the characters are awake he informs them of their
mission. T hey are to go make some " recruits" out ofthe mo11al
helpers of the Lupines. They w ill then leave these mortals for
the Lupines to come home and find. forcing them to destroy
their own allies and thus fueling their hate forthe Kindred even
Rigaud has a car ready and together they proceed to a house
full of mo11al Lupine servants, located on Higgins Road near
O'Hare. T he family is all together, except for Jessie and
Michael , w ho were arrested earlier in the day . The fami ly is in
the dining room enjoying a meal.
Rigaud wants all the adults ki lied except fort he two elderl y
and the three children. They arc to be the ones '·recruited."
Rigaud w ill not take no for an answer; he is very determined
According to Toy nbee, the individual asked to see Thornhil l. and very demented. Should the characters refu se. he will see to
When he was refused, the indiv idual transformed his hand into it they end up on the wrong end of a stake before the siege is
a huge, jagged blade and came at him. Fo1tunately, T oynbee over.
had an U zi in his desk drawer. He gunned him down. but the
Duri ng the time the characters are at the Lupines' den. the
vampire kept trying to get back up. T oynbee kept unloading
other Sabbat are busy making the recruits found on Rush
clips into him until he stayed down. No other Kindred know
Street. W ord wi ll get back to Rigaud that all the recruits were
who he is. The odd thing. Toy nbee notes, i s the symbol of a
destroyed when an unusual-looking werewolf entered the
black crescent moon on the back of his right hand. scene and aided the other Lupines.
After viewing the corpse, the characters retire to the Ely-
sium. All of a sudden, deja vu strikes. The crowd on the dance
floor disperses just as it did a couple of weeks ago. Standing on
Scene rcwo: Another Htission
the dance floor are five Lupines. T hey immediately see the After the excitement at the Lupines· den. Ri gaud takes the
characters and charge up the stairs to attack them. Besides the characters back to their haven. About an hour or so after
characters, Brennon and five ghouls are the lone defenders of returning from the Upshaws ·, Ri gaud happily declares that the
the club. One of the Lupines sho11ly kills Brennon Thornhill, Kindred are dropping l ike llies and the Lupi nes are on their last
but dies herself in the attack. legs as well.
I f the characters descend into the Labyrinth after the attack, However, the characters are given another mission. He
they find the bodies of a number of Lupines, al ong w ith those provides them w ith the location of Kevin Jackson's strong-
of a number of m011als and a few of Brennon's employees and hold. They are to attack it and bring back as many m011al
ghouls. prisoners as they can. T he prisoners arc allies of the Lupines
T he characters might find the secret door to Helena·s vault and will prove useful for interrogati on.
just as described above for Garou characters. The dead body of The main reason for the raid is to eliminate Jackson as a
threat. Next to Capone. he has the most unpredictable and
deadly organized force in town. The goal i s to take out Jackson

58 Under a Blood Red Moon

tonight. saving Capone for tomorrow. Eliminating these two a blood sweat and discover that the other members of their pack
will make the Sabbat 's job that much easier; now is the perfect have suffered similar experiences.
time to do it. Suddenly, various small objects star1 flying about the room,
Thechm·acters should have no real problem findingJackson' s as if a poltergeist were present. The characters sec a group of
stronghold. The scenes "Battle in the Projects'' and "Inside the ghostly figures which begin to solidify.
Haven:· listed in the Garou character section. should be read These are the spirits of Lupines -specifically, the spirits of
to provide the details. The on Iy real difference is that Jackson's long-dead Uktena. They witnessed the brutality inflicted on
mor1al allies will stay and fight the characters instead of the Kinfolk the night before and they have come for ven-
running off in Delirium. geance. They attack until they run out of power or they have
If you, the Storyteller. feel this scene may be a bit too destroyed the characters. The characters could flee their haven,
difficult for the characters. you might reduce the number of but the spirits will continue to haunt them in minor ways. Only
opponents, or allow the Sabbat Blood Brothers to join the the retaking of the Fanum by theGarou will cease the hauntings.
characters in the attack.
Uktena Chosts
Scene rchree: Angry Spirits Rage 7, Willpower 5, Gnosis 5, Power 25
After the characters have crawled back into their coffins, C harms : Materialize (Cost 12; Str2, Dex 3, Sta 2, Brawl3,
Claws: Str +2), Shroud (Cost I; as the Uktena Gift), Hand of
they will have strange nightmares in which they see Lupines
ripping them and their packmates apa11. They will awaken in the Earth Lords (Cost 2: as the Uktena Gi ft. This can be used
from the Umbra).

Chapter Three: Assault 59

60 Under a Blood Red Moon
Brightest and best of the sons ofthe morning,
Dawn on our darkness, lend us thine aid.
- Reginald Heber, " Hymns: Epiphany"

rche Chapter for Carou be seen in the sky. It is covered in a swarm of Banes, and from
a distance looks like a man-sized creature covered in ants.

Charaders Scene One:

The war is comiing to a close, but the worst is yet to come.
The characters will have to face a number of very dangerous trhe 0~ Amusement ~k
threats to accomplish their mission. The characters are able to find the old amusement park they
Jupiter becomes more and more furious and the storm believe to be the haven of Lodin, but it should take them the
continues to worsen. The rain is highly acidic, with a reddish better pru1 of the day. They should not find it until late in the
coloration, at the beginning of the day; right before the retaking afternoon. You might throw them off the trail for a while with
of the Fanum, it is almost crimson. The lightning begins to a fight or some time-wasting task.
strike almost constantly and the continuous rumble of thunder Once they ruTive, the characters notice numerous ghoul and
drowns out nearly everything else. The characters can spot human guards patrolling the gates outside the amusement park.
swans nearly everywhere, but the swans show signs of comtp- In addition to decaying posters and graffiti, the characters also
tion and decay. Their bodies are pox-marked and grotesquely notice one section of a wall covered in shiny, polished sheet
shaped. Even mention of the word Jupiter will bring down a metal. The characters may wish to travel by the Umbra into the
lightning bolt on the speaker. The s un casts a red glow; it is so haven; this shiny mirror affords them a path.
obscured by the red clouds that it is a dim and solid red orb in Once the characters are inside the park, they notice a number
the dark sky. of rides in various stages of neglect. An abandoned House of
The Umbra is nearly impassable by the end of the day. Most Mirrors and a haunted house are also on the premises. Both
spirits not of the Wyrm have either become corrupted or buildings are locked. While a number of guards patrol the
withdrawn into hiding. Huge tlocks of the malformed swans entire park grounds, there are two guards outside the House of
can be seen all over. The rain pouring from the Umbra] sky is Mirrors.
not rain at all, but the actual blood of the Celestine. Jupiter can

H1irrors have a few problems with it. They will rely on the deceptive
nature of the min·ors to ambush the Garou.
The House of MiiTors sits ri ght above A I Capone's haven.
Moving about in the house i s tricky and attacking is worse.
Capone has moved to the park, fearing attacks from Kevin
Successful identification of a real target, as opposed to a mirror
Jackson and possibly the prince's men. Capone's vault w as
image. requires a Wits + Ale11ness roll (difficulty 8). To
attacked by a number o f Garou earl y on in the war, so Capone
navigate I 0 feet without running into a mirrored wall requires
has no intention of rcturni ng there.
a D exterity + A le11ness roll (difficulty 6) .
Should the characters try traveling to the House of Mirrors
Four secret doors are concealed as mirrors; these are located
v ia the Umbra, there is a good chance they w ill encounter
throughout the building. Finding one requires a Garou to sec it
B anes even in that short distance.
being used or to make an acti ve search for it (Perception +
I f the characters attempt to emerge inside the House of
Alet1ness, difficulty 9) . Behind each of the doors is a narrow
Min·ors through one of the trick mj n-ors, they might suffer
w ooden passage leading to a small door in the floor.
adverse consequences. If a character botches her roll to step
sideways out of the Umbra, her body emerges malf01med in
the image it would have in the mirror: possibly w ith a big head,
Scene rrwo: Capone's Scheme
a Coke-bottle figure, tall and thin, sho11 and squat. o r w hatever Looking down past the door in the floor. the cluu·acters see
weird shape you can come up w ith. It is possible to " heal'' thi s a set of wrought iron rungs in a brick wall. The room below is
by restepping through the mjrrors and making a success fu l pitch dark. I fthecharactershaveany light or can see in the dark.
Gnosis roll (difficulty 6). they perceive that the fl oor is 20 feet below. The room is 25 by
The interior of the House of Mirrors is still covered in 30 feet square, with brick walls and a di11 fl oor. It is empty
tw istjng passages of oddly shaped. polished metal mirrors. T he except for two speakers in the corners.
lights are on w ithin the building. I f the characters do not make In the center o f the f~u· w all is a locked metal door. The
four successes on Perception+ Security (di ffi culty 7). they trip chru·acters hear. " Who ru·e you, and whom do you serve?" over
of f a motion sensor. If they do so, the w hite lights go out and the speakers in Capone's gangster voice. How the characters
flashing red lights come on. Within a turn or so. three armed react is up to them, but if they do not answer him promptl y. he
humans and two ghouls come in through secret passages. O f asks again. Whether the characters answer him or not. bright
course, the humans w ill run back the way they came when floodl ights tum on in the room.
Delirium sets in. They know the layout of the House, but still It is hard to see in the room. but i f the char acters try to open
the metal door, it will require a I 0 Strength. The chru·acters
could also get out through the lights themselves by stepping
Capone is on the other side of the metal door. past a long
brick hall and through another metal door. He has two ghouls
w ith him. A number of security cameras cover the outside
areas of the park, but not the interior of the building.
If the characters calm dow n for a second, Capone of fers
them a deal. He explains why Jackson w anted the characters to
come and attack him. Jackson wanted them to believe Capone
was the prince so they would destroy his chief ri val for him.
Capone needs the prince destroyed. I f the characters agree to
leave the way they came, he gives them the location o f the
prince's haven; one of his ghouls slips an envelope with the
address on it under the metal door. If the characters will only
agree if they can meet with Capone in person, he w ill agree to
it, albeit hesitantly.

Scene rrhree:
Unexpede~ Assistance
The characters are met by Pariah outside the amusement
park. When the characters get ready to leave, Pariah. in Glabro
f01m.Ieaps out of nowhere to the top of a neru·by roof. He issues
a vicious howl and throws down four decapitated Leech heads
(Priscilla Gibbs, Gordon K eaton. and rwo Kindred new to
Chicago) . He leaps to the ground in front of the characters and

62 Under a Blood Red Moon

states. "Here, myfriends, add these to your count! But we still Seven ghouls are spread throughout the house; each wears
have II'Ork to do' Now that my personal business is finished, K evlar body armor and carries a Glock 20 with silver bullets.
may I join you?" The ghouls wear headsets to keep in communication with those
It is totally up to the characters whether they allow hi m to outside and the other ghouls in the house. L ike the outside
join them. I f they do not, he roars off into the night as a c loud ghouls, they have to check in every 10 minutes.
of mist. I f they allow him to come w ith him, he will fight Lodin's personal chambers are in the basement. w hich can
alongside them wholeheartedly. He desires the prince dead and only be reached through a secret door in the kitchen. A search
if the characters tell him they are going to kill him, he i nforms of the kitchen, and a Perception+ Alertness ro ll (difficulty 8).
them of his personal hatred for Lodin. reveals the secret door.
Behind the secret door is a wooden staircase leading down
Scene 'Jour: Lo~in's [state to a lit room. T his room is the very lux urious apartment of the
prince. It contains his metal coffin. his desk, and all the
The characters will have received the information from
enter1ainment and furnish ings of a modern home.
Capone. I f not, they will have been given the information by
Lodin sits behind his desk. Three ghouls are close by.
Pariah. Pariah tracks the characters down wherever they are
Behind Lodin. the characters see a television monitor. Dis-
and gives them an envelope with the information.
played on it are Balthazar and a number of bound and gagged
Once the characters have the information on Lodin's haven,
Kinfolk. B althazar is holding a submachine gun to a child's
they should realize they only have a few hours before they must
head and seems anxious to put a bullet in it. B eside the monitor
meet up with the rest of the Garou for the final assault on the
is a camera. Another one is located behi nd the characters on the
Fanum. They must act quickly if they are to destroy the prince.
wall. Balthazar is able to see any move the characters make.
Finding theestate is not a problem. The instructions are very
Lodin shouts to the characters, "Welcome, Lupines- and
clear and accurate. Getting in the house and destroying the
you also, Harold. I thought you destroyed, you miserable
prince i s another story. The estate is completely surrounded by
beast. Do not make a move, any o.fyou, or your 11/0rta/friend.s
a 12-foot-tall wrought iron fence. On the other side, 10 ghouls
will, shall 1re say. find out just how mortal they are!"
are on guard at vari ous posts. They wear black ponchos and
If the characters pounce on Lodin. Balthazar l ays waste to
carry walkie-talkies and submachine guns. T hey stay in con-
all the Kinfolk. star1ing with the children. After finishing. he
stant contact. Failure to check in every I 0 minutes will bring
attempts to escape while Lodin and his ghouls defend them-
the other guards running. One of the guards is near the kennel.
sel ves from the characters. lf the characters refrain from
I f g iven the word by the chief of secwity, he wi ll release
attacking. Lodin continues to speak to them in a calm. confi-
Lodin's ghoul dogs on trespassers. There are five ghoul dogs.
dent voice.
The estate has a number of security cameras all over the
"Please now, do change back into mortalsfor me. We have
place. One ghoul i s in the house; he monitors all the cameras
things to discuss, like what I am going to do with you. ·· l f the
and all the ghouls outside answer to !lis orders. He answers
characters comply. L odin tells the characters, "l ll'illlet your
directly to Balthazar on all impor1ant matters.
people go, but onlyafteryou submit yourselves to me. Allow my
A number of pits are located all over the yard of the estate.
men to handcu.ffyou, please. " If the characters comply once
The pits are 20 feet deep and the bottoms are lined with wooden
more, Lodin's ghouls handcuff them and subsequently shoot
stakes. A character who falls in will be impaled if she fails a
them in the back of the head with silver bullets: Balthazar then
D exterity+ Dodge roll (difficulty 9). If the character succeeds,
begins to shoot the monal s.
she still takes damage; if impaled, she is automatically I nca-
If the characters do not do as Lodin asks, he orders Balthazar
pacitated (though the damage is not aggravated). I f the character
to shoot the mortals. The only safe action the characters can
botches, and she is a vampire (using the Kindred variant of this
take is to reach B althazar by stepping sideways through the
scene), she has been staked through the heart.
video camera, the monitor or some other refl ecti ve obj ect.
Should the characters make it to the estate, they find bars on
Balthazar is only two rooms away from the prince and can
all the windows. requiring Strength six to rip them down. The
easily be seen, for no walls exist on the U mbra between the
door is heavy oak, but it may be easier to break the door down
characters and Balthazar. To realize thi s course of action. one
than pick the lock. Breaking it down requires Strength eight.
ofthecluu·acters (maybe a Thcurge) may roll Wits + Enigmas
Picking the lock requires five cumulative successes on a
(difficulty 8).
D exterity+ Repair roll (difficulty 8).
If the chm·acters do not think of this course of action, you
Lo~in's Haven might have Pari ah go through the camera and attack Balthazar.
allowing the characters to destroy Lodin. You should only do
Once the characters penetrate Lodin's mansion, they sti ll thi s if you feel they have done well up to now. but just haven' t
have to get to his h aven. Lodin feared such an attack, so he is gotten the clue here.
not unprepared. T here is a security camera in practically every
If the characters step sideways, Lodin and Balthazar assume
room. There are also motion sensors in case the intmders take
they vanished, and act surprised for two turns as they try to
out the cameras. The house operates on its own generator, as
0 out where the characters went. Lodin then orders
power has been out in thi s section of town for some t ime.

Chapter Four: Assist and A vail 63

Balthazar to shoot a few prisoners anyway. If the characters Rudkus and two Kindred new to Chicago. In addition. Priscilla
emerge from the Umbra (possibly through the camera or Gibbs and Gordon Keaton were killed by Pariah. Two Garou
monitor in the room with Balthazar), they shock Balthazar into were killed; however, the killers got away without being
complete inaction for one turn. This allows the characters to destroyed.
score a free attack on him before he can respond. Thit1y-three Kinfolk. along with at least 18 innocent by-
If Lodin sees the characters in the room with Balthazar, he standers, were killed in retaliatory raids by the Leeches.
makes a break for it, but not before triggering a bomb. The
bomb is hidden in a desk drawer and is set to detonate in two
minute . The ensuing explosion is sufficient to destroy the
Scene Six: rche Jtoo Allies
entire house. Characters caught in the blast take 30 dice of At 10:00 P.M.. the characters are to go to Lincoln Park and
damage. minus one die per yard they are away from Lodin's rendezvous with the rest of the Garou. From there, they will all
desk. Lodin has a secret door in his office leading to the sewers. march on Hyde Park and begin their ritual to rebind the Jupiter
He emerges from the sewers on a side street, where his getaway Celestine into the Fanum. This should go rather smoothly,
limousine awaits him. However, the Sabbat already has him unless the characters decide to go somewhere else first, or take
targeted, and three Black Hand assassins stand ready to take hours to explore Lodin · s mansion.
him out should the characters fail. When the characters arrive. they fi nd that only 20 other
Garou have survived. All present know they are doomed; with
Scene 'Jive: Cleaning Up their number. retaking the Fanum and rebinding the Jupiter
Celestine is almost impossible. Many believe Kulos Hail-
If the characters manage to destroy Lodin and Balthazar, tongue to have died.
they may explore the arch-fiend's haven at length- a rare Suddenly, to everyone's surprise, the Garou see Kulos
treat. one for which any vampire would give his eyeteeth. loping across the field of the park: with him is a large band of
There are many things of value here. Garou from the Wind Catcher Sept. Kulos Hail-tongue was
Among the treasures in Lodin ·s haven is a wall safe hidden able to gain their suppot1, convincing them to abandon the
behind a painting. It may be easily found if someone looks defense of their cacm and Glen for the greater good. Together
behind the picture. Opening the safe requires Strength nine, or with this sept, the Garou number nearly 50. enough for a
five cumulative succe ses on a Perception + Repair roll chance of success.
(difficulty 7). Inside the afe are $250,000 U.S. dollars in
unmarked small bills. three pieces of Baroque jewelry en-
crusted with emeralds (total value$1.3 million). and numerous
Scene Seven: rche OJin~ing of
financial and legal papers describing Lodin·s various money-
laundering schemes and personal identities.
the Celestine
With their newfound allies. the Garou legion marches to the
A number of original pieces of art adorn both the haven and
the house upstairs. Much oft he artwork is priceless and would Fanum. Many of the Garou tum into Crinos fom1 and wreak
fetch top dollar on the black market. havoc in the streets. overturning automobiles to block off the
street from traffic.
The haven also contains a great deal of valuable information
The characters arc given the task ofdefending the perimeter,
conceming the prince's business as head of Chicago's Cama-
rilla. This information may be anything the Storyteller desires, unless they are accomplished Theurges or have high Gnosis
(eight or more): in this case, they are involved in the rite itself
but such things as linancial records on various schemes,
personal portfolios on various Kindred (including their weak- as assistants. The characters on guard must prevent any traffic
nesses and haven locations) and basic information on the from getting through, both vehicular and pedestrian. They are
number of Kindrc<.l in Chicago could be included. Of course, to scare away mortals and kill any Black Spirals or vampires
who try to break through, although they must not pursue them
this infom1ation might be of great value later. and many might
out of the perimeter. At the Storyteller's option, another pack
pay top dollar for Lodin ·s fi les. There may also be infom1ation
on dealings with Pentex. but there are no signs that Lodin was or two can help them guard by working the other side of the
aware of the sinister nature of this corporation. street.
The elders begin their ritual. the Rite of Jupiter Binding, by
Jn Other OJattles fom1ing a circle. The circle must not be broken. The leader of
the ritual is Anna "Eyes of the Sun.. Pelfrey. a Rank Five
While the characters were engaged in their own fight, the
Uktena Galliard (see Appendix One). Anna will roll her
other Garou succeeded in finding and burning down the
Intelligence+ Rituals (difficulty 8) every half hour, but she can
Tremere chantry. destroying Garwood Marshall and a recent
only roll six times (three hours maximum). The rite requires 25
neonate named Paul Kotis. Abraham DuSable lost his right
accumulated successes to work. The required Gnosis expendi-
arm in the conflict; a Garou sliced it off right at the shoulder.
ture is 75 points. Failure and botches are treated just as for the
One Garou and two Kinfolk were killed in the attack.
Rite of Cacm Building (see the Werewolf rulebook). The
Five more vampires were destroyed by the Garou during ceremony requires chanting. counterclockwise movement in a
continued searches: Theodore Dooley. Horace Turnbull, 1urgis particular pattern. and special incantations by the rite leader.

64 Un.der a Blood Red Moon

Only 71 points of Gnosis are available for the rite. If one of
the characters cannot provide the extra four required (only one Scene light: rche Storming of
character: the others have to guard), everyone suffers one
Health Level of damage. which provides the required energy. the'Janum
Twenty-five succe ses arc needed to bind the Celestine, but Once the Garou rebind the Jupiter Celestine. they rush the
this will end it back through the Anchorhead and strip the Fanum itself. Inside. they find 15 Black Spiral Dancers. whom
Fanum of all it powers. lf30 successes are gained, the Fanum they slaughter. They also fi nd three Sabbat Leeches whom the
returns to normal. lf35 successes are gained, it becomes more Garou also make short work of. The Garou learn that the
powerful than before. Sabbat, not the city's Leeches. was the instigatoroftheGarou-
If the rite fails, lightning begins to pound the area, striking Leech war. The Chicago Cadavers were manipulated just as
a number of Garou dead and wounding others. The Garou the Garou were.
retreat into the night. Two days later. Kulos or another leader The human police do not respond to the Fanum raid. They
caJis for a final try to retake the Fanum; if this also fail s, tJ1en are too involved in emergencies caused by Bane-possessed
the Garou must either abandon Chicago to the Black Spirals humans and fires. Also. a numberofKindred with influence on
and the Leeches, or tum to Inyanga. who has just returned. the police force have many of the patrol cars guarding their
Inyanga can call upon Ubracus, a powerful Native American havens.
ghoul-mage, to aid in the rite. With their help it might work. The characters also notice five Black Spirals escaping
Ubracus can use a number of incantations and magic items to through a secret door. If the characters foiJow the Black
add 25 Gnosis points to the rite and decrease the difficulty of Spirals, they arc led on a chase through the sewers and back up
the rolls to seven. to the street. The Black Spirals shift to Lupus form as soon as
If the Garou succeed, the stom1 stops within only a minute they can. split up and scatter. Use the rules for pursuit if the
or two. A reddish g low falls over the Fanum and lasts for few characters go after them.
minute . As ~oon as the ritual is completed. all the Fanum's
mystical defenses become inactive. allowing the Garou to
enter through the front door just as the Black Spirals had
rche Chapter for Kin~e~
previously done. The Kindred finall y get their chance to take the offensive
during this chapter. They may discover that the Sabbat is
behind the entire war.

Chapter Four: Assist and Avail 65

Scenes One an~ /[wo: Hunting
If the characters decide to follow Jackson and destroy his
rival Capone, Scenes One and Two, listed above for Garou
characters, can be easily altered for Kindred characters.

Scenes 'Jour an~ 'Jive: .l.o~in's

If the characters desire to do Capone's bidding. the Story-
teller should run Scenes Four and Five, above. making all the
necessary changes. Will the characters care about the Kinfolk?
If so, how will they save them? Maybe the characters can usc
the distraction of the Garou' s assault to take out Lodin.

Scene Six: Spiritual OJeliefs

T his encounter may take place at any given time or location.
One of the characters (probably one with Auspex) senses
something moving behind her, but does not see anything, no
matter how good her Perception is. When the characters are
alone, and when they least expect it, a Nexus Crawler slowly
materializes before them. The Nexus Crawler attacks the
characters until it runs out of Power. It only attacks characters
with Humanity scores of seven or higher. Jt ignores all other
characters, even if the other characters attack it.
As the characters fight fortheir unlives, Pariah leaps to their
aid and helps them destroy the Nexus Crawler. If the Nexus
Crawler is winning, Pariah uses his Wynn Scale to force the
Bane to dematerialize.
A fter the battle with the Nexus Crawler, Pariah introduces
himself to the characters and tells them he means them no
hatm. If the chru·acters act friendly to him. he tells them he is
Kindred as well as Lupine, and relates his tragic background.
He also informs the characters that the Sabbat is behind the
Kindred-Lupine conflict. If Sabbat involvement was exposed
to Chicago's primogen, he says, then the sect would avoid
conilict and retreat, leaving their own evil werewolf allies to
face the other werewolves by themselves. This should bring an
end to the war, since the Lupines' main goal is to defeat their
Black Spiral enemies, not the Kindred.
Pariah gives thechru11cters specific directions to theSabbat' s
communal haven, which is located under the city streets. Then
he turns into a bat and flies away.

Scene Seven:
On the f[rai/ of the Sabbat
The characters have no real problem locating the haven of
theSabbat. The only d ifficulty is that many ofthesewertunnels
are completely flooded. The characters have to be careful to
avoid falling into the torrent of rainwater rushing below the

66 Under a Blood Red Moon

streets. The haven is exactly where Pariah told them it would whom they speak is loyaJ, or a Sabbat spy? When the charac-
be. ters emerge from the sewers, they find the storm has stopped.
The haven is located behind a secret door on the wall of a
tunnel, and guarded by two ghoul dogs. The first room behind rche Chapter for the
the door houses the dogs. Little is here save Sabbat graffiti all
over the walls. floor and ceiling. A single bulb illuminates the
A door on the other side of the room lead~ to the den of the The Sabbat characters discover in this chapter that their
Blood Brothers. They are not in their haven at the moment. plans are in ruin. One of their communal havens is discovered:
There are five coffins in the room, all open with no occupants. this reveals the sect's presence in Chicago. Also, the Black
The room aJso contains a television. a stereo. a long. blood- Spiral Dancers fail in their efforts, and are run out of the city
soaked table with restraining devices. a rack of torture by the Lupines, allowing the Lupines to tum their attentions to
implements, and a number of chairs. The walls. ceiling and the Sabbat.
floor are aJJ painted red. Fluorescents light the room.
Characters who stay too long risk the return of the Blood Scene One: d'ariah's Attack
Brothers. Should this unfortunate event occur, the Brothers Shortly after the characters leave their haven for the night.
combineintoone massive entity and attack the characters. The they are attacked by Pariah. He will fight them until he destroys
gelatinous mass blocks the only door out of the room to prevent them or until he is severely injured.

Scene light· Scenes 'L'JOO an~ trhree:

rche Hteeting with the Attack on Capone
The characters are caJled by Rigaud to the meeting place in
tPrimogen the old hotel. Once they arrive, Rigaud discusses how the war
is going. He tells the characters that it is necessary for the
Characters who carry convincing evidence of Sabbat pres-
Sabbat to eliminate AJ Capone, head of Chicago's organized
ence to an elder are asked to wait. Said elder goes to make a few
crime. If the characters do not already know ofCapone, Rigaud
phone calls, then returns to the room and tells the characters to
will tell them he is Lodin's right-hand man, and equaJ to
goimmediatelytoaspecific location under South Wells Street.
Scenes One and Two for Garou characters can be easily
When the characters arrive. Kh al id. the leader of Chicago's
altered for Sabbat characters; however, should Capone reaJize
Nosferatu, is waiting for them. He asks them questions about
the characters are not anarchs but Sabbat, he will make no
what they saw and about the creature that they fought. He also
deals. He fears the Sabbat far more than his master.
asks them how they learned about the presence of the Sabbat.
If they tell him, he starts in shock. and orders the characters not
to tell any of the other primogen how they found out. Soon
Scenes 'Jour an~ 'Jive:
Critias, Annabelle and Nicolai also show up. one by one. Once Lo~in's tDestrudion
they are present, they order the characters to lead them to the
Sabbat haven. Should the characters somehow gain Capone's confidence,
If the Blood Brothers were destroyed. their carcasses (or he will gladly inform them of the location of Lodin' s estate.
maybe carcass?) remain. After care ful inspection. Khalid Scenes Four and Five for Garou characters can easily be aJ tered
confirms that the bodies are those of Sabbat. Whether there is to accommodate Sabbat characters. While most Sabbat would
a connection to the Garou assaults remains to be seen. but not care about thelivesofthe Kinfolk, will the characters care?
Khalid warns that he suspects it to be true. As they prepare to If so, what will they do?
leave, Nicolai hears something and slip~ out quietly. Nicolai If the characters do not kill Lodin, then either three Black
shortly returns with a Sabbat van1pire who was returning to the Hand assassins or a pack of Lupines successfully end his reign.
haven. After a quick "interrogation" on the table in the room. Shortly after the attack on Lodin, the characters realize the
the Sabbat reveaJs her sect's schemes. Afterward. the charac- storm has ended. If they contact Rigaud, he will warn them to
ters are ord!!red to bind her and escort her to one of Khalid's get out of town; the Blood Brothers' communal haven was
chambers, where she will be kept under guard. discovered by the Camarilla. A Blood Hunt wiiJ be called if
The characters are warned not to mention anything about moreSabbat tum up in the city. He wants the characters out of
the Sabbat to any other vampires. Who knows if the one with town immediately.

Chapter Four: Assist and Avail 67

68 Under a Blood Red Moon
111ey shall not grow old, as we are left to grow old:
Age shall not wear)' them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the moming
We 1ri// remember them.
- Laurence Binyon, " For the Fallen''

rche Chapter for Carou of money (taken from Leech havens) to help provide for them
in such trying times.

Charaders The following night, Inyanga comes to the Fanum. The

characters may or may not be there. lnyanga announces that
The storm is over. The Black Spirals arc gone. The Fanum she speaks for all the Kindred of the city. The prince has been
is under control. The Banes arc returning to their W y rmhol e. destroyed and the primogen has learned that the Sabbat was
Soon the war with the Leeches wi II end. This chapter allows the manipulating both ~>ides to war w ith one another. A truce is
characten. to rejoice in their accompli!.hments. called for: status quo antebellum ("same as before the war")
are the term . Neither side will continue to attack the other. The
rche 'Uuce Garou agree to the peace and the war officiall y ends.

And I saw the angel come down unto me

In her hand she hold.f the ''ef)· key
rche lJanum in Sale Han~s
One must ne1•erdespair ifsomething is lost to one, a person
Words ofcompassion and words ofpeace
or a joy or a happiness: e1•erything comes back again more
And in the distance lm anny's marching feet
But behold we will watch them fall.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
- Prince and the NPG, "T
Over the next few days, life returns to a semblance of
The characters are asked to stay at the Fanum after it is taken. nom1ality. Because the Fanum could not have been aved
The next day is pent repairing the strucrure itself and taking
without them, the members of the Sept of the Wind Catchers
an inventory of the casualties. The characters. among other are given membership in the Fanum. From now on, there will
Garou, arel>Cnt tothchomesofthe K infolk, bearing large sums be only one sept in Chicago: the Sept of Clear Skies.

Chapter Five: Aftermath 69

The Glen in Hyde Park remains, though it decreases in size no other Garou has as much in-depth knowledge of Chicago's
because of the corruption of the Banes. Thceaern also remains. Kindred as he.
It belongs to the Sept of C lear Skies, j ust as the Fanum does, Even if accepted. many Garou will resent him and try to
meaning that sept has two powerful sites under its control. challenge him, claiming he is a Wyrm threat. This is another
Also, the Orthodox Temple of Akhenaton remains unharmed. reason for his retreat; he does not wish to ruin that for which he
Not only are the Wind Catchers given membership, but all has so long hoped.
the Garou who participated in the war, including the charac- If refu sed by the Garou, he slinks away into the sewers.
ters, are likewise inducted. This may be of great use to them, seeking atonement through mystical pursuits. As the years go
allowing them safe haven in Chicago and access to training. by, however, his loneliness increases. Eventually he will not be
The characters may occasionally wish to use the Fanum to above seeking out even the Black Spiral Dancer!> for compan-
teach trustwo1thy humans about the supernatural. For more ionship.
scholarly Garou. the Fanurn has an excellent library.

Heroes 0{eco~ition A '1arewe0 to Chicago

Good-bye, fare yo11 well!
Fortune favors the bold. We're homeward bound for New York town.
- Terence, Phonnio Hurrah, my boys, we're homeward bo11nd!
If the characters defeated the prince and saved any of the -Anonymous. "Good-bye. Fare You Well"
Kinfolk, each is given a special recognition by the Sept of Clear
After all is done in Chicago. the characters are free to say
Skies. Tllis includes a Level Three (or less) fetish of any sort, their good byes. The Sept of Clear Skies holds a moot in their
powered by a Gaffling from Jupiter. This is in addition to the honor at the Fanum for t11eir efforts. This ceremony alone will
Tears of Renewal fetish they already possess.
bring each of them an additional 1.000 Honor. The characters
In addition to fetishes, the characters receive great amounts will always be welcome to the hospitality of the Fanum. their
of Renown in Glory and Honor (and possibly Wisdom) based second home.
upon their actions. The pack should receive anywhere from A car is provided for them and all expenses of the charac-
IO,OOO to 30,000 in G lory, 5,000 to I0,000 in Honor, and I ,000
ters' return journey are covered.
to 4.000 in Wisdom (possibly more). While these awards are
very great, they are reasonable considering all the dangers the
characters faced duri ng the war.
d'ossible Continuations
Whatever is worth doing fit all, is 1rortlt doing " 'ell.
~ne's Q{evenge - Philip Dormer Stanhope. Letters to His Son
There are a number of ways this !-tory can continue. The
Ifyou prick us, do we 1101 bleed? if you tickle liS, do we not
Storyteller must determjne the direction thi!.tale takes beyond
laugh ? If you poison liS, do we 110t die? and if yo11 wrong us,
shall we not revenge? its official conclusion in this product. Here arc some sugges-
tions, but do not feel constrained to use them. Feel free to come
- William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice
up with your own endings.
Michael Payne is ready for revenge. He learns through
• The fighting between the Garou and the Kindred could
Auspex that the characters were responsible for his wife's
continue rather than come to a truce. Reinforcements could be
murder (whether they were or not). When the characters least
brought in once the airport and train station reopen. The
expect it (but while they arc in Chicago), Michael Payne tries
fighting between the Garou and the Ki ndred could also spread
to run over the characters in his BMW. He leaps out and begins
to a national, or even a global level.
firing a .357 Magnum revolver at the characters; however, he
• The characters could decide to stay in Chicago. involving
has no silver bullets. He cries and grits his teeth in rage. This
themselves in restoring the Fanum and Garou power, and
is his final stand for his wife. whom he loved (and hated) very
possibly even competing with Leeches for control in mortal
areas where they lost intluence during the war.
• The characters could ally themselves with one of the
Leeches, such as Capone or Jackson. They could become
The outcome of the story for Pariah is up to you. Does the powerful agents of the Leeches. gaining grear power in their
pack stand up for him and speak well of him before the sept? own right.
The characters are the key to his reacceptance by the Garou. • The characters might take it upon themselves to usurp the
If accepted, Pariah weeps bloody tears of joy, but does not criminal organizations controlled by the Kindred. They nlight
join the sept. He will occasionally come to them to help them try to push Capone and/or Jackson out and take control for
out, but he is still overcome by his own nlisery. He seeks themselves.
Golconda in isolation. fearfu l of tainting his kind with the • The characters could be sent to track down the Sabbat of
Wyrm. He can become a continuing ally to the characters. and Chicago and make them pay for their manipulations. This

70 Under a Blood Red Moon

could lead to many stories, as the characters travel over the
game, feel free. If the Garou do not save the Jupiter Celestine,
country hunting Sabbat, or as the Sabbat begin their return to
the world will not end. It wi ll simply enter a much darker age,
an age where the chance of eventual Garou victory is far
• The characters might take up roles as teachers at the slimmer than before. The Apocalypse grows much closer
Fanum. This would bring them into contact with a great under a blood red moon.
number of strange e ntities and unusual experiences. Following
this course of action would allow for many diverse stories and
make them easy to work into the chronicle. rche Chapter for Kin~e~
• Some Black Spiral Dancers might remain in Chicago after
the retaking of the Fanum. The characters might undertake a
mission to seek out and kill all Black Spirals still in the city or The war with the Lupines has ended. The Masquerade held
on the outskirts of the city. - barely. So many Kindred were destroyed - what will
• Likewise, ce11ain Banes could remain in Chicago rather happen now? How will the vacuums which their losses created
than return to the Wyrmhole, forcing the characters to contend be filled, and by whom? Now is the time for the characters to
with a city full of Wyrm creatures. Trying to remain at peace feel the relief of renewed peace and the paranoia of the
with the vampires, while fighting the Wynn, would be a great continued Sabbat threat.
• The characters might decide to explore the Wyrmhole and Who Will OJe d'rince?
the tunnels leading to the mysterious Wyrm-humanoids who
Who is all-powelful should fea r everything.
destroyed Team Alpha.
- Pierre Corneille, "Cinna"
J/ ]upit£r Was Hot Save~ Lodin was destroyed in the war. What will happen now?
Which Kindred will assumecommandofChicago' s Camarilla?
To whom can / speak today? Will he or she be contested? What will unlife under the new
Gentleness has perished prince's rule be like? What will the new prince expect from the
And the violent man has come down on eve1yone. characters? All these questions can be answered only by you,
- The Man Who Was Tired of Life the Storyteller.
If the Garou fail to retake the Fanum, the Jupiter Celestine For the sake of convenience, Ballard is assumed to have
will continue to rage as a storm over Chicago for two more taken over the duties of the princedom. If you do not want
weeks. After this period, the storm breaks up, leaving hundreds Ballard to be prince, feel free to place the Kindred of your
of dead and massive amounts of property damage. The storm choice in control. Ballard has many enemies and no one
will break apart into a number of smaller storms that scatter expects him to be prince for very long anyway. Soon, another
throughout the world. The sto1ms will be noticeable for their power-hu ngry vampire will come along and remove him from
deep red clouds and massive amounts of thunder and lightning. office.
These lesser storms will carry the growing power of the
Wyrm. Wherever these storms are found, a large number of c"ower Struggles among the
Banes will not be far behind. The Garou will have their hands
full, since these storms never remain in one place for very long.
After a year or so, the storms will begin to lighten, and by The wind said
the end of the second year, they will dissipate. The Wyrm will You know I'm
have fully digested the power of the Jupiter Celestine. Shortly the result of
after the stonns dissipate, Deep Umbra Banes will begin to
forces beyond my control.
appear all over the world. These are new fighters in the war to
- A. R. Ammons, ''The Wide Land"
destroy Gaia. Also, studies of the planet Jupiter will reveal
unusually large exp losions, tectonic shifts, and a cooling of the Because of the great number of losses, it will take the
Camarilla months, if not years, to rebuild the level of control
planet's surface.
it had over the city. Only nights after the truce. new Kindred
The "official" event ended with the retaking of the Fanum;
begin entering the city to settle and construct their own power
this is assumed in Chicago by Night 2nd Edition, which
bases. How will this affect the war of the ages, and the war of
consolidates many of the plots and events in this story. How-
the Ancients?
ever, if you wish to go your own way in your Gothic-Punk

Chapter Five: Aftermath 71

everyone else in her coterie, will have their hands fuU facing
Not only are Camarilla Kindred interested in Chicago, but
down enemies, enforcing the Masquerade and the prince's
the Giovanni, the Sctitcs and the Sabbat all wish to establish
laws, and surviving conspiracies.
themselves in a city so long dominated by the supposedly weak
and ineffective Camarilla. In addition. many perceptive hunt-
ers have noticed the strange events transpiring in the Windy rche Chapter {or Sabbat
City. The streets are full of many dangerous new threats ...
If you are interested in all the changes to Chicago. you will Charaders
find them listed in C hicago by Night 2nd Edition . He harms himself who does harm to another. and the evil

rche Jyh~ of the Andents plan is most harmful to the planner.

- Hesiod, Works and Days
While Menele was not active in the war, his neutraJjty did The war is over for the Sabbat. The sect most likely failed
not spring from fear of the Garou. He was worried that it was in its attempts to destroy both the Garou and the Camarilla.
all a trap set up by Helena to be sprung on him if he or his Some of the scouts, including Wade and Rigaud, stay in
minions took aggressive action. He decided to wait it out and Crucago, but other Sabbat are forcefully asked to leave by
come back to pick up the pieces. Rigaud. This is a time of freedom for the Sabbat characters.
Unfortunately for Helena, she was forced to take action, Their mission is over. They are no longer under the command
wruch in tum led to the war itself. She believes Menele to have of Rigaud; what will they do?
launched the attacks on the Succubus Club and feels it may be
time to renew her war with him. Htission Outcome
This would be a good time to instigate fighting between
Give light, and darkness will disappear of itself
Helena's minions and Menele's minions over the positions of
- Erasmus. "In Praise of Folly"
power left vacant by destroyed Kindred. This power struggle
could eventually lead to full-scale war between the factions. The Sabbat is no longer united in Crucago. Wade and
Rigaud. who remained unseen through the entire war, assume
If tills is the case, how do the new Kindred in town react?
alternate identities and infiltrate the Camarilla. The characters
Will Menele awaken from torpor? Will the characters take
sides in the fighting? Wi II the Garou come to the aid ofMenele,
or remain neutral? All these questions and more must be
answered if you choose to renew the C hicago Jyhad.

cPossible Continuations
Under a Blood Red Moon can be extended in a number of
ways. depending upon the events that strike your interest.
• The war with the Lupines might not end peacef1tlly. New
Kindred might show up in Chicago, thirsting for the blood of
the werewolves. The fighting might even spread to other cities.
• The characters might be sent on a mission to discover the
extent of the Sabbat's infiltration of Chicago. This could lead
them to other cities, and more danger. as the Sabbat begins to
send agents back into Chicago.
• The characters (particularly Gangre l) may be sent to
infiltrate the Fan um. They could be sent to form an alliance, or
to take refuge with the Lupines. If this succeeds. they could be
useful spies for the Camarilla.
• The characters may attempt to increase their own i nfl uencc
in the city. This will be a good opportunity to seize control of
mortal institutions. The characters might even compete against
Capone and/or Jackson for control over criminal organiza-
• One of the characters might claim the title of prince. Will
she survive long enough to rule? If so. that character. and

72 Under a Blood Red Moon

were ordered to leave, but they might decide to stay since the
mission is over.
If the characters stay in Chicago, they may find themselves The game isn't over till it's over.
under scrutiny if they had been spotted by any Kindred before -Yogi Berra (attributed)
the war's end, especially if the characters were behaving While the Sabbat temporarily ended its scouting mission in
suspiciously. After a while, however, the characters should be Chicago when the truce was sealed. this does not mean the
able to infiltrate the anarchs of Chicago. story has to end here for the characters. In addition to the ideas
It is possible that other Sabbat, even ones the characters do ljsted above, there are other ways this story could continue.
not know about, infiltrate the Camarilla after the truce. when • The characters may be sent to discover if any of the Black
IGndred begin to pour into the city. Spirals survived, and to determine if they will be useful pawns
Within a year, tJ1e Sabbat re-establjshes itself in Chicago in the future.
stronger than before. By then, Rigaud and Wade may be in very • The characters might continue to act as scouts for the sect,
secure positions within the Camarilla. but without assuming alternate identities. They would serve as
liaisons between the undercover scouts and the bishop who
assigned them the position. They would occasionally be called
upon to assassinate enemies of the sect and to gather privileged

Chapter Five: Aftermath 73

74 Under a Blood Red Moon
Whensoever hostile aggressions ... require a resort to war,
we must meet our duty and convince the world that we are just
friends and brave enemies.
- Thomas Jefferson, "Letter to Andrew Jackson"

Ceneric Charader rcypes Attributes (Crinosform): Strength 6, Dexterity 4, Stamina

6, Charisma 2, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0. Perception 3.
The foll owing listings are meant to provide you with quick- Intelligence 2, Wits 3
reference, eal>y-to-use listings for enemies, and possibly allies, Attributes (Lupus form): Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stan1ina
of the characters. While it would be better to have unique 6, Charisma 2, Manipulation 0, Appearance 3, Perception 3,
statistics for all individuals. simple modification of the follow- Intelligence 2. Wits 3
ing typical character type!. should suit your needs. For all Abilities: If the werewolflives in a rural or wilderness area,
vampires listed by name within the story, it is preferable to use she will have the first set of Abilities; if he lives in Chicago.
their actual ~tatistics, provided in C hicago by Night. or some other city, she will have the second set of Abilities.
For Garou !.tats, refer to Werewolf: The Apocalypse. For (Country Werewolves): Aler1ness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3,
Black Spiral Dancer stats, refer to Book of the Wyrm. For Dodge I, Intimidation 2, Primal-Urge 3, Firearms I, Melee 2,
Kindred stats, refer to Vampire: The Masquerade, and for Stealth 2. Survival 2, Enigmas 2, Occult I, Ri tuals I
Sabbat stats. refer to The Players G uide to the Sabbat. (City W er ewolves): Alertness 2, Brawl2. Dodge I, Empa-
thy 2, Primal-Urge 1, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2, Drive I,
Average Werewolf Firearms 2, Repair I, Area Knowledge 2, Computer 2. Enig-
mas 2, Law I, Occult 2, Rituals I
Thi category includes all Garou of either first or second
Backgrounds: For each werewolf, choose one of the three
Rank. Garou of this type make up the majority of all the
following sets:
werewolves involved in the war.
Set One: Contacts I, Kinfolk I, Mentor 2, Pure Breed I.
Attributes(Homid form): Strength 2. Dexterity3.St<unina
Resources I
3. Charisma 2. Manipulation 2. Appearance 3. Perception 3,
Set Two: Kinfolk 2, Past Life 2. Rites 2
Intelligence 2. Wits 3
Set T hree: Contacts 3. Pure Breed I, Resources 2

Appendix One 75
Gifts: For each individual werewolf, choose four appropri- Chicago, or some other urban area, she will have the second set
ate to breed, tribe and auspice. I fRank 2, then choose one Rank of Abilities.
Two Gift in addition to the rest. (Coun try W er ewolves): Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl3,
Rage 4, Gnosis 4, Willpower 5 Dodge 2, Intimidation 2, Primal-Urge 4, Firearms 2, Melee 3,
Rank: I or2 Stealth 2, Survival 2, Enigmas 3, Occult 2, Rituals 3
W eapons: Each werewolf carries between one and three of (City W er ewolves): Alertness 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Empa-
the following weapons: Klaive, heavy pistol, heavy revolver, thy 3, Primal-Urge 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2, Drive 2,
submachine gun, shotgun. Firearms 3, Repair 2, Area Knowledge 3, Computer 3, Enig-
mas 3, Law 2, Occult 3, Rituals 3
lxperience~ Werewolf Back gr ounds: For each werewolf, choose one of the two
following sets:
These werewolves are above average in experience and
Set O n e: Allies 2, Contacts 3, Kinfolk 2, Mentor I , Pure
power. They have survived long enough to make it to Rank
Breed 2, Resources 2, Rites I
Three. They are about the toughest werewolves most vampires
Set Two: Contacts 2, Kinfolk 3, Past Life 3, Resources I,
will have the misfortune to meet.
Rites 3
Attributes (Homid form): Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3,
G ifts: For each individual werewolf, choose four Level
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelli-
One Gifts, two Level T wo Gifts and one Level Three Gift
gence 3, Wits 3
appropriate to breed, tribe and auspice.
Attributes (Crinos form): Strength 7, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6,
Rage 6, Gnosis 6, Willpower 7
Charisma 2, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0, Perception 4, Intelli-
gence 3, Wits 3 Rank: 3
Attributes (Lupus form): Strength 4, Dexterity 5. Stamina 6, W eapons: Each werewolf will carry one or two of the
Charisma 2, Manipulation 0, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelli- following weapons: Klaive, wooden stake, sword.
gence 3, Wits 3 Fetishes: Whatever you want them to have.
Abilities: If the werewolflives in a rural or wilderness area,
she will have the first set of Abilities; if she comes from Veteran Werewolf
These werewolves are very, very rare. Having survived
many hardships, these werewolves are Rank Four or Five.
They are usually leaders of their septs and packs. They are
often accompanied by other werewolves of Jesser rank.
Floyd "Hemlock" Moore, the Old One of the Raccoon Sept,
is an example of such a character.
Attributes (Homid form): Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4,
Chruisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelli-
gence 3, Wits 4
Attrib utes (Crinos form): Strength 8, Dexterity 4, Stamina 7,
Charisma 3, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0, Perception 4, Intelli-
gence 3, Wits 4
Attributes (Lupus form): Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 7,
Charisma 3, Manipulation 0, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelli-
gence 3, Wits 4
Abilities: If the werewolf comes from a rural or wilderness
area, she will have the first set of Abilities; if she lives in
Chicago, or some other urban area, she will have the second set
of Abilities.
(Country W er ewolves): Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 4,
Dodge 3, Intimidation 3, Primal-Urge 4, Firew.ms 3, Melee 4,
Stealth 3, Survival 4, Enigmas 4, Occult 3, Rituals 5
(City Werewolves): Alertness 3, Brawl3, Dodge 2, Empa-
thy 3, Primal-Urge 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3, Drive 2,
Firearms 3, Repair 3, Area Knowledge 4, Computer 4, Enig-
mas 4, Law 3, Occult 4, Rituals 5
Backgrounds: For each individual werewolf, choose one
of the following sets:

76 Under a Blood Red Moon

Set One: Allies 3. Contacts 5, J(jnfolk 3, Pure Breed 3,
Resources 3. Rites 2
Set Two: Allies I. Contacts 3, Kinfolk 4, Past Life 4, Pure
Breed I , Resources 2. Rites 4
G ifts: For each individual werewolf. choose five Level One
Gift . three Level Two Gifts. two Level Three Gifts, and one
Level Four Gift. If Rank 5. add one Level Four Gift and one
Level Five Gift.
Rage 6-9. Gno is 7, Willpower 9
Rank: 4to5
Weapons: Variable; some carry no weapons, while others
can be found carrying one or two of some type (either Klai ve,
sword or firem-m).
Fetishes : Whatever you want them to have.

Common Vampire
The youngest Kindred; none are over 50 years old and they
are generally 12th or 13th generation.
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 2,
Manipulation 3. Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 3,
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 2. Brawl 2, Dodge I,
Empathy 3. Ex pre sion l. lntimidation I, Streetwise 2, Subter-
fuge 2. Drive I. Etiquette I. Firearms 2, Security 1, Stealth 2.
Area Knowledge 2. Computer I, Law I, Occult 1
Backgrounds: For each individual vampire, choose one of
the following sets:
Set One: Allies I. Contacts 2, Herd 2, Resources I
Set Two: Contacts I, Herd I, Influence I, Mentor 2.
Resource~> I
Disciplines: For each vampire, choose one of the following
Set One: Auspex I, Dominate 2, Obfuscate I
Set T wo: Animalism I, Obfuscate 2, Potence 1
Set Three: Potence 2, Celerit y I, Presence I
Set Four: Dominate I, Fortitude I, Presence 2
Sabbat Set: Dominate 2, Obtenebration l , Vicissitude 2
Conscience 3. Self-Contro l 3, Courage 3 (Sabbat have
Humanity: 5 to I0 (Sabbat have I to 4 in a Path of
Enlightenment instead of a Humanity score),
Willpower : 7
Blood Pool (Max I Per T urn): I0/1 ( 1111 if 12th genera-
Weapons: They are temporarily carrying either a pistol or
revolver with silver bullets (one clip or cylinder only) or a
si lver-bladed knife, and possibly a shotgun or submachine
gun. If encountered in a group, only one of them will have the
silver weaponry.

Appendix One 77
lxperience~ Vampire
These vampires have usually been undead for 50 years or
longer. Though they may be much lower or higher in genera-
tion, they are usually ninth to 11th generation. They are very
common in Chicago, known for its large number of low-
generation Kindred.
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Charisma 2.
Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 3, Intelligence 4,
Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 2,
Empathy2. Expression 2, Intimidation 2. Streetwise 3. Subter-
fuge 3, Drive 2, Etiquette 2. Firearms 3, Melee I, Security 2,
Stealth 3, Area Knowledge 3, City Secrets 2. Computer 2,
Finance 2. Hi tory l, Kindred Lore 1, Linguistics I, Occult 2
Backgrounds: For each individual vampire. choo e one of
the following sets:
Set One: Allies 3. Contacts 4, Herd 3, Resources 2. Retain-
ers 1
Set Two: Allies 1, Contacts 2, Herd I. Influence 2. Re-
sources 3, Retainers 2, Status 2
Disciplines: For each individual vampire. choose one of the
following sets:
Set One: Potence 2, Animalism I, Obfuscate 2. Thaumaturgy 3
(Lure of the Aames 2, Movement of the Mind I )
Set Two: Auspex 3, Celerity I, Obfuscate I, Presence 3
Set Three: Celerity 2, Fortitude I, Potence 2, Protean 3
Set Four: Auspex I, Dominate 2, Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 2,
Presence I
Sabbat Set: A uspex I , Dominate 2, Fortitude I ,
Obtenebration 2. Vicissitude 3
Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 3 (Sabbat have
Humanity: 4 to 8 (Sabbat have equivalent in a Path of
Willpower: 8
Blood Pool (Max I Per Turn): 12/1 , 13/1 or l4n
Weapons: They temporarily carry some type of pistol or
revolver with silver bullets (one clip or cylinder only) or a
silver-bladed knife, and possibly a submachine gun. If encoun-
tered in a group, onJy one or two of them will have the silver

0~ Vampire
These Leeches have been around for some time (or they
have committed diablerie up the ladder), and are of seventh or
eighth generation.
Attributes: Strength 3,'Dexterity 4, Stamina4, Charisma 3,
Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 4.
A bilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 2. Brawl 3, Dodge 3.
Empathy J, Expression 2, Intimidation 4, Streetwise4, Subter-
fuge 4, Etiquette 3, Firearms 3, Melee 2, Security 3. Stealth 3.

78 Under a Blood Red Moon

Area Knowledge 4. Bureaucracy 2, City Secrets 4 , Finance 3,
History 2. Kindred Lore 2. Law 2, Linguistics 2. Occult 3,
Politics 2
Backgrounds: For each individual vampire, choose one of
the following ets:
Set One: Allie 3. Contacts 5. Herd 4. Resources 3, Retain-
ers 2. Statu 2
Set Two: Contacts 3. Herd 2. Influence 3, Resources 4,
Retainers 4. Status 3
Disciplines: Fo r each individual vampire,chooseoneofthe
following sets:
Set One: Auspex 3, Dominate 4, Fortitude I, Obfuscate 2,
Thaumaturgy 3 (Movement of the Mind 2, The Lure of Flames 3)
Set Two: Aninnalism 4. Auspex I, Obfuscate 4, Potence 2,
Fortitude 2
Set Three: Auspex 3, Dominate 3, Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 2,
Set Four: Celerity 2. Dominate 2, Obfuscate 1, Potence 2,
Presence 2, Protean 4
Sabbat Set: Animalism I. Auspex 2, Dominate 2, Fortitude I,
Obtenebration 3. Potence I. Vicissitude 4
Con cience 3. Self-Control 4. Courage 2 (Sabbat have
Huma nity: 2 to 6 (Sabbat have 7 to 9 in a Path of
W illpower: 9 to I0
Blood Pool (Max I Per Turn): 15/3 or 20/5
W eapons: They seldom carry weapons, but their guards are Knowledge 3, Computer 2. Finance 2, Investigation 2, Kindred
highly am1ed; orne may carry silvered swords, or heavy Lore 2, Law I, Medicine 3. Occult 3, Science 2
pistols with silver bullets (one full clip each). Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Mentor 2, Resources 2
Disciplines: Potence I
Hew Sabbat (}?eauit Conscience 3. Self-Control 4, Courage 4
Humanity: 7
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 2,
Manipulation I, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, WiUpower: 6
Wits 3 Blood Pool (Max I Per Turn): I0/ 1
Abilities: Aler1ness 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Intimidation I, Weapons: Probably a pistol. revolver, or submachine gun/
Street wise I. Firearms I, Me lee I, Stealth 2 repeating shotgun.
Backgrounds: none
Disciplines: One dot in any one Sabbat-known Discipline rcypical rDog Chouls
Callousne s 2. Instincts 2. Morale 3 Attributes: Strength 4. Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Perception 3,
Path of Enlightenment Ra ting: one point in any path Intelligence I. Wits 3
Willpower : 3 Abilities: Alertness 3. Athletic 2. Brawl 3. Dodge 3,
Blood Pool (Max I Per T urn): lOll Primal-Urge 3. Stealth I
W eapons: Some type of revolver or pistol (no silver Disciplines: Potence I
bullets). Willpower: 6

l'[ypical Human Chouls l'[ypical Human Cuar~s

Attributes: Strength 3. Dexterity 3. Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 2,
Manipulation I. Appearance 3. Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Manipulation 2. Appearance 2. Perception 3, Intelligence 2,
Wits2 Wits3
Abilities: Alertness 2. Brawl3, Dodge 2, Streetwise I, Animal
Ken I. Drive 4. Firearms 4, Melee 3, Repair 3, Security 2, Area

Appendix One 79
Abilities: AJertness2, Brawi2,Dodge2, Empathy I,Streetwise
I, Animal Ke n I, Drive 2, Firearms 3. Re pair I, Security 2, Stealth
I, Investigation 2, Law 2, Police Procedure I
Backgrounds : Allies 4, Contac ts 2, Mentor 2, Resources 2
Conscience 3, Self-Control 4. Courage 4
Willpower: 5 to 8
Weapons: A revolver or pistol (maybe with s ilver bullets,
depending on whom they g uard), a submachine g un, a repeat-
ing shotgun, and/or a silver-bladed sword or dagger.

rche ttkrewolves
The following are descriptions of the vario us werewolves
who take part in this story. To kee p the material easy to use, the
statistics for the typical werewolf of equivalent rank should be
used. Each individual characte r listing includes which sets of
Gifts, etc., are those of the c haracter, along with a ny impo11ant
changes from the gene ric statistics.

rche Sept of Jupiter

The following Garou survive the Black Spirals' assault on
the Fanum. Some of them may or may not s urvive the war with
the Kindred. All (except Gentle Brook) have the Abilities of
City Werewolves, except they all have a 4 or 5 in Occult and
at least 4 in Enigmas. In addition to whatever Background set
they choose, they all have Kinfolk 3 or better and Resources 3
or better.

Anna "lyes-o/-the-5un'' cPel{rey

RarJk 5, Uktena Galliard, Homid (Veteran City We rewolf)
Anna was once an assistant district attorney. Afte r discov-
e ring her Garou heritage, she immersed herself in her tribe's
c ulture and learned quickl y. She is loved and respected, and no
one is more trusted by the sept members. She is disliked by
many leaders outside the sept, with whom she avoids dealing.
Anna has higher Mental Attributes tha n those listed; she
also has Expression 4, Pe rforn1ance 3, Spirit Lore 3, Law 5,
Linguistics4, Occult 5 and Rituals5. Her Backgrounds include
AIJies 5, Contacts 5, Influence 3, Kinfolk 5, Past Life 5, Pure
Breed 3, Resources 3 and Retainers 5. Her fetishes include:
Boots of the Stag (which g rant the Gifts Speed ofThought and
Leap of the Kangaroo) and a set of Sanctuary Chimes.
Her Gifts include: Persuasio n, Cocoon, Ass imilation, Beast
Speech, Dreams peak, Eyes of the Cobra, Sense Magic, Shroud,
Spirit of the Bird, Call Flame Spirit, Call Elemental, Fetish
Doll, Fabric of the Mind.

Hfichael ''cPeers-at-5ou~' Charneco

Rank 4, StargazerTheurge, Homid (Veteran City Werewolf)
Michael was o nce a mechanic working in a famil y-owned
garage. Whe n he turned 15, he was abducted by his tribe and
take n to Chicago, where he was taught the ways of the Garou.
He is a faithful and talented protector of the Mother. He always
se1ves the best interest of the sept. but he strives for the greater

80 Under a Blood R ed Moon

goals on all occasions. He is a restless dreamer. His Garou !ee
name comes from his unusual talent of staring right through a
Rank 3, Uktena Ahroun, Homid (Experienced City
person, in effect giving all at whom he stares in a social
situation two fewer dice on their Social Rolls for the scene.
Lee is a former drug dealer and gang member. He was
His wolf form is sleek and bluish-black. The ears are slightly
larger than normal. He has higher-than-average Social Attributes. abducted by the Garou at age 14 and was rehabilitated. He has
In addition to the Abilities listed, he has Leadership 5, Melee 5, discovered what it means to be part of a family, and has learned
Repair4,Meditation 2 and Spirit Lore4. His Backgrounds include respect and honor. He will step to the front in any battle. He is
Allies 2, Influence 2, Kinfolk 5, Past Life 4, Pure Breed 4 and disliked by many for his harsh, but truthful speech. He is as
tough as they come and he will prove it without a second's
Resources 4. His only fetish is a Silver Sword.
His Gifts include: Persuasion, Smell of Man, Sense Wynn.
Name the Spirit, Command Spirit, Exorcism, Pulse of the Lee has higher Physical Attributes than those listed. In
addition to the Abilities listed, he has Brawl 5, Firearms 5,
Invisible, Spirit Drain, Balance, Inner Strength and Ultimate
Melee 3, Security 4, Weaver Lore 2 and Investigation 3. He has
Argument of Logic.
a couple of fetishes, including: a Stick Figure of the Wendigo
trorrana "Creen H1age'' Creene (which grants him various Gifts of the Wendigo tribe, usable
once per day) and a Monkey Puzzle. He also has a number of
Rank 4, Uktena Philodox, Homid (Veteran City Werewolf) talens.
The Green Mage was an ordinary kid from a middle-class His Gifts include: Jam Technology, Staredown, Razor
suburban family living outside Nashville, Tennessee. He was Claws, Sense Silver, Spirit of the Fray, Silver Claws, Shroud
abducted at age 12 and taken to the Fanum. He is well respected and Spirit of the Bird.
for his power, but some do not trust him, as he dabbles in non-
traditional magics. Besides his teaching duties, he also oversees Luther "Stepsh~" Lynch
the sept's fmances.
Rank 2, Uktena Theurge, Homid (Average City Werewolf)
The Green Mage has higher Mental Attributes than those
listed, but slightly lower Physical and Social Attributes. In Luther Lynch went away to divinity school right after
addition to the Abilities listed, he has Fo1tune Tellino 3' graduating high school. His parents had just divorced and it
Hypnotism 5, Leadership 2, Anthropology 3, Enigmas 5, proved tough staying home. Luther turned to the Bible to help
Finance 5, Leech (Kindred) Lore 4 and Linguistics 3. His him through his hard times. He stayed in school until funding
Backgrounds include Allies 1, Contacts 2, Kinfolk 3, Pure was cut back and the university revoked his scholarship. He
never went back home, but instead wandered the West Coast
Breed 4 and Resources 4. He has several fetishes.
as a beach bum and surfer. One night as he sat on the beach, a
His Gifts include: Reshape Object, Resist Pain, Truth of
van pulled up and some guys jumped out and grabbed him -
Gaia, Call to Duty, Wisdom of the Ancient Ways, Sense
these "guys" were Garou of the Uktena tribe. Luther learned of
Magic, Shroud, Spirit of the Bird, Invisibility and Hand of the
his Garou heritage and became a useful member ofthe Fanum
Earth Lords. He also has Thaumaturgy 1.
staff. Though he is somewhat introverted, he teaches mythol-
CoOeen "Shamisd' 'Jetner ogy, comparative religions and hypnotism. He is highly
respected but many fear that he is close to Harano.
Rank 3, Children of Gaia Ragabash, Homid (Experienced Luther has higher-than-average Physical Attributes and
City Werewolf) lower-than-average Social Attributes. In addition to the Abili-
Shamisa is an irresponsible, but loved member of the sept. ties listed, he has Firearms 4, Expression 3, Hypnotism 5,
She spends most of her time traveling the world, but she was Melee 2, Mythology 3, Theology 4 and Wyrm Lore 3. His
home when the Fanum was besieged. She tries to serve her Backgrounds include Allies 4, Contacts 5 (including some
sept, but dislikes fighting. She enjoys seducing homids and is mages), Kinfolk 5, Past Life 3 and Resources 2. He has a
known to be a thrill-seeker; she loves bungie jumping, moun- Lodestone of Insight (if the wielder scrawls two choices into
tain climbing and skydiving. the dirt and holds the stone above the two choices, the stone will
Shamisa has higher-than-average Social Attributes. She has be attracted to the one with the most potential success). He also
Athletics 5, Dancing 3, Expression 4, Seduction 3, Meditation 5 has numerous talens, but none are very powerful.
and Occult 4 in addition to the other Abilities. Her Backgrounds His Gifts include: Persuasion, Sense Wyrm, Mother's Touch
includeAllies5, Contacts3, Influence I, Kinfolk2, Past Life I and and Sight From Beyond.
Resources 3.
Her Gifts include: Jam Technology, Staredown, Blur of the Centle OJrook
Milky Eye, Blissful Ignorance, Gremlins. Mother's Touch, Rank 2, Children of Gaia Theurge, Lupus (Average Coun-
Calm, Dazzle and Serenity. try Werewolf)
Gentle Brook was born a wolf in the Northwest Territories
of Canada. Unfol1Lmately, her entire pack was destroyed by a
farmer who left them a poisoned carcass. Gentle Brook wan-
Appendix One 81
de red south and was eventually captured by tJ1e Wendigo tribe, seek out those of the Fanum and prove his heritage to them. He
who traded her to the Sept ofJupiter in exchange foroneoftheir did so. and soon became a valued member of the Sept of
own. She now teaches herbalism at the Fanum. Jupiter. He can be arrogant and domineering, but is usually
Gentle Brook believes her brother is still alive because he very pleasant. tnllhful and polite. His medical knowledge has
left the pack shortly before it was destroyed. She strongly proven very beneficial. and despite giving up a million-dollar-
believes he is al o Garou. so she actively searches for him in a-year practice, he is much happier now and suffers Harano far
her free time. less often than before.
Gentle Brook is deeply interested in faeries. and is the Simon has higher-than-average Mental Attributes. In addi-
Fanum ·sexpert in the fi eld. She wishes to travel to Arcadia one tion to the Abilities listed. he has Medicine 5. Meditation 5,
day. and she is willing to trade almost anything for the Science 4. Biology 3 and Literature 3. His Backgrounds
privilege. She is respected and liked for her common sense and include Allies I. Contacts 2. Pure Breed 2 and Resources4. He
friendly. outgoing personality. has an Umbraphone and a Spirit Tracer.
She has higher-than-average Social Attributes. In addition His Gifts include: Smell of Man. Blur of the Milky Eye,
to the Abilities listed, she has Etiquette 2, Herbalism 3, Sense Magic and Shroud.
Performance (dancing) 4. Faerie Lore 4 and Sewer Lore I. Her
Backgrounds include Kinfolk 4, Past Life 2, Pure Breed 3 and lthok run-Hearts
Resources 2. Her fetishes include a Talisman of the Cat, which Rank I, Children of Gaia Ahroun, Lupus (Average City
allows her to turn into an ordinary house cat three times a day. Werewolf)
Her Gifts include: Heightened Senses, Scent of Sight, Sense Ethok was born to a wolf pack in non hem Wisconsin. He
the Unnatural. Spirit Speech, Mother's Touch and Calm. was tagged for study by a group of zoologists. One day. one of
the zoologists, a Kinfolk of Chicago' s Children of Gaia, saw
Kimberly "rDaytripper" H1yers Ethok make his first transformation. He contacted his tribe and
Rank 2, Children of G aia Gal liard, Homid (Average City they came immediately. While Ethok is actually a Get ofFenris
Werewolf) by birth. he docs not know it. as he wa raised among the
Daytripper wa rdised by Deadheads and followed the Children of Gaia. He teaches self-defense at theFanum. where
Grateful Dead around for years. She grew up in an open he is very well-liked by his students. He loves human society
lifestyle. free from the constraints placed on most children. and likes to date humans.
This gave her a strong imagination and a sense of adventure. Ethok has high Physical Attributes. His Perception i 2. He
Unfortunately. her parents had a terrible car wreck: they are has the Abilities of a Country Werewolf. despite being a City
now in comas. (She still sees them on the weekends and the
Sept of Jupiter foots the bill for their care.)
Shortly after her parents· accident, she was recruited by the
Fanum. She teaches astrology and spiritualism at the Fanum.
She has lower-than-average Physical Attributes. In addition
to the Abilities listed, she has Athletics 3, Expression 3,
Primal-Urge 3, Stealth 3, Astrology 4 and Spirit Lore 3. Her
Backgrounds include A II ies 4, Contacts 2, Kinfolk 5, Past Life
3 and Resources I. She has a Belt of Banshee's Hair, which
slows her aging process by half as long as she wears it.
Her Gifts include: Persuasion, Beast Speech, Call of the
W yld, Mindspeak and Luna's Armor.

Simon "(])odJJr'' Vosk

Rank I, Uktena Ragabash. Homid (Average CityWerewolf)
Simon's father was an agent for the Bureau of Indian
Affairs; his mother died before he could get to know her.
Simon lived with his father and proved to be a model son. He
graduated at the top of his class and went on to Harvard
Medical School. After graduating. he became a leader in laser
technology. However, life was not so grand for Simon- he
suffered Harano often and no amount of psychoanalysis did
him any good. He had a heart attack at age 43, followed by a
near-death experience. During it. he saw his mother fort he first
time; she had been an Uktena of the Fanum. She told him he
had to return and finish what he was meant to do - he had to

82 Under a Blood Red Moon

Werewolf. He also has Brawl 5, Streetwise 2, Melee 3 and even she is uncertain of how she would react if faced with
Security 4. His Backgrounds include Contacts 2, Pure Breed 5 betrayal or death.
and Resources 2. His only fetish is a Fang Dagger. Kelly has higher-than-average Social Attributes. In addi-
His Gifts include: Heightened Senses, Leap of the Kanga- tion to the Abilities listed, she has Intimidation 3, Intrigue 3,
roo, The Falling Touch and Mother's T ouch. Etiquette4, Leadership 3, Performance (flute) 3, Style3, Spirit
Lore 3 and Area Knowledge 3. Her Backgrounds include
Oii/ly H1abson Allies I, Contacts 5, Influence 2, Kinfolk 5, Past Life 2, Pure
Breed I and Resources 3. She has a Phoebe's Veil and a
Rank I, Uktena Philodox, Metis (Average City Werewolf)
Billy was raised in a small town in Minnesota. He was a
Her Gifts include: Persuasion, Jam Teclmology, Spirit
good kid who lived a very plain life. His scrawny size brought
Ward, Sense Wyrm, Spirit Speech, Name the Spirit, Com-
him some chiding from friends and bullies, but this did not
mand Spirit, Exorcism, Control Complex Machine, Elemental
bother him too much. He did not know it at fiTst, but he later
Favor and Atrunement.
learned that both h:is parents were Garou who were cast out of
their sept for their forbidden love. One rught, a van containing Chris "(])reamlaugher" Vann
a Sabbat War Party showed up; these vampires killed his
parents, but Billy managed to escape. He had no relatives, but Rank 3, Glass Walker Ragabash, Homid (Experienced City
knew of the Fanum, since his parents had been members of it. Werewolf)
Having nowhere else to go, he traveled to the Fanum. The Sept Chris' father died before he was born, or at least that is what
of Jupiter, after hearing his story, accepted him as one of their he was told. Until the age of 15, he lived with his uncle, who
own. He now teaches meditation, Zen and archery at the was a stage magician. One night while he was asleep, a group
Fanum. of Glass Walkers sneaked into his room and abducted him. He
He has higher-than-average Physical Attributes and lower- finds life as a Garou enjoyable, but feels sorry for his uncle. He
than-average Social Attributes. His metis deformjty is small has yet to go back and face him, since he has no idea what to
size: he stands just under four feet in Homjd form, and he is say. He survived the vampires' Blood Hunt by moving around
only five feet tall in Crinos (thus he has no "Hurt" Health a good bit during the day. He has no great dislike for vampires,
Level). In addition to the Abilities listed, he has Dodge 3, and only wishes the war to be over quickly.
Meditation 4, Zen 4 and Archery 5. His Backgrounds include He has higher-than-average Physical Attributes and lower-
Allies l, Contacts 2, Kinfolk 5, Past Life 3 and Resources 2. He than-normal Mental Attributes. In addition to the Abilities listed,
has a Monkey Puzzle and several talens. he has Secmity 5, Stealth 4, Escapology 3. Linguistics 3 and
llis Gifts includ!e: Create Element, Resist Pain, Scent of the Psychology2. His Backgrounds include Allies4, Kinfolk l, Pure
Breed 3, Resources 2 and Rites I. He has a Ring of the Donkey
True Form and ShJ"oud.
(allows him to do three extra dice of damage in all Brawl attacks
rche Urrah of Chicago when he attempts to kick his prey), along with several talens.
His Gifts include: Persuasion, Disquiet, Blur of the Milky
The following city Garou are not members of any sept, but Eye, Open Seal, Blissful Ignorance, Gremlins, Control Simple
they have been targeted by the Leeches and must take part in Machine, Cybersenses and Power Surge.
the war. There are others besides these, but they may be
developed as needed. Few of them will survive the war (])oris "iJirefly" Sutton
anyway. Rank 2, Glass Walker Philodox, Homid (Average City

Kelly "Weaver-/rien~' cPatterson Werewolf)

Do1is was a taxi driver before she knew she was Garou. One-
Rank 4, Glass Walker Theurge, Homid (Veteran City night, some strange individuals got into her cab and forced her
Werewolf) to go with them. She soon found out she was a member of the
Kelly was born in Chicago to a rich famj ly. She went to all Glass Walkers. She has had difficulty adjusting to life as a
the best schools and alJ the best parties. A spoiled child, she got werewolf, and finds it hard to believe in wizards and vampires.
everything she wanted. One day while she was in junior high, However, when the Blood Hunt was called, she found that
she was kidnapped after school by Glass Walkers. Her mother van1pires were all too real. She was in a restaurant with two
kept it out of the papers and out of police hands, since she had other Glass Walkers when several Leeches m shed into the
been the one to breed with the werewolf. Her father became place and blew away her two friends with silver bullets. She
convinced of her safety relatively easily, since he did not really somehow managed to escape through the back alleyway. Since
care about her anyway. Kelly fit in well among the Garou of the that incident, she has become a much harder and more bmtal
city, and soon proved to be a capable commander of spirits and individual. She views the present conflict as true and unemo-
a strong leader. She is now leader of Chicago's Glass Walkers. tional war.
She is surprised she has survived so long while so many others Doris has Strength 5, but otherwise average Attributes.
have fallen. She takes her leadership role very seriously, but In addition to the Abilities li sted. she has Intimidation 5,

Appendix One 83
Primal- Urge 4, Drive 4 , Me lee 3. Spirit Lore 2 and Area with the tribe hard at first, but she overcame her desire to return
Knowledge 4. Her Backgrounds include Contacts 5, Kin- home. She is called Cowboy because of her death-defying
folk 2 , Past Life l a nd Resources I. She has no feti shes. nature; she faces everything head-on, and this startles many
He r Gifts include: Staredown, Spirit Speech, Name the opponents. She is ve ry honorable, kind, and gentle, but she has
Spirit, Command Spirit and Power Surge. no use for cowards.
Unis has higher-than-average Physical and Social Attributes.
Crace In addition to the Abilities listed, she has Brawl4, Expression
Rank 1, Glass Walker Ahroun, Homid (Average City 5 (drawing), Primal-Urge 4, Leadership 3, Panhandling 3,
Werewolf) Sleight of Hand 5, Area Knowledge 4, Investigation 2 and
Literature 2. Her Backgrounds include Contacts 5, Past Life 4
Grace was a bad child who spent many years in homes for
and Kinfolk 3. She has several talens and a Spirit Whistle.
juvenile delinquents. She went to prison at age 18, where she
took up witchcraft. S he still practices the occult. She also deals He r Gifts include: Smell of Man, Jam Technology, Reshape
drugs, though none of the other Glass Walkers know this. She Object, Beast Speech, Mindspeak, Call of the Wyrm, Distrac-
loves the night life of Chicago and misses clubbing, especially tions, Song of Rage, Cooking and Odious Aroma.
visiting the Succubus Club. She remai ns very tough, secretive
a nd obnoxious.
Hiatt ''aottle-Hose'' O>anoick
She ha<> higher-than-average Mental Att:Jibutes. In addition to Rank 2, Bone Gnawe r Ahroun, Homid (Average City
the Abilities listed, she has Leadership I, Stealth 3. Occult 4, Leech We re wolf)
(Kindred) Lore 3 and Law 2. Her Backgrounds include Allies 3, Matt was raised on the streets of Chicago and never knew
Contacts 4, Mentor 3, Pure Breed I and Resources 2. He r only his parents. He used to burglarize homes, but was eventually
fetish is a Monkey Puzzle. captured by the Bone Gnawers. At first he was very happy,
He r Gifts include: Pe rs uasio n, Razor Claws, Inspiration, feeling at home with the tribe, until he saw other tribes who
The Falling Touch and Control S imple Machine. lived much more luxurious ly and who had far greater prestige.
He now hates being a Bone Gnawer and wishes to join the
Hekko, "Lucky" Uktena, but he does not know if it can be done, or how he will
Rank 3. Bone Gnawer The urge, Lupus (Experienced City be treated if he does. He is a sociopath who puts himself before
Werewolf) everyone else, and though he still tries to get along with the
o ther Bone Gnawers, he finds them weak and stupid.
Hekko was born in the Lincoln Park Zoo, but was soon freed
Matt has lowe r-than-ave rage Mental Attributes and higher-
by the Bone Gnawers. His first decision as a Bone Gnawer was
to release all the wolves at the zoo, including his mothe r, back than-average Physical Attributes. In addition to the Abilities
into the wild. It proved a stupid mistake; all were eithe r killed listed, he has Brawl4, Dodge 4, Intimidation 4, Streetwise 5,
or returned to the zoo within weeks. His mother died. He Firearms 4, Leadership 2 and Mechanics 3. His Backgrounds
suffers Haranooften because of this, but otherwise shows little include Kinfolk 2, Past Life 3, and Pure Breed 1. He has no
emotion. He never gets e xcited, mad or even nervous. He has fetishes.
seen it all a nd is ready for anything, even war. He is called His Gifts include: Persuasion, Inspiration, The Falling
"Lucky" because he always gets the best food, and because he To uch, Sense S iIver, Spirit of the Fray, True Fear and Scent of
seems to have the protection of someone or something. He was Sweet Honey.
once attacked by a gang of anarchs, but they were all destroyed
before they could hut1 him, when their car blew up. Eve n he
Lamar "Hee~/es'' Craham
does not know why he is so lucky, but he is happy he is - it Rank 2, Bone Gnawer Philodox, Homid (Average City
is why he has survived the Leeches' Blood Hunt. Werewolf)
He has lower-than-average Social and Mental Attributes. In Lamar was raised by a family of blue-collar workers with
addition to the Abilities listed, he also has Athletics 4, Empathy 5, strong values. He was abducted in his teens and passed the Rite
Panhandling 3, Scrounging 2, Sewer Lore 3, Area Knowledge 4, of Passage with ease. He continues to raise rabbits as pets for
Enigmas 4 and Occult 3. His Backgrounds include Allies 3, orphans and gives much of his small income to the poor. He is
Contacts5 and PastLife3. He has a Hrumony Fluteanda Baneskin. still very pious, but he loves being a Garou and has embraced
His Gifts include: Heighte ned Se nses. Catfeet, Sense W yrm. Garou beliefs. He hopes to lead the Bone Gnawers of Chicago
Spirit Speech, M other's T ouch, Name the Spirit, Command o ne day. Every action he takes is for the good of the tribe and
Spirit, Coo king, Scent of Sweet Honey and Gift of the Skunk. the good of Garou in general.
Lamar has average Attributes. In addition to the Abilities
Unis "Cowboy'' Smith listed, he has Animal Ken 4, Expression 4, Scrounging 4 ,
Rank 3. Bone Gnawer Galliru·d. Homid (Ex perienced City Streetwise 4, Stealth 3, Area Knowledge 5 and Sewer Lore 1.
Werewolf) His Backgrounds include Allies 3, Contacts 2, Kinfolk 3 and
Unis lived in a middle-class fami ly until the age of eight. Resources I. He has a Fang Dagger.
when s he was kidnapped by the Bone Gnawers. S he found life

84 Under a Blood Red Moon

His Gifts include : Smell of Man, Resist Pain, Call to Duty ended since he became a leader. He is the main negotiator with
and Cooking. the vampires and also settles disputes between the Sept of

rche Sept of the Win~ Catchers Jupiter and the Sept of the Wind Catchers.
Peter has higher-than-average Social Attributes. In addition
to the Abilities listed, he has Diplomacy 2, Empathy 4,
The following are prominent members of the Wind Catcher
Expression 4 (oratory), Intimidation 4, Intrigue 3, Subterfuge
Sept. There are others in the sept, but they do not take an active
role. You may develop the other characters as you see fit. 4, and Etiquette 4 . His backgrounds include Contacts 5,
Kinfolk 4, Pure Breed 5 and Resources 3. He has a Coat of the
Cnuris One-lye Lion, which allows him to assume a lion form at will. The form
is equal to his Lupus form, but with +2 Strength and + I
Rank 5, Get of Fenris, Ahroun, Lupus (Veteran Country
Dexterity in addition to any bonuses granted by the Lupus
Garou) fonn.
Gnuris is very old. He was born a wolf in Germany during the
His Gifts include: Persuasion, Staredown, Call of the Wyld,
1920s. He stayed in Germany until Hitler rose to power, after Mindspeak, Distractions, Eye of the Cobra, Shadows by the
whichhe andhis packmovedtoSpaintoescapetheWynn.Gnuris'
Fire Light, Resist Toxins, Glib Tongue, Howl of the Banshee,
packmates were all killed during the 1950s in a battle with Black
Faerie Kin, Phantasm and Balor's Gaze.
Spirals. Afterward, he traveled to America to make a fresh start,
since he had no desire to return to Germany. After proving his
intentions, he was accepted into the Sept of the Wind Catchers.
rche Leibers of the Legion
Over the years he has slowly acquired more power and responsi- The followi ng Garou are not from the Chicago area, but they
bility. He is now the strongest leader in the sept. TI1ough he is are key fi gures in the war. There are other leaders. but the
respected, the respect comes more out of fear than love. He is a characters are not likely to be in contact with them, so they may
harsh disciplimuian, punishing all who break the mles of the sept be developed as needed.
and the Litany. On the other hand, he has proven to be an
outstanding leader dwing the war. K.ulos Haif-trongue
He has higher-than-average Physical Attributes and lower- Rank 5, Silver Fang Galliard, Lupus (Veteran Country
than-average Social Attributes. In addition to the Abilities Werewolf)
listed, he has Athletics 4, Intimidation 5, Game Playing 2,
Kulos was born to a wolfhound in Virginia. He was raised
Leadership 4, Linguistics 3, Leech (Kindred) Lore 2 and
as a wolfhound by his lupus mother. When she died, his Garou
Tactics 4. His Backgrounds include Allies 3, Contacts 5, brethren came and took him away to Milwaukee. He soon
Influence 1, Kinfolk 4, Pure Breed 2 and Resources 2. His teamed ofGarou society and its battle with tl1e Wyrm, some-
fetishes include a Mask of the Owl, which grants the ability to
thing his mother had never taught him. At first, he was
see in absolute darkness (including Obtenebration), and
depressed and wondered how his mother could have concealed
"Bastard's Son," an ancient iron sword containing a spirit
his raison d'etre from him. Eventually, however, he came to
which curses anyone hit by it, causing the victim to suffer
accept that she did it out of love.
rotten luck for months.
He threw himself into every banle and fought the Wyrm's
His Gifts include: Heightened Senses, Sense the Unnatural,
minions in hundreds of fights. He became widely known for
Elemental Gift, Razor Claws, Inspiration, The Falling Touch,
his cunning, loyalty, honor, keen mind, sensibility and cour-
Silver Claws, Stoking Fury's Furnace, Strength ofWill, Resist
age. He eventually rose to lead a small sept. However, his sept
Pain, Snarl of the Predator, Might of Thor, Hero's Stand,
was destroyed by Black Spiral Dancers and fomori agents of
Horde of Valhalla and Fenris' Bite. Pentex. He is now obsessed with destroying the Black Spirals,
cPeter II"Walk-with-Lionsll Lawrence Pentex, and every other minion of the Wyrm.
Kulos has higher-than-average Physical and Mental At-
Rank 4, Fianna Galliard, Homid (Veteran City Werewolf) tributes. In addition to the Abilities listed, he has Alertness 5,
Peter was raised in a fami ly ofKinfolk who were close to the BrawlS, Empath y 4, Expression (sculpting) 5, Intimidation 5,
sept. He knew Garou at a very earl y age and he passed the Rite Etiquette 2, Leadership 5, Anthropology 4 and Leech (Kjn-
of Passage at the age of nine. Once he reached adulthood, he dred) Lore 3. His Backgrounds include Allies 2, Contacts 3,
went into public office as a member of the city council ; Kinfolk 5, Pure Breed 3, Past Life 4 and Resources 2. His
however, it only took him one term to realize just how much feti shes include a Cloak of Midnight (which grants him the
control the Leeches held over human society. He instead began Shroud Gift, usable at will), a Fang Dagger and a Pouch of
to take an interest in sept affairs and became the leading Spirit Medicine (which grants the Mother's Touch Gift).
spokesperson for the sept in all non-combat-related activities, His Gifts include: Heightened Senses, Scent of Sight, Sense
including animal protection. the Unnatural, Beast Life, Elemental Gift, Song of the Great
He is a perfectionist and an extremely neat dresser. He has Beast, Mindspeak. Song of Rage, Bridge Walker, Lambent
connections to the fRA through his father's side of the fami ly, Flame, Sense Wyrm. Luna's Armor, Awe, Wrath of Gaia,
and he once made frequent trips to Ireland, but those trips have Mastery and Luna's Avenger.

Appendix One 85
"Saint" Sebastian Kroyos normal life in Detroit. Michigan. When she turned 17. how-
ever, she was abducted by Black Furies. She soon learned she
Rank 5. Shadow Lord Philodox. Homid (Veteran City
was Garou. She loved her new li fe. since it gave her purpose.
She loves to kill vampires. She is a troublem aker. but a loyal
Sebastian is a very old and tough Garou. He was born the son pack leader. She prefers her human nature and loves the night
of a rich land baron in the Midwest. He discovered his heritage life of big cities.
during his teens. but never joined a sept until he moved to
Elzbeth has higher-than-average Social and Mental At-
Milwaukee. Other Shadow Lords discovered Sebastian (who
tributes. In addition to the Abilities listed. she has Athletics 3,
was really born a Black Fury) and gave him the Rite of Passage.
Brawl S, Dodge4. Primal-Urge 4. Subterfuge 3. Leadership 3.
Sebastian successfull y completed the Rite and became a full Melee 3, Leech (Kindred) Lore 3. Rituals 2 and Astronomy I.
member of their pack. Sebastian soon inherited a fortune when
Her Backgrounds include Allies I. Contacts 2, Ki nfolk 3, Past
his father passed away. He purchased the land where the Ring
Life 5. Pure Breed 5 and Resources 3. Her fetishes include an
of the Raccoon now stands. and acts as the leader of the Sept
Armlet ofSpirit Confinement. This fetish can trap and hold any
of the Raccoon. He is well-liked. but not highly trusted by those lesser spirit: the possessor may release the spirit at any time, but
outside his own sept. He always puts himself first, his sept the spirit must obey one command if released.
second, and the other Garou third. However, he has proven to
Her Gifts include: Persuasion. Jam Technology, Scent of
beoneofthebest and bravest W yrm-fi ghters. He dabbles in the
Running Water. Blur of the Milky Eye, Open Moon Bridge,
occult, and some have claimed that he has pacts with Wyrmlings
Sense Wyrm, Heightened Senses, Curse of Aeolus, Visceral
(which he employs against other minions of the Wyrm);
Agony and Coup De Grace.
whether this is true or not remains to be seen. On the surface he
seems a very congenial and decent fellow. Hector "Cun-too-6Jig'' Cottenheimer
Sebastian has higher-than-average Mental Attributes. ln
Rank 3, Get of Fenris Ahroun. Homid (Experienced Coun-
addition to the Abilities listed. he has Dodge 5, Empathy 3,
try Werewolf)
Expression (painting) 4. Intimidation 5. Etiquette 4. Leader-
ship 4. Stealth 4. Occult 5 and Wyrm Lore 3. His Backgrounds Hector was born and raised by his father as a neo-Nazi. Hate
include Allies 5. Contacts 2. Kinfolk 5. Resources 4, Past Life came easily to him. He lived in New York until his teens. He
I and Pure Breed 2. His fet ishes include a Necklace of Dove ran with skinheads and was a gay-basher. He still dislikes most
Tears (this renden. all who talk to him either sympathetic to humans. but he hates the Wyrm even more. H e will defend all
him or very sad: treat as Head Games) and a Phoebe's Veil. Garou. even those he dislikes. His packmates do not question
his loyalty or his ability in battle. for he has proven it time and
His Gift include: Persuasion. Smell of Man. Spirit Ward.
time again.
Resist Pain. Truth of Gaia. Scent of the True Form. King of the
Beasts. Weak Arm. Ro ll Over. Geas. Clap of Thunder, Icy Hector has higher-than-average Physical Attributes. In
Chill of Despair. Paralyzing Stare and Shadow Pack. addition to the Abilities listed. he has Ale11ness 4. Athletics 5,
Brawl 5. Dodge 4. Drive 2. Leadership 2. Melee 4. Ride 4 and
rche alack Hammer Gambling 3. His Backgrounds include Allies l. Contacts I,
Kinfolk 5, Resources 2 and Past Life 1. His only fetish is a
This "pack.. accompanies the characters on their raid against Spirit Bow, which is a sho11 composite bow constructed from
the Succubus Club. The "pack" is not a real pack, but the hom and ash. The bow appears in its true form only on the
remnants of two former packs who have joined together to Umbra: it becomes a small bronze replica of a bow while
complete the mission. The pack is composed of Get of Fenris within the Realm. On the Umbra. when the bowstring is pulled
and Black Furies. and has the potential to be a tremendous back, an arrow appears ready to be fired: the arrow itself has no
fighting team: unfonunately. its effectiveness is marred by special bonuses.
intenribal rivalry and dislike. All are killed in the raid, but His Gifts include: Smell of Man. Reshape Object. Razor
information is included on them if you prefer to have some of Claws, The Falling Touch. Spirit of the Fray. True Fear, Resist
them live. or if the characters ask questions about them. Pain and Snarl of the Predator.

llzbeth "Crin«r" Avant Shag Cut

Rank 3. Black Fury Ragabash. Homid (Experienced City Rank 2. Black Fury Ahroun. Metis (Average Country
Werewolf) Werewolf)
Elzbeth was born in Greece. the daughter of a middle-class Shag Gut is the bastard offspring of two Black Furies. His
fam ily. She moved to America with her father (who was mother lived- she killed all who would oppose her- but his
originally American) after her mother died. She lived a very father was not so lucky. He was killed. Shag has accepted his

86 Under a Blood Red Moon

place in the tribe, and though he would like to be leader one day,
he knows it wiJI never happen. He is cruel and vicious to all Zhe alack Spiral tDancers
enemies, and he greatly dislikes humans. killing them at every The Black Spirals are members of the Guttolic Hive. There
opportunity. are other Black Spirals besides those listed. This list only
He has higher-than-average Physical Attributes and includes the top three and a few others. Develop other B lack
lower-than-average Mental Auributes. His metis defor- Spirals as you see fit.
mity is his unusually long limbs. which make him look like
an ape (difficulty one greater for anything involving fine !uthul "Youngsnatcher''
manual work). In addition to the Abilities listed, he has Rank 5, Black Spiral Theurge, Metis (Veteran Country
Athletics 5, Dodge 5, Streetwise 3. Melee 4 and Leech Werewolf)
(Kindred) Lore 2. His Backgrounds include Kinfolk 3. Past
Luthul is a vicious creature raised in a Black Spiral Hive just
Life 2 and Resources 2. He has a Spirit Whistle and several
north of Chicago. She proved to be a cunning, skillful and
deceitful werewolf. She serves as a strong and capable leader
His Gifts include: Create Element. Burrow, Curse of Ha- for her Hive. She hates all other Garou and trusts no one,
tred, Razor Claws, The Falling Touch and Sense Wyrm. though she will work with Sabbat if there is something in it for

d'au/y '~ree~s-Where-He-c:Pleases'' H1ote her Hive.

Luthul has higher-than-average Mental Attributes. Her
Rank 2, Get ofFenris, Raga bash. Homid (Average Country metis deformity is the fact that her ears are just holes in her head
Werewolf) - there are no flaps of skin surrounding them. All hearing
Pauly was born the son of a dentist. He lived a normal difficulties are one higher; in addition, she can never buy the
childhood, though he was a bully. He became a football star in Gift: Ears of the Bat. In addition to the Abilities listed, she has
high school and had dreams of professional ball. but instead he Alertness 5, Empathy 3, lntimidation 5, Acrobatics 2. Leader-
was kidnapped by the Get of Fenris. He still finds life as a ship 4, Area Knowledge I, Leech (Kindred) Lore 4, Sewer
werewolf difficult, but he is slowly becoming adjusted. Hector Lore I and Wyrm Lore 5. Her Backgrounds include AJiies 5.
is also quickly teaching him to become a hateful young man. Contacts 5, Resources 4, Past Life 3 and Pure Breed 2. Her
He has below-average Mental Attributes. In addition to the fetishes include an Umbraphone, a Bane Lantern. a Fang
Abilities listed, he has Athletics 4. Sleight of Hand 4 and Dagger and a number of talens.
Repair 3. His Backgrounds include Allies 4, Contacts I and Her Gifts include: Sense Wyrm, Bane Protector, Create
Resources 2. He has no fetishes. Element, Burrow, Curse of Hatred, Eyes of the Cat, Mental
His Gifts include: Smell of Man. Scent of Running Water, Speech, Madness, Spirit Speech. Command Spirit, Exorcism,
Razor Claws, Resist Pain and Halt the Coward's Flight. Pulse of the lnvisible, The Malleable Spirit, Foaming Fury.
Crawling Poison, Balefire.
Hatasha "Hfibnight" OJonn
Rank I , Black Fury Ahroun, Homid (Average City
Oomuthum ''!.iDer-'"Congue"
Werewolf) Rank 3, Black Spiral Ahroun, Homid (Experienced Coun-
Natasha was raised in a middle-class fami ly. She attended try W erewolf)
Catholic girls' school for most of her young life. She was Oomuthum was born to the Guttolic Hive. He was a bully
abducted by the Black Furies and given the Rite of Passage. and psychopath- not that these traits are unusual among the
She feel s s hame for turning her back on her family; nonethe- Dancers. He killed his first Wyrm creature before he could
less, she never wants to see them again. She has become even make the change into Crinos form. He loves to fight and
fascinated with the occult and with vampires. She fears death, he serves his pack best by drawing the blood of the enemy. He
so she usually attacks from ambush rather than face enemies strongly believes in his role as tribal protector. He hates Sabbat.
head-on in battle. He has higher-than-average Physical Attributes and lower-
Natasha has higher-than-average Physical and Social than-average Social and Mental Attributes. In addition to the
Attributes. In addition to the Abilities listed. she has Per- Abilities listed. he has Alertness 4, Brawl4, Dodge 4, lntrigue
formance 3, Music (Piano) 4. Stealth 4. and Leech (Kindred) 2, Leadership 2, Mimicry 4, Melee 3, Occult 3, Leech (Kin-
Lore 2. Her Backgrounds include Allies 4. Contacts 2. Past dred) Lore 3, Wyrrn Lore 3 and Sewer Lore 2. His Backgrounds
Life 3, Pure Breed 2 and Resources I. She has no fetishes. include AJlies 2, Contacts 4, Kinfolk 2, Resources 4 and Pure
Her Gifts include: Persuasion. RazorCiaws. l nspiration and Breed 5. His fetishes include a Silver Sword and a Phoebe's
Heightened Senses. Veil.
His Gifts include: Sense Wyrm, Burrow, Eyes of the Cat,
Razor Claws, The Falling Touch, Spirit of the Fray, True Fear
and Ears of the Bat.

Appendix Olle 87
M edicine 1. His B ackgrounds include Allies 5, Contacts 3,
Pure Breed 2, Past Life I and Resources I. He has no
Rank 3, Black Spiral Philodox, Homid (Experienced City fetishes.
His Gifts include: Sense Wyrm, Smell of Man, Spirit
Zuglutus can no longer remember his real homid name, but Speech and Mother' s Touch.
he thinks it sounded something like John or Tom. He was frrst
abducted by the Wendigo tribe, but the Black Spirals captured
him shortly afterthe Wendigo had taken him. They forced him rche Vampires
through the Dance of the Black Spiral, transforming him into
a powerful servant of the Wyrm. He is well-liked by other
members of the Hive, despite the fact he was born homid and
Your rDeib Heighbors
He has average Attributes. In addition to the Abilities listed,
he has Empathy 3, Expression (storytelling) 4, Subterfuge 4, Ninth Generation Tremere Antitribu, leader (Experienced
Leadership 2, Melee 3, Occult 3, Science 4 (archaeology and Vampire)
geology) and Wyrm Lore 2. His Backgrounds include Allies Hannigan was an Irish inmugrant in New York City when
I, Contacts 2, Kinfolk 4, Past Life 3 and Resources 2. His he was recruited by the Sabbat in 1907. He proved a very strong
fetishes include a W arshirt of the Wym1 and a number of recruit, and eventually attained status as a True Sabbat. Since
talens. that time, he has led his nomadic pack all over the country,
His Gifts include: Sense Wym1, Persuasion, Smell of Man, causing problems for anarchs and other Kindred. Hannigan is
Reshape Object, Disquiet, Resist Pain, Call to Duty, Wisdom very bold and outspoken for a Tremereantitribu, since few of
of the Ancient W ays and Foaming Fury. them stay undead as nomadic Sabbat and even fewer become
leaders of nomadic packs. Hannigan is a tough individual who
Hepolos ''(J{eeks-o~cPi~s'' keeps his pack strong. He often seeks out dangerous situations
Rank 2, Black Spiral Dancer Galliard, Metis (Average to prove the power of his pack and his own worthiness as a
Country Werewolf) leader.
Nepolos was born to the Hukasnur Hive in South Carolina, Hannigan has lugher-than-average Social and Mental At-
but she was traded to the Guttolic Hive to repay a debt that the tributes. In addition to the Abilities listed, he has Alertness 4,
Hukasnurs owed the Guttolics. Nepolos is a nasty metis who Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Intimidation 5, Intrigue 3, Leadership 3,
revels in the kill. She is highly interested in homid technology, Charm Snakes 5; Dancing 3, Fire Walking 4, Game Playing 2,
but onl y so that she can use it to cause even more death and Melee 3, Ride 3, Torture I, Occult 5, Sabbat Lore 4, Camarilla
destruction. Lore 4 and Demon Lore 2. Hannigan has no Area Knowledge
or City Secrets Abilities, unlike the Experienced Vampire
She has higher-than-average Mental Attributes. Her metis
template. His Backgrounds include Allies 4, Contacts 2, Herd
deformity is her great stench, hence her name. The difficulty
1, Pack Recognition 5, Resources 2 and Sabbat Status 2. His
of all her Social rolls is one higher because of the unpleasant
Disciplines include Auspex 4, Celerity 2, Dominate 4, Forti-
aroma wafting from her skin. In addition to the Abilities listed
she has Intrigue 2, Leadership I, Primal-Urge 4, Animal Ke~
tude 2, Obfuscate 2 and Thaumaturgy 3 (Movement of the
Mind 2, Path of Con·uption 2, Path of Conjuration 3).
3, Melee 4, Computer 2, Leech ( Kindred) Lore 1 and W yrm
Lore 2. Her Backgrounds include Contacts 1, Past Life 5 and
Resources 1. She has a Devil whip.
rcabitha 'Jisk
Her Gifts include: Sense Wyrm, Burrow, Curse of Hatred, I Oth Generation Lasombra (Experienced Vampire)
Mindspeak, Dreams peak, Call of the Wyrm and Patagia. Tabitha was 20 and a student at a junior college when she
and many of her classmates were recruited by the Sabbat. She
d'utuahh~ ''Crawler-man" was one of the few to attain the status of True Sabbat. She has
now set her sights on beconung leader of the pack and she has
Rank 1, Black Spiral Dancer Theurge, Homid (Average
the support of a powerful Sabbat archbishop.
Country Werewolf)
Tabitha has higher-than-average Physical Attributes. In
Putuahhgu was once human, but that was a long time ago.
addition to the Abilities listed, s he has Alertness 4, Athletics 5,
He now loves his new life serving the W yrm. He is a very odd
Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Acrobatics 3, Blind Fighting 4,
individual (even by Black Spiral standards), and spends little
Etiquette 4, Fire Walking 4, Music (guitar) 2, Camarilla Lore
time with other members of the Hive. He loves to wander the
3 and Sabbat Lore 4. Her Backgrounds include Allies 4,
tunnels that riddle the ground below the Hive's Pit. He suffers
Contacts I, Mentor 4, Pack Recognition 4, Resources 2 and
Harano almost constantly, but when he does not, he is a very
Sabbat Status I. Her Disciplines include Auspex 2, Celerity 2,
volatile and unpredictably violent individual.
Putuah hgu has average Attributes. In addition to the
Abilities listed, he has Etiquette 3, Stealth 2, History 2 and

88 Under a Blood Red Moon

Dominate 3, Obtenebration 3, Potence 3, Presence 2 and
Protean 2. rche OJioo~ OJrothers
diuzzsaw Jim of Cirde # 7
Ninth Generation Tzirrusce (Experienced Vampire)
Buzzsaw Jim was a mountain man in the 1890s when he was
recruited by the Sabbat. Now he is a nearly insane assassin of Eighth Generation Blood Brother (Experienced Vampire)
the Black Hand, and one of the few Tzimisce members of that Jerry is one of the few original Blood Brothers still around.
group. He loves to kill, and his unlife as a nomad affords him He was taken to a castle in Eastern Europe, where he s uffered
many opportunities. He is very quiet and totally loyal. a barrage of magical rituals, shots and medical tests. He
Buzzsaw has higher-than-average Physical Attributes. survived and gained the powers of Sanguinus. After he re-
In addition to the Abilities listed , he has Alertness 5 , turned to America, he created his own circle ofBiood Brothers.
Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 4, Animal Ken 5, Blind Like all original Blood Brothers, he has no memory of his life
Fighting 4 , H eavy Weapons 2 , Melee 4, Ride 4, Black Hand before becoming a Blood Brother.
Lore 3, Camarilla Lore l and Sabbat Lore 2. His Back- Jeny has higher-than-average Mental Attributes. In addi-
grounds include Allies 4, Black Hand 3, Contacts 3, Pack tion to the Abilities listed, he has Alertness 4 , Athletics 4,
Recognition 3 and Resources I. His Disciplines include Brawl 5, Fire Walking 3, Game Playing 2, Melee 4, Sabbat
Animalis m 3, Auspex 2 , Celerity 3, Fo rtitude 3, Potence 3 Lore 4, Camarilla Lore 3 and Tzimisce Lore 1. His Back-
and Vicissitude 4. grounds include Allies 4, Contacts l , Herd 2, Mentor 3, Pack
Recognition 3 and Resources 2. His Disciplines include Ani-
Uncle Ceorge malism I , Auspex I, Celerity 3, Dominate 2, Fortitude 3,
Eighth Generation Malkavian Antitribu (Experienced Vam- Obfuscate I, Potence 3 and Sanguinus 5.
Uncle George is a fonner pornographer turned Sabbat
vampire. He was recruited just for fun a number of years ago Ninth Generation Blood Brother (Sister) (Experienced Vam-
and has proven to be a useful member of the pack. He is quite pire)
insane and extremely nasty in combat. He has a tendency to Jerry's firs t recruit was Terry, a female who worked in a
overdrink, glutting himself until he can hold no more. convenience store as a clerk. While it was not forbidden, it was
Uncle George has lower-than-average Social Attributes. In frowned upon. Sabbat leaders feared it would adversely affect
addition to the Abilities listed, hehas Dreaming4,Subterfuge 5, the other Blood Brothers, but it did not.
Blind Fighting 3, Etiquette 4, Fire Walking 4, Melee 5, Teny has average Attributes. In addition to the Abilities
Can1arillaLore I ,LupineLore2,Sabbat Lore 3 and Theology 2. listed, she has Acting 2, Athletics 4 , Dodge 4, Intrigue 2,
His Backgrounds include Allies 4, Pac k Recognition 2 and Forgery 2, Dancing 2, Camarilla Lore 2 and Sabbat Lore 2. Her
Resources 3. His Disciplines include Auspex 3, Celerity I, Backgrounds include Allies 4, Contacts 2, Herd l, Pack
Dementation 4, Dominate 2, Fortitude l and Obfuscate 2. Recognition 2 and Resources 2. Her Disciplines include Auspex
4, Celerity I , Chimerstry 2, Dominate 2, Potence 2 and
Jack Hooker Sanguinus 2.
lith Generation Ravnos Antitribu (Experienced Vampire)
Jack Hooker is a fonner cormnercial artist who was re-
cruited on the way home from the mall one night. He finds life Ninth Generation Blood Brother (Experienced Vampire)
within the Sabbat a fast and furious experience. He was once Barry was Jerry's next recruit. He is a former professional
afraid of so many things, but now he has become a real wrestler whom Jerry abducted from the arena after the last
daredevil. match. Barry proved to be a strong recruit who loved the
Jack has higher-than-average Social Attributes. In addition inherent powers and vices of vampirism.
to the Abilities listed, he has Acting 2, Athletics 4, Dodge 5, Barry has higher-than-average Physical Attributes and lower-
Empathy 5, Seduction 4, Blind Fighting 2, Fire Walking 2, than-average Social Attributes. In addition to the Abilities
Dancing 2, Etiquette 4, Graphic Design 3, Sleight of Hand 3, listed, he has Athletics 4, BrawlS, Intimidation 5, Firearms 5,
Camarilla Lore I, Ravnos Lore 2 and Sabbat Lore I. His Lupine Lore 3, Camarilla Lore 3 and Sabbat Lore 2. His
Backgrounds include Allies 4, Pack Recognition I and Re- Backgrounds include Allies 4, Contacts I, Fame I, Pack
sources 2. His Disciplines include Animalism I, Auspex 2, Recognition 2 and Resources 3. His Disciplines include Ani-
Celerity 2, Chimerstry 4, Obfuscate I and Presence 4. malism 2, Celerity l , Potence 2, Protean 2, Sanguinus 2 and
Vicissitude 3.

Appendix One 89
Larry His Disciplines include Celerity 2, Fortitude 1, Obfuscate 2,
Potence 3 and S<mguinus I .
Ninth Generation Blood Brother (Experienced Vampire)
Larry was a freelance newspaper reporter before Jeny
chose him to become a Blood Brother. He has taken to life in
rche Abomination
the Sabbat and hopes to found a circle of his own one night. He
is the most human and trustworthy of all members of the circle. Haro~ Coo~ston, ''O'ariah''
Lany has higher-than-average Social Attributes. In addi-
Sire: Oliver Ligon (fo1mer ally of Prince Maxwell)
tion to the Abilities listed, he has Charm Snakes 2, Fire
Walking 2,Joumalism 3,Literature2,Psychology l , Camarilla Nature: Survivor
Lore I and Sabbat Lore 2. His Backgrounds include Allies 4, Demeanor: Deviant
Herd 1, Pack Recognition 2 and Resources 1. His Disciplines Generation: 8th
include Celerity I , Dementation 2, Dominate I, Fortitude 2, Embrace: 1860 (bom 1828 )
Thaumaturgy 2 and Sanguinus 4. Apparent Age: 32

rcom Breed: Homid

Auspice: Galliard
11th Generation Blood Brother (Experienced Vampire) Tribe: none (fo1merly a Silver Fang)
Jeny did not pick Tom; Tom was sent by a cardinal to Clan: Ventrue
replacearecentlydestroyedmemberofthecircle (Hany).Tom
Attributes (Homid form): Strength 5. Dexterity 4, Stamina 4,
is the strangest Blood Brother of all, and he has the most
Charisma 4, Manipulation 2. Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelli-
difficulty fitting in, since Jeny is not his sire. He retains the
gence 3, Wits 3
most individuality of all members of the circle. His past
Abilities: Alertness 4 . Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 4,
remains a mystery.
Primai-Urge5,Streetwise4. Animal Ken 3, Firearms l ,Melee 2,
Tom has lower-than-average Social Attributes. In addition to
Repair3, Stealth 3. Survival2. Area Knowledge 5,
the Abilities listed, he has Brawl 5, Fire Walking 2, Repair 3,
City Secrets 3. Enigmas 4, Investigation 3. Kindred Lore 3,
Camarilla Lore 2 and Sabbat Lore 1. His Backgrounds include
Medicine 4. Occult 4. Rituals 3
Allies 4, Contacts 1, Herd 1, Pack Recognition I and Resources I.

90 Ullder a Blood Red Moon

Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Herd 3, Past Life 4, Pure Breed 5, Silver Fangs and taken away to Chicago, where he was raised
Resources 2 and Vampire Status 1 as a member of the tribe. He was taught the ways of the Moon
Gifts: Jam Technology, Disquiet, Mindspeak, Dreamspeak, Dancers and quickly became an important member of the sept.
Sense Wyrm, Lambent Flame, Luna's Armor, Awe, Silver In 1860, while on a scouting mission to the Wyrmhole with
Claws and Wrath of Gaia his pack, he was met by a band of vampires. His pack scattered
Disciplines: Animalism I, Auspex 2, Fortitude 1, Obfus- after two members fel l. Goodston took out three of the vam-
cate 4, Potence 2, Presence 3, Protean 5 pires before being captured. Not only was he brought down.
Rage 9, Gnosis 7, Willpower 10, Ego 8 but three others of his pack were also captured.
Blood Pool (Max I Per Turn): 15/3 When he awoke, he was chained in silver manacles to a wall
alongside his fellow captured pack members. Goodston soon
Rank: None, considered an outcast (formerly 3)
learned the vile purpose of their abduction: they were to be
Rites: Rite of Contrition, Rite of Cleansing, Ritual of the
transformed into vampires themselves.
Questing Stone, Moot Rite, Gathering for the Departed, Rite of
Goodston watched his fellow pack members die from the
Becoming, Ritual of Summoning, Rite of Jupiter Binding
horrible experiment. One passed away peacefully, but the
Fetishes: Fang Dagger, Baneskin
other two were honors unto the eyes as the madness took them
Image: Pariah' s Lupus form is a dingy off-white. His fur is and gnawed away their sanity until they fell dead.
scraggly and unkempt; it would be silvery were it clean, but it
Then the vampire came for him. At first he stmggled against
now has a grayish-yellow tint to it. His fangs are unusually
the Cadaver as the twin needles pierced his throat, but as the
large in wolf form, his claws are jet-black, and his body is sleek
numbness of death approached, he felt a fire equal to a hundred
and muscular. His Homid form is that of a palJid, dirty burn
furnaces bum within his veins, and he was reborn in the imaoe
wearing old clothes, a Cubs baseball cap, a trenchcoat and
of his destroyer. o
combat boots. He does not bear the scent of the Wyrm, despite
For the next 11 years he served his master faithfully, having
being a vampire; however, he will identify as both a Garou and
been Blood Bound shortly after the Embrace. He found his new
a Kindred if Scent of the True Form is used on him. His eyes
life one of power and prestige. He wound mortals around his
are a cold, glossy amber in both forms.
fingers, had more money than could be imagined, and with his
Roleplayin g Notes: Pariah feels shame for his vampiric
cunning and the powers of the Garou, he could outfight and
state ofexistence. When speaking to other Garou, he will never
out-think nearly any Kindred who opposed him. He broke all
look them in the eye. He will not raise his voice or paw against
ties with his sept after a brief but disastrous encounter with two
another Garou except in self-defense. Pariah dislikes uncom-
fo1mer tribe members.
fortable situations, such as long conversations, and often
disappears via Obfuscate to prevent such awkwardness. Pariah His master was Prince Maxwell 's right-hand man in charge
is very much a lost soul looking for acceptance in a world that of mortal politics. Goodston learned well the lessons his
betrayed him. He hopes his assistance to the Garou in the war undead master taught him, but never forgot his heritage,
on the Leeches will win him acceptance among his forn1er though his very existence betrayed it completely.
people. Pariah dislikes being seen in Hamid form by other After Devil' s Night, Lodin made his move against Maxwell
Garou; he is extremely self-conscious of his vampiric appear- and succeeded. Goodston was sent to destroy Lodin as Max-
ance. well escaped into the night, dethroned and powerless. Before
Battle Tactics: Pariah is completely savage in battle. He Goodston could reach Lodin, however, his own sire was
destroyed by the new prince's men. Goodston tried to waoe
relies on his natural acrobatics and dexterity to move about
war against Lodin, but found himself alone against ins~·­
rapidly in combat. In battle he utters ghastly howls that sound
midway between growls and moans; these unnerve both Garou rnountable odds. After realizing the futility of his task, and that
it was not his own goal but that of his destroyed sire, he tumed
and vampires. Pariah will stay in Glabro or Crinos form for the
to his own interests.
entire story, feeling better protected.
Haven: Pruial1 exists below the streets in the sewers. He has From 187 I to I 893, Goodston faded in and out of Kindred
a small haven, known to none save a few Nosferatu and Bone politics and made brief appearances before various Garou of
Gnawers. He never allows visitors to enter his haven. He raises the Wind Catcher Sept and the Sept of Jupiter. He finally found
stray cats and dogs and uses them as his Herd, though he does refuge in the sewers, where he began a quest for Golconda
not kill the animals. (Because of his Ventrue blood weakness, (though he has not yet found it). By the early 1900s. he had
become nothing but a memory to all who knew him in life and
he may only feed on animals.)
in undeath. He changed his name to Pariah and continued his
Influence: Pariah has virtually no influence. He has con-
existence outside the realms of the Damned and the Garou. He
tacts among the Bone Gnawers and among the Nosferatu, but
has long dreamed of the day he can return home to his people.
he cannot really consider either group his allies. Because he
hides from the Kindred and the other Unah, he is virtually .
Pariah has taken little action to influence Chicaao's
unknown to the world. p1res or Garou. Now he sees the war under the blood red moon
as his chance to regain acceptance among his people, even
Background: P ariah was bom John Goodston, of Benton
though his quest for Golconda still slips from his grasp. Pariah
City, Missouri, in 1828. At the age of 15 he was found by the
has fmally decided to stop being a pariah.
Appendix One 91
It is also possible to run this story for other player character Anyone checking upon financial clues may find that several
types, such as vampire hunters or mummies. large silver purchases have recently been made; these have
temporarily depleted the local reserves. Any hunters who try
Witch-hunters to buy silver will find it either hard to get in a hurry, or very
expensive. The Storyteller must decide whether they can trace
When odd things begin happening in Chicago, many hunt- the silver purchases to vampires or not.
ers get suspicious. Bloodhounds on the trail of bloodsuckers Jackson abducted one of the gunsmiths and the knifemaker;
begin to pour into the city, deteml.ined to find out what's going they are being held at his hideout in the projects. in a room with
on and to obtain revenge. all the equipment they need to make silver weaponry. The
The Vampire supplement The Hunters Hunted is very other gunsmith was abducted by Tyler, turned into a ghoul, and
helpful for this variant. forced to make bullets for her men. She suspects the Garou will
Many different plotlines can involve hunters and keep them assault O' Hare (she's right) and wants them armed while she
jumping from one dangerous frying pan to the next: is away.
• If characters begin asking around about the protesters who • The characters can be having a drink at the Succubus Club
were arrested (they were, after all, claiming that vampires ran during the second assault. The club's name is intriguing
the government), they will be targeted by Jackson's men, who enough to attract a hunter's interest. Are they susceptible to the
will assume that they are Garou. The gangbangers will dti ve by Delirium? Anyone with three or more points in Nurnina has
and shoot them. been sufficiently enlightened to render her immune to the
If they survive, they may discover that the thugs ti red silver Delirium. In other words, a hunter who has substantial mysti-
bullets at them - a sure clue that the vampires believe cal training (casting spells), psychic powers or True Faith is
werewolves are loose. If the hunters had no clue to the Garou, immune to the effects of the Veil.
this is it. What do they do when the Garou attack? Js thjs their first
• If they go in search of gunsmiths who can make silver look at actual werewolves? Do they fight them or join them?
bullets for them, they may discover that two prominent gun- It will be hard to miss the vampires who appear to attack the
smiths have disappeared. If they dig deep enough, they may Gru·ou.
discover that each has been abducted by a vampire and made • In the Garou's encounter with the Wolf Pack, what if the
into a ghoul in return for providing silver weaponry for the war hunter chru·acters are the persons on whom the Wolf Pack is
effort. A knifemaker has also gone missing. trying to feed? This allows them to meet both vampires and

92 Under a Blood Red Moon

werewolves in one scene. Maybe they are instrumental in • Following up the search for the arrested protesters might
nullifying the Gangrel neutrality. lead them to Jackson'sor even Lodin's. They would have to be
• Perhaps the characters are coming into Chicago by plane pretty tough hunters to handle these situations. what with
-just at the fateful moment the Garou anack the airport. The werewolves. vampires and silver bullets Oying around. But
plane shakily lands as all the computer support systems go out. who knows - maybe they are the ones who stake Lodin and
People run screaming from the main building and gunshots are end the reign of the prince?
heard. If the characters are immune to the effects of Delirium, • There arc a host of bizarre encounters to raise the gorge o f
they see the werewolves rampaging across the concourse, the toughest hunters: Blood Brothers traveling the night strectl>
slicing up ghoul security guards (more silver bullets!). as a sing le amorphous blob; a Gargoyle defending the Tremere
• Gulfora the succubus is searching for thralls. Perhaps one chantry; Banes trying to possess people; an undead, pale white
of the hunters is an interesting candidate. He would help Garou running through the streets with a bunch of vampire
provide protection for her against any Kindred. heads hanging from his belt; etc., etc. It can get as crazy as you
• The chara.cters may know of the Fan urn - they may have want it to.
studied there before. Did they know that werewolves ran the
place? W ill they come to its aid? Do they instead try to make
a deal with the Black Spirals or the Sabbat?
rche Htummy Strikes
Mummies can also fight in this war. Perhaps they come to
One option is to have them go to the Fan urn seeking allies,
defend the Temple of Akhenaton and the mummy Tllahun. The
not knowi ng that it has "changed management." They can get
Sto1yteller should have the World of Da rkness supplement
manipulated into some sick actions by the Black Spirals before
Mummy to nm this variant. The plots for this story variant .u·e
they realize that the new owners of the Fan urn aren' t the same.
entirely up to the Storyteller, but here are some suggestions:
• Perhaps they befriend the Uktena Kinfolk. What do they
• The compact with the Fanum could foster an alliance
do when the Upshaws are turned into vampires? Do they get
between the mummies and the Garou, but not necessari ly to
the stakes?
fight Kindred . They could instead try to help eject the Black
• They can check out the University of Chicago murders to
Spirals from the Fanum.
see if a psycho or a vampire is behind them. It is actually a
• Perhap they do not understand what is going on in town.
Psychomachia-possessed man, but perhaps there is a vampire
and they may believe that the Garou are trying to harm the
feeding there in the hopes that his kills will be attributed to the
Temple. They may then team up with the Camarilla to fight the
• On Day Five, extensive blackouts halt many activities
• Perhaps the Sabbat"s plans are more in line with those of
citywide. This could really foil the characters' investigations.
these ancient beings. 111e characters may have aided the Black
Also, the financial crash (a result of Glass Walker activity)
Spirals and Sabbat to take the Fanum. But what will they do
keeps many people busy trying to get computers back online
with Illahun?
- too busy to answer questions.

Appendix Two 93
You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed
-Euripides, Alcestis

rche Un~fW Carou Zhe OJecoming

They are called by many names: the "Undying Children," A Garou who undergoes the Embrace of a vampire will
the "Damned Urrah," the "Vryko las." the "Pale Ones'' and most likely die. Seldom is the death an easy one; the victim
"Luna's Demons." But they are best known as "Abomina- usually writhes in agony for days on end. Occasionally, a
tions." The Abominations are Garou cursed by the Wyrm to Garou pure of heart dies quickly and painlessly.
stalk the ear1h as vampires. Their name well indicates the When a vampire Embraces a Garou, the Garou must make
loathing commonly felt for such creatures. They are the a Gnosis roll (difficulty 9). If it succeeds, it dies a quick and
villains of many Galliard tales. Young cubs are warned to go painless death. lf it fai ls, it suffers a slow and painful death. The
to sleep or else the Pale Ones will visit them in their beds. Garou feels its limbs consumed by internal fi res; its head
A few Garou, fearing death, seek out vampires, offering pounds, and eventually its hear1 explodes. Only Garou who
them undying service in exchange for eternal unlife. Other botch their Gnosis rolls become Abominations.
Garou have been taken prisoner by Leeches and forced to
endure the painful transformation into undeath. rche OJest of OJoth mr~s
There are, however, very few Garou vampires. The experi- Abomi nations are very powerful and versatile. They gain
ence is almost always excruciatingly deadly to the poor access to the dark Disciplines possessed by vampires whilestiU
creatures. If they survive, they li ve unlives of true loneliness; retaining their Garou Gifts.
they are seldom accepted by either the vampire or werewolf An Abomination gains three dots in the Disciplines of its
world. They continue their existences on the fringes ofsociety. sire's clan.just as any vampire does after the Embrace. It may
Many immediately end their unlives by their own claws, or continue to gain new Disciplines at the same cost for aU
eventually do so as the years go by in loneliness. TI1ey are members ofitsclan. Most Abominations, however, are consid-
hunted down by other Garou and slain as Wynn creatures, so ered Caitiff since their sires seldom stay with them.
their survival rate is slim even if they live through the Embrace. Abominations may use all the Gifts they possessed in life
and may even gain new Gifts, provided they can fi nd a Garou
willing to teach them- a very d ifficu lt task. Abominations
gain Blood Pools just like vampires, and must drink blood to

94 Under a Blood Red Moon

survive. Like vampires, animal blood is not potent enough to Abomination's werewolf nature makes it savage and untrust-
sustain tl1em for long, so most eventually begin drinking the worthy to the van1pires.
blood of humans ... or other Garou. But there is still a hope for the Abomination: Golconda. It
Abominations lose their regenerative capabilities- they is believed that if this lofty mystical state can be achieved. the
have been shorn from the mystical connection to Gaia and the Abomination will be healed of its pain. It can choose either
earth. They are no longer agents of Her inumme system, and death or a return to its Garou nature, to once again know the
thus their own immune systems are no longer miraculous. bliss of being Gaia's child. There is rumored to be an Abomi-
Indeed, they are actually dead but for the vampiric blood that nation among the lnconnu, but this has never been proven.
sustains them. They can, however, use blood to heal their
wounds like any vampire. Abomination Characters
Abominations gain a new Trait: Ego. Ego is the measure of While it is not impossible for a Garou character to be
their new consciousness, which is now divided and liberated Embraced by a vampire, even in this very story, the odds are
from their forn1er "pack" mentality. Ego is the mark of a that the character will die. Because of the great danger and the
vampire Garou's separation from the rest of its race. Ego is inherent repulsiveness of vampirism, most Garou will not
similar to the Humanity Trait possessed by vampires, but a succumb to the Embrace.
different scale is used to determine loss of Ego (see below). Also, to prevent Abomination characters from running
If an Abomination's Ego drops below seven, it will bearthe rampant through your chronicle, dominating all non-Abomi-
stench of the Wy1m; the only spirits it will be able to influence nation characters with their power and versatility, the creation
are Banes. Its totem will dese11 it, but Bane totems will of Abomination player characters is highly discouraged.
welcome alliances with the Abomination. This taint can only "Power-gamers" will want Abomination characters be-
be removed if its Ego is once again raised to seven or more. cause of their superior powers. This can hurt your game, as the
Abominations continue to have the ability to step sideways social implications are usually ignored by such players. It is
regardless of their Ego rating. highly unlikely that an Abomination character will work well
in either a group of vampires or a pack of Garou. It will most
rche lthrst of OJoth mr~s likely be shunned by its clan, sept and tribe, at least until it
proves its loyalty. Since the other player characters associate
While an Abomination is powerful. it is forever alone.
with the Abomination, they may also be subject to such
T here are few Abominations in the world and few know of
prejudices . In fact, most Garou will try to kill the Abomination
each other, though it is mmored that a pack of Abominations
on sight as a horrible Wyrm creature.
roams the West Coast.
If a Garou is Embraced during the game, don' t sweat it-
Camarilla Kindred seldom claim responsibility for Em-
chances are the character will die. If it survives, then more
bracing Garou. To them, the Lupines are their enemies, and to
power to it.
accept one into the Camarilla fold is totally unacceptable. The
Sabbat is a bit different. Members of this sect are more likely
to EmbraceGarou. However, most werewolves chosen by the
Sabbat are chosen from the Black Spirals. Even the Sabbat • An Abomination's beginning Ego is equal to her Gnosis
prefer not to make many Abominations, not only because of score.
the extreme difficulty in doing so, but because they can be • Ego represents how well the Abomination can resist the
tremendous threats. Abominations, with their fearsome bestial urges within it. These are not natural urges, but Wyrm-
werewol f powers, could easily assume control over packs. ridden emotions. An Abomination that fall s to zero Ego is lost
However, most Abominations are Blood Bound to their utterly; it is a thing of the Wyrn1.
sires. Likewise, an Abomination can Bond others to it, as long • Like Humanity, Ego determines how deeply the Abomi-
as the vampire is of a lesser generation than the Abomination nation mu.st sleep during the day. The Ego Trait indicates the
(Abominations are one generation removed from their sires, maximum number of dice an Abomination may roll for any
just as other vampires). action during the day. See the Humanity rules in Vampire for
Occasionally an Abomination wi ll find sanctuary among more details.
Bone Gnawers, Black Spirals or the Sabbat, but this usually • Ego does not determine the Abomination's chance to
does not last. The Abomination·s vampiric nature makes it frenzy - that is governed by its Rage. However, for every
strange and untrustwo11hy to the werewolves. whi le the frenzy it suffers, it may lose Ego, depending on its actions
during frenzy.
rm 'Laint 1Vyrm rcaint
Ego Minimum Wrongdoing for Ego Roll When an Abomination frenzies, it risks losing more Ego,
Accidentally breaking a Litany law thus degenerating into a servant of the Wyrm. It cannot control
its actions, and may transgress against its own values and the
9 Purposefully breaking a Litany law; refusing a
ways of the Garou. The more Ego it loses, the more the
rightful challenge; cannibalism (drinking the
Abomination's soul is devoured by the Wyrm. An Abomina-
blood of humans or wolves)
tion docs not have to frenzy to transgress; it can make this
8 Refusing to acknowledge loss of a challenge decision on its own.
(lack of instinct); teaching the Ways (Rites,
Below arc listed the various actions which require an Ego
Gifts) to Wyrm minions (including vampires)
roll to resist degeneration. The difficulty of the roll is normally
7 Unjustly killing anothcrGarou; using vampiric six, though this can be raised or lowered by the Storyteller.
mind-control powers (Dominate, Presence) Only one success is required. A failure means that one level of
against a Gru·ou; betraying a Garou to Wyrm Ego is lost. A botch means the Abomination gains a Derange-
minions ment as a Black Spiral Dancer (see Book of the Wynn for a
6 Binding or trafficking with spirits to evil pur- list of Derangements).
pose A roll is only required for an action of the Abomination's
5 Destroying a natural place (harming Gaia): Ego level or below. For instance. an Abomination with a seven
causing a Blight to grow or fester Ego does not have to make a roll forteaching a Rite to a Kindred
4 AJJying with Wyrm minions (including vam- friend.
3 Cannibalism (drinking the blood of Garou):
sadism and perversion (Black Spiral virtues)
2 Warring against any of the tribes
Destroying a caern

96 Under a Blood Red Moon

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