Atiko Trans Vs Prudential
Atiko Trans Vs Prudential
Atiko Trans Vs Prudential
Prudential Guarantee
Prudential filed a case for sum of money against Cheng Lie Navigation and
Atiko Trans, Inc. Cheng Lie is a foreign shipping company doing business in
the Philippines thru its duly authorized ship agent Atiko Trans Inc. which is a
domestic corporation duly established and created under the laws of the
Philippines. The summons upon Cheng Lie and Atiko was received by Atiko's
cashier, Cristina Figueroa. Both corporations did not file an Answer. After the
MeTC rendered its judgment by default,
Did the MeTC acquire jurisdiction over Cheng Lie and Atiko?
The MeTC acquired jurisdiction over Atiko but not over Cheng Lie.
Jurisdiction over Atiko
SEC. 12. Service upon foreign private juridical entity. When the
defendant is a foreign private juridical entity which has transacted business
in the Philippines, service may be made on its resident agent designated in
accordance with law for that purpose, or, if there be no such agent, on the
government official designated by law to that effect, or on any of its officers
or agents within the Philippines.
No summons was served upon Cheng Lie in any manner prescribed
above. It should be recalled that Atiko was not properly served with
summons as the person who received it on behalf of Atiko, cashier Cristina
Figueroa, is not one of the corporate officers enumerated in Section 11 of
Rule 14 of the Rules of Court.
The MeTC acquired jurisdiction over the person of Atiko not thru valid
service of summons but by the latters voluntary appearance. Thus, there
being no proper service of summons upon Atiko to speak of, it follows that
the MeTC never acquired jurisdiction over the person of Cheng Lie. To rule
otherwise would create an absurd situation where service of summons is
valid upon the purported principal but not on the latter's co-defendant
cumputative agent despite the fact that service was coursed thru said agent.
In order for the court to acquire jurisdiction over the person of a
defendant foreign private juridical entity under Section 12, Rule 14 of the
Rules of Court, there must be prior valid service of summons upon the agent
of such defendant.