Bike Wash ETP Offer
Bike Wash ETP Offer
Bike Wash ETP Offer
Subject : Budgetary Proposal for 10 KLD Bike Wash Effluent Treatment Plant
This refers to the discussions had with you regarding the above subject, we are herewith
submitting our offer for Bike wash Effluent treatment plant- MS FRP of capacity 10 m3 per day.
We hope the above is in line with your requirement. Please revert for any further information /
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
The design has been made based on the normal sewage characteristics as mentioned
above. RMR will not be responsible for the parameters other than this, which can
disturb the plant operation.
Raw waste water from the canteen is usually received into the bar screen chamber by gravity.
Screen provided will remove all floating and big size matter such as plastic bottles, polythene bags,
glasses, stones, etc., which may otherwise choke the pipeline and pumps.
Then it is passed in to oil trap tank provided with a oil skimmer to skim and remove the oil, here
belt type skimmer is used .Generally the canteen waste water has oil 7 to 9 mg/litre.
Transfer of Effluent
The collection tank waste water then pumped to Mixing cum settling tank for further treatment
The filtration:
The settled sludge is the passed into sludge drying beds, the supernatant passed into partially
treated effluent collection tank and the filtered through pressure sand filter and activated carbon
The final effluent is passed into a common UV disinfection system provided for sewage and
The disinfested effluent is stored and utilized for flushing and gardening.
Volume in Scope
S.No Description & MOC QTY m3
Screen chamber and Oil
1. trap chamber for Canteen 1 NO 5.0 Client
waste water - BW
Mixing cum settling tank
3 1 set RMR
1 No Oil skimmer
1 Nos. Effluent transfer pump.
1 No flash mixer
1 Nos. filter feed pumps
2. Electrical such as power supply to our Control Box, Power cables, underground earthing, plant
lighting, panel (including material & Erection), cabling, laying of cable trays including material,
erection and commissioning.
6. Water analysis (Feed sewage & treated sewage) before commissioning and after
commissioning respectively.
8. Sewage supply at the required temperature and pressure at the inlet of the Equipment offered.
9. Fresh water line to STP area for chemical preparation, cleaning equipments, general usage.
10. Plant lighting includes materials, cable for connection.
11. All statutory clearance and sanctions required for the implementation of the project.
12. Free access including access road of asphalt to the project site.
13. Any other services/supply not clearly mentioned in our scope of supply.
Our price for supply of bike wash effluent treatment system, (MS FRPconstruction) along with
equipment’s mentioned in scope of supply will be
Price Basis:
Tax : GST Extra @18%
Transportation : Extra as actual
Packing and forwarding : Nil
Note: The price beyond the stipulated validity period mentioned elsewhere in this
annexure is subject to variation on account of changes in raw material cost, foreign
exchange rate and taxes/duties.
50% advance along with your technically and commercially clear purchase order,
Within 7 weeks after receipt of advance along with technically and commercially clear purchase
Our offer will remain valid for 30 days from the date of this offer and for schedule of supplies as
mentioned above.
The plant supplied by us will remain under warranty for a period of 12 months from the date of
commissioning or 15 months from the date of dispatch, whichever is earlier, provided the unit is
operated as per the recommended procedure in the operating / instruction manual.