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Bio-Cel MCP: Mechanical Cleaning Process

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Mechanical Cleaning Process

“Green Technology” made in Germany

Submerged MBR Modules

The MBR process is the most advanced waste water treatment

process currently available and offers many advantages over con-
ventional water treatment systems.

The submerged BIO-CEL® membrane modules replace space-in-

tensive secondary clarifiers which results in minimal footprint and
safely separate the purified waste water from the biomass. Thus, an
extremely high effluent quality is ensured, which also meets hygienic
requirements according to the European Bathing Water Directive
and California Title 22. Moreover, the biomass concentration can be
increased considerably, resulting in smaller reactor volumes.

In this MBR process, the submerged BIO-CEL® ultrafiltration mem-

branes are protected against membrane fouling in a multi-stage
process. Besides the process-integrated aeration (cross-flow along
the membranes) and periodic back flushing/relaxation phases, re-
gular chemical cleaning may also be used to reduce the fouling lay-
er. The chemicals effectively clean the membrane surface, thereby
restoring its original permeability and enabling stable and reliable
process operation.

On the one hand, membrane bioreactors represent progressive

technology for the biological treatment of waste water but on the
other hand, the energy demand is in many cases higher compared
to conventional treatment options. This augmented energy demand
is mainly caused by the additional aeration which induces the cross-
flow aeration of the membrane. Approximately 50-70 % of the
required energy is used for aeration.
Cover layer
Energy optimization
through BIO-CEL®-MCP
(Mechanical Cleaning Process) Granulate

“Green Technology” made in Germany Membrane

As a further process-integrated feature, the BIO-CEL® membrane

module can also be cleaned mechanically, through the use of
the BIO-CEL®-MCP (Mechanical Cleaning Process), which helps
to reduce operating costs as well as to minimize the augmented
energy demand.

This innovative process reduces the formation of a fouling lay-

er. The membrane cleaning process is being supported by the
cross-flow aeration and the use of inert, organic material (MCP
granulate). The MCP granulate is added directly to the activated
sludge. The airflow induced by the module-integrated membrane
aeration system draws the MCP granulate up between the mem-
brane sheets. As the MCP granulate rises, the membrane area is
continually cleaned through the direct contact of the granulate
with the sludge on the membrane surface.
This mechanical cleaning is only possible in conjunction with
The fouling layer formed during the filtration process is removed BIO-CEL® modules, because other module types do not incorpo-
safely without causing any damage to the membrane. In the rate the required constructional and hydraulic characteristics to
downstream area outside the membrane modules, the current perform a mechanical cleaning.
draws the granulate back to the base of the module where it
enters again into the upstream flow. The MCP granulate has been Long-term testing shows, that a chemical free operation is pos-
designed for permanent usage. It is retained in the filtration tank sible. The efficiency and reliability of the MCP technique could be
by suitable separation systems. proven by the continuous operation of a pilot plant for two years.
Other large scale applications have been operating successfully
for a number of years.

M a jor adva ntag e s o f the BIO -C E L ® -M C P :

» BIO-CEL®-MCP mechanically removes the cake layer from the membrane which enhances the flux up to 60%

» Cost efficient process through a minimization of the installed membrane area and significantly lower energy
demand as a result of reduced air sourcing requirements due to an enhancement of the specific flux

» Continuous membrane integrity – stable and reliable effluent quality

» No or only low demand for chemical cleaning – thus a continuous filtration process is possible



(%) 60%
) 100
ine #2
40% MCP (L e #1)
nce (Lin 80
Refere )
Line #1 60
20% R e f e rence (
MC 40
Day of Operation

Significant progress through BIO-CEL®-MCP

Results BIO-CEL®-MCP

One of the main advancements through the use of BIO-CEL ®-MCP The membrane laminate’s self-supporting structure allows for
is the reduction of operating costs of the MBR plants. chemical as well as mechanical cleaning of the membrane surface,
thereby ensuring permanently high membrane system availability.
50-70% of the whole energy demand of MBR systems is needed
for the cross-flow aeration, which is incurred independently of Test results show that no chemical membrane cleaning has been
the specific flux. The BIO-CEL®-MCP system enables much higher necessary for a two year period through the application of BIO-
specific flows than conventional operations, which results in a CEL®-MCP.
minimization of the energy demand. Moreover, investment costs
are decreasing due to the reduction of the membrane area which The chart below outlines the advantages of the application of a
can be achieved through the enhancement of flux. This drastically BIO-CEL®-MCP, using the example of a model waste water treat-
lowers investment costs (smaller membrane area needed) and ment plant designed for 10,000 PE (2,000 m3/d). The yearly costs
reduces energy consumption (cross-flow) for the entire system. can be reduced by almost 30 % through the use of MCP.

Comparative values of BIO-CEL® vs. BIO-CEL®-MCP for a model waste water treatment plant for 10,000 PE:


Average flux* 13.9 l/m²h 16.5 l/m²h
Peak Flux* 27.8 l/m²h 33.0 l/m²h
Membrane area needed 6,000 5,000 m²
Lifetime 8a 8a
Annual charges “Membrane Invest” 33,750 €/a 28,125 €/a
Energy demand 365,000 kWh/a 280,769 kWh/a
Annual charges “energy“** 36,500 €/a 28,077 €/a
Annual charges “chemical cleaning“ 15,075 €/a 0 €/a
Annual charges “MCP” 0 €/a 5,863 €/a

Annual charges “total” (incl. invest) 85,325 €/a 62,065 €/a

(*the assumed flux is based on the minimum achievable performance improvement through the application of MCP)
(**valid for energy costs of 0.10 Euro per KWh)
BIO-CEL®- MCP in large scale applications

Location Size of plant Type of wastewater Date of startup

Canada 2 x BC100 (200m²) | 2.73 m³/h è ~ 14 LMH 2009
(food industry)

Germany 4 x BC50 (200 m²) | 4 x 1.5 m³/h è ~ 30 LMH Municipal 2010

Greece 3 x BC100 (300 m²) | 6.0 m³/h è ~ 20 LMH 2011
(shopping center)

10 x BC400 in 2 trains | 46 m³/h è ~ 12 LMH Industrial

Mexico 2012
Target: low/no chemical cleaning (fish processing)

12 x BC400 in 3 trains | 108 m³/h è ~ 40 LMH

Germany Municipal 2012
Target: low energy consumption

Since 2009 a MBR plant using BIO-CEL®-MCP has been in ope- Despite the extreme effluent concentrations (CSB > 5000 m3/d),
ration for the treatment of waste water from the food industry. no chemical cleanings have been necessary throughout the en-
After more than one year of continuous operation, the plant tire duration of the pilot tests. In mid 2012, an MBR using the
still shows excellent filtration performance without conducting BIO-CEL®-MCP with a daily effluent flow of 1,000 m3/d will be
a chemical cleaning. put into operation. A second plant will probably follow by the
end of 2012.
Between January and June 2011, MCP pilot tests were accom-
plished successfully in two fish processing companies in Mexico.
Thereby, the positive effects of an operation using granulate,
could be successfully proven.

Advantages of the BIO-CEL®-MCP

» Improved operating safety

» Cost savings

» Optimized energy consumption

» Minimized chemical demand = Ecologically friendly membrane-cleaning process

» Performance significantly better than “conventional” MBR systems

» Highest possible peak flow over longer periods

» Simple, mechanical membrane cleaning

» Maximum system availability

MICRODYN-NADIR GmbH Separation – our passion
Rheingaustraße 190-196 For more than 45 years, MICRODYN-NADIR has developed innova-
65203 Wiesbaden / Germany tive membranes and membrane modules for micro, ultra and nano
filtration as well as solutions to support our customers’ needs in
Tel. + 49 611 962 6001 operations, performance, more efficient membrane processes and
regulatory compliance.
We will deliver products, information and services, which fully meet
or exceed customer expectations. Our team focuses on continual
improvement to achieve the highest possible level of customer satis-
faction and to be recognized by our customers as the technology and
MICRODYN quality leader.

TECHNOLOGIES INC We are not satisfied until our products have been successfully integra-
ted into your customers’ plants and processes, and they are realizing
P. O. Box 98269 the benefits of our technology. That is our passion.
Raleigh, NC. 27624, USA Our quality system is designed to achieve these goals.

Tel. + 1 919 341 5936


(Xiamen) Co.,Ltd
No. 66 Jinting North Road Xinglin
Xiamen, China 361022
Tel. + 86 592 677 5500

We support you – worldwide!

» Global availability
» Intensive technical consulting
» Ideal choice of membranes and modules
» Support with engineering and plant design
» Laboratory and pilot tests
» After Sales Service

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