Schedule For Batch 1 GART 1696
Schedule For Batch 1 GART 1696
Schedule For Batch 1 GART 1696
Guided by your Topic Learning Outcomes and materials /inputs, below are your weekly guide for
activities/tasks/assignment and schedule for submissions :
God Bless everyone! We may now start with our Learning Module 1.
Module 1 Unit 1: Definition of Art Appreciation and Key Concepts on Art
August 31 National Heroes Day
September 1 Evaluate: Identify the Functions of Art
Google Meeting
Module 1, Unit 3 : Subject and Content in Art
September 2 Engage: Evaluating Representational and non-representational paintings
Explore: Studying the kinds of subject in art and sources of subject in art
September 3 Explain: Analyzing Content in art
September 4 Elaborate: After watching the video, write down three (3) images that contribute to
the subjective meaning of the painting and what these images stand for.
September 5 Evaluate: Task 3: Analyzing the subject of and content the art work
September 7 Check for uploaded materials on your Google Stream
Engage: Discovering your Art Movement
Are you Abstract Expression? Symbolism? Classical? Write 3-5 sentences about the
art movement you are familiar with.
September 8 Google Meeting
September 9 Explore: Exploring the Mediums and Art movements
Explain: Defining Narration, Borrowing, Appropriation in Art
September 14 Check for your updated Google Stream
September 15 Google Meeting
September 16 Engage: Determining art and the artisan
Are you Abstract Expression? Symbolism? Classical? Write 3-5 sentences about the
art movement you are familiar with.
September 21 Check for updates on your Google Stream
Evaluate: Task 5: Artist and Artisan Study
September 22 Google Meeting
Engage: Making choices
Classify these photos into two.
September 23 Explore: Weaving concepts in textile art
September 24 Explain: Elucidating textile art
September 25 Elaborate: Comparing and contrasting weaving designs
September 26 Evaluate: Task 6: Interpreting textile art through design
September 28 Check for posts on your Google Stream
Engage: Eliciting emotive responses. When buying clothes, which of the following do
you consider first? Why?
September 29 Google Meeting
September 30 Explore: Comparing different instrumental music forms and musical composition
Explain: Linking music with transcreation
Elaborate: Understanding Improvisation