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CV - Firman Islami - Kuliah

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Firman Islami

Student, Writer, Influencer, Teacher, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Organizer,


This paper was updated by Firman Islami on March 2020.

Bandung, Indonesia
Phone : (+62) 81 123 6298
Line-Instagram : firman.islami
Born : Jepara, 28th January 1999
Email : firmanislami28@gmail.com

Institut Teknologi Bandung
Mathematic 2018
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Mathematic 2017 (moved after 2nd semester, GPA: 3.53/4.00)
SMA Negeri 2 Cimahi
The best senior high school in Cimahi
Last Semester Average Score : 87.21/100
Graduation date : 2017
SMP Negeri 1 Cimahi
The best junor high school in Cimahi
National Exam score : 36.85/40.00
Graduation date : 2014
SDN Cibabat Mandiri 1 Cimahi
National Exam score : 28.45/30.00
Graduation date : 2011
• Languages
Bahasa (Native)
English (High Intermediate – based on the score of TOEFL Test : 503, valid till
11th February 2019)
• Computer Skills
Microsoft Office Word, Power Point, Excel (High Intermediate)
Maple, R, Matlab, Python (Intermediate)
Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk Sketchbook, Affinity (High Intermediate)
Adobe Priemere Pro, Filmora, Davinci Resolve (Intermediate)
Social Media Optimization
• Team Work
Lead or leaded in team to reach outstanding results (High Intermediate)
• Public Speaking
Guest Speaker for Leadership, Management, Organization, Self Improvement,
Public Speaking Skills, Optimizing Team, and Motivational Inspirational Training
(High Intermediate)
• Writing
Inspirational story on social media and ITB Character Development (High
• Spiritual
Al - Qur’an reciter (High Intermediate)
Motivational Islamic public speaker (High Intermediate)
Professional/Volunteer Experience
• Jabar Berbagi Event (Gala Asuh Anak Yatim)
Volunteer that take care of 10 orphans from 700 orphans from West Java during
the event. June 2017
• Amal Madani Indonesia
Volunteer as Trainer, and Head of Mentor. Since July 2016
• Sosialisasi Empat Pilar MPR RI
Selected as the committee from Cimahi city at “Sosialisasi Empat Pilar MPR RI”
event. December 2016
• Sejaroh Leadership Center
Trainer and Secretary. January 2015 – June 2016

• Speaker, motivator, and Master of Ceremony

Speaker, motivator, or master of ceremony for more than 100 hours islamic and
youth event. Since June 2015
• Founder of Kelompok Belajar Islami
Organization that has a vision to practice students and produce them to be a
good public speakers, leaders, and organizers in SMAN 2 Cimahi.
June 2016 - December 2016
• Producer and owner of “Gantungan Kunci FPMIPA”
Designing and produce key hook for each study program in Faculty of
Mathematics and Science UPI
Since May 2017
• Reseller of “Risol Bunda”
The most popular huge snack for student in some senior high school of Cimahi.
October 2017 – Mei 2018
• Trainer of “Strategi Menjadi Pribadi Efektif dan Strategi Sukses di
Kampus” Institut Teknologi Bandung
Certified Trainer that used to give motivational workshop for new students in
Since 2018
• Producer and owner of @penaexclusive
Provide custom named exclusive pen with high quality and low budget.
Since February 2020

• Private Teacher – Extracuricular lesson teacher

More than 250 hours teaching experience for elementary, junior, and senior high
school in online (work for Unacademy Indonesia) or offline classes (Tutor
Beasiswa Perintis, G-Smart, International Home Schooling, and Edu van Java).
Since October 2017
• Producer and owner of @penaexclusive
Provide custom named exclusive pen with high quality and low budget.
Since February 2020
Achievements / Awards / Scholarships
• First Champion of Research Paper Competition AEROCREATION ITB
2017 (National Competition)
Selected as the best team in the final competition that held by Faculty of Machine
and Aerial Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology (FTMD ITB) from all
participants of Indonesia. January 2017
• First Champion of Smart and Accurate Competition about Drugs
(Provinces Competition)
Selected as the best team from 20 school participants from West Java at “Aksi
Sekolah Bersih Narkoba” event that held by BNN of West Java Province. 2015
• Runner Up of Smart and Accurate Competition to Discuss about
Indonesia Issues (Provinces Competition)
Selected as the 2nd best team from 20 school participants from West Java at
“Parade Cinta Tanah Air” event that held by Defence and Security Ministry of
Indonesia. September 2015
• Runner Up of Basketball Boys Team Competition (City Competition)
Selected as the 2nd best team from 20 school participants from Cimahi city at
“Kejuaraan Olahraga Pelajar Cimahi” event that held by Youth, Sport, and
Educational Ministry of Cimahi City. April 2015
• Perintis Salman ITB Scholarship
This scholarships are given to 150 students in West Java and selected by fourth
times elimination process from about 3000 registrator. June 2017
• First Place Story Writing Competition “Cerita TPBCup ITB)
This competetion was held by the student executive in Institut Teknologi
Bandung for all of new student. 2018

Organizational / Leadership Experiences

Head of Salman Spiritual Camp 24
Head of national Islamic seminar that joined by more than 250 participant and
30 teammates.
Head of Leadership Division
Head of Leadership Division at Student Council that responsible to straighten up
the quality of students leadership in the school. 2016-2017
Head of Logistic Division
Head of Logistic Division at some event like the art concert, sport competition
in the school, etc. that responsible to choose the best quality of all equipment
that we use in those event. 2016-2017
Head of Cadre Division
Head of Cadre Division at the Islamic Extraculicular Activity in the school that
responsible to rise the capability and happiness of member of those Extra.
Head of Agent BNN for Cimahi City

Head of Agent BNN for Cimahi at the Cimahi city that responsible to reduce
the amount of student that use something like drugs, alcohol, etc. 2015-2016
Leader of Student Council
Leader of Student Council at First Cimahi Junior High School (SMPN 1 Cimahi).
Leader of Islamic Extraculicular Activity
Leader of Islamic Extraculicular Activity (Kelompok Study Islam) in SMPN 1
Cimahi. 2013

Courses/Exchange/Conference/ Seminar Experiences

UPI Entrepreneuship Seminar
Program by BEM REMA UPI 2017 to develop the capability of entrepreneurs and
pre-entrepreneurs. 2017
Beasiswa Perintis Annually Seminar
Program by Beasiswa Perintis 2.0 Salman ITB for their recepient to develop
softskills : Time management, Leadership, etc. 2017
Creativepreneur tiket.com Seminar
Program by tiket.com to develop the capability of student from some university
to create a startup. 2017
Nasional Physics Seminar
Program by BEM REMA UPI 2018 to develop the capability of scientist to face of
Revolution Industry 4.0. 2018
Gerakan Subuh Berjamaah Nasional (with Seminar)
Monthly Program by DKM Masjid Salman ITB to develop the capability of moslem
with inspirational talkshow. Since October 2018

Enclosure-rewrite from above-in Bahasa.

Pengalaman Kerja dan Organisasi: 1. Konten Kreator Sekolah Quran ITB 2019
1. Kepala Departemen Syiar Media Gamais ITB 2. Divisi Publikasi P3RI 1441 H
2020 3. MC Bandung Adha Festival 1440 H
2. Trainer Strategi Menjadi Pribadi Efektif dan 4. MC Grand Opening P3RI 1440 H
Strategi Sukses di Kampus ITB 2019 5. MC Grand Opening ITB Spiritual Camp 2019
3. Anggota Himatika ITB 2019 6. MC ITB Spiritual Camp 2020
4. Anggota Rekalamasa 2019 7. MC Salman Spiritual Camp 18 dan 22
5. Pengajar Bimbel Online Internasional, 8. Ketua Pelaksana Gathering Muslim FMIPA 2019
9. Ketua Pelaksana Salman Spiritual Camp 24
Unacademy, Pelajaran Matematika SMA, 2019
10. Kepala Divisi Publikasi Dokumentasi ITB
6. Pengajar Les Privat Edu van Java 2018,
Spiritual Camp 2019
Matematika Fisika Kimia SMA 11. Pemateri Latihan Kepemimpinan Mahasiswa
7. Pengajar Les Privat Go Smart 2017, Matematika HIMATIKA IDENTIKA UPI 2018
Fisika Kimia SMP SMA 12. Konten Kreator Teh Jasmine Unpad 2018
8. Pengajar Internasional Home Schooling 2017, 13. Koordinator Divisi Publikasi Dokumentasi
Matematika Fisika Kimia IPA SD SMP SMA Salman Spiritual Camp 18, 2018
9. Koordinator Mentor LSM Amal Madani 14. Pembimbing Adik Asuh pada Jabar Berbagi 2017
Indonesia 2016 – 2018 15. Koordinator Divisi Logistik Pentas Seni Gans
10. Koordinator Divisi Kepemimpinan OSIS SMAN SMAN 2 Cimahi 2017
2 Cimahi masa bakti 2016 16. Ketua Pelaksana Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan
11. Koordinator Divisi Kaderisasi Himpunan Sekolah 2016
Keluarga Pelajar Islam masa bakti 2016 17. Ketua Pelaksana Rihlah Himpunan Keluarga
12. Ketua OSIS SMPN 1 Cimahi masa bakti 2013 Pelajar Islam 2016
18. Ketua Pelaksana Seminar Wadah Kepemimpinan
13. Ketua Kelompok Study Islam SMPN 1 Cimahi
Siswa 2016
masa bakti 2012
19. Koordinator Divisi Acara Masa Pengenalan
Pengalaman Kepanitiaan: Lingkungan Sekolah 2015
4. Juara 1 Lomba Cerdas Cermat anti-Narkoba
Prestasi: tingkat Jawa Barat (diselenggarakan oleh BNN
1. Juara 1 Lomba Menulis Cerita Inspiratif TPB Provinsi Jawa Barat) 2017
Cup ITB 2018 5. Juara 2 Lomba Diskusi, Debat, dan Cerdas
2. Penerima Beasiswa Perintis 2.0 Rumah Amal Cermat PARADE CINTA TANAH AIR tingkat
Salman, beasiswa kuliah full + uang saku + Jawa Barat (diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian
pembinaan selama 4 tahun, 2018 Pertahanan dan Keamanan Jawa Barat) 2015
3. Juara 1 Karya Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah 6. Juara 2 Kompetisi Pelajar cabang olahraga Bola
AEROCREATION ITB tingkat Nasional Basket Putra Kota Cimahi, diselenggarakan oleh
(diselenggarakan oleh FTMD ITB) 2017 Disdikpora Kota Cimahi 2015

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