Dynastes Tityus: Dynastes Tityus Dynastes Tityus, The Eastern Hercules Beetle, Is A Species of
Dynastes Tityus: Dynastes Tityus Dynastes Tityus, The Eastern Hercules Beetle, Is A Species of
Dynastes Tityus: Dynastes Tityus Dynastes Tityus, The Eastern Hercules Beetle, Is A Species of
Distribution Adult male
Similar species
Ecology and life cycle
Taxonomy and names
Additional images
References Adult female
The elytra are green, gray, or tan, usually with black mottling.[4] Synonyms
The pattern of spots is unique to each individual.[3] Beetles that are
found in the soil or in rotten wood often appear very dark, with the Scarabæus Tityus Linnaeus,
spots on the elytra obscured. This results from moisture which the 1763
shell has absorbed; when the elytra dry out, they return to their paler
color.[4] Occasionally, both elytra may be a uniform mahogany Scarabaeus marianus
color, or one elytron may be pale with dark blotches, while the other Linnaeus, 1767
is a plain mahogany color.[1]
Dynastes tityus was featured on a stamp issued by the United States Scarabaeus pennsylvanicus
Postal Service in October 1999.[1]
De Geer, 1774
Similar species
Three of the 6 species of Dynastes found in the New World occur in the United States or Mexico.[1] While D.
tityus is found in the eastern United States, Dynastes granti (the western Hercules beetle) occurs at higher
elevations in Arizona and Utah,[5] and Dynastes hyllus is found as far north as Tamaulipas, Mexico.[1] D.
tityus and D. granti are very similar, and it is possible to mate them and produce viable hybrids.[4]
Different predators attack different life stages of Dynastes tityus. The eggs are vulnerable to attack from a
predatory mite.[4] The grubs are eaten by mammals including skunks and raccoons, and soil-dwelling
arthropods, including centipedes, ground beetles, spiders and the maggots of Mydas flies.[4]
Additional images
Minor male from Adult female from A group of adults.
North Carolina North Carolina
1. B. M. Drees & John Jackman (1999). Field Guide to Texas Insects. Houston, Texas: Gulf
Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0-87719-263-3.. Cite by "Eastern Hercules Beetle" (https://we
b.archive.org/web/20100612024515/http://insects.tamu.edu/fieldguide/bimg144.html). Texas
A&M University. Archived from the original (http://insects.tamu.edu/fieldguide/bimg144.html) on
June 12, 2010. Retrieved June 17, 2010.
2. Jeffrey K. Barnes (July 28, 2003). "Eastern Hercules beetle" (https://web.archive.org/web/2010
0618223724/http://www.uark.edu/ua/arthmuse/dynastes.html). Arthropod Museum Notes.
University of Arkansas. 20. Archived from the original (http://www.uark.edu/ua/arthmuse/dynast
es.html) on June 18, 2010. Retrieved June 17, 2010.
3. Stephen Cresswell. "Dynastes tityus Hercules Beetle" (https://web.archive.org/web/201011241
84111/http://insectsofwestvirginia.net/b/dynastes-tityus.html). Insects of West Virginia. Archived
from the original (http://www.insectsofwestvirginia.net/b/dynastes-tityus.html) on November 24,
2010. Retrieved June 17, 2010.
4. "Hercules beetles" (http://www.uky.edu/Ag/CritterFiles/casefile/insects/beetles/hercules/hercule
s.htm). Kentucky Insects. University of Kentucky. Retrieved June 17, 2010.
5. Eric R. Eaton & Kenn Kaufman (2007). "Rhinoceros Beetles and Others". Kaufman field guide
to insects of North America (https://books.google.com/books?id=aWVi0IF_jcQC). Houghton
Mifflin Harcourt. pp. 146–147. ISBN 978-0-618-15310-7.
6. "Dynastes tityus (Linnaeus, 1763)" (https://web.archive.org/web/20110607205247/http://www.u
nae-Tribes/Dynastini/Dynastes/D-tityus/Dtityus.html). Generic Guide to New World Scarab
Beetles. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Archived from the original (http://www.unl.edu/museu
ynastini/Dynastes/D-tityus/Dtityus.html) on June 7, 2011. Retrieved June 17, 2010.
7. "Scarabaeidae" (https://web.archive.org/web/20101213034328/http://www.nearctica.com/nomi
na/beetle/colscar.htm). Nomina Insecta Nearctica. Archived from the original (http://www.nearcti
ca.com/nomina/beetle/colscar.htm) on December 13, 2010. Retrieved June 16, 2010.
External links
"Eastern Hercules Beetle" (http://animalartalongtheway.blogspot.com/2010/10/eastern-hercule
s-beetle.html). Animal Art Along the Way. October 20, 2010. Includes an image of the postage
stamp featuring D. tityus.
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