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www.biolabo.fr DIRECT BILIRUBIN

Les Hautes Rives
02160, Maizy, France Reagent for quantitative determination of direct bilirubin
in human serum or plasma

REF 97553 R1 2 x 200 mL Direct Bilirubin

R2 1 x 100 mL Nitrite Solution

Tel: (33) 03 23 25 15 50
Fax: (33) 03 23 256 256


At least four distinct bilirubin species exist in the serum: Direct-reacting Reagent R1 is ready for use.
bilirubin (DB) consists of mono and diconjugated bilirubin ( and - Preparation of the working reagent: Mix 4 volumes of vial R1 with
Bilirubin) and the -fraction which is bilirubin tightly bound to albumin; 1 volume of vial R2.
unconjugated -bilirubin which is water soluble and bound to albumin.
Total bilirubin (TB) is the sum of these different species.
There are icteruses in which unconjugated bilirubin predominates STABILITY AND STORAGE
(hemolitic icteruses, Biermer disease, Thalassemia...); icteruses in Store away from light, well cap in the original vial at 2-8 C.
which conjugated bilirubin predominates (extra or intra-hepatic bile Reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the label of the kit
ducts obstruction, viral hepatitis...); finally, icteruses in which both when stored and used as described in the insert and free from
species of bilirubin are present without any predominance (cirrhosis, contamination.
Dubin-Johnson disease).
When free from contamination, working reagent is stable for 5 days
at 18-25C and 3 weeks at 2-8C.
PRINCIPLE (4) (5) Discard any reagent if cloudy or if absorbance of the working reagent
Method based on Rand and Di Pasqua principle automated by Golub is > 0.100 at 550 nm.
and al. Dont use working reagent after expiry date stated on the label of the
The reaction between DB and diazotised dichloroaniline leads to a Kit.
compound, azobilirubin which absorbance, directly proportional to the
concentration of DB in the specimen, is measured at 550 nm (540-
Unhemolysed serum or plasma.
Bilirubin is photolabile. Store the specimen away from light.
Stability in the specimen: 4 to 7 days at 2-8 C.
2 days at room temperature.
Icteric or paediatric specimens: see MANUAL PROCEDURE.
NaCl 7.2 g/L
Sulfanilic Acid 72 mmol/L
EDTA 756 mol/L INTERFERENCES (3) (4)
The bilirubin diazo reaction is temperature sensitive and should be
Vial R2 NITRITE SOLUTION carried out at a constant temperature.
Ascorbic acid: No interference up to 25 mg/dL.
2-4 Dichloroanilin 125 mol/L Glucose: No interference up to 1200 mg/dL
Sodium Nitrite 125 mol/L Triglycerides: No significant interference up to 3.9 mol/L.
Haemoglobin: No significant interference up to 250 mol/L.
Above, haemolysis leads to under-estimation.
SAFETY CAUTIONS For a more comprehensive review of factors affecting this assay refer
BIOLABO reagents are designated for professional, in vitro diagnostic to the publication of Young D.S.
Verify the integrity of the contents before use.
Use adequate protections (overall, gloves, glasses). MATERIAL REQUIRED BUT NOT PROVIDED
Do not pipette by mouth. 1. Basic medical analysis laboratory equipment.
In case of contact with skin and eyes, thoroughly wash affected 2. Normal and pathological control sera.
areas with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
Material Safety Data Sheet is available upon request.
Waste disposal: Respect legislation in force in the country. CALIBRATION (7)
All specimens should be handled as potentially infectious, in Use the experimental factor indicated CALCULATION (Procedure
accordance with good laboratory practices using appropriate n1 and n2)
precautions. Respect legislation in force in the country. Or BIOLABO Multicalibrator REF 95015 traceable to SRM 916a
(Procedure n1 only)
or a calibrator traceable to a reference method or material
(Procedure n1 only).
The calibration frequency depends on proper instrument functions and
on preservation of reagents.
It is recommended to calibrate in the following cases:
1. When using a new batch of reagent.
2. After maintenance operations on the instrument.
3. When control values obtained are out of ranges, even after using a
new vial of fresh serum

Made in France Latest revision : www.biolabo.fr Revision : 28/07/2011

BIOLABO EXATROL-N Level I REF 95010. Let stand reagents and specimens at room temperature.
Assayed control sera referring to the same method and to the
selected procedure.
Pipette into well identified test tubes:
External quality control program. Blank Assay
It is recommended to control in the following cases:
At least once a run. Reagent R1 1 mL
At least once within 24 hours. Working Reagent 1 mL
When changing vial of reagent.
After maintenance operations on the instrument. Specimen or calibrator 100 L 100 L
If control is out of range, apply following actions:
1. Repeat the test with the same control. Mix and read absorbance at 550 nm (540-560) after 1 minute at 37 C
2. If control is still out of range, prepare a fresh control and repeat the (2 minutes maximum) against blank.
3. If control is still out of range, use a new vial of calibrator or a fresh
calibrator and repeat the test. Procedure n2: Icteric or Pediatric Specimens
4. If control is still out of range, calibrate with a new vial of reagent.
5. If control is still out of range, please contact BIOLABO technical DIRECT BILIRUBIN
support or your local Agent. Pipette into well identified test tubes:
Blank Assay

Reagent R1 1 mL
Working Reagent 1 mL
Direct Bilirubin mg/dL [mol/L]
Specimen or calibrator 20 L 20 L
Adult (and children over 5 days) < 0.2 [< 3.4]
Mix and read absorbance at 550 nm (540-560) after 1 minute at 37 C
Each laboratory should establish its own normal ranges for the (2 minutes maximum) against blank.
population that it serves.
1. After 2 minutes, indirect bilirubin reacts slowly with diazotised
LINEARITY dichloroanilin and leads to over-estimated values.
Procedure n1: up to 20 mg/dL (342 mol/L). 2. To take into account the coloration of the working reagent, one
should perform a reagent blank.
Above, do not dilute the specimen: perform procedure n2. 3. Specific procedures are available upon request for automated
Procedure n2: up to 100 mg/dL (1710 mol/L) instruments. Please contact BIOLABO technical support.
Paediatric specimen: perform procedure n2
Calculate the result as follows:

Within run: Medium level High level Between run Medium level High level With a calibrator (Procedure n1 only):
N = 20 N = 20
Abs (Assay - Blank) specimen
Mean mg/dL 1.13 2.54 Mean mg/dL 0.74 1.75 Result = x calibrator concentration
Abs (Assay - Blank) calibrator
S.D. mg/dL: 0.019 0.029 S.D.mg/dL: 0.017 0.032
C.V. %: 1.68 1.15 C.V. %: 2.3 1.84 with factor:

Detection limit: approximately 0.1 mg/dL Procedure n1: mg/dL = [Abs. Assay Abs. Blank] x 14.8*
mol/L = [Abs. Assay Abs. Blank] x 253*
Sensitivity for 1 mg/dL: 70 mAbs at 550 nm.
Procedure n2: mg/dL = [Abs. Assay Abs. Blank]] x 68.6*
Comparison studies with commercially available reagent:
mol /L =[[Abs. Assay Abs. Blank]] x 1173*
y = 1.0084x 0.527 r = 0.9926
*These factors should be used as a guide only and may vary with
instrument and the batch of reagent used. It is recommended to verify
it with elevated control serum.
(Procedure n1: use BIOLABO EXATROL-P, Procedure n2: use

(1) TIETZ N.W. Text book of clinical chemistry, 3 Ed. C.A. Burtis, E.R.
Ashwood, W.B. Saunders (1999) p. 1133-1137.
(2) Clinical Guide to Laboratory Test, 4th Ed., N.W. TIETZ (2006) p. 172-177
(3) YOUNG D.S., Effect of Drugs on Clinical laboratory Tests, 4th Ed. (1995)
p.3-90 to 3-110
(4) RAND R. N. and DI PASQUA A. A new diazo method for determination of
bilirubin. Clin. Chem. (1962) 8, n6, p. 570-578
(5) GOLUB M.: An automated method for determination of serum bilirubin.
Clin. Chem. (1964) 10, p. 399-405
(6) Henry RJ, Clin Chem: Principles and technics. Harper and Row.
(7) SRM: Standard Reference Material


Manufacturer Use by In vitro diagnostic Temperature limitation Catalogue number See insert Batch number Store away from light sufficient for dilute with

Made in France Latest revision : www.biolabo.fr Revision : 28/07/2011

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