Chicago Chronicles Volume 2
Chicago Chronicles Volume 2
Chicago Chronicles Volume 2
By Andrew Oreenberg
with Steve Crow
This Book The jungle, Upton Sinclair
Chicago, Studs T erkel
C h icago by Night has been designed for Storytellers to Chicago: City on the Make, Nelson Algren
use in a number of ways. Hopefully, you will be able to use the
Dominion, Fred Saberhagen
information herein to create your own city. Much of what has
Carl Sandburg poetry
been written here is as applicable to Cincinnati or Amsterdam
as it is to Chicago, and Storytellers should feel free to treat it
as such.
The Unrouchables (for its view of Chicago's early
Chicago is this book's focus, however, and it contains
crime lord)
everything a Storyteller needs to base her chronicle therein.
It includes the people, conflicts and places that play key roles Ferris Bueller's Day Off (basically a visual tour guide of
in the unlives of the Damned. With this book, the Storyteller the city)
can send the characters right into the heart of Chicago's The Blues Brothers (there can be no better v iew of Daley
insanity, and have stories to last as long as the characters do. Plaza)
Additionally, the Storyteller can take the information Risky Business (for anyone who n eeds a reason to destroy
included herein and adjust it to her own vision of Chicago. C hicago's suburbs)
For instance, this design for Chicago leaves the city prince less Flatliners (a good mix of science and the Gothic in
and in the midst of a power struggle. If the Storyteller prefers C hicago)
a more conventional setting, she can create a prince and then Marked For Death (the gang influences continue)
revise the politics and intrigues around him. This method is Backdraft (gives a good feel for the Gothic buildings)
especially useful if any of the players have read this book and Candyman (not only an excellent movie, but a superb
are in need of a good surprise. look at Cabrini G reen and its citizens)
References Contents
Storytellers opting to change this material for their own T he six chapters of this book should provide the Story-
purposes should be ready to do some of their own research. teller with everything she needs to set her chronicle in
Even those Storytellers who use this book as written can Chicago. This first chapter introduces and explains the rest
benefit from doing their own investigations, as C hicago by of the book. Chapter Two summarizes the city's history, with
N ight focuses on the supernatural aspects of Gothic-Punk particular emphasis on the role of the undead. Chapter Three
Chicago. offers a brief geography, and Chapter Four presents many of
There are many different resources available to anyone the city's Kindred. Chapter Five details the alliances, politics
playing the game. Most bookstores and libraries have travel and schemes of many of these vampires. Finally, the Appen-
guides about th e city. These contain maps, lists of restaurants, dix provides an in-depth explanation of vampiric politics, as
descriptions of important buildings, and may even describe well as hints to expand this part of any chronicle.
the city's atmosphere. These same places may have copies of
the Chicago newspapers - the Chicago Sun-Times and the
What's New
Chicago Tribune- which can provide you with a feel for the The first edition ofC hicago by N ight came out two years
city and innumerable story ideas. before the publication of this volume. Since that time, the
Beyond these basic sources, there are other books and city has undergone dramatic changes. Travelers who h ave
not seen the city in a number of years would be amazed at the
movies that can help the Storyteller. Even a photography
book can help the Storyteller describe parts of the city to the
C hapter Four details most of Chicago's remaining vam-
pires. To use this book more effectively, however, a Storyteller
needs to understand what is going on in this city. The politics
arc torturous and neverending; Final Death is the price of
fa ilure. The intrigues have become more dangerous than they
used to be, and Chicago's vampires more likely to resort to
Many of the vampires were Embraced in Chicago, and
others have been in the city for so long that they might as well
have been born there. It has left its stamp on them as surely
as they have left theirs on it.
Power Structure
Use power for power
Use hate for freedom
Use money for cntelty
Use money for cntelty
Take control and keep it.
-Swans, "Power for Power"
Until the werewo lf attack shook Ch icago to its core, the
city was ostensibly ruled by Lodin, a Ventrue who seized
contro l in the 19th century. With his murder, and the deaths
of so many other Kindred, Chicago's power structure is in
disarray. Many contenders for the empty throne have ap-
peared, but no clear leader has emerged.
C hicago has earned itself a h ost of colorful sobriquets well with the Native Americans who had called the area
during its short but illustrious history. Young by European home for generations. Here they had their sacred lands, their
standards, the city h as become known as Gangster Land, Hog burial grounds and their hunting ranges. Newcomers who
Butcher and the Windy City, among other names. Its politi· tried to displace the land's older residents found themselves
cal machine has long been one of the most powerful in the the targets of ra ids and war parties.
country, manipulating politics even at the nat ion::~ ! level. The army abandoned the fort during the W ar of 18 12,
However, non e of these images tell the whole story about one hut returned in 18 16 with more settlers and , eventually,
of America's most intriguing municipalities. The truth is engineers who hoped to establish a new city at this strategic
concealed in the unlivesofthe Kindred who contro l this city, river junction. The natives found a leader in C hief Black
and who have manipulated its history from its very first days. Hawk, and prepared to defend their ancestral lands.
This chapter describes the history of C hicago- both The United States Army had been enjoying consider-
the Vampire version of mortal history, and the particular able success against America's natives ever since the death of
history of the c ity's Kindred. Tecumseh during the W ar of 18 12. However, Black Hawk
thought h e had an advantage in the form of the Pale W olf, a
Early Settlers white man who had lived among the northern tribes since
before Black Hawk's grandfather was born. The Pale Wo lf
The first settlers came to the area during the American was actually an ancient vampire who had been born under
Revolution, when the land was still under British control. the name Meneleus, and now called himself Menele.
United States forces, under Revolutionary W ar hero Gen. Unfortunately, General Whistler, commander of Fort
"Mad" Anthony W ayne, acquired the land in 1795, and Fort Dearborn, was under the Domination of Menele's archen-··
Dearborn was built in 1803. Needless to say, this did not sit emy, the vampiress Helena. She had hunted the Pale W olf
Indian Wars
Menele had hoped to turn Black Hawk's people into an
effective fighting force capable of standing against Helena
and her min ions. Unfortunately, h e had little knowledge of
the destructive power offirearms, and despite his training and
his fo llowers' own valor, Helena managed to defeat him yet
The climax came during one tragic midnight cavalry
raid on a riverside encampment. Menele, seeing the cruel
slaugh ter of the brave people with whom h e h ad lived for so
long, burst into a murderous frenzy . Instead of relying on
pawns to fight his battles as he had in the past, he flew into
the fray himself, charging straight at the equally powerful
Helena. He was shot many times, but nothing seemed able to
stop him. The two Methuselahs met with all the fury of a
whirlwind, and the air turned red with the vast quantities of
blood they used.
None of those watching could fo llow the swift course of
that titan ic battle, but finally they saw Helena dig her claws
deep into Menele's ribs. W ith a scream of agony that made
the earth itself shake, Menele drove his skull deep into
Helena's forehead. The two separated , both thrown to the
ground by their injuries. Menele's remaining braves made a
last desperate charge to rescue the ir anc ient ally, but could
not reach him before Helena's ghoul managed to drive a
burning stake deep into the vampire's neck. At the cost of
many lives, Menele's allies man aged to seize his body and
escape into the woods, wh ile the ghoul carried Helena to the
safety of the fort.
Thus, two of the migh tiest Cainites in the New World
fell into torpor under the watchful gaze of their mortal allies.
However, th eir deep slumber d id not mean an end to their
age-old feud. From their sleep, th e two called to all their
supporters around the world, and Kindred and kine alike
flocked to them.
TbeAnarcbs rebuilding through the years. By 1960 they had surpassed the
forces of Modius in both strength and numbers, and they
quickly became a source of constant concern to Lodin.
The first indications of trouble came from other princes
Through the early '60s a sort of shadow war developed, with
across the country. Reports ohm-Presented neonates, gangs
the city's Ventrue trying to drive out the weaker anarchs and
of anarchs and marauding Sabbat packs began to reach
the anarchs trying to steer mortal institutions out of the
Lodin. The decades of relative quiet had not been limited to
prince's control. Still, both sides avoided serious violence
Chicago, and Camarilla leaders across the country had grown
until 1966.
complacent in their rule. When threats appeared, they either
mish andled them o r drastically overreacted.
The problems began in the South, where many black
The Night of Rage
vampires aided their mortal counterpartS in the struggle for In what has become known among Cainites across the
equality. The princes, almost without exception white prod- country as the Night of Rage, the whole situation changed.
ucts of the racist culture they ruled, responded with feroc ious The problems started when Balthazar went looking for a
brutality. For once the kine got the best of the Kindred, and neonate Brujah rumored to have entered the city several days
civil rights became the byword of the day. earlier. The prince's enforcer had no luck finding the new-
comer, but d id stumble onto a group of Brujah gathering in
Operation Incubator
Lodin began to respond to Maldavis' delicate machina-
tions with cruder, less sophisticated maneuvers of his own.
For instance, around C hristmas 1985, he implemented Op-
eration Incubator, whereby he attempted to ruin some of
Maldavis' key mortal allies through police harassment and
public embarrassment. H is plans backfired wh en news of
these efforts reached the public and a scandal erupted over
the "persecution" of the city government. Somehow the story
had managed to bypass his censorship.
Maldav1s' strength reached its peak in the spring of 1986.
Dunng the next year, anarchs destroyed many of the prince's
lackeys in the c1ty government and installed their own pawns
mto many of the City's positions of power. Finally, desperate
and terrified for his very existence, Lodin threw himself at the
feet of the primogen and begged their forgiveness right before
Thanksgiving of 1987.
For hours he listened to the elders' complaints on the
way he ran the city, until finally they reached a dea l. Annabelle
agreed to switch sides if the prince would agree to give one
certain Ventrue remarkable freedom and grant her the right
to make two neonates. Even the primogen had to abide by
Lodin's rule against the Embrace, for it was ratified by the
Camarilla, but Lodin had no ch oice but to grant the privilege.
Moreover, he was required to attend the primogen in Elysium
on the first Monday of each month, to hear their complaints
and to listen to their advice.
Fortified by this change in fortunes and Annabelle's
revelation of a spy who had been dogging the Ventrue, the
prince set to work regaining his power. Lodin began his
Thanksgiving Massacre with a direct strike against the popu-
lar mayor whom Maldav1s had brought to power. The Yen true
dramed h1m to the pomt where he died the next day ofa heart
That day, aided by the capture of one of Maldavis' most
trusted lieutenants, the prince's mortal servants began track-
ing down the anarchs and killing them as they slept in their
havens. The following night turned into one of terror for
Maldavis' remaining allies. Lodin's forces watched all their
havens, and nowh ere could they find safety.
The Chicago of the Gothic-Punk world is architectur- These businessmen had little interest in European styles of
ally little different from the city existing in our world. People architecture, and developed a more "functional" architec-
sti ll strive to reach the sky, and 100-story buildings loom over tural style. Adler designed auditoria to distribute sound, not
those below. But the shadows between the buildings are to look pretty. Sullivan bui lt stores that were practical and
somehow deeper. Few pedestrians dare to walk the streets convenient.
after dark, even in the better parts of town. Those who do Several recent inventions of the era also influenced the
have no good purpose in mind. Even in the heart of Chicago changes. These were the mechanical elevator, the caisson
(especially in the heart of Chicago) it is the lower class, the foundation, and the replacement of load-bearing masonry
criminals and the undead who rule the nighttime streets. walls by iron frames. These innovations led to the beginnings
Building styles ranging from Gothic to contemporary of Chicago's tradition as "Skyscraper Central." Later builders
make up Chicago. The builders who left the ir influence on like Ludwig M ics van dcr Rohc and Frank Lloyd Wright made
Chicago were too full of life and vision for the Kindred to their mark on the skyline, giving the city a cosmopolitan
have had much interest or success in altering their work, flavor all its o wn.
though Lodin was known to have bankrolled some. The While C hicago is surrounded by a number of suburbs
occasional Gothic structure, such as the Chicago Tribune (known to Kindred as the Outlands), the Ki ndred have little
T ower, still exists, but the vampires are mostly content to let interest in these areas. The suburbs are very much three-
their influence work in other areas. bedroom home, shopping mall, and fast food oriented. An
After the Great Fire of 1871, the city was seen as a place occasional gang of anarchs may take refuge there, and one or
to "start from scratch." Several engineers-turned-architects two Gangrel have havens in suburban parks, but ove r:~ II the
-mensuchasLouisSullivan, William Jenney, D.H. Burnham Kindred are rarely seen here. Therefore the suburbs arc not
and David Adler- rolled up their sleeves and went to work. discussed in this book.
While C hicago is far more than the sum of its down-
town, this area is still the heart of the c ity. This area contains
both the Loop and the "Magnificent Mile" (North Michigan
Avenue). The Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of
Contemporary A rt, and the C ivic Opera House are all
located h ere. These locales are easi ly accessible to Kindred of
an art istic bent.
The most sophisticated stores are found along the Mag-
nificent Mile. Man y of these cater to the T oreador, who
consider themselves obiigated to keep up to date with current
This area is also the heart of Chicago's business activi-
ties. Those Kindred who enjoy the world of high finance are
rarely far from such bu ildings as the C hicago Mercantile
Exchange, the Board of Trade, and the International Mon-
etary Market. Even if they are unable or unwilling to participate
d irectly, their Retainers are a common sight.
The Loop
This part of the downtown area was so named in the
1890s because of the rectangle formed by the tracks of the
elevated trains. The name also refers to the convergence of
cable car lines into this area, the center of the city. T o this day
cable cars still ply the street alongside the Gothic-Punk El (in
place of the bus system that actually exists). However, the
Kindred, particularly the younger ones, h ave given it another
n ame - "the Hive." This is very much the center of the city,
although it consists almost entirely of office buildings, and
not much happens h ere at night. This is the bulk of Down-
town, though Downtown does extend beyond the Loop.
There are several major stores in this area, including
Marshall Field's (I ll North), Carson Pirie Scott & Co. (1
South), and Capper & Capper ( 1 N. W abash Ave).
'- ..... --'
'-----'-1 12) ORCHESTRAHALL
In dtrect contrast to lower Michtgan, the first mile of
North Michig;m gomg north from the n ver is known as the
"Magntficent Mile." Thts area is a strtp of exclusive stores
catering to C hicago's ~lttc. Almost anythmg, from the most
up-to-date fashions to jewelry, !mens and furniture, can be
Aside from the parks themselves, this area has four major
tourist attractions. Coming south on Lake Shore from the
Loop, one passes Buckingham Fountain, a large rococo-style
fountain with an hour-long, computer-programmed light-
and-color water display. Beyond the fountain, there are three
museums on Grant Park's south end.
The first is the Field Museum of Natural History, the
largest ofChicago's Lakeshore museums and one of the largest
marble buildings in the world. The second, Shedd Aquarium,
lies east along the Lake, and Adler Planetarium is even further
east on a small abutment of Land.
Further south, in Jackson Park, the Museum of Science
and Industry draws huge crowds (more than four million per
year). Its major attractions are its hands-on displays, a walk-
through coal mine, and U-505, a real German submarine
from World War II.
While these museums are interesting, they hold little
interest for the Kindred. Some older vampires occasionally
visit the Museum of Science and Industry when they feel the
need to update their knowledge and keep in touch with the
1990s. Every decade or so, a T remere takes an interest in
astrological influences on magic and spends some time at the
planetarium. And for years it has been rumored that an
unknown Methuselah, accustomed to fish vitre, at times
breaks into Shedd Aquarium to feed. The rumor has never
been confirmed, and is hardly believed.
In general, though, the Kindred ignore the museums.
They are part of the Barrens, and although they are not
technically within the Elysium, Lodin banned feeding here
and none have opted to break the ban since his death.
Chicago Police Headquarters is located west of the Field
Museum on Roosevelt Road. Once strictly forbidden to the
Kindred by order of Lodin, it has since become a hotbed of
activity as vampires seek to control Kindred of importance to
them. Even the Tremere have become involved in this,
taking special interest in the city's occult crimes division.
Soldier Field, home of the Chicago Bears, is located
south of the Field Museum, between Wm. McFetridge Drive
and E. Waldron Drive. Ballard has considerable influence
over the owner, and uses the stadium for his own purposes. It
is a wide-open area, some miles from the "safer" (to Kindred
The South Side plutonium. One of the group, Enrico Fermi, directed the first
successful nuclear chain reaction on December 2, 1942. The
plutonium was isolated in Room 405 of G .H. Jones Labora-
South of the river, and farther south of the Loop, lies tory.
Chicago's South Side. Neighborhoods such as Bridgeport, Because of its critical importance to mortal history, this
Gage, Hyde, McKinley and Marquette Parks, Hegewisch, area has drawn the interest of several vampires, including the
and Kenwood make up this area. There are a few areas of note Athenian Brujah Critias, who occasionally visits to discuss
here, but overall it comprises mostly lower- and middle-class theory with old friends and their proteges. Not knowing his
residences, and is populated mainly by minorities. Down the name, the university people call him "the Doctor," after an
social scale from Chicago's North Side, the South Side is obscure British television program that has achieved cult
more likely to receive the spillover of Cainite battles from status in some universities. Because he never ages, Critias
central Chicago. must disappear for 10 years or so every 30 years in order to
avoid suspicion. Nevertheless, he has become the subject of
some rather bizarre rumors.
One of the coffin-makers, Spangler Manufacturing, prides achievements of the Renaissance. Indeed, it has become a
itselfon its ability to create special, made-to-order caskets. Its private place for some of them to meet in safety and away from
owner, Gordon Spangler, is remarkably disinterested in the prying eyes.
occasional odd orders he receives. His prices are steep, but his West of the Near Northwest Side are the suburbs of Oak
craftsmanship and ingenuity are superb. Although some Park, River Forest and Forest Park. These isolated neighbor-
elders feel that dealings with Spangler pose a threat to the hoods border on the Outlands, and Kindred encountered
Masquerade, he has never been in danger. here are usually just passing through.
Broadway Costumes specializes in costumes of all sorts, Two of the area's stores are of interest to Kindred. One
while Ginglass deals in new and used formal wear and is the Creative Workshop ( 1024 North Boulevard), whose
accessories. An out--of-the-way spot, Broadway Costumes is owner, Tom Cameron, creates custom leather goods. His
still conveniently close to the downtown area. Both stores are specialty is leather suits, for rock stars and for those who like
popular with Toreador looking for something special to wear to look like rock stars. The members of Baby Chorus are
to a party. Broadway's selection of capes and canes, and regular patrons, as are some of the other anarchs.
Ginglass' used tuxedos, make both stores popular with neo- The other is Essence (169 N. Marion St.), a cosmetics
nates looking to "dress the part" on a low budget. store. The owners, the Berlinski family, have their own
North of the Near West Side, bordering Milwaukee private-label stock, but also carry goods from a wide variety
Avenue, are West Town, Wicker Park and Logan Square, of other cosmetics companies. Those who have especially
collectively called the Near Northwest Side. This area is the devoted themselves to the Masquerade - particularly To-
center of the city's Polish community, and its only notable reador and Ventrue - shop here to achieve that perfect
feature is St. Stanislaus Kostka at Noble Street and Evergreen "natural look."
Avenue. The oldest of Chicago's Polish churches, it is part of
the Elysium because of its Italian Renaissance architecture,
and- according to rumor- the fact that Lodin once took
refuge there in the days before he became prince. It is
Tbe North Side
North of the Lincoln Park area lie several neighbor-
considered the artistic triumphofitsdesigner, Patrick Charles
hoods. Among them are DePaul, Lakeview, New Town,
Keely. Many elders (particularly those of European descent)
enjoy visiting it to see a reminder of the great architectural Uptown and Lincoln Square.
Rules of Elysium passing, the duty falls to the elders. They may well punish
transgressors even more harshly (that is, unless the viola-
Established by Lodin and now enforced by the elders, tor can cut a deal).
the rules for a building that is part of the Elysium are For instance, an uninformed childe, reveling in his
simple but clear: newfound powers, may decide to Dominate a curator. He
I. On pain of a Blood Hunt, no violence is permitted on gains access to a sealed vault in the Art Institute of
the premises against Kindred, kine, or physical objects. Not Chicago, where he scrawls, "Fools! I can go anywhere I
only do such acts breach the Masquerade, they could want!" on a valuable painting. He could nghtly claim
cause damage to items, causes or individuals the elders ignorance, but it would be an inadequate defense. Van-
value. dalism, defiance and breach of the Masquerade do not
2. The Elysium is co be considered neutral ground. No rely on knowledge of the rules of Elysium, and the
conflict of any sort between Kindred may be carried ontO its youngster would incur the wrath of the elders- and the
sacred grotmd. The elders like to meet and appreciate the respect of most anarchs. A Blood Hunt would be declared
fine arts without other Kindred shattering the peace of in any case. Such destruction enrages all elders, whether
their contemplations. As a matter of courtesy, discussions they like the defaced work or not. Elysium is a symbol of
should be limited to the fine arts, and political topics their power, and to defy its rules is to attack the pillar on
avoided (except when the primogen meets). which that power stands.
3. Access shall not be limited; all Cainites are welcome. The rulesofEiysium are vague when dealing with the
In practice, those who enter Elysium when elders are status of artists and performers. Their work is part of the
present are assumed to have thrown in their lot with that Elysium, but the question remains whether they them·
group. selves are so, especially when they are outside the physical
4. One should not attract attenrion as one leaves and areas defined as Elysium. This has been a problem in
enters Elysium. Some buildings will not normally be open recent years, as some Kindred - especially Malkavians
in the hours of darkness, but in such cases some easy and Caitiff in the United States- have made a practice
means of entry and egress will have been arranged. of hunting thespians, models and the like. Generally, a
Guards are often Dominated, and will instantly respond performer is not considered "under Elysium," and is fair
to certain command words. game for feeding, Dominate attempts or death. A vam-
Of course, these rules are not graven in stone; they pire may be able to commit such a series of murders, or
are more along the nature of guidelines or rules of eti· Dominate a star into becoming a useless alcoholic, with-
quette. A sire will usually- but not always- inform h er out breaching the Masquerade. Of course, there remains
progeny of these guidelines, and of the extent of the the fury of an elder over the death or ruin of a favored
Elysium. Lodin used to enforce these rules and, with his performer ...
"9" ~r-~R.I.P.
~ ~}
----~ Secrets
I do not know everything; still many things I understand.
Neil Graham
- Goethe, Faust
Hank Cave
There are five basic levels of secrets, rated A-F like the
Theodore Dooley
school grading system. Each character in this supplement has
Marc Levesque
a Secrets rating; this shows how much information said
Travis Fett character knows. A character knows everything listed for his
Gordon Keaton or her rating, plus everything listed for all lower ratings. For
Priscilla Gibbs instance, an A in Secrets assumes knowledge of B through F.
Derrick Stack The plus and minus ratings indicate greater or less
Jimmy Holcomb familiarity with the area of knowledge indicated. Thus, a B+
Jackie Goodman indicates complete familiarity with the conflicts between the
Charles Waterstone primogen and the personalities involved, while a B- indicates
only a rough idea.
Paula Smith
A+ The character knows exact details ofall conflicts in
Ben Smith
the city (just like you will after reading this book).
Horace Turn bull
A The character knows something about the control
Johann Weltmann
exerted by Menele and Helena, and their ongoing conflict.
Elzbieta Jurofsky The character does not know exactly who controls whom.
Jurgis Rudkus A- T he character knows the general nature of the
Peter Walenski conflicts between Mencle and Helena, but does not know
Tommy Walker whom they control, or the intricate details of their games.
Sophia Ayes B+ The character is knowledgeable about the precise
Sharon Payne nature of the primogcn, its members' past votes, who supports
Michael Payne whom, and many of the intrigues going on between them.
Sir Henry Johnson The character may suspect that there are Ancients behind
the scenes.
Tamoszius Kuszleika
B The character knows of the conflicts within the
Garwood Marshall
primogen, and of many of the other Kindred whom they
control - including the anarchs.
Tommy Hinds
B· The character has a rough idea that the primogen is
Edgar Drummond working behind the scenes.
Lawrence Ballard C+ The character knows the politics of all the coteries
Frank Gaughan in exact detail.
Pham Hong C The character knows about many of the coteries,
Brennon Thornhill and how they react to one another. The character knows
Prias about the primogen, but docs not know how powerful and
influential it is.
C- The character understands that there are different
New Traits groups among the Kindred, and that their conflicts dictate
the ebb and flow of politics within the city.
For the purposes of this supplement, two new Knowledge D+ The character knows who the main candidates for
Abilities have been coined, and many of the Kindred pre- prince arc, and who has the best shot.
sented in this chapter have ratings in both. The new T raits D The character knows most of the different vampires
are as follows: who want to be prince, and the conflicts between the anarchs
and the elders- but knows nothing about shadowy figures
Chicago behind the scenes. The character may know of certain
relationships, but knows very little of the overall picture.
This new Knowledge covers familiarity with the city's
geography, mortal personalities and mundane areas. It does D- The character only knows the general facts about
not cover knowledge of the Kindred, which is delineated by the most obvious candidates for prince.
Secrets. F The character knows who is an anarch and who is
an elder, and can identify some of the leaders of each group.
Thus, for instance, the character would recognize the name
60 Chicago by Night 2nd Edition
of juggler, but not that of Mod ius. The character knows very A •••••
little of Chicago and its Kindred - only a few faces and a B ••••
rough understanding of the turmoil and antipathy. c •••
0 ••
Acquiring Secrets
F •
If you wish, you may allow characters to gain dots in
Plus and minus ratings are handled by common sense; a
Secrets, just like any other Knowledge Ability. However,
character knows as much as he or she knows.
characters cannot spend experience points to raise their score
in Secrets; instead, the characters must actually acquire the Other Traits
information represented by the level of knowledge they seek.
Certain T raitsare not described in the Vampire rulebook,
As Storyteller, you can assign points at the end ofa Story that
but may be found in The Players Guide, The Storytellers
are to be applied to Secrets only.
Handbook, or The Players Guide to the Sabbat.
The A-F rating for Secrets corresponds to the normal
five-level rating as fo llows:
Meneleus (Menele)
Although Greek civilization did not reach its height
until the age of Pericles (starting 457 B.C.), Menele enjoyed
his rulership of one of Greece's growing merchant cities some
eight centuries earlier. Despite the burdens of the crown,
Menele found plenty of time to indulge his tastes in thought
Meoele (4th)
Tyler (6th)
Critias(5th) I I
Joshua (8dl) l.oaise (D)
oalien (6th)
~rf (D) Ramone
I (D)
Aoita (12th)
Baltbazar (8th)
Levesque (D)
0 = Disappeared
Victoria Longwood
When Torrence saw Victoria Longwood at her coming-
out party, he knew he had to have her. Victoria, a descendant
of some of the oldest money in New England, knew she made
a striking figure as she walked down the marble stairway in
the family's ages-old mansion, but she had no idea someone
could see her as a work ofart. She had even less idea that there
was a vampire at the party.
The Ventrue's brood chased Raymond, but he found At the end of the evening, Torrence finally managed to
protection among the anarchs. The anarchs decided comer Victoria in the garden, and began talking about the art
Raymond's best chance was to become a vampire in the of beauty. Bored within seconds, Victoria was about to make
Anarch Free States, so they Embraced him and sent him west. her apologies and leave when Torrence looked deep into her
There he met Carlyle and joined the gang. eyes. "You will be mine," he commanded, and that night
Victoria became one of the undead.
Raymond has little interest in the Anarch Movement,
but has found it a fine vehicle for practicing his hobby. More Torrence immediately began her indoctrination into
than one elder has fallen to his slipknot, and his ham-like Clan Toreador, and again recited his spiel on the art of
hands are nothing to be laughed at, either. beauty. This was enough to shake his control of the neonate.
Sire: Susan
Bored beyond deatth, Victoria picked up a garden stake and
drove it through T orrence's chest before he had any idea of
Nature: Deviant
what was happening. Then she left.
Demeanor: Bravo
Victoria would not have survived her first week as a
Generation: 11th vampire except for the good fortune of encountering a gang
Embrace: 1985 (born 1954) of anarchs who had taken over the house of some neighbors.
Apparent Age: Mid-30s
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Talents: Brawl4, Intimidation 4, Streetwise 2
Skills: Firearms I , Melee 5, Security 2, Stealth 4
Knowiedges: Linguistics 1
Disciplines: Celerity 2, Potence 3, Protean I
Backgrounds: Contacts 2
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control3, Courage 2
Humanity: 3
Willpower: 6
Notes: Raymond carries a razor-sharp garrote. It has a
difficulty of seven and does Strength + 1 in damage. If
Raymond rolls five or more successes on his attack roll (after
any dodge attempt) and five more on the damage roll (after
any soak), he severs the body part hit.
Image: At 6'6" and 336 pounds, Raymond is one impos-
ing Cajun.
~ CAITIFF . : '
Raymond (lith) Yictoria Longwood (lith) MaldaYis (8th)
Uriah (D)
For details of this character, see Vampire.
important as the years passed by, and Rose has come to accept
what she is. Still, she will not feed on animals and only feeds The Wolf Pack
on humans-generally science students and their professors. These Gangrel bikers are not actually from Chicago, but
She had begun making plans to contact the Garou when make their home in the Quad-Cities area ofsouthern Illinois.
they attacked the city. At first she hoped their attack would They are some of the most unlikely archons to be found. Most
cleanse the city, but then she discovered just how blood- Kindred believe they serve not out of any great loyalty to the
thirsty her new idols could be. Their violence and excess Camarilla, but out of a desire to bust heads. They have
revolted her, and the final straw came when they slew the few answered when the sect called, however, and will do so again.
friends she had among the undead. The Wolf Pack suffered a great deal at the hands of the
She now looks on the Lupines with a new, far less Garou during the events of Under a Blood Red Moon. While
friendly attitude. She has come to see them as destroyers of all the Pack tried to establish neutrality, this went out the
life and unlife, and her studies of them are now directed window early on in the fighting, and a nu mber of its members
toward a new goal - their destruction. Should characters met the Final Death. The rest are licking their wounds and
come into conflict with werewolves, she might come to their considering their next moves. They had close ties to Lodin,
aid. but generally follow lnyanga's lead.
Sire: Doyle Fincher
Nature: Martyr Tyrus
Demeanor: Caregiver T yrus was one of the first vampires Embraced in Britain's
Generation: 8th American colonies. He was created in the wilderness of
Maryland in 1635 because of his essentially wild nature, and
Embrace: 1974 (born 1953)
has since roamed across the continent, making his home
Apparent Age: Early 20s
wherever he pleased. He fell in love with motorcycles and the
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4 freedom they represent shortly after the machines were
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3 invented, and recently began making more Gangrel in order
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3 to create his vision of the ideal biker gang. He is on the
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 4 extreme edge of sanity and is given to self-mutilation, using
Skills: Animal Ken 4, Drive 2, Security 3, Stealth 4, cigarettes, safety pins or whatever else comes to hand. He
Survival2 rarely heals himself fully after an episode of self-mutilation,
Knowledges: Lupine Lore 3, Politics 1, Science 3 but retains the scars as trophies, demonstrating his strength
and courage.
Disciplines: Animalism 4, Celerity 2, Fortitude 2, Pro-
tean 4 Sire: Gareth
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Herd 4, Influence 1 N ature: Director
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control3, Courage 4 Demeanor: Bravo
Humanity: 6 Generation: 7th
Willpower: 8 Embrace: 1635 (born 1604)
Anthius ("Dread")
Anthius was a Greek who emigrated to America shortly
after the Civil War. He became a trapper and made his home
near present-day Seattle - at the edge of a forest inhabited
by a Gangrel. Anthius could never understand why his
D = Disappeared
Bronwyn's Tale
Meanwhile, Bronwyn wandered into the Highlands,
half mad with pain and hunger. She spent hours at a time
crying and talking to herself. She spent even more time
cursing Corbin's very existence. One night she heard a noise
in the brush. Not afraid of animals, and knowing better than
to run, she sat silently, waiting.
After a while, she again began to cry. She sat there with
her head down, sobbing, when she heard a slow, calm voice.
It told her that she need not cry any longer, for it could take
all of her pain and sorrow away. A man sat down next to her,
and introduced himself as Bryan.
Bryan's Tale
Bandits slew Bryan's wife and chi ldren as he stood by
helplessly. T hen they turned on him. Bryan was barely alive
when the old woman appeared before him, explaining what
she had done and what he could expect during the rest of his
existence. Then she took off into the wilds.
Bryan quickly became used to his new existence. The
first time the hunger got really bad, he enlisted the aid of his
family's caretaker, hunted down the men who had slain his
family, and fed on their sweet blood. The caretaker contin-
ued serving Bryan, as have his children and his children's
Generation: 9th
Embrace: 1457 (born 1437)
Bryan was a simple vampire. He reveled in the sheer joy
Apparent Age: Early 20s
of existence. He spent many decades walking in the nearby
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5 forests, painted, and lived a solitary life- extremely solitary,
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4 for Bryan discovered he could not abide any companionship.
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 During one of his nightly walks, he heard what sounded
Talents: Acting 4, Brawl 4, Dodge 2, Intimidation 3, like a young girl sobbing bitterly along the banks of a river he
Subterfuge 5 loved to visit. He listened to her for a while, but did nothing.
Skills: Etiquette 4, Melee 2, Music 2, Stealth 3, SUIVival3 The next night he returned to the riverbank, and she was still
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Finance 4, Investigation 1, there. She was silent now, but was staring out across the river
Linguistics 1, Politics 3 as if she had absolutely no one in the world. She still talked
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Dominate 5, Obfuscate 2, Po- to herself, albeit somewhat more coherently than she had the
tence 2, Presence 4 night before.
Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Herd 2, Resources 5, Retain- This continued for several nights before Bryan felt a
ers 3, Status 2 change come over him, and he began to listen even more
intently. He approached her as quietly as he could. As soon
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control3, Courage 3
as he was close, he began speaking in a voice that he generally
Humanity: 1
reserved for wild animals. She calmed down the more he
Willpower: 7
talked to her. It occurred to him that someone who had
Notes: Corbin's dementia manifests in extreme fixa- suffered so much might well benefit from the Embrace.
tions. If something (or someone) strikes her interest, she will Before Bronwyn, he had not realized how lonely he had
spare no effort to acquire it. become. She brought a freshness to his existence that had not
Image: She is 5'4", 130 lbs., and extremely flamboyant been there in years. Then, five years after her Embrace, she
in makeup and dress. She has very thin, very fine, pale-blond announced that it was time for her to exact her revenge. He
hair that she wears about shoulder length. Her eyes are a unhappily bid her adieu, but she returned less than one week
murky brown. Most men find her attractive in a cheap sort of later. She had gotten her revenge, and wanted to leave
way. Scotland. It broke her heart when he had to tell her that there
Roleplaying Hints: You care about one thing- your- was no possible way he could go. He had never left home, and
self. You will do or say anything to get what you want, and do did not want to.
not care who gets hurt along the way. His unlife settled into the routine that it had been
before. It did seem to be less of an unlife than it had been, but
Bryan (7tb)
I (8tb)
Bronwyn O'Leary (7dl)
Corbin (9th) Son
I (Ada)
Ben Smith (D)
Lateland (D) Raya~oad Falcon (ftll)
Moo Cheri (D) D = Disappeared
Nathaniel Bordruff
For years, Nathaniel fought the demons and devils that
plagued the good people of New O rleans. An evangelist in
the Church of Christ and the most feared vampire hunter in
Louisiana during the 1920s, he managed to slay five of the
city's Kindred during the span of a few years. Pride managed
to worm its way into his bosom and replace faith, however,
and Nathaniel finally met his match in the bayous.
In the swamps, a crafty old Nosferatu trapped him in a
deserted shack. As a joke, the Nosferatu turned the dread
vampire hunter into that which he most despised, subse·
quently depositing him outside a Church of Christ revival.
None of the worshippers survived Nathaniel's waking frenzy.
At first Nathaniel tried to atone for his actions by using
his newfound powers to continue his war against the undead,
but it was not the same. There was no one to appreciate his
Kathy Oleos
Kathy's burning ambition since the age of 10 was to be
the world's greatest guitarist. With every new Hendrix or
Clapton album, this ambition grew and grew. By 1971, when
she was 18, nothing else mattered. Unfortunately, she faced
the same problem shared by many talented fema le musicians
at the time . Fans just did not accept female musicians unless
they were singers or folk artists. Not only was Kathy primarily
a rock guitarist, but she refused to add lyrics to her songs based
on the (correct) assumption that they would detract from the
power of her performance. This helped to ensure her status as
a minor local cult figure instead ofa performer with a national
It also attracted the attention of T amoszius, the mad
vampire violinist, who had felt nothing but disdain for rock
'n' roll until he heard her play. For three months, the
Ta111oszius (D)
I M1a (D)
Eletria (5tb)
Annabelle (6dl)
Tannonay (D) SopLa (D)
Bret Stryker (7dl) Sharon
I (D)
Teri (D)
I (D)
McPhee (D) Michael
Deforest (D)
0 = Disappeared
New Rituals
Calling the Restless Spirit (Level Two Ritual): This Aura Perception. Any who use that power on the caster
ritual allows the caster to speak with someone who has will perceive a white aura, untainted by any signs of
died. Successful casting requires an Intelligence+ Occult vampirism. A toy that once belonged to a mortal child
roll (difficulty is the target's Willpower); the caster needs must be carried with the caster while the spell is in effect.
two successes. This ritual must be cast within 10 feet of Nicolai invented this ritual and is extremely proud of it.
the corpse. If the caster attempts to communicate with a He has not yet demonstrated it to any other T remere; he
ghost, she does not have to be near the body but must be hopes to spring it on the clan at a particularly dramatic
in the area the ghost haunts. This spell does not affect moment.
vampires unless they have been destroyed. Rending Sweet Earth (Level Four Ritual): This
Eyes of the Past (Level Three Ritual): This ritual ritual opens a 10-foot by 10-foot chasm leading to the
shows what happened in the caster's present location at subterranean resting place of a vampire in an Earth
a specific time in the past, up to five years ago. The caster Melded state. The ritual automatically awakens the tar-
can see what happened in the past as if she had been get Cainite if she is asleep, but will not do so if she is in
standing where she is now. torpor. The ritual must be cast at the exact spot where the
Illusion of Peaceful Death (Level Three Ritual): vampire entered the earth, and the caster must repeatedly
This ritual heals obvious wounds on a corpse, causing a strike the ground with a leather whip.
body to appear as though it died a natural death. While Protean Curse (Level Four Ritual): This ritual turns
it does not add blood to a corpse, this ritual reduces the the target into a bat as per the fourth level of the Protean
chance that anyone will notice how much is gone. The Discipline. The target must drink a vial of blood from a
body must still have at least half its original blood for this rabid vampire bat. The ritual may be cast on Kindred or
ritual to succeed. The caster must "dust" the body with a kine, and the target will only tum back to human form
white feather. when the spell is again cast on her.
Gentle Mind (Level Three Ritual): This ritual Sands of Time (Level Six Ritual): The caster must
grants the target four extra Willpower points usable only enchant a marble bowl full of white sand and glass shards
for preventing frenzy. The caster and target must share a in a five-hour ritual. At the end of this time he rolls
Blood Point, keeping a T remere from casting this spell on Dexterity+ Occult (difficulty 7). Provided the ritual was
himself. successful, the sands will mystically slow anyone upon
The Unseen Change (Level Three Ritual): This whom they are sprinkled. It takes the target a number of
ritual affects an area delineated by wolf's blood poured turns equal to the successes of the casting to take one
from a silver jug. From then on, any Lupine who enters action. Thus, if the caster rolled five successes on the
the area will automatically change to Lupus (full-wolf) ritual, its target could only take one action every five
form unless she makes a successful Willpower roll (diffi- turns. Note that Celerity can partially or fully negate this
culty 9). effect; if the target in the last example had two points of
Innocence ofthe Child's Heart (Level Four Ritual): Celerity, she could take an action every three turns,
This ritual masks the vampire from the Auspex power of though at the cost of two Blood Points.
- lllrzEM\EIRE - :
Nicolai (tell)
olble (7dl) Eric~tho (7tb)
Marshall (D)
D = Disappea.-ed
In the early 1920s, AI Capone assumed control of crime
in Chicago, including the city's very lucrative illegal alcohol
trade. Soon thereafter, without any vampiric help, he seized
almost total control of the city as a whole. At first Lodin did
little to stop Capone, finding "the little Italian" quite amus-
ing; the prince merely ensured that no others of his kind
attempted to control the Mafia boss. Lodin did exert some
control over the mob itself, and used its power to expand his
- l3enttue ·
Jackson (8tb) Peterson (8tb) Weatberbottom (8tb) TbomhiU (D)
Lorraine (8th) Neatly (8dl) Dmmmood (D) Hinds (D)
Ballard (8tb) Schumpeter (8tb)
Phillipe Rigaud
When Louis XIV, France's legendary Sun King, invaded
Holland in 1672, Phillipe Rigaud was a soldier in the light
cavalry units that scouted the area or, more commonly,
raided the area. While these soldiers did not share their king's
dislike of Calvinism, republicanism and Dutch economic
ascendancy, they did enjoy a good opportunity.
Phillipe's unit was better than most in seizing each
village in its path, carrying away whatever was portable and
destroying the rest. Its free rein over the countryside ended
when the Dutch took the extreme step of opening the dikes.
Most of Phillipe's unit died in the ensuing floods. Phillipe
himself had actually been scouting; having climbed a wind-
mill to get a better view of the area, he had the good fortune
to escape the waters. Cursing the Dutch, Phillipe prepared to
make his way back to France.
Lolita Houston
Lolita's mortal life wasn't much - orphaned at birth,
adopted by a family that abandoned her eigh t years later,
Cameron has also surprised other Sabbat by surviving shunted from one set of foster parents to the next - so she
everything the world of darkness can throw at h im, up to and swore her unlife would go much better. For her, the Sabbat
including the destruction of his original pack in Pennsylva- has actually been a relief from the struggle she went through
nia. Returning to N ew York, he was given command of a during life.
number of brand-new recruits and told to head to C hicago, Her assignment to Chicago is her first chance to prove
where he would come under the command of a Brujah named herself, and she relishes the opportu nity. She has already
T yler. made the acquaintance of W endy W ade, whom she believes
Sire: Molita will be able to help her rise in status. Cameron does not know
Clan: Lasombra this, and Lolita has no intentions of telling him. She believes
Nature: Survivor Cameron is ineffective at best, and plans on taking his place
Demeanor: Conniver at the earliest opportunity - for the good of the sect, of
Generation: lOth course.
Embrace: 1984 (born 1952)
Apparent Age: Mid-30s
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, S tamina 3
Social: C harisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Talen ts: Acting 2, A lertness 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 1,
Leadership 1, Panhandling 1, Subterfuge 3
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Firearms 1, Melee 2, Stealth 2,
Survival I
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Computer 1, Occult 3,
Sabbat Lore 2
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 3, O btenebration 4,
Potence 2
Back grounds: Contacts 1, Herd 1, Sabbat Status 1
Virtues: Callousness 4, Instincts 2, Morale 1
Path of Power and the Inner Voice: 5
Willpower: 6
Notes: The Obtenebration Discipline allows Cameron
to manipulate the darkness. He can contro l shadows, create
darkness, evoke shadowy illusions and even cause arms to
attack from the shadows.
Marga rite
Even in death, the United States h as been the land of
opportunity for Margarite. Her family a rrived in America as
part of the 1980 Cuban boat lift. They moved their way north
along the East Coast and finally settled in New York. When
she turned 18, Margarite got a job as a secretary for an
advertising firm and looked forward to the day when she
would own a house, car, white picket fence, etc.
The Sabbat took those dreams away from her, but she no
longer feels their loss. T he bonds she has formed within the
sect are stronger than any she had as a mortal, and her
devotion to the Sabbat is utter and complete. She will do
anything to see the glorious cause advanced and is sure her
pack feels the same way.
Sire: Smith
Clan: Panders
Demeanor: Confidant
Nature: Visionary
Generation: 13th
Demeanor: Caregiver
Embrace: 1989 (born 1943)
Generation: 13th
Apparent Age: Early 30s
Embrace: 1990 (born 1972)
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 2
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation l, Appearance 4
Talents: Acting 4, A lertness I , Brawl 2, Dodge 2,
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Intimidation 1, Subterfuge 3
Talents: Alertness I, Brawl! , Empathy I, Leadership 1
Skills: Etiquette 2, Firearms 3, Melee 2, Security 2,
Skills: Etiquette 1, Melee 1, Music I , Stealth I
Stealth 3, Torture I
Knowledges: Occult 1, Sabbat Lore I
Knowledges: Camarilla Lo re 1, Finance 1, Investiga-
tion 2, Occult 3, Politics 2, Sabbat Lore 3
Disciplines: Celerity 1, Obfuscate 2, Potence 2, Protean 2,
Thaumaturgy 2 (Path of T orture 1)
Backgrounds: A llies 1, Contacts 3, Mentor 2, Re-
sources 2
Virtues: Callousness 5, Instincts 4, Morale 1
Path of Evil Revelations: 5
W illpower: 8
Notes: Knowing the Path ofTorture lets Butler cause
pain just by touching his subject. He knows a small number
of rituals, including Spectral Mask, which covers his visage
with that ofa demonic image. Also, Butler stays in touch with
his sire via the sire's demonic fami liar, which just might show
up if Butler is in danger.
Image: A slight, unobtrusive man who dresses in a
nondescript manner and sticks to the shadows.
Roleplaying Hints: Try to talk to other Kindred on a
one-to-one basis. Be friendly, sympathetic, and always on the
watch for a chance to corrupt your "friend."
Haven: With Cameron.
Secrets: C+
The Kindred of the world perform a murderous ballet, Even these two mighty immortals are not omnipotent,
filled with darkness, treachery and deceit. Nowhere is this however, no r do they exert control all the time. Most
more true than in the blood-soaked streets of C hicago. Kindred act o n the ir own initiative most of the time, and thus
Anarchs battle both the elders and one another. Sabbat tend to gravitate toward other vampires who share their
assassins carry out their deadly missions while the candidates interests and desires. Understanding these groups and their
for prince war for control of the city, all against the backdrop interrelationships is the best way to make sense of the
of an ages-old Jyhad. No Cainite, not even the two complex dance in which the vampires of Chicago are so
Methuselahs responsible for so much of what occurs in the involved.
city, fu lly comprehends the complex ity of the vampiric While the term "coterie" most often refers to those
community here. Kindred who serve and protect each other, it also refers more
Of course, Helena and Menele have the honor of being generally to a ny group of vampires with common interests. In
the two prima donnas in this dangerous dance. The influence Chicago, these coteries can most easily be seen as parts of a
of these Methuselahs permeates all aspects of the Cainites' wagon wheel. The axle around which everything turns is
existence, affecting their choices of actions, havens and composed of the two Methuselahs (yes, they share a common
allies. Their webs of control envelop almost every vampire in interest, but we shall not speak of the Antediluvians in this
the city, for each one they control in turn controls many supplement). The spokes leading to the rim are the members
others- and so the network extends. of the primogen, those elders who appear to rule the city. The
Any significant newcomers to the city (the characters, rim, and the part of the wheel that docs all the work and takes
for instance) will soon become the prizes in another skirmish all the damage, is made up of the ancilla! and neonates of
between Helena and Menele. While each Methuselah would Chicago, whose battles, schemes and plots give the city its
prefer to control any newcomers, either may settle for pre- unique diversity.
venting a prize from falling into the enemy camp- normally This interaction serves to make the Kindred community
by destroying it. immensely confusing to newcomers. Just when the charac-
ters believe they have begun to understand how the city
works, they will uncover yet another level of secrets that
opera and symphony halls - the birth of what is now known The Nosferatu Khalid is the on ly member of the primogen
as Elysium. None of these vampires wanted to take the risk of who has rema ined entire ly free of the Mcthu c lah . When he
becoming prince, and they found it more convenient to first arrived in C hicago, he used his extraordinary powers of
contro l the prince as a group. All mattelrS were decided by Obfuscate to remain hidden even from the watchful eyes of
consensus, and though their arguments would sometimes the Ancients. By the t ime they became aware of his presence,
erupt into open warfare, more often they would settle things both believed the other controlled him and neither has tried
behind th e scenes. As time went on, the most powerful to bring him into their fold. Khalid bel ieves his actio ns arc
Kindred who moved to C hicago would hear of the primogen, still his own, and has done his best to keep things that way.
and begin to manipulate affairs to their o wn liking. Those The primogen itself fill a numher of di parate roles.
who survived became de facco members of the primogen. Ostensibly it wields power to support the Traditions and
No vampire can stand against a united primogcn - but, ensure that no Lick violates the rules of the Camarilla. Its
fortunate ly, such solidarity is a rare event. Indeed, the members arc the foremost representatives of that great
primogen has become divided into two camps. The balance vampiric council and have substantial power within that
is more or less equal, though each Methllselah believes the organization. Of course, no vampire is stupiJ enough to
other has the upper h and. Helena Dominates Nicolai, Tyler believe that this is their main reason for being members of the
i Blood Bound to h er, and she believes Annabelle, the childe primogcn.
of her childc, is under control. lnyanga and C ritias are fi rmly In fact, each of the elders has per onal reasons for
in Mencle's camp (Critias is in fact Blood Bound to the maintaining a position in the primogen. Most Kindred sus-
Methuselah) , and Menele believes he secretl y controls pect the Tremere clan has some master plan for ruling all
Annabel le. lnyanga and Annabelle are controlled though vampires, and Nicolai bel ieve his main rc<1son for erving on
the use of extended Dominate. the primogcn is to carry out his clan's wishes. On the other
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however, if she did discover Helena's ro le, she would not no one can believe they arc as sane ::.s they cern. Most
know how to handle it. Non etheless, she is still Blood Bound Kindred just give them a wide berth, but even that is becom-
to Nicolai, and would look out for his best interests. ing harder to accomplish.
Despite her extreme p;mmoia, O'Leary sees herself as the
Tbe Pranksters matriarch of this clan, and has become protective of its
Members: O'Le<try, Son, Evan Klein, Corbin and members. During the Ia r two years, Corbin has become the
Bronwyn. most prominent Malkavian in Kindred society, and has
found a place among the c ity's elders. She has ingratiated
Meeting Place: The Blue Velvet, though they never
herself with O'Leary, who tends to look on Corbin and Son
have formal meetings of any sort.
as her daughter and, well, son.
P erceived Goal: Spreading the insanity around.
However, under thi happy f<tcade writhes a mass of fears
R eal Goal: Who can say?
and obsessions. O'Leary' fem of the Jyhad infects all
Chicago's Malkavians encounter almost as much suspi- Malkavians who meet her, and other vampires intruding on
cion as do the T remere. Before the werewo lf attacks, no one their domain may well be greeted With hostility and suspi-
believed they could possibly be as crazy as they acted, bur now
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cion. On the other hand, their various insanities make it just wrong, then his archenemy will have a golden opportunity to
as likely that newcomers will be greeted with exuberant control three of the most powerful Kindred in the city ... and
friendliness, and made into whole new members of the use them against him.
family. Keep in mind that the friendship of a Malkavian may
well be worse than her hatred. TheAnarchs
The last time the anarchs united was during Maldavis'
The Trinity bid for power, and even then they remained in their separate
Members: Bryan, Bronwyn and Corbin. cliques. Now they are in three different groups, though they
Meeting Place: Chicago. maintain a loose allegiance. Still, it is unlikely they will find
Perceived Goals: Killing each other. it possible to work together.
Real Goal: ?
Carlyle's 6ang
This coterie is on the verge of an explosion. The instant
Members: Carlyle, Andrei, jasper Krevets, Raymond
Corbin and Bronwyn realize they are in the same city, they
Wallace, Victoria Longwood.
will stop at nothing to destroy each other. Bryan will obvi·
ously side with Bronwyn, but Corbin has spent some time in Meeting Place: Water Tower Place.
the city making friends - and enemies. Both Corbin and Perceived Goals: Furthering the spread of the Anarch
Bronwyn have some influence with other Kindred, and both Movement.
will put that influence to use. Real Goals: A llowing its membeTS free rein to spread
Menele watches the trinity like a hawk, believing it to be violence and destruction.
manipulated by the same forces manipulating him and Hel- Carlyle's gang has come from the Anarch Free States
ena. He believes Helena influences Bronwyn, but has not with the Anarch Council's blessings and support. It has spent
made any move for Corbin or Bryan. lfhe is correct, and they a number of years traveling North America, battling both the
are being manipulated by others, he will have his first Camarilla and the Sabbat. Its members are not complete
evidence of the true secret forces among the undead. lfhe is strangers to Chicago, and have dealt with most of its anarchs
at one point or another.
The City Sabbat Surrounded as they are by their enemies, only one thing
could make them violate their secrecy - the opportunity to
Members: Phillipe, Wendy Wade, Doyle Fincher, feed on an elder vampire. If either gets the chance to commit
Cameron, Tyler, Son. diablerie upon someone of an older generation, he or she will
Meeting P lace: Deserted old hotel in south Chicago. leap at the chance.
P erceived Goal: Preparing the way for the Sabbat to Son learned about them shortly after they arrived in
move in. Chicago, but only recently discovered their ties to the Sabbat.
Real Goal: Their own power. He is interested in them, but has yet to join the sect. They
The Sabbat has been interested in taking over the treat him with feigned respect and plan to use him as a pawn
United States' third largest city since World War II. The in the near future.
recent turmoil of Maida vis' rise to power gave the sect hope On the other hand, they have great respect for Doyle
that the time was right, and it made its move. The battle Fincher. Recruiting him was a great coup, and he has already
between the Lupines and the city's Kindred was purely its made a name for himselfbased on his insights into death. The
doing, though its attempted takeover failed. A number of two are also putting pressure on Tyler to make her allegiance
Sabbat died, and the sect is licking its wounds and assessing more formal, but she continues to put them off. They have
its future. many plans for using her in their attempt to weaken Camari II a
Phillipe and Wade are the sect's main representatives in rule over Chicago.
town, and h ave orders to avoid combat at all costs, keeping
their presence as quiet as possible. They hope to compile lists The Nomad Pack
of all the Kindred remaining in the city and get an idea of Members: Cameron, Lo lita Houston, Samson, Bill But-
their relative power. Phillipe has carried out dozens of these ler, Margarite, Tyler.
scouting missions through the years and has become one of Meeting Place: An abandoned apartment building in
the Sabbat's best. His compatriot, Wade, has never taken Lombard, near O'Hare.
part in something this dangerous, but the sect's leaders have
P erceived Goal: Paving the way for the Sabbat to
found her to be one of their most promising neonates.
besiege Chicago.
Real Goal: Forcing Tyler to reveal her allegiance.
Political Settings
Political stories, besides taking a number of forms, can
take place in a wide variety of locations, with a wide variety
of participants, for an endless variety of purposes. Yes, vam-
pires have their own version of the smoke-filled backroom -
though usually it's a smoldering Lick who provides the
City Politics
The most obvious example of a political setting is that of
the city itself. Every vampire, no matter how weak or how
powerful, must keep a close eye on how politics in his
hometown are going. Is the prince looking to take away the
characters' feeding ground? Is the primogen planning an-
otheroffensive against those upstartanarchs? Are the Toreador
trying to get all Nosferatu banned from the city as a matter of
principle? Each character needs to keep up with these events.
The major players in the city setting are the prince, the
primogen and clan leaders. However, other (and possibly
more important) participants may be less obvious. For in-
stance, an intelligent ancilla in control of the city's newspapers
and television stations must be consulted on major issues,
Clan Politics
The second setting for politics is the clan settmg. Clan
forums, which can be local, regional o r even worldwide,
generally have at least a facade of amicability. In the end, of
course, clan politics are as deadly as any others, especially if
you are a Brujah.
The clans gather for a variety of reasons, but generally
their meetings are called to react to external events. For
instance, a Nosferatu leader may call for a meeting tO discuss
an insane Malkavian power play in the primogen. A minor
Brujah may call for a clan Rant in order to force redress from
the Ventrue who assaulted her.
Sometimes, clans gather to set policy for all members to
fo llow, but this has a smaller chance of success. The T remere
has better luck at this than the other clans, but even its
leaders have to worry about how individual chantries and
members interpret policy, as when clan leaders call for
worldwide surveillance of faerie glens. Even the Warlocks
have no way to know if all their members are followmg the
orders, how aggressively they are carrying them out and what
they are doing with the information so gathered.
The other clans have even less success creating unifying
policies. Even when something is done in everyone's best
interest, clan leaders can be sure someone will sell them out.
Whether the betrayal is performed out of greed, the use of
Dominate, the Blood Bond, etc., is irrelevant.
Remember that characters may occasionally find it
necessary to visit other clans. While non-clan characters may
find their input ignored at best, and violently resented at
worst, they may find these meetings worth the risk. For
instance, if a Ventrue really wants to bring peace to the city,
then attend ing the Brujah Rant and surviving its members'
abuse is invaluable.
Sect Politics
The final area to consider is that of the sect. This
generally means the Camarilla, for it has the most members
of any sect, but the Sabbat and the lnconnu have their own
politics as well. Sectwide meetings, such as the Camarilla's
gatherings every 13 years in Venice, are the general forums
for these kinds of politics. At these meetings, sect leaders
decide issues of policy, handle (or mishandle) controversial
issues, ch oose leaders and set the sect's course until the next
sectwide gathering.
correctly, the character may well come out ahead. More down in Gary , but I don't know. I've even heard some talk that
likely, since the character is a mere neonate, he will end up he's involved with Maldavis, bwi don't knowhow." Damien put
owing his betters. down the medallion , stood up. and wentover to where a saber hung
The final downside comes from the altenanon of one's on the wall.
connections. In Vampire, it i far too easy to hetray those who "Most of the Ventn1e like him , and he occasionally shows up
m1ght have been called friend. While all vamp1rc say they at Annabelle's parties. Some anarchs used to learn magic from
keep an eye open for treachery, all have hcen surpri ed at one him, but they're dead now. No, tltese bloodsuckers mighr nor be
point or another. The character can be on either the giving DuSable' s friends , bur most of them wouldn 'r mind ar all ifhe were
or the receiving end but, either way, h e should he prepared to prince."
deal with a new foe who knows him as wel l as any friend can.
"The T remere DuSable is making his move. The one-armed Status
uJ>start would be prince. How could any Cain ire, no matter how The Status Background is another cruc1al clement for a
foolish or how corrupt, support a Warlock as his THier!" Maxwell career in politics. Other Kmdred mu t take a character
wmed from the window and peered intO rhe dimness of his seriously in order for her to have much unpact on them.
basement apartment. "What do you think, Damien! You've had Neonates will rarely even be allowed to speak, much less have
the misfortune of knowing him longer than I have." their advice fo llowed. On the other hand, a Vcntrue elder
Damien sat in a wicker chair, fiddling with Wl odd medallion may never have demonstrated much talent or wt..Oom, hut hts
he found sitting on the ebony coffee table. "Well , OuSable ain't three dots in Status ensure that others ltsten w hts w1shes.
really your typical T remere. I know they all try and make you/ike The easiest way to gam Status IS to huy tt dunng
them . but you still always go away feeling like y011 bathed in lye. ch aracter creation. It can be earned and awarded w charac-
He's kinda different. A lot of important folk like him ." ters when the Storyteller feels they de erve it. This should
"I know he has allies," Maxwell growled. "Obviously his rarely be because of the events of one story. After all, any idiot
masrer. chat OO)' in the suits, wants him tO be prince. That's all the Lick can get lucky once or twice. If characters gain Status
more reason for others tO swp him ." during play, it should only come after consistently proving
"Nicolai's not rhe only one. I know he's had some dealings their competence and ability.
wirh Khalid, and some of the other anarchs say juggler might
support him . Gengis says it has LO do with something that 1~ent
This section refers to vampiric allies, not mortal ones.
These are the Kindred who act with you, speak for you, and
possibly even take the blame when everything fails. They
play a double ro le in vampiric politics, for they are both
Introduction 7
8 Under a Blood Red Moon
One to destroy is murder by the law;
And gibbets keep the lifted hand in awe;
To murder thousands takes a specious name,
War's glorious art, and gives immortal fame.
- Edward Young, "Love of Fame"
Under a Blood Red Moon is an official crossover of ers' characters-achance torendtheircadaverflesh with claw
W er ewolf: T h e A pocalypse and Vampire: T h e Masquer- and fang, to end their unlives. Not revenge. really. No, this is
ad e. While primarily designed for use with Werewolf, this War!
story may also be used with Vampire (preferably second Welcome to a brave new world, a world where creatures of
edition). the supernatural fight life-and-death battles against one an-
T o highlight the changes that occur in Gothic-Punk Chicago other while j aded mortals walk the streets not knowing what
because of this story, a new edition of C hicago by Night is really lies in the shadows. Welcome to the classic struggle of
being released concun·ently with this book. C hicago by Night the werewolf, beast on the outside, against the vampire, beast
2nd Edition can be used to continue the events of this book, on the inside. Welcome to a world Under a Blood Red Moon.
and also introduces many new characters. While designed for
the Vampire game, it may be used for Wer ewolf with few
HOUJ to Use rchis OJook
Under a Blood Red Moon is a story encompassing the More skillful in self-knowledge, even more pure,
cultures of two races that are natural enemies. It is about Garou As tempted more; more able to endure,
and Kindred, and their misundersta nding and hatred of one As more exposed to suffering and distress.
another. Herein are an unusual mix of characters and a chance -William Wordsworth, "Character ofthe HappyWan·ior"
to see the Storyteller System with clearer focus as you inter-
This section is designed to give you, the Storyteller, a fi rm
weave two compatible, yet contrasting game systems. This
grasp on how this story is set up, so you can expand or modify
story meshes two dark realities ofthe Gothic-Punk world, thus
it to fit your needs. There are also some words of advice to help
allowing for more detail, more variety, more horror and more
you better organize the story.
This is primarily a Werewolf story, so the;: book is geared for
Here is a chance to avenge all the slights Lodin, or any other
Garou characters. Keep in mind that the story is told mainly
Machiavellian Cainite, might have inflicted upon your play-
Introduction 9
from the Garou perspective, but this is not how it will be seen Only a few particular vampires have been marked as
by Kindred, Sabbat or Black Spiral Dancers. Because this story casualties during this story; all others must be chosen by you.
involves vampires as well as Garou, it is easily possible to play However, while this book lists the "official" casualties, you
either Camarilla or Sabbat vampires within the story. Within can modify these as you see fit. Take time prior to running this
each section are subsections discussing variations on the story to make a list of those destroyed during the "other battles"
standard scene for use with Camarilla and Sabbat characters. in which the characters do not participate. You might wish to
Appendix Two has a section on plot ideas for other character ask for some input from players on which characters are boring
types, such as hunters and mummies. (not necessarily the least liked, because they are often the most
Before you run this story, you should have a copy of interesting) and use this to shape the cast of Chicago to the
Chicago by Night or Chicago by Night 2nd Edition (access players' interests. Of course, be sure to have a few surprises as
to the following Vampire sourcebooks is also useful: The to who falls and who survives.
Succubus Club, The Players Guide to the Sabbat, The On this note, please feel free to make any changes you desire
Players Guide and The StoryteUers Handbook). Be familiar to Under a Blood Red Moon, thus conforming it to your
with the vampires of Chicago, in order to present them cor- personal vision ofChicago. If you dislike the way the vampires
rectly and use them effectively. Because of the linear nature of are presented, or if you have made many modifications for
this story, however, such information is mainly useful in your own chronicle, take the time to make the necessary
providing details to players and their characters about events changes before you start play. It will make your job much
in the city around them, and in taking care of any sideline easier.
subplots that might develop. This book covers all necessary In addition to those characters who are destroyed, there are
information, but if the players lead their characters down other implications. Who are missing? Are they dead, or did
unexpected paths, be prepared. they escape? Are they in hiding for safety or for sinister gain?
If you regularly use Chicago by Night in a chronicle, you What Camarilla-controlled institutions, if any, did the Sabbat
could use this as an opportunity to destroy characters you do usurp? Were any prominent mortals killed? While these fea-
not like (as long as they are not the players' characters- they tures may be summarized at the end of the story, you might
should have a say in being wasted). This allows you to thin keep some ideas concerning these and other questions in mind,
what might be an oversized cast, so you can more easily keep allowing you to throw out snippets of infom1ation at conve-
track of events and introduce new characters of your own. nient times throughout the story, and thereby add to the
ambience and realism.
rche moo~ caught by surprise: all either fled or died. The Black Spirals
now attempt to con·upt the Jupiter Celestine with Banes. A
There are 110 compacts between lions and men, and wolves spirit war rages in the Umbra! sky in the form of red clouds,
thunder, lightning and tremendous rain ; as this war progresses,
a11d lambs have 110 COIIcord.
the storm begins to bleed into the physical world.
- Homer, Tile Iliad
Now the call has been made for all available Garou to march
The mood is one of revu/sio11. This story is about two very
as a leg ion into Chicago to face down the vampires and Black
different races. Their values. their beliefs, their morality and
Spirals. and retake th e Fanum.
even the irtactics differ from one another. Each side is sickened
by the other. They do not respect their ene mies; they are instead C ha pter One: The characters are called upon to join the
repul&ed by them. ~eing them as blights to be removed. legion. mustering at a Shadow Lord caem north of Chicago.
Thechar<~cters arc involved in a large moot: they socialize with
To the Kindred. the Lupines (werewolves)areclose-rninded
others of their kind and learn of the battle strategy. They also
savages devoid of human understanding. They are straightfor-
discover that a sept of Garou in Chicago. the Wind Catchers.
ward. fooli sh. brutal and human in man y ways vampires are
refuses to aid in the battle; its members are busy protecting
not. l11ey li ve. bearing all the costs and benefits of natural
something they deem more important.
existence. They cat, excrete. breed, love, hate and die. Yet they
arc creatures of the preternatural. Why do the Kindred really The characters also learn of Black Spiral scouts nearby.
along with a secret pas age into Wyrrn caverns, leading to a
find them offensive? Is it because of their own cold, inhuman
nature. or possibly a longing for both great power and real life?
Introduction 11
huge Wynnhole nearby. The characters are sent to investigate, screen showing the captured Kinfolk - held at gunpoint by
but are called back before they can learn much. Balthazar. If they destroy Lodin, over 40 Kinfolk could be
On the second day, the war council is convened and a killed. Lodin escapes (if the characters don't kill him first), but
Gangrel emissary arrives to declare Gangrel neutrality. is destroyed by Sabbat.
On the third day, the characters are chosen to be part of T he characters rejoin the Garou legion outside the Fanum.
Team Silver, the legion which will assault Chicago while The xenophobic Wind Catchers, who were engaged in a
Team Alpha attacks the nearby Wynnhole. On the way to bloody battle of their own in defense of their caern, finally
Chicago, they get a flat tire; across the street is a convenience come to the aid of the other Garou. The Jupiter Celestine is
store full of people possessed by Psychomachiae. When they recaptured into the Fanum and the Black Spirals are slaugh-
get to Chicago, they encounter the Wolf Pack, a gang of biker tered.
Gangrel; this will test whether the characters can respect the E pilogue: A tmce is declared, the Fanum is safe, and the
neutrality pact. They then meet the Kinfolk family that is to characters are proclaimed heroes.
provide them with shelter during the assault.
Chapter Two: On the fourth day, the characters meet a
Glass Walker who gives them the locations of a number of
~lot Synopsis for
vampire havens; it is their job to seek out and destroy the
vampires who rest in them. During this time, many Kinfolk are
Kin~e~ Charaders
arrested by the police under Lodin' s command. He plans to use Trouble that is easily recognized is half cured.
them as hostages. The Kinfolk are placed in the custody of - St. Francis De Sales
Kevin Jackson, one of Lodin's important servants. C hapter One: The characters are at the Succubus Club
The characters help to close down O'Hare Airport by when it is attacked by a number of Lupines. They assist in
destroying everything in sight. Shortly after nightfall, the defeating the wild werewolves. A few nights later, Lodin
characters are ambushed by Sabbat recruits. Assisting the orders them to seek out and destroy all Lupines they can find.
characters in battle is Pariah, a vampire-Garou (also referred to The characters spend much of their time searching for the
as an Abomination; see Appendix Three). He leaves before the Lupines of the city. One night, a storm begins almost sponta-
characters can question him. neously. They see a strange, blood-soaked! vampire running
Chapter Three: On the fifth day, the characters learn of down the street. Following him, they learn of a new group of
their Kinfolk's disappearance. Ifthey investigate too well, they anarchs in town. The anarchs are very suspicious, and if
are targeted by Kevin Jackson ' s thugs for a drive-by shooting . threatened, reveal themselves as Sabbat and attack the charac-
The characters are then called upon to find out what happened ters.
to the other half of the legion, T eam Alpha, which went to Chapter Two: The characters are awakened in their haven
destroy the creatures of the Wyrmhole; they learn that the by Garou who try to kill them and set their place on fire. The
entire force was destroyed. characters can do little other than survive.
The characters return to Chicago and are tipped off by Chapter Three: On Day Five, the characters are sent to
Sabbat to the location where their Kinfolk are being held: Kevin Jackson's stronghold to pick up and transport mortal
Kevin Jackson's hideout. The characters attack Jackson's prisoners to Balthazar. While the characters are at Jackson's,
haven; inside, they learn the location ofLodin' s haven. Before the Lupines attack. The characters are forced by circumstance
the characters can act, however, a Garou leader calls them to to protect Jackson and destroy werewolves. Jackson approaches
join another pack for an attack on the Succubus Club. On the the characters afterward, offering them power if they help him
way to the assault, the characters once more encounter Pariah, take out Capone.
who tells them his tragic tale, and how he wishes to be The characters are later called upon to meet Brennon
reaccepted by his people. Upon returning home after the Thornhill at the Succubus Club to identify a body, which turns
Succubus assault, the characters find that vampires have out to be a member of the Black Hand. The Succubus Club is
turned their Kinfolk into Leeches. again attacked by Lupines, all of whom are killed; one man-
Chapter Four: On Day Six, the characters search for ages to kill Thornhill before dying.
Lodin's haven, located in an abandoned amusement park. It C hapter Four: The characters are sent by Jackson to
instead turns out to be AI Capone's haven. Below the House of destroy Capone, whose haven is located under the House of
Mirrors, the characters face Capone, who gives them the true Mirrors in an abandoned amusement park. Capone offers the
location of the prince. The characters are then rejoined by characters the chance to destroy Lodin, aJJowing them to serve
Pariah, bearing a handful of decapitated vampire heads. He him or mle Chicago themselves. The characters then seek out
will stay with them, possibly for the rest of the story. Lodin's haven and attempt to destroy him. Will they care that
The characters march on Lodin's haven. Below the heavily
guarded building, Lodin sits at his desk. Behind him is a video
Introduction 13
14 Under a Blood Red Moon
Hog butcher for the world,
Tool maker, stacker of wheat,
Player with railroads and the nation's freight handler;
Stormy, husky, brawling,
City of the big shoulders.
- Carl Sandburg, "Chicago"
rche Carou the Wyrm creatures by surprise, slaying all who did not quickly
flee into the earth. The cries in the night were deafening and the
History of Chicago creeks and streams blackened with the blood of the Wyrmlings.
The Wyrm creatures vowed revenge for the theft of their
0 brave new world, lands, but feared to act, for they were now weak and injured.
That has such people in 't! The Uktena gained control of the local human population and
for years peace reigned in the land. The remaining Wyrm
-William Shakespeare, The Tempest
creatures wereeventuallydriven under the earth; the Wym1holes
d'rehistory were sealed shut and placed under guard by spirits. The tribe
hunted and ruled the land, raising its cubs free from danger.
Before the coming of the Europeans, the land where Chi- Untold years later, a powerful vampire entered the territory
cago stands today was home to great numbers ofWyrmlings. seeking solace and peace. This was the ftrst Kindred these
This changed when a large number of Uktena arrived in the Uktena had ever seen. They did not sense the taint of the Wyrm,
area. The Uktena had recently lost a major battle with a Wym1 but believed the being to be unnatural. A group of foolish
creature as they marched on their trek southward; they were not Ahrouns attacked the ancient vampire, but was defeated. The
ready to go to war again. After calling on the Lunes and praying creature had evidently made allies among the human mystics
to Gaia for days, the Uktena Theurges received a vision and had transformed some powerful human warriors into
depicting a solution to their predicament. The Uktena realized ghouls. Peace was finally reached and an uneasy alliance
that part of the area was an Anchorhead to the Deep Umbra. formed between Menele, as the Leech called himself, and the
The Wyrmlingsdid not know this; it was only revealed through Uktena.
Uktena magic. As time went on, amicable relations developed between
The Uktena Theurges used the Anchorhead to summon a Menele and the Uktena. They came to each other's aid and
number of strange spirits. The Uktena used the spirits to attack respected each other's rights. The Garou allowed Menele to
Prologue 15
number and viciousness of their attacks. Soon the fort feU to the
assaults and the invaders were pushed back from the territories.
Helena (Mcncle·sage-old vampire enemy) sensedMenele' s
presence and directed herthralls tocany out a midnight raid on
an Indian village - but this was no typical raid. Within the
heart of the village was a hollow mound that served as
Menele's haven. Mcnclc was not there, but when he heard the
gunshots and cries, he ran with the speed of the deer to the
village - only to find it was too late. The battle between
Menele and Helena that followed was a mighty spectacle.
Menele was terribly wounded and fled the battle, leaving
Helena nearly destroyed yet victorious.
It was with the Uktcna that the ancient Kindred found aid.
Menele's braves managed to rescue his body and the Uktena
did everything in their powcrto sa vc him. They succeeded and
Menele's minions were forever in their debt.
But the Europeans kept coming. They were far too numer-
ous and they had advantage that the Native Americans did not.
The use of firearms, disease, professional armies and good
supply lines soon ovc1whelmed the natives. By 1833, the
United States decided to establish a city along the Des Plaines
River, near the shores of Lake Michigan. This city was
The Cadavers soon filled the ciry and took control of all the
rche tVyrm mr
During the reconstruction of Chicago, the Fanum became a
temple where humans could study spiritualism. The Uktena
kept their presence outside the temple to a minimum, since
their Hornid forms appeared as Native Americans. Good
relations soon developed with the Gangrel. who were led by
lnyanga, the ally of Menele. Many Gangrclused the temple to
study Thaumaturgy and the ways of the Garou. Many human
mages also used the temple.
From 1872 until 1923, peace reigned among the Gru·ou. The
Fianna established the Wind Catcher Sept in 1888. Because of
pressure from the other tribes and the need for unity in the face
of the growing vampire population. it eventually opened its
membership to others. The Fanum. however. remained strictly
in the paws of the Uktena. Stargazers and Children of Gaia: all
other tribes were excluded.
In 1923, a mining operation uncovered the catacombs of the
Wyrm creatures, just north of present-day Chicago. The crea-
tures invaded the city, requiring all the Garou of Chicago to
unite in defeating them. The Fanum could no longer be used to
summon spirits, as there wa a danger of rcleasing Jupiter once
again. The Garou diligently battled the Wyrmlings and even-
tually pushed them back into the earth. However, this brought
the attention of Black Spiral Dancers.
Prologue 17
any mortal, but was always reborn into the flesh after a period shadows ofone another, which the fire throws on the opposite
of time. He needed the protection of the Garou during the times wall of the cave.
his body lay dead. Peabody died shortly after the completion - Plato, The Republic
of the temple and his servants took over the maintenance of the All throughout the great werewolf-vampire war, the mortals
temple. Peabody remains deceased even today; perhaps he was find themselves facing events beyond their understanding. The
not immortal after all. storm, the wolf howls, the great fires, the packs of huge dogs
While the Garou enjoyed relative peace, except for the running through the streets, the strange creatures appearing out
occasional sorties with creatures of the Wyrm, the vampires of of nowhere, the open acts of murder, the red swans and the
the city continued to play their Machiavellian games. The showers of gold are enough to make any Chicagoan question
anarchs and the Ventrue fought almost constantly. On the things.
"Night of Rage," the Garou slept soundly in their beds dream- The headlines in Chicago's newspapers do not reflect the
ing of early morning hunts while the city's Cadavers ran wild people's anxiety, though - the Masquerade is trying to hold.
destroying one another. For the most part, the Garou also Lodin is doing all he can to silence the press. However, news
ignored future conflicts among the city's Kindred. of the weird events travels far beyond Chicago and its suburbs.
Prologue 19
are filled with animal spirits that have no other comfortable
place to go. The zoos are similar in most respects to the parks,
but a number of Bane spirits often travel through to torment
animals trapped in the cages for life.
The Chicago trainyards are a very unique location. The
ghosts of many settlers who died before they made it out West
can be found here, forever waiting for their trains to arrive.
The suburbs of Chicago are very similar to other suburban
areas in the Umbra. The Web reaches these areas, but the
number of Weaver spirits and the strength of the webbing are
weaker here than in the city. Also, fewer of the streets and
buildings have spirits.
North of Chicago, approximately 20 miles south of Mil-
waukee, is a large Wyrmhole. The region is swarming with
Banes. Few Garou are brave enough to travel the area and none
travel here via the Umbra, for this would mean certain death.
The Black Spirals can often be found in the Umbra of this
region, as can certain races of creatures undreamed of on earth.
rche '1anum
Level: 3
Gauntlet: 3
Type: Gnosis
Tribal Structure: Closed to all but Uktena, Children of
Gaia and Stargazers.
Totems: Jupiter
The Temple of the Fanum is located at 553 Wrightwood
Avenue in Lincoln Park on Chicago's North Side. Nearby, at
2551 North Halsted Street, is the Orthodox Temple of
Akhenaton. The Fanum is normally open to members from 10
A.M. until2 A.M., Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday through
Saturday. The Fanum' s Garou try to present a public image of
a respectable, human-controlled institution of serious learn-
ing. They have been very successful in the past.
Membership is required to use the facility. The fee is$20 per
month or $200 per year. Membership includes access to the
Fanum's library, access to the expertise of the temple priests
and priestesses, and various seminars open to all members; the
topics of these range from alien-hunting to hermetic lore.
The Fanum has a large occult library, though materials
cannot be checked out. It has a number of rooms for seminars
and experiments ranging from tantric yoga to exorcism.
The Fanurn is protected by the Jupiter Celestine. It controls
the defenses of the temple, making it nigh impenetrable by
earthly or Umbra! means. The Rite of the Shrouded Glen has
been performed on the temple, and it is thus invisible in the
Umbra- at least until Jupiter was freed; now it is impossible
to miss the activity around the Fanum in the Umbra.
The building is made of stone and reinforced with the
supernatural energies of the Lesser Celestine. Metal doors
open and close at the whim of the spirit. The spirit answers only
to the Uktena, Children of Gaia and Stargazers. No others
could control the temple defenses - until the successful
Prologue 21
T he sept w as originally to have been Fianna. but the tribe
could not defend the Glen on its own. The Black Furie. .
Shadow Lords, B one Gnawers. Get of Fenris. Gla!>!> Walker!>
and Silver Fangs helped to establish the caem and all their
direct descendants may claim membership to it. No other
Garou are allowed membership in the sept. Out sider~ are ju 1
not trusted.
While the sept allows visitors. it is not overl y gracious or
hospitable. Those who exceed their welcome are told so.
Access to the Glen within Hyde Park is also carefull y guarded.
No one other than a member of the sept is allowed in except
under escon by a sept member. T he Rite of the Shrouded G len
has been performed upon the park, so it i s very hard to find in
the U mbra.
The main reason that the Wind Catchers do not aid their
Garou brothers and sisters in attacking the vampire!> of the city
is because they are engaged in a battle of their own. A few day!>
before the events of the story begin. the B anes w ho overrun the
c ity discover the Glen in the center of the park. During the
story. the W i nd Catchers wage a valiant struggle to defend the
Glen from the Banes. Black Spirals and Leeches. In addition.
they fight to keep their caem . M any of the Black Spiral!>
pouring into the city decide to concentrate on oven aking the
last Garou foothold in the city. Nightly the Garou of the W ind
Catchers spill blood in defense of the G len. the caem and their
very lives. Humans soon refuse to enter the par k at night. for
it quickl y becomes a battleground of terror.
rche d'rotectorates
Unity makes strength, and, since we must be strong. H'e must
also be one.
- Grand Duke Friedrich von Baden. on German
unity under Prussian hegemony
The protectorates in and around Illi nois are mainly named
after ri ver boundaries. rather than mountains as in ew York.
although both states have lake protectorates. T he protectorate
under which Chicago fal ls is called the K ankakee Protectorate.
named for the ri ver to the south of the city. The Sept of the
Raccoon. along w ith the W yrmhole. faiJs into the Lake Geneva
The Garou of the Wind Catchers are very xenophobic. and
they do not like outside interference; they do not work well in
large groups, which is why they do not w ish to aid the Garou
legion at the beginning of the war and do not invol ve the other
Garou in their own conflict.
T he great W ynnhole to the north of Chicago is home to
strange monsters. There are so many weird creatures dwelli ng
deep in the earth here that the Black Spirals do not even
maintai n a H ive at the site. The W yrrnhole is a grave threat
requir ing constant w atch. T he Sept of the Raccoon. composed
o f Shadow Lords. patrols the site. It i s rumored that the Shadow
Lords ally themsel ves w ith cenain Wym1 beasts. providing
them with v ictims in exchange for favors. but nothing has been
proven and all Shadow Lords wouJd take insult at such a
slanderous accusation.
6. Sabbat Recruits: A wild band of newly created Sabbat
is thrown at the characters, either directed against Garou by a
Black Spiral Dancer, or directed against Camarilla by a True
He that leaveth nothing to chance will do few things ill, but
Sabbat. If the characters are Sabbat, they are attacked by
he will do very few things.
accident; the recruits believe them to be Camarilla Kindred.
- Lord Halifax, Political, Moral, and Miscella-
7. Camarilla G houls: A group of ghouls want the charac-
neous Reflections
ters dead, believing them to be the enemy, possibly the ones
The following list of possible encounters will hopefully
responsible for the death of their master(s). They will even
provide ways to liven up a dull moment with a little action. The
track the Garou, if the Garou characters actually killed their
encounters may be determined by rolling randomly, or (pref- master(s).
erably) by selecting the one you feel to be most appropriate and
8. Blood Dolls: An encounter for vampire characters. A
surprising for that particular moment. Feel free to alter the
group of Blood Dolls attacks them for no reason. The poor
encounters as you see fit, especially if you would like to use
mortals have been Dominated into attacking the characters.
them more than once. No two encounters should ever be the
The Dominating vampire, watching secretly from a distance,
just likes to see Blood Dolls get torn apart.
Prologue 23
18. Berserker Garou: A frenzied Garou races up and down 4. G hosts: The ghost ofa dead human or Garou approaches
the street, howling and terrorizing any who come near it, friend the characters. Possibly it wants something. but what? (What
or foe. The poor creature is a Black Spiral Dancer whose time it wants is up to you: possibly revenge, a proper burial,
has come to join the Wyrm completely. Its sanity has totally information, a particular object, or just to attack the charac-
!>napped. ters.) ·
19. The Gargoyle: If the characters come too near the S. Angry Elemental: Jupiter is having an unusual effect on
Tremere chantry (whether they know it or not), they are this elemental. It has become very violent and is attacking
attacked by the guardian, a Gargoyle called in by Nicolai to everything in its path. Unfortunately. the characters are in its
defend the chantry during the war. It will not pursue the path. Use any elemental listed in Werewolf.
characten. too far from the building. 6. Swan of Jupiter: Same as on earth, but the swans are
more likely to appear in greater numbers and they arc visible
Umbra! lncounters to all.
7. Ram of Jupiter: A spirit in the form of a reddish-hued
These encounters take place on the Umbra, where almost
ram appears and begins ramming objects for no apparent
anything can happen. Many more possibilities exist, o you
reason. It will avoid the characters unless provoked. The spirit
might wish to design bizarre and surprising encounters of your
has a Rage of9. Willpower of 6, Gnosis of 5. and Power of 15.
8. Lightning Strike: Same as on earth.
1. Banes: The characters are spotted by one or many of the
Wyrm spirits that creep about in the Umbra. Almost all Garou 9. Shower of Gold: The character is bombarded with a
tnlVcling the Umbra will encounter a number of these vicious shower of liquid gold. This has no terribly harmful effects,
spirits. Choose any type of Bane; make the encounter challeng- though it is annoyingly warm and. when it cool (about five
ing, but not necessari ly deadly to the characters. minutes). it becomes solid and must be cracked and broken off.
It may slow movement and flexibility if not removed.
2. Weaver Spiders: The characters find themselves sur-
rounded by pattern spiders or net-spiders that decide to Calcify 10. Spectral Auto: An automobile of some sort comes
them into the Web and turn them into slaves. racing out of nowhere and goes flying into or past a character,
knocking her down or hitting her straight on. The Garou has the
3. Black Spiral Dancers: Black Spirals can travel the
opportunity to avoid the car with a Dexterity + Dodge roll
Umbra just like any other Garou. This band of Black Spirals is
(difficulty 6). If the character scores only one success, she is
hunting down any Garou that might have run into the Umbra
knocked down but otherwise unhurt. If she fai ls the roll, she is
to protect them elve .
hit. Damage is variable, based on the si7..c of the vehicle; for
example, a mid-size car would do five Health Levels of
Prolog ue 25
The Black Spirals are not stupid. They realize why the allies. Menele has learned of the problems his Garou allies face
Sabbat wants the Camarilla to go to war with the Garou. This and knows they did not attack the Kindred. He also knows
is fine by the tribe. The less Garou the Dancers have to fight, about the fall of the Fanum; this greatly disturbs him, because
the better off they will be. The Black Spirals only helped the he knows what great power it contains, power that no vampire
Sabbat in order to acquire the Fanum. Now they have acquired could ever hope to control. The framing of the Garou, the
it and they have released Jupiter. Currently, they are attempting Blood Hunt and the capture of the Fanum all point toward a
to gain more control over it by tainting it with Wyrm power. major power play. Menele is not planning to take the bait,
An unrevealed spirit minion of the Wyrm taught the Black because he knows that is what she expects him to do. In
Spirals the necessary ritual to facilitate the partial release of addition, his most powerful ally, lnyanga, is currentJy out of
Jupiter. The ritual is almost the same as the one the Uktena town. The Sabbat made their move when they knew that
originally used to bind the Celestine. Inyanga, a great ally of the Garou, could not aid them.
As far as the war is concerned, they arc not particularly
interested. While some of the Black Spirals still want to go out What the Carou KnOJO
and spill Kindred blood, most have holed themselves up in the
You meaner beauties of the night,
well-defended Fanurn to carry out their sinister plans.
That poorly satisfy our eyes
They want to bring in more reinforcements via Moon
Bridge, but Jupiter will not open the Bridge, and no Gift can More by your number than your light;
wrest this control from the Celestine. The Black Spirals You common people ofthe skies,
concentrate on perverting the Celestine, knowing that when it What are you when the sun shall rise?
has been totally corrupted, it will relinquish all control. -Sir Henry Wotton, "On His Mistress, the Queen of
trhe (i{ivalry of the Andents While most Garou do not like cities, those of Chicago have
come to consider the city their home. They do not intend to give
Smiles and picks his teeth
it up. The Garou will fight to keep what little they still have and
Trapped between heaven and hell to prevent the presence of the Wyrm from growing any
He knows all the secrets stronger.
And don't want to tell All Garou in and near Chicago know certain things about the
There's nowhere to nm and there's city. It is commonly known that Chicago is home to at least 50
Nowhere to hide. Leeches, and probably more. Those outside the Fanum know
-Concrete Blonde, 'The Beast" that the Sept of Jupiter, the Fanum's sept, has direct relations
Much (though not all) of the intrigue in Chicago revolves with the Leeches of the Gangrel Clan. They know that the
around two pivotal beings: Menele and Helena. These two Fanum is presented to the public as a place to study the occult.
Methuselahs have sought the Final Death of the other for h is also known that the Sept of the Wind Catchers is located
millennia. This war may be their opportunity. somewhere in Southside Chicago.
Bothareawareofalmost all that goes on within the city; they While all the Garou of the area now know the Fanum was
have eyes and ears all over, and not just those of Kindred. captured by the Black Spiral Dancers (with the aid of some
Menele is far more versatile in his surveillance, utilizing Leeches), only the Sept of Jupiter knows that the Black Spirals
Kindred, Kinfolk and Garou. However, he is limited by his are in control of the powerful Celestine and that they are
dormant state. Helena has far more powerful connections, attempting to corrupt it with the power of the Wyrm. The
along with the ear and actions of the prince of the Cadavers. Garou know littJe about the Sabbat; to them, all Leeches are the
Helena knows about the Sabbat' s increased activity, but she
has yet to link it with the attack on her haven. Through her The Garou also consider all Leeches to be of the Wyrm.
paranoia and obsession with Menele, she believes the attack on While a rare few (those with Humanity scores of seven or
her own haven could not have been a coincidence. She finnly more) do not bear the taint of the Wyrrn, most registerto Sense
believes Menele is involved. This is why she called the Blood Wyrm. Vampires such as Helena are considered major ser-
Hunt on the Lupines. She feared he was finally making his vants of the Wyrm. It is 'through them that the corruption is
move; she knows he has connections to the Lupines and spread. Near! y all local Garou know that the leader of the city's
believes he will probably use them as his army since he lacks vampires is named Prince Lodin. The Garou of the Fanum
(she believes) many powerful allies among the Kindred. know of Menele, though they will not reveal this.
Menele believes the current crisis to be Helena's doing. He Finally, most Garou of the region and many Galliards over
believes that she is attempting to move against him by baiting North America have heard of the Prophecy of the Blood Red
him to come to the aid of the Garou. He further believes that she Moon, foretold over half a century before by Gray Raven.
is in league with the Sabbat and the Black Spirals. He also The Garou will not give up what littJe they have in Chicago,
believes that she planned the assault using Garou pawns in which is why they have called on support from outside the city.
order to get her other pawn, Lodin, to eliminate Menele's ManyGarouare willingtohelpretaketheFanum,becausethey
rche d'rologue
In the howling wind comes a stinging rain
See it driving nails into souls on the tree ofpain
From the fi refly, a red orange glow
See the f ace offear running scared in the valley below
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue
In the locust wind comes a rattle and hum
Jacob wrestled the angel and the angel was overcome
Plant a demon seed, you raise a flower offire
See them burning crosses, see theflames, higher and higher.
- U2, "Bullet the Blue Sky"
This is what has happened in the story so far. Remember that
it is told from a Garou perspective, as this story is primarily
designed to be used with Garou characters.
"The first blood was drawn three weeks ago. in an attempt
to pit the vampires against us, the bloodthirsty Black Spiral
Dancers attacked a number of Cadaver dens. The attack did
Prologue 27
not go unnoticed. The leaderofthe Leeches, Prince Lodin, sent
his undead out to murder all Garou they could find. Both the
Sept ofJupiter and the Sept ofthe Wind Catchers were forced
Jnvolving Carou
into hiding. Still, they found a number of us and murdered us
in the most bizarre ways.
"Many Garou fled the city, seeking safety among the I wake to sleep, and to take my waking slow.
Shadow Lords north ofChicago. Some made it; some did not. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
They were slain, either by the Black Spirals, by the Leeches or I Learn by going where I have to go.
by Banes. Word has it that some of the Glass Walkers were - Theodore Roethke, "The Waking"
slain by Shadow Lords, but that is only rumor. If the characters are from Chicago, it will be very easy to
"However, the major assault did not occur until three days involve them, since they will be targets of the Blood Hunt. If
ago. The Black Spirals, along with their Leech allies, stormed you are planning to start new Garou characters who live in
the Fanum, releasing the powerful spirit which resided there Chicago, you might even consider letting them be survivors of
and routing the Sept of Jupiter. the Fanum battle. However, to belong to the Sept ofJ upiter, one
"We believe it was nearly midnight when the ritual was cast must be an Uktena, Stargazer or Children of Gaia. The charac-
by the Black Spiral Dancers. Theyfreed the spiritfrom the gray ters might also be members of the Sept of the Wind Catchers.
walls ofthe Fanum, but not completely. The ritual which had If this is so, keep in mind that, in Chicago, all the Shadow Lords
bound it there still retained some potency. Alas, the Black were killed off and there are no Red Talons.
Spirals hadforeseen this and were counting on it. They wanted If the Garou are not from Chicago, the above information
control ofthe spirit so they could corrupt it to serve the Wynn. from the Prologue should be provided by a Garou sent to gather
"The Fanum priests were preparing to close up when a warriors for the fight. The pack will also be given a map to
strange man came to the door. He was greeted by one of the reach the Ring of the Raccoon, where the Garou forces are
Uktena Kinfolk, whom the stranger quickly mind-controlled. mounting.
The strangerforced the human to assure the Fanumspiritthat If the characters are from an area near Chicago, they are told
the stranger and his friends meant no harm. Then the Black of the coming battle by a Silent Strider or one of the Uktena
Spirals and Sabbat poured into the rnain lobby. Almost at the who is recmiting packs and septs for aid. If they are a good
exact same instant, they were met by our armed Kinfolk guards ways away, they are instead approached by Moon Bridge. The
and Garou in Crinosform. The Fanum made a loud groaning characters will be promised honorary membership in the
noise and shut the doors, forcing out a few of the slower Fanum if they succeed in its recapture. They will also be given
invaders who had not yet made it in. I could see the very spirit free rein to slice apart all the Cadavers they please.
of the Celestine exuding from the walls and floating skyward IftheGarou are members of the Central Park Caem, they are
through the roof told of the Fan urn disaster by a Silent Strider, or by a Stargazer
"There was a gunfight and a melee. We believed victory to via a Moon Bridge. Mother Larissa and the Little White Feet
be inevitable, but unseen to us, a number ofLeeches used their Old Ones send the characters' pack on a mission to join the
vampiric powers to gain control over some of our brothers' Garou army outside Milwaukee. Some other members of the
and sisters' minds,forcing them to surrender. sept, part.icularly Spotlight and any other Ahrouns, along with
"A few ofus managed to escape with our lives, but nothing Howard Koar and any Uktena, Stargazer or Children of Gaia
else. Most ofour Kinfolk were probably put to death after we characters, will also probably wish to join the army. However,
left. We used a secret escape route which sealed itselfshut right do not let these Garou mn with the players' pack when the
after we got out. We have since tried to re-enter the Fanum battle is joined.
through that route, but the door is no longer there. Most of all, remember that this is a BIG event. There have
"It is known to us that the Black Spiral Dancers are trying only been a few wars of this size and, with the exception of the
to corrupt the psyche of Jupiter, the Fanum spirit, with the ongoing Amazon War, none of this scale have occurred in the
Wynn. If they succeed, who knows what will happen next? last 200 years. The characters should be honored to participate
Regardless, it will be a terrible blow to Gaia. despite the danger.
"Garoufrom all over the country are meeting at the Sept of
the Raccoon north ofChicago. The caern is called the Ring of
the Raccoon. Two days hence, the Garou will make their move
on the Leeches ofChicago and the Black Spirals ofthe Fanum.
Be there ifyou wish. There is great glory to be won and much
blood to be shed. "
• Bone Gna11crs attack • Sept of Jupiter driven • Declare Teams • Anemptto retake • Bum Tremere chantry
Succubus Club from Fanum Fanum fails
THE • Urrah nee Blood Hum • War Council called • Tcam \lpha marchl" • Retake Fanum
• \\ar Council
GAROU: rnmened on \\ ~ rmhnle
_I I • Gangrel neutrJiit~
• Lodm decl:lre) Blood • Gangrel seek neuuality • Kinfolk pro1~ers •Tremere chanll)
Hunt on Lupine) captured. burned
CAMARILLA: • 1\infnlk prnll"ler\ • Succubll' Club •!.odin killed
taken In Jack"'" allacked • Primogen di,rm m
• ra,uallil'\ • ra,ualtie\ Blood Brothm
• l'a,ualties
rche Chapter for somewhere along the road. If they do, they can either get out
and push (Strength four required), or they can walk to the site.
Scene 'Jour:
trhe Carou 1Uu Coundl
That night the Garou hold a huge moot. The moot should be
described in detail to the players, but not necessarily played
out. Allow them to enjoy it and realize they are a part of
something important. You might even let them play the
various tribal leaders just for fun, possibly ad-Jibbing as you
go. Let them tell stories about the Garou, and their tribe in
The moot begins at night, less than an hour after sunset. All
the tents and supplies have been packed up; no more homid
luxuries for the weak. Tonight, all are Gru·ou and all are strong.
Seven ftres blaze and the Gru·ou form a circle, sitting at the edge
of the cleating with their backs to the trees. At the center of the
clearing, representatives of each tribe sit together on the
Over 150 Gru·ou ru·e present at the moot, counting the Old
Ones. Each tribe is honored with an opponunity for the
highest-ranking tribal elder to tell a story, or to make mention
ofspeci fie grievances or great deeds. This part of the moot lasts
for several hours. It is followed with a retelling of the events
leading up to the war.
After all this is done, there is a glorious war dance as the
Garou ready themselves for battle. Then the howling starts. No
one knows exactly when it ends, but when it does, the Revel
begins. The countryside is pastureland - pastureland full of
sheep. Sheep for the wolves.
J ---
What a OJabe - Slnoingl Sense W ynn will reveal her to be Wynn-tainted, and any
Gifts which act against Wyrm creatures will operate on her.
Note: This scene is optional. It is fo r one male character If this scene is used, the Storyteller must tie it into the rest
only! of the events. Gulfora wi ll use the war to gain new thralls, and
the following plots involving her may be used:
During the night, the male character with the highest
Physical and/or Social Attributes awakens with the urge to • Duri ng the third night of the character's lovemaking,
urinate. However, the upstairs bathroom is already occupied another pack from Team Silver shows up to ki ll the Wyrm
by a member of the fami ly. The only other bathroom is creature it J1as sensed. Is the character Bound yet? Will he fight
downstairs. for her - whether he wants to or not?
While the character is urinating, he glances out the window • After making the character her thrall, Gulfora pulls him
and notices a beautiful woman in back of the house by the pond. from the pack to be her bodyguard. She has a vampire as her
She is taking offherclothes, apparently preparing to go skinny- other thrall, a young anarch who came to the city and became
dipping in the pond. She turns, sees the character and covers ensmu·ed by her seductions. She will use this vampire and the
herself. She begins putting her clothes on, looking very embar- character to attack anyone who tries to harm her.
rassed. • The character is dragged around with her as she attempts
She walks up to the character by the window and tells him to gain new thralls from the war. She may try to gain another
it is rude to stare. The character gets a better look at the woman, Gru·ou (from the character's pack or another pack). She also
and finds she is the most incredible woman he has ever seen in tries to gain one oft he witch-hunters who has come to town. If
his life. this doesn ' t succeed, the witch-hunter may become a wolf-
hunter, thinking the werewolf character is her willing thrall.
She is Gulfora. a succubus. She knows of the Garou an·ivaJ
in the city and plans to make at least one werewolf her thrall.
She uses her Presence 5 (and Dominate 5, if necessary) on the rche Chapter for Kin~e~
character to get him outside. Once he is outside, she tells him
The fo llowing scenes detail the story up to this point from
she is a neighbor who lives a few houses down. Her name, she
the perspective of Camarilla Kindred chru·acters. It is a good
says, is Mrs. Johnson and she is a widow. She often comes to
idea to read the previous section for Gru·ou anyway. as the two
the pond at night to swim naked. though the Upshaws do not
perspectives tie together throughout the story.
know it. She is very pleasant and intoxicatingly sexy.
Tllis chapter of the story star1s two weeks prior to the
She asks the character to go for a dip with her. She swims
beginning of the story for Gru·ou characters, with the attack on
around with him a bit; eventually, however, they wind up on
the Succubus C lub, and runs up to the time the Garou ofTeam
the side of the pond in each other's ~ums . During the ensuing
Silver ruTive in Chicago.
experience, the character is unable to resist changing forms
from one to another. Three hours later she leaves. She makes
the character (through Dominate or Presence) promise not to Scene One:
tell anyone else about her.
The next morning the character awakens totally exhausted.
rcrouble at the Suaubus
Fortheentireday, all his Physical Attributes are one lower. She The characters are enjoying ru1 evening at the Succubus
literally wore him out. He has also been drained of two points Club. They have fed and are now doing whatever they like to
ofWillpower. T he next night, she again comes to the character do at the club, be it da ncing, drinking from drunks, or social-
when he is alone and they continue their lovemaking. She izing with other Kindred.
drains two more points of Willpower and forces him tlu·ough SuddenJy, great howls erupt from the floor. A number of
a whole sequence of shapeshifts. mor1als begin to change shape into wolfmen. By the time they
finish changing, the mortal crowd has gone into hysterics. A
massive current of bodies presses toward the exits, and a
number of people are trampled.
The wolfmen are apparently Lupines. If the characters have
never before seen Lupines, take the time to describe the details
of their transformation and their fearsome appearance. The
Lupines begin to attack aJl mortals within reach. A particularly
fierce Lupine shouts, "Come out and play, my undead friends!
We didn't come here just to tear up the place!" The other
Lupines are in an almost frenzied state. Most are slashing
mortal victims and destroying everything in the place. A few
of the Lupines begin to set fire to the club, starting with the
closest bar.
If the characters attempt to count the Lupines, they find that
there are seven of them. Two are Black Spirals and five are
Dominated Bone Gnawers. The Black Spirals try to escape if
the Kindred attack them, leaving the Bone Gnawers to fight to
the death.
If the characters are hesitant to fight. thelll one of the Garou
notices them and moves toward them. If the characters engage
the Lupines, they are joined by Gengis and Pham Hong. It is
entirely possible that the characters attempt to escape rather
than face the Lupines. If they successfully do so, they will be
reported to Lodin by Pham Hong for their cowardice.
The next day, the characters learn that the Masquerade held
together. Stuck within the middle of the newspaper is a report
ofa minor fire at the Succubus Club, which caused a riot. Many
injuries were reported, but these were attributed to a knife fight
between two gangs. Otherwise the attack was unnoticed. The
Delirium helped to protect the Masquerade. as most Blood
Dolls who witnessed the attack either do not remember it, or
believe it really was a knife fight once they read the paper.
cP/aying with cPawns at all costs, even running away if necessary. He has a motor-
cycle at the side exit and can get away rather quickly if the
The characters are called the following night and told to characters pursue him. Because of ills location, he can get away
meet with Rigaud and Wade at a nearby McDonald's at 8 P.M. without even being seen.
In the children's play area in front of the restaurant, the Sabbat
discuss their plans. Rigaud tells them four Lupines belonging Scene 'Jive.·
to a tribe called the Black Spiral Dancers are on their way to
meet them. The sect plans to manipulate the Black SpiJ·als to Assault on the 'Janum
attack the Rack, instigating a war between the city's Lupines
It is now time to pay back the Black Spirals. This is the only
and Kindred. The plan is fully discussed in the Introduction way to keep them fighting against the city's Kindred. The
characters, along with the rest of Crucago's Sabbat, meet in
At 9 P.M., four men dressed all in gray and black enter. Each Lincoln Park. Together they sneak over to the Fanum at
wears a dark gray trenchcoat with a different red insignia over midnight. Awaiting them are 20 or so Black Spiral Dancers.
the front pocket. They do not introduce themselves or sit down. T he Black Spirals must cast a ritual to free the temple from its
Rigaud addresses the apparent leader as "Zuglutus." The protective spirit, which they call the Jupiter Celestine.
characters are completely ignored. Eventually the bargain is The Black Spirals form a circle and begin their chanting.
struck and the attacks on the Rack, along with the assault on the
T hough a few faiJ unconscious from the stress caused by the
Fanum, occur as planned. ritual, the others complete it. As they do, a reddish glow begins
After the Black Spirals leave, the characters are free to do to encircle the roof of the Fanum and slowly rise into the sky.
what they please, but they cannot make themselves known to The Jupiter Celestine is beginning to break free.
the enemy.
42 Under a Blood Red Moon
You shake my shoulders
you shake the earth
you shake my life
fo r all it 's worth.
- Inspiral Carpets, "Irresistible Force"
Scene rchree:
tDerrick Stacks Haven
The second haven on the Hst is that of Derrick Stack, also
known as Uriah. He is known personally by the Glass Walker.
His haven is a house located near an inner-city high school.
The haven is located in a predominately black neighbor-
hood. The neighbors are mostly middle-aged or elderly. They
have never met Uriah, but talk of him as though he were an evil
spirit. They warn their kids away from the house, and rightl y
so since Uriah feeds primarily on children. It is doubtful
anyone would call the police if the house were put to the torch
or if shots were fired. They would be happy to see it go.
Uriah's haven is actually the basement of the house. The
entire ground floor has been abandoned since the original
occupants died. Other than in the basement, everything in the
house is gray or brown from the thick coating of dust. Christ-
mas decorations from I 0 years ago still decorate the decaying
building. Tall weeds stand three feet tall or more over the entire
The basement is equipped with a booby trap built by one of
Stack's more industrious ghouls. If anyone opens the door
without pulling a special hidden latch on the wall next to the
a move on the city, she got out as fast as she could. She has werewolf. He battles alongside the characters until all the
temporarily taken refuge in New York among some former vampires have been destroyed.
Sabbat allies. including Lambach Ruthven (see Who's Who After the fight he disappears as quickly as he carn e, turning
Among Vam pires: Ch ildren of th e Inquisition). into a mist and floating away. Ifa char·acteruses Sense Wynn,
After 15 minutes. the front of the airpor1 is crawling with he does not register, but Sense the Unnatural reveals the
police. The characters must find a way out and get away creature to be an Abomination, a Garou w ho has become a
without being caught. Jim has already left them, but he will be vampire.
looking for them. He wil l pull up and pick them up when it
seems safe enough. Jn Other OJattles
Scene Six: d'ariah The char·acters may learn about how tbe day's vampire
hunting went for all the other Garou of Team Silver through
After the airport adventure, it begins to grow dark. Jim whatever sources the Storyteller sees tit. The characters
suggests they go uptown and see if they can spot any Leeches should not be given the infonnation freely: they must search it
stupid enough to walk the streets. He believes he saw one out. In tum, they will be asked to recap their own experiences
before over on Rush Street and he wants to see if they can spot for other Garou. T his could be handled through meetings with
some using their powers. other Garou, phone calls or just the Kinfolk grapevine. The
At one point while on Rush Street, one oft he characters sees characters may leat11 the following:
a shadowy figure slink into an alleyway. The figure bears the Four Garou and two Kinfolk were killed today in a raid on
stench of the Wynn and if the characters pursue rum, they find a haven. The haven was appar·ently empty of any Leeches, but
themselves in a Sabbat trap. Twenty new "recruits.'' humans it was wired with explosives. Rumor has it that the Glass
recently turned into vampires. attack them en masse from all Walkers knew of this and gave the location to a pack containing
directions. members against whom they had grudges.
As the attack gets underway, a strange creature leaps into the Besides the Garou casualties, 12 vampires were discovered is a Garou in Crinos fonn . but one unlike any Garou the and eliminated. along with at least 40 of their human hench-
characters have ever seen. This '·Garou·· is P<u·iah , the undead men. Remember, the Storyteller decides who was killed in the
haven raids. Officially, those destroyed include: Jimmy
Holcomb. Hank Cave, Tmvis Fett, Neil G raham, Elzbieta
Once night comes, the characters may again be attacked by
roving Lupines, or they may try for revenge against those who
attacked them earlier. There may be some clues to the
werewolves· location at their torched haven.
It is also possible that the characters search for aJiies among
the IGndred. This could lead to a shock when they keep finding
haven after haven burned down, and no sign of their brethren.
50 Under a Blood Red Moon
011 build your ship ofdeath. 0/r build it!
For you will need it.
For the voyage ofoblivion awaits you.
- David Herbert L awrence. ''The Ship of Death"
Should the characters make such comments within the are to call Kulos at a number provided as soon as they fmd out
hearing of mortals in the police department, the characters are what has gone wrong.
targeted as Garou. Jackson sends a van ofheavily armed ghoul The drive to the Wyrmhole is rather uneventful. Any
gangbangcrs to take out the characters when they least expect character with Sense Wyrm feels the evil aura first, but even
it. The gangbangers are armed with submachine guns and those without the Gift soon feel a chill in the air and a sense of
pistols; each ca1Ties one clip of silver bullets. They even have despair.
a shotgun with silver buckshot shells. They try to catch the This Wyrmhole has long been sealed shut by the Uktenaand
characters when they are on foot, simply pulling up beside patrolled by the Shadow Lords north of the city. The land
them and unloading their guns. The van will speed away as the sun-ounding the Wyrmhole was likewise purchased by the
ftrst hint of trouble. For stats on the gangbangers see Appendix Shadow Lords, although Pentex has made numerous buyout
One. attempts. The area is fenced in with 12-foot-tall fencing, which
Should the characters stop the van. or catch even one of the is in turn reinforced with barbed wire, though there is a gap
ghouls, the ghoul can be made to tell who sent them and the large enough to drive the van through. There is no gate, and
location of the Leech· s haven. signs everywhere warn off trespassers. Rumor has it the only
reason Pentex has not simply taken over the site is because the
Scene Zwo: l[he Search for Black Spirals will not allow it. They want it all to themselves.
rceam Alpha On the other side of the fence grows a thin forest of
malformed trees. Past this is a gigantic field on which nothing
Sometime during the day, the characters receive a phone grows, not even grass. The only creatures present are a few
call from Kulos Hail-tongue telling them that Team Alpha has insects. Close inspection of them reveals that even they are a
not yet shown up. They should have been finished by last night bit deformed.
and in Chicago by early this morning. At the center of the field is a large stone tunnel leading into
The retaking of the Fanum wi II have to wait unti I they an-ive. the earth. A large boulder (sufficient in size to cover the tunnel
The characters have been elected to see what happerned to them opening) has been pushed aside, revealing the mouth of the
and to bring word back as quickly as possible. tunnel. Inspection of the boulder reveals the intricate wards
The characters are given explicit instructions about where carved upon its surface. Characters who listen at the tunnel
to look for Alpha. Jim Upshaw is todrivethem in his van. They mouth hear a few faint wails from below.
If any of the characters are brave enough to go into the
tunnel, they find two injured Garou, one of whom clutches a
Silver Sword in a mined paw. They ask for water to quench
their thirst. Unless someone can heal them, they slowly bleed
to death.
The two Garou tell the characters that they almost made it
back out, but they were met at the opening by some Black
Spiral Dancers, who made short work of them in their injured
condition. According to the two, all the Garou of Team Alpha
were killed down in the Wyrm tunnels. The Wyrmlings picked
them off one by one for the longest time. Finally, the team got
lost and wandered too deeply. They came upon a city of sorts,
where they were met by an enormous host of Wyrm-serving
humanoids who ripped the Garou invaders apart.
It is possible the characters can save the injured Garou ifone
of them has Mother's Touch, or makes an Intelligence +
Medicine roll (difficulty 8) for each of the two Garou. If not,
the Garou will die. If saved, the Garou are forever in the debt
of the characters. If the characters are unable to save the Garou,
one will give a character his Silver Sword to "gut the damned
Spirals" for him.
If the characters wait around too long, they will be attacked
by Black Spiral Dancers or Wyrm creatures of your choosing.
Most of the Wyrm.lings and Black Spirals have already gone
to Chicago. The spirits are charged with cormpting Jupiter and
bringing it into the service of the Wyrm.
When the characters tell Kulos the news, he almost cries.
Many were his lifelong comrades and packmates. He decides
Scene Zhree: Should the characters desire to come up and speak with him,
he motions for them to come around to the alley beside the
OJattle in the d'roieds building. There is a fire escape reaching from the ground all the
way to the roof.
If the characters decide to head for the projects, Jim knows On the roof, the characters find Pariah ready to talk to them,
exactly how to get there. He requests permission to come with the first of his race he feels he can trust. He relates his awful tale
the characters. They must decide whether they will allow him and asks them to accept him as a member of their pack. He only
to rud them. wants to rud them in exacting revenge on those that turned him
The characters must also decide how they wish to handle the into what he is. If the characters put him off, he politely tells
assault on Cabrini Green. Do they prefer to sneak in or just them goodbye and then disappears.
attack head-on? This is the characters' decision; however, If they wish to discuss it further, or accept him immediately,
should they drive the van too close to Jackson' s stronghold, he capers joyfully. He promises to meet them the next night,
they will be spotted and fired upon by Jackson's sentries. but torught he has other matters to attend, including avenging
The stronghold is patrolled by at least a dozen ghouls and a his Bone Gnawer comrades.
numberofhuman servants. The humans most likely flee in fear
from the Delirium when the characters attack. All the guards
are armed with either a shotgun and pistol, or an automatic
Scene Six:
weapon of some type. Zhe Htove on the
The inside of the building is equipped with security cameras
and motion detectors in key locations. Half the guards are Succubus Club
inside the building and half are on guard outside. If the characters arrive on time (or even a little early or late)
If the characters attempt to sneak past the guards, they must they find the other pack of Garou inside the theatre watching
score five successes using Wits+ Stealth (difficulty 7). If they the movie, cheering for the werewolves.
are spotted, or try a direct approach, the ghoul guards open fire. After a brief greeting (The characters remember meeting
Almost all the human guards will run. the pack at the Ring of the Raccoon. They were the Get who
Once (and if) the characters get inside Jackson's stronghold, attacked the characters, believing they were trrutors when
they still have to find Jackson. He is in the basement preparing Anthius showed up.), the Garou ready themselves for the
to make his getaway. He will be out oft he place in five minutes. attack. They plan to go into the Succubus Club, which is now
He is protected by six personal ghoul bodyguards packing tightly guarded by the Leeches and their human servants, and
pistols with silver bullets, and his red Porsche is ready and rruse a little hell. The objective is to destroy the Cadavers' so-
wruting. If the characters get there before the fi ve minutes have called "Masquerade." They are to destroy all the Leeches they
elapsed, they will find him.
Three Black Spirals were also slain in front of the Fanum.
In addition to these deaths, the war has spread to the human Zhe Chapter {or
population; at least 55 innocent humans were killed, including
those killed in the Succubus C lub raid. Kin~e~ Charaders
The Wind Catchers informed Team Silver leaders that their The Kindred characters are once again on the defensive in
battle has become a stalemate. Seven Black Spirals were this chapter. Just as stated earlier, it would be a good idea to
killed, as were two members of their sept. Numerous Banes read the scenes for Garou characters to better understand what
were also chased away or destroyed. The Glen remains intact, is going on, and for the additional details for the scenes.
but for how much longer? Kulos Hail-tongue believes the sept
will soon give up and join forces with Team Silver. With the
terrible loss of Team Alpha, the Wind Catchers are Team
Scene One: £.o~in's Comman~
Silver's only hope. The characters receive a phone call from Balthazar. He
On the University of Chicago campus, eight savage axe wants the characters to go immediately to Kevin Jackson's
murdersoffacultymembershaveoccurred;theGarouTheurges Cabrini Green stronghold and pick up some captured mortal
believe that the killer is either a Bane-possessed human or an allies of t11e Lupines. The characters are to transport the
opportunistic psychopath. prisoners to an abandoned warehouse north of Chicago; a van
Blackouts occurred all over the city. Some were caused by will be provided. The characters receive the password '·Daddy
Banes stealing power from the city's Weaver spirits, while Pop" from Baltha7ar. The characters are to give Jackson's
others were the result of Garou spirits and the Sabbat. The guards the password.
Glass Walkers sent Chicago's financial community into shock Unless the characten. do something really unexpected that
by using computer spirits to mix up some records and destroy could be considered an attack. and they give the password. the
others. guards bring the characters inside the haven and lead them
downstairs to sec Jackson. Jackson exchanges few pleasantries
and tells one of his guards to bring in the prisoners.
Prias is found inside the antechamber, w ith the body of a
female Garou sprawled next to him - mutual destruction.
rche Chapter for Carou be seen in the sky. It is covered in a swarm of Banes, and from
a distance looks like a man-sized creature covered in ants.
H1irrors have a few problems with it. They will rely on the deceptive
nature of the min·ors to ambush the Garou.
The House of MiiTors sits ri ght above A I Capone's haven.
Moving about in the house i s tricky and attacking is worse.
Capone has moved to the park, fearing attacks from Kevin
Successful identification of a real target, as opposed to a mirror
Jackson and possibly the prince's men. Capone's vault w as
image. requires a Wits + Ale11ness roll (difficulty 8). To
attacked by a number o f Garou earl y on in the war, so Capone
navigate I 0 feet without running into a mirrored wall requires
has no intention of rcturni ng there.
a D exterity + A le11ness roll (difficulty 6) .
Should the characters try traveling to the House of Mirrors
Four secret doors are concealed as mirrors; these are located
v ia the Umbra, there is a good chance they w ill encounter
throughout the building. Finding one requires a Garou to sec it
B anes even in that short distance.
being used or to make an acti ve search for it (Perception +
I f the characters attempt to emerge inside the House of
Alet1ness, difficulty 9) . Behind each of the doors is a narrow
Min·ors through one of the trick mj n-ors, they might suffer
w ooden passage leading to a small door in the floor.
adverse consequences. If a character botches her roll to step
sideways out of the Umbra, her body emerges malf01med in
the image it would have in the mirror: possibly w ith a big head,
Scene rrwo: Capone's Scheme
a Coke-bottle figure, tall and thin, sho11 and squat. o r w hatever Looking down past the door in the floor. the cluu·acters see
weird shape you can come up w ith. It is possible to " heal'' thi s a set of wrought iron rungs in a brick wall. The room below is
by restepping through the mjrrors and making a success fu l pitch dark. I fthecharactershaveany light or can see in the dark.
Gnosis roll (difficulty 6). they perceive that the fl oor is 20 feet below. The room is 25 by
The interior of the House of Mirrors is still covered in 30 feet square, with brick walls and a di11 fl oor. It is empty
tw istjng passages of oddly shaped. polished metal mirrors. T he except for two speakers in the corners.
lights are on w ithin the building. I f the characters do not make In the center o f the f~u· w all is a locked metal door. The
four successes on Perception+ Security (di ffi culty 7). they trip chru·acters hear. " Who ru·e you, and whom do you serve?" over
of f a motion sensor. If they do so, the w hite lights go out and the speakers in Capone's gangster voice. How the characters
flashing red lights come on. Within a turn or so. three armed react is up to them, but if they do not answer him promptl y. he
humans and two ghouls come in through secret passages. O f asks again. Whether the characters answer him or not. bright
course, the humans w ill run back the way they came when floodl ights tum on in the room.
Delirium sets in. They know the layout of the House, but still It is hard to see in the room. but i f the char acters try to open
the metal door, it will require a I 0 Strength. The chru·acters
could also get out through the lights themselves by stepping
Capone is on the other side of the metal door. past a long
brick hall and through another metal door. He has two ghouls
w ith him. A number of security cameras cover the outside
areas of the park, but not the interior of the building.
If the characters calm dow n for a second, Capone of fers
them a deal. He explains why Jackson w anted the characters to
come and attack him. Jackson wanted them to believe Capone
was the prince so they would destroy his chief ri val for him.
Capone needs the prince destroyed. I f the characters agree to
leave the way they came, he gives them the location o f the
prince's haven; one of his ghouls slips an envelope with the
address on it under the metal door. If the characters will only
agree if they can meet with Capone in person, he w ill agree to
it, albeit hesitantly.
Scene rrhree:
Unexpede~ Assistance
The characters are met by Pariah outside the amusement
park. When the characters get ready to leave, Pariah. in Glabro
f01m.Ieaps out of nowhere to the top of a neru·by roof. He issues
a vicious howl and throws down four decapitated Leech heads
(Priscilla Gibbs, Gordon K eaton. and rwo Kindred new to
Chicago) . He leaps to the ground in front of the characters and
Scenes One an~ /[wo: Hunting
If the characters decide to follow Jackson and destroy his
rival Capone, Scenes One and Two, listed above for Garou
characters, can be easily altered for Kindred characters.
Scene Seven:
On the f[rai/ of the Sabbat
The characters have no real problem locating the haven of
theSabbat. The only d ifficulty is that many ofthesewertunnels
are completely flooded. The characters have to be careful to
avoid falling into the torrent of rainwater rushing below the
rche Chapter for Carou of money (taken from Leech havens) to help provide for them
in such trying times.
The Glen in Hyde Park remains, though it decreases in size no other Garou has as much in-depth knowledge of Chicago's
because of the corruption of the Banes. Thceaern also remains. Kindred as he.
It belongs to the Sept of C lear Skies, j ust as the Fanum does, Even if accepted. many Garou will resent him and try to
meaning that sept has two powerful sites under its control. challenge him, claiming he is a Wyrm threat. This is another
Also, the Orthodox Temple of Akhenaton remains unharmed. reason for his retreat; he does not wish to ruin that for which he
Not only are the Wind Catchers given membership, but all has so long hoped.
the Garou who participated in the war, including the charac- If refu sed by the Garou, he slinks away into the sewers.
ters, are likewise inducted. This may be of great use to them, seeking atonement through mystical pursuits. As the years go
allowing them safe haven in Chicago and access to training. by, however, his loneliness increases. Eventually he will not be
The characters may occasionally wish to use the Fanum to above seeking out even the Black Spiral Dancer!> for compan-
teach trustwo1thy humans about the supernatural. For more ionship.
scholarly Garou. the Fanurn has an excellent library.
cPossible Continuations
Under a Blood Red Moon can be extended in a number of
ways. depending upon the events that strike your interest.
• The war with the Lupines might not end peacef1tlly. New
Kindred might show up in Chicago, thirsting for the blood of
the werewolves. The fighting might even spread to other cities.
• The characters might be sent on a mission to discover the
extent of the Sabbat's infiltration of Chicago. This could lead
them to other cities, and more danger. as the Sabbat begins to
send agents back into Chicago.
• The characters (particularly Gangre l) may be sent to
infiltrate the Fan um. They could be sent to form an alliance, or
to take refuge with the Lupines. If this succeeds. they could be
useful spies for the Camarilla.
• The characters may attempt to increase their own i nfl uencc
in the city. This will be a good opportunity to seize control of
mortal institutions. The characters might even compete against
Capone and/or Jackson for control over criminal organiza-
• One of the characters might claim the title of prince. Will
she survive long enough to rule? If so. that character. and
Appendix One 75
Gifts: For each individual werewolf, choose four appropri- Chicago, or some other urban area, she will have the second set
ate to breed, tribe and auspice. I fRank 2, then choose one Rank of Abilities.
Two Gift in addition to the rest. (Coun try W er ewolves): Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl3,
Rage 4, Gnosis 4, Willpower 5 Dodge 2, Intimidation 2, Primal-Urge 4, Firearms 2, Melee 3,
Rank: I or2 Stealth 2, Survival 2, Enigmas 3, Occult 2, Rituals 3
W eapons: Each werewolf carries between one and three of (City W er ewolves): Alertness 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Empa-
the following weapons: Klaive, heavy pistol, heavy revolver, thy 3, Primal-Urge 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2, Drive 2,
submachine gun, shotgun. Firearms 3, Repair 2, Area Knowledge 3, Computer 3, Enig-
mas 3, Law 2, Occult 3, Rituals 3
lxperience~ Werewolf Back gr ounds: For each werewolf, choose one of the two
following sets:
These werewolves are above average in experience and
Set O n e: Allies 2, Contacts 3, Kinfolk 2, Mentor I , Pure
power. They have survived long enough to make it to Rank
Breed 2, Resources 2, Rites I
Three. They are about the toughest werewolves most vampires
Set Two: Contacts 2, Kinfolk 3, Past Life 3, Resources I,
will have the misfortune to meet.
Rites 3
Attributes (Homid form): Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3,
G ifts: For each individual werewolf, choose four Level
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelli-
One Gifts, two Level T wo Gifts and one Level Three Gift
gence 3, Wits 3
appropriate to breed, tribe and auspice.
Attributes (Crinos form): Strength 7, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6,
Rage 6, Gnosis 6, Willpower 7
Charisma 2, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0, Perception 4, Intelli-
gence 3, Wits 3 Rank: 3
Attributes (Lupus form): Strength 4, Dexterity 5. Stamina 6, W eapons: Each werewolf will carry one or two of the
Charisma 2, Manipulation 0, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelli- following weapons: Klaive, wooden stake, sword.
gence 3, Wits 3 Fetishes: Whatever you want them to have.
Abilities: If the werewolflives in a rural or wilderness area,
she will have the first set of Abilities; if she comes from Veteran Werewolf
These werewolves are very, very rare. Having survived
many hardships, these werewolves are Rank Four or Five.
They are usually leaders of their septs and packs. They are
often accompanied by other werewolves of Jesser rank.
Floyd "Hemlock" Moore, the Old One of the Raccoon Sept,
is an example of such a character.
Attributes (Homid form): Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4,
Chruisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelli-
gence 3, Wits 4
Attrib utes (Crinos form): Strength 8, Dexterity 4, Stamina 7,
Charisma 3, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0, Perception 4, Intelli-
gence 3, Wits 4
Attributes (Lupus form): Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 7,
Charisma 3, Manipulation 0, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelli-
gence 3, Wits 4
Abilities: If the werewolf comes from a rural or wilderness
area, she will have the first set of Abilities; if she lives in
Chicago, or some other urban area, she will have the second set
of Abilities.
(Country W er ewolves): Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 4,
Dodge 3, Intimidation 3, Primal-Urge 4, 3, Melee 4,
Stealth 3, Survival 4, Enigmas 4, Occult 3, Rituals 5
(City Werewolves): Alertness 3, Brawl3, Dodge 2, Empa-
thy 3, Primal-Urge 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3, Drive 2,
Firearms 3, Repair 3, Area Knowledge 4, Computer 4, Enig-
mas 4, Law 3, Occult 4, Rituals 5
Backgrounds: For each individual werewolf, choose one
of the following sets:
Common Vampire
The youngest Kindred; none are over 50 years old and they
are generally 12th or 13th generation.
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 2,
Manipulation 3. Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 3,
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 2. Brawl 2, Dodge I,
Empathy 3. Ex pre sion l. lntimidation I, Streetwise 2, Subter-
fuge 2. Drive I. Etiquette I. Firearms 2, Security 1, Stealth 2.
Area Knowledge 2. Computer I, Law I, Occult 1
Backgrounds: For each individual vampire, choose one of
the following sets:
Set One: Allies I. Contacts 2, Herd 2, Resources I
Set Two: Contacts I, Herd I, Influence I, Mentor 2.
Resource~> I
Disciplines: For each vampire, choose one of the following
Set One: Auspex I, Dominate 2, Obfuscate I
Set T wo: Animalism I, Obfuscate 2, Potence 1
Set Three: Potence 2, Celerit y I, Presence I
Set Four: Dominate I, Fortitude I, Presence 2
Sabbat Set: Dominate 2, Obtenebration l , Vicissitude 2
Conscience 3. Self-Contro l 3, Courage 3 (Sabbat have
Humanity: 5 to I0 (Sabbat have I to 4 in a Path of
Enlightenment instead of a Humanity score),
Willpower : 7
Blood Pool (Max I Per T urn): I0/1 ( 1111 if 12th genera-
Weapons: They are temporarily carrying either a pistol or
revolver with silver bullets (one clip or cylinder only) or a
si lver-bladed knife, and possibly a shotgun or submachine
gun. If encountered in a group, only one of them will have the
silver weaponry.
Appendix One 77
lxperience~ Vampire
These vampires have usually been undead for 50 years or
longer. Though they may be much lower or higher in genera-
tion, they are usually ninth to 11th generation. They are very
common in Chicago, known for its large number of low-
generation Kindred.
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Charisma 2.
Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 3, Intelligence 4,
Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 2,
Empathy2. Expression 2, Intimidation 2. Streetwise 3. Subter-
fuge 3, Drive 2, Etiquette 2. Firearms 3, Melee I, Security 2,
Stealth 3, Area Knowledge 3, City Secrets 2. Computer 2,
Finance 2. Hi tory l, Kindred Lore 1, Linguistics I, Occult 2
Backgrounds: For each individual vampire. choo e one of
the following sets:
Set One: Allies 3. Contacts 4, Herd 3, Resources 2. Retain-
ers 1
Set Two: Allies 1, Contacts 2, Herd I. Influence 2. Re-
sources 3, Retainers 2, Status 2
Disciplines: For each individual vampire. choose one of the
following sets:
Set One: Potence 2, Animalism I, Obfuscate 2. Thaumaturgy 3
(Lure of the Aames 2, Movement of the Mind I )
Set Two: Auspex 3, Celerity I, Obfuscate I, Presence 3
Set Three: Celerity 2, Fortitude I, Potence 2, Protean 3
Set Four: Auspex I, Dominate 2, Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 2,
Presence I
Sabbat Set: A uspex I , Dominate 2, Fortitude I ,
Obtenebration 2. Vicissitude 3
Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 3 (Sabbat have
Humanity: 4 to 8 (Sabbat have equivalent in a Path of
Willpower: 8
Blood Pool (Max I Per Turn): 12/1 , 13/1 or l4n
Weapons: They temporarily carry some type of pistol or
revolver with silver bullets (one clip or cylinder only) or a
silver-bladed knife, and possibly a submachine gun. If encoun-
tered in a group, onJy one or two of them will have the silver
0~ Vampire
These Leeches have been around for some time (or they
have committed diablerie up the ladder), and are of seventh or
eighth generation.
Attributes: Strength 3,'Dexterity 4, Stamina4, Charisma 3,
Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 4.
A bilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 2. Brawl 3, Dodge 3.
Empathy J, Expression 2, Intimidation 4, Streetwise4, Subter-
fuge 4, Etiquette 3, Firearms 3, Melee 2, Security 3. Stealth 3.
Appendix One 79
Abilities: AJertness2, Brawi2,Dodge2, Empathy I,Streetwise
I, Animal Ke n I, Drive 2, Firearms 3. Re pair I, Security 2, Stealth
I, Investigation 2, Law 2, Police Procedure I
Backgrounds : Allies 4, Contac ts 2, Mentor 2, Resources 2
Conscience 3, Self-Control 4. Courage 4
Willpower: 5 to 8
Weapons: A revolver or pistol (maybe with s ilver bullets,
depending on whom they g uard), a submachine g un, a repeat-
ing shotgun, and/or a silver-bladed sword or dagger.
rche ttkrewolves
The following are descriptions of the vario us werewolves
who take part in this story. To kee p the material easy to use, the
statistics for the typical werewolf of equivalent rank should be
used. Each individual characte r listing includes which sets of
Gifts, etc., are those of the c haracter, along with a ny impo11ant
changes from the gene ric statistics.
Appendix One 83
Primal- Urge 4, Drive 4 , Me lee 3. Spirit Lore 2 and Area with the tribe hard at first, but she overcame her desire to return
Knowledge 4. Her Backgrounds include Contacts 5, Kin- home. She is called Cowboy because of her death-defying
folk 2 , Past Life l a nd Resources I. She has no feti shes. nature; she faces everything head-on, and this startles many
He r Gifts include: Staredown, Spirit Speech, Name the opponents. She is ve ry honorable, kind, and gentle, but she has
Spirit, Command Spirit and Power Surge. no use for cowards.
Unis has higher-than-average Physical and Social Attributes.
Crace In addition to the Abilities listed, she has Brawl4, Expression
Rank 1, Glass Walker Ahroun, Homid (Average City 5 (drawing), Primal-Urge 4, Leadership 3, Panhandling 3,
Werewolf) Sleight of Hand 5, Area Knowledge 4, Investigation 2 and
Literature 2. Her Backgrounds include Contacts 5, Past Life 4
Grace was a bad child who spent many years in homes for
and Kinfolk 3. She has several talens and a Spirit Whistle.
juvenile delinquents. She went to prison at age 18, where she
took up witchcraft. S he still practices the occult. She also deals He r Gifts include: Smell of Man, Jam Technology, Reshape
drugs, though none of the other Glass Walkers know this. She Object, Beast Speech, Mindspeak, Call of the Wyrm, Distrac-
loves the night life of Chicago and misses clubbing, especially tions, Song of Rage, Cooking and Odious Aroma.
visiting the Succubus Club. She remai ns very tough, secretive
a nd obnoxious.
Hiatt ''aottle-Hose'' O>anoick
She ha<> higher-than-average Mental Att:Jibutes. In addition to Rank 2, Bone Gnawe r Ahroun, Homid (Average City
the Abilities listed, she has Leadership I, Stealth 3. Occult 4, Leech We re wolf)
(Kindred) Lore 3 and Law 2. Her Backgrounds include Allies 3, Matt was raised on the streets of Chicago and never knew
Contacts 4, Mentor 3, Pure Breed I and Resources 2. He r only his parents. He used to burglarize homes, but was eventually
fetish is a Monkey Puzzle. captured by the Bone Gnawers. At first he was very happy,
He r Gifts include: Pe rs uasio n, Razor Claws, Inspiration, feeling at home with the tribe, until he saw other tribes who
The Falling Touch and Control S imple Machine. lived much more luxurious ly and who had far greater prestige.
He now hates being a Bone Gnawer and wishes to join the
Hekko, "Lucky" Uktena, but he does not know if it can be done, or how he will
Rank 3. Bone Gnawer The urge, Lupus (Experienced City be treated if he does. He is a sociopath who puts himself before
Werewolf) everyone else, and though he still tries to get along with the
o ther Bone Gnawers, he finds them weak and stupid.
Hekko was born in the Lincoln Park Zoo, but was soon freed
Matt has lowe r-than-ave rage Mental Attributes and higher-
by the Bone Gnawers. His first decision as a Bone Gnawer was
to release all the wolves at the zoo, including his mothe r, back than-average Physical Attributes. In addition to the Abilities
into the wild. It proved a stupid mistake; all were eithe r killed listed, he has Brawl4, Dodge 4, Intimidation 4, Streetwise 5,
or returned to the zoo within weeks. His mother died. He Firearms 4, Leadership 2 and Mechanics 3. His Backgrounds
suffers Haranooften because of this, but otherwise shows little include Kinfolk 2, Past Life 3, and Pure Breed 1. He has no
emotion. He never gets e xcited, mad or even nervous. He has fetishes.
seen it all a nd is ready for anything, even war. He is called His Gifts include: Persuasion, Inspiration, The Falling
"Lucky" because he always gets the best food, and because he To uch, Sense S iIver, Spirit of the Fray, True Fear and Scent of
seems to have the protection of someone or something. He was Sweet Honey.
once attacked by a gang of anarchs, but they were all destroyed
before they could hut1 him, when their car blew up. Eve n he
Lamar "Hee~/es'' Craham
does not know why he is so lucky, but he is happy he is - it Rank 2, Bone Gnawer Philodox, Homid (Average City
is why he has survived the Leeches' Blood Hunt. Werewolf)
He has lower-than-average Social and Mental Attributes. In Lamar was raised by a family of blue-collar workers with
addition to the Abilities listed, he also has Athletics 4, Empathy 5, strong values. He was abducted in his teens and passed the Rite
Panhandling 3, Scrounging 2, Sewer Lore 3, Area Knowledge 4, of Passage with ease. He continues to raise rabbits as pets for
Enigmas 4 and Occult 3. His Backgrounds include Allies 3, orphans and gives much of his small income to the poor. He is
Contacts5 and PastLife3. He has a Hrumony Fluteanda Baneskin. still very pious, but he loves being a Garou and has embraced
His Gifts include: Heighte ned Se nses. Catfeet, Sense W yrm. Garou beliefs. He hopes to lead the Bone Gnawers of Chicago
Spirit Speech, M other's T ouch, Name the Spirit, Command o ne day. Every action he takes is for the good of the tribe and
Spirit, Coo king, Scent of Sweet Honey and Gift of the Skunk. the good of Garou in general.
Lamar has average Attributes. In addition to the Abilities
Unis "Cowboy'' Smith listed, he has Animal Ken 4, Expression 4, Scrounging 4 ,
Rank 3. Bone Gnawer Galliru·d. Homid (Ex perienced City Streetwise 4, Stealth 3, Area Knowledge 5 and Sewer Lore 1.
Werewolf) His Backgrounds include Allies 3, Contacts 2, Kinfolk 3 and
Unis lived in a middle-class fami ly until the age of eight. Resources I. He has a Fang Dagger.
when s he was kidnapped by the Bone Gnawers. S he found life
rche Sept of the Win~ Catchers Jupiter and the Sept of the Wind Catchers.
Peter has higher-than-average Social Attributes. In addition
to the Abilities listed, he has Diplomacy 2, Empathy 4,
The following are prominent members of the Wind Catcher
Expression 4 (oratory), Intimidation 4, Intrigue 3, Subterfuge
Sept. There are others in the sept, but they do not take an active
role. You may develop the other characters as you see fit. 4, and Etiquette 4 . His backgrounds include Contacts 5,
Kinfolk 4, Pure Breed 5 and Resources 3. He has a Coat of the
Cnuris One-lye Lion, which allows him to assume a lion form at will. The form
is equal to his Lupus form, but with +2 Strength and + I
Rank 5, Get of Fenris, Ahroun, Lupus (Veteran Country
Dexterity in addition to any bonuses granted by the Lupus
Garou) fonn.
Gnuris is very old. He was born a wolf in Germany during the
His Gifts include: Persuasion, Staredown, Call of the Wyld,
1920s. He stayed in Germany until Hitler rose to power, after Mindspeak, Distractions, Eye of the Cobra, Shadows by the
whichhe andhis packmovedtoSpaintoescapetheWynn.Gnuris'
Fire Light, Resist Toxins, Glib Tongue, Howl of the Banshee,
packmates were all killed during the 1950s in a battle with Black
Faerie Kin, Phantasm and Balor's Gaze.
Spirals. Afterward, he traveled to America to make a fresh start,
since he had no desire to return to Germany. After proving his
intentions, he was accepted into the Sept of the Wind Catchers.
rche Leibers of the Legion
Over the years he has slowly acquired more power and responsi- The followi ng Garou are not from the Chicago area, but they
bility. He is now the strongest leader in the sept. TI1ough he is are key fi gures in the war. There are other leaders. but the
respected, the respect comes more out of fear than love. He is a characters are not likely to be in contact with them, so they may
harsh disciplimuian, punishing all who break the mles of the sept be developed as needed.
and the Litany. On the other hand, he has proven to be an
outstanding leader dwing the war. K.ulos Haif-trongue
He has higher-than-average Physical Attributes and lower- Rank 5, Silver Fang Galliard, Lupus (Veteran Country
than-average Social Attributes. In addition to the Abilities Werewolf)
listed, he has Athletics 4, Intimidation 5, Game Playing 2,
Kulos was born to a wolfhound in Virginia. He was raised
Leadership 4, Linguistics 3, Leech (Kindred) Lore 2 and
as a wolfhound by his lupus mother. When she died, his Garou
Tactics 4. His Backgrounds include Allies 3, Contacts 5, brethren came and took him away to Milwaukee. He soon
Influence 1, Kinfolk 4, Pure Breed 2 and Resources 2. His teamed ofGarou society and its battle with tl1e Wyrm, some-
fetishes include a Mask of the Owl, which grants the ability to
thing his mother had never taught him. At first, he was
see in absolute darkness (including Obtenebration), and
depressed and wondered how his mother could have concealed
"Bastard's Son," an ancient iron sword containing a spirit
his raison d'etre from him. Eventually, however, he came to
which curses anyone hit by it, causing the victim to suffer
accept that she did it out of love.
rotten luck for months.
He threw himself into every banle and fought the Wyrm's
His Gifts include: Heightened Senses, Sense the Unnatural,
minions in hundreds of fights. He became widely known for
Elemental Gift, Razor Claws, Inspiration, The Falling Touch,
his cunning, loyalty, honor, keen mind, sensibility and cour-
Silver Claws, Stoking Fury's Furnace, Strength ofWill, Resist
age. He eventually rose to lead a small sept. However, his sept
Pain, Snarl of the Predator, Might of Thor, Hero's Stand,
was destroyed by Black Spiral Dancers and fomori agents of
Horde of Valhalla and Fenris' Bite. Pentex. He is now obsessed with destroying the Black Spirals,
cPeter II"Walk-with-Lionsll Lawrence Pentex, and every other minion of the Wyrm.
Kulos has higher-than-average Physical and Mental At-
Rank 4, Fianna Galliard, Homid (Veteran City Werewolf) tributes. In addition to the Abilities listed, he has Alertness 5,
Peter was raised in a fami ly ofKinfolk who were close to the BrawlS, Empath y 4, Expression (sculpting) 5, Intimidation 5,
sept. He knew Garou at a very earl y age and he passed the Rite Etiquette 2, Leadership 5, Anthropology 4 and Leech (Kjn-
of Passage at the age of nine. Once he reached adulthood, he dred) Lore 3. His Backgrounds include Allies 2, Contacts 3,
went into public office as a member of the city council ; Kinfolk 5, Pure Breed 3, Past Life 4 and Resources 2. His
however, it only took him one term to realize just how much feti shes include a Cloak of Midnight (which grants him the
control the Leeches held over human society. He instead began Shroud Gift, usable at will), a Fang Dagger and a Pouch of
to take an interest in sept affairs and became the leading Spirit Medicine (which grants the Mother's Touch Gift).
spokesperson for the sept in all non-combat-related activities, His Gifts include: Heightened Senses, Scent of Sight, Sense
including animal protection. the Unnatural, Beast Life, Elemental Gift, Song of the Great
He is a perfectionist and an extremely neat dresser. He has Beast, Mindspeak. Song of Rage, Bridge Walker, Lambent
connections to the fRA through his father's side of the fami ly, Flame, Sense Wyrm. Luna's Armor, Awe, Wrath of Gaia,
and he once made frequent trips to Ireland, but those trips have Mastery and Luna's Avenger.
Appendix One 85
"Saint" Sebastian Kroyos normal life in Detroit. Michigan. When she turned 17. how-
ever, she was abducted by Black Furies. She soon learned she
Rank 5. Shadow Lord Philodox. Homid (Veteran City
was Garou. She loved her new li fe. since it gave her purpose.
She loves to kill vampires. She is a troublem aker. but a loyal
Sebastian is a very old and tough Garou. He was born the son pack leader. She prefers her human nature and loves the night
of a rich land baron in the Midwest. He discovered his heritage life of big cities.
during his teens. but never joined a sept until he moved to
Elzbeth has higher-than-average Social and Mental At-
Milwaukee. Other Shadow Lords discovered Sebastian (who
tributes. In addition to the Abilities listed. she has Athletics 3,
was really born a Black Fury) and gave him the Rite of Passage.
Brawl S, Dodge4. Primal-Urge 4. Subterfuge 3. Leadership 3.
Sebastian successfull y completed the Rite and became a full Melee 3, Leech (Kindred) Lore 3. Rituals 2 and Astronomy I.
member of their pack. Sebastian soon inherited a fortune when
Her Backgrounds include Allies I. Contacts 2, Ki nfolk 3, Past
his father passed away. He purchased the land where the Ring
Life 5. Pure Breed 5 and Resources 3. Her fetishes include an
of the Raccoon now stands. and acts as the leader of the Sept
Armlet ofSpirit Confinement. This fetish can trap and hold any
of the Raccoon. He is well-liked. but not highly trusted by those lesser spirit: the possessor may release the spirit at any time, but
outside his own sept. He always puts himself first, his sept the spirit must obey one command if released.
second, and the other Garou third. However, he has proven to
Her Gifts include: Persuasion. Jam Technology, Scent of
beoneofthebest and bravest W yrm-fi ghters. He dabbles in the
Running Water. Blur of the Milky Eye, Open Moon Bridge,
occult, and some have claimed that he has pacts with Wyrmlings
Sense Wyrm, Heightened Senses, Curse of Aeolus, Visceral
(which he employs against other minions of the Wyrm);
Agony and Coup De Grace.
whether this is true or not remains to be seen. On the surface he
seems a very congenial and decent fellow. Hector "Cun-too-6Jig'' Cottenheimer
Sebastian has higher-than-average Mental Attributes. ln
Rank 3, Get of Fenris Ahroun. Homid (Experienced Coun-
addition to the Abilities listed. he has Dodge 5, Empathy 3,
try Werewolf)
Expression (painting) 4. Intimidation 5. Etiquette 4. Leader-
ship 4. Stealth 4. Occult 5 and Wyrm Lore 3. His Backgrounds Hector was born and raised by his father as a neo-Nazi. Hate
include Allies 5. Contacts 2. Kinfolk 5. Resources 4, Past Life came easily to him. He lived in New York until his teens. He
I and Pure Breed 2. His fet ishes include a Necklace of Dove ran with skinheads and was a gay-basher. He still dislikes most
Tears (this renden. all who talk to him either sympathetic to humans. but he hates the Wyrm even more. H e will defend all
him or very sad: treat as Head Games) and a Phoebe's Veil. Garou. even those he dislikes. His packmates do not question
his loyalty or his ability in battle. for he has proven it time and
His Gift include: Persuasion. Smell of Man. Spirit Ward.
time again.
Resist Pain. Truth of Gaia. Scent of the True Form. King of the
Beasts. Weak Arm. Ro ll Over. Geas. Clap of Thunder, Icy Hector has higher-than-average Physical Attributes. In
Chill of Despair. Paralyzing Stare and Shadow Pack. addition to the Abilities listed. he has Ale11ness 4. Athletics 5,
Brawl 5. Dodge 4. Drive 2. Leadership 2. Melee 4. Ride 4 and
rche alack Hammer Gambling 3. His Backgrounds include Allies l. Contacts I,
Kinfolk 5, Resources 2 and Past Life 1. His only fetish is a
This "pack.. accompanies the characters on their raid against Spirit Bow, which is a sho11 composite bow constructed from
the Succubus Club. The "pack" is not a real pack, but the hom and ash. The bow appears in its true form only on the
remnants of two former packs who have joined together to Umbra: it becomes a small bronze replica of a bow while
complete the mission. The pack is composed of Get of Fenris within the Realm. On the Umbra. when the bowstring is pulled
and Black Furies. and has the potential to be a tremendous back, an arrow appears ready to be fired: the arrow itself has no
fighting team: unfonunately. its effectiveness is marred by special bonuses.
intenribal rivalry and dislike. All are killed in the raid, but His Gifts include: Smell of Man. Reshape Object. Razor
information is included on them if you prefer to have some of Claws, The Falling Touch. Spirit of the Fray. True Fear, Resist
them live. or if the characters ask questions about them. Pain and Snarl of the Predator.
Appendix Olle 87
M edicine 1. His B ackgrounds include Allies 5, Contacts 3,
Pure Breed 2, Past Life I and Resources I. He has no
Rank 3, Black Spiral Philodox, Homid (Experienced City fetishes.
His Gifts include: Sense Wyrm, Smell of Man, Spirit
Zuglutus can no longer remember his real homid name, but Speech and Mother' s Touch.
he thinks it sounded something like John or Tom. He was frrst
abducted by the Wendigo tribe, but the Black Spirals captured
him shortly afterthe Wendigo had taken him. They forced him rche Vampires
through the Dance of the Black Spiral, transforming him into
a powerful servant of the Wyrm. He is well-liked by other
members of the Hive, despite the fact he was born homid and
Your rDeib Heighbors
He has average Attributes. In addition to the Abilities listed,
he has Empathy 3, Expression (storytelling) 4, Subterfuge 4, Ninth Generation Tremere Antitribu, leader (Experienced
Leadership 2, Melee 3, Occult 3, Science 4 (archaeology and Vampire)
geology) and Wyrm Lore 2. His Backgrounds include Allies Hannigan was an Irish inmugrant in New York City when
I, Contacts 2, Kinfolk 4, Past Life 3 and Resources 2. His he was recruited by the Sabbat in 1907. He proved a very strong
fetishes include a W arshirt of the Wym1 and a number of recruit, and eventually attained status as a True Sabbat. Since
talens. that time, he has led his nomadic pack all over the country,
His Gifts include: Sense Wym1, Persuasion, Smell of Man, causing problems for anarchs and other Kindred. Hannigan is
Reshape Object, Disquiet, Resist Pain, Call to Duty, Wisdom very bold and outspoken for a Tremereantitribu, since few of
of the Ancient W ays and Foaming Fury. them stay undead as nomadic Sabbat and even fewer become
leaders of nomadic packs. Hannigan is a tough individual who
Hepolos ''(J{eeks-o~cPi~s'' keeps his pack strong. He often seeks out dangerous situations
Rank 2, Black Spiral Dancer Galliard, Metis (Average to prove the power of his pack and his own worthiness as a
Country Werewolf) leader.
Nepolos was born to the Hukasnur Hive in South Carolina, Hannigan has lugher-than-average Social and Mental At-
but she was traded to the Guttolic Hive to repay a debt that the tributes. In addition to the Abilities listed, he has Alertness 4,
Hukasnurs owed the Guttolics. Nepolos is a nasty metis who Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Intimidation 5, Intrigue 3, Leadership 3,
revels in the kill. She is highly interested in homid technology, Charm Snakes 5; Dancing 3, Fire Walking 4, Game Playing 2,
but onl y so that she can use it to cause even more death and Melee 3, Ride 3, Torture I, Occult 5, Sabbat Lore 4, Camarilla
destruction. Lore 4 and Demon Lore 2. Hannigan has no Area Knowledge
or City Secrets Abilities, unlike the Experienced Vampire
She has higher-than-average Mental Attributes. Her metis
template. His Backgrounds include Allies 4, Contacts 2, Herd
deformity is her great stench, hence her name. The difficulty
1, Pack Recognition 5, Resources 2 and Sabbat Status 2. His
of all her Social rolls is one higher because of the unpleasant
Disciplines include Auspex 4, Celerity 2, Dominate 4, Forti-
aroma wafting from her skin. In addition to the Abilities listed
she has Intrigue 2, Leadership I, Primal-Urge 4, Animal Ke~
tude 2, Obfuscate 2 and Thaumaturgy 3 (Movement of the
Mind 2, Path of Con·uption 2, Path of Conjuration 3).
3, Melee 4, Computer 2, Leech ( Kindred) Lore 1 and W yrm
Lore 2. Her Backgrounds include Contacts 1, Past Life 5 and
Resources 1. She has a Devil whip.
rcabitha 'Jisk
Her Gifts include: Sense Wyrm, Burrow, Curse of Hatred, I Oth Generation Lasombra (Experienced Vampire)
Mindspeak, Dreams peak, Call of the Wyrm and Patagia. Tabitha was 20 and a student at a junior college when she
and many of her classmates were recruited by the Sabbat. She
d'utuahh~ ''Crawler-man" was one of the few to attain the status of True Sabbat. She has
now set her sights on beconung leader of the pack and she has
Rank 1, Black Spiral Dancer Theurge, Homid (Average
the support of a powerful Sabbat archbishop.
Country Werewolf)
Tabitha has higher-than-average Physical Attributes. In
Putuahhgu was once human, but that was a long time ago.
addition to the Abilities listed, s he has Alertness 4, Athletics 5,
He now loves his new life serving the W yrm. He is a very odd
Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Acrobatics 3, Blind Fighting 4,
individual (even by Black Spiral standards), and spends little
Etiquette 4, Fire Walking 4, Music (guitar) 2, Camarilla Lore
time with other members of the Hive. He loves to wander the
3 and Sabbat Lore 4. Her Backgrounds include Allies 4,
tunnels that riddle the ground below the Hive's Pit. He suffers
Contacts I, Mentor 4, Pack Recognition 4, Resources 2 and
Harano almost constantly, but when he does not, he is a very
Sabbat Status I. Her Disciplines include Auspex 2, Celerity 2,
volatile and unpredictably violent individual.
Putuah hgu has average Attributes. In addition to the
Abilities listed, he has Etiquette 3, Stealth 2, History 2 and
Appendix One 89
Larry His Disciplines include Celerity 2, Fortitude 1, Obfuscate 2,
Potence 3 and S<mguinus I .
Ninth Generation Blood Brother (Experienced Vampire)
Larry was a freelance newspaper reporter before Jeny
chose him to become a Blood Brother. He has taken to life in
rche Abomination
the Sabbat and hopes to found a circle of his own one night. He
is the most human and trustworthy of all members of the circle. Haro~ Coo~ston, ''O'ariah''
Lany has higher-than-average Social Attributes. In addi-
Sire: Oliver Ligon (fo1mer ally of Prince Maxwell)
tion to the Abilities listed, he has Charm Snakes 2, Fire
Walking 2,Joumalism 3,Literature2,Psychology l , Camarilla Nature: Survivor
Lore I and Sabbat Lore 2. His Backgrounds include Allies 4, Demeanor: Deviant
Herd 1, Pack Recognition 2 and Resources 1. His Disciplines Generation: 8th
include Celerity I , Dementation 2, Dominate I, Fortitude 2, Embrace: 1860 (bom 1828 )
Thaumaturgy 2 and Sanguinus 4. Apparent Age: 32
Appendix Two 93
You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed
-Euripides, Alcestis