Module-P.E2 Rhythmic A. (Finals1)
Module-P.E2 Rhythmic A. (Finals1)
Module-P.E2 Rhythmic A. (Finals1)
Pedro Rebadulla
Memorial Campus
Name: __________________________ Time: __________________________
Course & Year: __________________ Semester: ______________________
Subject Code: ___________________ Units: _________________________
Description: ____________________ Class ID. ______________________
P.E 2 Rhythmic
Course Facilitator
Age: 21
School where graduated (High school): Catubig valley national High School
Name: ___________________
Paste your 2x2 picture
Birthdate: ___________
Age: _____
Address: ___________________________
In this module 3 you will encounter the following lessons that has got to do with
the so-called concepts of dance or folk dance and these are: Types of dance and the
nature of Philippine folk dance; Special features of Philippine folk dance and some basic
dance terms; and lastly the Basic arms and feet position. The module has the same
feature with the given module 1 and 2 which you had already took up, it also has learning
task every end of sub-topic or lesson that of course will require you supply or answer
what is/are being asked whether written or you will do it practically with application
provided with documentation but in order to do so of course you need to have some
readings on the module content and if needed, you are also required to go further
research or reading in order to gain the needed ideas. Always remember that the pre-
requisite of module 3 are the modules 1 and 2 which means you are required to
accomplish first the modules 1 and 2 before having this one the module 3.
Learning Outcomes: upon the completion of this module, you will be able to:
Discuss the Types of Dance and the nature of Philippine Folk Dance
Value the Nature of Philippine Folk Dance
Explain the Special Features of Philippine Folk dance
Discuss some common dance/folk dance terminologies.
Execute the basic Fundamental Dance Positions.
There was a hospital that prescribed dancing to its patients. The patients
responded and there was dancing in the hospital. It was found effective; the patients
sweated out and there was a feeling of fulfillment. Dance has a therapeutic effect to the
Mario B. Adajar (Course Facilitator)
dancers. It is only hard to explain why it gives such effect to the performers when the
pure acts of stamping, jerking, jumping and tumbling are tedious and tiresome. Yet, if
the same acts are performed as accompaniment to music, they do not simply heal some
pain; they give satisfaction and success.
The therapeutic effect of dancing may reside on the movements like turning,
jerking, stepping in and out and so on. Its delightful quality is brought about by the
music accompanying the movements or movements accompanying the music or its
aspect maybe brought about through the simple fact that dancers are dancing. The iteral
meaning, “sayaw”, one will discover its roots saya – happy. Saya or happy plus the word
“damson” means stretching results to dance.
Happiness in doing it and its healthy effect to the performers made dancing
surpass the ages. Before men learned to write, before they learned to manufacture any
rudiment of their hunting tool, they worshipped their gods and, in the worships, dance
was the center. Technology changed very rapidly, but man’s passion to dance did not
change. It went well with time. It came into existence at the time man inhabited the
planet although this claim was almost discarded as studies hypothesized that other
forms of higher animals were seen to be dancing.
Men dance as a form of religious ceremony. They also dance to express a feeling
usually happiness. They dance as an instinctive response to music played nearby. A girl
could not hold herself from dancing on hearing any danceable tune. An old man peering
down at his coffee cup could not hold himself from tapping his fingers on the table or his
feet on the floor. Dancing is anywhere and anytime. As long as there is life, there is
1. Folk Dance. It usually deals with traditional representation belonging to the past.
Its cultural characteristics are specific to the people of a given time and place. The
people and the place may not be exact but its origin could be assumed. For
instance, if dance says something about rice planting, then its origin could be
deduced to be a rice planting place. Folk dance also has national items particularly
the costume. It is universal.
2. Ethnic Dance. It is a kind of folk dance where the theme reflects on a very specific
people or ethnic. It is specific so that viewers could immediately perceive the
particular ethnic or tribe it implies. For instance, in watching the Singkil dance,
audience could immediately classify it as originally developed in Mindanao because
3. Creative Dance. Art experts consider this type of dance the highest; it is the sum
up of every human undertaking to produce a well-defined dance. basic
movements and physical actions could be considered dance, more particularly, if
accompanied by music. But it is not as simple as dance and music. In a creative
dance, there is a well-defined opening and well-defined ending. The actions are
expressions of the dancers’ grace and refinement. Movements are counted and
measured so as to meet the expected results. In the creative dance, for example,
that picture out troubles of the Philippines as caused by factions between rebels
and military, Christian and non-Christian, the dance starts with Inang Bayan
collecting flowers in an atmosphere of extreme peace and richness of the country.
Then a roaring helicopter is heard that startles Inang Bayan; then there come the
soldiers, and rebels firing at her. Next there came the Muslim and Christian priests
pulling Inang Bayan to take her. She sis tired, distorted, abused and dreadful.
Slowly she gropes herself and begins to stand up languid and feeble yet she
succeeds. At first, she fails then she stands again. Those men, the soldiers, rebels
and priests come to unite guiding Inang Bayan to start again. The dance ends Inang
Bayan retrieving her beauty and peace.
6. Modern Dance. Isadora Duncan started some dance movements that deviated
from the old ballet. Her style was well-emphasized on the movements that began
from the center of the body.
8. Singing Dance. It is performed in accordance with the rhythm of the music. Its
steps are simple yet it requires skills and enough training to develop the meaning
of the rhythm into dance.
Mario B. Adajar (Course Facilitator)
Learning Task # 1
How would you explain “Saya” as ‘Sayaw” in connection to the history of dance?
# 2 Explore
Gymnastic Dance
Folk Dance
Children would appreciate the folk dances more if these are available to them.
7. ___________________________
Special Feature
Generally Philippine folk dances are performed in pairs, although they are also
performed in a troupe.
Most of the times movements are supported by the hands.
(For the Basic Dance terms, please refer on your Module 2 lesson/sub-topic 2.4)
1. A spring from one-foot landing 2. To bring the foot forcibly and
on the other foot in any noisily on the floor with or
direction. without transfer of weight.
4. Moving the hand from the wrist
3. To turn with the ball, heel or
whole foot on a fixed place or either in a clockwise or
point. counterclockwise direction.
5. An act of sweeping the foot
against the floor
The basic information intended for this lesson or subtopic is already given in your
module 2 subtopic 2.3.
This will now serve as a review and in order to fully master and memorize the basics
when it come to the movements in rhythmic activities, you are advice to go back in your
module 2 lesson 2.3.
Learning Task
Arrange Accordingly
Instructions. Arrange the following arms and feet position accordingly, use only numbers in
determining the
sequence. Write your answer on the space provided adjacent to the picture.
5. ______
To be more particular in this short explanation on the meaning of dance, it is an art with these features:
first, it is a physical expression of feeling usually accompanied with music. Second, it is a movement in unison
with the rhythm. Third, it is unison of mind and body with a subtle expression of the subtle. Finally, it is a natural
human way of expression.
De Dios, Concordia et al. Physical Education 2 Rhythmic and Dance Modules, Far Eastern University 2006
Mike, Kurt and Brett Brungardt. “The complete book of shoulders and Arms”, New York; Harper Perennial 1997 (characteristics of Philippine folk dances)
The module 4 shall introduce you with the following sub-topics and or lessons and
these are: Basic information of some Philippine dances (folk dances) from regions;
Selected Ballroom dances; and History of dances in the three well known countries. Just
like the three previous modules which you had encountered, this module will also
require you to answer and or supply each of the subtopic learning task whether it will be
on written task and or performance task supported with pictures and videos for
documentation. It is a must to follow every instruction given so that you and the module
will go hand in hand in a smooth relationship.
Learning Outcomes: upon the completion of this module, you will be able to:
Discuss the basic information of the given selected folk dances particular in some
selected regions.
Value the importance of folk dance in the development of the Philippine dances’
Discuss the basics in studying Waltz and Cha-cha
Appreciate the beauty of Waltz and Cha-cha
Execute some basic steps of Waltz and Cha-cha
Explain the History of dance particular in the three selected countries
- Thailand
- China
- Korea
Appreciate the history of dance/s with the tree selected countries.
It is a Spanish word which English equivalent could be lovable,
affectionate, amorous or other word that refers to a description of a loving
person. It is one of the known dances of the Philippines. It has a number of
variations but, the flirting acts are universal. The hide and seek is an
Picture of carinos important flirting move of this dance.
They say this is a courtship dance, but watching at its performance one
could not simply see courtship. One could see an item of flirtation. Carinosa
which is usually performed in some social gatherings originated in Albay
specifically in Rapu-rapu
Boys: Barong Tagalog and any color pants, handkershief hanging on the packet.
Girls: Balintawak dress or patadyong and camisa, a fan hanging at the right side of the waits.
Arrangement: At about six feet apart partners stand opposite each other. Girls stand at the right side of the
boys while facing the audience. Any number of pairs could participate in this dance.
The word refers to the people of the tagalog regions. The same
refers to the dance developed by these people’
Arrangement: At a distance of six feet partners stand opposite each other. When facing the audience, the girl
stands at the right side of the boy.
Arrangement: Facing the audience the dancers stand about four feet
between each other forming a circle.
This is another dance from the Ilocano areas believed to be
originated from the non-Christian Filipinos. There are indications of the
particular place of the Ilocano area where the dance is performed. The
short description below is found in Abra.
Picture of sakuting
Boys: Barong tagalog and black pants, each has a one and a half
feet long taper to produce sound which
end appears like candle.
Girls: Balintawak dress
Arrangement: Dancers are arranged according to their hight. The smallest are placed in front. Partners satnd
opposite each other. Four couples would do but additional number is still allowed.
Give the effect of “Colonization” to the dance stocks and style of the Philippines.
This dance started in Germany; it comes from the word “ walzen”,
means to revolve. Its beauty comes from the grace of dancers making the
turning evolving; there is a swift gliding turn. In Austria it is termed
Picture of waltz drecher, lauder and detsher. Involvement of the close embrace is another
important feature of this dance. the Viennese waltz became more
popular in 1819, by Carl Maria Von Webers, he loved classical music.
Facing each other, the partners stand with shoulders parallel and toes pointed forward. This is a close
position known as “waltz position.” Man’s left hand clasped with the lady’s right. The right hand is around the
lady’s waist, while her right is rested shoulder.
Another Latin America’s contribution dance, cha-cha originally
came from Cuba is considered the descent of Mambo. It is easy to
perform because the music has a definite beat. Although it is easy to
learn, it is still an art which requires the dancers to master it before they
Picture of cha-cha achieve the best and most attractive performance.
Cha-cha has two ways to count rhythm such as; one, two, three
and four or, one, two one and two. It has these positions: closed, open
promenade and arch turn. The close position in cha-cha is not different
from the other dances. While facing approximately close to each other,
partners hold each other’s hand. Man holds the right hand of the lady while the lady’s left hand particularly her
palm is placed on the man’s shoulder. The promenade is also known as “V” shape position. This big “V” position
is achieved with the right hip of the man and the lady’s left hip in contact at the point of “ V.” The left side of the
man and the lady’s right side. The arch – Turn position is done with the lady turning right the man to the left
individually of together. The arch is formed by joining left hand of the man, and right of the lady.
Basic Cha-cha
Mario B. Adajar (Course Facilitator)
Steps Man Lady Counts
1 Left foot steps forward Right foot steps backward 1
2 Right foot steps in place Left foot steps in place 2
3 Three steps moving forward, left, Three steps moving backward, right, left, 1 and 2
right, left right
4 Right foot steps backward Left foot steps forward 1
5 Left foot steps in place Right foot steps in place 2
6 Three steps moving forward Three steps moving backward, left, right, 1 and 2
Cross Rock
For better understanding of the given dances above, you are advised to watched each of the dance basic steps
on YouTube together with the following dances:
Learning Task
Directions. What’s your thoughts and perceptions after you have watched to the basic steps’ videos on the given
dances. Which dance did you enjoy the most? Write it on the given boxes below.
Favorite edance
This is one of the oldest countries in the world. Being old it has a traditional that
dates back to time when shores of her neighboring countries has not been stepped by a
human foot. It is an old country with an old tradition. Dance is one of the old traditions.
The Chinese people had practiced opera long before other people of the world see an
act performed on stage.
Chinese dances are classified into four. This include agricultural ceremonial,
dramatic and martial. In ancient china, dancing is a form of duty conducted in the courts
of the royal families. Being a duty, it belonged to the slaves.
One source of scholarly work about the history of Chinese dance is the remaining
ceramic artifacts. Several studies had been using these artifacts and one common
finding is that people of the Neolithic Yangshao had a dance culture. Researchers saw
fighters in the artifacts. The figurines present a choreographed group in the dance.
There are figures of locked arms and stamped feet. There is a singer accompanying the
dancers and instrument accompanying the singers.
It was said and recorded that during the Shang and Chou periods, dances in
china were divided into two. One division belonged to the civilian group while the other
belonged to the military. The civilian group of dancers is identified by the feather
banners in the dancers’ head. These banners as the tradition says are symbols of the
day’s hunting and fishing. They the banners signify distribution of the catch of the day.
There is another group, a large one. The dances are carrying weapons. They are
in the posture to move forward and backward. These movements in the latter part of
china’s history were carried on by the military, but this time it is no longer a simple dance
form. The movements are choreographed as a form of exercise. These are dances which
are also used as expression to their veneration of the spirits, a thanks giving for the
goodness the people received.
Unlike other country particularly japan, chin did not close her door to the
foreigners. Other people from various countries came to china. There was an endless
Mario B. Adajar (Course Facilitator)
intercultural borrowing. The Chinese merged with the non-Chinese culture. Dance in
china developed weather it is pure Chinese or not. In the Tang Dynasty a culture took its
height until the Pear Garden Academy was founded. It emerged during the dynasty
along with the imperial Academy and the T’ ai-ch’ang Temple that attracted high caliber
dancers from entire china go there to perform dancing.
In china, there are also folk dances that developed in the various regions. The
Miao or Hmong was developed in southern china. It is a kind of antiphonal singing and
dancing. As influenced by their environment particularly Taiwan which also has its own
thanks giving dance, the hand holding dance performance.
The present periods of china’s dance history still see growing dance styles.
Young generation of Chinese dancers allowed themselves to experiment their own style
yet they always look back at the traditional Chinese dances they believed their root
origin. It is a modern time with modern type of dancing. Under the Martha Graham
School, the Cloud Gate Dance Troupe experiments Chinese dance that absorbed the
traditional style. This dance troupe had performed in many parts of the world. It is
china’s dance representative to the international setting.
Art could hardly develop in a country permanently ravaged by war. Up to this
writing the political line between the north and the south is still so strong. This political
division some experts say was caused by the cold war. There was a culture sired by the
educated class yet, war suspended its perfection. There was a Japanese colonization in
Korea, student demonstration and coup de Itat. It was only in the late 80’s when
freedom of expression saw a glimmer of hope after the long captivity by authoritarian
rule. There was a pro-democracy movement that finally put a period to the military
A summary of the modern dance of Korea could be divided into three phases
namely: period of confusion. This was the time when cultural activities were put into
inaction due to the Korean war. Second is period of Exploration; this was the time when
performing artists, particularly the dances attempted to put dance companies. Third is
the period of Stylization, the period when professional Korean dancers began to carve
identities through theater.
Video Clip
Instructions. For your final task in your module 4. Look for the tutorial video clip on
YouTube on the basic steps of “Sakuting dance”.
After watching the video clip, it is now your turn to follow the basic steps you have
watched. Document the said activity by having a video clip of yourself doing the task,
make sure to wear appropriate dress code for Physical education (Use white T-shirt and
any stretchable pants)
The Disk which contains those video clips mentioned must attached in your module for
you and your teacher’s reference.
The Scoring Rubric below will serve as your Reference in doing the task
Learners wear clothes that are comfortable and easy to move around and a pair of
rubber shoes
Description Points
Participation- Did the student give 100% 30
effort in creating the dance video clip
Accuracy- How well did the students 50
perform in the basic steps of the dance
Dramatic Value- Does the student adopt 20
his/her role as a dancer/performer in the
video clip
Why do you think are the factors that provided the
Philippines with soMario
many types
B. Adajar of dances?
(Course Facilitator)
How was it? how’s module 4?
Can you rate your experience with determinant below?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
Mario B. Adajar (Course Facilitator)
Dance is for healing, entertainment and recreation. It is wise to mention that dance is also a means to
improve self-defense. In martial art there is what they call kata. Its execution is exactly a dance. Martial artist
notably the actor Jean Van Calude Damme combined his knowledge in ballet dance to his execution of kata.
Almost 90 percent of the criteria in making judgement of a dance presentation are applied to kata presentation.
Whatever purpose the performance of dance may have, the world had seen several reasons why men
dance. One of which is for recreation. Dance is a of relaxation, a rewinding from the day’s hard work. Second,
men dance for health purposes. In olden times it was used to drive away evils. In the modern times, it may not be
performed to drive away evils, but it is proven to have therapeutic effect to the performers. Third, human dance
to express sexual desire, or dance is used to provoke sex. The dance movie Lambada epitomizes this claim.
De Dios, Concordia et al. Physical Education 2 Rhythmic and Dance Modules, Far Eastern University 2006
Tulio, Dores D. Physical Education 1 For College National Bookstore Mandaluyong City 2008
Encircle the letter of the best answer. Any forms of alteration will be considered incorrect.
Multiple choice Test.
13. A way of courtship in which partners bow to each other, to the audience, opposite dancers, or to the
neighbors with feet together. This is of Spanish origin and is used in almost all Philippine dances.
a. Sarok b. Panadyak c. Salok d. Saludo
14. Supposed you are going to exemplify Agility in skills-related fitness, what would be the activity you are
going to do?
a. 100 m dash b. Hexagon Jump c. Jogging d. Sit & Reach
15. A step which partners advance forward, pass each other’s right (left) side, step across to the right move
backwards without turning around, pass each other left side to proper places.
a. Brush b. Cut c. Do-si-do d. Hop
16. This dance started in Germany; it comes from the word “walzen”, means to revolve.
Mario B. Adajar (Course Facilitator)
a. Waltz b. Tango c. Cha-cha d. Samba
17. Ability to move in a full range of motion.
a. Balance b. Coordination c. Speed d. Flexibility e. Agility
18. Is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports,
occupations and daily activities?
a. Physical Education b. Health-Related Fitness c. Skills-related fitness d. Physical Fitness
19. This refers to the matching of lean mass and fat mass as components of the body. It develops proportion
of the body.
a. Endurance b. Agility c. Power d. Body composition
20. A good program teaches children to follow rules and established procedures and to be responsible for
the own health-related fitness.
a. Improve Physical Fitness c. Health promotion
b. Reduced Risk of heart disease d. Self-discipline
21. Physical activity is an outlet for releasing tension and anxiety.
a. Active lifestyle c. Reduced risk of depression
b. Health promotion d. setting goal
22. What do you called the first gymnastic which the basic purpose was to keep the body in good condition
and to ward off diseases caused by immobility?
a. Yoga b. Con fu c. Arnis d. Taekwondo
23. Serve as a means of expressing one’s emotions through movement disciplined by rhythm. It is an act of
moving rhythmically and expressively to an accompaniment.
a. Physical activities b. Dance activities c. Dance d. Dancing
24. A type of dance where in Art experts consider this type of dance the highest; it is the sum up of every
human undertaking to produce a well-defined dance. basic movements and physical actions could be
considered dance, more particularly, if accompanied by music.
a. Social Dance b. Folk dance c. Creative dance d. Modern dance
25. The word refers to the people of the tagalog regions. The same refers to the dance developed by these
a. Tinikling b. Tagala c. Rigodon d. Salakot
26. What would be the certain exercise or activity for coordination?
a. 3-minute step test b. Standing long jump c. Sit & Reach d. Curl-up e. Paper Juggling
31. Constant practice of sit and reach provides training on flexibility of the legs. These result to ability of the
muscles’ extreme reach.
a. Power b. Flexibility c. Reaction Time d. Agility
Mario B. Adajar (Course Facilitator)
32. Generally, it is the aim of education to develop the emotional skills of the students. Specifically, this aim is
fulfilled in the physical education course.
a. Cognitive b. Knowledge c. Affective d. Psychomotor
33. Served as source of enjoyment for people of all ages. Through these activities, skills and the sense of
rhythm are acquired and developed, feelings are expressed, basic principles of time, space and force can
be experienced.
a. Physical activities b. Motor skills activity c. Rhythmic activities d. Dance activities
34. Refers to the line of movement taken which maybe forward, backward, sideward, diagonal, upward, or a
combination of those mentioned.
a. Direction b. Level c. Range d. Pattern
35. Refers to movement set to music where there emerges organization, structure and pattern. It is a
composition that implies arrangement of parts into a form.
a. Physical activities b. Dance activities c. Dance d. Dancing
36. This refers to those movements in which various parts of the body move in space with a fixed base. The
base may be standing, kneeling, sitting or lying.
a. Flexion b. Non-locomotor c. Pendular d. Locomotor
37. It is the basic function of physical education, to build up physical strength of the person. It develops
organic system of the human body whose outcomes is power to resist fatigue.
a. Cognitive b. Knowledge c. Affective d. Psychomotor
38. The lasting power of the heart, lungs and skeletal muscle as a result of regular exercise such as walking,
jogging, swimming and aerobic dancing is referred to as:
a. Flexibility b. Strength c. Power d. Stamina e. Agility
39. A dance which demands vigorous movements including some stunts so that it is more popular among
boys. It looks both a dance and form of exercise. Its effect to the performers is so great and satisfactory.
a. Social dance b. Gymnastics c. Recreational dance d. Ethnic dance
40. Are traditional dances of a country which were evolved naturally and spontaneously in connection with
everyday activities and experiences of the people who developed them.
a. Social Dance b. Folk dance c. Creative dance d. Modern dance
41. Ability to move quickly from one place to another.
a. Agility b. Coordinationc. Speed d. Flexibility e. Balance
42. What arm position does this step or statement suggests “One arm raised in front as in 1 st position; other
arm raised overhead.”
a. First position b. Second Position c. Third Position d. Fourth position
43. It is about the intellectual capabilities of the persons; particularly physical education which develops the
students’ knowledge to solve problems; it provides understanding of the rules.
a. Cognitive b. Knowledge c. Affective d. Psychomotor
44. They are referred to as the first settlers in nomadic society with highly vested on physical stamina, men
engaged in killing other men to protect themselves from enemies or rough environment.
a. Homo sapiens b. Primitive men c. Modern men d. Homo Habilis
45. The amount of time that a body can take in a certain activity in one pattern.
a. Balance b. Coordination c. Speed d. Flexibility e. Agility