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Safety Related Instrumentation and Control For Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor Based Nuclear Power Plants

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Atomic Energy Regulatory Board

Mumbai-400 094
January 2003


Orders for this Guide should be addressed to:

Administrative Officer
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
Niyamak Bhavan
Mumbai-400 094

Activities concerning establishment and utilisation of nuclear facilities and use of
radioactive sources are to be carried out in India in accordance with the provisions of
the Atomic Energy Act 1962. In pursuance of the objective to ensure safety of members
of the public and occupational workers as well as protection of environment, the Atomic
Energy Regulatory Board has been entrusted with the responsibility of laying down
safety standards and framing rules and regulations for such activities. The Board has,
therefore, undertaken a programme of developing safety standards, codes of practice
and related guides and manuals for the purpose. These documents cover aspects such
as siting, design, construction, operation, quality assurance, decommissioning and
regulation of nuclear and radiation facilities.
Codes of practice and safety standards are formulated on the basis of internationally
accepted safety criteria for design, construction and operation of specific equipment,
systems, structures and components of nuclear and radiation facilities. Safety codes
establish the objectives and set minimum requirements that shall be fulfilled to provide
adequate assurance for safety. Safety guides elaborate various requirements and furnish
approaches for their implementation. Safety manuals deal with specific topics and contain
detailed scientific and technical information on the subject. These documents are
prepared by experts in the relevant fields and are extensively reviewed by advisory
committees of the Board before they are published. The documents are revised when
necessary, in the light of experience and feedback from users as well as new developments
in the field.
The Code of Practice on Design for Safety in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor Based
Nuclear Power Plants (AERB/SC/D, 1989) lays down the minimum requirements for
ensuring adequate safety in plant design. This safety guide is one of a series of guides,
which have been issued or are under preparation, to describe and elaborate the specific
parts of the code.
This guide is based on the current designs of 220 MWe and 500 MWe Pressurised
Heavy Water Reactors. It prescribes guidelines for designing the safety related
instrumentation and control systems of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors.
Consistent with the accepted practice, shall, should and may are used in the guide
to distinguish between a firm requirement, a recommendation and a desirable option,
respectively. Appendices are an integral part of the document, whereas annexures,
footnotes, references/bibliography and lists of participants are included to provide
information that might be helpful to the user. Approaches for implementation different

to those set out in the guide may be acceptable, if they provide comparable assurance
against undue risk to the health and safety of the occupational workers and the general
public and protection of the environment.
For aspects not covered in this guide, applicable and acceptable national and
international standards, codes and guides should be followed. Non-radiological aspects
of industrial safety and environmental protection are not explicitly considered. Industrial
safety is to be ensured through compliance with the applicable provisions of the
Factories Act, 1948 and the Atomic Energy (Factories) Rules, 1996.
This guide has been prepared by specialists in the field drawn from Atomic Energy
Regulatory Board, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic
Research, Nuclear Power Corporation of India and other consultants. It has been
reviewed by the relevant AERB Advisory Committee on Codes and Guides and the
Advisory Committee on Nuclear Safety.
AERB wishes to thank all individuals and organisations who have prepared and reviewed
the draft and helped in its finalisation. The list of persons who have participated in this
task, along with their affiliations, is included for information.

(Suhas P. Sukhatme)


Acceptable Limits
Limits acceptable to the Regulatory Body for accident condition or potential exposure.
Accident Conditions
Substantial deviations from Operational States which could lead to release of
unacceptable quantities of radioactive materials. They are more severe than anticipated
operational occurrences and include Design Basis Accidents as well as Beyond Design
Basis Accidents.
Anticipated Operational Occurrences
An operational process deviating from normal operation which is expected to occur
during the operating lifetime of a facility but which, in view of appropriate design
provisions, does not cause any significant damage to Items Important to Safety nor
lead to Accident Conditions.
The fraction of time that an entity is capable of performing its intended purpose.
Channel (Instrumentation)
An arrangement of interconnected components within a system that initiates a single
electrical output.
Common-Cause Failure
The failure of a number of devices or components to perform their functions, as a result
of a single specific event or cause.
Design Basis Event
The set of events, that serve as part of the basis for the establishment of design
requirements for systems, structures or components within a facility. Design basis
events (DBEs) include normal operations, operational transients and certain accident
conditions under postulated initiating events (PIEs) considered in the design at the

The presence of two or more different components or systems to perform an identified
function, where the different components or systems have different attributes so as to
reduce the possibility of common cause failure.
Engineered Safety Features
The system or features specifically engineered, installed and commissioned in an NPP
to mitigate the consequences of accident condition and help restore normalcy, e.g.,
containment atmosphere clean-up system, containment depressurisation system, etc.
Functional Isolation
Prevention of influences from the mode of operation or failure of one circuit or system
on another.
Independence of equipment, channel or a system is its ability to perform its function
irrespective of the normal or abnormal functioning of any other equipment, channel or
system. Independence is achieved by functional isolation and physical separation.
Items Important to Safety
The items which comprise:
(1) those structures, systems, equipment and components whose malfunction or
failure could lead to undue radiological consequences at plant site or off-site;
(2) those structures, systems, equipment and components which prevent anticipated
operational occurrences from leading to Accident Conditions;
(3) those features which are provided to mitigate the consequences of malfunction or
failure of structures, systems, equipment or components.
Limiting Safety System Settings
Settings on instrumentation, which initiate the automatic protection action at a level
such that the safety limits are not exceeded.


Operational States
The states defined under Normal Operationand Anticipated Operational Occurrences.
Physical Separation
A means of ensuring independence of equipment through separation by geometry
(distance, orientation, etc.), appropriate barriers, or combination of both.
Postulated Initiating Events
Identified events that could lead to Anticipated Operational Occurrence or Accident
Conditions and consequential failure effects.
Protection System
A part of Safety Critical System which encompasses all those electrical, mechanical
devices and circuitry, from and including the sensors up to the input terminals of the
safety actuation system and the safety support features, involved in generating the
signals associated with the safety tasks.
Quality Assurance
Planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that an item
or a facility will satisfy given requirements for quality.
Quality Control
Quality Assurance actions, which provide a means to control and measure the
characteristics of an item, process or facility in accordance with established requirements.
Reactor Trip
Actuation of shutdown system to bring the reactor to shutdown state.
Provision for alternative structures, systems, components of identical attributes, so
that any one can perform the required function regardless of the state of operation or
failure of any other.

The probability that a device, system, component or facility will perform its intended
(specified) function satisfactorily for a specified period under specified conditions.
Response Time
The time required for a system component instrumentation to achieve a specified output
state from the time that it receives a signal.
Safety Action
An action initiated by a protection system and completed by safety actuation system,
with the help of safety support system to accomplish a safety task.
Safety Actuation System
A part of Safety Critical System, which encompasses all equipment, required to
accomplish the required safety action when initiated by the protection system.
Safety Critical System
(See Safety System)
Safety System
System important to safety, provided to assure that under anticipated operational
occurrences and accident conditions, the safe shutdown of the reactor followed by
heat removal from the core and containment of any radioactivity is satisfactorily achieved
(e.g., of such systems are : shutdown systems, emergency core cooling system and
containment isolation system).
Safety Limits
Limits upon process variables within which the operation of the facility has been shown
to be safe.
Safety Related Systems
Systems important to safety which are not included in safety critical systems and which
are required for the normal functioning of the safety systems (e.g., power supplies,
stored energy systems etc.).

Safety Support System

Part of safety critical systems which encompasses all equipment that provide services
such as cooling, lubrication and energy supply (pneumatic or electric) required by the
protection system and safety actuation systems.
Controlled gradual reduction in power effected by Reactor Regulating System in response
to an identified abnormality in one or more plant process variables, until the condition
causing the set-back is cleared or the preset-limit for power rundown is reached.
Shutdown State
State of a reactor when it is maintained subcritical with specified negative subcriticality
Single Failure
A random failure, which results in the loss of capability of a component to perform its
intended safety function. Consequential failures resulting from a single random
occurrence are considered to be part of the single failure.
Station Black Out
The complete loss of both off-site and on-site AC power supplies.




DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................



INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1
Objective ...............................................................................
Scope ....................................................................


DESIGN BASIS ............................................................................... 6

General ..................................................................................
Information Systems
............................................................... 8
Control Systems ...................................................................



DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 13

Testability ...............................................................................
Maintainability .......................................................................
Electrical (Electromagnetic and Electrostatic) Interference...
Equipment Qualification .........................................................
Control Power Supplies ..........................................................
Field Instrumentation .............................................................


Main Control Room
............................................................... 21
Accident Monitoring
............................................................. 24
Human Machine Interface ...................................................
Back-up Control Room/Points .............................................




DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................ 31



BIBLIOGRAPHY .........................................................................................


LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ........................................................................









............... 40







The term Instrumentation and Control (I&C) is used as a collective term to

encompass all instruments, equipment, systems and support features intended
to monitor, control and protect the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).


The safety guide on Safety Classification and Seismic Categorisation for

Structures, Systems and Components of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors
(AERB/SG/D-1) contains a list of safety functions that shall be accomplished
and which would help to decide whether a particular I&C system is important to
safety. The I&C systems important to safety comprise of

Those systems, structures and components whose malfunction or failure

could lead to undue radiation exposure of the site personnel or members
of the public.

Those systems, structures and components that prevent Design Basis

Events (DBE) from leading to Accident Conditions.

Those features that are provided to mitigate the consequences of

malfunction or failure of structures, systems or components.

The safety classification of I&C systems is elaborated in AERB-SG-D-1. The

instrument items and other hardware of I&C systems shall meet the requirements
of the specified class.


The defence in depth for I&C systems is provided by dividing the items important
to safety into two categories, viz. i) safety-related systems and ii) safety critical
systems (see Fig.1). The safety-related systems form the first layer of safety to
operate the plant in a safe manner and to minimise the need for actuation of
safety critical systems. These include systems like reactor regulating system,
primary heat transport system, etc. The safety critical systems form the second
layer of defence and are provided to assure safe shutdown of the reactor,
removal of heat from the reactor core during any deviation from normal operation
and containment of radioactivity during accident conditions. The safety critical
systems require a higher reliability and have three parts, viz. protection system,
safety actuation system and safety support systems. The reactor shutdown
systems, emergency core cooling system and containment isolation system are
classified as safety critical systems.


The safety related I&C includes the control systems and information systems,
which are necessary to operate the plant within the limiting conditions of
operations and thus not necessitating the actuation of the safety critical systems.
The systems and features specifically engineered to mitigate the consequences
of an accident situation, having been brought under control by the actuation of
one or more of the safety critical systems, also fall under the safety related
I&C. A few I&C systems, which may be the principal means of accomplishing
certain safety functions, such as spent fuel storage bay cooling, may still be
classified as safety related, based on the consideration that sufficient period of
time is available for corrective action, in case the control systems fails.




This safety guide deals mainly with generic design requirements for the safetyrelated instrumentation and control systems and is intended to expand relevant
paragraphs of the Code of Practice on Design for Safety in Pressurised Heavy
Water Based Nuclear Power Plants (AERB Code, AERB/SC/D). The necessary
actuation devices to perform control actions and the associated system support
features are also included within the boundaries of safety related I&C.
Instrumentation and Control for safety critical systems are covered in the safety
guide AERB/SG/D-10 on safety critical systems.


Guidelines regarding the application of the digital computers in this area are
covered in safety guide, AERB/SG/D-25 on computer-based safety systems.
Reference may also be made to Annexure-I attached to this guide.


The term I&C refers to safety-related I&C in the rest of this guide. This guide
is supplemented by other associated guides where specific I&C systems are
covered such as on Fire Protection in Pressurised Heavy Water Based Nuclear
Power Plants (AERB/SG/D-4), Radiation Protection in Design (AERB/SG/D12), Primary Heat Transport System for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors
(AERB/SG/D-8), Core Reactivity Control in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors
(AERB/SG/D-7), Fuel Handling and Storage Systems for Pressurised Heavy
Water Reactors (AERB/SG/D-24), etc. Typical safety-related I&C systems are
listed below.

Reactor regulation which controls the reactor power level by reactivity

control (either by positioning the control rods or by controlling the poison
concentration in the moderator).
















Sensors, signal conditioners and logics for

Shut-off rods and


Emergency power

Reactor regulating system

Primary containment clean-up


i. Reactor shutdown

Liquid poison injection


Pneumatic supply


ii. Emergency core cooling

iii. Containment isolation


Containment isolation
Emergency core
Valves and motors

Cooling water supply

Primary heat transport system

Shutdown cooling system

Primary containment controlled

depressurisation system

Steam generator pressure I&C Secondary containment

re-circulation and purge system
Safety critical system status
Containment heat removal system
. Fuel handling and storage
Radiation monitoring systems
Fire detection and extinguishing
Communication system
Access control system


(b) PHT system pressure control, which maintains the pressure of the primary
coolant within set limits.

Steam generator level and pressure control, which control the feedwater
flow to maintain level and the steam drawn through turbine governor valves,
etc., to maintain the pressure within set limits.

(d) Primary coolant temperature monitoring, both bulk and coolant


Shutdown cooling system I&C.


Moderator system I&C.

(g) Operator information systems that monitor the safety critical and safetyrelated plant parameters and provide displays and annunciations to the
(h) Surveillance of the safety critical system.

Monitoring the status of the core in the shutdown state and during reactor
start-up from the sub-critical state.


Process water systems I&C associated with core heat removal.


Detection and monitoring of PHT system/moderator system leakages.


Monitoring of pressure tube integrity (e.g., annulus gas monitoring system).

(m) Detection and location of failed fuel.

(n) Fuel handling controls.
(o) Radiation monitoring.
(p) Waste management and spent fuel cooling instrumentation.
(q) Reactor building ventilation and survival ventilation systems for main
control room and control equipment room I&C
(r) Dedicated communication system amongst main control room (MCR), backup control room (BCR) and back-up control points (BCPs).
(s) Fire detection and suppression system I&C.

Access control.

(u) Seismic monitoring.

(v) Systems, other than safety critical systems, that perform functions important
to safety, such as prevention, termination or mitigation of anticipated
operational occurrences or accident conditions, e.g., reactor power setback/
stepback systems and systems for post-accident containment clean-up,
controlled depressurisation of containment, reactor building cooling, etc.
(w) Accident monitoring and assessment.

The above does not provide a complete list and the order of the above listing
does not imply any gradation in the importance to safety of these I&C systems.
It is possible that the functions of some of the above systems could be
collectively met by one or more computer-based systems. Designer shall identify
the safety-related systems and the safety classifications as per design guide,
AERB/SG/D-1 on Safety Classification and Seismic Categorisation for
Structures, Systems and Components of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors.


The I&C systems shall be designed for


performance consistent with design bases and the safety requirements

assumed or derived from the safety analyses;

the environments in which they operate; and

a reliability consistent with their importance to safety.

For each operating condition of concern, the I&C requirements shall be defined,
so as to determine the performance requirements, such as range of the measured
variable, accuracy, response time and output signal levels. The relationship
between the instrument and the process units shall be taken into account.
Whenever the range of control is maintained by overlapping instrument
channels, appropriate interlocks shall be provided in the increasing and
decreasing directions for automatic selection of the required range or provide
clear alarm for operator action. Factors like instrument saturation, overload and
fold over should not cause loss of accuracy over the entire signal range. The
effects of transient and normal variations in power supply characteristics (e.g.,
voltage, frequency) and instrument air pressure, grounding and signal
transmission losses shall be assessed in the design of the I&C systems to the
extent necessary to ensure that they satisfactorily perform their safety related


Environmental Conditions
The environmental conditions which an I&C system is required to withstand
and the expected duration of operation under such conditions, shall be specified
for operational states and accident conditions. Environmental conditions such
as extreme temperatures, pressure, humidity, dust, ionising radiation,
electromagnetic interference, corrosion, vibration, fatigue and stress shall be
considered. Consideration shall be given to the hostile environmental conditions
that may prevail in the locations for field-mounted instruments. Credit may be
taken for the controlled environmental conditions maintained in areas like main

control room and control equipment rooms. The system shall, however, perform for
such durations as may be specified, under the extreme conditions, which may
result from a likely loss of such environmental control, e.g., failure of airconditioning.

Reliability Reliability of an I&C system shall be commensurate with its classification given
in 1.1.3 and the importance of the intended safety function. While specifying
the reliability of an I&C system as an input for design, the relative importance
of the system to nuclear safety should be assessed based on the following

The nature of Design Basis Events (DBE) and potential severity of their
consequences in the event of the I&C system failing.

The period available between the occurrence of the DBE and the time
taken for initiation of the safety function.

The promptness and reliability with which alternative actions can be taken.

The time taken for repair of the I&C system.

In general, reliability targets should be fixed based on PSA studies. One approach to specify required reliability is to assign a numerical unavailability
figure to each system with due consideration to factors mentioned above.
Another approach is to specify graded, non-numerical availability requirements
for the various systems. For achieving the reliability requirements, factors
such as component failure rate, on-line and off-line test facilities, test
frequency, repair time, accessibility for fault location and repair, power source
failures and common cause failures shall all be taken into account. In practice, a certain amount of trade off amongst some of these factors may
be necessary in order to optimise goals, such as minimising outage time for
repair and reducing frequency of testing. The reliability of an I&C system can be enhanced by the use of

redundant channels of identical components or

diverse channels using different principles, e.g., monitoring reactor power

using thermal neutron flux, or coolant temperature and flow measurements. Redundancy shall be employed wherever single failure criterion is to be met.
The applicability of this aspect to safety-related I&C depends on the relative
importance of that system to nuclear safety as explained earlier. As a minimum,
use of redundant channels to guard against single failure may be applied to
such safety-related I&C systems whose failure may put an immediate demand
on the protection system to act (e.g., systems 1 to 3 of the list in Section 1.2.3).

Information Systems


Information for Operators During normal operation, the operators monitor the plant status continuously
with a set of displays, annunciators and CRTs, which are provided in the main
control room. Deviations from normal operation are indicated by audio-visual devices such
as alarm windows and CRTs. When these occur, the operators shall be aided by
the information systems to:

know the actions being taken by automatic systems

analyse the cause of the disturbance and follow the subsequent changes
in plant performance

perform any manual actions within the specified time as demanded by the
system design. The information systems inputs may be generated from dedicated sensors or
taken from control systems/ protection systems and connected to display
devices. These inputs may also be processed in a computer-based information
system for display on CRTs. In the latter case, inputs from redundant channels
may terminate in a single system. In such cases, consideration must be given
for maintaining channel integrity by suitable isolation devices. If the control
systems are safety related and also computer-based, independence of both
hardware and software between the control and information systems should be
achieved by design to preserve the reliability of the control systems. For
convenience of the operator, several CRTs for display of demanded information
may be

distributed over a range of panels. Alarm displays should be covered by one or more
dedicated CRTs at a central location for display of alarms only.

Recording and Printing Adequate records or printouts for analogue process variables and for binary
signals shall be generated and maintained in order to provide available
chronological information about the performance and behaviour of the plant
which is necessary for the following purposes:

back-up information for shift operators (giving short- and long-term trends),
general operational information for the plant management,
analysis of design basis events. Wherever multiple computer-based systems are used, the real time on all such
systems should be synchronised at regular intervals to a centralised real time
master clock source.

Control Systems

2.3.1 Maintenance of Process Variables within Specified Limits

For assumptions of the safety analysis to remain valid, certain plant parameters
must be held within specified limits. The probability that the parameters of
concern remain within these limits is based on the reliability of the I&C
sysems. The design of these control and monitoring systems shall be such
that, in combination with stipulated operator actions, process variables are
within the limits used in safety analysis.
After installation and commissioning of the I&C systems, fine tuning of various
control system settings may be necessary for optimal performance. The transient
and steady state performance of the plant systems in maintaining the set limits
will be affected by this tuning. The dynamic performance of the control system
should be assessed after such tuning to maintain the control band.

Set Points
The safety-related I&C systems ensure the operation of the plant within a
prescribed safe operation region. In response to initiating events, including
the failure of control systems, the plant may migrate beyond the safe operation

region. Thresholds are to be set in safety, or safety-related I&C systems to

bring the plant back to the safe state or to initiate safety action before any
significant damage is done to the plant. The bases for selection of trip set points shall be documented and shall include
data, assumptions and the method of analysis. The data used shall be taken
from engineering analysis, vendor design specifications, equipment qualification
tests, laboratory tests and operating experience. Any assumptions used, such
as ambient temperatures during equipment calibration and operation, shall be
clearly identified. In protection system channels, sufficient allowance/margin
shall be provided between the trip set point and the safety limit to ensure that
the safety systems are actuated before reaching safety limits. This is done
by taking into account the inaccuracies of actuation equipment and I&C
systems and the dynamic responses of process systems. The inaccuracies include:
(a) Instrument calibration uncertainties caused by

calibration standard
calibration equipment
calibration method
(b) Instrument inaccuracies during normal operations and also during specified
design basis event in caused by :

any internal reference inaccuracy, including conformity to inputoutput relations, hysterisis, dead band and repeatability,

power supply voltage changes,

power supply frequency changes,
temperature changes,
humidity changes,
pressure changes,
vibration (in-service and seismic),

radiation exposure,

analogue to digital conversion.

(c) Instrument drift

(d) Process-dependent effects
The determination of the trip set point allowance shall account for
uncertainties associated with the process variable. Examples include the
effect of fluid stratification on temperature measurement, the effect of
changing fluid density on level measurement, and process oscillations or
noise or frequency change.
(e) Calculation uncertainties
The determination of the trip set point allowance shall account for
uncertainties resulting from the use of a mathematical model to calculate a
variable from the measured process variables; for example, the use of
differential pressure to determine flow.
(f) Dynamic effects
The determination of the trip set point allowance shall allow for response
delays in the instrument channels. The instrument channel response time
shall be no more than the limiting response time required by the safety
analysis. Some or all of the above factors contribute to the inaccuracies of the outputs
received. One of the following methods should be adopted for combining the
inaccuracies, depending on the conservatism required for a particular function:

Square-root sum-of-squares method

When two independent uncertainties, (a) and (b), are combined by this
method, the resulting uncertainty is (a2 +b2 )1/2.

Algebraic method
The combination of two independent uncertainties, (+ a,-0) and (+0,-b),
results in a third uncertainty distribution with limits (+a,-b).

Probabilistic and statistical methods

The interaction of dependent and independent uncertainties can be
simulated by developing a stochastic model and inferring the combined
uncertainties. Sufficient margin/allowance shall be available between the trip set point and
control system set points and control band. The above principles of determining
the trip set points is to ensure that the safety systems are not demanded to act
frequently because of uncertainties of the control system response and set
points. The dynamic performance of the safety systems after actuation, based on the
set points, shall be assessed to get the transient response. This provides
inputs for correction of set point of the protection systems to ensure that
safety limits are not exceeded. The testing of a system or a chain of equipment, with set points, must provide
for testing the accuracy of the set point. Changing of set points for the purpose
of demonstrating initiation of safety action shall normally not be done. Adequate
technical/administrative procedures must exist for restoration of the set points
to the original values after testing, in case such changes are done in set points. As applicable, arrangements such as locking/administrative measures shall be
provided for set points to safeguard against unauthorised tampering of the set
points. Software locks, such as password, are normally provided for computerbased systems. In addition to this, a manual locking device should be provided
for computer-based systems. Guidance for software systems is given in AERB/

3.1 Independence
Independence of a system/channel from other systems/channels is achieved

functional isolation,
physical separation.
Certain areas in the plant tend to become natural centres of convergence for
equipment or wiring. In these areas the extent to which independence might be
lost following certain DBEs shall be carefully ascertained for establishing an
overall design that shall meet the reliability requirements.

Functional Isolation Functional isolation of a system/channel is required to restrict or prevent adverse

interactions between equipment and components of other systems caused by
electromagnetic interference, electrostatic pickup, short circuits, open circuits,
earthing and application of the maximum credible AC or DC potential, mechanical
interaction, etc. This is achieved by provisions such as electrical and optical
isolating devices, cable shield, mechanical barriers or suitable devices. The following equipment/channels of systems shall be functionally isolated
from each other:

Equipment, interconnecting cables and support features of a safety

critical system, and those of a safety-related system.

Equipment, interconnecting cables and support features of a safetyrelated system, and those of a system not important to safety.
In any of the above cases, if the same equipment is used for both the systems,
then a functional isolation device (buffer) shall be provided at the connection
between these systems. This isolation device (buffer) shall be classified as part
of safety critical system or safety-related system, as the case may be. This need
not apply for support features like compressed air supply in the latter case. The power sources used to supply electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic power

shall meet the requirements given in section 3.6 to prevent the degradation or
loss of functional isolation caused by failure of these power sources.

Physical Separation The physical separation of systems/channels reduces the likelihood of commoncause failures resulting from events such as fires, missiles, high energy pipe
breaks etc. (Ref. AERB/SG/D-3). This may also reduce the likelihood of errors
committed inadvertently during operation or maintenance work in any portion
of a system. The physical separation is achieved by distance, barriers or
combinations of the two. Physical separation shall be ensured amongst the equipment, cables and support
features of the redundant channels of either safety-related or safety critical
systems. However, equipment and cables of a redundant channel of a safetyrelated I&C system and that of a redundant channel of a safety critical system
may be located in the same area. This area shall be physically separated from
other redundant channels/equipment areas so that no criss-crossing of cables
with different channels occurs. Similarly equipment and cables of a single channel
safety-related I&C system may be associated with one of the redundant
channels of a safety-related I&C system. A single instrumentation cable shall not contain wires belonging to independent
systems. A common junction box shall not be used for terminating wires
belonging to independent systems. Instrument cables and cable trays should be physically separated from power
cables and power cable trays. For further details, refer to AERB/SG/D-11 on
Emergency Electrical Power Supply Systems for Pressurised Heavy Water



I&C systems important to safety, particularly in-core equipment, should have

test and calibration facilities, based on equipment function, expected drift and
need for recalibration. This shall permit test and calibration at intervals as required
and shall be capable of being performed in-situ with a minimum effort. Built-in
test facilities for overall system checks from sensors, where appropriate,

are preferred. All the output functions of the system should be testable, for example,
alarms, control actions and operation of actuation devices if these have a bearing
on plant safety.

The frequency of testing of equipment/systems shall be determined based on

reliability analysis and experience.




The equipment shall be designed for periodic surveillance and easy maintenance.


The mean time to repair (MTTR) and the frequency of inspection shall be
defined in the design bases of the I&C systems. The effectiveness of the
means for detecting and annunciating a failure shall be taken into account in
evaluating the contribution to unreliability.


To facilitate maintenance, I&C systems shall, where practicable, be located so

as to minimise risks to operating personnel. Enough room should be left around
the equipment to ensure that the maintenance staff can fulfil its task under
normal working conditions. Where practicable, equipment should not be
located near
points of high radiation level, or where conditions of extreme
temperature or
humidity normally exist. Wherever frequent removal of
from service is anticipated for maintenance
or testing, an audio-visual annunciation of removal shall be provided in the
control room. The indication
shall identify the safety-related channel
whose performance is affected, but need not identify the equipment removed
from service. For those items whose removal from service is expected to be
infrequent, administrative controls alone
may suffice.


Electrical (Electromagnetic and Electrostatic) Interference


Electrical interference in a power plant could be due to switching transients

and operation of power circuits, lightning strikes, leakage currents and the use
of radio frequency communication apparatus. Such sources may be transient
or of a continuous nature and may have a range of frequencies. I&C systems
shall be designed for compliance to appropriate standards for electrical
interference, such as MIL STD, 461.


Features such as screening, usage of specially shielded cables, physical

separation of signal cables from power cables, filtering, optical coupling and
earthing shall be incorporated within the I&C systems in order to reduce the
effects of electrical interference to an insignificant level. Equipment operating
at very low signal levels (like radiation detection sensors, thermocouples,
resistance temperature detectors, etc.) are particularly vulnerable to interference.
Ground loop currents between interconnected pieces of equipment with multiple
grounding can cause unwanted voltage signals. To avoid this, all system
equipment are so interconnected as to avoid ground loops. The I&C grounding
shall be independent of grounding connections used for electrical power
equipment and lightning protection. In the case of I&C systems, which are
expected to be vulnerable to interference, tests shall be carried out to verify that
they conform to design requirements.


Equipment Qualification


A qualification programme shall be provided to confirm that I&C equipment is

capable of meeting, on a continuing basis, the design basis performance
requirements (e.g., range, accuracy, response) needed for its function under the
environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, pressure, vibration, radiation,
humidity) likely to prevail at the time of the performance. These shall include
the possible worst combinations of environmental conditions for periods of
DBEs. Where the equipment is subject to natural phenomena or other external
influences and is required to function during or following such an event, the
qualification programme shall include the conditions imposed on the equipment
by natural phenomena or other external influences. This will cover aspects like
seismic qualification or LOCA qualification of respective identified pieces of
equipment (refer AERB/SG/D-23 and AERB/SG/D-3).

In case where the design life of I&C equipment/components is less than the
design life of the plant, mid-term, in-situ replacement of the I&C equipment/
components may be warranted. Adequate provisions should be made in the
design, particularly for the in-core components, to facilitate such replacements.
If the equipment function is still required beyond this qualification period,
provision shall be made in design for removal and replacement with qualified


When protective barriers are provided to isolate equipment from possible

environmental effects, the barriers themselves shall be subject to a qualification


The following methods of qualification shall be used, either singly or in

combination, to meet the above objectives:

Performance of a test on the type of equipment to be supplied

Performance of a test on the actual equipment supplied
Use of pertinent past experience in similar applications
Analysis based on reasonable engineering extrapolation of test data or
operating experiences under pertinent conditions

The evidence derived from the chosen method of qualification shall be such
that it shall provide a degree of confidence, commensurate with the importance
of the equipment to nuclear safety.


All equipment shall undergo environmental chamber tests as per specified

portions of IS-9000 or an equivalent standard and a burn-in test for a specified
period to weed out infantile mortality. Shock and vibration tests should also be
included to qualify for transportation and location of equipment.


Equipment required to be operable under seismic conditions shall be qualified

to meet the requirements of AERB/SG/D-23 on Seismic Qualification and IEEE
-344 standard.


Equipment required to be operable under LOCA conditions in the plant shall be

qualified by special tests or in special environmental chambers to meet the
specified LOCA conditions. Cables used inside the containment and the cable
penetrations should also be suitably qualified. Control cables used in
containment building should similarly be qualified refer AERB/SG/D-11.


Control Power Supplies


Electric Power Supplies

The electrical power supplies shall meet the following.

The quality of power supplies (frequency, voltage variation, voltage

surges, ripples etc.) shall be compatible with the requirement of I&C

system and shall meet the same requirements as the I&C system they
serve with respect to classification, qualification, isolation, testability,
maintainability, etc.

Each distribution system shall have sufficient capacity to supply the

required loads under all operating conditions and to withstand the
maximum credible overcurrent, during fault or transient conditions,
without damage or adverse effect on any of its components.

The characteristics of the DC and AC supplies required by individual

loads shall have a margin on the values specified for the output of the
power supply system to allow for deterioration in service and for the
impedance arising out of connections between the load and supply.

Standard distribution voltages shall be chosen to enable a wide range

of equipment to be used. The number of voltage levels should be
minimised to reduce system complexity.

The following systems shall be provided with Uninterrupted Power

Systems (UPS) :

systems important to safety and requiring continuous AC power

for availability during operational states or accident conditions

systems, for which the interruption of power supply may cause

actuation of the protection system.

Systems having redundancy shall be provided with redundant power

supplies meeting the independence requirements as stated in section
3.1. Where a safety critical and a safety-related I&C channel are supplied
by the same power source, the reliability requirements shall be consistent
with that of the safety critical system.

Pneumatic Power Supplies

Certain I&C systems may require non-electric power supplies, such as
instrument air. These power supplies shall meet the availability requirements
of the I&C systems they serve. Functional isolation and physical separation of
these power supplies shall be applied as necessary to meet the independence
requirements of section 3.1.


Field Instrumentation


The mechanical design of the I&C items which form direct part of pressure
boundary shall be as given below:

The design code/safety classification for in-line I&C items like venturies,
thermowells, etc., shall be identical to the process system, wherever

The design code/safety classification of instrument impulse lines shall

be identical to the corresponding process system. However, for impulse
lines less than 25 mm. connected to class I system, class II system (NC)
piping is permitted (refer AERB/SG/D-1). The design of tubing/piping
systems for sensing lines should take into account all the forces and
moments resulting from thermal expansion and contraction and the effects
of expansion joints, if any.

For the installation of instruments on the process equipment or in the

process lines (i.e., venturi tubes, thermowells), effect of flow-induced
vibrations for mechanical integrity as well as performance requirements
shall be considered.

In case of pressure retaining parts of sensors (e.g., bourden tube of

pressure gauge, chambers of pressure transmitters and switches)
mounted in the field, standard manufacturers design can be
accepted, provided compliance to the design intent of ASME code is
demonstrated by analysis or type test.

Separation between redundant instrument sensing lines should be

provided by free air space or barriers, or both, such that no single
can cause the failure of more than one sensing line. This
shall conform
to Nuclear Safety Related Instrument Sensing Line
Piping and Tubing Standards for use in Nuclear Power Plants, ISAS-67.02 or equivalent.
In the absence of any barrier, separation
distance should be at least 450 mm. As an alternative, a suitable steel
or concrete barrier can be

The redundant instruments shall be mounted on independent structures

in the field having adequate physical separation.

The pressure/differential pressure transmitters frequently used for

different safety-related systems should have minimum moving parts
and the fluid-retaining chambers should be so designed that structural
integrity of the chambers is maintained.

In differential pressure electronic transmitters, high pressure and low

pressure chambers shall be isolated properly to ensure that intercompartmental leakage does not occur during the operating life. Also,
the design should be such that drift due to static pressure effect is
minimum and repeatability of this effect should be periodically monitored.
Provision shall be built in the sensor body for draining/venting to enable
easy calibration checks.

It is recognised that intelligent/smart transmitters have unique programming

advantages. However, such transmitters shall be used only after establishing
their software reliability in addition to the above requirements.


Main Control Room

The design of a control room shall provide the operator with accurate, complete
and timely status of the plant and the means for operating the plant safely
under all DBEs.

4.1.1 Layout The control room is the centre where redundant safety and safety-related
channels of instrumentation from the plant converge. To maintain independence
of these channels, separate control equipment rooms should be provided close
to the control room to house the associated redundant channel instrumentation,
meeting all the requirements of redundancy. Since the safety critical systems,
safety related systems and systems not important to safety are all brought
close together in the control room, the layout shall take into account the
requirements for functional isolation and physical separation as stated in section
3.1 besides the ergonomic principles. The location and layout of control room shall ensure adequate protection of
occupants and equipment from hazards such as missile effects from turbine,
crane movements in the vicinity, ventilation intake from contaminated plant
exhausts, etc., which could jeopardise necessary operator action. A separate
survival ventilation system for control room shall be provided to ensure its
habitability in case of any failure or contamination of the normal ventilation
system. Adequate and appropriate level of illumination in control room and on
panel fronts is a prerequisite. The control room shall have direct access,
independent of other plant areas, and have arrangements to guard against
unauthorised entry to or unwarranted occupancy of the control room. In case
of multiple units, control room for each unit should be independent in all respects
as per section 3.1, including survival ventilation system and fire barrier
requirements between the control rooms. Arrangement of panels, displays and
controls should be similar in all the control rooms to facilitate operator familiarity.
Mirror image concept shall not be considered.
4.1.2 Display display facilities shall cover appropriate parameters, consistent with the
assumptions for safety analysis and with the information needs of the operator
during DBEs. Safety-related displays shall be located in the vicinity of the controls to effect
the operator actions, such as control rod raise/lower switches and position
indicators. Displays shall be provided to indicate the status of all safety critical systems
during normal and accident conditions. Parameters relevant to safety under
abnormal or accident conditions should be grouped together for prominent
display. redundant displays are used, they shall be functionally isolated and
physically separated to ensure that a single failure in this device would not
result in a complete loss of information about a monitored variable, e.g., the use
of multiple keyboards/CRT displays. Displays shall be provided for indicating deliberately bypassed or inoperable
conditions of safety channels or groups. A single display channel with a clearly identifiable failure mode is adequate
where the mean time to repair or replace it is less than the tolerable out-ofservice time. Where the trend of a parameter is essential to determine the required operator
action, means shall be provided to display the trend.
4.1.3 Controls Wherever any parameter can be controlled by an I&C system located in the
control room and also from locations outside the control room, the currently
acting control location shall be automatically indicated by visual means (e.g.,
annunciators, indicator lights) in the control room and at the outside locations
of the safety-related equipment controls. Such transfer of control from control
room to local areas or vice-versa shall be with permission from the control room
operator and the transfer switch for the same should be located in the control
room. The control room should include all the controls necessary to deal with those
accident conditions where

performing of necessary controls outside the control room may be limited

by the accident conditions; and

time constraints for dealing with the accident conditions may prevent
the operator from leaving the control room to operate controls in other
4.1.4 Alarms Audio-visual alarm shall be provided in control room to attract immediate
attention of operator. The annunciations and logging of alarms in the control
room shall provide information on the key parameters required by the operator
to identify any abnormal condition and to follow their trends. The selection of
these key plant parameters and their display should take the following into

identifying the particular abnormality.

indicating that the required safety actions are being taken.
monitoring the course of abnormality and effectiveness of safety actions. annunciations can be provided by hard-wired windows (window
annunciators) or by CRT displays, etc. Considering control panel space and operator fatigue, the number of window
annunciations should be limited. Detachable engraved alarm plates, wherever
used, should be so designed that unintended interchange is avoided, such as
by labelling. All window annunciators should be latched and reset with only
operator action. Large number of annunciations may be covered on the CRT displays. In the
event of a near simultaneous occurrence of alarms, the CRT displays or printouts
facilitate logging the sequence of their occurrence and prove an aid to analyse
the event. The key parameters, which are important to plant safety, should be annunciated
in the window boxes to facilitate an uninterrupted display. The parameters
which are not directly related to the plant safety but are important from the
point of view of certain equipment safety may be covered by CRT display only,
so as to optimise the total number of window boxes in the control room. Means shall be provided to permit the operator to acknowledge the alarms for
abnormal states and clear the alarm when they return to normal state. Alarms
may be muted before they are acknowledged. The computerised alarm analysis method, if used, shall be qualified and should
not result in suppression of information necessary for the operator to
understand the location and potential consequences of the malfunctions.

Accident Monitoring

4.2.1 Information display for monitoring postulated DBEs in the plant shall be provided
in the main control room and as necessary at the back-up control room/points,
to verify

that the reactor is shut down and remains shut down;

that the decay heat is being removed;
that any designated barrier in the containment isolation system (e.g.,
isolation dampers) for the release of radioactivity to the public is in
place and continues to remain in place;

whether conditions within the plant warrant emergency measures to be

taken by authorities outside the boundary of the plant.

Means shall be provided for monitoring any off-normal radiological parameters

inside the containment and also the iodine and tritium activities.

4.2.3 Accident monitoring equipment, including cables and accessories, shall be

capable of operating in the environment present at the time of need and for the
period of time needed. The ranges of measurement of selected key parameters
shall extend to values which may be reached during events that challenge
barriers to the release of materials from the fuel, primary system or containment
or result in release of materials from one or more of these barriers.
4.2.4 The accident monitoring facility shall be designed to enable it to perform its role
despite the failure of any single information display channel.
4.2.5 Where the accident monitoring facility utilises instrumentation for other purposes,
e.g., for the protection system or for normal operation, the instrument

ranges and the equipments environmental qualification shall be reviewed to confirm

that the requirements established for these other purposes are also adequate
for accident monitoring purposes.
4.2.6 Accident monitoring displays shall be specifically identified on control panels.
4.2.7 The accident monitoring system shall have provisions for printing out or otherwise
recording the information relevant to accident analysis, so that it can be
effectively used for accident control and emergency measures during and
following accident conditions and may be retrieved for later use in the analysis
of an accident.
4.2.8 Means shall be incorporated to provide adequate data to the emergency
facilities without undue interference in control room activities during an
emergency situation.
4.2.9 Station black out (SBO) is a unique situation, for which, means shall be
provided for achieving the above objectives by manual operations, and if
necessary, controlled by properly laid procedures. Adequate operator aids to
indicate plant status and to monitor the plant safety- related parameters like
plant power, PHT temperature, steam generator level, moderator level shall be
provided under these conditions. Independent sensors and support I&C
equipment for this purpose, as may be necessary, should be provided with
dedicated battery backup to last the stipulated SBO.

Human Machine Interface

4.3.1 In design of control room, conditions for optimal human performance should be
considered with due regard to general human characteristics and those specific
to the operator population. The anthropometric and ergonomic considerations
of the latter may be specific to a nation and may have to be evolved.

The following design goals shall be met taking human factors into consideration:

Displays and controls should be arranged to optimise the operators

understanding of the plant status and minimise the movements
required for him to control the plant.

When parameters require redundant or diverse displays as a means for

counter-checking the information, alternative sources of information
should be located so that the operator can, with minimum movement,
use all sources available in arriving at a conclusion.

A simple convention should be established to provide consistency in

the operation of controls that perform similar functions. For example, all
pump switches could be arranged with rotary switches, which turn the
pump on when the switch is rotated clockwise. There should be a
uniform convention in the use of colours, position indicators in the
control room, push-button positions on instruments, and use of audio
alarms. Where similar instruments or controls with related but different
purposes are placed close together, means should be provided for the
operator to readily distinguish one from the other, e.g., handles of
different shapes, sizes or colours, distinctive labels, etc.

Functional grouping of panel elements and appropriate mimic diagrams

should be considered in laying out the panel.

Audible or visual differentiation should be used to enable the operator

to distinguish between various general classes of alarms.

In the control room, the office of shift charge engineer/assistant shift

charge engineer should be so located as to provide a clear vision of all
the control room panels. A provision of operator information system
computer terminal in the office to facilitate ON DEMAND display
regarding the status of plant key parameters, is a desirable feature.

Identified special tool-kits needed for specific operations should be

kept in readiness, both in the main control room as well as in the backup control room.

Back-up Control Room/Points


A back-up control room (BCR) shall be provided to accomplish the following

safety functions, in the event of inability to carry out these functions from the
main control room:

safe shut down of the reactor

removal of decay heat

containment of radioactivity
monitoring of plant parameters, including radiological parameters, to
ensure that the above functions are being carried out

Such situations may arise because of

equipment damage in the main control room, or

inhabitability of the main control room. It is preferable that all the required instrumentation and control equipment for
the above be located in the BCR, which is physically and electrically separated
from the main control room. Some of the identified control and monitoring
facilities may also be distributed to identified areas of the plants like switchgear area, motor control centre area, emergency DG room, etc., and called
back-up control points (BCPs), from where safety tasks may be performed,
based on the information available at the BCR.

The cause for non-availability of MCR shall not be a common cause for nonavailability of BCR/BCPs.

4.4.5 The above monitoring and control functions from the BCR shall meet the
requirements of single failure criteria.

It is not required to be able to perform from BCR all the control and monitoring
functions, primarily carried out from the main control room during DBEs. As a
minimum, the following facilities shall be available at BCR/BCPs:

controls for :

- diverse shut down systems;

- steam discharge valves to atmosphere;
- fuelling machine supply pumps and associated valves from BCP;
- auxiliary boiler feed pumps and associated valves from BCP;
- emergency diesel generator from BCP;
- shutdown cooling pumps and associated valves from BCP.

indications for :

neutron power;

PHT pressure and temperature;

PHT storage tank level;

moderator level and temperature;

steam generator level and pressure;

containment pressure and temperature;

containment radiation level;

containment isolation damper positions;

atmospheric steam discharge valves (ASDVs) state;

secondary shutdown system (SSS)/SDS-2 bank-in;

liquid poison injection system (LPIS) actuation;

channel trip status of both shutdown systems;

fuelling machine pump and associated valves state;

auxiliary boiler feed water pump and associated valves state.


Dedicated sensors and power supplies should be provided for monitoring the
parameters necessary for ensuring the above in order to achieve functional
independence from the main control room. Alternately, adequate isolation
devices shall be used and the cable routing to the BCR/BCPs and location of
the isolation devices should conform to requirements for independence from
main control room.


Adequate physical separation between the main control room and BCR/BCPs
shall be provided so that no common cause DBE renders both the controls
ineffective at the same time.


The BCR/BCPs must be conveniently located so that the operators abandoning

the main control room are able to move safely and easily to the BCR/BCPs. Two
diverse access routes should be provided to the BCR, one of them for easy
approach directly from the main control room.

4.4.10 The design shall allow adequate time for the operator to reach the BCR/BCPs
and assess plant conditions for initiating necessary control actions.
4.4.11 The ventilation system for BCR/BCPs shall be independent of that for the main
control room to avoid loss of habitability in both areas due to a common cause
ventilation system failure.
4.4.12 A battery-powered emergency lighting system shall be continuously available
to provide sufficient illumination for access and performance of the tasks by
the operator, for a specified period.
4.4.13 Manual controls at BCR/BCPs should be accomplished by simple actions, e.g.,
operating a switch, pressing a button, etc.
4.4.14 Adequate displays shall be provided by means of indicating meters and
annunciating lamps to cover the effectiveness of the functions performed from
this area.
4.4.15 Arrangement of displays and controls on panels should be generally similar to
that in the main control room to facilitate operator familiarity in an emergency.
4.4.16 In case a computer-based operator information system exists and the associated
computer and functional hardwares are not located in the main control room, a
CRT of this system may be provided in this area and adequately buffered from
similar facilities in the main control room.
4.4.17 The design of BCR shall prevent unauthorised access and use.
4.4.18 The master control for putting into service of the BCR should be located in the
main control room.
4.4.19 Whenever the control is transferred to BCR, it should be displayed both in the
main control room and BCR.
4.4.20 For multiple units, separate BCRs shall be provided.


5.1 Appropriate visual and/or audible alarms shall be provided at identified locations
throughout the plant to warn site personnel about off-normal conditions, such
as high radiation in local areas, shielding doors/valves status, etc., and to
enable them to take proper actions.
5.2 Voice communications between the main control room, BCR/BCPs, other identified
plant locations and off-site emergency services are vital to safety, particularly
under anticipated operational occurrences or accident conditions.
Communications between such locations shall be provided with two, preferably
diverse, communication links (e.g., self-powered telephones, battery-operated
telephones, hand-held portable radios). These communication links shall be
routed in such a way that fires, electrical system failures and other applicable
postulated initiating events (PIEs) cannot incapacitate both the systems
simultaneously. It should also be ensured that such systems do not interfere
with the functioning of other systems and equipment.


The design of the I&C systems shall be documented. In addition to the design
features, design requirements of each system must be clearly specified. These
should include functional requirements, performance requirements, requirements
for interfaces with other plant systems, operator-interface requirements, fault
tolerance requirements, behaviour under single failure/partial system operation
(such as during testing and repair of a redundant equipment/channel), selfdiagnostic features, requirements for equipment testing and maintenance, etc.
The documentation shall also include the following:

The design basis of each system, including its safety-related duties

and the PIEs and plant conditions to which those safety-related duties

A list of applicable codes, standards or guides to be complied with

when designing each system.

A description of the range, accuracy and response time expected of

each channel.

The functions provided by each I&C channel including indicators, alarms

and control characteristics.

A description of the environmental conditions in which each component

is required to operate, including normal conditions, anticipated
operational occurrences and accident conditions.

A specification of the power supply from which each system operates.

Verification of the qualification of identified components for reliability.

These design documents should be suitably updated during all phases of plant
life cycle, as in the case of design, fabrication, commissioning and operation.




Programmable digital systems (or computer-based systems) are employed to

perform control and operator information functions in a number of safety-related
applications in the plant. The programmable nature of these systems, coupled
with discrete logic implementation, raises additional issues, which are required
to be considered during their design, implementation and use as well as for their
assessment and licensing. The digital hardware implementation and software
programmability of these systems can make them very sensitive even to minor
programming errors or hardware faults. These systems require more rigorous
analysis and testing because the concepts of continuity and interpolation are
not applicable in the same way as for analogue hardwired systems. Because of
the above reasons, for ensuring safety and reliability of these systems, a
methodology that is different from that prevalent for hardwired electronic
systems is required.


The faults, usually termed as software errors in these systems, are the result
of errors in communication of system requirements, by system designer and
errors in the software architecture design implementation. Processes like wear
out, degradation and environmental effects do not apply to software. Hence,
reliability of programmable digital systems can only be demonstrated through a
systematic, fully documented and reviewable engineering process during their
design, integration and commissioning. There is, thus, an added emphasis on
complete and total documentation for all software-based I&C systems to
establish conformance to system requirements, as well as to enable verification
and validation.


The documentation may fall under two categories, viz. system requirements
and implementation methodologies.


The programmable digital systems implemented in the plant are parts of overall
I&C of plant processes. The requirements of these systems are determined
based on the overall requirements of the plant processes and their interfaces
with other plant equipment, as well as for operation and maintenance. This

section concentrates on the process of determining requirements, which are used for
their design and for validation of their implementation. The guidance for
implementation methodology of computer-based systems are covered in safety
guide AERB-SG-D-25 on Computer-based Safety Systems.

Requirement Specifications of Programmable Digital Systems


An accurate and clear description of system requirements must be prepared as

system requirements document (SRD) before design of the system. This
description must be comprehensive and easy to use, in order to enable
verification of the adequacy of the computer system, define the specifications
of the tests and the software specifications for the required tasks, which validate
the system when the design is complete. The elucidation of these requirements
is an important early step of the design because errors and deficiencies at this
level will have an impact on all later stages of the design and may prove too
costly to correct.


The requirements enumerated in the SRD cover general system functions, system
context and operating modes and deal with the computer-based system as a
black box. These include functional requirements, performance requirements
and interface requirements with other systems in the plant as well as humancomputer interface. The requirements also cover safety, reliability and security
aspects and provide fault tolerance, diagnostics and self-supervision, as also
maintainability and environmental conditions. The SRD establishes the QA
plan and provides requirements for verification and validation of the system as
well as the acceptance criteria for the same. The system safety requirements are
worked out depending on the results of plant safety analyses, which are based
on postulated initiating events and safety criteria to be met. Detailed guidance
for preparation of SRD is provided in safety guide AERB-SG-D-25.


Software should be well developed and documented through a controlled

engineering process.


Types of Programmable Digital Systems


There are various types of implementations for programmable digital systems.

Such systems can be employed in different categories of applications to perform
functions such as data acquisition, information display and storage and closed

loop control. The design, implementation, assessment and licensing of these

systems have to be commensurate with the special requirements of each category
of application and type of the system selected.

The various types of systems can be broadly classified based on their

implementation, as follows:

Embedded systems
Microprocessor-based custom-built systems
Programmable logic controllers
PC-based systems
Distributed/networked systems.

One or a combination of the above types of systems may be chosen to meet a

system function, with due consideration to the safety and reliability
requirements. The generic requirements of I&C systems as outlined in section
3 of this guide are equally applicable for these systems also.


Embedded Systems
The embedded systems are generally microcontroller-based function modules,
which have limited flexibility to select functional configuration and parameters.
These are basically processing modules with embedded software, which have
communication interfaces and/or analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue
interfaces to connect to other modules. These modules are easier to test because
of their limited functionality, if sufficient inner details are available. However,
their self-diagnosis and fault tolerance capabilities are very limited, unless they
are part of a distributed system.


Microprocessor-based Custom-built Systems

These systems are generally configured by using boards from a family of realtime industrial microcomputer boards. The hardware and software of these
systems can be designed to be simple and specific to the requirements of the
application, thus minimising chances of errors. It also enables availability of
full functional and implementation details for review and analysis. Even though
the individual cards used in these systems may be employed in several

applications, the specific architecture and software is custom-built and, hence, requires
rigorous analysis and testing. In these types of systems, prototype testing
using a dynamic simulator may become necessary.

Programmable Logic Controllers

The programmable logic controllers are general purpose, programmable process
control and information systems which are available off-the-shelf (OTS). The
hardware and software of these systems are modular and configurable for various
types of applications. These modules may be proven by their sufficient usage
in the process industry. However, since these modules have to cater to a
variety of real-time applications, they often have extra functionalities, which are
not required in the specific application, thus increasing complexity. In addition,
for these modules, only overall functional and interface requirements are
available and full implementation details are not available, thus restricting scope
of review and analysis.


Distributed/Networked Systems
Plant-wide networked system configurations are being employed in most of the
modern plants involving control and operator information. These systems can
be built by using two types of architectures. In the first type, individual systems
connected in the network perform specific plant system function including
monitoring, control and/or operator information tasks. In the second type,
individual modules in the network perform different system function such as
acquisition, control or operator information and hence, a specific system function
is achieved by interaction of these modules. The independence requirements
as well as the types of failure modes and their consequences have to be
thoroughly analysed for the type of architecture selected.


Design and Implementation Requirements

The design and implementation of programmable digital systems utilise SRD as
the input and follow a systematic and well-documented multi-stage process.
The stages in this process broadly cover architectural design, verification and
validation planning, hardware design, software design, software coding, module
level and integrated software testing, system integration, overall system
commissioning and validation testing. Stage-by-stage verification and formal

validation based on system requirements, configuration management (i.e. version

control) during all the stages of development as well as during use are some of
the essential features of implementation. Since these aspects of programmable
digital systems require a different and elaborate treatment, these are covered in
the safety guide AERB/SG/D-25.


ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, code of practice on Design for

Safety in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors Basd Nuclear Power Plants,
AERB/SC/D, Mumbai, India (1989).


ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, safety guide on Safety Classification

and Seismic Categorisation for structures, systems and components of
Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors, AERB/SG/D-1, Mumbai, India (2003).


ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, safety guide on Safety Critical

Systems, AERB/SG/D-10, Mumbai, India (under preparation).


ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, safety guide on Computer based

Safety Systems, AERB/SG/D-25, Mumbai, India (under preparation).


ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, safety guide on Fire Protection in

Pressurised Heavy Water Based Nuclear Power Plants, AERB/SG/D-4, Mumbai,
India (1999).


ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, safety guide on Radiation Protection

in Design, AERB/SG/D-12, Mumbai, India (under preparation).


ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, safety guide on Primary Heat

Transport System for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors, AERB/SG/D-8,
Mumbai, India (2003).


ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, safety guide on Core Reactivity

Control in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors, AERB/SG/D-7, Mumbai, India


ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, safety guide on Fuel Handling and

Storage Systems for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors, AERB/SG/D-24,
Mumbai, India (2002).


ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, safety guide on Protection against

Internally Generated Missiles and Associated Environmental Conditions, AERB/
SG/D-3, Mumbai, India (under preparation).


ATOMIC ENERGY REGULATORY BOARD, safety guide on Emergency Electric

Power Supply Systems for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors, AERB/SG/D-11,
Mumbai, India (2001).



Qualification, AERB/SG/D-23, Mumbai, India (under preparation).


Dates of meeting:

August 25, 1995

November 15, 1995
December 1, 1995
April 9, 1996
June 18, 1996
July 2, 1996
October 29, 1996
November 19 & 20, 1996
February 6, 2000

January 3, 1997
January 17, 1997
January 29, 1997
February 25, 1997
May 20, 1997
August 21, 1997
January 20, 1998
February 26, 1998
September 12, 2000

Members of the working group:

Shri K. Natarajan (Chairman)

NPCIL (Former)

Shri S.A. Bharadwaj


Shri Umesh Chandra


Shri B.B. Biswas


Shri Ravi Prakash


Dr. S. Thangasamy


Shri Murali Krishna


Shri R.K. Kulkarni


Shri S.N. Rao


Shri K.C. Subramanya

AERB (Former)

Shri A. Ramakrishna (Member-Secretary)




Dates of meeting:

June 27, 1996

September 29 & 30, 1997
November 3, 1997
July 20, 1998
February 7&8, 2000
September 14, 2000

Members of ACCGD :
Shri S.B. Bhoje (Chairman)


Shri S. Damodaran

NPCIL (Former)

Prof. N. Kannan Iyer

IIT Bombay

Shri V.K. Mehra


Shri Umesh Chandra


Shri Deepak De


Shri S. Sankar


Shri C.N. Bapat


Shri S.A. Bhardwaj


Dr. S.K. Gupta


Shri K. K. Vaze


Shri S.A. Khan (Member-Secretary)



Date of meeting:

2 August, 2002

Members of ACNS :
Shri Ch. Surendar (Chairman)
Shri S.K. Sharma
Dr. V. Venkat Raj
Shri R.K. Sinha
Shri S.S. Bajaj
Shri S.P. Singh
Shri Ramesh D. Marathe
Shri S.K. Agarwal
Shri K. Srivasista (Member-Secretary)


Date of meeting:

AERB (Former)
L&T, Mumbai

28 April, 2001

Members of ACNS :
Shri S.K. Mehta (Chairman)
Shri S.M.C. Pillai
Prof. U.N. Gaitonde
Shri S.K. Goyal
Shri Ch. Surendar
Shri S.K. Sharma
Dr. V. Venkat Raj
Dr. U.C. Mishra
Shri S.P. Singh
Shri G.K. De
Shri K. Srivasista (Member-Secretary)


BARC (Former)
Nagarjuna Power Corporation, Hyderabad
IIT Bombay
BHEL, Hyderabad
NPCIL (Former)
BARC (Former)
AERB (Former)
AERB (Former)



Safety Series No..


Code of Practice on Design for Safety in Pressurised Heavy

Water Based Nuclear Power Plants

AERB/NPP-PHWR/ Safety Classification and Seismic Categorisation for Structures,

Systems and Components of Pressurised Heavy Water

Structural Design of Irradiated Components


Protection Against Internally Generated Missiles and

Associated Environmental Conditions


Fire Protection in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor Based

Nuclear Power Plants


Design Basis Events for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors

AERB/NPP-PHWR/ Fuel Design for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors

Core Reactivity Control in Pressurised Heavy Water
AERB/NPP-PHWR / Primary Heat Transport System for Pressurised Heavy
Water Reactors

Process Design


Safety Critical Systems


Emergency Electric Power Supply Systems for Pressurised

Heavy Water Reactors


Radiation Protection in Design


Liquid and Solid Radwaste Management in Pressurised

Heavy Water Reactor Based Nuclear Power Plants



Safety Series No..


Code of Practice on Design for Safety in Pressurised Heavy

Water Based Nuclear Power Plants

AERB/NPP-PHWR/ Safety Classification and Seismic Categorisation for Structures,

Systems and Components of Pressurised Heavy Water

Structural Design of Irradiated Components


Protection Against Internally Generated Missiles and

Associated Environmental Conditions


Fire Protection in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor Based

Nuclear Power Plants


Design Basis Events for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors

AERB/NPP-PHWR/ Fuel Design for Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors

Core Reactivity Control in Pressurised Heavy Water
AERB/NPP-PHWR / Primary Heat Transport System for Pressurised Heavy
Water Reactors

Process Design


Safety Critical Systems


Emergency Electric Power Supply Systems for Pressurised

Heavy Water Reactors


Radiation Protection in Design


Liquid and Solid Radwaste Management in Pressurised

Heavy Water Reactor Based Nuclear Power Plants

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