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IB Visual Art Course Description

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IB Visual Art: Year I

Ms. Y’s Course Description & Expectations

2022-2023 Sequoia High School - Room #153
Lyurkovich@seq.org (650)367-9780 X69687

Course Description:
IB Art is a course designed for students to develop their individual artistic voice as well as to develop
a deep understanding of the role of art in culture, technical processes and the specialized language and
vocabulary of arts fields. Students will achieve this understanding through the creation of a body of original
artworks as they explore a variety of media, develop depth and substance to their works through
investigating art history, cultures beyond their own, and visual explorations in their Visual Arts Journal (Art
Journal), as well as create a Comparative Study project, and a final exhibition (in the second year of the class).
Students will be encouraged to develop their own voice (to think and to question) and to experiment
in their own artistic search and growth. Student’s individual approaches and studies should be well
grounded in both their personal studio pieces as well as in the research and investigations they conduct in
their Art Journals.
Class activities, discussions, critiques, projects and technique demonstrations will support student-
driven work as the teacher moves from a role of instructor to facilitator. Outside of class, students are expected to
create research pages in their Art Journal, develop and create studio works and engage with artwork through visiting local
galleries, museums or public art installations. Each quarter students must visit [at least]1 local museum or gallery
and write about it in their art journal.
Success in this class is dependent on a student’s self-motivation; which is the challenge and the gift of this
class. Students who give themselves over to the process and enter the class with a sense of curiosity and
possibility will find it to be a great opportunity for artistic, academic and personal growth!

IB Art Complete Course Overview:

IB Art is centered on a journey that students embark upon individually. The role of the instructor is
to begin as the teacher and end as a facilitator. Each student will embark on a different path. With that in
mind, this syllabus acts as a loose guideline of where students will travel through this course. The syllabus
will be living and breathing, hence, be flexible. Things may end up being moved around, eliminated, and/or
added into the course. All of this will depend on the nature of the direction and interests of the students, the
teacher, visiting artists, and the class as a whole.

First Year Overview:

During the first semester, the teacher guides students through lessons that demonstrate the steps and
expectations of IB Art. At some point toward the end of the first semester students begin to explore
independently a few areas of particular interest to them and develop skills and conceptual knowledge of
these areas.
Second semester is less teacher guided and more student driven. There will be some lessons directed
by the teacher as well as various media demonstrations. In addition, students will begin to work on
developing their Comparative Study.

Second Year Overview:
During the first semester, students work diligently on furthering the development of their artistic
journey and hone their Comparative Study. Over the summer and during the first semester is their time to
really deepen their art research and studio work.
The majority of the second semester is spent preparing for the students’ final art exhibition and IB
Art Exam. This includes but is not limited to refining or revisiting studio pieces, finalizing any of the 3
components not yet fully realized, preparing the presentation of studio work and written commentary and
reflection on the artworks and their art process. Once the exam and exhibition are complete, students will
complete an ambitious senior final studio project.


(may include but not limited to…)
Introduction/ IB Art Nuts and Bolts
§ Course Expectations and layout of course
§ IB Learner Profile
§ Assessment Rubrics- Assessing your own work
§ Syllabus: Overview of 3 IB Art tasks and course structure
§ What is art? -- How to Critique: What makes art “good”? (Developing skills for critical analysis and
§ How do you think?
§ Influences: What does “personally relevant” mean? What is “culture”?
§ Research: What is the Art Journal? Primary vs. Secondary sources
§ Academic Honesty: Appropriation vs. Plagiarism, What is Fair Use?

Developing a Studio Practice

§ Tapping into oneself and the world around us (looking at objects, beliefs, cultural influences,
other artists, galleries, studios, libraries, cross-cultural influences)
Review Elements and Principles
§ Color: Meanings and Moods
§ Develop observational drawing skills
§ Explore artists and their studio practices and reflect in Art Journals
§ Explore media: may include: drawing, collage, printmaking, watercolor, assemblage, found
object, sculptural explorations, etc.
§ Document our process and reflect in our Art Journals.

Themes in Art
§ Explore recurring themes in art
§ Create a Pinterest board on a theme in art (optional)
§ Create individual studies/Reflections in Art Journals
§ Explore media on your own during studio time
§ Create slides that compare and contrast 2-3 works with the same theme from different
§ Create a work of art on the theme that intrigues you
Cultural Hybrids—(some of this will be covered 2 semester)

§ What is culture?
§ Learn to compare and contrast artworks from different cultures and times
§ Explore the idea of cultural hybridity in Art Journals
§ Research and explore our own culture
§ Research and explore a culture different than our own
§ Create a work of art that expresses cultural influence

In Depth Projects —(Be aware that these are example projects and that projects are subject to change!)
§ Identity & the Inner Mind
§ Creation & Destruction
§ Nightmares & Dreams
§ Put a Print Where Your Mouth is! Activism in Art
§ Fragmenting the Ordinary
§ Mysticism, Spirituality, & Faith
§ Dualities & Dichotomies

Semester 1 Final:
§ Create your first set of Process Portfolio Slides
§ Learn how to photograph, document, and archive artwork & do so for your first projects
§ Reflect on your 1st semester in IB Art and the question “what is art?”


(may include but not limited to…)
Individual Directions:
§ Begin investigating a theme or question individually
§ Materials Demos
§ Process Portfolio Slides
§ Working in series: how to work on multiple projects at once.
§ Independent Projects are supported by:
o Studies
o Sketches
o Individual and Group discussions
o Art Journal research and development
o Execution of project
o Photos (both inspiration, process, and final artwork documentation)
o Assessment & comments

Comparative Study:
§ Search for a theme
§ Find 3 artists who work with this theme
§ Deeper look at cultural relevance in art
§ Different artists’ voices—more than one cultural perspective
§ Compare and contrast work—visual diagrams, written context

Semester 2 Final—The Digital Portfolio:

§ 3-8 Completed slides of Comparative Study
§ Project Photographs
§ 10-20 Process Portfolio slides
§ Reflection on first year of IB Art/ looking at connections & direction for Year 2.
§ Receive Year 2 Summer Assignment


Teacher Guided Intro lesson
§ This lesson will help set tone, focus, and intention of the second year of the course.

§ A large or at least ambitious project with a wide range of choices in any of the media/areas covered,
to require significant time for development and production of final work

Visual Presentation:
§ Students will learn the art of displaying art and discussing approaches in presenting art considering
their artistic intentions and inspirations in preparation for the examination/ art show.

Assembly and Completion of Examination Materials:

§ Students will create 3 different slide presentations that include images of studio work, written
commentary on their studio work, 700 word ‘Curatorial Rationale’, and examples from their art
journal pages that support their studio work.

Final Group or Independent Project:

§ Post-IB Art exam and exhibition

***All lessons and units in both year 1 and year 2 are subject to change to
accommodate student interest, teacher decisions, and educational opportunities that
may arise in the course of the two years.***

Gmail, Google Drive, & Canvas:

§ Students are expected to have a google account that they check regularly- students have been issued
accounts through Sequoia High School.
§ We will use gmail, google drive, and/or Canvas to post/submit assignments, compile portfolios and
for correspondence. Having a working google and Canvas account is essential to the class.
Suggested Materials:
§ All students are expected to have an “Art Journal” this is a well-bound, hardcover sketchbook with
blank pages, about 8.5” X 11” and no smaller than 8”X 10” (this kind of sketchbook can be found at
most art supply stores, locally at Michael’s and Aaron Brothers and cost anywhere from $10-$20)*
§ A sketchbook can be provided to students who are unable to purchase one
§ All students are expected to have a 1” binder with binder dividers for staying organized and
keeping track of handouts and important reference documentation for managing this course and its
various components.
§ Students will need access to scissors, a computer with Internet, a copier/scanner, glue sticks, pencil,
pen, colored pencils (or any other drawing materials) outside of school in order to create effective Art
Journal explorations and research.
§ The teacher will supply the materials needed for most studio projects; students may need to provide
additional materials to satisfy individual creative choices in their projects.

Students will be continuously researching, investigating, sketching, writing reflections and testing out
materials/techniques in their Art Journals and through studio work (art pieces) made outside of
class. Students will have consistent homework. The homework will be either an assigned number of
workbook pages or alternative assignment (see below). There will not be a chance to make-up pages or
alternative assignments that are late. I encourage students to begin their assigned work throughout the
week and not wait until the day before it is due to begin. Students will need to work on studio pieces and
research at home/ beyond the class time provided. Homework includes but is not limited to:

§ Working on Studio Artworks at home or during open studio hours

§ Internet research on artists, global traditions, and art history for workbook at home
§ Visiting museums, local exhibitions and galleries- This is key for the Comparative Study (CS)
(Each quarter students are required to visit a local gallery or museum and write a reflection on the exhibit viewed.
This is a graded assignment.)
§ Talking to artists, watching YouTube instructional videos to gather information for artistic
§ Visiting the library (both school and public) to check out art books, documentaries and videos for
§ 4 workbook pages will be due every two weeks.
o The 4 completed pages for that two-week period will only be accepted on or before their due
o If a student has less than 4 completed pages on a given “due date,” they should hand in the
completed pages they do have---credit for some completed pages is better than none, but 4 is
the assigned and expected number.
§ On the non-workbook page weeks students may have an observational drawing due or they may
have an art question, or a video or article related to an artist, art movement, artwork, process
(etc.) to consider and respond to. Students will respond through group discussions (sometimes
online, sometimes off-line) with classmates or a specific IB Art partner. There will then have a class
discussion the next school day based off the research and or group chat you completed at home prior
to class time.

Late Policy:
Students are allowed 1 late studio piece and 1 late homework assignment per semester. On the day
the assignment was originally due students must clearly state to the teacher that they are using their late
pass. The late piece needs to be completed within 2 weeks of the original due date in order to receive a grade
for it. Students will not be penalized for that first late piece as long as it is handed in within the two-week
time frame. Any additional late studio pieces in a given semester will not be accepted and the student will
receive zero points in the grade book for the additional late studio assignment(s).

Late Policy for IA’s (including orals):

IA is short for Internal Assessment. These are assignments that are submitted to IB. IA’s are due
the day they are due. If a student does not turn the IA in on the due date, the IA is not sent to IB and thus,
they will be missing a component necessary for their IB score in that subject.
Students that have an IEP or 504 on file with the school that provides extended time on assessments
have a maximum of an additional 72 hours to submit their official IB Internal Assessment. The 72 hours
starts at the time the IA was due. THIS 72-HOUR TIME SLOT INCLUDES TIME OUTSIDE OF

Revision Policy for Studio Work Assignments:

Revisiting, reworking, reflecting, and improving your artwork is all a part of the artistic process.
You will be engaging in this process with every one of your Studio Works. If you are unhappy with your
performance on a Studio Work you may rework/revisit it and resubmit it, but you are only allowed 1 redo a
semester and you must stay on top of all concurrent work at the same time. Be aware: The grade of the
revisited work is not guaranteed to be higher or the same as the original submission.

Flex Time & Open Studios:

Almost every Thursday and Friday students have the opportunity to sign up for studyhall (AKA Flex
Time) in a class period of their choosing. Please note that you need to sign up for your classes by
Wednesday at midnight. If you do not sign up then the school will automatically assign you to a classroom.
Flex Time is Open Studio Time for you. Flex time is particularly useful in IB Art as most students
don’t have easy access to all of the tools and materials they need or perhaps space to easily work outside of
school. I strongly recommend that you schedule Flex Time if you are absent or behind in your assignments.
Do not rely on lunch to make up your assignments as this is the teacher’s break time and may or may not be
available. If you plan on coming in at lunch, be sure to talk to Ms.Y ahead of time.
It is important to note that Flex Time slots fill up quickly, so plan ahead. You are always welcome to
come in and work on projects as you need to. Specific flex times will be set aside as make up days for
shooting artwork, matting for exhibitions, etc. Pay attention to when these special days are available or talk
to the teacher specifically to schedule additional worktime in the studio.
There will be other opportunities for Open Studios, such as during 7th period or occasionally after
school on Collaboration Days. These days will be announced in class, but always feel free to ask for studio
time from the teacher. I will do my best to accommodate your needs.

Grading Policy for the Class: (this is for Sequoia issued grades which is different from
IB assessments)

Evaluation of Student Work is Based on the Following:

California State Visual Arts & Media Mastery of Techniques, Concepts, &
Arts Content Standards Equipment

Visual Arts Studio Habits of Mind Improvement in Skill Mastery

Elements of Art Creativity, Originality, & Complex
Visiting Museums, Exhibitions, &
Art Galleries Comparative Study

Principles of Design Art Journal

Studio Work/Exhibition Craftsmanship

Critique & Presentations Midterm/Final

Grades are earned and awarded on a point system. The overall grade is broken into categories
weighted to mirror the IB assessment system and to prepare students to pass their IB evaluation and will
include categories listed above. IB Art uses the standard point scale for grading. “A” work is outstanding and
exceeds expectations. It demonstrates divergent/creative thought, excellent technique, is insightful, and
communicates a strong individual student “voice.” “B” work is good. It demonstrates potential in technique
and creativity. “C” work fulfills most requirements. “D” and “F” work does not meet requirements, is not
school appropriate, and/or is incomplete.

Your grade will comprise of approximately the following:

Homework Assignments 40%
Major Projects 60%

Academic Honesty:
Honesty, integrity, and a positive work ethic are critical practices in art making as well as during
investigative research stages of developing one’s art ideas. Because I care about each student (you!) and
their learning of the material taught/investigated, as well as their character development, honesty and integrity
are expected at all times.
Guidelines of how to appropriately recognize sources in the Visual Arts, and more information about
copyrighted images and fair use will be covered in class.

§ We follow the Sequoia Union High School District Academic Honesty Policy. (Referral to AVP.
Gets reported in their behavior record).
§ For all official IB assessments carried out in the class (IAs), teachers are required to authenticate it as
the student’s work per IB policy. If a teacher cannot authenticate it, then it will NOT be submitted to
IB resulting in a missing component towards the final IB score. (An N grade is received).

§ If the assignment is a formal IB assessment, and it has already been submitted to IB, it will be
reported to the IB organization and the student will face consequences dictated by IB.
§ All students and parents/guardians will read and sign an
electronic ICAP/IB Academic Honesty Policy Pledge. Document accessed through links provided by
the teacher. (This will be found in Canvas)
§ IB courses with an IA: Students cannot submit the same work (or parts of the same work) for two
different assessment components. In other words, you cannot use the same IA or parts of an IA to
satisfy two different IB assessments. Any duplicated work will NOT be submitted to IB and students
will be missing a component
§ Reminder that colleges can require students to report academic misconduct

Behavior Policy:
§ All Sequoia High School rules, policies, and dress codes must be adhered to at all times.
§ Be on time: This means being seated with your supplies when the first bell rings.
§ Be Prepared: Be attentive and engaged in class. Be mentally prepared and alert. Bring your materials
to every class meeting.
§ Exercise Respect & Safety in the Classroom: This means respect of other students and their artwork,
teachers, and the equipment/computers/classroom/enlargers/cameras. We share a studio space with
other students and should be considerate of the materials, time, and space that we all use. Any
behavior that disrupts the learning environment will not be tolerated. Consequences for lack of
respect/being disruptive will be detention, additional assignments, lowering of studio performance
grade or a referral. In addition, if you damage, lose or misuse any supplies or equipment you may be
fined for the replacement or repair cost.
§ Responsibility: You are responsible for your growth as an artist. Use your studio time to explore,
learn, be inspired, and awaken your curiosity and creativity.
§ Accountability for Equipment: Please be aware that if you damage equipment because you were
goofing off, using it inappropriately, deliberately damaging it, or in the instance that it has gone
missing; you may be held accountable for it.
§ Follow and honor the academic honesty pledge as stated above.
§ Attitude: Be prepared to embrace the creative process and to learn from each other and share the
studio. Your success in the course will rely on your efforts and desire to learn new material, and your
respect for our precious (and expensive) equipment and resources. You will also be expected to
behave in a professional and ethical manner. Understand that rudeness and disrespect will not be
tolerated. Be prepared to come to class every day with a positive attitude, showing patience,
tolerance, respect, and cooperation.
§ You are not to leave the classroom without asking
permission, signing out, and taking a pass.
§ Historically I have not allowed hats and hoods in the
classroom, but I am trying out allowing them this year on
the caveat (under the specific understanding) that I must
be able to see your eyes and face during class, otherwise
the hat or hood must be removed.
§ There are rules, expectations, routines, and procedures
specific to different areas of this course, like the
darkroom, taking photos on campus how to turn
assignments in online, etc. We will go over these points as
they come up, but really everything falls under these 4
simple rules:

IB Course Requirements and Assessment:
There are 3 components to the IB Art assessment: Comparative Study, Process Portfolio, and
Exhibition. Class activities, projects, critiques, and deadlines will support students so that by their 2nd year
of the course they have these components prepared for digital submission to IB. (IB has gone 100% digital in
recent years. The term “screen” is used in IB assessment to refer to digital pages that combine text, images, and Art
Journal scans. )

IB Levels:
There are two levels of IB assessment: Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL). These have the same
basic requirements, but differ in the amount of work turned in for assessment. The course is a two year
course, students can decide in the first semester of their senior year if they will test SL or HL.


Comparative Study (20%):
What is it?
§ This is not an essay. Students will analyze and compare at least 3 different artworks by 2 or more
artists and reflect on how these artists connect to their own work. Students present their findings
digitally through a combining images, text, sketches and scans from their Art Journal.

Students Will Be Able to Analyze & Compare in their Art Journal:

§ Formal qualities: What elements of art / principles of design is the artist using to compose the
§ Function and Purpose: Interpretation of symbols, signs and motifs in the work to find meaning.
§ Cultural Significance: what is the context of the work? What does the work reveal about the
culture is was created in, the time period it was made or the artist’s perspective of world events?
§ Conceptual and Material Significance: Identify and compare styles seen in the artwork,
conceptual strategies used, connections to art movements and historical contexts. Consider the
materials and techniques used by the artist and how these choices convey meaning.

How is it submitted?
§ It is submitted using the writing, sketches and diagrams made in their Art Journal.
§ Students will create digital screens that convey their research and the connections they discovered.
§ High Level: 18- 20 screens (3-5 of which explore connections between artworks and student work)
§ Standard Level: 10-15 screens

Process Portfolio (40%):

What is it?
§ Students submit carefully selected excerpts from their Art Journals that demonstrate their
experimentation, exploration, manipulation and refinement of a variety of visual arts activities
during the two-year course. Students should take many photos of their experimentations, studies,
stages of development of studio projects as they work. These photos should be kept in a file to
easily access as they develop their slide presentations and to use (printed out) in their art journals.

Strong Process Portfolios & Art Journals Show:

§ Experimentation of a variety of art materials and techniques and the ability to appropriately choose
materials and techniques appropriate to the intention of the work.
§ Critical investigation of artists, artworks and artistic genres and evidence of how these have
influenced or impacted student work
§ How initial ideas are formed and refined through sketches, reflection and planning.
§ Development and refinement of conceptual and technical skills (especially drawing)
§ Use of art language and vocabulary

Forms of Art Making:

3 Main Categories of Art Making Techniques

Category/Column 1: Category/Column 2: 3D Category/Column 3:
Traditional 2D Methods Methods Multimedia Methods
§ Drawing § Sculpture § Time Based
§ Painting § Designed Objects § Lens Media
§ Printmaking § Site Specific, Ephemeral § Digital or Screen-based
§ Graphics § Textiles

§ Students will experiment in their Art Journals with different art-making forms through the course
but should also focus on refining skill in Art Journal in just one or two forms.
§ High Level: Experience working with at least 3 forms of art making, selected from a minimum of 2
of the main art making categories
§ Standard Level: Experience working with at least 2 forms of art-making

How is it submitted?
§ It is submitted using the writing, sketches, and experimentations made in their Art Journal.
§ Studio works should display their refined skills that they were studying and experimenting with in
their art journals.
§ Students will create digital screens that convey their research, methods, and techniques they
§ High Level: 9-18 screens using at least 2 forms
§ Standard Level: 13-25 screens using at least 3 forms

Exhibition (40%):
What is it?
§ Students will design their exhibition and select pieces that show evidence of their technical
accomplishment, development of ideas and use of materials to convey meaning.

Curatorial Rationale:
§ Written explanation of why specific artworks have been chosen and presented in a particular
format. It provides students with an opportunity to explain any challenges, innovations or issues
that impacted the selection and presentation of the artwork. Students should refer to specific works
of art and clearly state intentions.

§ High Level: no more than 700 words
§ Standard Level: no more than 400 words

Exhibition Studio Works

§ Students will chose their most successful work; creating a cohesive show that reflects stated
§ High Level: 8-11 studio works created in any art-making forms
§ Standard Level: 4-7 works created in any art making forms

Exhibition Text:
§ 500 characters maximum PER artwork
§ Each submitted artworks needs to be supported by text that gives the title, medium, and size of the
artwork as well as a very brief statement about the intention of the work.

IB Art Curriculum was created using the following guidelines:

§ Sequoia Mission Statement:
o Sequoia High School will provide a stimulating and caring community that encourages
respect for diversity and promotes academic and vocational excellence through creative and
critical thinking as well as appreciation of the arts. A Sequoia education develops
responsibility, communication skills, self-esteem and self-direction, and promotes educational
success and lifelong learning for all students.

§ School Goals:
o Academic performance of all students will increase, as demonstrated by students meeting
UC/CSU a-g requirements.
o Literacy skills of all students will improve, as demonstrated on the CAASPP, All-School
Literacy Task, and subject-area lessons.
o Mathematical reasoning skills of all students will improve, with a specific focus on problem-
solving and communicating reasoning, as demonstrated by the CAASPP, All-School
Numeracy Performance Task, and subject-area lessons.

§ California Content Standards for the Visual Arts:

o Sequoia High School offers a comprehensive, standards-based program of study. For a deeper
look at those standards can be found at: https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/vapacontentstds.asp

§ IB Inclusivity Statement:
o The IB Program at Sequoia High School is an inclusive program open to all students. We
believe in the IB Organization’s diversity, equity and inclusion commitment:
§ “At the IB we want to understand and celebrate differences within our community,
while recognizing and valuing the things we have in common. As we all strive to
achieve our mission of creating a better world through education, we cannot
underestimate the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).” ~IB’s
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement June, 2022 https://www.ibo.org/about-
o In line with IB’s mission statement and commitment to DEI, Sequoia’s IB Program welcomes
students of varying identities, cultures, ethnicities, races, languages, perspectives, and learning
differences. We celebrate how each student adds great value to the classroom, enriching class
discussions and understandings as they bring their authentic selves and unique identities to
the classroom. We strive to continuously evaluate our pedagogy, curriculum, policies,
assessments, communication, classroom/school culture and relationships to ensure student
engagement and success for all students. We recognize there is still work to be done and we
remain committed to that work.
o To ensure students with differences that impact learning can participate in IB, we uphold
these practices:
§ Students with IEP/504s providing extended time on assessments have a maximum of
an additional 72 hours to submit their official IB Internal Assessments or IAs.
§ Students receive 504/IEP accommodations for all other IB class assignments as per
their plans (classwork/ class assessments other than official IAs).
§ The Special Education Department and 504 Coordinator coordinate with the IB
Office to apply for accommodations for official IB exams.
§ IB teachers are provided with an IB Accommodation Teacher Guide to provide clear
policy and best practices when working with students with accommodations.

Need Extra Help?

I am here to help you as best I can! I WANT YOU TO BE SUCCESSFUL! The more you
communicate with me, the better I am able to help you. There are multiples ways we can connect. Pick
what works for you.

• Send me an Email: LYurkovich@seq.org

• Book an appointment during Flex or during 7th Period
• Please always feel free to talk to me in person in class, during break, or during lunch as time allows

Looking to the Future...

This is a very unusual year, as I'm sure you know! It is a year full of adversity. The very basis of
how we live our lives has been challenged on every level, but with great change, comes great opportunity,
and we have the exciting opportunity to reimagine and redesign education and our classroom. School will
look very different. We will need to work together and be flexible as issues arise and as situations change
both at school and the community at large. I am beyond excited to share the magic of photography with
you! It's going to be a great year.
Upwards and onwards!

P.S. I highly recommend that you keep this document and place it in your binder specifically for this
class as it will be your guide through this adventure. Don’t forget to sign on the next page, answer the
questions, and have your parents/guardians sign before you submit your Course Description for points!

Please Detach & Return to Your Teacher
Parent/Student Sign-off:
Please print and sign your name on the following page. By signing this document you are stating that
you understand the classroom rules and expectations. Take this document home and have your parents or
guardians print and sign their names below as well, indicating that they are also aware of the rules and
expectations of the course. If your student lives in two different households, please, have your
parent/guardian in each household sign off below.

Student Name: ________________________________________

Signature:______________________________________ Date: ________________

Student E-mail: ______________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________

Signature:______________________________________ Date: ________________

Parent E-mail: ______________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________

Signature:______________________________________ Date: ________________

Parent E-mail: _____________________________________________________________

1) Is there anything that I should know about you that would help me understand you better and cater
to your needs as a student better? If so, please explain. (Parents and guardians, please feel free to add to
your student’s response.)

2) What sort of materials do you have access to at home?


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