Characters (Activate Prior Knowledge)
Characters (Activate Prior Knowledge)
Characters (Activate Prior Knowledge)
March 2, 2021
Instruction: Surf the net about the characters of Rizal's first novel Noli Me Tangere. Use the table below
as the format in the activity.
mother's cruelty. He became a his daughter to Crisostomo
Dominican priest's servant. Ibarra.
5. Don Anastacio One of the most important Tasyo Pilosopo Filosopo
characters in Noli is Filósofo Tasyo is his name. He spent the
Tacio (Philosopher Tasyo), who majority of his money on books
is also known as Filósofo Tacio and is now penniless. Like his
(Philosopher Tasyo). On the one oldest brother, Paciano Rizal,
hand, he is referred to as a Rizal can relate to his character.
philosopher/sage (hence, He represents the educated
Pilosopo Tasyo) because his Filipinos. He considers himself to
ideas were in tune with the be a pessimist.
townspeople's thoughts.
Filósofo Tacio was born into a
well-to-do family in the
6. Eliás Elias was a wanted fugitive in Elias, far more than Ibarra, is
San Diego. After experiencing a the most unique character in
series of tragedies, he decided to Rizal's Noli. He embodies the
work to improve society. After villager's virtues of gratitude,
Crisostomo Ibarra saved his life, abnegation, sacrifice, and
he began assisting the young devotion to his homeland. Rizal
man, saving him on several created him out of his love and
occasions. devotion.
7. Doña Victorina Victorina de los Reyes de Doña Victorina was a socialite
Espadaña, Doctora Analyze the and Capitan Tiago's friend. She
characters. Don Tiburcio's wife, and her husband, Don Tiburcio,
a Filipina woman. Doña Victorina sought to associate with
is most concerned with her influential San Diego figures in
image as a beautiful and order to elevate their social
admired socialite, despite the status.
fact that she is past her prime, as
Rizal emphasizes.
8. Narcisa Narcisa, also known as Sisa, is Sisa represents the Inang
Basilio and Crispin's insane Bayan, or Motherland, who
mother. Although she adores became an outcast as a result of
her children and is described as the Spaniards' mistreatment of
beautiful and young, she is the Filipinos, and Maria Clara
unable to protect them from represents the Filipino women
Pedro's beatings. Crispin, Sisa's who were oppressed and
son, is seven years old. He was abused by the Spaniards.
unjustly accused of stealing
money from the church as an
altar boy.
9. Doña Consolacion Doña Consolación is a vicious, Doña Consolacion is a Spanish
vulgar partner who berates the word that means "to console."
ensign and engages him in Wife of the San Diego Alferez
physical fights that are heard all She has frequent violent fights
over town. with her husbands. Pretends not
to understand Tagalog and
frequently uses Spanish words
for which she has no
understanding. Symbolizes
Filipinos who are ashamed of
their own race and nationality in
our society.
Crisostomo Ibarra, exploiting the what they desired. Padre Salvi as
townspeople in the process. He a true human Salvi, like the rest
had a feud with the town's of the characters in Noli Me
alferez. Tangere, was inspired by a real
person by the name of Padre
Antonio Piernavieja.
9. Padre Sibyla A Dominican priest and He was a teacher of Ibarra
former teacher. and very helpful to Padre
Damaso in times of anomalies
ahead; And wears golden
10. Pedro Was the husband of Sisa and He is an irresponsible
the father of Basilio and Crispin. husband.
students' association's plan for prosperous family after having a
an academy for the teaching of decent career. He became
Spanish, but who was also under involved with the government
pressure from the priests not to with all of his contracts due to
jeopardize their monopoly on his abilities and attitude. He
instruction. gradually rose through the ranks
to become a councilor and then
6. Paulita Gomez Isagani's girlfriend and Doña Paulita Gomez is a stereotype
Victorina's niece, the old Indio of a woman who takes the right
who disguises herself as a choice for a more prosperous
Peninsular and is the wife of the future. She knows what is best
quack doctor Tiburcio de for her and will use her admirers
Espadaña. to get what she needs.
7. Macaraig One of Isagani’s classmates at He is a wealthy student who
the University of Santo Tomas leads the students who want to
create the Academia de
aunt of Paulita Gomez, and even in public she can often be
favors Juanito Pelaez than found complaining about
Isagani. Although of Indio something, finding ways to
ideology, she considers herself blame Indios or her husband
as one of the Peninsular. Don Tiburcio.
5. Father Camorra The lustful parish priest of Padre Camorra's personal life
Tiani, San Diego's adjacent town other than the fact that as of the
who has longtime desires for beginning of the book, he serves
young women. He nearly raped as the parish priest of Tiani (San
Juli causing the latter to commit Diego).
helped the students to establish Basilio mentions Padre Irene to
the Academia de Castellano Isagani and Capitan Basilio,
after being convinced by giving complaining that he suggested
him a chestnut. The only witness to Capitan Tiago to send Basilio
to Captain Tiago's death, he to San Diego so that Capitan
forged the last will and Tiago could smoke opium.
testament of the latter so Basilio ... Padre Irene makes excuses
will obtain nothing from the but hides his smile.
16. Hermana Bali Another gambler in Tiani. She became Huli's mother-
figure and counselor; helped to
release Kabesang Tales from the
hands of bandits.
17. Father Millon The Physics teacher of the He always becomes vindictive
University of Santo Tomas. with Placido and always taunts
him during class.
18. Tadeo Macaraig's classmate. He, along with the other three
members of their gang,
supposedly posted the posters
that "thanked" Don Custodio
and Father Irene for the opening
of the Academia de Castellano.
23. Pecson Basilio's classmate who had no He suggested that they held
idea on the happenings the mock celebration at the
occurring around him. panciteria.
25. Father Bernardo Salvi Former parish priest of San Now the director and
Diego. chaplain of the Santa Clara
References/ Sources :
Projects, C. (2021, February 25). Characters of the novel Noli Me Tangere. Retrieved March 01, 2021,
Don Timoteo Pelaez Juanitos father he is a rich businessmen and arranges a: Course Hero. (2012,
December 12). Retrieved March 01, 2021, from
EnnaValdez, N., & Ni EnnaValdez Follow. (n.d.). Characters of El Filibusterismo. Retrieved March 01,
2021, from
LitCharts. (n.d.). Noli me Tangere Characters. Retrieved March 01, 2021, from