Martyred Intellectual of December 14, 1971'
Martyred Intellectual of December 14, 1971'
Martyred Intellectual of December 14, 1971'
Answer 1: Dr. ANM Faizul Mahi was an educationist, he had a vision to make the new liberated
Bangladesh, a place filled with people who has bright and big dreams. He became an assistant
professor in Dhaka University within a year he joined, so this clearly shows how dedicated he
was to his work. A teacher is someone who not only help you in academics but also helps you to
surf through any difficulties life might throw to you. And Dr. Faizul Mahi, must be an amazing
teacher for sure, for which his position WAS UPGRADED , pretty early. I picked him because
his life story inspired me, his heroic contribution during the war of liberation in 1971 stunned
me. His selfless acts of teaching the youth, helping the needy people during the war, helping the
freedom fighters financially keeping a low profile is praiseworthy. All our martyred intellectuals
and freedom fighters, not for a second, thought about their own family but for our own
motherland. All the Bangladeshi people were family to them and Bangladesh was home.
Everyone’s contribution and their loss of life gave us this beautiful Bangladesh today, and we
could not be more grateful.
Answer 2: If I start off with his contribution to the liberation war of 1971, then I have to say it’s
his life. He gave away his life to make Bangladesh a country with freedom today.He helped the
freedom fighters financially, stood forward to help the people in need. Since it was a war zone, a
lot of people were in distress and many had lost their homes, Dr. Faizul Mahi with his
benevolent character helped them, a lot indeed. He disguised himself so that he could not be
recognized by the Al-Badr members while doing his act of kindness, but sadly to his misfortune
some of these members were his colleagues within IER, and he could not escape the watchful
eyes of these Pakistani gangs, thus his life was in jeopardy. As per planning, he was forcefully
carried out from the Dhaka University quarters at Fuller Road. While his dreamy eyes sketched
dreams to witness his freed land from the oppressive Pakistanis, just two days prior to the official
announcement of the liberated Bangladesh, his life was snatched away from him. BRUTALLY .
He was abducted from his quarter on 14th OF December 1971 and later his dead body was
found in the scaffold at Rayer bazaar, Mirpur. What an ending to this blessed soul!
Answer 3: We often take our beloved country for granted. We forget the blood shed of these
heroes, the people who lost their loved ones, the babies who lost their lives and the women who
were raped. This days that we are living, free of thought, no sounds of wailing, no war flights
and the peace that prevails in our liberated country, is all due to the Selfless Freedom Fighters
and the Martyrs. We owe this peaceful country of ours, this blissful golden soil, to them. This
project lead me to know deeply about the incidents that has happened during the liberation war,
the amount of agony our people had to endure and the heroic acts our freedom fighters have
shown. And thus, my respect towards my country has increased in ten folds. We should educate
ourselves and our coming generation about our history of independence. That is how the love for
our motherland will increase in our hearts and we will give our best to make Bangladesh as one
of the well-known countries in the world. We should also keep our land clean and practice more
harmony with the people of our country and avoid fights and misunderstanding among ourselves.
Because our history says when we become a team, all of the Bangladeshis, we are unbreakable.