Homework No 7
Homework No 7
Homework No 7
Homework No 7
Attempt problems:
Q1. Air flows steadily and isentropically through a passage. At section 1, where the cross-
sectional area is 0.02 m2/ the air is at 40.0 kPa (abs), 60ºC, and Ma = 2.0. At section 2
downstream, the speed is 519 m/s. Calculate the Mach number at section 2. Sketch the shape of
the passage between sections 1 and 2.
Answer: Ma 2 1.2
Q2. Air at an absolute pressure of 60.0 kPa and 27ºC, enters a passage at 486 m/s, where
A 0.02 m 2 . At section 2 downstream, p = 78.8 kPa (abs). Assuming isentropic flow, calculate
the Mach number at section 2. Sketch the flow passage.
Answer: Ma 2 1.2
Q3. Air flows steadily and isentropically through a passage at 100 kg/s. At the section where
A 0.464 m 2 , Ma = 3, T = -60ºC, and p = 15.0 kPa (abs). Determine the speed and cross-
sectional area downstream where T = 138ºC. Sketch the flow passage.
Answer: V 610 m/s; A 0.129 m
Q4. A passage is designed to expand air isentropically to atmospheric pressure from a large tank
in which properties are held constant at 5ºC and 304 kPa (abs). The desired flow rate is 1 kg/s.
Determine the exit area of the passage. Sketch the Mach number and pressure as function of
distance along the passage.
Answer: A 1.49 10 m
Q5. Air flows isentropically through a converging nozzle into a receiver in which the absolute
pressure is 240 kPa. The air enters the nozzle with negligible speed at a pressure of 406 kPa (abs)
and a temperature of 95ºC. Determine the flow rate through the nozzle for a throat area of
0.01 m 2
Answer: m 8.50 kg/s
Q6. Consider a “rocket cart” propelled by a jet supplied from a tank of compressed air on the cart.
Initially, air in the tank is at 1.52 MPa (abs) and 27ºC, and the mass of the cart and tank is
M 0 23.2 kg . The air exhausts through a converging nozzle with exit area Ae 31.7 mm 2 .
Rolling resistance of the cart is FR 5.2 N ; aerodynamic resistance is negligible. For the instant
after air begins to flow through the nozzle: (a) compute the pressure in the nozzle exit plane, (b)
evaluate the mass flow rate of air though the nozzle, and (c) calculate the acceleration of the tank
and cart assembly.
Answer: p 803 kPa (abs); m 0.113 kg/s; a 2.28 m/s
Q7. An ideal gas, with k 1.4 , flows isentropically through the converging nozzle shown and
discharges into a large duct where the pressure is p2 125 kPa (abs). The gas is not air and the
gas constant, R, is unknown. Flow is steady and uniform at all cross sections. Find the exit area of
the nozzle, A2 , and the exit speed, V2
Answer: A 0.0173 m ; V 390 m/s
Q8. Air at a stagnation pressure of 7.2 Mpa (abs) and a stagnation temperature of 1100 K, flows
isentropically through a converging-diverging nozzle having a throat are of 0.01 m 2. Determine
the speed and the mass flow rate at the downstream section where the Mach number is 4.0
Answer: V 1300 m/s; m 87.4 kg/s
Q10. Nitrogen at a pressure and temperature of 371 kPa (abs) and 400 K, enters a nozzle with
negligible speed. The exhaust jet is directed against a large flat plate that is perpendicular to the
jet axis. The flow leaves the nozzle at atmospheric pressure. The exit area is 0.003 m 2. Find the
force required to hold the plate.
Answer: Rx 950 N