Analysis of Unsignalized Intersection: B.Ramkumar, B.Adinarayana, Mane SR Rohith
Analysis of Unsignalized Intersection: B.Ramkumar, B.Adinarayana, Mane SR Rohith
Analysis of Unsignalized Intersection: B.Ramkumar, B.Adinarayana, Mane SR Rohith
The problems of urban transportation are well known not just for traffic engineers but to people in all
walks of life. Overcrowded and congested with vehicles of all type creating lots of traffic problems
and pollutions making the cities a veritable jungle. The problem as exist today can hardly be del inked
from its problem of town planning and its implementation. In fact bottlenecks in the urban
transportation system have risen because the cities are not planned and built for supporting the volume
of population they are given shelter today. Travel has become inherently risky activity in cities.
Traffic consists on Indian roads of bi-directional freedom traffic such as two or three wheeled vehicles
and uni-directional vehicles such as four wheelers. Or rejected by various modes of traffic. To prevent
traffic accidents, conflicting traffic streams are separated either in space or in time.
Traffic studies or surveys are carried out to analyze the traffic Characteristics. These studies help in
deciding the geometric design features and control for safe and efficient traffic movement. The
various traffic studies generally carried out are:
Traffic study
Speed studies
Origin and destination study
Traffic flow characteristics
Traffic capacity study
Parking studies
Accident studies
One of the fundamental measures of traffic on road system is the volume of traffic using the road in a
given interval of time when the traffic is composed of a number of types of vehicles; it is the normal
practice to convert the flow into equivalent P.C.U by using certain equivalency factor. The flow is
expressed as PCU per hour.
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B.Ramkumar et al.
Illustrates a group of N vehicles at a signalized intersection, waiting for the green signal. As the signal
is initiated, the time interval between two vehicles, referred as headway, crossing the curb line is
noted. If every vehicles require h seconds of green time, and if the signal were always green, then s
vehicles/per hour would pass the intersection.
Therefore, s=
Where; s = saturation flow rate in vehicles per hour of green time per lane,
h = saturation headway in seconds. Vehicles per hour of green time per lane.
In this intersection (in fig.), the traffic movements are indicated as 1,2,...6 and the conflict points are
inditcated as a,b and c.
Among the traffic movements 1 to 6, movements 1 and 2 which are opposing through movements for
road A are considered as Non-conflicting movements because they dont create conflict point.
Movements 3 and 4 which are right turn movements from road A and road B respectively are
considered as Conflicting movements and the movements 5 and 6 are free lefts which cause no traffic
The Objectives of this research are as follows:
To develop critical gap and follow up-time for Indian road condition to take into consideration of
vehicle composition.
To analyze the effect of variation in parameters to the performance of unsignalised intersection
calculated using the proposed procedure.
Traffic Volume in PCU – From Balapur to TKR
Time 2W Cars Buses Mini Bus Auto LMV/Tractor 2 –Axle 3 – Axle Total PCU
07:30 - 08:30 168 27 2 3 59 5 1 1 266 194
08:30 - 09:30 202 33 4 6 35 9 1 2 292 212.5
09:30 -10:30 188 22 3 4 43 15 2 1 278 210.5
03:30 - 4:30 168 31 3 2 51 18 5 2 280 226
04:30 - 05:30 189 37 4 6 56 13 3 4 312 249
05:30 - 06:30 212 40 3 5 60 19 1 1 297 257
Peak Hour 202 33 4 6 35 9 1 2 292 212.5
(08:30 -09:30)
Peak Hour 212 40 3 5 60 19 1 1 297 257
(05:30 -06:30)
At TKR Kaman Junction there is a mixed flow of traffic. By analysis of the unsignalized
We found that there is a disturb in flow of traffic. Hence, at three-way intersection a signal should
be designed.
Hence a signal timer as per the above mentioned windows and timings is suggested to be
installed. And to further decrease disturbances caused by the pedestrians zebra crossings are to be
installed at the junctions and the pedestrians are to be guided across on reds.
And vehicular parking within the prescribed radius of the junctions is to be evoked and prohibited
[1] IRC-9-197 2 Traffic census of non-urban roads
[2] IRC-17-1977 Guidelines on re-population and control of mixed traffic in urban areas
[3] IRC-93-1985 Guidelines for design and installation of road traffic signals
[4] IRC-102-1 988 Traffic studies for planning by-pass around town
[5] IRC-106-1 990 Guidelines for capacity of urban roads in plain areas
[6] Currin, T. R. 2001. Turning Movement Counts. In Introduction to Traffic Engineering: A Manual