Rory Elliott 12 17 1997: Measles Vaccine Requirement Form (MMR)
Rory Elliott 12 17 1997: Measles Vaccine Requirement Form (MMR)
Rory Elliott 12 17 1997: Measles Vaccine Requirement Form (MMR)
Contact Information
Measles Requirement
The Oregon State System of Higher Education requires all incoming students to show evidence of immunity to measles
(Rubeola). The immunity to measles (Rubeola) is usually administered via the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
All entering students born after December 31, 1956 must have the following:
● Two vaccinations of MMR. The first vaccination must be received at least 1 year after date of birth. There must
be a minimum of 28 days between the first and second vaccinations. Please indicate the dates on which the
two required doses of MMR vaccination were received*
04 23 1999
Dose #1: _________/__________/____________
Month Day Year
09 09 2002
Dose #2: _________/__________/____________
Month Day Year
12 18 2020
Student Signature (required): ___________________________________ Date: ________/__________/____________
Student Signature Month Day Year
* No medical records or documentation are necessary, simply submit the dates when your vaccinations were received.
If you submit documentation, it will be shredded.
● If you do not meet the requirements outlined above, please see the reverse side regarding exemptions.
Submission Details
You may submit the completed form in either of the following way listed below.
Do not send original medical/immunization documents. This document will be shredded after input.
Mail: Fax:
Center for Student Health & Counseling Fax: 503.725.5812
Mail Code: SHAC Fax white paper ONLY
P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR 97207
Email: Submit a scanned copy to: Questions? Submit your questions to
Age Exemption
Initial here if you were born before 1957: _______________
܆Medical Exemption
Acceptable bases include:
o Serious allergic reactions (anaphylactic) to Gelatin, Neomycin, or other vaccines.
o Pregnancy or intent on becoming pregnant within 28 days.
o Immuno-suppression such as occurs with cancers (leukemia, lymphoma) or medications for such
o Taking high doses of cortisone-type medications for more than 2 weeks.
Note: All medical exemptions require a physician’s signature. Individuals with HIV-positive antibodies or with
leukemia in remission who have not received chemotherapy for at least three months may receive MMR
Physician’s Certifications
I certify that this individual should be exempted from the MMR vaccine requirements based on:
A. History of Measles (Rubeola): Date: __________/___________/____________
B. Measles (Rubeola) Immune Titer: Date: __________/___________/____________
C. The following medical reason: _____________________________________________
Which constitutes a medical contraindication in accordance with the advisory committee on immunization
practices of the U.S. Public Health Services for MMR vaccine (see above).
Physician’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______/________/________
Physician’s Address: ____________________________________ Phone: _____-________-_________
܆Non-Medical Exemption
Under the Oregon State Immunization Law, as of March 1, 2014 those claiming a non-medical exemption are
required to complete one of the following:
A. Video Tutorial (An online video tutorial at
I am adherent to a religion, the teachings of which are opposite to immunization; or I
prescribe to a spiritual or philosophical belief that opposed immunization, and therefore request that I
be exempt from the immunization requirement. I have watched the required video advising me about
the risk factors involved in not being immunized against certain infectious diseases and the required
Certificate of Completion attached.
Student’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______/________/________
B. Consultation with a health care provider (medical doctor [MD], osteopath [DO], registered nurse
working under the direction of an MD or DO; naturopathic doctor, nurse practitioner licenses to
prescribe medication, or physician’s assistant).
Provider Counseling (to be completed by an approved health provider (see above).
I, ____________________________ (provider printed name), have counseled this student on the risk factors
involved in not being immunized against certain infectious diseases.