Montecillo Vs Del Mar
Montecillo Vs Del Mar
Montecillo Vs Del Mar
Whether or not Atty. Del Mar should be suspended.
Yes. Atty. Del Mar, by his contemptuous acts is in violation of his duties to the courts. As an
officer of the court, it is his sworn and moral duty to help build and not destroy unnecessarily
the high esteem and regard towards the court so essential to the proper administration of
It is manifest that del Mar has scant respect for the two highest Courts of the land when on the
flimsy ground of alleged error in deciding a case, he proceeded to challenge the integrity of both
Courts by claiming that they knowingly rendered unjust judgment.
In short, his allegation is that they acted with intent and malice, if not with gross ignorance of
the law, in disposing of the case of his client.
Del Mar was then suspended indefinitely.