Wells Fargo Everyday Checking
Wells Fargo Everyday Checking
Wells Fargo Everyday Checking
CHRISTOPHER C EMERLING Available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
Telecommunications Relay Services calls accepted
10127 TABOR ST 1-800-TO-WELLS (1-800-869-3557)
Online: wellsfargo.com
Students have unique needs when it comes to their money. Whether a younger teen in high school, or an older teen preparing to
graduate and take the next step towards college, the military, or directly into the workforce, Wells Fargo has the tools and resources to
help students access their money, manage a budget, pay for college, and much more. Visit wellsfargo.com/studentcenter
Sheet Seq = 0273023
Sheet 00001 of 00002
Account number: 7190288493 ■ May 1, 2016 - May 31, 2016 ■ Page 2 of 3
Overdraft Protection
This account is not currently covered by Overdraft Protection. If you would like more information regarding Overdraft Protection and eligibility requirements
please call the number listed on your statement or visit your Wells Fargo store.
Transaction history
The Ending Daily Balance does not reflect any pending withdrawals or holds on deposited funds that may have been outstanding on your account when your
transactions posted. If you had insufficient available funds when a transaction posted, fees may have been assessed.
For a complete list of fees and detailed account information, please see the Wells Fargo Fee and Information Schedule and Account Agreement applicable to
your account or talk to a banker. Go to wellsfargo.com/feefaq to find answers to common questions about the monthly service fee on your account.
Fee period 05/01/2016 - 05/31/2016 Standard monthly service fee $10.00 You paid $0.00
How to avoid the monthly service fee Minimum required This fee period
Have any ONE of the following account requirements
· Minimum daily balance $1,500.00 $11,214.43 ✔
· Total amount of qualifying direct deposits $500.00 $4,039.72 ✔
· Total number of posted Wells Fargo Debit Card purchases and/or payments 10 1
· The fee is waived when the account is linked to a Wells Fargo Campus ATM or
Campus Debit Card
Worksheet to balance your account General statement policies for Wells Fargo Bank
Follow the steps below to reconcile your statement balance with your ■ To dispute or report inaccuracies in information we have furnished to a
account register balance. Be sure that your register shows any interest Consumer Reporting Agency about your accounts. You have the right to
paid into your account and any service charges, automatic payments or dispute the accuracy of information that Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. has
ATM transactions withdrawn from your account during this statement furnished to a consumer reporting agency by writing to us at Overdraft
period. Collection and Recovery, P.O. Box 5058, Portland, OR 97208-5058. Please
A Enter the ending balance on this statement. $ describe the specific information that is inaccurate or in dispute and the
basis for the dispute along with supporting documentation. If you believe
B List outstanding deposits and other the information furnished is the result of identity theft, please provide us
credits to your account that do not appear on with an identity theft report.
this statement. Enter the total in the column
■ In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers,
to the right.
telephone us at the number printed on the front of this statement or write
us at Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 6995, Portland, OR 97228-6995 as soon as
Description Amount
you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more
information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear
from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on
which the error or problem appeared.
1. Tell us your name and account number (if any).
2. Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as
clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more
Total $ + $
3. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error.
C Add A and B to calculate the subtotal. = $
We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If
D List outstanding checks, withdrawals, and we take more than 10 business days to do this, we will credit your account
other debits to your account that do not appear for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the
on this statement. Enter the total in the column money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation.
to the right.
Number/Description Amount
Total $ - $