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Jis D1607

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STD.JIS D DRO?-ENGL 2995 MM 43308 0541932 90) mm UDC. 621.634-573.2:621. 316, 717.001.4:629.113 This st evisod in 2, 1995 . JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD Test Methods of Starter Motors for Automobiles JIS D 1607-1589. This copy is an English version of Japanese Industrial Standard prepared by Japanese Standards Association, the copyright holder. Any further reproduction without permission is prohibited. Translated by Japanese Standards Association 1-24, Akasaka 4, Minato-ku ‘Tokyo 107 Japan © ISA, 1989 Copyright by the Japanese indistrialSlandards Sun Feb 26 112727 206 STD-JIS D AbO?-ENGL 1995 mm Uq33408 0543933 aus This English translation is prepared at the expense of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). Copyright by the Japanese Industrial Slandards Sun Feb 26 112027 2006 STD-JIS D LEO7-ENGL 1995 MM 4933b08 0541934 784 mm UDC 621.434-5732:621.316.717.001.4:629.113 JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD us ‘Test Methods of Starter Motors for Automobiles D 1607-1989 1. Scope ‘This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the test methods f starter motors used for the starting of in- ternal combustion engines for automobiles, hereinafter referred to as the ‘starters’, ‘Remark: Those units and numerical values shown in { } inthis Standard are based on the convention alunits and are attached for informative reference. 2 Defiition ‘The definitions of the terms used in this Standard shall be as shown below except as specified in JIS Dows. (2) nominal output Maximum output of two figures obtained by cutting away the third and lower Places of significant figures, (@) vwoltage/current characteristic A characteristic determined by the voltage applied to the starter anit od tiecan ‘and the curreat correspondingly lowing in the starter (refer to Appended Table). @) no-load characteristic The characteristic obtained in the condition where no torque load is ex- erted on the starter pinion. (@ \oading characteristic The characteristic in the condition where the prescribed torque load is ex- erted on the starter pinion. @) lock characteristic The characteristic in the condition with the starter pinion locked (he starter ‘not rotating). © internal resistance The resistance within the starter calculated from the starter terminal voltage ‘and the corresponding current in the condition with the starter pinion locked. (7) magnetic switch closevoltage — The minimum necessary terminal voltage for closing the contact pints in the magnetic switch. 3. Classification of Tests ‘The tests for starters shal be classified as follows: (2) Output Characteristic Test @) Magnetic Switch Close Voltage Test @) Magnetic Switch Contact Point Voltage Drop Test 4, ‘Test Conditions and Test Apparatus 41 Test Conditions Tests shall be carried out under the following conditions unless otherwise specified. (1) Ambient temperature of test site: 23. 5°C (2) Test voltage and test current: the voltage and current values corresponding to the voltage/current characteristic division (Appended Table) specified by the starter manufacrurer according to the Kind and type of the starter. “Applicable Standards: ‘TIS C 1102-Electrical Indicating lastruments JIS D 0105-Glossary of Terms Relating to Electric Equipments for Automotiles Corresponding International Standard: 1S0 8856 Road vehicles - Starter motors - Test methods and general requirements Copyright by the Tpinese dil Standards Sun ab 26 1:27.21 208, “STD.JIS D VOO7-ENGL 2495 MM 4S3308 0542935 b20 mm 2 1D 1607-1989 42 TestApparatus The output of the starter shall be measured by using atest apparatus as show in Fel ‘Fig. 1. Test Apparatus (Example) Mapp vc Ammer Ou 7 Power | Ome so ‘Saree (eal |] sal ~ Tactometer|_} Tower Bae mor Ring pat — Meawrog doce Remarks 1. ‘The current consumed inthe magnetic switch ofthe starter or the like shall be in- cluded inthe starter current, ‘2 ‘The grounding wire of the starter shall be drawm from the front bracket, but where a rounding terminalis provide, it shall be used, 43 Measuring Instruments The quality of measuring instruments used inthe tests shall meet the fol- lowing requirements: @) Voltmeter and ammeter; Grade 10 or higher specified in JIS C 1102 @ Tachometer: 2% sosuracy @) Torquemeter: + 2% accuracy 5. Test Methods ‘5. Output Characteristic Test _ With the starter mounted on the test apparatus shown in Fig. 1, the no- load characteristic, loading characteristic, and lock characteristic shall be determined by either one of the fol- ‘owing methods using the voltage and current values selected according to the voltage/current characteristic division shown in Appended Table. (1) Fired Point Mode Method Operate the starter under various torque loads and measure the torque, voltage, current, and rotational speed at each loading point, ‘Perform measurements at each loading point within 3 sec and on completion of such measure- ‘ments, cool the starter to the ambient tempesanure of 4.1 (3), Select a necessary and sufficient sumber of loading points for preparation of an output char- oe @) Continuous Mode Method Operate the starter while continuously increasing its torque load and ‘utomatically measure the torque, voltage, cureat, and rotational speed. 52 Mamnetic Switch Close Vokage Test _ With the starter electrically connected as in Fig, 2, the voltage shall be increased gradually and the voltage when the contact points in the magnetic switch are closed shall ‘be measured. At this time, the pinion shall move by the prescribed travelling distance. Copyright by the Tapinése Industriat Standards Sun Feb 26 11.2727 2006 STD.JIS D UbO?-ENGL L995 MM 49393b08 OSWL93b S57 a D 1607-1989 Fig.2. Measuring Method for Magnetic Switch Close Voltage (Example) 53. Magnetic Switch Contact Point Volt Test With the starter mounted on the test apparatus ‘of Fig. 1, the voltage produced between the contact points when the load is applied shall be measured. ‘The load current shall be 200 A for starter of 12 V nominal voltage, and for starter of 24 V nominal volt- ‘6, it shall be specified by agreement between the customer and the suppli 6. Method of Calculating Torque and Output ‘The torque and output ofthe starter shall be calculated as follows: - -@ where Ts: torque of starter Nm {kgf-m} Treading of torquemeter_Nm {kgf-m} NN: rotational speed of starter min’ {rpm} ‘+ rotational speed of ring gear min‘ {rpm} 1 reduction ratio {Nin} Pi output ofstares EW 0.9: gear efficiency 62. Correction of Measured Value Where ‘made according to the following methods: ) Correction of Torgus Value by Inertis Where measurement is performed according to 5.1 (2), ‘correction shall be performed for the inertia ofthe armature and the like according to the follow. ing calculation formulae: corrections of measured values are required, they shall be Copyright by the Japanese Industrial Standards Sun Peb 26 11.2727 2006 STD.JIS D 3bO7-ENGL 2995 MM 4S33L08 0500937 493 mm 4 D 1607-1989 The T-Te., xx An Tem —axar * 4+ Je) o where: torque after correction of torquemeter reading by inertia Non {kgf-m} Te: torque correcting value by inertia Nm {kgf+m} 41: difference in rotational speed between two braking points. min’! {rpm} 4t: difference in time between two braking points s Ja: moment of inertia of measuring device kg-m? Je: moment of inertia of starter rotating part observed from measuring device kgm’ Correction of Te Value by Tem In the case of a starter having a permanent magnet Spade waere scar teapotbes nna the range of30 05 the rio cot ‘value for conversion from starter temperature (°C to 20°C shall be obtained from the following for- ‘muda by using 7; of (1). T= Ti[l-B¢-20)) . 6) where Ta: torque after correction from starter temperature PC to PC Nm {kgf+m} (8: temperature coefficient of residual magnetic lux density of permanent magnet wc ° (Ina wound field starter, B = 0.) @) Correction of Rotational Speed by Temperature Where the starter temperature is outside the ‘range of 20 © 05°C, the rotational speed after correction from starter temperature °C to 20°C shall be calculated from the following calculation formulae: ‘The rotational speed is generally given by E Nm exe where —_E: induction voltage V- @: starter magnetic flux Wb ‘k: proportion constant ‘The induction voltage is given by E= V-IxR.., where V: terminalvolage V 1: starter current A AR: starter internal resistance Copyright by the Japanese Industrial Standards Sun Feb 26 112727 2006 STD.JIS D LbO7-ENGL 1995 MH 4933608 0541938 327 ‘The internal resistance after correction by temperature i given by Rem Rix [1-a(¢-20)] where Ri: internal resistance atthe time of measurement © Re: internal resistance after correction to 20°C Q. ‘: constant-mass temperature coefficient of resistance depending on coil material 17°C . Remark; Ina coil made of 100 % copper, a is 393 x 10°C at 20°C, In the case ‘of a copper-aluminium composite coll, this value shall be found by cal- : calation, ‘The rotational speed after correction by temperature is given by -3 1 Nan Bx Topgcay Mo where _E: induction voltage at the time of measurement V a: induction voltage after correction by temperature V ‘Ni: measured rotational speed min‘? ‘Na: rotational speed after correction by temperature min" (®) Correction of Rotational Speed by Vi ‘Where the terminal voltage V differs from the induction voltage varies as shown in formula (7). The correction of the rote- ‘voltage for this variation of induction voltage shall be made according to the follow: 63 Output Characteristic after Correction Where the torque value and rotational speed are corrected scrording 162 the culpa! Saraceoais oe tnt hel ee a In that case, the values of coefficients « and 6 used for calculation shall be recorded. 7, Presentation of Test Results ‘The characteristic of the starter shall be presented inthe form shown in Fig. 3. Further, the characteristic curves ofthe rotational speed and torque may be added. Copyright by the Japanese Industrial Standards Sun Peb 26 11-27-27 2006 STD-JIS D 2bO7-ENGL 2995 MM 4933608 0543939 2bb a ‘ ‘D 1607-1989 Fig.3. Presentation Form for Starter Characteristics (Example) ‘Type of tested product ‘Year, month, andday oftest year month day( )| Roomtemperature °C | Nominal output v kw ‘Voltage/current characteristic division ‘Measuring method for output ‘Magnetic switch closing voltage V_| Magnetic switch contact point voltage drop V( A) Starter output characteristic curve. \ TT Rowatonal ed 1 i I Halala danas 7 g a SE é it caus] Om) | eH | HY 1 Loading current (A) Copyigit by tne Japafése Industral Standards Sun Feb 25 112727 2006 STD-JIS D MbO?-ENGL 1995 MM 4533608 OS4L40 Th 7. 1D 1607-1989 Appended Table. Voltage/Current Characteristic Divisions — vated Voltage value, crrent value ‘din | “MO | n@ | AM | nA 2B 300 2B 350 32¢ 400, . 2a 0 2s |" 300 . BD [550 12 I 2 ° 6 oO RE 300 DE 300 2 [1000 ary 3200 DP 1500 12K [3700 IRs [3000 2A 500 Whe oO mB 2 [00 24 [900 m aCe m ° 2 | mo Mey 7200 2 1500 WAGs 1700 2D 2000) 2D 2400 Remark: The voltage/current characteristic divisions shall respectively be indicated by ewo pairs of voltage value, current value V1, 1 and V2, [2. Example for the case of division 12-B IRV. B 6| Yak a 0300 > Cumest (4) Copyright by the Japanese Industrial Standards ~ Sun Peb 26 11.2727 2006 JIS D¥5204 93 MM 4933608 0537485 380 ow JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDATD JIS D 5204-1993 Road vehicles--Dimensions of starter pinions and ring gears ERRATA Page Position Wrong Correct 1 Table 1 Pressure angle @ Pressure angle a 2 Table 3 © ©) to3 Renarks: This errata is for correcting the first edition of this Standard. Japanese Standards Association Copyright by the Japanese Industral Standards Sun Peb 2611-2826 2006

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