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Sugarcane Juice

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First, we would like to thank almighty Allah to give the strength to make this
report finish. We are also grateful to some particular persons who have helped and
encouraged us at each & every step. At the very outset I extend my heartiest
gratitude to my honorable course instructor, Lecturer, Department of Business
Administration, East West University for his massive support, supervision,
guidance and cooperation. Our gratitude also goes to my friends who cooperate us
during the preparation of the report. Our thanks also go to the composers of various
articles & papers that we have gone through.

Executive Summary
We are the students of BBA from BUBT; under kind supervisor of sir MD.
Mostofa Jaman started to work on new and innovative idea that has not been
before in Bangladesh. As a step towards growing entrepreneurship in Bangladesh
we students of BUBT have a tradition to present our new and innovative idea in
front of people which could benefit the job situation in Bangladesh and so that we
could become job givers not job beggars.

Our company, Sugarcane Beverage Limited is preparing to launch a new product

in a mature market. The product is Sugarcane juice. This drink is totally new
for the customer or for the people in our country. In the market we have many
drinks such as Soft Drinks (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, RC-Cola, Uro-Cola, Virgin, etc),
Mineral waters (Fresh, Mum, ACME and etc), Juices (Pran, Danish, Sezan, etc).
But Sugarcane juice is a drink, which is produce and marketed in our country for
the first time. I am trying to differentiate this product with the other and Sugarcane
juice is the most new concept for the customer. The drinks, which are available in
the market is not the natural think. It is a hypothetical feeling as that food. The
mango juice, which is available in the market, is just only the flavor. There is no
relation with the juice and the real mango. So I create my product as different as
other. In my product I have a driver value which is the originality of the Sugarcane.
Customer can get the original test and the flavor of the Sugarcane. Sugarcane juice
is a drink where customer can feel the originality and feel the nature. The product
will contain low carbonate & pure Sugarcane flavor.


Every product in modern marketing era needs a proper marketing plan. So the new
products of Sugarcane Beverage ltd. “Sugarcane juice” do need a proper marketing
and Promotion plan. Because, promotion and marketing plan is the best way to get
better selling and consumer preferences in comparison with other products in the
market. A good marketing plan always forecasts the future activities with proper
judgmental knowledge. Better prediction ability of the marketer heavily influences
the success of the product and way to survive in the modern competitive market. In
this current world marketing is stands with a very important role for launching a
new product. Marketing a product is becoming very difficult and definitely so tuft.
Because in launching a product, first of all the main problem is the competitors of
that particular product. If the functions of marketing are right than the product can
be marketed successfully.

Objectives of the Report:

As a business expectative of future, we should have to gather experience beside

our books. We should not concern our lesson only in classroom but to implement it
in practical life. That will help us in our future life. A clear objective helps in
preparation of well decorated report in which others take the right type of decision.
So, identifying objectives is very much important. Our purpose of preparing the
report is:
 To identify a new product
 To depict a marketing plan for the new product
 To describe the promotion plan for the new product

Limitations of the Report:

 Lack of practical experience

 Lack of sufficient books & journal
 Shortage of time
Company Overview

“Sugarcane Beverage ltd.” started its operation in 2012 as a processor of fruits in
Bangladesh. Over the years, the company has not only grown in stature but also
contributed significantly to the overall socio-economic development of the
country. Sugarcane beverage ltd. is currently one of the most admired beverage
brands among the millions of people of Bangladesh. Juice food products are
produced as per international standards maintaining highest level of quality at
every stages of its production process.

Short term: To create Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value in their current

Long term: To acquire the position as a market leader of the beverage industry in
Bangladesh by producing & serving high-quality and high value-added soft drink.


The objective of Sugarcane beverage Ltd. is to provide the quality products and
services in such a form that the customers demand.

The mission of Sugarcane beverage ltd. is to be the market leader through their
best effort, suitable and competitive marketing strategy and the consumers support.

The vision of Sugarcane beverage ltd. is to expand their business in all over the
country and becoming one of the market leaders internationally.

Current Market Situation

If we consider the current market then we find that beverage industry has a
significant growth rate. So a lot of companies are coming here. But the others
beverage companies are failed to target the right market and reach them.
Sometimes they failed to give them the appropriate massage. So we have selected
our target customer group and make our marketing strategy. Here we have
discussed our target group and marketing plan.

In the market the Sugarcane juice is very new product. Particularly in our country
we have lots of dirking juice and so one. But we do not have any juice like this.
Though it is a very new drink but it has a big demand in the market. Because those
drinks have no neutrality and all of them are made of different chimerical. Those
drinks are made with chemical and the flavor of that particular food item. When
the customer will get the knowledge about the Sugarcane juice, which is cent
percent natural and the juice contain the originality and the flavor; the customer
will go for it. I believe in reality, and I want to serve the nation. We are spoiling
our environment and we serve the nation almost the dusty thing. We do not have
any right to do this ridicules thing with our people. That’s why I want to contribute
myself as a responsible business man and do something good for this country.

Market Description
Our juice products sold quickly at relatively in low price. Though the absolute
profit made on these products is relatively small, they are sold generally in large
quantities. The market of these products is quite priced sensitive.

In Bangladesh the market of these sorts of products are in the pre-maturity stage
according to PLC (Product life cycle), because now the growth rate of the market
is very slow and the competition is very high. Our main targeted customer will be
the premium customers, who need quality goods in relatively low price.
For the above reason we cannot increase our product price but we have to increase
our advertising and sales promotions, because there is a tough competition in the
market. We have to find new ways to market our product and try to modify it.

Segmentation & Target Customer:

The strategy of segmentation allows us to avoid head on competition in the market

Place by differentiating. Market segmentation is the first step in a marketing
strategy and plan. After segmenting the market into homogenous cluster, we must
select one or more segment to target. To accomplish this, we must decide on a
specific marketing mix. Our target markets are as follow:

 Geographic Segmentation: We have selected rural area. All of we know

that this type of people are huge number. If we able to reach this target
group, then we will be able to make more profit.

 Demographic Segmentation: We have selected 15-30 years of age people.

This group is young and they purchase frequently.

 Psychographic Segmentation: We have selected economy minded people.

Bangladesh is developing country and maximum numbers of people are
middle class. So market size is big.

In summer season every kind of people with no age limit use this juice, because
most of the people avoid unhygienic products.

Product review
To satisfy the needs of our premium customer we maintain the high quality and for
our best quality we get certificate from International Organization for
Standardization (ISO). Hence our new product is coconut juice so we are looking
to provide the best quality juices we will take some measures, like

 Products are being produced with the help of superior quality high-tech
machineries made in Italy.

 We import the best quality coconuts from Norway, Hawaiian Islands and
also collect the best quality coconuts from Bangladesh.
 To maintain the quality and standard of our product, products are being
tested in our own laboratory, components of which are European and
 Products are produced health wise and totally untouched.
 The products are free from any chemical particles.
 The products are with pure quality & exclusively good for health
 The products are marketed with high quality food grade package.

Categories of products: There are 4 size of juice we are proposed for

lancing. They are:

Junior Juice Pack (120ml)

Popular Pack (250 ml)
Premium Pack (500 ml)
Family Pack (1ltr)

Pricing system:

The following table shows the prices of our product:

Product name Wholesale Price Retail Price

per pack (BDT) Per Pack
Family Pack (1ltr) 45 48
Premium Pack (500 ml) 25 28
Popular Pack (250 ml) 15 18
Junior Juice Pack (120ml) 10 12


 Sugarcane juice is a great preventive and healing source for sore throat, cold
and flu.
 It has a low glycemic index which keeps the body healthy.
 This is one sweet drink diabetics can enjoy without fear because it has no
simple sugars.
 It hydrates the body quickly when exposed to prolong heat and physical
 They are excellent substitutes for aerated drinks and cola.
 It refreshes and energizes the body instantly as it is rich in carbohydrates.
 Sugarcane strengthens the stomach, kidneys, heart and eyes brain.
 It keeps the urinary flow clear and helps the kidneys to perform their
functions smoothly.

Competitive review
As others industries here are also a lot of competitors. We are coming with a new
Product, but other juice companies are also my competitors. They are also coming
with juice product. But our main competitors are the Sugarcane sellers who
are huge in number. In this juice market our main competitors are Pran, Shezan,
Danish, ACME etc. The market share structure is as follows:

Company’ Description Wholesale Retail Price

s name price (TK)
Pran It is the market leader with 43% 45(1 litre) 50
of market share. This company is 24(500ml) 28
in this market for several years. 12(250 ml) 15
For this reason the brand name is
well established and their
distribution channel is relatively
better than other allied industries.
ACME It is in the market not for that long 12(250ml) 16
but due to its marketing strategy
and good backup it is in the 2nd
position with 20% of the market
Shezan It is in the 4th position having 13% 13(250ml) 16
of market share though it is in the
market for a good numbers of
years it’s weak marketing strategy
is responsible.
Danish It is having its 11% market share 12(200ml) 14
because of its weak distribution

If we analyze the wholesale price and retail price of our competitor then we can see
that there is a little difference between them and strong competition is in exist.
Only with the product quality, marketing strategy and distribution network they are
competing with each other.

Channels and logistics review

We are new in this market but still we have already covered Dhaka by our strong
distribution network. We have divided Dhaka into 30 operational zones and each
zone has its separate distributor. At the super shops which are located in Dhaka
like AGORA, ALMAS, PQS etc, we are delivering our goods directly to them at a
wholesale price. Beside this we are trying to cover all the districts and some of the
major Thanas by appointing new distributors. Following is the flowchart of our
distribution Network.
The most important channels being contacted are:
 Website base distribution & information
 Superstores.
 Mega shops like ‘Nondon’, ‘Agora’, ‘Meena Bazar’, ‘Almas’etc.
We expect that our product earn familiarity very soon, and day by day we increase
our distribution channel.

SWOT Analysis
SWOT is the combination of 4 key words, which constitutes the internal and extern
al issues of a company, an SBS pr even an industry. The 4 key words are,
S=Strength; W=Weakness; O=Opportunity; T=Threat.

Strength: Strength refers to the competitive advantages and the other distinctive
competencies that a company can exert in the market place.

Weaknesses: Weakness is constraints that hinder movements in certain directions.

Opportunities: A marketing opportunity is an area of buyer need in which a compa
ny can perform profitable.

Threats: A threat is challenge posed by an unfavorable tend or development that w
ouldlead, in the absence of defensive marketing action, to deterioration in sales or p

Strength Weakness
 Increased Health consciousness  Lack of Brand Awareness
 First Mover’s Advantage  Limited Shelf Life
 Product Innovation  Availability of Sugarcane Juice
 Brand Image
 Pricing
 Cost Advantage

Opportunity Threat
 Growing number of customers  Growing Number of
 Increasing customer’s awareness Competitors
 Locally Available of Raw  Downward Price Pressure
Material  Large number of indirect
 Changing Social Trends Competitor
 Can be mixed with several other  Political Situation
flavor too  Lack of Resources


 Increased Health consciousness: Sugarcane juice is obtained from mature

cane and is sugary and tasty. It is not only a thirst quenching drink but also
nutritious due to the presence of several minerals like phosphorus, calcium,
magnesium, vitamins, amino acids etc., and has therapeutic and medicinal
properties. It is completely pasteurized i.e. we place it over shelves after
proper sanitization of sugarcane juice with six months guarantee.

 First Mover’s Advantage: We are the first one to introduce sugarcane
juice. So they are having an advantage over market as at initiation we will
face no other direct competitors, and up to the time any competitor enters,
they will increase the brand loyalty.

 Product Innovation: The product that we are launching is a good quality

product and innovative as well.

 Brand Image: The name Sugarcane Beverage Ltd. itself the premier beverage
brandimage. It has been able to create enormous goodwill by its quality product
all over Bangladesh.

 Pricing: We do not take high price as other juices are taken in Bangladesh.
We think that the price is quite reasonable to be succeeded.

 Cost Advantage: Already Sugarcane Beverage provides various types of

beverage product offerings to its customer and thus satisfies the needs
of various customer segments. Therefore, as the organization has a lot of
customers, its operational costs go down.


 Lack of Brand Awareness: As we are pioneer in sugarcane juice industry,

there is lack of familiarity, so in order to overcome this weakness we will
initially invest heavily on advertisements and promotion. They are new to
business world, so initially they might have difficulty to understand the ins
and outs of today’s aggressive market and for that they require a lot of
research and exposure.

 Limited Shelf Life: Sugarcane juice actually is served fresh, people

perceive it to have fresh otherwise the color and odour will be affected due
to oxidation, but they are adding sodium benzoate, a preservative in it which
would increase its shelf life over to six months

 Availability of Sugarcane Juice: Bangladeshi climate is suitable for the

Sugarcane juice. So people can collect juice easily. So it is the weakness of
our product to commercialize.
 Growing number of customers: Seeing the current situation of the
beverage industry and also the population boom, it can be depicted the
Bangladesh needs more modernized and different types of product and this
is therefore a big opportunity to enhance its sincere position in the
consumers mind through increased number of Quality product and
different product.
 Increasing customer’s awareness: In the years the people are very
much aware about their diet and drinks. They don’t like to take food and
drinks from outside and open market. So it will create the advantage to
provide the quality drinks.
 Locally Available of Raw Material: As Asia grabbed a huge proportion of
sugarcane market, India and Pakistan are one of the main producers of
sugarcane, so there will be an ease of availability by contracting with local
 Changing Social Trends: Sugarcane will set a new trend i.e. a trend of
health consciousness and purification and to remain fresh and healthy
 Can be mixed with several other flavors too: Soon, after market
penetration, we will focus to introduce “Sugar Cane Juice” in other flavors
as well, which include: mint, lemon, etc.

 Growing Number of Competitors: As there is a growth visible in the
beverage industry, many multinational and national companies are entering
in the market to serve the customers. To survive in the industry, Sugarcane
beverage has to face the threats created by these new entrants.
 Downward Price Pressure: Increased competition and market-share
strategies are perusing beverage companies to decrease their prices. So the
profit margin is very low in here.
 Large number of indirect Competitor: In the Sugarcane juice, there are
lots of indirect competitor. Lots of coconut sellers are available all around

Bangladesh. It is easy to collect Sugarcane and its juice. So these Sugarcan
sellers are the main threats of Sugarcane juice.
 Political Situation: They will face problem if government employ extra
taxes on us which in future will force us to raise the price of their product.
We can have adverse impact, if cost of labor doing work increase.

 Lack of Resources: One of the current problem which Bangladesh is facing,

this can adversely impact us. Inflation rate is another threat which we can

Objectives & Issues


Our objective is fully professionalized and we have the target to provide

service in a familiar atmosphere and with greater warmth. We have set aggressive
but achievable objectives for the first and second years of market entry.

First year Objective:

During 1st year on the Market, we are aiming for unit’s sales volume of 500,000

Second-year Objective:

Our 2nd year objectives are to sell a combined total of one million units of our
products and to achieve break-even early in this period.

Our new product of Sugarcane Beverage Ltd. is “Sugarcane juice” is completely
unknown into the existing market. So, our major issue is to establish a well-
regarded product name linked to a meaningful positioning. We will have to invest
heavily in marketing to create an excellent, distinctive product images projecting
innovation, quality, and value. We also must measure awareness and response so
that we can adjust our marketing efforts if necessary.

Marketing strategy
Sugarcane Beverage Ltd. Marketing Strategy is based on a positioning
differentiation. Our primary consumer is middle to upper income level consumer.
Our secondary consumer target is affluent college, university students and rural
people who want a 100% pure natural fruit juice.

Positioning Strategy:
We have made a new positioning Strategy for our new product. The positioning
statement is given bellow:

“You need a pure one, when you are thirsty”

The reason behind selecting this positioning statement is we are emphasizing our
product quality & at the same time we are serving the customer need.

Product strategy:
Sugarcane juice is consumer product because final consumer for personal
consumption buys it. It also falls under the category of Convenience product,
which requires very little planning, Little Comparison, low customer involvement,
low price. It widespread distribution at convenient place makes it easier for the
consumer to purchase the product.

Sugarcane juice has different sizes. They have 1 liter glass bottle, Sugarcane
juice also has 500 ml and 250ml glass bottles and also 120ml paper pack. In future
we will soon launch our sugarcane juice at 2 liter glass bottle.

Pricing strategy:
The price of the product can also influence the buying behavior of the consumers
because in Bangladesh there are different level of classes based on the income
difference so price is the one of the important factor, some of the consumer can
afford the price and others can’t, so we must set the price of the product that is
afforded by all the social classes of the region. So we use penetration pricing

The price will determine according to the following formula:

“Cost + profit = Price”

The following table shows the prices of our product:

Product name Wholesale Price Retail Price

per pack (BDT) Per Pack
Family Pack (1ltr) 45 48
Premium Pack (500 ml) 25 28
Popular Pack (250 ml) 15 18
Junior Juice Pack (120ml) 10 12

Distribution Strategy:

The distribution strategy of the product is the ways of getting the product to the
market. The distribution of products starts with the producer and ends with the
One key element of the “Distribution” aspect is the respective distribution channels
that Sugarcane beverage ltd. has elected to transport and sell its product.

Selecting the most appropriate distribution channel is important, as the choice will
determine sales levels and costs. The choice for a distribution channel for any
business depends on numerous factors, these include:
• How far away the customers are;
• The type of product being transported;
• The lead times required; and;
• The costs associated with transport;

There are four types of distribution strategies that Sugarcane baverage ltd. could
have chosen from, these are: intensive, selective, exclusive and direct distribution.
It is apparent from the popularity of the amazing drinks product on the market that
the business in the past used the method of intensive distribution as the product is
available at every possible outlet. From supermarkets to service stations to your
local corner shop, anywhere you go you will find the Sugarcane beverage products.

Marketing communication strategy:

We have to communicate properly about our product’s quality with our consumers.
Our main target will be those house-wives who are concerned about their family’s
health, children, & young people also.

This is the most important part of marketing a product. The customer knows a
product by Promotion. So if Promotions have a lacking the product will not get the
market. There is various ways of doing Promotion. As my product is new and
novelty, I will go for certain communication, and those are as follows:

 Publicity/ Public Relation

 TV ads
 Print media (news paper)
 Radio
 Billboard & poster
 Event management
 Spoke person

Our target is to promote our product by achieving each step. First of all we are
trying to get the awareness in the customer mind. Then we provide the usefulness
and the advantage of this product. We associated this product with the people
through different event and sponsorship. I think it will make different my product
with others juice product.

Market Research:
We are new in this and we have observed almost many things about the market
situation, distribution network, competitors’ behavior and behavior of the
customers towards our products.

By analyzing this information we will develop our future market strategies and
also try to develop good relation with the distribution channel and our customer.
We also have to evaluate customer’s attitudes about our brand effectiveness. Only
after this we can think for market broadening or diversification for the newly
lunched product.

Action Program
Sugarcane beverage ltd. introduced new product Sugarcane juice in June.
Following are summarizes of the action programs I will use to achieve our
objectives. These marketing programs are divided as follows:

a) In the first steps we will develop our sales team according to the target
b) We will give special incentive to middleman.
c) We will give some sample to student at some different university campus.
d) We are going to massive promotional activities like Trade
Promotion, Advertising, and Discount etc.
e) We will sponsor the popular TV program on BTV to reach the mass people.

a) Promotional activities are continuing.
b) We will arrange concert on university campus.
c) We will sponsor on TV program for teen age group.

a) We will give some campaign on the usefulness of coconut juice.
b) Promotional activities are continuing.

a) We will review the plan is action or not.
b) We will give merchandising plan for retail outlets.
c) We will make CP program.

We are going to prepare marketing plan of Sugarcane juice because we are going
to established new business in Bangladesh, we made a budgeting plan for our
business. We have a budget of 3.00 cror TK. to establish our plan. Now we allocate
different amount in different parts.

Method of allocation
Creating an annual budget involves 1.5 cror on building and plant and other budget
we will use in following manner,

Allocation New Marketing Advertisement Sale Direct Publi

of budget Product Research Expense Marketing c
on other Research. relati
uses on

1.5 cror 40 lac 20 lac 50 lac 20 lac 10 lac 10 lac

The entire process starting from production to commercialization, rather to say up
to retail marketing is under close and strict supervision. In this aspect zero
tolerance is our police. We shall try hard to attain our goal that means our
prediction regarding production and sells should be up to the mark. Our control
depends on the customer satisfaction. If customer demand different things with
which they feel comfortable, then we simply change our controlling techniques.

Sugarcane beverage ltd. is the quality of its product, which we will also deliver
through this product. We have first mover advantage because no other company is
offering similar product in the market. We have to aware our customer about the
product and have to tell them the benefit of using our hygienic product that comes
in Juice pack. Though the initial cost would be high because you have to set
machinery buy land and have to invest a lot in the advertising of product, but once
we create the positive image in the mind of your customers they will automatically
demand the product.


 Kotler. P, Keller.K. L, Marketing management, 11th Edition

 Kotler.P& Armstrong, Principle of Marketing, 11th Edition

 Essential of Business Enviourment, k Aswathappa, 7 th edition

 www.bplan.com

 www.scribd .com

 www.tatamcgrawhill.com


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