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Box Culvert Design IRC - 1

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(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
NEW DELHI-110017
PHONE:+91-11-29565666; FAX:+91-11-26522000,26854000
E-mail: info@ircon.org ; Web: www.ircon.org

1 The bill of quantities shall be read in conjunction with the

Instructions to Tenderers, Appendix to tender, General
conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract,
Particular Technical Specifications, General Technical
Specifications and other documents forming part of the tender

2 General directions and descriptions of work and materials are

not necessarily repeated nor summarized in the Bill of
Quantities. References to the relevant sections of the contract
documents shall be made before quoting rates in the Bill of

3 The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and

provisional, and are given to provide a common basis for
bidding. The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of
work ordered and carried out, as measured by the Contractor and
verified by the Engineer and valued at the accepted rates, where
applicable, and otherwise at such rates and prices as the
Engineer may fix within the terms of the Contract.

4 The rates and prices tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities

shall, except in so far as it is otherwise provided under the
Contract, include all Constructional Plant, labour, supervision,
materials, transportation, erection, maintenance, insurance,
profit, taxes and duties, together with general risks,
liabilities and obligations set out or implied in the Contract.

5 Rates shall be entered by the tenderers in figures and words.


Name of Work: Construction of Road Over Bridge (ROB) No. 1/J&K (1 x 48m span) parallel to
the existing ROB at Km. 14+000 on NH-1A at Jammu Bye-Pass(Jammu-Srinagar Highway) in
Jammu & Kashmir.


Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

1 Dismantling of existing structures like

culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other
structure comprising of masonry, cement
concrete, wood work, steel work, including
T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary,
sorting the dismantled material, disposal of
unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead of
1000 metres.

A Lime/Cement Concrete/Stone Masonary Cum. 250 220 55,000.00

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of
structures including retaining wall as per
drawings and technical specificationsss
Clauses 304, including setting out,
construction of shoring and bracing, removal
of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling
with approved material.

i) Ordinary rock (not requiring blasting) - For

Cum. 3,300 91 300,300.00
all Depths
3 Back filling behind abutments, wing walls and
return walls with selected granular material of
approved quality including all material,
labour, equipment carriage etc. all complete Cum. 640 1010 646,400.00
as per drawing and Technical specificationss
Clause 710.1.4 of IRC:78 & 2200.
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

4 Providing and laying of Filter media with

granular materials/stone crushed aggregates
satisfying the requirements laid down in
clause 2504.2.2. of MoRTH specificationsss to
a thickness of not less than 600 mm with
smaller size towards the soil and bigger size
towards the wall and provided over the entire Cum. 800 940 752,000.00
surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted to a
firm condition complete as per drawing and
Technical specificationsss clause 710.1.4 of
IRC:78 and 2200.

5 Providing and laying Plain Cement concrete

M-15 grade in levelling course in major
bridges, minor bridges, pipe culverts bedding,
box culvert, box type structure and below
approach slab etc. including centering and Cum. 70 3739 261,730.00
shuttering all complete as per drawing and
Technical specificationss Sections 1500 &
1700 and 2100.

6 Providing and laying in position

Reinforcement cement concrete in open
foundation including centering and shuttering
but excluding reinforcement, complete as per
drawing and technical specifcation sections
1500, 1700 & 2100

(i) Grade M-35

Cum. 500 4884 2,442,000.00

7 Providing and laying in position concrete in

RCC pier, pier cap, pedestals, abutment wall,
abutment cap, dirt wall, wing wall, retaining
wall, return wall, box cell structures etc.,
including centering and shuttering but
excluding reinforcement, complete as per
drawing and technical specificationss sections
1500, 1700, 2100, 2200 and 2300.

(i) Grade M- 35 Cum. 600 5216 3,129,600.00

8 Reinforced cement concrete M-30 grade in
approach slab including centering and
shuttering but excluding reinforcement for
bridges and culverts complete as per drawing Cum. 70 4717 330,190.00
and Technical specificationss Clause 2704.
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

9 Reinforced cement concrete M-40 grade crash

barrier excluding reinforcement but including
centering and shuttering complete as per
drawings and Technical Specificatiobn, Cum. 150 5784 867,600.00
Sections 1500, 1700 and clause 2703.

10 Providing, placing, compacting and curing

Reinforced cement concrete M 40 grade in
superstructure, deck slab and bearing
pedestal with all leads and lifts excluding
reinforcement but including centering and
shuttering complete as per drawing and as
per MoRT&H technical specificationss clause
1500, 1700 & 2200.The shuttering for deck
slab will be done with pre-cast RCC slabs. The Cum. 130 8504 1,105,520.00
pre-cast RCC slabs will be form part of
permanent works after casting of deck slab.
The rate is inclusive of provision of RCC slabs
including all materials except reinforcement
for pre-cast slabs, which will be paid in the
respective item.

11 Providing and fixing in position

Thermomechanically treated (TMT) Fe-415
grade reinforcement bars in foundations,
substructures, superstructures, retaining
walls, crash barriers, kerbs etc. complete as MT 170 55101 9,367,170.00
per drawings and Technical specificationss
Section 1600.


Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Providing, Fabricating, Erection & epoxy

painting of structural steel in Plate Girders
complete with contractors own steel, all
materials, machineries, tools & tackles,all
leads and lifts, labour etc. as per approved
drawings & specifications complete in all
respects as per relevant clauses of the
contract. The fabrication & erection cost
includes all the types of battens, lacings, ties,
stiffners, packings, diaphargm, T&F bolts,
steel drifts, shop welds, shop rivets,
MT 350 122874 43,005,900.00
templates, jigs, fixtures, back up supports,
accessories etc. The job includes fabrication
of steel girders, erection of girders across the
railway track with surface preparation with
sand blasting, two coats of Epoxy Zinc
phosphate primer, one coat of epoxy
micaceous iron oxide and one coat of
polyurethane paint (after erection) of
approved colour.

13 Providing fabricating and fixing in position

true to line and level POT-PTFE bearing
consisting of a metal piston supported by a
disc or unreinforced elastomer confined with
in a metal cylinder, sealing rings, dust
seals,PTFE surface sliding against stainless
steel mating surface, complete assembly to
be cast steel/fabricated structural steel, metal
and elastomer elements to be as per IRC:83
parts I&II respectively and other parts
confirming to BS:5400, sections 9.1 & 9.2 and
clause 2006 of MoRT&H specification
including all pre-setting, testing of all raw
materials and assembled bearings with all
leads and lifts complete as per drawing and
as per MoRT&H technical specification clause
2000 & 2200.

(I) Fixed Bearing Tonne 600 199 119,400.00

(II) Free / Guided Bearings
Tonne 3,000 185 555,000.00
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

14 Providing and laying of a modular strip box

seal expansion joint including anchorage
catering to a horizontal movement beyond 40
mm and upto 70 mm, complete as per
approved drawings and standard
specifications to be installed by the
manufacturer/ supplier or their authorized m 56 12938 724,528.00
representative ensuring compliance to the
manufacturers instructions for installation
with all lifts and leads complete as per
drawing and as per MoRT&H technical
specification clause 2600.

15 Providing and fixing drainage spouts for

bridges as per Drawing and Technical
Nr. 10 976 9,760.00
Specification Clause 2705.

16 Providing and fixing in position with clamps

100mm dia PVC downtake and runner pipe
including joining with drainage spouts pipe
providing couplers, bends etc. in, Grade
m 86 197 16,942.00
separators and underpasses complete as per
drawing and additional technical speci
appendix-II of volume - II
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount


17.1 Providing and laying in position PCC Grade M-

15 in safety kerb including centering and
shuttering, complete as per drawing and
Cum. 15 3739 56,085.00
technical specification sections 1500, 1700
and 2700

17.2 Providing and laying in position RCC Grade M-

30 in safety kerb, excluding reinforcement
but including centering and shuttering,
Cum. 15 5462 81,930.00
complete as per drawing and technical
specification sections 1500, 1700 and 2700

18 Providing and laying filter material

underneath stone pitching on slopes complete
as per drawing and technical specification Cum. 75 1023 76,725.00
Section 2500.

19 Providing and laying flooring complete as per

drawing and technical specifications clause
2505 laid over cement concrete bedding
Cum. 145 2572 372,940.00
(Cement concrete bedding will be paid

20 Providing & laying in position 65mm thick

wearing coat consisting of 50mm bitumenous
concrete and 15mm thick layer of mastic
asphalt over deck slab after applying prime
coat complete as per drawings and technical Sqm. 600 784 470,400.00
specifications section 500 and 2700 as
directed by the Engineer.

21 Painting of structure no., span arrangement

and flow directions on the structure complete
as per drawing and technical specification Sqm. 10 93 930.00
section 800

22 Pavement marking with hot applied

thermoplastic paints conforming to ASTM
D36/BS-3262 (Part - I) as per drawing and
Technical Specifications Clause 803.

a) Lane/centre line/edge line/ transverse

marking and any other markings. Sqm. 50 1240 62,000.00
Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

23 Painting with synthetic enamel paint on crash

barrier, kerb at curve location and junction
etc. complete as per additional technical
specification appendix XVII of Volume-II and Sqm 250 46 11,500.00
as directed by Engineer.

TOTAL 64,821,550.00

Any increase/decrease in cost of the Reinforcement steel and structural steel over the star rate will be
reimbursed/deducted on submission of proof of procurement invoices. Star rate for Reinforcement Steel will be
Rs.39,000/- per MT. and that of structural steel will be Rs. 45000/- per MT. (including all taxes, duties, entry tax
etc.) ex-stock yard (Supplier) price. The tenderers are advised to consider these rates as the base rates for
quoting their rates.

I / We offer the rates __________ % (_________________________________%age) above / at par /

below (strike out which is not applicable) on the rates printed in the Bill of Quantities.



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