Asynch For Scheduled Waste
Asynch For Scheduled Waste
Asynch For Scheduled Waste
1. With the aid of diagram, please explain how the toxic waste can affect the human health in
long term?
Toxic waste that is not properly disposed particularly leakage and other liquid and solid toxic
waste from domestic or industrial waste can lead to a serious health hazard and can cause
chronic diseases for the human beings. For instance, skin and blood cancer caused by direct
contact with waste, lung damage and asthma caused by inhaling the polluted air which has
been exposed to fumes from improperly disposed toxic waste especially during the illegal
waste disposal, different diseases result from the bites of animals feeding on waste;
intestinal cancer and damage digestive system can be caused and transmitted by flies
feeding on certain chemicals, if released untreated (e.g. cyanides, mercury and
polychlorinated biphenyls), are highly toxic and exposure to them can lead to disease or
March 1995 – Disposal of 41 container of Potassium Cyanide (KCN) from a chemical factory
in Pangkor Island was found in the island.
June 2004 – Disposal of 12,000 tonnes of toxic waste from Taiwan was found in a bricks
making factory in Johor.
January 2006 - Leakage of ammonia from 300 tonnes wastes of aluminium oxide which was
disposed illegally at Labis, Johor.
3. Define scheduled waste according to DOE?
Scheduled waste is any wastes that possess hazardous characteristics and have the potential
to adversely affect to the public health and environment. There are 77 types of scheduled
wastes listed under First Schedule of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations
2005 and the management of wastes shall be in accordance with the provisions of the above
Generation Transportation
In cradle-to-grave waste management, the “cradle” Ensuring that waste and waste transportation methods
refers to the types and amounts of hazardous waste meet the Department of Transportation (DOT)
generated by a company. It is the responsibility of the requirements is another responsibility of the waste
generator to determine if this waste is hazardous and generator. All waste must be shipped to the DOT
document the waste with proper identification and standards, meaning that it is properly labeled, stored in
handling procedures. Companies often start the appropriate containers and sealed to prevent
management process by minimizing their waste output contaminating the surrounding environment. Your waste
through waste reduction practices or recycling. transportation provider, similarly, must meet the DOT
standards whether they use public roads, highways, rails
or waterways.
Treatment Storage
While some types of wastes can be recycled safely and Waste must occasionally be stored for a period at
effectively as they are, others require treatment before multiple stages in the waste management process — this
disposal to protect soil, groundwater and air resources. could be at the facility, during transportation or during
Common waste treatment processes include the treatment process. Regardless of where the waste is
solidification and stabilization. In solidification, liquid and stored, however, the waste generator is responsible for
sludge wastes are mixed with absorbents to create solid ensuring that the waste is properly stored to avoid spills
waste to prevent groundwater contamination. In and other hazards.
stabilization, on the other hand, the waste is chemically
changed to ensure that it meets requirements for landfill
Disposal is the metaphorical “grave” of waste
management. Once the waste has been treated and
reduced through reuse and recycling opportunities, the
waste is dumped into an appropriate landfill or burned
for energy. It is the responsibility of the waste generator
to ensure that landfills accept their kind and amount of
waste and are appropriately licensed to do so.