(BOOK NO. 27) - (20) - sg-D-21 - Containment System Design - (OTHER)
(BOOK NO. 27) - (20) - sg-D-21 - Containment System Design - (OTHER)
(BOOK NO. 27) - (20) - sg-D-21 - Containment System Design - (OTHER)
October 2007
For aspects not covered in this guide, applicable national and international standards,
codes and guides acceptable to AERB should be followed. Non-radiological asepcts,
such as industrial safety and environmental protection, are not explicitly considered.
Industrial safety is to be ensured through compliance with the applicable provisions of
the Factories Act, 1948 and the Atomic Energy (Factories) Rules, 1996.
Specialists in the field drawn from the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, the Bhabha
Atomic Research Centre and the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited and other
consultants have prepared this guide. It has been reviewed by experts and relevant
AERB Advisory Committee on Codes and Guides and the Advisory Committee on
Nuclear Safety.
AERB wishes to thank all individuals and organisations who have prepared and reviewed
the draft and helped in its finalisation. The list of persons, who have participated in this
task, along with their affiliations, is included for information.
(S.K. Sharma)
Chairman, AERB
Acceptable Limits
Limits acceptable to the regulatory body for accident condition or potential expousre.
An unplanned event resulting in (or having the potential to result in) personal injury or
damage to equipment which may or may not cause release of unacceptable quantities of
radioactive material or toxic/hazardous chemicals.
Accident Conditions
Substantial deviations from operational states, which could lead to release of
unacceptable quantities of radioactive materials. They are more severe than anticipated
operational occurrences and include design basis accidents as well as beyond design
basis accidents.
Anticipated Operational Occurrences
An operational process deviating from normal operation, which is expected to occur
during the operating lifetime of a facility but which, in view of appropriate design
provisions, does not cause any significant damage to items important to safety, nor
lead to accident conditions.
Beyond Design Basis Accidents (BDBA)
Accidents of very low probability of occurrence, more severe than the design basis
accidents, those may cause unacceptable radiological consequences; they include
severe accidents also.
Barrier, which surrounds the main parts of a nuclear facility, carrying radioactive materials
and designed to prevent or to mitigate uncontrolled release of radioactivity into the
environment during commissioning, operational states, design basis accidents or in
decommissioning phase (see ‘Containment’ also).
(See ‘Primary Containment’/’Secondary Containment’/’Confinement’)
Containment Boundary
The outler limits of the containment system.
Containment Envelope
Structures and penetrations, which provide pressure retaining barrier to prevent or limit
the escape of any radioactive material that could be released from the fuel during
accident conditions.
Containment Isolation
The process of isolating or boxing up the containment so that there is no direct path
from the system available for the radioactivity to reach the environment.
Containment Penetrations
Openings in the containment envelope for passage of personnel, materials, process
piping and cables.
Containment Structure
The concrete portion and embedded parts of the primary and secondary containment
Design Basis Accidents (DBAs)
A set of postulated accidents which are analysed to arrive at conservative limits on
pressure, temperature and other parameters which are then used to set specifications to
be met by plant structures, systems and components, and fission product barriers.
Discharge Limits
The limits prescribed by the regulatory body for effluent discharges into atmosphere/
aquatic environment from nuclear/radiation facilities.
Embedded Parts (EPs)
Any structural member, plate, angle, channel, pipe sleeve or other section anchored to
a concrete structure through a direct bond or other anchors.
A situation which endangers or is likely to endanger safety of the site personnel, the
nuclear/radiation facility or the public and the environment.
Engineered Safety Features (ESFs)
The system or features specifically engineered, installed and commissioned in a nuclear
power plant to mitigate the consquences of accident condition and help to restore
normalcy, e.g. containment atmosphere clean-up system, containment depressurisation
system, etc.
Everything outside the premises of a facility, including the air, terrain, surface and
underground water, flora and fauna.
An abrupt oxidation or decomposition reaction producing an increase in temperature,
or in pressure, or in both simultaneously.
Fail Safe Design
A concept in which, if a system or a component fails, then the plant/component/system
will pass into safe state without the requirement to initiate any operator action.
Any medium which is capable of undergoing combustion in the gaseous phase, with
emission of light during or after the application of igniting source.
Items Important to Safety (IIS)
The items which comprise:
· those structures, systems, equipment and components whose malfunction or
failure could lead to undue radiological consequences at plant site or off-site;
· those structures, systems, equipment and components which prevent
anticipated operational occurrences from leading to accident conditions;
· those features which are provided to mitigate the consequences of malfunction
or failure of structures, systems, equipment or components.
Any metallic or non-metallic material applied to the surface of a base material for the
purpose of protection against corrosion, abrasion or for leak tightness for the intended
service conditions.
Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)
An accident resulting from the loss of coolant to the fuel in a reactor due to a break in
pressure retaining boundary of the primary coolant system.
Main Steam Line Break (MSLB)
A break in steam pipeline which leads to discharge of high enthalpy steam.
Metal-Water Reaction
Reaction of water/steam with fuel cladding as a function of time and temperature during
accident conditions.
Normal Operation
Operation of a plant or equipment within specified operational limits and conditions. In
case of nuclear power plant, this includes, start-up, power operation, shutting down,
shutdown state, maintenance, testing and refuelling.
Nuclear Safety
The achievement of proper operating conditons, prevention of accidents or mitigation
of accident consequences, resulting in protection of site personnel, the public and the
environment from undue radiation hazards.
Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE)
An earthquake which, considering the regional and local geology and seismology and
specfic characteristics of local sub-surface material, could reasonably be expected to
affect the plant site during the operating life of the plant. The features of a nuclear
power plant necessary for continued safe operation are designed to remain functional,
during and after the virbatory ground motion caused by the earthquake.
Passive Component
A component which has no moving part and only experiences a change in process
parameters such as, pressure, temperature, or fluid flow in performing its functions. In
addition, certain components, which function with very high reliability, based on
irreversible action or change, may be assigned to this category (examples of passive
components are heat exchangers, pipes, vessels, electrical cables and structures. Certain
components such as rupture discs, check valves, injectors and solid-state electronic
devices have characteristics, whcih require special considerations before desingation
as an active or passive component).
Postulated Initiating Events (PIEs)
Identified events during design that lead to anticipated operational occurrences or
accident conditions, and their consequntial failure effects.
Prescribed Limits
Limits established or accepted by the regulatory body.
Primary Containment
The principal structure of a reactor unit that acts as a pressure retaining barrier, after the
fuel cladding and reactor coolant pressure boundary, for controlling the release of
radioactive material into the environment. It includes containment structure, its access
openings, penetrations and other associated components used to effect isolation of
the containment atmosphere.
Quality Assurance (QA)
Planned and systematic actions necessary to provide the confidence that an item or
service will satisfy given requirements for quality.
Reactor Building
The concrete containment structure that contains and supports the reactor and other
related systems such as the heat transport system, the moderator system, etc.
Provision of alternative structures, systems, components of identical attributes, so that
any one can perform the required function, regardless of the state of operation or failure
of the other.
Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE)
The earthquake which is based upon an evaluation of the maximum earthquake potential
considering the regional and local geology, seismology and specific characteristics of
the local sub-surface material. It is that earthquake which produces the maximum
vibratory ground motion for which certain structures, systems and components are
designed to remain functional. These structures, systems and components are those
which are necessary to assure:
· the integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary; or
· the capability to shutdown the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown
condition; or
· the capability to prevent the accident or to mitigate the consequences of
accidents which could result in potential off-site exposures higher than the
limits specified by the regulatory body; or
· the capacity to remove residual heat.
Safety System
System important to safety and provided to assure that under anticipated operational
occurrences and accident conditions, the safe shutdown of the reactor followed by
heat removal from the core and containment of any radioactivity, is satisfactorily achieved.
(Examples of such systems are shutdown systems, emergency core cooling system and
containment isolation system).
Secondary Containment
The structure surrounding the primary containment that acts as a further barrier to limit
the release of radioactive materials and also protects the primary containment from
external effects. It includes secondary containment structure and its access openings,
penetrations and those systems or portions thereof, which are connected to the
containment structure.
Severe Accident
Nuclear facility conditions beyond those of the design basis accidents causing
significant core degradation.
Suppression Pool
A pool of water located at the lowermost elevation of the reactor building, into which
steam resulting from LOCA/MSLB is directly led and condensed to reduce the pressure
in the primary containment.
FOREWORD ...................................................................................... i
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1
1.1 General .......................................................................... 1
1.2 Objective ...................................................................... 2
1.3 Scope ............................................................................ 2
1.4 Structure ....................................................................... 2
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................... 51
1.1 General
1.1.1 Containment system of a nuclear power plant (NPP) is a safety system provided
to limit/mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents in order to protect
the plant personnel, the public and the environment. The containment serves
as the final physical barrier for the radioactivity contained in the reactor core
during normal operation, anticipated operational occurrences, design basis
accidents, potential severe accidents and, to the extent practicable, selected
beyond design basis accidents (BDBA).
1.1.2 The containment systems include:
· primary containment (PC) envelope;
· containment isolation system;
· energy management systems;
· containment atmosphere clean-up systems;
· barriers separating volumes V11 and V22 ;
· the secondary containment (SC) envelope; and
· hydrogen management system.
1.1.3 Containment systems are provided to limit the release of radioactive fission
products to the environment from the reactor core and reactor coolant system
during and after accident conditions. For postulated accidents considered in
the design basis, the estimated release shall be within acceptable limits. Design
basis events that may dictate the design requirements of the containment, e.g.
its pressure rating, leak tightness and performance requirements of the
engineered safety features (ESFs), are large break loss of coolant accidents
(LOCA), main steam line break (MSLB) and LOCA with impairment of
emergency core cooling system (ECCS).
In addition, containment system also performs the following functions:
· shields from radiation during operational states and accident
1 Volume V1 (dry-well)
The areas of the reactor building (free space) containing all the high enthalpy systems of
the reactor.
2 Volume V2 (wet-well)
The areas of reactor building (free space) not falling in part of volume V1 including the
suppression pool.
· limits in conjunction with other systems, the release of airborne
radioactivity to the environment within the prescribed limits during
all operational states (i.e. during normal operation and shutdown);
· serves as protective housing around reactor and associated systems.
1.2 Objective
One of the primary aims in siting, design, construction and operation of nuclear
power plants is to ensure that during both normal operation, design basis
accident and severe accident conditions, the consequences of radioactive
releases to the plant personnel, the public and the ennvironment is within the
acceptable limits. Containment system is provided in an NPP to achieve this
goal. The objective of this guide is to bring out the design safety requirements
of various parts of the containment system which are required to meet the
provisions as stated in the AERB code of practice on ‘Design for Safety in
Pressurised Heavy Water Based Nuclear Power Plants’ (AERB/SC/D).
1.3 Scope
This guide gives the functional requirements, design basis and design
requirements of the containment system of pressurised heavy water reactors
(PHWRs) to meet the above objective.
1.4 Structure
1.4.1 The sections and sub-systems of this guide cover general design
considerations and design basis for the following:
· the primary and secondary containment envelopes;
· the containment isolation system; and
· the energy and radionuclide management systems.
1.4.2 Basis for arriving at containment design parameters is given in Appendix-A.
Methodology for assessment of radiological release from containment during
DBA is given in Appendix-B. A brief description of Indian PHWR containment
systems is given in Annexure-I. The inter-relationship among various guides
having a bearing on containment system design is given in Annexure-II. The
categories of piping systems and their isolation provisions are given in
Annexure III.
2.1 General
The containment system shall be designed to cater to all DBAs. The design
should be such that during any DBA, the release of radioactivity to the
environment is within acceptable limits. In addition, consideration shall be
given to the provision of features for the mitigation of the consequences of
potential severe accidents.
2.2 Functional Requirements
The functional requirements of containment are as follows:
(i) The reactor core, as well as all piping of the main primary heat transport
system should be totally enclosed within the containment structure;
however, steam generators can be outside the primary containment,
provided it is shown by analysis that there are no safety implications.
(ii) The containment structure should be able to withstand the maximum
peak pressures arising from postulated loss of coolant accident
(LOCA)/main steam line break (MSLB) events considered in the
design, in conjunction with other loads. Considerations such as
potential for generation and behaviour of flammable gases like
hydrogen, assessment of ultimate load bearing capability of the
primary containment structure, assessment of containment pressure
build-up in the event of selected beyond design basis accidents should
be given in the design for containment systems for postulated severe
(iii) The release of radioactivity from the containment should be controlled
by a combination of the following:
(a) Containment isolation,
(b) Leaktightness of containment,
(c) Limiting the containment pressure by containment cool down/
depressurisation features/systems, and
(d) Reduction of radionuclide concentration by containment
clean-up/confinement features/systems.
2.3 Design Features
2.3.1 The structural portion of the containment consists of two structures (i.e. primary
and secondary conainment) and several interconnected compartments,
housing various equipment in PC. The containment should withstand the
pressure, thermal and mechanically induced loads resulting from various DBAs
together with extreme environmental conditions (e.g. seismic, wind etc.).
2.3.2 The containment isolation features include the valves/dampers/systems and
associated actuating devices and the related instrumentation and control
systems to isolate the penetrations through the containment envelope.
2.3.3 Energy management features limit the internal pressure and temperature
loadings on and within the containment envelope to design limits. Examples
of energy management features are air coolers, pressure suppression system
and primary containment controlled discharge (PCCD) etc..
2.3.4 The radionuclide management features limit the radiological consequences of
the postulated accident conditions. These functions are achieved through
the use of various filters. Examples of radionuclide management systems are:
primary containment filtration and pump back (PCFPB) system, secondary
containment filtration recirculation and purge (SCFRP) system. Plate-out on
various surfaces and retention in the vapour suppression pool also help in
reducing the concentration of the airborne radionuclides in the containment.
These features work in conjunction with the energy management features and
containment isolation features to meet the overall requirements of limiting the
radioactivity release to the environment.
2.3.5 Combustible gas control features are designed to mitigate the consequences
of release of hydrogen which may be generated by metal-water reaction in the
core and radiolysis of water during and after accident conditions.
2.4 Quality Assurance Requirements
Quality assurance in design shall be followed as per AERB code of practice on
‘Quality Assurance for Safety in Nuclear Power Plants’ (AERB/SC/QA) and
guide titled ‘Quality Assurance in the Design of Nuclear Power Plants’ (AERB/
2.5 Ageing Effects
The containment may be subjected to several ageing phenomena such as the
corrosion of metallic components, loss of prestressing force (in prestressed
containments), the reduction of resiliance in elastomeric seals, and the
shrinkage and cracking of concrete. The detrimental effects of ageing cannot
easily be identified during the plant lifetime. All ageing mechanisms are required
to be identified and taken into account in design. Provision should be made
for monitoring the ageing of the containment, for testing and inspection of
components and where possible for periodically replacing items that are
susceptible to degradation through ageing.
2.6 Testing and Inspection of Containment Structures
The design provisions for containment testing are covered in this section.
Detailed requirements of containment proof and leakage rate testing are covered
in AERB safety guide on ‘Proof and Leakage Rate Testing of Reactor
Containments’ (AERB/NPP/SG/O-15). Provisions should be made during
design to carry out the tests as brought out. In order to assure structural
integrity and leak tightness of the containment structures and associated
systems, tests are required to be conducted at specified conditions, prior to
first criticality. In addition, in-service leakage rate tests are required to be
conducted at specified intervals, during which structural monitoring will also
be carried out using the long-term structural monitoring instruments provided
for this purpose. Pre-operational and periodic testing of ESFs and control
logics are also required.
The containment and associated systems should be designed to permit
appropriate inspection and testing to ensure functionally correct and reliable
actuation of the containment isolation valves and dampers and their leak
tightness during the operational phase. Design provisions should be made
for periodic inspection and testing of all containment systems.3
3 AERB/NPP/SM/CSE-2 outlines the provisions for in-service inspection of civil engineering
structures important to safety of nuclear power plants.
3.1 General
3.1.1 The containment shall be designed to house the reactor, steam generators and
auxiliary systems. The major function of containment system is to limit the
radioactivity releases to the environment from the reactor core and from reactor
coolant system during and after accident conditions. Its additional functions
are to provide shielding during all postulated events, to minimise radioactive
releases during operational states and to protect the reactor against external
3.1.2 The containment shall be designed to satisfy the requirements during all
postulated events. In case of normal operating conditions, containment is
designed for dead load (weights of components and structures), live load and
the load during extreme environment conditions. It is also necessary that the
accident conditions for which the containment is required to be designed
should be selected in a conservative manner, which is at the same time
physically credible. The accident conditions of relevance here are those related
to the potential release of radioactivity outside the containment envelope
from a source inside it. However, in some special situation, any other accident
which does not involve radiological consequences but has the potential to
affect containment structural integrity may also form the design basis.4
3.2 Considerations for Normal Operating Conditions
3.2.1 The containment shall be designed to withstand permanent gravitational/
dead loads and temporary gravitational/live loads. It shall also be designed to
withstand thermal loading due to temperature gradients across structural
elements taking into account normal and extreme climatic conditions. Other
environment conditions (i.e. wind and earthquake loads) also shall be
considered (see subsection 3.3.2 for loads to be considered) in its design.
3.2.2 The containment structure is designed to protect the plant personnel from
undue exposure to direct radiation from radioactivity contained in the
containment or in the system within it. The adequacy of density of concrete
used and thickness of the containment structure shall be checked against this
4 For PHWRs of 220 MWe and 540 MWe design, main steam line break (MSLB) is the
governing event for containment peak pressure.
3.2.3 The internal structures of reactor building are designed to provide atmospheric
barriers between various areas which have different ventilation requirements
and/or different activity levels (e.g. tritium). They are also designed to provide
control of access to various rooms during reactor operation so as to prevent
inadvertent entry of personnel into high radiation areas. To facilitate separation
of areas of different activity levels, the openings between these are closed by
suitable barriers. For openings which are required to be available for pressure
equalisation during accident conditions, the barriers are designed to give way
at specific pressure differential. The barriers could be in the form of louvres or
plastic sheets etc.
3.2.4 The ventilation system is designed to provide clean, fresh and cool air in
accessible areas. In addition, the exhaust flow is adjusted to maintain pressure
gradient in such a way that no activity spread from relatively high active area
to low active area could take place.
3.2.5 Reactor building coolers are provided at various areas within the containment
building so that the heat load from hot parts of reactor systems could be
effectively removed and specified air temperature could be maintained in
various areas within the containment. These coolers may be designed to form
part of energy management feature for accident conditions.
3.2.6 Provisions shall be made for access to reactor building for personnel and
equipment movement. At least two independent paths shall be provided for
personnel movement.
3.2.7 The opening of vent shafts through which volume V1 and V2 are interconnected
should be covered with thin leak tight membrane such as plastic sheets to
prevent supression pool water vapour getting into V1 areas.
3.2.8 No permanent deformation of or damage to the containment structure shall
occur. Structural integrity shall be ensured with large margins well within
elastic limit.
3.3 Considerations for Accident Conditions
3.3.1 Internal Events
For containment design, the accident inside the containment is considered to
be either LOCA or MSLB whichever may result in higher containment peak
pressure. While secondary system pipe break accident does not involve release
of any significant amount of fission products, LOCA on the other hand may
involve fuel failure resulting in release of fission products to the containment.
Therefore containment is designed to fulfill the following requirements:
(a) to maintain the structural integrity of the containment at maximum
pressure encountered during DBA (higher of that resulting from LOCA
or MSLB);
(b) to have low leakage rate through the containment envelope at the
LOCA based pressure;
(c) to depressurise the reactor building (PC) following an accident (mainly
by cooling down) to minimise fission product leakages to the
(d) containment heat removal5 and clean-up; and
(e) if the communication openings are covered to prevent activity
spreading during normal operation, the same should be able to provide
free path upon reaching a set pressure differential.
The determination of the maximum accident pressure and temperature over
the entire break spectrum shall be based on the assumption that the accident
occurs at nominal operating conditions. Following design parameters are
required to be considered:
(a) Peak pressure of containment,
(b) Thermal loads arising from temperature gradients across structural
(c) Peak differential pressure across the walls and floors of compartments
within the primary containment,
(d) Peak negative pressure following DBA,
(e) Fluid jet impingement loads, pipe reaction loads, pipe impact loads
and internally generated missiles,
(f) Overall integrated leakage rate (to be maintained within the specified
limit), and
(g) Environmental conditions (resulting from accident and prevalent
radiological conditions). Basis for Containment Design Parameters
The details of bases for the calculation of containment design parameters
during internal events (LOCA/MSLB) are given in Appendix-A. Leakage Criteria
The maximum allowable leakage from containment shall not be more than the
value used in safety analysis, which demonstrates that the acceptable dose
5 Containment Heat Removal System
The system which cools the containment atmosphere and brings down the pressure and
temperature inside the containment following any postulated initiating event including
design basis accident.
values specified by regulatory body for accident conditions are not exceeded.
Methodology to be adopted for radiological release calculations is given in
Appendix-B. Acceptance criteria for measured leakage rate during containment
integrated leakage rate test (ILRT) should ensure adequate margin over and
above the allowable leakage rate to account for degradation between
consecutive tests. Containment structure shall be designed against the loading effects due to
LOCA/MSLB as addressed in clause following similar criteria specified
in clause 3.2.8.
3.3.2 External Events External events as applicable for the site shall be considered. The containment
structure shall be designed for safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) for the site
simultaneously with LOCA/MSLB loads. Local permanent deformations are
acceptable for this condition. Structural integrity shall be ensured although
with margins less than those for normal operation. The containment shall be protected against or designed for the risks of external
missiles, aircraft crash, floods, wind, external explosion and fire, depending on
the nature and extent of the risks posed by surrounding site environment.
3.4 Considerations for Severe Accidents
3.4.1 Considerations shall be given in design of containment envelope and systems
for potential severe accidents. Safety analysis should demonstrate the
containment design response for potential severe accidents.
3.4.2 One of the features of relevance affecting the course of potential severe
accident scenario is the presence of inventory of calandria vault water, and
suppression pool water in current generation PHWRs, which may serve as
corium cooling/retention mechanism for a significant period of time, in the
event of loss of all active residual heat removal provisions (including PHT
system cooling, ECCS and moderator cooling)6 .
3.4.3 The following should be considered:
(i) Assessment of containment pressure build-up in the event of loss of
all active residual heat removal systems, resulting in its slow re-
pressurisation. This should consider release of non-condensibles
from any predicted interaction between corium and concrete.
6 For transferring the supression pool water to serve as corium cooling, appropriate design
provisions should be made.
(ii) Free volume of the primary containment should be such that the
global average concentration of hydrogen in containment building
resulting from severe accident during the entire course of accident
and during post-accident period will be less than that required for
global detonation7. In this assessment, credit may be taken for passive
mitigating measures such as catalytical recombiners. The evaluation
should consider hydrogen contribution due to metal-water reaction
as well as radiolysis of water, as applicable. The detailed assessment
procedures and related guidelines are given in AERB safety manual
on ‘Hydrogen Release and Mitigation Measures under Accident
Conditions in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors’, AERB/NPP-PHWR/
(iii) During design the responsible organisation should pay particular
attention for prevention of potential containment bypass in scenarios
involving core degradation.
(iv) It should be demonstrated that for a reasonable period acceptable to
AERB following the onset of core damage that containment leakage
rate is maintained within acceptable limits. After this period, the
containment must prevent uncontrolled releases of radioactivity.
3.4.4 For existing plants, the phenomena relating to possible severe accidents and
their consequences should be carefully analyzed to identify design margins
and measures for accident management that can be accounted for in safety
analyses for severe accidents and mitigate the consequences of severe
accidents. For these accident management measures, full use should be made
of all available equipment, including alternative or diverse equipment, as well
as of external equipment for the temporary replacement of design basis
components. Furthermore, the introduction of complementary equipment
should be considered in order to improve the capabilities of the containment
systems for preventing or mitigating the consequences of severe accidents.
3.4.5 For new plants, potential severe accidents should be considered at the design
stage of the containment systems. The consideration of severe accidents
should be aimed at practically eliminating the following conditions:
· Severe accident conditions that could damage the containment in an
early phase as a result of direct containment heating, steam explosion
or hydrogen detonation;
· Severe accident conditions that could damage the containment in a
late phase as a result of basemat melt-through or containment over-
7 To prevent the risk of global detonation, a commonly acceptable limit on concentration
of hydrogen in dry air is 10 % to 13 %. However, this may be higher in presence of steam.
· Severe accident conditions with an open containment notably in
shutdown states;
· Severe accident conditions with containment bypass, such as
conditions relating to the rupture of a steam generator tube or an
interfacing system LOCA.
3.4.6 For severe accidents that cannot be practically eliminated, the containment
systems should be capable of contributing to the reduction of the radioactive
releases to such a level that the extent of any necessary off-site emergency
measures needed is minimal.
3.4.7 Severe accident conditions may pose a threat to the survivability of equipment
inside the containment owing to the high pressures, high temperatures, high
levels of radiation (the effects of deposition of aerosols should be taken into
account in estimating the values of temperatures and levels of radiation) and
hazardous concentrations of combustible gases. Furthermore, the larger
uncertainties in relation to the conditions in the containment following severe
accidents should be taken into account by using appropriate margins in the
survivability demonstration or in specifying protective measures (such as
shielding). These factors should be taken into account in verifying the
necessary survivability of equipment and instrumentation.
3.4.8 Leaktightness of containment structure shall be analysed and demonstrated
for load combinations including dead loads, live loads, prestressing forces (if
applicable) along with pressure and temperature arising out of severe accident
conditions. A limited increase in leak rate is acceptable. The leak rate may
exceed the design value but the leaktightness should be adequately assessed
and should be considered in design.
3.4.9 Containment structure should demonstrate appropriate structural integrity in
the event of potential severe accidents.
(i) When containment is subjected to long term pressurization, structural
integrity should be ensured although with design margin smaller than
that during normal operation/DBA conditions. However local
permanent deformation may be permitted in these conditions as stated
in (iii) below.
(ii) Such condition of structural integrity should also be satisfied for
load combinations, including pressure, temperature and pipe reaction
from severe accidents, which are similar to those considered in the
design basis accident conditions.
(iii) Significant permanent deformation and some local damage are
acceptable for load combinations that include local effects derived
from potential severe accident conditions.
3.4.10 Structural integrity of the containment structure including major appurtenances
(airlocks and penetrations etc., over which containment pressure bounday
extends) against collapse should be demonstrated by calculating the ultimate
load capacity considering both pressure and temperature. Ultimate load
capacity of a containment structure should not be less than the maximum peak
pressure calculated for potential severe accidents or two times the design
pressure, whichever is higher.
4.1 General
This section covers the requirements for the primary containment, its isolation
system, energy management system and atmosphere control or clean-up
systems. During normal operation, the PC is maintained under negative
pressure as compared to atmosphere and volume V1 is more negative than
volume V2 .
4.2 Overall Requirements
4.2.1 Layout
The general layout of various compartments and equipment within the reactor
building primary containment is dictated primarily by the functional
requirements of the reactor systems (e.g. the need for locating steam generators
at higher elevation than the reactor). However, to the extent that the layout
affects the performance of the containment function, the following requirements
should be considered:
(a) Piping and equipment containing high enthalpy fluids (viz. the PHT
system and the secondary system piping and equipment), which are
housed in PC, shall be located in volume V1 . Exception to this
requirement is small diameter piping and tubings e.g. delayed neutron
(DN) monitoring and other instrumentation impulse lines, failure of
which in volume V2 does not result in primary containment pressure
exceeding its design value.
(b) Requirement of accessibility of equipment in PC during reactor
operation should be considered. As a general rule, equipment requiring
access during operation should not be located in shutdown accessible
areas (which cover all of volume V1 and some areas in volume V2) .
Routing/location of high radioactivity equipment/piping in accessible
areas should be avoided or they should be adequately shielded.
Maintainability of the equipment located in the primary containment
should be considered in the design.
(c) The layout should consider the possibility of internally generated
missiles and jet impingement/pipe whip from postulated pipe breaks
imposing loads on the containment structure. If these loads cannot
be avoided by suitable layout, their effects on containment structure
need to be evaluated.
(d) The layout of cables and pipes in the PC should follow the requirements
of physical separation to ensure that common causes do not result in
impairment of capability for reactor shutdown and decay heat removal.
(e) When non-metallic liner used for achieving the PC leaktightness
requirement assists in decontamination, it should maintain its required
function and should not get peeled/dislodged under both normal and
accident conditions thereby clogging filters/strainers required for
safety functions. Consideration should be given for thermal and
radiation related degradation/ageing followed by LOCA environment.
They should have good crack spanning ability, adhesion and low air
permeability. After thermal ageing, there should be no loss of adhesion
and no delamination or blistering.
4.2.2 The net free volume in PC should be considered while assessing the potential
for global detonation of hydrogen generated in severe accident scenario (see
subsection 3.4).
4.2.3 Performance
The containment shall meet the performance requirements for entire operating
life of the plant. The containment isolation logics and devices should have the
required speed of actuation and redundancy; the containment atmosphere
energy removal (air coolers) and clean-up system capacity should be
commensurate with that considered in safety analysis with adequate
redundancy in equipment as required by single failure criterion. Various
requirements are further elaborated in the following subsections.
The leak rates should be small enough to restrict radioactive releases to the
environment to ensure that the relevant dose limits are not exceeded during
normal operation or in accident conditions.8
For improved leak tightness of containment structure, measures such as
minimising blank EPs, reduction of number of EPs by clubbing together the
smaller EPs, EPs without corners and preferably round shaped, improvement
in engineering of electrical EPs especially the mould and gland, long-term
prestressing losses etc. should be considered in the design of containment
In the design of new containment structures, engineered concrete mix with
mineral admixures like high volume fly ash, silica fume and ground granulated
blast furnace slag should be considered.
4.2.4 Reliability
The containment system shall be designed to have high functional reliability
commensurate with the importance of the safety functions to be performed.
8 Such limit may be taken as 1.5 % per day for unlined containment and 0.3 % per day for
lined containment.
While designing for reliability of containment system, following requirements
should be met:
(a) The single failure criterion shall be applied in accordance with AERB
code of practice on ‘Design for Safety in Pressurised Heavy Water
Based Nuclear Power Plants’, (AERB/SC/D).
(b) The reliability of safety support systems necessary for intended
operation of the containment system shall be commensurate with the
reliability requirement of the containment system.
(c) The components/equipment should be fail-safe to the extent
(d) Surveillance testing of logics and equipment which may be required
for containment isolation should be able to be carried out without
impairment of the minimum required containment functions, when
primary heat transport system is hot.
(e) All necessary actions of containment equipment, which are initiated
by automatic control logic, should also be capable of being initiated
manually from the control room.
(f) Physical and functional separation of redundant instrument channels
including sensors and power supplies associated with containment
safety functions is required. Likewise support system supplies
(instrument air, control and power supply) to redundant components
shall be from redundant and physically separate trains of support
system supplies.
4.2.5 Interface/Interaction with other Systems Containment system shall be independent and decoupled from all process
systems whose failure requires containment function, so that it acts as
mitigating feature in case of failure of any process system such as PHT system. Containment system shall be physically and operationally independent from
other safety systems to the extent explained below:
No equipment that is part of the containment system shall be shared with
other safety systems, if coincidental failure of these safety systems (as a
result of failure of the shared equipment) has the effect of compounding the
severity of the accident sequence. Alternately, the acceptability of sharing
feature shall be adequately justified (e.g. high reliability, fail safe feature).
The above requirement does not apply to safety support systems as a shared
4.2.6 Qualification The term qualification means a formal test or appropriate analyses
demonstrating the capability of structures, systems and components, to meet
the conditions imposed on it during all design basis events and severe
accidents as applicable. The containment structure and the various penetrations
are subjected to a structural integrity and leakage testing. For any individual
item of equipment, environmental or seismic qualification is often the overriding
concern. The guidelines for qualifying the various equipment/ instruments
are given in the following subsections. To achieve environmental qualification, a programme shall be established to
confirm that all containment system components are capable of continuously
meeting, while being subjected to any environmental conditions defined in
the design basis (pressure, temperature, humidity, radiation, etc.), the design
basis performance requirements needed for their function. The various items
of containment equipment shall be qualified for the environmental conditions
that are likely to be encountered and for the period of time they are required to
perform their function. Conservative estimates of the environmental conditions
and their time periods should be made. The conditions shall include:
(i) Normal operating environment for the lifetime of the plant (or shorter
durations, if equipment is proposed to be replaced at such durations),
(ii) The expected number of cycles of anticipated operational occurrences,
(iii) The limiting effects resulting from the DBAs. The methods of qualification are:
(i) Performance of a type test on equipment representative of that to
be supplied,
(ii) Performance of an actual test on the supplied equipment,
(iii) Use of pertinent past experience in similar applications, and
(iv) Analysis based on reasonable engineering extrapolation of test data
or operating experience under pertinent conditions.
The foregoing methods of qualification shall be used in combination as
4.2.7 Maintainability
In the design and layout of containment system, due consideration shall be
given to maintenance. The containment system shall be maintainable without
undue radiation exposure to plant personnel.
Adequate working space and shielding should be provided to aid in
maintaining the system.
4.2.8 Safety Classification and Seismic Categorisation
Safety classification and seismic categorisation of structures, systems and
components of the containment system shall be as per AERB safety guide on
‘Safety Classification and Seismic Categorisation for Structures, Systems, and
Components of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors’, AERB/NPP-PHWR/SG/
D-1. Interfacing components related to containment systems should have the
same safety class as the higher safety class system to which it is connected.
4.2.9 Instrumentation and Control
(a) The design of instrumentation for containment box up logics, ESF
logics, etc. associated with the containment system function shall be
in accordance with the AERB code of practice on ‘Design for Safety
in Pressurised Heavy Water Based Nuclear Power Plants’, AERB/
SC/D and AERB safety guide on ‘Safety Systems for Pressurised
Heavy Water Reactors’, AERB/NPP-PHWR/SG/D-10 and ‘Safety
Related Instrumentation and Control for Pressurised Heavy Water
Reactor Based Nuclear Power Plants’, AERB/NPP-PHWR/SG/D-20.
(b) For normal operation:
Design provisions should be made to monitor:
- Pressure-normal range
- V1-V2 differential pressure
- Area temperatures
- Ventilation exhaust activity
- Tritium levels in atmosphere
- Area radiation levels
- Fire/smoke
- Suppression pool level and its pH
(c) For accident conditions:
Following parameters should be monitored at appropriate locations:
(i) Pressure
(ii) Temperature
(iii) Radiation levels
(iv) Concentration of Hydrogen inside the containment
Range of these instruments should be sufficient to take into account
possibility of environmental conditions departing from design
conditions and to the extent possible for severe accidents scenario.
(d) For earthquake:
Instrumentation for earthquake shall be provided as per AERB safety
guide on ‘Seismic Studies and Design Basis Ground Motion for
Nuclear Power Plant Sites’, AERB/SG/S-11. For a seismically
homogeneous site, where identical units are constructed, seismic
instrumentation on a single unit is sufficient on condition that alarms
are provided in control rooms of all the units.
(e) Design shall provide capability to monitor the status of the following
related to containment and its ESFs:
(i) Containment isolation devices- open/closed status of each
damper or valve
(ii) ESFs related valves (open/close status) and other equipment
(on-off status)
(iii) On/off status of each fan motor
(iv) Bed temperature for the charcoal filters
(v) Differential pressure across HEPA filters.
Instrumentation shall be provided to perform the operability check
for each of the containment related ESF devices like circulation fans
and isolation damper/valve.
(f) For long term structural monitoring:
Instrumentation shall be provided to monitor, during the operational
life of the containment, the state of pre-stress, i.e. the residual
compression in general section of the primary containment and
corrosion status of prestressing system to enable assessment of the
capability to withstand the over pressure under design basis accident.
4.2.10 Shielding
The concrete thickness of the containment structures should ensure that
during normal operation, the radiation dose outside the containment is within
specified limit (typically less than 1 µSv/h (0.1 mrem/h).
For postulated accident conditions, an assessment should be made regarding
expected radiation fields outside the containment in areas requiring personnel
occupancy during these conditions, especially all the control rooms. This
assessment should be done for the limiting design basis accident conditions
involving large release of fission products from reactor core to the containment
atmosphere. The dose limits during DBAs for control room operating personnel
are specified in safety guide on ‘Radiation Protection Aspects in Design for
Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor Based Nuclear Power Plants’, AERB/NPP-
4.2.11 Compressed Air in-leakage
During all design basis events requiring box-up of the containment, the in-
leakage of compressed/instrument air into the containment would result in its
gradual re-pressurisation, thus adversely affecting radioactivity releases from
the containment. Design provisions should therefore be made to enable manual
isolation of compressed air within 1 to 2 hours after the accident and minimising
instrument air supply to the containment during such accident conditions. To
enable minimising instrument air leaks, it may be necessary to have separate
header for air supply to some valves/equipment which require air supply on
extended basis for safety functions to be performed under the relevant accident
The design should ensure that, should an initiating event results in a guillotine
break of compressed air lines, the pressurisation of the containment due to the
air ingress is limited to and will not exceed the maximum containment pressure
assessed in the safety analysis, and shown to be acceptable.
4.2.12 Power Supply
The containment system shall be able to perform its safety function without
credit for availability of Class IV electric power supplies. For further guidance
refer safety guide on ‘Emergency Electric Power Supply Systems for Pressurised
Heavy Water Reactor’, AERB/SG/D-11 and ‘Safety Systems for Pressurised
Heavy Water Reactors’, AERB/NPP-PHWR/SG/D-10.
4.2.13 Recovery after Accidents
To the extent reasonably practicable, design provisions should be made for
assisting in recovery after accidents (e.g. easily decontaminable internal
surfaces, means for disposal of liquids and gases inside containment, which
become contaminated in an accident).
4.2.14 Decommissioning
Attention shall also be paid to the features, which would assist final
decommissioning of the plant (e.g. selection of construction materials to reduce
activation products during operation). For further guidance refer AERB safety
manual on ‘Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities’, AERB/SM/DECOM.-1.
4.3 Containment Isolation System
To ensure that the containment isolation requirements are not defeated, piping
systems or other openings that penetrate the containment envelope shall
have appropriate provisions for containment isolation in response to any
containment isolation signals. These features make up what is known as the
containment isolation system.
4.3.1 Design Criteria
The design basis for the containment isolation system is derived primarily
from the requirement of early closure of all the openings in the containment
envelop which could constitute path for radioactive release to the environment
and maintaining leak tightness thereafter. To achieve the purpose of limiting
release of radioactivity to the outside of the containment, the isolation devices
should be fail safe and shall close at a speed which takes proper account of
the potential release hazard. However, it may be necessary to limit the closing
speed of valves or dampers, particularly for larger penetrations, to ensure
proper functioning and tight sealing. Sealing material should be able to
withstand the high radiation level, pressure, temperature and humidity condition
prevailing following the postulated accident condition.
The containment isolation system includes dampers, airlocks, isolation valves
and other devices which are required to seal/isolate the penetrations through
the containment envelope. It also includes instrumentation and controls which
actuate their closure in response to the containment isolation signals and
maintain in closed condition.
Single failure criterion should be satisfied to ensure reliable isolation. Credit
can be taken for passive system boundary if it is capable of withstanding the
containment design pressure, temperature and seismic loads. The isolation
system should be of same safety class as that of the containment structure.
The isolation provisions covered in subsection 4.3 are for primary containment
alone. Isolation provisions required for secondary containment are covered
in section 5.0.
4.3.2 Piping and Ducts
The basic principle in the containment isolation philosophy is that, two
isolation barriers shall be provided for each penetration. For piping and duct
systems these barriers can be a combination of the system boundary, isolation
devices, etc., and each shall be capable of retaining the applicable pressure
and preventing the release of radionuclides. The categories of piping systems
and their isolation provisions are given in Annexure III.
(a) Each line that is not part of a closed loop that penetrates the
containment and which:
(i) directly communicates with the reactor coolant during normal
operation or accident conditions, or
(ii) directly communicates with the containment atmosphere during
normal operation or accident conditions;
shall be provided with two isolation valves in series. Each valve shall
be either normally closed or automatic. Preferably one valve should
be inside and other outside the containment boundary. Each valve
shall be reliably and independently actuated. For the above case,
portion of the piping or duct passing through the containment wall
and upto the second isolation valve should be designed for
containment design pressure, temperature and seismic loads.
(b) Lines penetrating the containment and forming part of closed loop
either inside or outside the containment shall have at least one isolation
valve outside the containment at each penetration. However, the
pressure boundary of the closed loop system should be able to
withstand pressure, temperature and environmental conditions of the
containment following the design basis accident alongwith seismic
loads. Also, leak tightness integrity of the pressure boundary should
be at least of the same quality as that of containment. Where the
failure of a closed loop is required to be assumed as a design event,
only a single isolation valve may be provided if it can be demonstrated
that the release of radionuclides is within acceptable limits assuming
a single failure. This valve shall be either automatic, normally closed
or remotely operated as required to accommodate the postulated
accident sequences. Where this cannot be demonstrated, the same
requirements as referred at (a) above shall be applied to each line of
the closed loop.
(c) Lines penetrating the containment and forming part of closed loops
both inside and outside the containment envelope shall have at least
one isolation valve, remotely operated, normally closed or automatic,
outside the containment envelope at each penetration.
The design shall recognise the conflict arising between the requirements for
containment isolation provisions and the requirements for necessary safety
systems that penetrate the containment envelope. In such cases, consideration
of the isolation provisions shall be balanced by the required availability of the
necessary safety systems and the need to avoid the escalation of the accident
condition. For those pipelines penetrating the containment and which cannot
be isolated during containment box up signal in view of their safety functions,
it should be ensured during design that such of these system boundaries are
qualified for containment pressure boundary.
4.3.3 Valves, Dampers and Access Doors For the selection of valve types and their location with respect to the
containment envelope, the following guidelines are to be applied to each of
the three categories (see subsection 4.3.2) of isolation, as indicated in
· Check valves that depend only on system pressure for closure shall
not be used as automatic containment isolation valves,
· Isolation valves shall be located as close to the structural boundary
of the containment as is practical,
· Process valves may be used for containment isolation if they meet all
requirements for the containment isolation system, and
· As an exemption to the requirements in subsection 4.3.2, small dead
ended instrument lines (e.g. 25 mm inside diameter or smaller) require
only one manually operated valve outside the containment. Those
closed both inside and outside the containment and designed to
withstand the DBAs for the containment system (e.g. sealed fluid
filled tubing with protective shielding) may not require isolation
valves. Airlocks [main airlock (MAL), emergency airlock (EAL), fuelling machine airlock
(FMAL) etc.] used for access of personnel or equipment, shall be provided
with at least a double-door arrangement, and there shall be an interlocking
arrangement so that one door, the inner or the outer is always closed.
4.3.4 Isolation Signals
Containment shall be isolated on the basis of the following signals:
- High radiation in the containment atmosphere
- High pressure in V1 volume
In any accident condition, certain lines which penetrate the containment
envelope are required for the operation of performance of safety functions
(e.g. ECCS lines etc.). Such lines should either not have automatic containment
isolation feature, or else, there should be provisions to override the containment
isolation signal and it shall be ensured by other means that releases of
radioactivity through the containment envelope do not exceed acceptable
4.3.5 An integrated ‘containment isolated’ indication in control room should be
provided indicating completion of closure of all the penetrations, valves,
dampers and doors after containment box up, on containment isolation signal.
4.3.6 Status of containment isolation valves, dampers and doors shall be monitorable
from control room.
4.4 Primary Containment Pressure and Energy Management System9
Energy management is a generic term used to describe all those features that
affect in some way the energy balance within the containment envelope. No
specific requirements for utilisation of individual energy management systems
can be given, because it is the total effect of the combination of these systems
that is important in reducing the pressure and temperature within the
containment envelope. To the extent practicable, the energy management
systems should be passive.
The design parameters of energy management systems form the inputs for
containment analysis for pressure and temperature transient and consequent
activity releases. The requirements applicable to this analysis are brought out
in Appendix-A.
Typically different energy management systems may be the following:
(i) Containment structure
(ii) Vapour suppression system
(iii) Reactor building air coolers
(iv) Primary containment controlled discharge system
The concept and overall requirements of each of these systems are described
in the following subsections:
4.4.1 Containment Structure
The net free volume within the containment is the primary physical parameter
determining peak pressure after postulated pipe rupture events.
In addition to providing a pressure resistant and leak tight envelope, the
containment structure also acts as a passive heat sink. The heat transfer to
structures is an important parameter in determining the pressure and
temperature transients. The primary heat transfer mechanism is the
condensation of steam on exposed surfaces. The thermal conductivity of the
structure plays an important part in determining the rate of heat transfer to the
structure. The presence of coatings shall be considered in determining the
heat transfer rate to the structures.
9 Containment Pressure and Energy Management System
The system provides the initial pressure suppression, subsequent reduction of temperature
and pressure and long-term heat removal, in the containment following an accident. This
system includes reactor building atmosphere cooling system and suppression pool system.
The design should provide for ample flow routes between separate
compartments inside the containment. The cross-section of openings between
compartments should be of such dimensions as to ensure that the pressure
differentials occurring during pressure equalization in AOO and DBA do not
result in damage to the pressure bearing structure or to other systems of
importance in limiting the effects of the accidents.
4.4.2 Vapour Suppression System
In the event of postulated pipe rupture accident, the steam and air mixture
flows from volume V1 to volume V2 via the vapour suppression pool. During
the flow passage, the steam gets condensed in cold pool water and non-
condensables (e.g. air), leave the pool water surface after getting cooled. The
effectiveness of the vapour suppression system in absorbing the fraction of
the total energy released and limiting the peak pressure depends on the primary
containment volume, volume V1 to V2 ratio and the vent area. Considerations
should be given to these aspects taking into account other constraints like
equipment layout. For details refer safety guide on ‘Vapour Suppression System
(Pool Type) for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor’ (AERB/SG/D-22).
4.4.3 Reactor Building Air Coolers
Reactor Building Coolers are designed to remove the thermal energy from the
containment atmosphere during accident. In general, the coolers have a number
of air cooling units and are located at different places in the containment.
Each air cooling unit consists of cooling coils, preferably direct driven fan-
motor unit, filter sections, coolant, condensate drain and cabinet10 . For heat
removal during accident conditions, credit should be taken for those coolers
which are specifically designed for the duty, with their power supply drawn
from Class-III power and cooling water from safety related process water
During pipe rupture events, the air coolers operate largely in the condensing
heat transfer mode. It is therefore, important that appropriate heat transfer
correlations be used in the design assessment. Coolers should be designed
taking into account the increased air density as a result of high building
pressure during the accident. Location of these coolers should be such that
they have high effectiveness (e.g. near ceiling of a room, in the area of high
temperature etc.).
10 Air cooling units, provided in accessible area, i.e. volume V2 of primary containment and
in secondary containment, are designed to remove heat from the respective areas during
‘normal operation/shutdown’ of the reactor. Heat from volume V2 and secondary
containment is removed by chilled water/process water coolers. These coolers are operated
on Class-IV power supply. No credit is taken for these coolers for accident analysis.
The building air coolers together with other heat sinks should have sufficient
capacity to bring down containment pressure and temperature in reasonable
period of time, such that ground level releases, considering operation of
radionuclide management systems, are within acceptable limits. The coolers
shall be designed for continuous, long-term and automatic operation.
The equipment shall be designed for both safe shutdown and operating basis
earthquake conditions.
The construction material for all the components of the system should be
selected properly taking into account the postulated radiaton levels, and
mechanical considerations. The selected material for electrical insulation should
have adequate radiation resistance and should be suitable for post accident
Adequate redudancy shall be provided in the coolers system. The system
shall be designed against failures due to common causes. The system should
also be protected from the internal events. The power supply to the mutually
redundant equipment shall be from different routes so that even during failure
of one route, availability of minimum capacity is ensured.
Operating status of each pump room and fuelling machine vault coolers should
be available in control/control equipment room. Standby coolers should start
automatically on demand i.e. tripping of operating cooler or on signal indicating
an accident. Facility for actuation of each cooler should be available in control/
control equipment room.
Provision shall be made for periodic functional test of the system. Equipment
should be tested as per applicable standards.
4.4.4 Primary Containment Controlled Discharge (PCCD) System
While the energy management features/systems described above cool down
and depressurise the containment atmosphere to a low pressure, further
depressurisation (say below 0.05 kg/sq.cm.g) may be difficult to be achieved
by cooling alone. Also in-leakage of instrument air may lead to a gradual re-
pressurisation over a period of time. To cater to the requirement of releasing
the pressure, a design provision should be made for resorting to the option of
controlled discharge to stack via filters if the circumstances demand. The
operation of the system would reduce ground level release while adding to the
release via stack. In the current Indian PHWRs using double containments,
the PCCD option is envisaged to be used (if at all required) only after a delay
of atleast 48 hours.
The range of pressure in the containment after which the PCCD system can be
allowed to be operated should be specified and the system process design
should permit operation over this pressure range without the differential
pressure rating of any components including filters being exceeded. Typical
current designs allow this sytem to be operable for containment pressures up
to 0.4 kg/sq.cm.g. The intake for PCCD should be taken from volume V2, where
activity concentration is expected to be relatively low and the discharge should
be routed via stack.
During post LOCA blow down phase, rate of pressure reduction in volume V1
might be faster than that in V2. Suitable means should be provided to equalise
the pressure between volume V1 and V2.
4.5 Primary Containment Atmosphere Control System (PCAS)11
Primary containment atmosphere control system (PCAS), should include
systems for ventilation, radionuclide management (containment clean-up
system), and those for combustible gas control.
Radionuclide management should include all the systems used to control the
movement of radionuclides released within the containment envelope so that
release to atmosphere is minimised.
To estimate the total release of radionuclides within the containment envelope,
conservative analysis shall be made and these shall be used as the basis for
the design of any radionuclide management system. Some radionuclide
management systems also perform the function of energy management systems.
Combustible gas control system12 should include systems for monitoring
hydrogen in containment and its mitigation during DBAs.
4.5.1 Containment Cleanup System (CCS)/Radionuclide Management System
Design of this system should take into account the following guidelines:
(i) The clean-up systems should be designed to operate efficiently and
reliably under the environmental conditions resulting from DBA.
(ii) The enivronmental conditions prior to the DBA may affect the
performance of the filters and adsorbers in the clean-up system. It
should be ensured by design and operating practices that industrial
11 Primary Containment Atmosphere Control System (PCAS)
The system comprises of venitillation system, radionuclide management system (i.e.
containment cleanup system) and combustible gas control system.
12 Combustible Gas Control System
The system provided to control the concentration of hydrogen or oxygen and other
substances in the containment atmosphere during accident conditions to prevent explosion
or deflagration which could jeopardise the containment integrity. This system is also
sometimes termed as ‘Containment Atmosphere Control System’.
contaminants, pollutants, temperature and relative humidity levels
do not significantly reduce the capability of CCS to perform the
intended function. Possibility of build-up of moisture in the adsorbers
due to condensation of leaked out steam or any other reason should
be prevented by design.
(iii) In general the CCS consists of most or all of the following components:
· Demisters
· Prefilters
· High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters
· Adsorbers
· Fans
· Associated ducting and dampers
· Instrumentation
Demister is provided to remove entrained water droplets from the
inlet stream thereby protecting filters and adsorbers from water
plugging/accumulation. Heaters alone or in conjunction with cooling
coils should be used when humidity is to be controlled before filtration.
Pre-filters are provided to remove the large size particles and prevent
excessive loading of HEPA filters. To some extent demisters may also
perform this function. The HEPA filters are provided to remove the
fine particulate matter from the air stream. The adsorbers remove
gaseous iodine (elemental and organic iodides) from the air stream.
HEPA filters provided in some systems at the downstream of the
adsorbers would also collect fine particles and offer redundant
protection against particulate release in case of failure of the upstream
HEPA filters.
(iv) Adequate redundancy shall be provided in CCS and/or their
components to meet single failure criterion as required for active
components. However, exceptions should be properly justified. The
redundant systems should be physically separated, so that both the
redundant sub-systems/components do not get damaged due to any
reason. CCS should also be protected from the possible missiles
generated from high pressure systems, rotating machinery failure or
natural phenomenon to the extent possible.
(v) The design of each adsorber section should be based on the estimated
concentration and relative abundances of iodine species (elemental,
particulate and organic) in the containment following DBA. Credit for
reduction in concentration of iodines due to water trapping and plate-
out on the surfaces may be taken based on experimental studies and/
or best available knowledge of radionuclide deposition on surfaces.
(vi) If impregnated activated charcoal is used as the adsorbent, the
adsorber section, in typical designs, is designed for a residence time
of atleast 0.25s per 50 mm of bed thickness. The adsorber section
should be designed for a maximum loading of 2.5 mg of total iodine
(radioactive+stable) per gram of activated charcoal.
(vii) The design of the adsorber section should consider possible iodine
desorption and auto-ignition of charcoal that may result from the
temperature rise due to heat from the fission products. Reliable
provision shall be made to limit the charcoal temperature below the
desorption temperature for iodines.
(viii) If adsorbent other than impregnated activated charcoal (say metal
zeolites) is proposed to be used in CCS or if the quality of carbon
used is not as per specified requirements, then the performance of the
proposed adsorbent shall be demonstrated to be satisfactory.
(ix) The CCS should be suitably instrumented for monitoring the physical
status and performance of the system. Provision should be made for
measuring differential pressure across filters, temperature of charcoal
in the adsorber section, etc.
(x) The HEPA filters should be designed, constructed and tested as per
ANSI-N-509 or equivalent. Each HEPA filter should be shop tested
using diOctyl phthalate (DOP) and penetration should not be more
than 0.03 % at rated flow for particle size down to 0.3 microns when
tested as per MIL Standard 282 or BIS-3928 or equivalent. In-situ
testing for these HEPA filter should however be conducted for particule
sizes of 0.5 microns.
(xi) Provison should be made to facilitate periodic testing of the systems.
It should be ensured by design and operation that there is no undue
radiological impact due to use of radio-iodine during periodic testing
of adsorber sections for filter efficiency.
(xii) All structures, systems and components of CCS should be designated
to safety class and seismic category and should be qualified for LOCA
(xiii) Power supply to the blowers of CCS should be fed from Class III
Any portion of the ducting or piping of these systems passing through floors/
walls separating volumes V1 and V2 and are potentially communicating with
these volumes, should have two isolation valves located preferentially in
volume V2, and the portion between the valves (including the valves) should
be able to withstand the following:
(a) containment design pressure externally, and
(b) the portion upto the 2nd valve in V2 should be able to withstand the
peak differential presure between V1 and V2 internally.
Design considerations and requirements specific to individual atmospheric
control systems are described below. Primary Containment Filtration and Pump Back System (PCFPB)
This system is used to remove iodine activity on a gradual basis from the RB
atmosphere following an accident. Intake to the system should be from a
region of higher activity concentration during accident (volume V1) and exhaust
to volume V2. The design should provide adequate iodine filter capacity
commensurate with fan flow rate and iodine concentration within containment.
The system should be maintained in such a way that contamination by
pollutants is avoided. Filter capacity should be adequate so as not to exceed
the limits of mechanical loading (filter choking consideration) or thermal loading
(over heating consideration). Adequate cooling means should be provided to
avoid over heating of filters after they are loaded. The iodine filter should be
preceded by moisture separator and particulate filters to remove moisture and
to reduce the load on iodine filter. The efficiency of the sorption material
(iodine filters) in removing iodine in humid condition shall be demonstrated in
laboratory test. Provisions shall be provided to test the filter system insitu
(leak tightness of the filter assembly). Primary Containment Controlled Discharge System (PCCD)
The primary function of PCCD system is to depressurise the containment
under post accident conditions. The HEPA/charcoal filter in the system,
removes the fission products from the gaseous discharges through the stack. Containment Structure
The containment structure and its internals provide a large surface area for
radionuclide deposition. The plate-out and desorption factor allocated to the
containment structure shall be conservatively based on the best available
knowledge of radionuclide deposition on surfaces. Suppression Pool
The radionuclide management function of the suppression pool is to dissolve
or entrap radioactive substances which come out of the fuel and otherwise
would have been airborne. This is mainly achieved when pool water is used
as a recirculation water for the long term core cooling. This serves to limit the
radiological consequences resulting from containment atmosphere leakage
during an accident. Chemical additives (such as sodium hydroxide) can be
mixed in water to enhance the trapping of radionuclides. Removal of radioiodine
is of particular importance because of its higher specific dose consequence.
Appropriate pH value (alkaline) of pool water should be maintained by proper
additive to enhance the iodine trapping in such a way that a large fraction of
iodine remains in aqueous form.
4.5.2 Ventilation System
Ventilation System performs atmospheric control function in PC during normal
operation. Design requirement of this system are given in subsection 3.2.4.
4.5.3 Combustible Gas Control
After a loss of coolant accident, a mixture of hydrogen and air could be formed
in the containment atmosphere. The design provisions for management of
hydrogen should be addressed based on assessment of the hydrogen
generation and its dispersion in the containment. The assessment of hydrogen
generation should take into account its production due to metal-water reaction
as well as radiolytic decomposition of water and other combustible releases
possible during accident conditions.
5.1 General
5.1.1 Secondary containment (SC) is designed to intercept and hold up the
radionuclides leaking from PC during a DBA, BDBA and potential severe
accident conditions. It also protects the PC from external effects such as
missiles, solar radiation, and wind. Also, the combined thickness of PC and
SC concrete wall provides shielding for areas outside the containment. A
filtered purge system, which discharges to stack, provided in SC quickly
reduces its pressure to a negative gauge pressure following DBA. If the
negative gauge pressure is not maintained on account of high leakage from
PC or low purge rate, ground release of unfiltered radionuclides would take
place. However, because of dilution of the concentration of radionuclides in
the SC space, the consequence of this release would be much less as compared
to the direct release from PC.
5.1.2 The SC system includes the SC structure and the safety related systems
provided to control the ventilation and clean up of potentially contaminated
SC volume following a DBA.
5.2 Design Criteria
The following criteria applies to the design of secondary containment:
(i) SC system should be able to intercept leaks for various leak paths
from PC. Activity analysis for radiological release should take into
account the fraction by which PC could be bypassed.
(ii) The functional capability of SC system should be such as to quickly
achieve and/maintain a negative pressure (typically atleast 12 mm
water column for 220 MWe PHWRs) during design basis accident.
(iii) Thickness of these structures shall be governed by design basis load
including design pressure and by shielding requirement. Seismic load
and design pressure should be combined together. For further details,
refer AERB safety standard ‘Design of Concrete Structures Important
to Safety of Nuclear Facilities’, AERB/SS/CSE-1.
Structural design should consider potential natural events (e.g. wind,
solar radiation, earthquake, etc.) as well as man-induced events
including externally generated missiles, etc. if applicable.
The structures should be designed for both serviceability as well as
strength requirements under all design conditions.
(iv) SC should have required leaktightness at the specified pressure to
ensure that radiological releases under design basis accident is within
specified limit.
(v) Provision should exist for periodic inspection and functional testing
of the SC structure.
(vi) Safety classification and seismic categorisation of the containment
system shall be as per applicable AERB safety guide.
(vii) Requirement of single volume of annular space between PC and SC
to maximise the mixing and dilution of any radioactive material released
from the primary containment in the event of an accident.
5.3 Design Features
To meet the above design criteria, SC should have following design features
(or suitable alternatives):
(i) The containment boxup signals specified in subsection 4.3.4, shall be
instrumented to effect closure of valves/dampers, etc. required for SC
(ii) Provision should be made to restrict the PC leakage bypassing the SC
consistent with 5.2 (i)
(iii) Appropriate sealing arrangement should be made at various leak paths
including penetrations and construction joints to ensure leak
tightness. Construction practice for concreting should consider leak
tightness requirement.13
(iv) Provision should be made for SC recirculation, filtration and purge
system with suitable fans and filters to maintain negative pressure of
recommended range (12 mm to 24 mm of WC) within SC during accident
(v) Pipe penetrations/opening into PC and passing through SC shall have
at least one isolation valve/dampers after SC wall.
(vi) Appropriate paint liner may be used for achieving the SC leaktightness
requirement. The paint used in this application should be qualified
for thermal ageing consistent with its intended life and the expected
normal environment (temperature, humidity, etc). After thermal ageing,
there should be no loss of adhesion and no delamination or blistering.
If significant radiation is expected during normal or accident condition,
this should also be included in the qualification programme.
13 A typical value of leakage rate equal to 400 S cubic meter per hour is specified at over
pressure of 200 mm of water column (WC) for 220 MWe PHWRs.
5.4 Secondary Containment Atmosphere Control System
5.4.1 General
This system is also called as secondary containment filtration, recirculation
and purge (SCFRP) system and is required to be operated under accident
conditions when containment is isolated. This system provides filtration and
mixing by recirculation within SC space, and also maintains negative pressure
within the SC space. To achieve these functions, a fixed amount of air from SC
space is passed through iodine and particulate filters by fan, after which the
majority of the flow recirculates back to the SC space, while the remaining
small fraction is purged through stack via additional filters to maintain a negative
pressure in SC space.14
5.4.2 Design Requirement
This system should meet the following requirements.
(i) The system should have enough purge capacity to be able to quickly
reduce the secondary containment pressure to a sub-atmospheric
value and maintain it over an acceptable pressure range.
(ii) The valves in the purge exhaust line should be ‘fail to open’ type on
failure of power/air supplies.
(iii) HEPA filter(s) in-situ efficiency shall be better than 99.97% for 0.5
micron DOP particles.
(iv) Charcoal filter in-situ efficiency shall be better than 99% using iodine
labelled as radio-iodine.
(v) This system shall be started on auto in the event of a containment
box-up signal.
(vi) There shall be standby provision for fans.
(vii) The design should have adequate capacity for iodine filter
commensurate with fan flow rate/iodine concentration within the
(viii) System shall be SSE qualified with provision of class-III power supply.
14 The pressure of SC is maintained between certain values (typically 10 to 40 mm WC for
current designs) by auto opening and closing of purge dampers.
5.5 Instrumentation Requirements
The design of instrumentation for secondary containment isolation and
engineered safety systems shall be in accordance with the AERB safety code,
‘Code of Practice on Design for Safety in Pressurised Heavy Water Based
Nuclear Power Plants’, AERB/SC/D and AERB safety guide on ‘Safety Systems
for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors’, AERB/NPP-PHWR/SG/D-10 and AERB
safety guide on ‘Safety Related Instrumentation and Control for Pressurised
Heavy Water Reactor Based Nuclear Power Plants’, AERB/NPP-PHWR/SG/
D-20 as applicable.
(a) For Normal Operation
Instrumentation shall be provided to monitor pressure of secondary
containment during normal operation.
(b) For Accident Conditions
Design provision shall be made for automatic stoppage of ventilation
system and SC isolation and starting of SCFRP to establish sub-
atmospheric pressure in SC by purging the air through filters under
accident conditions.
(c) Design shall provide capability to monitor the status of following
containment related features in the control room:
(i) Secondary containment ventilation isolation dampers (open/
close status).
(ii) ESF related valves/dampers (open/close status) and other
equipment (on-off status).
5.6 Protection against High Enthalpy Pipe Rupture within Secondary
The high enthalpy lines within the SC, whose rupture could pressurise the SC
shall be provided with guard pipe in such a way that in the event of rupture of
the steam pipe segment within SC, the release of high enthalpy steam could be
directed to outside atmosphere. Alternatively, it shall be ensured by design
that this length of pipe does not rupture. Otherwise the SC should be provided
with blowout panel to restrict the pressure rise and should be designed for
suitable differential pressure at which it should open up. This requirement is
important in case the steam generator is kept out of PC.
5.7 Design Evaluation
Following data shall be considered in the analysis of SC system:
(i) Leakage from PC to SC.
(ii) Purge flow rate and recirculation flow rate.
(iii) Initial conditions assumed for the SC structure and atmosphere.
(iv) The ingress of compressed air in SC during accident conditions.
5.8 Interception of in-line Leaks from Primary Containment
5.8.1 In containment system designs (viz. in 220 MWe PHWRs with provision of 3
doors in airlocks and three containment isolation dampers in series), following
provisions should be made:
(i) The interspace between second and third door (from outside) should
be communicated to the annular space of SC through a vent line, and
(ii) The size of vent line shall be kept small enough so that even in case
of 3rd barrier failing to close during accident, the pressure of the SC
interspace is maintained at negative value.
5.8.2 For all the NPPs having SC enveloping PC and if credit is taken in estimatation
of radiation dose to members of public under accident condition due to
interception of leaks by SC; interception provided by the secondary
containment should be tested periodically and results ensured to be in line
with safety analysis report (SAR). Design provisions should be made for
monitoring interception.
A.1 General
A.1.1 The PC pressure and temperature analysis determines the system design
parameters. A spectrum of high energy line breaks in the primary heat transport
(PHT) system or secondary systems shall be considered in performing the
analysis to determine the PC peak pressure and associated temperature. This
spectrum shall consider the effects of break area, location and inital reactor
power level to indentify the break yielding the maximum pressure and associated
temperature. This spectrum shall include instantaneous double-ended breaks
of the largest pipe in the system. Each analysis shall be carried out for a
sufficient duration to ensure that the maximum peak pressure and temperature
have been ascertained.
A.1.2 All considerations regarding modelling, assumptions and input, as well as
relating to the spectrum of cases and events shall be taken in a manner which
will render conservative design parameters for PC. Above analysis shall
incorporate the effects of most severe single failure [e.g. failure of one of the
atmospheric steam disharge valves (ASDVs), etc.].
A.1.3 Assumptions which are not confirmed by experiments shall be made in
conservative way.
A.2 Primary Containment Analysis Model
A.2.1 An analytical model of the PC shall be developed for the purpose of transient
analysis of the primary containment atmosphere following a postulated pipe
break. This model shall be based on the equations for mass and energy
conservation for the PC system. In developing the model, typically two distinct
regions, the vapour and liquid regions should be identified. The vapour region
(steam, non-condensable components, and water droplets) may be considered
to be homogeneously mixed and in thermal equilibrium with each other.
A.2.2 The thermodynamic state conditions for the steam component shall be
described using real gas equation or industrially accepted steam table. The
thermodynamic state conditions for the non-condensable components shall
be described using the ideal gas equations of state. The liquid region consists
of water on the floor, either condensed steam or suppression pool water.
Industrially accepted steam tables shall be used to define the thermodynamic
state conditions for the water region.
A.3 Specific Modelling Aspects
Mass and energy discharge rates from the postulated breaks are evaluated by
system thermal-hydraulic blowdown computer codes and form input for the
containment analysis code.
A.3.1 Initial Conditions
A.3.1.1 Initial conditions shall be chosen from range of normal operating conditions,
to yield a conservatively high PC pressure and temperature. Typically this
requires an upper bound estimate of initial primary containment pressure, a
lower bound estimate of initial PC relative humidity and net free volume. The
assessment of net free volume should take into account the volume occupied
by major structures and components and fluids (e.g. suppression pool water
volume etc.).
A.3.2 Maximising reactor coolant system water inventory and stored thermal energy
is conservative for reactor coolant system mass and energy release calculations.
Stored energy in all reactor coolant system pressure boundary and internal
metals thermally in contact with the reactor coolant system water shall be
included. Core stored energy, fission energy and fission product decay energy
shall be included. All uncertainties shall be biased in the direction which
leads to the maximum PC pressure.
A.3.3 Vent Models
A.3.3.1 In case of vapour suppression pool type of containment, the volume V1 to
volume V2 vents shall be included in the analysis of the primary containment
system to determine the pressure and temperature transients. The two phases
in the vent model are vent clearing phase and steam-air flow phase.
A.3.3.2 In the vent clearing phase, the boundary conditions are the pressures at the
liquid interface in the vents and in the wet well. Pressure losses in the vents
due to flow in the vent system shall be accounted for. Inertia of water slug
shall be considered in the modelling of vent clearing. For suppression pool
with horizontal vent, variation in area of opening available for steam-air flow
shall be modelled.
A.3.3.3 The steam-air flow phase follows the vent clearing phase immediately. Steam
condensation efficiency and non-condensable cooling efficiency shall be
assumed conservatively. One dimensional incompressible and homogeneous
flow model may be used for vent system. Details of the methodology to model
vent clearing and steam-air flow are given in AERB safety guide on ‘Vapour
Suppression System (Pool Type) for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor’ (AERB/
A.3.4 Flow through Inter-compartment Openings
Orifice or momentum flow model may be used to calculate flow through inter-
compartment openings. Mixture of air-steam may be assumed to be
homogeneously mixed. Average density model is used to solve the momentum
A.3.5 V1 to V2 Bypass Leakage
A bypass leakage analysis shall be performed to determine the maximum
allowable leakage area for direct transfer of steam from V1 to V2 air space
without passing through the vents and into the pool. The results of this
analysis serve to specify maximum allowable leakage area to prevent over
pressurisation. For the purpose of design calculation a drywell (volume-V1)
bypass area of around 0.1 m² may be used.
A.3.6 Structural Heat Transfer
A.3.6.1 In taking credit for the energy removal capabilities of the PC’s structural heat
sinks, a lower bound estimate of surface area of structural heat sinks shall be
used in the analysis. All modes of heat transfer shall be considered and those
modes that are significant shall be modelled. Acceptable film type condensation
heat transfer coefficient correlations may be used in dry well.
The following are acceptable correlations for calculating heat transfer
coefficient for modelling of heat transfer due to condensation of steam in
volume V1.
(i) Diffusion based heat transfer coefficient,
(ii) Tagami correlation of condensing heat transfer coefficient, and
(iii) Other correlations of condensing heat transfer coefficient in the
presence of non-condensables.
(i) Diffusion based heat transfer coefficient,
(ii) Uchida correlation of condensing heat transfer coefficient, and
(iii) Other correlations of condensing heat transfer coefficient in the
presence of non-condensables.
For volume V2 appropriate natural convection correlation can be used.
A.3.6.2 The thermal properties used to describe the heat sink materials shall be chosen
to represent the heat absorption properties of the material in its anticipated
constructed state and provide a conservatively low estimate of the storage
and transmission capabilities of the heat sink.
A.3.6.3 Where two distinct materials interface, consideration shall be given to thermal
contact resistance and its effect on the heat transfer capabilities of that heat
sink. Within a heat sink, the temperature profile shall be determined by an
appropriate solution of the transient heat conduction equation.
A.3.6.4 Vapour region steam which has condensed on the surface of structural heat
sinks shall be assumed to go directly to the liquid region at a specific enthalpy
corresponding to condensate temperature. However, latent heat of
condensation shall be transferred directly to the structure.
A.3.7 Containment Energy Removal Systems
A.3.7.1 Credit may be taken for removal of energy from PC system by means of
containment energy removal systems, e.g. PC air coolers, vapours suppression
pool. Consideration shall be given to the mechanism and efficiency of energy
removal for each component and the effects incorporated in the modelling of
this energy removal. Coolant temperature shall be assumed to be at their
highest credible temperature throughout the accident. In addition, modelling
shall incorporate the effects of fouling, condensate build up or any other
conditions which may degrade the operating capabilities of the RB coolers
during the accident.
A.4 Analysis for Differential Pressure on Internal Structures
A.4.1 General
The design of compartments and internals inside the containment vessel shall
take into consideration so that the differential pressure developing in the
course of the pressure equalisation process during accidents shall not damage
the containment wall and its safety related internals. The stability of portions
and/or internals shall be assured considering the differential pressure that
may occur. The determination of differential pressure shall proceed as follows
from the nominal operating conditions.
A.4.2 Nodalisation
When using multi-compartment code, a sufficiently fine compartmentalisation
shall be chosen.
A.4.3 Blow down Discharge
The possible maximum release rate at the beginning of the blow down process
shall be used for the release of the energy and mass contents.
A.4.4 Break Configuration
The most unfavourable break configuration shall be used for each compartment.
A.4.5 Heat Absorption by Structure
Heat transfer to the structures may be considered in a conservative manner.
A.5 Assessment of Temperature Profile Across Walls
A.5.1 Inside structures of containment are exposed to high temperature steam
environment during accident conditions. It is also possible that both the
surfaces of the structure may be subjected to the same environment or different
environments. Due to condensation of steam on the structure, the surface
temperature of structure would increase which in turn would result in heat
transfer within structure. Heat transfer inside the material of structure would
depend on surface temperature and the properties of material i.e. thermal
conductivity, specific heat and density. Due to the various modes of heat
transfer a non-linear temperature gradient would be established during
A.5.2 Concrete structure of containment shall be designed to withstand the thermal
stresses expected to be developed due to anticipated temperature gradient
across structure during accident conditions.
A.5.3 Following consideration shall apply for the design of structure for temperature
gradient across its thickness:
(a) Paint shall be modelled appropriately if the surface of concrete is
painted. While using Tagami correlation for condensation heat transfer
coefficient for paint, value of constant used in correlation shall be
same as that of steel.
(b) Nodalisation of structure shall be fine near the inner surface to model
non- linear behaviour of temperature gradient across concrete
A.6 Design for Vacuum
A.6.1 The containment is required to be designed for negative pressure expected to
occur during accident conditions due to late actuation of isolation dampers.
In the event of LOCA/MSLB, a significant amount of air-steam mixture would
be expelled from containment atmosphere following delay in actuation of
isolation damper, which would, in turn result in negative pressure in
containment due to subsequent condensation of steam present in containment
A.6.2 For the purpose of peak negative pressure of containment, the delay in initiation
of isolation dampers of containment shall be assumed conservatively.
A.6.3 Considerations should also be given to the maximum negative pressure
developed during normal operation assuming inlet dampers closed with
ventilation exhaust fans continuing to operate.
A.7 Single Failure Criterion
Primary containment response analysis shall incorporate the effects of the
most severe single failure of active components concurrent with the pipe
break. The single failure may be postulated to occur in the emergency electric
power system (diesel generator), containment energy removal system (fan,
pump or valve failure) or the core cooling systems (pump or valve failure).
The failure chosen shall result in the highest calculated primary containment
atmosphere pressure and temperature for that postulated break and shall be
consistent with that chosen for the generation of mass and energy release
data. In addition, the loss of class-IV electric power to the plant shall be
postulated if such an occurrence yields more severe consequences.
B.1 General
Activity leakage from PC activity inventory is modelled as in-leakage into the
SC which form the SC activity inventory and direct leakage to environment.
Activity gets released from the secondary containment by direct leakage
constituting ground release, and through stack via filter system. Release
through stack comes from PC controlled discharge also.
B.2 Fission Products Release Analysis from Primary and Secondary Containment
B.2.1 Calculation Methodology
B.2.1.1 This analysis is based on fission product inventory balance in PC and SC
respectively. All the engineered safety systems of PC and SC, which can
influence the inventory of fission products, should be appropriately modelled
in the analysis.
B.2.1.2 While major fraction of activity leaked from PC will go into SC and form the SC
inventory, some part may get released directly to atmosphere which should be
taken into account as ground level leakage. From SC, the activity gets released
by direct leakage constituting ground release (during periods when SC pressure
may be above atmosphere), and through stack via SC filtration, purge and
recirculation system. Release through stack will also take place from PC, when
PC controlled discharge system is operated. PC filtration and pump back system
should be modelled to account for the concentration of fission products.
Plate out on the structural/containment surfaces inside PC or SC should also
be modelled for the purpose of inventory balance. Realistic value of
compressed air ingress to PC and SC should be modelled for the purpose of
pressure calculation.
B.2.1.3 The calculation of activity leakage from PC should consider:
(i) Time dependent activity inventory in PC atmosphere, following the
(ii) Time dependent PC pressure following the accident,
(iii) PC leakage rate as a function of pressure, and
(iv) Any direct leakage from PC bypassing SC.
B.2.1.4 Similarly, calculation of activity release from SC should consider:
(i) Time dependent activity inventory in SC, which in turn depends on
activity leakage from PC and SC walls and release from SC filtration,
purge and recirculation system,
(ii) Time dependent SC pressure, which in turn depends on PC leakage
and SC purge, and
(iii) SC leakage rate as a function of pressure.
B.3 Assumptions
B.3.1 Release from Fuel and Containment
(i) For the purpose of conservative analysis of current PHWR
containment, 100% of core iodine and noble gases are assumed to be
released from fuel. However, if justified by an appropriate analysis, a
lower value may be used.
(ii) For iodine release in aqueous phase appropriate partition coefficients
between air and water phases should be considered for assessing the
airborne concentration of iodine. For accident scenarios such as LOCA
with ECCS failure, 50% of water trapping in PHT circuit may be
considered to calculate net iodine released to containment atmosphere.
However, a different value may be used with appropriate justification.
(iii) Although release may take place slowly with time, but for the purpose
of conservatism, all the fission products are considered to be released
instantaneously to containment atmosphere. A more realistic time
dependent release can be accepted with proper justification.
(iv) Even though for DBAs large scale fuel melting and associated aerosol
releases are not anticipated, appropriate particulate filters with
adequate efficiency should be considered in the assessment.
B.3.2 Factors for Reduction of Iodine Inventory during Transport in the Containment
(i) Plate-out on containment surfaces
Appropriate plate-out half-life for deposition of iodine on PC and SC
surfaces are considered taking into account the environmental
conditions i.e. moisture content. Currently a plate-out half-life of
1.5 h and 2 h are considered for PC and SC. For conservatism, it is
assumed that once the airborne concentration has reached 10% of
the original value, further plate-out should not be effective. This
assumption is based on the consideration for organic iodine which
does not participate in plate-out on containment surfaces.
(ii) Iodine plate-out through leak paths
From all the leak paths of PC, a plate-out factor of 10 is considered.
Assumption of this value is conservative with respect to experimental
B.3.3 Reduction of Iodine through ESF
Appropriate consideration should be given for removal of iodine through the
ESF namely PCCD, PCFPB and SCFRP, taking into account the filter efficiency
and delay in the operation of these systems.
B.3.4 Containment Leakage Rate
Analyses should be performed based on the leakage rates as stipulated in
technical specification for PC and SC respectively.
I.1 General
The containment systems have undergone progressive improvements. The
design of the standardised 220 MWe and 540 MWe reactors has seen several
notable improvements in the containment and related ESFs for minimising the
release of radioactivity to the environment under accident conditions.
I.2 Containment Systems
I.2.1 Double Containment
The single most important factor for reducing radioactivity releases to
environment following postulated accidents is the use of double containment
envelope instead of a single envelope.
The primary containment of current Indian PHWR consists of a pre-stressed
concrete perimeter wall topped by a pre-stressed concrete dome. The
containment building is made of concrete with epoxy/vinyl coating for leak
tightness and has a passive suppression system. The concept of double
containment is extended to cover the entire reactor building (except the base
slab). The outer secondary containment envelope consists of a reinforced
concrete cylindrical wall topped by a reinforced concrete dome. The annular
gap between them is maintained at a negative pressure by purging the
interspace. The purge exhaust is discharged via filters through elevated
ventilation stack. Thus ground level release of radioactivity during accident
conditions are reduced very significantly, the effectiveness being determined
mainly by the extent to which the PC leaks are intercepted by SC. However, a
small fraction of leakage from primary containment, through some inline leak
paths, may bypass the secondary containment. For purpose of analysis, upto
10% of the specified leakage rate from primary containment has been considered
to bypass the secondary containment.
The primary containment is further sub-divided into two accident based
volumes called V1 and V2. These two volumes are interconnected through
vapour suppression by means of vent systems consisting of vent shafts,
distribution headers and in some cases by down-comer pipes. The vapour
suppression pool, which passively absorbs energy during LOCA, also helps
in scrubbing of a part of fission products released if any, in the event of
accident leading to core damage. The availability of suppression pool water
provides a large heat sink to reactor building for long-term decay heat removal.
I.2.2 Containment Isolation System
The concept of double containment is also extended to penetrations and
piping open to the containment atmosphere such as airlocks, ventilation ducts
and other air handling systems.
Automatic isolation of the containment is initiated in the event of pressure
rise or activity buildup in the containment or emergency core cooling system
Instrumentation for containment isolation signals is supplied with Class II
electric supply. However, the containment isolation dampers are pneumatically
operated and of fail-safe design (close on air failure or control system power
failure). The instrumentation for isolation signal is triplicated and operates on
fail safe two-out-of-three logic. Airlock seals are supplied with Class-III
powered compressed air supply backed up with local air cylinders.
I.2.3 Containment Engineered Safety Systems for Removal of Fission Products
I.2.3.1 Primary Containment Controlled Discharge (PCCD)
In order to minimise the integrated out-leakage of radioactivity from within the
containment to the atmosphere, ESFs such as reactor building coolers, primary
containment controlled discharge (PCCD) systems are provided to
depressurise the containment. Some of the RB coolers are normally operating
during reactor operation and the remaining ones come on sensing increase in
RB pressure. For depressurisation of the primary containment below
3.43 kPa (g) (0.035 kg/cm2 (g)), which may be difficult to be achieved by cooling
alone, there is a provision of resorting to controlled discharge to stack via
filters. Because of the double containment barrier, it is possible to allow the
primary containment to have a small overpressure over an extended period of
time without significantly adding to ground level release. Thus, the option of
using controlled discharge could be used, if required, after a delay of 48 hours
or more by which time the primary containment clean-up system would have
reduced the iodine activity in the primary containment atmosphere. So,
discharge is significantly reduced. To facilitate delay in operation of controlled
discharge via stack, the PCCD system has been designed to operate upto a
containment overpressure of 0.4 kg/cm2 (g) for standared PHWR 220 MWe
and 0.48 kg/cm2 (g) for PHWR 540 MWe. This design feature also allows for
delayed PCCD operation in case of persistent compressed air in-leakage into
the containment.
In addition, the provision of instrument air supply to selected valves in RB
during containment box-up permits main instrument air to RB to be cut off,
thereby reducing instrument air in-leakage to RB, consequently, further
reducing the need for operating the PCCD.
Initiation of controlled gas discharge is a manual action. It is proposed that
this discharge will be initiated after a nominal delay of at least 48 hours following
the accident if required. This delay will be acceptable because of the presence
of secondary containment. Advantage of this delay is that the release of
activity to the stack will get reduced.
The decision on starting the PCCD is expected to be taken by the team handling
the site emergency based on the following guidelines:
(i) No PCCD during first 48 hours after initiation of accident.
(ii) Beyond the above period, the decision for opening the PCCD line to
be established based on:
(a) Primary containment pressure and its trend. If it is around 4.9
kPa (g)(0.05 kg/cm2 (g)) or higher and has increasing trend
then operation of PCCD may be justified.
(b) Meteorological condition: Stable condition (Pasquill category
E, F) are preferable. PCCD should not be started if weather
conditions are characterised by Pasquill category A, B, etc. or
during temperature inversion condition. Under no condition,
RB pressure should be allowed to increase beyond the
maximum allowed pressure during the re-pressurisation phase
if any due to in-leakage of compressed air.
(c) Activity levels in primary containment as determined from
PCCD is the controlled release system and would be operated at the time of
favourable weather conditions and hence corresponding dose conversion
factors for long-term may be used.
The use of PCCD following a postulated LOCA could lead to accumulation of
fission products in the charcoal filter in the duct, with the potential for
unacceptable heat-up of the filter. To limit the overheating of filters, provision
exists for passing of air drawn from stack plenum through the filters when the
temperature of filters exceeds 800 C.
I.2.3.2 Primary Containment Clean-up System (PCCS)
The environmental releases of fission products can also be minimised by
reducing the concentration of iodine fission products by means of primary
containment clean-up system. This system would be operated normally four
hours into the accident in order to take advantage of plate-out and also decay
of short lived radioisotopes of iodine so that the thermal loading of the charcoal
filter remains limited to reasonable value during its operation. This is to avoid
excessive heating of charcoal filter. As operation of this system will aid mixing
of volume V1 and volume V2 atmosphere, any hydrogen present in volume V1
will also get diluted.
In this system air flow is re-circulated within the primary containment through
charcoal filters. The system is designed to perform containment atmosphere
cleanup operation on a long term basis after an accident and is intended to
start manually with a nominal delay of seven hours following the accident.
This system would give substantially lower iodine removal half-life.
Accumulation of fission products in the filter during operation of the system
in the accident conditions will add heat source. As long as flow is maintained
through the filter, the heat is effectively removed.
The temperature of the charcoal filter bed is continuously monitored by RTD
type temperature sensor. The temperature exceeding the set value of 80O C is
annunciated in the control room computer. For all dampers fail-safe mode is
open position. In case of failure of both the fans in this circuit, flow will be
maintained by natural circulation of air. The maximum expected temperature in
the charcoal filter bed, for the worst scenario is analysed to be within the
ignition temperature of charcoal.
I.2.3.3 Secondary Containment Filtration, Re-circulation and Purge System (SCFRP)
This system provides multipass filtration and mixing by re-circulation within
the secondary containment space, and also maintains negative pressure within
the secondary containment space. To achieve these functions, about
1700 m3/h (1000 ft3/minute) of air from the secondary containment space is
passed through iodine filters by a fan, after which a large portion of the flow
re-circulates back to the secondary containment space, while the remaining
small fraction is purged to stack via additional filters to maintain a negative
pressure (between 12 to 24 mm WC) in the secondary containment space.
Iodine filters and fans have 100% standby.
The normal ventilation in secondary containment maintains a slightly negative
pressure in this space. Following an accident, as the secondary containment
re-circulation and purge takes over, the negative pressure in the secondary
containment will be maintained and, therefore, the net ground level release of
activity will be limited to the factor of PC leakage bypassing the secondary
containment (i.e. not intercepted by secondary containment). This system
starts on auto on RB high pressure signal.
The aforesaid features, together with the provision of double containment
concept, with arrangement for filtration, re-circulation and purge in the
secondary containment space, are intended to limit radioactivity release to
environment to levels well below the reference dose values.
Vapour Suppression
(Pool) System
Containment Testing
Pressure Temperature
Rating Analysis Control &Instrumentation
(Appendix of AERB/ for Containment (AERB/
Hydrogen Release
Calculations Structural Design
(AERB/NPP- Analysis and Civil
PHWR/SM/D-2) Engineering Aspects
(AERB/SS/CSE-1, 2 & 4)
Reference to
subsection 4.3.2 Schematic configuration Example
outside inside
- Intermediate cooling
(c) (Process water)
16. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, ‘Design, Fabrication and Erection of
Embedded Parts and Penetrations Important to Safety of Nuclear Facilities’,
AERB/SS/CSE-4, Mumbai, India, 2003.
17. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, ‘Design Basis Events for Pressurised Heavy
Water Reactor’, AERB/SG/D-5, Mumbai, India, 2000.
18. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Control of Airborne Radioactive Materials
in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (AERB/SG/D-14) Mumbai, India, 2002.
19. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, ‘Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis of
Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor’, AERB/SG/D-18, Mumbai, India, 2001.
20. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, ‘Safety Related Instrumentation and Control
for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor Based Nuclear Power Plants’, AERB/
NPP-PHWR/SG/D-20, Mumbai, India, 2003.
21. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, ‘Vapour Suppression System (Pool Type)
for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor’, AERB/SG/D-22, Mumbai, India, 2000.
22. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, ‘Hydrogen Release and Mitigation Systems
under Accident Conditions in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors’, AERB/
NPP-PHWR/SM/D-2, Mumbai, India, 2004.
23. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, ‘Proof and Leakage Rate Testing of Reactor
Containments’, AERB/NPP/SG/O-15, Mumbai, India, 2004.
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