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Bilirubin Auto Total: Advanced Turbidity Clearing System Minimizes Turbidity Caused by Lipemia

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DIALAB Produktion und Vertrieb von chemisch – technischen Produkten und Laborinstrumenten Gesellschaft m.b.H.

A – 2351 Wiener Neudorf, Austria, IZ-NÖ Süd, Hondastrasse, Objekt M55

Phone: ++43 (0) 2236 660910-0, Fax: ++43 (0) 2236 660910-30, e-mail: office@dialab.at

Liquid Reagents – ready to use

unconjugated bilirubin may be estimated from the
difference between total bilirubin and direct bilirubin.
DCA with ATCS* In acidic solution, Bilirubin reacts with diazotized 2,4-
2 Reagents dichloroaniline (DCA) to form a red colored azocompound. A
specific mixture of detergents enables a safe determination
Diagnostic reagent for quantitative in vitro determination of of the total bilirubin.
total bilirubin in human serum or plasma on photometric
Substrate Start:
Ref.No. Kit Size Content The reagents are ready to use.
D96530B 1 x 12.5 L 1 x 10 L R1 + 1 x 2.5 L R2 Sample Start:
D03105B 1 x 1.25 mL 1 x 1 L R1 + 1 x 250 mL R2 Not possible.
D96531 5 x 100 mL 4 x 100 mL R1 + 1 x 100 mL R2 REAGENT STABILITY AND STORAGE
D96532 5 x 50 mL 4 x 50 mL R1 + 1 x 50 mL R2 Conditions: Avoid contamination.
D00535 5 x 25 mL 4 x 25 mL R1 + 1 x 25 mL R2 Close immediately after use.
D00536 5 x 10 mL 4 x 10 mL R1 + 1 x 10 mL R2 Reagent 2 must be protected from light!
D57911 10 x 50 mL 10 x 40 mL R1 + 4 x 25 mL R2 Do not freeze the reagents.

D0409917 5 x 62.5 mL 4 x 62.5mL R1 + 1 x 62.5mL R2 Storage: at 2 – 8 °C

DA0810 5 x 50 mL 5 x 40 mL R1 + 5 x 10 mL R2 Stability: up to the expiration date
DT1010 4 x 62.5 mL 4 x 50 mL R1 + 4 x 12.5mL R2
DK0709 5 x 50 mL 4 x 50 mL R1 + 1 x 50 mL R2 SAMPLE STABILITY AND STORAGE
DB0910 2 x 150 mL 2 x 120 mL R1 + 2 x 30 mL R2 It is very important to store the sample protected from light!
Stability [3]: at 20 – 25 °C 1 day
Additionally offered:
D98485 5 x 3 mL Calibrator Diacal Auto at 4 – 8 °C 7 days
D98485SV 1 x 3 mL Calibrator Diacal Auto at - 20 °C * 6 months
D98481 12 x 5 mL Control normal Diacon N * if frozen immediately!. Freeze only once!
D14481 5 x 5 mL Control normal Diacon N Discard contaminated specimens.
D98481SV 1 x 5 mL Control normal Diacon N MATERIALS REQUIRED BUT NOT PROVIDED
D98482 12 x 5 mL Control abnormal Diacon P NaCl solution (9 g/L)
D14482 5 x 5 mL Control abnormal Diacon P General laboratory equipment
D98482SV 1 x 5 mL Control abnormal Diacon P
* Advanced Turbidity Clearing System; minimizes turbidity caused by
lipemia Bring reagents and samples to room temperature.
Substrate Start:
TEST PARAMETERS Pipette into test tubes Blank Calibr. Sample
Method: Colorimetric, endpoint, increasing reaction, Reagent 1 1000 µL 1000 µL 1000 µL
Sample - - 25 µL
Wavelength: 546 nm (540 – 560 nm)
Calibrator - 25 µL -
Temperature: 20 – 25 °C or 37 °C
Sample: Serum, heparin plasma Mix. Incubate for 5 min. at 37 °C or 10 min. at 20 – 25 °C and
read absorbance A1 against reagent blank. Then add:
Linearity: up to 30 mg/dL
Sensitivity: The lower limit of detection is 0.07 mg/dL Reagent 2 250 µl 250 µl 250 µl
Mix. Incubate for 5 min. at 37°C or 10 min. at 20 – 25 °C
REAGENT COMPOSITION and read absorbance A2 against reagent blank.
Reagent 1
Phosphate buffer 50 mmol/L CALCULATION
NaCl 150 mmol/L A sample
Reagent 2 Bilirubin [mg/dL] = x conc. of cal. [mg/dL]
2,4-Dichlorophenyl-diazonium salt 5 mmol/L A calibrator
SUMMARY [1,2] Bilirubin [mg/dL] x 17.1 = Bilirubin [µmol/L]
Bilirubin is a breakdown product of haemoglobin. Free, REFERENCE RANGE [1] *
unconjugated bilirubin is extremely apolar and nearly insoluble [mg/dL] [µmol/L]
in water, thus forming a complex with albumin for the transport Neonates 24 h < 8.8 < 150
in the blood from the spleen to the liver. In the liver, bilirubin is 2nd day 1.3 - 11.3 22 – 193
conjugated with glucoronic acid and the resulting water soluble 3rd day 0.7 - 12.7 12 – 217
bilirubin glucoroniedes are excreted via the bile ducts. 4th – 6th day 0.1 - 12.6 1.7 – 216
Hyperbilirubinemia can be caused by increased bilirubin Children > 1 month 0.2 - 1.0 3.4 – 17
production due to hemolysis (pre-hepatic jaundice), by Adults 0.1 - 1.2 1.7 – 21
parenchymal damages of the liver (intra-hepatic jaundice) or by * Each laboratory should check if the reference ranges are transferable
occlusion of bile ducts (post-hepatic jaundice). A chronic to its own patient population and determine own reference ranges if
congenital (predominantly unconjugated) hyperbilirubinea called necessary.
Gilbert’s syndrome is quite frequent in the population. High PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS
levels of total bilirubin are observed in 60 – 70 % of neonates
due to an increased postpartal breakdown of erythrocytes and
because of delayed function of enzymes for bilirubin The test has been developed to determine bilirubin
concentrations within a measuring range from 0.1 – 30 mg/dL.
When values exceed this range, samples should be diluted 1 +
Common bilirubin methods detect either total bilirubin or direct
1 with NaCl solution (9 g/L) and the results multiplied by 2.
bilirubin. Determinations of direct bilirubin measure mainly
conjugated, water soluble bilirubin. Therefore, the value of

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The lower limit of detection is 0.07 mg/dL
1. Thomas L ed. Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. 1st ed.
PRECISION (at 37°C) Frankfurt: TH-Books Verlagsgesellschaft, 1998: p.192 –
Intra-assay Mean SD CV 202.
n = 20 [mg/dl] [mg/dl] [%] 2. Tolman KG, Rej R. Liver function. In: Burtis CA,
Sample 1 0.89 0.03 3.05 Ashwood ER, editors. Tietz Textbook of Clinical
Sample 2 1.02 0.02 2.32 Chemistry. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders
Sample 3 4.83 0.05 0.95 Company; 1999. p. 1125-77
Inter-assay Mean SD CV 3. Guder WG, Zawta B et al. The Quality of Diagnostic
n = 20 [mg/dl] [mg/dl] [%] Samples. 1st ed. Darmstadt: GIT Verlag; 2001; p. 18-
Sample 1 0.87 0.02 2.74 9.
Sample 2 1.15 0.04 3.49 4. Rand RN, di Pasqua A. A new diazo method for the
Sample 3 4.65 0.13 2.86 determination of bilirubin. Clin Chem 1962; 6:570-
SPECIFICITY/INTERFERENCES 5. Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests.
no interference up to: 5th ed. Volume 1 and 2. Washington, DC: The American
Ascorbic acid 30 mg/dL Association for Clinical Chemistry Press 2000.
Hemoglobin 500 mg/dL 6. Bakker AJ, Mücke M. Gammopathy interferene in clinical
Triglycerides 2000 mg/dL chemistry assays: mechanisms, detection and prevention.
Naproxen 1 mmol/L ClinChemLabMed 2007; 45(9): 1240-1243.
For further information on interfering substances refer to Young
DS [5].
A comparison between Dialab Bilirubin Auto Total (y)
and a commercially available test (x) using 247 samples gave
the following result: y = 1.003 x - 0.001 mg/dL; r= 1.000.
All control sera with bilirubin values determined by this method
can be used.
We recommend the Dialab controls Diacon N (control serum
with values in the normal range) and Diacon P (control serum
with values in the abnormal range).
Each laboratory should establish corrective action in case of
deviations in control recovery.
The assay requires the use of a Bilirubin Standard or Calibrator.
We recommend the Dialab multi calibration serum Diacal Auto.
The assigned calibrator values for total bilirubin have been
made traceable to the NIST SRM 916 reference material.
Special adaptations for automated analyzers can be made on
1. Reagent 1 and 2: Warning.
H290: May be corrosive to metals.
H319: Causes serious eye irritation.
P234: Keep only in original container.
P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye
protection/face protection.
P305+P351+P338: If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water
for seeral minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and
easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P337+P313: If eye irritation persists: Get medical
P390: Absorb spillage to prevent material damage.
2. Reagent 2:
P264: Wash hands and face thoroughly after handling.
3. In very rare cases, samples of patients with gammopathy
might give falsified results [6].
4. Please refer to the safety data sheets and take the
necessary precautions for the use of laboratory
5. For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be
assessed with the patient’s medical history, clinical
examinations and other findings.
6. For professional use only!
Please refer to local legal requirements.

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