Explanatory Notes (IOW2)
Explanatory Notes (IOW2)
Explanatory Notes (IOW2)
Supporting Applicant must submit the following supporting documents and all the
Documents documents must be certified by a Professional Engineer recognised by
Note: The processing fee does not Note: The processing fee does not
include credit card and bank charges. include credit card and bank charges.
Foreign The certified copy of the degree certificate from a foreign university/college
University / which is not in English language shall be accompanied by a translation of it
College in English or Bahasa Malaysia.
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1/7/2020 Explanatory Notes
Supporting Only complete application with all the supporting documentation will be
Documents processed and submitted to the Board for approval as IOW.
Applicants, who have not fulfilled the relevant work experience requirement
in accordance to their qualification, shall be registered as Intern IOW.
Those intending to be registered as Intern IOWs shall submit the names and
registration numbers of the PEs or IOWs they will report to on the same site
for their day to day activities.
Processing Every application for registration shall be decided upon by the Board within
Time four months from the date of receipt of such application
IOW must renew their IOW registration every 3 years upon payment of RM30.00 and shall
submit documentation proof that they have satisfied such conditions as determined by the
The Board may refuse to renew the registration of an Inspector of Works if he/she has failed to
satisfy any conditions as determined by the Board.
Every registered IOW shall notify the Register of any change in business address within three
(3) months of the change as specified in Section 14 of REA.
The Engineering Consulting Practice and/or the Professional Engineer with Practicing
Certificate named under Section 7B(2) (d) shall be liable to be charged under Section 24 of the
Registration of Engineers Act 1967 (Revised 2015) for employment of unregistered IOW(s) to
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