Acute Flaccid Paralysis: Moderator: Dr. Bhavana Koppad Asso. Professor Dept of Pediatrics, JNMC
Acute Flaccid Paralysis: Moderator: Dr. Bhavana Koppad Asso. Professor Dept of Pediatrics, JNMC
Acute Flaccid Paralysis: Moderator: Dr. Bhavana Koppad Asso. Professor Dept of Pediatrics, JNMC
In the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, AFP is defined as any case of AFP in
children <15 year old or any paralytic illness at any age when polio is
Common causes of AFP:
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Transverse Myelitis
Traumatic Neuritis
Post diphtheric neuropathy
non polio enteroviral illnesses
Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance
● All patients with AFP within the last six months should be reported to the
Surveillance Medical Officer of the World Health Organisation.
Human Rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cell lines favor the growth of all enteroviruses
L20B cell lines favor the growth of only polioviruses.
• If cytopathic effects appear in L20B cell line,the isolate goes for neutralization test to
determine the serotype (type1,2 or 3) using appropriate antisera.
• A case is classified as polio, if wild poliovirus is isolated from the stool specimen.
• Cases with inadequate stool specimens and having residual weakness who have died or lost to
follow up undergo additional investigation and presented for review by The National Expert
Review Committee.
• As per National Polio Surveillance Project, the non polio AFP rate,which is an indicator of
surveillance should be equal or to more than 1:100,000.
It is one of the most common virus infecting children.
This excretion is maximum just before the paralysis and during the first 2 weeks
after the onset of paralysis.
From the intestines, the virus travels to the regional lymph nodes and then into the
The virus infects the nervous system via nerves or blood stream.
Phase Treatment
1. Infections :
● Viral infections-EBV(infectious mononucleosis), measles, mumps, rubella,
varicella, cytomegalovirus, influenza, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, HIV
● Bacterial infections-Campylobacter jejuni, brucellosis
2. Systemic lupus erythematosus
3. Hodgkins disease
4. Sarcoidosis
5. Immunosuppression
6. Rabies vaccine
● Immunological reaction due to hypersensitivity is directed
against the myelin sheath of the peripheral nerves.