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JIS D 9414 (2008) (English): Bicycles -- Brakes

nmu s
Translated and Published by
Japanese Standards Association

JIS D 9414 :2008

Bicycles- Brakes

ICS 43.150
Reference number: JIS D 9414 : 2008 (E)

D 9414 : 2008

Date of Establishment: 1964-03-01

Date of Revision: 2008-03-20
Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: 2008-03-21
Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
Standards Board
Technical Committee on Consumer Life Products

D 9414: 2008, First .L;.I.'F,J.J,'::HL edition published in 2008-10

Translated and published by: Japanese Standards Association

4-1-24, Akasaka, "tv1inato-ku, Tokyol 107-8440 JAPAN

In the event of any doubts as to the contents,

the original is to be the authority.

reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publicfltioll may be reproduced or

in form by means, electronic or mechanicaL including photocopying and
microfilm, permis:;ion writing from the

Printed in J<lp<lll

D 9414: 2008


1 Scope·································· .. ·.... · .. ·... · .. ·.............................................................. ········1

2 NOflllative references ........................................................... ····· .. ············· .. ········ .. ···1
3 Shape and dime11sions ............................................................................................ 1
4 Constitution and classification .............................................................................. 2
4.1 Constitutioll·········· .. ··· .. ·· .. ·.... ·············· .. ·· .... ·............................................................. 2
4.2 Classification of brakes ....................................................................... ···· .... ···· .. · .. ···2
4.3 Classification of brake levers .................................................................. · .. · .... ···· .. ·2
4.4 Classification of operation-force transmissions ·.... ···· .... ··········· .... ·.. ···· .. · .. · .. ········2
5 Nalnes of .......................................................................... · .. ·· .. ······ .... ·.. ····· .. ····2
6 Construction ................................................................. ·············· .. ·...... ··· .. ········ .. ······2
7 Performallce····· .. ·· .. ·.. ·............................................................................................... 3

8 Strength· ...... · .. ········ .. ··········· ... ·· .. · .. ··· ........................................................ ·.... ·· .. ·· .... ·4

9 1~ests.................................................................................. ··· .. ·.... ·.... ·.... ·.... ···· .. ··· .. ·.. ·4
9.1 Static bl'aking torque test ................................................................................. ·.. ··4
9.2 Measurelnent of run-out of brakes .. ·.... ·.... ···· .. ·.. · .......... ·· .... · .. ·.. · .. ·· .. ·.. ·.... ·· .. ·· .. · .. ·5
9.3 Strength test of brake cable ........................................................................ ···· .. ····5
9.4 Retention strength test of brake block and block holder .................................. 6
9.5 Repeating load test for brake ................................................................................ 7
10 Plating' and painting .................................................................. ·· .. · .... ·.. · .... ······· .... ·8
10.1 ....................................................................................................................... 8
10.2 Paintin.g· .. ·· .... ·........... ··· ............ ·· .. ········· .. ··· ....... ·· .. ·· ...... · .. ·· .. ···· .. ················· .. ··· .. ··· .. ··8
11 Appearance··· .. ···· .. ··········· .. ·········· .. · .. ··· .... ··· .... ·· .... ··· .. · .. ······· .. ··· .. ···· .. ··· .... · .. ·.. ·.... ···· .. 8
12 DesiglJation. of products ...... ··· ................................................................................. 9

13 1Vlarking ....... ·· ...... ·........................ ······ .. ······ ......... ·· ........ ·.... ·· .... ···· .. ····· .. ········ .. ····· .. ···9
14 Instr·uction Illanual········ .. · .. ····· .. ··· .. ·· .... · .. · .. ·.. ········ .. ······ .......................................... 9
Annex A (informative) Bibliography .... ·.. ·........ ·........ ··· .. ·· .... ·.. ·.... ·· ...... ·.......... ·........ · .. ·28


D 9414: 2008


This translation has been made based on the original eJapanese Industrial Standard
revised the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry through deliberations at the
Japanese Industrial Standards Comlnittee as the result of proposal for revision of
~Japanese Industrial Standard submitted by the Japan Bicycle Promotion Institute
(JPBD/Japanese Standards Association \vith the draft being attached, based on
the provision of Article 12 Clause 1 of the Industrial Standardization Law applicable
to the case of revision by the provision of Article 14.
Consequently JIS D 9414: 1997 is replaced with this Standard.
This JIS document is protected the Copyright Law.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that som.e parts of this Standard may conflict
with a patent right, application for a patent after opening to the public, utility model
right or application for registration of utility model after opening to the public which
have technical properties. The relevant l\1inister and the .J apanese Industrial Standards
Committee are not responsible for identifying the patent right, application for a patent
after opening to the public, utility model right or application for registration of utility
model after opening to the public which have the said technical properties.



1 Scope
This Japanese Industrial Standard the brake assemblies used for bicycles
for use and for bicycles for young children specified in JIS D 9111.

2 Normative references
The fonowing standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this Standard. The most recent editions of the standards
(including mnendments) indicated below shall be applied.
tJIS A 1481 Detennination ol asbestos in building rnaterial products
~JIS B 0205-1 ISO general purpose metric screw threads-Part 1: Basic prolile
tJIB B 0205-2 ISO general purpose metric screUJ threads-Part 2: General plan
JIS B 0205-3 ISO general purpose metric screZ.D threads-Part 3: Selected sizes lor
screws, bolts and nuts
tHS B 0205-4 ISO general pw})ose rnetric screw threads-Part 4: Basic dirnensions
JIS B 0209-1 [SO general purpose metric screw threads-Tolerances-Part 1: Prin-
ciples and basic data
JIS B 0209-2 ISO general purpose metric screw threads-Tolerances-Part 2: Lim-
its ol sizes lor general purpose external and internal screw threads--
lvledillln quality
JIS B 0209-3 ISO general purpose metric screw threads-Tolerances-Part 3: De-
viations jor constructional screw threads
JIS B 0225 Cycle threads
.JIS D 0202 General rules ol coating filn1,s for automobile parts
JIS D 9111 Cycles-Classilication and essential characteristics
JIS D 9301 Bicycles jar general use
JIS D 9302 Bicycles lor young children
JIS D 9412 Handlebars lor bic:ycles
JIS D 9418 wheels and hub cogs
JIS H 8610 Electroplated coatings ol zinc on iron or steel
.JIS H 8617 Electroplated coatings ol nichel and chromium

3 Shape and dimensions

Examples of shape and dimensions of brake-assemblies are shown in figures 5 to
9. The dimensions without indication of tolerances are recommended dimensions. The
screw threads other than those according to JIS B 0225 shall be in accordance with
the specifications of JIS B 0205·1 to JIS B 0205·4. The limit dimensions and toler-
ances shall be 6H/6g of lllOre of the tolerance zone class specified in JIS B 0209-1 to
JIS B 0209-3.

D 9414: 2008

The screw threads specified in Annex A to JIS D 9418 may be used for the attach-
ment of brake drull1 of band brake, that of internal expanding brake and the disc of
disc to the hub, upon between the concerned with delivery.

4 Constitution and classification

4.1 Constitution
Brake assemblies shall consist of a brake, a brake lever and an operating-force trans-
nlission, and each of these components shall be classified as follows. The brake as-
sembled with brake-lever combined handlebars specified in ,JIS D 9412 shall be
constituted without brake level'.

4.2 Classification of brakes

Brakes shall be classified as given in table 1, according to functional mechanisIl1.

Table 1 Classification of brakes

Classification of brakes Functional mechanism Figure of reference

Pull-up rim brake Working on rim part Figure 5
Caliper brake (side-pull type, Figure 6
centre-pull type, cantilever type,
cantilever V type)
Band brake Working on hub
Internal expanding brake
Disc brake Figure 9
Note aj The brake hub and coaster brake hub which are the composite bicycle
parts having both the function of braking device and that of running
device in a hub mechanism are to be in accordance with the specifica-
tion of JIS D 9419, and are not subjected to this Standard.

4.3 Classification of brake levers

Brake levers shall be classified into the touring brake lever, drop handlebar brake
lever (including extension brake lever), guidonnet brake lever and inverted brake lever
(see figure 10).

4.4 Classification of operation-force transmissions

Operation-force transmission shall be classified by construction into rod system, cable
system and hydraulic

5 Names of parts
N ames of parts of brake assemblies and exam.ples of rnaterials mainly used are
shown in figures 5 to 11.

6 Construction
The construction of brake assemblies shall be as follows.

D 9414: 2008

a) Each assembly and connection shall be correct and be functionally actuated.

b) The brake assemblies shall be capable of adjustment to n1aintain the braking per-
fm'mance providing for wearing of brake blocks or elong'ation of brake cables or
the like.

c) Suitable friction nlaterials shall be used for the brake blocks, linings and pads.
Brake materials that contain asbestos shall not be used. The asbestos content
shall be determined according to clause 7 of JIS A 1481.

d) The cable fixing structure shall be such that no cable strand is fractured when
fastened with the screws by the manufacturer's recomlnended tightening torque.

e) Attachment fasteners of caliper brake to frame or front fork shall be provided with
locking devices (spring washer, lock nut and the like).
f) The brake asselnbly using hydraulic system of operation-force transmission shall
be free from any oil leakage.

g) Brake lever fitting shall be capable of securely fixing the brake lever to handle-

7 Performance
The performance of brake assembly shall be as follows.

a) The brakes working on rim part, when assembled with bicycle, shall cOlnply with
the specification of braking performance of 5.2.5 in JIS D 9301 or 5.2.5 in JIS
D 9302. The brakes working on hub part, when tested in accordance with 9.1,
shall comply with the static braking torque values in driving relative to the test
forces F of table 2.

Table 2 Static braking torque value

Diameter of drum or disc Test force F Static braking torque of brake
mm N N'm
80 max. 150 35 min.
Over 80 up to and incl. 95 200 40 min.
Over 95 50 min.
For the disc brake, 40 N· m or over of static braking torque to 200 N of
test force shall be applied.

b) The run-out of each part of brake working on hub part, when tested in accordance
with 9.2, shall satisfy the requirements in table 3.

D 9414: 2008

Unit: mm
Run-out of each part of brake I

Vertical run-out (total run-out in radial direction) at periphery 0.4 max.

of drum of band brake I
Vertical run-out (total run-out in radial direction) at inner wall
of drum of internal . .J ~
Lateral run-out (circumferential run-out in axial direction) at
5 mIll inside the edge of disc brake

8 Strength
The strength of brake assemblies shall be as follows.

For the pull-up riln brake of rod system~ the tensile breakage resistance of con-
nections of front and rear brake tubes with top joints, botton1 swivel joint, bottom
end lug, etc. shall be not less than 2 000 N.

When the plunger rods and bottOln rod are assembled into top joints on from and
rear brake tubes as well as rod coup]ing, and a pulling force of 1 000 N is applied,
there shall be no slipping at every connecting

c) Breakage resjstance of the inner cable and the joint of end nipple shall be not less
than 1 500 N \\'hen the is pulled while holding the nipple.

d) When the inner cable is fastened by the manufacturer's recoIIlnlended tightening

torque, and pulled by a force of 1 000 N, there shall be no slipping of cable at the
connecting part.

e) Brake wires shall when tested in accordance with 9.3, free from dislocation
of nipple end or fracture of inner cable.

f) For the brake retention strength in block holder of brake and pull-up rim
brake, a test in accordance with 9.4 shall be perforn1ed, and the brake block shall
not run off from the block holder nor be cracked.

For caliper brakes other than cantilever brake, when they are tested accord-
ing to 9.5, there shall be no cracks, fractures or visible deformations of the brake
arn1S, mounbng bolt, etc.

h) \,yhen band brake shoe is held both ends with pins, and pulled by a force of
5 000 N in the case of those used for bicycle for general use, of 3 500 N for bicycles
for young children, for 2 min, there shall be no fractures or visible deformation
in the brake shoe ends.

9 Tests

9.1 Static braking torque test

As shown in 1, the braking torque be measured with the inner cable
pulled with the test force Ii' specified in table 2.

D 9414: 2008

The tests shall be conducted after 5 times running of parts. For the brake
hydraulic of operation-force li2 of the test force
in table 2 shall be applied at 25 mnl from the end of brake lever.

a) Band brake b) Internal expanding brake

c) Disc brake
Figure 1 Static braking torque test

9.2 Measurement of run-out of brakes

For a band brake or an internal the drum shall be fixed on the
measuring and with the being the run-out at the periphery of the drum
or its inner wall shall be measured with a dial gauge.
For a disc the disc shall be fixed on the hub, and with the hub being rotated,
the lateral run-out at the 5 mm inside from the periphery of the disc shall he
measured with a dial gauge.

9.3 Strength test of brake cable

The brake cable shall be assembled with a brake lever, then attached to a testing
device having a cylinder of 50 mm radius as shown in figure 2. A mass of 15 kg shall
be hung at the end of the inner cable, and after the brake lever is purled 10000 times

D 9414: 2008

(100 000 times for MTB-look at a stroke of 25 mIn at the rate of 60 pulls per minute,
the nipple and the inner cable shall be visually examined.
The part between the brake lever and the nipple, and the inner cable shall
be coated with lubricant prior to

Unit: mm

Division A
for 25
general use
For bicycles for 20
young children

W: Weight of 15

Figure 2 Repeating load test of brake cable

9.4 Retention strength test of brake block and block holder

The block holder of caliper brake and pull-up rinl brake shall be fixed, and after a
force of 300 N in vertical direction and a force of 150 N in lateral direction are applied
to the centre of brake block gently with a loading device as shown in figure 3, the brake
block and block holder shall be visually examined.

D 9414: 2008

Unit: mm
Loading device
Loading device

Centre of
brake block Centre of
brake block

a) Caliper brake

Unit: mm
Loading device
Loading device

Centre of Centre of
brake block brake block

/' /
// Lateral
b) pun-up rim brake
Figure 3 Retention strength test of brake block

9.5 Repeating load test for brake

The brake shall be mounted on a fixture so that both brake block attachment parts
are approxilnately in parallel with each other as shown in figure 4. After 10000 cycles
of repeating force of 200 N is applied at the rate of 30 cycles per minute simultaneously
to each centre of the block attachJnent parts, the brake block, mounting bolt, etc. shall
be examined visually and tactually.

D 9414: 2008

Unit: mm

Figure 4 Repeating load test of brake

10 Plating and painting

10.1 Plating
The thickness and corrosion resistance of plating on the plated portion of the brake
shall be equivalent to or better than Grade 2 in JIS H 8617 or Grade 2 in JIS H 8610.
The thickness of the chrome plating shall be 0.05 ~ml or more regardless of the speci-
fication in JIS H 8617. This does not, however, apply to the plating on corners,
threaded potions, hexagonal rod spanner hole or portions given any processing after

10.2 Painting
The painted surface shall be, when subjected to the pencil scratch test specified in
JIS D 0202 using a lead type F, free from any breakage of paint film.

11 Appearance
The appearance of brake assemblies shall be as follows.
There shall be no visible flaws, exposure or incomplete polishing of substrate, peel-
ing, rust or other visible defects on any plated surfaces.
The surface to be exposed after assembling shall be free from unevenness of

b) There shall be no rust, cracks, visible flaws, or other visible defects on any non-
plated surface.

c) There shall be no sharp tips, visible fins, burrs, and the like on any surface.

d) .lVlarks shall be free from incOlnplete stamping, positional deviation, irregular

colour, blur and other visible defects.

D 9414: 2008

12 of products

Brake assmublies shall be by the Standard nurnber, constitution of the

assembly, and its combination of each component classification.
Example 1 Where the brake assembly is constituted of brake, brake lever and
operation-force transmission.
JIS D 9414, band brake, touring brake cable systeln
Exmnple 2 \iVhel'e brake assembly is constituted without brake lever,
JIS D 9414, pull-up brake, rod system

13 Marking
Brake assemblies shall be marked \vith manufacturer's name or its abbreviation
on brake surface by stamping or embossing.

14 Instruction manual
An instruction Illanual shall be appended when "'£ld"'"",.'or! by the between
the parties concerned with delivery.

D 9414: 2008

a) Front pull-up rinl brake

Figure 5 Pull·up rim brake

D 9414: 2008


b) Rear pun-up brake

Figure 5 (continued)

D 9414: 2008

No. Name of part l'v1u !Jelld_ : InfoI' Illd l,l V t: I

1 Top swivel joint SPCC of JIS G 3141, SUS304 of JIS G 4305
mger rod S'VRM10 of JIS G 3505, SUS304 of JIS G 4309
3 S\VRM 10 of JIS G 3505
4 Top joint SWRMIO of JIS G 3505, C3604 of JIS H 8250
I 5 Front brake tube STKM12A of tJIS G 3445, SUS304 of tHS G 3446
6 Bottom end 19 i STKM12A of JIB G 3445, C3604 of JIS H 3250
7 Front lp SPCC of ~ns G 3141, SUS304 of JIS G 4305
8 Guide pc:~g SWRMIO of JIB G 3505, SUS304 of JIS G 4305
9 Brake block holder SPCC of JIS G 3141, A5052P-H34 of JIS H 4000
l 10 Block holder bolt S'WRMIO of JIS G 3505
11 Brake bloek Synthetic rubber
i 12 Rear brake tube STKM12A of JIB G 3445, SUS304 of JIB G 3446
1----+-----.--------+----- ------------._----------\
I 13 Bottom swivel J' S\VRMIO of JIS G 3505, C3604 of JIS H 3250
14 . Top bell crank SPHC of JIS G 3131, SUS304 of JIB G 4305
! 15 Top bell-crank clip SPCC ofJIS G
16 Top bell-crank clip bolt SWRMIO of JIS G 3505, A1100BD of JIB H 4040
Pl_'V_o_t____I S\VRM10 of JIS G 3505
18 Bottom rod IsWRl\1l0 of tHB G 3505, SUS304 of JIS G 4309
19 Rod coupling SPCC of JIS G 3141
20 Rod coupling bolt SWRMIO of JIS G 3505
21 Bottom bell crank spec of JIS G 3141, SPHC of JIS G 3131
22 Bottom bell crank rivet SWRMIO of JIS G 3505, AIIOOBD of JIS H 4040
23 Spring SWRH77 A of JIS G 3506
24 Spring clip bolt SWRM10 of JIS G 3505
25 Bottom lug clip SPCC of JIS G 3141
26 Brake adjusting fork SPHC of JIB G 3131
I 27 Brake adjusting screw SWRMIO of JIB G 3505
28 Rear stirrup SPCC of JIB G 3141, SUS304 of JIS G 4305
29 Stirrup clip SPHC of JIS G 3131~ SUS304 of JIS G 4305
30 Stirrup clip bolt SPCC of JIS G 3141. SUS304 of JIS G 4305

Figure 5 (concluded)

D 9414: 2008

a) Side-pull calliDE~r brake

6 Caliper brake

D 9414: 2008

b) Centre-pull
. carIper brake
FIgure 6 (contInued)

D 9414: 2008

@ Q'l

4 /,/" ....
\,24 r;fJ@Jf
J ~'{/
- - -./ 1 /

C) Cantilever caliper brake

Figure 6 (continued)

D 9414: 2008

~ "~

1 ever c a rIper brak

d) Cant"l
F" e type V
19ure 6 ( continued)

D 9414: 2008

No. Name of part Material (informative]

1 Brake arm SPHC of JIB G 3131, A6151FD of JIB H 4140
2 Outer brake arm A6151FD of JIS H 4140
3 Inner brake arm A6151FD of JIS H 4140
Brake block
Brake block holder
Block holder bolt SWRMI0 of JIS G
Centre mounting bolt S\VRCH of JIS G 3507-1,
SCM435 of JIB G 4053
8 nut S\VR:\110 of JIB G 3505,
9 Cable pinch bolt SWRM10 of JIS G 3505, 845C of JIS G 4051,
88400 of JIB G 3101
10 Cable adjusting sere,v A5052W of JIB H 4040, A5056FD of JIB H 4140
A2011BD of JIB H 4040, 8WRMlO of JIB G 3505
SWRH77 A of JIS G 3506, SW -C of JIS G 3521
SPHC of JIB G 3131, spec of JIB G 3141
14 Pivot bolt
15 Right hand return
16 Left hand return
17 Brake arm bridge SPHC of JIS G 3131,6151 of JIS H
18 Straddle cable SWRH62A of JIS G 3506
19 Cable carrier A6061P of JIS H 4000
Left brake arm A6151FD of JIS H 4140
22 Right brake arm A6151FD of JIB H 4140
23 II Cantilever brake base spec of JIB G 3141, SUM23 of JIS G 4804
24 Attaching screw 845C of JIB G 4051

Figure 6 (continued)

D 9414: 2008

1) Front cable A"0<4 ........._A assembly

2) Rear cable hanger assembly

e) Cable hangers

No. Name of part

1 Front cable hanger SPEC of
2 Rear cable hanger SPCC of JIS G 3141
3 Cable screw A5052W of JIS H 4040
4 Cable pivot stud A2011BD of JIS H 4040
5 Quick release cam SPCC of JIS G 3141

}1'igure 6 (concluded)

D 9414: 2008

Bel.3? 9.53~g;~ or 1 1.11 "8 2

- - """-
9.53 +g2
or 11~lJ~st


Figure 7 Band brake

D 9414: 2008


SPCC of JIS G 3141

19 Synthetic rubber
5 Lining rivet A5052\V of JIB H 4040
6 Brake shoe p. bolt SWCll of JIS G 3507-2, S\VRM8 of JIB G 3505
7 Brake bell-crank SPHC of JIS G 3131, SPCC of JIS G 3141
8 Bell-crank rivet SWell of JIS G 3507-2, S\VRMI0 of JIB G 3505
9 Bell-crank screw i S\VCH of JIS G 3507-2, S\VRMI0 of JIB G 3505
10 I Bell-crank returning ;pring SWRH of ~JIS G 3506, SW-B of JIS G 3521
11 Fork clip SPCC of JIS G 3141, SUS430 of fJIS G 4305
12 Lining-adj usting sere"" SWCH of JIS G 3507-2, S'WRMIO of JIB G 3505 I

13 Lining-adjusting nut SWCH of ~JIS G 3507-2, S\VRM8 of JIB G 3505

14 I C able stopper SPHC of JIB G 3131, SPCC of JIS G 3141
15 Cable anchor bolt SWCH of JIS G 3507-2, S15C of JIS G 4051
16 Cable adjusting screw 8\VCH of JIS G 3507-2, 8\VRMI0 of JIB G 3505 I
17 I Cable returning spring SWRH of .JIS G 3506, 8W-B of JIS G 3521
18 Control rod 8WRM of JIB G 3505, S8330 of JIB G 3101
19 Bottom swivel joint 88330 of JIS G .J 8WRM12 of fJIS G 3505
20 Control rod adjusting nut i 8'VCH of JIB G 3507-2, 8\VRM8 of JIS G 3505
21 I Brake fitting bolt SWCH of JIS G 3507-2, 8WRMIO of JIS G 3505

Figure 7 (concluded)

D 9414; 2008

Unit: mm

Figure 8 Internal expanding brake

D 9414: 2008

No. Name of part Material (informative)

1 JIS G 3131, SPCC of JIS G 3141
2 JIS G 3131, SPCC of JIS G 3141
JIS G 3131, SPCC of JIB G 3141

I SW-B of JIS G 3521

7 SUM22 of JIS G 4804
! 8 SPHC of JIS G 3131, SPCC of JIS G 3141
9 i Brake arm SPCC of JIS G 3141
10 . .Fork dip i SPcc of JIS G 3141, SUS430 of JIS G 4305
11 S15C of JIS G 4051, S\VCH of ~ns G 3507-2
of JIS G 3505

Figure 8 (concluded)

D 9414: 2008

No, Name of part Material (informative) No,! Name of part Material (informative)
1 Wheel cyhnder ADC6 of JIS II 5302 10 II Brake disc SUS430 of JIS G 4303 !
,-- !

2 'E
Wheel piston A2017S of JIS H 4100 11 Hose joint I 8S400 of JIS G 3101
3 <l) Returning spring SUS304 of JIS G 4303 12 i Brake hose Synthetic resin I
'---- ~
4 0- Cup ADC6 of JIS H 5302 1.)0 r +' Master cylinder ADC6 of JIS H 5302
5 ,..-;
<l) Check valve Synthetic rubber !-<
Main piston A2017S of JIS H 4100
,Z ;::
6 ~ Set adjusting bolt sasc of JIS G 4051 15 0
0- Lever adjusting bolt SWCH12A of JIS G 3507-2

7 Bracket SPHC of JIS G 3131 16 """

oW .It:::>1::!1 VVlL Synthetic resin

17 ~
n •
8 Brake pad Synthetic rubber .l\,t;tUIIU.lll:> spnng SUS304 of JIS G 4303
9 Pad holder ADC6 of JIS H 5302 18 Brake lever A6151FD of JIS H 4140

Figure 9 Disc brake

D 9414: 2008

i ~

a) Touring brake lever

(Extension brake lever)

b) Drop handlebar brake lever

Figure 10 Brake levers

D 9414: 2008


(Hand rest)

c) Guidonnet brake lever

Figure 10 (continued)

D 9414; 2008

d) Inverted brake lever

No. Name of part Material (informative)

1 (Right and left) brake lever SPCC of JIB G 3141, A6151FD of
JIS H 4140, A5052P of JIS H 4000
2 Bracket Polyethylene of JIB K 6922·1,
,A'])C5 of JIB H 5302
3 Clamp SPCC of JIB G 3141, A6061P of
I JIS H4000

4 Clip expanding pi" bolt SWRMI0 of JIS G 3505

5 Pivot pin SWRMIO of JIS G 3505
6 Bush Polyethylene of JIB K 6922-1
7 'Rig] and left) extension brake lever I SPHC of JIS G 3131
8 Washer spec of JIB G 3141
9 Hand rest body A6061P of JIS H 4000
10 Lever hood cover Syn thetic resin
11 Hand rest cover I Synthetic resin
12 Lever type cable adjusting bolt C3602BD of JIB H 3250
I 13 ing ing O~ring of JIS B 2401
14 Cable adjusting nut I A2011BD of .JIS H 4040
15 Cable guide ! SUM23 of JIS G 4804

Figure 10 (concluded)

D 9414: 2008

Unit: mm

(Barrel end

(Pear end type)

No. Name of part Material (informative)

1 Inner cable SWRH62A of JIS G 3506
2 Outer cable casing . S\VRH62A of JIB G 3506, chloride resin of JIS
.K 6720~1 or JIS K 6720w2 I

3 Cable end nipple ZDCl or ZDC2 of JIS H 5301

4 Cable cap AIIOOS of JIS H 4100, polyethylene of JIS K 6922-1

5 Cable end ferrule C3604 of JIS H 3250, A2011BD of JIB H 4040 I

6 ig end cap C3604 of JIB H 3250, C2680 of JIS H 3100

Figure 11 Brake cable

D 9414: 2008


This Annex describes the bibliography and does not constitute a part of the

JIS B 2401 O-rings

,JIS G 3101 Rolled steels for general structure
JIS G 3131 Hot-rolled 1nitd steel plates, sheets (Ind
JIS G 3141 Cold-reduced carbon steel sheets and strips
.JIS G 3445 Carbon steel tubes for machine structural purposes
,JIS G 3446 Stainless steel pipes for machine artd structural purposes
JIS G 3505 Low carbon steel wire rods
JIS G 3506 High carbon steel loire rods
JIS G 3507-1 Carbon steels for cold heading--Part 1: Wire rods
JIB G 3507-2 Carbon steels for cold heading-Part 2: lVires
JIS G 3521 Hard drawn steel wires
JIS G 3522 Piano wires
JIS G 4051 Carbon steels for machine structural use
JIS G 4053 Dow-alloyed steels for machine structural use
JIS G 4303 Stainless steel bars
JIS G 4305 Cold-rolled stainless steel plate, sheet and strip
JIS G 4309 Stainless steel wires
JIS G 4804 Free-cutting steels
.JIS H 3100 Copper and copper alloy sheets, plates and strips
JIS H 3250 Copper and copper alloy rods and bars
JIS H 4000 Aluminium and aluminium alloy sheets, strips and plates
JIB H 4040 Alwniniznn and aluminiurn alloy rods, bars and udres
JIS H 4100 Aluminium and alll1ninilun alloy extruded shape
JIS H 4140 Aluminirun and aluminium alloy forg£ngs
JIB H 5301 Zinc alloys die castings
JIS H 5302 Aluminium alloy die castings
JIS K 6720-1 Plastics-Homopolymer and copolymer resins of chloride
(PVC)-Part 1: Designation and basis for specifications
K 6720-2 Plastics-Homopolymer and copolymer resins vinyl chloride-
Part 2: Preparation of test sarnples and determination of properties
.JIS K 6922-1 Plastics-Polyethylene (PE) moulding and extrusion materials-
Part .1: Designation s)lstem and basis for specifications

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the ,Japanese Standards Association, and also provided to subscribers of ,JIS (English edition) in
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