Schools Division of Isabela: San Sebastian Integrated School School ID No.: 500081
Schools Division of Isabela: San Sebastian Integrated School School ID No.: 500081
Schools Division of Isabela: San Sebastian Integrated School School ID No.: 500081
I. Identify what is asked in the given definitions. Write the answer before the number.
________________________1. A group of people that governs a community or unit. It sets and administers
public policy and exercises executive, political and sovereign power through customs, institutions, and laws
within a state. A government can be classified into many types- democracy, republic, monarchy, aristocracy, and
dictatorship are just a few.
________________________2. It is the execution of power, in whatever forms, policies, laws, decisions, etc. it
________________________3. It is a system of political beliefs; an action oriented set of political ideas. Many
define ideology as the world view of a particular social class or a social group; the ideas of the ruling class.
________________________4. s manifested in the ability to do something that is desired and can be sensed when
individuals can direct the actions of others in a society.
________________________5. It is defined as that which concerns the state. It includes interactions between
states in the international arena; the activities of politicians; and activities such as voting (in national, regional or
local elections) through which individual citizens engage with the state.
________________________ 6. It is the central belief that political authority in all forms and especially in the
form of the state is both evil and unnecessary. Example: gender equality can be a common principle but ranks as a
higher priority to anarcha-feminists than anarchist communists.
________________________ 7. Its core theme is a commitment to the individual and the construction of the
society in which individuals can satisfy their interests or achieve fulfilment. Examples: Weekends, paid vacation,
paid overtime, paid maternity leave, desegregation, abolishing slavery, allowing women to vote, protecting the
young, protecting the disabled, protecting the elderly, religion-free education, freedom of speech, freedom of
assembly, right to protest, right to die, right to choose.
________________________8. An ideology that is focused on profit, and production is privately owned.
Example: Singapore had an amazing period of economic development to get to where it is today. It became a
manufacturing and financial center because of its open economic policies.
________________________ 9. An ideology that promotes the interests of a particular nation especially with the
aim of gaining and maintaining the nation’s sovereignty over its homeland. One example is the Made in the
Philippines campaign. The premise behind this campaign is that materials made in the Philippines are superior to
products made in China, for example.
________________________10. This aims to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal and
social equality of the sexes. Example: Right to vote is granted to both male and female.
II. Write the number on the space inside the box that links up to the description of the concepts written below.
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Subject Teacher