Blended f rozen f ruit drinks. For an extra $0.35 each, we’ll add vegan protein powder, liquid soy lecithin,
cashews, strawberries, blueberries, or melon. Got a special combo in mind? We’ll gladly make the smoothie
of y our dreams!
Dreamsicle $3.95
Hawaiian $3.95
Energizer $3.95
Carrot Juice, Pineapple-Coconut Juice, Papaya Juice, Fresh Orange, Strawberries, Banana
FRESH 8 oz 16 oz.
Carrot 1.75 3.50
Goodf low Orange
Mother’s Limeade
BOTTLED 8 oz 16 oz.
Unf iltered Apple 1.50 2.75
Papay a
Almond Sunset, Red Zinger, Peppermint
Mandarin Orange Spice, Chamomile
Bengal Spice, Throat Coat
Echinacea Complete Care
Green, Jasmine Green
English Breakfast, Earl Grey
Desserts $4.75
with a scoop of Amy’s Ice Cream add $1.00 All desserts (except Amy's Ice Cream) are eggless and
sweetened with either Sucanat, organic maple sy rup or fructose. Amy's is sweetened with white sugar
Y ou won’t believ e it’s vegan! Fine Belgian chocolate and coffee f lavor this rich f rosted cake. Blissf ully sinf ul!
Mom’s Apple Pie
Tart Granny Smith apples with cinnamon and spices in our flaky whole wheat crust
Blueberry Pie
Our own whole wheat crust brimming with blueberries and spices. Go ahead, give it a try!
Creamy v egan chocolate custard with organic peanut butter topping in a roasted peanut/whole wheat crust -
y um
This wheat f ree treat is rich with chocolate, almonds, and espresso. Decadent and intense!
Texas Cheesecake
Simple and delicious. A pecan-whole wheat crust f illed with creamy vanilla cheesecake
Carrot Cake
This extraordinary cake will leav e you more than satisf ied.A layered cake with cream cheese f rosting
sprinkled with walnuts
small $2.25 large $3.25 Austin’s own ice cream success story. Choose f rom Mexican Vanilla, Coffee or
Belgian Chocolate
= Vegan