Engineers Precision Data Pocket Reference PDF
Engineers Precision Data Pocket Reference PDF
Engineers Precision Data Pocket Reference PDF
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Pocket Reference
Steve Heather
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Industrial Press, Inc.
32 Haviland Street, Suite 3
South Norwalk, CT 06854
Tel: 203-956-5593; Toll-Free: 888-528-7852
Heather, Steve.
Engineers Precision Data, Pocket Reference
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Job Name: -- /359372t
Hexagon Socket Head Cap Screws ................................................. 34
Clearance Drill, Counterbore & Key Sizes For Inch Series ........ 34
Clearance Drill, Counterbore & Key Sizes For Metric Series ..... 35
Hexagon Socket Flat Countersunk Head Cap Screws ..................... 36
Clearance Drill, Countersink & Key Sizes For Inch Series ......... 36
Clearance Drill, Countersink & Key Sizes For Metric Series ...... 37
Machine & Set Screw Identification Chart ........................................ 38
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Drawing Sheet Sizes - U.S. Customary Inch & ISO Metric ............... 49
Line Types & Line Widths ................................................................. 50
ASME & ISO Orthographic Projections ............................................ 51
ASME & ISO Geometric Symbols Comparison Chart ...................... 52
Common Drawing Abbreviations ...................................................... 53
Inches To Millimeters ........................................................................ 57
Millimeters To Inches ........................................................................ 58
Fractional Inches To Millimeters ....................................................... 59
Fractional Inches To Decimal Inches ................................................ 59
Common Conversion Factors ........................................................... 60
Metric To Inch System ................................................................ 60
Inch To Metric System ................................................................ 61
INDEX .................................................................................................. 62
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Job Name: -- /359372t
a = opposite side
b = adjacent side
c = hypotenuse
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Job Name: -- /359372t
a x sin C
B = 180° – (A + C) c=
B C sin A
a a x b x sin C
Area =
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Area = A = s² = ½ d²
s = 0.7071d = A
d = 1.4142s = 1.4142 A
Area = A = ab = a d² – a ² = b d² – b²
d = a² + b²
a = d ² – b² = A b
a = d ² – a² = A a
Area = A = bh
h = Ab
b = Ah
b = a² – c ²
c = a² – b ²
Area = A = ½ bc
Area = A = ½ bh
If S = ½ (a + b + c), then:
A = S (S – a) (S – b) (S – c)
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Area = A = ½ bh
If S = ½ (a + b + c), then:
A = S (S – a) (S – b) (S – c)
(a + b) h
Area = A =
(H + h) a + bh + cH
Area = A =
s = 0.765R = 0.828r
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Job Name: -- /359372t
d = C 3.1416 = A 0.7854
c ² + 4h ²
r = l = 0.01745 r
57.296 l
h = r – ½ 4 r ² – c² =
Area = A = π (R ² – r ² ) = 3.1416 (R ² – r ² )
= 3.1416 (R + r ) (R – r )
R r
= 0.7854 (D ² – d ² )
= 0.7854 (D + d ) (D – d )
Perimeter = P = 3.1416 2 (a ² + b² )
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Volume = V = s³
s = ³ V
Volume = V = a b c
a = b = c =
bc ac ab
PRISM V = volume
A = area of end surface
V = hxA
4π r ³ πd ³
V = = = 4.1888 r ³ = 0.5236d ³
3 6
A = 4π r ² = π d ² = 12.5664 r ² = 3.1416 d ²
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Job Name: -- /359372t
V = 2 π² R r ² = 19.739 R r ²
= D d ² = 2.4674 D d ²
A = 4 π² R r = 39.478 R r
= π² D d = 9.8696 D d
V = π r ² h = 3.1416 r ² h = 0.7854 d ² h D
S = 2 π r h = 6.2832 r h = π d h = 3.1416 d h
A = 6.2832 r ( r + h) = 3.1416 d ( ½ d + h)
π r²h
V = = 1.0472 r ² h = 0.2618 d ² h
A = 3.1416 r r ² + h² = 3.1416 r s
S = r ² + h²
V = 1.0472 h (R ² + R r + r ² )
= 0.2618 h (D² + D d + d ² )
A = 3.1416 s (R + r ) = 1.5708 s (D + d )
S = (R – r )² + h ²
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Job Name: -- /359372t
2 3
D = d = 1.154701d
E = d 2 = 1.414214 d
Any values not shown can be calculated using the above formulas
d D E d D E d D E
1/32 0.0361 0.0442 2 2.3094 2.8284 42 48.4974 59.3970
1/16 0.0722 0.0884 3 3.4641 4.2426 43 49.6521 60.8112
3/32 0.1083 0.1326 4 4.6188 5.6569 44 50.8068 62.2254
0.1 0.1155 0.1414 5 5.7735 7.0711 45 51.9615 63.6396
1/8 0.1443 0.1768 6 6.9282 8.4853 46 53.1162 65.0538
5/32 0.1804 0.2210 7 8.0829 9.8995 47 54.2709 66.4681
3/16 0.2165 0.2652 8 9.2376 11.3137 48 55.4256 67.8823
0.2 0.2309 0.2828 9 10.3923 12.7279 49 56.5803 69.2965
7/32 0.2526 0.3094 10 11.5470 14.1421 50 57.7351 70.7107
1/4 0.2887 0.3536 11 12.7017 15.5564 51 58.8898 72.1249
9/32 0.3248 0.3977 12 13.8564 16.9706 52 60.0445 73.5391
0.3 0.3464 0.4243 13 15.0111 18.3848 53 61.1992 74.9533
5/16 0.3608 0.4419 14 16.1658 19.7990 54 62.3539 76.3676
11/32 0.3969 0.4861 15 17.3205 21.2132 55 63.5086 77.7818
3/8 0.4330 0.5303 16 18.4752 22.6274 56 64.6633 79.1960
0.4 0.4619 0.5657 17 19.6299 24.0416 57 65.8180 80.6102
13/32 0.4691 0.5745 18 20.7846 25.4559 58 66.9727 82.0244
7/16 0.5052 0.6187 19 21.9393 26.8701 59 68.1274 83.4386
15/32 0.5413 0.6629 20 23.0940 28.2843 60 69.2821 84.8528
0.5 0.5774 0.7071 21 24.2487 29.6985 61 70.4368 86.2671
17/32 0.6134 0.7513 22 25.4034 31.1127 62 71.5915 87.6813
9/16 0.6495 0.7955 23 26.5581 32.5269 63 72.7462 89.0955
19/32 0.6856 0.8397 24 27.7128 33.9411 64 73.9009 90.5097
0.6 0.6928 0.8485 25 28.8675 35.3554 65 75.0556 91.9239
5/8 0.7217 0.8839 26 30.0222 36.7696 66 76.2103 93.3381
21/32 0.7578 0.9281 27 31.1769 38.1838 67 77.3650 94.7523
11/16 0.7939 0.9723 28 32.3316 39.5980 68 78.5197 96.1666
0.7 0.8083 0.9899 29 33.4863 41.0122 69 79.6744 97.5808
23/32 0.8299 1.0165 30 34.6410 42.4264 70 80.8291 98.9950
3/4 0.8660 1.0607 31 35.7957 43.8406 71 81.9838 100.4092
25/32 0.9021 1.1049 32 36.9504 45.2548 72 83.1385 101.8234
0.8 0.9238 1.1314 33 38.1051 46.6691 73 84.2932 103.2376
13/16 0.9382 1.1490 34 39.2598 48.0833 74 85.4479 104.6518
27/32 0.9743 1.1932 35 40.4145 49.4975 75 86.6026 106.0661
7/8 1.0104 1.2374 36 41.5692 50.9117 76 87.7573 107.4803
0.9 1.0392 1.2728 37 42.7239 52.3259 77 88.9120 108.8945
29/32 1.0464 1.2816 38 43.8786 53.7401 78 90.0667 110.3087
15/16 1.0825 1.3258 39 45.0333 55.1543 79 91.2214 111.7229
31/32 1.1186 1.3700 40 46.1880 56.5686 80 92.3761 113.1371
1 1.1547 1.4142 41 47.3427 57.9828 Inch or Metric Units
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Job Name: -- /359372t
A = 0.27059
A = 0.25000 B = 0.27059
B = 0.43301 C = 0.46194
C = 0.86603 D = 0.19134
A = 0.46985
5-HOLE B = 0.17101
A = 0.18164 C = 0.26201
B = 0.55902 D = 0.21985
C = 0.40451 E = 0.38302
D = 0.29389 F = 0.32139
G = 0.17101
H = 0.29620
6-HOLE A = 0.29389
A = 0.43301 B = 0.09549
B = 0.25000 C = 0.18164
C = 0.50000 D = 0.25000
E = 0.15451
A = 0.47975
7-HOLE B = 0.14087
A = 0.27052 C = 0.23700
B = 0.33922 D = 0.15231
C = 0.45049 E = 0.11704
D = 0.21694 F = 0.25627
E = 0.31175 G = 0.42063
F = 0.39092 H = 0.27032
K = 0.18449
L = 0.21291
8-HOLE A = 0.22415
A = 0.35355 B = 0.12941
B = 0.14645 C = 0.48296
D = 0.12941
E = 0.25882
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Job Name: -- /359372t
If the angle is known, use the following formula to find the height:
H = L x sin A
Example using a 5 inch sine bar where; L = 5, A = 32°
H = 5 x sin 32°
H = 5 x 0.52991
H = 2.6496 inches
If the height is known, use the following formula to find the angle:
sin A =
Example using a 5 inch sine bar where; L = 5, H = 3.256″
sin A =
sin A = 0.6512
With a calculator use; sin -1 (0.6512)
A = 40.6321° = 40° 37′ 56″
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Male dovetail
x = D ( 1 + cot ½ ) + a
Female dovetail
y = b – D ( 1 + cot ½ )
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Job Name: -- /359372t
The following formulas are for countersinks and spot drills that have been
sharpened to a point, allowances on tool depth will have to be made if the
countersink or spot drill is not sharpened to a point.
To calculate the tool travel “Z” required for any sharp-point countersink or
spot drill angle, use either of the following formulas:
0.5 D
Z = or Z = 0.5 D x cot ( 0.5 )
tan ( 0.5 )
Countersink Factor
Angle (Inch or Metric Units)
The table opposite is a quick 60° 0.8660 x diameter
reference for commonly used 82° 0.5752 x diameter
angles. To calculate the tool 90° 0.5000 x diameter
travel “Z” required for any 100° 0.4195 x diameter
sharp-point countersink or spot
118° 0.3004 x diameter
drill angle, multiply the factor by
the countersink diameter. 120° 0.2887 x diameter
135° 0.2071 x diameter
142° 0.1722 x diameter
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Job Name: -- /359372t
D = cutting tool diameter for milling and drilling, and the workpiece
diameter for turning.
N = spindle speed in revolutions per minute (rpm).
V = cutting speed in feet per minute (fpm) for inch units, and
meters per minute (m/min) for metric units.
π = 3.1416
To calculate the spindle speed in rpm when the cutting tool or workpiece
diameter and the cutting speed are known, use the following inch or
metric formulas:
12 V 1000 V
N = N =
πD πD
12 x 80
N = = 611 rpm
3.1416 x 0.500
To calculate the cutting speed in fpm or m/min when the cutting tool or
workpiece diameter and the spindle speed are known, use the following
inch or metric formulas:
V = fpm V = m/min
12 1000
3.1416 x 25 x 350
V = = 27.5 m/min
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Bend allowance
T Neutral line
Bend angle
To calculate the length of the neutral line of straight stock before bending,
use the following formulas, where;
For 90° bends in half-hard copper and brass, soft steel, and aluminum:
L = (0.64 x T ) + ( 1.57 x R )
For 90° bends in bronze, hard copper, cold-rolled steel, and spring steel:
L = (0.71 x T ) + ( 1.57 x R )
For bend angles other than 90 degrees, calculate the length “L” using the
above formulas then multiply “L” by the bend angle “” divided by 90.
L x
Example: To find the straight length “L” required for a 60° angled bend in
soft brass where; T = 0.125 inches, R = 0.375 inches:
L = [ (0.55 x T ) + ( 1.57 x R ) ] x
L = [ (0.55 x 0.125 ) + ( 1.57 x 0.375 ) ] x
L = 0.6575 x
L = 0.4383 inches
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Job Name: -- /359372t
45° bend:
L = [ (0.64 x 3 ) + ( 1.57 x 3 ) ] x = 3.31
90° bend:
L = (0.64 x 3 ) + ( 1.57 x 3 ) = 6.63
180° bend:
L = [ (0.64 x 3 ) + ( 1.57 x 6 ) ] x = 22.68
Straight sections:
L = 8 + 8 + 22 = 38
L = 70.62 mm
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Job Name: -- /359372t
P = A x T x S
Example: Calculate the pressure required in tons for the blank in the
illustration below.
0.80″ 2 PLACES
0.85″ 2.45″
Note: The general rule for punches that have shear on them is to halve
the tonnage up to a material thickness of 0.250 inches, for material
thickness over 0.250 inches, two thirds of the tonnage should be used.
If the blank is in metric dimensions, calculate the total perimeter and
convert to inches, also convert the material thickness to inches. Then
calculate the pressure required using the same formula.
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Job Name: -- /359372t
The table below gives some common materials used and their shear
strength in tons per square inch.
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Job Name: -- /359372t
P/8 H/8
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Job Name: -- /359372t
C = Conduit Thread
S/ P = Spark Plug Thread
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Job Name: -- /359372t
P/8 H/8
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Job Name: -- /359372t
P/8 H/8
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Job Name: -- /359372t
H h r
s H = 1.13634P
h = 0.60000P
P s = 0.26817P
r = 0.18083P
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Job Name: -- /359372t
H h r 55°
H = 0.960491P
s h = 0.640327P
P s = 0.160082P
r = 0.137329P
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Job Name: -- /359372t
H h r 55°
H = 0.960491P
s h = 0.640327P
P s = 0.160082P
r = 0.137329P
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Tapping Tapping
Threads Basic Basic Basic Basic
Drill Drill
Nom. Per Depth of Major Effective Minor
Size Inch Thread Diameter Diameter Diameter BSPF (G) BSP (Rp)
(inch) T.P.I. (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (mm) (mm)
1/16 28 0.0229 0.3040 0.2812 0.2583 6.80 6.60
1/8 28 0.0229 0.3830 0.3601 0.3372 8.80 8.60
1/4 19 0.0337 0.5180 0.4843 0.4506 11.80 11.50
3/8 19 0.0337 0.6560 0.6223 0.5886 15.25 15.00
1/2 14 0.0457 0.8250 0.7793 0.7336 19.00 18.75
5/8 14 0.0457 0.9020 0.8563 0.8106 21.00 20.75
3/4 14 0.0457 1.0410 0.9953 0.9496 24.50 24.25
7/8 14 0.0457 1.1890 1.1433 1.0976 28.25 28.00
1 11 0.0582 1.3090 1.2508 1.1926 30.75 30.40
1-1/4 11 0.0582 1.6500 1.5918 1.5336 39.50 39.00
1-1/2 11 0.0582 1.8820 1.8238 1.7656 45.00 45.00
1-3/4 11 0.0582 2.1160 2.0578 1.9996 51.00 51.00
2 11 0.0582 2.3470 2.2888 2.2306 57.00 56.75
2-1/4 11 0.0582 2.5870 2.5288 2.4706 62.75 62.75
2-1/2 11 0.0582 2.9600 2.9018 2.8436 72.50 72.50
H h r 55°
H = 0.960491P
s h = 0.640327P
P s = 0.160082P
r = 0.137329P
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Job Name: -- /359372t
H h
90° P Taper 1 in 16
on diameter
Axis of Screw
H = 0.960491P
h = 0.640327P
s = 0.160082P
Gauge r = 0.137329P
Length forward of
Gauge Plane “L”
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Dia. at Length of Tapping
Outside Beginning Effective Length Effective Drill Size
Nom. Dia. of of External Dia. at at Thread at Without
Size T.P.I. Pipe Thread, E 0 E1 L1 L2 Reamer
(inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (mm)
H h
90° P Taper 1 in 16
on diameter
Axis of Screw
H = 0.8657P
h = 0.8P
E0 E1 E2 D
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Job Name: -- /359372t
U.N.C. U.N.F.
Nom. Size Tapping Nom. Size Tapping
(No.) (inch) T.P.I. Drill (mm) (No.) (inch) T.P.I. Drill (mm)
No.2 56 1.95 No.2 64 2.00
No.3 48 2.25 No.3 56 2.30
No.4 40 2.55 No.4 48 2.60
No.5 40 2.85 No.5 44 2.90
No.6 32 3.10 No.6 40 3.20
No.8 32 3.80 No.8 36 3.80
No.10 24 4.30 No.10 32 4.50
No.12 24 4.90 No.12 28 5.10
1/4 20 5.80 1/4 28 5.90
5/16 18 7.30 5/16 24 7.50
3/8 16 8.80 3/8 24 9.00
7/16 14 10.30 7/16 20 10.50
1/2 13 11.90 1/2 20 12.10
9/16 12 13.30 9/16 18 13.70
5/8 11 14.80 5/8 18 15.25
3/4 10 17.90 3/4 16 18.30
7/8 9 20.95 7/8 14 21.40
1 8 24.00 1 12 24.50
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Job Name: -- /359372t
B.S.W. B.A.
Nom. Size Tapping B.A. Pitch Tapping
(inch) T.P.I. Drill (mm) No. (inch) Drill (mm)
1/8 40 2.90 0 0.0394 5.60
3/16 24 4.20 2 0.0319 4.40
1/4 20 5.70 3 0.0287 3.80
5/16 18 7.20 4 0.0260 3.30
3/8 16 8.70 5 0.0232 2.95
6 0.0209 2.60
Nom. Size Tapping B.S.P.
(inch) T.P.I. Drill (mm) Nom. Size Tapping
3/16 32 4.40 (inch) T.P.I. Drill (mm)
7/32 28 5.20 1/8 28 9.25
1/4 26 5.90 1/4 19 12.60
5/16 22 7.40 3/8 19 16.10
3/8 20 9.00 1/2 14 20.00
U.N.C. U.N.F.
Nom. Size Tapping Nom. Size Tapping
(inch) T.P.I. Drill (mm) (No.) (inch) T.P.I. Drill (mm)
1/4 20 6.70 1/4 28 6.70
5/16 18 8.30 5/16 24 8.30
3/8 16 9.90 3/8 24 9.90
7/16 14 11.50 7/16 20 11.50
1/2 13 13.00 1/2 20 13.00
9/16 12 15.00 9/16 18 14.50
5/8 11 16.50 5/8 18 16.30
3/4 10 19.75 3/4 16 19.50
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Job Name: -- /359372t
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Clearance Drill, Counterbore and Key Sizes
Inch Series
Metric Series
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Inch Series
82° 2°
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resentative if you have questions about finding the option.
Job Name: -- /359372t
Metric Series
90° – 0°
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Machine Screws
Set Screws
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Hole Shaft
Basis Basis
Sliding Fit:
H7 / g6 h6 / G7 To move and turn freely and locate
accurately, but not intended to run freely.
Force Fit:
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Loose Free
Running Running
Sizes Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Hole Shaft Hole Shaft Hole Shaft
Over To H11 c11 H9 d10 H9 e9
+ 0.060 – 0.060 + 0.025 – 0.020 + 0.025 – 0.014
0 3
0 – 0.120 0 – 0.060 0 – 0.039
+ 0.075 – 0.070 + 0.030 – 0.030 + 0.030 – 0.020
3 6
0 – 0.145 0 – 0.078 0 – 0.050
+ 0.090 – 0.080 + 0.036 – 0.040 + 0.036 – 0.025
6 10
0 – 0.170 0 – 0.098 0 – 0.061
+ 0.110 – 0.095 + 0.043 – 0.050 + 0.043 – 0.032
10 18
0 – 0.205 0 – 0.120 0 – 0.075
+ 0.130 – 0.110 + 0.052 – 0.065 + 0.052 – 0.040
18 30
0 – 0.240 0 – 0.149 0 – 0.092
+ 0.160 – 0.120
30 40
0 – 0.280 + 0.062 – 0.080 + 0.062 – 0.050
+ 0.160 – 0.130 0 – 0.180 0 – 0.112
40 50
0 – 0.290
+ 0.190 – 0.140
50 65
0 – 0.330 + 0.074 – 0.100 + 0.074 – 0.060
+ 0.190 – 0.150 0 – 0.220 0 – 0.134
65 80
0 – 0.340
+ 0.220 – 0.170
80 100
0 – 0.390 + 0.087 – 0.120 + 0.087 – 0.072
+ 0.220 – 0.180 0 – 0.260 0 – 0.159
100 120
0 – 0.400
+ 0.250 – 0.200
120 140
0 – 0.450
+ 0.250 – 0.210 + 0.100 – 0.145 + 0.100 – 0.084
140 160
0 – 0.460 0 – 0.305 0 – 0.185
+ 0.250 – 0.230
160 180
0 – 0.480
+ 0.290 – 0.240
180 200
0 – 0.530
+ 0.290 – 0.260 + 0.115 – 0.170 + 0.115 – 0.100
200 225
0 – 0.550 0 – 0.355 0 – 0.215
+ 0.290 – 0.280
225 250
0 – 0.570
+ 0.320 – 0.300
250 280
0 – 0.620 + 0.130 – 0.190 + 0.130 – 0.110
+ 0.320 – 0.330 0 – 0.400 0 – 0.240
280 315
0 – 0.650
+ 0.360 – 0.360
315 355
0 – 0.720 + 0.140 – 0.210 + 0.140 – 0.125
+ 0.360 – 0.400 0 – 0.440 0 – 0.265
355 400
0 – 0.760
+ 0.400 – 0.440
400 450
0 – 0.840 + 0.155 – 0.230 + 0.155 – 0.135
+ 0.400 – 0.480 0 – 0.480 0 – 0.290
450 500
0 – 0.880
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Close Locational
Running Sliding Clearance
Sizes Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Hole Shaft Hole Shaft Hole Shaft
Over To H8 f7 H7 g6 H7 h6
+ 0.014 – 0.006 + 0.010 – 0.002 + 0.010 – 0.006
0 3
0 – 0.016 0 – 0.008 0 0
+ 0.018 – 0.010 + 0.012 – 0.004 + 0.012 – 0.008
3 6
0 – 0.028 0 – 0.012 0 0
+ 0.022 – 0.013 + 0.015 – 0.005 + 0.015 – 0.009
6 10
0 – 0.028 0 – 0.014 0 0
+ 0.027 – 0.016 + 0.018 – 0.006 + 0.018 – 0.011
10 18
0 – 0.034 0 – 0.017 0 0
+ 0.033 – 0.020 + 0.021 – 0.007 + 0.021 – 0.013
18 30
0 – 0.041 0 – 0.020 0 0
30 40
+ 0.039 – 0.025 + 0.025 – 0.009 + 0.025 – 0.016
0 – 0.050 0 – 0.025 0 0
40 50
50 65
+ 0.046 – 0.030 + 0.030 – 0.010 + 0.030 – 0.019
0 – 0.060 0 – 0.029 0 0
65 80
80 100
+ 0.054 – 0.036 + 0.035 – 0.012 + 0.035 – 0.022
0 – 0.071 0 – 0.034 0 0
100 120
120 140
+ 0.063 – 0.043 + 0.040 – 0.014 + 0.040 – 0.025
140 160
0 – 0.083 0 – 0.039 0 0
160 180
180 200
+ 0.072 – 0.050 + 0.046 – 0.015 + 0.046 – 0.029
200 225
0 – 0.096 0 – 0.044 0 0
225 250
250 280
+ 0.081 – 0.056 + 0.052 – 0.017 + 0.052 – 0.032
0 – 0.108 0 – 0.049 0 0
280 315
315 355
+ 0.089 – 0.062 + 0.057 – 0.018 + 0.057 – 0.036
0 – 0.119 0 – 0.054 0 0
355 400
400 450
+ 0.097 – 0.068 + 0.063 – 0.020 + 0.063 – 0.040
0 – 0.131 0 – 0.060 0 0
450 500
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Locational Locational
Transition Transition
Sizes Tolerance Tolerance
Hole Shaft Hole Shaft
Over To H7 k6 H7 n6
+ 0.010 + 0.006 + 0.010 + 0.010
0 3
0 0 0 + 0.004
+ 0.012 + 0.009 + 0.012 + 0.016
3 6
0 + 0.001 0 + 0.008
+ 0.015 + 0.010 + 0.015 + 0.019
6 10
0 + 0.001 0 + 0.010
+ 0.018 + 0.012 + 0.018 + 0.023
10 18
0 + 0.001 0 + 0.012
+ 0.021 + 0.015 + 0.021 + 0.028
18 30
0 + 0.002 0 + 0.015
30 40
+ 0.025 + 0.018 + 0.025 + 0.033
0 + 0.002 0 + 0.017
40 50
50 65
+ 0.030 + 0.021 + 0.030 + 0.039
0 + 0.002 0 + 0.020
65 80
80 100
+ 0.035 + 0.025 + 0.035 + 0.045
0 + 0.003 0 + 0.023
100 120
120 140
+ 0.040 + 0.028 + 0.040 + 0.052
140 160
0 + 0.003 0 + 0.027
160 180
180 200
+ 0.046 + 0.033 + 0.046 + 0.060
200 225
0 + 0.004 0 + 0.031
225 250
250 280
+ 0.052 + 0.036 + 0.052 + 0.066
0 + 0.004 0 + 0.034
280 315
315 355
+ 0.057 + 0.040 + 0.057 + 0.073
0 + 0.004 0 + 0.037
355 400
400 450
+ 0.063 + 0.045 + 0.063 + 0.080
0 + 0.005 0 + 0.040
450 500
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Locational Medium
Interference Drive
Sizes Tolerance Tolerance
Hole Shaft Hole Shaft
Over To H7 p6 H7 s6
+ 0.010 + 0.012 + 0.010 + 0.020
0 3
0 + 0.006 0 + 0.014
+ 0.012 + 0.020 + 0.012 + 0.027
3 6
0 + 0.012 0 + 0.019
+ 0.015 + 0.024 + 0.015 + 0.032
6 10
0 + 0.015 0 + 0.023
+ 0.018 + 0.029 + 0.018 + 0.039
10 18
0 + 0.018 0 + 0.028
+ 0.021 + 0.035 + 0.021 + 0.048
18 30
0 + 0.022 0 + 0.035
30 40
+ 0.025 + 0.042 + 0.025 + 0.059
0 + 0.026 0 + 0.043
40 50
+ 0.030 + 0.072
50 65
+ 0.030 + 0.051 0 + 0.053
0 + 0.032 + 0.030 + 0.078
65 80
0 + 0.059
+ 0.035 + 0.093
80 100
+ 0.035 + 0.059 0 + 0.071
0 + 0.037 + 0.035 + 0.101
100 120
0 + 0.079
+ 0.040 + 0.117
120 140
0 + 0.092
+ 0.040 + 0.068 + 0.040 + 0.125
140 160
0 + 0.043 0 + 0.100
+ 0.040 + 0.133
160 180
0 + 0.108
+ 0.046 + 0.151
180 200
0 + 0.122
+ 0.046 + 0.079 + 0.046 + 0.159
200 225
0 + 0.050 0 + 0.130
+ 0.046 + 0.169
225 250
0 + 0.140
+ 0.052 + 0.190
250 280
+ 0.052 + 0.088 0 + 0.158
0 + 0.056 + 0.052 + 0.202
280 315
0 + 0.170
+ 0.057 + 0.226
315 355
+ 0.057 + 0.098 0 + 0.190
0 + 0.062 + 0.057 + 0.244
355 400
0 + 0.208
+ 0.063 + 0.272
400 450
+ 0.063 + 0.108 0 + 0.232
0 + 0.068 + 0.063 + 0.292
450 500
0 + 0.252
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Job Name: -- /359372t
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Job Name: -- /359372t
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Job Name: -- /359372t
A - Scale D - Scale
Rockwell Diamond 60kgf 100kgf
C - Scale Pyramid Tungsten Load Load
Hardness Hardness Standard Hultgren Carbide Diamond Diamond
Number Number Ball Ball Ball Indenter Indenter
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Job Name: -- /359372t
A - Scale D - Scale
Rockwell Diamond 60kgf 100kgf
C - Scale Pyramid Tungsten Load Load
Hardness Hardness Standard Hultgren Carbide Diamond Diamond
Number Number Ball Ball Ball Indenter Indenter
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Job Name: -- /359372t
The values shown in the table above are typical Average Application
for the processes listed. Higher or lower values
may be obtained under special conditions. Less Frequent Application
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Drawing Sheet Sizes – U.S. Customary Inch and ISO Metric
C 17 in.
A4 210 mm
A1 A0
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Line Types and Line Widths
Visible Line
Hidden Line
Symmetry Line
Leader Line
Extension Line
Dimension Line Dimension Line
Extension Line
and Leader Line Thin
Stitch Line Thin
Chain Line
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Job Name: -- /359372t
ASME and ISO Orthographic Projections
(B) Top
Third Angle
Projection Symbol
(E) Bottom
(E) Bottom
(B) Top
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Job Name: -- /359372t
ASME and ISO Geometric Symbols Comparison Chart
Straightness u u
Flatness c c
Circularity e e
Cylindricity g g
Profile of a Line k k
Profile of a Surface d d
Angularity a a
Perpendicularity b b
Parallelism f f
Position j j
Concentricity, Coaxiality r r
Symmetry i i
Circular Runout *h *h
Total Runout *t *t
At Maximum Material Condition m m
At Maximum Material Boundary m NONE
Conical Taper y y
Slope z z
Square o o
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Common Drawing Abbreviations
Term Abbreviation
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Job Name: -- /359372t
H Unassigned.
I Interpolation parameter or thread lead parallel to the X-axis. Circular interpolation
and threading
J Interpolation parameter or thread lead parallel to the Y-axis. Circular interpolation
and threading
K Interpolation parameter or thread lead parallel to the Z-axis. Circular interpolation
and threading
L Unassigned.
M Miscellaneous or auxiliary function. Miscellaneous
N Sequence or line number. Sequence number
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Job Name: -- /359372t
G75-G79 Unassigned.
G08 Automatic acceleration.
G80 Cancels fixed cycle.
G09 Automatic deceleration.
G33 Thread cutting, constant lead. G87 Boring cycle - manual retraction.
G34 Thread cutting, increasing lead. G88 Boring cycle - dwell and manual
G35 Thread cutting, decreasing lead. G89 Boring cycle - dwell and feed
G36-G39 Unassigned.
G90 Absolute input programming.
G40 Cancel compensation/offset.
G91 Incremental input programming.
G41 Cutter compensation - left. G92 Preload of registers.
G43 Cutter compensation - inside G94 Feed rate per minute for inches or
corner. millimeters.
G44 Cutter compensation - outside G95 Feed rate per revolution for inches
corner. or millimeters.
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Code Description
M00 Compulsory machine stop. The machine will stop automatically upon reaching this
M01 Optional machine stop. The machine will only stop if the operator has pushed the
optional stop button.
M02 End of program. May or may not rewind the tape on older machines.
M10 Turns the pallet clamp on for machines with pallet changers.
M11 Turns the pallet clamp off for machines with pallet changers.
M13 Turns on the spindle in a clockwise rotation and the coolant at the same time.
M14 Turns on the spindle in a counterclockwise rotation and the coolant at the same time.
M47 Continues program execution from the start of the program unless inhibited by an
interlock signal.
M49 Deactivates a manual spindle or feed override and returns the parameter to the
programmed value.
M59 Holds the rpm constant at the value in use when M59 is initiated.
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Inches to Millimeters
(1 inch = 25.4 millimeters)
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Millimeters to Inches
(1 millimeter = 0.03937 inches)
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Fractional Inches to Millimeters
(1 inch = 25.4 millimeters)
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Common Conversion Factors
Metric to Inch System
Centimeters Feet 0.0328084
Centimeters Inches 0.03937
Kilometers Miles 0.6213712
Meters Feet 3.28084
Meters Inches 39.37008
Meters Yards 1.093613
Millimeters Feet 0.00328084
Millimeters Inches 0.03937008
Square Centimeters Square Feet 0.00107639
Square Centimeters Square Inches 0.1550003
Square Kilometers Square Miles 0.38610216
Square Meters Square Feet 10.76391
Square Meters Square Inches 1550.003
Square Meters Square Yards 1.19599
Square Millimeters Square Inches 0.00155
Cubic Centimeters Cubic Inches 0.06102374
Cubic Meters Cubic Feet 35.3146667
Cubic Meters Cubic Yards 1.30795062
Liters Gallons (US) 0.26417205
Liters Gallons (UK) 0.21996925
Liters Pints (US) 2.11337642
Liters Pints (UK) 1.759754
Grams Ounces 0.035274
Grams Pounds 0.0022046
Kilograms Pounds 2.2046226
Kilograms Stone 0.15747304
Tonnes Short Ton 1.1023113
Tonnes Long Ton 0.98420653
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Common Conversion Factors
Inch to Metric System
Feet Centimeters 30.48
Feet Meters 0.3048
Feet Millimeters 304.8
Inches Centimeters 2.54
Inches Meters 0.0254
Inches Millimeters 25.4
Miles Kilometers 1.609344
Yards Meters 0.9144
Square Feet Square Centimeters 929.0304
Square Feet Square Meters 0.09290304
Square Inches Square Centimeters 6.4516
Square Inches Square Meters 0.00064516
Square Inches Square Millimeters 645.16
Square Miles Square Kilometers 2.5899881
Square Yards Square Meters 0.83612736
Cubic Feet Cubic Meters 0.02832
Cubic Inches Cubic Centimeters 16.387064
Cubic Yards Cubic Meters 0.7645548
Gallons (US) Liters 3.7854
Gallons (UK) Liters 4.54609
Pints (US) Liters 0.47317
Pints (UK) Liters 0.56826
Ounces Grams 28.34952
Pounds Grams 453.59237
Pounds Kilograms 0.453592
Stone Kilograms 6.3503
Long Ton Tonnes 1.01605
Short Ton Tonnes 0.90718
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Job Name: -- /359372t
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Job Name: -- /359372t
Elements, heat, mass & weight, 44 Hardness comparison table, 46
Ellipse, area & perimeter, 5 Heat, elements melting points, 44
Equally spaced holes, 9 Hexagon,
Equivalent charts, drill sizes, 30 Area, 4
Distance across corners, 8
F Socket head cap screws, 34-37
Holes & shafts, preferred fits, 39
Factor, countersink depth, 12
Factors, common conversion, 60
Feeds & speeds, 13 I
Female dovetail, measuring, 11 Inch to metric, conversions, 61
First angle projection, ISO, 51 Inches to millimeters, 57
Fits on holes and shafts, 40 Inside bend radius, calculating, 14
Clearance fits, 40 Interference fits, hole basis, 43
Interference fits, 43 ISO fits, hole basis, 40
Terms used, 39 ISO geometric symbols, 52
Transition fits, 42 ISO metric coarse thread, 18
Flatness, geo-symbol, 52 ISO metric fine thread, 19
Bend allowance, sheet metal, 14 K
Countersink depths, 12
Key sizes,
Measuring dovetail slides, 11
Socket head cap screw, 34
Equally spaced holes, 9
Countersunk head cap screw, 36
Hexagons & squares, 8
Oblique-angled triangles, 2
Plane figures, 3
Right-angled triangles, 1 Letter addresses, CNC, 54
Shearing pressure, blanking, 16 Letter drill sizes, 30-33
Sine bar, 10 Line types, drawing standards, 50
Speeds & feeds, drilling, 13 Line widths, drawing standards, 50
Speeds & feeds, milling, 13 Locating equally spaced holes, 9
Speeds & feeds, turning, 13
Spot drill depths, 12 M
Volumes of solids, 6 Machine screw ID chart, 38
Fluteless cold forming threads, 28 Male dovetail, measuring, 11
Fractional drill sizes, 30-33 Materials,
Fractional inches to millimeters, 59 Hardness comparison table, 46
Fractional inches to decimals, 59 Shear strengths, blanking, 17
Frustum of a cone, volume, 7 Mathematical formulas, 1-17
Measuring dovetail slides, 11
G Melting point, elements, 44-45
G-code addresses, CNC, 55 Metric drill sizes, 30-33
Geometric symbols, 52 Metric thread, coarse, 18
Metric thread, fine, 19
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Job Name: -- /359372t
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Job Name: -- /359372t
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Job Name: -- /359372t
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Job Name: -- /359372t
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Job Name: -- /359372t
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